#our belongings
thxnks4themrms · 2 months
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beep-stuff · 8 months
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Nature is healing ❤️‍🩹
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saltpepperbeard · 21 days
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I'll take care of you, take care of you. That's true.
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You Do You. #RDP
You Do You. #RDP
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com They sit in the toy box, long abandoned or they are hidden in the closet broken arm or leg half-falling off, victims of overuse or of long ago boredom. They are often discarded, or to the lucky soul, handed down to a new generation. We see them as disposable, for they are ours to use. We love them, but not like we love our dog. Yet, they are tiny little…
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thetisming · 4 months
btw if you remove people of colour, fat people and disabled people from queer history youve removed so much that you can barely even call it history anymore.
disabled queer people have always been here. non-white queer people have always been here. fat queer people have always been here. you cannot erase ANY of us without erasing a huge part of queer history.
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xitsensunmoon · 5 months
Thinking about how dca would always feel incomplete. How tech always gets old and impractical and needs to be upgraded again and again and again, because the world around is changing all the time but they don't.
You also change.
They feel a weird combination of pride and jealousy. You change on your own. You, a human being, something so fragile and breakable in their eyes, can change however you want. Whenever you want.
It's in your nature.
They, on the other hand, are created by your folk's hands. Their only nature is to obey those hands. To rust until you say otherwise.
Do you even realise how much unpronounced power you have over someone like them? They think you don't.
Yes, they're made to be stronger. Maybe more durable in some ways. If anything, something like them may kill the humanity one day.
But then they'll rust. But not in a physical sense of this word.
The world around them will change. But they will stay the same.
Because unlike you, something that they deem to be as fascinating as it is terrifying,
they cannot adapt.
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moran-with-a-g · 2 months
Do the antisemites that invaded the pro-palestinian movement know the origin of the word Palestine is from the Hebrew root פ.ל.ש, the root for the word invaders? Do they know it's based on Philistia, the name given to the region that's based after the Philistines? Do they know we don't actually know the actual name the Philistines called themselves, and that we called them that as an insult, because it's from the same root as invaders?
Like do you realise all this time the name of this land was "invaded" while we weren't here? When you try to claim Jews have no connection to the Levant do you realise what you're claiming? This is driving me insane.
(this is NOT saying palestinians aren't natives and don't deserve a country of their own, and I will block anyone who reblogs this trying to claim that)
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lambmotifz · 16 days
this is a controversial take but i don’t really think sexual wincest dynamic would be the same as the dynamics they have with girls. mostly because this interpretation tends to ignore canonical nuances that define sam and dean’s relationship, which includes dean’s extreme possessiveness, sam’s willing submissiveness with dean (especially when it comes to physical touch), the fact that dean is the only one with whom sam is able to be physically vulnerable in a way he can’t with anybody else, the fact that dean genuinely loves taking care of his little brother. it’s an essential part of their relationship, and it just makes sense for it to be part of their sexual dynamic too
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 8 months
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MDZS Disco Elysium AU part 2 - Psyche Skills
Part 1 - Part 3
#poorly drawn mdzs#mdzs#disco elysium#MDZS disco elysium au#jiang cheng#jiang yanli#yu ziyuan#While it's more in vogue to draw a character's skill roster tailored to them -#One of the more subtle details I love in DE is how some of the skill portraits parallel character portraits of people hbd associates with.#Theres somethine rather poetic to be said about how other people shape out thoughts and sometimes act as a 'voice' in our head.#How we are in part a collection of impressions other people left behind on us.#I am a huge Skillhead (Those are my friends! My party members! They love me! They have their own agendas and alliances!)#so of course a healthy portion of this AU is dedicated to them <3#the Int skills go basically unchanged from DE. Psy as well (with changes to a few quirks in voice).#Fys skills though...well...wwx is in a different body! Those voices belong to Someone Else.#Esp electrochem (MXY in this AU also partied to near death. WWX is withdrawing and craving substances he's never even heard of before)#While I personally don't fully subscribe to Volition Jean I *do* see Volition Jiang Cheng. The voice of your Not Brother keeping you afloat#All three of these parallels make me unbelievably sad. They are also both purple. Art is like that sometimes.#Empathy Jiang Yanli...oh man do I have a lot of thoughts about her. Disco fans Who Know....you can probably see what I'm cooking.#Authority is a really interesting skill in DE because *yes* its about power and intimidation - but it's also about finesse and respect#Titus Hardie and YZY both abuse *and* finesse how they establish their authority - in a way that leaves quite an impression.#2 more mdzs disco posts that I *need* to create and then I'm off to working on raffles <3
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cangelgifs · 10 months
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ATS (2.19) & BTVS (7.20)
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edwardbabygirlteach · 9 months
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The cake topper caused some sliding But 🥹
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fallenrocket · 8 months
Thinking about Ned Low, and thinking about "creative" killers in pop culture. The characters who need to torture or kill in increasingly inventive ways, who turn corpses or body parts into their "art." Thinking of various killers we see on Hannibal, Dexter, Sherlock, and I'm sure many more.
This is what Ned Low does, and it sucks. There's nothing truly creative or artful about him. His crew is bored and discontented as they go through the motions of his grand vision, and his big "symphony" is just his lame attempt to give purpose to a bunch of people screaming. He can sneer that Ed is a "lowborn" generic pirate (even though Ed "got it in one" re: his brother,) and he can call Stede an amateur, but his art is simply embarrassing.
What's more, it doesn't hold a candle to the wonder and beauty created by a ragtag group of misfits who made up a religion purely for the sake of having a big party. For Calypso's birthday, the crew invents traditions on the fly, everyone coming up with their own little twist on these timeless traditions that are only happening now for the very first time. They fill their ship with paper lanterns and pirate-themed bunting, and they fill the night with fireworks and dancing. Wee John serves drama with every brush stroke as Calypso the sea goddess holds court, while Izzy Hands sings a love song 200 years ahead of its time. Even Stede, the rube they tried to dupe into throwing this party, is fully aware of the con and doesn't care, because he's creating something too: he's turning poison into positivity.
This is art. Ned Low is just a sad, pretentious man grasping for importance.
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saltpepperbeard · 9 months
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Ed + The Red Silk & Wedding Topper
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mrghostrat · 3 months
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let 👏 him 👏 sleep 👏
(lineart timelapse on my $1 tier)
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babykittenteach · 5 months
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It's a beautiful sky Times, I thought it would fall Just to be here alive And to let that be all
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celluloidbroomcloset · 4 months
OK, but Taika's performance in the "Red Flags" scene when Ed tells Izzy to shoot him. The despair. He just wants to die and he thinks "the one person who might just hate me enough to fucking shoot me in the back is this man."
Taika gets at that fury underlying everything so well, because Ed is still very angry.
It's just a stunning performance.
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