#other than refusing to tell them where sylvie was at first
I know this is such an unpopular opinion but like…….. X-5 needs to be a part of the team. He’s such an asshole and a little shit and all he rly wanted was freedom, and I know if he wasn’t hiding information from them, he and Loki would get along so well.
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lokiusly · 10 months
Analysis: The track in Loki S2E6 (at 45:25) begins with Mobius telling B-15 “They need you in there”.
She asks him if he’s scared to leave the TVA and being out in the real world to which he replies, “Yes.”
His feet scuff the word, “Time”, from the TVA floor plaque. Good riddance. Or perhaps, a thank you.
A turning of the page.
We see the TVA War Room filled with employees, a stark contrast to before, when it was only a few employees who were allowed to be in there— this shows that B-15 achieved her glorious purpose, as did the TVA and its employees.
OB beams with pride at his newly written TVA handbook. His glorious purpose is to live out the sci-fi fantasy book that his timeline self always wrote about. Maybe one day his timeline self will be able to be a successful author too.
Of course, this song is bittersweet…
Ravonna wakes up at the Void, alone, and has to face the consequences of choosing power over love, which is what ultimately led to her downfall. She doesn’t realize that a pruned TVA plaque is at her feet. It’s assumed that she meets Alioth, destroyer of time— or maybe someone else who will get her out of there. She puts on a brave face.
Victor Timely, we assume has had his timeline restored. His younger self never receives the TVA handbook. He can be considered a sleeper agent. Or, a man who will only ever dream of power. He might not get it, but at least he will still have love of discovery and his humanity.
The score stops when Don (timeline Mobius) is in the frame with his kids. Mobius watches them.
The stopping of the score can mean two things. Someone (Loki) is listening. Or, this is not Mobius’ glorious purpose— it’s the absence of it. Maybe it’s both.
Sylvie is there too. Mobius asks her, “Where will you go?” She’s off, in search of free will. Glorious purpose.
This scenes show us the aftermath of Loki’s sacrifice and uses the track to guide us.
The track is called “Purpose Is Glorious.” Meaning, the purpose is in fact glorious. Duh.
But that contradicts what S1 Mobius says to S2 Loki and the advice that Loki takes to heart.
“Most purpose is more burden than glory. And trust me, you never wanna be the guy who avoids it ‘cause you can’t live with the burden.”
Implying, Mobius refused his glorious purpose as a TVA agent and now he lived with the consequences.
We are to believe that Loki’s glorious purpose is more of a burden than a glory. And even his sad glazed eyes at the end shows us this too. He’s not happy to be there per se…
But it is Loki’s glorious purpose. And it’s a burden. But, this is the god who spent centuries trying to find a way. And had they known earlier that there was only one way, they would’ve done it first thing.
This was always Loki’s glorious purpose. And it sucked and it wasn’t fair but dammit, the love they had for Mobius and the others made it glorious.
Everyone would get to live, Mobius would get a second chance.
And there was so much glory in that. Because Loki’s friends would never be a burden.
Mobius could never be a burden.
Mobius was the most glorious purpose anyone could ask for. And he belonged to Loki.
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autumnoficarus · 11 months
i'm devastated but like in a good way, and I have a lot of lokius thoughts I need to jot down before i pull a timely and become spaghetti
spoilers for season 2's finale below !!
so in this house, lokius is alive and thriving - because listen:
Firstly, i've seen a lot of people upset with the finale and while that's super valid, here's some positive thoughts on why I kinda sorta dig what was given to us.
the recap never included that one ship while catching up on the main plot points of everything that has happened since the show's beginning. I think that should be pointed out idk.
from a fic writer standpoint the fact that Loki spent CENTURIES??? (+however long fighting sylvie and having repeating conversations with HWR) Like literally a huge chunk of time we don't see trying to fix things has so much potential. I'm giddy abt that ngl
That when Loki needed advice most, he time-slipped to Mobius to ask him his opinion. Not only that, he time-slipped to when they don't know each other yet, because he wants a Mobius who is unbiased. He's aware that were he to go to a place in the timeline where they're now close, Mobius would try and talk him out of abandoning all hope.
He knows, much like with Mobius' story, he's been hesitating to look past himself - to see the bigger picture, instead of what he wants. That hesitation has led to years and years of consequences, Loki failing each and every time, similar to how the officer of Mobius' story delaying the prune of a variant led to an eruption of consequences that resulted in the harm of their comrades too.
What Loki wants is save his friends, ultimately. At first, he wants to save his friends and be able to experience life amongst the timeline branches with them. He tells Sylvie he doesn't know where he would belong without them. What Loki realizes in the end is that to give them the choice he believes they deserve, he has to make a choice of his own. In the end, he finds belonging (at least for now, because I refuse to believe this is the end of TVA Loki's storyline) in putting those he loves before himself and what he wants, something Loki has done only a handful of times throughout the entire Marvel series. He needs that growth character-wise because, as we know, he will be involved in the next big phase.
I think that Loki time-slipping to ask Mobius for advice parallels last episode's 'it's about WHO' again. Who has given him the chance to be a better version of himself the entire show? Who helped him overcome his deep distrust in others, learning to care for them instead - so much so that he sacrificed himself to protect them? And again, Mobius is who Loki went to when he was lost and his words are what guided Loki to the decision he made.
A Sylvie and Mobius scene where Sylvie is seen caring for Mobius in the aftermath??? Mobius wasn't offering comfort to Sylvie, he was depicted as more distraught than she was. In fact, I'd say they really wanted to get across how 'alone' he felt with Loki's absence, standing watching a life he never knew from afar.
(there's a whole unpacking i want to do here about how we previously saw Loki looking longingly across the street watching Don's life too, before whisking Don away from his mundane family life for a greater purpose; something about Mobius looking at that life and recognizing there's a missing piece to it, and it's back in a place he no longer feels he fits because the TVA is missing something too; something about Loki 'supposedly' finding where he belongs, but not Mobius. those are thoughts for another post though lmaoooo)
I think they left Mobius' arc open-ended because he still hasn't achieved that greater purpose. That's (hopefully) because it's meant to be fleshed out in either a later season or next movies to come. And (hopefully x2), that purpose becomes Mobius helping to somehow save Loki from his current fate.
The final moments?? Hello??? Mobius' voice echoing as we pan in on Loki holding the branches together, teary-eyed with a soft, melancholic smile??? Seeming to be listening in on Mobius amongst the branches??? Mobius' 'let time pass' because he doesn't know how to move on from losing Loki?? Come onnnn, the tragic angst in just those shots were CHEF KISS
Overall, I know it's a let down not to have an actual canon status but I mean - were we really expecting the mouse to come through for us??? At least, we didn't get a 'no homo' moment so I count that as a win against rickey the rat. Lokius survived the finale, and that's what really mattered for me tbh.
Like idk, I could also be biased because I kinda, really dig tragedy and slow burn angst. And that's what this finale gave us, along with so many possibilities !! Them being separated leaves so much that can happen !! Like, like - Mobius has the opportunity to have an arc about saving his bae from holding time together indefinitely - from Loki's greatest fear, being left alone. Mobius getting into marvel shenanigans in an attempt to reunite with Loki somehow is beautifully romantic to me ya'll idk. I am delusional and I fully embrace that fact.
Okay honestly this isn't even ALL MY THOUGGHTS I HAVE MORE but this is getting long so I'm stopping here (currently: sending morse code signals out to help pull me back from the brink of insanity)
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floofsselfshipblog · 1 year
I’m in an Epithet Mood so I got to thinking- how would the rest of the cast react to Floof? Like would they get along with him?
I’m not gonna include Bliss Ocean or Naven since- they already adore him.
Molly - Molly would likely know Floof through Naven, whether it be seeing picture of him that Naven shows her and her friends, or him attending their interpersonal communications classes. Molly would like Floof, he’s quiet and helps out around the shop while the girls have their lessons. He’s also like a walking plushie you can hug- so long as you ask. She’s absolutely fallen asleep while hugging him
Trixie - Thinks he’s a baby werewolf. She’s given him so many charms to help him with his werewolf training, he kept them as gifts even though he doesn’t understand it. I like to think Trixie, after realizing Floof is not dangerous, would think he was lame for a while. She gets over it and likes him again when he makes the Neo Trio snacks
Phoenica - Was scared of him at first because he’s a wolf, and wolves are notoriously evil as fairy tales have said. They also eat sheep! She slowly learns he’s nice though, and comes around. Now she can’t stop hugging him when Naven brings him to lessons. While doing arts and crafts, she made him a friendship bracelet with a little wolf charm on it. She wears a matching sheep one
Giovanni - There are two opportunities where these two could meet. While Floof goes with Zora to Redwood Run, or during Prison of Plastic. Though I feel like he wouldn’t get a good look at Floof during Redwood Run, so we’re going the PoP route for this. Also thinks he’s a baby werewolf, though he does NOT listen to Trixie or Floof himself telling him otherwise. Defends his new werewolf friend. Anytime he sees anything silver, he gets rid of it in an instant. Howls at the moon for solidarity with Floof. Overall, thinks he’s cool and can’t wait to see the werewolf he grows into
Sylvester - In canon, these two wouldn’t meet. There’s no chance right now they’d have a run in with each other. Though if they did, I can see Sylvie approaching Floof as a wild animal to be studied more than a friend. Takes him a while to realize this. They’d get along though, sit in quiet while Sylvie realizes how comforting he is to hug. Takes a lot less energy than the sheep do.
Mera - Mera would pretend to hate Floof, but goodness he is so cute what the fuck? If alone I like to think she’d hug him pretty tight to help her through any spouts of pain she’s feeling. He’s a good support friend. Also wouldn’t likely meet in canon.
Indus - Has dubbed him the tiny warrior. If he brings lady Mera comfort, then he approves. Also he’s squishy like a plushie.
Ramsey - Likely already knows Floof through Zora trying to hunt him down. He likes the kid enough, but doesn’t get why he hangs around Zora. Though, him being around is usually a good thing since Zora refuses to kill anyone with Floof present. Sometimes if Zora’s gotten called into a job and she’s watching Floof, she’ll drop him off in Ramsey’s office and pick him up later. The two bond over their shared interest in art and Floof’s been showing Ramsey his improvement everytime they meet
Percy - Was under the assumption that he was a dog for the longest time. When she heard him talk she became wary of this strange creature. Though he proved himself to be an upstanding citizen, who unfortunately fit in with the wrong crowd. Likes that Floof sees how cool it is to be a law abiding citizen (he thinks her sword is cool and she doesn’t realize THAT’S why he thinks she’s cool)
Rick - After Naven hires Rick to work at STEM and offers him a place to stay, Floof became a babysitter of sorts for Rick. He showed him how surface world things worked when Naven was busy. Rick thinks he’s a normal surface world-er and not an animal- since he’s never seen a wolf. This is normal to him. Floof appreciates not having to explain to someone he isn’t an animal for once.
Martin - Thinks Floof is Naven’s dog, though maybe that’s a blessing in disguise since if he found out he was Naven’s son he’d begin asking who the mother was and making uncomfortable comments. He’s very touchy with Floof and our little guy doesn’t appreciate it, especially when he ruffles his fur. Doesn’t help that he’s not gentle as well. He thinks Naven should invest in a muzzle for his pooch since Floof keeps trying to bite him
Lorelai - She thinks he’s as annoying as Naven and her sister. She likes that he takes an interest in her fantasy world though- she’s even incorporated some of his own ideas in her worlds. In different circumstances, they honestly could’ve been friends. Too bad Lori’s got some issues to work out
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daggerlove · 2 years
S2 theory
The creators said that at the end of S1 Sylvie was basically where Loki was at the end of Thor 1, driven by anger, pain and grief which clouded her judgment. Loki, however, recognized that pain in her in those final moments because he went through the same thing. 
The cast and crew said that in terms of character development, Loki has already evolved further than Sylvie, he’s moved past his anger and pain, but unfortunately, Sylvie hadn’t made that journey yet at that time and it was the reason for their disagreement in episode 6.
So I think Sylvie's arc in S2 will mirror Loki's 2012,S1 one and it will be about healing, letting go of her anger and pain and finding new purpose in her life, along with allowing herself to trust and being vulnerable around others.
After the events of Thor 1, Loki's glorious purpose was seeking power and ruling. But like Tom said, Loki found out early on in the show that that glorious purpose was devoid of meaning and it did nothing but cause pain to him and those he cared about.
Sylvie never wanted power or to conquer anything. Her goal, her own glorious purpose in this case was putting an end to the TVA, the people behind it, destroying the organization and then walking away. Eventually, she did that.
However, it brought her no relief, no satisfaction, no catharsis. The pain she had before still lingered on. She killed HWR and then promptly collapsed to the ground, sobbing. She did what she intended to do for so long and it was meaningless because it didn't help her at all.
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Loki, after realizing his glorious purpose was meaningless, that the people he cared about and hurt with his actions still loved him, going through all that epiphany and surrounding himself with new people he grew to care about and who cared about him in return, allowed himself to be vulnerable, changed his tune and found a new purpose in his life.
And I believe something similar is in store for Sylvie this season. But unlike Loki, who saw his family still loved him despite his mistakes, who went through that Mobius' therapy, who, yes, admittedly recruited him only because he needed him, but still showed that he had faith in him, Sylvie has no one. No one who cares about her or even knows her at this point. No one, except Loki. And I think this is where he steps in.
Because she knows she probably hurt him, just like Loki knew he hurt the people he loved and who loved him, which is what he even tells her in ep.5,  but just like Loki's family who still loved him despite his mistakes, Loki still loves her and wants her to be ok.
So maybe this Sylvie is our Sylvie and sometime after killing HWR, she travelled to the 70s to lead a normal lowkey life because she's lost her way and doesn't know what else to do, is not in the best state of mind because she did what she wanted to do but she still lost everything.
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The pain remains, she has no goal. Maybe she's even quietly punishing herself with this and drowning in pain and misery.
And maybe that's why Loki keeps returning to her workplace. Because he knows she's not ok and they could use each other's help.
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 And this way Loki could display two things. 
That by asking her to help him, he has faith in her that she can do great things and turn her life around, just like what happened with Loki in S1, that there's more to her than to just let her marinate in this misery.
And by showing her he still loves and cares about her, he's mirroring how his own family still loved him regardless of how much he hurt them.
Basically, I feel like Loki will force her to go through a therapy, an epiphany of her own, paralleling his own experience from previous season.
I could see her being dismissive at first, just like Loki was, refusing to cooperate, but Loki absolutely refuses to give up, hence why he keeps returning to McDonalds, and it kinda starts escalating because Loki doesn't leave her alone, he refuses to let her go and wallow in pain, so Loki keeps returning and keeps pushing her buttons so I expect them to have one fight, a blowout, before he finally breaks through to her and kicks her out of this downward spiral and she finally, finally opens up to him.
Basically, Loki acts like a therapist in some way to Sylvie and helps her realize that she shouldn't be alone. That stabbing HWR and then becoming a shell of herself is not her glorious purpose, that it's not right. And I think Sylvie will figure out that he's right.
 In S1, Mobius recruited Loki to help him with a specific task because he was the only one who could. It didn't start off smooth, Loki refused to cooperate at first as well. But he persisted and showed he had faith in him.
I think in S2 Loki will do the same to Sylvie. Ask her for help, because she's the only one who also knows what happened and simultaneously display he has faith in her.
And just like in S1 when Loki saw how his family still cared about him and loved him and it helped him heal, I think Sylvie will realize that she still has someone who cares and loves her as well.
I really believe Sylvie's S2 arc will mirror Loki's S1, and Loki will literally force her to go through a mini therapy to reach that same epiphany that he did in S1. To go through the same journey as he did in S1. Like how Loki went through a journey of self forgiveness and healing in season 1, Sylvie will go down the same path. And Loki plays a major role in that. Because of their relationship, their connection, he's the only one who can break through to her and steer her on the right path of healing.
Perhaps we might get a hint of what Sylvie's doing in episode 1. then we will see Sylvie at some point in episode 2 and then that episode and episode 3 will be about Loki trying to get through to Sylvie. And after he does that, I think we will move past the 70s time period
Because I really feel like they will,for the most part,stay in the 70s for the first 3 episodes until Loki finds and reaches Sylvie. After that, they're together, all on the same page, the band gets together, and they go on that multiversal adventure as a team.
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You said you thought Captain Carter was an easier character for Disney than Steve is do you think the same holds for Sylvie?
I think it does yes, but for different reasons.
Loki had been written in the first movie as a complex character with a sympathetic background, we were shown his reactions whenever Odin yelled at him or Volstagg made fun of him, Heimdall raised his voice at him or one servant laughed at him. The movie allowed us to see all that so we could embark on the journey with him: he starts in one place then keeps moving until he reaches the end of his development, and we're there with him, we know why he's acting the way he is.
The same could be said about The Avengers where Whedon gave us at least three scenes in which it is clear that there's something off about Loki and The Other is controlling him somehow - they even showed that scene of the Avengers in the helicarrier when they're all yelling at each other because the Mind Stone is messing with them.
So we can take one action and say "okay, he did this because in the past this and this happened" or "he's saying those words but he doesn't mean them because of this and that". It all checks out and makes for a brilliant (and consistent!) characterization.
The problem with Waldron and the others trying to compare Sylvie to all that is we haven't seen any of it with her, they don't bother showing us anything, they just tell us she's been through a lot, she's a damaged soul and we have to sympathize with her. By refusing to show us her story she becomes an easy character to write for: she can be whatever they want her to be. In Loki's case we know where he comes from, we know what he's been through and so certain behaviours are indeed out of character for him, they have a very specific trail to follow with him and when they don't it's easy to see they've written him wrong (like they did in the series). But with Sylvie we don't. So if she acts a certain way we have no way of knowing if it's accurate to her character or not, we don't know her at all.
As it stands right now she's a "badass woman" which basically translates into she's a mean and cold woman who can kick ass and just wants revenge. She's so bland she is basically a clean slate, so anything you want to throw at her would be fine, she's the easiest character to write especially if you can't be bothered to flesh her out.
Also, Loki was pretty anti-system from the beginning (despite him being a prince!), he doesn't seem too interested in battle or violence, he uses his wit more often than not and always prefers his silver tongue to his daggers, is not afraid to stand up to authority and in fact his scene with Odin during TDW's trial is exquisite. Sylvie just wanted revenge and while she spoke of 'innocent lives' her tirade holds no ground especially in the end with her refusal to even stop and listen before dooming the entire multiverse. However what do the writers and director say about that scene? That she's all about free will and wanted to do what's right. It's the victory of tell vs show.
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gotham · 3 years
Opinion on the first season of Loki?
LMAO well let's get into it bc i've got plenty of them
it started off strong, i could get on board with the premise; loki is a character where you need 6 hours of television to unpack all that crazy so there was a lot of potential of him exploring time and space with mentor figure, mobius who seems at least a little invested in him becoming better. each ep he could find some lost soul variant and see something of himself in them and gain a better understanding of who he is and what he really wants, especially if he was hunting variant lokis! but then the show gave up on that premise almost immediately, became something.... else and loki stopped being an active protagonist.
the main antagonist of the show being a loki variant was, again, such a good set up. what better way for a character as divided and lost as loki to truly gain a better understanding of himself than literally confronting himself? but sylvie as a character, just like the rest of the show, was where wasted potential came to die. the show, in the beginning, asked 'what makes a loki a loki?' well, looking a sylvie literally anything can make a loki bc there was no trace of the characteristics you know from a loki in this person. she was more like thor than anything; brash, hot headed, wanting to use force instead of tricks. i am thoroughly convinced that marvel doesn't know how to write a ""strong female character"" without making them the punchy punchy stoic template. they even show you how easy it is to convey a loki in a small space of time; there are like 5 of them in one episode and they're great!! the mcu is just so narrow minded it cant get past the fact that sylvie is a lady so should be different from every other version of the character. as for loki and sylvie's relationship, the third episode where they supposedly bond is so excruciatingly awkward and badly written that i've blocked most of it from my mind but there after the show simply tells you that they love each other like we're all supposed to just nod along and agree as if there's been any set up for it at all. marvel somehow made selfcest dull and generic, which i guess is an accomplishment.
but the real problem with the show is that it was never about the show they were making. this show was simply to service the 5 or more other projects that the ending provides. see, this is the mcu, nothing can just be contained, nothing can just be about the characters or story you're telling in the moment. i had no idea who the fuck the villain was at the end bc the text i was watching didn't tell me and i refuse to have to read an article to find out. everything the show was leading up to was that loki was going to have to confront something about himself in the final ep for there to be resolution, but nah this is just some random villain we've never seen, who loki's never seen, and loki has no real effect on the out come of his own show. it doesn't matter that it was two lokis walking through that door to confront The One Who Remains, it could have been anybody. in fact, the villain asking two lokis, two agents of chaos, to keep order in the universe was laughable!
the best thing the show did was have all the lokis hanging out and learning from each other, and that's what the whole show should have been. old man loki and alligator loki broke twitter with how much people loved them! imagine if we'd've got more than 10mins with them?? imagine if the journey we'd been on for 6 hours was with a loki i gave a shit about, instead of this watered down, passive character, who forgets his major motivations for his 2 previous films and falls in love with a woman he spends one train ride with.
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anonymousweirdo · 3 years
My favourite Loki
“You know I’m not really his favourite.”
Loki’s brow furrowed temporarily at the unexpectedness of Sylvie’s sudden proclamation. “Okay.” He huffed.
“Wow you’re not even trying to hide your jealousy there I see.” Sylvie chastised smugly.
“I’m not jealous.” Loki stated seeing Sylvie raise an amused eyebrow he continued, “I can see that it would seem that I am because I said that rather quickly but believe me I am not in the slightest.”
“Oookay.” Sylvie replied rolling her eyes. “I mean he may have looked at me as he said it but he meant it about you.”
A few moments passed between the two as they continued on their way.
“Now really. Why should I care if Mobius likes you more than me?” Loki said carefully and deliberately making sure he had a perfect evenness to his tone.
“Oh I don’t know why but you do.” Replied Sylvie.
“I’m not even going to dignify you with a response.”
“Tell you what.” Remarked Sylvie. “I’ve never been one to turndown a wager and I’m sure you’re the same. I have an idea to propose about our little Mobius situation.”
She smiled at Loki who was waiting for her to continue. Realising she wouldn’t unless he further prompted her he reluctantly said. “Alright but the stakes better be high.”
Sylvie’s face instantly brightened with a deviant smile, “Oh believe me they are.”
Loki didn’t like the way she said this but really wanted to beat her at her own game so he said, “Well let’s have it.”
“Next time we meet Mobius we’ll figure out for certain which one of us he likes more. If it turns out you’re right and he likes me more I’ll teach you all I know about enchantment. However...” she smiled wickedly, “If it turns out I’m right, which I certainly am, and you’re his absolute favourite you have to kiss him.”
Loki felt his heart leap at this but ignored it and refused to show any sign of embarrassment or emotion whatsoever. He stretched out his hand to seal the deal and smiled smoothly. “You’re on.”
“Great!!” She enthusiastically shook his hand, “I hope you’re as smooth a kisser as you are a talker.” She teased.
“And I hope you won’t look too idiotic, which you will, when you become enchanted by the very person you taught enchantment to.” Loki smiled keenly.
Meanwhile Mobius had his fair share to deal with as taking down the TVA was no easy task. He had however found deep within himself courage and was heavily determined. Whether he admitted it or not Loki had really inspired him to think for himself and what he truly wanted in life. Not what certain higher beings dictated was ‘sacred’ or ‘supposed’ to happen.
Comforting Ravonna with all this proved to go as unfavourably as expected. She of course didn’t see it that way and was used to the idea of ‘timekeepers’ controlling the universe. Not to mention the last time they had met she ordered him to be pruned. He held nothing against her in fact he still respected her in a way. Perhaps that’s why instead of banishing her to somewhere awful or locking her away he sent her to where she was really from. Her life before she joined the TVA. She may have gone unwillingly but perhaps in the end her mind, or rather her heart, would change.
Regardless Mobius hoped for the best. He was startled by a TemPad portal opening which Loki and Sylvie stumbled clumsily out of. He couldn’t help but grin wildly at the sight of them, both relieved to know they were safe and heavily amused at the way they lay on the floor in tangled mess.
Loki quickly got up as though he hadn’t fallen in the first place and gave Mobius a quick half smile. “Well. You were right about one thing. We did manage to see each other again.”
“That we have.” Said an amused Mobius.
“If you two are through flirting I’d appreciate a hand.” Sylvie announced still positioned uncomfortably on the ground.
Mobius reached down and offered her a hand kindly helping her to her feet. “So,” he started, “How’d meeting the almighty timekeepers go?”
“Well it wa-“ Loki was cut off by Sylvie.
“It went well but we have more pressing matters now.”
Mobius raised an amused eyebrow “More important... huh.” He muttered.
“Which one of us do you like more?” She said bluntly.
Loki grimaced for but a moment then stated, “What Sylvie means is, we have a wager, that has very high stakes involved, which depends on your answer to this question. It’s not that it’s all terribly important... just another way to see which one of us is the superior Loki you see.”
Mobius surprised just stared at the both of them in wonder thoroughly entertained. “Well well well!”
“I already know your answer and it’s him.” Sylvie declared jabbing a finger in Loki’s general direction, ”So you needn’t draw it out.”
“Hey now, that’s rather presumptions besides being clearly inaccurate.” Loki remarked. Shifting his attention to Mobius he said matter of factly, “You said ‘you’re my favourite’ while looking at her. Besides she really is quite deviant and not fully unpleasant to look at.”
“Why thank you.” Said Sylvie who had never received such a wonderful backhanded compliment in all her life. “But...” she now looked at Mobius, “You realise he’s much more of a Loki than I am, if I can even be called a Loki. And it is Loki’s you’re fond of not to mention you’ve gotten to know one another so much more than you and I have.”
“But!” Interrupted Loki who was trying his absolute best to convince Mobius Sylvie was the more favourable of the two of them. “She has really amazing fighting skills and is quite crafty plus she knows enchantment. Also you’ve made it clear you consider her the ‘superior’ Loki.”
“Just because he recognises-“
She was cut short by Loki, “Considers.”
“Whatever,” she continued, “Me as the superior Loki doesn’t mean I’m his favourite.”
“Yes well-“
Loki was stopped by a soft chuckle emanating from Mobius.
“Wow... I don’t think I’ve ever been fought over this much in my life even my previous one. If I was I know I’d never forget it. Gotta say I’m flattered!” He raised both hands in a showy shrug.
“We’re not fighting over you we’re simply trying to get an answer out of you so I can prove to her that I’m clearly the superior Loki and claim my prize.” Loki professed.
“Oh really?” Said Mobius who could see right through Loki as he usually does, “Because it really sounds to me like you’re fighting over me.”
“We are absolutely n-“
“Ugh just answer the question already!” Moaned an exasperated Sylvie.
“Well...” Mobius hesitated immensely enjoying the whole situation. “Unlike the two of you I don’t lie so in all honesty....”
Loki could hardly take the build up. Feeling his heart grow faster with every millisecond that went by and absolutely hating it.
“You’re both my favourite.” Mobius simply said at last.
“Oh.” Loki and Sylvie uttered in unison
Loki turned to face Sylvie, “I guess we were both wrong.”
“Yeah... I guess we were both right too.”
“You know...” she continued a little smile growing across her face, “I’ll still teach you a little enchantment if you do you know what.”
“Absolutely not.”
“Your loss.” She shrugged, “Guess I’ll just always be the superior Loki.”
“Now that’s just cruel.”
Loki had a million thoughts cascading around in his head trying to ignore most of them he in the end couldn’t ignore his pride and with a reluctant sigh stepped towards Mobius.
“My friend,” He started. “Um well you see. We had this wager on who your favourite was obviously you know this but well.”
His confidence wavering he tried his best to explain the details without showing any sign of embarrassment or foolishness. He failed immensely.
“And it’s just that the stakes were I mean are quite high. She,” Loki glared in Sylvie’s direction who friendly waved at him, “Offered to teach me enchantment and still will if I hold up my end of the bargain.”
“So hold up your end of the bargain.” Said Mobius very amused at how flustered Loki was. How Loki was currently the complete opposite of how he always tried to make people perceive him. Instead of being confident and prideful Loki was uncertain and bashful which Mobius found rather endearing.
“Yes well.” Loki smiled painfully, “That’s the thing. I know I lie a lot but believe me. Believe me this was her idea.”
Mobius waited for him to continue pleased at the whole situation.
“Um.” Loki cleared his throat then let it all out abruptly, “If I kiss you then she’ll teach me enchantment.”
“Is that so?” Mobius said looking at Sylvie who was behind Loki.
She met his gaze and nodded enthusiastically.
W-o-w silently mouthed Mobius.
“Believe me if there was any another way I’d choose it instead but this is my only option.” Mumbled a throughly flushed Loki.
“Alright. Give it a go.” Said Mobius.
“Wait really?” Said a rather taken aback Loki.
Mobius chuckled, “Sure why not. You really can’t stand being second place can you?”
Loki uncomfortable and not knowing at this point how he even wanted to respond. Just lamely said “Okay well don’t blame me if she becomes your favourite after this.”
“Oh don’t worry I won’t.” Said Mobius looking as unbothered as Loki was uncomfortable.
Loki slowly inched forward towards Mobius and all those thoughts started to race through his head again much too quickly. All those feelings. All those things he doesn’t allow himself to process or even consider.
Seeing his friend step closer leaning into him only made it so much worse. His friend. Loki couldn’t recall if he could truly say that about anyone else. Other than Sylvie of course. Maybe that’s why this whole situation was driving him mad.
Just as their faces were mere inches apart Loki drew back forcefully. And exclaimed with a very offputing bitterness to his tone, “Actually there’s really no need for any of this I’m clearly the superior Loki. I don’t need to justify that to either of you.”
Mobius just stood there slightly stunned.
Sylvie just stood behind the both of them no longer smiling.
Loki continued to fill the suffocating silence that was quickly enveloping them. “Besides I can teach enchantment to myself it’s not like I need anyone for that.”
“Loki.” Mobius prompted gently.
“It’s not like I need anyone in general for that matter.” Loki declared refusing to acknowledge or except the tears that threatened to stream from his eyes. He turned away thinking of leaving. Of grabbing the TemPad and just going wherever it would take him. He closed his eyes and said scathingly “This was fun while it lasted but who are we kidding.”
“Stop it.” Said Sylvie who couldn’t bear it any longer. “Just please... stop lying.”
Loki completely lost in his own head and heart suddenly felt something warm wrap around him. He opened his eyes to see both Mobius and Sylvie who had caught him in a group hug.
“I used to think I didn’t need anyone either.” Muttered Sylvie who’s face was tightly pressed into his shoulder. “But no matter how many times I told myself that lie it didn’t make it true.”
Loki felt Mobius’ breath tickle his neck as he softly said, “Loki you may lie in order to not let anyone get close to you, know you, or love you, but that won’t stop us.”
And in an instant all the lies Loki told himself about how he felt about other people, how he felt about caring for others and being cared for, shattered with the simple realisation of a simple truth. He wasn’t wrong. He truly didn’t need anyone he just needed his friends.
Loki put his arms around the both of them finally letting go of his fear of being loved. Then hesitating for but a moment he tenderly placed a soft kiss on Mobius’ cheek first then on Sylvie’s.
They stayed like that for a while longer all embracing one another. Until Sylvie happily muttered, “Guess I have to teach you enchantment after all.”
Loki let forth an amused short snort of laughter. “Well I guess you do.”
“And you guys honestly thought I could choose between the two of you.” Mobius shook his head amused, “Look at you, you’re adorable!”
“We are aren’t we?” Said Sylvie owning it.
Loki just smiled genuinely. Happily. Warmly. Knowing without a doubt in his mind that he had found his favourite people of all time.
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lazy-cat-corner · 3 years
Love is Hate- Sylki (Drabble)
Long story short. I wrote a post and made a drabble in response...then made another drabble. So I’m just sharing it here to organize it all. 
Words: 700
Prompt: An AU where Loki and Sylvie take Kang’s place and it drives them mad.
Sylvie hated her partner, Loki.
She hated the way he talks. The way he breathes. How he squeezes her shoulder when he passes by her. 
She hated that he takes the first shift watching the timeline so she could sleep in. She hated that he would stay on his knees with his hands folded and let her drive her sword cleanly through his chest if she asked him to. 
She hated that his stupid pleading eyes and his pitiful whimper was what stopped her from killing Kang, the one that got her in this mess in the first place. She hated that she humored him and took the bargain, foolishly believing that he had some ulterior motive to restore the multiverse.
She hated that right after he shook hands with Kang, the first thing he did was sit at the desk and resumed the work the mad tyrant left behind.
She hated that he kisses her goodnight and occasionally checks on her when he thinks she’s asleep. She hated that he also asks her if she’s happy. If there’s something he could do to fix it. 
But most importantly, she hated that she would rather be torn to shreds by their guard dog, Alioth than even think about walking out and leaving Loki to deal with the sacred timeline by himself. Because you see, she didn’t make any deal.
She’s just a guest.  
Loki hated his job.
He hated that he didn’t let Sylvie take the bargain with him. That he swore to Kang that anything that would go wrong on the timeline would be his to blame.
He hated working late. Or early- it doesn’t really matter in the void. Only that he can’t get more than a couple of hours of sleep when it’s his turn to trade shifts.
He hated that he gets addicted to the power. That sometimes he would shift things in the timeline just a little bit so something would fit more to his liking. Maybe it was someone who stepped off the street too soon or another didn’t get the justice they deserved. The thrill that he could change it all and nobody can stop him felt absolutely validating when everyone he’s ever met doubted that he was a god.
He hated when Sylvie wouldn’t be honest with him. When he would ask her how she is and a shattering sound would ring somewhere in the castle, but by the time he’d look up to inspect the noise, she would be right where he last saw her with a book on her lap, a sweet smile on her face and not a shard of glass on the floor.
He hated hearing her scream in her sleep every other night. When he would need to leave his post to make sure nobody’s outwitted Alioth only to find her tangled in the bedsheets struggling to breathe. When he would wait for her to wake, she would have a bitter frown on her face and refuse any of his comfort he would offer.
He hated watching the confines of the castle get to her and cause her to pace from hallway to hallway like a caged lion in search of a place that was far away- but not too far - from him. Sometimes he could go weeks without seeing her. Perhaps she’s gotten very good at hiding herself when she wants to or maybe it’s just that Loki lets Sylvie have the one thing that's hers. That wasn't important. Once Loki learned that she would return in a more pleasant mood, his constant need for her company was something he no longer cared about.
He hated that despite all of the perfect timelines he offered she could visit, she chooses to remain here. Hostile and haunting their castle in hopes someone would be foolish enough to take their place.
And as much as Loki pretended he didn’t understand Sylvie or knew why she lies to him so much, it’s all an act. Because Sylvie knew this, too. The secret he has been keeping that he would never dare tell her no matter how many empty threats she’s made or knives she's pressed to his throat.
That if someone were to open those front doors, Loki would send a blade through their chest and not give it a second thought.
Because he might hate this power. It might be his biggest regret and be the reason why he's more angry and lonely than he's ever felt in his life, but it’s his , and nobody, not even Kang can do what he does.
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buddiebeginsagain · 3 years
Brettsey Appreciation Week
Day 1: Favorite Episode(s): 9x15 & 9x16 
I finally feel as though I am in a place where I can express my thoughts about Brettsey getting together and figured there was no better time than Brettsey appreciation week! 
Warning: long post ahead
9x15: A White-Knuckle Panic 
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THIS SCENE. We had BTS pics from this scene weeks before the episode aired and many of us thought it might be Matt confessing his love to Sylvie. I definitely fell into that boat but let me tell you this scene was so much better than I could have ever imagined. 
Not only did Matt finally find his words, he made sure that he was absolutely and undeniably clear with them. He refused to let her walk away assuming that the conversation with Gabby was great for any other reason than giving him that final clarity about HER. About moving on with her. He also didn’t just say “I love you, Sylvie” he said “in love with” and I love that so much. It leaves absolutely no room for misunderstandings or doubt about the intensity of his feelings for her. 
Which then brings us to his next line, and the line that made the scene for me. 
“Even if that doesn’t change anything for you, I needed you to know it.”
Guys. This is HUGE. And I honestly believe it was this that proved to Sylvie that she could trust his words. Every single relationship Sylvie has been in the men have always made her mold herself around them and/or their lives in one way or another. She has never been the one with the ball in her court. She’s never been the one to be put first. This season she finally put her foot down and said no more to that and I am so proud of her. She knew she deserved more and Matt finally gave that to her. 
Matt truly and unselfishly wanted her to know that she was LOVED. That she was cared for. Even if she didn’t feel the same way. Sylvie has never had a man show her unselfish and devoted love in the way Matt does here. Which explains why she is speechless. He’s not begging her for another chance, he’s not giving an ultimatum, he’s simply and clearly telling her that no matter what she is LOVED by him. 
Honestly this is one of the most beautiful Brettsey moments in my opinion.
9x16: No Survivors 
Having to wait an entire week between these two episodes was TOUGH. But something in me knew that we’d get our Brettsey in the season finale. However, nothing could have ever prepared me for what actually happened. I think I’ve had the most difficulty expressing my thoughts on this episode because my brain just couldn’t comprehend what happened. 
For starters, Matt completely spiraling out over Sylvie was one of the most adorable things I’ve ever seen. He didn’t tell her about his feelings expecting something in return, but this man is so in love he can’t help but look for her around every turn. He just wanted to know how she felt. Even if it wasn’t what he felt. 
I don’t think we’ve ever seen Matt spin out like this over anyone else he’s been romantically involved with and to me that just shows the depth of his feelings for his Sylvie. And then, just when he’s finally surrendered to the fact that he has made things awkward again and made the decision to let this go once and for all, our beautiful girl shows up. 
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I just want to start by saying that I LOVE that this scene took place in the middle of the night at the firehouse. They had the privacy they needed but this confession happened in THEIR home. Where they grew closer, bonded over cases and patients, where she trusted him with the letter from her birth mom, where he supported her and watched her shine as PIC. I just LOVE that we got this scene and the love scene separate. 
“We belong together”
 She just jumps in headfirst with this line. it’s short and sweet but holds so much weight. This is her voicing out loud for this first time that everything she’s been feeling for years makes sense. That no matter what may be in their past they are meant for each other. They belong to one another. And he provides that assurance by simply stating “We do.” It wasn’t a question. He believed it just as much as she did and needed her to know it. 
 “We’re right for each other” 
This is her finally voicing that who they are as people, how they care so selflessly for others, makes them the perfect fit for each other and again he so simply confirms this for her. 
“When you know, you know.” 
Then finally she fully lets go. She fully embraces the undeniable connection, the fierce love she has for this man and lets go. She just KNOWS. So does he and it is just beautiful. 
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I so love that Matt gave her the time to voice these truths to him and that he gave her the reassurance she needed. 
I also love that he didn’t need to hear her say the words. He was already walking towards her and kissed her before she could even get all of the words out. This man KNOWS that Sylvie Brett loves him. He’s seen it in the way she so selflessly puts him first. Something no one has done for him. He has been starved of her for months. Physically and emotionally. And now that she is finally telling him that she believes all the things about them that he does, he doesn’t need to hear the words. Yet she still manages to get most of them out before his lips are on hers and I absolutely love that she mirrored his words. 
“I’m in love with you.” 
There is no room for miscommunication. No room for doubt. These two beautiful humans are in love with each other. Belong to each other. Are right for each other. And they both KNOW it. 
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I have so many feelings about their love scene. These two have had so much built up sexual tension and emotional investment in each other for so long. It would have been so easy for them to have just fallen into bed the first second they could, and who could blame them. But they didn’t. They took their time. They revealed in each others closeness. They danced. They took time to just BE in this beautiful bubble of pure and unselfish love that neither of them thought they would ever find. 
Even when they moved to the bedroom, he took his time undressing her. And when they finally became one, they savored it. Holding tight to each other as the rest of the world fell away. it was just them loving each other so tenderly and completely. 
The love these two have for each other runs so deep and is probably the most selfless love we’ve seen on the show. 
Sylvie Brett finally got everything she ever wanted. Because it’s what she deserves. 
Matt Casey finally has the love, partnership and connection he has always craved. 
They both finally have the one person who will love them as deeply and as selflessly as they love the other. 
The matching piece of the puzzle. 
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mimisempai · 3 years
Missing you comes in waves and tonight I'm drowning
After seeing Loki disappear before his eyes and confined to the TVA because of the failed mission, Mobius decides to still believe in Loki and search for him. He witnesses the discussion between Sylvie and Loki on the train
My theories on the method used by Mobius to locate Loki is probably very far-fetched and lacks technical truth, but that's not the most important point here, so I hope you'll forgive me for my short cuts. (I miss them together!)
2008 words - Rating G
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"Loki! Wait!"
Loki looked at him for a moment before stepping through the portal.
By the time they got there, it was too late Loki and the portal was gone.
"I knew he would betray us as soon as he could!" said one of the hunters right next to Mobius.
"Shut up!" shouted Mobius at him before returning to the TVA.
As he walked toward Ravonna's office, the same thoughts swirled over and over in his head.
Had Loki betrayed him! What were his plans? But worst of all, was he in danger?
He tried to think rationally.
Loki always said he was one step ahead, but Mobius knew that wasn't true. Loki was improvising. Loki was adapting. So reason told Mobius that this is what he had done.
That's when Mobius decided to do something he'd never done in his life at the TVA, he was going to bet on chaos. On the fact that Loki had chosen to follow the variant not only for his own sake but also because it was his mission.
Because Mobius could not imagine that what they had shared was nothing in the eyes of the god.
"Mobius! In my office!"
Ravonna... he was already imagining her reprimands, "I warned you" "he can't be trusted"...
As soon as he entered her office, she showed him a screen and just said, "Look!"
A scene showing the variant fighting in a hallway with the guards and Loki in the locker room retrieving his daggers then arriving at the place where the guards were eliminated.
Next scene Loki and the variant fighting, Loki trying to convince her to team up, at this point, despite the faith he has in him, Mobius could not determine if this is a way to stop her or get what he wants.
Then Rovenna arrives and the variant uses Loki as a hostage.
Mobius could not prevent a gasp.
Still on the screen, seeing that Rovenna is not persuaded, Loki grabs an object that opens a portal above them and he and the Variant disappear.
Mobius tried not to show his relief, but he saw that Rovenna was not fooled.
"So you still trust him?"
Mobius looked at her defiantly, "As long as I don't have concrete, real proof that he betrayed us, yes I’ll trust him!"
"Always the idealistic dreamer huh?"
Mobius didn't answer, Rovenna continued, "You're grounded here until I tell you otherwise. You can get out."
Once out, Mobius sat in a chair, held his head in his hands, and began to think. He was grounded, but there was nothing to stop him from trying to figure out where Loki was.
He just had to figure out how to locate him.
The difference was that now, thanks to Loki, he knew to look in the apocalypses, what he had to find now was the equivalent of that candy, something out of the ordinary, something anachronistic.
He stood up suddenly, he had found it!
He went to the office, where the screen that displayed all the nexuses was located.
"Casey! Come here!"
The younger man got up and joined him. Mobius spoke more softly, "Will you help me with a secret project?"
Casey, who had great respect for the man, nodded.
"Follow me."
They headed into the archive room. Mobius chose a table a little out of the way.
"You sit here. I'll be right back."
A few minutes later, he returned with a stack of files that he separated into two piles.
"In all these apocalypses, we need to find one where it mentions two Lokis variants and unusual magical acts."
"Got it!"
Mobius didn't know if his smoky theory would work out, but he didn't have much choice.
He couldn't help but think back to a similar scene a few days earlier, when Loki had fallen asleep. He had let his guard down in the presence of Mobius, so that meant something, didn't it?
He started to flip through the files.
"M-Mobius! I think I've got it!"
Casey was showing him a file, Lamentis-1 - 2077, a woman reports that two demons tried to attack her. One even allegedly posed as her deceased husband in order to get information.
Mobius could feel it in his bones. It was Loki and the Variant.
He was going to have to gamble on someone again.
"Casey. I need you to keep this a secret for a while longer. If Ravonna gets wind of this, I'm afraid she'll launch an assault and won't hesitate to eliminate Loki."
Casey nodded without taking time to think, "As long as you need Mobius."
Mobius was surprised that he didn't have to persuade Casey more than that.
After all, he seemed to be the good, loyal employee who never disobeyed.
Casey, seeing his reaction, added with a knowing smile, "You know, I like Loki too. He promised me he'd show me what a fish is and you know? The drink he took from me the other day, he bought me another one and apologized. A villain wouldn't take the time to do something like that right?"
Mobius's throat tightened. Casey was the first person other than himself to acknowledge that there was good in Loki.
Casey nodded and returned to his desk.
Mobius headed straight for the video archive room. The advantage of being an agent of his rank was that he had unrestricted access to this section of the archives.
He searched through the shelves until he found the videos of Lamentis 1 in 2077.
He sat down in front of one of the small projectors provided for this purpose. He was going to start from the described scene that Casey had shown him.
After entering a few parameters, the screen lit up with Loki being blasted by an old woman.
The noise of the meteors that rained down around
Loki and the one who accompanied him, prevented Mobius from hearing what was being said.He pressed the fast-forward button until Loki and the girl, after some trouble to enter the train, found themselves in a box in the dining car.
He turned up the volume to hear their conversation.
He was amazed at how easily they seemed to converse, despite the jabs on both sides, and couldn't help a twinge of annoyance that he refused to recognize as jealousy.
The variant said to Loki, mockingly, "FYI, that wasn't even a plan."
"Oh, really?"
God how Mobius missed that cheeky attitude. Even when unmasked, Loki still had that irritating confidence.
The variant replied, "Plans have multiple steps. Dressing as a guard and getting on a train is just doing a thing."
She couldn't hold back a yawn.
Loki responded, "Oh, are you a bit tired? Feel free to, you know, get some rest."
One thing Mobius had realized and Casey had confirmed to him just before was that Loki cared more about others than he let on if you paid attention.
The variant grunted and replied, "I can't sleep in a place like this."
"You can't sleep on a train?"
The variant retorted, irritated, "No. I can't sleep around untrustworthy people."
Loki replied, still cheeky, "Oh, right. That's me?"
Fearing he might misinterpret what had been said, Mobius pressed rewind and let the scene play out before him.
The image of Loki nodding in agreement about not being able to sleep near people he couldn't trust was superimposed on the image of Loki sound asleep in his company.
He could not suppress the pang of his heart.
Loki trusted him, Loki considered him trustworthy.
While he was thinking, the video had continued and Loki was now talking about his mother.
Mobius had witnessed Loki's relationship with his mother and his devastation at the news of her death.
Loki's voice had become more hushed, with that hint of fragility he had whenever he spoke of her.
"She was, um... A Queen of Asgard. She was good. Purely decent."
Then the variant and Loki respectively provoked each other about the fact that they were adopted and Loki continued, "You know, when I was young, she'd do these little bits of magic for me. Like turn a flower into a frog or cast fireworks over the water. It all seemed impossible. But she told me that I'd be able to do it too because... Because I could do anything. You wanna see?"
Loki sets off tiny fireworks over his hand.
Mobius could not deny his feelings at that moment.
The sight of magic coming from Loki's hands, pure magic, was enchanting.
Loki continued, "She was the kinda person you'd want to believe in you."
Mobius could not help but whisper, "Loki, I believe in you."
For a few moments he didn't catch the conversation until it was audible again. Apparently they were talking about their love interests.
The variant asked Loki, "How about you? You're a prince. Must've been would-be-princesses or perhaps, another prince." She finished with a wink.
Loki, replied with a serious look, "A bit of both. I suspect the same as you. But, nothing ever..."
The variant finished his sentence, "real."
"Let me find you and I'll prove to you how real it is." Mobius didn't realize he was speaking aloud. He pushed fast-forward again.
The Variant had fallen asleep and Loki looked a little giddy.
Loki waved his hand and was back in his TVA agent costume.
He could wear the illusion of any outfit, and he chose this one. Why stay in these clothes?
Mobius really didn't want to be under any illusions, because how could he imagine that someone like Loki, a prince, a god, would want to claim a belonging to something like the TVA... to someone like Mobius?
Loki had started to dance and sing.
Mobius could not help but laugh. Then his laughter died down as Loki's song became more melancholic,
I stormsvarte fjell, jeg vandrer alene
Over isbreen tar jeg meg frem
I eplehagen står møyen den vene
og synger "når kommer du hjem?"
Men traner danser og fossene stanser
når hun synger, hun synger "kom hjem"
Then seeming to regain his spirits, Loki began to dance and sing happily again as if trying to prevent nostalgia from invading him.
When the music stopped, he joined the Variant and resumed his seat in front of him. Mobius managed to understand what they were saying to each other.
"What did you just sing to look so disturbed?"
Loki looked a little moved and answered him with the voice Mobius knew well, the one he used when he was serious, when he was sincere.
"It's Asgardian, it says:
In storm-black mountains, I wander alone
Over the glacier I make my way
In the apple garden stands the maiden fair and sings,
"When will you come home?"
Loki stopped, apparently moved, and the Variant simply said, "So there's a would-be-princess somewhere..."
Loki chuckled looking so sad before answering her, "I like metaphors you know, it's not a princess it's a prince, and I don't know if he's waiting for me or hoping to see me again, it's not even really my home, but..."
"But you'd like to believe that right?"
Loki nodded.
Mobius, didn't dare to believe that it was him that Loki was talking about, even though he couldn't stop the hope from rising up inside him.
The video continued, much more animated, after a wild fight, both jumped off the moving train and found themselves walking through a kind of desert towards the energy source they apparently needed to reactivate the tempad.
Mobius saw Loki suddenly stop, looking shocked. But Mobius was unable to hear what they were saying, the sound of the meteors again covering their voices.
Suddenly, Loki shouted louder, "But they don't know that!"
And they began to run.
Mobius could see that Loki was repeating something as he ran, an expression that Mobius had never seen on his face. Like he was worried. But he couldn't hear him. He zoomed in closer to try to read Loki's lips and finally succeeded.
The whole serie here : The story of Loki and Mobius
Not beta'd I hope you enjoyed it 🥰
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A Little theory regarding the Loki series
Warning! Image-heavy!
I am going to preface this by saying that this won’t happen. Well, maybe it won’t. Most of it won’t. Maybe some of it will. So SPOILER warning, in case it does. 
I’ll put some of my thought process in a note at the end.
After Loki is arrested and brought before court to be charged for his part in certain time crimes, Mobius M. Mobius takes him “somewhere to talk”. He shows Loki snippets of how his life would have gone if he hadn’t skipped out with the Tesseract, then he tells him that he needs his help. Someone has been causing changes throughout history, making a myriad of variant timelines. Mobius believes that someone is taking advantage of their position in the TVA to cause this chaos; but his superiors refuse to believe that any of their ranks would behave in such a manner. So Mobius figures that if you want to handle chaos, you need to embrace chaos, and without consulting his superiors about it, he offers the God of Mischief a deal: help him find and bring back the rogue agent, and Loki will get his freedom. 
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It is, of course, against the rules; but Mobius is willing to bend the rules a bit, if it means ending the time incidents. Loki agrees, thinking he will be able to use the situation to escape. But Mobius understands Loki’s thought process and warns him that if he strays from his assignment, he will be brought right back to the TVA. Loki being Loki, though, does try to skip out; but after he is zipped right back to the TVA a couple times, he doesn’t try it again.
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Loki then does what he agreed to, slipping through time with Mobius and looking for the cause of the chaos. Disconcertingly, though, Loki’s power and strength begin to diminish, to the point where simple attacks he should have been able to easily counter are enough to take him down. Mobius says he doesn’t know why it is happening.
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After a while Mobius's superiors suspect he is up to something, so he begins sending Loki out on his own, staying behind at the TVA to keep the others off his trail. Loki still doesn't like being in someone's "servant", and he resents being kept on such a tight temporal leash; but he continues reporting back to Mobius. While on assignments, Loki occasionally ends up preventing disasters that the “Agent of Chaos” had set in motion; though he also can’t help but make some “small” changes to the timeline, himself.
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Mobius tells him to be more careful, or he might cause unforeseen effects. When Loki scoffs at this, Mobius asks him if he wants to see the world where he “won” the battle of New York. Mobius doesn’t wait for Loki’s answer, but immediately ships Loki off to an apocalyptic-looking New York City. When Loki gets there, the air is cold to the point where he can see his own breath, and it is utterly silent. A result, it appears, of not only the Chitauri attack, but of the bomb that the Humans used to try to wipe out the invading army. Apparently, the only ones that got wiped out were the Humans -- Avengers and all.
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Loki wanders around the desolation for a while, until he is at last found by a roving group of ragged men. They seem to recognize him and he is brought to the leader of the city, who happens to be himself. Boss-Loki has gone a bit around the bend, though. He has been stuck in this place for years since the attack, and has carved himself out a little “kingdom” in the ruins, based in an old arcade. Our Loki is shocked and almost disgusted to see how far he has fallen. When Boss-Loki’s men turn on him because of this other Loki’s presence, though, our Loki gets caught up in the fighting. He calls out to Mobius that he has made his point, and to get him out of there.
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Loki goes on doing his “job” then, being more careful with time. At long last, he finds a strange object at the scene of one of the chaotic events, and he brings it back to Mobius, who recognizes it as something he had taken from one of the young agent recruits, a girl named Sylvie. Mobius explains that some of the agents in the TVA are clones (like himself), but that some are recruited at a young age by the TVA because they show special abilities. Sometimes these recruitments occur from outside the main timeline, which is where they found Sylvie. Not only was she a gifted individual, but the TVA records showed that she should not have existed in the first place; so they took her in to train her, and also so that her presence would not disrupt the flow of time. 
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Mobius and Loki go to confront her in her room, but she is gone. Mobius feels responsible because it was he that “recruited” Sylvie. Additionally, he knew that she had a habit of slipping through time on “joy rides” and coming back with souvenirs, which was strictly against the rules. She always seemed innocent, though, so he went easy on her about it. Hidden in a drawer in her room, they find other “souvenirs”, and Loki notes that some of them have Asgardian runes on them. Mobius says that Sylvie is human, according to her genetic code, so he doesn’t understand what she is doing with the runes. 
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As they ponder the meaning of this, an alarm sounds in the TVA headquarters, and they know something terrible is happening in some variant timeline. They leave Sylvie’s room to try to get to the portals to take them to the time-incident; but on the way, some TVA agents try to stop them. They claim that Loki is the rogue element that has been causing all of the chaos, and that he needs to be “erased” as soon as possible. 
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Mobius pretends to be on the agents' side, then sets them off-guard so Loki can get to the scene of chaos. After fighting his way through the Minutemen that are guarding the portals, Loki arrives when/where Sylvie is--at a quarry mine--the moon is shattered and the fragments are falling to the Earth. 
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Loki runs to get to safety, and the ground opens up as the mine before him collapses, blocking him off from the now-adult Sylvie, who is staring up at the falling moon. She turns and looks at him just as the ground completely falls out from underneath him.
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Suddenly the world around him stills and he lands hard on the ground. He struggles to his feet and looks up to see that everything has frozen around him. As he is standing there, gaping in disbelief, he turns and sees Sylvie standing beside him. She is wearing clothing very similar to his old Asgardian outfit, and she is smiling at the destruction and chaos before them.
“Hello, Father,” she says. “Have I made you proud?”
My main thought was that since Cailey Fleming is listed as playing “Young Sylvie”, that would imply the presence of an older Sylvie. Otherwise, she would have been listed as “Sylvie”. Sylvie Lushton being the girl that Loki, in the comics, empowered and/or created, and who later became a version of Enchantress. 
That is who I think Sophia Di Martino is playing as an adult, rather than Lady Loki, like I used to think. Her hair is the wrong color to be Loki, for one thing; and she has been shown filming in the same location as Tom Hiddleston, who was wearing an Agent outfit at the time. I’m not gonna put the set photos here, but you know the ones... the pictures where she is wearing just about the same outfit as Loki has in the past. And we know that this character is the one that is causing the chaos, because in those set photos she is wearing a certain pair of boots and fingerless gloves, both of which are freeze-frame bonusses on the “mystery figure” in the trailer (when she drops the lantern and lifts her hands to her hood).
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I’d also like to point out that she is wearing what appears to be a sword on her hip:
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Anyway, I figure it goes something like this: 
Sylvie exists because another version of Loki had adopted her when he discovered that she had talents close to his own. He had begun training her how to use magic; but he was not so good a teacher as Frigga was, and the training was complicated by her wily and independent nature. Loki in that timeline died, though, leaving Sylvie alone. 
The TVA (specifically, Mobius) took her in, but because of her abilities, she was naturally able to slip through time, create illusions, age herself up and down, etc. Eventually, she decided she would “make her father proud” by sowing chaos. The thing is, she has grown stronger and more chaotic since Loki showed up at the TVA, because she has been inadvertently drawing his power and life force from him -- basically depowering him to charge herself up (c’mon... he gets laid out by a Roomba...). In fact, the draining of his life-force was what killed her “father” in her own timeline, though she didn’t know it.
Additionally (and on another note), the Loki series is said to be a “crime thriller” with sci-fi aspects; so while Loki tracking down a rogue time-agent seems to be a pretty straightforward idea, it could be given a nice twist at the end by having the rogue element not be an agent, but someone of Loki’s own making. And it would be one hell of a cliffhanger for the next season.
And... that’s all I got for now.
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How I Would Incorporate Sigyn into the Loki Series: Episode 4
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Episode 3 -- Episode 5
Loki x Sigyn Masterlist
Summary: These are my on going rough notes on how I would incorporate my version of Sigyn into the Loki Series. I makes these notes as each episode airs so changes are bound to arise. Just thought it would be a fun experiment.
God this episode. Alright, let's do this.
When we last left our protagonists, they were sitting on a dying world
Sigyn has basically accepted that this is how her life always ends; tragically and completely outside of her own control
Still, she can't help but feel bad for Sylvie and offer her hand at the end
Both Loki and Sylvie apologize to her for dragging her into all of this, she's says it's alright, they can't seem to help it
I'm still hoping against hope that the nexus event is centered around Loki not fully hating himself rather than romantic love for Sylvie because oh my God wtf Marvel
My alternative take is this truly the first time Loki feels the full weight of how exactly his actions effect other people, especially Sigyn; he knows and understand that he is a reason why she's going to die and he knows in that moment he would literally give up everything to allow her to survive
And then the TVA shows up
They are all separated and Sigyn is dragged into her own room
Two options after this
Option 1: Sigyn tells Mobius everything that happened on Lamentis. She plays the innocent card stating that she didn't want to escape the TVA. Loki literally dragged her along with him and then pulled them both onto Lamentis by accident. She tells Mobius that she's sick of her entire life being dictated by the whims of Loki and asks to become a full member of the TVA in exchange for explanation about the Nexus event. This all being a ploy to get her close to the Time Masters. Her goal is still to kill them and gain back her free will. Mobius doesn't fully believe her since he knows she's more devious than the Goddess of Loyalty title will let on. But he is more inclined to trust her than Loki. He gets her an audience with Ravonna where Sigyn reveals she knows about the mind erasure but will gladly let the Time Masters do it to her if it means she gets to live and get as far away from Loki as possible. But, she would like an audience at least once before she signs on the dotted line.
Option 2: Sigyn is interrogated by somebody else, but she refuses to talk because she knows Mobius is her best shot at staying alive and the only person who she has a chance of making a deal with. The person interrogating her thinks of her as another one of Loki's pawns and decides to play dirty. They push her into a room and place one of the zappers to her neck telling Loki if he doesn't talk, they'll kill Sigyn. Loki and Mobius both jump to their feet, but Sigyn is faster saying that she'll tell them everything they want to know, but she doesn't want to die. Again, a ploy to get close to the Time Masters, but her words are harsh as she basically tells Loki that she would rather stay with the TVA than be anywhere near him. This gets her dragged away and she gets an audience with Mobius and possibly Ravonna.
Sigyn, Loki, and Sylvie at then all taken to the Time Masters; Sigyn being the only with no collar or another other form of restraints
The Time Masters tell her to come forward
She tells them she's wanted the same thing that she's wanted since she was brought to the TVA, for her life to be her own, for all time always
She then pulls out a knife hidden up her sleeve and stabs one of the Minutemen
Hunter B-15 runs in for support and all hell breaks loose
Sigyn, Loki, and Sylvie work side by side to fight of the TVA
Two options:
Option 1: Sigyn goes for the Time Masters, but in the confusion either Ravonna or another one of the Minutemen get a hold of her. Loki only gets a moment to realize what's happening before Sigyn gets zapped and disappears before his eyes
Option 2: They fight, Sigyn is there to realize the Time Masters are androids. Loki and Sigyn are given a moment where he says he understands why she wants her own life and apologizes, but before he can say anything more he is zapped by Ravonna and so it's Sylvie and Sigyn teaming up in the next episode
Option 1 would give us a chance to see other Sigyns from various timelines which could be fun. Option 2 gives us Sylvie and Sigyn bonding time. Must wait for next episode to decide.
Some Possible Dialogue
"I'm not a Loki," Sigyn said, simply. "If I find myself close to death, chances are I will die and stay that way. I don't get second chances."
"I'm not yours!" she snapped. "I'm not Theoric's or Sylvie's or anyone else's. I am my own person and I don't want to die!"
"I'm sorry, Sigyn," Loki said.
She didn't look at him. Her eyes remained focused on the horizon and the death coming for all of them.
"I'm not sure you are," she whispered. "But, I don't think you can help it."
"How could you side with them?" Sylvie spat.
"I want to survive," Sigyn answered, coolly. "You of all people should appreciate that."
"I want to join the TVA."
Ravonna shook her head. "That would be impossible."
"Why? Everyone here is a variant. I'd fit right in."
The other woman's eyes narrowed. "I don't know--"
"Save it," Sigyn cut off. "I know everything and I don't care. Erase my memory like you do everything else. Put me in some dark corner of the library where you'll never have to see me again. Do what ever you'd like, so long as I never have to look at another Loki again."
"What is it your wish child?" the center Time Master asked.
"Only what I have wished since the moment I was brought here," Sigyn said. "For my life to be my own, for all time."
Loki glanced down, seeing a flicker steel slide into Sigyn's hand.
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wolvesandpetals · 3 years
Loki x Sylvie Fanfic for Sylki week Day 4: Romance Tropes @sylkiweek
Tropes used: Marriage of convenience, Enemies to Lovers, Jealousy, Rated: strong T for language and content.
Asgardian AU, in which Thor and Loki are children of Odin while Sylvie is the daughter of Laufey, engaged to the prince of Asgard.
Asgard and Jotunheim had achieved peace wish a promise- the promise of an alliance by marriage of Laufey's only born daughter Sylvie with Odin's first born son Thor.
Princess Sylvie had been deemed too small, too weak for Jotunheim, and sent to Midgard, to be brought up by several families over the years, till she attained adulthood and was capable of fending for herself.
That had backfired gigantically. Sylvie had grown up into a strong, independent woman, with powers of enchantment that she used for hedonistic purposes, and no loyalty or attachment to Jotunheim. Her skin was pale and her hair was blonde, far from the blue and rugged appearance of a frost giant, and she wanted nothing to do with her father, or his alliance.
Naturally, Laufey took her by force and imprisoned her, threating to tear her apart limb by limb if she did not agree to the marriage. He was old, and growing weaker, and he would need someone to ensure the survival of Jotunheim, even if that someone was the offspring he detested.
A message was relayed to the alfather, requesting the betrothal.
Thor, Prince of Asgard, simply refused. He was reminded of his obligation to the kingdom, as Prince and future King, but his heart lay with a human in Midgard, and he vowed to take no other as a wife. Odin offered him a chance to live out the rest of her limited lifespan with her, before returning to Asgard and marrying Laufeydottir, but Thor did not relent, choosing instead to step out of his role as heir, relegating it to his younger brother.
Loki Odinson had always wanted to be king, yet never found himself in a position where it was in the realm of possibility. His father clearly preferred his older brother, and he would never do anything to actually harm his brother and get him out of his way, no matter how many times he made his brother the victim of his cruelest practical jokes.
Now the role was his, in a way that assured the happiness for both of the brothers, and he was ready to step up, make his father proud and earn the approval he desperately longed for.
And if it meant marrying Laufey's daughter? So be it. He did not care for love, had never found it anyway, and he could always take mistresses and concubines to satisfy his other needs. Any wife would do as Queen, Laufey's daughter included.
"What is the meaning of this?" Laufey roared from his throne when Odin informed him about the change of plans, that Loki was to wed Sylvie instead of Thor. "The Princess was promised to the future King."
"Loki is the future King", Odin assured. "He is my son, and my heir, and your daughter shall be his Queen."
"The hell I'll be!" Sylvie screamed from her place at the corner of the cold, barren, throne room, pulling at her enchanted shackles that prevented her from accessing her magic.
"Silence!" Laufey warned her. "You'll have to excuse my silly daughter." He told his Asgardian guests. "Midgard has softened her."
Loki followed the voice, and was greated by the sight of a woman dressed in typical twenty first century Midgardian garments- skinny jeans, ankle boots, and ruffle-sleeved top. Her hair was short and blonde and unkempt, her eyes burning with rage. He smiled at her. She sneered.
"Your daughter is your prisoner?" Odin asked, surprised.
"Until she agrees to the marriage." Laufey said simply.
Loki's heart stopped. If this woman did not go through with the marriage, then peace between Asgard and Jotunheim would be broken. More importantly, if the marriage didn't happen, then there was no reason for him to ascend the throne instead of Thor.
Loki decided he was not going to let this woman screw up his plans. He was Loki Silvertongue, and he would talk her into doing his bidding. "Father, King Laufey, may I please be allowed to have a word with my future wife in private?"
Odin stared at him. It was improper for a Prince to formally request a meeting with his future bride without proper chaperone.
Laufey didn't care. "Have at it. See if you can beat some sense into her."
Loki nodded, ignoring the blatant misogyny, before making his way to the princess.
Sylvie pulled at the shackles again, wanting to get as far away from his as possible. He looked around, to see his father and Laufey exit, leaving them alone.
"Alright, cards on the table. Tell me why you object to this marriage."
"Marriage?" She mouthed the word with extreme distaste. "Please! This is not marriage. I am being sold like cattle, in exchange for favors from Asgard."
Loki smiled. "Ah, I see. You were raised in Midgard. You share their belief that marriage should be for love. Perhaps..." he studied her carefully. "If you get to know me, maybe you can-"
"Stop!0" She snarled. "I am not going to fall in love with some stranger I meet through a fucking arranged marriage!"
"Fair enough." He shrugged. trying a different approach now. "What if I tell you, that even as my wife, you'll be free to pursue love elsewhere, so long as it doesn't bring my kingdom and my family disgrace?"
"Oh, you're giving me permission to cheat? How sweet of you!" Her smile was venomous. "I suppose you'd be cheating too?"
"I believe the earthlings call it an open relationship", he replied cooly.
"I don't want an open relationship!" She screamed. "All I want is to return to Oklahoma and just live my damn life."
Loki pretended to think for a moment. "And where do you think refusing to marry me will lead you? Not to Oklahoma, that's for sure. Maybe if the Fortunes favor you, your death will be quick. Or maybe Laufey will draw it out for centuries."
She let out a bitter laugh. "As if marrying you will be any better!"
Loki grinned. He had her where he wanted her. "It will be. I assure you. You will not be shackled, for one. You will enjoy all the luxuries of the palace and all the power that comes with being Queen. And", he paused, forever a fan of theatrics. "You will have the liberty to visit Midgard any time you wish."
She looked up at him sharply, and his grin widened. He knew he had her. "The bifrost will be at your service. I assure you, I will grant you everything in my power."
"What's in it for you?" She asked.
"I will be king." He told her honestly. "You are only useful to me for the marriage. What you do afterwards is none of my concern. Do we have an understanding?"
Sylvie eyed the cuffs around her wrists, trying to use her magic one last time and failing. Reluctantly, she nodded.
The marriage took place within a month. She felt physically repulsed as her hand was joined with his. And then she was his wife.
His mother, Frigga, gently brushed her hair back. "I am your mother now. You can come to me with any of your troubles." The kindness in her voice made her refrain from offering her a rude reply.
She was taken to his bed-chamber by the ladies of the court that night. It was grand, like the palaces of the kings back in period dramas on earth, the gold accentuated by sporadic green. She sat down on the bed, trying to steady her breathe, trying to decide what to do if he tried to force himself on her.
She had her magic again. She could just kill him and run away. But she could only go so far before Laufey found her again, and this time, her fate would be worse than bedding a stranger. Her best option, was sadly, Loki.
The door opened, revealing the familiar dark-haired man. He eyed her for a moment, sitting uncomfortably on his bed, dressed in the finest Asgardian gown, one fit for a princess. His fingers danced in the air, and she found in the bed beside her a change of clothes- light green pajamas.
She touched the soft fabric, before turning to face him.
"I keep my promises", he said in a serious tone, before his face broke into a mischievous grin. "Generally."
He disappeared behind a partition, and she saw his Cape being discarded on the floor. She decided it was the perfect time for her to change as well.
"Don't princes have servants to undress them?" She asked curiously.
He laughed. "I do. But I do not make use of their services for something so trivial."
He emerged from the barrier, bare-chested and dressed only in silk pajamas. Sylvie remembered, once again, that she was alone in his room. She took a step back instinctively, until her back hit the wall.
He waved his hand in the air again, and the gigantic bed now split into two small ones. "You should sleep here, lest you rouse their suspicions." He suggested.
She nodded, grateful and relieved. Maybe Loki wasn't all bad, after all. "No one good is truly good, and no one bad is truly bad", her earth-mother used to say. "Have you ever been to Earth?" She asked.
"Oh, many times." He reminisced with a smile. "I am the God of Mischief. And humans are the perfect victims for mischief."
She rolled her eyes, tucking herself under the covers. "Why have I never heard of you then?"
Loki grinned. "Surely you've heard of D.B. Cooper."
Sylvie gasped. "No. Way! That was you?"
Loki took an exaggerated bow, before settling into bed himself.
"And have their been any earthy... affairs?"
"Plenty", he said with a shrug. "But nothing that mattered. What about you? Do you have someone back at home?"
She shook her head. "Nothing that mattered."
"What is it then?" He asked with genuine interest. "What is it about Midgard that appeals to you so much?"
She stared at the ceiling, trying to will the colours to change into the simple faded paint of her bedroom. "It's my home. I have a life there. My whole life was stolen from me." The tiniest hint of rage was back in her voice again.
"I will help you return", he promised. "Perhaps one day we may conquer Midgard and rule it together." He said semi-seriously.
She shook her head again. "I don't want to rule. I want to live."
He nodded. "I know ways out of Asgard. I will show you."
"Thank you." She said, gratefully, before she felt the first touch of sleep.
Frigga gave her a tour of the palace, telling her stories about her children along the way, asking her questions about her own family back on earth.
She found herself warming up to the matriarch, despite her role as the silent spectator in this arrangement.
Before they parted ways, Frigga gave her an embrace. "I know how difficult this is for you. You are a strong woman, and you shall emerge out of this stronger."
Loki took her to Midgard the next week.
"So you're following me now? Making sure I don't run away?" She accused when she learnt he would be joining her.
He turned serious suddenly. "I talked father into letting us enjoy our post-nuptial vacation at Midgard. Honeymoon, as you lot call it. Whether you spend it with me or not is up to you."
He turned then, and started walking. She felt her heart ache unexpectedly as she watched him go.
"Wait!" She called after him.
He stopped, turning around to face her again. She jogged till she closed the distance between them. Crossing her arms in front of her, she put on her most confident tone. "You can stay with me. But we follow my rules. We go where I want to go. We do what I want to do."
"Fine by me."
He beat her at both laser-tag and paintball, she cursed him, and he grinned triumphantly. She drank him under the table, and it was her turn to grin.
The smile faded when she saw him up on stage, ready to sing at karaoke. "And this is for my lovely wife, Sylvie!" He pointed at her as the crowd cheered, and she felt her cheeks burn with embarassment.
She took him back to her apartment, and it almost felt like a normal date.
She set up the couch for him, while she slept in her bed once again after what felt like an eternity.
The knock on the door was too early, and he groaned his protest. It was Sylvie's landlord, threatening to evict her if she did not pay rent.
She had been gone for two months now, without a job for just as long, and without the means to keep her apartment.
Loki paid the rent for the full year.
"I don't need your help!" She declared once her landlord left, satisfied. "I will pay you back."
"No need", he said gently. "Consider this my way of showing my gratitude for letting me be king."
She pursed her lips, fighting back the disappointment. Of course he did not actually care for her. And that was fine. She did not care for him as well.
Days two, three, four and five were all spent catching up with her friends, trying to explain her sudden disappearance as a family emergency for which she had to relocate. He spent the time catching up with Thor and his girlfriend, remembering to properly thank the woman for the role she played in his ascent to the throne.
Day six was when she asked him what he wanted to do. That was how they discovered their shared love for theatre.
Day eleven was spent at a shooting range, and Loki vowed to never anger this woman, after watching her shoot guns like they were an extension of her body itself.
On day fifteen, Sylvie hugged him after they beat another couple in bowling.
He had never indulged in so much meaningless domestics, had never understood the human need for the same, but having Sylvie's arms wrapped around him for ten brief seconds helped him realize the appeal.
They returned to Asgard after twenty-five days. Sylvie gifted Frigga a pendant from earth that matched the colour of her eyes.
The royal family always dined together, with Odin at the head of the table, Frigga and Loki on his two sides, and Sylvie next to Frigga.
She found herself instinctively sitting next to Loki one day.
Sylvie froze, staring at Frigga to see if she had caused offense. Frigga gave her a reassuring smile.
Loki was surprised as well, but did not comment.
Five days later, she found herself stealing berries off his plate. And he let her.
She found him talking to a lady of his court one afternoon, their bodies close, her hand playfully brushing his arm.
She felt the ground beneath her shake.
Of course he had taken a lover.
And why shouldn't he? They weren't actually man and wife.
They were friends. Yes, that's all they were. And that was perfectly alright.
He retired to his chamber that night with a huge smile on his face, and it made her blood boil. "Are you sure you want to sleep here?"
He looked at her in confusion. "Of course. Why wouldn't I?"
She shrugged, her shoulders tense. "I don't know. Maybe you'd like better company."
He studied her, trying to understand what had brought about this sudden change in her demeanor. "And what company would that be?"
She shrugged again. "You're a prince. Surely you have a long line of ladies throwing themselves at your arms."
Loki laughed. He sat down on the bed, next to Sylvie, and brought a hand up to her chin, forcing her to look at him. "Are you jealous, wife?"
"Of course not." She said quickly, though her glare betrayed her true emotions.
"Good." He smiled. "Because you have nothing to be jealous about." He planted a kiss on her cheek, rendering it red with the blush that followed.
She caught him flirting with the woman again the next day, and this time, she decided to flirt with a man from the court, consequences of the scandal be damned.
His jaw tensed when he saw her laughing at the man's joke, and he excused himself from the company of others for the day.
She found his bed empty that night, and she wondered if her action had finally drove him into another's bed.
"Where were you last night?" She asked when she saw him the next day, alone with Odin.
Odin's features masked his feelings, as always
Loki looked at her with irritation. "Perhaps we can discuss this some other time."
"The hell we can", she hissed, digging her heels in. "I asked you a question."
He smiled at her sweetly yet menacingly. "I was with a woman." He lied. "Is that what you wanted to hear?"
The hurt was written all over her face, and he realized too late what a great mistake he had made. "Sylvie, I-"
She didn't let him finish. She bowed her head at the Alfather, and made a hasty exit. Loki chose to stay and deal with the matters of the kingdom first, like a future king should.
She took the bifrost to Midgard. Those were the terms of their deal, after all. They get married, he gets the throne, she gets her freedom- that was how it was supposed to work.
It was her own damn fault she had started catching feeling for the man. Stockholm syndrome, that was all it was, she told herself.
She found him at her door within the hour. She tried to slam it closed on his face, but he held it open with his feet. "I'm sorry." He said, before either of them had a chance to say anything else. "I hated seeing you with Merlin. And I reacted poorly. I spent the night with the warriors three, drinking away my annoyance. And I lied to you about it because I was-"
She cut him off with a kiss. He was startled, and almost lost his balance, before wrapping his arms around her and pulling her closer.
"If I ever find you with another woman, again", she said when they parted for air, "I will cut your heart out."
"What about a man?" He asked.
"Same threat", she clarified, before capturing his lips again. She pulled him inside the apartment and locked the door.
Lying on the bed, naked under the covers, he looked at her seriously that night. "If you think you're happier here in Midgard, I would gladly speak to Father and release you of your bond. You shall never have to return to Asgard again." He laced their fingers together, his eyes shining with untamed emotions. "I don't want a throne. I just want you to be okay."
"I-" she paused, sitting up.
She had just been granted the freedom she craved. If she chose to leave, Asgard and Jotunheim would be at war, but Laufey would not chass her, nor if Loki was the one to release her. She would be safe, and she would be home.
Or what once was her home, anyway. In the one hour that she found herself alone in her apartment, all she kept thinking of was the view from the balcony at Asgard, the cheer of the children, the Greecian hairstyles of women, and the golden drapes in her room.
And him.
She was not with him because their fathers dictated so, but because she wanted to be. "I want to stay with you. At Asgard." She confessed.
Loki beamed at her, proceeding to kiss her forehead. "We can still visit Midgard sometimes, like we do now." He assured.
She nodded, a small smile forming on her face. "You were right. This is indeed better than being shackled at Jotunheim."
He grinned mischievously. "Well, shackles are not all bad."
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Fandom: One Chicago
Pairing: Connor Rhodes x Reader
Warning/s: car crash
Word Count: 2,595
Request:  Hi! Can I get a Connor x reader? She is Jay’s partner and she gets in an accident during a car chase (Jay isn’t in the car) she gets hurt pretty severely. Kelly is the one who gets her out of the car. Lots of worried fluff from all 3 guys but eventually she ends up being okay.
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You and your partner Jay pulled up outside the house, hands on your sidearms, ready for whatever you might find. The stolen vehicle you’d been tracking on the otherside from where you’d parked. This was one of three potential locations of your murder suspect, so Voight had split the unit up to check out each sites. Slowly getting out of the car Jay motioned for you to check out the front while he went to the back. It may have just been the two of you, but you weren’t worried, you were a good team. 
It wasn’t long before you reached the front, moving carefully up the steps and peering in the window through a gap in the curtains. You couldn’t see any movement inside, but someone had tossed the place. The house was unoccupied, so you didn’t need a warrant to enter, trying the door when Jay radioed to tell you he was already inside. 
That’s when you heard the noise, a loud rustling in the bushes behind you on the side of the house. Turning around you saw a man dart out, he must have climbed out an upstairs window. He tripped a little when he saw you but kept running for the street. “50 21 Sierra, I’ve got eyes on the suspect heading north from our location,” you radioed as you ran, practically jumping down the front steps and engaging in pursuit. 
He’d crossed the street by the time you realised that he wasn’t going to be on foot much longer, climbing quickly into the drivers seat of your car as he was already starting to peel of down the road in the stolen car. “Halstead if I don’t go now I’m going to lose him,” you radioed quickly, “he’s no longer on foot, I’m going to pursue.”
“Go, I’ll catch up,” he told you as you were already taking off after your suspect, radioing on the city wide that you were engaging in a high speed pursuit and would need back up as you turned on your lights and siren.
You barely heard Jay radio too, requesting a pick up from his location, too busy making sure you didn’t lose the suspect as he made a sharp turn, radioing in all his moves as you made them. You matched him with ease, not only was his car much older than yours, you were also a pretty damn good driver. 
Making your way onto a busier road you watched him frantically swerve in and out of different lanes, dodging cars as best he could in the mid day rush. You were just catching up to him at an intersection, your focus single as you saw the distance between your cars close, hearing the sirens of your back up in the distance. He’d be blocked in soon, you just needed to keep on him...
You didn’t really know what happened next, one second you were mere feet from him, coming up to a set of lights, he’d started to put his foot down and so had you, both realising that the lights were very much green for you.
Then... It was like the world had been flipped over and your senses had been knocked out of your body. Everything was spinning, you couldn’t breath, couldn’t tell what was going on. As soon as it had started, it had stopped, and everything had gone black.
You came to a world upside down, or maybe it was just you, you realised as you cracked your eyes open, trying to make out your surroundings through the broken front window of your car, your hands still gripping the steering wheel. Your head was pounding and you were acutely aware of a warm sensation getting larger and more worrying creeping up your midsection. Oh, you’d crashed.
It was probably the shock, but your first coherent thought was about your suspect, worried that he’d gotten away. You tried to will yourself to focus, to at least assess your person. Sirens sounds were getting closer and closer as you pried your hands off of the steering wheel, your arms heavy as you felt your abdomen, not trusting yourself to move your neck. Your hand felt wet, and as it travelled slowly further down you were met with a hard object, it felt like glass...
Why would there be glass there? You thought, had you been hit? You couldn’t feel it, well, you couldn’t feel the pain, but when you brought your hand up to your face it was slick with blood. That wasn’t good. 
The sirens were loud now, and when they shut off you realised that they must have arrived. “Y/N! Y/N!” You heard a voice shout, it sounded like Jay. You were glad he hadn’t been in here with you.
“No! Jay you can’t, it’s not stable, let us pull her out,” another voice said, and was met with arguing and yelling from your partner. Kelly... 51 must have been here. Footsteps approached you as you took shallow breaths, your vision was getting blurry but you tried to stay awake.
“Y/N,” Kelly said cautiously as he reached you, crouching almost completely down to see you through the remains of the front window. You tried to tell him you were still with him, but it came out as incoherent groan. Good enough, you decided, he seemed relieved enough by it. You were alive. 
He looked back and shouted something to the others that you couldn’t quite make out before turning back to you. “Hang tight, we’re going to get you out okay?” He tried to sound reassuring as he disappeared, probably to get some equipment to cut you out. ‘Hang tight’, yeah, you quite literally were, there was no where else you could go. 
You focused on the sound of saws, they were trying to cut through your door to get you out. It was slow going, something about the structural integrity, but you were feeling more lightheaded by the second and the words were starting to lose meaning. You were aware of Sylvie nearby, she was worried about your injuries, they needed to get you out quickly. 
Then you blacked out again. It couldn’t have been for long, because you were still in the car when you came to, but the door was gone and a c collar was being put around your neck as they were trying to figure out how to remove you without and keep the glass in your side stable. It was killing you, but it was also keeping you alive right now. 
It smelled funny, you noticed as they grabbed something to secure the glass, beginning to wrap something around you and fasten it in place. You could barely feel it anyway, but you knew as soon as the shock wore off it would hurt like nothing else. 
“Hold on Y/N,” Kelly muttered, inspecting the seatbelt situation. If you hadn’t have been wearing it... well you weren’t sure, but you were pretty sure it had saved your life, even if it had apparently sliced your shoulder. Huh, you hadn’t even noticed. 
You wanted to tell him that you were trying, but you couldn’t say anything as that smell got some prominent. Were you going crazy? As it turned out no,
“Severide!” You heard Casey yell, “we got to move, the car’s going to go!” He called for everyone else to fall back. Gas.
“I need more time to get her out!” Kelly yelled back frantically, refusing to leave your side. “If we move her too fast-”
“Severide!” A deeper voice, more demanding and in charge, Boden. There was a light forming behind you, fire.
Kelly froze for a split second before meeting your eyes, worry clear as day, before he started quickly cutting you free from the seat belt. 
Now, now you felt the pain. As Kelly hauled you out of the wreck of the car by the shoulders, you wondered if the fire had already reached you, because you felt like you were burning. Moments later the car blew, and Kelly shielded you with his body, muttering how sorry he was as the pain took you from your waking state yet again.
“Stay with me Y/N, oh god stay with me,” he called for help as you heard people rushing towards you, but you couldn’t, not for long, no matter how hard you tried.
The last thing you remembered as you were loaded on to a back board, Slyvie and Emily doing there best to keep you alive until you reached Med, was Jay yelling at Kelly. “What the hell was that!? You could have killed her!”
“What else was I supposed to do? The car was going to blow! Any slower and she would have blown with it,” Kelly snapped back. “You know what, you want to start this, why was she alone in the first place huh? Aren’t you supposed to be her partner?!”
Boden and Casey broke them up and Jay insisted on riding with you to Med, climbing in as you were loaded into the ambo and the doors were shut. Emily hit the gas, driving you to Med as quickly as she possibly could. 
You met Jay’s eyes barely as Sylvie tried to give you oxygen, shakily grabbing his hand and smiling at him softly as everything went black. “Y/N? Y/N!”
The next thing you saw was figure above you, silhoutetted by a bright light, but as your eyes slowly focused you realised who you were looking at. Your boyfriend, Connor. You smiled weakly, your head fuzzy, but your pain was now a dull ache. They must have given you some pretty heavy pain medication, you realised. 
Connor’s face flushed with relief and his whole body visible relaxed, a hand going to lightly cup your face. “You’re awake,” he breathed, putting his forehead against yours. He’d been crying, you realised, noting the slight red around his eyes. It must have been bad.
“Hmmm,” you got out, your mouth and throat impossibly dry. Connor offered you some slow sips of a drink out of a straw. “Connor...” You croaked out.
“Hey baby,” he smiled, “you gave us quite a scare.” Although his tone was light, you could hear the genuine fear behind it as he flashed a torch in your eyes, examining you.
He seemed satisfied, you could move your toes and squeeze his hand. “What... happened?” You managed, still so unclear on the whole situation. Or, you realised, how long you’d been in the hospital. You needed answers. 
“An SUV sped through a red light, crashed straight into you,” he explained, anger slipping into his voice, “51 managed to get you out, but...”
“Car blew up,” you finished and he nodded, taking your hand.
“They had to get you out quicker than they should, you took a large piece of glass to your side, lost a lot of blood. Y/N, you’ve been in the ICU the last couple of days, you’ve been in and out of surgery, you...” his voice caught and he squeezed your hand, “you coded in the ambulance on the way to Med, then again on the table. I thought we’d lost you, it’s been so touch and go-”
“Am I okay?” You dared ask after a pause, looking down at yourself. Well, you still had all of your limps, you could feel them too, Connor had seemed especially relieved about that.
“You should be,” he answered honestly, “well, you shouldn’t be if we’re talking about odds, but you pulled through. God, Y/N I was so worried.” Oh, it had really been that bad. 
“Well you know me,” you cracked a half grin, “I like to keep you on your toes.” Connor chuckled in disbelief, shaking his head at the fact that you could joke about the situation. You laughed a little too, stopping when you felt a sharp pain. Worth it, you thought, to see him smile.
“I love you,” he said with earnest, meeting your eyes. You swallowed hard, humour gone as you took in the severity of the situation.
“I love you too,” you told him, like a promise that you were going to be okay.
“Jay and Kelly have barely left since you arrived, been at each other’s throats a little about the whole situation,” he told you as memories of their fight after the incident came back to you. 
“It’s not their fault,” you said, your voice coming back to you more even though it still hurt a little to talk.
“I know, so do they really, I think they’re blaming themselves more than each other anyway,” he admitted. You knew how they felt, you’d felt guilty when Jay had been shot and you hadn’t been there. 
“They care,” you smiled. You and Jay had been partners for years, and Kelly was one of your closest friends, they were bound to worry. They also always felt like they had to save everyone, and you knew how much they hated being helpless to do something, so this must have nearly killed them Well, not in the same way that it had nearly killed you, but still.
“Should I be jealous?” Connor joked and you laughed again, lightly swatting his arm.
“Ow, stop,” you lightly put a hand to your side, feeling the bandage.
“There was a lot of internal bleeding too, but we managed to get it under control, it took a long time but you should make a full recovery, a slow one Y/N,” he said pointedly, knowing that you were probably already thinking about the case. You were.
Before you could reply there was a soft knock at the door, Jay poking his head in slightly and smiling when he saw you awake and alert. You gesture for him to come in, and see Kelly entering behind him too. Both men look like they haven’t really slept, and you could tell by how carefully they were surveying that they were checking if you were alright. 
“Hey, how are you feeling?” Jay asked tentatively.
“Better than ever,” you told him and he rolled his eyes.
“Really, Y/N,” Kelly pushed. It wasn’t entirely fair to them, you knew how much they cared about you, but you didn’t want coddling.
“I’m fine,” you insisted, though neither of them looked entirely convinced as they glanced to Connor, who gave them a slight nod to let them know that you would be.
“Didn’t know if you were going to pull through for a minute there,” Kelly said, not meeting your eyes, “I should’ve-”
“It’s not your fault-” you told them, firmer when you could tell they weren’t convinced, “it’s not, either of you, okay?” They nodded and shrugged, which would have to do for now. “Did we get him?” You asked Jay.
“Yeah we got him, squad picked up, but right now you should be focusing on recovering, not work,” he replied, knowing you too well. 
“That’s what I’ve been trying to tell her, she needs to focus on taking care of herself right now,” Connor said pointedly and you smiled, shaking your head.
“Why would I do that when I have the three of you to do it for me?” You joked, trying not to laugh, “you guys really need to stop worrying about me.”
“Never,” they all said at once, exchanging amused glanced with each other as you pretended to get annoyed. 
You were going to be okay, they’d make sure of it, you didn’t know how you’d gotten so lucky to find people who cared about you so much.
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chipper9906 · 3 years
Pairings: Loki/Sylvie
Rating: General Audiences
Word Count: 4,124 
Status: One Shot - Complete
Chapter Preview:
He had meant for it to come out more as a question, an offering. A possibility for the both of them. But what it really sounded like was a… well; a sincere, hope-filled attempt to keep hold of… this. Whatever this was, he knew he wanted it. However things went, he knew-
He wanted Sylvie in his life.
His heart was racing in his chest, pounding almost as hard as it does in the midst of battle. In the unlikely event he’s a free man after all of this over, he’ll have to go and find his brother - if he’ll even talk to him, that is - and apologize for the harsh insult he used; for berating his older brother over his affection for that Earth woman.
He understood now.
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Author Note: 
Oh Boy, here I go again, getting sucked into yet another ship. Basically, this is a dive into Loki's thoughts during the blanket scene in Episode 5 "Journey Into Mystery" because man, I sure do love getting into a character's head and breaking down their thought process.
P.S. No joke, I think I re-watched the blanket scene like... over 40 times I counted, roughly. Wanted to make sure I got every detail right lmao.
Oh wow, would you look at that - yet ANOTHER fic based on the blanket scene? I'm sure this hasn't been done by many different people ever since Episode 5 aired! Nah, I'm sure this is purely original stuff.
(Listen, this scene and - consequently - this fic got stuck in my head and I just had to write it down and... well here we are.
* * *
This was, as he had said, new for him.
It was… strange, to say the least. Not just because the woman who was sat next to him was, technically, on some sort of level, himself. And yet… not. Sylvie was her own person, that was for sure. And the only Loki, from who he’s met, who refuses to be called Loki. She had chosen her own name, and was currently choosing – or carving, was more accurate – her own path. A way out of the never-ending, self-sabotaging, “only use is for improving others” apparent destiny they’ve all found themselves in.
She had lived an entirely different life from him - and the use of the word ‘different’ here is strongly applied. It makes him a little uneasy when he dwells on it for too long if he’s being honest with himself. Yes, there may some similarities between them, as to be expected, but Sylvie had lived her own set of experiences different to his. Differences that had shaped her, made her see the world… universe… timeline? All of that, in a different way to him. Learning of the things she had gone through, what she’s trying to accomplish… it made his “glorious purpose” of ruling over “Mid-guard” seem like a spoiled boy's desperate attempt to feel important.
Everything with Sylvie and the TVA had shut down that ideal very quickly. Or, at least, has changed his view of his “Glorious Purpose”. The one change that he hadn’t seen coming, that Sylvie herself had told him; the very first words she had actually said to him:
“This isn’t about you.”
No, it wasn’t about him. Not just him, anyway. It was… it was all of him. Every version of himself out there, and every other variant of... Of everyone to have ever existed. Those, just like him, who are punished for stepping out of their pre-written timeline. Those that, when they try to change themselves, to be the person who those that loved him did everything in their power to guide them to be, were snatched away by the TVA and sent here to this pit of unwanted, broken things; left with nothing but unforgiving and dirty survival, only to lead to their inevitable death. 
And it’s cold.
“Mobius isn’t so bad.”
Sylvie breaks the comfortable lull of silence they had found themselves in. They were, technically, supposed to be ironing out the details of this plan to enchant a creature much, much larger than them, whose only desire is to eat everything that enters the world they’re currently in. Which is why, perhaps, they had taken the moment to just… breathe. A moment of rest, side by side. Whilst it was true that his plan of killing the gargantuan cloud thing was near suicidal, it would be fair to say that Sylvie’s plan was equally as dangerous. Then again, what did he expect? Seemed that every type of Loki out there isn’t the best at creating plans…
“Or so good,” Loki counters. It seemed almost cruel to say, but… it was also true, wasn’t it? Sure, Mobius had done the things he’d done because he thought they were the right things to do – but that didn’t take away from the fact that he’d done them. How many variants, not only of him, but of so many other poor souls had been doomed to this place because of his work? Still, it wasn’t like Mobius had the full picture with everything. Mobius had been lied to just as much as he had. “I think that’s why we get along.”
A small smile pulls at Sylvie’s lips. She takes a deep breath in, staring out to the horizon where Alioth awaits prowling his territory. “He cares about you.”
That catches him off guard. He supposed that she and Mobius must have had some type of conversation in however long they’d spent driving to reach them. Apparently, the topic of conversation must have steered towards him at some point. And somehow, through that, Sylvie had deduced that Mobius… cared about him?
There’s a soft, knowing smile on Sylvie’s face as she catches sight of his reaction. It was probably the closest similarity they shared: friendships… didn’t quite seem to happen for them. 
But there’s something else there in Sylvie’s expression as she looks to him. Almost a twinge of… of sadness. It sends an aching sort of pain through his chest as he sees it, coming to a sudden realization in his head. He knew that, deep down, the reason for his own loneliness was all due to himself. He knows now that there were plenty in his life that loved him, that always treated him like family even when, genetically, he wasn’t. But he had been blinded by jealousy and hatred, hatred that they had kept the secret of his true nature quiet for so long. It was because of this; this stubbornness and this selfish, false ideal that he deserves more, that he had made himself alone. 
But Sylvie…? She had been well and truly alone. From such a young age, an age where his mother had barely begun teaching him the basics of magic, she had been snatched away from her life. Everything she ever knew and loved had been wiped away, the timeline dumped here just like everything else the TVA – or whoever the hell is actually in charge of the damn universe and its multiple timelines – decided was too much of a threat. Ever since then, from that very same day she had managed to escape their clutches, she had been running alone. All those years, fighting to survive, completely alone, existing in one apocalypse after the other. Even if she did try and interact with the people in those timelines, what would be the point? They were doomed to die, anyway… 
Her words echo in his head for a moment, her sad smile seemingly etched into his memory. A part of him, that strangely soft side he didn’t know existed that had been growing stronger and stronger these past few days, burst with the need to do something, to remove the pain she was feeling. For just a split second, he nearly gives into it. He nearly says the words that were forcing their way to the forefront of his brain. 
‘I care about you.’
But the words stay safely locked away in his head. Sylvie looks away from him, and the moment passes. He didn’t know if she had been expecting for him to say anything, and he certainly didn’t know what it is she might have thought he would say. His mind clambers for something, for anything to try and bring the moment back.
A strong gust of cool wind blows over them, sending chills across his pale skin - despite the long-sleeved shirt he was wearing. He knew that, if he really wanted to warm himself up, he could shift into his true form. Except, he didn’t see it as his true form. He has been an Asgardian as long as he can remember, and for all intents and purpose, this is who he’s meant to be. He is the son of Odin, son of Frigga, brother to Thor, an Asgardian, and he’s proud of that. 
And that’s when the idea pops into his head.
“It’s cold,” Loki states the obvious to Sylvie with a shiver of his upper body, glancing over to try and catch her reaction out of the corner of his eye. For a moment, he wonders if Sylvie has the same views on their true heritage as he does, considering that, in her timeline, she was told she was adopted much earlier than he was. 
She doesn’t mention anything about it, though. Instead, she simply agrees with his statement with a hum of “Mmm-Hmm,” but it’s exactly the kind of answer he’s looking for.
From the outside, it looks like an easy twirl of his fingers and a burst of lime-green light, but in reality, it’s years and years of practice, both by himself and… and with his mother. The weight of the blanket - though light - is comforting as it wraps around his shoulders; silky smooth to the touch and of a darker green than the light of his their magic. 
The burst of color gets Sylvie’s attention, looking over to Loki again to see the new blanket he had materialized out of seemingly thin air - which… he did. 
“I could conjure one for you, if you like?” Loki offers.
Sylvie smiles for just a split second, enough for Loki to believe that she might just say yes. But then her nose scrunches as she comes back to herself, and the belief is gone. “Tell you what, you could conjure me a new outfit,” Sylvie says off-handedly, pulling at the tight collar of her outfit. “You have no idea how uncomfortable something like this is.”
It’s a deflection. He knows that all too well, because… because it’s something he’d do. Not that he can blame her in the slightest. As he had said, just before he was pruned through the heart and sent here - this was entirely new for him. Sure, he had had his fair share of flings back home. Rare occasions when he would give in to temptations, let himself experience a slice of normality. But it was never real. He did not doubt that those that fell into his bed did not do so because they felt a connection, or saw a future. And neither did he. He was a prince, a God, and for most, saying you were able to seduce a prince was an achievement. And for him? Well, it was an easy means to an end, he supposed. 
But this? This felt real. It was strange, it was something he had never experience before, and quite frankly, it scared the ever-living God’s out of him. So sure, he knew how to flirt… somewhat. But with this, with Sylvie? Everything was different, and he had no clue whatsoever what he should do.
“So…” Sylvie breaks him out of his thoughts. “Mobius, and his theory about…”
Oh. Well, he certainly hadn’t been expecting for the conversation to go there. Really, he had thought she might try and pretend to have never heard what Mobius had said. 
“Right, right. About our Nexus event-,”
“Total rubbish, right?”
He’d be lying if he said that didn’t sting a little bit. “Absolutely,” ‘Liar’, a voice in his head hisses. “Of course, I mean-,”
“I don’t mean that it wasn’t a nice moment,” Sylvie hurries to say, and it lessens that sting just a little bit. 
“No, it was great! It was really nice.”
“It just… sounds like another TVA lie.”
Which... Yes, when he thinks about it, could you easily have been a lie. Not that he thinks that Mobius would lie to them about this, no, but that someone else within the TVA had fed Mobius the lie. For what reason, he's not entirely sure. To throw them off the scent perhaps? Keep them from figuring out what can really cause a Nexus Event so powerful that it could conceivably take the TVA down. 
Or, perhaps they just enjoyed lying. More than him even - and that's saying something. 
"A hundred percent. I mean totally, yeah."
And oh, what was this? Loki tries to meet her eye, expecting her to nod her head vehemently in agreement to his statement. But... She won't look at him. She gives a somewhat strained-looking smile, more like a grimace than anything, and if he looks hard enough - by which he means projects his own feelings onto Sylvie and hopes she feels the same - he could almost imagine there was a flicker of disappointment there, too. 
"I don't know how to do this," Sylvie says, an admission he didn't expect. She looks about as awkward as he feels, eyes fixated on her fingers as she plays with them. 
"I don't even know what we're doing," Loki returns, and dear oh dear did he genuinely mean that. One moment he thinks he should take that step, say something, anything. And then the very next moment it becomes the wrong time, the wrong thing to say, and he's back to square one. 
It was frustrating, to say the least.
"I don't have friends," Sylvie carries on, and it's another dagger through the heart. Yet another thing that was so similar, yet so, so different. He had been given so many opportunities for companionship, for friends, but he repeatedly threw them all away. But Sylvie? She wasn't even given the chance. She truly had-
"I don't have..." Sylvie trails off, a long gap where she struggles to find the right word to use. Her eyes had locked onto his, and he knew that nothing less than Alioth appearing right above their heads would get him to tear his eyes away.
"... Anyone." 
"Well, there are more important things, right?" Loki desperately grasps for something to wipe away the blank, dejected look that was etched onto her features. 
"Right? Yeah, like bringing down the TVA." 
For once, one of his plans was going well. "Saving the universe, even."
"Well, there's no need to be dramatic - but yeah, kind of!" 
Then there it was again - a particularly strong breeze pushing up to the little hill they were sat on. Sylvie gives a little shiver as it washes over them, a barely noticeable shuffle in an attempt to get warm, and Loki jumps at the opportunity. 
It only takes one small adjustment, a brief push of magic, and then the blanket is growing, wrapping itself around Sylvie's shoulders in a motion so smooth, you'd think he'd done something like this hundreds of times before. Loki smiles gently to her when she notices the change, and his smile only grows more as Sylvie pulls the blanket tighter around her shoulders, shuffling closer to him by just the smallest of movements. Yet another plan he could now say was a success. 
"It's not very snuggly."
Or, maybe not. "Okay," Loki manages to get out through a surprised laugh, but he does get some sort of gratification in seeing her smile at his response. 
"Is it a tablecloth?" 
"No, it's a blanket," Loki finds himself strangely defending his materialized choice of cloth. 
There’s a pause, the quickest of glances up to him. He sees a brief flash of pink as she pokes out the tip of her tongue between her lips, wetting them as she struggles to get out her next words. “Thank you.”
Loki gets a strange feeling she doesn’t get to say that all too often. Whether that be because she chooses not to, or because she’s never had the opportunity to. When was the last time someone did something nice for her…?
“My pleasure.”
Sure, this was all new, and all types of scary. But, as he sat here, shoulder to shoulder with Sylvie, looking out to the dreary yet oddly beautiful landscape scattered with remnants from pruned timelines, he can't help but feel that this moment right here? It was… nice. Despite the TVA, despite Alioth, despite the fear of imminent death he’s had to live through nearly every moment since the Tesseract flung him into that desert in Mongolia, he had managed to find himself some semblance of peace. 
And it was because of the person next to him.
“How do I know that, in the final moments, you won't betray me?”
Now, this was a conversation he had been expecting. How can he not? It seemed that nearly every single person he’s ever come across, who he hasn’t immediately tried to murder, wonders the exact same thing. The ‘inevitable’ betrayal every Loki seems incapable not to carry out. 
And he couldn’t blame them, just as he can’t blame Sylvie for wondering the same thing. Really, he had thought the whole reason she had wanted this moment to talk to him was to have this very conversation. It was… it was something he had thought about himself, ever since being dragged in by the TVA. It was Mobius that had shown him his consistent deceitful nature - quite literally, by showing him film of every moment in his life where his flair for dramatics and affiliation for backstabbing was apparently used for ‘the bettering of others’. 
It had become deeply ingrained into his nature. It became what he was known for, what his family knew him for. He supposed it gave him some sense of… satisfaction, perhaps? A false sense of security, that he always has the upper hand when need be. It was almost like a trial, opportunities to prove to himself that, when the time comes, he can do what it takes to claim what he, false-fully, felt he was owed. He was certain that the only path to being a rightful ruler was one filled with betrayal. 
And now, after only a few days with Mobius - and an even shorter amount of days with Sylvie, his previous ambition he’s been working towards for so long suddenly wasn’t as important. Things had changed. 
He had changed. 
And that was part of the reason the TVA wanted him dead. 
“Listen, Sylvie, I…” Loki starts, but then stops. He sighs deeply, wanting to find the best way to get this across to her. He needed her to understand. “I betrayed everyone who ever loved me. I betrayed my father, my brother… my home.”
He at least had her full attention now. No more awkward glances at one another, unable to maintain more than a few seconds of eye contact. This was important, and they both knew it. “I know what I did. And I know why I did it. And that’s not who I am anymore. Okay?”
There’s nothing on her face that he can read, nothing that says whether she believes him or not. She had been expecting him to say this, he supposed. “I won't let you down,” Loki says, and he says it like a promise - one he fully intends to keep. 
“You sure?” Sylvie asks, and he nods his head straight away in response. “ ‘Cause if we make it, and the TVA is gone, there might be a timeline for you to rule.” Sylvie continues with a challenging - yet slightly teasing- narrowing of her eyes. 
“Ah,” Loki says wistfully, looking out to the horizon as if dreaming of such an event. “And then I’d finally be happy.”
Except, he wouldn’t. He only has to look at his older self to know that. The only one of himself that had beaten the one event that’s supposed to define their lives. He had tricked the mad titan himself, found himself a little corner of the universe to live out his life in peace. No more people he has to challenge, no more opportunities for betrayal - by him, or to him. 
And he looked… miserable. 
Now, though? Right here and now, he wasn’t miserable. He certainly wasn’t relaxed, that was for sure, but far from miserable. He had ended his little exclamation with a rare smile that wasn’t a smirk - or forced- and miraculously, Sylvie returned one just as wide as his; wide enough even for him to see the little laughter lines crinkling at the corner of her eyes.
“What about you?” Loki asks. “What will you do when this is all over?”
Sylvie takes a moment to think, tucking an unruly strand of hair away from her face. “I don’t know.”
He couldn’t even begin to try and put himself in her shoes. Sylvie had spent… hundreds, perhaps even a thousand years of her life just running. Surviving. Doing whatever it takes to make sure she wasn’t wiped off the board by some mystery figure, or group, that had deemed her too dangerous to the timeline. And for what? Some kind of sick desire to have control over every single living thing in every type of Universe to ever exist?
Which… which sounded an awful lot like himself, now he thought about it. Maybe whoever was in charge of the TVA was another variant of himself…
“I don’t know either,” Loki said, and that added to the tally of growing truths he was admitting to people - perhaps the most in his life. 
At some point, this all had to be over. Whether… whether it ends in his death once again, another defeat by a power-hungry being, or with their victory. No more TVA. No more pruning of variants. No more control. Sure, Sylvie had made that joke about him ruling a separate timeline, but… what would he do once this was all over, assuming her survives it? What did he want to do?
What does he want? 
‘Look at your eyes! You like her!’
‘You like her! Does she like you?’
‘Was she pruned-’
‘No wonder you have no clue what caused the Nexus Event on Lamentis; both of you are swooning over each other!’
‘Tell me the truth-’
‘It’s the apocalypse! Two Variants of the same being, especially you, forming this sick, twisted romantic relationship - that’s pure chaos! That could break reality, it’s breaking my reality right now! What an incredible, seismic narcissist - you fell for yourself!’
‘Her name was Sylvie’.
Mobius had truly tricked him there. At least now he knew how cruel it was to be on the other side of such a bluff, he supposed. He had always prided himself on his acting abilities, his innate way of lying to others. Yet, apparently, when it came to Sylvie… he puts his full emotions on display. He had become too overcome with emotions at the mere thought of Mobius telling the truth, that Sylvie was well and truly gone, and he had snapped. He was…
Yes… That was the word. 
He was heartbroken. 
‘You conniving, craven, pathetic worm. I hope you know you deserve to be alone and you always will be.’
‘Do you really think you deserve to be alone?’
‘I don’t know.’
‘Well then you better figure it out quick, because the Nexus Event the two of you caused, whatever that connection is, can bring this whole place down.’
Maybe, just maybe… Mobius was onto something there. Maybe Sif, even in that small, once insignificant memory buried in his mind, was wrong. 
Maybe he didn’t deserve to be alone.
Maybe he didn’t have to be. 
“Maybe…” The words get caught in his throat, spoken softer than he intended to. He involuntary finds himself leaning closer to Sylvie, to the warmth radiating from her, trapped within the blanket wrapped around them. “Maybe we could figure it out... together.”
He had meant for it to come out more as a question, an offering. A possibility for the both of them. But what it really sounded like was a… well; a sincere, hope-filled attempt to keep hold of… this. Whatever this was, he knew he wanted it. However things went, he knew-
He wanted Sylvie in his life. 
His heart was racing in his chest, pounding almost as hard as it does in the midst of battle. In the unlikely event he’s a free man after all of this over, he’ll have to go and find his brother - if he’ll even talk to him, that is - and apologize for the harsh insult he used; for berating his older brother over his affection for that Earth woman. 
He understood now. 
He almost misses the slightest of reactions as Sylvie looks up to him - and what he knows is an earnest, vulnerable glaze in his eyes. It’s the smallest of things, almost impossible to see, but there’s a slight pull to the corner of her lips as she looks to him. Almost as if she was fighting back a smile at his proposition. 
“Maybe,” She whispers back to him, just as quiet and tender as his own words. It’s not a yes, not in the way his frantically racing heart was hoping to hear, but it was a start. It was Sylvie’s own returning of a proposition, her own olive branch. The possibility he had given that she was extending right back to him. 
Yes… Maybe they’d survive this. Maybe he and Sylvie would bring down the tyrant who oversees ‘the sacred timeline’. Maybe he’ll find Mobius again, alive and well, having turned the entirety of the TVA’s workforce against the organization they devoted their lives to, and burn it to the ground. 
Maybe Sylvie will let him stay by her side. 
Maybe, he’ll carve that new path in his life - with Sylvie’s intertwined with his.
Maybe he’ll find that new Glorious Purpose.
Maybe he won’t be alone. 
Maybe he’ll be happy. 
You know what? He was starting to like that word. 
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