#our life now and forever fanfic
lunadeathbed · 1 year
★ Popular ★
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I've only seen fics of Our Life Now And Forever MC’s being shy and quiet. So I decided to make a fc with a popular MC for fun. It occurs during step one.
PINK : Tamarak
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★ Autumn Has Always Been My Favourite Season : 1) Popular ★
Yet again you sat on the plastic slippery red chair next to Tamarack. Mrs Murray was talking about… something? You hadn't really been paying attention, of course you enjoyed Mrs Murray's teaching but today…
Today you had been sucked into your imagination and thoughts.
You were popular.
You thought at least, Ma had said you were. She talked about how whenever you were around people they liked to hang around you.
The fact that you were new already dragged a lot of attention to you in the first place.
You knew Qiu was popular but you didn't think you were as popular…
Were you?
You hung around Qiu a lot. Ever since you arrived at Golden Grove you had stuck with him and Tamarack, and they chose to stick with you too.
It was only nature that you'd end up talking to Qiu’s fans and admirers at some point. Maybe they'd turned into your fans too?
Tamarack and Qiu said that you were cool, smart, kind, interesting, and all that stuff but you never thought about it too much. It was sort of hard for you to believe that you were actually all that, originally you thought they were just being nice but… Maybe you really were that and more, enough for people to actually want to get to know you.
Absentmindedly you taped your cool gell pen against the hard wood surface of your little desk.
Tap, tap, tap.
With every tap of your pen you seemed to get further and further into thought.
Maybe because Qiu chose to hang out with you people though you were cool too?
You flipped open you travel sized sketch book and began doodling aimlessly.
You smiled softly looking at it, Qiu and Tamarack had bought it together for your birthday.
It was sort of weird that people wanted to follow you around like minions.
You thought about lunch time. You routine was roughly the same every day but there was always a little fan group around you.
You didn't eaven notice until now.
You traced the edge of the small book. The cover was made of a sleek black leather with little painted on silver stars and moons. In the front page there was a note written by Qiu and Tamarack had drew you a little picture of all three of you.
You were pulled out of your thoughts as you felt someone tap your shoulder.
“What's up?”
You answered without looking at who it was first. You closed your scetchbook at looked at whoever needed you attention.
It was Qiu with Tamarack standing right next to him.
“Hey, are you coming it's lunch?”
Qiu looks at you with his trademark smile shineing brightly.
It never failed to make your heart race every time. You smiled softly at the both of them.
You stood up and pushed the hard plastic chair back into its place and of your little trio went to the cafeteria.
“Are you ok?”
“You seem spacy.”
“Yeah, you were zoning out for the whole of class.”
“I'm fine.”
You smile happily walking into the cafeteria and up to the line with them.
“Just thinking.”
“About what?”
“Being popular.”
“What do you mean?”
Tamarak and Qiu both look puzzled by what you said.
You trailed of thinking about what to say next.
“I’ve noticed that there's always a group of people around us… sort of like fans or something. I dunno, it's stupid. Nevermind.”
“No! You've said it now you have to finish!”
Qiu looks at you teasingly and Tamarack bounced up and down on the balls of her feat.
“Yeah! Come onnnn.”
You laugh softly at there antics.
“mmh, ok then.”
“I mean, I think we're like a little exclusive group of cool kids to everyone else.”
Qiu shrugs before his trademark smile returned.
“We are cool.”
“Yeah! Super cool!”
“I guess we are.”
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This fic is sort of just a setup for a series I'm trying to write, I'm sick right now so I might get more writing done :)
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justalittlelilac · 20 days
Four days.
You had four days to tell Qiu Lin you were in love with them.
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Four days before Qiu would leave Golden Grove again to return to their university and leave you. Four days to somehow summon the courage to say aloud what you'd whispered only to your pillow at night. Four days to reveal what you had held close to your heart.
Four. Days.
It had felt easy at first. After all, you'd been best friends for years—what were three months apart? When they left for that out-of-state university, the goodbye had been teary, yes, but you'd reassured yourself they'd come back even if it was so far away.
Much less could be said about you. No, when you planted yourself in Golden Grove, you had been determined to put roots so deep in the ground that not even your mom could uproot you again.
You weren't like the others, ready to run off and embrace change. You had chosen this life, this town, with its familiar faces and predictable days. You chose the comfort of online schooling while the rest packed up and moved on. While they left.
And when Qiu and Tamarack no longer graced your bedroom with their laughter and light, the house felt colder and emptier, especially with your mom taking more business trips now that you were an adult.
That first week, you found yourself hiding a teary voice in a three-way call with your friends that lasted an hour. They'd promised to call every day, but the best-laid plans never consider being a new freshman in college. Very quickly, the calls devolved into sporadic spurts of text conversation, erratic like the flicker of a dying candle.
You understood. Of course, you did. They were busy, and so were you. That was what you claimed in happy texts that ended in a thumbs-up emoji.
In actuality, you found yourself staring at your phone most days, scrambling for the device whenever it lit up. You tried to occupy yourself, even taking a job as an assistant editor at the Golden Grove Gazette. However, you still felt their absence... especially Qiu's.
It was different with Qiu. Always had been. Always would be. Much like the rest of Golden Grove's student body, you'd admired and crushed on them for so long. Even when they had iced everyone else out, they had kept you close. You'd never told them how much that meant to you, but it was more precious than all the stars you'd gazed at together, lying on your backs in the damp grass of your backyard at night.
Even when you also pushed everyone away, crashed out, and earned the moniker "Golden Grove's Local Delinquent," they stayed. They didn't judge, but they were worried because they knew what it felt like to feel lost. Through their help, you righted yourself somewhat, even if much damage had already been done. You still didn't know how to thank them for that.
Loving Qiu, even quietly, was like loving the sun on a frosted morning. Its rays would somehow penetrate through the chill to warm your face, comforting and cozy. It'd been like that since you were 10.
You'd watch them from across the schoolyard, noting their every move. Noticing how they carried themselves differently from others around them, confident but kind. Taking mental note of how the wind blew their silky dark hair and how it'd catch the light in such a way that it would cause you to stare for just a few moments longer than anyone else.
And sometimes, just sometimes, you swore you caught them staring back when you weren't looking.
However, as time marched on and your crush grew into something much fonder and more profound, you resigned yourself to friendship. Everyone liked Qiu; you were not unique in that sort of way. You told yourself it was enough, thinking it better to have them as a friend than to lose them altogether if they didn't feel the same. Time hid your deeper love like seeds under snow, and you tried to forget the words you were too afraid to speak. And as time did what it does, you slowly accepted that it had been too long to utter them aloud at all.
Until they left.
Then, it was like all the years of buried longing had rushed to the surface and the forefront of your mind like roots cracking the pavement, like released hounds, barking and gnashing at your thoughts. You believed you could go the rest of your life only half loving Qiu Lin. Loving them contently from afar in a quiet part of your heart.
But the ache from the distance only revealed more and more that half loving Qiu Lin felt like a life half lived.
When they texted some obscure (but funny) anti-thanksgiving meme in the group chat stating they'd be home for the four-day break, you knew you couldn't let the time pass by without telling them.
Because you knew with even more certainty that you would likely never get another chance. The gap between you two was expanding, and if you didn't jump now, it'd become too vast for even the most skilled leap to make it across.
You had just hit 'submit' on your last online midterm test when you felt your phone buzz a couple times next to you on your bed. Closing the laptop, you grabbed it and read the text messages coming in with a growing smile:
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Part 2, Part 3
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orion4ever · 6 months
can u do qiu and tamarack with an MC who LOVES to bake/cook but since theres not enough people in their house to eat it all of what they make most the time, they'll just knock on their doors like "do you want cookies? I just took them out the oven." or something
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Author’s Note: Hi! I hoped you enjoy this, I have recently been getting into baking so this should be a fun write for me!
Pairing(s): Qiu Lin x MC and Tamarack Baumann x MC
Heck yeah! Free food!
When you first came into the problem of baking too much to eat, you were stumped
And when you expressed that to your dear friend, Qiu. They instantly volunteered as tribute to be a taste tester.
They want them as fresh as possible so they would probably just wait around your house or watch you bake them.
I don’t think they would help much other than passing you ingredients and maybe stirring the batter.
Only to get a lick of the batter
Of course, it's not because they don’t want to help or anything like that, they just know that you probably enjoy handling it on your own and being in your element without having some nerd ask them to go through the steps for the tenth time.
They get super excited when you try out a new pastry or recipe and have them be the very first to try it.
It feels like an exclusive event every time they get to be the first to try something of yours.
I headcanon that Qiu is kind of hopeless in the kitchen, preferring to just go to the diner or their parents if they want something.
They burn water so it’s mesmerized to watch you bake something from scratch.
I like to think that for a special occasion, they might try and bake you something either from scratch or a box mix!
“Wow! Did you bake this all for me? You’re so nice!”
Tamarack Baumann🍁
Gets PUMPED when finding this out!
Thinks this is something you can add to your guys’ tea parties! What's not better than some tea with homemade cookies and bread?
It’s like an actual fancy tea party now! :0
Tamarack isn’t super picky, but does appreciate variety! She encourages you to try out a bunch of different recipes regardless of the difficulty level.
Like, what do you mean you can’t make macaroons? You’re a master baker, you could try!
She doesn’t want you to be the only one pulling your weight to supply these tea parties, she will be bringing lots of teas and little stuff to put on them, like milk and honey!
Tamarack is crafty so I see her making you a little apron and custom mittens with while wonky, cute embroidery of your name!
This inspires her to make more stuff like a chef's hat which leads her down a sewing rabbit hole.
She eats most of what you bring her but she also likes inviting you inside to give them to her Omi and Opa!
She doesn’t care too much about the freshness of the cookies but she also enjoys watching you bake.
The energetic girl needs some downtime too and watching you bake is soothing to her.
“Treats? Yay! This will be nice for the tea party! Come, sit! I will get the tea you liked last time!”
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shamachan · 2 months
hehe hii *eats writing*
can i request a step 1 jealous qiu x gn!mc that has an obvious crush on baxter and just follows him around?
I love your writing please don’t die 😔🙏🏼
Jealous Qiu × gn!MC with crush on Baxter.
step 1. enjoy!
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— Qiu was used to people liking him. It's just how it is - he had never really questioned it. Usually all people around him want to become his friends. who wouldn't want to hang out with Qiu Lin? That's right, no one!
— You made him feel a bit more interested in you than in anybody else, so he expected this feeling to be mutual. But you were different, so different that it was able to frustrate Qiu by you being not so interested in him, and imagine his surprise when you expressed even more disinterest in his company after meeting Baxter. it made him think about this.
— At first he was thinking it was temporary due to Baxter being a new acquaintance, then thought you were really just busy to hang out with him. When this continued further, Qiu began to not quite understand.
— He didn't even know why he was so fixated on this, but everytime he saw you forgetting about him when Baxter is around, he bites his inner cheek and looks kind of hurt at you for a couple of seconds. or when you constantly walk with Baxter, seeming to look at him with heart-shaped eyes, Qiu only sighs sadly and frowns, even if recovers quickly. Qiu does not really tolerate this feeling in his chest, which makes him seem to shrink inside that his stomach aches.
— He didn't understand where this feeling came from, and he might even talk to his parents about it. Qiu basically experienced this for the first time, and only with you.
— He won't interfere you much though, he still cares enough about you two, so if you enjoy each other's company then be it! But, nevertheless, from time to time he will offer other options for spending time together, those that include Qiu himself. You refuse? Oh, then he'll be kinda sulky. Qiu wants your attention too.
— He can't help but wonder, why did you like Baxter so much? Was it about his looks? Or the fact that he is rich? Qiu can't boast of the latter, but he thinks he looks good too. Or do you like his mystery behaviour? Oh come on, Qiu can be mysterious even better! Just prefer Qiu's company over Baxter, and he'll be the most mysterious person in the history.
— He will try to get your attention in different ways. He will be the very first in the bike races, he will be the best in your favorite subject, he will be just the coolest kid out here, believe me! And Qiu is so unlikely to give up. Maybe he'll learn a few tricks on his bike or how to jump off his "hideout" even more epically.
— He will also try to talk to you on the advice of his parents. Qiu would be worried, not knowing how you would take it and how to tell you properly. He even prepared the speech in his notepad in advance. After all of this, you will solve this misunderstanding, right?
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dao-the-starlight · 7 days
Cross your fingers this post actually shows up on the damn tags 🤞
Hello Our Life fans! This is a sort of weird post and I’m hoping this doesn’t break any Tumblr etiquette or something, but I just wanted to gauge something
I’ve had ideas of some long OL fics (1 or olba, 1 or olnf) that are AU type things, one being a Ghibli inspired fantasy and the other a horror/supernatural mystery, and I’m curious if anyone is actually interested in reading them so I thought I’d post the synopsis for each fic and see if anyone’s interested via interaction!
Here’s each synopsis (sorry they’re both long as hell)
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I wrote these both a little while ago, so these are kinda subject to change, but that’s the basic gist of each plot! (Yes I’m aware the OLNF one is just stranger things that was the main inspo)
P.S. If I end up deciding to go through with turning these into proper fic series and posting them, uh don’t expect my posting schedule to be even a little bit regular- I have quite a bit of stuff going on irl and I’m really bad at balancing my tasks, so this is just gonna be on a “I work on it when I work on it” kind of project
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nikiswonderland · 1 month
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New fic!! This idea has been stuck in my head for MONTHS and I just needed to feed yall as well 🙏
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itsdarkinmyroom · 8 months
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moonsplit · 8 months
Please if anyone wants to request Our Life, Error 143, Blooming Panic, or Project Blue headcanons I would adore you forever 🙏
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its-alex-drawing · 2 months
@olnfweek2024 : Day 3 (Crossover/Memories) (plus my first fanfic!)
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Crossover: Avis participating in the Italian Formula 4 Championship!
It might be embarrassing, but I don't really play anything outside of sim racing and other racing games (and OLNF, apparently)—mostly because those were the only ones I bothered to spend money on!
Still, I wanted to incorporate stuff I truly enjoyed into my art. And that's how we ended up with this—along with this fanfic I wrote! It's actually my first time (creatively) writing, so I know it's not the best—though, I still hope that it's not an affront to literature. Anyways, here it is!
----Racing in Rome----
The light azure of the Roman sky was effectively unbroken by clouds, the sunlight absorbing into the black asphalt of the Vallelunga Circuit. This May Saturday, the modest comune of Campagnano di Roma was made into a particularly festive fever. And no more permeating was the competitive spirit than the team pits: tyre warmers being unwrapped, steering wheels fitted to their columns and Abarth engines buzzing to life.
And in those sitting in their Tatuus chassis, a yellow and green helmet familiarized herself with the form-fitted interior. "And—there, in the striped helmet, is Avis Whistler, the newest driver on the grid, hailing from Milan," a commentator noted. "Though, I believe she karted both in Italy and the United States." added another.
Avis sighed. Qualifying left her disappointed—16th out of 24. It would take a tremendous drive to get herself into the points. She steeled her nerves, flipped down her visor and sped out into the crowded pitlane.
The pit exit light flashing green, the pole-sitter's tyres screeched as the chassis bolted forward. Avis was equally impatient when she trailed 15th.
Even on the formation lap, it was apparent to anyone that Avis's driving style—even if it occasionally sent her kart careenering with a tyre torn to shreds—was aggressive, hounding for the brink between over steering and spinning the vehicle out completely. She pushed her Abarth not one rev below its limit on the straights, braked hard and scrubbed her tyres whenever she could—the numerous hairpins were great opportunities to do so. She'd need all the temperature she could get, after all.
It was only passing Roma that Avis slowed herself, aligning the Tatuus with the grid box. Now, the entire grid—all 24 cars—lay still, four cylinders growling in anticipation. Avis's gloved hands tightened around her wheel as her eyes stared ballista bolts at the overhead lights. Her foot subconsciously put revs on the engine.
Suddenly, a red circle pierced the noon sunlight.
Then two, exactly one second after.
Then three.
And four.
Then there were none.
And away Avis went—tearing across asphalt lanes with a passion unmatched.
It's really short and the ending's a total cliffhanger, but I think I wanna define Avis's character a bit more before I go overboard with the story-writing!
Still, it was mighty fun! I think I'll keep doing it.
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Memories (Bonus): The Trio Out for Lunch!
This was just a fun idea I had in my head when I heard the second prompt—not sure if they'd find this experience the most sentimental in their lives, but I think it's with a thousand more of these momentary polaroids that they really take on meaning.
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covesdadappreciation · 6 months
Howdy! Just started following your blog and I really like what you've got! If you're taking requests, could we get one of Tamarack being taken to prom by MC? Bonus points for jealous Qiu because I'ma slut for angst. I just wanna see Tam-Tam being treated like a queen.
Prom Night!
Tamarack x Male Reader (FTM Safe!) Author's note: This is literally just fluff, Barely angst (if you squint), just a reference to Qiu holding back <3 1518 words
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Tamarack had opened the door after hearing a quick singular doorbell ring,
“That’s weird” she muttered, opening the door to find nobody. She looks down and finds a paper airplane, picking it up and reading whatever’s in it. It read: ”Meet me at the bridge - your favorite person in the world (PS, you might wanna get a little dressed up for this)”
Once Tamarack gets on the bridge, there’s a strange path of flowers that head further into the forest. She furrows her brows, hesitant at first before following through. 
Though nothing could’ve prepared her for what she would see. 
MC was on a picnic blanket, readjusting the position of a bouquet he had set next to him, too anxious in making everything perfect to even notice Tamarack standing only a couple steps away. Even Tamarack was speechless, tears in her eyes over how cute this was. MC in formal clothes, a bouquet with brown paper wrap, fig cookies and raspberries in separate containers set next to one another, and a flower crown (made the way Tamarack had taught him when they were ten).
“Tammy!” MC exclaimed, surprised that he hadn’t noticed Tamarack before, “are you okay?” his smile drops at the notice of Tamarack’s teary eyes. “Yes, I’m fine!” she takes a deep shaky breath, “This is just really cute.”
“Oh my god,” MC quickly gets up and rushes over to Tamarack, hugging her tightly, “You’re such a goober.”
“You’re the one that set up this magical picnic” Tamarack huffs, “what’s this even for?”
MC’s eyes widen as if he almost forgot what he invited Tamarack here for, quickly letting go of the embrace he had on her, “I wanted to, I was wondering-” MC takes a deep breath, as if trying to compose himself and find his words, which Tamarack giggled to. Giggled.
“Will you go to prom with me?” He asked, “as a date?”
There was a small pause between the two, only the sound of the wood’s autumn leaves blowing and bird’s chirping could be heard before Tamarack finally breaks it with a loud, 
“Yes?! Of course I will!” She exclaimed, wide grin on her face, “I mean, I didn’t even know if you’d want to go with me, or if you even liked me like that, and then with everything happening to me in band and school, everything just seemed-”
She realized she started rambling before pursing her lips into a lined smile, holding back any more excited rants. She took MC’s hand, before pulling him into another long hug. 
”This is nice, but I kind of want one of those fig cookies right now” she mumbled softly into the hug, “Me too, Tammy. Me too” MC sighed.
It was prom night, MC was in the Baumann household, happily waiting downstairs with Opa while Oma and Tamarack were upstairs. MC knew that Tamarack always loved a grand entrance. Even when they were just kids, Tammy always knew how to make a moment magical by just entering a room.
Opa smiled softly at MC, seeing just how excited he was to be there for Tamarack. He knows that MC would do anything for her. He knows MC would never hurt her. Opa’s pretty sure that if it were any other guy, he’d have his suspicions. Finally, Oma came down the steps, quickly picking up the camera she had set up, ready to take pictures of her granddaughter. 
And like always, her grand entrance was a success. The ribbon in her hair, the pink prom dress that fit her perfectly in every angle, her confidence in herself– it made her breathtaking. 
Tamarack’s smile plastered on her face as she rushed over to MC, “You look amazing!” she chimes happily, looking over him in awe. MC smiles at the praise, “Are you kidding? I’m practically in a t-shirt compared to you! I’m going to prom with the prettiest girl.” Tamarack’s cheeks and nose changed to a pink hue, using her hand to hide her laugh.
Though the moment was cut short at the sound of a car honk, “Okay okay you lovebirds, MC’s mother is outside. MC, I trust you to be responsible with Tamarack and to get her home in one peice,” She hums before walking up to Tamarack and cupping Tamarack’s face and kissing her forehead, “and you have fun tonight.”
Opa smiled and nodded, as if giving that same affection just telepathically. 
Tamarack nodded excitedly, holding MC’s hand as they walked outside “I will Oma! Love you guys!”
“We’re gonna be so responsible!” MC announced, “Quick, Tamarack, get the booze” he whispered jokingly, making Tamarack playfully smack his arm. 
They arrived at the prom destination, a barn only a 30 minute drive from where they lived. It was mainly used as a wedding venue, and tonight, the school had gone all out. The fairy lights, the well set decor, the music in the distance, and the crowd of upper grade teenagers enjoying it to the fullest. 
Tamarack was practically bursting with excitement, looking over at MC over how pretty the place is, and how excited she is to be there with him, and to tell him how pretty he looks again, and how she’s probably going to explode if they don’t get in that barn right then and there. MC turned to her, running a finger over a loose strand of hair, pushing it back behind her ear
“Exciting right?” MC smiled,
“This is like the best night ever, MC, you don’t even know! I mean, look at it! Look at you! This is–” Tamarack threw her hands into her face and drew out a muffled groan, “Oh my god”
“You wanna kiss me so bad” MC teased, 
“If you’re lucky, we might” Tamarack snapped back before taking MC’s hand and pulling him and running with him towards the barn.
As soon as they showed their tickets, they heard their friends who were already there. Qiu, Ren, Vianca, and Serenity grouped together, each of them well-groomed and in their own formal outfits. 
“MC! Tamarack!” Vianca smiles, waving them over. 
Ren gives a small smile, Qiu looks at the two, also excited to see their best friends, though there’s a look of uncertainty that Qiu passes between the two. Serenity rushes up to Tamarack, giving her a tight hug, “You look amazing Tam!” 
Vianca looks over at MC, having known MC’s plan from a private conversation, “So did you ask her?” she whispered
MC confirms, “We’re here on a date”
Vianca pumps her fist in victory, “I told you she’d accept!”
Qiu furrowed their brows with a confused grin, “Wait, you two?..” They don’t finish their sentence, letting it sit in the air for a second. MC nods, “Yep! I asked her a couple weeks ago, I just didn’t wanna tell a lot of people the plan in case it didn’t go through” he chuckled almost awkwardly. 
“Oh, that’s..” Qiu hummed, their hand in their pocket fiddling slightly as if they were hiding something in it before composing themself with a sharp inhale, “That’s good! Great! I’m really excited for you guys.” 
Ren chimed in, throwing an arm over Qiu’s shoulders “They’re opening the snack bar finally, do you guys wanna go check that out?” 
“Actually, I think MC and I are gonna keep adventuring, we can meet up with you guys later?” Tamarack throws a subtle glance over at MC as if asking if that was okay with him too. MC nods, and the group disbanded again.
Tamarack and MC walk around the bar, saying hi to the occasional friend, playfully dancing at the songs they do like. About 2 hours in, and they were finally tiring themselves out. MC and Tamarack headed out to the back of the barn, laughing and breathing a little heavier at the amount of moving around they’ve been doing. 
With the music quieter out there, the faint lighting from the fairy lights and the moon, MC and Tamarack looked out at the plain view of the barn’s land. 
“This. This may have been the best night I’ve ever had in my life” She sighed happily,
“Then it’s good we spent it together” MC replied, holding Tamarack’s pinky crossed with his. 
A moment of silence fell between them, taking in the great day they’ve had.
“...I think I know one way on how we can end this night to truly sell it as the best night ever” she said quietly, making MC turn to look at her. 
Tamarack had a nervously giddy look on her face before shrugging, “We could… kiss?”
“Oh? So I’m lucky today then?” 
“Shut up” Tamarack chuckled, “So?”
MC smiled, taking her hand before giving her a small slow peck on the lips, but not moving his body away. It was like a test run on knowing if the first little kiss was okay. When Tamarack didn’t pull away either, instead only earning a tiny giggle from her, MC leaned in again, this time not pulling away from the kiss. 
Tamarack ran her hand through MC’s hair gently as they kissed, their eyes closed, before Tamarack hesitantly pulled away.
“Yeah. That sold it” Tamarack muttered softly, “Thank you for tonight, MC” 
“Anything for you, Tammy”
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covehearted · 1 year
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≻ — Qiu painting your nails
Tags: Established romantic relationship, gn!reader, nail painting as a love language
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Qiu Lin
Qiu likes painting your nails if you let them. It feels like their own brand of intimacy
They love to hold you, kiss you, and cuddle with you like other couples but something about painting your nails feels like it’s something uniquely theirs
They enjoy the quality time of it. They get to spend time with their favorite person and focus their attention entirely on you
There’s something hypnotic about their hands as they so very carefully apply the color you chose onto your nails. They take their time and make sure that they aren’t making a mess of it
Nail polish has become something special to them and how they express themselves. Being able to share it with you makes them feel happier than they expected
They’ll talk if you want them to, chatting with you or teasing you for being so tense because they’re holding your hand but they’re honestly just fine with the silence
You can see the focus in their eyes, the occasional crinkle between their brows as they do their best to keep the paint from smudging onto your skin
They’ll flick their eyes up from their task and catch you watching them and smile. They love you and they love spending this time with you
When they’re finished, they proudly watch for your reaction and if you’re pleased, their chest puffs up just a little bit, and their smile gets a touch wider
When you press a kiss against their lips to thank them, their beautiful brown eyes just soften with all the love they’ve felt for you
Would want to kiss you more if you move your hands around you might ruin the color they just put on and they’d have to start over again
And what a tragedy that would be… :>
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deceitfulmoon · 4 months
qiu lin and mc (in this fic, crow hawkins) focused , 700+ words , takes place in between step 2 and 3 , they / them pronouns for both characters
aka ‘fellas is it gay to look into my best friends eyes as they help me with my homework.’ -- Crow pulled on the rope that was attached to Qiu’s hideout, planning to bug them for help with homework. Crow was smart, they didn’t really need the help. But, it was an excuse to hang out with Qiu! Which they could never pass up.
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justalittlelilac · 10 days
Three days.
You had three days to tell Qiu Lin you were in love with them.
Part 1, Part 2 Word Count: 4,045 CW: Subtle references to depression and drug use
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You rounded the corner of the Lin residence, feeling slightly worse for wear. Sleep had been the enemy after last night's interaction with your best friend. You had tossed and turned like a ship in a stormy sea, waves of thoughts crashing against the fragile hull of your mind until fatigue dragged you under its murky waters around 5 a.m.
Even now, your mind was still anchored in the hideout, replaying the moments over and over like an old, silent film on repeat. You shook your head, trying to dispel the lingering fog, and pushed onward, kicking at the blanket of autumn leaves under your feet as if somehow that could bolster you.
It did not.
The crisp air nipped at your cheeks, sharp as a knife, and the earthy scent of decaying leaves filled your nostrils, a bittersweet reminder of the season slipping away. You inhaled deeply, but the cold air only seemed to tighten the knot in your chest.
The front door of the Lin house loomed before you, and your hand hesitated on the doorknob, fingers curling around the cold metal. From inside, you could hear laughter echoing through the walls, and the warm, savory scent of cooked food seeped through the cracks, filling the air with the comfort of cinnamon, sage, and roasting turkey.
This shouldn't be so hard, you thought. For years now, you and your mom, the Baumanns, and the Lins had shared Thanksgiving together. It began that very first Thanksgiving after you moved to Golden Grove when you'd confided in Qiu that it would be just you and your mom for the holiday—no one else. No distant relatives, no friends from before.
Qiu, being Qiu, had taken it upon themselves to make sure no one felt left out that Turkey Day. They always felt responsible for everyone's happiness back then, as if their arms were wide enough to gather the whole world in a hug, always feeling like it was their duty.
Luckily for you, that kindness had extended to your small family.
You still didn't know how they had convinced their parents, but the three families gathered around a shared table every year since then. Your mom had expressed her gratitude a hundred times, but you always felt a quiet relief mixed with something more—something you had never quite dared to name.
With a steadying breath, you turned the knob and stepped inside, the warm air embracing you immediately like a soft blanket. From the entryway, voices drifted in from the kitchen, mingling with the soft drone of a TV playing in the background. Your eyes traveled to the couch, where Mr. Baumann, Tamarack's grandfather, was already snoozing—his head tipped back, mouth slightly open, newspaper on his lap in a nap born of habit now that he was actually retired, not turkey-induced drowsiness.
You began to take off your shoes, your gaze wandering toward the dining room. The table was already set, the plates gleaming under the soft light of the chandelier, the silverware perfectly aligned. The Lins were hosting this year, just as you and your mom had hosted last year, and the Baumanns the year before that.
Everything seemed as it always was—perfectly in place—but something felt off-kilter, like a picture hanging slightly askew.
Suddenly, a voice cut through your thoughts.
"You're late!" Before you could even register the words, you were pulled into a warm hug, the familiar scent of vanilla and cinnamon wrapping around you like a favorite old sweater.
"Tamarack!" you exclaimed, pulling back just enough to look at her. "I thought you were going to be in Florida for Thanksgiving?"
Tamarack smiled faintly, her fingers nervously tugging at the cuff of her cardigan. The sight of her made your heart swell. She'd cut her hair, and it fell in soft waves just above her shoulders, the vibrant red catching the light in a way that made it glow like embers in a fireplace. You'd always loved how her hair seemed to blaze like that, and seeing her now, you realized just how much you'd missed her presence.
"I was, but… Dad had this academic convention thing, and—" she paused, her eyes flicking downward. "Well, you know how it is."
You gave her a tight-lipped smile, understanding all too well. You rested a hand on her shoulder, squeezing gently, offering a silent reassurance that you knew she needed. Tamarack had heard enough complaints about her parents from you over the years. You'd save it this time.
"Well, their loss because I get you all to myself then," you teased, lightening the mood, and Tamarack laughed softly, fanning your hand away with a mock frown.
"Hey, not true! I'm here too," came Qiu's voice, clear and bright, cutting through the air like a sunbeam as they emerged from the kitchen at the end of the hallway. Your heart stumbled in your chest, further tangling your thoughts with last night's almost-confession.
You found a crack in the entryway tile incredibly interesting as they approached. "I've been waiting for you," they stated casually, and your eyes snapped up.
I have been waiting for you, not we. You couldn't help the little giddiness you felt that, in turn, made you cringe internally.
"Well, here I am," you said coolly, shrugging and fanning your hands at your sides sarcastically.
Qiu laughed, "Yes, I can see that. Your mom said you were up late? Did your test go okay?" Their dark eyes widened slightly as if in concern.
The expression sent your heart leaping into your throat. Damn it. What would normally be an easy response escaped you in a choked grunt, and you mentally kicked yourself for being such a baby.
"Oh, uh, yeah! It went fine, just stress—y'know," you stammered lamely. From the corner of your eye, Tamarack's gaze oscillated between the two of you. Then, her red eyes narrowed as if trying to read between the lines of a page that wasn't meant for her.
You could practically feel her thoughts buzzing, and it took everything in you to not pinch her to keep whatever she was about to say to herself. She had an uncanny ability to sniff out your lies from a mile away. You were sure she'd known how you felt about Qiu for a long time, even though you'd never explicitly discussed it.
"You three going to loiter about or make yourselves useful?" Granny's voice rang out from the kitchen, halting Tamarack in her tracks. All three of you tensed like deer caught in headlights.
"Coming!" You answered in unison before all but running down the hall to help. The moment you crossed the threshold, it felt like you'd stepped back in time.
The warm, familiar kitchen space was bustling with activity. Mrs. Lin stood at the stove, expertly maneuvering pots. Mr. Lin stirred gravy on the other side, his brow furrowed in concentration. There was even a small army of Tupperware and bowls covering every spare countertop.
Your nose twitched at the scent of rosemary, sage, and basil swirling together. They made space for your mom, who was removing her homemade rolls from the oven heat with a pair of bright red mitts. You smirked slightly.
The Lins' kitchen had always been a place of warmth and comfort, even from the first moment you stepped into it so many years ago. It was a living memory, a scrapbook filled with laughter and the smells of comfort.
The walls were painted in a soft, buttery yellow that glowed under the warm overhead lights, and the cabinets were made of rich wood that matched the worn, well-loved floorboards. The windows were always open, letting in fresh autumnal air and fading light that reflected off the various mahogany accents scattered around the room.
It was a kitchen you associated with homework at the counter, with secret snacks during sleepovers, and with being shooed out of the back door by Mrs. Lin as she cooked. You'd snuck in that same backdoor on late nights as much as you and Qiu had been chased out of it. There's a reason why some people say the kitchen is the heart of the house.
As silly as it sounded, it felt like your own heart was beating in sync with every bubbling pot and crackling pan.
"You sure you even need help? Seems like we'd just be in the way," you chuckled. Sitting at the counter, Granny turned and wagged her finger at you with mock sternness.
"Nonsense, you kids—excuse me, adults—need to be put to work," she insisted. "Here, egg duty for the three of you. I need to make sure Opa isn't sleeping again. I swear, he'd miss the whole day if it wasn't for me," she grumbled before rising and making her escape.
"She knows Opa is going to be asleep. She just did that to get out of her own work," Tamarack murmured with a sigh. For a moment, she looked like a younger version of Granny—her expression, the way she crossed her arms, her wry smile. You'd heard it a thousand times before—how Tamarack had more of Granny in her than either of her parents. You couldn't help but smile at the resemblance, preferring it.
Tamarack grabbed an egg from the bowl, tapping it lightly against the granite counter before beginning to peel it. You and Qiu shared a look and, with a resigned shrug, formed a makeshift assembly line. Tamarack peeled the eggs, Qiu sliced them in half and scooped out the yolks, and you mixed the filling, stirring in mayo, mustard, and paprika before spooning it back into the waiting whites.
The three of you slipped into an easy rhythm, light conversation flowing between you. You laughed over things you'd seen on the internet, movies you'd recently watched, and memories of past Thanksgivings. For a moment, it was easy to pretend that nothing had changed, that you were just three friends, laughing and working side by side, just like before.
But every so often, someone would mention college—an anecdote, a funny story, a new friend—and the illusion would shatter like glass, the reality slicing your skin. You had nothing to offer in these moments, nothing to relate except a smile here, a nod there, and every so often a shared huff of annoyance in reference to studying.
The eggs were finished, and so was the rest of the food. After a chaotic setting of the table—filled with jostling, teasing, and Granny's laughter echoing from the doorway—you all finally sat down to eat. The table was overflowing with dishes—classic Thanksgiving staples like turkey, stuffing, and cranberry sauce, but also foods that reflected your friends' heritages.
Things like mooncakes that Qiu's family would get for the Mid-Autumn Festival, but always again for this special occasion, each one delicately shaped and filled with lotus paste. Granny had brought her famous kartoffelsalat, a potato salad recipe passed down from Mr. Baumann's mother and her mother before her, all the way back to Germany.
And, of course, your mom's pumpkin pie sat in the center, much to Qiu's noticeable relief.
The table buzzed with conversation as everyone ate, voices overlapping in a warm, familiar sound. You reached for one of the rolls, but your hand collided with Qiu's at the exact same moment. They swatted your hand away with a playful grin, snatching up the last one.
"Hey!" you exclaimed, feigning outrage. Qiu just laughed, eyes twinkling with that mischief that was oh-so-them.
"Gotta be quicker than that," they teased, but in the same breath, they were tearing the roll in half, offering you a piece with a soft, almost unconscious gesture of affection.
Cheeks flaming, you took the role without even a quip, which was unusual—normally, you never let Qiu have the last word. Beside you, Tamarack chuckled, and you nudged her gently with your elbow.
"I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you've still got it bad, huh?" Tamarack whispered, her tone teasing. Qiu was busy explaining to Granny again what they were studying at school; their animated voice faded into the background.
"Sh-shut up!" you hissed louder than you intended. It was the first time she had ever blatantly referred to what you both knew. "Don't… don't make it obvious," you murmured in a pleading tone, and you busied your hands by cutting into your food.
Tamarack's giggle was light and knowing, her eyes dancing with amusement. "I don't think you need my help to do that," she whispered back with a smug grin. This time, you actually elbowed her, but she just laughed, clearly enjoying your discomfort.
Eventually, the conversation shifted, and you knew what was coming before anyone even opened their mouth. The topic of college and futures turned, unfortunately, to you.
"How's school?" someone asked, and you braced yourself.
"Fine," you mumbled through a mouthful of mashed potatoes, hoping the food would muffle the sound of your anxiety.
"Enjoying your classes?" Came the next question.
"Yeah, they're great!" You stated a little too brightly.
"Make any new friends?"
"Well…yeah, actually a few!" you replied, the lie sliding out of your mouth as easily as the rest.
"How's work going?"
"Livin' the dream!" you quipped, flashing a smile that felt more like a grimace.
The table laughed, but it was the same polite laughter you'd heard a hundred times before—the same interview questions, the same rehearsed answers, a tired script playing out on an endless loop.
Then Granny's voice broke through the noise, unexpected and sharp.
"So, what can you even do with that? Your degree?"
"Dorthea…" Mr. Baumann sighed beside her, his tone laced with a familiar exasperation.
"Omi!" Tamarack chided, her eyes wide with disbelief.
"What? It's an honest question!" She defended herself. "You hear about these college kids studying things they can't even live on, saddled with debt. I'm only a concerned guardian. What, especially with everything that's gone on in the past, I only wanted to make sure they're thinking it through, is all."
Her words hung in the air, cold, like someone had left the dining room window open. It sliced through the warm buzz of the room, and suddenly, it was like the Hallmark golden veneer of the moment faded to the washed-out greys you knew too well.
The table went silent except for the soft clinking of silverware against plates. Granny looked around, realizing too late that she had put her foot in her mouth. "Oh, there I go again," she murmured, sighing. "I'm not trying to be the bad guy…"
You stared at your plate, feeling…nothing. Of course, no one spoke up. They probably thought she was right, and you didn't have the energy to defend yourself. Not like when you were younger and would have reacted in venomous anger.
It wasn't like you even could defend yourself if you wanted to. School, your job, even the act of getting out of bed some days—these were all just formalities you performed so people wouldn't pry too deeply.
You didn't care what she thought. What anyone thought. To hell with them. To hell with all of it. You didn't care… so why was your stomach churning, and why couldn't you look up? Why couldn't you meet anyone's gaze?
"Whatever they want," Qiu's clear voice broke through the tension. Your eyes lifted to see them giving Granny a flat, unyielding look. "They can do whatever they want with their degree. Besides, it's not really your business at the end of the day," they finished gently but with a tone of silk over steel.
The table watched quietly as the two stared each other down. Qiu then shrugged and took a drink from their glass, dismissing it like Granny had asked about the weather.
You'd almost forgotten there was this part of Qiu. That biting, 'you're either with it or you're not' attitude. The fierce, unwavering protector, the one who was just as much the mediator as they were the one who stood their ground and didn't flinch. To bite their thumb in the face of authority when it really mattered.
It was the side that reminded you why you'd fallen in love with them in the first place.
"Qiu, that's not—" Mrs. Lin started, but Granny raised her hand, a look of contrition crossing her face.
"No, no, Qiu is right," Granny nodded, seeming to understand the unspoken line she had crossed. "I'm sorry," she said, turning back to you. "That wasn't polite of me to ask, and even if it was, I went about it very ungracefully. I know you all must think I'm full of sage wisdom at my age, but even I still make mistakes." She chuckled, and a few others followed suit, but the awkward air lingered like smoke in a closed room.
"The tree farm!" Tamarack suddenly blurted out, snapping the tension like a wishbone. You raised an eyebrow. The tree farm?
"We're going tomorrow, right?" she continued, her eyes darting around the table with earnest hope in them. Your brain finally caught up with her words. Every year since you were ten, your three families piled into cars and drove out of the city to a family-owned tree farm to cut down your Christmas trees.
It was a whole day event—an unofficial ceremony that marked the true beginning of the holiday season. When Tamarack Baumann was finally allowed to relish in and shower her Christmas cheer on everyone around. Your cul-de-sac's very own holiday cheer meister and Santa Claus.
You could almost hear her humming Christmas carols under her breath and see her grinning from ear to ear as she dragged everyone through rows of trees taller than the sky. You'd almost forgotten about it…how was that possible?
The memories flooded back, of snow-dusted laughter, steaming mugs of hot chocolate, and Qiu's smile beneath a mist of frosty breath. The moments you cherished—the warmth that filled you from the inside out, even on the coldest days.
But now, thinking about it only reminded you of how much had changed, how there was no guarantee this would happen again. How much more complicated things felt. If Tamarack hadn't said anything, would this have just been another memory that remained just that? You swallowed, trying to clear the lump that had formed in your throat.
"I don't see why not if the Lins and the Seconds are for it. It is a tradition, after all," Granny interjected, seeming to try and make up for her previous fumble.
"A tradition! Yes!" Tamarack exclaimed, her eyes lighting up as she turned to you and Qiu as if the two of you were her last hope.
Qiu gave a quick nod, their smile warm, "Yeah, we definitely can't miss that."
"Great," Mr. Lin chimed in. He clasped his hands together, that quiet enthusiasm he always seemed to carry filling the air. "Us older adults can take our car. Would you be okay chauffeuring on the other end?" Mr. Lin and the rest of the table's attention fell back onto you.
"Uh, yeah, sure." You nodded, feeling a small surge of pride. It almost felt good to be old enough to be depended on, to have some small responsibility that made you feel trusted.
"I'm getting the perfect tree this year. I can feel it," Tamarack declared with confidence, eyes closed like she was already picturing the evergreen tree.
"Tamarack, last you picked a tree so tall you guys had to put it in your backyard and get another one," Qiu teased.
"That's why this year is going to be perfect. I've learned from my mistakes." She quipped back with a smirk. The table burst into laughter, and the tension that had hovered in the air just minutes ago seemed to melt away, dissolving like sugar in hot tea.
With bellies full and plenty of leftovers, the group began the ritual of cleaning up. You and Qiu were assigned dish duty while Tamarack busied herself with loading food into Tupperware for people to take home.
The kitchen had a quiet busyness about it. Every so often, you'd hear Granny or your mom laugh aloud. You and Qiu stood side by side at the sink, the warm water flowing over your hands as you washed and rinsed. Tamarack hummed behind you, working on her own task. For a moment, it was just the two of you again, the rest of the world fading into the background.
"Thanks for earlier," you mumbled, barely louder than the water, as you scraped at a stubborn piece of food on a plate. "You didn't have to—y'know—say anything."
Qiu glanced at you, their expression softening, a small smile pulling at the corners of their mouth. "Of course I did. Granny will just keep going if no one stops her, and what she said wasn't cool."
They paused for a moment, thinking about their words before speaking; their dark eyes were searching yours. "I just don't get why you always look like you're in trouble when someone brings up that kind of stuff. You're…doing great."
You handed a plate to them to be rinsed without meeting their gaze. Of course, they'd think that. You'd damned yourself to make it so.
"Right…" You only offered in response. Their hand brushed yours as they reached for the dishcloth, and your heart gave a little leap.
The contact was brief, fleeting, but it left a spark in its wake, an electricity that hummed between you like a live wire.
The dumbest thing, you thought. This was a person you'd spent the night within each other's rooms for years, sharing beds, and now you acted as if you were a Victorian who'd touched someone's hand without a glove.
Your cheeks burned, heat rushing to your face as you quickly returned to the dishes, scrubbing harder as if trying to wash away the emotions rising to the surface. The room seemed to shrink around you, the silence thickening. Qiu, usually so effortlessly chatty, was suddenly focused on a single spot on a wine glass, rubbing it over and over as if it might reveal some secret if they just polished hard enough.
It was then you noticed the absence of Tamarack's humming. Glancing over your shoulder, you saw her watching the two of you, her eyes wide, caught in the act of witnessing something unspoken.
"Oh! All done here! You guys need any help?" She stammered, scrambling to place a lid on an overfilled bowl of mashed potatoes.
"Nah, this was the last glass. I'll get the bigger stuff later," Qiu replied too quickly. Even though you offered to finish, Qiu would not be swayed. You felt the evening slipping away, an ache in your chest at the thought of it ending.
"Well…" you started, searching for an excuse, any excuse, to hold onto this moment a little longer. "I'd say we've earned ourselves a little walk, don't you think, Qiu?" You raised your eyebrows, a devil-may-care smile forming.
Qiu immediately caught your undertone and nodded with a knowing smirk. "I think you'd be right. A nice nature walk. We've earned it."
Tamarack looked between the two of you, suspicion narrowing her eyes. "A walk? I don't wanna go for a walk. Why—" Then she stopped, her eyes narrowing further. "Oh. A walk. Really?"
Qiu shrugged, playing innocent, and you simply gave a mischievous smile. "Exactly; what better time for a walk than after so much food."
Tamarack rolled her eyes with a long, exaggerated sigh. "Fine."
With a shared conspiratorial grin, the three of you slipped out the back door as if you were still teenagers sneaking away, even though you were past the age of needing anyone's permission. The forest loomed ahead, shadows thickening beneath the trees. The air felt cooler, sharper as if it were holding its breath in anticipation. Waiting for the three of you to return under it's branches.
Qiu slung an arm over your shoulder, their laughter light and carefree. You felt yourself stumble, caught between the want to lean closer and the fear of falling.
Tomorrow, you told yourself. Tomorrow, I'll say something. But for tonight, you let yourself pretend that time wasn't marching on, that it was just you and your two best friends sneaking out into the dark for a relaxing walk like nothing had changed at all.
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orion4ever · 8 months
hello hello good day ma'am, i come to you requesting headcanons. Qiu and Tamarack with an MC who tends to be very flirtatious with them but the moment they flirt back they are flustered. It could be the laziest or stupidest pickup line and they get all shy and blushy.
It could be step 2 or step 1 or even both if you feel like it. Have a lovely day!
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Author’s note: *breaks into your home* this idea is so adorable *mwah mwah* I wrote this in step 2! I apologize if it seems shorter than most other headcanons!
Pairing(s): Qiu Lin x Reader and Tamarack Baumann x Reader
Qiu Lin🗒️
To start , they love when you flirt with them. No matter if its taken in a platonic or romantic way!
While Qiu doesn’t always express it, they do get a little bit bashful about it and can’t help but chuckle a little.
They aren’t shy though, they will dish out a equal amount of flirty comments back.
Which brings me to the next point, your own reactions to their own flirty comments.
Qiu finds it so unbelievably funny that you always flirt with them and never get embarrassed; get so embarrassed and shy when it happens to you.
They think it’s super cute too , they just have to point it out.
“You must be a magician because every time I look at you , everyone else disappears” you winked.
“Aw, aren’t you the sweetest” they winked back.
*waving hand rapidly* “stahpppp”
“Your hand looks lonely , can i hold it for you?”
“Qiu you’re going to make me blush!!”
They will use this for their advantage way to often.
Tamarack Baumann🍂
She gets so shy and embarrassed every time you say anything that even alludes to being flirty.
She is very expressive and gets noticeably red every-time. That doesn’t mean she is just going to let you get away with it though.
She won’t do it there but will flirt back at a different time to catch you off guard.
Now for her reaction when you get shy about her flirting with you.
Tamarack becomes a little smug when you’re now on the other end of this scenario, depending on your relationship with her ; she might giggle a uncontrollable amount when you start getting all flustered.
She finds it so funny and can’t help but chuckle to herself.
“You must be a astronaut, because you are out of this world” you gently nudged her with your elbow.
“OH! Hahaha…oh my god , Y/N….”
Two days later….
“Do you have a map? Because I just got lost in your eyes.” Tamarack winked.
Tamarack loves this loop of banter you guys have.
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sunnydaze4ever · 2 years
Qiu lin x Reader
Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Takes place in Step 1
You couldn’t help but still be a bit upset honestly. Although you do have friends in Golden Grove, they can’t replace your old ones, nor could they replace your old apartments and schools. Even though Tamarack would say the place would never change, it was too much change for you. Tears started to run down your face, starting to silently cry. You felt kind of terrible for some reason. You had new friends, why are you so ungrateful? That thought didn’t help the waterfalls on your face, your eyes growing red and puffy. A knock interrupted your thoughts, your hands rushing to swipe at the tears. You ran to the door, pausing for a moment to make sure all tears were gone before opening it.
Before you stood your new neighbor, Qiu Lin. Well, not really since your the new one here. He opened his mouth for a second before closing it, clearly eyeing your red, puffy eyes. “Are you okay, (Name)?” Qiu asked, tilting his head a bit. You started saying you're okay, but a choked sob interrupted you. “What’s wrong?” He moved his hand slightly, as if he was going to hold yours, but put it back. “Can I come in?” He asked, shifting a bit in his spot. His usual calm, social exterior had shifted a bit.
“Yeah.” You said, moving so you were no longer blocking the doorway. He sat on your couch, you sitting next to him. “What’s wrong?” He questioned. It was then that you said all your recent feelings, the dam of emotions breaking down. Once you were finished, you took a deep breath and looked at Qiu. “Well, I’ve never moved before. But it must be tough, I can’t imagine having to leave Darren and move.” He wasn’t looking at you anymore, eyeing your flooring. “But I can say that it’s really brave that you're doing this. Even if you need to complain about it sometimes, it’s happening to you right now. And I’ll be here when you do need to.” Your eyes had widened, glossed over again.
“Can we talk about something else maybe?” You asked Qiu, not wanting to think about this any longer. He smiled a bit, before starting retelling a few stories. You listened to him talk about hanging out with Darren and Baxter, school, stories from all parts of his life. Your old thoughts faded, being interrupted with giggles occasionally. You knew that you wanted these moments to go on for the rest of eternity, for forever.
This was my first time writing a fanfiction! Hope you like it
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c0sm1c-c01nc1dence · 6 months
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Welcome! Before you send in any requests, let’s go over a few things, shall we?
Requests are: CLOSED! :(
Fandoms I currently write for (masterlists will be linked once they’re made):
- The Owl House
- Amphibia
- Oxenfree
- Beacon Pines
- Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts
- Killer Frequency
- Night in the Woods
- I Was a Teenage Exocolonist
- Our Life
What I WILL write:
- Platonic or romantic asks (though this depends on the character)
- Polyamorous relationships
- Themes involving mental health, anxiety, etc.
- Multiple character headcanons/drabbles
- AUs
- Readers of any gender
- Mildly suggestive themes
- Yanderes (preferably the less extreme kind, but I’m flexible)
- Character x character, though this is primarily an x reader blog
- Crossovers
- Headcanons, drabbles, oneshots, songfics, or multi-part fics
- Anon asks
- Prompt based asks
What I WON’T write:
- Smut of any kind
- Pedophelia, incest, rape/non-con, beastiality, abuse, the usual (I’m fine mentioning it, if it’s happened in the canon)
- Ships that directly go against canon, like a lesbian x male reader
- Extreme violence
- Certain Owl House characters (Belos, Odalia, Kikimora)
- Really anything else that makes me uncomfortable
Once your request is submitted, I’ll get to work on writing it as soon as I can! But keep in mind that it may take a while for it to be completed. Please be patient with me, and do not spam me to finish your request.
All that being said, you can get to reading if you’d like! Or, if you have a request that doesn’t violate any of the rules above, feel free to send it in! Drink water, take medicine if you’re supposed to, take some time to relax, and I hope you have a good day :D
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