#like I genuinely thought he was gonna be her son or her love interest but after seeing him here…
I know this is such an unpopular opinion but like…….. X-5 needs to be a part of the team. He’s such an asshole and a little shit and all he rly wanted was freedom, and I know if he wasn’t hiding information from them, he and Loki would get along so well.
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crljhnn · 2 years
The older Jefferson
Pairing: Rodrick Heffley x fem!Reader
Summary: After Rowley announces that his older (half-)sister, who lives quite far away and has never met the Heffleys, is going to visit him over the break Susan invites his family over for dinner. Her not being what Rodrick expects, he starts crushing, which results in him trying to impress her - failing horribly.
No physical description; No use of y/n
Word count: 1.9k
Warnings: None
A/N: Hi, just a quick warning that English isn’t my first language and that this is also the first time I’ve ever written a longer text in English that isn’t a school assignment. I also don’t fully understand Tumblr yet, which makes me honestly a bit anxious to post.
[This and a gender-neutral version are also posted on AO3]
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“Why haven't you ever mentioned that you have an older Sister?” Rowley and Greg were sitting on the Heffleys living room floor - Rodrick occupying the whole space on the couch - playing a video game. Well, Greg was. It was a single-player. He promised they would take turns, but by now Rowley had been over for about two and a half hours and hadn’t even had the chance to touch the controller yet. He gave up on asking and settled on just watching about 45 minutes in.
“I talked about her before. Multiple times actually.” That is true. Rowley looks up to his sister a lot “Also, she is technically my Half-Sister. She’s been living with her Dad for longer than I remember. Normally we are the ones flying over to visit during summer break, but she hasn’t visited since she was a little Kid, and after her school schedule finally allowed it, we thought it would be a good idea if she, for a change, came here instead.”
“It sounds like you two get along great!” Mrs. Heffley walked in, holding a laundry basket under one arm while carrying Manny with the other.
“We do! I can’t wait to show her my room and have her around for the entire break! I have so much planned out already, it's gonna be so much fun! Best summer ever!”
“That sounds lovely Rowley, I wish Greg was so excited to hang out with Rodrick, but they just won't get along.” Susan sighed, throwing a pitiful glance at her two oldest, who simultaneously let out a laugh hearing this.”
“Yeah, never gonna happen.” Greg says, “I would rather spend the whole summer in school than voluntarily hang out with this idiot.”
“My Sister is actually around the same age as Rodrick.” Rowley buts in. Greg doesn’t understand how this is relevant, but it probably adds to his mother's yearning for her two oldest sons to get along. Rodrick lets out a laugh hearing that.
“I can’t wait to meet them. Just imagine an older, female version of Rowley. That’s actually fucking hilarious!”.
“Watch your language! Also, I'm sure she is wonderful.” Gregs Mom loosens her lecturing stance, turns around, and smiles at Rowley “I would love to have you and your family over for dinner sometime. It has been a while since I’ve seen your parents and I would love to meet your sister.”
“That sounds great Mrs. Heffley. I will ask my parents as soon as I get home!”
That brings us to about a week later, when the Jefferson family, including their oldest daughter, is standing in front of the Heffleys House, ringing their doorbell.
Rowley has been telling you all about his best friend Greg for years, which made you somewhat excited about finally meeting him. However, you can’t say that the picture your brother painted is entirely positive, finding him rather irritating in many of the stories you were told over time. You aren't too mad though, assuming it is normal for young, teenage boys to act like jerks every once in a while. Not everyone can be such a sweetheart as Rowley. Overall you're glad your brother managed to maintain such a long-lasting friendship.
And then there was Rodrick. You've heard rather interesting stories about him as well. In the beginning, you found those quite amusing, that was until you realized that Rowley was genuinely terrified of him. Not the best first impression someone could make on you. Influenced by seeing your younger sibling grow up to be such a sweet and genuine person you tend to be a bit protective from time to time.
You hear some hushed voices from inside, and you can identify one of them as female, reminding someone to behave. Then the door opens and a woman, who you assume to be Mrs. Heffley, kindly smiles at you. Your suspicion is confirmed a second later when she introduces herself and shoos you into the house, before continuing to greet the rest of your family.
Crossing the threshold you can now see a man standing slightly behind Greg's mother. He introduces himself as Frank, making quite a kind impression on you. Then he leads you into the living room to meet his sons.
The two older ones hardly even notice you at first, too occupied with arguing and rowing with each other.
“Boys!”, their father speaks up, successfully catching their attention. Rather comically their gazes fall from their father to you, their eyes widening and their mouths dropping open. You were not what they expected. While Greg looks just shocked, you would describe Rodricks state as mesmerized.
He recovers fast, pushes Greg off of him, stands up, and puts on what he hopes is a charming smile. Extending his hand he starts to introduce himself.
“Hi, I’m-”
At least he tries to.
“Rodrick. I know. My brother has told me one or two rather interesting stories about you”, your smile is sharp. He gulps, his confident smile turning sheepish, cursing Rowley in his head. You are not what he expected and you are definitely not anywhere close to being a female carbon copy of your, in his eyes, embarrassing younger brother.
He normally wouldn’t consider himself the kind of person who has a type, but from now on, if someone asked, he would probably revert to describing you. You were just ethereal, everything about you was attractive to him. The way you walked, talked, and carried yourself, but also your clothing and hairstyle. Your pretty face just rounds up your whole appearance, making you all the more alluring.
He had to get on your good side. While a family dinner, especially with Greg present, may not be the best opportunity, he could ask Rowley to put in a few good words for him. That kid was easily influenced (or intimidated). Still, making the best possible impression over dinner wouldn’t cause any harm either.
You turn to the other boy who has been silently watching the exchange. Now that your attention is on him he starts feeling nervous as well. Your expression, however, turns a bit more friendly.
“And you must be Greg.” he nods. You introduce yourself and lastly say hello to Manny who is sitting on the floor playing with some figurines. By now the others have entered the room, causing Susan to start leading you all to the dining table.
You’re seated between Rowley and Greg, across from Rodrick, which results in quite frequent eye contact. On one side you really want to intimidate him a bit. This could maybe make your brother's life a bit easier, at least for the time being. On the other side, you do want to make some conversation, maybe throw in a bit of (family dinner appropriate) flirting or at least find out if he’s single.
It’s really hard to hold a grudge against someone who is entirely your type.
While you’re conflicted, Rodrick, on the other hand, is sweating. Nervously fidgeting in his seat. You didn’t seem as irritated with him anymore, if the eye contact was anything to go by. Was this his chance to redeem his shitty first impression? He cursed his brain for failing to come up with something cool to say.
Since when is it so hard to talk to girls? Is it getting hotter in here? What impresses girls? What does he normally brag about? His band! That’s it. Now he just has to bring it up somehow. Maybe he can bribe Greg to ask him about it. No, that’s too risky, he can’t count on Greg to not fuck this up. He is just going to casually bring it up ‘I’m in a band by the way, pretty sick huh?’ ‘Do you like music? Cause I’m in a band’ No that’s stupid everyone likes music… ‘Which kind of music do you listen to?’ That’s good, he should bring up the topic of music first, that’s a normal conversation topic. After that step two is to bring up the band. That’s easy, he got this.
Now he just needs to wait till your attention is on him again and then he can smoothly lead the conversation in the desired direction. He has to calm down, he can do it.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Your eyes meet again.
“I’m in a band!” He speaks way louder than intended, his voice is squeaky, and in the middle of the sentence he has the most embarrassing voice crack imaginable.
The sole attention is now on him. All he hears is Greg's snickering which causes him to kick him under the table.
“Ow!” That was not Greg's leg. He looks up to see you looking at him with a questioning expression.
That’s it. He fucked up. His chances were already low, but he still managed to shrink them even more, making them most likely completely vanish. Great. His ears were ringing, all he can hear is Greg's quiet laughter in the background.
“I'm sorry I didn’t mean to kick you, I-” he starts his apology but loses track of what he is trying to say when he sees your expression change. You're clearly trying to suppress a smile, but it's not working at all.
“You’re adorable.” Rowley chokes on his food, and Greg's laughter abruptly stops
“Rodrick? Adorable?” That’s it. Greg gives up on ever trying to understand girls. How can his stupid older brother embarrass himself like that, then kick the poor girl under the table and still be perceived as adorable by her, especially since she is so much out of his league?
Rodrick however, was still not functioning properly.
“So that band, is its name by any chance Löded Diaper?”
“Yeah.” He is proud of himself for speaking at an appropriate volume without stuttering. “How do yo-”
“I saw your creepy white Van in front of the house. What’s up with that, kidnapping little kids as a side hustle?” You are still smiling, and with your stupid joke you somehow manage to relax the atmosphere a bit, the adults going back to their conversation.
Rodrick too is now smiling, looking at you with an expression you could only describe as lovestruck, even though you just insulted him.
He is contemplating making a joke about how the space in the back could be quite useful for more than just trapping kids but decides against it, fearing to make it awkward again. Getting nervous about taking too much time to come up with an answer he instead lands on “No only kidnapping pretty girls like you.”. As soon as the words leave his mouth he regrets it, realizing it's in fact not a funny and flirty thing to say, but honestly rather creepy.
At the end of the evening, Rodrick has messed up flirting with you multiple times, however, it’s his luck that you find his desperate attempts to look cool to impress you weirdly endearing. Not that he realizes that. Calling Rodrick confused, questioning why you were still talking to him, would be an understatement.
He certainly doesn’t know how he can have messed up so many times and still end up finding a little note with your number on it in his pullover hood after you left.
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adamsrcnan · 6 months
OKAY OKAY here we goooo an annoyingly long-ish post about all my thoughts on The Sunshine Court
Spoilers Spoilers Spoilersss you've been warned
First things first it is so interesting to see Nora writing from not one but TWO new people's perspective. Jean's perspective is just devastating being inside his head is heartbreaking the constant fear and panic and how much of his energy is used on just pushing down every memory of what was done to him. His coping mechanisms are terrifying and i truly do hope by the end of book 2 he has a healthier way of dealing with it bc baby boy stop hurting yourself :( Every sentence was so painful to read. But also his resilience the entire time to get through it no matter what, god i fucking love him!!! He is a fighter.
Jeremy's perspective is sooooo refreshing. He is such a little sweetheart i could cry. The fact that he sends hand written letters and he's so caring and genuine but he can also be so stern. When he dropped that "i asked you a question" to Lucas fkehdjdfjdh OK SIR. I'M SAT. His relationship with the family butler is so endearing as well i need more background on that for sure! My only one criticism is that he didn't have enough pov chapters and i'm hoping we'll learn more in the second book of course because there's still so much about him and his (dysfunctional? toxic?) family dynamic that we don't know yet but also i'm greedy and i wanna know EVEYTHING about him !!!
Kevin and Jean are so just tragic it actually breaks my fucking heart like "you didn't have to slit my throat on the way out" JEAN??? and "promise me you won't try again. I can't lose you." KEVIN??? And the fact that Jean to this day is still keeping that promise. Also Jean's obvious but secret long term crush on Kevin the way it's subtly dropped every time Jean has to stamp down on his desire's and "temptations" GOD PLEASE I CAN'T STAND IT
Neil and Jean oh my God like where do i even start?? The guilt Jean feels at what happened to Neil in the Nest and him finally calling him by his name after Riko's death and telling him his game was good. And Neil seriously needs to give himself more credit for how much of a caring person he is because the way he indirectly told Jean that he thinks he is worth saving and didn't even hesitate before asking Stuart to send someone after That Guy after what Jean told him. Neil Josten the man that you are!!!
Jean's little sister Elodie what a beautiful name. Them being so close and him reading to her. The way he found out about her death jolted me differently. It was so awful and i'm so sorry Jean didn't get to see her grow up and meet her again.
Renee and Jean oh my god. Jean thinking she's beautiful (bitch me toooo) And the whole right person wrong time ugh i can't stand it. Him wearing her necklace all the time, enough that Jeremy always notices it. And unabashedly stealing her picture from the foxes lounge. Like he did not give a fuck. He said this one is mine. One good reason to stay alive being rainbows i'm gonna FKSJSKDHDH. Theirs would be such a soft love.
Speaking of soft loves Laila and Cat are EVERYTHINGGGG. God they are so cute with their little domestic life and their rich gay boy son who crashes on their couch with his cardboard cut out dog. That whole friendship dynamic is beautiful. Their fierce protectiveness and care over Jean as well and the patience they have with him even after the little kitchen incident. When Cat took Jean out for a drive on her motorcycle god that was such a heart warming moment and Jean helping them cook as well and becoming the girls' little sous chef it's so cute so endearing !!!
Jeremy being the one who told Jean that Riko was dead i don't even know what to begin with THAT like hhhhhhh. The way they're both stupidly attracted to each other but won't/can't do anything about it. THE WHOLE "say yes Jeremy" SCENE WTF WAS THATTT I WAS GOING INSANEEEE. Both of them having to stop mid sentence when they catch the other looking FINE as hell. Jean being so obvious that even Lucas picks up on the way he looks at Jeremy. Jeremy being there to ground Jean in a Moment and helping him come down from it. Grabbing his face and telling him he's okay. Moving into the room with him to make him feel more comfortable !! The way Jean grabs Jeremy's chin (boiiiii). Jeremy constantly reminding Jean that he is NOT A RAVEN ANYMORE no matter how many times he has to say it. Jeremy saying he'll wait as long as it takes until Jean speaks to him. JEREMY GIVING HIM A HUG AND JEAN CLUTCHING DESPERATELY TO HIS SHIRT FUUCUFHDHSJHSSUHDH and then the "will you help me?" And the "Anything you need" AND THEY'RE GOING TO TAKE A CERAMICS CLASS TOGETHER?!?!?!!!! i can't i can't i can't i caaan'ttt
There's so much more to say but i'm gonna leave it at this for now because i need to go re-read it again and take my time with it this time round but i really could not have asked for anything better Nora truly outdid herself here !!! I'm forever grateful she blessed us with this after so long.
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dianawinchester03 · 2 months
Senior Prom
Series Masterlist
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Summary: Going to prom has always been an everlasting dream of y/n, and she’d be damned if her father didn’t let her go. Willing to do anything to get one last taste of a somewhat-normal high-school life.
(Y/N and Sam are 18 years old and Dean is 22 years old)
The Old Testament Series.
Genesis Primis: A Supernatural Rewrite (Dean Winchester x Reader) by @dianawinchester03
Authors Note: Since ‘Senior Prom with Sammy’ won the poll I did. I decided to post it since I’m still yet to update Genesis. A lil sum sum to ease our minds lol. I hope everyone likes! I’ve had it in my drafts for a while, it’s been waiting to see the light of day so here you go❤️
Lake Preston, South Dakota
“Please, Dad! It's just prom, what harm could it cause?!” Y/N exclaimed frustrated. “Y/N/N, it's not just 'prom'. It's a school event, full of teenagers who are more interested in hooking up than anything else.” F/N grunted, taking a drag from his cigarette.
“Mr. L/N, we promise we won't do anything stupid. We just want to have a good time with our friends.” Sam pleaded. “I understand that, son. But your safety is my top priority. You two know the rules.” F/N shook his head and an idea popped into y/n mind.
“Let Dean chaperone then. Please dad, I’ve never asked you for anything. I know I yell and I’m not perfect but this is the last night we have. Since I came out of juvie, this is all I’ve been looking forward to. Please” Y/N tried to reason with him.
F/N took another drag on his cigarette, his expression softening slightly as he looked at Y/N. He could see the pleading desperation in her eyes, the genuine desire to experience something normal for once. He glanced over at Sam, who was standing beside Y/N, a hopeful expression mirrored on his face.
"No, end of discussion" he snapped, his voice stern. Sam’s head hung in defeat, “Yes sir” He sighed before strolling out of the room, moping while Y/N stood with her arms crossed over her chest, glaring at her father.
“You’re kidding me right?!” Y/N gritted her teeth, her heart aching after seeing the look of defeat on her best friends face. F/N dropped the stern look after Sam left the room, turning his daughter. He rolled his eyes, knowing his daughter was about to let one rip on him, but he had another plan in mind. “Don’t get snippy with me missy. Here” he stuck his cigarette between his lips, holding it in place before fishing his fraud credit card out of his wallet and handing it to his little girl.
Y/N's eyes widened in surprise as her father handed her the fake credit card. She looked at him with skeptical question. "Your credit card...?" she echoed, her voice trailing off. F/N chuckled, taking the cigarette from his lips and flicking some ash into the nearby ashtray.
"That's right. You'll need money for a dress, shoes, and whatever other girly crap you're gonna need. And buy a suit for Sasquatch too, but don’t tell him until after" he explained. Y/N squealed with excitement, she thought she would’ve had to sneak out and go. Her heart swelled with joy as she grappled her father into a firm hug.
F/N chuckled as Y/N tackled him into a tight hug. He patted her back affectionately, a small smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. “Thank you, daddy. Thank you, thank you!” Y/N squealed. "Yeah, yeah, I love you too" he muttered gruffly, but the warmth in his voice showed he was secretly pleased with her reaction.
As F/N watched Y/N race out of the living room, the sound of her footsteps echoing down the hall, he couldn't help but smile to himself. He knew that he and John could be tough on the kids, but deep down, he wanted them to have the best in life, even if that meant breaking some rules.
As if on cue, John appeared in the doorway, his expression quizzical. "What was all that racket about?" he asked, his voice gruff. F/N took a drag on his cigarette, exhaling a cloud of smoke before replying. "Y/N and Sam want to go to their prom. She begged and pleaded until I caved" he explained.
John's expression darkened, his jaw tightening. "You let them go?" he asked, his voice tight with disapproval. “You don’t get snippy with me either, Winchester” F/N snapped, mimicking John’s expression, crushing his cigarette into the ashtray. “I didn’t like the idea either but you know how y/n/n is. She would’ve sneaked out and gone either way and Sam would’ve followed her. This way, we know they’re safe” F/N grunted.
John clearly didn’t agree, rolling his eyes at his best friend's habit to cave when it comes to his daughter. John ran a hand over his face, his expression tight with frustration. "I know she's tenacious, but you can’t just give in whenever she throws a fit" he protested.
"You think I don’t know that?" F/N snapped back, his voice rising with irritation. "But what was I supposed to do? She's never asked me for anything. Ever." John sighed heavily, clearly still not pleased with the situation. "They’ll need someone to keep an eye on them. Just in case."
“She suggested Dean chaperone. I gave her my card to buy clothes her and Sam, no doubt she’ll buy something for Dean too” F/N explained, a sly smile played on his face for a second, knowing his daughter is probably gonna give Dean hell to chaperone. The elder Winchester would cave to Y/N’s demands too, it made him chuckle a bit.
“They’re kids, John. They deserve a break” F/N sighed. John's expression softened a bit as F/N explained the situation. He knew all too well how persistent Y/N could be when she wanted something.
"She's gonna drive Dean up the wall if he agrees to chaperone," he muttered, a hint of amusement in his voice. "He’s gonna agree” F/N assured John with a snort. “They do deserve a break," John conceded reluctantly, "but they’re also hunters, and hunters need to be alert and vigilant at all times. A high school dance is a risky environment."
“The worst that’s gonna happen is someone spiking the punch bowl” F/N scoffed, waving his hand in dismissal. “And they’re not stupid enough to drink it” He added. John shot his best friend a skeptical look, clearly not convinced.
"You're underestimating the chaos that high school dances can bring" John listed off. "Not to mention the hormonal teenagers, the peer pressure, and the drama." F/N rolled his eyes, "You worry too much."
“Clearly not, because she literally just got out of juvie a couple of months ago for beating a girl's ass” John retorted. John’s blunt reminder about Y/N’s recent stint in juvie sent a pang of guilt through F/N’s chest. He sighed, running a hand through his hair.
"I know, that’s why I’m a little hesitant about this whole prom thing" he admitted. "She’s got a temper but Dean’s gonna be there. it’s gonna be fine” F/N assured him. “Famous last words” John muttered, causing F/N to roll his eyes as John sank into the couch across from him. “Besides the point, I think I’ve got a hunt.”
F/N perked up at John's words, the mention of a hunt immediately grabbing his attention. "What kind of hunt?" he asked, leaning forward in his chair.
A couple of days later, Y/N and Dean stood in a clothing store, surrounded by racks of colorful outfits. Y/N had her fingers on her chin, studying the various dresses on display, while Dean leaned against a nearby wall, a disinterested expression plastered on his face.
"Dude, c’mon, just pick something already," he groaned. “If you complain one more time, I WILL make you wear a pink bow tie” She threatened with a firm finger. Dean shot Y/N a skeptical look, raising an eyebrow at her threat. "You wouldn't dare" he challenged, a smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth.
“Try me, Winchester” She retorted, placing her hands on her hips. “I’ll even top it off with a pink bow on your head” She smirked, turning back to the rack. Y/N ruffled through the racks until her eye landed on a sweetheart black ruffled long dress with a slit going up to the mid right thigh.
‘This is it. This is the one’ She said in her head, smiling widely.
Y/N took it off the rack before turning to Dean, showing it to him. Dean's eyes widened as he looked at the dress Y/N held up. It was undeniably beautiful, but it was also... girly as hell. "You want to wear that?" he asked, a hint of surprise in his voice.
“It’s hot, I’m gonna go try it on” She rolled her eyes before rushing over to the changing room. Dean stood there, watching Y/N disappear into the changing room with a mix of amusement and resignation. He leaned back against the wall, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Of course she's gonna choose something 'hot'. Why did I even bother agreeing to come with her?" he muttered to himself.
Soon after, Y/N emerged from the dressing room in the dress. Dean was now sitting in-front of the room on the couch, reading a magazine. Dean heard the curtains of the changing room being pulled open and looked up, expecting to see Y/N looking somewhat normal. But when he saw her, his jaw dropped.
The dress hugged her curves in all the right places, the sweetheart neckline revealing a subtle hint of cleavage. The black fabric accentuated her skin, and the ruffles gave the dress a subtle feminine touch.
"Whoa..." he muttered, his eyes widened in surprise. “Say it, I look hot” Y/N smirked triumphantly, placing her hands on her hips.
Dean cleared his throat, attempting to look unaffected by her appearance. “Meh, I’ve seen better” he shrugged, looking back down at his magazine.
A coat rack went flying at his head, the culprit with a glare shooting his way. Y/N stood with her arms crossed.
“Say it” she repeated, her voice firm.
“Fine, you look hot” Dean grumbled, looking back up at her.
Y/N’s face broke out into a victorious grin, knowing she had coaxed a compliment out of him.
“Jesus, if I knew just throwing a coat rack at you would get me a compliment, I would’ve done it years ago” She snorted, reaching to unzip the dress but was unsuccessful. “Help me outta this dress, we’ll go get my shoes after and then we’ll shop for yours and Sam’s clothes” She mumbled, reaching behind to unzip but failing.
Dean rolled his eyes, but couldn't help smiling slightly at her comment. He put the magazine down and pushed himself off the couch.
"Yeah yeah, whatever you say" he muttered, a hint of sarcasm in his voice. He walked over to Y/N and unzipped the dress with ease, his hands brushing against her exposed skin as he did so.
A blush rose to y/n face as her breath hitched, a simple touch from Dean had her heated already. But she quickly schooled the act and went back into the dressing room. Stripping out of her clothes, changing back into her usual wear and making her way back of Dean.
“Ready, charming?” She asked after paying for the dress. Dean chuckled at her sarcastic nickname for him, but nodded. "Sure, princess" he said with a mock bow. "Lead the way." Y/N threw her head back laughing at his mock bow, leading the way out of the store.
Now in the gentleman’s store, Y/N shoved the outfit into Dean's hands, a black bow tie and three piece suit. Pushing him into the dressing room to try it on. Dean walked into the changing room, holding the suit and bowtie in his hands. He took in a deep breath as he looked down at the bowtie, silently cursing himself for agreeing to go shopping with Y/N.
After a few moments, he re-emerged from the dressing room, looking less than pleased with what he was wearing. The suit fit him perfectly, hugging his toned frame in all the right places. But the bowtie around his neck looked ridiculously out of place.
Y/N laughed at the way the bow tie hung, getting up from her chair to help him fix it. “Jesus dude, I’ve shown you how to do this like a million times” She chuckled, fixing the bow tie.
"I know, I know" Dean grumbled, rolling his eyes as Y/N fussed over the bowtie. He watched her with feigned annoyance, but secretly he enjoyed a moment when she was so close to him. Feeling the heat of her body against his, the scent of her perfume.
"You know, you're enjoying this too much," he pointed out, raising an eyebrow. “You know I always had a thing for playing dress up” She said snidely before taking her hands off his tie. “Okay, now to Sammy’s outfit” She clapped excitedly
Dean chuckled at her comment, shaking his head. "Of course you do."
The pair headed to the next department, where they found a selection of suits for men. Y/N immediately started rifling through the racks with excitement, her eyes scanning for something Sam would like.
“Maybe we should get him something to match your three piece suit?” Y/N suggested, rubbing her chin as she thought deeply. "Matching outfits?" Dean grunted, looking down at his own suit. "What am I, a groomsman or something?"
He leaned against a nearby rack as he watched Y/N peruse the selection of suits. She was clearly in her element here, and he couldn’t help but smile at the look of concentration on her face, her brows furrowed in that way she did when focused.
“Shut up, I’m thinking” She muttered, before scanning the room before her eyes landed on a white three piece suit. It was similar to Deans, except the outter layer was white and the inner piece was black, with a white bowtie. Deans suit being a black outer layer, inner white layer and a black bow tie. It was the perfect match for her black dress and Deans black suit. Seeing as Sam was practically her prom date. It would make sense to match.
Dean followed her line of sight and saw the suit she had her eyes on. It was simple yet elegant, just like Y/N. He had to admit, the idea of him and Sam being matching in their suits was growing on him.
"Looks like you’ve found what you’re looking for" he teased, pushing himself off the rack and walking over to where she stood.
Y/N squealed again before rushing over to the store attendant. “Hi, I’d like to get that suit” She pointed to the suit. “In the largest size please” The store attendant nodded with a small smile. “Of course, ma’am. I’ll go fetch it for you.”
The attendant disappeared into the back room, leaving Y/N and Dean alone again. Dean glanced over at Y/N, amused at her excitement. "You're awfully chipper about all of this" he commented, a smirk playing on his lips.
“I’ve dreamed about prom for years and it’s finally happening. Of course I’m excited” Y/N gushed. “And I’m happy you fellas are coming with me” She added, nudging Dean a bit. Her eyes flickered over to the cash register counter, the store sold an array of corsages and boutonnières.
She strolled over, her eyes landing on a white corsage and a black boutonnière along with a white one. Dean chuckled at her answer, unable to resist the smile tugging at the corners of his lips. Her excitement was contagious.
"Well, we wouldn’t want to miss out on your special night" he teased, watching as she made her way over to the counter. His eyes followed her to the corsages and boutonnières, raising an eyebrow in curiosity.
“What do you think?” Y/N held up the two boutonnières and corsage. “One for you, one for Sammy and one for me” she smiled. “Since he doesn’t know still and we’re surprising him, I can ask him to prom with this” She waved the black boutonnière.
Dean looked at the two boutonnières and corsage in her hands, admiring the simplicity and elegance of the black and white combination. A warm feeling filled him as he realized the significance Y/N placed on this.
“It’s a good idea” he admitted, nodding. “Sam will probably get a kick out of the whole surprise thing. He’ll think it’s cute.”
Y/N hummed happily as they walked back into the house. She was carrying the small bag that contained the boutonnière and corsage while Dean was loaded up with the bags with her dress, shoes along with him and Sam’s outfits.
John and F/N had already left for their hunt, leaving a little note on the counter about their absence. Basically saying Dean was in charge and to make sure to be home by 11 on prom night, since the hunt would most likely go until after prom.
Bobby, John and F/N had a bit of a falling out. And by bit, I mean Bobby pointed a gun at them for disappearing without any notice for months after Y/N came out from juvie, leaving their kids by him worried they were dead. Bobby didn’t have an issue with the kids staying but the fact that their dads didn’t say a word for months, it riled him up just a tad.
So they’re staying at F/N’s Lake Preston’s house, a little over half hour drive from the school.
Dean stood there, looking comical with the number of bags in his hands. The suit bags were slung over his shoulders, each one weighing him down. The shoes, accessories, and other miscellaneous items for Y/N, Sam, and himself were balanced in his arms, making it difficult for him to see past the mountain of clothes.
"Why the hell did I agree to carry all this crap?" he grumbled, adjusting his grip on the bags awkwardly. “Because you can’t say no to me” Y/N grinned, taking the suit bags slung on his shoulder from him after resting down the flowers.
Dean rolled his eyes, secretly enjoying the little grin that spread across her face. He grunted as some of the weight left his arms, and he shot Y/N a mock glare.
"Yeah, something like that" he chuckled. Y/N reached into the small bag, picking up the black boutonnière she got Sam as Dean rested the rest bags on the living room couch, next to the suits. He followed behind her as she led the way to the staircase.
Y/N knocked on the door to the room Dean and Sam shared. “Sammy, you in there?”
A few moments later, the door opened, revealing a slightly disheveled Sam. His hair was sticking up in every direction, and it looked as though he had just woken up from a nap.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm here" Sam yawned, rubbing his eyes as he looked at Y/N and Dean with bleary eyes. "What's up?"
Y/N held up the black boutonnière with a wide smile, “Samuel William Winchester, would you do me the honor of going to prom with me?” She said dramatically, placing the back of her hand over her forehead like a southern belle.
Sam's eyes went wide at the fact that she convinced their dads to let them go and Dean stood with his arms crossed next to her, leaning on the door frame as he watched the whole theatric, snickering.
Sam was caught completely off guard by Y/N's proposition. He looked at her, his brain still trying to catch up with the situation, and glanced over at Dean, who was enjoying the whole thing way too much.
"Um, I—“ Sam stuttered, still trying to process the fact that Y/N had managed to get both their dads' permission to go to prom. "Are you serious right now?" he asked, his voice a mixture of disbelief and excitement.
“After you left, dad gave me his card and suggested I surprise you” She explained, handing him the boutonnière. “So is that a yes or so I have to get down on one knee?” She teased her best friend.
Sam chuckled, taking the boutonnière and inspecting it in his hands. It was simple yet elegant, just like her style. He looked down at Y/N and smiled, "You're insane" He snorted.
He shook his head in disbelief. "Of course it's a yes, you crackhead. Did you really think I'd say no to free food and a chance to get all dressed up?" Y/N squealed again, clapping her hands as she jumped up and down, making Dean stick his fingers in his ears while grimacing.
"Jesus Christ" Dean muttered as Y/N squealed, glaring at her with exaggerated annoyance while plugging his ears. "My eardrums are gonna explode if you keep doing that" He grumbled, pulling his fingers out of his ears.
Sam chuckled at his brother's reaction. He couldn't help but find it amusing how both Y/N and Dean had drastically different reactions to her excitement. “I will do it again if you keep complaining, asshat” She threatened.
It was finally the day of the prom and the house had exploded with chaos. The sound of hairdryers, laughter, and the occasional argument filled the air as the two teenagers and Dean got ready for the night.
Y/N had taken over the bathroom, claiming it for herself while the boys got ready in their room. She had already put on a sleek black dress, which hugged her body at all the right places, making her look like a princess. She was now standing in front of the mirror, applying the final touches to her lipstick.
She smiled content at the way she looked, a slight pit was in her stomach, missing her dad for not being here to see her dressed up for prom.
Y/N took a deep breath as she stood there, taking in her reflection. She looked beautiful, confident, and happy. Despite the absence of her dad, she was filled with a mix of excitement and nervousness for the night ahead.
Just then, there was a knock on the bathroom door. "Hey, any princesses in there?" Dean's voice sounded from the other side, a hint of playful mockery in his tone. “Just one” Y/N joked, opening the door.
Dean stood there, his eyes widened slightly as he saw her standing in front of him. The black dress she wore hugged her figure perfectly, accentuating all of her curves in the most sinful way. He had to admit, she looked breathtaking.
"Damn" he muttered, his eyes raking up and down her body. “Told you I look hot” She smiled widely, moving over to the sink to get his white boutonnière. Her gaze flickered over to his bow tie which was surprisingly fixed properly, “Sam helped you with it, didn’t he?” She snickered, gesturing to the bow tie while pinning the boutonnière to his pocket.
Dean's cheeks turned a slight shade of pink when she mentioned the bowtie. He looked down at the flower pinned to his tux and nodded, "Yeah, he did. Damn nerd insisted it was crooked" he grumbled.
He couldn't help but notice the way Y/N's dress dipped down, revealing a hint of cleavage. He forced his eyes to stay focused on her face, trying to keep his thoughts in check.
“I’m sure it was” She chuckled, still making sure to fix the bow tie. “You don’t look to bad yourself, handsome” She breathed out, taking in Dean’s attire she articulately picked out herself.
Dean smirked at her compliment, his ego swelling a bit at her words. He shifted on his feet, enjoying the way her eyes roamed over his body, taking in his appearance.
"Yeah, you've got taste" he quipped, the corners of his mouth tugging upwards in a cocky grin. "I do look pretty damn good, don't I? That's a rhetorical question by the way, cause the answer is obviously yes"
That earned him a smack to his arm, “Don’t ruin my compliment with sass, boy” Dean chuckled, the smirk still tugging on his lips as she smacked his arm. He raised his hands in surrender, feigning innocence. "Hey, hey I'm just stating facts, princess" he said, his voice oozing with confidence.
He took a step closer to her, his gaze roaming over her body once more. "But I do have to say, you look absolutely stunning" he added, his voice dropping an octave. “Thank you” Her cheeks flushed before clearing her throat. “Is Sammy ready?” She asked, walking past Dean and out of the bathroom.
Dean followed behind her, his eyes lingering on her figure for a moment before he answered her question. "Yeah, he's been ready for ages. I told him not to be late" he said, a hint of annoyance in his voice as they made their way to the living room.
As if on cue, Sam emerged from the stairs, dressed in his white suit and black boutonniere pinned on his lapel. He looked nervous, his eyes darting between Y/N and Dean. “What’s wrong? You look like you’re gonna throw up” Y/N asked him concerned.
Sam chuckled nervously, running his fingers through his hair. "It's nothing, I just... I haven't been to a school dance before, that's all" he admitted, looking down at his shoes.
Dean rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest. "You've hunted wendigos and ghosts but you're nervous about a bunch of teenagers in a gym? Get a grip, Sammy" he teased, unable to resist getting a dig in.
Y/N chuckled before taking her best friends hand into hers, “It’s gonna be fine man. If I’m being honest, so am I. But we’ve been through worse” She reassured him. “Besides, you look great! I’m sure that Cindy Wu gal you’ve been crushing on is gonna wanna dance with you” She teased while complimenting him.
Sam's cheeks turned pink at the mention of Cindy Wu. He had harbored a secret crush on her for ages, but he hadn't had the courage to talk to her. The thought of dancing with her, especially in this setting, made his heart race.
"Shut up" he muttered, shoving Y/N playfully in the shoulder. "And stop talking like you're in one of those teen movies" he added with a smirk.
“First of all, you fellas love those movies” She said snippy, “And second of all, if I were in a teen movie. I’d be the damn heart throb, now it’s picture time. Chop chop.” Sam laughed as Y/N spoke, clearly amused by her confident and sassy attitude.
Dean shook his head, a small smile playing on his lips. "Alright, alright" he said, holding up his palms in mock surrender. "We'll take the damn prom pictures."
He went over to the bookshelf in the living room and grabbed a small camera. He turned back to Y/N and Sam, gesturing for them to pose.
Sam and Y/N posed, Y/N wrapping her arm around Sam’s waist and Sam’s arm residing on her shoulder. "Smile for the camera" Dean said in a mock cheesy voice, pointing the camera at the two young adults.
Sam looked a bit awkward while Y/N flashed her brightest smile, sticking her tongue out slightly. Dean chuckled at their expressions, his finger hovering over the shutter release. "Ready?"
“Just take the damn picture!” Sam and Y/N exclaimed in unison. Dean chuckled to himself, finding their synchronized response hilarious. "Alright, alright" he said, still holding the camera. "On three, act cool"
He counted down in reverse, "3...2...1..."
He snapped the picture, capturing their goofy expressions perfectly. “Okay, now Sammy, hop on y/n/n back” Dean smirked.
Sam shot Dean a confused look, raising an eyebrow at his sibling's request. "What? Why do I have to hop on Y/N's back?" he asked, his voice dripping with skepticism.
Y/N, on the other hand, looked excited at the prospect. "Oh, come on, Sam! It'll be fun!" she encouraged, already turning her back towards him, signaling for him to hop on.
Sam just shrugged shrugged and went along with it. He stood behind Y/N as she bent down slightly so he could hop onto her back.
"You better not drop me" he warned her, wrapping his arms around her shoulders for stability. “Listen dipshit, it’s not my fault your Sasquatch ass is heavy now just hop on”
Sam rolled his eyes at her remark, knowing she was just trying to annoy him. He let out a exaggerated sigh as if he was going through an ordeal. "Fine" he said, feigning annoyance as he hopped onto her back.
Y/N let out a slight grunt as she straightened up, adjusting herself to balance his weight. "You're like a baby gorilla" she joked, holding onto his legs to keep him from slipping. Dean was in hysterics at this, holding up the camera.
He couldn't help but laugh uncontrollably at the sight of Y/N piggybacking Sam. The sheer size difference between them made it look so absurd, yet hilarious. He held up the camera, trying his best to keep it steady while laughing.
"Alright, say cheese" he managed to get out between laughs, composing himself slightly to take the picture.
Sam grumbled, his cheeks flushed from a mixture of embarrassment and slight annoyance. "I hope you're happy" he muttered, trying to keep his balance on Y/N's back.
Y/N simply ignored his complaints, flashing a cheesy smile at the camera. "Come on, this is fun!" she teased, bouncing slightly to rile him up even more.
Dean burst out laughing again, trying to capture the perfect shot. "This is priceless" he managed to say, shaking his head in amusement.
Y/N let a grumpy Sam down as Dean walked over and handed Sam the camera. Sam took the camera reluctantly, still looking a bit moody about the whole piggyback situation. He held it up and looked through the viewfinder.
"Okay, it's your turn now" he said, looking over at Dean. Dean raised an eyebrow, a sly smile playing on his lips. "What, are you gonna give me a piggyback too?" he teased. “Fuck no, I’d like to keep my back in one piece” Y/N huffed, resting her hand on Deans chest to pose for the picture.
Dean chuckled, enjoying her touch on his chest. He wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her close to him. He leaned down slightly to be level with her.
"You look beautiful by the way" he murmured, his breath close to her ear. Y/N’s breath hitched again as Sam looked at the two with raised eyebrows and a sly smile on his face.
Silently praying that by the end of tonight, these two would finally just end it all and get together. “Take the picture, Sam” Y/N cleared her throat, swallowing hard.
Sam smirked, the sly smile on his face deepening. He could see the chemistry between the two, the fact that they were yet to act on it was starting to get annoying. "Okay, okay" he said, rolling his eyes slightly. He raised the camera up, looking through the viewfinder.
Dean pulled Y/N even closer, their bodies practically flush against each other. His eyes locked onto hers, a hint of longing and desire flashing through them.
Sam took the picture, capturing the tension palpable between the two. He lowered the camera, a knowing smile on his face. “Alright” Y/N chimed, pulling away from Dean. “Let’s go fellas, chop chop” She clapped her hands excitedly.
Sioux Falls High, Sioux Falls, South Dakota
The air was alive with excitement. The school's gymnasium was transformed into a sea of glitzy decorations. Music thumped through the air as couples danced together, their laughter and chatter echoing throughout the room. The gym was all decked out for the occasion. There were silver and black balloons, a disco ball spinning above the dance floor, and a big banner that read "Class of 2001"
Dean, Sam, and Y/N entered the gymnasium, their eyes widening at the sight before them. Sam’s right arm was linked into Y/N’s left and Dean’s left arm was linked into Y/N’s right.
“Holy fuck” Y/N gasped. Sam's eyes were also wide, taking in the sights and sounds of the prom. "Whoa, the place looks great" he commented, his gaze flickering around the room.
Dean chuckled, a smug smile playing on his lips. "Just wait till the party really gets going" Dean snorted, his eyes immediately went to the snack table. Sam rolled his eyes at Dean's comment, knowing that his mind was on food. "Can't even go five minutes without thinking about food" he muttered under his breath.
Y/N, on the other hand, was looking around for any familiar faces, her eyes scanning the room. “Let’s go get a drink while Dean goes and stuffs his face” Y/N suggested to Sam.
Sam chuckled in agreement. "Let's get out of here before he starts drooling" he joked.
With that, the two of them headed towards the refreshments table, leaving Dean alone to make a beeline for the snack table. Eyeing the food like a hawk before diving in.
Over at the punch table, Sam poured Y/N a drink, handing it to her before pouring his own. Y/N thanked Sam graciously, taking a sip of her drink along with Sam. Their eyes widened, coughing when the taste of vodka seeped into their taste buds and hit the back of their throats.
"Whoa, they went all out spiking these huh?" Y/N commented, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. Sam nodded, his expression a mix of surprise and slight amusement. "Yeah, no kidding. This stuff is strong" he said, taking another smaller sip this time.
“Uh uh uh, it’s prom night” Y/N tilted Sam’s glass more so he would drink it all. “We’re enjoying ourselves, Dean’s the designated driver so we’re partying like there’s no tomorrow”
Sam looked slightly hesitant at first, not wanting to get too drunk too quickly. However, the thought of letting loose and having a good time swayed him.
"Alright, alright" he said, downing the rest of his drink. "But if I end up puking on someone, you're cleaning it up" he warned Y/N with a grin.
“You know damn well I’m puking on you too if you puke infront of me” She grimaced, shaking her head in disgust. “Plus, when I am gonna see you again to coax you into getting drunk with me....” She said a bit sadly. Sam had gotten his acceptance letter to Stanford but he had yet to tell John, F/N or Dean.
The secret has been tumultuous to keep from their family but they knew how they would react to Sam leaving.
Sam's smile faded a bit, a pang of guilt hitting him. He knew he needed to tell his family about his acceptance to Stanford, but he had been putting it off, afraid of the explosive reaction that would surely follow.
"Yeah, I know" he responded softly, his gaze meeting Y/N's. "I just... I'm not ready to tell them yet. Especially Dean, you know how defensive he gets"
“I know, Sammy” She smiled sadly. “But I’m proud of you” She added genuinely. Sam smiled weakly, his heart warming to hear that from his best friend. He always valued and respected her opinion, so when she pushed him to go to college after being skeptical about taking the leap, he dove head first in.
But that didn’t stop the guilt from lingering at the fact that he was gonna leave her and Dean to deal with their fathers wraths. She expressed that she had no desire to go to college but he knew that was bullshit, and now with her record. Even if she wanted to, she couldn’t.
“Thanks, Y/N" he said, his voice soft.
Sam and Y/N stayed stationed at the punch bowl, four to five drinks in. The teens were getting pretty tipsy at this point.
Suddenly, the music changed to, ‘Quit Playing Games With My Heart’ by Backstreet Boys, prompting an excited scream from Y/N. "Oh my God, I love this song!" she exclaimed, bouncing on her heels. "Come on, let's dance!"
She grabbed Sam's hand, pulling him towards the dance floor without giving him a chance to protest. Sam let himself be dragged by Y/N, feeling the effects of the alcohol in his system. His head was slightly fuzzy, and he found himself not minding a bit of dancing.
“Even in my heartttt…I seeee….You’re not being true to meee” Y/N sung as she swayed to the song with Sam. As they reached the dance floor, Sam felt the infectious energy of the song and found himself swaying to the beat with her. Hearing Y/N sing along made him chuckle. "You have the singing skills of a dying cat," he teased.
Y/N flipped him off as she danced along with her best friend. Sam laughed, the middle finger in his direction not bothering him in the slightest. He was enjoying himself, dancing and laughing with Y/N. The alcohol had done its thing, he felt lighter, more carefree than usual.
As the song played on, Sam found his moves getting more exaggerated and carefree. He spun Y/N around suddenly, and they erupted into a fit of giggles.
“I didn’t think I’d see you here” A voice boomed behind Y/N, she spun around her eyes wide to see her ex boyfriend, Xander. They had broken up not too long after she came out of juvie. She knew once she graduated, she wouldn’t have been able to keep the relationship going.
Xander expressed his desire to become a police officer after witnessing the complete injustice Y/N faced with her charges. It warmed her heart incredibly but with the line of work her family was in, she didn’t want to put him in danger.
So she ended things, lying to Xander about getting into Stanford with Sam. Since Xander was gonna stay in Sioux Falls, a blind man could see that long distance wasn’t gonna work for either of them. He was heartbroken and so was she, but it was for the best and the two parted on good terms.
Y/N was caught off guard by Xander's sudden appearance. Her heartrate picked up as she turned to face him, memories of their short-lived relationship flooding back to her.
She remembered the good times they shared, his support in the aftermath of her time in juvie, but also how she had to lie to him about her future plans, saying she wrote a riveting essay to the college and got accepted despite her record. It had been for the best, but it still hurt.
She put on a smile, masking the turmoil she felt in the moment. "Hey, Xander" she greeted him with a small smile. Sam, sensing the tension between Y/N and Xander, stood quietly next to her. He knew Y/N had ended things with Xander, his mind going back to the night she bawled her eyes out in his arms after pulling the plug on the relationship.
He could sense the unease in Y/N's voice and knew this was a delicate moment. Xander's expression was a mix of surprise and nostalgia as he looked at Y/N. He couldn’t help but feel a pang of longing seeing her again. "You look good," he commented, a slight waver in his voice.
“Thank you, you look great” She greeted back with flushed cheeks. “Hey Alex” Sam greeted Alexander with the typical bro-fist-bump they always did when him and y/n were together. Xander returned the greetings with a slight nod at Sam and a smile at Y/N. "Hey man" he said to Sam.
There was a moment of awkward silence as the three of them stood together, the tension between Y/N and Xander still hanging in the air. Sam, being the perceptive one, could feel the tension. He tried to break the ice. "So, enjoying the prom?" he asked, looking between the two.
"Yeah, it's great" Xander replied, his eyes never leaving Y/N.
Y/N fidgeted with the hem of her dress, feeling the intensity of Xander's gaze. A million thoughts were running through her mind. She didn't expect to see him here, especially after their breakup and her lies.
"We're just about to get another drink" Sam chimed in, sensing Y/N's discomfort. Y/N’s eyes flickered to a little distance behind him, a familiar face made an idea pop into her head, though she was already planning this long before. “Oh my god, is that Cindy Wu? Sammy, it’s Cindy” She nudged Sam behind her.
He recognized Cindy Wu, a girl he had had a low-key crush on for ages. His ears perked up as Y/N mentioned her name, and he looked around to see Cindy standing with a group of her friends a few feet away. “Xander, could you give us a second. I just wanna introduce Sam and Cindy” Y/N said politely to her ex boyfriend.
Xander looked slightly taken aback by the request, but he nodded. "Sure" he relented.
Sam shot Y/N a questioning glance, clearly puzzled by her actions. But before he could say anything, Y/N had grasped his wrist and was pulling him towards where Cindy stood.
“Cindy, hi!” Y/N greeted Cindy with a sweet smile. Cindy turned her head towards Y/N, her face lighting up in recognition. "Y/N! Hi!" she replied happily, returning the smile. Her eyes then went to Sam, who was trying to keep his cool demeanor, but failing miserably.
“Girl, you look gorgeous” She gushed at Cindy’s beautiful baby blue corset dress. Cindy blushed at the compliment, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "Thank you! You look amazing yourself" she said, her eyes flickering over to Sam for a brief moment.
Sam was now blushing heavily, fiddling with the collar of his shirt nervously. “Thanks sweetie” She smiled widely, “I’m sure you know my friend, Sam” Y/N nudged Sam towards Cindy. Sam stumbled forward slightly, his eyes widening as Y/N pushed him towards Cindy. He took a deep breath, plastering on a shy smile.
"H-Hi, Cindy" he stuttered, his voice cracking mid-sentence. He mentally cursed himself for being so nerv. Cindy giggled slightly at Sam’s nervous behavior, the sight endearing to her. "Hey, Sam" she greeted in response, her voice soft.
Y/N stood back, watching the interaction between the two. This was exactly what she had planned. She knew Sam had a crush on Cindy, and she hoped that maybe this would be the night he finally made a move.
Sam’s heart was hammering inside his chest, nervousness and alcohol coursing through his veins. He tried to compose himself, to seem more confident than he was.
“You look very handsome Sam” Cindy gushed, blushing profusely. Sam's cheeks were now aflame, his whole face turning red. He wasn’t used to receiving compliments from girls, let alone from a girl he had a crush on.
He tried to think of something charming to say, something to keep the conversation going. But his mind was blanking, consumed by her beauty and her praise.
"T-thank you" he managed to stutter out, his hands awkwardly shoved into his pockets. "Yeah, you look beautiful" Sam managed to stutter out, his cheeks redder than ever. “L-like a peacock” Sam slurred, gesturing to her blue dress and her perfectly styled hair.
Y/N resisted the urge to roll her eyes and facepalmed internally. Oh God, these two are as hopeless as each other, she thought to herself.
Cindy let out a nervous laugh, her cheeks flushing further at Sam's comment. She was charmed by his awkward attempts at flirting, finding it endearing.
"Thank you, Sam" she said with a nervous stutter, clearly unsure of what to say next. She fidgeted with her dress, glancing from Sam to Y/N and then back to Sam.
Y/N could feel the palpable awkwardness between the two. She knew they both liked each other, but neither one was making the first move. She wanted to shove them into each other and just make them kiss.
“Okay….well I’m gonna go…enjoy” Y/N snickered before excusing herself back to Xander. Sam watched as Y/N left, his heart rate increasing even further. Now he was left alone with Cindy, the girl of his dreams, and he had no idea what to do or say.
Cindy glanced at Y/N, watching her leave with a smile. Then she turned back to Sam, her eyes studying him for a moment. She was nervous too, but she didn’t want to show it.
“So, you having fun?” she asked casually, trying to start up a conversation.
“Oh my god, they’re like puppies” Y/N chuckled, shaking her head as she poured herself a drink. Xander laughed, sipping his punch, his eyes trained on the way she wobbled due to the alcohol in her system.
Dean stood by the snack table, idly munching on some chips as he watched the festivities unfolding around him. His eyes zeroed in across the gym in Y/N’s direction.
His gaze landed on Y/N and Xander, the two standing close together, an air of familiarity between them. He watched as Y/N poured herself a drink, her movements a tad sloppy, indicating she was tipsy.
His eyes darkened slightly as he took in the scene, a pang of jealousy stirring within him. He hadn't expected to see Y/N so buddy-buddy with her ex-boyfriend, and the sight didn't bode well with him.
Back at the punch table, “So, how are you?” Y/N asked Xander casually, sipping her vodka laced punch. Xander took a moment to respond, his eyes tracing over Y/N's face. He saw the slight flush on her cheeks thatindicated she was a bit drunk.
"I'm okay" he finally answered, the corners of his mouth twitching into a small smile. "Better than okay, actually. But what about you? And honestly" he added, his gaze fixed on her.
“I’m getting by” She sighed with a nod. “It’s good to see you though” Xander’s expression softened at her words. “It’s good to see you too” he agreed, his tone sincere.
He glanced over her shoulder for a moment, noticing Sam and Cindy a few feet away dancing. He turned his attention back to Y/N, an amused smile on his lips. “Looks like your boy is finally making a move,” he teased, jerking his head in Sam’s direction, where Sam was awkwardly dancing with Cindy, their bodies a safe distance apart.
“Oh my god” Y/N laughed hysterically at the way they awkwardly moved, “He’s growing up” She joked, holding up her punch. Xander chuckled along with her, his eyes drifting back to Sam and Cindy. “It’s a sight isn’t it?” he commented, watching the two of them dance.
He took in Y/N's relaxed demeanor, the tension that usually coiled around her when they were in public had faded, replaced with a comfortable ease. He was happy to see her so at ease.
“Yeah…” Y/N smiled, turning back to Xander. “So…” She cleared her throat. “Have you heard back from the academy?” Xander's expression changed at the question, a hint of pride in his eyes. He had been working hard to get into the police academy.
"Yeah, I did actually" he responded, a small smile on his lips. "I got accepted last week"
“What?! Xander that’s amazing!” She hugged him, “I’m so happy to hear that, you’re gonna be the best cop in Sioux Falls” Xander hugged her back, her enthusiasm contagious. He had worked so hard to get into the academy, and it felt good to have someone genuinely proud of him. "Thanks, I'm really excited" he said, his voice filled with excitement.
The clearing of a throat behind Y/N startled them both, their gazes darted to the direction of the sound to see Dean. Dean stood a few feet away from the pair, his arms crossed over his chest, and a slightly brooding look etched on his face.
He took in the sight of Y/N and Xander together, his eyes flickering between the two of them. “How was the snack table?” Y/N chimed. Dean's gaze landed on Y/N, taking in her slightly tipsy state. He could tell that she had definitely had her fair share of punch.
He shrugged nonchalantly, trying to play it cool despite the jealousy that was building up within him. "It was fine" he grumbled, his eyes flickering briefly over to Xander before returning to Y/N.
Xander's ears pricked up at the unexpected appearance of Dean, sensing the tension in the air. His eyes darted between Y/N and Dean, silently taking in the dynamic between the two.
He narrowed his eyes a bit, tilting his head as the wheels turned in his head.
Wait a damn minute…. Xander thought to himself.
He was used to the cold demeanor of the older Winchester, but the look Dean was giving him now was particularly hostile. “Dean, how have you been?” Xander asked in a friendly tone, stretching his hand out to shake Dean’s.
Dean eyed Xander's outstretched hand for a moment, his expression cold and unwelcoming. But he relented, shaking Xander's hand firmly but not warmly. "Good" he grumbled in response, his reply short and curt.
How did I not see it before? Damn… Xander internally chided himself.
He chided himself for being so blind and in love with Y/N that he didn’t realize the reason Dean was so cold with him was because…well…he felt the same way he did about the same girl.
Y/N looked down at her punch and back up to Xander, her mind fuzzy. “Well, it was great to see you, Xander. Really. Congratulations, again…I’ll see you around” She chimed before reaching up to kiss his cheek. Taking Dean’s hand into hers and leading him away.
Xander smiled warmly, appreciative of Y/N's congratulations and her goodbye. He tried his best to ignore Dean's icy demeanor, knowing how protective the older Winchester brother was of Y/N.
As Y/N took Dean's hand and led him away, Xander couldn't help but feel a pang of nostalgia. He had cared about Y/N deeply during their time together, and seeing her with Dean now was a constant reminder of what he had lost. But he didn't show it, just smiled and watched them walk away.
Now on the dancefloor, “What was that about?!” Y/N gritted her teeth at Dean as they made their way to the dance floor. Dean was slightly taken aback by Y/N's sudden shift in mood. He was used to her fiery nature, but her anger still caught him off guard.
"What was what about?" he asked, feigning innocence, even though he knew exactly what she was referring to. “You practically cockblocked me man” She groaned.
Dean's eyes widened, taken aback by her choice of words. Cockblocked? That was a new one. "I did no such thing" he protested, his tone defensive. "I just came over to say hello" He added weakly.
“You barely said a word” She snorted, shaking her head in amusement. “It was kinda awkward though.” She chuckled, swaying to the music. Dean couldn't deny that the interaction had been a tad awkward. Seeing Y/N cozy with her ex-boyfriend had spiked a pang of jealousy within him, and he hadn't exactly been subtle about it.
“Dance with me” Y/N suggested, as ‘It’s Gonna Be Me’ by *NSYNC started playing in the prom. Dean shot her a look, a mix of surprise and reluctance on his face. He was not a big fan of dancing, especially in public.
But the pleading look in Y/N's eyes was enough to break down any protest he had. He let out a long-suffering sigh and resigned himself to her request. "Alright, alright" he agreed reluctantly, taking her hand and stepping closer to her on the dance floor.
“Every little thing I dooo, never seems enough for youuuu. You don’t wanna losee it like againn. But I’m not like themm” Y/N swayed drunkenly, wrapping her arms around Deans shoulders, singing along to the song.
Dean allowed himself to be pulled along, his movements a bit stiff and awkward next to her fluid swaying. He chuckled at her drunken singing, finding her carefree attitude amusing despite his initial resistance.
“Baby when you fi-na-llyy, get to love some-bo-dyyy. Guess whatt? It’s gonna be me” Dean sang along with her.
Y/N's eyes widened in surprise at the sound of Dean singing. She didn't expect him to join in, but the surprise quickly gave way to a wide grin.
She tightened her arms around his shoulders, pulling him closer as they danced. She was tipsy and carefree, the alcohol making her less inhibited than usual.
"Aww, look at you, singing along like a pro, Winchester" she teased, laughter in her voice. “I thought you didn’t sing those, and I quote, ‘teeny poppy girly songs’” She snorted, quoting his words to her when she would listen to songs like this.
Dean gave her a sheepish grin, his cheeks flushing slightly. He had indeed made such a comment in the past, but seeing Y/N enjoying the song, he couldn’t help but join in.
"Hey, I make exceptions" he retorted, trying to maintain some level of coolness. "And I might have listened to a few of those ‘teeny poppy girly songs’ on my own time" he admitted reluctantly. “No shit” She snickered dancing with him.
Dean tried to hide his embarrassment, but the flush on his cheeks betrayed him. "Alright, alright, you’ve had your chuckle" he grumbled, trying to act grumpy but the hint of a smile tugging at his lips.
As the song continued, he found himself getting more into the rhythm, dancing with less restraint. The closeness between them, coupled with Y/N's carefree attitude, made it difficult to stay stoic.
Y/N's body was pressed up against Dean's, swaying to the music. She could feel the heat radiating off him, his hands on her waist sending a jolt through her.
She looked up at him through her lashes, her eyes clouded with drunken affection. She was feeling brave, maybe even a little reckless, spurred on by the alcohol.
She leaned in closer to him, whispering so only he could hear, "You know, Winchester, you're not such a bad dancer after all" Dean felt a rush of heat at her words. Her closeness was intoxicating, and the huskiness in her voice made his heart race.
He tried to maintain his usual cool demeanor, but her compliment sent a thrill through him. "Gee, thanks" he replied sarcastically, rolling his eyes for effect, but his tone lacked his customary edge. He held her closer, his hands tightening on her hips as they continued to move to the music.
"You’re not half bad yourself, considering you’re drunk off your ass" he added, a small smirk playing on his lips. Y/N chuckled at his response, her fingers tangled in the hair at the nape of his neck. "You love it when I'm drunk, admit it" she teased, her breath warm against his neck.
She pressed herself closer to him, her body molding against his as they danced. The alcohol in her system was making her clingy, her inhibitions lowered.
Dean was taken back by this, reminding himself that she’s just drunk and that’s why she’s acting like this. He cleared his throat before pulling away slightly to look at his watch, “It’s almost 12, we’ve gotta go” He said urgently.
Y/N's face fell at his words, a pout forming on her lips. "What? Why?" she whined, her hands still gripping onto Dean tightly.
The alcohol was making her stubborn and unwilling to part with him, the magic of the moment shattered by the harsh reality of time.
"Can’t we stay for a little longer?" she pleaded, looking up at him with puppy dog eyes. “This isn’t Cinderella” She groaned. “I’m sorry sweetheart. We promised our dads we’d be back home before 11. Let’s get Sammy and beat it” Dean denied.
Y/N's pout intensified at his refusal, but she knew he was right. They had made a promise to their dads, and breaking it would spell trouble.
"Okay, okay" she grumbled, her disappointment evident. She reluctantly untangled herself from him, her body immediately missing the warmth of his touch.
"But I'm calling shot gun on the way home" she declared firmly, her stubborn streak not completely squashed.
“Can we stop and get burgers? I’m craving a milkshake” She asked hopefully as Dean pulled her through the dancefloor to interrupt Sam in the middle of his make out session with Cindy Wu.
Dean nodded in agreement, his own stomach rumbling at the thought of greasy burgers and a thick milkshake. "Yeah, we can stop by that diner we like" he assured her, gently pulling her past the couples dancing around them.
When they reached Sam and Cindy, both of them were too engrossed in their own world to notice their presence. Dean cleared his throat loudly, finally getting their attention.
Sam jumped, clearly startled out of their moment. He quickly ran a hand through his messy hair in an attempt to smooth it out, a sheepish look on his face. His gaze darted from Y/N to Dean, anticipating their remarks.
Y/N giggled at the way Sam’s hair was disheveled and his lips were swollen. Dean smirked, unable to resist teasing his younger brother. "Looks like someone was having quite the dance party over here" he said, his tone filled with barely suppressed amusement.
Y/N added to the teasing, a wicked grin on her face. "I didn't know prom was a make out contest" she teased, poking fun at Sam's disheveled appearance. The drunken side of her mind was jealous because that should’ve been her and Dean.
But the logical side screamed at her for being an idiot and embarrassing herself, ‘He’s not into you, L/N. Stop being so desperate’ Her mind yelled at her.
Sam rolled his eyes, trying to play it cool despite being caught red handed. "Okay, okay, you’ve had your laughs" he muttered, a slight blush creeping up his cheeks.
Cindy, feeling left out of the conversation, spoke up, "Are you guys leaving already?"
“Yeah, Cinderella here is scared his car turns into a pumpkin at 12” Y/N scoffed, smacking Dean in his arm. Dean huffed indignantly at Y/N's jibe. "Hey, watch it" he warned, rubbing his arm where she had hit him. He shot her a scowl, but there was no heat behind it.
"We promised our dads we'd be back before 11" he reminded Y/N, his tone turning serious again. "We gotta keep our word." Y/N rolled her eyes, “But they’re not here!” She protested.
Dean sighed, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "Doesn’t matter if they’re here or not" he retorted. "We made a promise, and we’re keeping it." He was growing increasingly annoyed by her stubbornness, even as endearing as he found it.
“Fine, let’s go. I’m sorry, Cindy” Sam turned to Cindy with a sad smile. Cindy smiled at Sam, a little disappointed that the night was coming to an end. "It's okay, Sam. I understand" she replied, although she clearly would've preferred otherwise.
Dean led Y/N and Sam towards the exit of the gym, his body tense with irritation from the situation. Dean buckled Sam and Y/N into the backseat, both teenagers giggly from the effects of the spiked punch.
Dean shook his head at the pair as he got into the driver's seat. They were a mess, their giggles and hiccups only adding to his growing headache. He knew it was going to be a long ride back.
"You two are impossible" he muttered to himself, adjusting the rearview mirror to glance at Y/N and Sam in the backseat. “Shut up and put on some music!” Y/N hollered enthusiastically as Sam cheered.
Dean rolled his eyes again, but he couldn't help the small smile that tugged at his lips. Their carefree attitude was infectious, even in his grumpy state. They were like rowdy teenagers who hadn't grown up.
He turned on the radio, the sound of Bon Jovi's ‘Livin' on a Prayer’ filled the car. “Oh my god I love this song!” Y/N screamed as she and Sam sang along.
Dean groaned inwardly, but he couldn't stay annoyed for long. The two in the backseat were infectious, and their energy was slowly thawing his grumpiness.
"You both are so damn loud" he complained half-heartedly, the corners of his mouth twitching with a barely suppressed smile. “We’ll give it a shot!! Woaahhhh, we’re half way thereeee. WOAHHHHH LIVING IN A PRAYER!!” Sam and Y/N screamed the lyrics at the top of their lungs spitefully.
Dean chuckled against his will, the sound of their out-of-tune singing was oddly endearing. Despite his best efforts to remain composed, he found himself singing along under his breath, the words becoming a little more audible over time.
He shot a glance at Y/N in the rearview mirror, a small smile on his face at their antics. They were loud, obnoxious, and totally incapable of keeping to themselves, but he was strangely fond of them all the same.
Halfway through the song, a stir in Y/N’s stomach began erupting, holding her mouth. “God I think I’m gonna be sick” She groaned. Deans eyes snapped to her in the backseat. “If you barf on my upholstery I will toss your ass out” Dean warned her.
Y/N's face grew pale, a wave of nausea crashing into her. The earlier carefree joy now replaced by a queasy unease. Feeling the contents of her stomach churn, she clutched at her belly, her eyes growing wide.
"Oh crap, I think I need to throw up" she whimpered, her voice weak and raspy. The thought of throwing up in Dean's precious car was enough to add to her growing anxiety.
“Pull over dude!” Sam yelled at his older brother. Dean acted quickly, pulling the car off the road swiftly. As soon as the car was at a complete stop, Y/N threw open the car door and stumbled out, her body hunching over as she vomited beside the road, into the drainage.
Sam grimaced at the sound of her retching, his own nausea kicking in. Dean, on the other hand, got out and began patting her back. Holding her hair up for her as she let the remnants of the vodka out of her stomach.
Sam grimaced before stumbling out behind them, barfing up his own stomach contents next to Y/N. The sight of Sam's projectile vomiting was the icing on the cake for Dean, he couldn't contain his reaction as he doubled over in laughter.
"Oh, you two are unbelievable" he managed to say in-between chuckles. He leaned against the car, shaking his head at the absolute state the two were in. “Can it and hold my hair!” Y/N whined.
Dean bit back his laughter and nodded, moving to stand behind Y/N again. He gingerly gathered her hair in one hand, holding it away from her face as she continued to heave.
Stood between both Sam and Y/N, he rubbed his little brothers back soothingly as he let out more wretched vomits. "I'll hold your hair, but I'm not shutting up" he said, his tone teasing. "This is what you get for gulping down spiked punch like it's water."
After what felt like an eternity, Y/N's stomach seemed to have expelled all the alcohol. She leaned against the car, her face pale and clammy, looking thoroughly wrecked.
Sam wasn’t fairing much better. He was sitting on the ground, leaning against the tire, his head lolling to the side.
Dean was still standing near Y/N, his hand still holding her hair, his other rubbing her back soothingly.
Y/N got up after emptying her stomach, wiping her mouth as she sat next to Sam on the gravelly road, her dress dampening. Dean reached into his glove compartment, pulling out a pack of cigarettes he had in case y/n ever ran out and a spare lighter.
He took one out, sticking it between his lips, lighting it. Inhaling a plume of smoke before handing Y/N the stick which she accepted graciously.
As Y/N took the cigarette from Dean, her fingers brushed against his. The contact sent a jolt through her, reminding her of the night's earlier flirty behaviour. But her current state of nausea quickly squashed any such thoughts.
She took a long, deep drag on the cigarette, hoping the nicotine would settle her churning stomach and quell the pounding in her head. “You’re a lifesaver” She muttered gratefully, leaning her head back onto Sam's shoulder.
Dean smirked, his eyes crinkling at the corners amused. “Don’t get used to it” he joked as he made his way around the car to the trunk, opening it and pulling out a bag he had with toiletries. Finding out the mouthwash after unzipping the little clear baggie.
“I am never drinking again” Y/N groaned, her head dropping on Sam’s shoulder. Dean chuckled at her claim, knowing full well that the both of them would be drinking again come next weekend. "Yeah, that's what you said last time" he teased, walking over to them with the bottle of mouthwash in his hand.
Sam, who was slowly coming to his senses, echoed Y/N's sentiment, his eyes closed in discomfort. "Agreed, I'm never touching alcohol again" Sam groaned, his voice hoarse.
Y/N snatched the bottle of mouthwash from Dean, gathering some into her mouth before handing it to Sam who accepted the bottle, taking a large swig of the liquid and swishing it around his mouth before spitting it out onto the road along with Y/N simultaneously.
The burning sensation of the alcohol made their eyes water.
Dean watched this with amusement, shaking his head. "You both really are a sight for sore eyes," he joked, leaning against the car. "A couple of prom royals, reduced to puking in the drain next to my car."
He couldn't help but find the humor in their situation, even if they were both miserable messes at that moment. Y/N rolled her eyes, outstretching her hand for Dean to help her up.
Dean chuckled at her eye-roll, but he complied none the less. He reached out and grasped her hand, gently pulling her to her feet, taking one last drag from her cigarette before she flicked the burnt out bud to the side, in the drainage.
He then moved to help Sam up, who was still looking a little green around the gills. With both of them on their feet, Dean couldn't help but grimace at how disheveled they both looked.
“We still getting those burgers?” She asked hopefully as they helped Sam up. Dean shook his head at her one-tracked stomach. Despite their current mess, she still had food on the brain. "Yeah, we're still getting the burgers" he confirmed, guiding both Sam and Y/N back to the Impala.
"But you're both washing up in that gas station over there first" he added, pointing towards a small gas station a few feet away. Sam and Y/N looked down at their mess of outfits, then at each other before shrugging.
He had a point. They looked like crap.
The diner was fairly empty given the late hour, which suited them just fine. Dean led Y/N and Sam to a booth at the back, sitting opposite them as they settled in.
The waitress approached their table, a tired smile on her face as she handed out menus. She took their orders, making a few notes before heading towards the kitchen.
Sam and Y/N looked absolutely terrible. Y/N’s hair was sticking up in all directions, the once perfect curls now tousled and knotted. Her lipstick was smudged, eyeliner and mascara stained her cheeks, and her prom dress was stained from the previous events. She looked like a zombie prom queen without the crown.
Sam was in a similar state, his usually neat hair sticking up in messy peaks, and his shirt rumpled from his stint with the ground. His tie was hung around his neck, the bow limp and loose. Remnants of Cindy Wu’s lipstick smeered on his neck and his shirt collar.
They both practically inhaled their food, their appetites returning with a vengeance. It seemed puking up the spiked punch had reignited their hunger.
Dean watched them with a mixture of amusement and disbelief. Even though they looked a mess, they still managed to wolf down their burgers with gusto.
“Jesus Christ, I could make love to this burger” Y/N moaned, dipping some fries into ketchup before biting into it, her eyes fluttering close with pleasure.
Dean almost sputtered on his drink, his eyes widening at her comment. He wasn’t expecting her to say that, and the image her words conjured up sent his mind reeling.
“Jesus, L/N” he muttered, trying to play it off as he busied himself with his own food. Though he couldn’t deny the way his stomach churned at her words, a certain heat pooling in his stomach.
“Damn straight, and this milkshake” Sam agreed, sipping his milkshake. His expression mimicked Y/N’s reaction to her food.
Dean snorted at their enthusiasm, shaking his head at the duo. They were acting as if they hadn’t eaten in days instead of a few hours ago.
“Slow down, you’re going to give yourselves stomach aches” he warned, though there was no conviction in his tone. He couldn’t help but find their gluttony endearing.
“Shut up” Sam and Y/N snapped in unison before going back to their food.
Dean raised his hands in surrender, deciding not to make any further objections. It was clear that when it came to food, there was no stopping them.
He continued to eat his own meal, watching as they ate with relish. Their disheveled state and messy faces made the scene even more amusing.
“So, how was Cindy’s tongue down your throat?” Y/N teased her best friend, nudging his side with her elbow. Sam choked on his milkshake, his cheeks turning red at the mention of his time with Cindy. He swallowed, clearing his throat before shooting an embarrassed glance at Y/N. He had nearly forgotten about that in his food-induced bliss.
“Uh, it was... nice” he mumbled, trying to play it cool. Though the evidence from Cindy's lipstick on his collar said otherwise. Dean and Y/N bursted out laughing.
Dean couldn’t help but laugh, the sight of Sam, trying to act nonchalant, while his collar was smeared with lipstick was just too comical.
Y/N joined in with a fit of giggles, her own food momentarily forgotten. She leaned back in the booth, wiping a tear from her eye as she snorted with laughter.
“Despite the vomiting and the hangover I am dreading in the morning. I had fun tonight fellas” Dean smiled at her words, glad that she could find the silver lining despite the night’s events. “Yeah, me too,” he replied, taking a swig of his soda. “Even though I had to deal with two puking teenagers in my car” he added, shooting a teasing glance at Y/N and Sam.
“And don’t even get me started on the gas station bathroom” he continued, exaggerating his complaints in jest. “I swear it’s like the two of you tried to throw up everywhere but in the goddamn toilet”
This earned Dean a fry tossed at his head by Y/N.
Dean dodged the flying fry, narrowly avoiding it striking him in the forehead. He laughed even louder at the failed attempt, throwing his head back at Y/N's antics.
“Now you’ve done it” he warned in a mock-threatening tone. He reached for a fry from his plate, aiming it at Y/N and flicking it towards her. Y/N quickly swatted it away with her hand, only for it to hit Sam in his head.
Sam grunted in surprise, a piece of the fry landing in his hair. He looked up at Y/N with faux outrage, his eyes narrowing jokingly.
“Seriously?” He asked, plucking the fry from his head. He then lobbed it back at her, a laugh escaping his lips. Y/N laughed loudly as Sam just shrugged and ate the fry.
Dean watched the exchange with amusement, his own food long forgotten. Sam and Y/N were like siblings, constantly teasing and taunting one another without malice. It was refreshing to see them being carefree teenagers for a change.
He couldn’t help but smile at their infectious laughter, the sound bouncing off the diner walls.
Authors Note: Hi again, I hope everyone liked this one. I’ve had this tucked away for too long, I’m just so happy to let it be seen now.
Tell you what you think! Comments, reblogs and opinions are greatly appreciated❤️
Taglist: @hjgdhghoe @rach5ive @tiggytaylor @star-yawnznn @quarterhorse19
@deangirl96 @bitchykittenconnoisseur @globetrotter28 @hobby27 @mrsjjkwinchester
@juwu-theliciosa @magiccliopleurodon @nesnejwritings @karrah89 @whattheduckisupkyle
Thanks again,
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astrolavas · 2 years
Who do you think Hunter will stay with at the end of the show? Or who do you want him to stay with
tbh out of all the possible future caretakers of hunter, my primary hope for who will adopt him rn rly is camila. y'know, loved all the different possibilities too but…. camila ❤️❤️❤️ like, just. like. that's his MOMMMM
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the vision of him living with camila (and luz and vee), going to hexside (cuz obv there's gonna a portal), and having a woodcarving mentorship under the clawthornes' and some mentorship under darius. and then once in a while occassionally staying over at the owl house.... Y'KNOW? so real.
camila's just too perfect of an option, LIKE. he spent months under her care already, he doesn't have even one bad experience with her that could possibly make him doubt and feel bad abt their relationship (no feeling like he needs to prove himself to gain her respect, no complicated past that'd have to be dealt with, no wondering if the care he's shown is genuine, no previous authority issues, no previous hostility etc etc) like camila's been extremely sweet and caring towards him and nothing else since the very start. it makes me sOO... 🤲😔❤️
the very first MOMENT they interact and hunter kneels in front of her out of respect she warmly tells him to never do it again; makes it clear that he doesn't have to be overly formal with her. just offers her kindness, expecting nothing in return. right away.
camila is probably the first adult ever that hunter associates with only warmth and goodness and whom he feels comfortable with from the start, with whom he doesn't have any past grudges or things they'd need to work out, just.. unconditional love. and justttt just just oughhhghh she called him baby. she's been basically treating him like her son already, and she's SUCH a good and supportive mom, to luz, to vee, to hexsquad. she taught him how to sew. she DIVED into FREEZING WATER at an OLD ABANDONED CEMETERY without a second thought in order to save him. JUST!!!!
him wanting to impress her with the spanish. her touching his shoulder and him showing not even an OUNCE of fear, just smiling and knowing she's not going to hurt him. him taking up interest in camila's and manny's old hobby. camila having experience with dealing with grief.. oof. him being happy living in the human realm (wanting to do things in the demon realm as well but having ties to BOTH worlds). even the fact that the entire noceda family is clearly neurodivergent, just like him. even him being an animal enjoyer and camila having a vet clinic, which- he WOULD LOVE to volunteer there in his free time, like?? COME ON.
AND THIS???? okay......
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and we KNOW he WANTS to have a permanent family. it's established at the beginning of the episode when he looks sad as others hang up their family drawings. he wants ppl to care abt him, he wants to have a place to call home, wants to feel safe. he cries (from happiness) when luz calls him family.
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and camila cares abt all of these kids so much. she was willing to take vee and hexsquad in JUST LIKE THAT. we can even assume her and manny wanted more kids, like just OUGHHGH she wouldn't even have to think twice before taking hunter in permanently. and she most likely knows hunter doesn't have anyone. she's not going to let him just….. go away on his own after everything is over, or make him move out or sth 💀 she'll want to help him, she'll want him to be safe and cared for.
like the only other possibilities for who else hunter could stay with after the show were: darius, eda/the clawthornes, or joint custody. but imo after... he lived under camila's roof for MONTHS, found a place that he feels safe in.. nocedas are just the best and healthiest option for him. after he'd spent MONTHS feeling happy with camila, i don't think it'd be good for him to be thrust into a completely new environment, and.. there's simply no time for his connection with other adults to be properly fleshed out, or to establish that he'd prefer anyone over nocedas.
like, i feel like sth has to happen with darius as well cuz their arc is unfinished, esp since it's been hinted they've grown closer since ASiAS, and there's a lot they could talk abt now re: grief + darius' mentor... so they HAVE to reunite at least. however, in my opinion at this point of the show there'd be just no time to conclude it as a parent-child bond in a satisfactory way. especially because there would be a LOT they'd have to work through first, considering their very complicated past.
like, all these years in the coven, their relationship pre-ASiaS, how darius treated hunter all these years... we know their relationship has progressed positively since ASiAS (even though mostly in the background/subtext) but still, i feel like it'd definitely take a while until hunter felt truly comfortable while living at darius'. he'd probably worry that it's conditional, could even easily fall back into his old coven mentality/habits, would try to make darius proud no matter what, etc. etc. it wouldn't be the healthiest for him. although eventually he would get comfortable, and that concept also had sm potential, but like the journey to that wouldn't be quick, and it'd have to be an arc on its own too. and, again, there is no time for that. rly cheering for a reunion and a talk, maybe even a mentorship of sorts, but considering hunter already has a place he feels fully comfortable in and ppl who consider him family right now, i feel like him ending in a completely new place after all that wouldn't be his #1 preferred option.
same with eda/the clawthornes tbh; it had sooo much potential and he is technically related to them AND is going to find that out soon, so some kinda interaction/development HAS to happen, and he did say he wants to learn how to carve palismen, so a mentorship may also happen... but as for actual adoption mm i don't think anything can come close to how safe and happy and Good he's felt for those months while under camila's care. again, in the future things COULD develop in such way, but considering we have two episodes until we get a conclusion... mmyeah
so................ yeah.
i just have so so so many thoughts abt hunter finding a family and getting to be a teenager and feeling loved and feeling like he has his own place in the world and being safe and allowed to explore his interests and to be himself........ hunter nocedaaaaa oughhghhh 🤲❤️
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rusted-fairy-wings · 1 month
Misako Vent?/Analysis?
I'm someone who likes to watch shows slow so I can think and reflect on them. I recently finished ninjago season 2, and can I just say... why did they write Misako like that??
My main gripe with her character is that the show doesn't seem self-aware of how she's been written. Like, she canonically abandoned her son at such a young age he doesn't remember her. Her only excuse was "Oh, I knew you were the Chosen One, so I had to leave you to go research/prevent the final battle." And she is IMMEDIATELY forgiven.
I honestly just don't buy it. First off, I don't understand how she could have possibly known Lloyd was the green ninja when he was at most a toddler when she realized this. Call me overdramatic, but I feel like her just magically knowing takes away from the arc of the green ninja reveal. We see Kai struggling and desperate to prove himself worthy of the title, and after a lot of really great character growth, come to understand it was Lloyd all along... something not even Wu predicted. And I don't like/understand Misako magically knowing for reasons. And if she knew all along, why not tell Wu? Why send him to a boarding school to learn to be evil? How did she figure this out?
Secondly, I dislike how easily she is forgiven for abandoning Lloyd. I can see Lloyd coming to forgive her because he is young, and he is shown to be willing to give people a chance. But at the same time, I really think there should've been more focus on the fact that he abandoned her. The show barely addresses this, and I just don't buy that he wouldn't be genuinely hurt or angry about Misako leaving him. And you're telling me none of the ninja like Kai were at least a little angry on Lloyd's behalf? She left him to be raised to be evil. After he gets kicked out of school, he literally has nobody/nowhere to turn to. I just feel like there should've been more anger, more hurt between Lloyd and Misako. But no, they almost immediately go to mother/son dynamic, no struggling to navigate their relationship, no real hurt coming from Lloyd at being abandoned. The show just treats them like a normal mother/son.
Thirdly, immediately after joining the team, most of Misako's interactions are focused on her weird dynamic with Wu. Like I'm sorry, but why on earth is she focusing on how she should've picked Wu instead of reconnecting with her son? Who she hasn't seen since he was like a toddler/baby? Sure, Misako can regret being with Garmadon because evil or whatever, I can see that. But really... we're gonna do a love triangle instead of have her focusing on her son? She should be repairing her relationship with Lloyd imo. Not thinking about what could've been. Why is he not a higher priority to her?
Tell me how the parent with "evil flowing through his veins" was more present for Lloyd than Misako?
All this to say, I'm not against flawed characters and flawed parents. I think Misako could've been a really powerful character, and seeing her and Lloyd interact could've been genuinely interesting and rewarding. Imagine a world where Misako and Lloyd work on getting to know each other, Lloyd learning to have a mother for the first time, them both healing together. My issue is that the show doesn't seem aware of her flaws. She has no real consequences for her actions. I usually love the mother character, but because of how she was handled... this ain't it for me.
TLDR: Misako has great potential as a flawed mother, but the show completely mishandles her and acts as if she has done nothing wrong. (if anyone has other interpretations, I would genuinely love to hear others' thoughts/perspectives!)
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m-musings · 4 months
Headcanons: The Arcana Characters Love Languages
A/N: probably gonna do this for all the fandoms i write for so expect a lot of the same stuff in the coming times. anywaysss enjoy! :)
Word Count: 761 Warnings/Other Notes: no warnings!
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Asra's love language is Gift Giving/ Receiving.
Anytime they're away from the shop, they always manage to find something that reminds them of you,
Whether it's a trinket of some sort or a food you may like, they're buying it as soon as they see it.
No matter what it is, there is always some thoughtfulness behind the gift that warms your heart.
And if you get them something in return? Asra's admiration of you grows tenfold.
if that gift is small enough, you can bet that they're bring it along with them on all of their travels. They love having something to remember you by when not physically with you.
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Nadia's love language would be Acts of Service.
After running a country essentially by herself, she finds herself most comfortable when doing things for the people she cares about.
If you were to need anything, she would help you get it in anyway she could.
She has her servants run errands for you, she'll help you clean the magic shop, or she'll even cook your favorite meal for you.
Even if you insist that she doesn't have to go to those lengths, she'll sweetly reassure you that she enjoys doing those thing for you.
And she's eternally grateful when in exchange, you offer to take care of some of her own duties when she needs to take a day or two off.
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Julian's love language is definitely Words of Affirmation.
This man is so genuine and charming, even his casual comments can have you swooning into his arms.
If he notices you're feeling down or you've done something you're proud of, Julian is always sure to compliment you to raise your spirits.
Even if you're just lounging around on a comfy chair, he's quick to tell you how much he loves you.
You just mean so much to him, it's hard for him to keep his thoughts to himself when he's near you.
And when he's silently dealing with his past doubts about himself, he really appreciates when you come around and remind him how far he's come since then.
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Muriel's love language is Quality Time!
He's never been the most talkative person or the most touchy-feely, but he enjoys spending a quiet moment with you.
After a long, stressful day, his favorite thing to do is sit in front of the fireplace with you and Inanna to decompress for a bit.
If he has things to do around the forest, Muriel loves when you're right there beside him, even if he doesn't need help with his tasks.
He does have his moments where he will distance himself from you for a bit, but he always comes back to you, happy that you like being around him even on the bad days.
Even if he doesn't always say it, you know Muriel adores you just by how much time he spends around you.
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Portia's love language is also Gift Giving!
She loves to bake and craft, so anytime she can manage it, she's making you something filled with all the love she can put into it.
She is so in tune with all of your interests that she is always able to give you something that she knows that you will enjoy!
On the rare occasion that she buys you something, she'll always find a way to add a personal touch.
When you make or purchase a present for her, you're also sure to get a treat for Pepi.
It makes Portia cry tears of joy every single time, she loves the fact that you thought of her best feline friend in addition to herself.
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And finally, Lucio's love language is Physical Touch!
He is one touch starved son of a bitch, I'll tell you that much. With his mother being the way she was, he craves the loving embrace of another person.
Any chance he can get, he's scooping you into his arms and dropping the both of you onto his bed for a long awaited snuggle session.
Even if you're busy with something else, he will find any way to stick to you, be it with a single kiss on the cheek or full on pulling you into his awaiting lap.
On days where he's not feeling like his usual self, he seeks you out and when he finds you, he's pulling you to a comfortable surface to plop his head onto your thighs.
If you run your fingers through his hair, you'll find him humming contently after a while, relishing in the warm gentleness of your touch.
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fountainpenguin · 1 month
can i be honest im so intrigued by ur idea of a dev/trev/bev friendgroup even though you mentioned it maybe twice during ur liveposting
i know its mostly cuz they have basically the same name but i think its funny... saddest soppy wet-est kid in the school, some guy with hair in the ugliest shade of green and a girl who loves football and owns a talk show have something in common, somehow
I think we should go all the way and have a Trev, Dev, Bev, and Kev friend squad. And we can add the random kid who's listed on the kindness chart by the name Whatevs. Just call them The Evs.
It's so stupid, but I genuinely am shocked they all have rhyming names and they aren't a background squad. It is ridiculously funny to me that the vibe I get from Hazel's class is that the creators came up with a bunch of Ev names as their filler (with Dev specifically introducing Trev, Bev, and Kev to Hazel when she gets to school) and Dev himself fits this rhyming pattern.
Dev: Dad, I'm one of the youngest kids in my grade... did you just copy the names the other parents gave their children? Dale: Dale: Dale: No.
Even Devin rhymes with Kevin
I feel like Dev and Kev cross paths sometimes since Kev is a child model / the brand face for a popular soft drink. It also makes sense they wouldn't since being a child model and the son of a billionaire are two different things.
But of the people in Dev's class, it is astronomically funny to me that Dev looked at Trev and Bev and said "I want these regulars" and he doesn't seem particularly into hanging out with Kev.
Anyway, whatever this trio and/or quartet has going on cracks me up. I like that Dev and Trev both have a crush on Bev (Trev was distraught when they broke up in the finale due to Anti-Fairies magically setting Bev up with someone else).
Utterly fascinated that A New Wish canon is that Anti-Fairies don't have to follow Da Rules. Logically that makes total sense, but it's still interesting because we didn't see them pushing this angle in the OG series... but this somehow makes Timmy and Vicky unwishing each other's stuff - something godkids aren't supposed to be able to do iirc - that much funnier. Me, ever since I saw the episode: Why can Foop just tell Vicky that Timmy is a godkid? If he's her godparent, he's not allowed to do that; godkids have to cross paths on their own. Me now: Ahhh...... I understand...
I actually went back and watched, and Trev and Bev are definitely better friends with each other than either is with Dev. Trev and Bev are near each other in a lot of the background scenes. We don't really see them interacting, but they do seem to know each other and/or enjoy each other's company, so I thought it was funny when they were apparently dating (holding hands with hearts in eyes) in the finale.
Meanwhile, Dev rarely approaches either of them beyond being pulled into Hazel's Broadway show, where he's a back-up dancer, which isn't necessarily his choice (especially considering how happy he is in the song despite being a jerk in the other scenes... lmao).
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- although he did give Bev double pudding when we know he was being super picky about whom he gave it to, which doesn't necessarily mean anything, but I think it's funny.
Oh, I was gonna post a screenshot but I can't because the red lighting on her pudding-slathered body in that scene sets off my hemophobia and that's even BEFORE the zombie stuff, lmao... Just trust me on this- she has a cup in each hand.
And we KNOW the only person she could've gotten the pudding from is Dev, who is confirmed to have hoarded all the pudding cups and was only giving them to people who impressed him. We even see him take one cup away from Jenkins after giving him two, so he was being SUPER picky.
Look at them... They are The Evs...
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I just want them to be friends... They all have fun designs and personality... I think they should play on the playground or go to the movies.
sdkljfsd, Dev is the shortest one in this whole picture. Everyone in this class utterly dwarfs him. Which makes sense, because Hazel started school in this show at age 10 and Dev is 9 until the midpoint in Season 1. He's just a little guy...
Like... Does Trev KNOW Dev has a crush on Bev? I can totally imagine Dev watching them date and being like "Hey... wait a minute."
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^ The face you make when you just find out your secret crush is dating your secret squish.
- I CANNOT get over the fact that Dev has a canon squish. He just wants to be Trev's friend so badly but he's too shy to talk to him... That's hilarious. I wish we would explore that, because that's not something you usually get to see explored in media. - ... I am lying. Winn is everyone's squish in this episode and that's also canon. Everyone likes Winn, AS THEY SHOULD. Winn is so friendly and kind, even (and especially) when people are nervous around them. - Dev stop having squishes on his entire class challenge (Impossible). - "Multiverse of Jenkins" except every time Hazel walks past Dev, he's head-in-hands-ing over a new person he wants to befriend but screwed up talking to.
Honestly, looking back on "Wellsington Hotellsington" makes me kind of sad because... it's obvious Dev is trying to make friends in the only way he really knows. He's being a brat and a braggart, but at least he was engaging in conversation. This is one of the only episodes (if not THE only) where he makes a real effort.
Tell us how it's really going, Mr. Many Times Bitten, Many Times Shy. Ahaha... he needs to improve himself.
I really like how we see Hazel have to work to make new friends at school and she puts effort in, so we see why people befriend her, and meanwhile Dev is just... consistently not interacting with people and then sitting around upset he has no friends. He is 9.
Anyway, I just think The Evs' dynamic would be funny to explore. It's got everything you need! Dev being the worst! Bev leading them into action, but mostly to soccer-football games! Trev being super supportive and friendly and kind! Those two dating while Dev third wheels and stares into the camera! Idk what Kev does!
I think Dev should just stand in the middle of all his squishes and say "oh no." This would be a 'fic that resolves absolutely nothing because he just vibrates slightly as sweatdrops roll down his face and he's scared to open his mouth, but I would find it funny.
They are just so silly (to me)...
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speedforce-zoomies · 8 months
Something I think that’s funny (not in a judgey way) is how a lot of the fandom views Tim’s relationships with the other Batfam members/Gotham heroes
Tim might be the bat fam member/Gotham vigilante with the most positive relationships out of every one but for the angst a lot of people ignore that (again not judging, also love a good angsty fic, just think it’s interesting) and I listed it out below : )
Tim & Alfred - Alfred loves him, that’s one of his boys
Tim & Jim Gordon - as far as I’m aware Gordon has never had anything bad to say about Tim
Lucius Fox - they worked well together to stop Ra’s al Ghul from destroying Wayne enterprises/Industries (whatever its being called now) in Red Robin
Tim & Bruce - that’s his son and most of the time Bruce acts like it
Tim & Selina “He’s a goody two-shoes but I like that kid” (Catwoman #31)
Kate Kane - as of Tim Drake: Robin their relationship hit a rough spot but he was still wanting to do whatever he could to protect her so I think they are/ will be good
(Tim & Luke Fox - genuinely have no idea if they’ve had any significant interactions so I’m gonna assume they’re good but not sure if it counts so I’ll leave that up to individual opinion)
Tim & Barbara - Barbara has said he’s the only batboy with manners lol and she has fallen for his baby brother charms
Tim & Dick - has literally stated in canon that he would do anything for Tim, he’s Dick’s litte brother, Dick is absolutely Tim’s favorite brother
Tim & Jean Paul Valley - JPV hurt him but due to his reaction to hearing Tim got the clench and trying to save him he obviously still cares and they’ve worked together since so I think they’re on good terms
Tim & Helena - she was so genuinely heartbroken when she thought he was killed by killer croc, has also fallen for his little brother charms
Tim & Cassandra - siblings who have each others back no matter what
Tim & Jason - despite their rocky start, as of Knight Terrors: Robin they’ve been shown to have a civil if not a positive relationship
Tim & Stephanie - besties despite being exes
Tim & Harper Row - what I’ve seen of them has been a fun relationship “I should go. Probably some kind of mischief going on.” “Mischief huh?” (Batman Eternal #52 I think)
Tim & Duke Thomas - they alway come through for each other and haven’t had any beef as far as I’m aware
Tim & Darcy Thomas - good relationship
Tim & Damian - as of Tim Drake: Robin, Tim is calling Damian his little brother. They may have hated each other in the beginning but they don’t now
(Am I missing anyone??)
Out of the other characters that are generally considered to have good/positive relationships with everyone else -
From my understanding, Alfred, Gordon, & Barbara have had mostly positive relationships with the others (sometimes they’ve had bumps in the road but usually the relationship recovered from that) but I don’t recall if they have had a relationship with ALL of the above characters
Cass and Jason did have beef due to extremely different ideologies and I’m not aware of that being resolved
Duke Thomas has not been shown to have interactions with all of those listed above
Dick has some on again off again beefs with some of the others
+ other beefs I’m aware of
Jason & Damian last I recall were still getting into tumbles whenever they made the other angry, which is a lot
Bruce has multiple beefs going on at all times it seems : (
I feel like I’m forgetting some unresolved beef involving JPV but maybe I’m wrong
Anyways my point is, unless I’m majorly wrong about any of the above, or forgetting several people, Tim is most likely the canonical Batfam member with the most positive relationships amongst Gotham vigilantes (if I went past that that list would never end lol) even if a lot of his relationships with the others started out rough or had a rough patch at some point
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alannybunnue · 1 year
For daemon and baratheon reader. After a while of playing good husband and father. Daemon starts to notice things his wife has done. Like make sure their children were educated on their heritage and claimed dragons, she's even taken up many of his duties on dragonstone, all things deamon neglected. She has dragon stone running more efficiently than he ever could. He notices how genuinely competent she is, that she doesn't, and has never really needed him. He begrudgingly respects her for her capabilities(though he is upset that she's shown to be more capable at certain things than him)
The servants and guards respect her (but unlike the respect they give him, its not out of fear, but genuine appreciation.), and seem to listen more to her then him, they only seem to show him the bare minimum of what is to be expected for a prince. Which while is still great, is still less then what they give her. Their children respect her, whilst for him they only insult and glare (he has to admit they're rather sharp and actually remind him of himself at that age).
The more he learns of her and what she's done without him, the more he realizes he never really knew anything about her, he just kinda of assumed she was like any other noble lady or his late wife (he's most definitely kinda sexist). He never bothered to know her and see if she was any different then his preconceptions and assumptions.
Whilst it most definitely wounds his ego, a part of him starts actually admiringly certain aspects of her. He never really thought much about her, had she always been this cunning and sharp. He even starts admiring her appearance more. He'd never thought of her as anything other than plain, but when she commands respect, he has to admit she's rather attractive. But somehow, whilst still being able to command respect, she's still a good and loving mother to the children he forced on her on a whim. She's far more interesting than he anticipated.
I'm trying to figure out how he should develop yandere feelings towards her. Perhaps an assassination attempt, or maybe witnessing a genuine moment of softness between her and her children. Or both. Maybe since viserys is considering daemon for an heir. An assassin his sent for his eldest son, baelon, but the reader holds the assassin off but is injured whilst doing so. Daemon is the first one to arrive after discovering the planned assassination, he arrives to see the dead assassin and the reader injured but still comforting baelon (he may be pretty mature for his age but he's still a child and seeing his mother injured would be scary). This may be the tipping point daemon need to realize that's he's actually begun to love his wife and children (the children remind him so much of himself, they all have aspects of himself at those ages). He was genuinely concerned for them when he discovered the assassination plan, and seeing this was the final push he needed.
Now his attempts at playing good husband and father aren't for show. Especially as the reader is healing from the attack (now she needs him, at least in his mind anyway). Her and her children are at his mercy. He finally really wants to be a father and husband, and nothing is going gonna stop him or take away the family he suddenly wants. Only the seven know what Daemons real ideas of what a good husband and father are, now her and her children are gonna be subjected to it and his twisted idea of love.
Oh no
Ok, that right there is the REASON why this story is going to become angst, and i warn you all.
It's gonna get depressing
So, since you already described what happened, i will focus on the feelings of the characters throughout these events and how this can go down.
So in the last post i said that the kids went with Baelon to watch him flying on Viserion (Aka the Cannibal) and Daemon was behind watching from afar.
After that, the days passed and the kids had two different ways of acting around their father, which varies from passing by and ignoring him or looking at him a blank expression while giving him short and simple answers whenever he told or asked them something (Aerion tried to stab him on the leg from behind-), except, due to obvious reasons, for Daena, since she is 2 and has no memories of her father's absence or abuse towards her mother.
So the ones who mostly answered to Daemon among the kids were Baelon amd Aegon.
The only adult who actually spoke with him (Even though it was very limited answers) was Lady Baratheon and she always made sure to remind him of her opinions. Other than that, he stood by as an spectator around Dragonstone, watching everyone.
Now i would like to point out some things he noticed other than Lady Baratheon being a girlboss. He also noticed the...kids, mostly, the kids' father figure.
Listen, i know i have indulged that Baelon sees Viserys more as his father than Daemon, like he literally renamed the Cannibal after the man, but that is not the same deal for his siblings.
To the others, Sir Edrik (the knight that i created for this story) is their father figure.
Sir Edrik was one of Lady Baratheon's guards that came to Dragonstone with her after her wedding with Daemon, and stood by her side throughout all these years. In which he made it his mission to take care of her children as well. So he is always around them, he trains Baelon and Aegon, he stayed close to Aerea when she was beginning to tame her dragon (Grey Ghost), he always stayed by Elaena's door whenever she felt anxious of going to her room alone, he made sure Aerion doesn't cause any trouble and there were many times he carried Daena around whenever her mother couldn't.
And Daemon didn't like that.
So he ordered Sir Edrik to guard the gates of Dragonstone, where he would be far from the kids.
In which resulted in the night of the attack :)
Mind you, Baelon is a strong minded child, but he is still a child, and seeing his mother bleeding after defending him caused the poor boy to panic and yell for the maester.
To Baelon's suprise, his father appeared and he also stayed by the boy's side while the Maesters tended to his mother.
Just for them to announce that the wound was in the area of her womb, so she could no longer bear children.
Baelon felt his guts twitching, his only thoughts were surrounding the possibility, his father would no longer see a value on his mother.
But that didn't happen, instead, Daemon began staying more around them and her. And that made his kids question reality.
Not having their mother and Sir Edrik around, the kids were completely depending on Daemon, which caused some stress for Baelon, as he tried to care for his siblings without his father's help.
Lady Baratheon was also stressed over the sudden change, having Daemon around her was too uncomfortable for her, she felt as if he was trying to insert his dominance over her or something. And in her state, she still needed help to do things, especially taking care of little Rhaenys.
So yeah, having him around made everyone anxious.
And that is only the beginning 🙃
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brujahinaskirt · 5 months
30 kcd2 trailer reveal little things / reactions:
Loving the increased Istvan / Henry parallelism
Loving the return of the red PTSD nightmares and so pleased WH isn't watering the game down, keeping up the trauma narrative realism, etc. I expected no less but still delighted by it. I love games that allow characters (esp male characters) to feel things, genuinely, and writing that treats the emotional invitation of its own storytelling with respect.
Good lord, the symbolism returns--as it must in a proper medieval game--but I shan't look too deep yet.
SKALITZ FLASHBACKS. HENRY'S PARENTS' WEDDING PREQUEL CONTENT? W H A T. I never thought we would get to go back; I am so thrilled to learn more about that time. I would have gladly gobbled up a Martin prequel. TELL ME HER FUCKING NAME, WARHORSE, YOU BASTARDS.
where is radzig
Mystery possible new love interest option? Or did Lady Stephanie visit the face sculptor?
And Theresa... where?
Mother of god, the forests and animals look incredible. I'm going insane. Let me pet things please.
How many times can Hans eat royal shit and live in one livestream? Let's find out. One, two, three...
The crime and punishment mechanics are definitely more complex at a glance. This is a good thing but I wonder how much was cutscene flavor and how much will really have an affect on the gameplay/reputation/etc.
I'm extremely afraid for Hans's survival. Not because of his constant trailer beefing (and he really took every opportunity to wipe out) but because of that shot with him doing the big dramatic eagle wing spread on horseback. You can't just do that and not expect to be punished by the narrative, bro.
is that pebbles? MUTT IS BACK please be pebbles
Henry's new hair is awful and I will be changing it two seconds in.
In general, Henry looks way more mature/stressed. Hard to say if there was a timeskip and Henry is now actually more mature or if the increased graphics allow him to look more like his voice actor, who is older than Henry. Either way I will be content. Will not catch me changing my son's precious face!!!
Istvan is pure fire, holy shit, cannot wait for this performance. Erik looks like a soggy newspaper. What happened king?
radzig? hello? anyone hear from this guy? typical for him to ghost
Theresa's gonna be in it though, right? They wouldn't do us like that right?
Really excited to see them taking a page from RDR2 and incorporating a temperament-based reply system for non-dialogue initiating NPCs. I really look forward to all the added sandbox immersion enhancements from the first game, and I hope women are incorporated in a broader work spectrum for better historical accuracy.
Is Hans going to teach Henry how to swim for real, as in a gameplay-altering swim mechanic, or is the topless on the riverbank scene just throwing a meaty bone to the hansry shippers (i am gnawing, i am growling when you try to take it away before i choke myself with it)
I love hearing devs and actors talk intelligently about the writing and character development arcs. Obviously they thought about it deeply in KCD1, but it's nice to see devs of an "action" game treating its narrative seriously, as artwork. Regardless of how the fandom idiots interact with it.
Hans singing a facetious little ballad for Henry (presuming it makes it into the game and isn't just trailer fodder) regenerated my cells. He DID promise in KCD1 (if you lose the tourney after agreeing to be his champion) that one day people would sing ballads in Henry's honor. Probably he did not intend for them to include the word "fuck" at the time.
This is going to be the grown up bromance we deserved in kcd1. Honestly it's so validating to see the second game recentering on that relationship and deliberately using it as the primary storytelling vehicle. KCD1 was pretty imbalanced in favor of Hans content, but it would have been better served by the game storyline fully leaning into the importance of that relationship, rather than trying to juggle it as a side-arc with several other arcs (and thereby creating an imbalance). KCD2 looks like it's built around the backbone of Henry and Hans's friendship and how it has profoundly changed them both/propelled their arcs in somewhat different directions.
On that point, Henry seems to have completely adopted Rattay colors now, but it's possible that's due to him operating as Hans's page (squire?) where we left them in KCD1. WHERE IS RADZIG
Calling Henry an orphan is a LITTLE generous given he was a whole ass adult man when his parents were killed, don't you think.
Calling Henry a lover is VERY VERY GENEROUS
I'm hyped.
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witchinatree · 5 months
magnus protocol episode 13 recap
sam and celia already flirting is crazy i love them honestly
"alice is right, it is easy to make you blush" CELIA YOU ARE HURTING HER SO BAD
SHE HAS A BABY NAMED JACK. LIKE JACK BARBANABAS LIKE AGNES MONTAGUE. anyway all things aside her priority when she woke up in the middle of the road being her son is so sweet
alice's parents are dead? the lore is so fucking crazy
aand celia's asking about the cases honey no please don't convince him they're real please don't
shedding tears like genuinely crying over gwen bouchard
oh interesting, from the episode description i thought this was gonna be connected to the really funny guy from episode 9 but this is some gambling app thing
interesting that both gambling episodes involve physical pain for gain (dice with neg/pos results and this guy who hurts himself for money)
"i might die, so mom and dad i hope you die and friends i slept with your partners. wish i could've confessed to robbing orphanages" oh.
i don't like this guy btw, he reminds me of a mag statement giver but i can't remember who
oh that hurts. oh that hurts. "keep things a bit more professional now" oh that hurts. oh that hurts.
THE STATIC ON "i'm happy you're happy" AGHHHH ALICE
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johnslittlespoon · 5 months
ok okokk i may be pushing it but i just cant stop picturing barry circa 2012 with leaving!bucky. i just feel like theyd have the cutest dynamic ever. he gives art student vibes like maybe hes studying film or literature. theyre childhood bestfriends and maybe they were eachother's homoerotic-codependent-friendship canon event. UGHH theyd be so cute stfuu. and maybe bucky and gale are already established and curt is just yearning for a whileee like over a year of slow burn until the three of them are a throuple... idk i just miss curtbuckbucky. you dont have to change your canon for the long fic i just needed to share this idea lmfao
au post | NO ur not pushing it this is such fun world building teehee <33 genuinely this is gonna help me later for drafting! (FUCK MY LIFE HOW IS THIS 2K WORDS. i thought i only had a few thoughts... i was so wrong. my bad chief. enjoy/suffer ig)
ok so this is so funny because i've actually been thinking ab how sweet those two would be together, cute little nerdy besties, and how they'd meet because of course curt has to be in this fic!!
and the first thing my mind went to was the cliche homoerotic codependent friendship trope too LMAO. i'm feeling like maybe they meet on the first day of highschool; neither of them share their english class with any friends, and they end up sat next to each other, and john keeps side–eyeing him because curt looks... interesting. (ie: deep into his emo phase. the fringe. the smudged eyeshadow. chipped black nail polish, band shirts– all things john does not let him live down as they grow up.)
but his eyes settle on some pin on curt's jacket that has some character from his favourite movie or something, and the yap jumps out, john can't control it. blurts out a "you like ___ too?!" and curt's head snaps over and he nods nervously and john takes one look at those big sad charcoal–ringed blue puppy eyes and is like yup. this is the one. will protect with my life.
(tiny headcanon that rly won't have a big effect on plot or anything, but i feel like it just fits very well with john/his character in leaving– dude's got madddd undiagnosed adhd. he's written off as a loud mouth/troublemaker in his childhood, but he wants to be a good kid, his mind is just always going too fast and sitting still is torture and his parents get frustrated and don't look into the root of the problem, trying to discipline it out of him instead. i will heal my inner child by healing him alright)
they're attached at the hip from that moment on and it makes sense to no one because they seem like complete opposites, curt more inclined towards the arts and bookish things and his friends are all the same, whereas john is more inclined towards athletics and science and hangs around that type of crowd as well. but they both love video games and movies and music and they bond over never really feeling like they fit in anywhere particular and both groups of friends get along just fine when they all get together. <3
but yk time goes on, they learn things about themselves as they grow up, and curt and john are so close and spend so much time together that they're already a lot closer than regular friends– they just don't realize it. they think nothing of cuddling up on the couch watching movies together, or sharing a bed when john stays over at curt's place after he gets into a fight with his parents, or being much more interested in spending time together than pursuing girls.
and curt's pretty– john nearly mistakes him for a girl that first day they meet. the summer before their senior year, john practically spends the whole summer at curt's house, and curt's mom doesn't mind; she works long hours and is glad her son isn't spending the summer moping around indoors alone, and she loves john and gets the feeling that her home is a sanctuary for him. one day they're in the backyard lazing around, and they get onto the topic of first kisses, and neither of them have had a proper relationship outside of those classic week–long middleschool flings that don't actually mean anything, so there's not much to talk about.
but being dumb teenage boys, they start worrying about "what if we're really bad at kissing and no girls wanna go with us to senior prom this year" etc. and one of them pops the suggestion of practicing together, and thus begins a summer of sweet stolen kisses and hand holding and experimenting and dancing around calling it something. it ends when the summer does because they realize that they both work better as friends, but they're as close as ever and both definitely learn they aren't straight (and they probably make a cute pact– "if we aren't in love by the time we're thirty, we'll just marry each other.")
i don't see them really doing much together because they're young and shy and inexperienced, but it's enough for john to decide that yeah, he definitely likes guys too, but that's all that really amounts to (until he meets gale) because he's growing up in a small town in wisconsin and it's not the easiest/most accepting place to find other queers. john probably ends up dating a real sweet girl during his last year of highschool, but she's going away for college and john's going to a local one so it ends amicably at the end of summer, both of them staying close friends. (if we wanna get sickeningly wholesome, maybe she ends up pining for a girl while john's pining for gale and they share their little stories and give each other advice and facetime every week to catch up <3)
(++ curt ends up falling head over heels for ken, who he meets through john when curt and john's friend groups get together for movie nights or summer parties. john pretends to be annoyed at how lovesick they are when they first start crushing, but he ends up matchmaking and being the one to push them to confess their feelings after graduation because he loves his friends.)
BUT THEN, leaving this fic's 'canon' to elaborate on the throuple stuff you said! i miss curtbuckbucky too </3
in a separate universe, curt doesn't end up with ken, and as much as he loves his friendship with john and agrees that a relationship wouldn't have worked at that time in their lives, he spends that first year of college pining. when john starts talking about some guy named gale during their second year, he's a little sad, but mostly protective, because "what do you MEAN he's in his 30s??" and "he's a BIKER?"
but john eventually introduces him to gale after a few months of telling curt about him, probably once he and gale actually start seeing each other, and curt immediately gets it. and then he's in double–hell because not only is he a bit (a lot) in love with his best friend, but he's blushing every time said best friend's new bf talks to him, and they're gonna notice eventually if they haven't already and he feels so guilty.
more yearning ensues and john is dense and doesn't realize but gale picks up on it, maybe even notices john doing a bit of pining of his own that john's not fully aware of. and his heart twists because his mind goes to his own insecurities about how john should be seeing someone his own age, so he sits john down and opens up a conversation about it. john is adamant that he's very, very happy with gale, but he tells gale about his and curt's past and admits that he has always still had feelings for him, but insists that it's not something he'd ever pursue, that he values curt's friendship more.
gale throws him off by saying he wouldn't mind if john wanted to explore those feelings, and at first john gets anxious gale is calling things off with the two of them and this is his way of softening the blow, but gale reassures him that's not the case, that he's very happy with their relationship. he just encourages that if he wants to talk to curt and feel things out, he wouldn't be opposed to john and curt seeing each other as well– gale's often busy, after all, so it would be nice for john to have someone else, as long as curt's comfortable with that kind of arrangement and as long as john keeps gale in the loop.
they decide to kinda just feel it out as they go, but soon enough gale starts coming home from work every so often to find the two of them curled up on his couch together, sweet and innocent. curt's wary at first, always slightly detaching himself from john when gale's around, but gale is always friendly and doesn't change up his routine, settling on the couch at john's other side like it's not a big deal at all, wanting to show curt he's welcome there, not wanting john to feel guilty.
it's another scenario where lines just sorta start to blur over time, curt spending a lot of time over at gale's house, and gale sees the way curt looks at him, probably noticed it from the first time they met but chalked it up to nerves at the time. curt's an angel and he's grown quite fond of him, but he doesn't want to overstep, so he leaves it up to curt, thinking maybe the boy will mention it to john one day and john will in turn come to gale to talk about it.
and eventually that happens, just like gale thought it might. curt's just gone home and john's head is in his lap on the couch while they watch tv, and john asks "what do you think about curt?" and gale tells him that he's sweet and he loves how much john smiles when he's around him, the usual. "so you like him?" john pushes, and gale immediately has a feeling where this conversation is going, drags his eyes away from the tv to look down at john.
says "of course" easily, and lets john take his time forming his thoughts. john ends up telling him that he and curt were fooling around earlier while gale was at work (and god help gale for the images that puts in his head) and that he'd made some offhand comment about how curt better hurry up if he doesn't want gale to come home and catch him half naked on their couch. and john's all shy when he says "and curt, uh. y'know. that... did it for him" with a vague gesture LOL. gale never fails to find it amusing how certain things can fluster john to talk about after all they've done together.
"so, anyway. i asked him about it after, if it was a coincidence, and he was real shy about it, but he did admit after a whole lot of apologizing that he likes you." gale listens to him nervously get his words out, petting his hair encouragingly, waits for him to be done before he asks "how do you feel about that?" only to watch the flush return when john mumbles "it's hot."
this is getting sooo long i need to take away my own typing privileges, but basically that's how things would start between the three of them– john and gale agree that gale will let himself be a bit flirty with curt and see how curt takes it. obviously this goes a little too well when curt gets hot and bothered sat between john and gale during a movie night with john's hand on his knee and gale's arm resting on the couch behind him while he plays with curt's hair.
the movie is forgotten when gale's finger catches on a tangled curl and curt doesn't bite back the little whine that slips out in time and john's head snaps over and he mumbles a "fuck" when he realizes what's happened, and his lack of filter comes out to play when he turns to curt and asks "curt, can gale kiss you?" and curt turns to gale with big doll eyes and nods.
john ends up palming himself over his shorts as he watches gale coax curt into his lap, face hot and pupils blown as he gets to see both his guys make out in front of him, almost dizzy seeing curt get so shy and needy and pliant because when it's just the two of them, he and curt are both very balanced in their dynamic. they've been such close friends for so long that not much gets the other truly shy like that, and they're always quick to voice their wants and crack jokes while fooling around and all. so to see curt get so flustered in that way with gale has him lightheaded, and by the time they all collapse into gale's bed at the end of the night, john's convinced this is the best decision he's ever made.
there's a lot of pining on curt's end because for a while it's kinda just sex when it's the three of them, and he loves it but he also finds himself wanting more but feeling too scared to voice it because he feels like he's intruding. but eventually they all get their shit sorted out; curt fits into their relationship just right in a way gale and john never intended or expected, and gale falls for curt just as much as john has and curt does the same with gale.
gale's got two sweet things glued to his side now and man, do they ever give him a run for his money, and if he'd thought john had too much energy (and stamina) it's nothing compared to keeping up with both of them, but he wouldn't have it any other way. <3
throuple things won't be happening in the actual fic, but i do love the idea of exploring the dynamic the three of them might have in a spin–off of that au so this was rly fun thx :-) maybe i'll write a pwp oneshot set in that universe as an excuse to write more curtbuckbucky once the fic is done LOL we'll see!
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gege-wondering-around · 6 months
Why Derek has the best 'Alpha arc'
Basing this on the show and the movie too Derek had been all the 'types' of werewolves, going through at least once all the eyes colors.
Yellow: is the base color werewolves get when they are first turned or when they are born
Blue: after he 'accidentally' kills Paige in his teenage years after trying to turn her into a werewolf
Red: after he kills Peter and steal the power from him to avenge Laura who had been killed by Peter to get the Alpha status
Blue: he loses the alpha status after he heals his sister Cora form a mistletoe poisoning (he takes so much of her pain that not even the Alpha strenght can keep up and 'dissapears' in order to save Derek's own life since if they take too much pain from others they could die)
Yellow: when kate de-aged him and he was left with his eyes from before he met Paige, but he slowly regain his blue
Evolved omega: altho his eyes don't change colors he can now fully tunr into a wolf
Red: during the movie in the last scene, when Parrish burn him and the nogitsune he turns into a True Alpha
Derek went from your typical bad guy that wants revenge, power and blood to your tough gentle guy who is very wise and considerate of others.
He started off as probably one of the worst Alpha on the show and became one even for the wrong or worst reasons:
He went around biting teens to build himself a pack to help him fight the Alpha pack and two of the three he bite ended up death (yet he still care for them all but his way of teaching them their 'new nature' wasn't the best and despite it was the only way he knew he could've done something more, but since they are his betas he inevitably cares about them and from a simple pack bond it becomes something more personal, cause in the end he cared for them for who they were and loved them for just being themselves)
He killed his uncle to gain the Alpha status for getting revenge and to fulfill his greed for power (that he thought maybe could help him heal or feel fine again but it never happened)
He put others in danger to achive what he wanted (like when he got Scott and Stiles to help him kill/hunt Peter)
But from being this big crappy man he lost his powers - that he literally made a bloody bath to get - to save his sister, to save the little family he had left.
He started to understand more the people he had around and who they were, he started to care for them genuinely. He was worried sick for Stiles bein possessed, cared for his betas (whoever was left) and had more interest in ensuring his friends' safety. His FRIENDS!
He started to see people - Scott, Stiles and the others - as his friends and not someone that would eventually betray or use him and that somehow cared for him too - even if most of the time he was thrown around like a fighting doll.
And then he remained an omega and evolved into a wolf, an actual wolf and saved the day - generally speaking.
He went from 'I'm gonna kill you' to 'I care for you' which is a lot for a character like Derek. Someone who went through years of pain and sorrow, having almost no one at all to rely onto and left to deal with whatever Kate did to him and with the guilt of getting his family killed - which isn't is fault!
And then we got the movie:
He has a son, Eli, whom he loves and cares for throughout the entire movie and I'm sure he was a great dad, maybe a little strict and traditional-minded on a few things, but definitely a good and caring father
He almost get killed and when he's fine and the wound on his neck is sealed, he 'dies' protecting his son - or better to say, stepping in the way of a sword
He helps the Sheriff with cases when at the beginning he was one of the few who wanted Derek in a prison - whether supernatural or a simple prison cell
Ans then, at the end, he sacrifice himself to save everyone and gets burned alive which turns him into a TRUE ALPHA!
This whole build up of events, of development and changes, going from bad to good, from a reckless and greedy man to someone one would look up to, a wise man who had seen enough and doesn't want others to live what he lived.
And like the Sheriff said
I have never seen anyone take the kind of punishment that Derek Hale took… And kept taking… In order to protect the people he loved.
He died burning alive, he died like his family did. Burned alive.
And this is worthy of a True Alpha. He sacrificed himself for everyone's sake and after his whole life was hell he wnet through with yet again another round of pain and tears. He had to leave his son alone to save him!
And he could've just let Scott get burned and stayed with his son but Derek was so selfless that he decided to take the burden upon himself once more.
Derek is the best Alpha in teen wolf - show and movie - and he's actually worth of being called a true alpha cause he earned it over and over and over again, he learned and become better, he healed and become a better person and leader. He earned his title as True Alpha.
Derek deserved, earned and is worthy of the True Alpha status and it costed him his life and his time with his son, and for what?
The people he saw as his family and he chose them above himself.
He did it for the people he loved.
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yagirlwrites · 2 years
(Not) My Baby (2)
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Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Reader
Synopsis: Y/N demands answers about his strange request. Rafe struggles to explain his reasons without revealing too much.
Warnings: none so far
A/N: Part 2 babies!! A College!AU Rafe Cameron. Enemies to lovers trope. A wedding date needed and a desperate Rafe willing to do whatever it takes to get his way. A fake dating trope. What more can we want, right? If you'd like to see more of these two nemesis let me know! I'd love to know what you thought of this part :)
Series Masterlist
My work is my own; it's not to be copied, transferred or translated (but reblogs are welcome).
Happy reading! 🥰
(Not) My Baby (Part 2)
"You're serious?!" Her volume caught the attention of a few patrons and they both quickly ducked down. "Are you seriously asking me to be your date?" This time a semi whisper as to not invite any more curious glances. As if it was a shameful subject they were engaging in. Illegal, almost. And frankly it felt like it was.
"Yes. I'm serious." His face was still red, voice low and raspy. She had to refrain from cringing at how awkward he looked, how uncomfortable this whole situation was.
"No offence, but it seems to me like maybe I should call 911. Right? I mean the only explanation that makes any sense is that you're having a psychotic break." She wasn't sure how much of what she said was a joke and how much was genuine. She felt worried.
His face got even redder. He looked like a tomato. It would have been quite funny if it wasn't so concerning.
"I'm not-" He had take a deep breath to calm himself down. "I am not having a psychotic break. Can you please cool it with the theatrics?"
"What else am I supposed to think, Rafe? You literally told me you hated me this morning and now you're asking me to go to a wedding with you? Can you see how insane that sounds?" His brows were furrowed and he felt himself growing more and more impatient with her.
"Look, I'm just gonna go. It's fine. We don't have to ever talk again-" she was moving to stand when his hand met hers and she froze in her seat.
"I need you to calm down and listen to me." She looked unsure of weather she should stay or bolt. "Please..." She sank back into her seat at that. She'd never heard him sound that desperate before.
"Let me explain?" He was nodding his head encouragingly, like he was talking to a small scared child. It didn't feel that off in that moment. She had no clue what to do or how to act - well and truly lost.
She just sat there, frigid, waiting for him to speak. He was still half way embarassed and exasperated. His nerves were making a reapearrance and he was playing with his hands on the table again.
"Look." A deep breath. A sigh. "My dad... he uh - he has certain expectations of me. And I know that he wants me to have a date to this wedding because he always thinks he knows what's best. And what's best is what looks good to everyone else. You know?"
"I know he's gonna set me up with some girl I have no interest in and I'd have to spend the whole thing entertaining her and playing the part of the perfect son. It always happens at these events." Another deep breath and exhale.
"And this is the one time that I actually wanna just be there. Like it's the only wedding I ever felt kind of excited about. If that makes sense. You know, Lexis - the bride, she's so happy. She managed to actually find someone she wants to spend her life with. That's rare in my experience. And I wanna be there for her and be happy for her and celebrate. But I can't do any of that if I'm stuck with some annoying chick I don't care about. You know what I mean?"
She had to refrain from commenting on the 'chick' part but managed to give a small nod.
"I know you're thinking I can do all that if I just don't get a date but that's not how it works. I'm... expected to have someone on my arm. To look like I'm mature and understand my responsibilities." She was very confused with how any of those things were linked in his mind, but chose to stay silent in hopes he finished the story sooner.
"And I am! I am taking them seriously. So I can't show up looking like I'm still the same Rafe everyone always thought was going nowhere." A deep frown made its way onto her brow as he spoke.
"I need to look responsible! Right?" He didn't wait for an answer. "And well, you're exactly the kind of person that would make that happen!"
"How?" She finally broke her silence. He looked like he was blushing, almost as if he'd forgotten she was there in front of him.
"You're at the top of your classes. You're going places. Everyone knows it. You're gonna be someone some day. And I need that. I need someone hard working and interesting and capable. Someone who knows how to work these crowds of people and I know you can - I've seen you do it." He was looking at her with big eyes, noddding his head as if trying to convice her of his words.
"Rafe... I can think of at least a dozen girls on campus who'd look better at your side. With far better pedigrees and most importantly - who'd want to go with you!" He was chewing on his cheek and she thought he might break skin soon. But she was completely certain of her words and he knew she'd come to that conclusion too.
"My dad always mentions you, you know that?" She shook her head, absolutely taken by surprise at his words.
"Yeah, yeah. Every formal college function he makes an appearance at. He always talks about you. How smart and responsible you are. How you have a vision for your future and you're working to get it. How much he respects people like that. How much he wishes I was one..." The last part was almost a whisper but she heard it. She heard it and it broke her heart a little.
She had had no idea Ward Cameron even knew of her existence, let alone praised her to his son. Although she suspected with the way Rafe was acting, that it was more to shame him than it was to admire her. It made a sliver of anger course through her body. She hated people like that.
Nothing Rafe had said was untrue. She was all of those things. But she never thought he noticed them, or cared. It seemed she was wrong. About many things, she was realizing.
But the fact remained that they couldn't stand each other, so him expecting her to say yes to being his date to a wedding was absurd.
"So let me see if I got this right. You think, because your dad seems to have some kind of respect for me that having me on your arm would... make him respect you too?" The words weren't meant to cut, she wasn't saying anything except the truth, but the ache in his chest was still there all the same.
"Rafe, you don't even like me! We can't be around one another other without getting on each others nerves. Why would I want to go to this?" His moment of silence gave her an opportunity to keep going.
"You said yourself you wanted to enjoy it. So why would you ask me - a person you literally hate - to be your date?"
He knew she was right. It didn't make sense. But he was in a big predicament and he needed her to agree. It was vital. So instead of answering her valid questions, he opted for a diversion. A way to smooth things over. Give her something appealing to consider.
"Because this is an opportunuty for you." His smirk was back and she hated it.
"Is that so?" Her tone was exasperated and she was seriously considering just leaving. What was she wasting her time on?
"I said everyone who's anyone is gonna be there and I meant it. All the major players are going to be at this wedding. Think about it. You're getting into Harvard, everyone knows it. You wanna be a supreme judge?"
The fact that he knew that shook her. Before she could question him though, he continued.
"You need connections. Big ones. You need to know the right people to make it and you know it. So if you wanna make a difference in the world - this wedding? Your golden ticket to those connections."
Now she was thinking. He could practically see the gears turning in her head. She was torn. That was exactly what he was counting on.
She did in fact know he was right but the idea of him flaunting her off to a bunch of rich people made her skin crawl. She wasn't stupid, not by a long shot. She knew damn well that her aspirations were high and that the road there would be treacherous at the best of times. But it was her dream. And she needed to reconcile her goals and the fact that the mere idea of schmoozing a bunch of entitled assholes who spend more money in a day than she would in a year made her feel physically sick. But this was in fact how the world worked. And if she wanted a shot at ever getting to where she needed to be, she had to deal with it.
She hated to admit that this was a good opportunity. She wasn't like the other people who usually get to those places - wasn't born with a silver spoon or a trust fund. She had to work for everything she had. And she worked harder than anyone around her. And she knew she'd work five times harder than most people who are usually at Harvard, who already have a set system of connections without even trying. She did need to meet people like he was describing.
She also knew that his offer wasn't made out of the goodness of his heart. And no matter how much he tried to sweet talk and butter her up, she wasn't going to lose sight of that. She still wasn't satisfied with his reasons for approaching her with this offer and she wasn't letting him get out of telling her the truth.
"Katherine." She finally broke her silence, confusing him.
"Katherine Newberry. She's top of her classes, heading places, gonna be somebody someday." She was repeating his words back to him.
"She's the golden girl on campus. Everyone adores her. You know her! So why not ask her? She'd be the perfect date."
Her words seemed to be making him red again. He knew it was all true. She wasn't letting his offer distract her from the real question.
"Why me?"
This was it. All the excuses and reasons he had come up with to try and justify himself were gone. She put him right on the spot and he didn't see a way out. The only thing he could do, the thing he was trying so desperately to avoid, was tell her the truth.
"Because it has to be you!" He was flustered and embarrassed and wanted nothing more than for the earth to open up so he doesn't have to say more.
"Why!?" She was not letting up.
"Because they think we're together."
Silence. You could pratically see her brain trying to process his words. The tension from their table was thick enough to spread over the restaurant.
"I'm sorry, what?" She had hoped to God she had misheard him.
"My family thinks we're a couple." This was not her day at all.
"Why would they think that?" She was trying really hard not to freak out in their public setting. He mumbled something under his breath she couldn't hear.
"What was that?" His face was redder than ever. It was as if awkwardness was seeping from his pores.
"Because I told them." There it was. The most embarrassing moment of his life.
Taglist: if anyone wants to be tagged in future work let me know; @r0und3bitch @lurkymurker @tianotfound @wannabestarkeysgirl @wishing-i-was-rafes-princess @goldenjo @emeloyy @kanib45 @clinelyn @storytellingwitht @magnificantmermaid @chiara2dg @mannstarkey @harringtonstudios @totallynotkaibiased @popcrone818 @fangirlwithlou
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icebrooding · 27 days
A non-comprehensive first word-vomit of my thoughts abt Janthir wilds in non-chronological order:
Poky is my son and if anything happens to him I will commit Crimes of a very bad nature. I also called he and Braham would be great friends even before it got mentioned as a possibility right at the end.
I really like what they've done with the Warclaw; not only is the new skin extremely cute but I've been having so much fun w/ it's skills. Boing boing boing.
This soundtrack fucks REALLY hard??? Like holy shit??
Isgarren soft boy story reveal (but I already knew he was soft from SotO anyway but this is probably the most explicit we've had about just how soft--)
Greer is gonna have a lot of people horny for him, I can just kinda feel it? If people want to fuck the bog queen, I can imagine people also want to fuck the sexy-voiced Titan.
The 'boss segments' sure felt like boss segments, holy shit. I had no real issues on the first Greer and Decima fights but the one at the end actually caused me a lot of issues. Not sure how, but it did.
I really love the first half of the expac being this kind of 'low stakes' feeling adventure (and really FEELING like a good adventure, the way the maps are designed and their scale making exploring them SO good ouegh), and then the latter half is this slowly ramping 'oh fuck, Titans', culminating in 'oh fuck. /another/ titan.'
I somehow REALLY really appreciate the 'we cannot do this we need to retreat' stuff. I really liked the one at the end, the Commander's hesitance before calling off the pursuit. Feels like they've really learned over the years that rushing in isn't in their (or anyone's) best interest.
I genuinely always thought Sorrow was gonna be a polar bear. Did not expect a grizzly, but appreciate the subversion of my expectations. Even after her reveal I'd expected the lowland appearance to be an illusion of some kind, but nah. Girl straight up grizzly. Gotta respect.
On that note, I did have a joke going on for a few months of 'we walk into the lowland kodan lands and just find her sitting amongst them like 'oh shit'' so this was pleasant for me lmao.
Sincerely curious on how things will go between her and Isgarren after that little catfight. I don't wanna see Dagda crushed by losing her again :sadcat: She's like the kid caught between a really bad divorce--
Can Lyhr finally meet Rand again--
Can Stoic Alder be my new dad? And can he please not die I cannot bear (HAH) if anything happens to him either ; _ ;
where is zojja
Mildly upset that we're shown not to really remember Dagonet. I REMEMBER YOU, BIG BRO :crycat:
on that note did his voice get deeper
I feel like the horror of the White Mantle came across really strongly, as someone who (still, damnit) hasn't gone far in GW1, reading the notes around Syntri really painted a really gruesome and horrific image of the sentiments at the time... it was upsetting, to say the least.
Fuck? Ether towers and Jade Constructs though--
I would have appreciated any warning from my friend abt how going into the water of Syntri was like reliving my least favourite parts of Subnautica all over again.
I'm just gonna pretend we didn't talk to Anise at the end of the story LMFAO. I did not like that, honestly.
spear aesthetic fucks even if i suck at it
Caithe getting to sit on the fireplace is iconic. queen behaviour
look, if we're (MAYBE) going to the domain of anguish (maybe isgarren can scream enough to open a portal again for us) then can we finally just bring legavo there and go ham? i'm sure it'll be fine.
more thoughts at another point when i can formulate sentences
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