#otherwise the flavored almonds will do for 4 months
tardis--dreams · 10 months
Dedicated to find some vegetarian food/snacks that are not cereal(bars) or flavored almonds!
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ultralightpoe · 2 years
Missions and Markets - Bucky Barnes
Description: You get Bucky to accompany you on a trip to hell.....otherwise known as the grocery store.
Warnings: none? I think?  Cuss words
Authors Note: Lol good luck with this one, written at 4 am. You have any requests feel free to send them in, I love writing for Marvel. Enjoy!
Word Count: 1,573
MAIN Master List - - Marvel Master List
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Grocery shopping should be illegal. 
          Okay not actually, grocery shopping was an absolute necessity and there is no way people would survive without it at this point, but that didn’t stop you from despising the very idea of it. You weren’t alone in this thought either, you soon found out that each and every one of the avengers hated grocery shopping for their own reasons. 
           Thor hated the prices, he was a god so why should he have to pay for anything? He also hated that whenever he went to the store he got stuck grabbing things off the top shelves for everyone who couldn’t reach. He’d stop at the store for a couple things the team needed and would get stuck helping housewives for hours. 
           Steve hated how lost he got, back in his day there were about three aisles before you reached the dairy section. Go in and go out, buy a pop for 20 cents and be home within 30 minutes. Now? There were 10 different brands for one item, and while Steve tried making decisions, he soon found that he just…..couldn’t. What was the difference? Which one was healthier and which would taste better? Where was the milk? Why is milk at the back of the store and why were there so many options? How do they make milk out of almonds?  
          The avengers all hated shopping and they all had reasons to, but it was a necessity. So you all tried to work out a system. Nat came up with the idea of a chore chart, each person would take turns going shopping, and it worked for a month until everyone began fighting and switching shifts. 
           So Bruce offered a delivery system, order the stuff online and have it delivered. But whenever they did that the shopper would get the wrong items and substitute anything they didn’t have with the next best thing . (Which wouldn’t a problem if Thor liked more than one flavor of pop tarts and Steve wasn’t so freaked out about the different ingredients) 
          Not to mention whatever pour soul they got had to navigate the Avengers Compound and had to deal with each and every security setup Tony had in place. Jarvis was a bit too protective. (Tony got sued by one of the delivery people because Jarvis called them a bomb threat when his analysis mistook a phone for a bomb.)
            So delivery was out and the team was stumped, arguing all the time. Until Tony made the wheel. It was put into the meeting room and had been the deciding factor on who would run errands for 4 months now. 
            The way it worked was simple, someone would spin the wheel and whoever it landed on had to go shopping that week. Clint challenged it when he got three in a row, claiming Tony had rigged it, but that was quickly solved when Pepper began spinning the wheel. 
              You had loved the system, only having to go to the store once since it started, until Black Friday came up and your name was chosen. Shit.
               You tried to get out of it, tried saying that you can go a couple days after but Tony said no. Stores would be closed on thanksgiving and they needed to restock food before the fundraiser would take over in time for the christmas season. It sounded like a stupid excuse for Tony to get on your nerves but you finally just gave up. 
            The day of the trip finally arrived and you had the list prepared but quickly decided that you would not be going alone. Which led you to your dear pal Bucky’s door. 
            Bucky had arrived at the compound after you, so Tony (who was punishing you for breaking a mirror with a BB gun) told you to chaperone him in the beginning stages of his recovery. 
            Chaperoning soon turned to friendship which soon led to complicated feelings between the two of you. Movie nights with snacks and workout sessions where you didn’t actually work out became a routine. Most of your things had moved to Bucky's apartment within the compound and you had painted the walls for his birthday to make it more of a home. (Tony still doesn’t know that part)
            You knew you could count on Bucky for anything…… and he was the perfect backup for shopping. 
            You knocked on his door three times, just as any demon would, and patiently waited. Messing with the bottom of your tee while trying to be quiet so you didn’t wake Sam in the apartment across from Bucky’s. 
            His door opened just a smidge, showing just his face as he smiled sleepily at you. “Mornin’ dollface.”
            “Good morning Buck.” You smile back, leaning in. “Hey, you want to hang out today? I have to go to the sto-”
           “No.” And before you know it his door is shut again. 
            “Aw come on Buck.” You whine, laying your forehead against the door. “I need your help.”
           “No chance.”
            “I’ll……. I’ll go with you on your turn.”
            “Hmmmm. Nah.”
            “Okay……. I’ll let you pick the next movie for movie night.”
           “Even if it’s-”
           “Oh my gawd, please don’t say Lord of the Rings again.”
             “.........I wasn’t gonna.”
             “You so were.”
                “Do you want my help or not Sugarplum?” He laughs and you get silent for a moment. 
               “OKAY! Fine.” You whine and the door whips open to reveal a fully dressed Barnes. “Were you getting ready to go?”
              “Just on the off chance, what was the lowest you would have come with me for?” 
                “I was gonna ask for a classic sugar smile but then you offered up movie night and I took it.” He laughs, kissing your forehead while leading you to the elevator.
             Getting a parking spot was absolutely hectic, and Bucky had cursed under his breath numerous times. “If you weren’t in the car I would probably crash.”
         “Do it you coward.”
            By the time you actually got into the store Bucky was already guarding you intensely, flexing his metal arm in preparation. “Who woulda thought grocery stores were like THIS on Black Friday?”
             “I’ve heard stories but…..” You laugh, looking at the crowd while you pull out the list. Bucky rests his chin on your shoulder so he can read it as well. “Okay mission number two: getting a cart.”
           “What was mission number one?”
              “Fucking getting here Buck.” You laugh, pulling him with you to grab a cart. “Do you think it would go quicker if we split up?”
             “Not a chance in hell.” Bucky snaps, wrapping his flesh arm around your shoulder. “Okay let’s start with the jar foods.”
             It hadn’t been too bad of a trip so far. An older woman glared at Bucky when he grabbed the last bottle of tajin that Natasha liked so much, and then had promptly been scolded for going around a corner too fast trying to escape the old wretch. 
            You were close to finishing the list and Bucky was close to losing his mind. “I actually have to agree with Clint. I think Anthony rigged it.”
            “Tony.” You correct, flicking his nose as he leaned in to check the list again. “And…. well I don’t doubt it. But it’s not that bad. At least we have each other.”
             It slips out before you can even think about, blushing a bit when you realize how cheesy it sounded. But Bucky seems to actually contemplate it. 
             “We do make an amazing team on and off the field.” He offers, grabbing some sugary candy and throwing it in the cart. “This isn’t much different from the field. Sure there are no guns or blood….. Or no blood yet, that grandma seems about ready to stab that mom over those donuts-”
         “Mood honestly.”
        “My point is this is like a little Barnes team mission.”
         “Wait. Why is the team named after you?!” You scoff, turning to face him with a fake offended look. 
          “It isn’t obvious?” He smirks, arms grabbing the cart, sufficiently trapping you there. “We’re team Barnes because you obviously are gonna take my last name.”
         Your skin is hot, blushing more than you ever thought possible as you try to figure out what just happened. 
          “Oh….. that was smooth.” Both yours and Bucky’s heads snap towards the voice where the old lady now stood. “Now excuse me old man, I want some gummy worms.”
          “O-Old man?!” Bucky laughs, stepping back from you. 
          “I was 1940s, you were before the 20s hit.” She snickers, shoving past him. “Philippa Harkness. I live on 209 Canburry Wiclon lane. I’d like an invite to the wedding. I might not answer because I’m very busy but I would like an invite.”
          “You got it.” You smile, leaving an excited Bucky behind to talk with her about the good old days.
             By the time Bucky finds you again you are at checkout, smiling from ear to ear as he kisses your head. “Don’t tell Tony but I invited Phillipa to christmas dinner.”
            “He is going to kill you.”
           “Then Team Barnes will just have to complete Mission: Sneak Phillipa in.” He laughs. “But first I need to complete Operation ask future Mrs. Barnes on a date.”
           “That is a very long title.”
           “I’m thinking Chinese.”
           “You haven’t even asked me.”
            “Yes. Chinese and Lord of the Rings, a perfect night indeed.”
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saviorsbookcafe · 3 years
The Savior’s Book Café in Another World: Chapter 4
Chapter 4: Interaction
Translated by: sydney Proofread by: Necro
My first customer, a man named Ill, came back to my café the next day at the same time.
Unlike yesterday, when he arrived seeming very tense, today he seems very excited.
As another person who loves books, I know that feeling well.
“Excuse me, could I borrow the book you were holding for me again?”
“Yes, of course. Here you are.”
After I handed him the book I had been holding onto, he sat at the same table as yesterday.
I explained that there’s also a private room, and he hesitated for a moment before saying he’d move if someone else came.
The seat he’s sitting at is near the fire, and is in a very good place for getting new books from the shelves, so he probably likes that seat.
I hand him the menu, and after looking at it for a short time, he orders several things, all of which are more filling items.
Maybe he just wasn’t very hungry yesterday.
Maybe it’s because he’s a man, but he’s also part of the Knights, meaning he would probably be fighting a lot.
I wonder if he’s training, since he seems to be in good shape, or maybe he’s just the type to eat a lot.
I bring him enough things to bury the small one-person table, and after eating the main meal, he begins reading while eating the last things with one hand.
It makes me glad to see him take one bite and be surprised before continuing to eat with a smile.
As someone who enjoys cooking, it makes me very happy when people enjoy eating what I’ve made for them.
I look away so I don’t disturb his reading, and open my own book.
From then on, he came almost every day.
He always comes to the café around the same time, once it gets to evening, after he’s finished working for the day.
He leaves at different times, but he always seems to want to stay as long as possible.
It was over a month later of him coming to the café, around the time when we had begun talking more and more.
Recently, while I’m making his order, he’ll sometimes come to the counter and talk with me.
We always talk about books, telling each other which ones are interesting or which ones we’d recommend, things along those lines.
Every book he’s introduced me to has been interesting, and every time I stock new books, he always says they’re books he’s wanted to read.
It’s peaceful, and while I thought that once customers started coming I would lose time for reading, getting excited about books with someone with the same taste as me is only fun.
“The books you stock always look interesting, every time I come I spend a long time deciding which one to read next.”
“Me too. All of the books you’ve told me about have been so interesting, once I get them in, I can’t decide where to start.”
“I know that if I start reading while I’m worried, I can only read so much.”
“It’s difficult, isn’t it? Although the time spent worrying is still enjoyable.”
I’ve never had someone I could talk to like this before, so spending time talking with him has become another thing I look forward to recently.
Most of my friends from my old world weren’t the type to read much.
It was as I was talking with him and was putting the finishing touches on his food.
Even as I focused on putting the last touches on, we didn’t stop talking.
“The new book you got the other day was very interesting. I was surprised when everything turned around at the last part.”
“Right, I know! No one could have predicted that!” I replied enthusiastically, before frantically covering my mouth with my hands.
He looks at me with a slightly surprised expression, and I break out into a cold sweat, thinking, Now I’ve done it.
I was focused on cooking, but I was also so excited that he felt the same that I started talking to him like we were close friends.
“I-I’m sorry. I haven’t had anyone else to be excited with about books like this before. I was just happy that someone else felt the same way when reading the same part of the same book...,” I frantically apologized, and his expression changed to a gentle smile.
And then in the somewhat awkward atmosphere, he opened his mouth.
“It’s okay, I don’t mind. I haven’t had anyone to talk to about books like this before either. Um...if it’s okay, I’d be happy if you wanted to be more like friends, sort of like reading companions.”
From his personality, I didn’t think that he would be angry, but I didn’t expect him to say that.
Not that it doesn’t make me happy.
“Um, are you sure?”
“Yeah. Even though I’ve been teased for being a bookworm, I’ve never had the chance to talk with anyone who likes reading as much as I do. And there’s the benefit of it being easier to stay here longer if you became friends with me.”
He smiles, his reply serious but with a joke thrown in as well.
I unconsciously let out a breath at his words, and then look him in the eyes and smile.
“That would be nice.... I’d like that.”
“I’m happy to hear that.”
I stopped using the polite language I had been using towards him, and he started speaking with me more informally as well.
Somehow, it seems that not only did I get my ideal café in this other world, but I got my ideal friend.
Immediately after, he introduced himself properly to me, and I was surprised to learn that he’s the Knight Captain in this country.
Apparently ‘Ill’ is a nickname, and his actual name is ‘Soeil.’
Ever since I found out about this country’s information notices, or rather, the pamphlets where the planned monster subjugations are written that are passed out periodically, I’ve read it every day, and the mentioned Knight Captain’s name was the same.
Since it’s always the two of us in the café, I don’t need to use his name when we talk, so I never noticed.
He told me just to call him ‘Ill,’ but it felt like I’d become friends with a really amazing person.
But now I can probably talk about books without holding back.
It seems he was thinking the same, as from that day on he sat at the counter and we had deeper conversations than before.
A short while after we became friends, we became comfortable talking to each other without holding back, and before I knew it, it felt like we were rapidly becoming closer.
It’s fun, knowing that even if I talked enough to make the average person draw back, I would get even more in response.
I never thought it would make me this happy to find someone who I could talk about something I love with from the bottom of my heart.
As it seemed that he was always looking forward to coming here, I began looking forward to opening the café door for him.
And precisely because we became friends, there was one thing that I began to worry about.
More accurately, I was worried about it before as well, but I couldn’t well bother a customer about it, so I tried to simply ignore it.
He looked forward to coming to the café, but as soon as he entered, he would let out a big sigh that seemed to be of relief.
There were always faint bags under his almond-shaped eyes, and while he would seem to be enjoying himself when reading, when he was leaving the café, he would let out another sigh, this one seeming to be of depression, as he left.
Both of these sighs seemed somehow subconscious.
Since it doesn’t seem like he dislikes the café, maybe there’s something he doesn’t like before and after coming here.
I watched as he rode away after sighing as he left again today, and closed up the café. Before I go to sleep, I think while looking at the book in front of me.
Being a Knight Captain must be stressful sometimes, so maybe he’s just sighing because he’s stressed or tired?
Like me, he relieves stress by reading, so maybe it would help to stock some new books, I think, returning my gaze to the open book in front of me.
My current lifestyle includes spending the morning reading, then in the afternoon I work on new developments for the menu or otherwise organizing the café, and once Ill arrives, I spend that time either reading or studying magic.
I spend most of my time reading by far, but the book on my lap today is a magic textbook.
This book has quite the variety of spells, including several that seem useful for using around the café.
As I’m flipping through the pages, one spell stands out to me, and I carefully read its description.
“...this is it.”
A type of fatigue restoration magic that you cast on food or drinks.
In other words, it’s as if a health food took effect immediately, and it doesn’t seem to have any negative effects on the consumer’s body.
It’s a spell that helps you recover from fatigue and simultaneously accelerates recovery from injuries.
“‘After using the spell to recover once, you can take a slightly weaker version daily to reduce fatigue in general....’”
It seems like this spell is usually used in restaurants or hospitals, and it falls under the class of advanced magic.
Enchanted items tend to jump up in price based on the magic used, and it says using this magic without changing the flavor of the food consumes a considerable amount of magic.
‘At famous high-class restaurants, they sometimes have a specialist exclusively for casting these spells’?
A good sense for handling magic is required is also written in red letters to stand out, so it seems that by nature this isn’t the kind of magic that would be used in a personal café like mine.
“The amount of magic it costs isn’t a problem, and I have no need to raise my prices. All that’s left is to see if I can actually use it properly.”
This way, Ill won’t think anything is strange, so I decide to try it out and brew a cup of tea for myself.
I followed the book’s instructions and casted the spell.
It doesn’t look any different, and it doesn’t taste any different either.
I get the feeling that my shoulders are suddenly lighter, but it could just be my imagination, so I decide to test out for certain whether or not this magic worked.
“Umm, in order to see for certain whether or not this recovery magic works, I’m supposed to cast a light offensive spell.... Offensive spell....”
After a moment of thinking, I face my cup of tea and try to cast an offensive spell.
The flame in my hand made a pathetic fizzling sound, barely making a ripple on the cup of tea upon impact.
This is terrible, even a child could cast a better offensive spell.
The cup of tea sparkled brightly, indicating that the magic is working, so it seems like at least the restoration spell itself was fine.
“...I can light the fireplace, so why?”
Even the spells I can normally cast, as soon as I try to imagine them as offensive spells, they turn into pathetic knock-offs.
No matter what type, they all turn into the same thing, so I suppose even if I learn offensive spells I won’t be able to use them.
If that’s the case, I’ll master defensive magic to protect myself, I decided.
The recovery magic seems to have been a success, so my goal is accomplished.
“I wonder if it won’t recover all at once. But it said it has a strong effect...oh, it says, ‘It may be difficult to feel the effects at first, but once you go to sleep, you will recover immediately.’“
If I wake up tomorrow and feel fine, then I’ll put restoration magic on Ill’s food without saying anything about it.
He’s already asked me if the café’s prices are really alright.
If I talk about the restoration magic, then it might make him worry about it more.
If we were just café owner and customer, this might be a little much, but as reading companions, I think it’ll be okay.
He isn’t the type of person to hate this, and we don’t have a shallow friendship where this would be inappropriate.
“I hope that with this, he’ll feel even just a little better.”
The day after I learned that new spell, I woke up feeling amazing.
“My body, it feels so light!” I say without thinking, sitting up in my bed.
I can’t feel any of the stiffness in my shoulders that comes from reading so much, nor do I feel the slightest bit tired from having just woken up.
I almost wanted to go for a run right now, my body felt so good.
Of course, with the snow piled up outside, I have no intention of actually doing that.
“It isn’t called ‘Advanced Magic’ for nothing.”
Grateful that part of being a Savior means having such strong magic, I stand up and open the window to look outside.
As usual, the snow is piled up, but today the sun is out, so it looks like good weather.
With my body feeling light and the warm sun outside, wearing thicker clothes and spending my morning reading on the veranda today might be nice.
I bring a warm cup of tea and cookies, and open my book on my lap on the veranda outside.
It’s the start of a worthwhile day.
It’s not like I had been feeling particularly tired until now, but of course when your body is lighter your mood is better.
I finished all of the work I had actually planned to divide among several days, and came up with a new menu.
I was working all day, but my body didn’t get tired.
If it didn’t cost any more than one cup of tea to get this effect then it should be fine if I give it to Ill as well.
He’ll probably come in the evening today too, so if he can recover from his fatigue then he should be a little more relaxed mentally as well.
Speaking of which, it’s about the time he normally comes.
When I looked at the horse paddock earlier, the grass seemed to be diminishing considerably, so I’ll grow some more, I think, putting aside the book on my lap and standing up.
I’ve only ever seen Ill inside the café, so I’ve never seen his horse.
I like animals, so I wonder if Ill would let me pet his horse, I think, opening the door outside.
As soon as the door is open, I feel a cold wind blowing, as expected since it’s getting close to evening.
It was warm this morning, but this is a snow country.
“It’s so cold, I’m glad this country is peaceful, but if it’s snowing all year round.... I have the feeling it’ll take awhile before I get used to this.”
The roads that people use are fundamentally enchanted so the snow doesn’t pile up on them, but that doesn’t change how cold it is, and lately I’ve been missing having four seasons.
Although it sounds like the other large countries each have one season, spring, summer, or fall, all year long as well.
At least in winter I can manage by wearing extra clothes to keep warm, so it’s better than a summer country.
I hurry to the stable and open the door.
Thankfully the barrier keeps it warm, but the grass that should have been growing in the corner of the paddock is almost completely gone.
Maybe I should’ve cast a spell to make it grow automatically to an extent.
“Horses eat quite a bit. If anyone aside from Ill had started coming, I definitely wouldn’t have had enough.”
Speaking of which, don’t horses eat things aside from grass, like fruit or carrots?
I have horse feed prepared, but I kind of want to try offering fresh vegetables.
If they’re different from the horses in my old world, that wouldn’t work, so I’ll ask Ill if it’s okay to let his horse eat some.
Checking that he hasn’t come yet, I use my pendant to search for some apples and carrots and summon them.
I summoned them pre-cut and in a bowl, so that holding onto them like this wouldn’t be strange.
Carrying the bowl in my arms, I moved to the corner with the grass.
Even though I’ve already passed thirty, using magic is more fun than it should be.
If I lightly concentrate on a spell for growing grass, a magic circle appears and I could feel my spirits lift.
Then, if I use more of my magic, the magic circle expands, and grass grows where the magic circle touches.
Yeah, this is fun.
“...I think that’s good.”
Just as the area expands a little more, I stop using my magic and turn back to face the entrance only to meet eyes with Ill, who’s standing with a slightly surprised expression.
“Oh, welcome! Sorry, I didn’t hear you. I was just thinking I would add more grass to the paddock before you came.”
“Oh, uh, sorry, I didn’t say anything. I came a little earlier today.”
Next to Ill, who showed up out of nowhere, stood a pure white horse.
It’s much bigger than any of the horses at the farms in my old world, so I suppose this is what a war horse looks like.
It feels even bigger from up close, I notice as I walk towards it.
“You’re so big! It’s nice to meet you,” I say, looking up at it from below.
The horse seemed to take interest as well, moving its head down so I can get a better look at its face.
“Wow, you’re so pretty!”
It’s beautiful, even compared to other horses.
Its crisp features seemed to match Ill’s somehow, which I found amusing.
It has calm blue eyes that give it a gentle impression.
Its intrigued eyes widen, and it brings its head further down towards me.
Ill’s seemingly panicked voice echoes in the paddock, but his horse pays him no mind as it ducks its head towards me, or rather, the bowl I’m holding.
Its nose pokes at the bowl of vegetables.
“Ahaha, you like them don’t you? I prepared these thinking you’d be able to eat them, but,” I turn to Ill, asking, “is that okay? And is it okay if I pet your horse?”
“Uh, yeah, that’s fine. You can feed her.”
I held a piece of apple out, and she ate it from my hand.
Her eyes widen and sparkle brightly.
“You’re so cute, I’ll leave these in the food box for you and you can eat as much as you want.”
As if understanding me, she neighs happily and comes towards the box.
I’ve never had a horse come so close to me before, but animals are certainly cute.
“She’s so cute, can I pet her?”
“...yeah. She won’t hurt you, so just pet her nose like that.”
I stroke her nose the way Ill says.
Her eyes stayed just as gentle.
After petting her, I move my hand away, and she raises her head.
Unlike before, where her head was lowered for me, I probably wouldn’t be able to reach her nose like this.
“Ahh, animals really soothe me. Thanks for letting me pet her.”
“Oh, I don’t mind that at all. You’re not afraid?”
“Afraid? You mean, of horses?”
I never would have seen that question coming.
Certainly, horses are very big, so there are people who would be afraid, but unlike in my old world, horses are an important mode of transportation all over the country.
Not only that, but they’re unlikely to hurt anyone, and out of all of the animals I like, they’re one of my favorites.
For some reason, Ill has a serious expression on his face, which seems strange to me, but I answer his question.
“I’m not afraid, I’ve always liked horses. I think yours is especially pretty and cute.”
I look at her towards the end of my sentence, and she lowers her head for me again.
I pet her nose once more as I look over at Ill.
“The maids at the castle aren’t afraid either, are they? Since the horses are always helping us out.”
Hearing my answer, Ill is surprised for a moment, before looking downwards.
When he looks up again, his expression has changed to a happy smile.
“That’s right.... Thank you for the apples.”
“Of course, thank you for letting me pet her.”
As Ill released the reins, his horse happily ran towards the box I’d put the apples in.
His horse was so pretty that I could fall in love just looking at her.
In the café, there was a window that had a view of the horse paddock, with a curtain that I haven’t opened before, but if it meant I could see Ill’s horse running around I’d open it next time.
After watching his horse eat, her eyes sparkling, I faced Ill again.
“Oh, I got another book that you said you wanted to read.”
“Really?!” he asked, smiling happily and beginning to walk towards the café.
You don’t often see the customer leading the way, huh.
Noticing that his joyful smile looked similar to his horse’s sparkling eyes, I smile to myself.
They say pets take after their owners, but I hadn’t considered that to extend to horses and their riders.
Not only do both Ill and his horse have crisp features, they’ll both light up around the things they like in the exact same way.
I smile to myself again before following Ill into the café.
I hope the new novels I stocked today and the restoration magic help him feel better.
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Once Tsukina and I became reading companions, we were able to enjoy reading together even more.
I couldn’t have imagined being able to talk this much with a woman my age almost every day, but since we both enjoy reading, being able to talk so deeply about books is unbelievably fun.
I also got my appetite back, as if it were never gone, and most of the books I’d given up on reading after not being able to get them were in that café.
If all the commotion with the Savior wasn’t going on, I probably could have enjoyed it even more.
As usual, the young Savior girl would not learn magic.
She had apparently seen one of the Knights’ horses out, and we were even ordered to be more careful with them.
The Knights’ irritation was past its peak.
Most of the members had left their horses at their parents’ or with friends, and decided to let the horses exercise there, far away from the castle.
Beork was continuing to work with the Princess to find a time and place.
It really is good that I found that café.
I can let my horse run around there, and I feel like going there immediately relieves me of my stress.
At any rate, even if the horses are big, what’s frightening about seeing them from far away?
Are they scary to women...to Tsukina too?
That concern was resolved by none other than Tsukina herself.
Watching Tsukina pet my beloved horse with a smile on her face was relieving.
At first I thought I’d made a mistake.
In any case, I’d wanted to get away from the young Savior girl, so I left the castle faster than usual which was bad.
I was relieved to arrive at the café, and I opened up the gate to the horse paddock without checking inside first, which was careless of me.
In the paddock that I thought was empty, Tsukina was using some kind of magic in the corner.
In the middle of the growing magic circle, grass begins to grow from the ground.
Growing plants is a considerably advanced type of creation magic, and growing them from nothing even more so.
Along with how well the barrier worked, and the magic in the café in even the smallest places, I’m impressed at how amazing her magic and magic control are.
I began thinking in the back of my mind about how nice it would be if she were a Savior.
Watching her turn around and her expression change to one of surprise, I immediately forget about those thoughts.
Next to me is my beloved horse, a huge horse, one that the Savior fears upon simply seeing.
She might be afraid of them too, I realize as I straighten my back, afraid of what might happen.
This is my beloved horse that I’ve left my life in the hands of, so if Tsukina, who I’ve built up a good relationship with, rejects her....
But it seems that was also an unnecessary worry.
She tells my horse It’s nice to meet you with the same cheerful smile she always wears, and compliments her.
My horse is happy to be complimented.
Even when she sticks her nose in the bowl Tsukina’s holding, Tsukina doesn’t get upset, offering her an apple and coming closer to pet her with a happy smile.
“The maids at the castle aren’t afraid either, are they?” she asked, making me realize I’ve forgotten about that.
I detested that at some point, the Savior girl had become the standard in my mind, but I was wholly relieved that Tsukina didn’t reject me.
Tsukina follows that up by telling me that she had gotten a book I wanted to read in, and I quickly head towards the café.
There may be a lot going on at the castle, but at least once I finish work I’m able to come here.
A place I can relax with my favorite books and delicious food.
When I find books I want to talk about, I can talk about them with her.
When I open the door and she meets me with a gentle smile, I finally feel like I can breathe.
The times I can’t go because of work are unbearably disappointing.
Before, once I finished work, I would go directly back to my room and read, but lately I’ve felt like I can relax better in this café than in my own room.
The several months since finding this café, I’ve come here every day so long as I didn’t have something I absolutely couldn’t get out of.
I step into the café I know so well now, and Tsukina follows with a cheerful smile.
“Is something wrong?”
“No, it’s nothing. What do you want today?”
“I had tea yesterday, so today I’ll have coffee. Can I order something to eat later?”
“Yes, that’s fine. I’ll have the coffee out in a minute.”
I watch her head towards the counter, and choose a book before moving to my usual seat.
There is quite a variety of drinks, so I’ve been ordering something different every day, and they’re all delicious.
Maybe I’ll ask if she would sell me some tea leaves or coffee beans, I thought, opening my book.
After some time, she brings me the coffee I asked for.
Just like always, it’s delicious, and I let out an impressed sound at the feeling of it going down my throat.
Whether it’s because of sitting in a place I like drinking a warm drink, my body suddenly feels lighter.
The sound of quiet music, the crackling fire, and Tsukina and myself flipping pages of our books.
The sounds of the café when it’s just Tsukina and me are gentle and make me relax even more.
So much that I’d almost rather live here.
Which is exactly why it’s unbearably depressing to leave.
Turning away from Tsukina, who watches me leave with a smile, I leave the café, sighing again.
I wonder if the Savior will cause even more problems tomorrow.
With that depressing thought, I fell into my bed and the next day came.
Recently, even immediately after I wake up, I’ve been feeling somewhat tired.
But this morning I sit up and stare at my hands.
My body feels so light, it’s like the fogginess in my mind has cleared up.
It isn’t that my disgust of the Savior has gone away, but I feel somewhat refreshed.
I stand up from my bed and take a few steps before stopping in place.
On top of having to do a lot of paperwork, swinging a sword around leads to a chronic pain in my shoulders that’s now gone away.
I wonder if this is because being at the café yesterday was very relaxing.
But I’ve never felt this well in all the months of going there.
“Well, there’s nothing better than being able to move.”
Today I promised Beork I’d spar with him in the morning.
Once I’m dressed, I head to the training grounds.
Beork had already arrived and was waving to me, and I gripped my sword as I waved back.
After several rounds of sparring, we decide to take a break, and I drink some water.
Although I have the higher position, there is little difference between Beork’s and my capabilities.
Having fought seriously, we were both out of breath.
“Aren’t you stronger today?”
“I’ve been feeling good today. It’s easy to move.”
“You definitely look well. Did something good happen?”
Something good..., I think, suddenly picturing Tsukina’s smile in my head.
Since I found that café, and since I met her, the days have been far more enjoyable than before.
Every day, I can’t wait to be done with work for the day.
I’m sure she’ll greet me with a smile again today.
Thinking of her smile makes my own lips pull into a smile.
“I suppose so, something good did happen.”
“Did you find a book you wanted? If you can’t find any time to read, I can take your horse out for a run for you, you know.”
“I’m fine right now, thanks. Anyways, make sure to find some time with the Princess. I hope you know she’s the one protecting the maids from the Savior.”
“Of course. Usually once work ends, I spend time with her. Today, not just because of the horse grounds, we’re planning to take my horse for a ride.”
“I see, I hope you get to spend some time together. The Princess can probably relax better away from the castle too.”
For some reason, I’d rather not bring up Tsukina, so I keep my words vague.
Maybe when the commotion with the Savior is under control, I can introduce her to Beork.
Well, there’s not really any problem with introducing her now.
But for a little longer, I want to have that place to myself to relax.
That warm space, and her friendship.
I smile wryly, thinking about how even though I’m an adult, wanting to keep that place to myself almost feels like I’ve become a child again.
Translation Notes:
“I started talking to him like we were close friends”: in Japanese culture, there is polite language (language used when speaking to people you don’t know well) and casual language (language used when speaking to people close to you); in this scene, Tsukina suddenly started using casual language towards Ill, which can be considered offensive, especially considering that he’s a customer at her café, which is why she was so horrified when she realized
“reading companions”: this is a literal translation of the Japanese term, as they’re not really “friends” friends yet, but are more than acquaintances, and this means they’re able to act more friendly with each other; in Japanese culture and the term “friend” indicates a stronger relationship than in English
“he started speaking with me more informally as well”: in this instance the Japanese actually says “he stopped using “you” (あなた anata) and started using “you” (君・きみ kimi) to me instead,” but I changed it to make it flow better. But if you’re interested in learning about Japanese second person pronouns (ways to say “you”), I’ve written a Twitter thread here about this topic, and you can find info on the nuances between あなた anata and 君・きみ kimi there
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
Which fruit tastes best covered in chocolate? Bananas probably. <<< And strawberries.
What’s the last thing you drank? Water. What was in your last smoothie? Bananas, vanilla almond milk, and chocolate syrup.
Do you prefer eating ice cream in a cup or cone? Cup. I take way too long to finish, so it gets too messy otherwise. A waffle bowl is a good alternative as well.
What color lipstick do you think looks best on you? I never wore lipstick that often, but if I did I liked nudes, light pinks, and a pop of red now and then. 
Are you romantically in love with someone right now? No. 
What color would you like to dye your hair? I’ve been dyeing it red the past few years. I’m a year overdue (a year and 3 months now...) and in serious need of getting it done, but sigh. I don’t know when that will be at this point. I haven’t had the energy or motivation and my hair is a mess and gah. Part of me just wants to whack it off. COVID played a role in not getting done, but I’ll be completely honest it’s a small role. I could have at some point or at least settled for a box dye in the meantime, but nope. Ughhh. It’s bad.
Do you prefer… the beginning or end of the year? Spring or Summer? Fall or Winter? The end for sure. I love fall and winter.
What’s the last app you opened on your phone? YouTube.
What color eyeshadow did you last wear? I don’t remember. I haven’t worn any makeup in almost 4 years now and back when I did I rarely wore eyeshadow.
Have you ever been stung by a bee, hornet, or wasp? No, thankfully.
When’s the last time you received flowers as a gift? Actually, my dad got me some last week cause I’ve been going through a rough time and he saw them and thought I would enjoy them.
What is a food you’d like to try? *shrug* I’m so picky and particular and basic so I stick to the same few foods. 
What time is it right now? 3:37PM.
Do you prefer… pastel colors or dusty colors? Forests or beaches? Strawberries or bananas? Pastel, beaches, bananas. 
What’s the last thing you bought for yourself and for someone else? For myself, food. I also bought coffee for my brother and I not too long ago.
What’s the last gift you received? The aforementioned flowers.
Is there anything that’s been on your wishlist for a long time that you still want? Not at the moment that I can think of.
Do you prefer breakfast, lunch, or dinner? Lunch and dinner.
What’s your favorite sandwich? Bologna with Colby Jack cheese, extra mayo, some mustard, and spinach or turkey, salami, Colby Jack cheese, extra mayo, and some mustard.
What’s the last song you listened to? Worship music during my church’s livestream this morning.
What colors look best on you? I like to wear and feel comfortable in black.
What makes you feel the most guilty? I feel guilty about a lot of things. Especially these days.
Do you bother with skincare products? No. :X
What’s currently on your desk? I don’t have a desk. Well, my bed is basically my desk since I have my laptop, chargers, and Bible study stuff (books, notebook, a pencil case with my pens, highlighters, white-out). 
Do you prefer… popsicles or ice cream? Cupcakes or cake? Cheesecake or shortcake? Ice cream, cupcakes, cheesecake.
What was your dream wedding like as a kid compared to now? I wasn’t the kid that dreamt of their wedding and I’m not the adult that does either. I don’t even see myself getting married.
What’s something you wish you were talented at? Something.
What’s the scent of the last perfume, body spray, lotion, body wash, and hand soap you used? I haven’t used perfume or body spray in awhile so I don’t recall at the moment. I use Caress body soap, which smells like....clean? soap? I don’t know? The last hand soap I used smells like strawberry lemon.
Do you consider yourself romantic? No.
When’s the last time you received a greeting card? Hmm. I don’t recall.
Do you play video games? If yes, what are you playing now? It’s been awhile. I was hooked on Animal Crossing all last year, but fell off earlier this year for some reason.
What are you hungry or thirsty for right now? Nothing at the moment.
Who do you live with? My parents, brother, and doggo.
What color are the walls and carpet in your bedroom? White walls and tan carpet.
What’s your favorite candle scent? I like B&BW’s autumnal scents.
Do you prefer… sunshine or moonlight? Gardening or baking? Flowers or succulents? Moonlight, baking, flowers.
Do you use emoji when you text or type online? Sometimes.
How many hours of sleep do you get a night? Not much. Never enough.
What do you prefer in your salad? I like to add spinach, shredded cheese, olives, croutons, tomatoes, and hard boiled eggs. 
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? I have a few that sit on my bed.
Do you like playing games by yourself or with other people? Depends on the game? 
How do you take your coffee? Just like my metal. Nah, I need flavored creamer or cream and sugar.
What’s the last book you read? I’m currently reading, The Girl and the Unlucky 13 by AJ Rivers. It’s the 13th book in the series.
Do you think you drink enough water daily? No, definitely not.
What’s your favorite holiday? Christmas.
What did you have for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks today So far I’ve just had two over-easy eggs, two pieces of buttered toast, and a cup of coffee.
Do you prefer… honey or jam? Roses or sunflowers? Oatmeal or cereal? Jam, roses, both.
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mischiefandmystics · 5 years
LFRP: Sun’ra Zhawn
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B A S I C S .
FULL NAME: Śūn'ra Yatā PRONUNCIATION: SHoon-ra Ya-ta ALIAS: Sun’ra Zhawn NICKNAME(S): Blu, Sun, various epithets from various people AGE: 25 BIRTHDAY: 16th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon ETHNIC GROUP: Miqo’te/Keeper of the Moon NATIONALITY: Meracydian LANGUAGE(S): Common, Huntspeak, some sign language  SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Open to interpretation  ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: Open to interpretation  RELATIONSHIP STATUS: In a relationship with Maril Hawker, but still a ho HOME TOWN/AREA: An island off the coast of the main Meracydian continent CURRENT HOME:  N/A, wanders and has several hideouts throughout Eorzea PROFESSION: Bandit, Street Pharmacist, Chef, Back Alley Surgeon
P H Y S I C A L .
HAIR: Cotton candy blue and pink, thick, coarse, and with the slightest of waves EYES: Bright, intense, and vivid violet in color. Almond shaped and often with constricted pupils FACE: Sharp, symmetrical, and expressive with a round, wide nose LIPS: Full, soft, and usually smirking COMPLEXION: Deep russet brown BLEMISHES: N/A SCARS: Rare, faded, but heavy around the hands and knuckles. There are none of any particular note or story. TATTOOS: Clan markings on his face HEIGHT: 5′8 WEIGHT: 162 BUILD: Muscular, athletic, compact, and broad shouldered. DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: Clan markings, hair color, intense stare, facial and ear piercings ALLERGIES: N/A USUAL HAIR STYLE: Cut short or chin length at most, no particular style, left to do what it wills. USUAL FACE LOOK: Prone to sharp toothed grins, teasing or taunting glances, and focused, unblinking stares. USUAL CLOTHING: Fitted leather and cloth, or loose linen pieces in either black or bright and vibrant colors. COMMON ACCESSORIES: Black choker, fingerless gloves, gold bracelets, and gold sunglasses(if during the day)
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P S Y C H O L O G Y .
FEAR(S): Dying ASPIRATION(S): Longevity in banditry, general hedonism, and to grow and synthesize the most potent drugs with the cleanest highs. POSITIVE TRAITS: Charming, Truthful, Diligent, Loyal, Creative, Patient, Astute NEGATIVE TRAITS: Unabashedly Evil, Excessively Violent, Cunningly Manipulative, Largely Unpredictable  MBTI: ENFJ-A  ZODIAC: Sagittarius TEMPERAMENT: Sanguine-Choleric  SOUL TYPE(S): The Warrior & The Sage ANIMAL(S): The Wolf & The Crocodile VICE HABIT(S): Murder, Fogweed, Sensation Seeking FAITH: Agnostic GHOSTS?: Unsure AFTERLIFE?: Unsure REINCARNATION?: Unsure ALIENS?: Yes POLITICAL ALIGNMENT: Vaguely anarchist leaning, but otherwise unconcerned. EDUCATION LEVEL:  Homeschooled and private tutelage while young, various forms of apprenticeship after leaving home, and continues to study and practice his trade and interests as an adult.
F A M I L Y .
FATHER: Zai’zi Routak; Alive MOTHERS: Śūn Yatā; Alive SIBLINGS: 14 sisters and 4 brothers EXTENDED FAMILY: Various aunts, cousins, nieces, nephews, etc. PETS: A nutkin named Chip, a mameshiba named Bombo, and a war panther named Jean-Baptiste Sevigny. NAME MEANING(S): Fifth son of Śūn Yatā   HISTORICAL CONNECTION?: N/A.
F A V O R I T E S .
BOOK: The medical journals pertaining to anatomy and physiology from Maril’s library.  DEITY: Sophia HOLIDAY: Valentione's Day  MONTH: July SEASON: Summer PLACE:  Mor Dhona WEATHER: Sunshower SOUND(S): The cacophony of active voices in a crowded room, the rhythmic breaking of waves against the shore, and the sharp, surprised, intake of breath by a person once stabbed. SCENT(S): Petrichor, blood, medicinal herbs, and burning wood. TASTE(S): Sharp, hot, and spicy peppers, bitter and sour tastes like lemons, and the savory and rich flavor of spiced cinnamon. FEEL(S): Textures that are sticky or tacky like blood, or gritty like sand, or rough like calloused hands. ANIMAL(S): Coeurls, Nutkins, Dogs NUMBER(S): 16 COLOR(S): Red, Blue, Pink, Purple, and Yellow
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E X T R A .
TALENT(S): Cooking, mathematics, sleight of hand, hand-eye coordination BAD AT:  Drawing, hiding emotions, magic TURN ONS: Competence, violence, passion, assertiveness, risk-taking, vulnerability TURN OFFS: Spinelessness, arrogance, dishonesty HOBBIES: Botany, singing and songwriting, playing guitar, stalking people, exploring ruins TROPES:  It Amused Me, Sadist, Pragmatic Villainy, No-Nonsense Nemesis, Because I’m Good At It, Machiavelli Was Wrong, Even Evil Can Be Loved, Even Evil Has Loved Ones QUOTE(S): N/A
T R A I T S .
extroverted / in between / introverted disorganized / in between / organized close minded / in between / open-minded  calm / in between / anxious disagreeable / in between / agreeable cautious / in between / reckless patient / in between / impatient outspoken / in between / reserved leader / in between / follower empathetic / in between / apathetic optimistic / in between / pessimistic traditional / in between / modern hard-working / in between / lazy cultured / in between / uncultured  loyal / in between/ disloyal faithful / in between/ unfaithful
P O S S I B L E   H O O K S .
Drug Dealer: Śūn’ra is a drug dealer, and a fairly good one at that. He has his own distinct wares to offer, but will also make the effort to procure whatever a client desires beyond his normal fare. This is however, with the exception of Somnus as he refuses to deal with that particular substance in any capacity. Still, if one is looking for a quick fix, or a reliable long term supplier, he is always happy to provide.
Banditry: What Śūn’ra considers as his main “job”, is the thing he’s been doing the longest, and what he finds himself to be really good at. He has been known to take advantage of the Ala Mhigan refugees outside of Ul’dah, the Doman refugees who once made their temporary home around Mor Dhona, the various downtrodden in Gyr Abania, and generally any random, lightly armored person or persons on a dark road in and around the various housing districts. If you want to be a victim, a hero, a like-minded individual, or simply heard curious, ominous rumors of people being robbed and/or murdered in the dark, feel free to explore the possibility.
Hired Hand: As he’s generally always on the search for or considering the potential of the next thrill, Śūn’ra tends to keep his ear to the underground when it comes to offerings of various “unsavory” jobs. Whether you need an assassin, a torturer, a kidnapper, or someone to shake down those indebted to you, he’s generally up for the task. Additionally, while the Keeper himself has no grandiose plans for mass destruction, conquest, or the like, he’s more than happy to help those who do - for a price, and for as long as going along with his employer’s ambitions is more thrilling than the escapades of those attempting to put a stop to them... 
Dungeon-Diving: Śūn’ra has found that he rather enjoys heading into various dungeons and ruins in search of relics to either keep for himself or to sell for overinflated prices. The threat of monsters, voidsent, and other ne'er-do-wells amuses and excites him. It is possible to run into him alone, scoping out a location for possible treasures, or to convince him to join your own expedition.
General Evil-doing: In simplest terms, Śūn’ra finds evil things to just generally be more fun than good things. He’d like to meet others of a similar mindset, and isn’t shy about tracking such individuals down if he catches wind of them.
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L O O K I N G   F O R .
I am looking for both short and long term RP with villainous contacts, friends, and business collaborators for various dubious plotlines, one shots, and experimental campaigns. Ideally something long term, with characters willing to get their hands dirty and not prone to passivity. 
Rivals, enemies, and people to thwart and be thwarted by. It’s not fun if he always wins or gets his way. People who are able to stand up to him and hold their own are wanted too. Doesn’t have to be long running as I am open to heroic one shots as well.
Pretty much anything. There’s a wide world of RP out there to be had, and various types of plotlines. I’m always open to hear things out, and even if I’m not super into something, we can shape it into something that works well for the both of us. Śūn'ra as a character has a wide variety of interests and hobbies, and not everything has to be about violence or mayhem(though that is the main focus), so please, if you have an idea, let me know!
C O N T A C T .
Here! On Tumblr!
In game via: Sun’ra Zhawn@balmung
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thadelightfulone · 4 years
The Firm - Chapter 9
Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8
Summary: Erik has been hired to find an embezzler for an old friend. The investigation is underway but who is after Green and LaNyah.
Pairing: Erik x Black!OC
Genre: Suspense
Words: 5K+
--- 3 Weeks Ago ---
Matt sits in the seat just vacated by Mrs. Williams, and Laura sits across from him. He is wringing his fingers, opening and closing his mouth. Where does he start this conversation? How does he fill in the details about what he has been up to for the last three years? And that he is living on borrowed time? Hell, how does he tell her she was just face to face with his boss? A bitch who is clearly capable of doing anything at any time based on what he has witnessed. Inhaling deeply, he starts. “I don’t know where to begin.”
“You better say something to me. You made me look stupid in front of Mrs. Williams.” He didn’t have the heart to tell her that Mrs. Williams feels that way about everyone below her stature anyway.
“So, you know how I brought you up here to get you away in case my boss tries something?”
She rolls her eyes, “Oh, you mean the illegal job?”
“You know I didn’t hear you complaining when the money was coming in regularly. In fact, we still see all that money every month. You are so ungrateful.” He puffs out in frustration, “I did this for you. I knew then that it was a long term job. I knew that you wanted kids, a great big house, a grand wedding, and all that shit. With Mr. Green, not paying me any mind, I thought I was stuck until this opportunity came along." He stands up, "So, do not look at me like I am some grand fuck up."
“You are Matthew. You needed help to get here. And clearly, for someone this shady to find you, I bet they have some dirt on you." She slowly rises to her feet. "How many women did you get caught with, Matt?" She pokes him, "No, how many women filed complaints with HR about you? What is your boss holding against you that you can't just leave and take the money that you have already earned, huh?" She walks over to the railing. "Why do you have to finish it? You did all the hard work getting them access in the first place. They have that chick you mentioned, Mariah, or whatever her name is to take the fall for all the shit you have done. Why are you not out?"
Lowly, he responds to her, "Because it is a death sentence." She whirls around on him; confusion marks her face, "As soon as I am no longer needed," he sniffs to prevent the tears from falling, "I. Am. A. Dead. Man."
She walks over to him and grabs both of his hands in hers. "I'm sorry, babe.” She leans against his shoulder. “There’s gotta be something you can do?”
Shaking his head, "Nope. If I come clean to Green, I'll be fired and arrested for everything I did. That's federal time. If my boss even thinks I'm about to squeal or fuck up the grand plan in any little way, she’ll have me killed.”
"She?" Matt turns to Laura, grabbing her into a bear hug, inhaling her scent, and just holding her and the baby tightly until he stops crying.
--- Three Weeks Later ---
LaNyah only comes to the top floor to report her findings in the weekly meetings with Erik, or any tasks that he has requested of her. She no longer works out of the conference room. Conversations are kept to a minimum unless Stacey joins them. She has integrated herself into their meetings without either party fighting her on it. LaNyah doesn't look at Erik, only the computer screens and conference monitors. Erik acts like he appears, a solid brick wall. Even with Stacey engaging both of them, they speak to and through her but never towards one another.
Stacey starts to spend more time downstairs with LaNyah as well, sometimes working out of her office. They have lunch together daily, and she is helping LaNyah work on her crafting skills. Stacey has even gotten her to accept invitations with Cynthia and Sandi for local Paint & Sip nights and after-work drinks with the rest of the team. LaNyah is happy to have another woman friend besides Ashley, who is more like a mother figure anyway.  
Erik started keeping irregular hours in the office, only really there for his meetings with LaNyah and Stacey. Otherwise, he is focused on trying to figure out who Matt has been in communication with since his in-house investigation is over. He has followed him to some hole-in-the-wall spot down the street on various occasions, and every so often, there is a bunch of men surrounding a well-dressed woman who sneaks in and out through the back. He can never get a good enough look at her to run her face through his software.
He stays back so Matt won’t see him, but it is getting frustrating after tracking his movements for weeks. Erik even saw Matt invite LaNyah out for drinks with the team. And she actually joined them, after inviting her new bestie, Stacey along. Those two were growing closer as each week passed, and LaNyah won’t even look at him. As far as she is concerned, he is another pain in the ass man for her to avoid unless it is absolutely necessary to engage.
Erik knows they think the worst of him, and even though he never wanted that to happen. He knew that it needed to be done for him and LaNyah. And the one person that he should be able to talk that out with won't talk to him either. Stacey does her job, but the jokes and playful banter he was used to between them is gone as well. Erik closes his eyes, mentally preparing himself for another day at GBI.
Alex taps his desk in frustration; the map and dots on the screen are flashing faster than they were less than 24 hours ago. He glances at the screen on the left and notices the numbers declining across several account lines. Shaking his head, he yells out, "Ashley! We gotta get back. Pack up our things now!”
Looking at the time, he picks up the phone and makes a call. He knows it is a long shot that someone will answer, but he needs to try.
Erik lifts his head from the desk when the phone rings, “Stevens.”
“I figured you might be in today.” Alex rushes out before continuing, “Erik, they picked up activity.” Erik pulls up the database screens and watches the same flurry of activity that Alex is watching.
“Why now?” He counts in a low whisper as he adds up the amounts. “They dropped the pattern and are increasing it in lumps sums.”
“They are about to make their move, E.” Alex blurts. “Ashley and I are coming back. I will be in the office tomorrow, can you meet me there? We need all hands on deck for this part. You, Stacey, and LaNyah.”
Closing his eyes, he starts rubbing his temples, “Yeah, I can be here to meet you. I don’t know if I can get LaNyah here on such short notice, but I’ll try.” He removes his gold-rimmed glasses, placing them beside the stack of papers on his desk.
“Do that. I will see you soon.” Alex hangs up, and Erik places a call before he stands up to look out the window.
The other line picks up, “Stacey, I need you to come in tomorrow.” Erik hears the sucking of teeth. “Alex is coming, and he needs us all here. Can you relay that message to Miss Cole?”
“Yes sir. Is there anything else?”
Rolling his shoulders, he turns to the phone, “No. I will see you in the morning. Have a good day.” He returns to his seat, picking up two documents and runs his fingers along the colored notes LaNyah made on them. “What am I going to do about this girl?”
It’s a beautiful Saturday morning as LaNyah approaches her first stop of the day. It was her favorite time of the week, her weekly shopping, and she has her lists ready. There are a few new recipes that she wants to try out as the weather gets cooler. Her weekend meal prepping for the week is both calming and relaxing. Most may find it monotonous, but she enjoys the routine, especially since she has been going out with Stacey a lot more lately.
Her best friend and the one who has been keeping her grounded, Stacey. LaNyah smiles, thinking about having a best friend. She's even helped her become more of a team player, so Matt doesn't bother her as much. She ignores him like the rest of the team does, and who would have thought that. They all share their dislike of him after he leaves whenever they go for drinks. She just keeps her distance from him like with Erik.
LaNyah stalls while putting her lists in her bag and just sits in her car, thinking about her boss. The handsome boss with the calming voice, who she thought wanted to help her. She has thought about his actions over the last few weeks and still cannot make sense regarding his about-face when it came to her and the real culprit behind the embezzlement. She really did start to think of him as a friend and even a protector, so it hurt to see him switch up on her. It was like he said what he needed to get her guard down enough for her to be comfortable with him and then turned on her, right when she needed him to fight for her.
No matter how he made her feel and her attraction to him, she was not going to let it hinder her progress. This whole situation and Stacey have helped her become someone she recognizes, someone who wants to live and have experiences without crippling fear preventing it. She has done a lot more living and growing in these last few weeks than ever before, and she has the two of them to thank for that. LaNyah takes a deep breath and releases all those thoughts that just flooded her. Time for shopping. She collects herself and gets out of the car.
LaNyah walks in, smiling and waving to all the employees she knows before grabbing a basket. Swinging her handbasket, she collects some of her usuals – popcorn, flavored almonds, Oreos, and newly added a wine she discovered at one of the Paint & Sip nights with the girls. Scrolling through her list, she makes her way down each aisle, grabbing all necessary items for crockpot soups, various pasta dishes, and her favorite roasted chicken salad.
Leaving the store, she puts all her items into her trunk. She checks off that store’s list and places it in her purse. LaNyah goes to put her cart back at the return.
“Oh, damn.” LaNyah turns to see an older lady who was one register over from her, having trouble putting her items away on the other aisle.
She puts her cart away and walks over to her. "Can I help you, ma'am?"
"Thank you, sugar. I would appreciate it.” She points to a bag that LaNyah helps her lift up and into the back seat. They work together and make short work of getting the rest of her bags into the car. “You are such a sweetheart. Thank you.”
"You're welcome, ma'am. Have a lovely day!" LaNyah walks away as her cell starts to ring. She stops to look at it and see Stacey’s name. “Hey girl, what’s up?”
“We have to work tomorrow.”
“Really? Why would Erik need us on a Sun-”
Stacey cuts her off, “Alex wants us there.” She hears LaNyah inhale deeply. “Yeah, I guess he is flying back today and wants all of us in tomorrow.”
“Well, they are just gonna have to see me on Monday. I need more than 12 hours notice for this.” Stacey huffs. “No Stace, if we all have to actively work together and be cooped up in the same space,” she rubs her temple, “then I need the time to adjust. I mean, unless you want to spend the day babysitting me."
“Alright, alright, alright. I get it. I’ll cover for you.”
“Thank you.”
“Just make sure you are there first thing Monday morning, ok.”
"I will. I promise. See you Monday." Stacey hangs up, and LaNyah gets back to her car, but her driver’s side is blocked by a car that just parked. “Seriously.” She walks to her trunk and stands there.
"Oh my bad, did I block you in?" She nods at the man who walks around the black Range Rover and spots her. "Hold on; I got it." While LaNyah focuses on him going back to the driver’s side. She is knocked to the ground hard from her left, and before she can scream, a hand covers her mouth with a cloth. LaNyah’s unconscious body is lifted off the ground and put into the back of the Range Rover.
“Did you get her?” The voice coming from an earbud that the driver is wearing. They are looking at jumping lights on a laptop screen. “Beautiful work Matthew.”
“Yes, we got her. Are we taking her to the safe house?”
“Correct. I will see you guys down there later tonight.” Gina pulls her wig off, shaking out her hair and sits back in her seat as she watches the Range Rover drive off from her rearview mirror. “Bye bye Miss Cole.”
It has been a long morning, and both Erik and Stacey are on edge waiting for Alex. He was supposed to be gone for another week, at least. Erik figures Alex thinks that the person behind all of this is about to run off with all the money before they can trace it back to them. Once those funneling transactions stop, there will be no way to trace them anymore. All roads will lead to an inactive IP address and probably a closed bank account.
Alex and Ashley walked into the office a little after 10. He has his laptop out of his briefcase before he greets anyone in the conference room. They all exchange pleasantries over coffee, tea, and bagels as everyone finds their bearings. Erik and Stacey have their notes and pads ready for whatever Alex is about to tell them.
Looking around the room, Alex asks, “Where’s LaNyah?” Ashley looks at Stacey and Erik. Erik turns to Stacey. He didn’t bother to ask when LaNyah did not come in with her.
“Uhhh, she decided not to come in today.” Stacey shrugs. “She said that this is her time to relax and reboot for the upcoming week.” Ashley nods before facing towards Alex.
“Makes sense. Well, I’m sure you both can catch her up when she comes in tomorrow.” He pulls up multiple screens on the wall behind him. "These are all the accounts that we have been tracing the missing money to and from." Alex points to one screen on his left, "This shows the pattern that the money was removed from the account. It goes back three years, increasing in amount every 6 months. I am here because 48 hours ago, the amount jumped by over 1 million dollars in one fell swoop.”
“Damn,” Stacey hisses. “So, what does this mean for us?”
“It means we need to hurry up and figure out who is doing it and stop them. I have frozen any other activity, but it was done after this last move.” Alex stands back as they watch the numbers on the account lines increase and decrease. Huffing out, he continues, "Ash and I were overseas tracing the locations of these accounts. We were chasing the money itself while I had you here finding our inside man and possibly connecting them to the outside man.” Erik and Stacey nod as Alex sits down, and Ashley stands up.  
"Well, we know who the inside man is, but we have no clue as to who hired him in the first place," Erik announces to the room.
Alex taps Erik’s shoulder. “Hold that thought. We may have that part figured out.”
“The funds are bouncing between 10 different accounts after being siphoned from the initial accounts here at GBI. They figured keeping the money spread across different accounts would make it harder to trace because they do not all start from the same location nor stay there for long. From here to San Francisco and Boston, before going overseas to London and finally Australia.” Ashley points to the flashing on the screens. “The final resting place for the money are three accounts in Australia. We had to meet with the officials to get access to the owner of the accounts.” Ashley brings up a new screen with a picture of an older white male.
“Owner? So, only one person is tied to the accounts.” Erik inquires.
“Yes, one sole owner of 4 accounts.” Erik looks closely at the screen and the name of the man. Greg Williams, 57, heir of Williams’ steel mills.
“You just said there were 10 accounts?” Stacey questions.
“Yes, Greg only owned 4 accounts. They were split apart not too long after he died. Then two more accounts were opened at that time.” Alex speaks up from his seat. “He died three years ago, right around the time the embezzlement started.”
“His wife inherited everything and made those changes after he died. One of the original accounts and the two new accounts hold the complete $1.3 billion that she has managed to steal over the last three years.” A new picture pops up on the screen, “This is Gina Williams, maiden name McCoy.”
“FUCK NO!” Erik jumps up from his seat. “Say it ain’t so.” Alex drops his head, avoiding Erik’s hard stare.
Lowly, “His twin sister, man.” Erik bends over the table with a death grip on the edges. Stacey watches all three of them. Erik looks like he has seen a ghost, and his face is full of rage while Alex starts wringing his hands and mumbling softly to himself, head bowed. Ashley is standing strong but has a deep frown on her face as she looks over the two men in the room.
“Am I missing something here?” Ashley walks over to Stacey.
Pulling her up from her chair, “I’ll explain it all tomorrow when LaNyah comes in. It is best if I tell you two what is going on, ok.” Stacey nods and gathers her things.
All is quiet in the conference room once Stacey leaves. The silence permeates the space for the next 5 minutes. Ashley sits down near Alex, grabbing his hand as Erik starts pacing the room.
“It’s been almost 20 fucking years. Why the fuck is she coming after you now?” He looks at Ashley. “In fact, how the fuck was she able to find out about you?”
“I don’t know everything yet. We only found out it was her two days ago. I know that being married to Greg gave her the resources she needed for her search. His family business had government contracts, so she may have found some help searching military records, including any complaints filed against officers." Erik runs his hands over his face. "She would have gotten my name from there. I have no idea how much information she has just yet or her real objective besides trying to get to me.”
“Erik, now that we know this is personal. I need you to be super vigilant of LaNyah.” Erik stops pacing and turns towards Ashley and Alex. "If she chose her as the fall guy, she might know of her connection to us." Alex finishes.
“Fuck me!” Erik slowly lowers himself into the nearest chair. “So, you don’t think it was a coincidence that the money started disappearing not too long after she started working for you?”
“We’re saying we do not know, but we would rather be safe than sorry. If she looked into LaNyah’s background, her most recent history is going to tie her to both of us directly." Ashley interjects.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. I get that.” He looks at them both, standing up and tapping on the table. “You have the investigation under control again, so I’ll step back and focus on keeping LaNyah safe.” He tries to keep a straight face when looking at Ashley, who smiles softly at him. “Who wants to tell her?”
"I am going to share the details with Stacey and LaNyah if that is ok with you two?" Alex squeezes her hand, and Erik waves it off, “Fine, then I will break it to her that you are her bodyguard in the morning. You can start then.”
Groaning, Erik grabs his notes and stuff and walks to the inner door leading to the office. Ashley and Alex follow. He starts cramming his things into his briefcase. “I need to get out of here and clear my head.” He looks between the two, “I need time to switch from investigator to personal bodyguard.” I need time to figure out how to deal with LaNyah since she won't talk to me, and I have to watch over her now.  
“Oh yeah.”
“Sure, we get it.” Ashley and Alex blurt at the same time. Erik picks up the briefcase and his jacket. Walking to the door, his hand is on the knob when Ashley’s voice stops him. “She is me, and I am her, Erik.”
Erik opens the door, "Yeah, I know." He says out loud to himself but only bobs his head in acknowledgment of her statement before heading to the elevators.
--- Monday Morning ---
Erik walks into the office dressed in a black turtleneck, black leather jacket, and grey slacks. Half of his dreads are in a ponytail on top of his head, with the rest hanging to the side. He has on all gold accessories – his rimmed glasses, a thick chain, watch and a couple of rings. Erik turns to the front desk when he hears sputtering. He rushes over to Stacey and pats her on the back. "You good?"
She thanks him and gathers herself together, "Who are you, and what have you done with Mr. Erik Stevens?" She stands up to look at him.
"Like what you see?" He smiles big, and she spots his deep dimples and catches a glimpse of gold on his lower teeth.
"Nigga, is that a grill?" Erik starts to laugh, and Stacey is stuck. "Who told you to come in looking like a fake Superfly?” She pushes at his chest.
“No one is reporting to me anymore. I am officially shifting to my main role.” He leans over her desk. “Can you make me some coffee for the last time?”
“Oh, you have been activated?” She laughs, “Yeah, I can do that for you because you are gonna need it.” She walks to the coffee maker.
"Why do you say that?" He follows behind her while she laughs.
"She hasn't spoken one word to you in weeks. Now, you have to protect her while the rest of us try to figure out how to catch this fucking Gina chick." She drops the cup under the spout. "What was the last thing I said to you that night?"
“That I was a dick.” She rolls her eyes at him. “Ok, you said that she doesn’t trust me and that I will have a hard time trying to ‘play’ bodyguard if she doesn’t.” 
Stacey fixes his coffee and shoves the cup in his hands, “Exactly, so how do you plan to fix this shit?”
“Ashley is gonna break it to her after she talks to you both.” He stares at the coffee cup in his hand. “Even if she doesn’t talk to me directly, as long as she at least lets me protect her, I can deal with that.”
Shaking her head, Stacey stares at him, “Oh sure, let Ashley smooth things over when it really should be you.”
“You don’t think I haven’t tried to that?” Erik raises his voice, “She won’t even look at me or respond to anything I say. She doesn’t answer any of my calls or emails. She doesn’t stay after the meetings long enough for me to pull her to the side." He sets his cup down. "So, yes, I am going to use Ashley to break the ice for me again. I am back at square one with her, and I have no idea how to get back in her good graces.”
"Back in whose good graces?" Ashley walks up to the desk with Alex. They stare between Stacey and Erik, and the distressed looks on their faces.
“Good morning Stacey,” nodding towards him, “Erik.”
"Good morning Mr. Green and Ashley," Stacey responds.
“Morning Green,” Erik looks at Ashley, “Ashley.” He picks his coffee back up, “I’m gonna head downstairs to wait for LaNyah to arrive.”
"Have her come up as soon as she does, thanks." He two-finger salutes everyone before heading to the elevators.
Erik has been waiting by her office door for two hours, and LaNyah has not appeared. He called Stacey half an hour ago, and she said LaNyah never came upstairs either. No one has seen her yet today. He decides to try his luck and call her cell phone. It goes straight to voicemail.
“Hey LaNyah, it’s Erik. Where are you? It's 11 am, and no one has heard from you today. Please just give Stacey or Ashley a call to let us know you are ok. Thanks.”
He texts Stacey letting her know to call LaNyah and see if she gets an answer. He gets up and tosses his cold coffee out on his way to the elevators.
The elevator dings, and Erik walks out to see everyone looking his way. “No response?”
Stacey shakes her head, "It went straight to voicemail for me," pointing to her, "and Ashley, too."
“Do you think she turned off her phone?” Alex asks.
“NO!” They all blurt out.
“It’s her only form of communication. She doesn’t have a landline anymore.” Ashley answers.
“Well, let’s just give her the day. Maybe she is dealing with something and needed to take some time to herself. What is it you guys say, a self-care day?” Stacey stiffly smiles as Ashley runs her hands over her curls.
Erik looks around at them, “It’s me.” All eyes are back on him. “Let’s go to the conference room, and I'll explain.”
After everyone is seated, Erik opens up about his investigation into LaNyah’s whole team and how he came down hard on her during her interview. During his talk, he kept looking over at Stacey, who was paying attention to the wall. Ashley follows his eyes to Stacey and her attempt at avoiding his intense stare.  
Ashley jumps up, “OMG, you two fucked!” Alex grabs her hand to calm her down. “I want you both to look me in the face and tell me that you two did not hook up while we were gone.”
Erik looks at Ashley, "You know me." Ashley crosses her arms over her chest. "Ok, fine, Ashley. I did not sleep with Stacey." Rolling her eyes, he continues, "When I am on a job, I do not mix company with anyone I will have to work with regularly. I am not the same guy you remember Bridges."
“It’s true. We did not hook up. He's not my type, and he definitely is not checking for me." Stacey looks away.
“Ok, so what is with all the secret stares and sad faces I see right now?” Alex interjects.
Stacey looks at Erik, who nods her way, “Well, LaNyah has a crush on Erik.”
"Yeah, and?" Erik and Stacey look between Alex and Ashley, neither know who said it, but it wasn't them. "We already knew that." Ashley waves her on, "Go ahead."
“Well, Erik likes LaNyah too.”
Ashley gasps, and Alex chuckles. "Well, I'll be damned."
Irritated by being interrupted again, Stacey resumes, “I confronted Erik about it the morning he went in to question LaNyah. His actions during the interview –“
“Is how he protects himself and separates the personal from the professional." Alex stands and goes to Stacey, "I've known him a while; he's not that hard to read." He leads Stacey to a chair, walks over to Ashley, and holds his hand out to her. "Now, is as good a time as any."
Ashley takes his hand and stands, walking forward where they all can see her. “Stacey, I am about to share some things with you that cannot leave this room or be repeated anywhere. Do you understand?” Stacey looks around the room.
“Yes, I understand.”
Ashley shares the story from when she first met McCoy as her first commanding officer after she completed boot camp up to when he requested her for his special ops team on an overseas mission. She spoke about meeting both Green and Stevens and how they were her big brothers on the team, always watching out for her. Ashley discusses all instances of harassment at McCoy’s hands and then finally, the assault that ended her military career. Stacey is sitting next to Erik, who grabs her hands as she tears up listening to Ashley talk about that afternoon while everyone was out testing the communication buds.  
Alex stands at Ashley's side, holding her in his arms, wiping her tears as she continues telling Stacey about how Stevens and Green investigated McCoy and found out his history of harassment to any woman under his command. When she breaks completely, Alex finishes up. He reveals that he was out one night when he ran into Stevens, who had just killed McCoy for what he did to Ashley. They made a pact, and Green helped Stevens cover the murder to look like their enemy ambushed him
The other commanding officers never looked further into his case, and it was closed quickly. By then, everyone parted ways, and Green kept in touch with Ashley, who later disclosed to him that she told the investigating officers that it was McCoy who attacked her. She filed a formal complaint, and no one was supposed to know anything. While they were dating, she told him that she knows that he and Stevens had something to do with his death. He came clean and told her what they did.
Stacey grabs some tissue and wipes her eyes. “When was the last time you all saw one another?”
“Five years.”
“15 years.”
“Seven years.
Stacey laughs at all the different answers that came out. They all look at each other and laugh along with her.
“Erik, I told you that you weren’t the only one keeping tabs on everyone.” Alex smiles at him.
"Ashley, I was at your graduation for your Masters," Erik says. "I wouldn't miss that for the world. It was a proud moment to watch my friend walk across the stage, looking like herself again."
“Why didn’t you say something?” He walks over to give her a big hug.
“I was between other jobs and could only fit in the time for your ceremony and then leave. I am shocked that Green didn’t say anything to you. He spotted me when I came in.”
“Yeah, the starter dreads did nothing to cover up that build,” everyone laughs at Alex’s comment.
"Stacey, if we are being completely honest. We were never supposed to see one another again, except for Alex and me since I married him."
“Our pact included a one-time favor, and Alex called it in when he brought me on to investigate this case.”
“Protecting LaNyah from whatever you found during the investigation?” Erik nods at her. “You gotta make this right.”
"I know, I know." Erik walks towards the windows, looking over the city. "I can care for someone I protect as part of the job. But this is different and has been from the moment Alex called me.”
“You were attracted to her before I told you she was the favor.” Alex sighs, “I never in a million years would have thought you or LaNyah would like one another.”
"I tried to warn you about LaNyah's feelings, and you laughed." Ashley pushed him.
“Well, all I know is that I need to focus on protecting her before McCoy’s sister tries to go after her.” Erik turns back towards them, “I’ll work on getting back on her good side once this is all over." He looks at Stacey, who smiles at him.
Alex claps his hands, “Sounds good. So, let’s give her the day and if no one has heard from her by tomorrow-”
"I'm on it," Erik replies. "Now, let's figure out how much this Gina chick knows about all of us."
"I think that is a great place to start," Ashley says.
“I’ll get some menus and order lunch while you all set up the conference room as our war room.” Stacey laughs to herself but stops when she notices the three sets of eyes on her. “Sorry.” She scurries out of the room.
--- Tuesday Morning ---
“When does LaNyah get in today?” Ashley asks Stacey as she prepares her tea.
Checking her calendar, “It’s Tuesday, so we usually see her after her team meeting around 11.”
“Ok,” Ashley takes a seat at Stacey’s desk. “How bad was it?”
"Was what?" She flinches at the look Ashley gives her, "She called me, but I was at lunch. As soon as I got back, I went to check on her, and she told me what happened. We colored, and I listened to her talk about how his turnabout made her feel. She feels like he betrayed her, got her to get comfortable only for him to make it seem like this was somehow her fault."
“She really shared all of that with you?” Stacey nods, “Wow, she is growing into her own.”
“Ashley, you have done great work with her.” Grabbing her hands, "I hang out with her often now, and she is my friend. We go out with her team and have movie nights." She smiles, thinking of how she has watched her grow over this last month. "She has been living, and even though Erik hurt her, she has not let that stop her from growing. She just chooses to ignore him as she does with Matt."
“Speaking of that ass. Is he the inside guy?”
“Yup, it was easy to trace all changes to him since LaNyah doesn’t know how to use all the access Green gave to her," Erik answers as he approaches them. "Good morning."
"Morning, Erik." Stacey responds, "Mr. Green is waiting for you in his office. Have fun." He mushes her in the head as he makes his way towards Alex.
Ashley giggles into her tea as Stacey mean mugs her, “Those big brother tendencies die hard, huh?”
“He is so annoying.” Stacey turns to her monitors to watch the accounts while she and Ashley wait for LaNyah to arrive.
Chapter 10
A/N: I wanted to get more of this story out before the end of the year. Thank you for all the support. I appreciate all of you and look forward to more with this crew in the new year.
Taglist: @killmongersaidheyauntie @dacosmicdame @muse-of-mbaku @panthergoddessbast @youreadthatright @princessstevens @eye-raq @stark-red19 @kreolemami @bidibidibombaclaat @iamrheaspeaks @missumuch1918 @simplyyamberr @cheychey10142 @ajspencer1892 @chrismarcs @loosewindmill @sydneebleu @semianta @eyeknowmywrites @alexundefined @itsjustmezari @goddessofthundathighs @purple-apricots @kissmyafropuff @gimmeface @fd-writes @jozigrrl @soufcakmistress @scrumptiouslytenaciouscrusade @shaekingshitup @localtrapgod @post-woke  @theesotericqueen
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ladydorian · 4 years
tag game ★~(•◡•✿) 50 questions you’ve never been asked before
THIS LOOKS SO MUCH FUN thank you @ithinkwehitametaphor​
what colour is your hair brush?
I had a green and white one for years but it just broke so I’m using my backup mini black one that I keep in my purse until I can get another.
Are you typically too warm or too cold?
I’m usually cold except for in the summer.
what were you doing 45 minutes ago?
Proofreading IFUs while blasting music to drown out the sound of my neighbor blasting music.
what is your favorite candy bar?
Oooh Japanese Kit Kats. I’ve got some matcha ones in the cabinet right now, but the apple pie ones were also really good.
have you ever been to a professional sports event?
Mostly baseball and hockey when I was younger. Nothing recently, I’m not terribly interested in sports.
what is the last thing you said out loud?
“Saigo ni nan to itte ita kke anata wa nan to itte ita kke...” (I was not even paying attention while writing this but “Kekka-ron” by SUPER BEAVER came on and I automatically started singing the opening lines)
what is your favorite ice cream?
So I really can’t eat dairy (even tho I do sometimes), but there’s this brand of coconut milk ice cream called Luna & Larry, and their cherry amaretto is the besssssst.
what was the last thing you had to drink?
Drinking coffee right now.
do you like your wallet?
It’s cute, it’s pink and black and has cats on it, and I bought it from an anime con a couple years ago.
what was the last thing you ate?
Chocolate almond milk pudding for breakfast.
did you buy any new clothes last weekend?
No but I bought these awesome Shintaro Kago enamel pins for when I finally get off my ass and redo my itabag (link contains kittens exploding from cute girls’ faces, and there is a bit of blood - also the site is very NSFW).
the last sporting event you watched?
We watched some marble racing after seeing John Oliver talk about it.
what is your favorite flavor of popcorn?
Caramel I guess. Not a huge popcorn eater.
who is the last person you sent a text message to?
I texted my brother Mark about Rakuten Global Market closing. Though I’ve only bought maybe one j-rock CD off of there once. I usually just go to cdjapan.
ever go camping?
A few times. I’m really scared of bugs and spiders, so it’s not something I do often. But I’ve had the fun experience of getting up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night and seeing a snake slither right past the building.
do you go to church every Sunday?
I haven’t been in a church since I was in high school (except for funerals) and I’d like to keep it that way.
do you have a tan?
I don’t tan, I burn. I got my dad’s Italian hair and my mom’s Irish skin.
do you prefer Chinese food or pizza?
Oooh, Chinese food. Especially crab rangoon if they’re homemade.
do you drink your soda with a straw?
I slam that shit straight outta the can.
what color socks do you usually wear?
If I had a choice, I would never wear socks. But when I do wear them, they’re usually novelty socks with, like, tacos and poptarts all over them.
do you ever drive above the speed limit?
When my stepdad taught me how to drive, he said “always go 10 miles over the speed limit, because that’s what everyone else is doing and they’ll run you off the road otherwise.” I’ve only gotten caught about 3 or 4 times.
what terrifies you?
Talking to people. Being judged. Failure. All my friends abandoning me. Being alone.
look to your left, what do you see?
My ONE OK ROCK tote bag with an Arches cold press watercolor pad sticking out of it. I need to paint larger pictures more. That’s good quality just sitting around going to waste.
what chore do you hate?
Emptying the dishwasher when it’s cleaned.
what do you think of when you hear an Australian accent?
That episode of the Simpsons when they went to Australia because Bart got in trouble, and Marge went to the bar asking for a tea and the guy just kept saying “Beer?” -- “No, TEA.” “BEER?”
what’s your favorite soda?
La Croix, though it’s technically sparkling water.
do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive-thrus?
I usually just get takeout, I haven’t been in a typical fast food place or a drive-thru in years (unless you count the Korean chicken wing place, I guess that’s kind of like fast food. But I don’t go to McD’s or anything.).
who’s the last person you talked to?
I told Greg I was going to throw some laundry in but he already did it.
favorite cut of beef?
Not really a steak person but I’ll eat a burger all day long.
last song you listened to?
[Alexandros] - “Philosophy” (it’s gotten me thru some tough shit a couple months ago)
last book you read?
I read @ithinkwehitametaphor​‘s Narcos fanfiction and @mouthface​‘s Brommet wip. I’m a straight-up fanfic person these days.
favorite day of the week?
Probably Saturday, but Friday is a close second.
can you say the alphabet backwards?
Oh god no.
how do you like your coffee?
1/2 - 1 teaspoon of sugar. No cream.
favorite pair of shoes?
I got an old pair of Chinese Laundry black boots with studs in the heels that I wish I had bought 2 pairs of before they were discontinued.
the time you normally go to sleep?
During the week, about 10:30PM - 11:30 (it’s a little later now that I’m working from home). Weekends are usually between 1AM-2 (look, I’m old OK).
the time you normally get up?
8:30AM or so (working from home), and between 9AM-10 on weekends.
what do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets?
I have maybe been awake for 2-3 sunrises in my life, so sunsets it is.
how many blankets on your bed?
Just one.
Describe your kitchen plates.
I have a couple plain blue ones and then some white with black trim. I think they were all housewarming gifts from my grandma from about 10 years ago.
do you have a favorite alcoholic beverage?
Vodka and beer.
do you play cards?
I used to on occasion, but I don’t have friends who live around me, so I don’t really have anyone to play with.
what color is your car?
Red with the coolest bumper stickers ever.
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can you change a tire?
If I need to, I guess.
favorite job you’ve ever had?
I don’t think I’ve ever had a job I liked.
how did you get your biggest scar?
I fell off a bike at Soulcycle a couple years ago and punched a quarter-sized hole in my right thigh. Rode thru the entire 45-minute class, drove home, made dinner, and about 2 hours later finally asked Greg to take a look at it. I thought it was just a scrape, but he told me we were going to the hospital immediately as fat tissue was leaking out of it. I ended up getting 10 stitches and was called “one badass bitch” for my ridiculous pain tolerance.
what did you do today that made someone else happy?
Idk, I like to think I’m a good listener if anyone wants/needs to talk.
I’m always terrified of bothering people, so if you want to do this, please do!
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cutiecrates · 6 years
Cutie Reviews: Tokyo Treat May 18
Ahhhh, I took a bit longer than I would have liked to. But with good reason.
Basically, I spent the past few days going through all of the old crates to sort the items and dispose of the boxes/crates. They take up a lot of space when you order so many, and I bought some cute little boxes to sort the items by type and take them to my room.
I still have some to go through, but I made a lot of progress. I think I threw away about 20 boxes. But I did keep a handful of them either because I had use for them, or someone I know did. It’s actually been kind of fun going through them :3 and oddly therapeutic.
Anyway, let’s get on with it! If you like anime, manga, and video games, this box is perfect for you!
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So, as you can see, we’re having an anime (and manga and video game) theme. Three things I adore!
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The Lucky Treat is full of anime inspired items, and Pokemon! One of the most popular merchandising brands you find in these boxes lately. Like literally, nearly each box I've gotten recently seems to have some form of Pokemon item in it (not counting the makeups. But I know they have pokemon beauty products.)
I'm putting this here because the image of this is the very first one in the post. You can see it on the right-hand side there. Anyway, this is a drink by Minute Maid, a very popular juice brand that I like x3 It combines the sweet, flowery tastes of cherry and peach- I think this would perfect for spring time!
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
If you like Peach then you'd like this drink, basically. The Peach is overwhelmingly strong, and there is a faint cherry-ness to it, but it mostly blends into the peach. It was refreshing~
Sriracha Rice Chips & Don Taro Udon Snack
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First up we got some delicious looking Sriracha chips made from brown rice and soy beans. As you can see on the bag in the pic. These are gluten free and flavored with a spicy kick! Perfect for those intense scenes; or when you start feeling yourself getting tired and need a wake-me-up.
Although, there was one little problem with mine...
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Seeing this nice, big clean slice in the bag had me worried a teensy-bit. It came like that out of the box and it wasn't tampered with as far as I know- so I can only assume it was a last-second manufacturing thing that went unnoticed. It happens.They seemed fine, so I just put them in another bag.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Besides a tiny bit of staleness they tasted really good x3 They had a "deep crunch" to them, being sorta soft (which was either staleness or due to being made out of bean and rice) but still crispy. Oddly they reminded me of chicken-flavored ramen.
They are spicy, but it has to build up. It sort of lingers on the tongue for a few minutes but otherwise you won't notice it just eating a couple. It wasn’t really hot though for being made with sriracha. But I really like eating it so maybe I just didn’t notice?
Our next item in the pic is a snacking noodle dagashi, flavored after a real udon bowl.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥
Honestly they tasted a lot like those chips did. Minus the rice-bean texture. They're not bad or anything, but I'm not super-obsessed with snacking noodles; or noodles as a whole. I have to be in the mood for them. But they didn't taste bad, as I said, and if you really like crunchy snacks (or ramen) you would probably like these.
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Oh, our usual Umaibo and share pack snacks! How I love and sometimes detest you~
Depending on the flavors that is.
Our Umaibo is one I've had, maybe two other times by now. Mentaiko is "salted, creamy pollock roe", or fish eggs if you're not familiar with the term.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥
Not being a fish person, I've never tried fish eggs before. They haven't appealed to me. So I can't say if this tastes accurately or not- to me it reminds me of their cheese-flavored ones. I’m not a big fan of this, but it’s not bad either. It's not as strange to me as it originally was the first time I tried it.
Now, I've already given my opinions of these "share packs" so I won't waste time doing it again. For this month we get packs of this edamame themed snack with a light flavoring on them. First of all, each bag is 64 calories, making this a nice snack for those who worry over their weight or just want something a little healthier.
Apparently chosen to represent the "Senzou Bean" from Dragonball. Each bag also has a cute design, made to look like a mesh bag or pouch filled with edamame!
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
If they reminded me of anything on smell alone, I'd say "cheez-its and some green vegetable". Their taste and texture is about the same too, but I do get an edamame vibe. I think its adorable how they look like them too x3 and they have a light saltiness to them that is pleasant.
Besides the snacking noodles, I’d say these were the top in crunchiness.
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You read that right: Dragonball Cheese Puffs. These are 91.9 calories for the bag, and include a fun card as part of a game series. I know they've made these, but I'm used to seeing the gummy ones; but because I only buy those types, it was neat to try another kind.
So... as you can see, I got Vegeta! He's my favorite x3 I can't ever use the card for its intended purpose- but I'm happy regardless.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
They're basically like any other cheese puff-based snack. However, the flavoring was actually very light on the cheese and tasted more like the corn its made out of. But it didn't taste bad, and the crispy texture is nice. These are good as long as you're not expecting a huge, cheesy flavor.
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I think I'll swap things around and start with the Chocobi; it hasn't been in the box for a while. This time, rather than a fruit it's flavored after a specific dish: Almond Tofu, a smooth and healthy Japanese dessert. I've never tried it before but I assume it's like yogurt or pudding with a jelly texture.
The box is 139.4 calories, and was made in celebration of yet-another Crayon Shin-chan movie. This one features stickers from different regions in Japan, the one I got says Aichi. But to be honest, the only one of these I recognized was Hokkaido. I kinda wish I got that one~
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥
As usual Chocobi as a texture is pretty nice. It's crispy, and they come in such a cute shape!
However... as usual, they also go stale VERY quickly.... So I've never been a fan of them.
Now these, the flavor isn't as odd as past ones I received. It's kind of like sweet, very light coconut, maybe a tiny bit almond x vanilla-ish. I really like almonds and tofu, but I didn't come to this snack knowing what to expect so I can’t say I’m being picky.
Our other item here I was a lot more excited for, meanwhile. The Petite Chocopie by LOTTE! It's basically chocolate covered cake and marshmallow cream- but since when has that ever been a bad thing??
Per each cake/pie its 74 calories, which isn't that bad if you want something sweet. According to the back they also have a type that features a chocolate drizzle rather than coating, and has chocolate and marshmallow cream inside~
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Right off, if you don't like dark chocolate then you probably won't like these. I don't think they're made with it, but they certainly tasted like it. My mom thought so too, and she hates dark chocolate- which is a shame because I really like it. But at least I know it'll be safe from her ;3
These were pretty good, but I did have one complaint. As you can see in the picture I took they don't really sync up with the photo on the package. Which is common, I know, but what the actual item lacks in thickness it also lacks in taste unfortunately. With the rich chocolate and cake/cookies under it, the marshmallow cream is too thin- you barely taste it, if at all.
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This single piece of Shin-chan Gummy is available in soda/ramune, and cola flavors. As much as I enjoy soda/ramune, I really, REALLY wish I got cola. Or maybe one of each. The image in the booklet is a tiny bit misleading because you only get 1.
I kinda had to leave it in the package because by the time I got to it (a week ago, just about) it had like... melted into the plastic. At least I assume. I tried to remove it and it was not coming. I took the picture, then I mangled it to get as much as I could out.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥
I LOVED how this tasted. Exactly like the soda/ramune flavor I like. However, I couldn't necessarily judge the quality of the gummy due to unforeseen issues. As noted above...
The next item I got was another one I was excited for cus who doesn't love Splatoon, am I right?
I only have the first game for now, but I'll be getting the Switch VERY SOON, so I'm excited to get the second on x3 I also have a cute pink water-filled squid I got from the toy store like a year or so ago.
Anyway, these gummies are available in Orange and Melon. There's also a very rare gummy shaped like an octopus that can be found in certain bags. Mine wasn't one of them. One bag is 155 calories, which is kind of lame due to how small it is. BUT at the same time, I've seen worse.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Not only are the gummies really cute, but they taste very good too. I was also happy to see that the bag is zip-lock style and they lasted for 4 months with no sign of aging!
I was so excited when I got them back in May that I couldn't resist trying them then (=´3`=)
The gummy texture... I can’t really describe. It's chewy, but not hard, and they don't take five minutes to eat either. More like a few seconds.
Our last item in this picture is the Thomas the Tank Engine Chewy Candy!
The inner-child in me was really excited to see this. Not only because the candy itself sounded good, but I grew up on the Thomas the Tank Engine stop-motion cartoons x3 Ironically, now that I'm older he seems a lot more popular. That or I just never noticed it before. There's also another sense of irony here though. Back in August, I was re-watching the super old original stop-motions I grew up on; not for any real reason, I was just bored and like the background noise.
Okay, so anyway the candy is a grape chewy candy by Lotte. It looks a lot like gum but it's kind of thicker, and what's fun is that each piece has a little puzzle on it, or you can fold the wrapper in certain ways to make shapes or "toys". Each stick, or the whole pack is 85 calories. I can't actually tell.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
It pretty much tastes exactly like grape hi-chew, the only difference is the texture. So if you like Hi-chew or grape candy you'd like this. If you don't then... you probably won't.
(Oh, and if you're curious my favorite is/was James~)
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Our last items of the box are these two "Boruto" snacks! Boruto, if you never heard of the series is essentially a sequel to "Naruto". A series I was very fond of. However, I don't like Boruto. It's not because of the characters or anything, but because of some "decisions" they made I just didn't agree with. Besides the cute packaging and decorative detail on the bag, the jellies each feature a decorative lid design based on various Boruto characters. Each Jelly is 19 calories, and are pineapple flavored, with real pineapple juice!
This box was essentially full of nostalgia for me x3 when I was younger I loved eating little jellies. They became pretty scarce as I got older though, and one day they kind of just stopped showing up. It's a bit disappointing.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
They taste really good, it's not an overwhelming Pineapple flavor. I love the slippery, soft, squishy texture~
Our final item is this Boruto energy-drink flavored Hand Gummy :3 Hand Gummies are popular and fun, being based on the game Rock-Paper-Scissors. I've gotten one or two other gummies like this before, but if I recall they were much smaller- but I got scissors both times, including this one!
That's usually my go-to gesture and always has been ;D But you can also look at is as "peace sign" too if you wanted. Anyway, these are energy-drink flavored, but the booklet assures us that no energy drink ingredients were actually used in making this. It's simply BASED on a fizzy, sweet-and-sour pineapple energy drink.
That rested any concerns I had, because I'm one of those who people who avoids energy drinks at all cost. If I want energy I'll just eat sugar.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
It pretty much tastes like the jelly, but the flavor was stronger. I also really liked its super-soft texture x3
♥ Cutie Ranking ♥
Quality - 4 out of 5. The only real reason why I marked it down was because of that slice in the rice chips bag. I'm sure this was an extremely rare thing though, I usually don't have any problems with any of the items I get in this box.  
Content - 3 out of 5. I didn't hate anything at all this time around- which is almost as rare as the above mention. Usually I find one item I detest, and I pretty much only disliked one item, and even then it wasn't that bad...
Theme - 5 out of 5. Besides a couple of items, it was pretty much covered in anime stuff!
Total Rank: 12 out of 15 Cuties. I genuinely LOVED this box in comparison to the April box. It had a couple of faults but nothing serious that I couldn't overlook. Considering how excited I was for this, I feel like they could have done better- but they did really good! Maybe like a... B+
♥ Cutie’s Scale of Yummy ♥
1. Cherry x Peach Drink - It was so refreshing~
2. Splatoon Gummies - I can't say I prefer orange or melon flavors in comparison to ramune, grape, or cola- but they tasted so good and looked adorable!
3. Thomas Grape Chewy Candy - Loved. Loved. Loved!
4. Hand Gummy - I liked this just a little bit better than the jelly. It's very soft and chewy, I'd recommend these if you can find them, they come in many flavors.
5. Pineapple Jellies - I loved their soft, wiggly-jiggly texture~
6. Chocopie -  I loved the soft, cakey texture and its dark chocolate-esque taste~
7. Rice Chips - Delicious!
8. Shin-chan Gummy - I was disappointed with this because it was delicious! I just wish it hadn't stuck to its packaging. Well, that and I wish we got maybe one or two more~
9. Edamame snack - They tasted good but I just liked other stuff better.
10. Dragonball Cheese Puffs - I liked how they tasted, but I felt like it might have been a tiny bit misleading cause it didn't taste like cheese to me. I don't know if its because the information in the booklet was wrong, or... I’m very happy with the card I got though!
11. Mentaiko Umaibo - It tastes better than when I first tried it. But I can't say it's in my top 5 Umaibo list...
12. Udon Snacking Noodles - As I mentioned, these I have to be in the mood for. They don't taste bad but it's not something I'd probably reach for.
13. Almond Tofu snack - I really am not just a fan of Chocobi...
Alrighty, here we are at the end of another review. I'm sorry if it seemed like the quality started lowering so far down. I'm feeling kinda tired and my head hurts suddenly, and after trying to write these twice I really didn't want to have to try again you know?
Anyway, I hope you'll stay tuned for the next review :3 it'll be May's Doki Doki crate, then we'll be moving onto June stuff!
Until then, stay cute!
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How to make Cheesecake Chocolate Cake
Cheesecake Chocolate is a no-bake cake and it has flavors of cheesecake, chocolate, and biscuit.
This dessert is the combination of the 3 best things in the world i.e cheesecake, chocolate, and biscuits that too made from scratch at home with recipes. Since this dessert does not involve baking, you can make it within minutes!
And yes! It will be ready to eat within 15-20 mins only!! So if you are looking for some quick desserts recipe without an oven then you have come to the right place !!
4 tbsp butter, at room temperature
3/4 cup sugar
2 eggs, lightly beaten
a pinch of salt
Procedure how to prepare CheeseCake Chocolate
1- 1 tsp vanilla extract In a bowl mix together flour, cocoa powder, and sugar with a pinch of salt.
2-In a separate bowl beat egg yolks along with vanilla essence till foamy in texture. Then add this mixture to the dry ingredients along with melted butter and gently incorporate the batter by folding it gently.
3-Boil water in a small pan/Kadai and place paper cups into the water. You can fill up all 12 cups depending on how much you need, I filled 6 cups with batter to make petite cakes which are just good enough for 1 piece.
4-Leave it to boil for 2 mins and then remove the cups from water with a fork, and place them upside down on a kitchen towel to absorb any excess water from it. (Do not worry if you see few bubbles as they will settle down while chilling)
5-Pour about 2tsp of batter into each cup. Place in the center of a preheated oven at 180 degrees Celcius and bake it for 8mins. You can check whether it's done or not using the toothpick method by inserting it through the top layer and if nothing sticks onto it then it's done.
6-Remove from oven and cool completely before topping with soft cheese mixture.
7-For topping mix together creams cheese and butter till creamy. Add in powdered sugar to taste along with vanilla essence, stir well till everything is combined.
8-Spread the topping evenly over each tartlet using a spatula. (You can refrigerate it for 10 minutes prior to serving) And enjoy with a cup of tea!
1. After placing the cups on the water make sure you remove them within 2 mins even if they are not done otherwise they will turn soggy since there will be more moisture inside cups which will result in a mushy texture.
If you see little bubbles on the top layer then don't worry they settle down once chilled and will not affect the texture of your cake.
2 . Other than tea, this cake goes very well with coffee as well!
3 . Adjust the time while baking depending on your oven. Any variation in timing will not make any impact on the texture of the cake.
4 . Always use convection mode if you have one and reduce the temperature by 5-8 degrees Celcius as it will bake faster than regular oven mode!
1-Can anybody Eat this Cheesecake Chocolate Cake?
Yes, you can. This dessert is perfectly safe for 6 months+ babies as the dough used contains no eggs or fresh cream/milk products, hence anyone in your family from one year of age to ninety-plus can have it!
2-How much time does it take to make this Cheesecake Chocolate Cake? Active preparation time
10 mins, Passive preparation time -6 hrs
3-How many calories are there in this dessert?
EACH Cheesecake Chocolate Tartlet = 521 kcal / 255 Kj
4-Can I freeze it?
Yes! It can be kept frozen for 3 months. Defrost in the fridge and allow to come to room temperature before serving.
5-Can it be made some other day?
No! The eggs and the flour in this recipe have to be used on the same day as they are at their best on the same day. Also do not keep batter longer than 6 hours, discard any leftovers after that time.
6-How long can I keep leftover cake to eat?
If you are going to keep it for an extended time say more than 24 hours, then store the cake in the freezer.
7-The cake is too sweet, can I reduce the sugar?
This recipe is meant to be eaten as it is and there isn't any way to reduce the sugar content without having a considerable impact on taste. If you prefer it less sweet then decrease the sugar content by 1/4 while making the batter.
8-Can I add nuts or dried fruits?
Yes, use almonds and raisins or any chopped dried fruit of your choice!
9-Can I make it in advance?
Yes, this can be made 4 hours before serving as it keeps well at room temperature. It is best served fresh but if you must keep them for longer then store them in the fridge.
10-What can I use instead of flour?
This cake can be made gluten-free as well! To do so replace all-purpose flour with this gluten-free flour recipe from scratch.
11-Can I make a pie version of this Cheesecake Chocolate Cake?
Yes, you can make it into a cherry pie version just like the one I have here and it'll taste delicious!
12-Can I make a cheesecake version of this cake?
Yes, you can do that with this western-inspired cheesecake recipe. I also have an eastern-inspired cheesecake recipe in my blog "Chai Tea Pudding Cheesecake" which you may find interesting to make.
13-How many can this dessert feed?
Each tartlet serves 1 person = 4 tartlets total and is good for 2 adults.
Read more about How to make Spicy Beef Tendon
This cake is really easy to make, has no step-wise directions in my recipe. It is a one-shot deal where you just have to dump everything into the bowl and mix them up!
Add tea for an incredibly delicious dessert that you will be proud of for sure! The texture of this cake is so smooth with a little crispy crust and the tea flavor is so yummy!
The smell of fresh vanilla tea moi seeped into the hot chocolate batter while baking. I started feeling teas-ed out after an hour, so gently took each Tartlet out one by one.
This recipe can be varied depending on your choice of Tea, Chocolate, or Cheesecake ingredients. Add nuts or dried fruits of your choice!
I hope you liked this recipe, if not then let me know in the comments and I'll do my best to rectify it for you asap.
0 notes
wrfood · 3 years
Pear Frangipane Tart
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2 cups (240 grams) unbleached all-purpose flour, fluffed, spooned, and leveled
1/3 cup (70 grams) granulated sugar
1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
1 teaspoon lemon zest
1 stick and 3 tablespoons (155 grams) cold unsalted butter, cubed
1 large egg yolk
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
6 cups (1.4 L) cold water
2 cups (400 grams) granulated sugar
2 cinnamon sticks
1 star anise pod
1 tablespoon vanilla bean paste (or 1 vanilla bean, scraped, or 1 tablespoon vanilla extract)
2 strips lemon peel (without the pith), plus half a lemon
3 Harry & David Royal Riviera Pears, firm yet slightly ripe
1 stick (4 oz; 115 grams) unsalted butter, softened
1/2 cup + 1 tablespoon (115 grams) granulated sugar
1 cup (115 grams) almond flour
3 large whole eggs, room temperature
1 tablespoon (15 grams) unbleached all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon lemon zest
1 tablespoon dark rum (optional)
powdered sugar, for dusting (optional)
lightly sweetened whipped cream (optional)
Use a 9-inch spring form cake tin or a  10-inch tart pan. We sued the 9″ spring form and it was awesome!
We rested the dough in the fridge for 1-3hr (Is this important? Who knows!)
It needed the full 55 min in our oven.
Prepare the Tart Dough: Lightly grease a 9-inch spring form cake pan with a removable bottom and set aside. In the bowl of a food processor, combine the flour, sugar, salt, and lemon zest. Pulse until well mixed. Add the cold cubed butter and pulse repeatedly until the butter is well distributed into the flour. You shouldn't be able to see any distinguishable pieces. Add the egg yolk and vanilla extract and pulse continuously until the dough just starts to clump together. Note: It might appear very dry at first, but if you continue to pulse and process, it will come together. Be patient.
Transfer the dough and any smaller pieces to a clean countertop, and knead - pressing the dough down with the heel of your hand - until it is completely smooth. It will resemble a sugar cookie dough in texture. Press the dough into the greased tart pan (with a removable bottom) - it should be just under 1/4-inch thick, you should have some dough leftover - and chill in the fridge for a minimum of one hour, or freeze for at least 30 minutes. If you are preparing the dough ahead of time: press it into a disc, wrap tightly in plastic wrap, and refrigerate for a minimum of 1 hour or up to 2 days. If following this method, take the dough out of the fridge at least 15 to 20 minutes before rolling, as it will be too hard to roll right from the fridge. Roll the dough out (between pieces of parchment or wax paper to prevent sticking), carefully pick up and transfer the dough to the tart pan, using fingers to push in dough and gently shape the tart. If it cracks, just simply patch or press the pieces back together. This is a forgiving tart dough. Make sure to press dough tightly inside corners and sides. The dough can be made up to 2 days in advance or frozen up to a month ahead.
Poach the Pears: As the tart dough is chilling, poach the pears. Combine the cold water and granulated sugar in a medium pot (roughly 3-quart capacity). Place over medium heat and bring to a simmer, stirring occasionally, until the sugar has completely dissolved. Add the cinnamon sticks, star anise pod, vanilla bean paste, and lemon peel.
Peel the pears, leaving the stem on, and gently rub each pear with the lemon half to prevent the pears from oxidizing. Using melon baller or small paring knife, core the pears from the bottom end. Using a large spoon, gently lower the cored, whole pears into the poaching liquid. The poaching liquid should almost completely cover the pears.
Return the poaching liquid to a low simmer, cover the surface of the pot with a parchment round, and simmer the pears, occasionally flipping them during the cooking process, for about 12 to 15 minutes or until tender. Remember that you will be cooling the pears in the liquid, so do not overcook. You can test whether the pears are done by piercing the pear (through the bottom end) with a paring knife. The pears should be tender, yet not at all mushy.
Cool the pears to room temperature in the poaching liquid. Serve or transfer the pears to a large container and refrigerate for up to one week. The poaching liquid can be kept, discarded, or used to store the poached pears. Try reusing the liquid for poaching other pears or as a simple syrup in cocktails, etc.
Blind Bake the Tart Shell: Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit (190 C) with a rack in the center position. Lightly grease the shiny side of a piece of aluminum foil and fit it, buttered side down, against the chilled tart dough. Fill the foil with baking weights, dried beans, or granulated sugar (all options work well). Place the tart pan on a baking sheet and bake for 20 minutes. Remove the foil and weights, and bake uncovered for an additional 10 to 15 minutes, or until the shell is lightly golden and cooked through. Set tart pan on a wire rack to cool completely before adding the frangipane and poached pears.
Make the Frangipane Filling: Combine the butter and sugar in the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a paddle attachment (or use a hand-held mixer). Beat over medium speed until creamy. Over low speed, add the almond flour, alternating with egg until the ingredients are incorporated evenly. Add the flour and mix to combine. Add the vanilla extract, lemon zest, and rum (if using) and mix until just combined. Use right away if the other tart components are ready, or transfer to a container and refrigerate until ready to use.
Assemble the Tart: Place the tart pan on a baking sheet. Fill the pre-baked tart shell with the frangipane filling and spread into an even layer with an offset spatula. Place the poached pears on a few paper towels to help soak up any excess poaching liquid (this will help prevent it from seeping into the frangipane). Cut the poached pears in half, removing the stem and any core that might remain. Slice the pear halves crosswise into thin slices. Using a spatula, carefully lift each sliced pear half and place on the frangipane, with the narrow end of the pear facing the center of the tart, fanning the slices apart slightly as you work. Repeat with the remaining pear halves, spacing them evenly around the tart.
Bake at 375 degrees Fahrenheit (190 C) for 40 to 55 minutes, or until the frangipane has risen substantially around the pears and is deep golden brown in color. Note: *If your oven runs hot, you may wish to reduce the temperature by 25 degrees. If the edges of the tart are gaining color too quickly, you can lightly cover them with a ring of foil - be sure to cook the filling through completely. Transfer the tart to a rack to cool until lukewarm or room temperature before removing the sides of the tart pan.
Before serving, dust lightly with powdered sugar. Serve plain or with whipped cream. While you can prepare several components of this tart ahead, it is best served the day of baking. Any leftovers can be kept at room temperature for 1-2 days.
It is very important to use firm, just barely ripe pears, whenever you are poaching. Otherwise they will become mushy and overcooked.
You can use uncooked pears for this recipe as well, however they won't have quite as much flavor as the poached pears. If following this method, use slightly riper pears (but make sure they are still fairly firm). For added flavor: Infuse the frangipane with 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon and 1/4 teaspoon ground cardamom.
from: https://www.abeautifulplate.com/pear-frangipane-tart/
0 notes
befitnesshub1 · 3 years
Diet For Venous Insufficiency | Venous Cure Through Diet
To prevent the reverse flow of blood in the arteries, to control the normal course of the blood supply to the arteries and veins, a common body vein with valves simultaneously i.e. the venous ulcer of the body. The inability of valve regulation causes posterior flow which creates congestion and thus leads to the formation of ulcers in the infected area of ​​the human body.
Congestion in the arteries causes excessive pressure on the veins and the heart itself does not maintain proper pumping order for the blood to move through the arteries and other thin and delicate areas of the body. All of this is caused by venous hypertension of the arteries.
The hemoglobin found in the red blood cell immediately escapes and begins to leak into the extravascular space with a brown discoloration or pigment of such a nature. Wounds are not healed due to leakage of blood proteins and separation of Ghanaian cellular matrix molecules.
Oxygen and nutrients do not reach the body’s building cells because a substance called fibrin builds up around the blood vessels and tries to block the passage of other nutrient proteins or vitamins and minerals and reaches its specific state and remedy. Disease. It also causes leukocytes i.e. insufficiency of white blood cells.
Related post: Is It Possible To Lose 40 Pounds In 2 Months? Low Carb Diet
Prolonged Wound
A wound becomes prolonged with the reaction of other components found in the blood that become inflamed. Obstruction of blood flow to the arteries, refraction increases the process of injury. Venice stasis ulcers are found in the cross of the human body. Transduction of inflammatory mediators occurs in subcutaneous tissues formed on the lower extremities, including some skin tissues.
The most common criteria for such an event are the relationship with its proper flow of blood circulation and its non-stop regulation to function effectively. Venous leg ulcers are specific types of ulcers where human skin is lost on the legs.
There are mainly two distinct stages of foot ulcer syndrome: chronic and acute. Acute ulcers follow a normal course of healing process lasting less than 4 weeks and include postoperative and traumatic lesions due to infectious agents close to the region while chronic ulcers are those that are perennial in nature and persist as a type of weak but complex root.
Foot ulcers are caused by an injury caused by poorly fitted ski boots that must be too tight and there is no room for fresh air or pressure on the foot due to the plaster cast used for accidents. The foot area of ​​the human body.
Tuberculosis and Leprosy
Tuberculosis and leprosy occur in the form of bacterial infections and other infectious agents. The names of the bacteria are: eczema and deficiency. A skin biopsy is committing by a dermatologist for possible skin cancer, which causes such venous ulcers of the feet to occur on the edge of a suspected lesion. Skin diseases are caused by systemic factors like vasculitis or sclerosis etc.
‘Arterial insufficiency’ refers to low blood circulation in the bloodstream and it is too weak to reach the leg area due to atherosclerosis. Fatty acids or other substances deposit and constrict the arteries in the arterial walls of vessels. Hypertension; With improper circulation and chain-smoking etc. the level of cholesterol in the blood can significantly increase, which exacerbates leg ulcers.
Venous and Diabetic Insufficiency
Venous and diabetic insufficiency is the improper functioning of the venous blood supply to the only vein and is caused by damage and obstruction to the artery. The veins carry blood from the legs to the legs and down to the heart. It is the accidental pumping of the leg muscle that clears the way for the contraction of such ulcers of the leg. It causes a reflex. Reduces pressure awareness from sensory neuropathy and causes neuropathic ulceration in the leg area.
Risk factors include prolonged standing or sitting; High blood pressure; Obesity; Fractures and injuries to the leg region; Renal failure; Clotting with uncontrolled circulatory disorders of the blood vessels or capillaries of the legs; Excessive swelling in the legs; Cerebra- vascular or peripheral vascular disease with a history of heart disease Etc.
Best Diet Plan For Chronic Venous Insufficiency
Venous Insufficiency Breakfast Diet
The main thing you want to focus on is fiber. Fiber will play a major role in managing the symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency. For breakfast foods that are high in fiber, you may want to look at bread and oats. These snacks can be muffins, toast, oatmeal, and bran flakes. If you’re in the mood to add a little more flavor to your breakfast, both raspberries and strawberries are high in fiber. They will add good taste to an otherwise-easy breakfast.
Lunch Diet For Venous Insufficiency
After breakfast, you will see that the lunch has a little more substance in it. For the main part of the meal, you can choose to turn to vegetables. Baked potatoes not only cook in a variety of ways but also provide a significant source of fiber. The same applies to cauliflower, which you can also cook in a variety of ways.
Spaghetti is also an option if you want to see other recipes for lunch, however, make sure the spaghetti you choose is whole wheat. For a little more substance in the diet, you can consider adding beans to your meal if you feel like it.
Dinner Diet For Venous Insufficiency
For dinner, you’ll probably find some meat to be the main course of your meal. Because you want to focus on increasing the amount of fiber in your diet, it doesn’t always matter what type of meat you choose. Instead, you want to focus on what you add to the dish. For vegetables, you may want to look at broccoli, green peas, turnip greens, Brussels sprouts, sweet corn, and carrots.
You should boil carrots except for everything. Boiling vegetables cook them while retaining fiber whenever possible. If you want to add some fruits to your diet, you will want to look at pears, bananas, oranges, and apples. And If you want to add some apples to your dinner, you should make sure that their skin is still there.
If you specifically want to know which beans are best for dinner, then boiled black beans, boiled lentils and canned roasted beans are all excellent solutions.
Snacks Diet For Venous Insufficiency
After this meal, you may wonder what other high-fiber foods are for breakfast. If you want to eat breakfast, you will want to see almonds, pistachios and sunflower kernels. Popcorn is also an excellent snack. This snack is also slightly salted or roasted to give it a little flavor. After all, most people like to be able to eat delicious snacks between meals.
The good thing about this snack is that it is also healthy, which can benefit everyone.
Drinks Diet For Chronic Venous Insufficiency
When you’re looking at drinks, you’re going to want to find a balance between taste and fiber. A drink that is high in fiber is not going to taste very good. In general, you will prefer to find juices made with the same fruits and vegetables that have a high fiber count. These include raspberries, pears, apples, bananas, oranges, strawberries, sweet corn and carrots. It can be hard to find a drink that has a drink. But juice with those ingredients will best for you.
Herbs Diet For Venous Insufficiency
Aside from fiber, there are some herbs that have shown to help with symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency. Horse chestnut seed extract, while not a complete herb, is an extract traditionally used for swelling and inflammation.
These two things can brought about by chronic venous insufficiency. Pycnogenol is an extract of French pine bark and it can reduce the chances of clots in your feet during long flights. Nattokinase is an enzyme deriving from NATO, a traditional Japanese food.
Gotu Kola is a tropical plant that has always been used in traditional Southeast Asian medicine. Butcher’s broom extract can also help with permanently swollen veins, which can occur when you have chronic venous insufficiency. These are just a few of the herbs and extracts you may want to look for.
Fruit Diet For Venous Insufficiency
There are many fruits that have shown to help with chronic venous insufficiency, all due to their fiber levels. Raspberries, pears, apples with skin, bananas, oranges and strawberries are all fruits that you want to pay close attention to as they can give a lot more than just fiber.
Most of these fruits contain valuable nutrients that everyone and everyone needs. Surprisingly, a cup of raspberries has more fiber than a medium-sized pear.
Related post: 10 Substitute For Mushrooms For Kitchen Recipes
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the-expert-zone · 3 years
Keto Hamburger Buns- Just 5 ingredients!
These keto buns are fluffy, soft, and tender on the outside, you won’t believe them to be low carb! Made with 5 main ingredients, they are perfect to use as hamburger buns! 2 grams net carbs per serving. 
Keto Buns
Whenever I’m craving bread on a keto diet, my favorite recipes to make are rolls, tortillas, and these keto buns. 
During the warmer months, one of my favorite things to do is throw a barbecue with friends. There is nothing better than filling up an esky with drinks and a plethora of foods to grill. Now, if I’m being honest, the best food at any good barbecue is the humble hamburger. There is something special about a freshly grilled burger patty, topped with cheese, sliced tomatoes, all between a soft and fluffy burger bun. 
When I first went keto, trying to find a keto substitute for burger buns was high on my agenda. My friends would tell me to just use lettuce leaves but that would NOT cut it. Initially, I would use an English muffin or slice a soft pretzel in half. While they were fantastic alternatives, they weren’t what a hamburger bun should be. Instead, I adapted my pizza dough to create something pretty darn close! 
I’ve been meaning to share a keto buns recipe for quite some time. They’ve been fantastic to complete my favorite hamburgers, as sliders, and even as a fancy sandwich. They need just 4 main ingredients and take minutes to prepare.
No wheat, no yeast, and no grains are needed, but you’d never tell. The texture is soft and fluffy and with a light and tender crumb. They taste like any good burger bun, with no cheesy or almond flavor at all.
I had some friends over for a bbq the other day and we used these buns for the hamburgers and NO ONE believed me when I told them they were low carb- They thought it had to be made with white flour and yeast!
How do you make keto hamburger buns?
The Ingredients
Shredded cheese– Mozarrella cheese works best, as it is mild tasting and works well into the dough. You can also use cheddar cheese, but it will have a more obvious cheesy flavor. 
Cream cheese– Softened and full fat. 
Eggs– Two eggs will be used in the dough and the other will be whisked and brushed on top of the buns, to create a shiny brown crust! 
Almond flour– You must use blanched almond flour, not almond meal. 
Baking powder– Gives the buns a little stability and structure. 
Sesame seeds– Optional, but any good hamburger bun MUST have sesame seeds on top!
The Instructions
Start by adding your shredded cheese and cream cheese into a microwave safe bowl. Microwave in 20-second spurts, until the cheese is mostly melted. Whisk together until combined and let it cool slightly. While it is cooling, mix together your dry ingredients and transfer to a food processor. Add the cheese mixture, along with two eggs, and pulse at high speed, until the dough is mostly combined. 
Now, remove the dough from the food processor and gently knead it, until it is smooth. Form 4-6 large balls of dough and place them on a lined baking sheet. In a small bowl, whisk together the remaining egg with the milk. Using a pastry brush, brush the tops of each of the buns. Sprinkle with sesame seeds and bake for 13-15 minutes, or until the tops are golden brown. Remove from the oven and let cool for 5 minutes, before slicing in half and using as buns. 
Tips to make the best keto burger buns
Ensure the cheese mixture is warm, but not hot. If it is too hot, you risk cooking the eggs into the dough. 
If you cannot fit all the buns on a single baking tray, do one at a time. Cooking multiple trays at once can cause the buns to deflate. 
These buns must be served warm, otherwise, they will be firm and dense. 
For slider buns, form smaller balls of dough and reduce the bake time by 2 minutes. 
Storing and freezing low carb hamburger buns
To store: Leftover buns should be stored in the refrigerator, covered. They will keep well for up to 1 week.
To freeze: Slice the buns in half and place them in a ziplock bag and store them in the freezer for up to 6 months. 
Reheating: Either microwave the buns for 30 seconds or slice them in half and heat in a non-stick pan until warm. 
More keto bread recipes you’ll enjoy
For the glaze and topping
1 large egg
1 tbsp sesame seeds optional
Preheat the oven to 200C/400F. Line a large baking tray with parchment paper and set aside.
In a microwave safe bowl, add the shredded cheese and cream cheese. Microwave in 20 second spurts, until the cheese is mostly melted. Remove and whisk together, until combined and smooth. Let the mixture cool slightly.
Transfer the warm cheese mixture into a food processor. Add the dry ingredients, along with the eggs, and pulse until a thick dough remains.
Lightly dust a kitchen surface with almond flour. Transfer the dough onto it, and, using slightly wet hands, knead it several times. Once the dough is smooth, divide it into 6 portions. Roll the portions of dough into balls and place them on the lined tray. Press down onto each one into a thinner burger bun shape. Brush the tops with the remaining egg (whisked), before sprinkling the sesame seeds on top.
Bake the buns for 14-17 minutes, or until golden brown on top. Remove from the oven and let cool for 5 minutes, before slicing in half and serving.
* Mozzarella cheese is best, as it is mild flavored. You can also use cheddar cheese or provolone, but the flavor will be more prominent.  ** 2 eggs will be used for the dough, and the remaining egg will be used to brush on top of the buns.  For slider buns, make 12 portions.  TO STORE: Leftover buns should be stored in the refrigerator, covered. They will keep well for up to 1 week. TO FREEZE: Slice the buns in half and place them in a ziplock bag and store them in the freezer for up to 6 months.  TO REHEAT: Either microwave the buns for 30 seconds or slice them in half and heat in a non-stick pan until warm. 
Serving: 1serving | Calories: 250kcal | Carbohydrates: 5g | Protein: 15g | Fat: 19g | Sodium: 790mg | Potassium: 111mg | Fiber: 3g | Vitamin A: 663IU | Calcium: 498mg | Iron: 2mg | NET CARBS: 2g
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You can click the LINK to start creating your 8-week plan. Simply follow the plan to achieve a successful keto diet.
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from Your Keto Plan https://ift.tt/2YYd0eA
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allbaseballmom · 4 years
Having A Hard Time Losing Weight? These Smoothies Can Help - https://allbaseballmom.com/blog/having-a-hard-time-losing-weight-these-smoothies-can-help Smoothies for weight loss: How to prepare the vitamin drink with low calories Smoothies are a delicious way to lose weight healthily. The prerequisite for this: the right ingredients. What you have to consider - plus three delicious recipes. Have a smoothie for breakfast every day and the pounds drop by themselves? It would be nice!  Smoothies are vitamin bombs and contribute to a healthy diet, but weight loss is not that easy. Because: Not every smoothie is suitable for losing weight.  Slimming smoothies: ingredients and preparation You can actually lose weight with the right smoothie. If you use it as a substitute for a meal every day, you will save some calories - provided your drink does not have more calories than what you would otherwise have eaten. Another advantage over pasta or chicken curry is that you don't fall into a food coma after eating it, but instead feel fitter and more alert. A smoothie is also suitable as a healthy snack between meals - but then it should no longer have 200 kcal and contain little fruit. It is also important that you mix the right smoothie. It should not only contain fruits and vegetables, but also ingredients that fill you up. These are foods that contain fiber and ingredients that are high protein. Good fats also help your body to properly absorb all of the vitamins. These are the best ingredients for a weight loss smoothie Your smoothie should be based on green leafy vegetables: leaf spinach, kale or lamb's lettuce . Fruit provides flavor: bananas, strawberries, blueberries or orange. Now you can add a few extra ingredients that are high in fiber , healthy fats and protein so that the smoothie will keep you full for a long time and your blood sugar level will not suddenly increase after drinking - this protects against food cravings . The following ingredients are suitable: Flax or chia seeds Cereal flakes , e.g. oat flakes , soy or quinoa flakes low-fat yogurt, ayran or cottage cheese Protein powder avocado  How do I prepare a weight loss smoothie? Of course, there is still liquid in the blender. If you want to save a lot of calories, it's best to use water. Your smoothie will be creamier with a coconut or almond drink. Important for plant drinks: They should be unsweetened. Coconut water is suitable instead of fatty coconut milk . Cold (and unsweetened) ginger-lemon tea is also perfect for mixing a green smoothie.  These ingredients make smoothies a diet sin Then you can start mixing now, right? Not so fast, because you can go wrong with smoothies. If we throw nut butter, yogurt and grain flakes into the blender without thinking, the supposedly healthy drink can quickly reach 600 kcal. Before you get started, we have a few more foods for you to avoid in a weight loss smoothie: Honey Even if many types of fruit taste much less intense in winter than in the summer months - smoothies do not need additional sweetness in the form of honey (or agave syrup). After all, mango, dates, bananas and other fruits already contain a lot of fructose. A pinch of cinnamon or a small piece of ginger give bland smoothies an extra portion of flavor without putting additional strain on the calorie and sugar account. Fruit yogurt Yogurt gives the fruit puree a creamy consistency. However, raspberry, mango or cherry flavored yogurts contain a lot of hidden sugar. In addition, some varieties contain little or no portion of the promised fruit. Instead of real raspberries, the fruit yogurt only ends up with the taste, but not real berries in the smoothie. It is better to switch to natural yogurt or frozen raspberries - these are also available in winter.   Too Much Nut butter Many protein lovers swear by a dollop of peanut butter or almond butter in their smoothie. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids make the fruit shake satiety, and plenty of proteins provide athletes' muscles with energy. But if you pay attention to your line, you should use almond butter and Co. sparingly. Guideline: No more than one teaspoon of nuts per smoothie. Chocolate: Whether as a decorative topping on the breakfast bowl or as a sweet sin in a banana shake. Chocolate in a smoothie quickly turns the vitamin bomb into a calorie bomb. If you don't want to miss out on the delicious chocolate taste, you can add some baking cocoa with no added sugar to your shake. As an alternative decoration on the smoothie bowl, low- sugar cocoa nibs are suitable .  Slimming smoothie: three delicious recipes We started looking for effective ingredients and slimming combinations. These three weight loss smoothie recipes are not only colorful, but also delicious. Cinnamon protein power with coconut water Ingredients : 230 ml coconut water 4 almonds 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 apple ½ tbsp protein powder (e.g. vanilla) 1 tbsp flaxseed While flaxseed stimulates digestion, apples keep you feeling full for a long time - that's why these two ingredients make an excellent smoothie for weight loss. If you prepare it in the evening for the next day, the flax seeds will thicken overnight and develop their concentrated power. Vanilla extract and cinnamon provide a sweet aroma and the almonds provide the body with important fats. Simply put all the ingredients in the blender and mix well. Voila! The smoothie is ready to lose weight.  Green smoothie with avocado and parsley Ingredients : 1 kiwi, peeled 1 handful of fresh mint 1 handful of fresh spinach 1 handful of fresh parsley 1 avocado, peeled and frozen 1 cup of water Due to their low calorie content (approx. 40 kcal per fruit), kiwis are perfect for losing weight, and they are low in fat but high in fiber. This means that kiwis keep you full for a long time! To top it all off, they also provide plenty of vitamin C. Spinach is also low in calories and contains thyroidal, a substance that slows digestion and thus causes a longer feeling of satiety. However, the bitter substances in parsley ensure that the digestive process does not proceed too slowly. Put all the ingredients in the kitchen mixer, mix and then enjoy!  Creamy fruit smoothie with yogurt and oat bran ingredients 100 g strawberries 200 g low-fat natural yogurt 100 ml of rhubarb juice 50 g of oat bran flakes Cinnamon to taste Tip: Instead of the cinnamon you can also use a pinch of cocoa powder, cut fresh mint leaves into fine strips or add some vanilla pulp to the smoothie. This yogurt smoothie provides your body with plenty of iron, magnesium, potassium and vitamin C. It also contains a lot of fiber that will keep you full for a long time. Try it for breakfast, as a light lunch or as an emergency drink against cravings. FREE e-book on green smoothie recipe to detox and younger looking you. Link below: green-smoothie-recipe
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macgyvermedical · 7 years
How to Eat Paleo as a single person on about $5/day
This is super off topic for this blog, but…
I did this for about a year in college. Last night at the LGBTQ center we were talking about healthy eating and I mentioned it, and was challenged to bring in a shopping list/meal plan detailing what I had done.
What I consider Paleo: I lived on my own version of paleo, which I called “Functional Paleo.” I defined this as “no grain, no dairy, no legumes, no refined carbs, and no artificial sweeteners, flavors, or preservatives.” It is not organic, the meat is not free range, and I did not use coconut or other substitute flours for anything (except when cooking for my parents or special occasions). I bought very few things that had multiple ingredients, but didn’t concern myself too much with small amounts of soy or sugar (like in the tuna, stewed tomatoes, or condiments).
My other caveat is that I had (and continue to have) an Aldi near me. All prices cited are Aldi prices as they exist today (though prices can be similar at other value food stores like Marc’s and Save a Lot). You can actually do paleo significantly cheaper than this if you have to, but this level provided enough variety for me to not flip my kitchen table on a regular basis. This is what I did personally.
***Items listed are “Per Week” unless otherwise specified***
Eggs- 2 dozen, about $1 (Aldi eggs cost anywhere from 20c to $1.29/dozen, usually on the lower end of that with a limit of six dozen per costomer. I used 50c/dozen here as a good average)
Meat- 2lbs of either chicken breast, stew meat, or chorizo, about $8 (get the middle-range (Never Any! brand) chicken, its the same price as the low range if you factor in that the low range has 15% broth in it by weight, which will cook out anyway).
Tuna: 2 cans, packed in water, about $1.40
Sale veggie- 2 pkg, about $3 total
Cauliflower- 1 large, 1.79
Broccoli- 1 bag, 1.50
Stewed tomatoes- 2 cans, $1 total
3lb Onions- $1.50 (every other week)
3lb Sweet potatoes- $2
10lb Russet potatoes- $3 (once per month)
Sale fruit- 2 or 3 pkg, about $4 total
Canister Prunes or Raisins- $3 
Frozen fruit of choice- $2
Whole raw almonds- 1pkg, $5
Dark Chocolate- 1 large bar, $1.50
Tea- 100 tea bags, $2 (once in a blue moon)
Instant Coffee- 120 cups worth, $3 (once in a blue moon)
Olive or sunflower seed oil- $3 (once per month or so)
Salt- one large canister iodized or box kosher, $2 (literally once per lifetime)
Condiments (I excepted these from paleo rules for my own sanity) mayo, ketchup, pickles, mustard, etc…- $1-$2 per item (once in a blue moon)
Dried spices- $1 each (get a good blend for about $2-$3 at Wal Mart or collect them separately and make lots of your own $1/spice) (once in a blue moon)
Vinegar of choice- $3 (once per month or longer, depending on how much you like vinegar)
Bouillon cubes- $2.50 (once in a blue moon)
Assuming you’re starting with an utterly bare cabinet and you buy all of the “once in a blue moon” and “once per month” items on your first trip (including condiments and spices), your initial investment will probably be about $50-60. After that first week, assuming you keep to the intervals outlined here, it should average a little less than $35. 
Meal Prep Tips:
Boil most of the eggs, leave a couple for if you like fried eggs occasionally or want to make banana-egg pancakes. You can easily take boiled eggs in a lunchbox or eat them with prunes or raisins for a quick breakfast.
The prunes/raisins and almonds were and still are my go-to easy breakfast.
Grate the cauliflower- steam it with salt, oil and spices as a side later or mix it with the crumbled chorizo for a 1-bowl meal
Cook the sweet potatoes and regular potatoes ahead of time. There are lots of ways to do this and they are all delicious. They are also easy to pack in a lunch box.
Hard veggies like carrots, cauliflower, sweet potatoes, and broccoli are AMAZING when tossed in olive oil, salt, and spices and roasted or broiled.
Cook and pull the chicken (easiest in a pressure cooker but you can also boil the crap out of it too). Makes it super versatile. You can make like 10 different things with it and they will all feel different. No more plain chicken boob for you!
Stew with the stew meat, any veggies (including onions and potatoes) and spices will give you many easy future meals and can be made with just about anything you’ve got (throw the stewed tomatoes in this too).
Tuna salad (with oil and vinegar and spices if you’re really feeling paleo or mayo, onions and pickles if you’re me) and leftover roasted veggies make a great lunch.
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bettervillains · 7 years
All the ice cream asks. 😘
Thanks friend :3 Also @isabellagrcia who asked me for all the ones I've tried Yana was extra extra so I'm just gonna answer them all here:• chocolate: when was your first kiss?I swear I get this question at least once every time I do one of these and it's still never, nope, not yet, trust me internet you'll be like the third to know when it happens. • french vanilla: how old are you?I'll be 25 in a month • cotton candy: three places you want to travel to?Iceland, Toronto, never made it to Wales or Athens when I was overseas• strawberry: a language you wish you could speak?Italian•coffee: favorite cosmetic brands?I wear a lot of Nyx (real into their lipstick) but for eyeliner it's Butter London all the way baby•mint chocolate chip: indoors or outdoors?Indoors, unless it's cold out•cookie dough: do you play any instruments?Guitar, can fake my way through piano, clarinet • rocky road: favorite songs at the moment?I Want You, Marion Hill ; My Song 5, Haim• butter pecan: favorite songs for life?These Foolish Things, Billie Holiday ; There's A Good Reason These Tables Are Numbered, Honey, You Just Haven't Found It Yet, Panic! At the Disco• cheesecake: what's your zodiac sign?Haven't you heard that I'm the new cancer you can't stand it• toasted coconut: the beach or the pool?Uhhhhh if I felt comfortable in a swimsuit either•chocolate chip: what's your most popular post?My Friends post (your fave is problematic: Life) is around 67k hits• bubblegum: books or movies?Yes• pistachio: manga or anime?Gotta say manga, tho Ghibli • salted caramel: favorite movies? The Apartment, The Sting, I know it's a cliché but I do really love Carol even though I don't rewatch a lot, recently been studying When Harry Met Sallybirthday cake: favorite books?• The Dumas fam's a safe bet, The Lover's Dictionary by David Levithan, My French Whore by Gene Wilder • moose tracks: favorites for manga?Hikaru no Go actually got me to learn go so jot that down • orange sherbet: favorites for anime?Uhhhh Sword Art Online has some really fab graphics and a cool concept • peanut butter: favorite academic subject?It's Lit™ • black raspberry: do you have any pets?Nope. Always wanting a cat tho • mango: when and why did you start your blog?About six years ago and who can remember • mocha: ideal weather conditions?Tundra. Or a crisp fall afternoon • black cherry: four words that describe you?"no, I was kidding"• neapolitan: things that stress you out?L o t s. Any kind of deadline or appointment makes time feel super short, but otherwise I have no sense of the passage of time so I have to set deadlines for myself. No good middle ground. • raspberry truffle: favorite kind of music?Jazz, like 40s crooners stuff • chocolate marshmallow: favorite brands of candy?Love Chokotoffs most but haven't had them in ages, otherwise love a Kit Kat. Or Mango or Apple Hi-Chew. • toffee: a card game that you're good at?BS. Finally a game where you're allowed to cheat. And I've come up with a lot of creative ways in the past to do so. • lemon custard: do you eat breakfast?I'm trying to be better about it but most conventional breakfast food is terrible for me so I might start eating goddamn quinoa for breakfast cause I like it and it's pretty neutral. • dark chocolate: turn ons?Idk I'm mostly a pretty vanilla person just with a little bit of a flavor — like a bourbon vanilla. I've realized my like fantasy type is Just a Little Bit Mean™ (even tho I Love like kind passionate people irl) which horrified me when Mary Poppins fit in that category. Also explains the v mild praise kink. V MILD. • fudge: turn offs?If the person is a terrible person??? I can't get behind it, not even for surface level attraction. • peach: how do you relax?Baths or showers. Water signs yo. Also like....... good TV, good friends, good company. • praline: a popular book you haven't read yet?Gone Girl. I meant to, but then I forgot. • superman: do you like sweaters?Ehhhh when the time is right • cherry: do you drink tea or coffee?Hot tea all day, babe• dulce de leche: an instrument you wish you could play?Sax? Or like.... drums. Weak ankles tho. • blackberry: have you ever laughed so hard you cried?Frequently and recently • ginger: a new feature you wish tumblr could have?Uh tags in mobile ask responses • blueberry lemon: favorite blogs?All my friends duh. Follow a few impressionist art blogs too (gotta get that Monet) • almond: favorite mean girls quote?I mean four for you glen coco is a classic • butterscotch: what color are your nails right now?Unpainted but I just got a manicure so they've got a lovely buffed shine to them • cinnamon: have you ever been confessed to?Looooooooool like what are we talking about here for romance no hell no for like offenses maybe probably? • blue moon: have you ever had a crush on someone?I'm basically the human incarnation of Hozier's Someone New so ye• cappuccino crunch: do you take naps?Uhh I always feel gross and weird head spacy after so not often • mint: the most embarrassing thing you've ever done?Some hot contenders but once in middle school when I hated pink I definitely replied to a girl who was trying to peeve me by telling me, "You know what you would look good in? pink" with "You know what you would look good in? Nothing" I meant she wouldn't look good in any color cause BUURRRNNN but it was a weird moment. But, for the future, a fantastic op for a pickup line• brownie batter: do you like sushi?The like..... not raw fish kind, ye, sparingly. Would rather have potstickers • key lime: where do you want to be right now?I'm in bed as the sun's rising so p much nailed it. Or like......... Scotland, maybe. Somewhere soft. • red velvet: do you wear prescription glasses?Oh boy do I. Negative 4 vision in one eye, 3.75 in the other. Bad bad bad. • green tea: favorite flavors of ice cream?I like Phish Food from B&J and that Gold Medal swirl from baskin Robbins I can't remember what it's called
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sixerry · 7 years
Personal Survey
1: Are you named after someone? I... sort of? My dad didn’t like the name my mom wanted and she heard Felicia from fricken General Hospital or some other random ass Soap Opera. Also my middle name is because of Sophia Loren.
2: When is the last time you cried? Um... A few months ago, I guess? IT is actually, and unfortunately, difficult for me to cry, like there’s a tear or two and then it stops and it’s actually fucking annoying tbh.
3: Do you like your handwriting? Not particularly
4: What is your favorite lunch meat? no
5: Do you have kids? Just this cat I gave a horrible haircut to. Sorry Doom. lol.
6: If you were another person, would you be friends with you? Sure why the fuck not.
7: Do you use sarcasm? Never. Not once in my entire life.
8: Do you still have your tonsils? Yes.
9: Would you bungee jump? Ehhhh probably.
10: What is your favourite kind of cereal? Oh BOY. Fruit Loops, Lucky Charms, Honey bunches of Oats w/ almonds, Honeycomb, LIFE, Wheaties, omg listen I love cereal ok?
11: Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Fuuuck no.
12: Do you think you’re a strong person? I suppose.
13: What is your favourite ice cream flavor? Coffee, Butter Pecan, Cookies and Cream, others.
14: What is the first thing you notice about people? Their shape(in person at any rate)? God that sounds fucking weird.
15: Red or pink? Pink.
16: What is the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself? I’m sad that I’m so short ok.
17: What color pants and shoes are you wearing now? I think..they’re black? My light is off ok, I don’t remember.
18: What was the last thing you ate? Spicy Chicken sandwich from Jack in the Box.
19: What are you listening to right now? Final Fantasy VIII OST
20: If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Forest.
21: Favorite smell? Burning wood.
22: Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? My mom probably. Or someone at work.
23: Favorite sport to watch? I hate watching sports because then I want to play them, but Women’s Soccer.
24: Hair color? Currently a reddish tint, but brown otherwise.
25: Eye color? Hazel.
26: Do you wear contacts? Nope
27: Favorite food to eat? Spanish Rice and Beans. 
28: Scary movies or comedy? That’s just rude. I refuse.
29: Last movie you watched?  Mystere a la Tour Eiffel
30: What color of shirt are you wearing? Red and Black.
31: Summer or winter? Winter
32: Hugs or kisses? Hugs usually.
33: What book are you currently reading? None at the moment.
34: Who do you miss right now? @liltingletters but also some friends I haven't talked to in a while. And my brother.
35: What is on your mouse pad? THIS GAIA CAT THING AND MY OLD SPRITE PERSON THING! lol listen my mom found it when she was emptying boxes.
What is the last TV program you watched? Supergirl.
37: What is the best sound? Iiiiii...am not going to answer that.
38: Rolling Stones or The Beatles? No.
39: What is the furthest you have ever traveled? in which direction? Cuz it’s either Japan or Germany.
40: Do you have a special talent? I have many  ;D
41: Where were you born? Ironically, the fucking place I work.
Eyy @plumppeachprincess it didn’t take me 2 weeks this time.
um @raenil @drewthenerd @flyingflesheater and well shit anyone else who wants to because I’ve suddenly forgotten everyone’s tumblr names. shhh get out.
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