#otp: ragged and rich
raggedandrich · 7 months
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Pretty Boy
Name: Robert Isaac Byrne
Age: early-mid 30’s
Role: The Magpie’s boy-toy-turned-protégé
Likes: Older men, bathhouses, fixing bikes, pain and cheap liquor
Dislikes: Having his head shaved, loneliness, and abstinence
When caught trying to rip off one of the Magpie’s lackeys, instead of getting his bones broken or thrown to the wolves, Pretty Boy is bestowed with boy-toy status. But once the connection proves to be more than skin deep, he’s trained, primped and presented as the newest member of the Irish mob at Lent, where his betting just might turn the tide in this ongoing war between the clans, first with a fight club and then at the bathhouse. Finding his place and easing tensions between the families with his uncanny ability to fuck and suck his way the greater Boston area isn’t work to his loyal stray. It’s his pleasure.
Art by: @beelzeebub
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laufire · 2 years
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I'd build an altar for that little blood bag <3
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doortotomorrow · 1 year
top 10 otps?
Now THIS is MY kinda ask! It took me a full day to think about this ask because I wanted to answer it as thoroughly as possible, but now that my writer's block has cleared up, it's time to answer this one.
My Top Ten Ships (in no particular order)
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John Murphy and Emori kom Spacekru ( The 100 )
The ultimate rags to riches love story. These two went from having absolutely nothing, fighting tooth and nail for just the smallest scrap to get by to living in a huge castle on a moon. You can't get better than that!
Without a doubt the most passionate and intimate couple in the series. That scene where they share each other's very souls? Epic!
What makes this romance such a strong favourite for me is how it surprised us all. I don't think anyone was betting on John Murphy of all characters to end up in the show's most enduring love story.
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Lois Lane and Clark Kent ( Superman )
If you have Lois and Clark as a ship, you're never starving because their love story has been adapted to practically every form of media out there. Comics, Radio, TV shows, Movies, Books, Animation, Video Games, you name it, they got it. It's a buffet!
Their staying power as a couple is incredible. 80+ years later, and people STILL get goosebumps whenever they meet for the first time in any new Superman continuity. To have the ability to take people's breath away like that is unbelievably powerful.
The way they inspire each other to reach new heights, to beat the odds, and to take challenges head on is eternally rewarding to see. They are the definition of power couple.
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The Ninth Doctor and Rose Tyler ( Doctor Who )
These two right here are at the root of my entire blog because my newfound obsession with Doctor Who was perfectly timed with me starting this blog. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for them, so they'll always occupy a special place on here.
Every time I look at them, they just radiate happiness and comfort. They're each other's beacon of hope in the dire of situations. All of time and space is a much more beautiful place thanks to them!
What will always make me emotional about these two is how they saw something beautiful in each other, and bit by bit, they gave each other the courage to show it off to the rest of the world.
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D'Artagnan and Constance D'Artagnan nee Bonacieux ( The Musketeers )
Speaking of going back in time, let's go back to 17th Century France where we meet my next ship, D'Artagnan and Constance from The Musketeers, my favourite period drama romance.
What I love the most about them is how they provide each other the one thing that's been missing in their lives. D'Artagnan liberates Constance from a life of boredom, emboldening her heart that's been yearning for adventure. Constance becomes D'Artagnan's sanctuary, becoming his home after losing his own.
In this version of the story, Constance is able to defy her fate and live, so we're able to see their relationship grow, and by the end of it, they become a formidable team.
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Niles Crane and Daphne Moon ( Frasier )
If there was an award for the best sitcom romance, this one would take home the big prize, because Niles and Daphne are a showstopper.
What makes them so emotionally resonant for me is how, when they first meet, they both are a little insecure and lonely in their own way. Their combined happiness and newfound confidence when they're finally able to be together is so worth the wait!
Then, of course, there's the sublime modern fairy tale aspect to their story. It's a bit like Cinderella in a lot of ways!
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Sarah Connor and Kyle Reese ( The Terminator )
I love 80's action movies, I love sci-fi, I love time travel stories, and I love romance, so Sarah and Kyle's romance is a winning combination for me.
The Terminator, for the most part, is a movie that's fairly bleak, and that's why Sarah and Kyle's romance with each other is such a standout. It's the one string of hope that eventually leads to humanity's victory over the machines.
I'm a huge sucker for the bodyguard crush trope, too, so it makes this ship tremendously appealing. What makes it even better is that halfway through the movie, they trade places, and it's her protecting him.
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Father Andrew Kiernan and Frankie Paige ( Stigmata )
Now for something from my more obscure collection of obsessions: Stigmata. Still in the vein of talking about tropes, this ship's all about having some fun with the Hot Priest trope. Forbidden love at its finest, am I right?
What draws me into this dynamic and into this story is its subtlety. It doesn't hit you over the head with it, which makes every intimate touch and moment they have hit like a train off its rails whenever they occur throughout the movie's runtime.
Now this is just my personal take on the ending of the movie(it has an open ending), but I like to think that Andrew eventually retires being a priest because he can't fight his feelings for Frankie, and they go off to be together.
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Talon Spears and Garret Spears ( The Outpost )
This was the little ship that could because I thought for sure the series would get cancelled and left on an unresolved cliffhanger due to the utter lack of promotional material it received from The CW, but it managed to make it to four seasons and finished on a satisfactory, conclusive note.
And that endurance to make it to the end is definitely instilled in these two, because they never stopped fighting for each other, protecting their realm with everything they had.
Through compassion, bravery, and resourcefulness, they won the hearts of the people, becoming their champions. They're truly deserving of their royal titles.
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Cyclops and Rogue ( X-Men Evolution )
When you think couples from the X-Men franchise, your mind usually goes to the regular suspects: Scott x Jean, Anna Marie x Remy, but this series will have you thinking twice on that front because of this unexpected surprise.
In this series, Cyclops and Rogue work so well off of each other. They're a walking contradiction because despite having a lot of common ground with each other, their personalities couldn't be more different. That creates a perfect storm of opposites attract + birds of a feather.
One day soon, I hope to see a continuation of this version of the X-Men, because it would mean I would be able to see more of these two.
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Commander Nate Shepard and Jack ( Mass Effect )
This is a seemingly new addition onto my blog, but it really isn't, because I've been a fan of Mass Effect since 2012. Back in the day, I wasn't able to capture video footage of my custom Shepard with Jack because I'm a console player, but with the PS4 being able to record gameplay footage, now I can! It feels so much more personal this way instead of using the default Shepard, you know?
I feel like this portion of this massive list needs its own segment, because I have so much more to say about them(it involves a lot of explaining about how I've developed my Shepard's backstory and why it aligns so perfectly with Jack's), but that wouldn't be fair to the rest who're on this list.
So I'll just say this romance is a beautiful showcase of how someone can enter in your life, offer an escape when you think there's no way out, and give you the chance to rehabilitate and recover just when you least expect it.
And now this list is complete. Thanks for inspiring me to chat about why all these fantastic and amazing couples resonate with me so much and why I can't stop editing them!
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princesssarisa · 2 years
Character ask: The Youth Who Went Forth to Learn What Fear Is
Tagged by @ariel-seagull-wings
Favorite thing about them: The sheer comedy of his nonchalant responses to terrifying things. Not only is he never afraid, he doesn't even treat the ghosts, goblins, and horrors he faces as anything out of the ordinary. That's the key to the story's humor.
Least favorite thing about them: The fact that he has seemingly no interest in working to help support his family unless it will teach him how to shudder. Of course laziness is a typical trait of rags-to-riches peasant heroes in fairy tales, but I'm glad the adaptations tend to downplay it and just make him quirky instead.
Also, while the ending is funny, with the princess finally making him shudder by drenching him in cold water filled with wriggling minnows, it's slightly disappointing that he never does learn to feel fear. It's no wonder that adaptations tend to change the ending so that something finally does scare him: whether touchingly (e.g. in The Storyteller's episode "Fearnot," when he finds his sweetheart dying of grief from his absence) or humorously (e.g. in Faerie Tale Theatre's "The Boy Who Left Home to Find Out About the Shivers," with his nervousness about getting married).
Three things I have in common with them:
*I tend to feel different from other people. (autism)
*I sometimes don't understand things that most people understand perfectly well. (again, autism)
*Sometimes my different way of thinking causes problems, but at other times it's actually helpful.
Three things I don't have in common with them:
*I'm far from fearless.
*My parents have never kicked me out.
*I'm female.
Favorite line:
When he sees the half-man fall down the chimney:
"Hey, you need another half still; one is not enough." 
From the 1947 Let's Pretend radio adaptation, after the princess "teaches him how to shiver" with a bucket of ice water at the end:
"W-w-well, f-f-f-for Pete’s sake, t-t-t-teach me how to stop!"
From the Faerie Tale Theatre adaptation, in response to a zombie trying to scare him:
"One other thing. About your howl? I think you're using your voice wrong. You want to build from here. (points to his stomach) Right? You want to build from here. (pokes the zombie in the stomach - his hand squishes right through his skin) Sorry... Listen to me. From here. AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!! You try it.
brOTP: None in the Grimms' tale. But in the loose adaptation from Jim Henson's The Storyteller, "Fearnot," there's Mr. McKay, the cunning tinker who leads him to the scary places, initially just for money, but who eventually becomes his true friend.
OTP: The princess, or in Storyteller adaptation, his village sweetheart Lidia.
nOTP: Any of the monsters he meets.
Random headcanon: He's autistic. Now of course this is an anachronistic viewpoint; he's just meant to be a lucky fool, like so many other peasant boys in fairy tales. But the fact that he specifically can't relate to an emotion which comes naturally to everyone else, that he doesn't pick up on the emotional vibes that other people do in key situations, and that he has a hyperfixation (learning to shudder) and no interest in practical things that don't relate to that fixation... well, all those things sound familiar.
Viewing him from this perspective, I feel better about the fact that he never learns to feel fear: he'll always be different and that's okay.
Unpopular opinion: I don't think I have one, because his story isn't particularly well known. The best I can think of is that it deserves to be retold more often, especially around Halloween: its blend of spookiness and comedy is underrated.
Song I associate with them: None at the moment.
Favorite picture of them:
This illustration by Albert Weisgerber, showing him riding in the moving bed:
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This illustration by H.J. Ford, showing the scene where the sexton tries to scare him disguised as a ghost:
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This picture of the same scene by Maurice Sendak:
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This illustration of the bowling scene (I don't know the artist):
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This illustration by Arthur Rackham:
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This illustration by Dagmar Hermann:
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Peter MacNicol in the 1984 Faerie Tale Theatre adaptation, "The Boy Who Left Home to Find Out About the Shivers":
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Reece Dinsdale in the 1987 adaptation from Jim Henson's The Storyteller, "Fearnot":
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Tim Oliver Schultz in the 2014 adaptation from the German series Sechs auf einen Strech:
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stars-and-loops · 2 months
therion? for the character thing
favorite thing about them
i ADORE his story tbh. like, him learning how to trust again after being horrifically betrayed by one he once considered a friend, maybe even family? UGH i eat that shit up every time
least favorite thing about them
unfortunately that's also whag i don't like about him. the fact that (this is more of a gameplay thing than a character thing but im still gonna rag on it) we barely get any character interaction between the travellers and CORDELIA of all people was the one to teach therion how to trust again rather than the travellers. like no you literally are using him for free labor go fuck yourself cordelia
favorite line
i have no idea where it came from but that one theri voiceline where he just screams "NIGHTY NIGHT". most aggressive goodnight ever.
him and primrose tbh. two traumatised dagger-wielders bond over the fact that they have no one to turn to and also like to be alone. i love them so much. aaaaaaAAAAAA
therion/alfyn i cant even lie. i don't even know how the ship started or what got me into it but GOD it's so good. i adore it. i love them so much. country bumpkin manages to somehow(????) warm the heart of the lone wolf of the group. iconic 10/10 no further notes
therion/tressa. he is 24 and she is 18. need i say more.
random headcanon
he was from a noble family in saintsbridge before becoming a thief after its downfall when his mother died
unpopular opinion
i think therion is often reduced to "gayboy thief who's in love with sunshine apothecary" and he is SO much more than that. also i hate cordelia ravus i want to punt her into the sun i cant STAND her rich ass
song(s) i associate with them
thanks to some art (i cant remember the artist, will update this and tag them if i can find them again), Hanged Man Reversed by June Henry! it's just incredible. also I Will Follow You Into The Dark by Death Cab For Cutie. another good song that fits him more at the end of his story, whereas HMR is more near the beginning
favorite picture of them
i have three
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first one is his COTC art. he's iconic. this is what i imagine he was doing in the first cutscene of his story when he was listening to those thieves in the tavern talk about 'the famous thief'
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next is his concept art from the art book. i can NOT get over this. will never be normal about him. it just took me five tries to spell normal. i love him
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third is (what i assume to be) his official(?) art towards the countdown to ot2's release. the almost smug expression on his face?? the apples?? the dimension of his hair??????? iconic. i love him. he's so silly.
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merryfortune · 10 months
i've finally settled the year of the otp august prompt fill quibble i was complaining about. i just remembered i've always wanted to write a rags to riches au so cinderella spectre and prince charming ryoken it is
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kendalwrites · 5 years
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Our Ships as Disney Couples Aesthetic → Lena and Sam as Rapunzel and Eugene
And it's warm and real and bright And the world has somehow shifted All at once everything is different Now that I see you
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A smaller and shittier version of the original starter that was so much better than this one but my laptop was a dick and decided to crash before I could post it. For @thekingsparty 
Samandriel had warded the bedroom with every sigil he could think of. Enough to keep out demons and angels alike, but weak enough to let Crowley in when he returned. He’d probably be angry with Samandriel for all the graffiti on the walls and doors, but it’s been two days since Crowley didn’t come back home.
 He came home every night, and if he couldn’t, he’d make sure to send a message. So Samandriel could live with being punished if it meant that Crowley was safe and back in his arms. 
Over the next few days, Hell descended into utter disarray. Samandriel could hear frantic and directionless footsteps outside of his room, in between the startlingly loud attempts to break the door down. The sigils held fast, though. 
Then, for a while, it was silent. The occasional passer-by would try the door handle, then swiftly move on. Did this mean that Crowley was back? Is that why the chaos and noise stopped? Then why hasn’t he-
The doors swung open as if they were made out of sheets. Sweet, optimistic Samandriel lifted his head with a smile, ready to welcome back his lover. 
The smile dropped. It wasn’t Crowley.
Asmodeus was enticed by the rumours, like a cat to a canary. The thought of that two-bit king, Crowley, keeping an angel as a pet was too good to be true. Of course, this one was fallen and weak and so wasn’t of any real use to him, but he could still have some fun with the winged brat. 
He grabbed Samandriel by a tight grasp on his wrist, dragging him out of the palace for all of demon-kind to witness. He ripped off Samandriel’s rich clothing until nothing but rags barely covered his modesty. The boy seemed to be in half a mind of whether to cower from the jeers and whistles, or continue to fruitlessly struggle against Asmodeus’ steadfast grip. With some help from oh-so willing volunteers, they had him pinned down. His shrieks and wails rang endlessly throughout all of Hell as Asmodeus etched agonisingly slowly across Samandriel’s chest. A single word.
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Asmodeus seemed uninterested in him after that. He gave the angel as a gift to the masses to satisfy their rage and hatred towards Crowley. Like throwing a bone to a pack of wolves. He was strung up in a dark and damp cell, hands held high above his head and chained to the wall. His scratched and raw feet barely scraped against the cold concrete tiles. 
Samandriel knew of the demons’ distaste towards their late king, but truly, he underestimated just how far they were willing to take their depravity and cruelty. Cuts and bruises of every colour and shade imaginable littered his body from head to foot. Some used knives, some used whips. Some liked to beat him with a bat or bludgeon, some just liked to practice their punches. They all spat at him, mocked him for loving Crowley, laughed at him when he cried. Told him day after day that Crowley was dead. That no one was coming for him. They were mostly unimaginative, each copying the damage that has been left there before them. Like dogs pissing on their territory. Constantly having to one-up each other. Taking inspiration from Asmodeus’ example, more and more words appeared on his thin and fragile body. But they all meant the same in the end. 
He was the dead king’s winged whore. 
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lesbianmulcahy · 2 years
klinger for the asks thing
Thank you!! Augh I love him so much, THE character of all time... Thanks also to the two anons who also requested Klinger, ily!!
Favorite thing about them: I'm just a sucker for characters who are kind!! I have a list of all the times he gives someone else a gift, he does that a lot. Like he just doesn't want bad things to happen to other people or himself. He's simply a good person!! He works hard to make life less miserable to those around him and I love him for that
Least favorite thing about them: The get rich quick schemes aren't my favorites, but usually they are actually kinda funny so I can let them pass
Favorite line: "It's only that I was brought up to respect life, Father, and that's impossible with all this killing". i cant believe he got to say that in season one literally one of the only lines in this show that matter
BROTP: Listen. Klinger is such a good friend character to everyone. But my head will implode if I think about the relationship he has with Potter too much. I just... I love that it's its own thing, not a copy of Klinger's relationship with Henry OR Radar's relationship with either Henry or Potter. It's their own thing. I've said this a million times but actually Period Of Adjustment is about Klinger and Potter, whatever bj is going through is just a foil or a mirror or whatever words you guys use. It's just simply so very good and augh listen. That's his family!!
OTP: Klinger and Soon Lee... Literally the Aftermash pilot when Soon Lee says that Klinger is the most beautiful man she has met and that she will wake up early just to look at him... and then she kisses his nose and gets lipstick on it.... It's just so 🥺🥺💕 But also, everyone at 4077th wants him so bad it makes them look stupid, especially Henry
NOTP: I'm personally not a big fan of him and Charles but I don't judge
Random headcanon: Klinger would really like Star Trek TOS once it starts airing. I don't have any basis for this, I just think he would enjoy it. And he would want to talk with the costume designer so badly.
Unpopular opinion: I don't know if I have these for this character either, since I don't see many people have opinions about him? I think some people don't seem to get how actually like smart and resourceful he is. he is smart actually!! Oh, maybe that I actually kind of liked seeing him be a clerk again in Aftermash, although I do love the headcanon that he starts a clothing line when he gets back to the states
Song I associate with them: Draft Dodger Rag by Phil Ochs!!
Favorite picture of them:
Insane that I have to try to choose... Here are these two that I really like and happened to have in my camera roll
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cybervesna · 3 years
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Tags: #vincent giovanna | #AU Blaze of Glory | #AU Mr. Nobody |  #vincent x hanako |  #vincent giovanna x hanako arasaka
OTP:  #OTP: Highway Tune |  #OTP: Vento Aureo
Lore: >BIO< >DATA ENTRY< >CIVIL STATUS DATABASE< > AFFILIATION AND AFFINITY RECORD< Art: >Art of Vincent and his friend Vincent by @caffeinatedrogue< >Art of Vincent by @caffeinatedrogue< >Portrait by @melhawke​< >Group art by @ssevth​< >Jojo style art of Vincent with @rockergirlfriend​ ZweiV by @Maiarella_< >Jojo style art of Vincent and Vitium’s V by  @Maiarella_< >Gifset by @Clutch-nixon< >Meme template by @IValrez< >OC as...<
HIGHWAY TUNE (Main headcanon)
Vincent runaways from Night City with Aldecaldos and a new partner.
Ficlets: >Mercy< >Worry< >Diary (161/77)< >Diary (170/77)< >Dear Brother...<
Fanfictions: >Roses, Bel Air, take me there< Hanako Arasaka/Male V | Fluff | Bittersweet | Apology | Gift giving >Gods & Monsters< Hanako Arasaka/Male V | Bittersweet ending | Fluff and Angst | Manipulation | Developing Relationship | Falling In Love | Mutual pining | Running away >Highway Tune< Work in progress | Hanako Arasaka/Male V | Sequel | Mental Breakdown | Slow Burn | Developing Relationship | Falling In Love | Character Development | Family Issues | Family Secrets | Romance | Possible Character Death | Running Away | Tags May Change | Other additional tags to be added >Let you rescue me the day I met you< Graphic Depictions of violence | Hanako Arasaka/Male V | The Star Ending | Blood and Injury | Angst | Mutual Pining | Trust Issues | Rescue Missions
>Hanako’s portrait to Gods & Monsters by @dewakinnara< >Hanako’s portrait from Highway Tune by @melhawke​< >Wholesome sketch by @dewakinnara< >Art of Nomad Vinnako by Gino77< Commissioned by >Zwei< >Meme by @bean-cup< >Gifset for the Nomad Ending< >Jojo style art of Vinnako by  @Maiarella_< >Halloween art by @LiliCarlyle< >Art by Soldagarius< Commissioned by >Zwei< >Anniversary art by @northern-wolf6< >NSFT! Valentine’s Day art by @northern-wolf6​< >Vinnako art by @Maiarella_< >Cute art by @aayandojin< >More cute art by @aayandojin< >Highway Tune ficlet with art by @drawinglinestoconstellations<
Vincent joins corpo world to live with Hanako Arasaka.
Ficlets: >Dog for hire< >Just V< >Interview<  >The Conqueror< >Killing Machine< >The Intel< >Diary (240/77)< >Diary (271/77)< >Diary (286/77)<
Fanfictions: >Wiped Out!< Hanako Arasaka/Male V | Estabilished Relationship | Fluff and Angst | Kissing | Rags to Riches | Hurt/Comfort
>Pitbull Terrier< Hanako Arasaka/Male V | Hanako Arasaka/Sandayu Oda (One-sided) | Unrequited Love | Rivalry | Light Angst | Sparring | Jealousy
>Hanami< FINISHED | Hanako Arasaka & Yorinobu Arasaka | Hanako Arasaka/Male V | Family Drama | Protective Siblings | Established Relationship | Family Feels | Family Issues | Meet the Family | AU | Bittersweet | Light Angst
>Amsterdam< Hanako Arasaka/Male V | Established Relationship | Rivalry | Bodyguard | Jealousy | Possible Character Death | Assassination Attempt(s) | Light Angst | Canon-Typical Violence | AU | Post-Canon |
>Valentine’s Day art by @caffeinatedrogue< >Wedding art by @dewakinnara< >Noir style art by @vvizjer< >Future art by @scuttlebuttin< >Emojis by @siliconpit< >Hanako’s portrait by @notonurminds< >Chibi Hanako by @notonurminds< >Art of Vinnako by @notonurminds< >Hanako by Olivanderys< >Hanako by @vvizjer< >Hanako and Nibbles by @commander-ledi​< >NSFT! Art of Vinnako by @northern-wolf6< >NSFW! art by Demonenthusiast< >Jojoposing by Newa#3416< >B&W Vinnako art by @IValrez< >Vinnako art by @IValrez<
“Ugly” art series by @77_ugly”: >Ugly Arasaka x Jinguji Commercial< >Ugly Parade and The Devil ending< >Ugly vacation in Italy<
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(pic by @syfawn​)
Tags: #wiosna blazkowicz  SHIP: Wires
Photo Story: 
>WIRES< Wiosna and Kurt’s story in chronological order.
>DOGTOWN NIGHTS< Bits from their life in unspecified timeline. Sometimes tell what happens before/after chapter of Wires.
>Diary 110/76<
>"What if NUSA won the Unification War?" AU<
Song: Depeche Mode - Wrong
>Art by @dewakinnara< >Portrait by @melhawke< >Bday art by @sidver< >Art Raffle prize by @fengren-art​< 
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Tags:  #C: Himiko |  #cyberpunk 2100 |  #AU: Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) OTP: -  >OC as...< Post will be updated whenever new content appears!  
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snickertoodles · 4 years
Megalist of Tropes and Themes to Tag Your Story With
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If you’re prone to staring at your tags on AO3 wondering “what the hell do I put here?”, knowing you want to add a tag like “friends to lovers” or “found family” but not remembering all the popular tropes and themes everyone is into, this is for you. I basically spent an entire night on this so I hope it helps.
I tried to keep it general and avoid really obscure tags no one would ever use.
This is made for AO3 and thus there’s a lot of fandom or fannish stuff in here. 
I didn’t include any “inappropriate” tags. Feel free to make your own list.
Romance tropes and themes at the bottom. (Not all of them have to be romantic, but if they’re generally associated with romance and there are very few gen fics with that tag, it went there.)
Under cut because I’m probably going to edit this often and I’d like reblogs to be up to date. Please suggest any ideas you have.
Genre: Action, Adventure, Apocalypse/Post-Apocalypse, Contemporary, Comedy/Humor/Parody/Satire, Coming of Age, Crime, Cyberpunk/Steampunk, Drama, Dystopian/Utopia, Fairy Tale, Fantasy/High Fantasy/Low Fantasy/Urban Fantasy/Isekai, Family, Friendship, Gothic, Historical Fiction/Alternate History/Period Piece, Horror/Slasher, Mystery/Murder Mystery, Paranormal, Philosophical, Poetry, Romance, Slice of Life, Supernatural, Surreal, Suspense, Sci-Fi/Science Fiction/Space Opera, Spiritual, Thriller/Psychological Thriller, Tragedy, Urban, Western
Genre (Fandom): Angst/Light Angst, Case Fic, Crack Fic, Crossover/Fusion, Dark Fic, Fix Fic/Fix-It/Deconstruction, Fluff/Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Kid Fic, Podfic, Missing Scene/Gap Filler, Self-Insert, Shipping, Sickfic, Songfic, Whump
Length: Drabble, Ficlet, Flash Fiction, Short Story, Novella, Novel, Epic, One-Shot/Two-Shot/etc, Series/Duology/Trilogy/Saga/etc, Long, Short
Pairing: M/F - F/M - M/M - F/F - F/F/M - You get the idea. Also [Character] x [Character], Slash, Yaoi/Yuri (if people still use those...)
POV: POV Alternating, POV Multiple, POV First Person, POV Second Person, POV Third Person, POV Outsider
Ending: Happy Ending, Sad Ending, Bittersweet Ending, Ambiguous Ending
Diverse Characters: Gay Character/Nonbinary Character/Asian Character/Disabled Character/Autistic Character/Jewish Character/etc.
AU/Alternate Universe: (I do not have the time to list out Coffee Shop AU/High School AU/Canon Divergence/What-If/etc, I assume if you’re writing one then you already know to tag it lol)
Aged Up
Animal Transformation
Backstory/Origin Story
Band of Misfits
Best Friends
Bounty Hunters
Canon Compliant
Character Development
Character Study
Childhood Friends
Chosen One
College/University/Higher Education
Ensemble Cast
Father Figure/Mother Figure
Found Family
Freedom Fighters
Genderswap/Gender Change
Good Versus Evil
Growing Up
Heroes to Villains/Villains to Heroes
I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping (A very legitimate tag.)
Illness/Sick Character
LGBTQ/LGBTQ Character/LGBTQ Themes
Locked In
Magical Girl(s)
Major Character Death/Minor Character Death
Mental Health Issues
Mind Control
Morally Grey/Ambiguous Characters
Mythical Beings & Creatures
Next Gen/Next Generation
Original Character/OC/OCs
Out of Character/OOC
Past Lives
Peggy Sue
Pen Pals
Platonic Relationships/No Romance
Platonic Soulmates
Plot Twists
Post-Canon/Pre-Canon/Mid-Canon/Bad Ending/etc.
Prompt Fill/Prompt Fic
Rags to Riches
Redemption/Redemption Arc
Rescue/Rescue Missions
Road Trip
Secret Identity
Single Parents
Slow Build
Substance Abuse
Sympathetic Villain
Team as Family
Team Bonding
Team Dynamics
Time Loop
Time Travel
Unreliable Narrator
xxx to Friends (Rivals to Friends/Enemies to Friends/etc.)
Battle Couple
Blind Date
Dorks in Love
Drunken Confessions
Established Relationship
Eventual Romance
Falling in Love
Fake Relationship/Fake Dating/Pretend Relationship/Pretend Couple
First Kiss
First Love
Forbidden Love
Idiots in Love
Long-Distance Relationship
Long-Term Relationship
Love at First Sight
Love Confessions
Love Potion/Love Spell
Love Triangle
Marriage/Accidental Marriage/Arranged Marriage/Marriage of Convenience
Marriage Proposal
Mutual Pining/Pining
Secret Relationship
Sharing a Bed
Slow Burn/Slow Romance
Soulmate/Soulmate AU
Tsundere/all of the other -deres
Unrequited Love/One-Sided Attraction
xxx to Lovers (Enemies to Lovers/Friends to Lovers/etc.)
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raggedandrich · 8 months
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The Don
Name: Marcello Rodolfo
Age: mid-late 40’s
Role: Current Don of the Italian Mob in Boston circa 2010
Likes: White wine, dogs, gold jewelry, and his beloved wife—Lottie…and Pretty Boy
Dislikes: The Magpie, bad gravy, and losing territory after Lent betting goes poorly
Rough around the edges but oh, so smooth talking, Don Marcello runs a tight ship and isn’t afraid to get his hands dirty when it comes to the family business. When he hears about The Magpie’s new pup from his Stallions, his curiosity is piqued. Though he wouldn’t admit that the young man is becoming an obsession. Pretty Boy serves as a strategic distraction while the Irish and the Russians slowly encroach on the Italians’ territory. But time will tell if the wool can stay pulled over this wolf’s eyes.
Art by @beelzeebub
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laufire · 4 years
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“Kingdoms rise and fall. I can be steady.”       ― Laurie Perez
[Caption: gifset of Max from Black Sails with the above quote. It includes the scene from season 1 episode 8 after she speaks with Eleanor and hints at her ambitions, with her taking a deep breath; and the one in season 4 episode 7 where she presents a log of her operations to Mrs. Guthrie, with Jack by her side.]
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gloriousmonsters · 3 years
Jin Guangyao?
How I feel about this character:
honestly I just adore him, both from a narrative/writing standpoint--like, what an amazing foil for wwx, what a nuanced and sympathetic but still genuinely kinda terrifying antagonist conveyed in (the book especially) such a comparatively small space--and a ‘he’s my son and i just want good things for him forever’ standpoint. i love that he has (imo) like 0 affective empathy but is extremely affectionate and kind to people he likes--I have a huge fondness for characters, especially villains, who don’t ‘love’ in a conventional way but are still very warm to their people. i love that he’s the character who works hardest and rises highest in the narrative, and it’s observed in the novel that he has a classic rags-to-riches story (that turns REALLY dark when you start kicking over rocks :D) i love that he canonically has villainous friends!! this is just turning into a list of things i love but that’s just how i feel about him, okay, it’s pure love all the way down
All the people I ship romantically with this character: as always when i’m talking about it, take ‘romance’ with a grain of salt and a wiggly hand gesture (especially since i see jgy as being... possibly on the aro spectrum? still going back and forth and mostly it’s a shrug emoji but. that’s a thing). anyway. first and foremost in my heart is su minshan, because (a) him + jgy have/have potentional for a lot of tropes I like in shipping, (b) my love for a thing is always increased if very few other people like it. i Will keep talking about suyao until i die or leave the fandom and that is a threat
lan xichen’s a gimme; I don’t talk much about xiyao because (a) so many other people talk about it I don’t feel the need to as much (b) when i do have thoughts i feel shy about expressing them lol. BUT i do love them, a great deal; they’re Such a good good crunchy pairing, and on the softer side I have a huge weakness for pairings that work to create comfort and support for each other in a difficult world
nmj’s weird because like. i think they Had a relationship but i don’t ship it. if that makes sense.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: I debated whether to put xue yang in the shipping section but putting him here felt more Right. rest assured i think they have had sex, though. platonic + fwb xueyao is the stuff of the gods and there needs to be more of it. i know their relationship had its rocky patches, but i will forever claim the villainous friends extra as the purest canon. they’re two people who have, frankly, SO many reasons not to be friendly, but they become genuine friends anyway! and have traumatized blue-and-orange-morality villain solidarity! god i love them
My unpopular opinion about this character: i’m currently Really feeling how like. whatever corner of the fandom you’re in can make wildly different things feel like an unpopular opinion, when in another corner it’s a given? so I’m never quite sure what qualifies as unpopular. but uh, i’ll just wildly toss out a few i feel like at least some people might not agree with, just for fun
i. there is practically nothing he’d ‘rather die than’ because he values his life very highly, but life in any kind of captivity is one of the only things that could drive him to that point. ii. he has a lot of issues around sex/being sexual (especially in a way that isn’t just fulfilling his partner’s desires. iii. there are exceptions (xue yang) but primarily his Type is (a) nice (to him) (b) either self-controlled or repressed/shy in a way that manifests similarly (c) a little bit dumb one way or another, like if he cannot lovingly think ‘idiot’ about someone he is not interested.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: honestly while I love a good fix it his death was SO good and dramatic and gay and he got like 3 separate shakespeare villain speeches, i’m not even mad about it. primarily I just wish we’d gotten to see more of his ‘behind the scenes’ life, like give me an extra villainous friends style story or adapt that to film. orr in terms of changing canon events, I wish his mom could have lived long enough he could have taken care of her for even a little while before she died, because his relationship w his mom kills me whenever i think about it
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princesssarisa · 2 years
Character ask: Tattercoats
Favorite Thing About Them: I like that she's a Cinderella character who has a real relationship with her "fairy godfather" figure, the Gooseherd. People always ask "Why doesn't Cinderella's fairy godmother come to her sooner?" Well, in this variant, her helper is there from the beginning, and is her best friend. Presumably he waited to use his magic until it could help her in the best possible way, but in the meantime, she has his emotional support all along.
I also love the idea of a magic flute's music being used to transform her rags into a ballgown. Maybe it's my attachment to the opera The Magic Flute that makes me particularly enjoy it, but I think that's a very charming and creative form of magic for a Cinderella type of story to use.
Least Favorite Thing About Them: That she has to be bullied by the household servants as well as neglected in rags by her grandfather, poor thing. Most Cinderella retellings that have actual servants in the house portray them as being good friends to Cinderella, just powerless to stop her abuse (e.g. in Three Wishes for Cinderella or Ever After). It's horrible that these servants are so cruel instead.
Three Things I Have In Common With Them:
I like music.
I like elegant parties.
I think geese are nice birds.
Three Things I Don't Have In Common With Them:
I'm not blonde.
I'm not an orphan.
My grandparents all adored me when they were alive.
Favorite Line:
When the Prince first declares his love for her:
"You would be finely put to shame if you had a goosegirl for your wife! Go and ask one of the great ladies you will see tonight at the king's ball, and do not flout poor Tattercoats."
brOTP: The Gooseherd and the Nurse. In crossover-land, she might obviously be good friends with Cinderella, Donkeyskin, or any other rags-to-riches heroine.
OTP: The Prince.
nOTP: Her grandfather.
Random Headcanon: After her mother died in childbirth, her distraught grandfather blamed her father as well as her, and he either killed him in an insane fit of rage, or else her father left because he was afraid that would happen. This is why he isn't around.
Unpopular Opinion: Her story deserves to be adapted more often. I understand why it's not, because it's so similar to Cinderella, but it has great potential. In the first place, because the magical helper isn't just a deus ex machina, but Tattercoats's best friend whom she has a close relationship with from the start. Secondly, because a grandfather's scorn could be even more painful and poignant than a stepmother's. Third, because the Prince meets and falls in love with Tattercoats in her rags before the ball – so many Cinderella retellings change the story to make this happen, but here it already does.
Song I Associate With Them: None at the moment.
Favorite Picture of Them:
This illustration by Arthur Rackham:
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This illustration by John D. Batten:
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This book cover illustration by Margaret Chamberlain (my fifth grade teacher had this book in her collection of Cinderella variations rom around the world):
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This illustration by Margaret Tomes:
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This illustration by Shirley Hughes:
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This illustration by an unknown artist:
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star-sky-earth · 3 years
I absolutely love your headcanons, so I wonder what’s your take on a bellarke kiss on the show? Who would initiate it? Would it be soft and loving or hard and all consuming?
okay so i have a LOT of thoughts about this, some of which are controversial, so this might will get long. but i figure you’ve signed up for this, so...
i have so many ideas about a bellarke first kiss on the show, and how it would happen/what it would be like.
although in general i’m not a big fan of the season 5 time jump, i do love the fact that gives us so many versions of bellamy and clarke to play with, and so many delicious dynamics for a writer to explore. one of the reasons that i love bellarke so much (and will continue to love bellarke, you will have to pry this otp from my cold dead hands) is how their dynamic deepens and softens over the course of the show. a bellarke first kiss in s1 would be entirely different from a first kiss in s4, and completely different again from a first kiss in the later seasons. it’s amazing really, that we got such rich character and relationship development in a cw show, and i think that’s because it came about almost entirely accidentally, with very little conscious input from JRoth.
anyway, now i have that rant over with...i like to imagine two or three different bellarke first kiss scenarios.
i said this was gonna get long.
Bellarke S1 kiss
the classic. the original. the good stuff on AO3. stupid murder babies who LOVE each other so much and HATE each other even more. they’re both an explosive mix of vulnerability and bravado which means that neither of them are willing to give even a single inch in an argument, to let their guard down the tiniest bit in case the whole damn facade crumbles away.
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this first kiss would be a hot mess. they’re arguing about supplies, or guns, or something entirely inconsequential like bellamy playing truth or dare with the deilnquents (’you could have died eating that mushroom bellamy, this isn’t funny’). clarke initiates it, because we all know that bellamy ‘i’m so smooth that I had a threesome on my first night on earth’ blake is basically a fumbling idiot around her. they’re arguing, and getting way too close to each other, and clarke is doing that thing where she’s jabbing her finger into his chest and bellamy totally isn’t turned on okay. bellamy is smirking at her, watching her rant and rave, and eventually she just throws her hands up in the air and groans in frustration, and then grabs him by that stupid jacket and drags him in for a kiss. it’s rough and hard and a lot of furniture gets broken, although if you’re paying attention you’ll notice that bellamy talks a big game but actually handles clarke like she’s made of glass. those big hands can be surprisingly gentle when they need to be.
time for my first unpopular opinion: if bellamy and clarke had gotten together in season one, their relationship would have flamed out almost immediately. they’re not ready for each other yet. they’re raw and unpredictable and burning way too hot, and they don’t know who they are as individuals, let alone as a couple. a first kiss in season one would have led to two broken hearts and a hell of a lot of regret. as a writer, i kind of love this idea though. a classic example of ‘you don’t know what you have until it’s gone’, where bellarke get together in season one, break up, and then pine for each other over the next few years until they get back together again, older and wiser.
Bellarke S4 kiss
the romance. the sweeping music, the building crescendo, the tragedy. the facade has fallen, they’re both broken and bleeding and on their knees by the end of season 4, and they love each other but it hurts too much even to admit it. to think about it, this fragile thing that they’ve built together against all odds, something so precious that they don’t dare even acknowledge it, in case it gets taken away from them too. they’re in mourning, both of them, and every inhale is ragged like they’re breathing through broken glass.
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this is the real doomed lovers shit. its five minutes to praimfaya, the end is here, and it’s the wrong time, the wrong place, the wrong damn everything. they’re standing there, holding each other so tight that neither of them can breathe, bellamy’s hand so tight in clarke’s hair that her scalp is stinging, and her face is wet with tears when she looks up at him. bellamy is the one that closes the distance between them, finally.
they’re at the end, and he has nothing left to give her - no hope, no courage, no empty words of reassurance - but himself.
so that’s what he gives. 
this kiss tastes like salt, and ash, and blood. the fires will come, and the world will end, but before it does - they will sear themselves into each other’s bones, a mark that cannot be washed away, names written into each other’s souls in gold ink that cannot fade. this is what they will remember, later, him in the bleak coldness of space and her on the devastated and scorched earth. this is the empty space that echoes, the trembling note that holds, the love that remains.
Bellarke S6/post-season 6 kiss
the real real. the aching vulnerability, the tenderness, the softness. my personal favourite.
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season 7 doesn’t exist, okay.
they’ve loved, and lost. and loved, and lost again, over and over. they’ve fought wars, and commanded armies, raised children and discovered new worlds, and somewhere in the middle of it all, almost by accident, they’ve become the people that they were always meant to be. they’ve healed, they’ve learned, they’ve taken all the jagged shattered glass pieces of themselves and put themselves back together with bleeding hands.
there’s time now. time they never thought - never dared to hope - they’d have. time to live. time to build homes, to plant crops, to dance and sing and laugh and cry, to shout both their joy and their grief to the uncaring heavens.
time to savour this thing between them, the sharp sweetness of it, like ripe peaches, the red berries the children gather in spring. they’re older, and far older than they look, but their hands shake like clumsy teenagers when they reach for each other, that first time. there is nothing unexpected about this, the slow and graceful gravity of two twin souls drawing together, but that doesn’t stop their hearts from fluttering in their chests, their breath from stuttering in their lungs. this love is strong and battle-worn, yet they hold it like something fragile, fingers lightly clasped together so as not to crush its feathered wings.
and this is my unpopular opinion two: part of me is glad that bellamy and clarke never got together on the show. don’t get me wrong. of course, i would still trade my pinky toe to see a bellarke kiss for purely scientific reasons. but once we got past season five, and i saw how sweet and complex a bellamy and clarke relationship had the potential to be, i simply didn’t trust JRoth to do it justice anymore. i hate season seven, and i hate the way that the show ended, but i’m happy with bellarke remaining purely in the realm of fanfiction, where i know the writers love it just as much as i do.
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