#travis hackett headcanons
nikageeee · 5 months
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Why is he addictive to draw…especially young?
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New Counsellors (Travis Hackett)
Travis sat in the car, watching as the young couple pulled away, their rear lights beacons in the darkness. He doubted they would actually head to the motel, but he wasn’t willing to arrest them simply to ensure they got somewhere safe for the night. What could he have arrested them for, anyway? It was hardly trespassing and whatever had made them run off the road was long since gone, he couldn’t viably pull them in for questioning about that. All he could hope was that they wouldn’t somehow stumble across the lodge, or Silas.
‘Shit,’ he cursed softly. Maybe he should have arrested them. At least that way they would have been safe, they wouldn’t stumble across the others as they hunted down Silas and find themselves in the middle of a shit-show Travis was still trying to wrap his head around.  
‘T, you there?’
‘I’m here, Bobby,’ he assured his brother through the Walkie Talkie. 
‘We think Silas is by the scrapyard.’
‘OK. I’m just gonna check on Chris.’
He could practically see his brother scrunching his nose up at the comment; see his father rolling his eyes. Chris, and the others, took their precautions in the hopes of keeping out of trouble. Occasionally they ran wild, but never this close to there being people around. A dry run, that’s what Chris had always called the transformations before camp season. Not that Travis really understood why he was still running the camp while there were monsters stalking the woods. 
‘Meet us there,’ his father said simply, before the Walkie Talkie’s background buzz cut out. 
With a sigh, Travis pulled away. He just hoped he hadn’t made a mistake with those kids. 
Travis saw the car before he realised that something was wrong. Already he knew that tonight was going to be a long one, and his sense of foreboding only increased the closer to the lodge he went. He’d barely stopped before he was out of the car. A low roar assured him that his worst fears were realised. 
He grabbed the syringe he kept in the door pocket, just in case, and ran to the gaping mouth of the storm shelter entrance. The blonde was crouched outside, her yell still echoing around the space. He could only assume that the young man was still down there, that he’d been attacked by Chris. At least he could save one of them, though.  
Travis didn’t hesitate, he pressed the needle into the side of her neck and pressed the plunger. She tried to turn to face him, but he pushed her aside before standing. Now he hesitated. His gun was filled with silver bullets, reserved for killing Silas. There should have been no need to shoot any of his family, but he couldn’t leave the young man down there. He needed to know what had happened. To take stock of the situation just in case.
He shot into the darkness, three times in the hopes that he might just wound Chris rather than making the fatal shot he was so terrified of. And then, slowly, he lowered his gun.
‘Does this look like the god-damned Harbinger Motel to you!?’ he snapped. 
He waited a moment, listening to the soft whimpering that assured him he had injured Chris, and started down the steps. Travis raised his gun again, just in case, as he slowly entered the storm shelter. The boy was at the bottom of the steps; he’d lost consciousness, and given the extent of the bite to his shoulder, Travis wasn’t all that surprised. Had the shots stopped it from being worse, or was Chris not in the mood to kill or maim?
‘Fuck,’ he cursed, not allowing his thoughts to stray too far from the moaning figure of his brother’s transformed state. Chris didn’t move. ‘Sorry.’
Travis cautiously turned his attention towards the young man. He didn’t want to tuck his gun away again, but he didn’t have another choice if he was going to get him out of there. He grabbed him under the arms and hauled him up the steps.
He would have to do something about the young couple. He couldn’t kill them, couldn’t even just leave them somewhere because what would happen if Silas found them? Or Chris if the storm shelter lock was busted? What if the boy turned? No, he’d have to make sure there was no way they could come to harm or harm others. 
In the morning, he could figure out what to do. For now, he just needed to get them to the station. To make sure the car wasn’t there for Chris to see before he could figure out what his next move was. 
‘Fuck,’ Travis cursed again. It was going to be a long night, and it was only really just beginning for him.
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durorholmes · 2 years
Hank the previous Sheriff. At first, I thought he was perhaps just a long time resident of NK but I've seen a few posts where some believe he is a Hackett - Travis's older brother or uncle. The problem is that he doesn't appear on the family tree; if he is family, might he be related to Constance? Only spouses marrying into the Hacketts show on the tree but not their families. I like to think that Hank is actually Hank Grundy - Constance's brother.
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liljester · 1 year
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Fast thing for beloved otp
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walkinroadkillz · 7 days
may i talk a bit about how i like to interpret Travis as a gay man
CW: homophobia
I just think it would sorta make sense. He was raised in a redneck southern family, where his younger brother who's a father and who had a wife is definitely the favorite child. So this already shows the values of the Hacketts pretty well, they are traditional as hell and this whole "family is the most important" thing.
And Travis is the black sheep of the family. From the scene with Constance, particularly Travis' reaction I believe it was *not* the first time she has gone off at him like that, seeing how he just basically stands there and takes it, like he's used to this. We don't know much about their life before the curse etc, but assuming she has treated him like this for a longer while, him being gay and therefore 'against the traditional family archetype' could be a possible reason for this treatment.
I don't wanna just say "he's single" as an argument because there are many reasons for people to be single, but I just wanna say that looking through this lense at it would also make sense. Once again, given his family background, it would make sense if he just gave up on romance altogether because he'd know his family would never accept it. And family is the most important.
And I also think he absolutely would not come out to them, especially Constance, but she *could* catch on at some point, which would build the distance we see between Travis and the rest of the Hacketts during the game. He still loves them, he covers for them and tries his best to fix their problems - but at the same time it looks like he's not as close with his family as in the past.
(I'd like to think Chris could actually be accepting of Travis if he ever did come out, seeing how he spends the most time with the youth where being LGBTQ+ is more normalized, so he definitely witnessed some non-heteronormative romance among the youngsters. Maybe even Ryan could be the one to come out to him, or at least talk about his sexuality as he's trying to figure himself out, given that Chris is a father figure to him. And from the small amount of knowledge we have, a pretty good one at that. But at the same time I do think Travis would be the type to keep this to himself, and just bottle it up alone rather than vocalizing the internal struggle about being different.)
Another thing. How many southern redneck cishet 56y/o men have the term "bestie" in their vocabulary.
I am in no way saying he's implied to be gay in the game, nothing of this sort, all I mean is that it's a perspective I kinda enjoy. For the additional angst or something, as if he doesn't have enough problems in his life.
I also enjoy calling Laura and Max lesbians so, I do enjoy joking about Laura and Travis forming a wlw+mlm solidarity. 💪
If anyone read that, thanks and I'd love to hear what you think, I love reading way too deep into fictional characters and having discussions about it ♡´・ᴗ・`♡
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erika111111 · 2 months
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Character headcanon generator for The Quarry characters, part 2.
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bunnyplots · 4 months
I know there are lots that's what the "other" button is for
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be-side-my-self · 1 year
Travis just keeping back and staying quiet like the obedient dog
Very true. Because...
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They trained him well…
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Which is why it's so much more impressive that he does not shoot Laura when they tell him to do so:
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And it hurts him to do that:
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Well trained indeed... and still he does not shoot her. (It also suggests that he has silver bullets in his pistol?)
We all know why most fanfictions with Travis as an important part are tagged with "former child abuse".
Anyway here is the reaction of Travis if you shoot Constance:
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One thing I constantly think about is the fact that Travis has to know that Laura is infected because the last time he saw her she was missing an eye...
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And they meet again and Laura has two:
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I would have loved to see any real reaction about that from Travis but I guess that is just another thing the developers didn't get around to add.
Because the inner monologue had to be something like "Why the fuck is Laura here? Oh shit, she is bitten and she is in our house and she is the one who killed Kaylee and mom knows but they don't know she has been bitten and when will she change? What the fuck am I going to do? Oh shit..."
That would explain why Travis did not react any more than he did when Laura gets shot, because he knows she might get up again?
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the-faceless-bride · 1 year
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Travis Hackett [The Quarry]
Jake Washington [wrong Turn]
Sans [undertale]
Connor [Detroit become human]
Jack Sparrow [Pirates of the Caribbean]
Joker [DC]
Peter Parker [Marvel]
Tony Stark [Marvel]
Rick [Rick and Morty]
Emily [Corpse Bride]
Noir [spider man]
Miguel [spider man]
Hobie [Spinder Punk]
Neteyam [Avatar]
Itward [franbow]
francis mosses [that's not my neighbor]
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01rocketboy01 · 2 years
Would anyone be interested in The Quarry content? Cause I’ve been thinking about writing for it and/or sharing some of my thoughts and analyses, but idk if anyone wants to hear about it.
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nikageeee · 6 months
How do you think Travis feels about pet names; either his SO calling him something or him using them with his SO?
BONUS: has he ever used little nicknames for Kaylee and Caleb when they were younger? What if he had a child of his own?
see people might disagree with me on this one (and feel free to! this is just my opinion and how I choose to portray him) but-
I'm not sure Travis would really have a nickname other than T.
I feel like Chris would have given him that as a kid.
Thackett and Chackett lol
I don’t even feel like he’d be one for giving people many nicknames either.
Caleb and Kaylee, he maybe follows suit with what Chris uses- as long as it’s not toooo cutesy. His pride would never let him have that.
like bud or sweetheart is fine, But “pudding pop, gorgeous.” -NOPE.
SO…they maybe give him a nickname and term of endearment. And it would stun him the first few times it’s uttered, but eventually he’d get used to it and never bring it up.
his version of a term of endearment for his SO would probably be a shortened version of their name. Or initials to follow tradition…
Maybe an animal nickname if he’s daring. Ex- “Mouse.”
Edit: ya know what- as long as it isn’t something that cringes him out. It could work.
(He would be self conscious using certain nicknames in front of other people though, ESP if it sounded outside the norm)
For a child of his own- maybe/probably.
Overloaded by cuteness he’s more likely to whip out the “sweetheart, bud…”
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general-kalani · 4 months
Got any headcanons for your Quarry muses?
awjkdhkaj Travis, idc what canon says, is the one that looks out for everyone. (Maybe it is canon I haven't played in a hot minute LMFAO-) But someone's sick???? Gives them the good ol soup. Made by him truly. WILL MAKE custom braces for his fam too if they hurt something he cares too much about his fam <3
NOW KAITLYN, love her and her gun expertise that's canon. But I'm gonna give her the hc that it's because of her parents, watching war movies, etc that she knows gun handling. This isn't me projecting I swear-
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benevolentthorn · 7 months
Send me a character from “the quarry” and I’ll post oddly specific headcanons about them
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sheriff-t-money · 1 year
headcanon: 003
The police force.
So, obviously we know that Travis worked as an officer before he became Sheriff of North Kill county. We don't know how long he worked as a cop. For my own canon, I believe he signed up around 21 years of age.
We're led to believe North Kill is a relatively small, rural, town. We don't know its exact population (although if someone DOES know, by all means give me the details!). However, if it's on the smaller side, then that means the police department doesn't have as much funding as a county that's large.
Police departments receive funding from property taxes. The more and bigger properties there are, the more money the department has to hire workers, purchase resources, and maintain safety vehicles and infrastructure.
North Kill's police department is likely small. Including Travis as the sheriff, I imagine there may be three or four other police officers in the county. This isn't uncommon. Most police departments actually have around 10 police officers or fewer.
I wouldn't even be surprised if Travis had to wait a few years until he could join because the county just couldn't hire anyone until someone retired.
So, why would Travis want to join the police force? It's not a safe job even in a quiet town like North Kill. I think there are several reasons.
One, it gave him authority. As someone who was abused and continues to face abuse, authority is something stripped from him. He wanted it back. Being an officer of the law provided that opportunity.
Two, it got him out of the house. Police officers work odd hours. It's easy for him to spend a lot of time on patrol or just in the station rather than at home. He's able to provide and protect his family while also limiting his time there. That's a bonus for him.
Three, he likes being able to protect people. If there's one thing that's obvious about Travis, it's that he's a protector. He doesn't always protect the right individual or protect in the right way, but he is a protector. Those are some honed instincts that seem natural to him. Being a big brother also puts him in that role naturally. He thinks he's good at it. Doesn't mean he is. But he THINKS he is. Being an officer allows him to protect people outside of his own family, and I think he likes that, too.
Four, power. Travis is a Hackett. For a long time, Hacketts had a lot of power. That power has dwindled over the years, but the desire for it hasn't faded. Power is addictive and feels damn good. For a man who doesn't typically feel good, having power is a balm.
Five, companionship. Travis pegs me as a bit of an introvert or ambivert. He has that sort of introverted social awkwardness that goes with the territory (as spoken by a socially awkward introvert). But even introverts need a bit of human contact. Like a little, little bit. Since the Hacketts appear quite insular, it's likely that he only had a few fair-weather friends growing up. Most of those friends likely came through the summer camp (more headcanons on that later!). They came. They went. As an officer, he was able to rub elbows with men and women of the law. Consistently. He may not have exactly discovered his found family per se, but it's a group of people a hell of a lot healthier than the relationships he has at home. I also think that ability to have connected to people outside of home, consistently, is why he isn't "at the bottom of the well" with the rest of his family. They helped him keep to his moral compass (as shaky and grey as his morality already was).
Now, with all the reasons why Travis may have wanted to join up, let's examine what he went through during his training. I'm pulling this information from NYPD which likely has longer training hours than most other counties due to the particulars of crime in New York City. But I imagine the training courses, themselves, are similar throughout the state of New York if not the country.
Travis would have received academic, tactical, firearm, driver, and some other miscellaneous training in the academy.
Academic studies include:
Crisis intervention
Response to individuals with mental health and substance abuse issues
Investigation of domestic abuse
Assisting victims of crime
Preservation of crime scenes
Response and investigation of vehicle collisions and building collapses
Organizing searches for missing individuals
I think we see his academic training come into play through the game. To me, Travis is exceptionally good at compartmentalizing. I think that also stems from his abusive relationship with his mother. To survive, he had to compartmentalize.
This likely also explains some of his behavior in the game. Why he's able to switch so easily from one instance to the other or seemingly turn off his emotions at a given moment. He has to in order to keep a clear head and respond rationally to a dangerous situation.
Tactical studies include:
Calisthenics (strength training via body weight, ie: lunges, push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups, etc.)
Defensive tactics
Straight baton
Extendable baton
Frisking and cuffing
First aid
Water safety skills
There were two moments in the game that really showed his defensive tactics at work. The first is in the Prologue. He responds just as a well-trained officer would when he asks Laura to step out of the car. He does not turn his back on Max or Laura. He walks backward.
Secondly, he also doesn't turn his back on his mother. When it's clear she's about to get into one of her "moods," he does not turn his back on her. He is defending himself.
These tactics are also on display when he's defending others. During the tense scene when Constance turns the light out so Laura can't shoot anyone, he turns the light back on. He makes the room a safer environment because ain't no one should be shooting guns in the dark. Duh.
When he barges into the room with Laura and Jed (and possibly Constance if she's alive), he makes himself the bigger target. He draws attention to himself to defend the others in the room.
Now, let's talk about first aid. There are a few moments where Travis gets a bit touchy-touchy with Laura. I personally think he's touch-starved (another headcanon on that later). That doesn't make his touchiness right. I'm just trying to explain where it comes from.
He touches her rather . . . shall we say familiarly? . . . in two scenes. The first is in the Prologue when she bumps her head. He produces his handkerchief and attempts to clean the wound. Does he also make it a bit creepy? Yup. You might find it endearing, you might not. He's an awkward man who likely wanted to try and ensure she wasn't actually bleeding under the dirt (because head trauma is a serious thing that a lot of people just brush off) but did so in the most awkward way possible.
The second is when she's sleeping after bandaging her eye. We see his hand come up, slightly hover over her injury, and attempt to peel back the bandage. She wakes up, and he draws back. Again, a familiar touch. Best to have woken her up first. I don't think he was here looking to softly caress a cheek while the beautiful damsel was sleeping. He just wanted to see what the heck had happened to her eye and whether she required first aid.
Should he have asked when she was awake? Absolutely. But based on their past interactions, he probably thought she'd fight him on that, too, and next thing you know . . . infection and hospitalization. And he needs to keep them both out of the hospital.
Finally, it's my headcanon that Travis was already pretty proficient at CPR and water safety skills before entering the academy. He was likely a summer camp counselor, and he's a bit of a wiry lad from the start, so being a lifeguard just makes sense to me.
This was a big headcanon post with bunches of little headcanons in there, too, so thanks for having the patience to read it all!
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hedwig123 · 7 months
About to post part two of my Rylan/LauraMax Roleswap AU, I'm EXCITED, I think this one turned out really well!!
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myersesque · 2 years
ok hear me out here,,, aroace travis hackett. he says he's "married to the job" just a little too insistently. laura and max exchange a glance of Lesbian Wisdom And Tiredness and then very pointedly leave a wiki page about aroace identities open on travis' computer
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