#ouat verse definitely happening
fauscailt · 2 years
me when I've only done like 3 posts: OK but what other verses can I shove jason into
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denydefeatarchived · 7 months
I never really post wishlist stuff so here, under the cut, is a long list of my muses with vague ideas for wishlists with them. DM me if you're interested in any of them. ALL of these (and all my muses tbh) are open to shipping like let's go.
Nesta - accepting eris' offer :)! Robb - making it to king's landing and winning the war, liberating the North, and getting Sansa back to safety, then having to head out and find Arya. Violet - anything in her marvel or ouat verses tbh I spent a lot of time on those Shelley - taking over the Victory Project after killing Frank. Max - coming back after that summer for the start of college, much to everyone's surprise and keeping his escapades close to the chest (idk the timeline of that show it was a fucking mess lmao) Heather - surviving pls dear goD Denny - surviving pls DEAR GOD Mark, Amanda, Lawrence, Logan - I want to write more about their dynamics with each other (these are just the four I write) as apprentices to John. We only briefly get Mark and Amanda interacting - gimme more. Bruce - let's throw out the entire mcu because it's fucking trash for him thanks. Brunnhilde - More of her relationship with Carol :( Kamala - Building of the young avengers lets GOOO Loki - anything :( Satoshi / Krad - I was always, always interested in the idea of the seal not working/lasting on the portrait and years later, Satoshi and Daisuke being re-possessed by Krad and Dark and having to deal with that as young adults, likely college aged. Too young for it to have passed onto their child, but too old to be able to use the same excuses of the past. Sid - I am fuLLY CONVINCED SID IS THE FATHER AND JESSE IS A RED HERRING (I already have this going I just wish more people cared about HIMYF) Brian - Going to NY and seeing Justin again. :)! Snow White - anything :( Charming - I have about 90420934902 aus for him honestly. I have so many ideas for this stupid idiot. Neal - surviVING AND COPARENTING WITH EMMA AND REGINA SHIPS DON'T FUCKING MEAN YOU HAVE TO KILL A GOOD CHARACTER WHO LITERALLY WAS THE REASON RUMPLESTILTSKIN MANIPULATED REGINA INTO CASTING THE FUCKING CURSE MY GOD THIS SHOW PISSES ME OFF anyways Davy Jones - returning after the 'curse' is lifted from Will Turner, because someone must always be there to ferry the souls to the other side Ben Solo - ANYTHING :( Jyn - her and Cassian getting evacuated just before the explosion and surviving, assisting the Rebellion. Finn - training as a jedi (either trilogy re-write or post trilogy) Jar Jar - i s2g if someone doesn't write with Sith Jar Jar... Anakin and Padme - either an au where she convinces him to run away with her and leave everything behind and raise their children on Naboo before Obi Wan shows up and he believes her when she says she didn't know he was there and they enlist his help in staging their deaths OR an au where he convinces her to join him on his path to the dark side. (i write both so I'll write either) Carolyn - escaping the dark planet after surviving the stabbing, living off of the creatures that would be her demise, fixing a ship in the darkness, built by lights she manages to fix throughout the rubble, and fires made along the way. finding other riddick characters / riddick himself Coriolanus Snow - Exploring more of his additions to the games and how he helped to curate them to be the spectacle they became. Annie - Not having anyone to volunteer for her so having to go through the Quarter Quell with Finnick (Hi I love PAIN). Not escaping the Arena and being taken back to the Capitol. Madge - Watching the Games with Katniss' family and thus being there when the blackouts happen and escaping District 12 with Gale and everyone else to District 13. Kili - surviving PLS Renesmee Carlie - more of her dynamic growing up in a town that's definitely got an attraction for the supernatural. Bella - not taking Edward back immediately, actually being pissed that he lied like what a dick Sam - imprinting on LEAH jfC WHAT A WASTE (or better yet, Leah being the first wolf to change and imprinting on HIM thanks) Garrett - torn between natural instincts, love for Kate, and never letting himself be tested by a challenge, learning how to survive and satiate on animal blood vs. human blood
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nerdgatehobbit · 3 years
It’s been a while since I’ve done a blog status post. Oops. There hasn’t been that much progress but I’m still going to talk about it.
As I had hoped, I adored the first official Ultra Guardians episode. To be fair, it would have taken a lot for me to dislike it, as it combines Pokémon, Super Sentai (localized as Power Rangers for the USA), and wormholes. I’m very excited to see what’s to come!
Lost Galaxy’s ending was definitely an odd note to end my journey of watching the first boxed sets. It was one of the more uneven seasons I’ve seen, although I’ll acknowledge there were extenuating circumstances. Plus I did rewatch “Day of the Dumpster” on Saturday.
I don’t think I had seen the 8th episode of Princess Tutu yet when I made the last post. The stakes are rising and the characters are getting more complicated. I’m enjoying it so far.
Star Trek wise, I’m eleven episodes into TOS. It’s been rather serious so far. The reusing of the original pilot footage is a clever conceit, but uh, it is pretty clear that the original pilot was the rough draft.
My SG-1 rewatch for this month was “Prometheus Unbound”, which I still love. “Camelot” & “Bad Guys” are up next, with different types of posts for the last two months. I still need to figure out how exactly to celebrate the 25th anniversary next July.
I’ve read another chunk of Blood Ties, which has brought up Rodney’s grief over Carson again. On the one hand, it is hard to read. On the other, I have to appreciate that the author isn’t glossing over or ignoring what Carson meant to Rodney. They get a special tag for a reason, after all.
The Earth-based subplot is getting somewhat convoluted, though I’m still enjoying the psychic dinosaurs back in the Pegasus Galaxy. Also I’m already queued up for Sparktober so be prepared for that.
I like getting Gwen screencaps from BBC Merlin, and it’s been a good way to ease back into doing it. Soonish I’ll post a few more, this time from mid season 3. After I’m done with her costumes, I’ll likely take an afternoon to get screencaps from the 2014 Beauty and the Beast and Love & Friendship. Not to mention some Grant Jansky pics too...
At this point, I strongly suspect my OUAT reviews will be more general analysis topped by costume discussion. Because the plot would be a lot to keep track of. Not to mention all the resulting face palms. There’ll probably be brief notes though, more for my sake than any readers’. Listen, my feelings regarding OUAT are messy and that’s likely to be reflected in my reviews.
I don’t think I’ll do a review of them, but I did recently watch Porco Rosso & The Power of Us (one of the newest Pokémon movies). Both were pretty fun! Up next are Barbie as Rapunzel and Bedknobs & Broomsticks, hopefully to be reviewed on their upcoming anniversaries.
I still need to watch “Remember Nothing”. I really wish XWP’s first season finale hadn’t spooked me so. :/
Now, confession time. This actually happened earlier this summer. I opted to watch the first episode of an apparent miniseries called Wizards. And, well, I spent the entire time going 0.0 due to the overload of characters, worldbuilding, and the general awesomeness.
A Google search revealed that there were actually two previous series that informed Wizards, so no wonder I got overwhelmed. I went back and saw the actual first few episodes and liked them. I was particularly pleased about Jonathan Hyde playing Strickler, since I liked him in the original Jumanji and the Dinotopia TV show. (Note to self, add the latter to the list of ‘needs screencaps’.)
It’s since been on the back burner, but I’m curious to hear if others think I should delve into the Tales of Arcadia verse.
Also, I do have a pretty big pile of screencaps from before 11/19. Mostly Power Rangers & Stargate, obviously. Anyone have any preferences to see what I deemed noteworthy enough to be put in my blog posts? I keep them primarily to avoid starting all over in case of lost links or disaster striking the blog. Or if I ever decide to hit the restart button on it. And to use as laptop backgrounds (my new Gwen folder is the current slideshow).
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seven-oomen · 3 years
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Hi, Ben!  I hope you are having a good day, today!  I’m glad your bloodwork came back good, and I hope your meds’ side effects are finally settling down some.  I saw that your punching bag came in.  I hope it helps!  That’s something I’ve yet to try using (the few gyms I’ve ever attended didn’t have them.)
So while restocking some of our bandanas at work, I started having thoughts about Peter losing a bet or something and having to wear one for a while whenever Noah takes him for a walk in wolf form.  The collage is a selection of some of my fave options (the Wiggle Butt one had me giggling for like a solid five minutes, ngl).  Theoretically this could also be a disguise to make him look more like a dog and less obviously a wolf (not sure it would really work, but people tend to be pretty oblivious at times.)
I’m glad you liked the DILF Club adopting the Winchesters thing (at least, I think I saw something about that?)  It was definitely one of those ideas that gave me all the warm fuzzies.  I’ve been trying to decide if they just take Baby when they take the boys (because it’s BABY, and I fully believe all three would know how to hotwire a car if need be, for various reasons), or if I’d rather they (probably mostly Peter) bought Dean a really beat up old Impala to restore himself, that’s free from any memories or influence from his dad.  And how it might affect Sam to not be the only “smart kid” in the family (and would that lead to Dean not dumbing himself down so much for his brother’s sake?)  And Chris could teach them hunter stuff, and Peter could show them where hunter biases and inaccuracies are, and about what the supernatural is really like, and Noah could teach them driving and classic rock and police procedure far better than their birth dad ever could.  And depending on the age gaps involved, Bobby could either be like “fuck, I forgot what it’s like to have actual friends” with a side of “making a fuck asshole dads club”, or he could figure out a few things about Chris and Noah (and possibly some of the stuff with Peter and Talia), and be like “Okay, so this is gonna be a mutual adoption of wayward idjits.  Deal with it."  I’m not sure how to bring in Cas without all the Armageddon/fighting God insanity, though.  Maybe he’s connected to a pagan god they encounter instead or something.  He wouldn’t need to show up for quite a while, though, so there’d be time to plan that out.
Also, that "sentiment is chemical weakness”, “you’re literally making them a card” quote thing is pretty much the exact mood I’m going for in Peter and Derek’s conversations in IYWTD.  XD  Which I really need to be working on, but my focus is all over the place today.  I also keep really wanting to write a little Valentine’s one-shot for my series, but I keep reminding myself I’ve got too much to do already.  It’s only somewhat helping.
That last preview was adorable, by the way.  ;D  I’d say that if it works, then it’s plenty smooth, frankly, and I don’t know that either of them have a leg to stand on, really.  XD  Sublty is none of them’s strong suit.  And Peter’s whole vibe of “goddamn, but I could watch you two all day” is kind of a fucking mood, tbh.  XD  I look forward to finding out what all shenanigans they manage to get up to before stumbling back to mildly traumatize their children.  ;D
And those are some excellent and admirable goals for this year!  Sending all the best energy for successful completion of as many as you wish!  I hope you’re feeling better today, and that things are going well overall!  (Eat, hydrate, and) Take care!  *Hugs to you both!*
Hey B! Glad you’re alright and I’m doing okay. I’ve started making lists again with things I need to clean, restarted my eating patterns, and restarted an exercise regime. We’ll see how that goes, but for now, I’m doing okay. 
Financially I’m not looking so hot, but eh, yeah I’m hoping next month will be better. Hopefully.
Also, those bandanas are everything omg <3
The wigglebutt XD Peter needs that one. *makes mental note to put that into the oUAT and TWITTB verses.* XD
Also needs the one for pets, attention, and cuddles, pretty much all of them. Omg these are amazing!
I mean Saarloos Wolfhonden (Saarloos Wolfdog, a Dutch breed) are a thing:
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So I feel like with a bandana, Peter could probably pass for one of these:
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He’s just a very big and broad version of one.
(Or that’s what Chris tells everyone who wants to hear it.)
Ok aaaaah, everything about that whole bit with our boys coming together and being adopted and Bobby making friends or adopting a couple more idjits, urgh!
I’m too tired to form many thoughts but, yes to all of it!
And I’m glad to hear you liked the preview for that one. I still hope to actually finish this chapter before the weekend starts and I’m trying hard. I think it’s gonna be real funny and sweet and also a bit sad. I mean they are going from one day of having sex out of boredom and repressed feelings to suddenly having to act like nothing is wrong. And then stuff with Chris happens and more shit happens and drama, drama, drama, and lots of Stilinski brother shenanigans (Stilinski twins and Liam) and they rope Scott, Isaac, and Jackson into it. And I have a few fun things planned for the universe. ^^
And thank you <3 I hope I manage to tick a few off as well, at the very least the writing and editing part and the bottom few and that alone would be amazing. Hopefully I can keep that up <3
I hope you’re doing okay B <3 and I’m sorry for the slighty shorter reply but I am exhausted right now and will be heading in early. It’s 9 pm but I am falling asleep.
Lots of love from me and Mo <3
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hisdarlinggrace-a · 4 years
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You must be part bloodhound, my dear Grace
Character: Grace Hatter/Paige Thatcher
Faceclaim: Elle Fanning
Age: 18
Canon Divergent | Indie RP | OUAT RP
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Enchanted Forest Storyline
When Grace Hatter was ten years old, her father disappeared without a trace. She waited days for him, weeks, months, years, and he never came back. Grace had to resort to her own ways of survival: harvesting mushrooms like her father, bartering, and even the occasional stealing. The young girl with the skills of a “bloodhound”, as her father claimed, became rather good at pickpocketing through the very marketplace her and her father used to go to. Finagling coins from oblivious pockets, pretending to consider items at the booths as her fingers dug into an unsuspecting purse or coat, became a routine part of Grace’s life as she grew older, a life of mischief and petty theft. It was a humorous reflection of the pasts of her parents that she never learned about. Would Papa want this for her? Honestly? Probably not. She knew he wouldn’t want to see his dear Grace scavenging around for supplies and money, but he left her. He abandoned her for no reason, as far as she knew, so she had to do what it took to survive.
It didn’t take long before Grace turned from a swift handed girl to a thieving young woman, beginning to take the mission of bringing her father back seriously. She had always dreamed of lucky magic as a child, of her father reappearing with a simple wish on a star, but night after night after night of wishing and wishing led to absolutely no results. And that was when Grace truly knew she was on her own.
But now that she was an adult, more aware of the darkness around her, Grace began dabbling in magic, even the darkest kinds, in order to bring her father back. She went to any shop with the word “magic” attached to it. She asked elderly wanderers and young psychics. She devoured every book, every scroll, every word she could read. They all told her “You can’t bring someone back from the dead,” but Grace knew her father wasn’t dead. Somewhere, deep inside, she felt that he was out there alive and it didn’t matter whether he was still searching for her or had forgotten. Grace Hatter was going to find her father, no matter what.
Essential Info: Grace is now eighteen years old, searching for any magic user that can possibly help her find her father. She’s desperate and willing to give or do anything to see him again. Use this to your character’s advantage if you wish. However, she’s dwelling in the possibility that he abandoned her and is off living a much better, affluent life with a happy family. Sort of a textbook Slytherin, full of relentless ambition and will do anything to achieve her goals.
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Storybrooke Storyline (Under Construction)
During First Curse
Paige Thatcher was born and raised in Storybrooke. With a comfy home and loving parents, she wanted for nothing, but something always seemed missing. Photo albums kept in the house only went back to her being around ten years old. Any older photos were nowhere to be found and her parents supposed they must’ve been lost in a flood caused by a horrible rain storm years ago. Paige was forced to believe them even if she couldn’t remember the storm happening like she should be able to. 
In her later teen years, Paige has taken the guise of junior reporter to dig into Storybrooke’s past and the memories of the residents. Just how far do their memories go? Does anyone remember her being a small child even if no records exist?
Wanted Writings
The Temptation of Magic: Grace has been searching for her father for years now and she’s starting to turn to magic, magic of any kind, to try and find him. Your character possesses magic that can maybe, maybe not help Grace track her father down. Will your character offer to help her? Is it for a price?
Reunion By Less Than Desired Means: Grace has delved too deep into dark magic but with joyous results: her father is back! She always knew she would find him one day and now, she finally did it! But there’s something off, Jefferson can tell, because even if his daughter is eight years older, he can still tell when she’s hiding something and judging from the surprising way he arrived, it’s not good.
A Deal is a Deal: Grace made a deal with your character to help find her father. Whether it be through magic or other means, Grace is indebted to your character for assistance in finding Jefferson. But just how far does this deal go?
Past Suspicions: Paige can’t find any pictures of her before the age of ten and this so called “big rain storm” that happened is nowhere to be found in town records. It’s been passed off as “Oh, well Maine gets a lot of storms. We don’t record them all,” but Paige never believed them. This verse takes place during the First Curse and Paige is on the search for evidence, skeptical of just how trustworthy the town is.
Above Ideas Don’t Fit Your Fancy/Character? Just DM Me! We can think of something that works!
OOC Information
Hello! My name is Erin, I am 19 years old, she/her pronouns, and I am the writer for this little blog here! I have been roleplaying for 9 years and I am very excited to bring this rendition of Grace to life. She is a bit different from canon, but I just thought this would be such a fun idea to write so here I am. This is a sideblog so any follows will happen from @lioncubofcintra ! If you want to discuss roleplaying and stuff, just message me here and I can give you my Discord info if you want to discuss more about plotting or closed threads! 
I live in the Central Standard Time Zone and I currently am a college student who has a part time job, hence my lack of constant presence on Tumblr. However, I am on the site for a good few hours every day so responding should be no issue for me! 
If we do roleplay together, I would prefer us using gifs or icons and cutting our replies so there are two on every post, but that is just a preference and definitely not required! I also vary in roleplay styles but I can usually match whatever I am given to work with! Though, paragraph style RPs do happen to be my favorite. I usually stick with one paragraph to four/five depending on if we match Vibes.
Anyway, please feel free to message me if you want to discuss roleplaying or if you have any questions! I am so excited to write for this lovely, albeit slightly misguided, ray of sunshine. Thanks so much!! <3
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spartanguard · 4 years
top 5/bottom 5 kudos
I was tagged by the darling @searchingwardrobes! I know I did this a while ago but I’m not gonna go digging for it...so here goes again!
What are your five most popular works by kudos (in descending order)?
1. Something In The Water - 273 kudos
aka mermaid!Killian #2; soulmates AU where Emma shapeshifts into a swan and Killian is a merman. CSSNS 2018. Definitely a personal fave--and apparently for others, too.
2. A Tall Tail - 225 kudos
mermaid!Killian #1; canon-divergent from 4B wherein Killian transforms into a merman. My first major MC, and apparently still one of my most popular. (as evidenced by the fact that i’m still writing one-shots in this verse 5 years later)
3. A Rose In The Deeps Of My Heart - 224 kudos
fae!Killian! AU where Emma meets exiled fae Killian on a trip in Ireland...and learns a lot more about her family history. Just a sweet little three-parter.
4. Sick of Love - 214 kudos
another soulmate AU (for CSSNS 2019), but a bit whumpy--set in a universe where if you are separated from your soulmate for an extended period of time after last making skin contact, you get sick. and Emma and Killian take every precaution to not make skin contact with anyone. so you can probably guess what happens.
5. An Affair of Honor and of the Heart - 165 kudos
Ren Fair AU! Honestly a bit surprised it’s in the top 5, especially since it’s a one-shot. But it’s fun!
(Savage Garden is the next one...157 kudos...at least it’s well out of the bottom 5!)
What are your five least popular works by kudos (ascending order)?
5. The Dutchman Must Always Have A Captain - 25 kudos
AU where Deckhand Hook becomes captain of the Flying Dutchman (POTC version), written for @cocohook38. Transformation whump. There are tentative plans to revisit this but I don’t think I wrote them down; a fatal error.
4.  Captain Charming/OUAT Drabbles & Ficlets - 24 kudos
What it sounds like--some random old ficlets that weren’t standalones, but I stopped updating it when I got too many ficlets. (I might get back to it at some point.)
3. (Love Will See Us Through These) Dark Days - 12 kudos
Current WIP; Hunger Games AU done for CS Rewrite-A-Thon 2020. Crossing my fingers that goes up...I’m really proud of this story.
2. Drunk Dial - 11 kudos
Drunken Storybrooke shenanigans...also my first fic!! kind of bummed it’s down here.
1.  Once Upon a Time in Panem - 7 kudos
The first Hunger Games AU...not surprised it’s at the bottom.
tagging @optomisticgirl @laschatzi @let-it-raines @stubblesandwich @profdanglaisstuff
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winterironbang · 5 years
Art Previews
Below you will find the art previews for this year, remember authors that its not quite time for claiming yet!
Take a good look and pick 2-3 favourites and remember which Number they are for when claiming does begin.
1. Prompt: Tony was taken by Hydra not long after the New York invasion and experimented heavily on Tony. The Winter Soldier escapes his captivity and kinds Tony locked up in his dragon form in a huge cell and decides he should break this poor creature out as well.The Winter Soldier could be his own personality next to Bucky, and if so he doesn't like Steve if that would come up. Restrictions: No Rape/Non-con, No OT3 (Stuckony), preferably a rather happy ending, or bittersweet. No sad endings. CLAIMED
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2 Prompt: Tony has always had a thing for swimsuit models.Limitations: go wild.Additional notes: happy to be as involved or uninvolved as the writer wants! CLAIMED
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3. Warnings: None that I can think of? Prompts: Definitely don’t have to stick to this, but this was just what was in my mind drawing this — They’re a Shoulder Angel and Shoulder Demon each trying to do a good job for their assigned Human - Natasha Romanov. I’d love it if maybe they’ve been working together over time to help Natasha (maybe to get out from under Red Room) without actually really seeing each other for a while until eventually they do. Not-Quite-Identity!Porn of some sort, with a bit of oh no he’s hot when they meet. Just imagine the hijinks with a little Nat and these boys as her conscience! Ha! Limitations: I know Tony is depicted as a Demon here, but this is Tony, please don’t make him out to be the actual Devil? He’s just doing his job but - oh no! - he gets attached to his Human and adversary and only wants the best for them, screw Hell’s policies CLAIMED
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4. warnings: none i thinkprompt: Post-apocalyptic AU! Scrappy mechanic Tony meets badass loner and fighter Bucky (with a clunky metal arm)? Maybe some getting to know (and later: trust) each other and surviving (together?) in a hostile world? Trying to make a living? limitatons and any additional notes:  No dubcon/noncon between Tony/Bucky, no sad ending, no super descriptive toture/body horror, Tony and Bucky should survive. Angst/Pain/Suspense otherwise are fine :)The second art is optional. CLAIMED
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5. Desired collaboration level(s): I would love to be included with the writing/brainstorming process, even just so much as being a cheerleader for it!-Additional details/requests/Prompt: Pre-WI/getting together fic. Wing Au. Maybe something like "Winged beings are discriminated against/unliked/people are nervous of them. Picture scene is: Tony was sitting out in the rain/stuck in the rain, Bucky comes and sheilds him from it with his wing. -Do Wants: Hurt/Comfort, angst is fine too, must be happy ending please, I prefer canon-divergent, but total au is fine too. -Do NOT Wants: Beastiality, Mpreg, A/B/O dynamics, BDSM, D/S verse, Hardcore kinks, Genderbends, Non-con, MCD, underage/age-changes/de-aging, Sad endings!(I would prefer no other/background ships, but can be discussed!) CLAIMED
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6. Warnings: blood Limitation: non-negotiable absolutely no Steve Rogers bashing Wants: OUAT crossover (non negotiable). Jefferson IS Bucky OR Bucky is Jeffersons twin. Steve as a main character as well. Prompt; Bucky goes missing after a mission, with seemingly no reason. A year later They find Bucky, only he's calling himself Jefferson and crying about a broken hat, and a horrific scar around his neck.
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7. warnings: possible gun violence, languageprompt: loosely based on Killing eve "you hired me to kill you!?" "I wanted to see you..." basically, Tony and Bucky (established relationship? Mutual pining? ) haven't spoken in awhile for reasons (are they fighting? Busy? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) so Tony Hires Bucky to kill him. limitatons and any additional notes: none that I can think of but if you think there's something that could be squicky/a no go, just lemme know. I'm very open to collaboration with my author. CLAIMED
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8.  No warnings or limitations.  CLAIMED
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9. Warnings: None Prompt: Tony Stark meets Bucky Barnes in 1993 and they both fall for each other. One night, Bucky starts to cry. Tony asks what's wrong and Bucky tells him what happened to his parents. Notes: It really doesn't matter how you end this fic as long it includes some good old fashioned angst! CLAIMED
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10. Warnings: noneNotes: Was thinking of a Brookly-99 spin on it, something cute and funny for some feel good happy, but very open to anything really :) CLAIMED
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11. warnings: None Prompt: (Description: View is outside of a building. In one window Tony plays the violin. In the other Bucky types away.) CLAIMED
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12. Warnings:NonePrompt: (description: Bucky is sitting atop a motorcycle. Tony is approaching him, offering his hand for a handshake. Scene is dusk on an empty road.) CLAIMED
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13. prompt: tony is one of the last of his kind (inherited from his mother’s side). he hides his wings from the world, and only pepper, happy, and rhodey know what he is. everything else is canon as per the mcu. it’s up to the author to decide how far in the universe they want to take it, and if they wish to incorporate his wings elsewhere in the series, but tony is iron man and it must be post winter soldier. pre-relationship to getting together. limitations: please no graphic depictions of rape, suicide, or self-harm (specifically cutting. other forms of self-harm are okay, but please no self-inflicted cutting). no character bashing, ESPECIALLY of steve. no major character death. things i would like to see: BAMF!tony, ptsd (from either bucky or tony, or both!), a COOL secret reveal, angst, hurt/comfort, and fluff. some smut is okay! i would love if tony keeps the arc reactor. arm maintenance!! please!! tony being terrified of bucky finding out about his wings, and bucky being scared of hurting tony. relevant notes: tony’s wings are 18 ft (5.4 m) in diameter, and are red and gold. bucky still has hydra arm. that’s about it! i’m flexible on most things :) CLAIMED
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14. Description/Prompt: John Wick AU in MCU Open for brainstorming or alternate interpretations Warnings: canon typical violence for story (john wick levels or mcu levels up to author?) Limitations:  DNWs include a/b/o, mpreg, noncon, dubcon between major protagonists, death of major protagonists, unhappy/ bad endings CLAIMED
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15. Description/Prompt: any frontier myth/ old wild west tropes welcome Open for brainstorming or alternate interpretations Warnings: canon typical violence for story? Limitations:  DNWs include a/b/o, mpreg, noncon, dubcon between major protagonists, death of major protagonists, unhappy/ bad endings CLAIMED
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16. Prompt: Romancing The Stone AU. Tony is a tech reliant city boy who is out of his depth in the South American jungle while trying to save a friend. Bucky is the broke traveller who he convinces to be his guide. Adventures and hijinks and a happy ending ensue. Notes/Limitations: Doesn't have to follow the movie if you're not familiar with it. I don't want Tony to be a damsel in distress that needs to be rescued, just a fish out of water who adapts to his new environment. Any rating is fine, smut is welcome, no character bashing.  CLAIMED
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17. warnings: general audiences prompt: Bucky is part of the Avengers but he and Tony keep their distance. On a mission Tony saves Bucky from another fall. Later he asks Tony why he didn't let him slip when he knows he killed his parents. He doesn't believe Tony forgave him and confesses that he sometimes hates Steve for not catching him limitations: no Steve/Bucky/Tony, preferably no Stony, no ABO, no mpreg, preferably no BDSM or dom/sub CLAIMED
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18.  warnings: malnutrition, (minor) injuries, shackleslimitations: anything involving children and/or pregnancy CLAIMED
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19. Warnings:none Prompt: Mage Tony and assassin/rogue Bucky. Limitatons: No major character death, no infidelity, no unhappy ending, Bucky did not kill Tony's parents, would be absolutely fine with graphic sex Additional notes: Art will have at least one more companion piece featuring Bucky/Winter in Assassin type garb and probably wielding daggers. CLAIMED
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20. warnings: none? prompt: Dreadful pirate Bucky with a heart of gold! limitaions and any other notes relevant to the authors for claiming: I'd prefer it if Bucky wasn't actually a bad guy. Go easy on the gore, and please don't do any noncon or dubcon between the OTP. Angst or pain are good as long as there is at least a hopeful ending! CLAIMED
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21. Prompt: After the death of King Howard Stark, his son Anthony had to step up to the throne as the rightful heir. James Buchanan Barnes, a knight and new member of the Royal Guard, is sworn to protect his king no matter what. Even if that means protecting Anthony from his own damn feelings. Warnings: N/A Limitations: major character death, terminal illness, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, racism, incest, ableism Notes: Their designs are fantasy-influenced more than historical, and even though I was using MCU as reference, I aged Tony down since canonically Howard died when he was younger anyway! Also the scribble of a background is supposed to be inside the castle, during a party/ball or something? CLAIMED
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22. Artist Withdrew.
23. Warnings: None Prompt: The Addams Family AU Limitations/notes: None CLAIMED
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24. warnings: none? prompt: Warlord Bucky gets a new conquest: Tony. (How? tribute? prisoner? Marriage contract?) Tony may expect the worst, but slowly discover Bucky isn't so bad... limitaions and any other notes relevant to the authors for claiming: please no evil Bucky. I like getting to know each other and slowly falling in love. No dubcon/noncon between tony/bucky. CLAIMED
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25. Warnings: implied violence, kidnappingPrompt: I went with four comic panels sort of depicting a kidnapping scenario. Bucky (probably) wouldn’t be the kidnapper — i'm gonna try and make him look more surprised in the final draft. Limitations: Go wild. G ratings through Explicit is fine with me. Preferably no M-Preg though.  CLAIMED
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26. Warnings: None CLAIMED
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27. Warnings: None CLAIMED
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28. Description/Prompt: fluff or comfort? Warnings: - Limitations:  DNWs include a/b/o, mpreg, noncon, dubcon between major protagonists, death of major protagonists, unhappy/ bad endings CLAIMED
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29. Desired collaboration level(s): I would love to be included with the writing/brainstorming process, even just so much as being a cheerleader for it! Additional details/requests/ Prompt: Human!Tony/Werewolf!Bucky. Werewolf au. Do Wants: Hurt/Comfort, angst is fine too, must be happy ending please, I prefer canon-divergent, but total au is fine too. Do NOT Wants: Beastiality, Mpreg, A/B/O dynamics, BDSM, D/S verse, Hardcore kinks, Genderbends, Non-con, MCD, underage/age-changes/de-aging, Sad endings!(I would prefer no other/background ships, but can be discussed!) CLAIMED
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teaespensonawards · 5 years
2019 T.E.A. WINNERS!
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CONGRATULATIONS, award winners!
We would like to thank everyone who participated - every creator in the Rumbelle fandom, every person who sent in nominations, every nominee, everyone who voted. All of you made this T.E.A. season wonderful!
And it bears repeating, just in case anyone missed it. Every work on the ballot received votes. 
Now! Without further ado, HERE ARE OUR 2019 WINNERS!
2019 T.E.A. Winners
Family Tuesdays at the French Theater, by @prissyhalliwell
Comfort Sleeping Arrangements, by @mariequitecontrarie
Fix-It The Life You Save May Be Your Own, by @thatravenclawbitch
Reunion Home Again, by @ifishouldvanish
Best Child Fic The Naming of Dinosaurs, by @worryinglyinnocent
Kink Closing the Circle, by @emospritelet
Romance Gold in the Afternoon, by @nerdrumple
Comedy No Satisfaction, by @thatravenclawbitch
Threesome Love and Trust, by @emospritelet
Best First Time Dripping in Gold, by @maplesyrupao3
Best Afterlife Smut Coming Home, by @scribbles-by-kate
PWP Midnight Rider, by @maplesyrupao3
BDSM A Dozen Roses, by @ladybookwormwithteeth
Why? Love Makes Us Sick, by @thatravenclawbitch
Death Belle and gold meet at grief counseling, by @lotus0kid
Oops Spoils of War II, by @bad-faery
Hurts So Good Enchanted Tales with Belle, by @bad-faery
Best Date Bottle Episode, by @standbyyourmantis
Best Courtship Walking After Midnight, by @nerdrumple
Best First Meeting A Princess in Theory, by @elanorjane
Best One-Shot Vows, by @maplesyrupao3
Best Drabble The Ornament, by @timelordthirteen
Best Post-Ep Fic Marigolds, by @mariequitecontrarie
Best Comedy Fic The Pages In Between, by @thatravenclawbitch
Best Movie AU Life in Detail, by @ishtarelisheba
Best Book AU 221B Avonlea Street, by @wierdogal
Best TV Show AU Black Roses, by @ifishouldvanish
Best AU Inspired By Other Media This Secret is Safe, by @thatravenclawbitch
Best Historical AU A Night to Remember, by @tinuviel-undomiel
Best AU Dark Heart, by @emospritelet
Best AU!OUAT Ties of Blood, by @thestraggletag
Best Series Alterations ’verse, by @ifishouldvanish
Best Holiday Fic A Card for Mr. Gold, by @timelordthirteen
Best Remix The House Keeper, by @b-does-the-write-thing
Best Crossover Fic Warmth and Desire, by @celticheartedfangirl
Best Dark Castle Mirrored Memories, by @mareyshelley
Best Storybrooke Kiss of Life, by @emospritelet
Best Travel A Life Worth Living, by @woodelf68
Best “Missing Years” Fic Who Says Dark Ones Don’t Dance?, by @ifishouldvanish
Best Golden Lace So a Lawyer Walks into a Bar, by @ifishouldvanish
Best Woven Lace Things Left Unsaid, by @emospritelet
Best Woven Beauty What the Heart Wants, by @mareyshelley
Best Rumbelle Poly Ship The Darkness Within, by @worryinglyinnocent
Best Background Swanfire Bae, Emma, and Henry live in their car outside Belle’s library, by @lotus0kid
Best Side Pairing Ruby/Ariel, This Secret is Safe, by @thatravenclawbitch
Best Afterlife Fic Coming Home, by @scribbles-by-kate
Best Crack!Fic Receipt in the Bag?, by @ifishouldvanish
Best Drama Fairy Tales & Happy Endings, by @standbyyourmantis
Best Supernatural The Darkness Within, by @worryinglyinnocent
Best Creature AU Heavenly Bodies, by @maplesyrupao3
Best Unexpected Twist The Bartender, by @timelordthirteen
Best Dark One Lore Fic Forgotten Lore, by @thestraggletag
Best Bobby Squared Dark Halves, by @worryinglyinnocent
Best Trope Swipe Right, by @standbyyourmantis
Best Meta Rumbelle Ethics, by @ifishouldvanish
Best Prompter @anonymousnerdgirl
Rumbelle Secret Santa The Great Storybrooke Christmas Bakeoff, by @spottytonguedog
Rumbelle Christmas in July No Satisfaction, by @thatravenclawbitch
May Day Menagerie Merfolk Rumbelle AU, by @nropay
Fluffapalooza Gideon chips the teacup, by @we-aim-to-misbehave
Monthly Rumbelle (Non-smut) Best Failed Date Ever, by @barpurplewrites
Monthly Rumbelle (Smut) Dreamy, by @mariequitecontrarie
Rumbelle is Hope The Domestic Life of the Dark One and his Lady, as Observed by Emma Swan, by @worryinglyinnocent
Best Belle Heavenly Bodies, by @maplesyrupao3
Best Dark One!Belle Through the Veil, by @theoneandonlylittlebird
Best AU Belle The Pages In Between, by @thatravenclawbitch
Best Lacey Vodka and Peppermint, by @thatravenclawbitch
Best Detective Weaver Vigilante Rose, by @elanorjane
Best Dark One Deseo, by @thestraggletag
Best Mr. Gold Dark Heart, by @emospritelet
Best AU!Gold/Rumple Closing the Circle, by @emospritelet
Best Spinner!Rumple Fractured Blue, by @maplesyrupao3
Best Woobie!Rum Hear Me Still, by @betweenpaperpages
Best Wish!Rumple Echoing Hearts, by @mareyshelley
Best Baelfire/Neal The Exchange, by @rumbellegem15
Best Gideon Lion!Gideon, Zootopia AU, by @thestraggletag
Best OC Rumbelle Child Olivia Rose Gold, Star-Crossed, by @celticheartedfangirl
Best of General Audience Handprints, by @timelordthirteen
Best of Mature Let It Snow, by @standbyyourmantis
Best Fan Art Peace ooot Dearies, by @delintthedarkone
Best Cover Art All of Me, by @wizzygold
Best Graphic Art - Gifs Detective Weaver - Then and Now, by @virgidearie
Best Graphic Art - Still Images Teacup Garden, by @staypee
Best AU in Art Belle and Ogilvy, by @virgidearie
Best Fluff Art Where it allllll began, by @delintthedarkone
Best Angsty Art Not much longer to wait, darling, by @delintthedarkone
Best Smutty Art Love, by @virgidearie
Best Comic/Graphic Novel Belle Protects Rumple AU, by @nropay
Best Dark One Form Rumplestiltskin’s 5 different personas, by @ripperblackstaff
Best Use of Color Detective Weaver, by @ripperblackstaff
Best Video The Rumbelle Movie, by @poca-staks
Best Artist @nropay
Enchanted Tales with Belle, by @bad-faery
Homecoming, by @emospritelet
The Worst That Could Happen, by @thatravenclawbitch​
Rumbelle Fandom Lifetime Achievement Award
Each year, the Rumbelle Fandom Lifetime Achievement Award goes to a person who has done something spectacular in the fandom. Either by making people feel welcome, organizing events, or simply embodying the Rumbelle fandom as a whole. This year, the Lifetime Achievement Award goes to... 
And last but definitely not least... 
Newbie Spotlight
@sieben9 @idesignedthefjords @mareyshelley @shamelessrumbellefan @thespinningmeanie @shikoslady @elanorjane @a-tardis-at-downton
Welcome, new Rumbellers, to our delightfully filthy little corner of the fandom!
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luthienebonyx · 5 years
11/11/11 meme
Tagged by @agirlnamedkeith
I’m mostly talking about my own fic here, unless... I’m not.
Favorite OC to Write? I only use OCs in my fic to provide a specific sort of function when there isn’t a character from canon that really works, like Maester Bertrand in More Than a Memory. Brienne was in need of a doctor who knew what he was doing. There was no way I was leaving her in Sam’s hands!
Probably Tristopher Smith in You I Know is the most interesting OC I’ve written recently. He’s got a quick mind and he’s obviously not going to remain a footman forever. 
In terms of my original fic, I think Flora, a young, widowed school teacher who is the main character of an historical murder mystery I was writing, has the potential to be my most interesting OC. I have a lot planned for her, if I ever get back to working on that novel.
Dialogue or descriptions? ALWAYS description, and preferably inward-looking. My best writing is definitely descriptive. If there’s lots of (metaphorical) navel lint involved, I’m there. I can DO dialogue, and people have even said that I can write good dialogue, but I never enjoy it much. I’m always hyper aware that one wrong sentence or even one wrong word could throw everything out of character.
Favorite plot twist? Well, the whole revelation at the end of chapter 2 of More Than a Memory was pretty fun - though I think Brienne was a lot more surprised than any reader who’d been reading between the lines a bit. In terms of fic from previous fandoms, my OUAT rumbelle fic Plain Jane is pretty much all plot twist.
Favorite cliche? To read: Fake relationship, whether marriage or otherwise. To write... actually, I don’t really do cliches. Not really. I mean, I’ve written coffee AUs a couple of times, but they sort of happened by accident rather than because I particularly like that trope. In the past, my fic has almost always been characters first, tropes second, so it mostly comes FROM the characters, and if tropes or cliches happen, then that’s just a result of the starting point I chose. Maybe now that I’m writing a lot more AUs than is usual for me, more cliches will happen.
Favorite season? Spring. I like Summer - or at least I used to, before our Summers became so ferocious that it’s almost impossible to go outside for more than five minutes at a time before 7.00pm - but it doesn’t like me. I’m usually at my most ill during Summer. I’ve never enjoyed Winter much. The short days make me down, and I get so TIRED of being cold. Autumn is okay, except that I get closer to Winter with every day that passes. But Spring! Warm, but not too warm. Longer days. Flowers everywhere. It feels like everything is finally waking up.
Writing by hand or on computer/phone? These days, almost 100% on computer, but I have written by hand in the past. I have partly-filled notebooks all over the place. I used to keep a notebook and a pen by the bed, for those times when I’d wake up in the middle of the night with an idea, but now I just use my ipad if that happens. It’s actually an interesting thing to write by hand, because the words come out slightly differently than if you’re writing directly onto a screen. I just don’t really have the patience for it these days.
Music while writing? Not while I’m writing. I need silence for that. But when I’m taking a break between bouts of writing, most definitely. There is usually at least one song that becomes the theme of any longer story that I write. The main one for the coffee ‘verse is In Too Deep by Jenny Morris. (NOT the cover by Belinda Carlisle. Jenny’s is rawer, particularly in the chorus, and that rawness is definitely something that is going to become a thing before too much longer in the series.)
Weirdest thing you’ve ever been inspired by? Many, MANY years ago, in HP fandom, I took part in the Blame Someone Else challenge, where everyone submitted a ridiculous prompt and they were then all randomly assigned. The prompt I got was:  Snape and Marcus Flint discuss teeth during an evening of drinking, then hunt down Hermione to ask her opinion. It resulted in this unlikely Snape/Hermione fic called ‘Teeth’.
Biggest no-no for a book? What will immediately make you put the book down if you see it? Factual inaccuracies, or wildly incorrect period details. I don’t mean small ones, like someone greeting someone else with “Hello” decades before the telephone was invented. I mean stuff like a novel set in the Regency period in which the Duke’s housekeeper, whom everyone refers to by her first name, acts as a sort of mother figure/nursemaid for the Duke’s son, and serves at the dinner table. Nope. It’s all so WRONG that I just nope right out of it. (And yes, those details all might have been from an actual novel that I persevered with for way too long recently.)
What titles grab your attention in bookstores? Well, this is my guilty not-so-secret. I USED to be the sort of person who could never walk past a bookshop. But then fanfic happened to me, and mainstream fiction mostly became a big meh. I’ve only really started reading novels again, mostly historicals and mostly romances and/or mysteries, in the past year or so. But I read almost all of those as e-books, so I still almost never go into a bookshop any more.
Can you describe the color purple in one sentence? A Pulitzer prize-winning novel by Alice Walker.
Tagging: @firesign23 @slipsthrufingers @woodelf68
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rassembleur · 5 years
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     FOR EACH “⭐️” I GET, I’LL WRITE A HEADCANON ABOUT OUR MUSES.                 @denydefeat​ : ⭐️ for snow and florian
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               OUT. || I’m going to try to just keep going until I can’t think of any more, TBH. First, in the OUAT verse we’ve been writing in, and then in general fantasy!!
Florian and Snow had met before, but they barely remembered. They know that they’ve met, that is, but if they had to tell you what that little prince and princess was like? — They couldn’t really tell you. They were both incredibly young, and they didn’t have the chance to play much together. They both have vague memories of that time when Hightower and the Enchanted Forest had a meeting, but not much more than that. 
Despite the fact that their kingdoms are so proximal, Florian and Snow rarely met. Hightower was a decidedly neutral and peace-loving kingdom, and their king — Florian’s father — tried his hardest to stay out of the decidedly unpeaceful goings-on within the forest. When Florian was older, he would try to create opportunities to travel into the Forest on the off chance he would meet the princess, but he never did until after Snow was deposed. 
Similarly to the film, Florian was actively searching for Snow when he did finally find her. After she was deposed, Florian took a harder line on wanting Hightower to help her, and he finally was granted permission from his father and his father’s counsel that if he could find her, he could quietly bring her back to the kingdom so they could find a way to assist her. His father was rather adamant that Florian do it as quietly as he could and that he did it himself, even though it put the prince into a position of great risk. It was essentially one of those “if you want this, you have to go do it” moments from his father, which Florian quickly and willingly accepted. 
They are a rather dangerous couple, technically speaking. Both politically AND physically. Snow is an accomplished archer, and Florian is pretty decent at a couple of weapons as a trained nobleman, but he’s freaky good with a dagger. Though they are definitely a peace-wanting couple, they know how to fight and are not afraid to do so, if they situation calls for it.
Also, they are chaotic good to the extreme. And they are also just chaotic messes. both Snow and Florian have been known to just.... FLOUT rules if their consciences tell them to do so, and both act from a place that is both really pure and very... fickle. 
Florian thinks Snow is one of the most singularly interesting people he’s ever met, even when she has him tied to a tree and is planning on robbing him. 
This one is going to come out of left field a little bit but you know what? I bet they’re awesome dancers together. 
Okay, now for general fantasy ones
Post-apple curse, Florian has a lot of anxiety about letting Snow out of his sight. It isn’t that he thinks she can’t protect herself, but he is just so worried about her. He traveled for a YEAR between Hightower and Snow’s kingdom in order to find a cure before he gave one last-ditch effort for “true love’s kiss.”
The idea of the TLK wasn’t actually his, but a fortune teller he had met along the way. She had immediately looked at him and told him that everything he was searching for could be found on the other end of a kiss. He didn’t think that his kiss would wake Snow up, but it was his way of saying goodbye to her; he thought the fortune teller had been talking about moving on, essentially. 
The dwarfs are free and welcome to come and go from the Hightower castle as much as they want, as Florian knows how much they mean to Snow and Florian himself holds them all in rather high regard after all they did for Snow. It isn’t until a while later that he creates relationships with them on his own independent of Snow: the first to warm up to him is Bashful, weirdly enough. 
Florian at first is very jumpy around apples. It’s actually Snow who sort of sits him down and is like “dude shake out of it”
They meet a good witch shortly after their wedding and are able to make peace with the idea of magic despite the time they lost to it
Florian’s wedding gift to Snow is a horse and a dagger. The dagger was the one he found in Grimhilde’s possession after her fall; it was the one she had given to the huntsman to kill Snow White. Florian had its hilt redone and an etching put into it which read love will never die as a way to own everything that had happened.
They both still get nightmares about everything, and sometimes neither really want to sleep. On nights like those, they go for moonlit rides or walks until they’re too tired to stand. 
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legacybehind · 5 years
What is the biggest headcanon deviation from the canon material that you have incorporated into the way you write your muse? Why did you come up with it?Do you have any controversial headcanons that go against what is generally accepted by the fandom? Do you incorporate this into writing your muse or keep it to yourself? //for all ur once kiddos~
questions for muns of canon muses  /  accepting 
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…. ofc  krys  sends  this  for  all  my  ouat  muses.   lemme  get  cracked  down  here.   
so  i’m  not  sure  i  can  fit  all  my  muses  into  this,  but  i  will  do  as  many  as  i  can.
gideon  is  probably  the  most  canon  divergent  muse  i  have  played  to  date  tbh.  cos  i  pretty  much  throw  out  all  his  canon  into  the  garbage  lmao.   i  started  writing  gideon  right  after  the  6a  finale.  so  not  much  was  known  about  him.  &  so  i  formed  my  own  story  about  it  which  heavily  implied  on  evil!gideon.  a  concept  i  have  enjoyed  to  date.  ofc  when  the  show  came  back,  it  went  the  opposite  from  what  i  thought  &  personally  i  found  that  kind  of  disappointing.  well  i  do  write  canon,  with  good!gideon  as  he  appears  on  the  show  i  much  prefer  my  own  crafted  tale.   so  short  version,  i  like  evil  morally  grey  gideon.  well  fandom  prefers  the  good boy.    —-  i  also  write  gideon  as a  homosexual  which  is  def  not  canon  but  idc. 
this  isn’t  really a  headcanon…  but  its  more  of a  preference.  i  don’t  by  default  assume  rum.belle  when  writing  with  belle,  partly  cos  the  pairing  left  an  awful  taste  in  my  mouth,  thanks  writers. ( &  i  certainly  don’t  hide  my  distaste  for  it  either  )     its  definitely  a  bit  controversial  cos  fandom  says  otherwise.  but  i  am  not  about  emotional  abuse,  i  will  write  it  but  i’d  rather  plot  it  out.   
that  whole,  neal  tried  to  destroy  magic  plot  ???  never  happened.  i  also  refuse  to  acknowledge  the  whole  beowulf  backstory…  it  was  bullshit.  the  war  happened,  but  a  young  bae  didn’t  try  to  manipulate  his  father.  it  goes  against  everything  neal  cassidy  preached  ever….  there  was  a season  one  reference  who  rumple  knew  august  wasn’t  his  kid  cos  he  tried  to  control  him.   so  fuck  you  abc  you  can’t  make  it  happen  then  mind  wipe  him.  cos  you  fed  all  the  damn  neal  antis  some  wood  to  add  to their  petty  hate fire.    we  stan  neal  cassidy  on  this  blog.  
my  main  verse  for  this  beauty  is  a bit  darker.  it  explores  her  life  with  philip  gone,  i  thought  it  would  be  an  interesting  angle  to  explore.  it  also  gives  me  the  opportunity  to  try  other  ships,  as  in  any  verse  philip  is  alive  aurora  is  with  him.   —-  i  will  ofc  play  canon  as  i  love  me  some  philirora,  however  i  default  to  a  dead  philip  storyline. 
my  hades  was  never  intending  to  manipulate  emma  &  killian.  he  only  started  that  way  when  he  felt  he  was  threatened  &  it  was  him  or  zeleans  family.  i  also  play  him  post  5b  living  happy  with  zelena  &  her  daughter.    —–  i  fully  believe  hades  was  changing  already  when  he  got  zelenas  love.  
i  write  arthur  as  gay,  his  affections  for  guinevere  purely  platonic,  he  married  his  friend  nothing  more. 
as  for  cindy,  dorothy  &  hyde  i  have  nothing  really  to  say  as  they  are  mostly  canon  for  now,  ofc  hyde  has  verses  where  he  didn’t  die  but  yeah  lol. 
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worryinglyinnocent · 6 years
replied to your post
4A needs so much fixing...but I also think that will make it more enjoyable to write.
The problem I have is... 
I stopped watching OUAT after season 3. I kept up with it, I know what happened, but I’m not as well versed in what was going on, and 4A is the one I have the least knowledge of. 
So, the finished product will probably not bear much resemblance to what actually happened in the show at all. 
I am not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing.
For starters: 
I’m completely overhauling the Frozen arc to take out most of the Frozen characters. Elsa’s still a major player but the others are in like one flashback scene. 
I’m replacing Frozen with bits and pieces of Russian fairytales and folklore learned from my lovely half-Russian friend that fit nicely into the Snow Queen storyline. 
I’ve given Ingrid a completely different back story. 
Will is still there, but he actually has a storyline and stuff to do and a reason to be there that links in to his story in OUATinWonderland, and a full explanation for where Ana is.
And there’s a lot of stuff that has to be different because of what I did in OUADT season 3A and 3B: 
Obviously the rumbelle storyline will be different for the simple reason that Rumpel never gave Belle the dagger in OUADT 3B. 
And obviously, Neal is still alive and Hook is not a main character.
Although Hook does have a guest appearance! We’ll find out what happened to him after his heroic dive into a portal at the end of 3A. 
And again, Marian is definitely dead and not coming back. 
Likewise Zelena. 
It’s already pretty damn different and to be honest I am terrified by it. 
(Comments on the above plot points are welcome.)
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captainswanbigbang · 6 years
CSLB Artist Spotlight: forestiyari
Today’s featured Captain Swan Little Bang artist is @forestiyari!
How long have you been making artwork for the OUAT fandom? What sorts of artwork (original or fan art) did you make before joining the OUAT fandom?
None for a long time.  I was once a Ron/Draco shipper and made several pieces for that.
What sort of artwork do you like to make, either in terms of style, medium, or subject matter?
Abstract comics. I like drawing scenes that happen to have people in them rather than people that happen to be in a scene... I think it's the little details that make or break a good comic.  
Whose your favorite subject for artwork: Emma or Killian? Or do you prefer both together? Why?
Emma. She's so beautiful!!! 
If this is your first time participating in a Big or Little Bang, what made you decide to sign up? What are you looking forward to?
This is my first time participating in either of the Bangs.  I signed up as an author for LB and have found it such a positive experience so far that when the artist sign ups were opened to include the authors I felt inspired to brush off my pencils and give it a go again.
Tell us what you like most about your favorite piece of artwork!
As far as traditional artists go I love Frida Kahlo- the detail in her pieces are so interesting.  Comic artist would definitely be Georges Jeanty- he's such a fanboy himself and there are so many easter eggs for fans of the 'verses he works in. 
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seven-oomen · 4 years
If you find yourself needing a temporary distraction from the angst for a while, again, for the Ship Headcanon Meme thing: 1-5, 9, 12, 13, 21-29 (or really any combo there of, doesn't have to be all of them) for Peter/Noah (for preference), Chris/Noah, and Chris/Peter (also acceptable). Because the TW DILFs always need more love, and it's always fun to see how other people's thoughts/headcanons compare to my own. :D
Truth be told a distraction is very welcome today and I’m very happy to answer each and every one of these. So here we go for Peter/Noah:
1. Who makes the first move and how?
Canon verse: Noah was a young deputy who kept having to arrest a teenage trouble maker Peter. And Peter kept trying to push himself onto the older man, though naturally, Noah didn’t respond to any of it while Peter was underage and merely ignored him. When Peter’s 20 though, and Noah 25, he caves and eventually asks out the young college-bound Hale by asking him out on a date to the place where he first arrested Peter.
Once Upon a time verse: Noah moved first, surprisingly. Yes, Peter flirts and gets in Noah’s space and smiles at him like that, but he’s respectful about it. If Noah gives him a vibe he needs to back off, he does, and he doesn’t try to push himself on Noah too much. Eventually, when they’re about fourteen, Noah gets a bout of courage and corners Peter against a locker during lunch and pushes a wad of paper into his hands. When Peter reads it, one eyebrow up, it merely reads; will you go out with me? Peter only has to smile at the paper before he suddenly gets a peck on the cheek from the young druid and a “See you Saturday at 6 at Sal’s.”
Red Dead Redemption verse:
Peter returns to Beacon Hills after years of mayhem and running around West and Noah’s not sure how to handle him and his crew. But somehow he finds himself aligning with the outlaw king and sees how his way has merits. (Though he does try to get Peter on the straight and narrow, and succeeds for the most part too.)  Eventually, though,  Peter makes a move when they’re alone by the river. They’re out on a bounty hunt together, who was an old associate of Kate Argent and someone who had to do with the Hale fire. And they’re standing there by the river, the sun bringing out the gold in Noah’s graying hair and Peter can’t help himself, he moves in and captures Noah’s lips in a searing kiss. A make-out session near the burning fire and running river ensues.
2. Who is the most insecure and what makes them feel better?
 once upon a time
Noah’s the most insecure between the two of them, which is a result of what he went through at his father’s hands. The one thing Peter does to make him feel better though is wrapping him up in something, his arms, his jacket, a blanket and he just holds him close and lets Noah bury his nose in his neck. 
I’d like to say Peter is probably more insecure as the younger of the two. He looks pretty confident and suave but really, he’s quite insecure when it comes to their relationship and what Peter’s role is in it. Noah is a patient man though and always makes Peter feel better by reminding him just how much he saved Noah. He does that by pulling him close, by talking and by letting Peter know just how much he’s loved.
3. Who is the most romantic?
Both of them are romantic in their own way. Peter’s more the type for grand gestures like I rented a restaurant or bought you a car or I flew you to Paris. Where Noah is far quieter like, I cooked you your favorite dinner or I lit candles all around the room and have a single red rose for you as you come home. Or even simpler, I bought our favorite ice creams and rented our favorite movies and have two blankets and a couch. It’s all about the small gestures for Noah.
4. Who can’t keep their hands to themselves?
Peter. I feel like this goes without saying but Peter is a very tactile person and he constantly wants to run his hands all over his sheriff. That the sheriff lets him is just icing on the cake, really.
5. Who says ‘I love you’ first? 
Noah, it comes out of nowhere, they’re just hanging out but at some point Noah just blurts it out and surprises even himself with it. But yeah I feel both of these boys wouldn’t say it easily but Noah would be the first to break. IMO.
9. What is the most embarrassing thing they have done in front of each other?
Noah definitely squirted soda out of his nose in front of Peter because he thought Stiles was coming through the door and almost choked on the illegal soda he was drinking.
Peter once had to walk butt naked through the sheriff station because he tried to surprise Noah and was instead caught by a very upset Parish. Noah had to watch Peter being marched through the station in his birthday suit with only his own hands for moderation.
  12. What first changes when it starts getting serious?
The way they act in public, before that there’s always a barrier. A very serious tone to their interactions. Once things get more serious though, that barrier starts breaking down and they get more light-hearted with one another, more open in public. And occasionally are even shown holding hands or kissing one another while dropping each other off at work or dropping the kids off at school together.
13. When do they realize they should get together?
For Peter, it’s when Noah shows that he has Peter’s back through hard times. That whenever he’s in trouble in court cases, or in some verses, with the law itself or other factors, Noah’s there and he has Peter’s back. After the scuffle of the day is over, Noah is also there to take him home and Peter knows he doesn’t want anyone else in his life but this quiet idiot.
For Noah, it’s when he first sees Peter interact with kids and sees there’s a much softer side to the tough Peter Hale. He sees how absolutely caring Peter can be and what a good parent he could be if given the chance. For a man like Noah, who seems to be about domesticity, I’d say that’s a very attractive quality.
21. Where do they get nervous about going with one another?
Their respective families. They’re not really the type to bring someone home and the mere prospect of doing so gives both of them an aneurysm. Everywhere else is something that they might be able to handle together, but family, yeah, that’s a major hurdle.
22. Where does their first kiss happen?
I tend to imagine their first kiss somewhere in nature. They’re either standing near a river, a lake, looking up at the stars, at the base of the Nemeton (OUAT verse), etc. But they’re completely alone and only surrounded by nature.
23. Where is their favorite place to be together?
Either in nature or in their own homes. I like to imagine these two love to go hiking and camping and just being one with nature. Where Peter can run free in his evolved form and where Noah is free to perform his elemental druid magic.
Or in their own homes surrounded by lots of blankets and pillows and with their kids curled up beside them. That’s where I’d envision them to be happy.
24. Where do they first have sex?
In OUAT verse, it’s at the base of the Nemeton when they’re fifteen. Later that’s also the place where they bring Chris and where Peter is gifted with Chris’s virginity. Coincidentally it’s also the place where both sets of twins are conceived in that verse.
In the outlaw verse, it’s in Peter’s tent back at the outlaw camp. Of course, the entire camp hears them and it’s the talk of the camp for several days after.
In canon, I’d say it’s probably at Noah’s house or a motel room Peter booked for them while on a romantic getaway. But there’s some serious candle action going on and a lot of thought put into it. Or on the flip side of that, it could also be hot and fast in the back of the sheriff’s cruiser or on the hood.
25. Why do they fight?
Over stupid little shit like why are there a pair of socks in the middle of the room. Or why is the laundry next to the hamper. Or can you never put your dishes in the fucking dishwasher? Because Noah is a bit of a slob and Peter’s pickier about what goes where and how. But also over more serious things, like criminal activity, lying about whereabouts or activities or each other’s insecurities.
26. Why do they need to have a serious chat?
Because Noah won’t stop asking Peter where he’s been and with who and it’s driving Peter insane. He gets it, Noah’s insecure about being left behind or that Peter will find someone better, someone younger or someone with fewer problems. But Peter needs Noah to trust him.
On the flip side, Noah and Peter need to have a serious chat because Peter has a jealousy issue and a money spending issue. (Yes, Peter has the money, but that doesn’t mean he needs three expensive cars.) And also because Peter absolutely cannot show up buck naked at the sheriff station again.
27. Why do their friends get annoyed with them?
Because when these two agree on something, they’re a force to be reckoned with. You will not sway their mind, they will not keep their hands off of each other and while they will listen to your opinions, they will always come up with a better argument for theirs. It’s very annoying to be faced with ‘ that couple’.
28. Why do they get jealous?
Peter gets jealous because Noah smiled at someone or laughs at someone else’s jokes. He also tends to get a bit jealous when other people comment on how hot Noah is in his uniform. Because that is his officer, dammit. Get your own.
Noah gets jealous when Peter flirts with other people. He doesn’t show it when they’re around others, of course not. But once they’re alone he feels an inexplicable need to show Peter just who his ass belongs too.
The only time when Noah absolutely claimed his turf was that one time while on vacation in Italy and they were at a hotel bar with a rather annoying Spanish tourist who wouldn’t stay away from Peter. He may have kissed the wolf in public, put his hand in Peter’s back pocket, and called him darling while maintaining eye contact with the tourist.
29. Why do they fall a little bit more in love?
Because Noah bites his lip when he’s concentrating on a case and taps his nose with a pen or pencil while he’s doing crossword puzzles. And he looks so smart and young and irresistible that Peter just wants to stare at him all day. He falls more in love with every smile, with every wrinkle that develops over time and every small gesture that Noah does for him. 
Noah falls more for Peter because Peter has a knack for calming him down when he comes home from a difficult case. He falls for the patience Peter has around kids and how wonderful of a parent and uncle he is. He falls more for Peter’s smile and youth every single day. He falls for his intelligence and the way he keeps surprising Noah and keeps him on his toes. 
He falls for the many, many cuddles, both in human and wolf form. And he falls for the way Peter naturally falls into step beside him while they’re walking together. He falls for the way Peter runs his hands over his when Noah’s upset and for the way those arms wrap around him to keep him safe. He falls a little more every single day.
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wearethewitches · 4 years
trying to rewrite my old once upon a time/star trek crossover fic (old. old. it’s from 2018, why am i calling it old) and it’s going quite well?? i mean, i’ve already changed things, but i’m playing the assassins creed short movies in the background trying to get ubisoft credits-
get dem 100 points for that 20% discount, woo woo
-and i’m distracting myself constantly, because i’m stuck. not quite writers block, but somewhere in that range. i am willing and able, i’m just drawing a blank because the notes for this series are non-existent and the only thing i’m thinking now is ‘get adult!jim from post-beyond having the Enterprise fall through the universe into the 2010s, coincidentally into the Storybrooke area over the town and reunited with emma-who-is-winona. and him meeting henry’.
there’s also the Marvel side to consider, which i’m thinking could be a whole ‘gamora goes through a reality stone bending change and meets up with thor again, recognising him as george kirk, because she was nyota uhura’. could work. could be the result of the george!thor’s loki contacting stephanie strange and her being carol marcus, rather than khan bc i don’t want benedict cucumberch around, bc khan is evil. just throwing around ideas.
(for ppl reading this who have no idea what i’m on, this is my false passports scheme series, where actors in different major sci-fi universes get to experience their other realms, aka their other tv shows/movies and then return to their universes, drawn between the worlds. i’m thinking star trek 2009 ′verse based.
if anyone has ideas of their own to share, that’d be cool.)
currently, i have george kirk = thor, winona kirk = emma swan, nyota uhura = gamora and carol marcus = stephanie strange.
i was thinking that bones could be the oft done bones-is-john-grimm from doom and now i’m really remembering his roles, i can make that an actual doom exists in the star trek universe thing, because karl urban was in thor ragnarok, bitches!!! i can’t believe i forgot that - and idris elba as heimdall, who maybe was reincarnated into the marvel universe after he died as krall. yes. definitely.
i’m just thinking as i type at this point...i really don’t want everything to be star trek/mcu, but there are so many actors that cross over. emma swan as winona kirk changed her as a character, changing ouat completely and i suppose the same thing will happen with the mcu because of george!thor. idk.
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chooseboth-a · 6 years
What is the biggest headcanon deviation from the canon material that you have
canon questions. || accepting
1. What is the biggest headcanon deviation from the canon material that you have incorporated into the way you write your muse? Why did you come up with it?
      just as a warning, this is gonna get dark!! but anyway. idk if this entirely deviates from canon since ouat doesn’t shy away from showing that ruby’s past messed her up, but i think it runs far deeper than what they acknowledge. my version of her definitely deals with ptsd from what happened to the hunters in her town, peter, her mother, and billy, as well as fighting on the front lines of snow’s war. she also struggles with an overwhelming fear that she’ll kill again, and oftentimes genuinely believes that people would be better off without her. 
      there’s definitely a pattern pointing toward suicidal tendencies, too. she’s more than ready to throw herself to the mob during 2x07 knowing fully well that they’d murder her if they got her hands on her, and i think that without snow post-peter, she either would have let the hunters kill her or genuinely withered away to nothing in the woods. she explicitly states to belle that she thinks she’s a monster, and that she’d “deserve” it if she dies. in 2x12, ruby stops victor from doing the same, but it also seems like she understands where he’s coming from as well (plus tbh, it’s entirely possible for suicidal people to see the best for other people, and be blind to it for themselves). this gets a lot better as time goes on, but i don’t think it entirely goes away for a long while.
       the verse i made for her where she purposely crosses the town line is a manifestation of this, in a sense – ruby may not physically die, but in doing so everything that made her red does. she crosses it with the full knowledge that, as far as she knows, there’s no going back; she’ll never be anyone beyond an echo of a person who’s technically not even real (though red definitely sees ruby as a part of her, maybe even the better one), and won’t even know it.
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