#otherwise i wouldn't have to repost this way i could just reblog
sapphireis · 2 months
Dark/Yan Aemond HCs
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ೃ⁀➷ TW/CW: DARK CONTENT, 18+ (MINORS/AGELESS/BLANK BLOGS DON’T INTERACT), Bad English, Toxic Relationship, Implied AFAB Reader (talk about pregnancy and stuff in a part, but for the rest pretty GN), Jealousy, Manipulation, Breeding Kink a bit, OOC?, let me know if I need to add more TW/Tags ♡ My blog contains dark content, be careful when interacting/following! ➳ Characters: Aemond Targaryen
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⤠ I'd do anything for you, Mrs. Highness (Aemond) ⤟ Masterlist (soon!) ⤠ None ⤟
hello hotd fandom... pls be nice to me since this is my first time posting smth about this fandom hndhhd and I'm also very insecure about my writing rn, anyway... i wrote this mostly for myself so I'm sorry LMAO
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He's so possessive and protective of you. To the point where you can't go anywhere without guards who are loyal to him, due to his paranoia. Aemond would prefer to be your guard all the time, but alas he is unfortunately a very busy man so he has to trust the guards
When you are forced to do parties or appear in public Aemond is always around you or watching you, his eye never really leaves your figure. He always has his hands over you either on your lower back, guiding you where he wants, or on your waist. To remind you who you belong to.
Heleana and Alicent are the only one who he lets be around you when he is gone to keep you company, his brother Aegon? AH. No. Maybe Daeron, but Aegon absolutely not. Why would you want to spend time with a drunken fool?
In truth he is insanely jealous about everything and everyone, including his own family. He trusts his sister and mother to not pry too much into your relationship, and in fact his mother is more of an enabler for him. She is just so glad her son finally found someone he loves and cares about, so that he isn't alone anymore. How could she deny him such happiness?
Will try to get the two of you married instant. As soon as he saw you Aemond knew he had to marry you, it doesn't matter if you are highborn or not to him. Much to his mother and grandsire's displeasure of course
Once you are married of course he's gonna make you pregnant if possible. You wouldn't try to get away from him with a child on its way no? When he has endless ways of helping you with a babe, both during the pregnancy, the birth, and the years to come. Why have it the hard way when you can live a life of luxury?
Talking about a life of luxury, Aemond will give you anything you might need and more to keep you compliant. However, some things are not negotiable like for example what you wear: its either green or sapphire blue, no other clothes are tolerated for him. If you want to be more transgressive you can wear something outside of that, though the consequences...
He's so manipulative and wouldn't care to bring the situation in his favour, and would absolutely use your own emotion against you. "If you are hurt imagine how I feel" and stuff like that is often said when you two are fighting often over nothing, if not directly about Aemond's way of treating you.
You think it's unfair, Aemond thinks you don't understand how he feels. There is a war coming and he won't always be there protecting you since he will be on the battlefield. Its only fair that he fears for your safety, no? What kind of husband would he be otherwise?
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This work belongs to @/sapphireis, do not repost, translate, copy, rewrite or share on tiktok without my permission. Reblogs are appreciated and encouraged♡
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lemotmo · 12 days
I am confused by people on the daily but sending it to you because I loved her response. She has to be exhausted by her inbox 😭. I don't know how you all handle this.
Q. I need a few things explained to me. I will say upfront I am camp Tommy. The article did not seem pro Tommy and Buck to me, but plenty of my Tommy peers were thrilled with it, but so were Buddie fans so there is a disconnect in someone's interpretation. It was unnecessary for Tim to have brought up Eddie there. They weren't talking about Eddie, it was inappropriate. It doesn't matter that Lou and Oliver never did a chemistry test, they're fine together. Why do people care? Lastly Oliver clearly has an agenda. It would not have killed him to hold that picture of Ryan for another day. He could have let us have our confirmation that Tommy is indeed back and maybe shared a pic of him instead of Ryan. Lou can have BTS stuff too.
A. The article speaks for itself. It doesn't require interpretation. Tim mentioned Eddie because they're all part of the same storyline. Period. People can choose to ignore that fact if they want but it won't change the storyline. Eddie is the point. Eddie has been the point. That theme is carrying over into this season. Buck's relationship with Tommy is going to play some part in whatever Eddie's self discovery is going to be. Tim wouldn't have mentioned Eddie in relation to the pair otherwise. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think TV shows do chemistry reads unless it's a long term thing. If it is just for a particular plot or storyline they will cast the actor that best fits the plot purpose. The chemistry is secondary to the overall plot so I'm not at all surprised that they didn't do a chemistry read. Their chemistry isn't the point. The storyline he was cast for is the point. In this case the plot purpose is Buck and Eddie. Eddie told Buck him being bi wouldn't change anything between the two of them when in reality everything is going to change. That is the point. Oliver's chemistry with Lou isn't relevant in any way.
I would not look too hard for him in any BTS. And I know you won't believe this but I think that is for your benefit. Why give you anything that may lead you to believe he's anything other than a plot point? They shouldn't include him. It's not realistic. And feeds into something that has already been taken way out of context. Lastly, Oliver does have an agenda. He always has. He always offers counter programming to the canon. It will not change unless the canon becomes Buddie. He has been this way from the beginning. And he doesn't owe anyone an apology for that.
Thank you so much Nonny. As always, much appreciated.
I really feel like everyone should just give Ali a break here. She has explained this over a 1000 times already. How many times does she need to repeat it?
I agree with all of this.
Also, that article was blunt and in your face. Tim brought up Eddie when talking about BT, which is something the show has done since day one by the way. Eddie has ALWAYS been involved in this storyline and he will continue to become even more important in this storyline, because the whole purpose of BT was always Buddie.
IMPORTANT! Please don't repost this ask and/or a link that leads straight to my Tumblr account on Twitter or any other social media. Thank you!
Heads up! For anyone who is giving me the shifty eyes for reposting Ali's updates instead of reblogging. Read this.
Remember, no hate in comments, reblogs or inboxes. Let's keep it civil and respectful. Thank you.
If you are interested in more of Ali’s posts, you can find all of her posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
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resowrites · 2 years
Switch - oneshot.
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Summary: Henry tries to convince his wife there’s a ghost in the house…
Pairings: AU!Henry Cavill x Wife!OC
Warnings: fluff, banter/British humour, language, pet names, nondescript OC body type/appearance, hastily written/lightly proofread.
WC: 2505
A/N: Just a silly one to balance the heaviness of the last story. As ever, please enjoy and let me know your thoughts - R x
My work must not be copied, reposted, or translated elsewhere. Likes, follows, reblogs and comments are thoroughly welcome and appreciated! Gifs/pics not my own. I hope you all enjoy and thanks for visiting!
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Switch - oneshot.
She'd just settled down to her task when a knock rang out through the room. She sighed and made her way to the door. "Oh, good afternoon. Is a Mrs. Cavill there?" 
"That depends, who's asking?" 
"Er, well I have a message from her husband—"
"Oh yeah? Well she's busy at the moment, you'll have to come back later…" she went to close the door, but Henry shoved his foot in the small gap between it and the frame.
"Busy with what? He'll want an explanation, you see—"
"I'm sure, but I'm afraid I'm not at liberty to say." He removed his foot and grabbed hold of the door instead, straining against it to get a better look at the room behind her. "Henry, you are not coming in here, now be gone—"
"What? Why?"
"Because I'm enjoying some alone time on my day off—"
"In our guest bedroom? What are you really doing? Casting spells?"
"Well clearly not, otherwise you wouldn't be bothering me right now, would you?"
"Well when are you coming down to make lunch?" Henry reintroduced his foot as a doorstop and continued eating from the bag of crisps he'd also bought with him.
"Why can't you make your own?!"
"Er, cos I have a wife who should be making that one of her top priorities?"
"Is that right? Well I'll be sure to pass that message along…" she tried once again to slam the door shut. He just grinned and held it fast.
"You know this room's haunted, don't you?" She stopped pushing the door with all her might and looked straight into Henry's deadpan eyes.
"Shut up, no it isn't."
"Yeah it is, why do you think I use the smaller back room to work in?"
"You know I really don't care?"
"In fact, before you moved in it used to be my office but then weird stuff started happening—"
"What, you mean other than you actually doing some work? Don't you have that interview to prepare for?" But he ignored her.
"First there was a knocking sound, which I just thought was the pipes—"
"Oh for fuck's sake Henry, take a day off—"
"What? I'm just trying to warn you like a good husband!"
"A good husband wouldn't spend his time trying to wind me up because he's bored—"
"I'm not joking!" 
"Fine, you go fetch a priest, I'll wait here..."
"Or you could just come join me in the den instead? You can sit on the beanbag in the corner—"
"What? I haven't seen you all morning! And I won't disturb you, we can just parallel play."
"Henry, I am not playing—"
"Then what are you doing in here?!"
"It's none of your business!" He grinned maniacally.
"… Then I guess I'll just have to find out." 
"Yeah, you do that..." she then quickly snatched the packet of crisps and slammed the door in Henry's face. "Thanks for bringing me up a snack though!"
Of course, she knew immediately what the noise was and where it was coming from. She flew out of the guest room, down the stairs, and into the kitchen. It didn't take her long to find what she looking for. She then marched back onto the first floor landing, stormed into their bedroom, and aimed the tennis ball right at him. "OW! That hit my bloody stomach!" Henry rolled over in their bed, half giggling, half groaning in pain. "What the hell was that for?!"
"You know what bloody for! Now stop disturbing me or next time I'll put that tennis ball somewhere you'll always be able to find it!"
"What are you talking about?! I was just laying here watching tv, bored and hungry when you came in and attacked me!" She snorted derisively and began scouring the room. "What are you looking for?" She didn't need to see his face to know he was smirking. A thought then crossed her mind. She dived under the bed and found the offending item. "Oh… what's that doing there?" Henry stared in amazement at the tennis ball in her hand. 
"Are there any more?"
"Any more what?" She took a deep breath.
"Tennis balls!"
"What? In the house? Yeah, I think there's some in the kitchen…" he fell back against the headboard laughing, leaving her to confiscate the two balls and bang the door behind her. She retreated back to the guest room, flopped herself down on the bed, and hoped that would be the end of the matter. 
"Bloody idiot… why can't he just leave me be?" Ten minutes passed in blissful silence when suddenly, the overhead light switched off. Before she could wonder what had happened, it flickered back on. And then off. And on again. And off once more. She gritted her teeth, jumped off the bed, and stomped three times on the floor. "Stop it, you pillock!" But the room remained in darkness and she was finally at the end of her tether. 
She burst out onto the landing once more, convinced she was going to find Henry standing by the fuse box in the hallway. But he was nowhere to be seen. Even when she walked back past the bedroom, it was empty. She assumed he’d finally gotten bored and slunk off to the den. For the first twenty minutes or so, it certainly seemed that way. But then the music started playing. Or rather, the sound of someone - or something - wailing. Her head scanned around the guest room, determined to find the source of the sound. But it was sparsely furnished and after checking beneath the bed, both bedside cabinets, the windowsill behind the curtains, and two shelves high on the back wall, nothing could be found. She did however notice the music was getting louder. There was nothing for it, she'd have to look for Henry and confiscate his phone or whatever he was using to operate a speaker remotely - either that or bludgeon him with it. 
But her second search of the house yielded even worse results. In the end, she concluded he must have gone out as every room she checked was empty. Even the den and back garden. She slumped onto the living room sofa, careful not to wake the dogs who were snoozing by the fireplace, and attempted to ring him instead. The calls went straight to voicemail. She sighed and decided to head back upstairs, but not before collecting her noise cancelling headphones from their bedroom. To her surprise, however, the guest room had resumed its usual silence. Or at least it did until her phone pinged. It was Henry. 'Just popped to the shops to get lunch. Do you want anything?' She threw her phone aside, eye rolling at the fact he would rather go shopping than make his own sandwich, but at least she finally had some peace. 
An hour later.
At first she thought she was seeing things. After all, she'd spent the previous forty minutes or so taking a nap. But then it happened again. The tiny bud vase on the shelf opposite the bed really was moving. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. The vase was now still but she was damned if she was going to take her eyes off it. Eventually, it moved another inch or two. She threw back the covers and ran towards it, stopping only when the door of the wardrobe to her right, popped open. Figuring it was caused by her movements she shoved it close and moved in for a closer look at the vase. But the door unlatched again. Irritatedly, she yanked it open, peeked at the empty hangers inside, and smacked it shut. Just then, her phone chimed. 'Have you had your lunch yet?' Her eyebrows knitted together. When had Henry even returned? She bit her lip, wondering what to do. 
In the end, she plucked the vase from the shelf to take with her. It wouldn't prove anything, but she was sure Henry would find it harder to keep a straight face if confronted with the evidence. But as she twisted away from the shelf, she felt something tugging the bottom of the vase. "Argggggghhhhhh!!!" She collapsed onto the floor, with whatever had just fallen out of the wardrobe still slumped on top of her. "What the fuckkk!!!" she scrambled towards the door, leaving the vase and what looked like something wrapped in a sheet, far, far behind her. She couldn't recall having run down the stairs so quickly. But her blood ran cold when she came into the kitchen and found it was still empty. She whipped out her phone and tried ringing Henry again. Straight to voicemail. "Oh for God's sake! Wait… what was that?" She thought she heard a door open above her.
"Ollie? Ollie is that you?" It was Henry. She raced upstairs to find him in the doorway to his office. "There you are! You know I shouted up to you earlier, were you asleep?" She narrowed her eyes. "Anyway did you see your sandwich? I left it in the fridge for you. What was all that commotion?"
"Oh well, strangely enough, this complete prick I live with hid something in the guestroom wardrobe that just now fell on me—"
"See? I told you there was a ghost." He turned to head back into the office.
"Oh no you don't, you're coming with me and getting rid of whatever other booby traps you've hidden in there—"
"What are you talking about?"
"Oh stop it, you can't bullshit a bullshitter! I know it's been you all along, I bet you didn't even go out did you?!" To Henry's credit, his face bore a look of complete confusion. 
"Jesus, how long were you asleep for? I think you better go get some lunch, don't you?" She scoffed.
"Oh please, I bet there's no fucking sandwich down there—"
"Well why don't you go and look? Now leave me to it please, I've got work to do—"
"Work my arse, the only thing you've worked today is my fucking patience. Now when I come back upstairs, I want no sight or sound of you - alright?!" He rolled his eyes. 
"Whatever you say Ollie wally…" her nostrils flared as Henry closed the door on her. She then stomped down to the kitchen, determined to think of a way to get revenge, especially when there was no sign of a sandwich anywhere.
"I'm actually going to kill him, Henry, HENRY!!!" No reply. He really was going to make her go up the stairs once again. She didn't know how she managed to restrain herself from kicking his office door down. "Henry, Henry!" 
"I'm on a call!" Henry hissed from within. She was close to exploding when a thought suddenly popped into her head. She gathered what she discovered was a Halloween mummy decoration from the guestroom floor and darted into their bedroom. A minute or so later she went back to tidy the other room, and just as she finished removing dental floss from the bottom of the vase, something burst forth from the wardrobe. 
"ARGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!" She'd backed herself into the corner of the room while he rolled around the floor laughing.
"Oh my God, your face! Your face!" 
"You stupid stupid git—" she'd sunk to the floor, her head in her hands. Henry crawled towards her, his face now wet with tears.
"I'm sorry! No, don't be scared! Aww, my poor little Ollie wally!" He tried to put his arms around but she shoved him away, instead climbing to her feet and crossing her arms.
"What on earth possessed you?!"
"I dunno, the ghost?"
"Christ I nearly shit myself…" Henry finally got up and pulled her into a hug, still shaking with laughter. "Were you in there the whole time?!"
"Then how did I hear you in your office just now?"
"A voice note relayed to the speaker in there." He grinned.
"And what played the music in here?" Henry spun around and pulled down the speaker he'd hidden on top of the wardrobe. No wonder she hadn't found it.
"So it was you who pulled the vase from inside the wardrobe, you who chucked the mummy at me? Have you seriously got that little to do?! You spent over an hour in there!" 
"Worth it," he smiled while shrugging. "And what else am I meant to do when, instead of having lunch or spending time with me, my own wife decides to hide away in the guest room?!" 
"Well is it any bloody wonder?!" But Henry had already fixed his attention on finding whatever it was she doing in there that afternoon. He then stopped and did a 360 turn.
"You know, this room would actually make a good nursery…"
"Really? What about the ghost?" Henry shot her his usual cheeky smirk. That was until he saw something peeking out from underneath the pillow on the bed. His face was a mixture of joy and anguish when he leaned over and pulled out a Nintendo Switch Lite.
"And just what is this?!"
"You mean you don't know? And you call yourself a gamer…"
"How long have you had this?!"
"It came in the post a couple of days ago, why?"
"So you mean to tell me, we could have been playing Mario Kart together these last 48 hours?"
"Well, more like 32, I mean we would have had to sleep…"
"But why were you playing in here, do you not want to game with me?"
"Eh, not really."
"What? Why not?" She sighed.
"Henry… you are a nightmare to game with—"
"Pardon me?!"
"You heard. Anything we play will just cause a fight. You're ridiculously competitive, it's why we can't play together on the PC let alone anything else—"
"Competitive? Just cos I take gaming seriously?"
"Well whatever, I'm not playing with you and that's that."
"You just sound like a sore loser…"
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah. You don't wanna game with me cos you know you'll lose." 
"Whatever helps you sleep at night—"
"Well, it's either that or… you're just using this to play Animal Crossing."
"… Excuse me?"
"Yeah… it's a shame really. I mean the signs were all there, I guess deep down I just always hoped you were gamer material. But that's fine, you've got plenty of other great qualities—" she snatched the console out of Henry's hand.
"Fine, I wanted to do what was best for our marriage but go get your Switch and we'll see who's the sore loser..."
Thirty minutes later.
"Where are you going?! Oh come on Henry, it's only Mario Kart! We'll find an easier track!" But he'd already dashed off to the bedroom under the pretence of having a headache. Then followed a terrible scream. He rushed back into the guestroom.
"Please tell me it was you who put the mummy in our bed—"
"Oh dear. It looks like the ghost has moved into our bedroom…"
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To be updated on when I post please follow @resowrites and turn on post notifications.
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strawheart-pirate · 10 months
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Eustass Kid x gn!Reader
December 7th 2023
Words: 657
CW: SFW, modern AU, fluff, established relationship, a sour mood and a happy end
It was your tradition to help out at the annual charity bazaar for the homeless, and this time your boyfriend came along. He was in a sour mood until something piqued his interest and you enjoyed the most unique carols of the season.
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The honking of Kid's truck was your signal to get going. You grabbed your bag and jumped happily into the passenger seat of the huge truck.
"Hey Kid! I'm so excited about today." You gave him your biggest smile.
"Do we really have to help at the homeless bazaar?" Kid groaned. He was in a bad mood. Why should he help at all? Nobody gave a fuck about him. He was proud of himself for making it without help. Why should he help others?
"Because it's my family tradition and you're my boyfriend. I won't force you to join, but please give it a try. If you really don't like it, we can leave early, okay?" You explained it to him. You wanted him to enjoy it, to share the tradition with you, but you knew his past and wouldn't force him to stay if he wanted to go.
He rolled his eyes and asked. "When can we leave?"
"We should stay at least three hours."
"Then three hours it is. And not a second more." He groaned and made his point.
Kid's spirits dropped even lower when you arrived at the charity bazaar. One of the organizers showed you around and explained your duties. You listened to her and kept a smile on your face, even though you were worried about Kid's mood. He wasn't listening at all, and his frown was very prominent. You thanked the organizer as she led you to your table and left. The table was full of toys and your job was to sell them.
"Hey Kid, I think we got a good job. This part of the hall isn't as crowded as the food corner." I smiled at him.
"Yeah... Seems like it..." He replied indifferently, ignoring you.
You sighed and put on your Christmas hat. Time to get to work.
Two of the three hours went by fast. You sold a lot of toys, and the smiles on your customers' faces were precious. Kid sat far in the back, ignoring what was going on. He only responded when you spoke to him directly or asked him to give you something.
Suddenly a melody could be heard from the other side of the hall. It was an electric guitar and the first notes of Metallica's "Enter Sandman" rang out. Kid pricked up his ears and was gone before you could say a word. You continued your work because you couldn't just leave your table to go check on your boyfriend. The song ended and one of the organizers announced that this was a little jam session as a thank you from the homeless. As the next notes flooded the room, you got goosebumps. You would recognize the sound of that guitar anywhere and a smile crept across your face as the distinctive sound of Kid's electric guitar filled the room. When did he get his guitar? Was it already in the truck on the way there? It didn't matter, and you began to gently sway to the beat.
Two hours turned into five, and it was already dark outside. Your table was empty and you went to one of the organizers to give him the money. He thanked you warmly and you promised to come back next time. With or without your boyfriend. As you made your way to the musicians, you could see Kid jamming happily with the homeless people. His grin was captivating, and you watched from a distance as they challenged each other and had fun. They got a generous tip, and when the event was over, you walked up to him. He smiled and instinctively put his arm around you. You smiled back and gave him a silent kiss on the cheek as you walked back to the truck. You got in and the Kid pulled out of the parking lot.
"Let's do this again next year," he said with a smile as you drove home.
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All content unless otherwise stated belongs to: ©strawheart-pirate. Please do not copy / modify / translate / repost my writing, banners or art on other platforms. Comments, reblogs or likes are highly appreciated!
Snowflake banner by ©firefly-graphics
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kai-ni · 9 months
This is gonna be a hot ass take, but don't post art to Ao3. It's not what Ao3 is for, and it's scummy to writers who put their work out there.
And I'm not talking about fics with artwork embedded, that's fine. I'm not even talking about comics, because those involve writing and if they're ongoing I can see why they could work there. I'm talking about people that make a 'work' on Ao3 that's just an embedded image (or a collection of embedded fanart) and nothing else, 0 word count.
Ao3 is the ONLY platform FOR writers. You physically can't post longfic on twitter (I mean maybe in a bazillion tweets, but really?) buttt you can post art on twitter all you want. You can post writing on other sites like tumblr, etc (deviantart? does anyone use it anymore? you shouldn't. anyway) but that's not really what people are LOOKING for on those platforms, and writers will ALWAYS be overshadowed by artists on those platforms because art is easier to consume faster, and anyone scrolling the tags there can scroll past art, appreciate it, like/reblog it in a second rather than taking the commitment to read something (that may take hours to consume) and THEN coming back to like/reblog it/otherwise interact with it.
That's kinda just the nature of writing vs art, and it is what it is.
But people come to Ao3 SPECIFICALLY for writing. It's the ONE platform (I mean barring older stuff like ff.net that's pretty much defunct) where people go specifically looking for writing to consume.
'Okay I get it Kai, but one person putting art on Ao3 doesn't hurt anyone or take away from the writers on there, they're all... there.'
Alas, it does.
In a much smaller fandom I wrote in, one of my more successful fics was on the first page of search results for that fandom when sorted by hits (which is the most popular way to sort 'em and really the only way older fics are found), up until a popular fan artist posted a work on Ao3 that was just a collection of embedded fanart pieces (that they'd already posted on twitter and had been seen there and were very popular) and that very quickly knocked my work off the first page of hits. So, my work was seen less because that artist just decided to repost to a platform primarily for writers. Yea, you're gonna bet that upset me.
'Kai you're just jealous their art was better than your writing'
'Kay not gonna deny it probably was. But their art had already been seen/was really popular on another platform that I, as a writer, didn't even have access to. Doesn't feel great for them to come into the writer's space and also then overshadow. Because again, art is easier to consume. it's always gonna be, that's the POINT of having a site like Ao3 where writers can shine. Fine fine, call me cranky for being bumped, but I wouldn't have cared at all if it were by another fic.
'You can sort out works with 0 words you know'
Yea, sure. Does everyone just visiting Ao3 know how to do that? And again, that's not the default. If you just click on the fandom without doing anything, it doesn't.
Now imagine you're not on the first page, and still had a work in that fandom and your work was on page 10 or whatever for that fandom (again it was a small one). You're now on page 11. Very few people have the patience to search that far back, and now you aren't been seen at all because you got bumped by a popular artist. This isn't something that happens on twitter or other platforms - everyone's bound by the silly algorithm / time on twitter, and time on tumblr. it's a LEVEL playing field. it isn't really on Ao3. Yes, there's sort by 'most recent' and that's all fair, but by hits, kudos etc isn't.
So yes, when those sort functions are taken into consideration, artists posting on Ao3 really do hurt writers, and take space away from them, make smaller writers less seen, etc. It sucks.
There's plenty of other places to post your art. I know, there's fewer places to post NSFW works now and get feedback on them (unfortunately) but Ao3 doesn't even host the images anyway... you have to upload them somewhere else! there are other options. Don't take space from writers because sites like tumblr aren't good for NSFW anymore.
Again this is gonna be a super hot take, but that's how I feel and I lose respect for artists real quick when they do this. No shade, I'm not trying to call anyone out, this isn't specifically directed at anyone, just something that I've seen repeatedly and has been milling around in my head for years now. Disagree if you like, but I'm not looking to get into fights in the rbs so.
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i-like-omori · 1 year
God I'm so sorry people think it's okay to say those kinds of things on someone's post. People out there think it's fine to do that to strangers and I just don't understand. I hope you're doing okay
glad they where so shameless in reposting because i wouldn't have known to block them otherwise this scares me so bad because I AM A MINOR MYSELF! these people who are probably adults could easily harass ME the same way they're fantasizing about harassing these fictional characters hopefully this doesnt become a trend and my blog gets swarmed by sh0tacons, i don't want to leave this site, everyone else seems so nice if anyone sees a blog that has given me a question or rebloged or commented on my blog that is a sh0ta or ped0 please please let me know because i often do not check because i am busy /nf
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lythea-creation · 7 months
My Little Secret - Noaf x fem reader
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summary: How long will (f/n) and Noaf manage to keep their relationship a secret? (This is an old Wattpad story)
warnings: none
word count: 1.286
Author's note: Feel free to check out my Masterlists and make requests. No reposting please! Reblogging, comments and requests are always appreciated <3 If you like the story/my writing, please don't be shy to say it via comments or asks! It takes you a few seconds and might make my day. It's the best appreciation you can show to a writer you like.
This Oneshot doesn't follow the main story.
I had never been a fan of going to school. When all children had been excited about their very first day of school I had already dreaded it.
I had been a few steps ahead of them as most of them had just decided a few years later that school was not exactly a great place. Changing toys for work was not something to look forward to, right?
So that was my daily routine. Getting on the bus to drive to a school I despised.
A prestige all girls school who was famous for educating well, while I knew by now that everything was not about knowledge and hard work but power and connections. That was the world I lived in.
Being gay in an all girls school was not helping either. But at least nobody knew my secret.
My two best friends Mariam and Dina would have kinda been my light in the dark at this horrid place if it had not been for Layan and her friends who loved to pick on mine.
Usually they left me alone as they never got a great reaction from me. They had tried to make me upset before but apparently my careless attitude toward them had left them frustrated. So they had simply stopped.
The only time I interacted with them was when they overstepped a line when it came to my friends. But most of the time I stood back and let Mariam stand up for Dina and herself as she was perfectly capable of doing that on her own.
Long story short I would prefer not to get on the bus at all in the morning. But it was not up to me and knowledge was still important to me. So I pulled through.
Well … at least until Noaf transferred to our school, my class to be specific. The way she entered the classroom with her piercings and stunning black outfit caught my attention right away. She seemed to be so confident and laid-back that my indifferent behavior for most of my school life suddenly vanished.
I could not help myself but leave Mariam and Dina behind for a moment and approach Noaf in the first break.
“Your boots are amazing! And I love your piercings”, I heard myself talking before I actually realized what I was doing and the anxiety kicked in.
“You think so?”, she shot back with an apathetic expression.
I cocked an eyebrow at her. “Uh … obviously. Otherwise I wouldn't have said it.”
Suddenly a chuckle left her lips. “Calm down. I'm just kidding”, she enlightened me.
“That's not funny”, I claimed feeling my cheeks growing hot from embarrassment.
“If you could have seen yourself I'm sure you would change your mind”, she assumed with a grin. “Anyway. What's your name?”
“(f/n) (l/n). Totally forgot about this whole introducing myself first thing”, I admitted.
“I see why. It's really overrated”, she joked.
We kept on talking until the break was over.
Over the cause of the next weeks Noaf and I grew really close.
Noaf had joined my friend group soon after our first conversation and now we were always hanging out together as a group at school, sometimes even after school. But it did not stop at that.
Noaf and I were texting every day. Every few days we would also call each other to talk. We had even met without Mariam and Dina after school a couple of times, just as we were doing today.
Noaf and I had decided to cook together as my parents were eating dinner with some friends. Prepping everything was easily done, but the food needed to cook for a while. So we talked and listened to music for a while.
“(f/n), we forgot to stir the food”, Noaf suddenly noticed.
I jumped to my feet and quickly checked our meal which was rather black than colorful now.
“Dammit!”, I cursed.
Noaf and I had been so fixated on one another that we had completely forgotten to take care of the food.
I dumped everything into the trash can and took care of the pot.
“I think we have more ingredients. Can you check, please?” I requested and explained her where to look.
“Do you really think this will work out this time?”, Noaf questioned with a chuckle when she returned with the ingredients.
“Well. If you hadn't distracted me our food would be on our plates instead of the trash can now”, I shot back with a grin.
“Oh. So it's my fault?!”, she joked.
“Of course it is. How could I focus on anything else when you're around?”
Had I seriously just blurted that out? Why did this always have to happen around her? Where was my cool?
Noaf seemed to be taken off guard by my words as well.
After a while of silence she spoke up again: “Did you mean that?”
“Well … uh … yeah”, I admitted.
Suddenly Noaf's hand was cupping my cheek. “So you don't mind if I get closer, do you?”, she reassured.
To answer her question I closed the gap between us and kissed her. Honestly I was doubting this was not a dream for a moment. I had never expected Noaf to reciprocate my feelings.
When we parted again I dashed around all of a sudden.
“What's up?”, Noaf exclaimed worried.
I turned back around to her and relaxed. “I really just thought we had forgotten about the food again although we didn't even restart yet”, I proclaimed with a bashful chuckle.
Now Noaf burst out laughing. It was rare to hear her laughing like that. So I enjoyed every second of it.
“So if we could put my little moment of panic beside and return to where we were before that, please. How am I supposed to ever let you go home now?”, I half-joked.
Noaf chuckled. “Don't worry, babe. After all you're my girlfriend now. So you won't get rid of me that easily.”
She stayed true to her words. For the next three weeks Noaf and I met every day after school. Nobody knew about our relationship except our families as we had not wanted them to accidentally walk in on us making out and find out that way.
“My parents just bought a popcorn machine for me. Are you guys in for a movie night today?”, Dina invited us.
“Oh yeah! That sounds great!”, Mariam rejoiced.
“What do you think, babe? Did we have any special plans for today?”, Noaf asked me.
“Wait … babe? Are you guys dating?”, Dina exclaimed.
“Oh shit! I'm sorry”, Noaf apologized for telling our secret.
“It's fine. It was time to tell them anyway”, I assured her with a smile.
“So you guys ARE dating! Since when? Why didn't you tell us?”, Dina interrogated us.
“Woah, calm down”, Noaf replied with a chuckle.
“To answer your questions: three weeks and we didn't want to make a fuss about it. You know that it's not a great idea to draw any unwanted attention toward you when you're in a class with Layan and her friends”, I explained.
“Understandable”, Mariam agreed. “But you're in for hanging out with us without being all lovey-dovey all the time anyway, aren't you?”
“Oh yeah! I wanna see the romance in the movie, not on the couch next to me”, Dina chimed in.
Noaf and I looked at each other and started laughing.
“I think we can work that out”, I assured them.
Tag List: @sunwoniie
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jessiarts · 2 years
So, you all know how tumblr will let you follow tags? Well you know now if you didn't. It's relevant to this story. Backstory is somewhat long but I hope you'll stay with me til the point.
Anyway, so yesterday I came across this really pretty fanart. I noticed it was linked to reddit, but otherwise uncredited, and tags said 'not my art'.
So I follow the reddit link to find the artist. The reddit post was also a repost, but the reddit reposter did credit the artist so I was able to find them. I had wanted to see if the artist had a tumblr so I could reblog the original from them, but alas, they didn't.
Then, because the art was really pretty and I wanted the artist to have the recognition she deserved, I reblogged the art from the reposter with a comment including who the artist was and the three links where you could find them. Note: I didn't call out the reposter for not crediting, nor was I rude about it or anything. I literally only included the artist name and her links in my reblog.
Then just now I was scrolling my dash and that same art popped up under the "Because you follow [tag]" thing. I thought it was the same post I just reblogged yesterday, and since it didn't have many notes I opened them to check for my url just to see if it was indeed the same post, or if coincidentally someone else had also reposted the same art.
My url wasn't there, but I had this feeling it wasn't actually a different post so I popped over to my blog and what do you know- it was the same post, and the reposter had hidden my reblog with the artist credit from the notes.
I swear reposters will really do the most to gaslight and claim they don't do it for clout, that they really do it to promote the artist, and then do shit like this. If it was for anything other than clout then ya'll wouldn't be deleting comments crediting the artists. I see it all the damn time. Hell, this person even declared in the tags that it wasn't their art, and STILL hid the credit for the artist from the notes.
Fucking unreal.
I don't want to ever hear anyone call an artist whiny for complaining about their art being stolen and reposted because "it's free promotion!" They don't do it because they want to support us, they do it because they want clout and attention from our work.
Anyways, here's your reminder that reposters and repost accounts suck, and that the only valid way to repost art is with permission and/or full credit and links back to the artist. Anything else is clout chasing and theft.
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talns-scar · 7 years
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This became infinitely more hilarious post-Oathbringer
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sunkaashi · 4 years
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↬ Pairing. College!Atsumu x Manager!Reader
↬ Genre. Fluff. A hint of enemies to lovers if you look really closely.
↬ Warnings. Mentions of alcohol. I guess nothing else? Let me know if you think I'm wrong!
↬ Summary.  Atsumu Miya is hopelessly in love with you, but how could he ever catch your attention if all you do is ignore him? Well, maybe his plan starts to work out when he finds out that whenever he stays longer for practice, you have to stay too.
↬ Word count. 1.7k
↬ tris' note: I wrote this in the spur of the moment, but I had so much fun! feedbacks are extremely appreciated! if you wanna be added to my general taglist, fill out this form.
anyways, did you know that only hot people reblog the works they like? NO? well, now you do ;) jk, but reblogs help me tons and I'm very grateful for them <3
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Sweat dripped down the back of ATSUMU's neck as he jogged around the college tracks for the nth time that afternoon.
"Just one more lap." He kept telling himself over and over again as if repeating it would make it any less of a lie.
But who could blame him when this was the only moment of the day that he could spend with you? When he just knew that, by the end of that turn, you'd be there to receive him, water bottle and towel in hand? If anything, that just drove him more and more motivated to get to the finish line.
Those seconds in which your hands slightly brushed off against each other's; the way you laughed whenever he tripped over himself, too tired to carry on; the sarcastic sneer on your face every time you scolded him for wasting your time, but still wouldn't leave. To Atsumu, that was his reward, better than any shining trophy.
"Oi! Miya!" Your voice woke him up from his trance as the blonde boy finally shot up a glance at you. He rested with his hands on his knees, chest going up and down in strong and unsteady motions, legs still trembling a bit from the training. "We've been here for almost two hours! Everybody has left already, and I want to go home for God's sake!"
Atsumu snickered at the way your voice got higher with each word, deflecting from his gaze while you said you wanted to leave. He also didn't miss how you knitted your eyebrows together just before going off at him, carefully scanning his shaky body.
"Ya could've left, ya know? I never asked ya to stay!" He replied, smirking a little while making sure to stare right into your pupils.
If eyes are the windows to the soul, that must be the reason yours were so beautiful to him. As he tried to get an answer through them, he also delighted himself in such a vision. That's why he was quick to notice their slight tremble at his remark.
"And leave you to die?!" Your voice, once again, cut him off of his daydreams. "You've been running for more than an hour after a pretty rough practice, if you go into cardiac arrest who's gonna call an ambulance?! I'm the team manager, I don't want any deaths on my back!"
In his defense, he was only there because of you, but — obviously — he wouldn't tell you that. He decided to just laugh it off.
"Well, that's something you don't see every day!" He teased.
"Yer’ worried ‘bout me!" Atsumu said, trying to suppress the smile forming in the corner of his mouth.
Even though his tone was playful, he knew something was off when his words were left hanging in the air, no snarky comments added to the back-and-forth banter you were both so used to.
Seeing your widened eyes, he started to question if he was right or, worse, if he had crossed a line.
You gulped down as if this would prevent you from spilling something you shouldn't say. Atsumu was dying to know what it was.
This had become a little routine of yours. Staying for a couple more hours after practice as you helped him out for a while. At first, he knew you're just doing your job, after all, you were there to assist the boys, it didn't matter who they were. Still, he couldn't shake the thought that maybe, just maybe, something had changed as the months went by.
He remembered it perfectly. It wasn't that long before that you used to curse him for making you lose such precious time of your day. He knew you had your reasons! Staying overtime underneath the unforgiving sun, having to catch up on your studies while sitting beside the filthy running tracks, surrounded by sweaty and dirty athletes.
Even so, it wasn't pleasant for him either. Jogging for endless hours, the summer heat consuming him as if hell were just around the corner.
Usually, he would run only half of those miles. But how could he stop? How could he stop knowing that the minute he did, you'd have to go home, and he would only see you the next day? No, he needed more time to win you over. He needed those small talks in between his breaks. He needed every single one of the few glances you exchanged every time he ran past you. He needed to hear you giggling at his jokes at least once more.
What once felt like dragging insufferable after hours, began to seem like less and less time over the weeks. Those little details were what made it all worth it. They were his private entrance to heaven.
And he believed that you might've been starting to feel the same way too.
He'd caught the way your lips curled up into a shy smile the last time he'd offered to walk you home. He also had noticed how your irises shined a bit brighter whenever he bought you food, worried because he knew you'd be there with him for those extra periods. He'd seen the way you laughed at his childhood stories just a tad too hard, always asking for another one.
Atsumu had always been aware of how he comes off to people: the arrogant self-centered jock. He never really cared about any of those things, but he did care about how you perceived him. The man just hoped that soon enough, you'd learn he was more than what others wanted him to be. Not a pretentious athlete, albeit a normal guy as any other, just with an ambitious goal set to his mind. And whenever you shared one of those intimate moments, he thought that, perhaps, you were one of the few people that actually saw him for who he was.
Still, that didn't make it any easier to admit the feelings he'd developed for you.
"Oi! Are ya alright?" Atsumu said, trying to catch your attention, a delicate expression laying on his countenance. "I'm sorry if I overstepped in any way, ‘kay? It was a joke, I promise." You didn't answer him just yet.
"Hey!" He proceeded, lifting your chin up so you'd look at him. "Now I'm the one getting worried 'bout ya! Snap out of it and get back to hating on me before ya realize I might have a heart!" Atsumu mocked himself, but shied away from your glare while doing so.
At least he'd made you chuckle.
“I always knew you had one, Miya." You said, rolling your eyes at the man. “I just didn’t know it worked!”
“Oya! That was mean!”
“Isn’t that what you wanted?” You asked, arching your brows.
“Well, maybe, but it wouldn’t hurt if ya were a little nicer to me once in a while!”
“Yeah? How so?” The words slipped past your lips without missing a beat, and Atsumu couldn’t help but wonder if the flirtatious undertone was something he had only imagined. He decided to take the bait.
“For starters...” Atsumu began, slowly making his way closer to where you were standing. “Ya could buy me a beer after we’re done here.” Was he crazy or did he really see your shoulders relaxing at his words?
“Oh, is that easy?” You responded in the same toying manner.
“Hold up!” He said, raising his hands to the air. “That’s just the first step!”
“And then what?”
“And then…” Atsumu continued, moving further towards your figure. “Then ya could let me hear that beautiful laugh of yers a few more times.” He completed, stealing a giggle out of you. “Just like that.”
“Great, so I’m halfway through it.” Your tone may have been monotonous, but your eyes told him otherwise. “Anything else or can we get this over with?”
“Maybe, while yer’ laughing, ya could finally realize that I’m not as bad as ya think I am.” He pondered, moving a loose strand of hair out of your features, clearing the view to your gaze.
“Now you wanna tell me what to think?” You scoffed, crossing your arms.
“Is just a suggestion! Take it as ya wish!” He winked at you.
“And what if I told you that I already did?”
“Ya did?” This time, he sounded soft, breaking out of the teasy character for a second.
“You’re not bad, Miya... Far from that.” 
“Well, that’s a shock.”
“You don’t look surprised.” You stated, pointing out the crescent grin on his face.
“Too much wishful thinking made me ready for this moment.”
“And what exactly is this moment… Atsumu?” The way you said his name, in a hushed voice, almost like a secret meant to be shared by only the both of you, gave him the green light he needed to go on.
“It’s when I finally kiss ya.” 
Atsumu was quick to grab your waist, pulling you closer to his chest, and finally closing the gap between you two. His gawk rapidly traveled from your mouth to your eyes, longing for a confirmation. It didn’t take a second after your subtle nod for him to merge your lips together, your body melting at his touch. His grasp was gentle, but firm, like you were something he treasured, something that he never wanted to let go of. And by the way you gripped onto his neck, the boy could tell he wasn’t alone in this.
Atsumu moved his palms all the way up your back, briefly running his fingers through your hair, but resting them upon finding your face. His tender touch cupped your cheeks in between his hands, pushing away just when he inevitably ran out of breath. 
"Do I still have to buy you that beer or is this nice enough for you?" You said, unable to repress a smile.
“Hm, I’m not sure… Why don’t you kiss me again and we'll see?"
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© sunkaashi — 2021.  all rights reserved. do not repost, plagiarise it, translate it nor reproduce this post as your own.
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duckyraiden16 · 2 years
I know probably all the people who follow me on this blog are bots (I don't post anything because I just don't know what to do with a main blog) but I want to make this outlining a lot of thoughts about the load of horseshit around Roe and abortions. I am pro choice, I will always be pro choice, there is nothing that anyone can say or do that will change that. this will be done with a lot of bullet points because otherwise I get distracted and it just turns into a rant that hardly anyone can follow.
first of all, Medical information should always be private.
-Unless someone shares it with you, there is no reason for you to know about it, let alone have any opinions on it.
-doctors should not be sharing any medical information without permission of the patient. why? because no medical procedure has an actual affect on anyone but the patient. being uncomfortable is not a valid reason.
-this includes things like transitioning. Its not affecting you, and its none of your business. this also includes what genitalia someone does or does not have, or their sexual preferences or lack thereof. it doesn't actually affect you in any way besides making you uncomfortable, so there is no reason for you to even know.
2. "But it is against my religion"
-Besides having the right to practice your own religion, religion should not be in the law at all
-if its against your religion, don't get an abortion
-a doctor should be able to refuse to provide an abortion because of their religion, but that is a personal right and does not mean that the law should be able to ban abortions, because religion should not be in law.
3. "But a fetus is a potential life"
-How do you know any given fetus is a life? there are so many things that could happen to a fetus at any point that could lead to it failing, and you never know what is happening to someone's fetus.
-If that is the argument, then we should be forcing people to make sure every egg that their ovaries release is fertilized, because every one is a potential life, and people with penises masturbating should be illegal because they are wasting sperm which is also potential life.
-why do we not care about the hundreds of thousands of children in foster care who are going through horrible things, even being abused many times? Why do these children have to suffer because of their parents?
-In Jewish teachings (I am not Jewish but this is such a realistic way of thinking, and they deserve all the credit) A fetus is a part of the parents body until they are birthed, and if they do not wish to have a child, or their life is at risk, they should have the fetus aborted.
4. "but the fetus can feel pain and move"
-So can plants and animals
-but are they a sentient being? do they have thoughts and feelings?
5. "well it will be fine we just need to provide people with care when pregnant and for their child"
-how much do you donate to charities that do these things? take a look at pro-life centers and see how much they help... or don't help, I should say.
-this completely ignores all of the health issues and ways a fetus could die and kill the parent.
6. One of the biggest things that people are proud of America for is all the "freedoms" we have, and yet people with uteruses have less rights than guns and their own organs.
I think that about sums it up, if you have any other concerns that i missed, feel free to message me or reblog.
if you think I'm an awful human being for all this, please let me know so I can block you asap, thanks.
Feel free to reblog, honestly I wouldn't even care if you repost this, just don't edit it preferably (unless its just to make it make more sense, haha)
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oikirstein · 4 years
𝐈𝐤𝐞𝐚 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 | ft. T.Oikawa, K.Tsukishima, O.Miya, & K.Sugawara
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Synopsis: After finally getting a place together, you and your s/o go furniture shopping at your favorite store on Earth—Ikea 😍
Contains: Fluff
Posted: 1/5/2021
A/N: Hi um this is my first time doing headcannons and also my first post of 2021, but I don't wanna go to sleep so I’m gonna write these instead! Ikea is one of my favorite places to go to so I think this would be really fun. I also have been binge reading Ikea headcannons. This may or may not just be an excuse to think about domestic life with Oikawa...
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𝐓𝐨𝐫𝐮 𝐎𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐰𝐚
Oikawa is the type of person to go into those little show rooms and say “This is it! This is our apartment right here”
He gets distracted by every little thing, and I mean every little thing
Mans is like a whole ass child. 
You guys could be walking by the TV consoles and he’ll just leave the cart in the middle of the aisle to go look at—and fantasize—about where that specific red metal locker-looking TV console would go
He’ll run up to different displays, point to them, and turn to you with literal sparkles in his eyes and go “Y/N! Y/N-chan! Wouldn’t this go great in the living room?”
You enjoy seeing his child-like smile as he eagerly visualizes how your apartment would be decorated so you let him play interior designer
He honestly is pretty good at creating a cohesive room and you firmly believe that if he wasn’t married to volleyball, he’d definitely be doing something creative
Definitely checks himself out in the mirror section
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𝐊𝐞𝐢 𝐓𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐚
This man looks bored out of his mind
You’re like running around the store picking up different things and putting them back, throwing stuff into the cart, asking him whether he prefers the canvas or fleece throw pillows, and he’s just pushing the cart and smiling at you
After playing around with the strings of a questionable looking chandelier(??), he remarks that “it’s the ugliest lighting fixture I’ve ever seen”
You’re definitely excited enough for the both of you
He trusts your judgement in the furniture choices for the new place, as he doesn't particularly care, but he makes sure to tell you if something is absolutely horrendous
Acts pretty indifferent until you get to the kids section
He’ll quickly and smoothly slip away from your side to go look at the dinosaur plushies
“You’re a grown ass man and you’re still looking at stuffed animals?”
“Pfffft no,” he says while rolling his eyes and gently placing the triceratops back into the bin
“It’s okay. It’s cute,” you say while placing a chaste kiss on his cheek and throwing the toy into the cart before running away
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𝐎𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐮 𝐌𝐢𝐲𝐚
Osamu’s favorite part about going to Ikea is visiting the restaurant before the shopping begins, and the little eatery by the registers at the end
This man is counting down the seconds until he can eat one of those warm cinnamon rolls
Nonetheless, he proves to be pretty useful in the decision making between furniture
You can kinda go crazy while picking what to put in your new apartment, but he’ll be there to remind you if something won’t fit or if something doesn’t go with the rest of the decor
Let me tell you, this guy is a whole wanderer
You’re the one left pushing the cart most of the time because he’ll just walk away from it to go look at something else
At the same time, he’s also the type to go into those faux apartments, sit on the couch, and tell you to go look around while he waits there
Will sneak up behind you while you’re looking at picture frames and give you a lil tap on your ass when no ones looking so he can see your cheeks flush red
You guys probably pick plants for each other when you get to the end
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𝐊𝐨𝐬𝐡𝐢 𝐒𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐚
You’re both equally crazy
Like borderline getting kicked out crazy
At least one of you owns one of those limited edition Ikea bucket hats
Neither of you can be trusted with the cart
You’d both be feeling up all the rugs in the carpet section and then it’ll click
Both of you look up at each other at the same time, your eyes wide, like “Where’s the cart?!”
It’s safe to say that at the end of the day, your place is going to look like an organized mess
Colors and shapes clashing in all the right ways
It’s almost abstract?
Anyway, you guys are probably taking turns sitting on all the mattresses, all the chairs, and all the sofas you come across
At some point, when you both get tired of running around, you find yourself standing behind the counter of one of the kitchen displays imagining what your new life’s going to be like, when Suga suddenly comes up behind you and hugs you by the waist
“Can you believe it?”
“Believe what?” you say turning around so that you’re facing each other with your back against the marble island
“This could be our kitchen,” he took a step forward to trap you between his arms, “We have a home, baby”
“I wouldn't have it any other way,” you whisper into his ear as you snuggle your face into his neck, taking in his scent like there's no tomorrow
He spins you around and says, “Let’s go,” to continue your adventure
You find it really cute that he makes sure to get some of those arts and crafts supplies for his class
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© all content [unless stated otherwise] belongs to gellysticks 2021. do not modify or repost.
reblogs are greatly appreciated :)
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resowrites · 2 years
Sherlock Holmes And The Book Of Rhymes - Part 2
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Summary: When Cora Beauchamp begins receiving extracts from a book of nursery rhymes by post, the police dismiss her which leaves her only one way to turn. But with no clue as to the sender or the meaning behind them, will the case prove too bizarre even for Mr. Sherlock Holmes?
Characters: Sherlock Holmes (I envisioned Henry’s version but the story could apply to Rathbone right through to Cumberbatch), OC!Cora Beauchamp, Dr. Watson, Mrs. Hudson, OC characters.
Warnings: adult/dark themes such as adultery, occasional threat of violence/danger, some period misogyny/victorian attitudes, angsty, lightly beta’d.
WC: 2440
My work must not be copied, reposted, or translated elsewhere. Likes, follows, reblogs and comments are thoroughly welcome and appreciated! No copyright infringement intended, gifs/pics not my own. I hope you all enjoy and thanks for visiting!
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Part 2:
Two days later and Miss Beauchamp was finally given her appointment with Mr. Holmes. She arrived dead on ten o'clock, still feeling guilty about having woken up Mrs. Hudson so early before. She desperately hoped Mr. Holmes wouldn't brush her off, she could only imagine what Mrs. Hudson had told him about her. She must have come across as a total fool and she hadn't even met the man yet. She tried not to let such thoughts overtake her as Mrs. Hudson again bid her good morning and ushered her into the rooms upstairs this time. The house was much darker up here and thick with the smell of stale tobacco smoke. She felt her nose tingling and hurriedly wiped it with her handkerchief. "A Miss Cora Beauchamp for you Mr. Holmes..." Mrs. Hudson nodded briefly and hurried from the room, much to Cora's dismay. But she supposed the old woman had better things to do than act as chaperone. Two man sat in front of her and she assumed Mr. Holmes was the skinnier of the two. She stood there dumbfounded for several moments, she was so little acquainted with men that she let her nerves get the better of her. Fortunately, the other man quickly came to her aid.
"Ah! Miss Beauchamp, I'm Dr. Watson, how do you do? Won't you come in and take a seat? Fear not, Mrs. Hudson will be back with some light refreshments in just a moment... come, tell us why you're here." She was immensely grateful to the doctor for comforting her so. Mr. Holmes glanced at her casually but otherwise carried on staring at the ceiling, a corncob pipe unlit in his mouth. Cora perched herself on the edge of the cane backed sofa and awaited further instruction, her upbringing ensuring that she never spoke until she was spoken to. "There... I'm sure that's much more comfortable. Now I hope you'll don't mind me staying to take notes, it allows Mr. Holmes to concentrate more fully on your problem..." he glanced at the detective who was now casting around for a match. "Oh Holmes, must you smoke that filthy thing just yet? I'm sure it won't do Miss Beauchamp any good, the poor thing already seems to have a cold..." she smiled but quickly spoke up.
"Oh no, I'm fine gentleman, please if you wish to smoke, don't let me stop you." At that, Mr. Holmes sighed in annoyance, his quest for a match ending in disappointment.
"... Very well Miss Beauchamp, and what exactly brings you to us today?" Cora cleared her throat and sat up straighter, remembering not to slouch in company as her mother so often used to remind her.
"Well gentleman, I thank you both for agreeing to meet with me today..." Dr. Watson smiled, she definitely had the gentle, good manners of a Lady. "You see, I live alone at my parent's house in Oxford. They died some years ago along with my brother. These days I keep a small staff and only leave several days a week to do charity work in London... so the letters came as quite a surprise..." Dr. Watson smiled again, the young lady certainly seemed a very fine woman indeed. Her status was obvious from her expensive dress and exquisitely coiffed hair, but otherwise, she seemed kind and unassuming.
"And are they posted to you or delivered by your staff?" Mr. Holmes's voice sounded out loudly around the room. Cora wondered if she'd misspoke, Mr. Holmes wasn't exactly renowned for having much patience.
"They're delivered to me by my housekeeper along with my other mail..." she struggled to follow the detective's line of thought.
"So do they come as you delivered this one to Mrs. Hudson or are they at least sent in an envelope?" Mr. Holmes held out the excerpt she'd given to the old woman in front of him.
"They're sent in a blank envelope... there's never been any address or indication of where they're sent from..." Cora frowned, aware that that would be of little help to the detective. But instead, he sat up in his chair, his keen eyes now fixed steadily upon her.
"And how long has this unhappy occurrence continued Miss Beauchamp?" Dr. Watson noticed the edge of sarcasm in the detective's voice and subtly rolled his eyes.
"About a month... so far I've received only three letters. Though I can't figure out the meaning behind them..." Mr. Holmes flung his pipe aside and folded his hands.
"And did you bring the other extracts with you?" Cora smiled and rummaged around in her purse.
"Yes... here, they all appear to be from the same book." Mr. Holmes smiled briefly as he leaned over to snatch them from her hands.
"Well observed Miss Beauchamp... they do indeed appear to be from the same book. And quite an old one at that..." again Dr. Watson noticed his sarcasm but said nothing, opting instead to purse his lips while he jotted down a couple of notes. 
"Mary Mary quite contrary, three blind mice, jack and jill... hmm." Mr. Holmes made a motion to suck on his pipe, not quite remembering he'd already cast it aside. "Watson, fetch me the looking glass if you'd be so kind..." The doctor dutifully obliged and handed the detective a large, bronze encased magnifying glass. Mr. Holmes held each page up to the light, which also allowed Cora to get a better look at the detective himself. He was oddly handsome, with a strong profile and luscious curly hair. She found it hard to believe he was a known bachelor. Dr. Watson also noticed her staring at him and couldn't help but smile. Believe it or not, Mr. Holmes often had that effect on women.
"... So Miss Beauchamp, what line of charity work are you in?" She made a motion to answer the good doctor when Mr. Holmes cut her off.
"Tell me, Miss Beauchamp, do you have a library at Marsham Hall?" She stared at him confused.
"Why yes... I do, but how did you know I lived at Marsham Hall?" Mr. Holmes smiled tightly and placed the excerpts carefully on the coffee table in front of him.
"Come now my dear, I wouldn't be a very good detective if I didn't do my research. Is it possible you had such a book as the one these extracts are from, in your library?" Cora thought for a moment.
"Not anymore, no. All the children's books were given away to families in the village once my brother and I were grown. Though I certainly don't remember ever seeing such a book of rhymes..." she tried to cast her mind back but it was so long ago she simply couldn't recall. 
"I see... and tell me, you've honestly no idea who could be sending them to you? Is it possible some friend of yours is pulling a silly prank? What about the children in the village? Are they known for playing such games?" Cora resented the implication.
"With respect Mr. Holmes, my family were well liked, I very much doubt anyone would think to play such an awful trick, especially my friends. I don't know what has given rise to this situation... as far as I know, I haven't an enemy in the world." Dr. Watson nodded vigorously.
"Of course not my dear, quite so..." Mr. Holmes tried not to sigh in exasperation.
"And you are unattached at this time Miss Beauchamp?" He hated having to ask such a question, especially as the young woman began to blush furiously, but needs must.
"No... I'm not." He paused for a moment and then continued his line of questioning.
"Well if you can recall no scandal or difficulty which would have you placed as a target, have you tried to find out where these letters are coming from?" Even Cora noticed the edge in his voice this time.
"Yes of course. I've questioned all of my staff to the nth degree. No one knows what's going on. My housekeeper who brings the letters, Lorraine, tells me she finds them in the pile of letters handed to her by the postman. All my staff have been with me since I was a child, I trust them implicitly..." her voice trailed off as she noticed the detective's eyes narrowing quite considerably.
"Well that hardly makes sense Miss Beauchamp... a postman wouldn't deliver an unmarked letter would he?" Cora sighed, realising how ridiculous the whole situation sounded.
"Apparently, Lorraine questioned the postman and he was just as surprised... I receive a lot of correspondence and it's usually bound by string, he probably didn't even notice such letters were being sent." Mr. Holmes shook his head.
"No, that just won't do Miss Beauchamp, those letters would have been sorted before being delivered to you. I deduce then that they are being added to the pile by persons unknown. Tell me, have you ever kept a look out at night or first thing in the morning, for any strange activity?" Cora cast her mind back.
"Well I'm an early riser, I also sleep on the ground floor, so I would have noticed anyone getting up to no good. We're in quite a rural part of Oxford so it's especially quiet at night." Mr. Holmes chewed his bottom lip, so far Miss Beauchamp wasn't managing to be much help.
"And there's been no strange goings on amidst your staff? Any gossip or departures recently?" She didn't know quite what he was getting at, anyone would think she was running a house of ill repute.
"No, not recently anyhow." Mr. Holmes nodded slowly, deciding that for the moment at least, Miss Beauchamp probably wasn't going to be able to tell him any more. He did however venture one last question.
"And tell me, Miss Beauchamp, when you took receipt of the first letter, was it handed to you or did you come upon it along with the rest of the mail?" Cora couldn't imagine why he'd want to know such information, but she tried hard to remember nonetheless. 
"No... if I recall correctly, I found it stacked on the kitchen table with the rest of my letters. I believe that happened the second time as well. As I said, I'm an early riser, so it's not unusual for me to be up around the same time as the servants." Another question then came to the forefront of the detective's mind.
"And how did your housekeeper, Lorraine, respond to the appearance of these letters?" Cora felt herself become impatient, she'd already questioned her staff, and they couldn't tell her anything.
"She seemed as surprised as I was... why do you ask?" Mr. Holmes gave a small smile but looked over longingly at his pipe.
"Does it not seem odd to you Miss Beauchamp, that your housekeeper didn't check the mail after taking receipt of it? Why wouldn't she have discarded an unmarked letter?" She thought for a moment.
"... I suppose she either neglected to do so or felt it wasn't her place. She has many duties in the house and not many other hands to help her. Surely you don't suspect her Mr. Holmes?" Dr. Watson also cast a glance at the detective, unsure of what exactly he was getting at.
"I suspect no one, my dear. So far there is too little information for us to go on. Tell me, when would we be able to visit Marsham Hall?" Cora looked between them both in surprise. Why on earth would they need to visit when she'd already presented them with the pertinent facts?
"Anytime you wish Mr. Holmes... though may I ask why? There's very little more for me to tell you..." the detective rose to his feet and helped her up from the sofa. Clearly, he was keen to bring their appointment to a close.
"That may be true Miss Beauchamp, but I'll also need to speak to your staff..." Cora's stomach dropped, she could only imagine the gossip that would spread around their small village once word got out Mr. Holmes had paid a visit. He seemed to have similar thoughts.
"A word of caution however Miss Beauchamp, best not tell anyone we're due to arrive. We'll be there by tomorrow afternoon. Fear not, I'm sure we'll be able to get this matter sorted quite readily." He then bellowed for Mrs. Hudson who hastily led the woman out of the room. Once he heard the front door close, he slunk back to his chair, his eyes having spotted a matchbook on the fireplace. Finally, he could enjoy his pipe in peace. Dr. Watson had also got up, but to look out of their window instead.
"Fine young woman if you ask me... you wouldn't think she owned such a home. Did you hear her refer to it as a house? Ha! Young folk and their colloquialisms..." but Mr. Holmes was too wrapped up in the sweet relief of his tobacco. Dr. Watson sighed when his observation went unnoticed and decided to sit back down and smoke a pipe of his own. "So what do you make of it Holmes? Do you honestly think one of the staff is involved?" At this, the detective finally looked up and sniffed sharply.
"One cannot say for sure but whoever is sending the letters made a fatal mistake in not bothering to have them properly addressed. That means the culprit is someone local and most likely involved with the goings on in the house." Dr. Watson nodded at his sound reasoning.
"What about the rhymes themselves? Odd that they should pick those particular pieces. They mostly refer to Bloody Mary do they not?" Mr. Holmes smiled at his friend.
"Why Watson! You are observant today." The doctor pursed his lips, aware that his friend was more than likely employing his usual sarcasm. "They do indeed refer to that unhappy royal. With plenty of references to torture and execution to boot..." Dr. Watson's face fell.
"Do you mean to tell me Miss Beauchamp is being threatened? But why not in a more direct manner?" Mr. Holmes smiled more broadly this time.
"Excellent question doctor! And that is precisely why I doubt that this matter involves Miss Beauchamp at all..." Dr. Watson scoffed, surely he wasn't now dismissing the letters, despite their threatening intent?
"But obviously someone is at risk Holmes... or why bother sending the letters at all?" At this, the detective jumped to his feet and ordered the doctor to follow him.
"... That is exactly what we must find out doctor, and soon."
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A/N: Hi guys, as a huge Sherlock Holmes fan of both the original stories and the many series/films, it’s my pleasure to present this new short series. Any feedback is appreciated and Part 3 will be out Sunday at 6pm EST - so I hope you’ll continue to stick around and enjoy more to come!
To be updated on when I post please follow @resowrites and turn on post notifications.
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may-day-voice · 2 years
The Long Con
Eijirou Kirishima Timeline | 172732014
please do not repost, but you have permission to reblog :)
• Watch/ Listen on YouTube: https://youtu.be/x7MLjyp1nxg
• Read on Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/1121559505-eijirou-kirishima-pro-hero-au-172732014-the-long
• Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/35003299/chapters/87178477
Seek creaked to and fro on the wooden chair bound by handcuffs behind his back in the dark basement. Aside from a meal offered by you, the owner of this basement, much to your chagrin, as well as asking for at least one trip to the bathroom, he stayed in darkness for the night, until sunlight beamed through the tiny windows close to the ceiling above. It wasn't the most terrible experience he ever had, but it certainly wasn't the most comfortable. He rolled his shoulders from the stiffness that set in between his blades, more so his left that creaked from the strain. He could hear the parts shift slightly from underneath the cloak, not enough to cause a problem with his mobility, but surely aware of its strength at this point.
The doors to the basement opened from above, flooding the room with a spotlight from the early morning sun. Shadows stretched from its entrance, revealing your silhouette stepping in with a bowl and glass in hand. You eyed him suspiciously, a look he grew familiar with for too many lifetimes.
"I promise I won't do anything," reassured Seek with a gentle smile.
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He was referring to that moment for a bathroom break, one that went along without any comeuppance, except for a broken mirror. You found Seek to be trusting, at least while he was here, with no attempt to escape or flee without warning. Then again, in the back of your mind, you had read reports from Shinsou's partner and their few interrogations with the man that sat before you.
You carefully placed breakfast on a bench before you hesitantly took out the keys to Seek's cuffs, given to you by Shinsou who had apprehended the man. Releasing him from his bounds left him still sitting on the chair before he reached out for the bowl, indulging in the meager meal. You only watched him. He made no attempts again, even with the basement door unlocked for him to take flight.
"Why are you being compliant?" You asked with suspicion.
"Curious, aren't we?" He teased while he finished his meal quickly, rolling his left shoulder with what you thought was a mechanical creak coming from it. "I needed some relief just as your friend did. Why wouldn't I be?" He noticed that look in your eye again, smiling up at you before he took a sip of water you brought for him. "I understand your suspicions, but I'm merely here because there is nothing more I can do. And I'm waiting, Pearl."
That name again. You heard that knight speak it before back on Nabu Island. And Seek calling you during the chase. He was often calling others by a name - a nickname - but one you weren't familiar with. And why, you wondered. What was its significance?
"Who are you waiting for?" You asked, ignoring your thoughts.
"That's a secret," he replied in jest. "I can't give away the next chapter of the story. All I know is, I'm waiting for the next turning point."
"Who are you, really?" You asked again, watching Seek reach his hands out to you, wrists ready to be cuffed again.
"A very old... friend," he answered.
You placed his handcuffs on with no sign of struggle. He allowed himself to be captured, but why, you continued to wonder.
"There is something I should tell you, specifically you Pearl," voiced Seek, his eyes docile and filled with what looked like guilt. "You are his one and only, don't forget that. Whatever obstacles stand before you is nothing compared to the... love you hold for each other. Let nothing stand in the way of that. Don't let No-One tell you otherwise."
You were struck with confusion before a knock at the door caught your ear, leaving Seek cuffed while you headed towards the large double doors behind you. You smiled up at the familiar toothy grin of Eijirou Kirishima, his smile and eyes beaming brightly while his form was backlit by the morning sunlight that streamed into the dark room.
"Hey Thumper," he greeted, his eyes scanning the room before they laid on Seek, his gaze turning grave. "Everything okay?"
"Yeah, he's been... cooperative," you replied, still hesitant about this change in behavior and his last words.
"The others are on their way. Shinsou's partner returned to normal this morning."
"That's good to hear."
"Yes, it is," piped Seek's voice from behind.
Kirishima stared at the man, untrusting of him until his large hand gently took you by the shoulder, guiding you to the side out of earshot from Seek. "Has he done anything to you?" He asked, still eyeing him from afar.
"No, no he hasn't," you answered again, spotting that glare of Kirishima's - something that was unlike him. "Eijirou, are you okay?"
"I'm fine, it's just... I don't like this. Ever since Shinsou caught the guy."
"Like he wanted to be here?"
Kirishima turned to you, surprised by your insight before your eyes fell downcast.
"I've felt that the whole night," you explained, agreeing with Kirishima's sentiments. "He had every opportunity to escape, but chose not to. I even let him take a bathroom break. Something's... not right."
Kirishima turned his gaze back onto Seek, spotting that gentle smile on his face again, the same one he wore back on Nabu Island. He immediately stomped towards him, his heavy footsteps echoing in the basement before he grabbed hold of Seek's collar, pulling him up from the chair.
"Eijirou!" You called in surprise, taking steps towards him before his free hand signaled you to stop.
"You were right," started Kirishima, capturing Seek's ear. "I wouldn't harm anyone who is unarmed. But you hurt Thumper. That I would never forgive."
"I wouldn't expect less," commented Seek, his smiling eyes staring into Kirishima's scrutinizing glare. "Thumper, Pearl, Sweet Pea, you care for them with all of your heart, no matter who you are. You're a knight through and through. You are deserving of them, whichever way we go, that I know."
That smile was still plastered on his face as if the threat of any form of violence did not faze him. It irritated Kirishima.
"Why did you make it easy?" he asked. "Why now?"
"I'm waiting."
"For what?"
"For someone," you answered, catching Kirishima's eye while his fist pulled at Seek's collar. "He's waiting for someone."
"Who?" demanded Kirishima, his snarl turning back onto Seek.
"He won't say," you continued. "Maybe we should wait for the others to arrive."
"Yes, the more the merrier," stated Seek with his smile. "But your company is good enough when the time comes."
Kirishima grumbled under his breath before he dropped Seek back onto the chair with a rough heave of his fist. Seek only chuckled while he righted himself back onto the old chair, still with that smile, staring back up at both Kirishima and yourself. It was odd, it had always been odd for the whole night on how cooperative and compliant he was. The way he spoke was as if he was aware of what was going on - otherwise it was a ruse, a mind trick to throw everyone off.
Still, what Shinsou had relayed in his partner's reports stood against that train of thought: this man never lied.
You eyed the exchange and felt the tension that aggravated Kirishima, slowly pulling him away from the man and to the side, again out of earshot.
"Eijirou, are you really okay?" you asked, your eyes searching in his.
"I'm sorry," apologised Kirishima, his large hands tenderly rubbing your arms in comfort, more so for himself while he calmed. "I couldn't sleep last night knowing that you had to look after... after what he did to you back on that mission, I can't trust him with you alone."
It immediately crossed your mind about the events that have occurred involving Seek and who else was involved. The night spent knowing this man was in your basement didn't go without digging into all the information accumulated over the past month or so. Your first stop was the Nabu Island incident being the most major event, his capture under Kirishima's watch. Excerpts from interrogation reports had disclosed that no catastrophic event should follow after that incident, however, Seek's movements had been suspect after he had fled the Commission's building.
Seek's interest in a fugitive connected to Shinsou piqued your interest, especially due in part that they were centered around the man who escaped Tartarus, one that was heavily involved in Kirishima's history. His whole purpose behind his shenanigans around Musatafu was to locate this person who freed Kai Chisaki - as written in Shinsou's reports as well as the interrogation reports that coincided with them. Yet he didn't make any attempt to bring this into conversation last night, or even try to dig for information knowing how close you were to Kirishima's own connections amongst the Pro-Heroes today.
It only dug up more questions than answers. You noticed something else about him - that shoulder of his was a liability hidden under his cloak. What it was you couldn't tell. You felt it during that fight weeks before on the chase, finding his strength surprising but waning in that shoulder, cracking with every movement he made, like cogs seizing up against each other. But you saw no signs of pain on his face or in his voice. Seek was a calm individual.
Then the past week crossed your mind after learning more from hearsay. Midoriya's sudden mission to locate a fugitive that could be closely related to numerous cases, which included Sero's involvement over the months patrolling Musatafu. And then the most recent incident about Kaminari's place being ransacked-
"Hey, look, I agreed to this when you asked," you reassured while you grabbed hold of his hands. "I didn't sleep last night. I couldn't, but you wouldn't have asked if you didn't think it was important."
"I should've stayed with you," admitted Kirishima. "Rookie mistake to leave you alone with... a villain."
"I know you don't trust him. I don't either. But I trust you, and you trust me, right?"
Kirishima smiled warmly, his hands still rubbing your arms tenderly before he pulled you into his chest, engulfing you in a warm hug. He felt every part of you against him, unwilling to let you go, while you felt his heart thrum against your ear. The warmth of his hug almost lulled you into a doze, content to be in this moment despite the circumstances that led you here. For once, you were free to empty your mind of all of the questions that plagued you the night before.
"Of course," started Kirishima. "I trust you, Thumper. I'll stay until the others get here."
Seek's eyes watched from afar, smiling at the sight before he watched something glow, surrounding both of you like a shield while it snaked between your arms and your hands.
"And there it is," he whispered to himself. His smile widened, happy to witness the glowing red threads that bound you to Kirishima with no sign of them straying away from their paths. He felt relief, something foreign that he had yet to feel for a long time. He only hoped the steps he took, the risks he chanced, the measures he needed to enact, were enough to withstand what laid ahead.
He wished to save this one this time.
"Thank you Fourteen," he mused, content, until something violently seized his mind. His breath hitched, unable to control his thoughts before a melancholic tune played in his head. His brain felt like it was splitting in two, feeling a strike of pain through his temples and his forehead. This time was different from that rainy night days ago before he breathed sharply in pain and succumbed to the wave of emotion that flooded his head.
"What's happening?" you asked in panic, turning to Seek who writhed in pain moments ago before sitting limply in the chair.
"Hey!" called out Kirishima, stomping towards Seek with a growl. "No more games! What are you-?"
Seek sat up quickly at attention, his eyes vacant but now with a dim glow that flickered weakly. He was silent, a first for you considering how chatty he was earlier. Both Kirishima and yourself stared into his eyes, while you waved your hand in front of his face, finding no reaction at all. He only stared ahead as if he were empty of life.
"Help... me," he uttered, his voice melding with another's. "Help... find me..."
"I'm calling Shinsou," you immediately announced, pulling out your phone and attempting to locate his number.
"Since when did you get his number?" asked Kirishima quizzically.
"Since you've asked about my basement."
Kirishima eyed you in mild surprise before he felt Seek's eyes on him, staring as if he were inspecting his face. It unnerved him a little, still fueled by distaste from the man until he saw something in his eye. Was he crying?
"Friend..." he uttered slowly, as if the word was difficult to speak.
"I'm not your friend," spat Kirishima. "What trick are you pulling this time?"
"Friend... Kaminari..."
Kirishima's eyes widened at the words and the sudden realisation of the voice that mingled with Seek's. He had not been close with Kaminari's case, yet he knew of this person who was almost attached to his hip, ever since the school reunion, and that Christmas at Midoriya's. Though he was drunk on both occasions, he did not forget Kaminari's plus one, and their own Christmas cheer.
"Where are you?" he asked, his eyes staring and searching in Seek's dimmed irises. He could see the light was fading, but it still held, flickering every so often.
"Sea... the sea..." uttered Seek once more with tears streaming down his face. "Home..."
"Okay, um, what can you see? What can you hear?"
"Birds... flowers... lots of flowers..."
Kirishima contemplated the words, attempting to string them together but with very little understanding of their meaning. He grumbled under his breath, grabbing hold of Seek's arms and shaking him in aggravation. "Tell me a name!" he yelled into Seek's face. "A place, a location, where are you?"
Seek's eyes, now no longer his, stared into Kirishima's, the tears unending while he searched into his scrutinizing glare. "Docks... Home... Please find me... Find... Denki-"
A cry of pain surged through Seek's head while he convulsed in the chair, shaking abruptly from the tension that threatened to crack his skull in two. Kirishima still took hold of Seek's body, keeping him seated in the chair while he shook violently from whatever had taken hold of him. As quickly as he convulsed, he suddenly fell limp and silent with his head hanging by his shoulders. Kirishima drew in a deep breath while he gently laid Seek into the chair, no longer awake or present.
"Did you get a hold of Shinsou?" asked Kirishima, finally turning to you with the phone still to your ear.
"Just now," you answered before switching into speaker mode. "You're on speaker Shinsou."
"I'm almost there," he spoke through the phone, his voice with a slight echo in the now silent basement. "I've got Todoroki and Bakugou with me."
"Is Kaminari coming along?" asked Kirishima.
"No, why?"
Kirishima and yourself shared a look before you spotted the concern laced in his brow. With the few words you overheard while Kirishima took care of Seek, you felt uneasy about the situation. As if sensing this worry, Kirishima immediately wrapped an arm around your shoulders, still holding you to him.
"We need him," he advised. "I think he's going to want to talk to Seek."
"That's the last thing you want him to do," advised Shinsou in return.
"No, he's right Shinsou. Kaminari is going to want to speak with Seek," you added, supporting Kirishima's advice. "His witness spoke through him just now." Your eyes stared at Seek's limp body that laid haphazardly on the chair, his wrists still bound behind him and the only thing keeping him upright. For once, you witnessed this man sleeping soundly, despite the traumatic episode that occurred not too long ago.
"All right, I'll give him a call, but we're on our way now so don't do anything else until we get there," ordered Shinsou.
"Got it," replied Kirishima before the phone call ended, the dial tone ringing through the earpiece before you turned it off, pocketing the device away.
You stood with uncertainty with your arms hugging onto Kirishima's waist, while he did the same. You felt drowsy, exhausted from last night with very little sleep before you laid your head into his chest, closing your eyes a little to ease the exhaustion that came in waves. Kirishima felt the same, yet he held you up on your feet, feeling your weight grow heavier while you began to doze into his chest. He smiled warmly before he lifted you in his arms, hearing a slight groan escape from you.
"I'll wake you up when the others arrive," he suggested while he made his way to a free seat, holding you on his lap.
You only mumbled while his warmth soothed you into a light sleep. Last night's information dump wasn't the most exciting thing - in fact it was draining. It only reminded you why you hated desk jobs, but you swore in your own findings that Seek was a man who thought ahead. You witnessed it in his escapes around Musatafu, but it seemed he had planned it all, ever since the Nabu incident, where he had trapped you somehow before knocking you out.
With the beat of Kirishima's heart in your ear, your thoughts soon washed away, but not without wondering what happened to your bathroom mirror last night.
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kallistcs · 2 years
instructions: describe 10 random headcanons about your muse of choice that will rarely ever have the chance to naturally come up in threads. Go wild, go random, go meta! repost, do not reblog!
This is drawn from a rare variant (that in full also replaces the Judgement as inciting action for how Paris gets to Sparta and leaves with Helen), and it also includes accidental murder via discus which I ignore, but! Paris has at least one male love interest in his past, which is Antheus, a son of Antenor. Who he competed with Deiphobus with over. Deiphobus won and that pretty much colours Paris' hesitance over initiating anything with men unless they approach him first, no matter how much he might genuinely be attracted to them, etc. (He can and sometimes will still initiate, but it's far more rare than his carefree carousing with the nymphs on Mount Ida.)
I'd like you to imagine a perfectly see-through glass bowl. Fill it with pristine, clear water. That's not actually what it looks like inside Paris' head, but it's sure what he wants basically everyone to believe it looks like. He is unbothered and untouched and has no issues! (no) There's a few people this doesn't apply to, but by mid-late war that's definitely down to either even fewer than before, or none.
Talking of Paris' mental state; he's got parental issues (mostly developed after he came to Troy, but not exclusively. They're slightly different but overlapping parental issues!), he's got abandonment issues and about being wanted. He's got a whole ugly heaping bowlful of issues tied to the dream omen and what that means in terms of his "deserving" of being alive even before anything's ever happened. To this you could add the bigotry over his effeminacy, but Paris himself wouldn't because he can deal with that better. The reason I'm bringing this up here is because there's little to no chance Paris will ever (willingly) bring any of this up. :)) Post-death in the Underworld, possibly, but otherwise, not really. Some of these he's not even really fully aware of, while alive or at all, too, so. And the thing is, that what Paris presents himself as is exactly what he is - there's no pretence here. It's just that his nature/personality and character, as fluffy and cheerfully light as it is, is basically a giant cushion that smothers out all these issues, even for Paris himself.
He doesn't want to be Hector, but he does want Hector's relationship with their father. (Or thinks he does, anyway.)
Paris and Deiphobus' contentious relationship and the fact that Paris doesn't like Deiphobus is definitely likely to come up, but less so why it is like that. Mostly I draw on the multiple antagonistic situations these two are given in myth/tragedy (I'm including the way Deiphobus not only are among the brothers we know who want to marry Helen after Paris dies, but that he's the one who succeeds). In the case where the funeral games version is used, the origin is easy as hell; Deiphobus' issues with being beaten "by a slave" and the fact that there's a murder attempt involved in there. There's not much you can do to rescue that if neither wants to try. Going with my default version, I figure it was more innocent than that; it was just a matter of getting off on the wrong foot, and Paris being instantly attached to Hector that rubbed Deiphobus the wrong way, so they never really mend that and it only gets worse from there. (Antheus is a big part of it either way.)
Like I mentioned with Ganymede, the reason Paris keeps working with livestock up until the Judgement is a blend between "it's perfectly acceptable for princes" myth-wise and the connection to real-life Hittite practices for royal princes to have a more "humble"(?) job for a bit. He just keeps at it longer because he likes it.
He's perhaps surprisingly good at several sports and does enjoy athletics! However, he's not very fond of wrestling, but he's competent at it (though he usually wins by allowing himself to be underestimated). Doesn't like/isn't good at boxing at all, in comparison.
Is an excellent rider and great with horses! As long as he's not put in a chariot at the reins. It's like he loses all his horsemanship and knowledge then. Much better to just keep him as the chariot archer, trust me.
Really good eye when it comes to (especially livestock) animals, and bred the bull he won against everyone but Ares, himself.
It might not look like it, considering, but I really like the suggestion behind the Ares situation (where Paris awards the golden crown like he promised, despite how this usually goes when a god is/becomes involved), he is actually fair/has fair judgement.
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