#otp: i am so glad i found you & didn't kill you
grace-nakimura · 1 year
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tongjingnian2point0 · 22 days
Wow! That video was amazing! I am not familiar with Halsey, is this a mix of two songs? How did you do it? How was the collaboration process? Would you tell how this project came to be? It's do perfect how the lyrics line up with the frames!
Hi there! Thanks for your questions🥰 Glad you come asking! As soon as I saw your question, I know I'm gonna give a very long answer whether you want it or not ;)))) So here is my answer & I hope you like it.
To answer your question, first, yes they are remix of two different songs. One called Drive, and the other is Colors. I didn't do the remix, as I wrote in the details on YouTube. I had the idea to do it myself tho, because these two songs are very similar, and I was thinking why not mix them together? And when I searched it, I found one already exist. (& regretfully, it's not a collaboration (but I'd love to do collaboration works if I get the chance :) I wouldn't say it's how I'll remix it, but I love this verson too, and I can see the images poping into my head the second I heard it, so I went with it.
But if you're wondering about my process about the whole project (except the music of course), I never have a complicated process, was just following my structure step by step after thinking repeatedly and certain I wanted to do it that way.
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This project didn't come out of blue. Actually I've thought about it for maybe a year or two before I get started.
The inspiration come straight from Halsey's Drive, and that whole album gives me a vibe of pure blue. I don't have synaesthesia, but I can always 'see' a lot of editing of my otp when I listen to musics.
To me, the core of SamnDean is the never ending road trip, exhaustion and everlasting love burning under the sun, especially in the early seasons. The color blue represents the feeling in my mind, and deep blue also gives me the vibe of 'haunting', just like wincest. Although they were apart when Sam was in Stanford, the memories were still haunting them from thousand miles away. And even when they're together, they're still haunted by their thoughts and feelings, just like when they were kids.
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So Drive and the scenes of SamnDean came to me naturally when I heard the lyrics, especially when it came to the mutual pining and angst. And the pride mentioned in Drive is so canonned, SamnDean both have their pride, and from my understanding, that's part of the reason why they always end up hurting each other and their feelings.
Originally, I tried with two different songs, because they're both so related to wincest.
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But Ride is more about 'I', and Drive is more about 'Us' like what I see in wincest. They are an indivisible whole, 'conjoined-twin' like they mentioned.
Besides, because I decided the color that represent that period is blue, I went to listen Colors again to find more inspiration, and that's when I found the melodies of these two songs are similar and wanted to do a remix (and you know what was going on with the bgm later).
Then, about the scenes and storyboard, like I said, I contemplated it for a long time and thought about it repeatedly, that I believe it's already refined in my head. I cannot give a exact process of how these ideas getting together, because it's been too long, and I don't remember where I started or how they mixed together. But what makes me wanted to do this is the line 'would it really kill you if we kissed?'
I'm not sure you've known me before, but I've tried to just paint one illustration with this line echo in my head, since I know it'll be so troublesome to start a goddamn video with just a blank canvas. But it didn't work, I still have this song in my head, and the non-exist storyboard was yelling at me, telling me to finish it.
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So when I had a large block of free time, I started to decide which shots in my mind were suitable for the video and drew them into storyboards, with the change of music (from Drive to Drive and Colors).
Also, the change of lyrics gave me a new perspective. To me, the first line in Colors 'Your little brother never tells you but he loves you so' is more about Sam's POV, but from 'everything is blue', I see Dean. And re-read the whole lyrics, instead of making an ordinary one, I decided it'll have the different pov from Sam & Dean (I hope some of you realized it and know what I'm talking about here).
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There still were changes from the draft to the final painting, but comparing to how many things I'll change when it comes to illustrations, it's nothing. It's more likely that I thought about it so often that there wasn't a lot to change when I finally started drawing.
About lyrics tho... I need to confess that I change some of it to make it more fitting. Also, I heard some wrong because I never read lyrics (oops)... so I didn't realize that I interpreted some wrong, until I was editing the video and searched it😅 But why not changing it? It sounds so similar with what I thought it was (like the way Halsey read 'you liked me' just like 'you are light to me'... I also wanted to mention the 'your laugh echos down the highway' one, but I found there are two different version so)
So yes, about some part of the lyrics fitting too well, blame my wild imagination 😉 xx
Anyway, I hope this answered your questions! Thanks for asking again, and if you wanna ask about something else you're more than welcomed to come back here! Hope you have a good day :)
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the animation
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 4 months
Do you have any Avatar Kuruk headcanons?
Hmmmmm I have a few! (under the cut for length)
So Kuruk is known as a party animal, and while I think it has SOME truth, the over exaggeration of it isn't really him. He's kinda Bruce Wayne-ing it half the time. And while he was a bit of a romantic and a little flirty, he wasn't nearly as bad as his reputation later became. Like he wasn't a manwhore/rake or whatever you wanna call him (at least before the spirits). (after the spirits..... I'm tempted to believe that even if he did sleep around....I fear it might've been because he was preyed on like that one maid did, maybe not all the time but I don't think he was surrounded by a lot of good people ;w;).
UNFORTUNATELY, his old team and supposed close friends had their perception colored later in life and forgot his real personality. Remembering only the silver tongue flirt, and thus they thought Yun was the perfect ringer.
The only people who saw his real personality since fighting the spirits was probably Ummi and Nyahitha, and Kelsang (that one time). And ironically that had more similarities with Kyoshi than other's probably saw. (which is why Nyahitha gives her so much shit and clocked her in like five seconds kfjdksjfa)
Kuruk was TOTALLY and 100% working OVERTIME in Rise of Kyoshi. This guy was trying SO FREAKING HARD to get Kyoshi together with Rangi. TT0TT Like he was totes feeding her lines of his poem because of how Rangi looks, and legit forgot Kelsang knew the poem. Kyoshi even mentions how it looked like Rangi was outlined by a spirit during the Chameleon Bay chase, and that spirit HAS to be Kuruk. TT0TT My man is the best wingman, he was trying so hard for his OTP to be together TT0TT
Kuruk and Kyoshi def vibe in the afterlife. They founded the "I Miss My Wife" club. Only for the most miserable though, which is them. ("I get Kuruk but what about Kyoshi-" My headcanon for how Kyoshi's love life goes is not a pleasant one ;w; So yeah, club founders).
Kuruk was totes fine with Kyoshi killing Xu, he probs would've been up in her face like he was with Chaejin/Huazo incident if he wasn't at least a lil' chill about it. Maybe at worse disapproved, but it was probs something like "Eh, he's an ass, you gotta do what you gotta do. Not my move but who am I to judge?"
If the "you get the face of your loved one when reincarnated" is correct, then he is so happy and sad whenever he looks at Kyoshi. Kyoshi might've decided to present herself wearing make up in the afterlife because she saw how much it hurt him.
Because of that, for the time Kyoshi hated him, he was devastated. TT0TT
He's still Yangchen's biggest fanboy, but likes to tease her about spirits. All in good fun tho. He was always so happy to talk with her.......even when his life was falling apart. TT0TT
He likes to brag about having it easy and being sandwiched between two awesome Avatar lady eras. They usually do all the talking for him when ppl hit up the Avatar past selves line (I like to think Kyoshi and then Roku found a better way to deal with spirits, so Kuruk gets to just kick back and delegate to a different Avatar now. His best advice being "don't kill the spirits" now TT0TT). He deserves rest and this is the closest he's getting to it damnit!
HC that Roku is a fanboy of Kyoshi, Kuruk has a soft spot for the boy since he totally GETS IT.
Kuruk tried his best to keep Kyoshi alive when she was younger. Not much you can do as a spirit, but he was always by her side through her worst fevers. It hurt him seeing her like that, especially when his dying wish was to make sure his friends did right by her. TT0TT
He really likes Korra, little upset he didn't get spiritbending, but hey watchu gonna do? He totally took off his hat/coat when talking to her cause of her animal guide tho fkjsadkfja He's glad she brought back the airbenders (especially since it made Yangchen happy).
I'm fascinated by his past relationships with Hei-Ran and Ummi. I think the song "If We Never Met" by John K fits him and Ummi's relationship tbh (since a lot of the lyrics seem to fit what we know about them).
That's all I got right now. I wish we got more information, I hope he gets a novel soon. TT0TT
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kitkatt0430 · 8 months
idk if youre still doing in it but tommy merlyn, oliver queen for the character ask game?
It's been a while, but not that long so sure :D I do enjoy answering these, after all
Tommy Merlyn
1: sexuality headcanon
He's bi. Definitely bi. More into women than men, but he's an equal opportunity flirt.
2: otp
Tommy/Oliver or Tommy/Oliver/Laurel - there are a few other ships for him I like, but not to the point I'd call them an OTP
3: brotp
Tommy & Oliver & Thea where Tommy is the unofficial third Queen sibling - after all, he is actually Thea's sibling for real already
4: notp
Tommy/Thea for what are probably pretty obvious reasons. I feel so bad for Thea in season 1 knowing that part of her freak out in season 2 over having her biological parentage kept from her is knowing that she hit on her own brother and her mother never warned her.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
In the Earth Prime universe, Tommy took Laurel's last name and became Tommy Lance. After his dad tried to blow up half the city and nearly killed Tommy along with it, he's not exactly keen to stay a Merlyn. So it makes sense that when he married Laurel, it was the Lance family name he wanted to honor and continue.
6: favorite line from this character
I really like this exchange:
Tommy: Dinah Laurel Lance always trying to save the world. Laurel: Hey. If I don't try and save it, who will?
It's very cute. And I do enjoy Tommy/Laurel even they're not an OTP to me, so having them be flirty while also kinda summing themselves up at the same time? He wants to support Laurel even though no one ever really taught him how to do that and she wants to save people be it as part of CNRI or as the Black Canary.
7: one way in which I relate to this character
Tommy struggles a lot with his feelings of not being good enough and when I was his age (when this show began he was older, now I am, how dare time work like this) so did I. Admittedly, for very different reasons. I've definitely found my sense of self confidence and self worth, though, and I'd like to think that Earth Prime Tommy did too, even though we didn't get to see it happen.
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
He can be a little misogynistic at times. I do see it as something he's growing out of over the course of S1. End of season Tommy is way less prone to making an ass of himself objectifying women the way start of season Tommy is, so at least it's something he's got character growth about.
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
cinnamon roll, definitely
And now for...
Oliver Queen
1: sexuality headcanon
Bi or pan. Oliver definitely has a crush on Barry going on by the time the Flash season premier rolled around.
2: otp
Barry/Oliver and Tommy/Oliver
I used to really like Felicity/Oliver and then the ship became canon and I just... didn't like the way they kinda brought out the worst in each other at times *shrug* a good example of being careful what you wish for, I suppose. Some ships are better left to fanon.
I actually really like the show Laurel/Oliver as exes, that was a fun dynamic for them. Though for the comics its Dinah/Oliver all the way.
3: brotp
Oliver & Dig, Oliver & Barry, Oliver & Tommy
Oliver & Dig especially though. It is fun seeing their friendship grow and be tested and come out stronger in the end. I was glad that if Oliver had to show up one last time on the Flash that Dig was there to see him and say goodbye.
4: notp
McKenna Hall and Isabel Rochev
The former... I do like her and Ollie on the show, they're cute but... she's a cop and comics Oliver would never.
Isabel having been one of Oliver's father's affairs and her only sleeping with Oliver to get revenge on a dead man who chose not to abandon his children is gross and squicks me so much when it happens on the show.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
Oliver tells Barry that he can inspire people with hope because he inspired Oliver first. Meeting and becoming friends with Barry made Oliver want to be a better version of himself and he just feels comfortable around Barry/trusting Barry in a way he doesn't with everyone else.
6: favorite line from this character
So I don't know what my favorite line is, Oliver gets a lot of good zingers in, but I really love this exchange with him and Malcolm every time I rewatch S1
Malcolm: What are your thoughts, Oliver?
Oliver: I think the vigilante needs a better code name then "The Hood" or "The Hood Guy."
Malcolm: I agree. How about Green Arrow?
Oliver: Lame.
And then what is Oliver's final code name? The Green Arrow, of course.
7: one way in which I relate to this character
Honestly, I don't really know that I relate to him. He's a very different person from me which is probably what makes him such an interesting character to delve into when writing.
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
Joining the cops??? I thought his inability to stop lying to people about shit could not be topped and then the final season happened. Comics Oliver would disown show Oliver over that one. He may not have been an real police officer, but working with the cops like that was just... crossing a line that should not have been crossed with this character.
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
so many problems, I love this character anyway :D
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SGU Week Day 4 (Yes, 4!!): Favorite Ship
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This is my new OTP. Idk exactly what it is, but buddy, I will take my serotonin from wherever I can get it these days.
Just kidding, I know exactly why I enjoy this. Most of it is that I just really, really like Amanda (don't hate me; despite what my memes may lead you to believe, I am not a Rush Enjoyer, because I know he would make me cry every day if I had to interact with him lmao), but OH MY GOD am I a sucker for The Grumpy One Is Soft for the Sunshine One. I love seeing them feel so safe and comfortable together. I love the ease of their interactions. I don't think anyone cares about spoilers at this point, but good Lord, she almost killed him and he wasn't even mad 😂
I NEVER enjoy canon ships because they feel like forced hetero nonsense. Another reason I enjoy this pairing so much is that to me, a demisexual, it feels very much like a demisexual love story. Think about it. Falling for your best friend, pining for the same guy for years... that's not unique to us, but it's definitely part of the demisexual experience (I'm not a piner, but most demis I meet seem to be). Im aware that they were originally supposed to sleep together in Sabotage, but, again as a demi, I'm glad they ended up taking a different route. I don't enjoy seeing characters who barely know each other hooking up, not because I'm prudish, but because I have no investment in the characters. This... We had to work for this. 🥰
In searching for other fan content, I've discovered that Rush and Amanda aren't a well-liked pairing (go figure, I like a canon ship and it's one no one likes lmaooooooo). I've found that I see this pairing quite differently from its critics; to me, it felt very female-focused. Yes, Amanda clearly only exists to be The Main Guy's love interest, but I found that, apart from the fridging, the ship was very much focused on her desires. She was not a thing to be pursued. She had agency and took initiative. She felt like a whole person to me, not just a pretty doll.
I also enjoyed the hell out of the awkwardness. I don't get secondhand embarrassment. I get the opposite of that. I LIVE for cringe. fr what even was this scene???
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"So, you wanna make out or something?"
"Yes, obviously, I fist bumped you. That's pretty much 1st base."
God what a fucking dork
"No, 3rd base is not when a man rolls up his sleeve so you can see his forearms."
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I drew them~ They're gonna hold hands bang >:] As you can see from the date, I drew this last year, very shortly after watching Seizure for the first time (I colored it yesterday, though, for this). I liked this pairing right away, and honestly, I was hoping Rush would pay Amanda a visit on earth via the stones after Sabotage. I'm not exactly thrilled that the writers chose to go for two double-fridgings, but the computer ghost thing creates a lot of possibilities for fanfic. I'd also like to have seen them interacting on earth before the Icarus mission.
As a final thought, I also love seeing someone who has been so deeply hurt learning to love again. I'm so disappointed SGU didn't get more seasons, because this would have been interesting to explore further with Rush and Amanda as a proper couple once she got off her bullshit and accepted that he did love her oh my God Mandy he killed that guy for you don't stand there and try to tell him he doesn't love you godddddddddddddd
Anyway, here are some of my favorite meme comics I've made. ^^
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They were close friends for years. You cannot convince me that she didn't know exactly what he was like, nor can you convince me that she doesn't love it. 😉
"I'm not codependent! I'm obsessed with you a normal amount!"
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In my experience, the key to a successful relationship is to find your person, and then you just annoy the shit out of each other for the rest of your lives (consensually, of course).
I also fully believe that there is no way on God's green earth that Rush would ever willingly watch a Syfy Channel original movie.
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He does like Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid... Through shitposting with friends, it has become "canon" that Bonanza is one of like, 3 TV shows Rush actually watches. The other two are Nova and House. Amanda, who watched a lot of classic sitcoms with her grandparents as a child with no social life, is unfortunately not a fan of westerns.
That's okay. He can fix her. 🤎
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I have an ongoing series (up to 5 parts now) where Rush Definitely Understands the Trolley Problem. This is the first one.
I should really post those here.
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She knows his secret >:]
Also this takes place in the future so they're married now shut up let me have this they're cute
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God what a lightweight
That's okay nothing's gonna stop her from getting white girl wasted on Brody's moonshine #YOLO
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This was inspired by a fun exchange I had with a friend. It's "canon" in my comics and in progress fic that Amanda watched Wormhole X-treme to prepare for working at the SGC (she is so normal), and read whatever mission reports she had clearance for when she wasn't doing Mega Serious Spaceship Work.
If Rush can bully her into watching cowboy shows, she can bully him right back into watching space shows. This will backfire spectacularly. 😂
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“Luke turned back to the canopy, smiling out at the stars. Despite all the time they’d spent apart, he and Mara had a distinct advantage: They were both Jedi. And because of that, they shared a mental and emotional bond that was far deeper than most couples were able to forge in an entire lifetime together. Deeper and stronger even than anything Luke had experienced in his doomed relationships with Gaeriel Captison or the long-departed Callista.”
#when your otp is end game so you really want to rub it in the faces of the other ocs who couldn’t make it with Luke. I see what you’re doing zahn.
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its-chelisey-stuff · 4 years
Love and Redemption, eps 31-40 (painful thoughts lol)
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I love these posters, they’re beautiful. 
Well, I officially hate everyone who likes to claim they're such good guys. Because in this drama, chances are, if you have to say it over and over again or you have justify yourself in the name of the greater good, you're actually full of shit. I feel like an overdramatic after watching these last ten eps, because before I clearly didn't know how much more bad things could get and I still haven't seen the worst, but I made such a fuss and now I can't even be angry lol I'm just so worn out, so tired and want my happy ending now. Yep, this is totally a fun drama to watch!
Anyway, no matter how bad things ended after these ten eps, I feel like this has been the most rock solid the relationship between the OTP has been. And with such good moments, and I don’t mean hot and heavy makeouts, I’m talking about trust and loyalty. I just wish Sifeng would’ve told Xuanji the truth about him being a golden bird demon, that way she would’ve never doubted him or be in pain because of it. And it was so heartbreaking to see that moment. All went to hell, people were dying and fighting, their parents (in retrospective it was obvious that the sect leader from Lize was Sifeng’s father but wtf who puts a lover’s curse on their own child? especially if you have been through it?) telling them the other never cared for her/him and they were just there, in the middle of the battle with tears in their eyes. So saaaaaad.
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I loved that Dijun heard this bit! Of course that only makes him angrier and super jealous, but I love to see it gets to him, it’s a little win.
It was obvious the drama was going to go the “his father killed her mother therefore they cannot be together” route *facepalm* Of course! Because the world and the 3 realms are against them! His father didn’t really do it, as we found out later but that was enough to shock Xuanji for a good while. She still trusted him, but she was wary because Sifeng lied to her. I get it, but at the same time, Xuajin dear, can’t you see this is exactly what he feared? There was a reason he didn’t tell you.
I feel like I’m a step closer to finding out how Sifeng and Xuanji came to know each other when she was still a God and why he followed her to the mortal realm and had to get through 9 lifetimes together. Didn’t fanfic writer from heaven told Tengshe that, when Dijun married another woman (and btw isn’t he still married? the heck?), God of War went away and her only company were some golden birds? Am I reading too much into it? But, isn’t that weird? That was after the big war with the demon realm, where she defeated the Star of Mosha... so is Sifeng really him? I’m super confused.
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HAHAHAHAHAHA The audacity from this man knows no limits. I couldn't believe he dared to say something to Tengshe when he has been sticking his nose into Xuanji's mortal life for years! I HATE HIM more than the bad guys. To me, he’s the number one enemy and I fear my hate for him will only grow more. I want to see him fall, real bad and real hard, from glory. I want him to suffer and to be punished. I don't care by whom or by what (but can I suggest OTP for the job?) I just need for him to end on a really really bad note. 
Also, I love Tenshe. That episode where he met OTP, was gold, from beginning to end. I laughed so hard and I’m documenting here that it was ep 32, so that I can always go back and watch it when the story gets too angsty or sad. It was amazing and it had so much smiling/amused Sifeng, what else can you ask for? Also, Tengshe became a powerful ally and moved forward the plot: he helped rescue Linglong (more on that later), he told OTP what he knew abut God of War/Dijun “love” story, which left Sifeng thinking (and I’m sure will come into play later), he had the softest interaction with Linglong when everybody else refused to tell her where was Minyan. And he protected Xuanji so many times, despite saying he wouldn’t do it. He’s the best, he loves food and notices important things when there’s drama.
Demon fox and Merman doctor continue to rank high on my list of favorite characters as well. It’s the mortals from the “good” sects the ones I’m having issues with. And Xuanji’s father. For a moment, when he gave his blessing to OTP I thought I could forgive him for torturing Sifeng, but not anymore.
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My sweet badass Linglong finally got rescued, but after 15 eps of being kidnapped, the weird thing would’ve been that she returned as if nothing had happened. I felt bad for the flower demon that helped Minyan and traitor friend from Lize, because she thought creepy bad guy actually had feelings for her and in the end, she got killed. It was terrible that Linglong remembered everything that happened when she was captive, but of course, this drama doesn’t spare anyone. I thought she wouldn’t! My poor girl was so traumatized, felt so guilty and was so depressed that she tried to kill herself but thank God Minyan stopped her. Oh, Minyan, okay, okay, I apologize to you, I misjudged you. You’re not a favorite yet but I like you and I’m so glad my Linglong has someone like you by her side. Just give Sifeng a chance (I’m not asking that of Linglong bc my girl has been through enough, I understand her).
*deep sigh*
Now, the biggest problem. I have raised my eyebrows so high at all the people from the sects they almost reached my hairline bc, from what I've seen, Xuanji is way more unhinged and dangerous when she is in God mode than my dear Sifeng, a demon, has ever been (till now I've never seen him with as much more than an distant and cold attitude let alone really angry), he is always in control of his emotions and a big part of that is thanks to the fact that he keeps his mind clear and is able think with reason and logic something everybody from the sects lacks. So why are all so angry and scared of Sifeng when they should be fearing Xuanji?
I'm not saying "lock her in the dungeons without food" they did it with Sifeng though but maybe like, I don't know, get some magical therapy to see through her head, advise her to meditate or something. As much as I love that girl, she's a ticking bomb and I've seen her about to kill her friends and the people she loves a few times now, because she doesn't recognize them in that state and Dijun loves to delulu himself into thinking he knows what’s best for her ugh. Why does no one find that scarier than a bunch of demons who disguised themselves through centuries just to avoid being killed and have been lying on the low trying to keep peace with the other sects? Oh, I know, because you're all a bunch of prejudiced racists assholes.
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Tbh I kinda want Sifeng to go bad. I don’t think he has it him but I’m just so tired of him always being so good... what for? Rise, demon Sifeng! Be angry!
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dezzydoesthings · 7 years
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Posting as a picture because answering asks on Tumblr app is hell. (It actually crashed on me ugh)
Anyway, anon, to answer your question, the reasons I hate Three Kings are many.
First, Yusuke goes from killing a doctor that tortures humans with experiments and struggling with killing Doctor Kamiya to being like "oh you eat humans ok no biggie" to Hokushin? I'm sorry, what? Why? Because you found out you have demon blood? That is not a good enough reason for that kind or personality shift. My respect for Yusuke plummeted after that scene and it never really recovered. Like when he was whining while fighting Yomi I was just like bitch please whatever. I'm not sure what message Togashi was trying to convey, maybe identity crisis, but it just didn't work for me.
Kurama served no purpose whatsoever other than to be guilted and led around and threatened. His episodes are so boring I actually fell asleep while watching them and no I didn't go back and rewatch them. So I'll give fox boy a pass because I honestly don't remember his stuff. But I think his was identity crisis too so maybe that's the theme of Three Kings.
Which brings me to Hiei. Ugh. Other than the flub with the English dub, which I mentioned in the post you asked me about - and now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure I know what Funimation was trying to do. They were trying to put in a clue that Yukina knows who her brother is without blatantly stating it. Not like they could have Yukina nonchalantly say it during a scene at the DT. Like "oh btw I totally know Hiei is my brother - go Yusuke!" And have no one react to it. I mean, this isn't Ghost Stories! (Props to all that know that anime)
So my big problem with Hiei in 3k is...Mukuro. I stated why I don't like that ship at all in a previous post of mine. I can't link on an app so I'll post some text from it,
"Now, I wanted to like this chick. At first she seems pretty cool. They even take shots at each other. Her making a joke at him and he even insulted her, calling her a mummy. So Hiei. Seemed like he could handle her well enough.
And then we find out his past, and when we’re done seething and sobbing, we find out hers.
You know, as she strips naked and mind rapes him.
Lemme explain why I have issue with this. Hiei is not the type of guy to have sympathy for someone out of nowhere when he BARELY KNOWS THEM. This is a total stranger. Are we supposed to believe because she’s had a bad life and is all like “oh Hiei I understand your pain because I had bad shit happen to me too and killed to make it stop too” that Hiei will automatically bond with her?
He’s from Demon World, where violence is normal. The world itself smells like death. He says so to Yusuke.
Sooo, someone else tried to cure their pain with blood…in a world where probably 80% of people are doing just that.
So what? I’m sorry but that would be an in character reaction for Hiei. Like “wow, too bad for you. What does this have to do with me?”
Also Mukuro having a bad past and Hiei having sympathy right away and falling for her is EVERY OOC FANFIC WITH AN OC WE HAVE EVER READ.
And no I don’t expect Hiei to get goo goo eyed every time Mukuro speaks like Kuwabara does with Yukina, but flirting? Like Yusuke and Keiko? Something?
So, I maybe would have been more willing to accept this if we had seen the relationship grow at all. Been given reasons more than “oh they both have bad pasts.”
I’d be more willing, even though I don’t ship it, to believe Hiei and Kurama, because we SEE the bond. We FEEL it.
I feel more emotion in Hieibara fics than Himuku! Why? Because Hiei and Kuwabara actually have chemistry on screen!
We get one episode for their “romance.” One. And in the Japanese version, the romantic “feel” Funimation tried to give it is not there at all.
Yes, there is a connection. No doubt. It just feels forced and fake on the romance part."
So basically I would have liked her maybe if we see them have a connection like with Yusuke and Keiko. Even though Kuwabara and Yukina don't have too many scenes together, you can see they have a connection! Something more than "lemme strip naked while you're incapacitated and can't do anything."
So, by the time I got to the final episode, i was like thank goodness it's over. Do I love Yu Yu Hakusho? YES. The last season just rubs me the wrong way.
And hey, the same thing happened to me with another show, Once Upon a Time. They went down hill pretty much after season 3 but I stayed because I loved them so much. This last season has been complete trash and I'm only sticking around to see how they fix my favorite otp. That's it. And I'm relieved it's ending.
So I can still love a show but hate one season or moments in it. I am glad YYH had a happy ending, probably the best in any anime I've seen.
Anyway, rant over. Thanks for the ask!
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grace-nakimura · 10 months
How often does Force Ghost Ben show up to talk to Luke? Is it like, just when Luke calls upon him, or does Force Ghost Ben decide he's bored and he just appears and starts telling Luke crazy stories? How often does Luke share the contents of the stories with Mara Jade?
I am obsessed with your HCs. :D
Usually, only when Luke asks, or if he's in dire need of it. The few bits of trolling aside - which is actually fewer than I joke around with, the library incident notwithstanding - he mostly wants Luke to figure things out on his own rather than for him to nudge him any more than he has. (Re: Encouraging patricide.) Sometimes, though, sometimes the "dire need" is when Luke is too far in his head so, yes, he will pop up to joke. To either make Luke roll his eyes or laugh, well, it's a gamble, but Ben loves that boy and understands the path he has chosen - or the path that fate has chosen for him - isn't an easy one.
As for what Luke tells Mara? He holds his tongue unless she brings it up because he respects her caution when it comes to her biological family. It isn't like Leia's, where her feelings over Anakin are complicated and hostile, and rightly so, but he hedges with the same gentleness nonetheless.
He has to bring up what happened in the library at Coruscant, if only because: one, he gave her more photos of her parents that he found; two, because Artoo was so inconvenienced at having to be so still for all but two and a half hours, Artoo downloaded That Article so Mara could see, and Luke could not forget. She thought it was hilarious. (They are also going to be in a state of quiet pining over each other for a while. They've known each other for ten years, pining for five, but it might go another two years at this point.)
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grace-nakimura · 11 months
while a friend i write with has their own l.ukemara child, and i am on the fence on throwing jaina and ben into my weird collection of drabble universes - they do have (1) daughter, beru jade, who grows up on mandalore with great aunt bo bc infinite sadness is hereditary and no i will not expand further
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anyways mara was for sure in love with luke by the time the last command rolled around. and waiting for him to catch up was AGONY. 
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luke’s first impression of mara: “for a moment he just stood there staring, frozen in amazement by the level of sheer control and artistry the maneuver demonstrated.”
mara’s first impression of luke: “badly dressed and clearly insane”
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