#ooc | ramblings
haven-sent · 2 years
ok time to finally watch the st4 finale so i can see what y’all are screaming about
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fauscailt · 2 years
i’m fully on ac valhalla brainrot rn and then i’m seeing thor tomorrow after work but thursday and the weekend? writing time
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littlefankingdom · 1 month
Bruce: Jason, if someone is tearing this family apart, it's Dick, not you.
Dick: Is this about my fashion's choices?
Bruce: We're a Goth family! Punk, emo, grunge, if you want, I'm not picky, but DISCO?!
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askinsufferableprick · 9 months
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misteria247 · 2 years
I love how in the Tmnt franchise it's always an indisputable fact that Splinter will always take care of the boys. Like he'll literally have his life turned completely upside down by being mutated into a rat and then he'll see these four infant mutated turtles and literally go-
"Babies?? Babies for me?? Babies for me to adopt and cherish and teach??? Yes???? Guess I'm a dad now."
And he just rolls with it, no questions asked he just becomes their dad and honestly it's quite sweet and wonderful when you think about it.
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pokidokieships · 3 months
I can’t help but be consumed with rage every single time I think about how they handled Katara’s character post ATLA finale…. The comics, TLOK, the live action… like that’s not my girl !! Bring her back!
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luxmoogle · 4 months
The news about AI scraping also reaching this nook of the internet (tho' I don't doubt there's been scraping already before this) has been going around and I'd like to write a little word about my feelings on it.
For awhile this direction of art theft in the art and writers communities has been weighing a lot of people down. I've seen many familiar faces stop posting at all, probably out of fear of their beloved work being thieved away.
I don't really talk about it, but many times it has deterred me from posting or even working on some pieces purely from a sense of melancholy and sadness. Every time news about the topic comes out it creates a new kind of wave of despair. I get the feeling, what's the point, if the AI created sludge is enough for the public, if such surface level imagery fulfills peoples wants for art, then what's the point of me sharing my work at all? To just keep posting to feed a machine.
But then I sit at my desk and draw something. Paint something by myself. And I remember, why I do art at all. The feeling of creating is irreplaceable, the joy I get out of the struggle of creation can't be taken away from me. The way one pours their thoughts, feelings and even the tiniest things that might feel so insignificant to oneself so candidly onto paper. And then. AND THEN. One might be brave enough to share those pieces to others. Post them online, show a friend, a family member. To show your vulnerable self to others, and those others respond. They comment, ask questions, perceive it and best of all... ..might get inspired, and create something for themselves!
I remember reading a magazine once, that had a page at the back with all these art works readers had sent in, and I though 'wow, these are great'! And that really inspired me to create more than I already was doing, and most of all to share it with people. That's why way back when I started sharing my art in online spaces. And I don't want to stop, because I don't want us to lose that connection. That human connection, because that's what sharing art is really about, our humanity. Sharing thoughts and feelings, not about generating the most technically perfect piece of art, void of all human error.
So, I'd like to say, do not despair (but keep fighting). There are always people out there to receive your heart.
Thank you for reading and sorry for the ramble, but I really do hope these words find you all well.
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shoechoe · 2 months
it was really kind of wild how so many people in the jojo fanbase depicted (and some probably still do depict) rohan as this sassy, flirty, outgoing "slutty" dude in fanon when he acts nothing like that in canon. part 4 shows pretty clearly he avoids everyone when he can get away with it and is just kind of cold and mean (or a total weirdo when he's being intense about something) when he talks to people if anything. i think people just took one look at his design, designated him "twink" and started assigning him traits of a gay stereotype
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minty364 · 3 months
DPXDC Prompt #142 Part 2
His parents had spent years working on their portal, to the point where they were neglecting their own children. Danny didn’t know any better, neither did Jazz. To them it was just how their family ran and for the most part it worked for them. It allowed Danny to really study space and the Stars. His room was covered with different ship models on the shelves, glow in the dark stars on the ceiling and posters on the walls.
Jazz had similarly explored her own thoughts and topics as she studied Psychology. Her room was more feminine but still had a certain scientific decorum to it.  
He never thought that he’d suddenly be ripped from all the things he loved. But here he was with the trench coat man, instead of taking some biology class or something.
“What happened with the portal?” Danny asked.
The man took a long sigh, “listen… quite a lot of shit went down after your accident.” 
“That tells me nothing,” Danny glared at the man.
“I get your upset kid, but let me at least know your name. Mine's John Constantine,” 
“…Danny,” Danny muttered after a moment. He wasn’t sure he trusted the man but he guessed he had no choice. He was also noticing he felt a bit off, it was the weirdest gut feeling and Danny was having trouble telling exactly what the feeling was. It was like the feeling was telling him to trust John, although at the same time John had this weird feeling about him that had Danny feeling weary. He decided to trust John just a little, hopefully it got him back home, after a moment Danny spoke again, “…Can you at least tell me if the portal worked?”
The room was silent for a moment and then John spoke “Alright, fine, I’ll tell you what happened but some background first, do you know who the ancients are?” 
The name didn’t sound familiar, “Ancients? Like Ancient Aliens or something?” 
“No, no…” John took a swig from a flask in his pocket and then started fiddled with an unlit cigarette he pulled from a different pocket. He then looked Danny up and down, “You don’t know the first thing about the infinite realms do you?”
“The what?” None of this was making any sense and the more Danny talked to this guy the more he was getting a feeling of dread in the pit of his stomach. Something about this conversation felt wrong, like Danny should know all of this already but he just didn’t. 
“Right well… I guess the easiest way to explain this is the portal your parents made was to the infinite realms.” John said, putting the cigarette in his mouth.
“My parents called it the Ghost Zone.” Danny muttered.
John seemed to chuckle at that, “I mean it is mainly inhabited by ghosts, however they aren’t the only ones, far from it in fact. I’m sorry but… I couldn’t allow your parents unlimited access to the realms. I had to disable it and prevent it from being reactivated.”
Danny felt a little disheartened after hearing that, he guessed John was probably right though. He remembered hearing his parents talk about how they’d dissect every ghost they found to study them. The bully’s at his school often bullied Danny over it especially after his dad and mom would continually embarrass him on parent teacher nights and on field trips.
Danny let out a small sigh, “so when can I go home?”
John looked a little surprised, his eyebrow quirked up, “so you're unaware of your situation right now?”
“Situation?” Danny trailed off, he remembered getting shocked and then he remembered waking up here, “where are we?”
John let out another sigh, “shit, well from my research you're supposed to know everything about your powers when you wake up.”
This made no sense to Danny, powers? Danny didn’t have powers, he didn't have the meta-gene.
“Powers? I don’t have the meta-gene. I think you have the wrong person.” Danny stated as he folded his arms in front of himself.
“Then how are you floating?” John asked with a smirk.
Danny looked down and he indeed was floating just an inch off the bed, he wondered when that started but the feeling threw him off a little as he stumbled a little trying to keep himself upright. It didn’t work and he fell back down on the bed with a little thud. He turned to see John watching him with a small hint of amusement in his eyes. 
“What am I?” Danny asked, his voice small and a little panicked.
“You, Danny Fenton, are an Ancient. I know the term makes it seem like you're old but the term is more because your people are ancient in age.” The explanation made no sense to Danny but he could somehow float now. He thought the term ‘Ancient’ was a little much for some floating powers.
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twinksintrees · 3 months
thinking about chuuya seeing dazai at the ada
and he’s fucking thriving
and he should be happy for him. he should be happy he’s in a better place now. and a part of him is, of course, but more of him is hurt.
hurt that he’s not with chuuya anymore.
hurt that he’s thriving, and chuuya isn’t in the picture.
hurt that he gets to go off and leave him and there are no repercussions. he gets to be happy, he gets to be healthy, he gets to do all the things he never could in the port mafia.
he gets to feel human.
and chuuya is stuck. watching from the sidelines, like he always is.
he watched as dazai destroyed himself in the port mafia. he watched as he destroyed akutagawa. he watched as he wasted away in a cold dark shipping container, alone, for two years. he watched as he left, was abandoned yet again. and now he watches as he lives, truly lives, his life to his fullest extent.
he hates himself for feeling this way. he should be happy. he should be glad, proud, over the moon, feel something other than this sickening twist of envy in his stomach.
he opens a bottle of wine when he gets home. he was never taught how to handle his emotions, and the alcohol hadn’t steered him wrong yet.
god what he would give to feel normal. to feel normal, real, human emotions.
instead all he has is anger, and guilt, and jealousy, swirling in his gut.
hopefully the wine will wash it all away
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haven-sent · 2 years
i finally got a hell.fire club shirt and I officially just wanna live in it forever
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fauscailt · 2 years
me when I've only done like 3 posts: OK but what other verses can I shove jason into
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1000emotions · 18 days
thinking about john being one of the first people to see who dutch really was in blackwater, and not being blindly loyal to him anymore. dutch, who everyone practically worshipped, who saved john and gave him a family. john wouldn’t want to believe it, but he has no choice because he saw him kill heidi with his own eyes. john probably looked at dutch, tried to see any evidence to prove dutch isn’t as bad as he fears, to prove that he is the good man john believed he was.
and in 1907, john thanking dutch because he thinks dutch saved him from micah. in 1911, john knowing that dutch ruined so many people’s lives, left him and arthur to die, manipulated countless people for his own gain. what if he still missed the dutch he once knew, maybe even loves him still, and feels guilty for missing such a bad man?
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badlydrawnmanic · 5 months
digimon be making shinies and calling them an entirely different digimon
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(palmon and alraumon)
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(gabumon and psychemon)
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(patamon and tsukaimon)
need i continue
edit: no shade to people who like the recolored digimon i just think it's a little silly nsdjgks
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caldrea · 4 months
just imagined cal and andre dressing mel in the stupid cat costumes they find in pet stores and filming the process of putting the outfits on her (with many close ups of her face that is very annoyed but loving the attention) and then videos of her sitting in the costume with andre in frame talking to her and cal getting her at different angles while saying "pspsps" in hopes that she looks at the camera each time or even gets up to walk toward him
andre putting a hotdog costume on her while smiling and cal behind the camera going "she's a cat but she's dressed as a hotdog... a hotdog. more like hotcat," and andre just kind of stares up at cal. immediately going straight faced, but clearly trying to hold back a smile because what the hell is this cal gabriel fella even talking about most the time.
it's one of the few tapes andre doesn't mind his mommy finding under the bed
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misteria247 · 1 year
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really called smn a ho
This gives me the vibes from that one vine that goes-
"I said whoever threw that paper, you're mom's a hoe."
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