#our older brother is very 'it sucks but thats the way it is. can we stop talking about it now please its depressing'
hughesyodaddy43 · 7 months
Six Flags ⎸ L.H
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Pairings: Luke Hughes x fem!reader , Platonic hockey players x reader  Genre : Fluff Synopsis : You go on a group trip to six flags word count: 2.3k+ (first fanfic so let me know what ya'll think)
The summer air smelt of light rain and flowers, the sun was bright and hot. The windows in the car were rolled all the way down and my hair was flying all over the place.
You were all on a road trip to six flags, it was the off-season and frankly really freaking hot. 
Quinn was driving with Trevor in the passenger seat, Luke was in the middle seat behind them with Jack on the right and you on the left of him, behind the both of you sat Cole Caufield and Alex Turcott.
Trevor was banned from playing music after he put on the worst edm songs known to man, so instead Cole took over the bluetooth and started  playing unwritten by natasha bedingfield. Soon enough the whole car was filled with mixed voices that were a hundred percent out of tune but nobody cared.
You and Luke had been dating for around 10 months, the two of you went to college together before he left for jersey. You were the only one in the friend group still at UMICH and you would be lying if you said college was the same without luke. You invited Ethan,Luca, Adam and their girlfriends to come but there wasn't enough room in the car for you to join the girls, so now you were stuck in the  car behind them with hockey guys and no other girls . As much as you loved them all, it got tiring trying to beat the ‘puck bunny’ allegations. 
“Are you excited?” Luke's voice echoed in my ear “yes i am. Will you go on all the big rides with me?” I asked him “or are you too scared?” I add as I examine his reactions, he sucks his teeth with a grimace “i'll be fine” he straightens his back as he finishes while i giggle at his comment  “so is that a yes?” “yes”.
We pulled up to the park, it was almost impossible to find a place to park the cars, it was absolutely filled with people. We all got out of the car and stretched before making our way over to the others. It was such a relief to talk to the girls, who knew being stuck in a car with hockey players for hours would be so hard.
We walk through the entrance of the park, Cole is almost bouncing with excitement as he cheerfully walks ahead with trevor. Jack was walking just behind the two with his hoodie and sunglasses on, stating that he's ‘too popular’ to not disguise himself as if he's not attracting more attention by what he's decided to wear. Quinn is next to Jack, slightly shaking his head at his brother's attire, Luke and I are trailing behind the two while everyone else transitions into a conversation behind us.
Once we are past the gates and have our wristbands on, we gather as a group to see where we should go first.
“Okay so, where do we wanna go first?” Quinn asks 
“We should go get food” luke suggests 
“Food before rides? Thats a bad idea” i say to the hockey player 
“alright , why don’t we go grab a guide and-”
“Wait. Where's Cole and Z?” Jack interrupts his older brother, securing an annoyed eye roll from the 24 year old.
We all looked around and counted heads to discover that Cole and Trevor had disappeared.
“They're probably at the rides, Cole was so giddy about coming here earlier”
 I say
“Okay so then why don't we just split up and meet back here when we're done? We can text each other if anything goes wrong” Alex says this and it doesn't go unlistened, everyone agrees with what he says and we all go our separate ways.
Luke begs me to go get donuts with him but I tell him we can get donuts after we go on the slingshot.
Walking around the park was fun, we found cole and trevor lining up, jack was with them and told cole to measure himself so he's sure he can fit on the  ride 
“Hey caulfield, go measure yourself over there, don't want cha’ to fall out”
“Very funny hughes, i'm not that short”
‘Well” trevor chimes in with a smirk 
“Shut up” Cole does the walk of shame over to the marked line, stomping his feet like a child. 
“NUH UH, HEELS DOWN, BUDDY” Jack yells out to cole.
 Cole huffs as he slowly lowers his heels, Trevor giggling over Jack's shoulder. A worker comes over to Cole, making sure he meets the marked line. The 5 '8 hockey player lets out a relieved sigh as he's told he's tall enough, just before stomping back over to the boys, ready to tell them off.
“Hahahahhaha bitches, I made it. ”
“ I can see the little lift your shoes give you” Trevor states while gesturing to his slightly lifted shoes 
“The height limit is 5’4, I am NOT 5’4”
“Whatever makes you sleep at night” Jack adds, allowing Trevor to slightly snicker at his comment.
Luke and I snicker at the two ganging on about Cole’s height before continuing our walk to the slingshot.
“Are you excited?” i Ask, slightly raising my voice so he can hear me over the loud music and distant chatter
“Yep, stoked.” Luke say
We reach the slingshot and Luke's grip on my hand tightens a bit as he watches the people on the ride fly into the air.
“Okay, i'll buy the tickets really quickly, you can go wait in line before we lose our spot.” I say to Luke while gesturing towards him. The line isn't too long just yet, it's just after lunch so most people are eating or resting before going on anything yet.
Luke walks towards the line, looking like a scared puppy or as Ethan would say, a ‘hairless cat’.
I quickly buy the tickets and walk over to my undoubtedly scared boyfriend. I've never seen him like this other than when he's on the ice. I mean the man is 6’2 i never thought heights would be one of his fears. 
He swallows hard, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down as he watches the ride reload.
“Are you okay, Lukey?” 
“Huh? Oh yeah” the boy says while playing with his hands 
“Are you sure? If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were scared?” i say as i raise an eyebrow at the 20 year old 
“I don't think you know better cause i'm not scared” he hisses 
“don't get your panties in a bunch, Luke. If you're not scared, you aren't making it look like that”
“What do you mean?”
“No offense but you look fucking terrified” i tell him 
“Mmhmm” is all Luke is able to make out before we are at the front of the line and ready to get in the seats.
We sit down and get ready, the workers have to do some things before we are ready to go 
“Okay, Y/N, what if I told you I was a little scared?”
“Its okay, i'm a bit scared too” 
“Okay , what if I said I was a lot scared? What would you say?’”
“i’d say i knew it, sorry honey but you didn't make it very believable that you weren't back there”
“Oh, how did I look?”
“you looked like you were shitting your pants”
Luke shakes his a head a bit, opening his mouth to say something before being cut off by the ride operator coming over with a microphone 
“Okay, who's ready to rumble?”
‘Would you like a countdown or no?”
Before I can answer, im interrupted 
“YES, please” luke yells out, his voice a bit squeakier than usual
I hold onto Luke's hand that's deathly gripping the bar, his knuckles going slightly white.
The seat moves back and luke lets out a small whimper, I can't help but giggle a bit at my 6’2 boyfriend being so scared. 
I sigh as i get ready , sitting back and stroking luke's hand lighty
We fly up into the air, Luke's screams being the only sound that's audible. Luke screams out so loud, I swear everyone can hear him. You want to scream too but you're too busy laughing as luke pants in his seat, palms sweaty as the seat comes to a slow stop.
“W-why are you laughing??’” luke questions
“Because I've never seen you this scared” I say between breaths of laughter.
“That's mean”
“You shouldn't laugh at your boyfriends expense” 
“Sorry Lukey, but you're just too funny”
“Nuh uh, stop laughing”
“What? Are you gonna hiss at me?” 
“Bro, that was one time”
Luke scoffs while shaking his head before continuing.
“My throat hurts”
“Mhm i bet” 
We are lowered back to the ground and are offered the video of our ride. Luke walks off not wanting to see it but I put my email in so I can see it later.
Luke gathers our bags and waits for me at the bottom of the stairs. I follow down the stairs and take my handbag from Luke's hand.
“Can we get food now? I need compensation” 
“Do you even know what that word means?”
It takes a minute before luke response 
“Yes? Maybe idk”
I snicker lightly at my slightly dumb but cute boyfriend.
“Because you went on the ride with me, we can get food” I laced my fingers with his and we made our way to the donut shop.
We all made our way back to the Hughes Lake house after Six flags, everyone was staying at the lakehouse for the night before they made their way back home, with the exception of a few stragglers. Luke played pool with his brothers while I stayed downstairs with Cole, going through my message before I found the email from six flags that held the video of Luke and I’s time on the ride. Cole looks over my shoulder while munching on doritos 
“Damn girl, you must have been terrified judging by that scream” 
I giggle before showing him my phone
“That's not me, it's Luke” I begin laughing as I watch Cole's eyes widen and his lips curl up into a cheeky smile.
“we gotta show the boys” he whispers 
“I know we do, why do you think I told them I had a video for them to watch after their game?”
“You're an evil woman, you know that?”
“mhm, thank you” I say, straightening my posture before lifting up from my seat, getting ready to screenshare on the tv. 
The guys finish their game and pool into the living room, grouping up on the couch with a few sitting on the floor.
Jack, Quinn, Alex sit on the right while Luke and Ethan cuddle up together in the middle with Adam and Luca squishing up on the left with their girlfriends finding spots in between. Cole and Trevor both move onto the blowup mattress on the floor, in front of the couch.
“What do you have planned, y/n?” Ethan asks 
“Yeah, is this gonna take long?” Quinn says 
“Why, is it past your bedtime, Quinny?” Jack adds 
“Okay okay, relax. I have a fun video from our day today that i'd like to share”
Luke's body tenses up, his movement not going unnoticed by Ethan who is tightly wrapped around luke in a warm embrace 
“What did you do, Rusty?” Ethan whispers in Luke's ear, only gaining a glare from the boy.
“Hey, y/n, since your boyfriend has been taken by ethan over there, why don't you cuddle up to me?” Cole says with a big smile on his face before frowning after luke kicks his back 
“Back off, dude” Luke growls 
“As much as I love your confidence, Cole. I'm not into short guys, and it's way too hot for that” i say before gaining a whoop from the girl and an ooo from the boys 
"its only hot cause Alex is here" Trevor adds while turning his head to face Alex, blowing him an imaginary kiss. Alex doesn't say anything, instead he shows off his dimpled smile with a toothy grin while shaking his head at the young boy.
“Just thought I'd ask.” Cole shrugs as he lays his head on a cushion.
I giggle before sitting down in between Cole and Trevor, Cole grins at me while he waits for me to start the video.
I press play on the video, my screen showing up on the tv and the video of Luke screaming echoes through the room.
Everyone begins giggling and cackling, all except for Luke who is sitting there, still entangled with Ethan and sporting a bright red blush on his cheeks. 
The video ends and the group wipe the tears of laughter from their eyes and all stare at luke.
Luke looks at me with a look of annoyance before giggling and curling his lips into that wonky smile I love so much.
“Im sorry, babe but i had to show everyone” i say to my embarrassed but happy boyfriend 
“Its fine, i'll just have to get you back later” he replies while pulling Ethan a little closer 
“Yeah, y/n im taking yo bae” Ethan jokes. 
“Yeah, whatever” i say before turning around to face the screen 
“we should watch a scary movie” Adam request, earning a nod from his older brother
“Nope, it's bedtime” Quinn says as he moves from the couch, he gives me a small side hug while moving to say goodnight to everyone else before retreating up the stairs to his room, Trevor quickly stealing his spot on the couch. 
After the movie, I look around the room to see Luke, my boyfriend cuddling Ethan while sleeping. They are spread all along the couch as everyone migrates to their designated rooms, Cole and Trevor staying downstairs on the mattress. Instead of waking up the tired hockey players, I simply kiss Luke on the head, say goodnight to everyone and go to bed, enjoying the space in the bed and access to pillows.
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aamethyst000 · 12 hours
feeling so blue right now, i feel kind of stupid about it lmao - july 2,24 - 7:12pm
Dude, my 3DS fricken broke a couple of days ago and ive been sad about it ever since lmao i was almost done with my master quest on OoT!! how abosultely frusturatingg is THAT?! i was at the last temple, getting to the very last sage before finding out who sheik's other identity is. i didnt even get to start over on majoras mask or kirby. Now im on the look out for a new DS, whether it be a 2DS or a 3DS again i'll decide that when i know i have enough money for it. which will take a long while because i still dont have a goddamn job EVEN THOUGH ive applied to 3!!!! other jobs this year but absolutley no one has answered me. i fucking hate it when they just ghost me like that. i'd rather have them telll me striaght up that im not "fit" for the position i apllied for, or simply just not hired. that's all i want! not this no answer IS an answer bullshit. anyway, hired or not, im still going to be without a handheld concol for a good couple of months. maybe. it depends. i Just started decorating my 3ds with pretty stickers :( i literally wanted to go cry about it, only to be slapped with reality, about how old my 3ds is, that just made me mad lmao because my older brother's dsi is lasting LONGER and it is F I V E years OLDER than my 3ds!!! like, fuck off xD oh well, nothing i can do about it now, considering i dont even have enough money for just the repairs alone. so, im just going to buy a new ds instead. i know that is not any cheaper, but i'm impatient and i really want to finish my file on the master quest!! dammit!!
9;25pm - i just found out i cant play any gamecube games on my laptop :( the emulator is slow and laggy which kind of sucks but i am able to play them on my phone! ive finished twilight princess three times now and im on my way to finish wind waker now, which is taking a bit but only because this is my firdt time finishing on my own with out my older brother lol its okie, im an adult (with a short temper but thats besides the point) i can do this just by looking up the quest part on either youtube or wikihow, ive done it for the heart collections on twilight. i can do it for the wind waker playthrough. which i have about 3 times so far. and i think i am doing pretty well! for my first play through by myself. i can see why i had little to no interest in it when my family actually owned the game. i only remember my older brother playing WW, the others played mario sunshine or smash bros (both are the best btw). so, i dont blame younger me for not having too much interest.
july 5,24 1:11am - SSOOOOOOO UUUUHHHHHH.......shit just got a bit chaotic today! we just found out that my brothers school isnt going to continue high school classes. so they will have to go sign up for another school, IN ANOTHER TOWN BY THE WAY. my mother and i have been mulling it over almost all day today, she says that she doesnt want my younger brother to be staying with any of our family members and i agree with her. lemme explain, one aunty of mine tends to be agressive, some times downright abusive, another aunty, emotions fly like a humming bird who drank nothing but espresso, on of my cousin has a child of her own to look after, same with my cousins sister and she has two kids, all of which my brother does not know very well and will be shy like me and not talk for a long while. make him feel like being comfortable but shy and quiet about it is bad. anyway, my mother is very iffy about sending him into town for his last year of school and i get it. the last time she did that with my older brother and shit hit the roof with him. he moved in with one of our aunty's place, stayed for a few months before finally moving out because said aunty was trying to take advantage of my brother temporarily looking after our spoilt ass nephew who looked and treated his cousins as literal maids. not only that, she tried to start a fight with him and our cousin fucking did nothing but make it worse. so yeah, i get why my mother doesn't want to send my little brother into town. why is my little brother's high school life so chaotic and none of it is even HIS fault?? like DAMN universe!! fucking take a goddamn chill pill when handling my litlle brother THANK YOU!! and for my older brother, FUCKING LEAVE HIM ALONE HE HAS BEEN THROUGH ENOUGH ALREADY OR I IWLL THROW HANDS
anyway, this year has been one fckn crazy year for us, thats for goddamn sure.
july 8,24 6:35pm - i keep trying to play on the family dsi, i cant seem to stay on it long like i did with my 3ds. and i really miss my 3ds, i cant believe i have to buy another one and fucking save up for that. im planning on getting a screen protector, case and a little game case for the handheld consol. be more prepared this time and all. im just so mad the dsi is lasting longer than my fckn 3ds!! lmao just fckn RUDE! anyway, what i have in my little cart on ali express says it costs up to 205 for those things all together, i was going to look on amazon but i have doubt with their electronics and such, and it is more expensive as hell. so no thanks. i think i can wait until i have enough to buy those things for my new 3ds. i just keep onn looking at my old 3ds all sad that i cant play on it for all hours of my day. oh well, i can save up money for myself, so i can save up to get a replacement and possibly other accescories for my new ds kekekeke
i forgot to mention that i went to go hang out with my friends the other day, we had shrooms and edibles for the night, it was fckn fun and kind of upsetting lmao there were certain situations where i was questioning a lot, and other situation i just straight up did not like. other than that it was quite fun tripping pretty hard like that, however sleeping was freaking difficult lmao i was literally arguing with myself in my own head about getting to bed and sleep, i just flopped around and fucking giggled at myselef like, what the hell lmao
11:23pm - good this i double checked the 3ds for anything else that i am missing and now that ive done that, it wont turn on at all, itll just lightly beep at me almost like a whisper and then itll just shut off without the screen turning on. im even more sad lmao i cant wait till i have enough for the 3ds and the cases, i really want to finish my master quest on ocorina of time. this itch wont go away until i do. i should clean my room and start on the towels soon. the house is starting to look like a tornado went into our house and i so can tell that none of us are liking it so i am hoping that one or all of us finall gather our energy to clean up the house again. we need it and the pets really need it too. i know that the messyness is affecting us all to the point we \re getting cranky. so, yeah, we need to clean up. this will help my brain get over the guiltiness of buying myself this new handheld consol and the fact that i am using a little bit of my savings. i already have cashed out a couple moolas from the band office but no more than that. i still do not trust my little brother around my savings still. so ill be keeping some in my bank while slowly cashing them out when he doesnt know that i am going there or why. to which i only go to the band office during school days. speaking of, i still dont think that he wont be able to go and graduate on time unless i move to rupert. and if i do that, that may mean that ill have to talk to my alchoholic "dad" about helping me move to an apartment and then sign my little brother up to the highschool but the thing is, the school education there is way different than the one he is used to and grew up in. which sucks cause i was excited for him to gradutate. he only has one more year to go too! it sucks so much i wish the school is starting to get their shit together during this summer cause MY GOD!! this is ridiculous. almost no teachers in highschool? i stilll cant get over that!!! any way this will be the last journal entry for a bit, good night/day readers!
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celibibratty · 11 months
Ngl, would be kinda cool to imagine an idea of lis2 sifu AU(but this game(lis2) is so suck that It won't let It work😒specially on aspect of the villans idk who can be💦),(sigh), okay, lets think, the main characters I not even need to say who will be, do I?, this yang, his our main characters big brother...sooo It all points to sean(but its kinda weird taking in consideration we also have a "sean" in the game, tho sean doesn't look like neither of them, tho "I tired of this shit"(this a dialogue of this sean(sifu)) is a very sean(lis2 sean) thing to say😒, and the older version of this yang doesn't combine with the older version of sean(that could be him from bb I guess?), It doesn't need to be coherent to the original characters, lets pretend sean being this yang so It makes more sense with Daniel, the vengeance, like, Daniel would be avenging who? Because in the logic of the game, the main characters are avenging their father's death, so Daniel would be avenging...Esteban?😒(spongebob hawaiian cocktail playing in background), sorry!! I just don't like esteban(I respect him as sean and daniel's father, but I don't care about him), I mean this one kind makes sense, the problem is that I DON'T LIKE ESTEBAN💦(and the visual gets me too, our main characters father is an old man, I mean esteban is an old man too, but our main characters father looks like a grandpa and Esteban looks like "a daddy😩👌"or dilf(I don't like much this word), tho playing the opening again ngl I found the old man kinda good looking, he's an old man of respect, I prefer the old man than Esteban😒), this fajar, this one is easy, for me super combine to be the gangster/short dude that got fucked up both in bb and lw(cuz I feel this dude have a tension with daniel, the same way our main characters have a tension with this fajar because he is the one that killed them, so they have this fear, but also this hate/rage towards him), actually all the three First bosses could be portrayed by the gang members If you want, the short dude would be this fajar, the big bald dude this sean and the girl could be this kuroki, this one makes sense cuz those are characters I could Cleary see daniel messing with, its just funny cuz they are very random, okay, but if you want some important characters, this fajar for me super combines this dude, this sean unfortunaly idk, this kuroki if you want It could be lyla😒(the problem is that daniel likes this bitch and y'know... our main characters kill them!, so daniel would never😩👌, although daniel in the beggining also liked cassidy and then he almost killed her, so I kinda don't doubt It🙄, one of the things that make lyla combine with this kuroki for me, its that both of them combine with the word "bitch", I feeling kinda bad to associate this kuroki with this word 😅but it kinda combines with her, but ofc way more to lyla, ugh, I don't like this girl), the old lady I mean this jinfeng, tsc, its very obvious who combine to be, lisbeth!, even the way our main characters kill this jinfeng is exactly alike the way Daniel kills lisbeth and I never notice that, I mean I founded similar when I saw it, but its more similar than I thought(i always thought that our main characters killed this jinfeng by hanging her, but playing again and again now I see that they actually break/crack her neck, thats what kills her, which exactly what daniel's do when he kills lisbeth, and both deaths/scenes are kinda creppy, our main characters is a cool creppy, daniel's to me its a bad creppy(I have a trauma with this scene/episode 4 in general💦), but I will accept for the sake of coherence😓(jokes asides, what makes lyla have something in common with this kuroki is that both have some sadness/mental problem(like depression!? idk what this kuroki have, but she has/had something and lisbeth and this jinfeng are both very gredy old ladies)
#coitada dessa kuroki ser interpretada pela lyla(hmph se o Esteban fosse pra ser o velho essa mina já ia querer é dá o cú pra ele😒💢 isso sim#It's true what Marina said maybe this Sean can be this brett dude(its kinda random char too) yeah but just like in s1fu...#You can add some characters from daniel's past that combines to him have a grudge/go after#In nutshell characters that daniel would have a reason to kill☠️(yeah sean is one of those)#I forget that there is also the talisman mechanic (it's just that nowadays I play it so well that I don't even age our characters anymore)#at 25 years old Daniel transforms into him from R(that would totally be a game that I would try hard not to die💦(roman holiday playing))#but I'll be honest I don't believe BB Daniel would become him from R at 25...#I think BB Daniel would remain the same actually#Let's just focus on the Young look💦 (although I can really visualize BB Daniel wearing the 40's jacket(would be cute)#this idea its not even about lore😅it's more a visual aspect#i just think would be cool/neat see daniel as the main characters in sifu style#cuz i can cleary imagine a redraw of some of the scenes but with daniel#i can imagine the scene that they kill this fajar#i can imagine the rain scene of this yang fight(even tho i said older sean don't combine with this older yang visual#But now i can kinda see a BB sean using a tradicional clothe like this yang#Who wish I could draw this op💧#lis2 discussion#about s1fu
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bbeelzemon · 4 years
I havent really sat down and really talked to (texted) my brother in a while BUT i found out hes playing animal crossing (hes usually not much of a gamer, especially for nintendo games), which im very surprised about because i was literally wondering earlier today if he would even like this game, AND i found out that both him and his girlfriend hold the same political revolutionary ideals that i do! Neat!
#last i heard of his political opinions was in 2016 when he straight up told me 'i havent been paying attention to the candidates#who are you voting for and can i just copy your ballot' so i told him to vote for bernie HDJSDHSFHSN#so he moved out in uhhh idk 2018 or something like that and this sort of conversation never comes up in text with us#but i was talking about getting dad a switch and then the switch shortage due to the virus and then the virus itself#and so on and so forth#i sent him that meme with donald glover 'me voting for bernie in 2016 vs me voting for bernie in 2020'#and also the screenshot of how much a guillotine costs (the amount of the stimulus checks americans will be receiving)#and he supposedly liked both of those so >:)#rubs hands together devilishly#im honestly just surprised because besides me my entire family is so conservative (just parents) and just in general not open about politic#it wouldnt surprise me if his gf was the one influencing him to actually Pay Attention To Things In The World#but im not complaining! glad to know im not the only one in my family whos fed up with how this shitty country is run LMAO#our older brother is very 'it sucks but thats the way it is. can we stop talking about it now please its depressing'#amd uhh my parents.. i mean lets just say theyre white middle class boomer repub/licans because thats just entirely their situation here#my oldest brother i dont even KNOW anything about how he or is wife think about politics#so im glad now i can at least talk to someone and know he'll understand when im upset about something LMAO
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theygotlost · 2 years
angela cross and/or francis ^_^
favorite thing about them: that she was a genetic scientist #womeninstem AND ALSO THAT SHES LIKE TWICE AS TALL AS RATCHET #girlboss #feminism least favorite thing about them: that she disappeared without a trace and was never mentioned again!!! that insomniac tried to sweep her very existence under the rug when reestablishing the lore! angela I will #neverforget you favorite line: the post credits scene where ratchet's like "whatever happened to qwark?" and angela says smugly "I heard he got a new job at megacorp 😏" smash cut to qwark getting his balls exploded in a saw trap. LOL! brOTP: I liked her partnership with ratchet and clank and I liked that she wasn't really portrayed as a love interest. I think they would hang out as friends OTP: some people ship her romantically with ratchet and thats fine i guess but idc.... angela and RIVET though......
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nOTP: I think ratchet and rivet and maybe sasha are the only people I've seen shipped with angela and I don't really hate any of those. love and light random headcanon: This only makes sense if you're obsessed with rac lore but I think the reason rivet knew angela is cause she's originally from rivet's dimension. For some reason she made her way to ratchet's dimension for the events of going commando but probably returned shortly after, which is why everyone acts like she doesn't exist. This would at least reconcile the fact that she was there in gc but then a few years later ratchet is now "the only lombax left in the universe". um.... except for azimuth. the ratchet and clank lore is hot garbage. unpopular opinion: for some reason angela didn't have a tail which everyone immediately assumed meant that female lombaxes don't have tails and males do. but thats stupid. maybe she was just fucked up? maybe she lost her tail in the yuri war??? ever think of that? this is not to discredit the trans rivet headcanon I still think that's real. but not because of the tail thing. she simply has transfem swag. song i associate with them: idk any kind of girlboss song. sorry i havent really thought about it favorite picture of them: this is a fan rendering but i really like it cause it's a more high def version of her ps2 model that's not absolutely horny like all other angela fanart and fan models. this is how I would want her to look if she ever makes another appearance
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favorite thing about them: HES SO FAIL. he's supposed to be "cool older brother who's awesome" BUT HE SUCKS SO MUCH. least favorite thing about them: i won't lie i don't think his actor is very good. obviously francis is my favorite character in the show but he's one of the weakest actors his performance can just be really awkward sometimes favorite line: I can't think of any specific line but it's always funny when spangler creates some new rule or punishment and he turns tot he other cadets and is like JOIN ME IN THE FIGHT AGAINST TYRANNY AND OPPRESSION! WORKERS OF THE WORLD UNITE WE HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE BUT OUR CHAINS! brOTP: not exactly what this question is asking but I love the episodes where he gets to come home and hang out with his brothers!! Usually the 90s/2000s character archetype of "edgy mean older brother" will ruthlessly torment their younger siblings for no reason and just be really cruel so I like that he genuinely cares about his younger brothers and tries to protect them from bullies and stuff. and I like that malcolm reese and dewey really miss him when he's away and get excited when he calls or visits. reminds me of when I came home from college for christmas break and my little brother hugged me so aggressively I toppled over. OTP/NOTP: I don't have many thoughts here so im just combining these questions. so far there's not really anyone to ship him with since any girl he likes is a one off character who ends up hating him by the end of the episode. i guess if you're desperate enough for malcolm in the middle yaoi you could pair him with one of the other cadets or with richie but i dont feel that vibe. random headcanon: in that gay francis dream i had it was an episode where its revealed the whole family has making bets for years as to when francis will come out. he kisses a guy and then reese punches malcolm and is like "lol you owe be 5 bucks doofus 😆" unpopular opinion: im not super involved in the mitm+ community yet so idk if this is unpopular but I don't think francis needs a subplot in every single episode (im halfway through season 2 so idk how the writing will change over the course of the show). If it ties into the A plot or if he's home from military school then I think it's fine but a lot of episodes will have perfectly fine sitcom-standard A plot and B plot with the rest of the family and still try to squeeze in a C plot for francis that will have a screentime of like, 2 MINUTES. and is it really worth it? most of the time it would have been better if they just padded out the other 2 plots and gave francis more screentime in a different episode instead of giving me whiplash from transitioning between scenes that are like 5 seconds long. song i associate with them: im trying to not listen to songs and think "this is for my blorbo francis XD" so if i ever make a francis playlist i need you to shoot me im too far gone man. but lately ive been listening to a lot of beck which i think is the quintessential vibe for 90s/2000s edgy teen guys. im a loser baby why dont you kill me ❤ favorite picture of them: i like this one where he is on the phone and scared. me when im on the phone and scared
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marsandsaturn · 4 years
the eren and connie, no, connie and eren podcast ; a series
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inspired by @sofi-yeager ‘s comment
fluff ; crack ; 16+ ; slef indulgent because these two are basically my brain cells at 3 am
also i just remembered that kaji yuki (eren's va) and shimono hiro (connie's va) have a radio show together and this basically them lmaooo
spelling errors but will edit at a later date
also to have them answer your questions you can go into my inbox and ask them under this format for now until i have an official podcast name for them (format below)
dear eren and connie, (ask question or whatever here) (after writing your question or whatever sign off with your tumblr blog name ; or if you are using anon, sign off with a emoji or some sort of way to identify yourself
host(s): eren yeager and connie springer
producer: armin arlert
outreach manager: zeke yeager
writer/editor: historia reiss
audio engineer: zeke yeager
coordinator: eren yeager
eren and connie, no, connie and eren podcast (for now) ep. 1
*podcast intro plays*
welcome to the eren and connie, no, connie and eren podcast. the name is a work in progress.
obviously its called the connie and eren podcast but eren keeps trying to change it
because eren and connie sounds better, connie, obviously. anyways since this is the very first podcast, we have nothing *laughs* obviously we don’t have questions from our viewers either *laughs nervously*
because we don’t have any, both of our following on twitter and instagram combined is only like 1,000 and we never tweeted about starting this podcast
we probably should have. yikes. but anyways since we didn’t and if we did it would take to long to collect questions, we're just gonna talk about what this podcast is gonna bring
*clears throat* so we are definitely gonna change this podcast name so leave your suggestions. *whispers* ya'll better suggest connie and eren eren i may be stupid but you suck as whispering bro anyways
we will also be bringing guest like our friends and even guest that you request but no one like beyonce or nicki because we wouldn’t be able to get them. basically a big time celebrity is a no no :/
chaos? definitely the place for you. seriousness? probably won’t be a lot but we’ll try. annoying levi because we want to?
HELL YEAH *laughs*
levi will be a rare guest because he thinks we're annoying but he loves us, even though he won’t actually say it
mhm levi’s approval is the most important, like he doesn’t know we are doing this. he also doesn’t know that brother is helping us with this. and let’s just say that he absolutely despises him.
so since we don’t have a topic let’s introduce our podcast team and what they’ll contribute to this team.
on our team we have our one and only producer who is also our bestie. please state your name and your job on this team. *looks at armin with connie*
*blinks* OH THATS ME. *nervously laughs* hello im armin arlert the producer of this team. i am basically the leader of this team. i oversee the production, and execute the show's vision and make very hard decisions and keep, well i try, to keep everyone focused and organized but this is connie and eren that we are talking about, nothing is focused and organized with those two. eren get the hell out armin armout, bestie pass revoked armin *rolls eyes* who ever said we were besties? connie *obnoxiously laughs* eren next! now for our outreacher manager aka my older brother *disgusted face towards zeke* zeke don't make that face eren, i thought you love me. eren clearly you are brainwashed because i just tolerate you. just state your name and your job zeke you love me. but besides that, i am zeke yeager, aka the outreach manager and the audio engineer as well as eren's older brother. my job is to find people to interview for the show, but not only people but topics to talk about. as a audio engineer my role is to turn thr faw recording into a good episode. i can tune, mix, adjust level, remove background noises, edit out certain words and other stuff. i also arrange the show by adding ntros, outros, ads if we get the, and ny other segments. and if eren and connie want, i can add sound effects, background music and clips. connie
so you just reach out and finds things for us to talk about or people to talk to and edit sounds or? zeke eren i think you friend his deaf. do i need to use sign language with him? eren of course you know sign language. fuck off zeke armin stop cursing, zeke is going to have to edit that out *frowns and rolls eyes* connie ignore the blockhead armin. next we have our very own writer and editor and possibly the the baby momma of eren's child eren you know what, i'll throw you in a ditch. shut up and introduce her properly and she isn't pregnant you baldhead
connie ignoring comment, smelly breath. but please state your name and your job historia you both are stupid and i hate you, why did i sign up for this? eren because i asked? connie because i promised that i would show you eren's small dick eren CONNIE I WILL.... *PLEASE STAND BY* eren that was refreshing anyways please state your name and job historia my name is historia reiss and i am the writer/editor of the podcast. my job is to prepare notes or the recording of is anyone needs a script *coughts* eren eren stop targeting eren on the eren and connie podcast connie connie and eren armin shut up! historia i also prepare show notes and a audio transcription after the episode is published. connie finally the hosts and coordinator. eren and i are the hosts of the show and eren is the coordinator eren as the coordinator my job kinda includes everyones job. i kinda have to be focused but since i am also the host, i am more on the chaotic side. but my job includes setting up the podcast website, publishing content to the website, distributing the shoe to many podcast platforms like apple podcasts, spotify and google podcasts. i also schedule social media post and engage with fans, connie also does that but he's not the coordinators. i also send out notification emails out whenever there is a new episode that's avaliable connie
this first episode was so unorganized but this was kinda a last minute thing we set up in two day. eren
our studio is basically this empty room that is in my apartment, upstairs. it used to be a place for storage but we changed it up to the podcast studio.
by next weeks episode we probably will be more organized and everything won't seem all over the place. also we will probably have more fans and interact so please leave questions and topics under our pinned tweet on twitter. @/connieverse and @/yeagerist.
this is the eren and connie-
no connie and eren
*sighs* we’ll find a better name
-podcast. also it will be better ut you leave the question under zeke’s punned post at @/beastitan seriously what a weird twitter handle-
its better than yeagerist. thats literally our last name
*rolls eyes* thanks for joining us on our very first episode. see you next time when we we better organized
the viewers are definitely gonna tell us to use connie and eren podcast
eren and connie
connie and eren
*cue them arguing over the podcast name as the outro music plays*
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chunkysunconcious · 3 years
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Well,, i just finished the last animated episode of Nana and I have a few thoughts,, also i feel empty feel empty for some reason but im just going to ignore that (there will be spoilers !!!)
- I absolutely hate sachiko (the one shoujo cheated on hachiko with) her character was annoying and i wanted to punch her pretty much everytime she was on screen,, Her character isnt intresting and her actions fucking suck,, I am very pro sachiko slander
- Despite reira being a literal pedophile,, I think she was written really well,, she is a very layered character who is greedy and selfish and in a way very manipulative,, using shin was a horrible thing,, the only good thing about her is she has nice hair, but I liked watching scenes with her,, seeing her interact with trapnest/other characters was insightful,, sometimes it feels like you could almost justify her actions if it wasnt for the absolute no no illegal shit she did since she acts so lovely wtih some characters,, (DOING THINGS WITH A FUCKING MINOR????????)
- Ren wasnt interesting,, I never really felt like i was getting to know his character or why he does what he does,, etc, most of the interesting parts came from mostly Nana,, but I still feel like he’s somewhat of a realistic character,, there just doesnt feel that much to him on a very surface level
-Hachiko did get on my nerves at some points,, but she was greatly mistreated by so many people that it angered me,, even at times be Nana,, shin was probably the truly nicest person to her,, she has a lot of natural human flaws,, and she was a very greedy and materialistic person who was on the more sensitive side, and really only seemed to think the most about relationships,, she did have a mothering quality that probably attracted shin to like her,, In summary I Both love her and dislike parts of her,, she has some pretty unhealthy mindsets but has shown she can grow
-Nana definitely came off as a complex person,, she was abandoned by her mother at a very early age and that affected her pretty much at every point throughout her life,, I kind of thought it would be more empowering for her not to be so focused on ren,, and for a while she wasnt,, and she kept trying to reject the idea of him in the year off that he went to tokyo,, but in the end (of the anime) she was with him,, I also feel like thats realistic and I dont blame her for that,, She seems to need him in one way or another,, but i know shed be able to survive even with just Yasu
-Yasu was probably the big brother/uncle/father role everyone needed to keep their shit together,, I swear he mustve lost all his hair from second hand stress of these broken people,, I godamn love this man,, and he handles things so well,, and maturely too,, he always dealt with everyone during the whole show,, and pretty much always knew what to do,, we all need a yasu in our lives
-Shin’s character was pretty heavy ,, its very obvious his way of (TW,, S/H) hurting himself was sleeping with older woman,, it was for sure a destructive behaviour,, He basically got manipulated by reira even though she still liked yasu,, and shin was aware but its sad to know that he pushed that aside just because hefelt like for once someone valued him,, Hachiko was one of the only people that loved him without expecting anything in return,, conculsion - shin needs a better family and therapy,,
Theres more characters but Ive written a lot so Im just gonna leave it for now,, I will 100000000%%% rewatch the show again and again and again forever and ever,, Im only a teenager and these are real life mature themes and actions that I want to understand better and I’ll make sure to watch it even when im a full grown adult,, I want to understand it all as much as I can
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themaninflannel · 4 years
Orgasms and Cold Pizza (snapshots pt1)
summary: reader met dean senior year of hs Bc she looked out for Sam. She kept in touch with both of them (but more Sam). When Sam goes off to college a sad dean shows up on her doorstep with no warning.
word count: almost 4k wtf
warnings: sad dean, drinking, virgin!reader, smut
A/N: this is part one of a new series im starting that is gonna be snapshots of the reader and deans lives together ~~~~~~~~~~ It may have been two am but I had yet to put down my book, so I was awake when I heard knocking at my front door. I wasn’t going to open it-because hello it was two am- but the knocking kept going so I was just going to tell them off. I opened the door to see a familiar face, and a sad one at that. I blearily rubbed my sleep filled eyes, “Dean?” I’m sure he could hear the confusion in my voice. 
“Sammy left,” He said dejectedly.
Without thinking I reached out for him and pulled him into my arms half expecting him to resist but instead he collapsed on to my shoulders. Releasing him, I nudged the door open a little more and pulled him farther inside. Quietly I led him into the kitchen and handed him a beer. 
“He left us, he left the life,” Dean mumbled.
“Yeah, umm he told me a while ago that he got into Stanford. I kinda figured he might,” I guiltily ran my hands through my hair. 
“He did? He sure as hell didn’t tell dad and me,” he stood up, running his hands over his face.
My legs, working on their own, carried me across the room until I was right in front of him, “Dean. You know he didn’t leave because he wanted to leave you, right?” I said putting my hand on his arm. 
He rolled his eyes, “Yeah,” 
“Hey, I mean it,” My voice was soft but firm. “You’ve always looked out for your brother, he knows that.” I was met with sullen silence. 
After a few minutes of quietly sipping on our drinks he spoke up. “I mean I know this life ain’t easy but college, man!?”
“You know the boy’s always liked school,” I said jokingly, trying to lighten the mood. It did not work. “Alright. Are we getting drunk then?”
“Yep,” he said after downing the rest of his beer, “you got anything stronger?”
“Oh do you doubt me, Winchester?” I got up and opened the pantry to show the assortment of liquor bottles.
“Well then,” he raised his eyebrows as I dropped a bottle of whiskey in front of him, keeping the vodka for myself.
Once Dean had made it most of the way through his bottle he seemed more nostalgic than sad, “Do you remember back in high school…” he paused to take another drink, “when you thought Sammy needed to be taken care of?”
“Hey! In my defense he was very small then! And he did get picked on,”
“Ok, fair enough” he raised his hands in defense, “I’m glad you had his back,”
“Yeah well, someone had too since you kept getting in trouble,” It continued on like this for a while until I had deemed it time to cut Dean off and make him go to bed. “Alright come on, I’ll get you settled in my room,”
Just as I was leaving the room I heard a voice behind me, “do you think he’s gonna come back?”
“Honestly? I don’t know, but I know that just because he went off to school doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you,” I said turning back towards him and sitting on the bed.
“Psh. I know dads not the biggest joy in our lives but why can’t he just suck it up?” My heart broke when his voice cracked. Even in the dark I could tell he was tears eyed. 
“He and your dad have always had a tricky relationship,” I commented, scooting closer to him.
“Yeah,” he scoffed, “you should have seen it the night he left,” I could see on his face that it had gotten bad between them that night.
“I never liked your father,”
“He didn’t like you much either,” he admitted.
“Well, I’d imagine not!” It got quiet as we both remembered the first time I had met John Winchester.
Sam had invited me over to study for a history exam, even though I was a senior and he was a freshman we were in the same class. He was slightly embarrassed to tell me that he lived in a motel but that quickly faded once we got to studying. We were almost done when his brother came back. 
“Heya Sammy,”
“Dean! I thought you were supposed to be gone all day?” 
“Eh, got bored,” he dismissed. Flopping down on one of the beds, opening up a magazine. “Dads gonna be pissed you brought her over,”
“What is your problem with me Dean?” I spoke up, I wasn’t gonna let Sam get pushed around like that.
“I don’t care either way, but dad doesn’t like us having people over,” As if on queue an older man opened the door.
“Boys,” He gruffly acknowledged the boys, not noticing me at first, “who’s this?” He gestured to me, his voice making it clear that there was more involved in his question.
“Oh, umm,” Sam stuttered.
“I’m Y/N, I was helping Sam study but we were just finishing up,” I jumped in trying to help the poor boy out.
“Well Y/N, it’s probably about time you were heading out. I have some business to discuss with my boys.”
In class the next day Sam barely looked at me, and Dean-well Dean never paid me much attention anyway. After the bell rang I ran after Sam before Dean could drive off.
“Sam! Wait up dude,” he ignored me until I was close enough to grab his elbow, “Hey, what’s wrong? It’s like you were somewhere else today,”
“Oh, uh, hey Y/N,” he was clearly avoiding the question. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Dean walk up to the car, seemingly hiding his face. 
“Come on Sammy, get in the car,” As he got in the car I caught a glimpse of a purple bruise on his jaw.
“Um sorry, we have to get home before Dad” Sam explained shyly. As they drove away I connected the dots between Dean’s bruise and their fear of their father. Right then and there I decided I was going to protect Sam as much as I could, I doubted Dean would let me but I knew I was gonna try.
“You should probably get some sleep,” Dean’s voice was hoarse, and much closer than I had realized. At some point we had ended up leaning on each other, slumped in the center of the bed. 
“Alright, but I’m not leaving you here to be sad and alone so don’t hog all the covers,” I sleepily shuffled under the blanket, Dean sliding in beside me. He fell asleep almost immediately, but me? I was laying there trying to wrap my brain around this version of Dean, the version thats cocky and tough I’m familiar with but this vulnerable and insecure Dean is a side I hadn’t seen before. Somewhere in the night we had ended up wrapped in each other's limbs, his head on my chest, his arms circling my waist. 
Dean was still asleep when I woke up; I laid there with my hand in his hair, realizing that this was as relaxed as I had been in a long while and I was in no rush to wake him up. We stayed like that until Dean started to stir,
“Morning sleepyhead,”
“Oh uh, mornin’,” he mumbled, rolling away seemingly embarrassed.
“How ya feeling after last night? You downed most of that whiskey,” I teased, poking his shoulder.
“Ha-shut up, I’m fine”
“Well, personally I am severely under-caffeinated so I’m gonna go make coffee,” I said definitively, pushing myself up heading to the kitchen. Dean got up and followed me, pointedly ignoring how we woke up. 
“You wanna coffee?” I asked, reaching up to the cabinet where my favorite mug was.
“Yes, please,” he said emphatically, running his hands over his face to wake himself up a little. 
“Ok, you gotta tell me more about what you and your brother do,” I slid a mug across the island to him, “I mean he told me a little bit about the life, and you’ve filled me in a little, but I’m curious,” 
“Nah, you don’t need to know how fucked up the world actually is,”
“Please. I already know the world is a flaming piece of garbage, you wouldn’t be bursting any bubbles with that realization,” My voice came out more cynical than I meant. 
“You really wanna know? About all the things that go bump in the night? All the monsters who are dying to eat your face?”
“Yeah. If I’m gonna have to live in the world with all that crap then I’d like to at least know what’s what,” I didn’t expect him to actually tell me, but he launched into stories about the creatures that he and Sammy have fought. We talked for hours, me asking questions, him telling stories. By the time he seemed to have run out of stories and he deemed I was sufficiently afraid it was early afternoon.
“Shit, is it already three? I should get on the road soon,”
“Do you have to? You can stay here another night, ya know,” I hoped he would stay.
“Are you sure? I don’t wanna over stay my welcome, I already showed up out of the blue-“
“Dean. You’re staying.” I interrupted, “you can show up any time, I like the company,” 
After convincing him to stay we ordered pizza and settled in for a chill night of movies and beer. 
After we stuffed ourselves with pizza and watched as many shitty comedies as we could handle, we were tipsy and sleepy and I made the executive decision that it was time for us (well, at least me) to crash for the night. After telling Dean he could watch whatever he wanted I headed into my room, put on comfy clothes and got curled up under the covers. A while after, when I was just starting to drift off I heard the door open,
“Hey, Y/N? You still awake?”
“Hmm? Yeah,” my voice was thick with sleep.
“Can I- um can I sleep in here again?” He sounded so timid, not at all like the over confident persona he normally put on.
“Of course, come ‘ere,” I smiled, pulling the blankets down on the other side of the bed. He took his jeans off leaving him only in his boxers and climbed in next to me.
“You sure this is ok?” He asked again before fully relaxing.
“Dude, if I wasn’t chill with it I wouldn’t have said yes. Plus, you slept in here last night anyway,”
“I know, and we ended up the way we did this morning and I just- I wasn’t sure-“ I cut him off by pulling his arm over my side and shushing him. With him as the big spoon I think he had gotten it through his head that I wanted him there. 
“Hey dean?” He grunted in acknowledgment, “You show up here after almost four years, I just- I gotta ask, why here? Why did you come to my door?” He was silent for a long time, I thought he may have fallen asleep.
“Honestly?” I nodded, “I don’t know, you were one of the few people who knew Sammy like I did, and who knew about our lives,” he paused, “I think it just seemed the least complicated place to go.” He finished quietly.
“Fair enough, I’m glad you did though. I worry about you boys,” we fell back into a comfortable silence before he spoke again.
“Ok, my turn to ask something,” I twisted until I was facing him.
“Go for it,”
“Why is it just you living here? Doesn’t it get lonely?”
“Sometimes, but I like having the place to myself,”
“I always liked to think that after Sammy I left, you would have shacked up with some dude and lived the apple pie life,” 
“Oh please. You know that’s not my style,” I scoffed, “and as far as me and dudes there’s never been anyone of importance,”
“Really? No one?” He seemed surprised by this.
“What? Is it so hard to believe?” 
“But why?”
“You’ve met me, you know feeeelings aren’t my thing,”
“Ok but like what about hookup or something, you did go to college right? Isn’t that part of college life?”
“I don’t like doing new things with strangers, it is what it is. I’m not upset about it,” I shrugged.
“Just wouldn’t have pegged you as a virgin,”
“Oh I give off slutty vibes do I?” I teased him.
“No- I just- never mind,” I could practically see him mentally smacking himself in the forehead.
“Good night, Dean,” I rolled back over and he wrapped his arm back around my waist.
The next morning I woke up with Dean still pressed against my back, I don’t know if we moved at all in the night. I just knew that I slept like a rock. And that there was something poking me in the back. It took me a minute to figure out what it was but when it dawned on me I couldn’t help but giggle a little bit.
“Hey, ummm, Dean?” It came out higher than I meant it to.
“Hmm?” He sleepily responded, “oh shit, Y/N I’m sorry, I didn’t mean- it just-it does that sometimes,” He moved away from me covering his face with his hands.
“I didn’t say I was upset about it,” I slowly pulled his hand down until he could see me.
“What…. Y/N..? Huh?” You’d think he was the virgin not me.
“I said, I wasn’t upset. I just thought you should know that your dick-“
“Whoa! Ok, enough,” he cut me off. Turning his body to face me, our faces closer together than before, “are you serious?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” My voice came out thin and whispery, but I leaned towards him anyway. I could almost hear my heartbeat in my ears, but the second that his lips touched mine that was the only thing I could focus on. After a second he pulled back with a questioning look in his eyes, I nodded and he kissed me again. Harder this time, his tongue finding its way into my mouth, my hand to his hair, his hands...everywhere. We stayed like that for a few minutes before he pulled away again, this time taking his whole body a few inches away from mine pulling a needy whine (that I will deny ever happened) out of me.
“Wait...wait, we can’t do this,” he said breathlessly.
“And why the hell not?” 
“You’ve never…your first shouldn’t be me,” 
“Why not. You’re not a stranger and there doesn’t need to be feelings. Checks all my boxes,”
“Oh wow, you sure know how to make a guy feel special,” I rolled my eyes and pulled him so his face was close to mine again.
“We don’t have to if you don’t want to, but I want this. You’re not taking advantage or anything like that, ok?” That was all he needed to hear before pushing himself so he was hovering over me, mouth back on mine, hands in my hair. Soon his mouth moved along my jaw and down my neck making sounds come out of my mouth that I didn’t think I could make. I could feel him smirking as he moved back up to my jaw. I could feel his hands start to migrate under my shirt, stopping just below my rib cage. I knew he was waiting for permission before going any farther so I pushed him onto his back before tearing my shirt off and leaning over him so I was on top. 
“No bra?” He questioned his hand automatically going to my boobs, flicking one of my nipples.
“Who sleeps in a bra?” I tried to say it jokingly but his mouth found my other nipple making it turn into a gasp. I tried to get back at him by grinding my hips down on the bulge that was now under me. He made a delicious gasp/moan sound that just made me never want to stop. I slowly shifted myself, kissing my way down his chest, giving attention to each nipple as I passed it, eventually making my way down to his happy trail and the edge of his boxers.
“Ahh…..sweetheart… you don’t-you don’t have to do that. Not... for your first time,” 
“Oh, but what if I want to?” The words came out sugary sweet, just the thought of what was about to happen was enough to dampen my underwear. I looked up at him for permission and he nodded, his eyes closing when I turned my attention back to the waistband of his boxers. He moaned loudly when I placed soft kisses on his fabric covered length before I pulled his shorts down and he kicked them the rest of the way off. Once he was fully exposed I took a second to admire what I saw; the toned muscle of his chest, the soft skin on his stomach, all the way down to his perfectly pink cock standing up out of a bush of dark curls.
“Like what you see?” He teased.
As an answer I leaned back down and licked a stripe from his balls all the way up to his leaking head. I earned a gasp and then a groan when I took the whole head into my mouth hollowing my cheeks and taking in as much of him as I could, one hand coming up to pump the part that I couldn’t fit in my mouth and the other reaching up and playing with his balls. 
“Holy….you shouldn’t be..how do you….” He gave up trying to make coherent  sentences when I took his dick out of my mouth and sucked one of his balls. Once I had given them enough attention I moved back to his shaft, lavishing it in kisses and licks.
“Ok...I’m not gonna…. you gotta stop… if you want this to last…” he brought his hand to my face and pulled me back up so he could kiss me. His other hand came around my hip and flipped us so he was hovering above me with a shiteating grin on his face. It was his turn to tease me, he moved down so his face was right above my belly button. His fingers hooked into the waistband of my sleep shorts pulling them off. As soon as he had me naked he went back to kissing and licking everywhere he could, after some pleading from me he finally moved back between my legs where I needed him most. He licked a stripe between my folds, giving extra attention to my clit. I could feel the knot in my stomach tightening already, my breathing getting faster. He was still swirling his tongue in circles when one of his large fingers pushed into me making me moan and arch my back, pushing impossibly closer to his face. I could feel him smiling as he continued to work his finger in and out of me, eventually adding another curling them upward reaching that one spot that I could never quite reach myself. The knot in my stomach tightened even more, my hips bucking on their own.
“D.. I’m close..”
“Let go baby, I wanna taste it,” that’s all it took for me to cum on his face. Blissed out and breathing heavily I almost missed Dean looking smug wiping my juices off of his chin. 
“We don’t have to keep going…” he said and I think he really would have been totally fine stopping if I asked but I was nowhere near ready to be done.
“Condoms are in the nightstand,” was my bold way of saying I wanted to keep going. I could tell it caught him by surprise but before I could say anything else he had plopped himself on top of me to get to the drawer.
“Eager much?”I laughed as his full body weight was still splayed over me. He rolled his eyes and kissed me again rolling the condom on. I could feel his hard length resting against my stomach as we kissed, all tongues and teeth. We had gotten past the timid part and were both ready for more. He shifted and I could feel the tip hit my sensitive clit making me gasp, his cock slid between my folds and pushed into my entrance, he stopped making sure I was good before he slowly pushed the rest of the way in. Once he was fully seated inside me, his head fell down on my shoulder, his lips moving on my neck. I got impatient and moved my hips making him slip out a little bit, Dean took the hint and started to move. His pelvis hit my clit every thrust and he one of his hands came up and played with my nipple, I was overwhelmed by all the new sensations that I didn’t even realize I was making sounds that I had never made before. With each movement dean hit that spot inside that made my eyes roll back, before long I could feel the knot tightening again. Deans thrusts started to get shaky and uneven,
“I’m not gonna last…” he grunted, his face buried in my neck.
“Me… neither,” my hips bucked and with one more snap of his hips I came undone. That was all it took for him to spill himself into the condom. He collapsed next to me throwing the condom in the trash.
“Well….” I exhaled, breathing heavily.
“Yeahhh…” deans breathing matched my own.
“Soo, I’m not a virgin anymore,”
“No you are not,” He sounded real happy with himself. And honesty, and couldn’t blame him.
“Job well done I’d say,” I reached over to high five him. 
We laid there in exhausted silence for a while before either one of us had enough energy to do anything.
“Well, I am starving and there is cold pizza in the fridge,”I declared as I got out of bed and threw on some comfy clothes. I was halfway through my second piece of cold pizza when dean came trudging out of my room. With my mouth full of pizza I gestured to the open box.
“So…” Dean awkwardly rubbed the back of his head, “you’re really good with what just happened?”
“Why wouldn’t I be? Organs and pizza is a good way to start the day,”
“I don’t know, I mean it was your first time?”
“Oh D, are you worried I’m gonna fall in love with you?” I mocked.
“What no- I just- I was checking on you is all!”
“Ohhh little defensive much? Maybe I should worry about you falling in love with me,” I teased waving pizza in his face. 
When we had finished making fun of each other the topic turned serious.
“So, you gonna head back to your dad today?” I asked.
“Yeah, I should actually head out soon,” he said quietly. We chatted for a while longer before he decided it was time for him to go. He gathered his things and made his way to the door,
“Just one thing before you go,” I stopped him in the doorway, “give your brother a call, ok? He walked out on your father not on you,”
“Yeah, I will. Thanks sweetheart,” he hugged me and then he was gone. It had been four years since I met him in high school and I wondered if I would ever see the green eyed hunter again. I sure hoped I would. 
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Bandmate Harry
“Thank you and goodnight!” Harry yelled, walking off stage. You finished the drum solo, allowing the rest of the band to walk off and then followed suit, waving to the crowd as you walked by. You meet in the circle backstage and high five the rest of the band and Harry.
“We killed it tonight!” you screamed with a smile. Harry gave you the look and you settled down, waiting for the end of show meeting. Some of the tour crew joined in and you rolled your eyes. They were always acting like they were part of the band. 
“Great job everyone. Rest up tonight, we do it again tomorrow. Does anyone have any notes they'd like to share?” Harry asked looking around the circle.
One of the lighting guys raised his hand, “What did you think of the lighting tonight, specifically the spotlighting during Falling and Treat People with Kindness?”
“I loved it, great job.” Harry smiled.
“Actually,” you cut in. “I do think you could do a better job. I mean you basically blinded the band during Cherry. We’ve had this problem for weeks now..I feel like we shouldn't have to keep bringing it up.”
Harry gave you a warning look and you gave it right back to him. “I’m sorry about that, is there something you suggest us changing?” the lighting man asked. He looked embarrassed, and he should have. He wasnt doing his job.
“I don't know? Maybe figuring out your job?” you remarked back. Harry intervened. 
“Its been going great. Thank you. I don't feel like you need to change anything and its my call.” He shot you a look and you rolled your eyes. “Meetings over, everyone get some sleep.” You turned to walk towards the bus when Harry grabbed the back of your shirt and pulled you into his dressing room. “Sit.” he ordered.
You sat on the couch and crossed your arms looking up at him. “What do I owe this pleasure?” 
Harry was pacing in front of you. “How many times have we had this talk now?”
“I don't know...” you grumbled.
“Exactly because its happened too many times. This is getting ridiculous (y/n). The way you treat the tour crew is absolutely unacceptable. You do not run the shows, you are not in charge, and you do not have the ability to talk to people like that. They are equivalent to you and your position on our team.”
“No. No buts. This is the last time we are having this talk or you are gone. You're also grounded.”
“Grounded?!” you yelled standing up. “You cant ground me!”
“I just did.”
“Youre not my parents.”
“You're only 16, and your parents left me in charge of you while we were away on tour so yes. Yes I can. No going out tonight.”
“Or what?”
“Or you will be out of the band. I will send you home.”
“You wouldn't do that.”
“I can easily find a drummer, probably one who treats the crew better too.”
“Harry..” you moaned.
“No. Don’t Harry me.” He ran his fingers through his hair and looked at you. “You know that I love you. You know I don't want to have to remove you from the tour...but I will if I have too. Understood?”
“Yes” you mumbled.
“What was that?”
“Yes I understand.”  you said. “Now can I go?”
Harry sighed and nodded his head. You walked back to your dressing room. You threw your phone onto the couch and screamed. He thinks he can march in here and tell me what to do. He thinks he's my dad. I don't have to listen to him. I can do whatever I want. Im basically an adult now. Having Harry as your older brother or parent figure on tour was fun...most of the time. He played games, kept you updated on drama, listened to your drama and made sure you were always okay and comfortable. Other times though, like tonight, he overstepped his big brother role. Your phone buzzed and you saw a text from Noah, your boyfriend. *Im outside.* You smiled and ran to the door. Noah was waiting backstage and you tackled him when you got outside. He squeezed your bum and grinned. “Hey you. Ready to go?”
“Go where?”
“Theres this dope night club. They are going to do a Cold Play night.”
“Really?” you asked.
“Yeah. Lets go. We can get food before.”
“Okay let me just grab my jacket.” You kissed his cheek and ran inside. When you walked past Harry’s room, you could hear the shower going. He won't even know. You taped a Do Not Disturb sign on your dressing room door and locked it on your way out. You met Noah outside and he took his hand pulling you to the car waiting.
Your first stop was getting dinner. The two of you stopped off at a restaurant downtown. “Got lucky that you had the night off.” Noah said stuffing another fry into his mouth.
“Yeah. Harry went off on me today again.”
“Again? What for?”
“He thinks that I’m being rude to too many people. The thing is..those people aren't doing their job.”
“Yeah, its not really his place to tell you either. He's not your mom and dad. He's not even related to you.”
“Exactly. He tried grounding me.”
Noah laughed and you kicked him under the table. “Im sorry but thats ridiculous. He grounded you?”
“Yeah thats what he said.”
“Well who does he think he is?”
“I don't know.”
“Well just forget him. We are going to have fun tonight. I’ll even get you drinks.” He winked and you smiled. Noah was 21. He was a bit older than you but you needed an older guy. The ones your age were so immature. After finishing dinner your phone buzzed. *Want to come play games with us?* You rolled your eyes and ignored Harry’s text. He texted again, *Come on (y/n)..you cant stay mad forever*
You texted him back a middle finger emoji and turned your phone off. He was not going to ruin this night. You grabbed Noah’s hand and followed him into the club. When you enter its wall to wall people. Viva la vida is playing and you instantly jump up and pull Noah to the dance floor where you're singing along, “I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing, Roman Cavalry choirs are singing, Be my mirror, my sword and shield, My missionaries in a foreign field, For some reason I can't explain, Once you go there was never, never a honest word, And that was when I ruled the world” 
The night was going smoothly. You hadn't heard anything else from Harry and Noah was a lot of fun. He was buying you drink after drink and you had to admit you were feeling it. You were slurring words and tripping over other people. Paradise started playing, it was one of your favorite songs and you instantly started singing. “When she was just a girl she expected the world, But it flew away from her reach, So she ran away in her sleep and dreamed of, Para-para-paradise, para-para-paradise, para-para-paradise, Every time she closed her eyes” Noah came over and danced with you. He roughly pulled you back against him, his fingers digging into your hips. “ow” you mumbled. He kissed down your neck and reached his hands up the skirt you were wearing. “Noah-”
“Shh have a little fun baby.” His fingers pushed through your panties and his lips were sucking on your neck.
“Stop. This isn't what I want to be doing.” You were sobering up real quick. You turned around to push him off but he grabbed your butt hard enough you were going to be bruised. You whimpered in pain.
“Don't be a little pussy.” he said harshly.
“Noah let go.” You pushed against his chest harder and he laughed. He grabbed your wrist and pulled you in. 
“Stop fighting (y/n). Just let loose a little.”
“No. Stop.” you pulled away and he grabbed you again “Noah let go. Serious-”
“She said let go.” Harry’s deep voice growled behind you. Your stomach sank. You looked back and Harry looked lethal, it almost scared you. Noah laughed and looked at you.
“Look its your pretend parent.” He expected you to laugh but you were afraid of both situations and didnt do anything. Noah gripped your wrist harder. “Isn't that funny?”
“Yeah.” you fake laughed and pulled your wrist free of his grip. He stumbled forward but Harry stopped him. Harry’s hands were on his chest and his normally bright and cheerful eyes were full of anger. 
“When a girl says let go. You let go.” Noah swallowed, recognizing the different side of Harry he was seeing. “Do you even get that she's underage. She's 16 fucking years old and your giving her alcohol and trying this shit? Its illegal.” Noah nodded and tried backing up.
You suddenly got very afraid Harry was going to hit him. “Harry.” you grabbed him and pulled him back. “Lets just go okay? He's not worth it.” Harry seemed to calm down a little. He turned his anger to you and pointed at the door. 
“Now.” he grabbed your hand and pulled you from the club. You didnt even say anything. You didnt know what to say. You had been caught red handed.
Harry pushed you into the passenger seat of his black SUV. He buckled you in and then jumped in the driver side. Without saying anything he just started driving. “I’m sorry.” you said. “I know you said not to go out but I just thought it would be fun and Noah said there was a cold play night and I love cold play and” Harry didnt even look over. You sighed and dropped your head into your hands. You started crying, you weren't sure if you were scared after what happened with Noah, drunk from the alcohol, or frustrated that you screwed up with Harry. “I shouldn't have gone. I know I didnt listen. I’m sorry.” Harry pulled over and parked the car. He turned and looked at you.
“Are you okay?” he asked calmly.
“Yeah..” you wiped the tears and looked at him. “I-”
“Stop. I want you to seriously think about it. Are you okay?” You were still crying when you nodded your head. Harry got out, walked around opened your door and hugged you. His arms tightly wrapping around your body. He rubbed your back and just held on until you calmed down. He wiped your cheeks and smiled. “Breathe (y/n).”
You took a shaky deep breath and nodded. Harry had gotten back in the car and was driving somewhere past the arena. “Where are we going?” You started to panic. What if this was it, what if he was sending you home now? “Please...Pleasedoonttakemehome” you cried. 
Harry laughed and shook his head. “I’m not taking you home.”
“Where are you taking me?”
Harry pulled into a frozen yogurt shop and smiled. “Come on.” He handed you a cup and told you to get whatever you wanted. You loaded it with fruit candy and chocolate. Harry sat down with his at a table and you followed suit. He watched you calm down while eating the yogurt. “Now. Are you ready to talk about this?” You nodded tears forming again. You tried blinking them away but it wasnt working. “(y/n) youre not in trouble.” Harry said with a sigh.
“I’m not? But-but you said”
“I know. I was wrong. I shouldn't have punished you like that. Its just that youre so frustrating sometimes. I want you to understand where this is all coming from. Youre like my baby sister and I don't want you to make bad decisions. I don't want you to turn out a total bitch.”
You smiled and nodded. “I know.”
“I shouldn't try and parent you. I shouldn't have grounded you. I just need you to know that talking to the crew like that isn't okay.”
“I know. Im trying I really am.”
He nodded. “I know. Thats why Im letting you lying and sneaking out go tonight.”
You nodded. “It won't happen again.”
“I know. I also think we should talk about boys. Can’t you find like a nice church boy? Someone your own age.”
“Harry you do realize I’m always around older guys right?”
“Yeah, which is fine. Just don't date them. There have to be other options. I mean that guy was an absolute dick.” You laughed and Harry laughed. “I don't want to see you get hurt. I thought you were going to end up hurt tonight.”
You nodded. “I almost did but my big bro saved me.”
“I always will.” 
Got this request forever ago (SORRY) but I hope its what you were expecting! Let me know how old you all are also, I’d love to write more in your perspective vs mine!
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sincerlypadfoot · 4 years
Master Man (1)
~You start your fourth year at hogwarts, your older sister Minerva McGonagall isn’t very fond of the relationships and friendships you’ve developed and the trouble they’ve gotten you in
Word Count - 1186
Send Requests Here
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“Are you ready darling?” Minerva Mcgonagall asked walking into my room, I shot my head up and looked at her with a smile. “If you aren’t out of your bed in five minutes i’m leaving to hogwarts without you,” She said turning on her heel and walking out of my room.
As my door shut I crawled out of bed and started shoving clothes into my suitcase as fast as I could, tossing random things and books into my case and shutting it with a smile. I walked out of my room wearing sweatpants, a black tanktop and my hair up in a messy bun.
“I’m ready!” I yelled tossing my suitcase into our pile of luggage and walking downstairs, grabbing my robe from the ledge on the way down.
“Is that really what your wearing today Adella?” Minerva asked sitting down at her table drinking some tea. “Whatever you think is best,” She mumbled before I could answer and got up to place her cup into her sink.
“Yep, I got my robe and all, i’m ready,” I smiled sitting down at the table. “Could I take the train this year, I was thinking that it could be a nice change of scenery?” I asked with a crooked smile.
“I was gonna ask you too take the train this year,” She said turning around to face me. “But don’t get in trouble just because i’m trusting you, those boys are nothing but trouble,” Minerva chuckled. We gathered our things and stepped into the flu sistom, appearing at Kings Cross with our bags in hand.
“Thank you sissy,” I said with a smile looking over at Minerva who didn’t leave the fireplace. “I’ll see you at hogwarts,” I chuckled blowing a kiss and quickly walking away and out a door to the muggle world.
“Hey what are you doing here?” I heard causing me to look around, my eyes landed on the scared face boy who was walked towards me.
“I asked my sister if I could take the train this year, she surprisingly agreed,” I explained wrapped my arms around Remus. “I missed you,” I whispered leaning my head on his shoulder.
“You two look like you’ve caught up well,” Sirius Black said joining in on our hug. “Nice little group hug,” He chuckled, another pair of hands fell on my back, James Potter's head now head laying on mine.
“You guys are suffocating me,” I said laughing and wrapped my arms as best I could around everyone. “I missed you guys,” I whispered smiling.
“Okay okay okay we’re gonna miss the train,” Remus said letting go of me and backing up. “Tell me about your summer, I haven’t heard from you all summer,” He chuckled picking up my bags and walking towards the platform.
“It was okay, how was your guys?” I asked then stopped. “Race you,” I yelled taking my stuff from Remus and looking at the three, a smile went on there faces and we all took off running into the platform appearing into the train station.
“Well I ran away from home and now living with the potters,” Sirius said causing Remus and I both to look at him.
“You ran away from him?” I asked looking at Sirius who’s face went wobbling and messy. “Thank goodness,” I cried out running up to Sirius and hugging him. “Thats really good Sirius,” I whispred in his ear. 
“The train is living come on,” James said walking away, I brushing my fingers in my hair and followed the boy with Remus and Sirius walking behind me. “So I was thinking this year,” James started to say but fell to the ground. “What the hell Snivellus!” He yelled getting up with the help of himself.
“Sorry didn’t see you guys there,” Severus mumbled smirking. “Surprised you came back this year Sirius, didn’t you run away from mommy and daddy this summer,” He taunted causing Sirius to move forward but Remus and I grabbed him in unison.
“Get away from here Snivellus or i’ll hex you,” I shouted taking my wand out and pointing it at him. “I’m not playing,” I spit out.
“Big old brave Adella,” Severus said moving closer. “Your not so tough without your brother around are you!” He spit out tossing his wand up his the air. “Hit me with your best shot,” He taunted.
“Your not worth it,” I mumbled putting my wand down. “Watch your back at school,” I hissed pulling the boys in the nearest empty cart. “Not worth it,” I mumbled to myself plopping down on the seat and looking out the window.
“You guys want anything to eat?” Sirius asked standing up. “James can you come with me for a second,” He asked causing me to turn my head towards SIrius who was dragging James out by the collar.
“Well that was weird,” Remus laughed sitting down across from me. “So I take it you had a good summer?” He asked.
“Yeah Minnie and I went to New York, i got to see so many things, i’ll have to show you one day, you would love it there,” I said interested in the topic. “How was your summer, i’m really sorry I couldn’t be there for the full moons but I thought about you and everything I just was a million miles away,” I nervously said rubbing my hands together on my lap.
“Yeah it’s okay, the boys were there for me the best they could, I thought about you too,” Remus said turning his frown into a smile. “Paris would be a nice place to visit,” He said then stopped once Sirius and James bursted in with Peter behind them.
“Hello Pettigrew,” I greeted fist bumping the plumped boy who sat down beside me. “How was your summer?” I said starting a string of conversations until we had gotten to hogwarts.
“Have a good year everyone,” Dumbledore said hitting his staff on the ground and dismissing everyone.
“I don’t know about you guys but i’m going to bed, my eye lids are slowly being glued shut,” Sirius mumbled forcing his head off the table. “I hate my family,” He huffed as James and I put our arms around him.
“Families suck!” I shouted leaning my head on his shoulder. “You know what we should just do something rebellious this year,” I suggested making Peter and Remus laugh infront of us.
“Yeah like we don’t do rebellious stuff every year,” Sirius chuckled poking my head. “But I agree, what shall we do this year?” He taunted walking up the stairs bring James and Peter with him leaving Remus and I to walk behind them.
“Why are they acting so weird today?” Remus asked pulling his bag up more and then stopping. “Watch it,” He called out grabbing me as the stairs started moving, Sirius, peter and James turned around, Sirius with a smirk on his face. 
“We’ll meet you back at the common room I guess,” I called out as  the stairs connected to a different hallway. “Shall we?” I asked walking off and following Remus
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winchesterimagine · 4 years
Family Curse
Hiii I was wondering if you can imagine where the reader is their sister and she has demon blood in her too like sammy. And they go on a hunt and she can't control herself and drinks and doesn't know what to do apart from putting her in the panic room and Sam stays with her ,because Dean can't really look at the sight. Thank you :) x
Authors note: Sorry I'm really rusty everyone but I hope y'all enjoy.
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Family Curse
Why is it that us winchesters find ourselves in the worst possible situations? I mean by now you would think we would know how to avoid these types of situations.Another hunt in a house in the middle of nowhere how typical of us. Your train of thought was cut off by a yell.
“Y/N, A little back up wouldn't hurt ” you heard your brothers outcry from the next room over. You came to your senses running into the room you heard their yells. Fully loaded you kicked the door in scanning the room only to see Sam pinned to a wall and Dean fighting against a blade to his neck with a demon. This scene was all too familiar to you. Before you could do anything the demon looked straight at you and laughed.
“This is what you call back up, I would think you two knew better.”
You watched as he threw your 6 ft brother like a rag doll against a wall knocking him out. You got your smart mouth from your oldest brother Dean.
“ I would think Demons knew not to even breathe near a winchester”
“She's spunky you see I like that about you winchesters. You can see death right in front of you but you won't hesitate with your sarcasm.”
“What can i say it runs in the family.”
“ What a sad family it is. I mean look at all of you, weak yet stubborn.”
He turned to face Dean wrapping his arm closer around his neck.
“ I’m not done with you”  he proclaimed as he  knocked him out in one blow.
“I should go in order though, right from the youngest to oldest. They should watch as their younger sister dies to my hand. How satisfying would that be. Them waking up to their sister's limp body knowing there was nothing they could have done. Tell me something Y/N how would you like to die.”
You were quick to respond. “Old Age or going out with a fight.”
The demon was unaware this was all planned as he stepped closer to you finally getting trapped in the devils trap your brothers and you had put days before. Took her a few steps more before she realized.
“Game over.” You said with a smile before a migraine bigger than anything you had ever had brought you to your knees. You heard the blood pulsing through the demon's body he had possessed. That is all your mind went to the power how thirsty you were for power not like anything you had experienced it wouldn't stop pulsing. It wasn't a want, it was a need no matter how hard you fought it you couldn't. You grabbed the demon  knife you had on your side and charged. You could see the fear the demon had in front of you but you couldn't stop something else was taking control and before you knew it. It was too late. You were sucking every last drop you could of demon blood getting it all over you. It felt like the greatest thing you had ever experienced a sense of power you never had. It was filling you with something you had never felt in your life. It took moments before you heard your brother call your name out.
“Y/N” in a hush tone Dean said. You could hear him struggling to get up. You had never had such a feeling of disgust until that very moment of yourself. You were hunched over the limp body barely remembering what happened still sucking on the lifeless body.This wasn't how it was supposed to go.
“Y/N,you ok?” you heard him call again terrified of turning around and you stayed frozen. Tears forming in your eyes slowly running down your cheeks till he came in front of you. Your heart had never in your life felt as heavy as it did in that instant. You instantly got up to hug him but he had never been more ready to push you away after seeing you. It was an expression you never wanted from your brother. No hesitation he raised the barrel of the gun towards you. The only time your brother had ever pointed a gun at you was when you were possessed. This was different.
“What did he do to you?”
“I don't know Dean. I couldn't control it. I just shut off.”
“No not you.”
You heard Sam grunting as he was getting up.
“What's going on? Is Y/N possesed.” sam questioned
“I don't know Sam, she was feeding on that demon's body like a monster. I don't know ” you could hear as his voice was breaking “but she wasnt trapped; she walked right out.”
“Dean put the gun down thats Y/n for gods sake” Sam yelled
“How do you know? my sister is not a monster she is not one of those freaks she can't be. She was feeding on……..” he proclaimed as he lowered his gun”......Demon blood”
Realization hit all of you like a brick wall and you felt weak to  your knees again. Sam was the first to your side as you watched your older brother turn and walk away in disappointment and disgust.
You Yelled for Dean to come back but he just stopped mid way and responded.
“My little sister died today.”
Sam didn't hesitate to come to your side.
“Y/n it's going to be ok you're ok “
You couldn't control your tears. You started wiping all the blood off of you disgusted as to what just happened.Sam trying to hold you together before you started hurting yourself.
“Let’s go Y/N ”
“No,No i can't.”
“Yes you can Y/N look at me.”
You started to calm down a bit and got yourself together while you walked out. Dean leaning against the baby barely even being able to look at you.
“Let's just get out of this hell house.”
The drive was silent and your head was throbbing. I think it was the silence that was driving you even more insane. When you reached Bobby's you ran inside slamming your room's door. It was like a switch your sadness had turned into anger. You weren't even aware of what you had done till you heard a slam after the door shut. The wardrobe in the room had fallen right in front of the door locking everyone out but you inside. You heard your brothers yelling your name on the other side. What was going on. You just sat there.
Returning your brothers yells.
“I'm ok. The dresser fell in front of the door.”
With your brother's push and your pull you moved the dresser out of the way.
You were a mess you needed to shower.
“It just fell over. I don't know how it did but it did.
Both of your brothers knew that it wasn't just the dresser that decided to fall over that it was you and what was inside of you.
“Let me just shower and we’ll talk about it.”
They both nodded in agreement. You took the longest shower you had ever taken with hot water that was almost to the point of burning. You changed and met your brothers down stairs. Strange part is you couldnt find them, you looked almost everywhere. Something was off though your surroundings started changing and when you opened the door it turned into a child's room with a crib and a stranger standing near it. You felt the need to protect the child but your head started throbbing again in pain and all you heard was the stranger getting closer to you. He whispered close enough and barely loud enough to understand.
“Don't worry child, you're one of my favorites.”
You woke up on the bathroom floor freshly showered and dressed.
“What the hell is going on.”
You heard a knock on the bathroom door
“y/n can we talk i need to show you something”
“Yeah just give me a moment. You brought yourself together to be met by your brother Dean outside your door.
“Follow me”
“Dean, can we talk about what happened earlier?”
“Yeah just let me show you this first. “
“Why are we going to the panic room”
“Bobby told me he left you something that might help us with whatever's going on.”
“Ok you slowly walked in only to hear the door close behind you.”
“Dean don't lock me in here like an animal or a monster. I'm your little sister.”
“You're not yourself Y/N and i just can't.”
You could hear him  making his way up the Stairs.
The single metal bed, the provocative model poster and the desk. Rust everywhere from the holy water and salt. All too familiar.
First day passed then the 3rd it had been 2 weeks and you were to the point of no return. You started to feel so close to death. No sleep since this had started constant nightmares and headaches that would never stop.
“y/n its sam again”
You turned to the door
“Leave me alone let me just die here like how Dean would want it.”
“He doesn't want you to die but he feels like you have already.
“Oh that makes me feel so much better bigfoot”
“Shut up pip squeak listen because i have experience unlike you.”
He walked in sitting right next to you.
“You know I never wanted this. I feel like there's something inside me pulsing through me wanting more power but not in a good way. It's something I know it's wrong but I can't control it. It's not a want anymore, it's a need. I feel like I'm dying.”
“I know it does but ill make sure you dont ok you don't have to worry”
“Sam i'm not scared of dying”
“Dean and I are,You're our little sister Y/n but we both don't know what to do.  I remember being in this exact room and feeling like it was the worst part of my life. That my brother would rather watch me die then help but that's not the truth. He was just as scared as I was. Our own father told him to kill me if he had to.”
“I know Sam and maybe yall should at this rate I feel like I'm already dead.
You could see your words hurt Sam.
“No one deserves to die with what they can't control. Especially not my little sister. You know I've been through hell and back so has Dean. I've had the Devil himself use me like a doll and yet just because my sister thinks she's not worth living because some god forsaken demon a.**whos ruined our lives wants us to be his puppet.”
You let out a sigh of frustration “You don't get it Sam.”
“What don't I get? Get it together Y/N. This is what he wants. You're throwing the white towel. I know you're ashamed you're disgusted. You feel like the biggest disappointment to this family but you're not. You know i can't make you feel better but i'd rather die than let you go through this alone.”
“You know I wish you wouldn't but I know no matter what I say you'll never leave.”
Sam let a small smile appear on his face before he said anything.
“You got that right. No matter what Dean feels or says doesn't matter because we're family nothing changes that.”
“You know that's hard to believe when you start feeling like the one thing that could change that has  happened.”
“I know but when has our life ever made sense y/n.  I'll help you get through this and not make the same mistakes I did. come here.”
Sam pulled you into a hug and for once you thought maybe things will be ok.
When you looked at your brother this time though his eyes were glowing yellow.
“Get away from me.”
“Y/n it's me Sam.”
You filled with panic and let whatever darkness you had inside of you out.
“No your not my brother”
Before you knew it Sam was being thrown against the wall. You ran to the door and it went swinging open. There stood Dean in the doorway with black eyes and before you could think you tackled and took him down. You kept fighting him while he kept yelling at you. Your fist not going anywhere with how weak you really felt.
“ you'll never be a part of us. You're a disgrace to even be called my sister. Dad was right, you're weak, you'll never be enough. I wouldn't even hesitate your a monster and you know it ”
“Stop It Dean please”
You felt Sam pull you off of Dean and push you against the wall. His eyes still glowing yellow while he yelled at you. His eyes glowing seeing right through you looking at you like you were nothing to him.
“You know maybe you should just give in and let it kill you. You're not worth the effort to save. You're weak.”
You kept fighting and shot up sweating. Sam was holding you close, restraining you. You felt the worst you've ever felt and you've been stabbed and shot numerous times but this took the cake.
“ It's ok Y/n it's not real you're going to be ok.”
You felt a tear hit your face from sam. You couldn't control your emotions, you were crying and your body uncontrollably  shaking. Your body felt so cold but your head felt like it was on fire.
“Sam, I can't take it. It hurts too much. Please make it stop.”
His grip got tighter and you could feel yourself slipping into sleep again.
“Y/n I swear I'll make him pay. You're going to be ok. Me and Dean are going to take care of it. We always do ok. You're our little sister we can't let anything happen to you it's our job. I'm so sorry Y/n. Please be ok.”
You heard his voice breaking like you never had before.
“It's ok Sammy, I'm tired.”
Your eyes started getting heavy and before you knew it you were out.
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Can’t Fight This Feeling
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Once everyone came down from the shock of everything we started talking. Trying to think of something, anything, to get us out of the position we were in.
But..it was almost midnight and Dustin and Erica started showing their exhaustion. Erica fell asleep first with Dustin going about ten minutes later. Robin pushed through a little longer but she fell asleep leaning against one of the walls.
I was past the point of exhaustion and had new energy. I sighed and leaned against some of the boxes, trying in vain to relax.
A few feet away sat Steve, running a hand through his hair.
"Well?" I asked him.
He looked back at me questioningly, "Well?" he echoed.
"What are we going to do?" I asked.
He sighed, "I have no idea, I mean, none of the buttons work and we can't climb out...I have no idea."
I leaned my head back against the wall and closed my eyes, "The walkie talkie?" I wondered.
He hummed, "Maybe, but there's no point now since it's so late. Doubtful anyone would even hear it."
I bit my lip, "So we're just...stuck."
I heard him shuffling so I looked over to him and sat that he moved to sit right in front of me, our legs just a few inches away from each other.
"For now," he stated, "we're gonna get out of here...it just won't be through the elevator right now. When the doors open-"
"We'll have to fight," I finished simply.
He grinned at me, "Or be sneaky and get out," he raised his brows.
"Or be sneaky," I agreed, "how would we do that though?"
He sighed, "I'm not sure," he admitted, "that's the problem...it might have to be an on the move kinda plan that we can't plan for."
I knew he was right. We didn't know what was behind the doors. We didn't know what we were going to have to do. We wouldn't know what to do until the last possible second.
"Shit," I whispered.
"Hey," Steve softly said, causing my eyes to flash to him, "I was serious when I said I wouldn't let anything happen to Dustin, you know?"
I smiled back cautiously, "I know."
He cleared his throat, "That extends to you too, okay? I won't let anything happen to either of you...Robin and Erica too, obviously," he added, "I swear it."
"Thanks Steve," I told him.
Steve stretched his legs out in front of him, which put them next to my legs, "You happy to be almost done with school?" he questioned.
I sighed straightening my legs out too. It clicked in my head in an instant. Could this be the moment where I got all my feelings about King Steve off my chest? So that maybe every time I looked at Steve I wouldn't have this subconscious fear of whatever he was thinking about? Could this be the moment I, finally, stand up for myself the way I should've against them for years?
I cleared my throat and looked away from him, "Yeah, this is finally gonna be a good year I think, so I'm more looking forward to that."
"Finally?" he asked, puzzled.
I let my eyes ghost over him for a second before looking down at my lap, "Yeah...now that some certain kids are gone, I might actually have a pleasant school year."
I took a peak up at him and say his eyes watching me intently, "Who?"
Just as quickly as my semi bravery came, it was gone. I realized I didn't want to hurt his feelings or anything. 
I looked down once again, "Tommy and Carole mostly...but um," I bit my lip, wishing I could backtrack and not say anything else, but I was too far gone, "you were there for one big one."
"What?" he blurted, shocked.
I took a breath and looked up at him, seeing the sadness already evident on his face, "When Tommy told me you had a crush on me? Then you laughed and told him how messed up that was. You also called me Lisa so..."
He sighed deeply and rubbed a hand on the back of his neck, "Shit," he whispered quietly, "I honestly don't remember that...but yeah that sounds like something douchy Steve would be involved in," Steve lamented, as I watched his body semi deflate as this realization.
I shrugged my shoulders gently, "You definitely were."
He ran a hand through his hair before bringing his knees up to his chest, "That's not...me anymore, Lou," he expressed, wrapping his arms around his knees.
I shot him a small smile, "So I've been told," I told him before sighing heavily, "Steve I don't-I dont necessarily think thats you anymore either...but that was just such a shitty thing, and I really wanted to get it off my chest."
He let his legs stretch out once more and his mouth fell open, "Is that...is that why you hadn't really talked to me when I started hanging around with Dustin? Or why you seemed a bit standoff-ish at the beginning of all this?" he wondered watching for my reaction.
I looked away from him as I nodded slowly.
"Lou," he breathed, I looked back to him and saw the regret in his eyes, he looked so sad, "I'm really sorry...about all of that," he told me earnestly, fidgeting with the hem of his scoops ahoy shirt.
I smiled a little and looked away from him, "Thanks."
"Please don't...accept the apology unless you...really accept it. I was a true asshole in school, and I just-shit," he said, looking up to the ceiling, "I know how much of a jerk I was to a lot of people, Lou. You included, same with Jonathan and probably Robin too."
"Steve," I began, "Steve, please look at me," I pleaded.
He took a second but he finally lowered his head and made eye contact with me.
"I know that...that was all high school shit and maybe it was to save face with Tommy H and Carole...regardless, yeah you kinda sucked in high school," I rambled, trying to get to my point, "but that doesn't seem like you now. And I wasn't bringing this up to make you feel bad or to upset or hurt you...it's just been something that's been weighing on me for so long, then we're thrown into this madness together. I just wanted to get this off of me so that I coukd start dealing with it instead of bottling it up."
"Trust me, I'm happy you brought it up," he told me, "I don't want you to have this version of me in your head anymore. The shit I did to a lot of people was-it was really messed up. I can't change it, but I can try and change the way you think of me going forward."
"I appreciate that a lot, Steve, really I do," I admitted, "we really don't have to keep talking about this...it's been said so we can just...continue onwards."
"Just before we move forward or whatever, I just...shit," he sighed running both hands through his hair before looking back to me with an intensity I hadnt seen before from him, "I will never intentionally hurt you, Louise. Seriously, I-I was a jerk back then, not that that's an excuse, but that's the truth. And I'm so sorry you've carried that around with you all this time, it should have never happened. I'm just...so sorry. Really, really from the bottom of my heart, I'm so sorry."
I was taken aback a bit because of his response to this. I never once thought he would react to this the way he did. With absolute sincerity and honesty and admitting how much of a jerk he was. I couldnt believe it.
"Thank-you, Steve," I said, breathlessly, "that means a lot to me."
He grinned sadly at me briefly before his eyes looked downcast. I looked away from him to give him his space after all of that. He finally spoke up after a few minutes.
"So I mean...have you started looking at colleges yet?" he asked quietly.
I smiled over at him, "A few...I think im gonna stay local though, be close to mom and Dust...especially knowing all this now, I'll wanna be as close as I can be," I chuckled.
"What about you? Where are you headed this year?" I asked him.
"To Scoops Ahoy," he answered automatically.
I squinted, "Oh...so no college?"
He cleared his throat, "No...I figured that I'd take a year off and work, you know, learn the value of earning and all that shit. Then figure out what I wanna do."
"That's smart, Steve," I smiled.
He shook his head with a small smile, "Honestly I just wanted to see if my story was as believable to people as I wanted it to be. Truthfully, I didn't get into any school that I wanted and my dad said I needed to get a job...and that's the scoops ahoy story."
I immediately felt bad for him, "I'm really sorry, Steve."
He shrugged, "Hey...that's life I guess. I proved my dad right that I wouldn't amount to anything other than working for him so...I mean, you heard what he said...I'm his biggest disappointment," he mumbled.
"What do you want to do?"
"What do you want to be when you're older?"
He scratched his head, "Oh...I dont know, I guess. I've never really thought of it too much.  What about you?"
"I want to be an accountant, I've done my moms taxes for the last few years just for fun before she gave them to the actual accountant and I've always been right. I like numbers and stuff," I explained, feeling self conscious that he would think I'm a nerd or something.
"That's a good one," he nodded with a smile, "you're really smart, Lou. You could literally do anything, I think."
My face flushed at his words, "Thanks," I said softly.
He hesitated with a thoughtful expression, "Maybe a teacher," he finally said, "I like hanging out with your brother and the other kids in the party for the most part...I like imparting my wisdom on them and helping them out...yeah...a teacher sounds good," he said with a very faint smile, but the smile was gone in an instant.
"But no school will take me for that...my grades were shit, no one would want me teaching their kids," he declared with an eye roll before looking to the wall.
I put my hand on his knee and shook it to get him to look at me, "Go and talk to the principle or something...maybe they can help out somehow? Taking night classes or something so you can bring your grades up?"
"Yeah that'd look good, Steve Harrington returns to Hawkins High because he got rejected from every school he applied to," he said sarcastically.
I scoffed, "No, it would look like, Steve Harrington returns to school to work towards a better life for himself."
"I'd probably flunk those classes too," he said dejected.
I scooted up so we were closer to each other, and took his hand in mine, looking right in his eyes, "Steve...you've gotta have faith in yourself. If you don't wanna work for your dad then don't work for him. If you don't want to turn out like him, then don't. Nothing is stopping you. You're young, Steve, you can make something of yourself. And you're smart-"
"Not really-"
"Yes you are! You can acknowledge things that you did wrong in the past, you helped with the plan for getting in here, and you're gonna help get us out! I dont know who's been telling you that you're not smart, but they're wrong. Just put your mind to something, Steve, and you'll get whatever it is that you want," I squeezed his hand as I spoke.
He sent me a small smile, "You should re think your career choice and become a motivational speaker."
I laughed quietly, "I'll think about it."
"But seriously, thank you for that...that huh...yeah that means a lot to have someone say that," he explained, putting his other hand over ours.
"No problem," I smiled, "and I'll help you too, Steve. Picking classes, with homework, studying, I'd be happy to help."
"Thank-you," he murmured.
I smiled at him before sliding myself back against the wall, letting his hand go gently in the process.
"So...when the door opens..."
"I'm telling you, I can take them on," he told me, "whoever is on the other side, I'll take them out!" he joked.
I laughed quietly, "I'm sure you will," I said through a yawn.
"Get some sleep, Lou," he told me gently, patting my knee.
I hummed and leaned my head against the wall, "You have too, to."
"I will," he promised.
I sighed, "Close your eyes too, Steve," I said as my eyelids closed by themselves.
"I will, Lou, I swear," he reassured me, with his hand still on my knee.
"Night, Steve," I whispered wearily.
"Night, Louise," he whispered soothingly back to me.
Title credit to REO Speedwagon and gif credit to owner
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Betty//Dark Secret
Request: Can I request a Betty/Reader where you find out about "Dark" Betty and you and her both realise you're kinda into it when it comes to the bedroom, maybe you defend her/comfort her after the round of Sins and Secrets at the party?
Warnings: No smut, but a bit on the risqué side (oooo)
“Hey ba-Woah!” You stop mid-sentence as you walk into your girlfriends room, dropping the bouquet of flowers you had in your hand. 
Betty had invited you over to hang out for the day seeing as though her parents weren’t in and she was bored. You were supposed to go over a bit later in the day but decided to go over a little early to surprise her. Plus, any excuse to spend more time with her was a plus point. 
“Y/n!” Her eyes widen while she scrambles about to find something to cover herself up. “What are you doing here? You’re an hour early!?” 
“I thought I’d surprise you.” You shrug, not entirely sure where to look. There she was, stood in front of you in a black lacy bra, black skirt, choker and dark black wig, making your brain stop for a good few seconds. “But, I think you’re the one doing the surprising.” You add, your voice lowering while you bite your bottom lip. You look her up and down while a bright blush spreads over her face. “Damn.” You mumble. “Not that I’m complaining.” You start, moving towards her. “But what exactly are you doing?” You ask, pushing the robe off her shoulders and letting it fall to the ground. 
“Just trying something out.” She mumbles. “Its stupid.” 
“Its not.” You reply, looking her in the eye. She still has a blush on her cheeks and you don’t know how you got a girl that can be adorable and sexy at the same time. “You look hot.” 
“Whatever.” She shakes her head. “Anyway, what did you want to do today?” She asks, turning away from you. 
“You?” You reply, a smirk on your lips and she rolls her eyes, turning back to face you. “I’m being serious. Well, I was thinking we could maybe go shopping or something, we do need to get the decorations for Jughead’s party, but thats next week so we have plenty of time. Right now, I’d rather stay in and well, you know.” 
“Babe.” She blushes. 
“We can go shopping if you want.” You reply and turn around. 
“No.” She says quickly, grabbing your hand and pulling you back to her. “I wanna stay in too. I’ll just get changed and then we can, you know...” She trails off and starts to take her outfit off. 
“Keep it on.” You grab her hand, stopping her from doing anything. 
“What?” She asks, standing up properly. 
“Keep. It. On.” You repeat slowly and she looks down at herself before back at you and nodding. 
“What the hell is Secrets and Sins?” Jughead asks. The majority of the people have some how been roped into playing this stupid game and you and Betty are sat beside each other on the sofa. Your hand in hers, while you down the rest of whatever the hell Archie put in your cup. 
“Its a variation on Truth or Dare…in which we own our truths by telling it like it is. I’ll start the game with…Veronica Lodge.” Cheryl explains to the group of teenagers all sat in a circle and you’re now starting to regret agreeing to this. Suck and Blow would have been a better game than this, a lot of shit goes on in Riverdale. A lot of shit people don’t want others to know about. 
“Naturally.” Veronica replies sarcastically.
“Let’s begin with the day you and your mob wife of a mother came to town for a so-called fresh start. Tell us Veronica, what’s so fresh about defiling Archie Andrews in a closet?”
“That was your doing.” She replies confused, her arms crossing defensively against her chest. You and Betty share a look before looking at Jughead, he looks like he wants to be anyway else but here, and to be honest you can’t blame him. You knew he’d hate this, but Betty insisted because of how much he’d been through and there’s not much you’ll say no to when it comes to your girlfriend. 
“Moving on to dear Daddy Lodge…Isn’t it true that your father, from prison, illegally purchased the drive-in land? Which makes me wonder, what else is he doing behind bars?” 
“Well, I can’t speak for my father…but I can think of someone with a very dirty secret. Specifically, Cheryl killing her very own brother.” The tension in the room increases and everyone looks at each other. 
“Shit.” You mutter. “Do I have any dirty secrets that anyone knows.” 
“Only me, and don’t worry. Your secrets are safe with me.” She reassures you and you let out a deep breath. 
“Everyone knows how much I loved my brother.” Cheryl defends herself.
“Exactly.” Veronica replies. “But did you love him, maybe in ways that a sister shouldn’t love a brother? And as you got older, Jason started to think it was strange, unnatural. So he chose Polly over you. So you shot him between the eyes with one of your father’s many hunting rifles.”
“This is riveting. I can’t breathe.” Kevin whispers excitedly to Joaquin.
“This game is sick.” Dilton stands up and you roll your eyes while Cheryl wipes away the tears on her cheek. “I wanna go next.” He adds making everyone look at him.
“Thats the spirit, Doiley. What secrets do you have to reveal to us?” Chuck says happily.
“I saw Ms. Grundy’s car by Sweetwater River the day Jason went missing.” He admits and everyone gasps. You, Betty and Archie side glance each other and shift uncomfortably in your seats. “I told Betty and Y/n, and then Ms. Grundy quit her job and left Riverdale, like, two days later. And lets not forget that Archie was also at Sweetwater River that morning.”
“Oh, my God.” Cheryl whips her head round to look at Archie. “Colour me shocked. Archie Andrews, is that why you became a mediocre musician overnight? Because you and Ms. Four-Eyes were pulling a Mary Kay Letourneau?”
“Don’t say anything. Don’t get in the gutter with them.” Veronica tells him. 
“Wait, what? Andrews was banging a teacher?” Chuck says impressed and you roll your eyes.  “I wish I would’ve known. I would have added you and Ms. Grundy to the book of conquests.” 
“Classy, Chuck, as always.”
“Wait a second.” Cheryl interrupts. “That also explains why Archie can’t seem to keep a girlfriend to save his life. He’s got serious mommy issues. Anything to say for yourself Arch? Were you a victim or a perpetrator?” She says and you look at Archie. You can tell he’s getting uncomfortable and kind of upset and you need to do something quick. You look at Betty and she looks around the room, trying to think of something to say. 
“Dilton Doiley plays with guns.” She interjects, but is immediately shut down.
“Big whoop, Betty. So Doiley’s a psychopath. Everyone knows that.”  
“Well, I guess its my turn now. Boy, do I have a twisted secret to reveal, starring Betty Cooper.” Chuck turns to the two of you and your grip on her hand tightens while your eyes narrow. You’re staring daggers at Chuck and Betty struggles to keep you sat down. 
“Leave her the hell alone, Chuck.” Archie threatens.
“Shut up, Andrews.” He replies. “Look, you may get a free peep show every night, but you do not know her. Hell, Betty doesn’t even know herself. Everybody knows why I got suspended, but what you don’t know…she dressed up like a hooker, in a God-awful black wig, drugged me, handcuffed me in the Jacuzzi, and well, I almost drowned until she got me to say what she wanted to hear. And then she really lost it. She actually thought she was Polly.” He winks at you. “But, hey, you knew all about this right, Y/n. Does she do that with you too, or was it just a special treat for me?” You’re standing up in an instant, Betty and Archie following quickly, each with a hand on your arm to keep you from doing anything stupid. 
“Oh grow up, Chuck. Its the 21st century. The only person having missionary sex is you and whoever the girl your disappointing is.” You retort and his jaw clenches. “And if it makes you feel any better, I’m the one that suggested she do all that to you, to make you crack. You are an asshole, and you deserved everything she did to you.” You slowly make your way towards him. “So do us all a favour, and find someone else to annoy. Or better yet, go home and satisfy the only thing you know how to...yourself. But even then, I’m sure thats a disappointment too.” You say the last part quietly, glancing down before looking back at him, a small smile gracing your features before you shove past him. Betty follows after you, saying goodbye and sorry to Archie, Veronica and Jughead before grabbing your jackets and running after you. 
“Babe!” She shouts and you stop on the sidewalk, turning around and smiling brightly at her. “I got your jacket.” She says and you take it from her gratefully. 
“Thanks.” You reply and the two of you start to walk back to yours.
“I’m sorry.” She sighs. 
“That party sucked anyway.” You shrug. 
“No, I mean for everything. You didn’t have to say that stuff you know. About how you told me to do it. I don’t even know what I was thinking when I did it. Its like a red-mist came over me.” She shakes her head and you frown.
“What did you expect me to do? Let Chuck talk about my girlfriend like that? I don’t think so.” 
“I suppose.” She sighs sadly. “God, I’m so embarrassed. People are gonna be talking about my ‘kinky’ side forever. Think of the nicknames, and everything else. I’m such an idiot. I never should have put on that stupid wig, or done any of that stuff with Chuck.” 
“I think people are going to be talking about Cheryl wanting to fuck her brother and Chuck’s disappointing sex life more.” You nudge her shoulder softly and she smiles a little. “And even if they do say anything, I’ll be there to defend you. Always. Plus, I like your kinky side.” You wink at her and she lets out a giggle. “You look damn hot in that wig and Chuck should be grateful that he got to see it.” 
“Babeeeee.” She rolls her eyes. 
“What?” You ask. “Its true. I feel lucky every time I get to see you in general, let alone like that. Everyone in there was just jealous because they have to use their imagination, when I get the real deal.” 
“Thank you.” She smiles at you gratefully. “Seriously, you’re the best.” 
“I have an idea of how you could really show me how grateful you are.” You say with a smirk and she laughs loudly, a blush starting to creep up her neck. 
“I think I have an idea too.” 
“Oh yeah?” You ask. “Whats that?” 
“I’m gonna fuck you so hard your neighbours will know my name.” She whispers in your ear and you gulp, your face turning bright red. 
“I-I, err I was thinking about you-err just buying me Pop’s.” You splutter. “But that works too.” You say quickly and she grabs your hand, pulling you towards your house, anything that happened at the party instantly forgotten. 
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secretstories · 4 years
Temporal Anomaly
This story is NOT canonical, but it was fun and I wanted to write it. Using a time travel trope for this one. Hope you enjoy :)
“Approaching temporal anomaly.”
“Admiral, maybe it's best if we get someone more… scientific to do this?”
Amidral Vir slowly engaged the jetpack in spurts costing through the blackness of space seriously glad he didn’t get vertigo as stars plunged into infinity on all sides leaving him floating in a vacuum of nothingness.
He knew people who had been driven mad by this experience, they used to call it cosmic hysteria before someone actually put a real name to it. He engaged his com, “That would be a good idea if any of you nerds knew how to use a jetpack. Just tell me what I’m looking for.
There was a pause over the end of the line for a moment before a voice came over the line slightly nasal making him think of pocket protectors and those little rubber things you put on the end of your finger to help turn pages, “Ok Admiral, when you get the the anomaly, I want you to hold up the device and press these buttons in sequence.”
He rolled his eyes. Ah yes someone more scientific to press a few buttons.
He floated a bit more forward stopping just short of something very…. Strange. From where he was it looked like he was staring into a fractured pane of glass where the individual pieces only remained together because there was no force acting on them. He could see the light on the front of his space suit being reflected back at him, and behind that his own silhouette.
“Are you guys sure this things is an anomaly…. Looks like someone just chucked out their broken mirror.”
“That’s what our scans are saying, Admiral.”
“Alright so I just” He paused, and sighed, “Which buttons was I supposed to press again.”
There was chuckling from the other end of the line as he walked through the instructions. He did as ordered only half listening to the chatter of the nerds on the other end of the line. Instead he got a closer look at the…. Whatever it was. The lite from his suit was too bright and scattered off the glass so much he couldn’t see his reflection, but, rather continued to blind himself.
“Some kind of warp tunnel?”
“No, warp tunnels are more volatile and tend to draw things into them. This would have already pulled the Admiral in if-”
He tried to tune them out and tilted his head this way and that
He shouldn't have let his mind wander. As krill had once said his rain was  like a small child, and if left unsupervised it was prone to doing things it shouldn’t. He reached up a hand fingers parallel to the glass.
He slowly moved his hand forward his brain imagining the cool, slick surface of glass beneath his fingertips.
He felt as his glove impacted something.
And he was sucked violently forward, so violently it felt as if his body was going to rattle apart. He was spun this way and that pulled apart in all directions and then snapped back together like a rubber band. His feet flew over his head, he worked desperately to fight against the the blackness at the edge of his vision as he plunged downard into what must have been an infinite well of gravity, and then with a jolt, it stopped.
His head spun and his body hurt.
His hands and arms floated out to either side of his fingers trialing in the air beside him. His feet were kicked up before him and his head spun circles, far worse than they had during flight training.
And then he was 
Fading away with the stars overhead, and a bright light passing over his body.
“The suit is certainly huma, though I can’t say I have seen this model in a while.”
“And it has a jetpack! Hell yeah! Our mystery visitor has class.”
“Now, the real question remains. Who could it be? We are the only ship in this sector.
“Don’t tell me we are going to open it up and see a gooey corpse…. Eww.”
“No, the suit is broadcasting vitals. WHoever is inside is just fine.
Adam struggled to open his eyes but when he did he was blinded and the world spun around him. He tried to lift his hands against the light, but his suit felt like led weight was boring down on him.
“He’s waking up” Someone announced 
He groaned.
“Get the helmet off him or… her I suppose.”
There was a sharp hiss and the world around him was flooded with light. He grimaced and turned his head to the side.
There was a gasp from around the room.
“Well glaze my ass and call me a doughnut.”
“This is it, I have OFFICIALLY seen everything.”
“Holy shit!”
He grimaced past the light and managed to hold up a hand before his eyes. He blinked a few more times.
Someone stepped in blocking the light assailing his eyes, and finally he was able to drop his hand, and nearly leaped back in his skin. A man stood over him grinning from ear to ear, tall, broad shouldered snow white hair and…. An eyepatch.
“Well you are once handsome devil if I do say so myself.”
He sat up scrambling back a little.
The man grabbed his arms, “Whoa there champ, hold on before you crawl out of that suit.”
“Who the fuck are you!” 
“Come on, son, ever looked in a mirror.”
His mouth opened and then closed and then opened again.  He turned his head wincing at the light nearly crawling off the bed when his eyes fell on another shape. Small, brown grey, with large prismatic orange eyes.
“Fascinating.” Krill said. There was a loud snap as he pulled on a latex glove, “I guess probing is in order
He leaped to his feet pointing, “Hell no you little gremlin, keep away from me.”
“Wow, I remember you having a much better sense of humor.”
“Oh you boys stop harassing him, look he’s scared.” He turned his head towards the new voice falling upon wide bespectacled eyes, and long dark hair pulled back from her face in a tight bun. The lines around her eyes had deepened and her skin wasn’t so tight but, he would know that face anywhere.
“Katie.” He said in confusion.
She smiled at him, “That’s right, now get down from there, we promise we won't hurt you.” She glowered at Krill, “And we CERTAINLY won’t PROBE him either.”
Krill huffed, “killjoy.”
Slowly Adam crawled down from where he stood on the bed stealing glances at the white haired man off to his right, who was grinning at him. As soon as he was down the other guy moved forward taking him by the shoulder and turning him this way and that, “Wow its like looking in a mirror, only, you know some twenty years younger.”
The other man tilted his head back, “Forgot how handsome I am.”
Adam pulled his face away, “W-what is going on.”
The other man grinned, “ well why don't’ you tell us your side of the story, and we will try to fill in the holes.”
He rubbed the back of his head, “Well I was…. I was investigating a temporal anomaly and I.”
“You touched it, you touched it didn't you.” The older man interrupted.
He felt himself go red, “I…. no..”
“He he, looks so cute when I lie.”
“How do you know he’s lying.”
“How can’t you know. Look, his ears are all red.”
Adam reached up to cover his ears, “who are you.”
The older man rolled his eyes, “man I am dumb sometimes.” he held up his hands, there is only one explanation for this my young friend. He reached up wiggling his fingers through the air, “Time travel”
“Time travel?
He nodded, “Time travel. You see you are me and I am you just, you know older…. How old are you right now?”
“Twenty uh…. Twenty six?”
“Don’t look at me. I am Forty six and fabulous.”
Adam frowned, “But your hair.”
The older Adam frowned at him, “I go grey early, can you blame me. Look, I think you have some white hairs yourself. But you won’t find a man my age with a body like mine this side of Andromeda.”
“Sure you do.”
“Haven’t heard Sunny complain.”
Adam opened his mouth closed it and then, felt his face flush red again, “You….” He trailed off cutting the question short.
“Oh look at him, he's going red.”
Older Adam waved a hand, “Well that isn’t hard to do. Watch this.” he turned to look adam in the eye, “Sex.”
He felt his face flush even worse, and he turned away.
“Adam!” Katie scolded, “Stop tormenting him.”
Older Adam grinned, “But it’s so fun, I can finally understand why my brothers did.”
“I still think we should study him, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity.” Krill was sayin. He didn’t sound like he had aged a day.
“Don’t you think that would be a little much, Krill. This is a lot to take in.”
Older Adam through an arm around his shoulders, turning his head to look at him, “Yeah we don’t want to do ‘science’ he wants to look at the ship.”
He took  a deep breath, “I… I….”
“That would be a yes, don't worry he’s just getting his brain to boot up. Takes a minute when he’s nervous. Now get out of that smelly suit and let's take the grand tour.”
What other choice did he have, and he was given the privacy to pull off his suit and undersuit, at least that is until someone threw open the curtain and barged in. he nearly squealed and fell over, grabbing something to hold in front of him.
Older Adam just laughed, “nothing I haven’t seen, son…. Ha ha, son, thats funny.”
He did not lower the pillow he was holding in front of his private business, “Do you have any sense of personal boundaries.”
“Nope, those fled with age.” he doessed him a bundle and Adam ended up dropping the pillow on reflex just to catch the clothing sailing towards him.” His older self nodded in approval, and Adam felt himself go bright red again, “Those should fit, i mean we are the same size, haven't started shrinking yet.”
Adam awkwardly pulled on the proffered clothes finding it strange when he identified his own smell.
With one waved hand he was led from behind the curtain, and out to where the others were waiting. They stared at him, and he looked down at his feet.
“Come on, I’m excited for you to see this. Plus I have some serious advice for you.” older Adam grabbed him by the arm and walked him into the hall.
He looked around in awe almost immediately as a large spindly creature trudged past down the hall.
“What was that?”
“Just some new friends we have made in the last twenty or so years.” They walked up the hall and took the stairs down. The ship was darker than it used to be, much more lived in, but it was familiar.
“Here this way to the rec room.” 
They turned a corner and the floor opened up into a familiar space, though it had more TV’s and even a vintage arcade game now. He nodded in approval, “Hey everyone, c’mere.”
The entire room looked up, and he sudden felt himself the center of more than a dozen eyes.
“Holy shit, is that?”
“yeah , yeah it is.”
Another man moved out of the crowd, and Adam felt his eyes widen, “Ramirez!” he looked up at the other man shaking hismelf, “You aged…. Really well, holy shit.” Ramirez grin, straight white smile lighting up his face, “That’s a compliment coming from you.
Adam snorted, “In your wildest dreams Ramirez.”
“ I’ve had wilder.”
He held out a hand, “Uncanny.” Adam took and looking down saw something glittering on his hand, “You’re married!” 
Ramirez laughed and held up his hand, the wedding band glittering bright on his finger, “yep going on about ten years now.”
“Who? Tell me.”
Ramirez shook his head, “No, I don’t think I will.”
Other faces popped at him from out of the crowd, “Mav/” He asked wide eyed. The woman moved forward grinning wickedly. He hair was short on the sides and long on the top braided back into a viking-esque haircut, “Oh look it’s baby Adam’ how cute.”
Old Adam patted him on the back, “doesn’t it just remind you of the old days.”
“When you were still a raging idiot…. Oh wait, I was thinking of right ow.”
It was at the same time that the two of them frowned and responded with near identical “Hey.”s 
The entire room laughed at that.
Ramirez looked at older Adam very seriously, “You know what I would do if I were you.”
Older Adam sighed, “Do I want to hear this?”
“If i was you.” Ramirez continued, “I would kiss myself/”
Adam blanched and old Adam roared with laughter, “Kiss yourself, Ramirez isn't that like…. Incest somehow.”
“Selfcest and I don’t think it counts, but seriously, thinking about it. You could know exactly how good you are at kissing and be able to work out any bugs.”
Adam backed away as older Adam looked at him contemplatively.. Adam backed into a wall, and older Adam just laughed slapping him on the back, “Oh stop looking so worried, I wouldn’t do that to you unless you wanted a go, but you aren't as fun as Ramirez.”
“But I am you.”
“I know, I remember what I was like.”
“What you ‘were’ like?”
He shrugged, “Yeah you loosen up as you get older, don’t worry kid. You can thank Sunny for that.”
He put a hand on his shoulder and led him out into the hallway.
“Sunny! Is she here?”
Older Adam beame, ‘I know that look. Lets see your 26 right, so you two are dating/”
He nodded a bit nervously.
“Yeah shes here, we’ll go see her next. She will want to see you for sure.”
Together they stepped down the hall and Adam nearly keeped ovr as a sudden shape appeared before them white and billowing in the hallway.
“And then there were two.” Conn Said, his dark eyes glittering rather maliciously.i the darkness.
“Convict.” Old Adam said.
He turned his dark eyes to look at Adam, “Same dumb different age.”
“Charming Conn.”
“You didn’t change much.” Adam muttered  as the two of them pushed past Conn down the hall.
“Don’t let him fool you. He has gotten better as time  has gone on. A real asset to this ship. Saved me from an assassin a few times.”
Old Adam shrugged, “Yeah Assassins, “People don’t like what I…. what you and I represent.”
“What do we represent?”
“The union between humanity and alien life of course, or the GA in general. We are the face of the galaxy my friend.”
Adam frowned, “When does that happen.”
“It already has you are just a bit dense, but soon enough you will see. Right now you are a household name for humans, and it only takes a few more years for your name to become intergalactic.”
He felt himself go a little weak as white- hair Adam smiled at him, “yeah, the Stress will turn you white early, but it's a good life, and so far I don’t regret anything I have done….. Tough there is one thing….”
He paused, and Adam leaned forward  little to hear him feeling that this was important.
However, they were silenced rather quickly by a sudden massive shape scuttling towards them from across  the ceiling, and then dropping onto the floor. Henearly leaped out of his kin.
But then the thing came into view, a massive adaptid, with blond fur on its face, “POS garbage system gonna need fixing.” The voice was strange, echoing unnaturally like it was coming from a static radio.
The adapted stopped and sniffed the air, its eyes fixing in on him with a hungry expression, one that turned to confused a moment later, its bright green eyes widening with confusion, “Father.”
She turned her head to look at white hair Adam, “What is this, some kind of joke.”
He shook his head, “No glados. I younger me has come to visit from the past.” She sniffed at him.
“Holy shit.” he muttered, “Wh-what are yo undoing here.”
“What does it look like I’m doing! She snapped, trying to fix this POS ship is what I am trying to do, but the coil drivers are going bad and Narobi’s people forgot to order morem, so now I have to finagle the things back together. Do you know how hard it is to fit down those dark cramped hallways, and then every now and again some asshole runs into me and screams, practically defines me every time.” She snarled, showing great white glittering K-9 teeth.
Older Adam patted her on the shoulder, “Deep breaths Glados, everything will work out, I promise.
With a deep sigh, Glados did as told, taking two great heaving breaths before calming down.
She nodded her huge head, eyes softening a bit, “Anyway. I have to go fix this. It was interesting to see you again, father.” and then she turned around and scuttled into the darkness. As she departed Adam was surprised to find a shape clinging to her belly …. An adapted male.”
“She…. shes…. uh  married? Dating?”
“Yes, though she's been looking for a third.” He chuckled, “She’s been trying to convince Conn, believe it or not.”
Adam snorted and nearly fell over, “What!”
“Imagine a bunch of baby adaptids who could survive in the vacuum of space. It would be one of the greatest evolutions their species has ever seen.”
He rubbed his head almost dizzy, “And is he considering it?”
Old Adam shrugged, “I don’t know. I think if we told him no directly to his face he might actually consider it, but I want to see if Glados can convince him first. I’d rather he agree on his own than out of spite.”
Adam held his head behind his back and shook his head, “This is all, this is insane.”
Old Adam snorted, “Not so much kid. This is your life.”
They were lead down through the next few hallways in near silence, “So what were you going to tell me earlier?”
Old Adam tilted his head, “What was…. Oh yeah! I remember now” he turned to look at him with a very serious expression stopping in the hallway and then laying a hand on his shoulder, “The one thing I regret.”
He waited on tenterhooks.
“Go on.”
“I regret not advancing my  relationship with Sunny sooner. You love her, kid. You love her so much you don’t know what to do with yourself, but for some reason you are so worried and embarrassed about it that you can’t do it. I gey your nervous and awkward, but she doesnt care, and no one else that matters will care.”
He felt his face flush and his hands go warm, “I…. I don’t know about that I, I’m not.”
‘Not ready? Well lets be honest, you will never be ready,and the longer you wait to feel ready is the longer that beautiful warrior is going to go thinking that maybe….. Just maybe you are going to turn away and pick someone else. The longer you wait is the longer she is going to wonder if she is good enough, the longer she is going to think you are going to leave her for some human.”
He stood on the floor stunned, “She thinks that? But she’s never…”
“Never said anything. Of course she’s never said anything. She doesn’t want to drive you away, and she loves you enough that she wants you to be happy even if that means her being miserable” he grabbed Adam by the shoulders and nearly shook his brain out of his head, “You found her, I promise you found her ok, no need to look anymore, no need to worry. She isn’t going to leave you, no matter what you do, and possibly despite everything you do.”
His heart was hammering in his chest as the other man lead him up the hallway hand gripping around his wrist.
“So….so you two…. I’m … I mean you and Sunny are.”
Older Adam turned to look at him over his shoulder, “I challenged her to trial by unarmed combat seven years ago, and every day I regret that I hadn’t done it sooner.”
Adam sputtered, “Trial by unarmed combat but that!.”
Old Adam frowned at him, “I know what it is. I am leader of a drev clan too.”
hIs head was spinning, his heart was hammering and he felt ready to fall over as they turned the next corner and down into a little workshop that he recognized well. It was more cluttered than it had been before,and the walls were practically plastered with schematics and blueprints, but the smell of metal and adhesive were strong.
Old Adam left young Adam at the back of the room and walked forward to where a lone figure was sitting on a bench busy tinkering with  a few pieces of equipment.
“Hey, hot stuff.” He said, leaning in to kiss her cheek, making Adam’s face flare red as he looked away.
The head lifted, bright light running over blue carapace, “Mmmmm hey snow white.”
“Never gonna let me live that down, huh.”
“There is someone here I want you to see.’ He said, and the way he reached out, touching her arm tenderly made his entire body erupt into tiny fizzing bubbles. He swallowed hard and looked up at the ceiling.
Sunny looked over her shoulder and her eyes widened, freezing in place as she stared at him. He raised an awkward hand to wave, “Er…. hi.”
“No way…. Is this serious.”
Old Adam grinned, “yeah.”
Sunny shook her head in awe before the expression adjusted into a frown, “Great, now I have two children to take care of.” She looked pointedly at old Adam who just grinned.
She turned and looked Adam back over one more time, “I forgot how hot you used to be.’
His grin fell and he glowered at her, “Used to be!”
She grinned at him and shrugged, “What your old, and decrepit now.”
“I’m not even fifty!” 
She stood and walked over looking down at him. Was it just him, or did she seem a little taller?
She brushed a hand through his hair, “You are adorable. What would you say to a fight.”
Old adam frowned again, “Hold on, why do you want to fight him”
She looked over her shoulder, “I don’t know he's younger…. More…. spry .”
She grinned, “And probably a little more flexible too.”
“Now hold on, I don’t recall you complaining before.”
“Hard to complain when you are trying your best, but you know things get old…. Not so much stamina anymore.” She grinned again 
Adam wanted to sink through the floor, and felt that he might if he got any warmer. As if he might sink through the floor and melt into a puddle.
“I’ll give you stamina, woman.” 
Adam resisted the urge to cover his ears.
Sunny turned her head back to him looking almost hungry, “You always had a nice body.”
“You keep talking about this in the past tense, and I don’t appreciate it.” Old adam lifted his shirt and patted his abs, “See all six still there.”
Sunny raised an eyebrow, “Bet he's a little more….” She tilted her head to the side, “Firm.”
Older Adam looked scandalized by the comment and Adam himself just wanted to die, “Can we NOT talk about that please.”
Sunny sighed, “Still haven't gotten over that have you. She patted his shoulder. Took me FOREVER to convince you and lord was it difficult, but I swear if you just do it, than you won’t have a problem anymore.I swear it vanished overnight.”
“Please stop.”
She sighed, “Alright fine, but you better give younger me a chance sooner before this idiot did, I swear he regrets it with every fiber of his being.”
“I get it! I Get it! I am hearing what you are saying and now we can go ahead and stop right now.” 
The two of them just laughed at his expense, and Sunny put an Arm around him, gently brushing a stray hair from his cheek, “I’m sorry, I know that makes you uncomfortable, we’ll stop.” He relaxed a little and a smile twitched at the corner of his mouth.
Older Adam smiled a little, “Sorry, kid, guess I was having a little too much fun at my own expense.” He winked, though with the eyepatch it looked just like a blink.
Did he really do that that often?
“So…. aside form the other stuff, is there anything I should know? Any advice.”
Older Adam frowned and tapped his fingers, “IF you ever meet a cute little alien that looks like an eyeball with fuzzy hair, don’t touch it whatever you do.” he Shivered and grimaced.
“Um, turns out I am very very allergic to honey so any sort of scent or flavoring that involves it is not going to go well for me.” Sunny added, “So keep me away from it.”
He nodded.
“Also do not attempt any sort of inverted backspin with your jetpack. I was in traction for a month.”
Adam frowned, guess that sort of ruined his weekend plans .
Old Adam rubbed his chin, “Ad face it kid, you're going to get old, but that doesn't mean you should act old. I tried it once and it was miserable.” He prodded Adam in the chest, “Expect your left knee to give you shit  and the fucking heartburn is killer, but keep up your workout routine for your own happiness.”
Sunny paused and then went very quiet, “IF I insist on seeing my mother…. Let me go, but don’t let me do it again. NEVER let me go back again.”
WOrried he nodded again unsure of what to do.
There was another pause, “Also, my brother Kanan, give him some poetry books next christmas.”
Adam snorted in surprise, but from the look on her face he went quiet, “Yeah, I think I can remember all that.”
Older Adam put a hand on his shoulder, “looks like they found the temporal anomaly, and it’s time to send you home kid.”
Older Adam accompanied him into the docking ebay wearing a space suit. It was very strange to hear himself give orders, but partially exhilarating at the same time. He…. he didn’t hate how he sounded when he was giving orders. A group of others came t osee him off and he got to see other members of the crew.
Nairobi, with a colorful scarf tied up on her head, Jackie standing Next to Simon, who looked just as stiff as ever, but managed a smile at him. There was Katie and Krill, who wandered forward and leaned up. He leaned down to listen to his friend expecting another sarcastic comment, but instead, “Relax Admiral, relax and maybe you won’t go grey so early.”
Adam smiled a little and stepped back glancing over at his older counterpart, “All told…. It looks kind of good on me.”
Krill shrugged, “Stress doesn’t, now get back to your people before they freak out.”
“You mean before YOU freak out?”
“Oh I am already freaking out I assure you. That is a fact of life.”
Adam smiled and stepped back as Sunny walked over. She put her hands on his shoulders and then leaned down gently resting her forehead against his before pulling away, “Be safe and try not to do anything overtly stupid, which i KNOW is a tall order.”
He grinned and pulled on his helmet. “No promises.”
She then turned her attention to older Adam, turning her head so he could kiss her on the cheek, reaching down to squeeze his hand, “Same goes for you, you hear me.”
He grinned, “Here you are to ruin all my fun.” She took the helmet from his hands gently placing it on for him with a tight snap before checking the seal and when smacking him about the head.
“Yep, it works.” She announced laughing as she backed away, and the two of them turned.
They stood in the airock as it was depressurized, and their feet lifted off the ground as the door opened. Together they engaged their jetpacks and slowly coasted forward.
The universe unfurled around them.
It hit him now just as fresh as it had the first time, and he turned his head to look at the older Adam, who was already looking at him, and he was under the impression that his older self still felt the same way, which made him feel right.
At least that was something he’d never lose.
The temporal anomaly appeared before them as they reversed thrusters and came to a slow stop.
Older Adam turned to him, grabbing him by the front of the space suit as they looked, “You gotta promise to do one more thing for me kid, just one more.”
“Yeah, what”
“Waffles…. You, you tell her she’s a good girl, tell her she’s a good girl from me.” The man’s voice was partially choked up, “Can you do that?”
Adam nodded, “I’ll tell her.”
“Good,” And then he was shoved back into the temporal rift and vanished.
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spahhzy · 4 years
Alchohol for Dummies part 2.
After a good ten minutes of 'Feeling sorry for myself' Jaune made his way back to JNPR's dorm. He was lucky enough to find it empty as he wasn't sure with the combined hangover and Nora's hyperness he would survive.
Taking a quick shower and getting himself fresh set of clothes, he was ready to gear up, tying around his waist his belt and fashioned his leather holster on his right leg.
A gleam coming from the corner of the room caught his eye as he saw the sun cast brightly on the family heirloom. The one he stole...
Walking over he picked up the blade and studied it for a minute giving it a good swing or two before holding it in both hands. It...just didn't feel right. Holding Crocea Mors just didn't feel right with him.
He set the blade back down and his gaze traveled to shield standing proud next to its brethren. Jaune reached out but just as he was about to make contact he pulled back and let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding.
Sighing he made his way to his bed that had his bag ontop. opening it up Jaune pulled out his revolver and when the pistol made its way into his hands. Jaune found a strange sense of peace. What was it that Ruby said 'a weapon is apart of one's soul'?
"Or was it semblance?" Jaune muttered to himself still looking at the weapon in hand before getting up from his bed and spinning the revolver perfectly into his side holster.
Looking at his scroll he checked the time which showed that he still had ten minutes left to get to professor goodwhich class. He made his was to the door but not before casting one more glance to Crocea Mors and the shield the protected his family for generations before leaving to class.
He could feel today was gonna be a long day.
He was right.
"Where have you been? Where you hurt? Did you kill anyone? How come you didn't didn't call!? Everyonewasworriedsickbutnotmeiknew-" It took all of Jaunes will power to tune her out and ignore her rampant twenty questions.
Looking past her he saw the rest of his teammates Pyrrha who was smiling happily at him and Ren who was looking stoick as ever.
"Glad to see you are alright Ren" Jaune said shuffling past Nora and Ren just chuckled.
"Do you remember what happened last night?" Ren asked to which Jaune shook his head " Only rmemeber waking up in the courtyard today by Ozpin and Glynda...its crazy I was suspended or something" joked Jaune as they all took their seats. Surprisingly Team RWBY hadn't arrived yet.
"Didn't Ozpin say that Team RWBY helped...uh apprehend us?" Jaune whispered to Ren who just shrugged. It wasn't long before the main room door opened up and their looking like they've fought grimm all night long was a tired Team RWBY.
"Sorry Proffesor...we were looking all night for a missing....." trailed off an exhausted Ruby as her eyes caught on to Jaune as if new life was cast into her Ruby used her semblance and launched at Jaune and into one big hug knocking him over in the process.
"JAUNE YOUR ALIVE!" Shouted the young reaper to which Jaune tilted his head " we were trying to find you all night but once Weiss lost you it was like you vanished!" Jaune chuckled nervously.
"Sorry Rubes uh...didn't mean to cause you a scare" he told her setting her back down just in time as he felt the air turn very cold.
"So you think....its alright to keep us up through all hours of the night hmmm?" Came the icy voice of the schnee heiress. Now Jaune was betting man. When a woman talks like that you can either do two options: Fold and pray they show mercy or Call their bluff and hope you didnt bury yourself any deeper.
"Of course not Snow Angel though its is wonderful to know I can keep you up all through the night" Jaune maybe a betting man but Jaune was not a SMART man.
Blake and Yang just plopped into their seats too tired to really care though Yang looked into her scroll as she received a recording from Junior that night. This recording was of Jaune and Rens drunken adventure all throughout the night.
"Why you scraggly blonde-" " Miss schnee if you would so kindly take a seat" Came the voice of Miss Goodwitch "Miss Rose please get to your seat as well so class can begin.
Weiss just glared holes into Jaunes head as he just chuckled at her and offered a sorry to her.
Combat class went on without a hitch as a few student went down to perform. Jaune recieved at tap on his shoulder. He looked to see Ruby looking at him questionly.
"Whats up Rubes?" He asked and Ruby tried looking around him as if she was trying to find something.
"Where is your weapon Jaune didnt you say you went to get it back from a couple a thieves" damn he hated lying to her.
"Oh yeah I got it back alright...its just I've been without it so long that I just had a habit of forgetting" he told her in half truth.
"So how are you gonna fight?" Good question. He was sufficient in hand to hand combat, his old teacher taught him that much, he motioned her too look down at his holster and her eyes widened at the revolver sitting their.
"Ooooooh can I see can I see! " she bounced in the chair practically and Jaune just chuckled before handing her the revolver.
"You truly have a thing for the classics huh?" She said appreciatively as she inspected the weapon. Something did catch her eye, some engravings on the barrel.
" nac aspera terrent?" Ruby said aloud and Jaune just nodded "whats it mean?" She asked but was cut off as Miis. Goodwitch called class to a close.
"I'll tell ya someother time Rubes...now if you'll excuse me I gotta go avoid certain death from..." He didn't get far in his speech as a certain blade from the Icy queen flew straight by him.
"Gotta go!" And off he went with and angry heiress on his heels.
"Get back here Arc and die like the dolt you are!"
The rest of team RWBY and JNPR just laughed.
Ysng elbowed Ren in the side as she pulled out her scroll " so Ren you wanna see what happened at the club you and Jaune went to?" To which Ren just stared wide eyed.
Night time came and Jaune was well on his way to falling asleep with all this home work that professor port has given him. Seriously how far back did grimm history go!
"Jaune" the voice was from Ren.
If it meant giving his brain a rest sure turning to meet Ren he was met with a less then stoic face...was his eye...twitching?
"Buddy are you alright?" Jaune asked slightly unnerved at how Ren was acting. Ren said nothing just slamming his scroll in front of Jaune.
"This video I am about to play is our whole night last night..." Jaune just looked on and gulped.
Ren pressed play.
" You know Jaune I gotta say thanks" Ren said casually still drinking his first bottle of beer. Jaune looked at him confused.
"You aint gotta thank me...my first initial response to your slump...was less then ideal" Jaune laughed and Ren rolled his eyes.
" its been a crazy start to school and I'm" he was cut off by someone else
"It's been a crazy start to school and i'm" a male voice came repeating Rens words but a noticeable slur in his voice. Jaune was annoyed.
"Will you just shut up!"
"Will you just shut up!"
Great. Mimicry.
"Be quiet buddy"
"...man you Beacon boys are so uptight" Jaune just rolled his eyes looking at the beer bottle in his hands. Ren sensing Jaune annoyance tried to be the calmer head.
" Leave the man alone " and Jaune wasnt sure if he was telling him that or the other drunken fool that. Nevertheless Jaune weighed his options.
A: Beat the man within an inch of his life and hope he doesn't come back.
... as fun , and possibly deserving of it, it would make Beacon look bad.
B: Threaten the man but thats pretty much the same as option A without the bodily harm...option c it is.
"Leave me alone...people have been leaving me alone for near on 10-"
"Look buddy" Jaune started putting his beer down and looked at the older drunk gentlemen.
"Your a charming fellow eh?" He looks at Ren " one of the best! But me and my teammate here are having a team meeting so could you possibly leave us alone?" Jaune asked putting his hands up on the guys shoulders.
"No offense intended!" The drunk man just sighed before walking away from the duo grumbling.
"Just trying...to be friendly.." and walked off to some other corner of the bar.
Jaune looked at Ren and Ren looked at Jaune, both just chuckled before downing their beer.
"Ah another one bartender please!" Too which to more beers slid into Ren and Jaunes grip.
"Well here to number two!" Jaune said and raised his glass to which Ren met halfway.
"Okay surely that was it I mean I did say two!" Jaune said looking up from the scroll at Ren who just shook his head.
What was originally planned for two turned into one more...and that one more turned into one more.
"Caaan yous play Despacito for me mr. Dj man" came the slur question of one Jaune Arc as he tried to get the DJ to play something to which the DJ man just ignored him.
"Youuus suck" turning around he realized that his poor teammate had disappeared! Oh no! That pancake fiend will hurt him!
"Renny! Buddy where are you" he tried calling out but to know avail.
"Hey you seen my buddy Ren anywhere?" He asked one of the guests here and they shook their heads.
Looking around Jaune tried to find his missing buddy. He saw a couple of women standing by the VIP room.
"Scuse me nice ladies buuut I can't seem to find my friend, do you know where he went?" He slurred out and almost stumbled. The ladies annoyed at him just said no. Jaune just sighed and stumbled away.... if he didn't find Renny oh brothers...his poor knees.
"Helloo oh leader of leaders!" Jaune looked up to see Ren up on the second floor.
"What are you doin up there?" To which Ren just shrugged Jaune made his way to the second floor just in time to see Ren balance a beer bottle on his head.
" I...I don't know J-Jaune this beer bottle...its like us.. its like...pancakes" Ren said giggling as he turned towards Arthur but the sudden movement cause the bottle to fall and break. Luckily no one was near by but the bar tender did leer at them b efore cleaning up. To which both of them laughed.
It wasn't long before another bottle of beer was in their hands....
They were leaning against the railing and Jaune just needed to know.
"Soooo tell me....what made...you so...distracted?" Jaune asked to which Ren just laughed.
"You'd probably....think badly...of me" He said as he took another swig of his beer to which Jaune laughed him off.
"Aww nonsense we're teammates...famillyy tell your big brother" he teased and Ren just blushed.
"Well I was...uh more like...entranced by Nora's" Jaune held out his ear as he couldn't really here what the boy was saying.
"I'm sorry imma ...little drunk it seems...what didja say?" Jaune asked and Rens blush just intensified
"I was staring at Nora's ....utt" Jaune just got closer
"I was staring at NORA'S BUTT! " Ren yelled out to which Jaune just looked at him and laughed.
" you....means to tell...me you almost got...slapped by a grimm cause...Nora's ass!" Jaune just slapped his teammate on the back.
"Just make sure you invite me to the wedding buddy" to which Ren choked on his beer.
Jaune looked at Ren.
Ren looked at Jaune.
"Her ass...really?"
"Keep watching and I won't kill you"
"What about you oh fearless leaaader...how come you don't have a girlfriend" asked Ren and Jaune just pouted.
"I guess...im just not good enough.." he said sadly before he chugged his beer down. Jaune kept talking more to himself and not aware that Ren had gone off else where.
"See and thats the thing about..." Jaune stopped realizing Ren had disappeared yet again!
"Come here you slippery bastard" came commotion from down stairs Jaune looked over the rail to see Ren sitting atop the bar table holding a broken beer bottle infront of him to hold back the attackers.
Jaune unsteadily made his way to save his teammate.
"Leave my teammate alone ya damn...damn fools!" Jaune said almost falling down the stairs he was descending.
Two other men trying to subdue the drunken Ren stopped and looked at Jaune. The bar tender looked at Jaune before dialing a number on his scroll.
"Who do you think your talking to boy?" Said the patron obviously fed up with the pair but Jaune wasn't having any of it.
"Nobodies...talking to a pair of nobodies" he said as he got face to face with the one of the patrons and shoved him.
"Get lost buddy!" He slurred which only spurred the two men's anger.
"You best shut up" said one to which the other agreed .
"Yeah best time you learn to watch your mouth!" And one of the patrons raised their fist.
"Oh fuck did..did we kill any body?" Jaune asked to which Ren just shook his head 'No' to Jaunes relief.
"I'm like a biiiiiird I'll only flyyyy away...i don't know where my souuuul is, I don't know where my hooome issss" Came the voice of Jaune singing with Ren as background singer and the two previous patrons playing music.
"...I didn't think I could sing" Jaune said out loud.
A thunk to the head was all he got in response.
Camera cuts to Jaune sloppily walking out of the men's restroom.
"Reeeennnnnnnny!" He screeched as he once again lost his friend.
"Renny...you...you bastard!" As he walked around to try and find Ren.
He walked up to one of the patrons.
"Renny my buddy!" Jaune pointed but the man just looked at him confused.
"Im not a 'Renny'" to which Jaune just gasped before pointing at him and shouted "imposter!" And leaving.
This continued for a few more minutes. Jaune going up to random people and calling them 'Renny' and them telling him they got the wrong person to which then Jaune just shouts imposter over dramatically.
It wasnt long before Ren actually grabbed Jaune by the shoulders.
"Jaune....what are ya doin?" He slurred and all he got was a slap to the face. Clutching his cheek Ren chuckled before delivering a slap of his own . To which Jaune slappex him back and vice versa.
It wasnt long before they were back at the bar again.
"Y-y-you kno-know your a good friend and leader" Ren said patting Jaune shoulder to which Jaune batted his hand away and raised his bottle once again.
"Cheer!" And was about to go for another drink when the beer was taken out of his hands.
"Cheers" it was the same man from before mimicking him!
"Thats it! I've had it with you!"
Camera cuts to Jaune taking the man to the bathroom and it was a few before he came out and another few minutes before the poor man came out too his suit was all wet.
"You both need to leave now!" Shouted the bar tender as both Jaune and Ren put their hands up in surrender not wanting to cause more of a scene as they both exited the club. The door shutting behind them with a thunk.
"Surely that's it right?" Jaune asked desperately and Ren shook his head before scrolling down to another video
"Yang took this one" He said and press played
Jaune and Ren just laughed at the events that had transpired both falling to the floor clutching their sides.
"Renny!/Jaune!" Came the voices of Nora, Ruby and Pyrhha followed closely behind by the rest of Team RWBY.
"Ren...Run! The punishment will be...toooo severe!" Jaune whispered to Ren who nodded and slowly they got up.
"Are they....running? " called out Weiss to which Nora and Ruby came bolting down like a thunderbolt.
" stop right their you two!" Said Ruby using her semblance to get closer to Jaune
"Neeeeeeeveeerr!" Screeched Jaune as he started running he looked back to see Ren getting tackled by nora. Jaune just let out a silent prayer. Running albeit sloppily through a back alley he just had to hope over this fence and he'd be home free!
"Oh no you don't you drunken dolt stop!" Gasp the evil white witch stood in his path! And the flower girl was on his tail! If he were to stop now he'll be caught!
He increased his speed as Weiss just stood her ground arms outstretched ready to capture the drunken arc. Ruby was gaining and almost within reach.
It was now or never!
Jaune suddenly stopped mere inches from Weiss. Weiss smiled happy thst Jaune came to his senses but was confused when jaune just ducked.
"Weiss get out the waaaay" Weiss liiked just in time to see rose petals collide with her sending them crashing. Blake, Pyrrha and Yang just looked down in time to see the crash as Jaune just whooped and climbed over the fence and ran away shouting
"You'll never take me aliiiiive!" Which echoed suddenly the Camera shifted back to Yang and Blake.
"Well that could have gone better" Blake said to which the camera cut off.
Jaune was rubbing his temples as he felt a migrain begin to form.
So much for one or two drinks...
"I know Jaune"
"...never again"
In keeping to canon somewhat of Jaune taking Crocea Mors but him having the use of an old school revolver. I'm gonna make a separate story on how he steals the sword and shield.
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bolbianddolanhouse · 4 years
BNHA self insert AU [Book 4]
Foo... here's book 1, 2 and 3. CATCH UP!
Chapter 2: I Thought You Were Bae!
As summer break approaches, the twins gear up for their respected challenges. But of course, this is the middle school years...there's the added bullying to top of trying to do anything.
"Hey Iida-chan" jested a boy from Hanaka's homeroom "why do you put on makeup, you're still ugly."
"Leave her alone you jerk!" Petti snarled at the bully.
"I'm not talking to you feather brain" the bully pushes Petti aside to corner Hanaka up to a tree "Iida-chan, why even try to look pretty? Your face is all round and darker skinned. And you have fat calves."
"Please leave me alone" Hanaka warned "I wasn't bothering you."
"Your ugly face was bothering me" the bully tried to grab her arm but the surface of Hanaka's skin was scorching to the touch "YEOWCH! With a temper and quirk like that, who could ever love you?! You'd burn anyone that tried to get close to you! I bet your parents never hugged you, thats why you're like that."
That tipped Hanaka over the edge and she combusted into flames. It was too much for her to control, so everything caught fire. On one side, it made summer break come earlier. But on the other, it pushed bunch of things back like the mock trials to middle of summer break. Luckily nobody was hurt, but Hanaka's self esteem went down the drain. Their parent's said it was best if the twins were separated until Hanaka sees a doctor. Tensei was more than willing to be away from home and his cases for a while. The Ashido's housed him for the time being.
"Okay boys I'm going on my work trip" announced Ashido-kun's mom, Mina "I'll be back tomorrow evening, your father is coming in an hour. No funny business! And I want that room spotless Masaru."
"Yes mother" groaned Ashido-kun "We'll behave!"
"I know Tensei will, I was talking to you" His mother said sternly "Okay, I'm off! Bye Bye!"
"Bye Mrs Ashido!" Tensei waved.
Masaru waited until the front door closed "Okay she's gone, what do you want to do?!"
"Want help to clean your room?" Tensei suggested.
"What, no! Something fun!" Masaru paused to think "Wanna....sneak out to Huei-kun's?"
"I don't want to get in trouble with your mom" Tensei scowled in reply "Plus your dad is coming home in an hour! He's gonna know we're gone."
Masaru groaned "Come on Tensei, loosen up a little! It's summer break, extendo version" he scrolls on his phone "I'm gonna shoot a text to the boys and see what kind of adventure we'll get into."
Tensei leaned on the wall he was sitting by "Fine! I'll play along but don't expect much from me."
Masaru's phone chirped "Huei says that he has a cousin that recently opened up a shop nearby and we should go check it out."
"A shop? I guess we could pop in and see" Tensei crawls over to his duffle bag "Let me change my shirt real quick, I don't want to get clowned for wearing a button up and glasses."
"See? You're loosening up!" Masaru encouraged as he stood up "I'll just write a note for my dad and we'll be set!"
The boys met up at the shop after a short walk.
"Wait, this is a tattoo parlor!" Tensei freaked out "You said shop Huei!"
"Yeah, same shit" Huei shrugged as he walked toward the front door "Relax Tensei, my cousin isn't going to do any work on us. He just needs a few bodies to fill the space to attract clients."
Masaru and Tetsu walk in casually while Tensei follows after very stiff. The inside was very 90's style grungy and aesthetically pleasing to the boys.
"Yo! It's my lil cuz Beni!" greeted the shop keeper "Are these your little band members?"
"Hello Maito, yes these are my band members" Huei peered over to the opened boxes behind the glass counters "You're still unpacking things?"
"Nah I just got my order of piercings but it looks like I have to return them" he pointed to one of the boxes "They're fine except I got a bunch of curved ball piercings when I ordered the straight barbells." He sighed "It's gonna suck because half of my services are piercings and I won't have all my materials. But what can I do?"
"May I see the curved ball piercing?" Tensei asked politely.
"Um sure dude” the shop keep handed Tensei the metal piercing.
Tensei looked it over carefully “And may I see what a straight barbell looks like?” The shop keeper gave him the one he had on display “Oh these are the same gauge, it’s an easy fix.”
Tensei used his quirk to straighten out the curved piercing. Leaving the shop keeper speechless and the boys wide eyed.
“Wow! You have metal powers” gasped as the shop keeper picked up the fixed piercing from Tensei’s hand “Absolutely flawless! Can you do that to all these? I promise to make it worth your time.”
“Um sure” Tensei stretched his arms “I have time to kill. I won’t take too long.”
“Yay Tensei to the rescue!” cheered Masaru “Your loosening up bro!”
It literally took Tensei 20 minutes to straighten out the piercings for the shop keep to sanitize before putting them on display. All the while the shop got some traction. 
“Thank you so much lil dude” bowed the shop keep “As thanks, how would you like a piercing, on the house.”
“A piercing?” Tensei pondered “Don’t I need parental permission to-”
“Just get the damn piercing you nerd!” Huei huffed “Seriously Tensei, loosen up and do it! When will you ever get the chance to do something like this again?”
“Yeah! Do it Tensei!” egged on Tetsu “I think it’ll look so cool on you.”
Tensei looked at his friends “Oh okay! I’ll get one.”
“Cool, just sit over here and I’ll get my tools” gestured the shop keep as he put on some gloves “So where do you want the piercing? I’d say you have the eyebrows for a super sick eyebrow spike.”
Tensei thought about it for a moment “On the bellybutton, that’s a thing right?”
The boys gasped.
“Why there?” asked Masaru.
“Why not? I figured that if I want to hide it from my parents, I should get it somewhere I could easily do so” Tensei explained as he got prepped for the piercing “Plus I can’t go to my mock trials with a visible piercing, I wanna be professional until the shirt comes off.”
“Excellent choice my dude” said the shop keep as he clamped the area for the needle “I need you to take deep breaths and relax, this might hurt a bit.”
Tensei looked away and did his breaths. But it was over in a matter of seconds and there was his first piercing.
“Oh wow that wasn’t bad at all!” Tensei said getting up to look in the full length mirror “Wow....who am I?”
Tensei was slowly spiraling into a crisis. He didn’t regret the piercing! It just changed his perception of himself. In fact, he feels more himself with this on and it was making him question a lot of things. So when it came time to go home, he sped to tell his twin what he did.
“Rosa! Okay, okay, okay” he said quickly before calming down a little “I did…a thing…wait- Iwa? When did you get home?”
“I got here late morning but whats the haps lil bro?” the older brother asked “You look like you landed in a trash heap.”
“I can neither confirm nor deny that happened” he said closing the door behind him and locking it “But back to the thing I did. PLEASE don’t tell mom and dad! Because I’m still very fresh from the thing I did and I’m still processing it.”
“Okay just spill it” Hanaka was getting annoyed “You keep saying thing like you don’t know other words! What thing did you do on your sleep over with the boys?”
“This” he lifted his shirt up to his chest, revealing a belly button piercing.
Tensei watched as his brother and twin’s eyes bulge out in shock. They never expected goody goody Tensei to do something like this.
“What the- where in Japan did you go to get pierced?” Hanaka asked genuinely “Those jewelry places don’t let you get one without adult permission if you’re under 16.”
“Don’t get mad, but one of my band members has a cousin that’s a tattoo artist and does piercings at the place they work at” Tensei started to get red faced “Sooo I showed him that I could fix his little barbel piercings for free when the boys and I walked into his shop for fun… And he gave me this as payment.”
“Tensei! You got this i l l e g a l l y?!” Iwata harshly whispered “Why did you agree to it?”
“Yeah! It’s not like you to do those things” Hanaka scowled in concern “What’s gotten into you lately? Ever since you came back from Nationals, you’ve been acting different.”
Tensei pulled down his shirt and sighed “I’m sick of being praised of being as good and law abiding like dad. I’m nothing like him inside! I’m not some capri-wearing rectangle!” he huffed “I’m way cooler, smarter and talented then people give me credit for. I don’t need the signature quirk to make my way in this world! And I wanna change my image so people take me seriously…no more orderly Tensei, I wanna be anarchist Oro!”
Hanaka narrowed her eyes, like she was shooting needles into her twin’s soul “Is this because you lost and can’t accept the L?”
Tensei turned red and scrunched his nose “No! I’ve already grieved over that and took and L” he crossed his arms “Nationals was just a tiny part of the whole reason.”
“What?” Iwa was lost in this timeline of events.
Hanaka leaned over to Iwa and whispered “Tensei cost his team majorly on all his debates. So bad that the team barred him from going to more debates this season and has to prove himself all over again to get back in the top 3 teams at school.”
“Oof that’s some sad boi shit” Iwata winced at the recap “It’s okay to still not be over that L, you don’t have to spiral like this.”
“Well it’s too late, I got the damn piercing already and planned the next one” Tensei took a deep breath “I’ve been wanting this for a while, to just rebrand and have respect as my own identity. Not some clone of my father or just be the ‘other’ Iida twin. But until I take the next few steps, please don’t tell our parents about this. I want to tell them myself when the time comes.”
“Okay sure” his twin and older brother agreed.
Tensei turned to open the door “Thanks guys, it means a lot to me that you support me.”
Crisis averted...for now.
-Mock trial day-
Tensei took time to get dressed up in his nice suit and fixed his hair. But he couldn’t help but to look at himself in the mirror and not like what he saw. All he saw was a spitting image of his father and every male in that side of the family that had a portrait in the lineage hall. Same eyebrows, eyes, hair type and jawline...only difference was that belly piercing. As he put on his glasses and let out a sigh, Hanaka was having her little tantrum downstairs. That was his cue to head out. His twin was upset that she had to go with him to his mock trials, only because she’d be home alone otherwise. 
Halfway through the trials, Hanaka tugged on Tensei’s sleeve.
“I’m bored! I’m going to walk outside” huffed Hanaka “That’s how bored I am!”
“Fine, this next one is my last trial” Tensei glanced at his watch “Don’t wander off! Mom is going to pick us up at exactly 4 and she expects us to be together.”
“Okay DAD!” spat his twin as she turned to leave the multi-purpose room.
Tensei groaned and turned to his debate partner “I envy you so much Tanaka-kun. You don’t have siblings to deal with.”
“I don’t know Iida-kun, I wish I had a twin” Tanaka smiled “It’s like having a built in friend. Hanaka-chan and you must of gotten along at some point.”
“Not since we were babies” Tensei recalled.
While the next trial was going on in the building, Hanaka was biding the time by finding white clovers in the grass area.
“Is that you Hanaka-chan?” 
Hanaka looked around to find the voice that called out to her “Oh, Huei-kun! What are you doing here?”
“I was inside doing volunteer work for the trials” he responded “I’m done now and I was going to head home but it looks like you might want some company.”
“Ummm sure, I was pretty bored in there” Hanaka sat under a tree and held out her harvest of white clovers “Help me make a flower chain!”
Tensei had full view of the two from his spot of the trials. Keeping a watchful eye when he wasn’t speaking or doing cross-examinations. Hanaka was having seemingly normal conversation with her twin’s friend. Both of them have known Huei since elementary school, so he’s to be trusted.
“Hanaka-chan I think that bully was wrong” said Huei “I don’t think you’re ugly or unloveable.”
“My older brother gave me a whole pep talk about it” Hanaka sneered as she did the last knot on the flower chain “I don’t care what that bully has to say anymore.”
“No like, I think you’re pretty”
Hanaka stopped what she was doing. Something about the way Huei said that didn’t settle well in her.
“Huh? What are you saying?” she looked up at his face, showing her discomfort.
“Aw don’t hurt my feelings like that Hanaka-chan” Huei responded in a flirty but creepy way “I’ve always liked you.”
Hanaka stood up quickly “Stop, you’re being creepy.”
The boy loomed over Hanaka “But I love you Hanaka-chan.” He grabbed her by the arm “I know you want to fall in love with me too.”
“No I don’t! I don’t like anybody” Hanaka tried to loosen his grip “Let go of me you weirdo!”
Tensei caught the moment Huei grabbed Hanaka. Knowing his twin’s faces, he could tell Hanaka was in trouble and wanted out. Hanaka was in her own dilemma, she doesn’t want to use her fire and cause another accident. Nor hit her twin’s friend knowing that Tensei will get mad at her for doing so. Tensei stands up to make a run for the side door to save his sister.
“Iida sit back down, we’re in a middle of a closing statement.”
Tensei tried to explain “But coach, theres-”
“Sit back down or you’re out of the team” the coach threatened “I don’t care if your sister caused another fire, that’s her problem.”
Appalled but collected, Tensei sits down calmly to give his closing statement.
“Here’s my closing statement” Tensei clears his throat, then does an arm chop “My opponent is using their phone to look up additional sources under the table. This judge is clearly biased and only chooses the affirmative side in every case” He points to his coach “And you coach, I know you’re cheating on your wife with the school nurse!”
The audience gasped at Tensei’s outburst. No more Mr nice Tensei, Anarchist Oro is here to make his debut. As he got up to leave he turned around one last time.
“Oh and one more thing” Tensei flashes both of his middle fingers to everyone in the room “This school administration is garbage and can suck my ASS!” He gave a forehead salute “Tensei OUT!” and teleported outside.
Hanaka was basically pinned to the tree at this point.
“I said knock it off!” struggled Hanaka.
Huei grabs her chin “Come on don’t be a tease!” he growled “Give me a kiss Hanaka-chan.”
Tensei ran at full speed and tackled Huei off his twin.
“Tensei!?” Hanaka gasped at his display of heroism.
“What the hell man?!” Huei yelled as he picked himself off the ground “Can’t you see I was having a moment?!”
Tensei wasn’t holding back “I trusted you Beni-kun! After all these years of friendship, starting a band together and letting you in our home. This is how you repay us?!” he stood between his twin and Huei “You dare to take advantage of my sister? My twin at that!”
“It’s not like you were going to do anything about it! She didn’t even try to push me off” Huei tried to get closer but Tensei didn’t let him “Oh you’re a tough guy now that you have your little piercing huh? Come on then, hit me!”
Tensei gritted his teeth “You’re out of the band! And I never want to see you near my sister or any of her friends ever again.”
And before Huei had the chance to speak, Tensei sucker punched him so hard that Huei was knocked out cold. The side door slammed open and the sound of his coach yelling for him to get back inside. Instead of obeying, Tensei grabbed his twin by the hand and started running toward the front gates.
“What are you doing?!” Hanaka asked as she was being dragged along, confused by her twin’s actions.
“What does it look like?” Tensei responded, picking up more speed “We’re getting outta here!”
Hanaka looked back and saw the school administrators were catching up quick. She activated her engines and took the lead, dragging Tensei along. She ran for what seemed just minutes and collapsed in a patch of grass.
“Where are we?” Tensei asked, rubbing his eyes.
Hanaka said out of breath “We’re...in the...park.”
“The park?!” Tensei looked around “Hanaka, that’s like 5 miles away from the school!”
“So? We were running away” Hanaka turned her head to face Tensei “We were going to get caught if we went your pace. That was the point right? To not get caught?”
“Yes but-” Tensei groaned and threw himself next to her “Man, I don’t know anymore. Who am I anymore? I’m just a huge fuck up now. Not that my silly little problems matter to you Hanaka, you were born perfect.”
“What are you talking about? You’re the one with the talent and intelligence” Hanaka responded “I’m the huge fuck up, look at the mess I started this time. And you swooped in to save me, I know I messed up if you’re involved in my mess.”
“Nah I saw that you needed my help and I just acted on my instinct” he sighed “I offended that entire room Hanaka, just to save you. Trust me, it was worth it.”
Hanaka looked up at the clear sky “You gave up your one chance to redeem yourself to save me? But what are you going to do now? Debate was your everything.”
Tensei shrugged “Guess I’ll do music now.” He took off his glasses and held them up to the sky “I’m going to change into my truest myself, someone I can face in the mirror and be content with what I see. Who cares about what anyone else has to say, not like they cared before!”
“I care” Hanaka responded meekly “And I support you on your self image journey.”
“Thanks Hanaka”
“Hey, it’s what twins are for!” giggled Hanaka as she reached out to his hand to squeeze it “We’re supposed to support each other.”
They laid on that patch of grass watching the sky turn into it’s late afternoon phase. Tensei’s phone started beeping.
“Oh crap, mom is probably at the school looking for us!” Tensei sat up quickly looking at his phone. “FUCK! Now what?!”
“Okay, what if you teleport us home before mom leaves” Hanaka suggested, wiggling her eyebrows “She doesn’t have to know what happened at school if she never makes it there.”
Tensei glanced at the time “Fine, we have 2 minutes before mom would have to get in the car to pick us up.” He puts his phone back in his suit and t-poses “Assume the position sis.”
Hanaka hugs him tightly “Ready!”
“1, 2, 3- JUMP!” they chant before teleporting onto their uncle Jin’s front lawn.
“Close enough” Tensei shrugs “You can let go of me Hanaka.”
“But I wanna keep hugging” pouted Hanaka, still clinging on to her twin “We haven’t hugged in so long!”
The twins walked up to the front door of their home, pretending like nothing happened. 
“Hi mom” Hanaka announced herself to their mother “We’re home!”
“Oh? I was just about to go pick you two up” Their mother said in a normal tone “But I just got off the phone with the school funny enough! You two wouldn’t be accomplices to a string of school offenses would you?”
The twins started to sweat. They forgot that the school could easily call their parents.
“Noooooo” said the twins innocently.
Their mother gave them the look and they tried to run back outside. But alas, their mother used her telekinesis to grab the twins before they could open the door.
“I can’t believe it! Both of you?!” their mother scolded “It would make sense if it was just Hanaka, but you too Tensei?! Telling off the entire room, shouting profanities AND getting into an altercation?!” She faces the little sister “And you assisting his escape by using your quirk?”
“But mom-”
“HUP! No buts!” their mother shut them up “I want you two to kneel facing the front door, so you can tell your father what you did when he comes home.”
“Yes mother” the twins obeyed and kneeled when they got set down.
Their father came home an hour or so later. Shocked by the scene of the twins kneeling and diverting their gaze, clearly guilty of something.
“Both of you did something?!” their father gasped as he took off his shoes “Explain yourselves!”
The twins took turns telling their sides of the story to their parents. 
“...then I teleported us home.” Tensei finished “I know I didn’t have to tell off the entire room but they upset me with that comment about Hanaka. They don’t know what’s going on and what gives them the right to say that the team was my priority?!” he bowed his head “I’ll accept capital punishment, Hanaka didn’t do anything wrong.”
“Well, it’s clear to me that you’re the guilty one” their mother spoke up “But that doesn’t mean you’re going to take all the punishment. Hanaka was an accomplice to your crimes, out in the field we call that the ‘get-a-way driver’ clause. She also gets punishment for helping the criminal.”
“I’m sorry but we don’t have a choice but to administer house arrest” their father nodded to his wife “No travel, no visitors, internet use for homework only and limited phone use. Starting now until the end of summer break.”
The twins didn’t show it but they we fuming internally.
“Yes sir” they uttered and bowed their heads.
After a shower and some screaming into their pillow, Tensei laid in bed face up with his hand out. It was sore from that hard punch that knocked out his ex-friend. He’s never used so much force but this wasn’t adrenaline fueled. It felt like he gathered all the energy from his body to focus on his fist? He couldn’t explain it logically.
“Hey, can I come in?” asked his twin from behind the door.
Hanaka tip toed in and gently closed the door. She then jumped onto her twin’s bed to hug him.
“I don’t think I thanked you for saving me” she looked up to her twin “Thank you, for caring about me enough. It was pretty heroic of you.”
Tensei chuckled “Heroic? I just did what was right. I’m not a hero.”
“But that’s exactly what heroes do!” Hanaka argued “I didn’t know you had the strength to knock someone out! And for once I felt this admiration for you. Yeah you do good things all the time, but that’s textbook good! What you did was out of pocket, immediate justice!”
“Are you...trying to convince me to become a hero?” Tensei gave her a look “Is my twin, using debate tactics to have me in favor of becoming a hero?!” He was in disbelief “Wow, today isn’t real. It can’t be! I’m going to bed.”
“I’m serious Tensei- DON’T FAKE SLEEP ON ME!” Hanaka started slapping her twin’s chest “Dead ass, you’d be a great one. You know laws and stuff, plus you can control your quirks better than me.”
“Only my metal one” Tensei retorted “I don’t really know how to control my teleportation, you saw when we landed in uncle Jin’s front yard. It’s not exact.”
“But imagine if you could?!” Hanaka wiggled her eyebrows.
Tensei briefly imagined it to amuse his twin “Am I really that much of hero material to you?”
“Yes! Plus the girls and I are going to start training too!” she squealed “We’re going to apply to UA.”
“Hol up twin, you forget that we have our parent’s quirks” Tensei put his finger on her forehead “You’re gonna have to ask dad for quirk training.”
Hanaka deflated of all excitement “Awww wack! No queiro!”
“FINE! I’m gonna ask dad for help” Hanaka pouted “What are you going to do?”
“Ask mom and Iwa for help. Seems like they had success in quirk training with each other, how bad can it be?”
-The next day-
“Hey mom, what can you teach me about my quirks?” asked Tensei bluntly to his mother, who was trying to relax on the couch.
His mother snapped her eyes wide open and turned her head to face her son “Why?”
Tensei felt like this wasn’t the best way to open up the hero school talk but proceeded anyways.
“Just asking because I was such a late bloomer, ya know” Tensei struggled to keep his composure, afraid of her answer.
His mother sat up “Well you have facet of my quirk and your grandfather’s quirk. Which is rare, considering all the factors.”
“Yeah, you’re a male telekinesis user with a second quirk AND a twin with supporting quirks.”
Tensei was trying unravel all that “Wait, what do you mean by that second part?”
“Hm? The twin part?” she asked, Tensei nodding his head “As a twin, it’s rare to have both children with quirks, usually one or both are quirkless. I thought you didn’t have a quirk since Hanaka came out breathing fire!” she chuckled at the memory “But I noticed that you had the gold skin tone and knew that you had my father’s quirk. I was so happy that you had it, because it meant I didn’t have to separate you and Hanaka.”
“But what does that mean?!”
“Haven’t you noticed that you don’t get burned by Hanaka’s flames?”
Tensei paused to think “Now that you mentioned it, I don’t!”
His mother smiled “That’s because my father’s quirk has two facets to it, manipulating metal and fire resistance. Most users are born with the gold skin tone, before they show signs of the metal bending part.”
“So I’m immune to my sister’s power?” Tensei looked at his arm “And I wasn’t a late bloomer?”
His mother shook her head “Nope, you were also born with your power. And I feel like it couldn’t be more perfect! But of course, your father gets worried and wanted to separate you two” she sighed “He meant well, but I wanted you two to be in the same crib so you could help your sister control her fire as babies.”
“When what about my other quirk?”
“That was a surprise! I didn’t think you’d get teleportation” she responded truthfully “Thought everyone was going to be a turbo baby. But I was happy that it was teleportation and not my mother’s erasure quirk. We were NOT going to have fun with that in the mix, I’ll tell you that!”
Tensei felt a little more confident in himself “Then, can you train me?”
“What is it this time?” she tiredly sighed “Hero? Agent? Vigilante?”
“Ummmm yes?” Tensei panicked that she picked up on his true agenda.
“Mijo you don’t have to hide or feel ashamed about a change of direction” she floated off the couch “I know you wanted to do Hero Law, but who says you can’t be a hero that does law?”
Tensei’s mind was blown “A hero that DOES law! That’s genius! Yeah! I wanna do that!”
“We’ll do training some other time though” She stretched her arms “When you’re not on house arrest.”
“Right, I forgot” Tensei’s new found excitement was crushed by his current reality. 
Meanwhile, his twin was having less of a good time.
“OF COURSE I’LL TRAIN YOU! OH HOW I’VE DREAMT OF THIS DAY!” cried their father, holding Hanaka in a tight embrace.
“You’re...crushing me” gasped Hanaka against his chest.
“Sorry! Sorry, I’m just so excited that you decided to pursue hero work” her father gushed “You kids are so unpredictable, I would’ve never guessed you want to get into hero stuff.”
Hanaka diverted her gaze “I’m not doing it because of our family name! I’m trying to make a name for myself” she crossed her arms “It’s not like I have anything else going for me. With quirks like mine, it would be disrespectful not to!”
“Whichever way you’re going, I can help this time” he beamed proudly “Because this time I’m the expert in the quirk.”
“How do you do it?” asked Hanaka, looking at her own engines “I exhausted myself after a short use when I was running away with Tensei. We ended up a few miles away in like, 2 minutes?”
“And is that your best time so far?”
Hanaka nodded.
“From the bruising on your legs, you’re not strong enough to support the kick the engines give” her father presented his engine “You need solid leg support to start any type of quirk training. I started when I was a child by my father and brother, so we have lots to do before those entrance exams!”
Hanaka started to get whiny “Hmph! Wack! Why so much work?!”
Her father put his hand on her head “Yes it’s hard work, but you should know how hard work pays off! And I want you to have all the skills to get to the top of this male dominated job.”
“I do like feminism” Hanaka contemplated briefly “Okay dad, when do we start?”
“Physical stuff after house arrest” he fixed his glasses “We start the study part now.”
Hanaka didn’t have the right to complain, she literally asked for this. To make matters worse, their father kept every single hero book, notes and study guide that he looked at during his school years. So Hanaka had to go through the whole bookcase full of study material to be up to par to someone studying their whole life to be a hero.
The twins take a deep breath and hunker down on their first step into becoming heroes. Both filled new determination and direction, who knows how far they’ll go?!
-Chapter 2, End-
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