#outside of the spying's reveal happening around the same time!! like. did everyone just go
monstersqueen · 1 year
i love that so far the reasons i've found why Odasaku's Death Is Totally Ango's Fault are :
his betrayal had a severe emotional impact that lead odasaku to choose death
if he had been with dazai when dazai tried to prevent odasaku to go fight mimic odasaku would have listened
if ango had been honest and they had worked together they could have saved him
i think the closest to a real reason i've found that is not just 'he lied to us :((' is that ango potentially reported gide's power to mori, and that's what made mori decide to use odasaku to destroy mimic
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nova--spark · 9 months
Decepticons becoming human you say?! Well I have some head cannons for you!!! (Don't have to use them but ill offer them up incase you want to turn the decepticons human)
Megatron had came along many strange things in his journeys but one thing he didn't expect was to find an exiled cybertronian sorceress. He had been able to sympathize with Quintessas plight since he too was in (self imposed) exile. It seemed like they'd get along well until Quintessa revealed what she did to Team Prime. Megatron, ever the diplomat, immediately demanded she change them back. But instead she decided to turn Megatron, and all who were once associated with him, human. She also exiled them all to earth. Though they didn't all wind up in the exact same place. They all ended up around Jasper (She sent them there to cause Team Prime even more grief)
Megatron ended up in the middle of the city, he was disoriented and only vaguely remembered what happened. A kind couple took him in and it turns out that couple had a child who talked about her social studies teacher Mrs. Pax. After a bit more prodding he found out Mrs. Elita Pax had a librarian husband named Mr. Orion Pax. Megatron immediately took that as an opportunity to fuck with his oldest friend and rival. He took up a job at the same school under and alias (you can pick out their human names). And for weeks it drove Optimus and Elita crazy since this new teacher looks and acts so much like Megatron but it’s not like they can just go up and ask him. At the moment they only had proof of Knockout turning human, not every former decepticon. So it’s possible this is just some human who has an uncanny resemblance to Megatron. Smokescreen spends a lot of time spying on the new teacher trying to get proof of his real identity. The kids love Megatron and he’s surprisingly patient with them. Despite only choosing this career path to fuck with his old friends he ends up growing protective of his students.
Knockout had already been on earth when the change occurred so imagine his horror when one day he was just human. Some of the autobots (Wheeljack and Bulkhead) took this moment to tease Knockout about his predicament since he laughed at them. Given Knockouts previous profession you think he’d end up in the medbay with Jack, June, and Ratchet. But with his lack of medical license he can really only work as an assistant which isn’t his style. He ended up finding his true calling when Miko introduced him to makeup. Part of me wants to make him an influencer but if you don’t want that he could just be a makeup artist. His makeup is more on the avante garde side (which is to be expected from an alien). But it’s popular none the less.
StarScream was not only sent to earth but Quintessa also managed to wake him from his coma. He woke up right outside the base HangerE was located in. He was surrounded by guards questioning what this weird looking human was doing here and if they needed to call an ambulance. Miko came out to see what was going on and as soon as StarScream saw her he immediately ran off. It didn’t take long for everyone to realize that the weird looking guy was StarScream and that all of the decepticons have been turned human. (Also giving Op and Lita proof that Megatron was the new teacher at their school). StarScream spent a decent amount of time evading the government and Team Prime but is eventually caught by Team Bee and dragged back to Jasper where Team Prime gives him two choices. Help them find a way to reverse this or spend the rest of his time as a human in a jail cell. StarScream used to be a scientist (at least he was in G1, not as sure about Prime and TFwiki was uncertain) so his knowledge could be useful.
Soundwave was pulled from his other dimensional prison and found himself in a body that was incapable of speech. He wandered around Jasper until he found Megatron who brought him to the human autobots. He now spends his time helping on the tech side of things while learning sign language from Raf and Bee.
Shockwave woke up on the outskirts of Jasper. Back on Cybertron, Knockout has tried to contact him for help finding a way to reverse what had happened to Team Prime. He had ignored his messages, deeming it not his problem. But now it was his problem. And the most logical course of action was to regroup with Team Prime and try to find a cure for this. Team Prime was hesitant to take him in but Knockout argued his knowledge surpassed his, Ratchet, and Starscream’s knowledge combined and it would be foolish to turn him away, especially when he was offering his help willingly. So he ends up working with StarScream under a very close supervision. And funnily enough him and StarScream actually started getting closer. Neither would call the other a friend (they’re both far too prideful for that) but they start gaining a begrudging respect for eachother
Arachnid probably deserves her own post but needless to say, she managed to get off the moon. And now that she’s back on earth in her new human form she’s not just coming for Jack but all of the kids. They’ll make good trophies for when she returns to Cybertron 😈
This is a fantastic idea, i will be using it, and a great way to remind
Mortal Machines =/= Reborn Spark Prequel
They happen in separate timelines because shenanigans reasons!
Enjoy folks, because this will in fact be h i l a r i o u s now.
And to make it easy
Megatron: Steel Gray hair with the faintest golden touches and left completely down, deep violet eyes, tanned skin marred in scars, stands at 6ft 9
Knockout: Slicked back red hair, immaculate pale skin, well dressed and made up with make up to compliment his scarlet red eyes, stands at 5ft 10
StarScream: Black and grey hair, with faint red streaking, a handful of scars with pale skin and crimson red eyes, standing at 5ft 11
Soundwave: Dark ebony skin, and his face unknown as he wears a mask a majority of the time, but was spotted in one instance to have lavender eyes, he wears his dark indigo hair in braids and stands at roughly 6ft 4
Shockwave: Dark skin, and deep red eyes, he has only one that functions, the other scarred and blind. His hair is not very long, but is pulled back neatly. He stands at an imposing 6ft 6
Airachnid: 5ft 5, lightly tanned skin near black hair with the lightest hints of royal purple and gold, magenta eyes, flawless make up and the eerie sense that she is more than just a human. One could even say they've noted fangs in her smile.
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eternalnexuswarrior · 6 months
Most chaotic MFB Beyblade AU to pop up into my head. Part 3: Metal Fury
Part 1: https://www.tumblr.com/eternalnexuswarrior/745518197057404928/most-chaotic-mfb-beyblade-au-to-pop-up-into-my?source=share
Part 2: https://www.tumblr.com/eternalnexuswarrior/745524457497591808/most-chaotic-mfb-beyblade-au-to-pop-up-into-my?source=share
And then… Metal Fury. Ho boy, this is a wild ride.
Dynamis explains what happened with the star fragment, as his arcs’ episodes showed he was the one to split the star fragments, but didn't know where they went. So when Kyoya and Gingka revealed their beys evolved, he starts freaking out. And then when Ryuga and Yuki's beys are evolved, that's when he comes to the conclusion.
Dynamis: Did the star fragments literally go to every single one of us? Like is this the reason we are linked together?!
Gingka: Only one way to find out. Road Trip!
Thus starts the journey to find the other legendary bladers, except Ryutaro joins in with the group. Canon events happen, with some changes. The boys meet up with Aguma and Bao in the tournament (with Bao knowing the whole story, those two have a brotherly bond and you can't convince me otherwise). Johannes goes after them to recruit the beylin fist without knowing Aguma and Bao are already on the Legendary Bladers’ side, and the two decide heck it, let's spy on them, because it's gone well in the past. Next is to New York for Destroyer Dome, where we learn some new details about some of the boys. Dynamis wasn't too happy about the temple holding VariAres being destroyed.
Dynamis: “You destroyed your family's temple?”
Kyoya: “You're so screwed.”
Gingka (slightly terrified): “I don't think I've ever heard Dynamis this mad before.”
Yeah... don't destroy temples around the historian/lorekeeper/guardian. He's not a happy person when you do that.
The boys finally get to Mist Mountain, run into Ryuto, and scale the mountain. Via their spying, Aguma and Bao get into some battles, Johannes starts getting into Kyoya's head. Canon events continue up until the end, where instead after Kyoya leaves the temple, he just goes outside to take a breather. The other legendary bladers are there to pick up the pieces of Kyoya's emotions, and eventually Kyoya stays the night before parting to help find Tithi. Both Tithi and Chris’ searches fall around the same time frame, and everyone is happy. Except for one thing.
He barges in on the middle of this happy group and activates Dynamis’ curse like the smug little man he is. This puts all the legendary bladers on high alert to get to Nemesis’ revival site to save their friend. Some battles happen as Canon, although some interactions are adjusted for this AU. At some point it goes from the standard Chris VS Gingka, Yuki VS Cycnus, Dynamis VS Kyoya, and Aguma VS Tithi to Aguma, Kyoya, and Tithi teaming up to save Dynamis, and Gingka, Yuki, and Chris just wrecking Cycnus and causing mayhem.
Now where is Ryuga in all this?
Still training to get stronger and master L-Drago, and Kenta is determined to recruit Ryuga to help. The Sagitarrio blader took Ryuga's not willing to join in on the search as him not helping his friends (when it's really the opposite, Ryuga just isn't one for big groups). Eventually the misunderstanding is cleared up, and Kenta actually grows on the L-Drago blader. All the while he's just giving commentary on the whole thing.
Ryuga: Gingka your friend is not half bad as a blader as he thinks he is. He cracked L-Drago's face bolt this time.
Gingka: Oh wow! That's some strength!
The remaining events in the temple fall under Canon, Doji returns (and is the menace that he is except he throws his own bey in there to bait Ryuga to breaking formation). Ryuga actually stays with the group while they all heal, but still gets badly injured during the final battle and gives Kenta his star fragment (he's living though, screw the anime on that). The final battle happens and they all recover again together. Kenta ends up linked to their group during the final battle, and he's not expecting the chaos of it all in the days after that.Part 3 will probably cover personality differences and AU changes for our boys.
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dreamwritesimagines · 3 years
Burn The Witch 17 - Bad Habit [Bucky Barnes x Reader]
A.N: Thank you so much for your wonderful support and feedback my loves ! ❤ Here’s the next chapter, I hope you like it as well and please let me know what you think! ❤ Thank you! ❤❤❤
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Warnings: Enemies to lovers, fake dating, mentions of blood, sex, violence, death, manipulation, language, guns, knives.
Summary: Everyone needs help sometimes.
Series Masterlist
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It wasn’t that there weren’t any spies who didn’t lie to their superiors.
There just weren’t any spies who lied to their superiors and lived to tell the tale, especially on high stakes missions like these.
You tried to convince yourself that the General would never find out, but that wasn’t the only reason why you were freaking out. Putting false information on your report was bad, yes, but the worst part was that you were beginning to find it harder and harder to report whatever information you found out about your fake boyfriend.
For some reason, you had a feeling it wouldn’t just stop at one lie.
Your eyes opened as you snapped out of your sleep all of a sudden and you took a look at the window, but it was still dark outside. That wasn’t the problem, the problem was that you had gone to sleep with Bucky by your side but now you were in an empty bed.
“Bucky?” you whispered into the darkness and sat up in the bed. After kicking off the covers, you made your way to the living room but as soon as you got there, he opened his eyes and turned his head to look at you.
“Hey,” you whispered, “Are you okay? Are the bandages too tight?”
He pressed a hand over his side to check the bandage, then shook his head.
“No, no…” he said, “Did I wake you up?”
“Nope,” you said, “Is the bed too uncomfortable?”
“The opposite.”
You tilted your head “The bed is too…comfortable?”
He let out a small bitter chuckle and ran a hand over his face as you stepped into the room, then sat down on the floor as well.
“I’m not really used to…” he waved a hand to motion around you, “It’s not familiar to be comfortable.”
Of course. You should’ve seen it coming, he was a soldier and coming back home was always so hard for soldiers, especially in Bucky’s situation.
You had so many nightmares after bad missions, you had no idea how you would sleep if you had anything close to what he had been through.
“Do you want to talk about it?” you asked and he shook his head again.
“I’m sorry,” he said, “I was hoping this wouldn’t happen.”
“Don’t be,” you murmured, “Do you want to be alone?”
“No,” he paused for a moment, “Please stay.”
Your heart skipped a beat and you pushed your hair behind you ear, taking a look at the pillow and the throw on the couch, then grabbed them and put them on the floor.
“Y/N, you’re not sleeping on the floor.”
You rushed to the bedroom to grab your pillows and the blanket off the bed, then went back to the living room.
“What are you doing?”
“It’ll be fun,” you said, putting the pillows and blanket on the floor. “Like we’re outside, only not with…annoying bugs.”
“You’re not serious.”
You plopped down the floor and gave him a bright smile. “I am!”
“Darling….” He started but shook his head with a sigh as you lay on your side, pulling the blanket over your shoulders.
“I’m very stubborn, you’re wasting your time if you’re trying to change my mind,” you informed him and he shot you a small smile, then lay down as well. You entwined your fingers with his, then looked up at the ceiling.
“My virtue is so screwed,” you pointed out, making him huff out a laughter.
“Oh absolutely.”
“I mean, there goes my hopes of…” you trailed off, “White picket fence house and puffy skirts and homemade pies.”
“What, you don’t want them with me?” he asked and your heart skipped a beat, then you stole a look at him.
“Can you even imagine that?”
“Yes I can.”
“I think I picture a movie,” you said, “There’s this….big yard, and white picket fences and we painted the house white but the door is red.  And there’s a dog and— feel free to stop me anytime, Bucky.”
“Don’t,” he smiled as if picturing what you were describing made him happy, “Just keep going.”
“We have a rescue dog,” you said, “We got him from a shelter and named him… um, we named him something funny.”
“Is it a big dog?”
“Yeah and you take him on a run every night. Mornings with me, nights with you.”
“That’s a good schedule.”
“He likes me better.”
“Ouch,” his smile widened, “I don’t blame him.”
You hummed, “And you have a mustache I think.”
He shot you a look, “If you say a Clark Gable mustache…”
“I’m just putting it out there—”
“Nope. Not gonna happen.”
“Fine,” you let out a laugh, “And we have an apple tree in the garden. Wait no— we have an apple tree and a peach tree.”
“How big is the garden?”
“Not so big,” you said, “Like in those movies.”
He paused for a moment and you stole a look at him.
“You wanted a big garden?”
“Well,” he said, “We need a big garden for the treehouse.”
“We have a treehouse?”
“Depends,” he said slowly, as if he was intimidated, “Kids love treehouses.”
Your heart skipped a beat at the thought of having kids with him, for the hundredth time the image of a happier future where you weren’t a spy flashing in front of your eyes. You tried to stop the smile pulling at your lips.
“Yeah,” you said, “I think our kids would love them too.”
You could see the ghost of a smile on his face as he rubbed his thumb over your hand.
“Mm hm,” you yawned, “And in summer we would put a bouncy house thing in the garden and we would put a hammock between the peach tree and the apple tree and we would relax there while the kids are wreaking havoc in the bouncy house.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
“Yeah,” you murmured, sleep luring you as you closed your eyes, taking in his scent, “Sounds like a good plan.”
You really didn’t have time to second guess yourself today. Yes you had lied to the General and spent the whole night with Bucky imagining an impossible future but now, you had to keep your head in the game.
You would figure out what you would do. Eventually.
This was a mission. You had to start acting like it.
“I don’t think I like this one,” you called out from the dressing room and in a second, the door opened to reveal Chloe who raised her brows.
You tilted your head and stepped outside to look at yourself better. The gold body chain wrapped around the lingerie gleamed under the shop’s bright lights and you fixed the suspenders, clicking your tongue.
“Nah. I don’t think so.”
“Wow,” she said again, “I hate you so much, why do you look so hot in lingerie?”
“Chloe, every woman looks hot in lingerie,” you said as you walked back to the dressing room to try the next lingerie set. It was a red lace bodysuit and after a moment of struggle, you got into it, and opened the door again.
“Not this one either.”
“I can’t believe you’re going to sleep with him!” Chloe squealed, “Are you excited?”
You cleared your throat, “It’s just a mission.”
“Yeah but you want to sleep with him?”
“The dude is hot.”
“What?” you fixed your hair and frowned at your reflection, “Nope. I don’t like this. It’s too….meh.”
“I doubt Barnes would say meh if he saw you in this,” she said, “He’d probably pass out. You look like you’re about to grab your whip or something. Oh— Y/N, you should like tie him up or something! If we’re not going full on vintage, show him the modern fun times!”
You shot her a look, “Something tells me he doesn’t like to be tied up Chloe.”
“Why not?”
“Uh, because HYDRA scumbags tied him up a lot and he still has nightmares about it?”
“Ah,” she said, “I forgot about that. Hey, maybe he could tie you up!”
“I’ll tell you the same thing I said to Julian when he suggested I called him sir in bed,” you stated, “No thank you, I don’t do that sub thing.”
“Now I kind of wish we specified your cover’s kinks,” she heaved a sigh, “It’d make things so much easier.”
“My cover likes to be in control.”
“No, real you likes to be in control,” she corrected you, “Nothing about your cover says control.”
“Chloe—“ you started but stopped talking when the shop assistant approached you.
“Do you find it to your liking?”
“Um, not exactly,” you said, “I mean I like the color but overall—“
“Do you have bridal sets?” Chloe cut you off and your eyes widened.
“Easy there.”
“Like maybe soft pastel tones…. The whole thing though, garter belt and stockings and everything.”
“Of course!” she said, “We have some new arrivals, let me bring them here.”
“Chloe!” you whispered as the shop assistant walked away, “What the fuck?”
“Think about the dresses we picked for your cover,” she said, “Soft pastels. It makes sense that your cover would pick those shades in lingerie too.”
“Bridal? Really?”
“I mean, Barnes will want to propose you right there when he sees you in them so…” she grinned at you while you narrowed your eyes at her, “Come on! I’m very curious about how he is in bed.”
You tilted your head, “Is there anything you’d like to tell me?” you asked, “Because love triangles are so early 2000s.”
“Hilarious,” she deadpanned, “And no. My type is more—relaxed. Less serious.”
You scoffed and leaned back on the wall, crossing your arms, “You could just say Keith.”
She shifted her weight, biting on her lip. “I mean…” she trailed off, “He still doesn’t make a move though.”
“Why don’t you make a move?”
“I could never!” she gasped, “Nope. Ever. Besides, I thought you were against me dating spies.”
“I am,” you admitted, “But it’s your love life. If you want to date a guy who has an extremely dangerous job and worry about whether or not he will come back to you alive….”
“You’re very romantic, Y/N,” she said as the assistant came closer, holding the set. Even you had to admit, it looked very sexy and beautiful at the same time, with soft pastel lace adorning the fabric, and you took a look at the basque, then walked inside.
“Besides, you’re the one to talk.” Chloe called out as you got into the lingerie, then ran your fingers over the garter belt.
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“Your boyfriend does dangerous stuff too.”
“Fake boyfriend,” you corrected her, fixing the basque, and as soon as your reflection caught your eye, you raised your brows.
“Okay, maybe you had a point,” you admitted and opened the door, and Chloe grinned at you.
“See,” she said, “This is what I was talking about.”
You smirked at her and leaned on your hip, still looking in the mirror.
“Fine, I like this one.”
“Told you,” she sang and you crossed your arms.
“What dangerous stuff has he been doing lately?”
“He was texting with Wilson about some HYDRA person,” Chloe said, “Apparently they want to go after him. Tonight.”
“What HYDRA person?”
“No clue. And we can’t send a team because then it’ll be obvious— Y/N, I know that look,” she shook her head fervently, “No.”
You tried to look as innocent as possible, “I didn’t say anything.”
“You want to go after the same HYDRA person as them, but you have specific orders and we still haven’t got the okay from the top of the chain of command to go after that scum.”
“No. I’m not going to give you the address.”
“Well if Barnes ends up dead, I won’t have a mission will I?”
“He’s going to be fine, he fights better than you.”
You gasped, “How dare you?”
“He fights better than everyone in the division!” she insisted, “He can take care of himself.”
You pouted, “Fine,” you said, “I guess I won’t give Keith the idea of taking you out on a date then.”
She paused for a moment, “That’s bribery.”
“Uh huh.”
“You have no shame, do you?”
You motioned at the lingerie set you were in, “Does it look like it?”
She rubbed at her eye and let out a small whine.
“If my dad asks—“
“He’s not going to know.”
“Do you promise to behave?”
“I always behave,” you stated, making her snort.
“I don’t believe that for a second.”
“Please?” you asked, “I promise I’ll be safe. I’ll just make sure he’s alive, that’s it. I won’t get involved in anything.”
“You promise?”
“Cross my heart.”
Chloe pursed her lips. “For your information, I think picnics are romantic.”
“Dully noted,” you said, “Trust me, he will take you on a picnic. So, do we have a deal?”
She rolled her eyes, then nodded, making you let out a laugh and walk back to the changing room.
“I want candles on that picnic too!”
“Send me the list of your demands,” you called out, “I’ll make sure they’re all covered.”
In all honesty, Chloe was terrible at saying no to people, especially the people she loved.
You fixed your ski mask as you took a look at the text Bucky had sent you after you asked him what he was doing;
Nothing much, going home soon. You?  
“Liar liar….” You sang as you typed your reply.
Soup Kitchen was so tiring, I think I’ll go to bed early tonight.
Fine. Maybe he wasn’t the only liar in this relationship.
You took a look at the building’s window through your binoculars, then lowered them to check your phone when it vibrated.
Good idea. Sweet dreams darling.
You tried to ignore the smile on your lips but as soon as you heard gunshots coming from the building, your head shot up.
“Shit,” you murmured and tried to see what was happening, but it was impossible. Whoever they were, they were definitely staying away from windows.
“Not gonna get involved,” you muttered, “Not gonna get involved, it’s stupid and puts the mission in danger. I’ll stay right here, he can take care of himself.”
For about five seconds, it worked.
“I’m being stupid,” you mumbled to yourself as you grabbed the gear around your waist, then checked whether it would actually carry you, “I’m being so fucking stupid, I haven’t even slept with the dude yet….”
You went over to the edge of the rooftop, then took a deep breath, grabbed the cables and jumped to crash through the window of the building the gunshots were coming from. You pulled your gun to shoot the person who looked like he was about to shoot Bucky, sending him to the ground and Bucky pushed the guy he was fighting with through the wall, then turned around to point the gun at you but as soon as he did, he frowned.
“Hi handsome.” You unbuckled the rope from the harness, sending it up to the rooftop again as he lowered his gun. “Need a hand?”
Chapter 18
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gates-keeper · 3 years
Part 1: “Words of Affirmation” Destiel Quotes & Parallels
I’m sure someone’s done this before me and done it better, but I’m compiling a huge Destiel evidence docket for no reason. Anyone got any quotes to add?
Comments From Outside Characters
To Dean
Uriel: “He has this weakness. He likes you.” (4x10)
Balthazar: “You have me confused with the other angel. You know, the one in the dirty trench coat who’s in love with you.” (6x17)
Hester: “The first time Castiel laid a hand on you in Hell, he was lost.” (7x21)
Meg: “He was your boyfriend first.” (7x23)
Charlie: “What about Castiel? He seems helpful. And dreamy.” (8x20)
Marie: “Although we do explore the nature of Destiel in Act 2.” (10x5)
Sam: “Shouldn’t it be Deastiel?” He then goes on to tease Dean with “Sastiel” which Dean takes negatively. (10x5)
Dean: “This Cas is looking at me weird.” Sam: “So like the real Cas then.” (15x14) 
To Castiel
Hannah: “We gave you our trust. Don’t lose it over one man.” (9x22)
Metatron: “His true weakness is revealed. He’s in love…with humanity.” (9x22)
Metatron: “Oh, that’s right. To save Dean Winchester. That was your goal, right? I mean, you draped yourself in the flag of heaven, but, ultimately, it was about saving one human, right?” (9x23)
Ishim: “I’m going to cure you of your human weakness [i.e. Dean]” (12x10)
The Empty: “I have tiptoed through all your little tulips. Your memories, your little feelings, yes. I know what you hate. I know who you love…There is nothing for you back there.” (13x4)
Demon: “I thought you were joined at the… (looks down) everything.” (14x01)
There are also several instances where other characters try to poke at insecurities regarding their relationship.
Naomi: “You're hoping Castiel will return to you. I admire your loyalty. I only wish he felt the same way.” (8x19)
Casifer: “There comes a time when every relationship has run its course.” (11x18)
Michael!Dean: “You only tolerate the angel because you think you owe him, because he ‘gripped you tight and raised you from Perdition.’ Or whatever.” (14x10)
Comments From Dean
To Cas
“There are two things I know for certain. One, Bert and Ernie are gay. And two, you are not going to die a virgin.” (5x03) 
“So what? I’m Thelma and you’re Louise and we’re just going to hold hands and sail off this cliff together?” (5x03)
“You know what? Blow me, Cas.” (5x18)
“Cas, not for nothing, but the last time someone looked at me like that, I got laid.” (5x18)
“Look, I don’t need to feel like hell for failing you, okay? For failing you like I’ve failed every other godforsaken thing that I care about! I don’t need it!” (8x07)
“We need you. I need you.” 
For more on this quote see the “We vs. I” section.
To Other Characters
Bobby: “I think maybe it’s time you made a call.” Dean: “Why does it always gotta be me that makes the call, huh? It’s not like Cas lives in my ass. The dude’s busy.” (Cas appears) Dean: “Get out of my ass.” Cas: “I was never in your… (head tilt)” (6x19)
“On my car…. He showed up naked… covered in bees.” (7x23)
While Cas suffered from some mental issues at the time, it seems somewhat significant that he sought Dean out under the circumstances, not Sam, etc.
“There’s things… people… feelings that I want to experience differently than I have before, or maybe even for the first time.” (10x16)
“My shy but devastatingly handsome friend here” (12x12)
“He came into my room and he played me.” (12x19)
“Let’s see. Crowley’s dead, Kelly’s dead, Cas is—Mom’s gone.” (13x01)
Dean’s inability to list Cas’s death singles him out as the most devastating of the losses.
“We’ve lost everything. And now you’re gonna bring him back.” (13x01)
While some people have heard this as “bring ‘em back”, the Netflix captions and transcripts I have been able to find say “him.”
“And Cas bought it. And you know what it got him? It got him dead! Now you may be able to forget about that, but I can't!” (13x03)
“I have a family.” (In response to John Winchester lamenting Dean doesn’t have a wife and kids) (14x13)
Comments From Cas
To Dean
“I was getting too close to the humans in my charge. You. They feel I've begun to express emotions. The doorways to doubt.” (4x16)
“I’m hunted. I rebelled. And I did it—all of it—for you.” (5x02)
“I gave everything for you. And this is what you give to me.” (5x18)
“I do everything that you ask. I always come when you call.” (6x21)
“So you will bow down and profess your love unto me, your Lord.” (6x22)
Before taking on the role of God, Cas seemed very concerned with Dean’s forgiveness/acceptance/love. It is interesting that, as God, that was the first thing he asked for, turning from Sam (who had just stabbed him) to Dean to ask for love.
“Sam, and everyone you know, everyone you love, they could be long dead. Everyone except me.” (10x22)
“I love you. I love all of you.” (Arguably to the group, but the first “I love you” can be seen as Dean-specific, especially since it cuts to Dean after being said.) (12x12)
“You mean too much to me. To everything.” (12x9) (To Mary, Sam, and Dean. However, the camera immediately cuts to Dean specifically, even though he is in the back of the group).
“I’m your Huckleberry.” (13x06)
Cas love confession (15x18)
To Other Characters
“Dean and I do share a more profound bond.” (6x03)
“I won’t hurt Dean.” (8x17)
This is said as Castiel is breaking away from Naomi’s mind control—mind control she fostered specifically by having Cas kill a thousand versions of Dean. This implies she knows that Cas’s strongest loyalty is to Dean, not Sam, or humans in general.
“The point is that they [Dean & Sam] were here at all and you got to know them, you -- When they're gone, it will hurt, but that hurt will remind you of how much you loved them.” (14x14)
“You know, Dean, he... he feels things more acutely than any human I've ever known.” (15x13)
Other Comments
Reaper: “How do I start looking for this... Castiel?” Bartholomew: “I got one word for you. Winchester.”
Rowena: “An Angel of the Lord, shattered at the altar of Winchester.”
Use of We vs. I
In the crypt scene in Season 8, Dean tells Cas, “We need you.” This is not enough to stop Cas’s actions. When the language switches to “I need you,” Cas drops the angel blade.
We can clearly see that Dean tries to put up barriers about how he really feels about Cas in his use of “We.” For example, after showing the audience many scenes of Dean, not Sam, frantically trying to call Cas, we get the following lines:
“So not only were you ditching us, but you were also ignoring us?”
“With everything that's going on, you can't just go dark like that. We didn't know what happened to you. We were worried. That's not okay.”
It’s clear that these “we’s” are really “I’s”
In the alternate future presented in 15x9, Sam asks Dean, “What’s happened to you Dean… ever since…?” to which Dean responds, “Ever since what? We lost pretty much everyone we’ve ever cared about? Ever since the Mark made Cas go crazy and I had to bury him in a Malak box… ever since then?” While he acknowledges Sam’s losses as well, his switch to “I” in reference to Cas implies that Cas’s loss belongs especially to him.
(Mostly) Verbal Parallels to Other Couples
In 1x01 (start at 2:27), Dean pulls Sam away from a dead Jess in a direct parallel to how Sam pulls Dean away from Cas in 12x23
Following Jessica’s death, Sam keeps seeing glimpses of her as he and Dean travel around in the Impala. Dean does the same in Season 8 following his return from Purgatory without Cas.
David from “Bloodlines” (9x20) tells his love interest, “I was there. Where were you?” which is the same thing Dean says to Cas in “The Man Who Would Be King” (6x20)
When asking Dean whether he’s in love with Cassie, Dean gives a similar response to what he will say in 10x5 when asked about Destiel.
Destiel is paralleled with their counterparts from the Supernatural play who are “a couple in real life” (10x5)
Cain compares himself to Dean in Season 10. He describes the significant kills of his life (The Knights of Hell, his wife Collette, and his brother Abel) and tells Dean that he will follow his same pattern by killing the King of Hell Crowley, Castiel, then Sam. It is also mentioned that all Collette asked of Cain was “to stop,” which is the same language Cas uses with Dean in 10x22.
Dean explains how his parents fell in love to prove his identity to Mary in 12x1, “He was cute and he knew the words to every Zeppelin song, so when he asked you for your number, you gave it to him, even though you knew your dad would be pissed.” Later in this same season (12x19), Dean gives Cas a homemade mixtape of his favorite Zeppelin songs.
Ishim fell in love with a human named Lily Sunder who ultimately left him for someone else. When trying to recruit Castiel, he compares Dean to her.
Dean questions how much of their life has been controlled by God. Cas states, “You asked, ‘What about all of this is real?’ We are.” (15x02) Later, they find out that God has been using Eileen to spy on the Winchesters. She says, “After what happened, I don’t know what’s real anymore.” Sam kisses her, stating “I know that was real.” (15x09)
PART 2 “Physical Touch” Now Finished
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inknopewetrust · 4 years
Manipulate Me
Summary: As Peter travels Europe as a normal kid, the world’s peril throws a wrench in his plans. With you by his side chaperoning the trip as an undercover S.H.I.E.L.D agent, the mysterious introduction of Quentin Beck leaves you breathless. 
Pairing: Quentin Beck/Mysterio x Fem!Reader 
Word Count: 2.8k
Warnings: None! 
A/N: Thanks so much for requesting this @mrs-blooooom​ ! I had a great time writing for Quentin Beck again. For context, reader is Peter’s older sister but also happens to be a shield agent (it was the easiest route of explanation as to why she would be meeting with Fury and Maria Hill). Requests are currently OPEN and you can check out who I write for in my request guidelines tagged in my bio. Thanks for reading! :) *gif not mine* I do not own any of the dialogue from the film. 
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“-And don’t forget the passports! Oh! The passports!” 
May stopped scrambling around the apartment only to find that you had the two passports already in your hand. The tired aunt pushed her disheveled hair out of her face, pushing her glasses back up her nose, and slowly calming down. It was fine... Peter had you, Peter had all his friends, Peter would be fine in Europe. 
“Everything is going to go fine. I’ll be with him at all times and if he decides to wander off and do his Spiderman stuff––well then I’ll just have to call in some Avengers to stop him.”  
“I trust that you’ll be able to keep him out of trouble if it comes down to it.” May picked up Peter’s suitcase off the floor and listened to his heavy footsteps draw down the hallway and into the living room where you had gathered with her. 
“All ready?” He asked with those inquisitively wide eyes that reminded you so much of your mom. May handed him the suitcase but not before capturing the boy in a tight hug. Her “motherly” instincts grew since she returned from the blip. It was strange without the two of them. You, stuck here in New York without a leader in either Fury or Tony and the remaining members of S.H.I.E.L.D, Avengers and then the developed Sword, were left to pick up the pieces and build a life without them. That was the most difficult part. 
“Promise me that you won’t get into any trouble?” May asked Peter who in reply rolled his eyes with a chuckle. 
“It’s just a school trip. Besides, Y/n is going to be there and I’m sure she’s told you a million times that she can keep me in check.” You smacked the side of his head but he just ignored you and turned to the door, opening it with a rough pull with his spider-y force. 
“We’ll see you in a few weeks, May!” 
If you were able to take back all the words you said and never go to Europe, you would ask Stephen Strange to reverse time. 
Venice was a mess. The water-creature-man-thing...? had erupted the small city into a chaotic terror with locals and terrified students trying to find cover. Peter was somewhere flying with webs while another hero whom you had never seen before was assisting him. After a few minutes of trying to guide a group of students to safety, you secured cover underneath an awning in front of a store. 
“Ms. Parker! What do we do!?” Flash was almost in tears from fear which you couldn’t help but judge. It was water? the kid survived Thanos’ snap so he could survive this. Not to mention Fury would have your ass if any of the kids died on your watch. 
Out of nowhere the ground started to fill up with water and cracking of concrete or bricks began echoing throughout the small courtyard you trapped them all in. The green man came swooshing in with a cloud of smoke, almost like an illusion, and stopped the water with the sheer force of his magical abilities. The creature reformed into what looked like a water man and the green man dodged the attack with made the sound of bricks tumbling increase in intensity. Suddenly, the tower to your right began crumbling and you pulled as many students as you could closer to the building you sought shelter next to. 
“Get back! Get back!” 
“Who is that guy!?” Jason, one of the students shouted out but you couldn’t answer the question because you didn’t know. 
“I don’t know, but he’s kicking that waters ass.” Brad voiced exactly what you would have said. 
The green man continued to fight the water as the tower crumbled beside you all and then, like the blink of an eye, the monster was gone and the water scattered, soaking your shoes with a safety that was much welcomed. The man landed to sounds of cheering from the students and locals that found themselves in the same spot as you. But something was different. 
Maybe it was the fact that you couldn’t see his face, or maybe the fact that you had never heard of this hero and you literally worked for the agency that worked with them all. Maybe he wasn’t from this world? Space? Another universe? You could have sworn that you heard of the idea of a multiverse. 
But maybe it was the fact that beneath all that smoke and mirrors that made up the helmet of the mysterious man, it felt as though when he looked around at his admiring fans, his eyes trained on you, staring through your soul with some feeling that wasn’t welcomed or unwanted either. Intrigue, that’s what it was. And when he flew off, everyone was left with a curiosity that sparked a great debate throughout the entire world. Who was this man? 
Well, the T.V. at the hotel identified him as Mysterio. Peter managed to make it back in one piece which you were able to celebrate in a brief moment outside before the voices of interested students and the television interrupted the moment. Betty and Ned were searching every website for some kind of clue but nothing other than what the news reported was to be taken as fact. It wasn’t aliens, it wasn’t witches, it was just another hero. 
So that was what you went with. That was until you opened your door to Fury sitting in a chair next to the window. 
“Oh my God!” You shrieked and Fury laughed, laughed, at you. 
“You scare too easy.” 
“What are you doing here? I thought you were in spa-” 
The slight reveal of a green hand made you shut up. "Fury” tilted his head with a slight “Ah, well.” 
“Is this about that Mysterio guy?” 
“We’ve got him at a site. Says he’s from another Earth and that these creatures destroyed his own and intend to destroy this one too.” 
“Another Earth? So, the multiverse.. it’s real?” 
“Fury” didn’t respond to that, but he simply rose and gestured over his shoulder to the window. 
“There is a car outside. Go and wait in it while I go get Peter. The big man told me I need to scare the kid.” You smiled at the thought as the man left to go retrieve your brother. 
You had been part of the world of superheroes far longer than Peter had. You had been there when Loki first attacked New York way back when and that seemed like so many years ago. With the blip, it seems like an entire eternity. Nick never let you in on his secrets of his relationship with Carol Danvers, but you had met the Skrulls when you went on a mission three months ago to visit Monica Rambeau in space. Unlike her, you weren’t blessed with some badass powers, though she didn’t always have them. 
Peter looked terrified walking out to the car and when he saw you inside, he breathed a sigh of relief that he wouldn’t be alone. The site of S.H.I.E.L.D in Italy wasn’t far from where you had all taken up residence for the last day or two, but it was secluded, down in the catacombs of old buildings that no one would suspect. It reminded Peter of a Mission Impossible movie that you had watched with him before the two of you left for Europe, he felt more like a spy than a superhero in that moment. 
As you walked behind the two down the long corridors of the abandoned treasure that was used as a make-shift S.H.I.E.L.D, you were surprised to see Maria at a computer, though now knowing about Fury, you were sure it wasn’t even her. The center of the room was filled with scattered agents who you weren’t familiar with and then a projection in the middle of the room, along with the man without the helmet. 
You weren’t one for fawning over men. Jesus, you worked with Thor sometimes and while you were aware of his Godly looks, you never gawked. But this man, he wasn’t a God, he was just naturally beautiful. Dark hair, blueish-gray eyes that surely did pierce your soul, and a stature of a man who knew how to carry himself with power in the world. It was like he walked out of your dreams and into reality. 
“This is Mr. Beck.” Fury introduced you and Peter to the man. Mr. Beck approached Peter with a small smile and held out his hand. Peter looked nervous but responded with his own shake. 
“It’s just what my friends were calling you.” 
“Well, you can call me Quentin. You handled yourself well out there today. I saw what you did with the tower. We could use someone like you on my world.” 
Peter looked puzzled but Quentin looked behind the boy to you. He held out his hand with another smile which you returned. Maybe there was a shock when you touched hands, but you were sure it was just your imagination. 
“Y/n Parker, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.” 
“It’s good to meet you, Y/n.” 
Did time rush by faster when you were in the presence of someone you were obviously attracted to? Yes, because before you knew it, the night was over, and Fury was leading you and Peter back out to the car. Peter was absolutely smitten with Quentin and could hardly break conversation. The man gave the attention to Peter like Tony did. It was like life imitating itself in another time. Quentin reminded you so much of Tony. Smooth with words, handsome, gifted in almost an unfair way, and he took an interest in the last piece of close family you had. You wanted nothing more than for Peter to have a figure in his life to give him a positive purpose. With Tony gone, he’s struggled trying to find his niche again. 
“See you, kid.” Quentin looked disappointed but hopefully that his and Peter’s paths would cross again one day, even with Peter trying to avoid being identified by his class or the world. At some point, someone would figure it out if they hadn’t already. 
“Yeah, see you.” Peter said as he walked out, following Dimitri, who Fury ordered to keep Peter in check with you. You were more than capable of doing it yourself but for some reason, Fury felt the need to send another agent. 
“Good luck, Quentin.” You told him and he nodded his head, glancing at the holographic map of Venice next to him. 
“I fear I’ll need it. But I’m hopeful that the good luck will be for more than just winning this fight.”
Swoon. That’s what you did for the remainder of the night and into the early morning. You couldn’t sleep a wink after the revelations that Quentin relayed to you and Peter about the elementals. That worried you too. How in the world was Peter supposed to sit by while other heroes with indisposed and couldn’t help? Sam and Bucky were on their own missions, Carole and Monica were off, Stephen and Wanda were no use and Thor was off on his own adventures with that team of riff-raffs from space–you know, the one with the talking tree. 
But somewhere in all the jumble of thoughts, the scenery of the canal that had been a scene of something far different, calmed the noise. Enjoy the trip. This was the first time in years that you had traveled for something other than work and yet it was still filling every thought and moment. The thoughts were so loud and invasive that you didn’t register the person coming up to your right, ready to take the bag off your shoulders. You felt the tug and turned around, ready to punch the person but they dogged it, pulling it off your shoulder. It was a game of tug of war for the bag, but the person was strong. 
“Let go! I said let go!” You pulled as hard as you could, therefore the bag came flying back to you and its contents spread across the sidewalk. The person glanced at the wallet on the ground and then back at you before you both dove to the ground. They grabbed it first and you tackled them to the ground. Wrestling with grunts and yells, you hadn’t noticed the audience of one that rushed to help. A blast of green light shot the person off of you and you clutched the wallet to your chest tightly, trying to reel in your ragged breath. 
“I heard yelling from my hotel...” The hero started only to realize that it was you and with a turn of your head, you had realized it was him, Quentin. 
“Oh! Are you alright?” He extended a hand, which you readily took to stand. He then helped collect the scattered items and put them back in the now ripped bag before handing it back to you. 
“I’m fine. Thank you.” 
“It’s no problem.” There was a brief, awkward lull but you weren’t sure what else to say. 
“So, do you always wander around at night in a city you don’t know?” It was an icebreaker, a line that he knew would make you at least chuckle. 
“No... I just had a lot on my mind. What you told us in there–it’s a lot of information to retain.” 
“I’m sure an agent like you could handle it though.” You smiled bashfully at the compliment. Quentin gestured over his shoulder and shoved his hands in his pockets. You realized he wasn’t wearing his uniform anymore but just a pullover sweater and some dark jeans. How he shot the green light in the first place you didn’t know, but all heroes worked a little differently you suppose. 
“Would you like to take a walk? I promise I won’t try to steal your wallet.” 
“How do I know I can trust you?” The conversation was so light, and carefree that for the first time in a long time, you felt like a normal person. Quentin returned your cheeky smile and began walking. 
“I’m pretty sure a woman like you could figure out who trust and who not avoid. Isn’t that what they train you for? Agents?” 
“I suppose so, yes.” 
“Can I ask you something?” You asked Quentin and he looked at you with a nod of his head. 
“How did you know the elementals would turn up in our Earth?” 
“Intelligence. My wife, she had worked for our version of your agency. Before they came to destroy our city, one had already manifested itself in Mexico. It was as if there would be a pattern to follow. So when she passed, I used her intelligence to figure out where they might be, which led me here.” 
“I’m sorry for your loss.” 
“Thank you, it’s been some time now. She would be glad to see Peter helping me, and you helping out with the cause.” 
“Peter really took a liking to you. I could see it in the way he could barely contain himself.” You laughed, changing the heavy subject to one more light. 
“He’s a good kid. You’re related I assume?” 
“My little brother.” 
“You should be proud of him. He is doing a lot of good for the world. I just wish he was more confident in his abilities to realize identity protect isn’t everything.” 
Quentin was right, it wasn’t everything. But it was more than identity for Peter. It was also no Tony to lead the way, his want to be a normal kid, his need to have friends and well, MJ to like him. But neither of you would know what it was like to be a teen hero, that was a lot of unneeded pressure. 
“It seems that I brought you around full circle.” The sound of Quentin’s voice broke the silence and the realization that you were outside the barely standing hotel. You sighed and tugged the bag on your shoulder. 
“Thanks for saving the day, Mysterio.” 
“Anything to help protect Agent Parker.” 
If you hadn’t just met him a few hours ago, you would have asked him to come upstairs but that was far too forward for the world you created for yourself, so you extended your hand as he had earlier. 
“May our paths cross again.” 
He grasped your hand tightly and agreed. 
“Hopefully under better circumstances.” 
You watched then as he walked away, unaware of the man underneath the facade of Mysterio. How he already knew who you were, knew all your secrets, and was ready to manipulate you to take down the institution that denied him success so many years ago. 
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littlemisspascal · 3 years
The Last Mandalorian
Chapter One: The Warrior in Carbonite Part 2
Fandom: The Mandalorian / Pedro Pascal
Eventual Pairing: Din x Togruta!Female!Reader
Word Count: 3,400
Rating: G
Summary: A series that is a mixture of Mandalorian, Star Wars, ATLA, and my own imagination. The Imps have seized control of the majority of the galaxy, including your homeworld Shili. You and your sister Ahsoka have developed a daily routine despite the stormtroopers keeping your village imprisoned. One morning you make a startling discovery that will change the course of your lives forever.
Warnings: plot plot plot, mild descriptions of violence, worldbuilding, dialogue heavy, sloooooooooooooow burn – seriously, we’re just getting started so it’s gonna be a bit before feelings are involved, reader is 17 and Din is 19 so I’m going to warn this as underage even though nothing sexual or even vaguely romantic happens in this chapter.
Author Note: The plan right now is for there to be 3 parts of Chapter 1. Tumblr isn’t doing a good job notifying my taglist, so I apologize if I bother anyone reblogging this a few times trying to get it to work. Thank you everyone out there for each like, comment, ask and reblog! The support means the world to me 🥰
Part 1 Part 3
Cross-posted on AO3
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The village is a small community with less than a hundred citizens living there total, yet it is visible from miles away due to the bright paints used to decorate the houses. Murals depicting the village’s history and its residents adorn every house with details added by each new generation so that no one is ever forgotten. Back when visitors would pass through, they would always compliment the village’s beauty, but there is nothing beautiful at all about the electric fence the Imps erected shortly after seizing control, emitting shocks harsh enough to kill.
Originally the stormtroopers said it was to protect the village from threats, but nobody believed the lie. The only threat to the community was the Empire. They don’t bother making up excuses anymore, now they like to remind everyone the whole village is their prisoner, usually by a show of violence so unbelievably malicious it stuns everyone into compliance.
There are some horrors time will never erase from your mind.
Juni trees grow beside the fence outside the perimeter, the only species of tree amongst the shrubbery and turu-grass, and they are tall enough for their thick orange branches to extend over the uppermost wire. In the mornings, Ahsoka climbs out your bedroom window, slides down the sloped roof of the house and leaps onto a nearby branch. You follow after her, trusting that she won’t let you fall when you stretch out your hand for her to catch you and lift you up using a bit of Force to give you a boost. The two of you sneak back inside the village using the same tree, only instead of leaping at the house, you drop the short fall onto the ground beneath. Five years and the stormtroopers haven’t caught onto your trick yet. 
Except now the tree isn’t an option. Not when you both are half-carrying, half-dragging two-hundred pounds of flesh and metal. 
Hiding behind a clump of coyal bushes, you and Ahsoka scout the entrance booth where a pair of stormtroopers dressed in their characteristic white armor stand guard, holding blaster rifles. There are others on patrol, walking along the fence and checking its integrity, gradually stepping further and further out of view, but they will be back eventually. Your window of opportunity is limited. 
You adjust the warrior’s arm over your shoulders, quietly groaning when your muscles protest the heaviness. “What are we going to do? Stormies might share one brain cell, but they’re definitely going to notice this heap of metal we’re carrying. And as soon as they find out we don’t have passes, they’re going to start shooting.”
Passes are only given to a handful of the community’s traders each week. It is a three day ride on a repulsorlift speeder to the capital where they have a short span of time to sell their goods and then return home within the week with essential supplies. To ensure no one tries to run away, the Imps set up strict rules. If the traders are late, even if only by a few minutes or due to reasons outside their control, the rest of the villagers pay the price. Usually the punishment is a public beating, but sometimes the stormtroopers get creative and tie their chosen victims to a pole overnight by their head-tails. 
Nobody, not even the younglings, sleep those nights.
“We’ll be fine,” Ahsoka answers, firm and confident, gaze fixed upon the gate. “Just follow my lead. I’ve got an idea.”
She doesn’t spare you a second to protest, stepping out into the open and forcing you to follow or else drop the warrior’s body. 
The stormtroopers spot the three of you immediately, relaxed postures stiffening with alarm, and you have to remind yourself over and over to breathe, to not let them see any hint of the anxiety buzzing beneath your skin.
“Hold it right there!” One of the stormtroopers orders when the distance between you and them has shortened to a mere three feet. You freeze at once, heart pounding as fast as a thimiar’s seconds away from being eaten. A quick glance at Ahsoka reveals no fear in her expression. She stares at them indifferently, as if she is about to talk about the weather. 
“Explain yourselves.” It is not a request.
You squirm, nearly knocking your head against the warrior’s bowed head, on the verge of losing your composure, when you notice Ahsoka lifting her arm.
“You will let us pass,” she says, adopting a suggestive tone while waving her hand in front of their visors.
They respond in unison, seemingly entranced. “We will let you pass.”
You bite your lip as you and Ahsoka pass between the stormtroopers and through the gate, not wanting to break the spell by letting loose the barrage of questions forming on your tongue. What your sister had done was as amazing as it was frightening. She had manipulated them with such confident ease you are certain this isn’t the first time she has performed the trick on someone. 
“When did Aunt Shaak teach you that?” 
“She didn’t,” Ahsoka replies lowly, casting a quick glance around. “I taught myself.”
Your skin prickles as you also become aware of the increasing number of eyes staring at you. With the sun fully awake and bringing morning light with it, several villagers are carrying on with their daily routines outside of their homes. Most of them seem a mixture of confused and concerned about the stranger, but you spy the Elders looking displeased by the new addition amongst their ranks. 
You are not looking forward to being inevitably summoned and interrogated by them.
“How?” you ask, copying her hushed cadence. Then, a pulse of panic blooms in your chest. “Have you ever—?”
“No, I haven’t messed with your mind before. Never even considered it,” Ahsoka interrupts, sensing your worries. “I don’t practice often, but when I do it’s just harmless little suggestions. Like convincing Huno to give the younglings an extra sugar biscuit when he has some to spare or persuading Jaelee to go to bed early when I know she’s been overworking herself. To tell you the truth, I wasn’t really sure the trick would work on those bucket heads since I’ve never tried it on two minds at once before. Lucky us, right?”
You nearly trip over your own feet. “What?”
Is she being serious right now? They would be dead right now if her gamble hadn’t paid off.
Ahsoka pretends not to hear you, nodding her head towards the blue-painted house up ahead. “C’mon, Maar probably already knows we’re coming.”
Maar Vashee has been the village’s healer for a little over fifty years. The purple-skinned Togruta helped deliver you and Ahsoka, and was considered by your mother when she was still living to be a dear friend. Her connection to the Force is especially sensitive due to her intricate relationship with the flora of the planet, using various herbs and plants to create remedies, and as such she developed a type of sixth sense where she instinctively knows when her skills are needed.
Entering her home that doubles as her clinic, you find Maar had indeed anticipated your arrival and set up a cot to place the warrior upon. Once he is laid down, you roll your aching shoulders, biting back a wince as the movement irritates the headache lingering at the back of your head. 
The warrior hadn’t made one noise the entirety of the trip bringing him here. Even now as he rests on the cot, his breaths are so quiet you would fear he wasn’t breathing at all if not for his chest moving. You touch his hand impulsively, laying yours over his gloved one. There is no response, not a twitch or spasm.
A sharp gasp of surprise has you whirling around, eyes landing upon Maar standing in the doorway between the clinic and her living quarters. She clutches a glass jar of spotted red herbs labeled nysillin against her chest, staring at the warrior like she is looking at a ghost. 
“Maar,” Ahsoka calls out softly, coming to stand by your side. A long moment of silence passes before the older Togruta manages to drag her gaze away to focus on you and Ahsoka, green eyes a bit too wide-eyed and haunted. Your sister’s gentle tone remains when she inquires, “What’s wrong? Do you...do you know him?”
Maar chokes out a brittle noise sounding like a cross between a dry laugh and a derisive scoff. “Personally? No.” She moves closer to the cot, the white circular markings around her eyes softening with what you confusingly identify as sympathy. “I’ve heard stories of his kind though. Years ago, many considered the Mandalorians the only ones capable of defeating the Imperials.”
“Holy frak,” you gasp before you can stop yourself.
As a youngling, your mother used to tell you stories about the fiercest fighters in the galaxy known as Mandalorians. They lived on Mandalore and had a special connection with their weapons, a bond nobody else could understand or mimic, trained to handle guns and knives as soon as they could walk. They defended the galaxy from unlawful rulers and the threat of enslavement, unafraid to spill blood when they knew peace would follow. Your mother told you they never lost a battle. Defeat was a word unknown to them.
At least until—
“Mandalorians were wiped out during the Decimation of Alderaan,” Ahsoka interrupts your thoughts, voice pitched high with disbelief. “And the few who lived were hunted down shortly after. The Imps made sure there weren’t any left to challenge them.”
As if triggered, you recall a detail from your brain glitch, a thought that had crossed your mind when you were flying through the storm. You had been looking for Aldera, the capital of Alderaan. 
It’s just a coincidence, you think. But a voice in the back of your head that sounds suspiciously like your Aunt Shaak counters, there are no coincidences. 
And as much as you loathe admitting it, that voice is right. Having the image of a mudhorn slip into your brain shortly before you find a warrior—no, a karking Mandalorian of all people—with the same creature on his armor? It is too precise to be a coincidence. Your paths were meant to cross each other.
If only you had the slightest clue as to why.
Maar sets the jar down on a nearby table, then picks up the Mandalorian’s wrist to check his pulse. “That is what we all thought,” she agrees after a minute of counting has passed, dropping his hand. “His armor is characteristic of their kind. Nothing in the galaxy is as strong or valuable as their beskar. Let’s pray to Ai our beliefs about the Mandalorians’ extinction are mistaken,” she nods towards the unconscious warrior, “especially for his sake.”
Realization creates a sickening pit in your stomach. 
Regardless of the status of his kind, when he wakes up his whole world is going to be flipped upside down.
Three hours later, not much has changed except the room is brighter, afternoon sunlight pouring in through the window, and smells sweet due to the bowl of herbs Maar left simmering on the table near the Mandalorian’s head, explaining the aroma will cure him of his hibernation sickness as he breathes it in.
“He’ll wake up when the marg sabls open tomorrow,” Maar told you with a gesture towards the potted red-and-pink flowers in the windowsill. They grow all over Shili, popular because they open their petals in a sunburst shape every morning. 
Ahsoka comes and goes, blessedly not criticizing your decision to sit at the warrior’s bedside when you have a list of chores to complete—doubled now that you lost your bet with Ahsoka earlier. She intercepts curious younglings hoping to sneak a glimpse of the Mandalorian whose presence has become known throughout the village. Nothing stays a secret long in the community. Gossip spreads as quickly as colds and takes twice as long to get over. 
If the stormtroopers catch on, the consequences will be disastrous. For once, Ahsoka shares your fears, admitting she isn’t capable of tricking a whole platoon. 
“The Elders aren’t happy,” Ahsoka says in-between sips of bone broth. “They think it’s too dangerous having him here.”
You swallow your mouthful, shaking your head. “I think it’s the opposite.”
“What do you mean?”
Averting your gaze towards your lap, you scratch at an imaginary stain on your leggings. “Just a feeling I have.”
Ahsoka leans forward in her seat, pointing an accusing finger at you, causing your head to jerk back up. “The Force connected with you again, didn’t it? I knew you were acting weird before we found him.” She frowns, hurt flickering in her eyes. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because I never wanted to be special, Ahsoka,” you reply honestly. “I never wished or prayed to have visions, to have these random details pop into my head, to feel others’ emotions so strongly it’s like I’m trapped inside their bodies. There is nothing cool or entertaining about it. It’s…” Your voice cracks embarrassingly, forcing you to take a pause. You inhale a shaky breath. “It’s terrifying.”
“I had no idea you were struggling so much,” your sister murmurs, voice soft with contrition.
“How could you when I didn’t even want myself to acknowledge that I was?” you counter, feeling as if a weight has been lifted from your shoulders as the truth sinks in. “I tried to ignore it all as best as I could. If not for meeting our friend over here,” you tilt your head in the Mandalorian’s direction, “I’d probably still be in denial. But I can’t ignore the Force this time. Not when the message is this important.”
“What is it?”
“We were meant to find him. To bring him back with us. I think—I believe he’s important. Remember what Maar said? About how people used to believe Mandalorians would beat the Empire?”
Ahsoka’s brow furrows incredulously. “You really think one warrior can defeat Emperor Gideon’s army? The rebels have been trying for years and the Emperor is always one step ahead.”
You can’t help deflating a bit, shoulders slumping. “Well when you put it like that…”
“Have you considered an alternative reason why he’s important?” she asks. When you don’t answer right away, she takes it as a cue to continue, “Maybe you’re right and he is going to change the galaxy for the better. But he could also be a warning. The Imps wiped out his kind, what if they plan to do the same to us?”
Your lips part to respond, only to close again wordlessly. You thought by accepting your brain glitches as messages from the Force they would become clearer, easier to understand. A lantern guiding you through this maze of darkness epitomizing your life.
But you have never felt more lost.
Falling asleep is a mistake. 
You didn’t know this when you rejected Maar’s suggestion to head home and sleep in your comfortable bed instead of curling up on her spare cot that squeaks whenever you move. The prideful side of you believed it was best if you were the first face the Mandalorian saw when he woke up because he would remember you and the promise you swore. He would trust you to explain everything to him.
Within a second of waking up, you realize how naive you were to think you had even a shred of influence over him. 
The sound of something shattering has you nearly tumbling off the side of the cot, jerking awake with a sudden burst of fear. You blink rapidly to clear the haziness of sleep from your vision, struggling to make sense of what you are seeing.
Pieces of Maar’s ceramic bowl litter the floor along with bits of charcoal and ash. Ahsoka and the Mandalorian stand on opposite sides of the room, staring each other down, poised to fight. The Mandalorian has a vibroblade clenched in his hand, while your sister crouches low, fists raised. You know Ahsoka can hold her own in a fight, even without the advantage of a weapon, but fear winds its way down your spine, cold and slimy, when you can’t help but notice how small she looks compared to him. Not only because he is a few inches taller, but because he also exudes an undeniable aura of intimidation: his unwavering silence, the skilled manner he wields his knife, even the sharp gleam of his beskar pieces reflecting the pale morning light has your chest tightening with dread.
The clinic’s lights flick on right as Maar announces her presence by cocking a blaster pistol. It is the Mandalorian’s own weapon, removed from his holster when Maar examined him earlier. “Alright,” she says to the room at large as she fully enters, dressed in her sleeping robe. “Let’s all settle down. Blood isn’t an easy stain to clean and I’d prefer it if none was spilt.”
You see the moment the Mandalorian decides to comply, shoulders loosening beneath the pauldrons and stance shifting from defensive to neutral, as he processes he doesn’t need to fight his way out of here. The vibroblade is sheathed within his right boot in one fluid motion and it is startling, truly, how quick he transforms from a dangerous threat to a potentially dangerous threat. 
Ahsoka is reluctant to yield, staring him up and down for a drawn out moment that does little to soothe your frayed nerves. Only when Maar pointedly clears her throat does your sister finally obey, straightening to full height with a hand propped on her hip, the picture perfect image of nonchalance. In another life she would have made a fantastic actress in a holovid drama.
“That’s better.” Maar nods, satisfied. “Now why don’t we—”
The Mandalorian moves so quickly that you jerk in anticipation of attack, eyes widening to the size of moons as you watch the pistol fly out of Maar’s hand and straight into his outstretched one. Your lungs seize up, a single thought flashing through your mind. This is it, the moment we all die. 
Except instead of shooting, he re-engages the safety mechanism and promptly holsters the gun at his side where it belonged. Without saying anything.
Ahsoka’s slack-jawed expression would have been comical if it hadn’t matched your own stunned face. Even Maar, who has witnessed over fifty years worth of shocking spectacles, looks awed by the unexpected display. 
You recover first, somehow managing to piece together the right words to ask a coherent question. “Are you a Jedi?”
It is only because you are staring directly at him that you notice the virtually imperceptible tilting of his head. “I’m a Mandalorian,” he answers bluntly, oblivious to how your heart skips a beat. “Weapons are part of my religion. It’s important to earn their trust.” He addresses Maar then, adding, “Especially if they’re stolen from us.”
His baritone voice has changed from when he spoke on the ship. Without the exhaustion wrapped around his vocal chords you are able to hear his normal timbre. Due to the modulator in his helmet, it has a husky quality, an intriguing mix of smoke and honey. But that is not what has your montrals prickling and your spine straightening. 
“I disarm all my patients,” Maar replies, back to being her cool, calm, and collected self. “I would have given it back—”
“How old are you?” 
You don’t realize you have spoken until two pairs of eyes and an expressionless visor look at you. 
The Mandalorian’s fingers curl and uncurl at his sides once, twice. “Nineteen,” he answers after a few seconds of lapsing silence.
“Oh Ai,” Maar murmurs, vocalizing your own thoughts.
All this time you have been thinking of the Mandalorian as a man beneath the amor. A hardened and seasoned fighter who has seen a lifetime of bloodshed and violence. But the reality is he is only two years older than you. Standing right on that thin, blurry line between being seen as a teenager and being considered an adult. 
“Who are you?” the Mandalorian asks, glancing first at you then your sister and back to Maar. Frustration and wariness blend together, sharpening his voice. “Why am I here? What happened?”
Ahsoka meets your eye with a question in her gaze, one you don’t have the answer for: where do we even begin?
Series Taglist: @pedro4ever​
Permanent Taglist: @promiscuoussatan @vintagesaph @sylphene @over300books @chibi-yuki @theocatkov @oh-no-a-whovian @absurdthirst​ @freeshavocadoooo @you-and-i-deserve-the-world @lin-djarin​ @happiestsparkleofall @randomness501 @gallowsjoker​ @coaaster @captain-jebi @leilei-draws @disgruntledspacedad​ @melobee @stilllivindue2spite @pointy-sharp @artsymaddie @waywardmando @thisshipwillsail316 @mylifeofcalculatedchaos @grogusmum @asta-lily  @rogertaylorsfalsettogivesmehives @sherala007​ @mejswho​ @uncle-kenobi​​
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maldito-arbol · 3 years
Let’s talk about zodiacs and TPN Part 1
This is largely inspired by the fact that I talk about the characters’ zodiacs nonstop in the fanfic I’m working on for my tpn witch au, and I’ve been chortling to myself the entire time about how well some of them fit their sign and how some of them just... don’t. I’m going to simply infodump about each character, their sign, element, and some attributes they fit to a t while others don’t make sense. I will also touch on compatibility for all you shippers out there, don’t worryyy. Now this isn’t at all a critique or review of the characters themselves— I know astrology is not the first thing authors consider when choosing character birthdays, if they even do at all, this is simply me rambling about my hyperfixation and projecting onto fictional characters like we all do.
A couple last notes— one character in particular (cough cough Ray) has a different “canon” birthdate from “actual” so I’ll discuss both. Also, while I will be doing surface level research to make sure I’m not talking out of my ass, im not a professional astrologist, I’m simply a witch with an enthusiasm for zodiacs. Well then, without further ado, let’s talk about the kiddos.
Birthdate: August 22nd
Sign: Leo
Element: Fire
An overview: The funniest thing to me about Emma is that she’s literally the epitome of a Leo. Fire signs are generally very outgoing and energetic—they talk a lot and tend to be the leaders of the packs. Leos in particular are incredibly admirable and truly know their way around a conversation. If I ever wanted to get stuck in an elevator for 48 hours with no wifi or connection to the outside world and only one random stranger to talk to for the entire duration, I would pick a Leo in a heartbeat. Emma is very much the leader-type, she’s someone everyone pauses and listens to when she calls for their attention, and she always prefers to talk her way out of conflict rather than fight—but not in an underhanded manipulative way, no, Leos are very genuine with their feelings and will be upfront about their reasons for their actions.
Take this scene between Emma and Leuvis for example— this to me is about the closest to perfect of a summary of what Leos are like, and how Emma fits her sign beautifully.
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She doesn’t want to fight, but she will if she has to—for the good of her friends and the good of humanity. She can stick to her ideals and yet extend a hand to the enemy anyway. This is what makes Leos such a force to be reckoned with in leadership roles.
Compatibility and ships: I know I know, this is the part you’re most excited about. I’m going to attempt to refrain from sharing my opinion on each ship itself, I will simply point out which have the highest compatibility levels. First of all, essentially all signs are most compatible with 1. Other signs of the same element and 2. Their compliment sign, their elemental opposite.
Since Emma is a fire sign, she’s generally compatible with other fire signs (Sagittarius, Aries, and of course Leo) as well as Air signs (Aquarius, Gemini, and Libra). So speaking broadly, she’s compatible of course with Norman as an Aries, as well as Ray IF he truly is an Aquarius. But if we narrow it down a little bit, I should mention that fire signs being fire signs can often clash with each other because both their energies are so high (personal experience lmao), and therefore their elemental opposite, air, are generally the way to go. Usually you’ll find on astrological charts and sites that Leos are most compatible with Geminis and Aquariuses, so Ray again if he is an Aquarius, and then we bring Violet into the picture because she’s a Gemini. (Uh, speaking as a Gemini, Leos are my favorite people to date, and I always seem to crush on them as well. I have a problem. A Leo problem.) I’m so sorry Gilemma shippers but fire and earth signs are like the worst combo, I don’t know how this happened because I love Gilemma with all my heart. The stars simply did not align for us this time
Birthdate: March 21st
Sign: Aries
Element: Fire
Overview: okay listen. I didn’t believe Norman was an Aries at first because he’s not as high energy as most fire signs, but then the more I thought about it, the more it just makes sense. The most key trait to an Aries is loyalty. They are so incredibly loyal and caring to the people they love that they often neglect themselves in the process. They can be very quick to anger if someone hurts or insults their friend, and are unafraid to start a fight or commit morally gray or even black actions in service of their loved ones. Point is you don’t mess with an Aries’ family or friends. You will get burned.
All the loyalty applies to Norman so incredibly well—the way that his plans and actions revolve entirely around Emma and Ray, and the way that he sacrifices himself for their escape even though he’s terrified of dying. But even more so this loyalty strikes you in the face when he returns as William Minerva, willing and committed to full on genocide all to keep his friends alive and safe. As I’ve said Aries are quick to anger, which seemingly isn’t very present in cool-headed, thoughtful Norman, but then you remember this:
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Look at his expression. Even if he doesn’t easily lose his cool, when he does it’s terrifying. So essentially Norman is a much more subtle Aries— he’s not in your face aggressive or full of energy, but he has all the hidden signs. So yeah, I honestly can’t think of any other sign that describes him better. Norman is an Aries.
Compatibility and ships: being a fire sign and all, Norman’s compatibility is actually very similar to Emma’s. He’s compatible with other Fire signs (Sagittarius, Leo, and Aries) as well as Air signs (Libra, Aquarius, and Gemini). Speaking broadly that makes him compatible with Emma and Ray again, but narrowing it down Aries are much better in general with Libras and Leos so congrats Noremma shippers you won.
“Canon” Birthdate: January 15th
“Actual” Birthdate: February 5th
“Canon” sign: Capricorn
“Actual” sign: Aquarius
“Canon” Element: Earth
“Actual” Element: Air
Overview: alright Ray is a bit of a mixed bag to unpack. Because it’s been stated that Ray’s January 15th birthday is not his actual birthday outside of the source material, then it’s reasonable for me to count both birthdays because people have different ideas of what’s canon and what’s not. Interestingly enough though, Ray does indeed fit well enough into both the Capricorn and Aquarius signs, however I personally believe one shows through him better than the other.
We’ve been talking about fire signs for Emma and Norman so it’s finally time to dive into two other elements! We’ll start with Capricorn then, the Earth sign. The most important thing to remember is that the Earth signs are the most grounded and practical. If you want someone who can give you logical and rational advice, your best bet would be the Earth signs (Air signs are also good at this but this ain’t about them. Although you will notice some overlap in traits between these two, particularly in Capricorns and Aquariuses).
We can already see the ‘practical’ side show through in Ray by the way he hyperfocuses on taking Norman and Emma to escape but insists on leaving the other kids behind. This isn’t to say he doesn’t feel for them, on the contrary, Earth signs are indeed very in tune with their emotions and empathy, but Capricorns really know how to set that part of them aside in favor of the calm and certain route. They like tangible solutions, things they can grasp with the least amount of risk, and they’re very resistant to changes—like giant rocks. This is also noticeable in how Ray gets so very flustered by Norman and Emma’s impulsivity. He clashes with both of them because Earth signs prefer to take things slow while Fire signs just like to make a leap and hope for the best.
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Note how Emma says “not that I mind...” meanwhile Ray is out here going “I MIND!!” Which we learn is because of his identity as the spy. He’s got his own plan and a tangible solution to shoot for, and Norman and his impulsivity and Emma going along with it is messing everything up. Thus, he forcibly retakes control of the situation via making a deal with Norman after the traitor is revealed. Very Capricorn stuff.
And if you want an image that just completely sums up the Capricorn in Ray, here you go:
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On the OTHER hand, if we’re to go off Ray’s “actual” birthdate, which was so lovingly calculated by Tempo, then we get Aquarius Ray, the Air sign. The most important things to note about the air signs is that they’re the thinkers—the farthest from impulsive, they’re the least in tune with their emotions, and they are oh so horribly indecisive. Where Earth signs will be able to give advice that adheres to both logic and emotion, Air signs stick purely to logic. Where Earth signs are able to make calm and rational decisions, Air signs will agonize over options and often find themselves lost, searching perpetually for a solution with no cracks in it. Hello. I’m an Air sign. :’))
I’m gonna come right out and say it. I hate Aquarius men. Aquarius women and enby folks, they’re great. But Aquarius men? I may, as a Gemini, get along with them in surface level casual conversation, but behind every Aquarius man’s back is a Mal waiting to strangle him the moment I am given the opportunity. I’m so sorry Ray my son but you are not an Aquarius okay. Alright. Well, let’s just talk about the parts of him that do fit Aquarius.
So from the very start Ray is obviously a thinker, someone who considers his options very carefully before he makes a decision, and someone who hates making choices based solely on emotion. In fact, he hates expressing emotions at all. Aquariuses are very good at repressing or hiding their emotions behind other emotions (most air signs are). The most common way to do this is to put up a wall of either numbness or full-on rage. We can see both in Ray.
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Instead of showing vulnerability in a healthy way, he would rather do that. Ok cool Ray.
Aquariuses can also be very quiet people, and Ray’s pretty dang quiet for most of the series too. They’re the intellectuals you know are intellectuals even though they aren’t up in your face about it. Their reserved nature makes them 10x scarier when they’re genuinely angry, because boy can an Aquarius rage.
The thing about Aquarius Ray for me here is that while Ray does indeed have Aquarius energy, it’s not the Core of Ray. To me he’s so much more of an Earth sign, so therefore I diagnose Ray with Capricorn.
Compatibility and ships: ok this is a mixed bag again. Now if you got Aquarius Ray then of course he’s compatible with other Air signs (Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius) and Fire signs (Leo, Aries, and Sagittarius), which would make him compatible with Norman and Emma for sure, as well as probably Ayshe for you Rayshe shippers because my personal HC is Aquarius Ayshe.
If you’ve got Capricorn Ray, then Capricorns are compatible with other earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) and their compliment water signs (Cancer, Pisces, and Scorpio), though they’re best with Cancers and Tauruses. So yes, Anna is a Taurus, which makes Rayanna a compatible pair. But guess who’s a Cancer. Don. ALL MY RAYDON SHIPPERS GET OUT HERE YOU COWARDS IM CALLING YOUR NAME. YOU WIN THE SHIP GAME.
Birthdate: May 13th
Sign: Taurus
Element: Earth
Overview: So again with the practical and grounded Earth signs. Tauruses now, are the most stubborn of them, which can be a little irritating at times, but it’s also a great asset when you consider how reliable they truly are. They’re bulls, which makes them solid and difficult to move, and you can always fall back on them when you’ve leapt too far ahead. Gilda is of course the epitome of reliable, and her stubbornness does show through at times—like when she’s the one person against Emma going out into danger all the time, constantly trying to talk her down into a more practical and certain solution. She’s also the first to attempt to bring Emma to see Ray’s side of the escape plan, which is very earth sign of both of them good job guys.
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Compatibility and ships: I know I know I’m still upset Gilemma isn’t compatible astrologically but we can talk about other Gilda ships! Tauruses are most compatible with other earth signs (Capricorn, Virgo, and Taurus) and water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces) which makes her compatible with our other lovely Taurus, Anna! Gilanna shippers unite. But they’re best with Cancers and Scorpios, which means Gildon is is at highest compatibility.
Birthdate: July 4th
Sign: Cancer
Element: Water
Overview: HEY YALL ITS TIME TO TALK ABOUT MY LEAST FAVORITE SIGNS: W A T E R. (I’m sorry my water friends, I’m sure you’re lovely, but as an air sign I am always extremely suspicious of water signs at first meeting because our compatibility is so low it might as well not exist) So the water signs are at the absolute highest emotional level. This can make them extraordinarily kind and nurturing, but it can also make them absolutely unreasonable and destructive. None is this more present than in Cancers, one of the most sensitive signs, but also one of the most empathetic. We can tell very clearly in Don that he wears his emotions on his sleeve—he’s unafraid to cry or show his anger, but he also takes very good care of his younger siblings and shows such an intense concern for them that it can become frightening.
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He’s such a good boy 🥺
Compatibility and ships: okay so same drill, Cancers are generally compatible with other Water signs (Scorpio, Pisces, and Cancer) as well as Earth signs (Taurus, Capricorn, and Virgo) though their highest compatibility is with Tauruses and Capricorns. So again. GILDON AND RAYDON SHIPPERS R I S E.
God I’m so sorry if I cause a ship war. I rambled for too long and I’m very tired, so you only get these five characters for now. BUT! That’s why it’s a part 1. If you want more please feel free to harass me in my ask inbox about the characters you want me to overanalyze the signs of. Gemini out!
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snowgoldwaylon · 3 years
You Call That Sneaky?? - Dimitri Belikov X Reader
Not all goes as planned when Y/N and Belikov fly the bird.
TW: Strong language, use of gunship/death.
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"Belikov, we need covering fire!" is what you heard come through his comms attached to his collar. It was Adler, they were in a pretty tight place. You quickly pulled the missiles online and hit "launch sequence" on the AC-31 Gunship.
Belikov flipped some switches, pulled back on the yoke and held it steady. He looked back at you and gave the nod. You quickly got on the radios to let them know the danger.
"Y/N to Adler, danger close. I repeat danger close. AC-31 out!" You warned them.
You set off the first round of just bullets, and quickly switched to bursts of incendiary rounds.
"Shot out!" You called, hitting a direct target.
The place was practically crawling with enemies, and you needed to clear extraction to bring the team up. They originally came here to collect some potential information regarding Robert Aldrich.
You needed to take him out because he was leaking sensitive information to Perseus, and his trail went cold after Bell was able to crack his spy ring.
So, of course hotshot Adler loaded himself, Woods, and Mason up and hauled their cookies all the way to the Border of Colorado.
They snuck around, maintaining stealth. You and Belikov controlled the bird, and flew around for sweep and cover protection. But, as they snuck up on a meeting, it was all revealed.
Turns out, it was a set up. And it really pissed off Frank. It pissed him off so much, he ended up losing his temper, and reached for a conveniently well place grenade launcher.
To sum it up, Frank fucked up. Because now the three man dream team went up against well over 200 enemies. So, here you were. You layed multiple rounds out until slowly but surely all the white in the thermal sights faded.
"We are clear Belikov! We are heading to the Southeast ridge, hooking up there!" Mason said into the radio.
"We got you guys, don't even worry. Y/N here will keep you safe!" Belikov said, looking over at you and winking.
You felt yourself blush, and quickly turned back to the controls.
"Well, looks like Woods owes all of us a drink after this shit show. You are sleeping on the couch tonight!" Adler yelled.
"Hey fuck you, I'll sleep there with your mom!" Frank retorted.
Man, the conversations between them never got old. You loved the time spent with the team.
You and Belikov pulled the helicopter over the ridge, where the team was going to hook up. You got up from the cockpit, and readied three a long, safety rope with three hookup points for the boys.
You dropped it over and it fell. You watched as they all attached, and you hit the botton for the rope to start slowly retracting.
You made sure they got in one by one, for the safety of everyone. You went back up to the co pilot seat and strapped in.
"Belikov, we are clear! Boys, headphones on!" You shouted.
They all put the headphones on, and started to relax a little.
"Good job as my helper today, Y/N. Soon, you'll be able to fly by yourself. And when that day comes, you'll feel so full and accomplished you'll burst! And that'll be the day I take you out for party." Belikov said, flashing you a dazzling smile.
"Well thank you, Dimitri. And you better! We've talked about this since I first started flying!" You said, Watching the skys.
"Of course, anything for you. You are amazing in everyway possible." He winked at you.
You felt like you were in a daze, until you heard a familiar, yet worrying ding. You immediately sighed, knowing exactly what that ding met.
"Fuck, of course! Dimitri I thought you said you filled up before we left!" You said.
Belikov shot you a "oh shit I completely forgot face" and shrugged.
"The beauty of Adler's face had me distracted. I must have forgotten." He said.
"Finally, someone that appreciates this handsome face." Adler mumbled to himself.
"Well, what now? We'll never make it past the summit if we don't fuel up!" Mason cried.
You turned, looking back at them.
"What happens now, is either Dimitri or I have to go outside and hang off the ledge. While doing that, one of us will have to quickly connect the emergency fuel so it can atleast get us back to a drop zone." You spoke calmly, turning to him.
"But, since Belikov did it last time, it's my turn. I will go do this real quick, prepare for a stop at a fueling station. It looks like I'm reading one about 20 clicks North." You said, slipping on gear.
"Y/N, are you sure about this? I can do it while you fly, come now. Don't be stupid, nyet!" Belikov said.
You looked back, and gave him a thumbs up.
"No, I can do it. It's only fair, don't worry I got this. It'll be quick and easy!" You said, slipping an emergency parachute on just in case.
Adler, Woods, and Mason all watched as you geared up, stepping towards the opening of the heli.
"Y/N, your fuckin' nuts. Do you need any help?" Woods questioned.
You looked back at him, and nodded yes. He got up and came over to you.
"I need you to hold onto my feet until I tell you to let go. I need to start off with a good grip, or else I'll go splat." You said.
He nodded, and you went prone. You hung halfway out, and grabbed onto the support handles. Woods grabbed your feet and secured you.
You clipped your belt to the safety clamp and gave Woods a 'hold steady' hand signal. But, to him it apparently looked like a thumbs up. So, out of routine, he carefully let your feet go.
Immediately, the strong winds pulled your body out of the side, and left you hanging by your harness. The wind whipped and slashed at your skin like tiny, ice cold daggers as you desperately tried to reach for the handles.
Everyone on board started freaking out. Belikov went to make an emergency landing, but there were too many trees. He looked and looked for the best spot possible, and finally spotted a clearing.
You were screaming, yelling and crying. You felt the harness behind to tick and tear. It was going to bust at the seams at any moment, and you were still in the air.
You hung from the clip in the middle of your chest, trying to use your feet to kick back to the side.
Adler was trying to reach you with his arm, but it wasn't happening. You were just out of reach by a few feet. You were out of options.
"Y/N!!! Hang on, we almost have you!!" Mason shouted, quickly throwing together a rope to secure you with.
"What the hell did you do idyot?? I can't land, we are right over Soviet territory!" Belikov wretched out.
He dropped lower to land, but not fast enough. By time he dropped almost enough, is when your harness finally tore straight in half. The clip broke from the force, and you dropped straight down, backwards.
You screamed as you felt the force of the fall practically crush you. You were able to turn to your stomach, and quickly reach for the string used for the parachute.
You fumbled to find out, but when you did you yanked. Relief swept over you when it deployed, and slowly descended down to a platform.
"Her chute deployed, but it's heading straight to the middle of that warehouse it looks like!" Mason yelled.
Belikov channeled your radio, worry racing through him.
"Y/N? Y/N can you hear this? If so, I landed just a few clicks West of you. This is heavily guarded compound!" Belikov spoke into it.
You landed with a thud, and you quickly switched it on, ripping off the vest. You quickly took cover behind a fallen log, looking all around at your surroundings.
"I can see, and that little stunt just sent out a whole fucking search party. They have dogs, please tell me you have a plan." You said, finally throwing the vest to the ground.
Adler came on the radio next.
"Y/N, the best thing for you to do is to try and sneak around to the West side of the compound. We are going to push to you so you'll be safe. Do NOT draw any attention to you. Meet me at the blue warehouse." Was what he said.
"Blue warehouse, got it." Was all you said, clicking it off. You reached for a sharp looking rock you found on the ground, and got up to slowly look around.
You determined the best path to the warehouse, and set off. You were hurt, scared, and shaking. You could feel the adrenaline move through your body, and you almost couldn't think.
You weren't mad at Woods, you knew it was an accident. But right now.....All you wanted was to be in the arms of Dimitri Belikov. You decided now, after you got back to the heli you were going to say how you felt.
You were ready, and nearly dying really helped you decide. You just hoped he felt the same way.
Meanwhile, back with Belikov he was ready to kill. He assembled his trusty AK-47 and was ready to full send it to you. His heart was in a panic, he felt like he was going to have a heart attack.
"Belikov, Y/N is going to be just find. Adler will go get her, and then you'll get us home. Everything will work out, I promise." Mason said, trying to get Belikov to calm down.
Belikov looked to Mason with tears in his eyes. He couldn't stand the though of you out there, alone with no weapon. But knowing you, he knew you found something. That's what he loved about you, and many other things.
"I know, but she is worth a lot to me. I love her." Belikov sobbed.
Mason picked up on his distress, and he opened his arms for Belikov.
Belikov accepted the hug, and Mason patted his back.
"This will be over in a few minutes. Adler and Y/N will be back in no time, I promise." Was what Mason said.
Meanwhile, Frank fueled up the heli. The plan was to pick you up, and book it back home. Nobody wanted to be here more than they had to be.
Back with you, you approached a small fire. Around the fire was a few enemies, asleep. One was in a chair, the other on the ground, and the last against a barrell, hat pulled over his eyes.
You went to step around the group and take a right, but you smacked right into the frame of an old truck. This ended up setting off the panic alarm. You dove behind another old car and held still, as you heard them all shoot up from slumber.
You heard guns cock, and your heart sank. You swallowed hard, and leaned your head back against a car, looking up. They all started looking around, you heard the footsteps.
You fully accepted that you were doing to die. How the hell were you supposed to fight four people off with a sharp rock, while they had full automatic weapons.
You felt no hope, until you saw familiar sunglasses. Adler sat up on the ridge above you, waving you to follow him. Your eyes went wide, but you moved when he signaled.
That was, until you ran right into a person. You looked up at him, and he began to yell in Russian. He pulled his gun on you, but you tackled him quickly. You subdued him somehow, and grabbed his AK.
But you and Adler both spotted a flare in the distance. The screaming of the base alarm system filled your ears.
"Y/N, let's go! Just run, we are right up here!" Adler yelled, taking your hand.
You both sprinted full speed up the ridge side, with the entire army base on your heels. Adler radioed in, and finally you saw the heli in the distance.
"Be ready to go! We have the entire base on our ass, we're about 100 feet from you!" Is what Adler shouted.
You heard the blades begin to spin, it was ready to go. You both gave it all you had ad bullets zipped and flew past your head at incredible speed.
You came to the last few steps, and booked it. You both dove into the side, and Mason slammed it closed. The helicopter took off at full speeds, while bullets hit the side, making a panging sound.
You huffed and puffed on the ground, completely spread out. You suddenly felt arms around you, and a head in your neck.
It was Belikov, you recognized his smell from anywhere. You looked at him, lifting his face. You gave him a big smile and wiped his tears away.
"Hey its alright, I'm here. I'm safe, thanks to Doc." You chuckled.
Belikov took your face in his hands, and tucked your stray hair away.
"I thought I lost you. Y/N, I love you. I realized that tonight, after thinking you were dead. I always have, and will." He said, a tear falling from his eye.
You choked up, and rested your forehead against his. Your hand stroked his face, as you leaned in.
"And the same as I, Dimitri. Now, kissing me you fool." You said with a laugh.
You locked lips. It felt like fireworks and sparklers went off in your brain. It was everything you ever wanted.
After pulling away from the kiss, Belikov pulled you to his chest, and held you there all the way back. He looked down at you, and lost it laughing.
"What's so funny huh?" You questioned.
"No offense Y/N but, you call that sneaky? Tripping right into an enemy?"
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The Art of Inversion
Neil x Reader
Chapter 16 - An Absolution
Masterlist; Chapter 15
Summary: You and Neil go on your little night out in Oslo after the Freeport mission. As the night unfolds, you get closer than ever.
Warnings: 18+ (stuff happens you know); swearing.
Author’s Notes: Okay so I’m terrified but I had to give you this one already because I’m proud done before the schedule deadline. I loved writing some parts so hope you will enjoy! Feedback is a life-saver so please leave me some? Anyways, enjoy! (and I go hide or sth)
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The moment you opened your eyes, you knew that it was going to be a tough day. That ever so helpful, sabotaging voice was back. And it was pissed off at you for being reckless, stupid, and naïve, among other things. In short, you had regrets about everything that happened. Once again, it all boiled down to your deeply ingrained fear of losing people important to you. Because now that Neil undoubtedly noticed how responsive you were to everything he did, there was no pretending that you were not interested. Another step was admitting the feelings you had. And the next one after that was him leaving you for someone better, right? Well, your brain was sure about that.
You groaned and contemplated staying in bed for the rest of the day, avoiding everyone and everything when your phone rang. Interesting. You sat up and picked it up, frowning at the name on the screen. The only person who you both did not want to speak to and also missed already. Sighing, you pressed the green button:
“Morning” Neil sounded like he just woke up as well.
“Hi” you mumbled, anxiously picking on the skin around your fingernails “We’ve never done this before… morning phone calls, I mean,” you noticed.
“I know, but I wanted to check if you’re alright… after everything” tense and nervous Neil was still new to you.
“Yeah, is all fine” you hated lying, but then maybe this time truth would not do you any good.
But, of course, he caught it.
“Pardon me, but I’m not convinced”
You fell back onto the pillows. Caught in the act.
“Okay, you got me” admitting felt like another lost battle.
“I know you a bit better than you’re giving me credit for” he got that right, for sure “So? You know I won’t let it go until you tell me”
Damn him and that selfless heart. You took a deep breath:
“I was thinking... maybe it’s best we don’t mention what happened ever again” you finished the sentence and desperately wished you had this conversation face to face.
He took a little longer to respond, only fueling those wishes.
“Why?” the confusion was almost as bad as the regrets spilling from your heart.
“I don’t know,” you sighed heavily, feeling worse with every sentence “Suppose I’m worried it will fuck everything up, and I don’t want that. I want this… us… to work somehow”
That was not exactly what you wanted to say. Another failure.
“If that’s what you want, then sure” you could tell that he only agreed to placate you.
And maybe because he too was surprised by your unexpected admission.
“I just want you to know that for me, it wasn’t a mistake. I did what I wanted to do” he added, making your heart stumble wildly as it always did.
“Okay... but for the sake of keeping tonight less awkward... let’s not mention it. Please?”
“Your wish is my command” despite yourself, you smiled at that comment, “I’ll pick you up around 6?”
“Sounds good” you glanced at the bedside clock; still ages left for you to panic “Thank you, Neil. You’re too good for me” 
“Well, there’s reasons for that so…” it was that nervous half-smile, you could bet on it “Just don’t stand me up tonight”
The ridiculous idea made you laugh, feeling some tension ease.
“Could never”
*** You managed to get as far as getting up, dressing up, and having instant coffee from the little complimentary set in the hotel room, before you heard a knock on the door. Intrigued, you opened it to reveal Mahir stood on the doorstep, with two coffee cups in hands. A blessing.
“Thought we could have a little chat since I’m leaving later” he explained when you let him in.
“Sounds good. And thank you for that coffee, the shit here isn’t drinkable” to prove the point, you flushed the remains of the brown liquid down the bathroom sink.
“Cheers, my treat” jokingly, you raised a toast with the paper cups and settled onto the armchairs “So, what’s your plan?” he asked after a short comfortable silence.
“I’ll be going back to London tomorrow afternoon. And after that, we’ll see” you shrugged “Hopefully I’ll get some heads up about the upcoming events”
You mentioned the texts from TP to Mahir to explain how you were in the possession of the plans and blueprints in advance of the actual news. He took it without any further questions for which you were grateful.
“What you did last night at the airport…” he met your gaze seriously, and you frowned “That was incredibly brave but also hellishly stupid” his sheepish grin made you laugh.
“Oh, I know. I just thought it had to work out somehow… and if not…” you shrugged, hoping he will understand all that you are not saying.
It was enough that you thought about it. For a split second then, and for hours over the night. That same question: what if you jumped too late? For some reason, an image of those concerned blue eyes was tied to it.
“It’s good to be a little reckless in this business. Just try to stay alive though” Mahir reached out to tap you on the shoulder “I quite like you. And I know that there are people who would suffer if anything happened to you” you did not like the knowing look in his eyes.
“Thanks. I’ll do my best”
Then you steered onto more casual topics concerning your past and experience. He was especially curious about how you got to have such a good eye for guns. Later, you expected he was trying to distract you before he was about to drop the real question of the conversation. You were finishing the lukewarm coffee when he asked:
“So… you and Neil?” the casual tone made you choke on the last drop.
You coughed frantically for a whole minute, with Mahir watching, amused. When you could breathe again, you managed to choke out:
“Whatever do you mean?” you placed the cup back on the table and pretended to be perplexed.
It was not working.
“Oh, come on. You might be a spy, but you’re a shit liar. And all that I’ve seen these few days have been rather obvious” he was enjoying your startled expression “Don’t give me that deer stuck in the headlights stare, hun” at the nickname, you nearly choked on your own saliva.
“Hun?” everything was better than answering the question.
“You’re missing the point” Mahir leaned back, watching you coolly.
You have lost.
“What gave it away?”
“Let me think…” he tapped his temple “Those longing looks? The bloody dancing when you both looked like the happiest people alive? Or last night, when I’m pretty sure something happened in that bathroom” he narrowed his eyes, studying you intensely.
Without a single doubt, the crimson shade on your cheeks was the answer he was looking for.
“You’re perceptive,” you noticed, staring at the carpet.
“It pays to be in our profession,” Mahir noticed your increasing discomfort, and he added, „Don’t worry, I won’t snitch on you to TP”
“How gracious” you raised your head then and gave him a weary smile.
“Have fun tonight. And stay safe,” he winked, making you speechless again.
“Why do I feel like you’re insinuating something there…” you arched one eyebrow, feigning indifference.
“It’s quite easy to piece together. You’re both staying in Oslo for one more free night… and the rest is-”
“Silence. I know,” you cut him off sharply and glared.
Mahir only laughed in response.
*** It turned out that settling on an outfit for the ‘not-quite date’ was a difficult task. It took you embarrassingly long, and you only decided because it was already a little late. A simple buttoned shirt and skirt had to do. It was a question of an eternal internal battle between: ‘it’s just Neil; who cares’ and ‘it’s Neil; it matters a lot’. The final choice, therefore, was as close to balance between those two states as you could manage. You nearly tripped on the stairs down to the lobby when you spotted him. He was casually waiting, with his back against the wall, dressed in the usual suit trousers and a striped shirt. The new addition was a dark grey coat instead of a suit jacket. And that damned green scarf loosely wrapped around his neck. The whole outfit was so Neil that your heart stumbled upon the sight. When he looked up and met your wandering gaze, he smiled, somewhat nervously. So, it was not just you…
“Evening,” he tipped his head in a greeting when you joined him.
“Hey,” you eyed him again, “Shall we…?”
“After you, miss,” he extended his hand chivalrously, and you rolled your eyes.
He surprised you by offering his arm once you stepped outside. After a small moment of hesitation, you took it, letting yourself snuggle closer to him. You quite liked the coat already.
“How was your day?” he was the one to break the silence.
“Boring, to be honest,” you frowned “Just chatted with Mahir for a little bit and then explored the centre. You?” looking up at him, you took a moment to admire his profile.
Rather pathetic.
“Talked to TP for a while. He’s more open with me now, and I got to admit it makes everything easier” you appreciated the honesty “And then went out to get us a place for tonight” he added, smiling at your brightly.
“What did you tell TP?” you asked, curiosity not letting you let go.
“That I’m about to have some fun in town” Neil shrugged.
He was leading you with a purpose and yet matching the long strides to yours, so you did not have to rush. It was thoughtfulness like this that made it hard not to fall for him.
“Fun?” you raised one eyebrow, intrigued by his choice of words.
“You’re that no matter what we do” his grin widened, and he leaned in to kiss you on the temple quickly.
It took that additional brain cell not to walk into the next person on your path.
“So… you’re about to have me?” you were not sure where that thought came from.
But seeing the way his eyes widened for a split second was definitely worth it.
“I really did not think through that sentence, did I?” he shook his head slightly, making you laugh at the cute image “Though I won’t complain if I end up having you” he added and met your gaze purposefully.
Oh, right. You did expect that, without a doubt. And yet, his openness took you by surprise.
“Smooth save there”
Neil only smiled and inhaled a large haul of the chilly air. His cheeks and tips of the ears were slightly reddened, making for an incredibly adorable sight. You observed him for a second longer before turning to check where you were heading. It looked like he went for a place near the harbour where most places were bustling with activity. Somehow you knew that he would choose well and somewhere that would allow you to talk a little more. You would be lying if you did not admit that you went over some questions concerning his past that you wanted to ask. Because if not when you nearly gave him everything, then when?
Distracting the thoughts, you gave him a once-over and noticed:
“Look at you, all dressed up to the nines. You even smoothed your hair I’m shocked” you smiled when he looked at you.
The happy sparks in his eyes were good enough to excuse anything.
“Well, I decided that you can be the one to ruffle it however you want” to test his statement, you gently brushed one stray lock from his forehead “As for the rest... I had to somehow remind you what you can have” he adjusted the scarf, making you see the dark mark on the side of his neck.
There we go. You swallowed hard, blocking the flood of images and feelings. When you were undressing for a shower before going out, you noticed what he did to you. All those bruises marking the space between your neck and shoulder. Conveniently enough to be hidden by clothes, and yet there to haunt you whenever you looked in the mirror. You had a feeling that was intentional.
“Then it is this kind of a night...” you mused aloud.
In response, Neil made sure to slide down the arm he offered you and intertwine your fingers. It seemed like you could not be walking any closer to each other without putting on straight-up PDA.
“That will depend on us. However, after yesterday... I wouldn’t be surprised” he looked down at you with a smirk and playfulness in his eyes.
Even though you expected him to mention it, despite your pleas, it felt like a light punch in the gut. That is if a punch could make one slightly aroused.
“Thought we agreed not to talk about it” you ignored the feeling, chiding him.
That was about to bite you in the ass, so to speak.
“And we’re not. Unless we went onto the topic of our dreams from last night or something”
It was a mistake to meet his gaze then. With slightly darkened pupils, a self-satisfied smile, and clenched jaw, you knew that he was not joking. You blushed, suddenly relieved that you forgot any dreams you might have had.
“Neil...” you aimed for a warning, but it came out rather like a weak protest.
“Yes, darling?” the innocent expression was back to haunt you.
“Do you want that slap I promised earlier?”
He stopped, and you were forced to stare up at him with the sternest glare you could manage. Neil bit his lip, undoubtedly preparing to drop a bombshell like no other. You braced yourself, tightening the grip on his hand.
“Maybe save it for later. I quite like a little bit of spice like that when it comes to the real deal” the combination of the sly grin and predatory look in his eyes perfected the delivery.
And then he pointed at the building you stopped in front of as though nothing happened.
“This is it” he announced and turned to you.
From the way he looked at you, you knew that the expression on your face must have been quite a sight. You blinked once, shaking off the thoughts and ideas. Not the time.
“Brilliant” smiling dryly, you let him lead you through the door.
You stopped at the concierge desk and let Neil do the talking.
“How can I help you, sir?” the smiley clerk eyed you both quickly.
You did wonder what she saw.
“I’ve got a reservation under James Farrow” your eyes widened at the identity he used.
It was as though the New York mission was important to him if he was keen enough to reference it like that. Now that was an intriguing thought.
“Mr. Farrow and wife, yes?” the lady looked up, happily and expectantly.
It felt as though the ground has moved under your feet, and you were about to fall if it was not for the steady hand gripping yours. Wife?! He was surely getting slapped for that.
“Yes,” Neil completely ignored your wild gaze.
Only once you have been sat at the table in the corner of the cosy yet posh establishment you could give voice to the mess of thoughts in your head:
“Seriously?” that was all you could manage, but he understood.
And, in response, smiled as though it was nothing. Like you should have expected it. You wondered if he is ever going to stop surprising you.
“It was easier that way” he dragged a hand through his hair, shrugging “And, I mean... would it be so bad to be my wife?” the way his eyes sparkled hopefully was enough to give you heart palpitations.
“Allow me not to answer this yet” you gave him a stern look and softened it with a smirk.
It was too easy to be with him like this.
“I’ll wait patiently then. Now, what would my lovely wife want to drink?” he opened the wine menu with a flourish.
And then was forced to order something for the table as you were too busy dying of laughter for the next ten minutes. You calmed down enough to comment on his food choice for the evening – Norwegian mountain trout with fennel cream, petit pois, and hollandaise sauce.
“Are you always this… posh?” you scrunched up your nose, observing him intently.
He grinned at the sight and raised his hands in defence.
“I wouldn’t say I’m posh… More like a man of refined taste,” you watched as he undid another button on his shirt, “Which anyone can see once they look at you” the punchline came with the addition of a hand covering yours on the table.
You blushed and met his soft gaze, using the opportunity to show him how comments like that made you feel. You could tell that the sudden outpouring of affection he saw in your eyes was a shock because his hold on your hand tightened, and his cheeks turned crimson, just slightly. You would have missed it; have you not been staring at him shamelessly. Neil composed himself after a short moment and asked:
“So… what do you want to talk about?” he kept on gently running his thumb over your knuckles.
Might as well keep up the married couple act.
This is how you started the conversation regarding your childhoods, families, and what you were like growing up. You did not expect to learn that Neil grew up in a most normal middle-class house in Richmond Park, but then again, you did not know what else you would consider believable. Growing up, his main source of joy were books and Labrador Retriever named Charlie (“Charlie? That’s a bit too boring, even for you” “What would you prefer? Theodore or Archibald?”). You could both relate to the pains of a boring childhood, filled with dreams of doing something crucial for the world but then not knowing what that could be. Only, where Neil decided to study Physics (despite the wishes of his mundane parents who would rather he did something more palpable like architecture or law; you snickered at that), you went for a more abstract route of international relations and civil safety. Another revelation was the fact that despite your assumptions he was never the popular kid or a leader of any sort as he was much more comfortable in the background of things. Always thinking, listening, analysing but taking his time to voice any opinions and solutions he came to. You realized that this was perhaps the reason why he understood you so well. Overall, the conversation was both enlightening and reassuring, and, by the end of it, you felt like somehow you loved him even more. Or maybe that was due to the bottle of wine you had.
*** Once you were done with dinner, Neil suggested moving to a nearby bar for drinks. It was more than tempting, and so, not long after, you found yourself sat on the bar stools, each with a drink, deep in conversation. As the night progressed, you got more open, either drifting onto the flirty territory or breaching candid topics you would otherwise never consider.
You did not know when exactly you sat that close to each other without looking too cosy. Or when his hand landed on your knee, just under the hem of your knee socks, and why it somehow felt good. The more time passed, you only got more certain that this was, in fact, a date. And you were surprisingly fine with it. Using the natural break in your conversation, you took a longer sip of the drink and asked:
“So, is this how it usually goes?” you met his gaze with disinterest “Invite them for a drink, let your hands wander a little…” you glanced at his hand, just when he purposefully moved it upwards onto your bare thigh below the skirt’s edge.
Bloody hell. You were not sure that lightheaded feeling could be all blamed on the alcohol. Swallowing, you continued the assumption. If anything, the intense look in those blue eyes was encouraging.
“And then back to the hotel room for more?” you bit your lip and swirled the straw in vodka coke.
The warm touch felt rather nice. You glanced around, wondering if such behaviour would not be deemed ‘indecent’. But all you saw was a knowing smirk from the man sat at the nearby table. Right… Neil’s voice and his thumb running over your skin in a soothing motion brought you back to the present moment.
“It’s been a while since anything like that happened,” he noticed, looking at you thoughtfully.
You wanted to trust him on that, but…
“I don’t believe you,” you stared at him, using the opportunity to admire.
With the slightly dimmed lights, his features stood out more. All the sharp angles in his face made him resemble a classical sculpture. The hair almost looked golden. Nothing but beauty. You could tell that others noticed that too, curiously watching you both from time to time. You had no illusions that it was you they were drawn to. And yet, he was staring at you as though you were the most important person in his universe. It was one of those feelings that always took your breath away. Distractedly, you brushed your hand over his hair again, using the privileges he gave you. Tugging on one strand, you enjoyed the passing darkness in his eyes. That hair thing he clearly had going ought to be explored later, you mused.
“Why? Because I’m so irresistible?” he smirked smugly and straightened his back.
Despite the annoyance, you grinned. The charm was undoubtedly working. As always.
“Because I see the way almost everyone looks at you. Like they wanted to stake their claim right here and now” you looked around pointedly, drawing his attention to the small audience.
Catching the eye of one nosey woman, who was clearly eavesdropping on your conversation, you winked. You saw her ogle Neil earlier, and it was more than annoying. Surely, a little jealousy never hurt anyone.
“Are you speaking from experience there?” the grin got wider as he took in your irked expression „Think you’re forgetting the other important factor, which is my own desire for anything like that” he arched one eyebrow and picked up the drink.
“And there’s been none recently?”
That was a risky question, and yet one that you had to ask. Especially remembering the way he was looking at you the previous night. Was it what you hoped it was…?
“You were there last night, so you know best...” he dropped his voice to add, “But I’m still working on getting anywhere with that” to prove a point, he slid his hand higher up your thigh.
You shivered in response, earning a little raspy laugh from him. To put things simply, you were slowly feeling the effects of his actions and words. And it was rather bothering.
“Is it worth it?” shaking off the moment, you reached for more alcohol.
“Absolutely” with his free hand, Neil tucked the hair behind your ear, brushing your cheek gently.
Sometimes you marvelled at how he could be so gentle and yet so seductive at the same time. It was like that during your little bathroom incident, as you came to call it. And that made you wonder whether he would be like that with you if you went even further? Neil eyed you curiously as you realized you were staring. Again.
“Any good thoughts there?” he tapped your temple with a pointer finger.
You blushed a deep crimson. Ever so observant. The way his eyes lit up knowingly made you think he could even read your mind at this point.
“Ah, I see,” he grinned smugly “Well, if you ever want to share... I’m here”
You just stared, unable to express anything you felt. His hand rested on your midthigh with fingers absentmindedly stroking the skin. The look in his eyes made your mind wander. Feeling overwhelmed with Neil, you looked for help in the wood pores on the bar counter. But he wanted to lead that strange conversation to its end. One that he must have intended.
“Usually, I’d start with a date. Maybe some touching here and there to let them know I’m interested” you could feel his analytical gaze “I’m not a brute. First, I’d seduce you before I could have you” the invasive hand retraced back to your knee.
Later, you wondered whether it was the alcohol, his touch, or something else entirely that made you blurt out the truth that he was not supposed to know. Yet or ever.
“You already do”
Realising what you just said, you snapped your head up, meeting Neil’s perplexed gaze. He was not expecting that. Neither were you.
“What?” his jaw fell slack, making for a sight that would be adorable if not for your panic.
“What?” parroting him you hid your face in your hands.
He took a long pause, composing himself because the next time he spoke, the confusion was gone.
“I can’t blame that on the drink, can I?” you took a deep breath and looked at him again.
The darkness and dawning realization in his blue eyes took you by surprise.
“I’d rather you didn’t” that was the serious Neil you did not know too well.
You watched as he finished the drink, his second one, in one go and faced you again. Your unexpected confession was hanging over you, threatening with awkwardness. But, perhaps most remarkably of all, you were saved by the music streaming from the overhead speaker. At first, you did not catch it, the gentle melody escaping your panicking mind. Neil, though, naturally recognized it. His eyes lit up, and he started humming, all the while looking at you pointedly. Before you knew, he began singing:
‘She's taken my heart
But she doesn't know what she's done’
The determined gaze and his beautiful voice made your heart stumble. Fucking hell. Who knew that of all things, Neil pretending to be Patrick Swayze was going to be the one to finally break you? He was, indeed, relentless.
‘Just a fool to believe I have anything she needs She's like the wind’
He got louder near the end of the chorus, causing many heads to turn in your direction. You watched in horror as he opened his mouth to pick up the next stanza. Using the only power you knew you had, you closed the gap and covered his lips with yours in a small kiss. The surprised sound he made assured you that was the right decision. You let him kiss you back gently and then leaned back, taking in his dazed expression.
“What was that for?” he licked his lips unconsciously, and you blushed despite yourself.
“Just wanted you to shut up and stop embarrassing me” you shrugged, ignoring the fact that even more people were looking at you now.
“Fair enough,” he grinned, taking one of your hands in his.
You wondered when did hand holding become such an essential thing between you. Suddenly you wanted nothing but to be with him alone somewhere. Without the intrigued audience, judging your every move and looking at Neil as though he was the most spectacular sight they ever saw.
“Anyways... should we get going? It’s late, and…” you gestured vaguely, hoping he will give in.
But it seemed like he was on top of his game.
“Is that your way of getting me to come back with you? Because, honestly, you just have to ask, and I’ll do anything” he raised your hand, kissing it in the gentlemanly fashion.
Only you were pretty sure gentlemen did not look at you like that normally. Slowly showing you with gaze alone what going back together meant. You shuddered.
“I’ll note that for future reference. Now come on” you stood up, taking a moment to get used to the effects of those two drinks.
“You’re quite eager,” he noticed but stood up anyway, straightening the long legs that always caught your attention.
“Have you seen yourself?” you retorted, eyes roaming over his body and stopping on his face.
“Blimey... never thought I’d see the day” Neil smirked, but you knew that he was surprised by the honesty “Last night I must’ve hit all the right spots for you” he tried to mask it by distracting you with the best weapon.
But even his hand suddenly wrapping around your waist was not enough to stop the response you prepared for this very moment.
“You definitely did...try” you shot back, taking pleasure in the affronted expression “Shall we? Maybe tonight you’ll do better” tugging on your joined hands, you took a step towards the exit.
The challenging grin was a good enough indicator of his thoughts on the matter.
*** You were not sure how he managed to convince you to come back to his hotel. Somehow, at that moment, with the maelstrom of feelings and emotions in your head, it did not matter that TP was right next door. Or that going back together was a clear signal concerning the ending of the date, something you did not know you were ready for. But once Neil opened his hotel room door and led you inside, nothing much mattered anymore. You had what you wanted: him yours alone without any spectators.
You laughed when he started taking off your coat as a doorman does in all those period dramas:
“Maybe it’s time to drop that gentlemanly act?” you suggested when he succeeded and went to hang both of your coats on the hooks.
“Why?” Neil came back still wearing that scarf that you could not get out of your head “Would you rather I jumped you the moment we came in?”
Following the instincts, you closed the gap to him and started unwrapping the green material from around his neck, all the while making sure you maintained eye contact. He swallowed hard at your proximity. Good sign.
“I don’t know… But I do hope you’ve got a plan” once you have taken off his scarf, you threw it to the side “Now that you’ve lured me in here” searching his eyes, you placed your hand on his shoulder, caressing the newly exposed neck.
Neil’s eyes darkened, and pupils dilated. He placed both of his hands on your waist and leaned in to whisper:
“I was hoping this will happen, so of course… I’ve got some ideas” his lips brushed over your throat.
You could not tell what was stronger, the alcohol intoxication or overwhelming infatuation that you felt.
“Feel free to show me what you’ve got in mind” getting to the end of that sentence was a challenge.
Especially with the fact that Neil started kissing your neck and throat, slowly guiding you with his hands on your hips. Before you knew, the backs of your legs hit the edge of the bed, and he pushed you onto the mattress. He took a moment to take in the image before slowly lowering himself down to hover over you, leaning on his forearms, pinning you down. His nose brushed against yours, breaths mingling as you inhaled, calming down your racing heart. Despite being this close to him many times before, this one felt different. Maybe because you knew where it is likely to lead you…
“For starters, I’d really like to kiss you right now” Neil broke the silence and leaned in.
As much as it was tempting, you didn’t want to give in just yet. The confidence you found during the course of the night was a welcomed help in moments like this. You turned your head sideways, making him kiss you on the cheek. The little offended sound he made woke up the butterflies in your stomach.
“Don’t you think that’s a bit forward? For a first date?” you grinned upon his slightly confused expression.
Letting out a long breath, you reached out to comb a hand through his hair. Bringing him closer again so that you could drag your tongue along his lower lip. It worked if his slurred speech was anything to go by.
“This really isn’t our first date,” he groaned when you tugged on the strands with more force.
Being in power was definitely exhilarating.
“It, kind of, is” you smirked, enjoying his unfocused eyes that roamed across your face.
“Then I, kind of, want to kiss you”
He leaned in, and this time you let him capture your lips in a hungry kiss. It was always too easy to get lost in Neil in those moments. Your hands alternated between tugging on his hair and touching the back of his neck just to feel his bare skin. You wanted to get him out of that shirt as soon as possible. It was a matter of urgency for reasons unknown.
When you broke the contact, both gasping for breath, you used the hand tangled in his hair to pull him down so that he was lying on top of you. Neil glanced up at you with a surprised smile.
“Pretty sure there are better ways of making me sleep with you,” he noticed, showing that offensive tongue poking from between the pink, slightly swollen lips.
Now that was torture.
“Who said anything about that” you crashed your lips against his just because he was there using a break in the sentence for that very purpose “I just wanted to have you at my mercy for once”
How about that. You enjoyed the slight surprise in his eyes, feeling a surge of inspiration. Quickly, you hooked one of your legs over his hip, using it as leverage to switch, making him become the one pinned underneath. The shock on his face was palpable. You took in the parted lips, frown visible on the forehead and perplexed gaze. It only took him approximately 30 seconds to shake it off. Grinning devilishly, he ran his hands alongside your sides, using the new freedom of movement. When he tugged your shirt from the waistband of your skirt and slipped his hand underneath the material, you wondered whether it was not a mistake on your side.
“Trust me I’m always at your mercy. Even if it doesn’t seem so” his eyes glimmered darkly, adding weight to the sentence and making breath hitch in your throat.
From this position, you could see every little detail on his face. The long eyelashes framing dark blue eyes. The adorable cleft underneath his lower lip. The nose that you always wanted to kiss the tip of. Your Neil. Leaning on one side, you traced your finger on the outline of the sharp jaw and cheekbones. His eyes were focused on your face, enthralled with how focused you were on him.
“You’re good at hiding it then,” you noticed, enjoying the way he exhaled when you brushed your thumb along his lips.
“So are you” he smiled knowingly, his hands exploring your upper body just like the previous night.
You shivered when he cupped one of your breasts through the material of the bra. One by one, the doubts were disappearing. Looking down at him, with hair ruffled beyond compare, cheeks flushed, and eyes darker than you have ever seen them before, you felt lightheaded with love. He really could be yours. Feeling like at any moment, you were likely to tell him something that could destroy the careless moment, you leaned in and began the meticulous exploration of his throat and neck. You peppered the skin with kisses and bites, sucking on the sharp edges of his jaw, making him gasp and curse. Every sound he made was like a confirmation of your inmost hopes and desires. And the way he was reacting to everything you did began to build up the heat in your lower belly again. This time the feeling was rather expected. You felt like the further you get, the harder it will be to be ignored.
As though Neil knew exactly what was going on in your mind, he spread his legs and lifted you so that you were straddling his lap before he sat up, facing you. Taking in the effects of your exploration, you blushed. You have more than likely ruined his neck with bruises and marks there were beginning to show up on the skin. You could only hope he would not mind.
“I don’t think anyone’s ever given me so much attention” Neil met your gaze with admiration “I can’t help but wonder if that’s just a promise of how other things would look like with you” his hands retracted from underneath your shirt and started toying with the buttons.
You knew that it was his way of checking if you wanted to progress further. Feeling the pulse between your legs grow stronger, you knew the answer. Everything was too easy with him. You undid the two buttons on his shirt and replied:
“Maybe you’ll be able to test this theory tonight...” trailing off, you met his gaze purposefully, giving him time to catch the implication.
It did not take long. His hands stopped any movement, and he just stared. Then his brow furrowed again, and he cupped your cheek gently.
“Are you... do you want to? Because you don’t need to force yourself with me” the genuine concern and fondness in his gaze made your heart stumble.
You did not deserve him.
“I know, but I think I might actually... be ready” you whispered, giving in to the sudden tender moment and smiled lightly.
“What changed?” Neil brushed the hair away from your eyes.
You could tell that he really wanted to know. And while it was hard to pinpoint an exact reason, you gave him a piece of your mind. He already had everything else.
“Last night you... the way you looked at me, the way we touched... it’s never been like this with anyone” you stumbled over the sentence “And I want to know if... maybe it’s how...” you gave up, but he nodded anyway.
He always understood.
“Kiss me again” it was the only response you really needed, gladly accepting the request.
Straddling his lap, kissing to the point of breathlessness, you already felt as though you were nearing that point when relief was necessary. But before you could think about seeking it out, you had to get rid of that disrespectful shirt of his. Hurriedly you undid the buttons one by one, ignoring the wanting in his eyes. You only stopped when Neil started kissing your neck, making you gasp with the perfectly chosen spots. He knew you too well, expertly using all the tricks that were bound to work. Alternating between kissing, biting, and licking your skin, you knew that it was his way of giving back the pleasure. Despite that distraction, you nearly succeeded when he spoke again:
“Nice of you to wear a button-up” his long fingers went back to toying with the material.
“Why?” you gave out a triumphant sound when that final button was dealt with.
“Because I like being able to return the favour”
The amusement in his eyes was another reason to slide down the article down his arms and then throw it to the side. You have seen him like this before, and yet your jaw fell slack. His arms and chest were as close to perfection as you could imagine. Suddenly, you were overcome with shyness as you ran your fingers over his chest and stomach, feeling the muscles and various scars. Including a very familiar one on his side. It was almost unreal to think that someone like him could be this interested in you. And yet… Feeling him watch your exploration, you met his gaze:
“Do you like what you see?” with how close you were, you felt like you were drowning in his eyes with every prolonged contact.
“You’re beautiful” admitting it felt like a relief.
He finished undoing the buttons on your shirt, and you let him take it off.
“No one’s ever called me that” Neil watched you curiously with a gentle smile.
“Then they all must be blind”
You embraced him tightly, relishing the feel of skin on skin contact you craved so badly. Your warm bodies fit perfectly as you rested your head in the crook of his neck, hands exploring the skin of his back. It was as close as you could get, but it was not enough. You needed him closer. Ideally becoming a part of you in every way possible. The thought made you remember about the need you tried to put aside for the moment. But it was still there. The pulse between your thighs and the ache deep within your core were the main reminders of its existence. Giving in to the feeling, you ground your hips down onto his thigh, but it was not enough. It could never be enough given how much you wanted him. Neil noticed what you were trying to do. He leaned back and met your gaze. You knew that he was likely to see the unmeasurable longing there. You were unable to hide it anymore. Tentatively, his hands unzipped the skirt, and you shifted so that it could be dropped onto the floor as well. You blushed when you realized what position you found yourself in, sat on Neil’s lap in only your underwear. More than likely soaking through your panties just because of how he was making you feel. But, as usual, Neil had an answer to those panicked thoughts…
“It’s okay” meeting your wild gaze, he tilted your chin “You’re perfect, don’t let your brain tell you otherwise” he kissed you gently.
His hands splayed over your back, brushing the skin carefully. His touching putting everything ablaze. You never felt fire like that burn through every cell in your body. For a moment, you wondered whether this was meant to happen. That maybe you were destined to be together. Because how else could it be this perfect?
“You’re being too generous, I think” you breathed.
In response, Neil only smirked. His hands traveled down your sides onto your parted thighs. Rubbing the skin and getting ever so close to where you needed him most. You could not stop the gasp that escaped your throat when he touched your panties. Instantly he knew exactly what to do. Meeting your gaze with determination, he traced the hem of the undergarment.
“Let me take care of this” it was not exactly a question, but you knew that he would wait for consent.
You wanted it more than you could express, and yet that voice in your head was rebelling. Because it meant letting the most important person in your life see you vulnerable. More than ever.
“Neil, I…” you huffed, frustrated with yourself.
“It’s okay, love. It’s the least I can do for you” his fingers scratched the skin just above the line of underwear as though to remind you of what you could get. It was probably both the undeniable need you felt combined with the way he was looking at you that made you nod then.
He kissed you on the forehead and let his fingers slip underneath the material. The moment you felt him touch you, any thoughts you might have had disappeared. If he was surprised by how ready you were, he did not show it, instead focusing on making you feel better. Your hands searched for a steady grip and settled on his arms. He let you get used to the sensation before his thumb circled your clit, making your head fall against his shoulder. The fire in your veins only got worse. You moaned quietly, and Neil chuckled in response, clearly satisfied with the response. When you felt his fingers inside, building up a rhythm that was undoubtedly going to be the end of you, you bit down on his shoulder harshly. As a reaction, he only picked up the tempo. You knew that it was not going to take long. He hit the perfect spot then, and you were unable to hold off any longer. He was the centre of your attention, both the cause and the solution to everything you felt.
“Fuck… Neil…” gasping for breath, your fingernails dug into his biceps, bruising the skin.
He must have felt that you were close, for he raised your chin again, preventing your instinct to hide from him. Your walls clenched around his fingers. You shuddered, prepared for the release. When you came undone the next moment, you could not stop yourself from crying out:
“Neil…” it was a plea but also an act of devotion “I…” love you.
Later you realised how close you got to telling him. And he must have understood it too for he captured your lips in a kiss, letting you ride out the high he brought you to. You passed the confession from your lips to his. You felt faint and yet so full of things you could not begin to understand that his lips against yours were like an anchor. Pulling you in and keeping you grounded. He brought you to the edge, and what awaited beyond surpassed any expectations. The world exploded for you, and the only thing left was Neil, his lips on yours, taking everything you were willing to give him, and his body steady beneath your shaking hands. He only ended the kiss when he knew that you were done and withdrew his hand, wiping it on the bedsheets.
“Are you alright?” his voice was raspy, and yet the look in his eyes could not be softer.
You rested your forehead against his, recovering. It never felt so good before. And it was just him bringing you the necessary release after weeks and months of ignoring and denying it. Suddenly you wanted nothing but to know what it would be like to feel him inside you. It was as though once you allowed yourself this much, you only wanted more. Death surely could not be sweeter…
“Yeah, I…” you did not know what you actually wanted to tell him “I want…” frustrated at lack of coherence, you met his gaze hopelessly.
The depth of love, desire, and understanding you saw there took your breath away. He really was quite something.
“What do you want?”
For once, the answer could not be simpler.
“You. I want you”
The genuine smile you got for the confession was worth any future regrets.
“Then we’re even” Neil cupped your cheek while his other hand reached to the clasp on your back “Are you sure?”
But it was the way he bucked his hips into yours then that made you realise. Feeling his hardness, you swallowed. But at the same time, you knew you were ready for more.
“Yes. Shut up and just…” you brushed your crotch against his, unexpectedly not caring about the fact that he just took off your bra.
Impatiently, you undid the buckle on his belt. The want you saw in his eyes was enough to assure you that he understood.
“Got you” his husky voice sent a shiver through your body.
His hand cupped your breast, stimulating the nipples as though you needed more. You kissed him on the neck, making one of the marks even darker. It was almost too simple. Unzipping his trousers, you returned the earlier favour and ran your hand over his crotch. The gasp you got in response was enough to set the fire. You met his lips in a fervent kiss, getting ready to get past the point of no return for you both.
A knock on the door was like a slap to the face, piercing the silence and ripping apart the moment you both build up.
“Neil?” TP’s voice coming through the door only intensified the feeling.
You both stilted the movement, lips brushing, tongues intertwined.
“Are you there?” at the question, Neil broke the contact.
“Yes. Just give me a moment” he called out with that breathless voice that made you realise how close it really was.
“Okay,” the slightly suspicious tone in the boss’s voice was pushed you over the edge.
Fucking hell. You started laughing hysterically, collapsing against Neil, fighting for breath. He sighed heavily and embraced you, taking time to soak in the last few seconds of the moment.
“Holy fuck” the curse only made you laugh harder.
“Indeed” you choked out and met his gaze.
It took him 5 seconds to join in with your mad laugh.
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Zero to Six ~ I’ll Fight to be Apart of this Family - Edited Version. Part 5.
Characters: Four X Zero (OC)
Summary: Zero was the first person to be ‘saved’ by One, she was his first honorary Ghost. Her knowledge in tech meant she got the role of ‘Hacker’ she recruited new team members, looked for missions and locations and made sure every security measure was looked at. You know normal hacker spy stuff. But her tough up bringing meant that if needs be she could fight, she was maybe even better than some people on the team knew. But due to One’s protectiveness over her she had to stay hidden, she was more of an actual ghost than the rest of the team was. This didn’t mean she couldn’t have her fun though, over the months of being with the full team she had formed quite a passionate love/ hate relationship with the handsome Four. Who knows what sparks would fly if they were ever to meet. Warnings: Slight swearing, some suggestive flirting in later chapters.
Tagg list: (I know this is a edit of my original story but if anyone wants to be tagged let me know.) @raylan-c​, @angelic-demonss 
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“Are we just not going to discuss the stranger in the room? why is the bartender here?” Four smirked at Zero. She in turn just raised her eyebrow at the blonde haired beauty, daring him to continue. “And why is Five giving her first aid?” 
The room went silent, everyone was looking at Zero like she was the enemy, and in a way she was. This group of people were the closest thing she had to family and yet she was an impostor, an outsider who’s voice was the only thing the team had ever heard that’s the only thing they knew her by. She hoped One would forgive her for what she was about to do.
Zero coughed away any last nervous about coming clean. "You know for what you guys do, you are all so dumb sometimes."
Zero in return heard a hiss, her head snapped to the direction it came from. She was faced with One, his face and neck had gone completely red with how angry he was.  A look that told Zero to shut her gob if she knew what was good for her. 
"What?!" Was she really that surprised? It was One after all, did she really think he’d just let her spill the beans right here, right now when he’d kept her away for so many years. 
"She, she just stumbled in here after the bar fight, and the doctor couldn't resist helping her." Zero looked from One appalled, to Five who was just as taken a back as Zero was. Her eyebrows furrowed as she gave a concerning look between the both of them. 
Zero couldn't help but clock onto the suspicious glare that Two was giving her. She definitely knew the truth, she was an incredibly smart woman and Zero wouldn’t be shocked if she didn’t know the moment she walked into the room. She looked back to One who she could tell was getting more and more worried over the glances everyone in the room was giving Zero.
"Your name was Lilly right?" One asked marching up to Zero and grabbing her hand, but Zero shrugged it off "Come on I'll take you home."
Everyone was looking at One like he'd lost his mind, the team was supposed to be a secret so why would he offer to take a stranger home? The air was so thick in the kitchen that even a knife wouldn’t cut it.  To make matters worse Four was starring Zero down with such ferocity she thought those ocean blue eyes she’d only seen in photo’s would melt her to the ground. She just raised her eyebrows at the man again, more threatening this time. Zero was brought back by the tug on her arm, she hissed back at One but jumped down off the counter anyway. As she slowly made her way pasted Five she quietly thanked her for being there to help her as best she could for the night. 
“Who is she One?” Three pressed on, One looked like he would explode any moment, the man who never seemed to make such stupid mistakes had nearly revealed one of his biggest secrets. “No one, she’s no one. Just a normal bartender.” Zero stopped abruptly which also dragged One to a stop as his hand was still around her arm.  When he whipped around she took the opportunity to strike the man straight across his dumb face. 
One looked at her shocked, she herself was in shock at what she had just done. Had she actually just assaulted him? The man that had saved her life all those years ago, gave her food and shelter, she owed him everything and she had just straight up assaulted him. She looked at her hand that now slightly stung in shock, as did everyone else in the room.  One’s shock only lasted a couple of seconds before his face turned stony cold and once again he latched onto Zero’s arm and headed towards the door. 
After everything that just happened Zero couldn’t help but still be memorised as she approached Four, he was breath taking, a beautiful sight to look at. It was almost like looking into the blinding sun that eventually you had to tear your sight away from, in case of damage to the eyes.
She felt a wave of sadness overcome her suddenly, she had been so close to Four actually knowing who she was, she’d been close to the whole team knowing it was her. God even one normal conversation with him probably wouldn't have satisfied her enough but it would have been a start at least. Yet One just had to take even that away from her, while she was grateful for everything One had done for her, he was still in turn hurting her.  What she really needed was a real family and she had found that in these guys but One was always in the way.  If her only way was to fight to be apart of this family, then so be it.
"Hurry up" One snapped out angrily, there was definitely going to be consequences for hitting him and she knew it. But she was done being alone.
Zero looked back at Five who was still in shock and what looked like awe, she seemed to blink back to a little normality when she caught Zeros eye again. She gave Zero a ‘You’ll be okay’ look and a little nod, Zero was happy to know that she at least had Five to rant to afterwards when everything with One had settled. 
As Zero got closer and closer to the little blonde shit leaning on the door frame she swore she could see him smirking at her, she had to also fight the urge to slap him into next week as well, he’d just seen it first hand so he should be scared. But as she crossed the thresh hold of the hotel kitchen his hand that was hanging by his side brushed against hers and it felt like lightning shooting up her arm, across her shoulder and up the side of her neck.  She tried not to show the shiver it sent down her spine but the urge was taking over her. She met his eyes again and to her surprise she saw the same reaction but he quickly hid it.  A sudden desired to leave struck her so she decided to just keep walking after One, who had steamed ahead of her.
Once outside she felt like the mist in her mind had cleared a little, but as soon as she saw One angrily waiting beside his car she suddenly felt all the anger rush back. "What the actual fuck One?!" She screamed marching her way to the passenger door.
He opened up his side of the car. "Shut up and get in the car." He said calmly which scared her more than if he had shouted it at her, he got in the drivers seat but slammed the door shut which made her jump in turn. Zero just huffed, not wanting to get in more trouble than she was already in.
"Where are you taking me?" She sighed defeated.
"Home." He said shortly.
"Why?, why did you do that?"
"Do what? A better question is why did you hit me?!" He didn't look at her but she could tell with every word he spoke he was getting more angry.
"Okay in my defence, you were being a dick! you make me think I was finally becoming apart of the team, which then you revealed was just a ‘mistake’ I think you’d also feel like punching someone if you thought you were finally getting the family you deserved just to have them ripped away from you in the same moment!" I tried so hard to not to scream my lungs out at him but the more I spoke the harder it got.
"You knew that they weren't suppose to meet you! Why are you suddenly surprised. I told you when we first made the team that this was how it was going to be and you agreed!" One spat back.
"I did agree! but I was still in a bad place at that time and I wasn’t looking for friends let alone a whole family, I didn’t know that I was actually going to find a sense of security in these group of strangers did I!” The tears started to stream down Zeros face, she could taste the saltiness of her tears with every drop. “I want to go back! I want to complete the rest of the mission, I’ve come this far there is no way I’m bailing out now, just to go sit in that apartment manning the coms by myself for the rest of eternity." 
"No." He deadpanned, which made Zero even more angry. Had he not listened to anything she had just said to him? Did he not see just how much this mattered to her.
"One I’m not afraid to knock you out and drive there myself, I think I just proved that back in the kitchen." He just raised his eyebrows at her, like it was a challenge. "Come on One! why are you doing this to me? Why are you keeping me hidden? What do you gain from it."
"Because your job is best done in a flat somewhere, anywhere. Where no one can trace you."
"Bullshit!" Zero screamed which made One forcefully pulled the car over to the side of the road, the suddenness of the stop made her surge forward a little but luckily her seat belt prevented her from travelling any further forward.
"Please just tell me the truth." She said quietly, by this point she was drained physically and emotionally. "Why do you keep me away? and I don't want any of your bullshit. You and I both know I can do my work in any environment."
"I just want to keep you safe." One kept his focus straight ahead, staring out of the windscreen into the darkness.
"What do you mean? Since when have you ever cared about anyone's safety on this team?" I asked confused.
One had few rules, but one of the main rules that One lived by was if anyone gets stuck on a mission they are to be left behind. The team can never be exposed, so if one of them gets left behind because of capture or injury then it's just the price the team has to unfortunately pay.
"You were the first person I found." He slowly turned his head to look at Zero, this was the first piece of real emotion she’d ever seen from the man. She just looked at him confused and rightly so. 
"Why does it matter who came first? I thought you weren't meant to care about any of us?"
"I’m not." He shrugged now trying to seem like he wasn’t intrested in the conversation anymore, hoping she’d drop the subject. "But you were the first member of the team, You were in a very bad situation when I found you. I do actually have human feelings you know and I guess, In a way I grew fond of you."
Zero didn’t know what to feel, was she actually touched by this? She’d known One for a few years now and this was the most emotion she’d ever seen the man show, although she did think of him as closed off and cold he’d still saved her so in some way she rested him. "So why keep me away?"
"I didn't want you to ever get hurt, It would hurt too much to leave you behind if you got stuck. But it's a price i'd have to pay."
"Then don't, what you’re saying is that deep down, somewhere in that cold heart of yours you do actually care for this team you’ve created. So change the rule. We all need to be there for each other, especially now." I said reaching out to him.
"You know I can't do that. The mission comes first." His voice grew cold again and she knew she’d never see his vulnerable side again, shrugging off her hand he turned away to stare back out into the darkness.
"Then at least take me back to the team. I can work at the base, I don't want to be alone anymore One." He looked at her dead in the eye. "I’m starting to go stark raving mad staying in those apartments by myself not seeing anyone for years on end takes a toll on a person."
"You're hurting me more by keeping me away from them."
They both sat there for a moment in silence as Zero watched the cogs in One’s head turn, she thought if she pushed enough maybe, just maybe she’d get her way for once.
"Fine.” Did he just agree? “But I’m warning you now, if you get left behind on a mission, or injured I’m not coming back for you." He started up the car again, eerily calm It always annoyed her to no end that she could never figure this man out.
"I've known that since day one." He didn’t say another word as he turned the car around and sped off.
When they reached the base she was shocked to see just how many old and broken down planes One had collected over the years. "You’re still collecting them I see"
"Even got one or two that actually work." He mused.
It may have seem like a childish thought given the circumstances but Zero honestly couldn’t wait to explore every single aircraft in the graveyard. One had made it up the long dirt road by the time Zero came back to her senses, the car stopped and she could see a big crate in front of her and standing outside the only door was a great big dog. 
"Hey boy it's fine, she's with me." The dog then ran to One’s side and he started to pet him affectionately.
I just scoffed, raising my eyebrows at him. “What?” 
“So the dog gets your affection but we don’t?” Zero grabbed her chest, gasping pretending he’d hurt her heart but One just rolled his eyes at her and told her to stop being so dramatic. He then guided her up to an aeroplane that had a cartoon of a ghost with three lightning bolts shooting out of its hand near the entrance.
Zero laughed to herself. "I like that!" Pointing to the symbol.
"It’s in honour of you and your spooky shit." She looked at him shocked. “Don’t say I never do anything for you.”
She let him walk ahead of her so she could get her bearings, what came next was going to be a big shock to her system.
"One, you're back! I’m going to need you to spill, who was the bartender? Come on you’re never nice to anyone! Let alone giving a stranger a ride home." As soon as Zero heard that annoyingly sexy British accent she stopped dead in her tracks.
"I'll let her tell you herself."
Then there was silence. It finally hit her that she was about to meet the only family she’d ever known.
She was mostly scared because all she wanted was for them to like her, which she knew they already did but now, seeing and being with them in the flesh she didn’t want to mess their connection up. Especially with Four. She couldn’t deny that her and Fours connection even just through coms was a strong one, she just didn’t know what that connection meant yet but she was definitely excited to find out, she just hoped her feelings for him aren’t one sided.
She took a deep breath to calm herself, then rounded the corner.
"Hey guys." She smiled at all their awestruck faces, she gave a little awkward waving but internally scolded herself afterwards.
Everyone but Two looked at her in shock, she just had to laugh, that woman was too smart for her own good.  "Well darling, the anticipation is killing us." Fours dark eyes were trained on Zero as he leaned on the table, she swore in that moment her legs turned to jelly.
"Well if you'd actually let me speak you'd find out sooner, wouldn’t you monkey boy." Her words seemed to snap something in him as he shot straight.
Everyone else just laughed as the realisation of who they were meeting struck them. She just smirked at them all, finally she could be in on jokes, eat with them and just get to be around the people she cares about most in this cruel world.
"Zero?!" Three said enthusiastically, bounding towards her and scooping her up into a bear hug.
She felt like all the air was being squeezed out of her but she didn’t mind one bit. "Glad to see there are actually some smart people around here.” She chocked out. 
“Three can you please release Zero, you’re literally suffocating our only hacker.” One said annoyed while he was fiddling with some magnets. 
Three let her down and she just smiled, patting him on the shoulder to let him know she was okay. "Sorry! Sorry, I’m just so excited to finally meet you mami!" He proceeded to kiss both of her cheeks.
She just laughed at how adorable he acted in person, Three had always been one of her favourite ghosts. He wasn’t the smartest and most of the time made the worst decisions but he was sweet and funny and wouldn’t waste a single second if you were in trouble, he’d be by your side. 
"Well dam." Four was leaning with his back against the table, arms crossed and staring Zero down. Her eyes travelled to his and she couldn’t bring herself to look away.
Someone in the room, Zero couldn’t tell who coughed awkwardly which snapped both Zero and Four out of their intense staring competition. 
“So, the new mission?” 
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mercs and nightly rituals? 👀
Those are the kind of off-the-wall asks I live for!
The Frenchman has a very strict retiring routine.
It might have been because of his meticulous nature, or maybe because of his time at the academy, but he had almost a sixth sense for his bedtime as a result.
No one was really sure why he was so strict about it.
He has left in the middle of card games, arguments, and chats just because it “time for him to sleep.”
After a bit of prodding from Engineer - whom Spy trusts more than any of the other mercs - he reveals that the spy school he went to had alarmed halls that activated at a certain time. A few students had even died as a result. The habit had come from a place of pure terror.
Engineer is slowly trying to break the habit. Spy can now wait ten minutes after his usual time.
Spy puts his pajamas neatly on his bed, which he makes each morning, and turns on the fan so that his pillow can cool while he’s getting ready.
He makes sure all of his disguises are in the right place, takes off his mask and puts it on his coat hanger, brushes his teeth for two minutes exactly (again, an academy habit), and then changes completely into his pajamas.
Finally, he flips the switch next to his bed to activate his alarm system.
Spy goes to bed, sleeping on his back, and barely moving until morning.
And Scout learned the hard way that Spy keeps his butterfly knife in a makeshift pocket carved into the mattress.
Can and will just konk out wherever possible.
He’s fallen asleep in Engineer’s workshop, outside, in his doorway, on the floor, against the wall...dude has even fallen asleep in the middle of hitting someone with his bat (NyQuil coma).
He will sleep anywhere, usually not his own bed.
His sleep schedule is also all out of whack, which is why he drinks so many Bonks.
He doesn’t have ADHD - his bloodstream is just pure caffeine and sleepy giggles.
If you get close enough to him, you can actually see dark circles under his eyes. He tells everyone they’re bruises.
“This...uh...Soldier punched me in the face! Yeah, that’s it!”
Boston boy, I love you, but please take a nap.
Take two. God dangit.
He very rarely changes into pajamas, he just strips and jumps in bed. He always brushes his teeth, though - he takes special care of his teeth.
Scout says their his “bread and butter.”
He also literally jumps in bed because he has a fear of somebody reaching out from under the bed and grabbing him if he gets in bed too slow.
Sometimes he even takes a running start.
He’s broken several bedframes that way.
Heavy has the standard fare: putting on his pajamas, brushing his teeth, and washing his face.
When he gets in bed, though, he picks up a book he got at the nearby library and starts to read it.
He has these small reading glasses that barely stay on his nose.
This is mostly to help him read and speak English, so he occasionally reads sentences that he doesn’t understand out loud.
He also has a legal pad next to his bed, which he uses to write down any words he doesn’t understand.
In the morning, he usually goes to Miss Pauling or Medic and asks what certain words mean.
He is currently at a middle-school reading level, and his favorite novel by far is The Giver.
He even bought the Russian audiobook so he could better understand the message.
He’s also a big fan of To Kill A Mockingbird, but he had an incident where Miss Pauling had to explain why their word for black person was so hurtful and why it should never be used.
Heavy didn’t understand at first, so Miss Pauling had to relate them to Russian slurs. Heavy understood really quickly after that.
His copy now has all the slurs blacked out in ink.
“What if Demo reads? I need to...disappear them.”
He almost always practices his shot before he goes to bed.
It helps him relieve all the daily stress.
You can tell if Sniper is having trouble sleeping because of the gunshots.
“‘Old on, mate, one more round.”
One time, after being ghosted for a date, he stayed up shooting until six in the morning.
The only reason he stopped was because he had tears in his eyes and couldn’t see the target anymore.
He ended up just sitting on the floor and cleaning his gun while trying to not get tears on the muzzle.
No one knew what had happened, but they did notice that Sniper stabbed his enemies a little harder and more violently that afternoon. He even broke a Scout’s spine because he walked on the body after withdrawing the knife.
Do. Not. Anger. The. Aussie.
Demo drinks so often and so much that he usually doesn’t sleep during the night.
This has scared his teammates on multiple occasions, since you can’t exactly see uniform color in the dark.
He has been shot and/or trapped on multiple occasions, especially by Spy, who is a very light sleeper.
It got to a point where he now has to wear fluorescent bands so that people know he isn’t an enemy.
He also has a “sleeping eyepatch” that’s made out of the same cloth as his pajamas.
It has blue stripes and a little black X in the middle.
He tends to turn his light on and off many times before actually going to sleep.
Engineer also does this with his lamp, and if anybody ever walks by his room and asks why, he says that he needs to turn it off and on until it “feels right.”
He also checks every alarm system before he goes to bed.
And if there is a single update, virus, or false alarm, he has to get up and fix it.
He also tends to get very anxious at night, especially if he’s overtired or recovering from an injury.
If he and Scout are up at the same time (Scout gets nighttime anxiety as well) they make each other hot chocolate and watch MythBusters.
Engineer likes the explanations, Scout likes the explosions.
They either fall asleep on the couch or wait until Spy comes and makes his complaint known.
Since Spy’s so quiet, he has been known to move Scout, cloak as Engineer, and then scare the living daylights out of the Texan when he wakes up.
Engineer more than gets him back come next day’s battle, though.
Soldier has his own room on the other side of the base
And there is certainly a reason.
He fights with his pillow until he goes to sleep, making all sorts of ungodly noises.
At first the mercs thought Soldier was having some overzealous “private time”.
One night they walked in on him to find a triumphant Soldier body slamming his pillow.
He even drew Hitler’s face on it with a Sharpie.
I mean, he could be into that.
Honestly, no one knows.
As stated in a previous post, Pyro catches fireflies to use as a nightlight in order to go to sleep.
However, while the sun is still setting, Pyro winds down by sorting their shell and trash collection.
She sorts by color, then shape, then material.
If there are any new additions, he cleans them and put them in their own drawer.
They have a little plastic dresser they keep everything in.
Their favorite additions are pieces of broken glass from beer and whiskey bottles, bonus points if they are tinted a cool color.
They also have these sheets with a bunch of sheep and cows in nighcaps.
If they are feeling scared or overtired, however, they sleep in a unicorn sleeping bag surrounded by beanie babies she has collected over the years.
Fun fact: they sleep with their mask off, and for that reason, they usually sleep with a pillow on their head and their comforter on top of that to hide their face.
If they are in their sleeping bag, they zip it as far as they can upwards without struggling for air.
You think you have a bad sleep schedule?
Hah! How cute.
He will run on energy serum and cocaine for an entire week, then disappear into his room for a few days.
And yet he always makes it to battle.
Some think he may have a clone, some think he has the ability to see the future. Neither would surprise anyone.
When he does sleep, though, he is fully clothed and usually holding either an organ or his bonesaw.
He has lost many specimens that way.
Archimedes usually wakes him up if he falls asleep at his desk, as Medic trained him to do. However, this doesn’t work very well if his head is down on his desk because of a mental breakdown. But hey, you can’t win them all.
Heavy has slowly been trying to change Medic’s sleep schedule. He’ll offer him tea around nine, or ask if he wants to go for a walk at eight. He’s trying to link relaxation with night.
It’s been working so far, but there’s only so much you can do.
Ms. Pauling:
What’s sleep?
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fly-like-a-phoenix · 3 years
House of Lust (part 15)
Abbé de Coulmier x reader
Summary: Five years has passed since the events of Quills. The Abbé de Coulmier is released of prision by a misterious event. And he will know again those feelings he never thought will meet again: love... and lust.
Warnings: mentions of blood and wounds.
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François spent there days in the cell, naked and cold, watching through the bars, seeing nothing else that darkness. The only light he had was from a torch just outside the door. And, in those three days, he didn't eat anything.
He only drank water thanks to one misterious woman who wear a mask, freed him from the ropes and gave him a bottle of water one night. Odelle didn't know about her, and she didn't even talk to him. She just handed him the bottle, touched his face softly, and left.
Those three days, he thought about you. What happened with you? Where were you? Did Odelle something bad to you? That masked woman reminded him to Madeline, giving her help to the prisoner, the Marquis. Now, he was the prisoner, and he was just as he was his last days: naked, vulnerable, cold, wounded, alone.
He was in a corner, his arms around his legs, his own breathing warming his torso. He had cleaned the blood in his knees with some water, but he couldn't clean his back. His chest hurted a lot, and he expected that the little cut near his nipple will not be infected.
He was sleeping when he heard that the door was opening. The misterious woman entered, still using the mask. It was a black mask, the emotionless face covering it. The only things he could see were her eyes. Nothing more. She was also wearing a long, black dress, but no shoes.
He raised and stood there, covering his genitals with his hands. His lips were like a broken paint, because he was dehydrated. He used the last drops of water he had in his knees. And he was very hungry too.
"Why are you here" he said, whispering. "Who are you?"
The woman approached to him, first looking at the stairs in case somebody was there, spying. Then, she stood in front of him, touching his face again. François tried to avoid her contact, thinking she would, somehow, hurt him again. But she didn't. She just caressed his face, making him enjoy the way the tip of her fingers touched his skin, so gentle.
"Don't you recognize me, father?" Said she, whispering too, her hand sliding down through his neck, giving him goosebumps. "Don't you recognize my voice? My eyes?"
He looked deep into them. She had green eyes, like him. And, in the days he stood in the Mansion, he only met one girl with those eyes: It was Josephine.
He took off the mask, revealing her beautiful face. He went two or three steps back, visible confussed and disappointed: he actually wanted her to be you. He didn't know why he imagined that, but he expected the masked woman to be you.
Still, he had no place to go. Josephine closed the cell, and she had the key in a necklace around her neck. He suddenly felt the cold from the wall against his lashered back, and went ahead to Josephine, complaning because of the pain.
"Sit down. Now." Said she, and he had to obey. He was most vulnerable than ever. She went to the door, opened it, and took a little bag that was in the darkness, at the first step of the stairs.
Another crazy girl who will hurt me, he thought. But it wasn't like that. Josephine didn't change. She was the same girl who liked to feel and give pleasure and pain, just like Odelle. But with him, everything changed.
She was so madly in love she was cappable of everything, even if those things were contrary to her sister's orders. She sat behind him, and took off the mask. François looked at her briefly with the corner of the eyes. And gasped when she started to cure the lashes of his back.
"Why?" He said, confussed.
"Because you're different to everyone. You are good. No one is good in here. You don't deserve this from us. One thing is sex and lust. But to hurt you?"
She tickled her tongue. François contained the pain, clenching his fists as she cleaned the wounds.
"You're not like your sister." He whispered.
"What did you say?"
"You're different to Odelle. Even if you, or she, or anyone says you both are the same, this is a proof. You are caring for me. She doesn't. I'm just a toy for her."
The silence was Josephine's answer. Her cheeks were blushing. Everytime he talked, she actually felt more and more in love. And she actually wanted to escape with him, away from Odelle and the House of Lust, that actually seemed a bad idea by now.
"All this madness will end tomorrow." Said she, finishing her work on his back. "I will do everything I can to help you go."
She got up a moment, and put a blanket around his body. Then, she sat again in front of him. They were very close. François covered again his manhood with his hands, but she was concentrated in the wound in his chest. She took needle and thread, and after cleaning it with some water and sugar, she started to stich him.
He felt a lot of pain in the sensitive area, but didn't complain. She was very careful, and he looked at her in other way now. She actually seemed a lot different to Odelle. She wasn't that dangerous girl who threatened him when he arrived.
"Abbé, I have to tell you something... About your parents."
"What about them? They never came here, didn't they?"
"No, no. They actually came to us before leaving to Spain. That's true. But that wasn't the only letter. They left another one in here, that we should had to give you when you arrived."
"What does it say?" He asked.
"I don't know. Odelle didn't show me. But I will try to read it to tell you."
She cut the thread with a little knife, touching carefully the stich with the tip of her fingers, giving him goosebumps again.
"Why are you helping me, Josephine? What made you change your mind?"
Her fingers were a few inches down, caressing his nipple. He gasped a little, surprised by her movement, but he actually liked how she touched him. He looked at her deep into her eyes. She did the same. He was waiting for her answer.
"It was you, Abbé. I... I fell in love with you. I've never been in love before. And with all that Marquis reading... I never thought I would be. Until I met you, I spent time with you, and you did those things to me in my bed..."
He looked at her with pitty. She was a poor girl actually: the middle sister, who did everything her big sister said, just to please her. She was alone. She had no friends, and as you had say, she was very sweet. She didn't like violence as Odelle. He actually never saw her been violent with anyone.
"You're a nice person, Josephine." Said he, taking her face in his hands. She looked at him briefly, and closed her eyes, kissing him. He let himself go a moment, but then broke the kiss.
"No. I'm sorry... I... I can't." He said, looking at the ground. "I'm in love with Y/N."
The moment he said that, the moment he feared. He actually reject her. She could react badly, and hurt him or betray him. But she didn't. She looked at him, and smiled.
"Really? That's... That's wonderful. Y/N... Y/N always said nobody will love her. It's amazing there is someone. Does she love you back?"
"She actually does." He answered, smiling. "And I'm missing her by now."
"That's sweet. If I talk to her, I will tell her you said that."
She sobbed the last words. As much as she loved you, she couldn't deny she was a little jealous of you. He was an extraordinary man, the man every girl desired. But if he had chosen you, that was okay for her. You deserved to be happy.
"I will go now. Odelle doesn't know I'm here. And I have to help her prepare the banquet and party for tomorrow. I will do whatever I can to help you and Y/N to leave this place, I promise."
"Josephine, wait." He said, raising and taking her hand while she got up. She actually let her eyes see his naked body, his private parts mostly. She remembered his erection that time he went down on her, and how badly she wanted to help him.
"I know you're an amazing, good girl. And knowing that you didn't say anything to Odelle of the time I explored the Mansion, I will always trust you. And if Y/N and I could get away from here, please come with us. Don't stay in this Hell alone with Odelle."
He kissed her hand softly, closing his eyes, giving her goosebumps all over her body. If that was the best she could get from him, she would be happy. And if she had the opportunity to go, to left the Mansion and then find a man like him and have a normal life, a family, she would do whatever she could.
"You're not from this world, Abbé. After all the bad things we did to you... You're still the most sweet man." She said, caressing his face as she did when she brought him the bottle of water three days ago. Then, she left quickly with the bag in her hand.
François stood in there, sitting again, covering himself completly with the blanket. The lashes in his back didn't hurt so bad now they were clean and cured, the same with his chest and his knees.
By now, he only wanted to see you and escape with you from all that madness. He would have to wait until Odelle decided to take him out of the dungeon, if she really wanted to do that.
Tagging: @darknessisafriend @five-miles-over @yukis-writing @thegirlwho @jokerflecker @missrockabilly99 @luperugorria99 @weirdflecksbutok @skaraboo @starksclown @sgtsavoytruffle @joaquinisart @beautifulyoungprospect @sophiefleck @the-queen-of-things @joaqz-phoenix @ajokerfangirl @bailaycantaconmingo @joaquinphoenixdaily @joaquinfeed @beatlebabe1996
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izur-x · 4 years
Glitch nagito x reader
Note: Sorry if the character is ooc
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Two months after the entrance ceremony
"Yukizome-kun, i assigning you to be assistant homeroom teacher of the first group of the 77th class.""alright, principal kirigiri!" Yukizome answer.
Principal kirigiri Putting his elbow on the table and clenched his both hands, he look at yukizome "You've just graduated, so it may be difficult." He smiled softly "but I'm counting on you." Principal kirigiri said and then back to his poker face.
And all of a sudden
Principal kirigiri look down and say "kizakura-kun." Kizakura, who is sitting on the couch with his hand on his mouth, "sorry, sorry. I was drinking too much last night..." With an awkward smile, and he's back, putting his hand on his mouth, he look like he's about to vomit.
Principal kirigiri look at yukizome who is looking at kizakura "sorry, it's just like what you see, the homeroom teacher isn't too serious, so i think you may have some trouble." Kizakura free his hand from his mouth and bring the other hand up, "it's okay to treat the class like's it's your own!"
"I will! Leave it to me-" Yukizome bring her hand to her chest and accidentally hit it pretty hard causing her to cough, principal kirigiri sweat drop, yukizome walked to the door and say "please pardon me for that!" With one hand up and one to her chest, she closed the door, and walk to 1-b
As she infront of the class slide door, she entered "good morning!" "Wait, there's only four of you?", "Good morning." The ultimate princess said, the ultimate yakuza let out 'hump' while his legs on the table, "what's this? A women I've never seen just came in." The ultimate japanese traditional dancer say, "um, may we know who are you?" The ultimate photographer said with a sweatdrop.
"Starting today, I'll be your teacher, yukizome chisa." She tilled her head to the side with a closed eyes smile "it's nice to meet you!" "Oh, this one look's like's she'll be fun to break. Her sosial position, organs, life, and more!" Hiyoko said, yukizome show her Charter, "don't you worry. Your teacher has lot's of life insurance." With a smile like it was nothing.
"I give praise to thee." Sonia said "that isn't how we speak in japanese." Mahiru replayed. "Hold on, where did kizakura go?! He's our homeroom teacher." Fuyuhiko shouted, "if you're talking about kizakura-sensei, he's hung over and vomiting." Yukizome replay to fuyuhiko question, "again?".
And then, the door slide open reveal the ultimate nurse "sorry! I'm late!" And she trip with a VERY interesting pose...
"You do this every morning. Are you a bot? You stupid klutz of a women." Hiyoko scolded mikan"I'm sorry!","there, there... That's makes five person's" yukizome try to calm down mikan, "this may be everyone for today" sonia said to yukizome "but, (y/n)nee-san isn't here yet, that's strange!" Hiyoko bring her one hands to her chin.
"Huh, what are the others kids doing?","i don't know, and i don't care. But of course i care about mahiru and (y/n) nee-san only." Hiyoko said with a grin on her face, mahiru sweatdrop and look at yukizome "beside, attendance at this school isn't mandaroty, isn't it?" She look down, "you just need to properly train for you skills and pass the practical exams." Mahiru finnish her words, "i...i was trying to attend class-" mikan words got cut off by fuyuhiko shouting at her, make her to apologise.
Yukizome face palm, "i see... You all have these disappointing relationship, don't you?" With a disappointing tone, "this is crisis that's need to resolving!" While transformation to a blue maid outfit, kinda..
Everyone sweatdrop, "you're our Senior?" Mahiru with a surprise tone, "youth only come once. It will never return!" Yukizome walked to the back of the classroom while both of her hands on her waist.
"However, you don't even care about your classmates." "You kids are all..." "Rotten oranges!" She point her fingers at the students, "huh?!" Mahiru, hiyoko, and fuyuhiko let it out at the same time while mikan let out an 'eek!'.
And there's—
"Rotten oranges?" Sonia ask, as yukizome scolded the students, "meaning that you guys can't continue like this!" She pointed her fingers again, "let's go and bring back all your rotten friends!" "We're going to take back your lost youth!"
And just like that they looking for their classmates.
Time skip.
As they found peko, "alright! Four more to go! The door of youth is right before our eyes!" "Are we still continuing?" Mahiru ask, hiyoko is complaining and teruteru being a pervert as usual getting hit by bamboo sword by yukizome.
"Now, the next one should be them?"
As they walking "i know they should be around here..." as yukizome look at her notebook and the rest is following from behind, "when he's involved, nothing good ever happens to me!" Kazuichi complaining while he rub his back of hos head with he's hands.
And then there's a truck and hit him everyone shouted his name.
And there, a two persons standing infront of the vending machine, "that's weird..." He keep pushing the button, while the girl nodded, "i put in a thousand yen and pushed the button, but nothing is coming out." And he stop pushing the button, "im so unlucky." He sigh, "the machine is probably broken." The girl said while rubbing his back for comfort.
He realise something falls from the sky, he grab (h/c)nette head, pulling her head to his chest and the other hands on her waist, the girl seems okay with it, and a truck falls from the sky hitting the vending machine, and machine let out a sound showing that he's got the lucky one, the drink's start to come out from the vending machine.
They still hugging each other while looking down at the machine, "what, i really am lucky afterall!" Nagito komaeda the ultimate lucky student and (y/n) (l/n) the ultimate prodigy's after prodigy's, they both release the hug and start to pick up the drink's.
As they picking up, y/n want to pick up one cans someone grab it first and hands it over to y/n, she look at her with no motions at all "here." Yukizome keep her hands still (Y/n) takes the cans out of yukizome grip slowly.
As they arrive at the class, nagito laugh, "you wanted to meet a scum like-" (y/n) hit the back of nagito head, everyone sweatdrop at (y/n) actions, "stop saying that your a trash." Nagito look at (y/n) with his hands rubbing the pain on the back of his head and laugh.
Yukizome lift up her left arms "alright! Now there's only two left." She slammed with hands to the teacher desk, "everyone get yourselves ready!", "Eh?! Im exhausted! My legs are broken!" Mikan walked up to hiyoko and ask if she was alright, and ofc hiyoko scolded her.
Yukizome tell the class to start cleaning the classroom, mean a while she looking for the two students, everyone starts to clean.
Time skip.
As yukizome return with chiaki and ryota, everyone done cleaning, "yes, we'll keep going like this tommorow, too!" Yukizome said with cheerful tone, "tommorow as well, you said?" Gundham open his one eyes and look at yukizome "in this school, as long you have talent, i heard you were free to choose whether to attend class." Gundham continue.
Yukizome cross her hands "true, that's what the school rules said, but..." (Y/n) bring her attention from looking outside to yukizome with a blank eyes no spark at all, yukizome place her one hands to the desk, and look at everyone "there's more to life than just a talent. Interacting with others will build a Character and help you make a memories." "Let's help make something more important than talent shine - Your hope" yukizome continue her speech.
"Hope? That's sounds wonderful." Nagito said with a closed eyes smile, and then he put a normal face and bring he's hands up to his chin and sais "but... I already have one... Well, more hope for me, can't believe you guys-" nagito look at everyone, he was confused by everyone come to silent, no one said anything and then—
"HUH?!?!" Everyone shouted at the same time, yukizome, teruteru, kazuichi, mahiru, hiyoko, sonia and fuyuhiko walked up to nagito and asking who is it, "wah! Who is it, nagito?" Yukizome ask him with excitement "what?! Can't believe you got one before me?!" Kazuichi breakdown "no one want you, you know." Hiyoko said mean things to kazuichi, "have you do 'it' with her?!" Once again teruteru got punch by yukizome.
Nagito laugh at everyone behavior and point to someone and say "that's my hope if you asking." They follow his fingers lead them to.....
(Y/n) once again look the window and then shift her attention to everyone with bored eyes "what?", And everyone keep asking the same thing with nagito to (y/n).
And of course (y/n) answer the questions one by one, and then she stop, she got up from her seat walk to the window, open it, and jump out of it.
Everyone shouted except nagito, as a future husband childhood friend (+ best friend) he walked to the window, but first he bow to the teacher and everyone else, and joining (y/n) everyone look through the window to see if they are okay.
The fact that they're fine from falling us shocking, everyone sigh relief and packing their stuff and go to their dorm
For (y/n) and nagito, they didn't life in a dorm, they life together outside the campus, peacefully, no shouting, no chaos, as they walked to their house, the classmates minus chiaki and ryota, don't forget about yukizome, following them, as (y/n) and nagito stol walking "well this is our stop." Nagito grab (y/n) hands and kiss it.
(Y/n) look at nagito action, she avoided nagito face because her cheeks is reddened a bit, "let's go, what are we waiting for?" Nagito ask her with a warm smile, the group who spy them is dying, especially kazuichi and teruteru.
Nagito step closer to (y/n), grab her right cheeks and slowly lift her head to Making her look at him and....
Everyone look at them intensely wishing them to kiss, it's obviously nagito noticed it, although he was originally want to kiss (y/n) but not in the public, (y/n) open her mouth a little and close her eyes.
Nagito bring his face close to her, they're not kissing, only a small gaps between their lips, and yet their breath becomes heavy, they stay for a while like that, holding each other really close and then they parted away.
The group is currently crying, they can't handle it so they back to their own dorm, and then nagito took a chances to actually kiss her, (y/n) look at nagito who is not looking at her, she follows where's nagito was looking and see their classmates walking away with tears and yukizome who is crying, shouted 'youth' repeatly with both arms up.
The couple looks at them sweatdrop, nagito hands still gripping on (y/n) cheeks and waist, he brings his attention to the women who he's holding, moving his hands from her cheeks to the back if her head and start kissing her jawlines.
(Y/n) shocked and covering her neck and look at nagito, "w-why did you do that?" (Y/n) wanted to back up but nagito hands still on her waist, "hm? Oh, just.. forgot it." Before (y/n) can answer that, a pairs of lips touching (y/n) lips, pulling her to a kiss by nagito.
(Y/n) eyes shot open, shock for a second and then giving in, and finally they parted away, nagito smiled at (y/n), he let go her cheeks and grab (y/n) hands, walk in to the house.
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I'll make a part two out of this
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pearl-star · 3 years
Two Way Link
When Marinette cracks and gets akumatized, it’s not what she’s expecting. Hawkmoth is equally confused and more worried than she is. Turns out the mindlink is a two way streak, and her earrings make the link even stronger. Needless to say, some secrets got revealed.
Marinette had allowed herself to imagine herself as an akuma before. It was kind of hard not to when their class started bets for if Marinette or Adrien would get akumatized first. It also didn’t help after seeing Chat Noir’s akumazation first hand. If she ever got akumatized, Hawkmoth wouldn’t win. Oh No. The world would be in ruins. So if it wasn’t already an obvious goal, Marinette made it her mission to never even let a butterfly touch her. Of course she’s only human, and when she’s sleep deprived and dealing with a lot of extra stress her emotions run rampant. Not only did she deal with both night and day akumas for the past week, she also had extra work planning the fundraising events and the school trip. Include all her requests from her friends for different things and her regular school work, Marinette was already at her breaking point. Top it off with a couple idiotic stories from Rossi while the girl would slip in comments dissing the bluenette, and you got the recipe for a perfect akuma victim.
Marinette wasn’t even in the right headspace to try to hold off her emotions. She simply nursed her large cup of coffee, that may or may not be the 6th cup of the day, as she stewed in her seat. Why was her class a bunch of idiots? Like Marinette cared for them still, don’t get her wrong, but they hanged off her every word like it was air. Why didn’t they get curious and do a little research of their own? It would have saved everyone the trouble. And Adrien’s dumb high road advice would do more harm than good. He’s worried about Lila getting akumatized? Try the whole class when the truth gets out. Of course, Marientte had almost been akumatized because of Lila. Maybe she should have slipped that into her conversation with Adrien. That might have changed his mind. It didn’t matter much now though. She had just begun to speak normally around him. He might think that Marinette was lying about it to make him see her way, and that wasn’t a risk she was willing to take.
No one even noticed the butterfly coming into the room. It was only noticed when it landed on the coffee cup that Marinette held and the glowing mask appeared on her face. Very quickly, the class turned around and stared at their class rep. Marinette merely blinked a few times before groaning. “Really!? Come on! I was doing so good until now. Okay, you know what, fine. You want to akumatized me? Whatever. Just put the butterfly somewhere other than my coffee. I need that if I’m going to make it through today. You’re to blame for this, by the way. You couldn’t have just stopped with the akumas for the day could you. I mean one a day is bad enough. Why did you have to do two in one day? And at, like, 2am dude? Really?” Hawkmoth was just confused as the rest of her class. Marinette’s face scrunched up before her jaw dropped. “WAIT! GABRIEL AGRESTE!? YOU’RE HAWKMOTH!!?” The class paused before freaking out. Hawkmoth paled. He didn’t even get time to do his monologue before the girl started to speak out at him. As he started to reading deeper into her thoughts, he realized something. “You’re… Ladybug?” He was honestly surprised that this clumsy girl could possibly be Ladybug. Marinette just scowled. “Oh stop. I can feel your judgment from here. It’s a secret identity for a reason. Of course I’ll act differently with magical jewelry. Except, you don’t act too different than you do in real life. Maybe treat your son better, will you? He needs to have a backbone for when Rossi and Cholé drape themselves over him.” Cholé gasped and Lila tried to turn the tale but Marinette continued.
“I’ll give Cholé the benefit of the doubt since she had been childhood friends with him, but what Lila’s doing is bordering of sexual harassment. And you employed her as a model too. Like do you even care about you own son’s mental well-being?” Gabriel made the mistake of thinking about Lila and Marinette’s face shifted from shock to neutral. “Okay, so you made her spy on Adrien and report back to you as well as cause akumas. Got it. And that’s an interesting fact about her willingly getting akuamtized. Too bad my class has become too ignorant to realize that every word she says is nothing more than bull crap.” Hawkmoth, Gabriel, should have tried to rein her in. However when he tried it, magic was interfering. It was something that Nooroo had warned him about once before when he expressed the desire to akumatized Ladybug or Chat Noir. They would naturally have more resistance to him, especially Ladybug since her powers balanced for good and becoming evil would take drastic measures. Before he could try to act, the girl spoke again. “Oh, it’s nice to know that you at least let Nooroo talk. Seriously, I forgot about that whole Sandboy fiasco for a second. You couldn’t have at least allowed Nooroo to enjoy his whatever number cycle in peace. You had to traumatize so many people by creating their nightmares.” No one noticed as Adrien slipped away to transform.
Plagg flew out of his pocket and had the audacity to be laughing. “What is so funny?!” He demanded. Marinette was akumatized! Not only that, but she was Ladybug. Ladybug was akumatized and the akuma won’t be purified. Nor would any of the damage be reversed. Not to mention that his own dad was apparently Hawkmoth. Plagg caught his breath and was able to speak. “I’m sorry, but it’s too funny! This love square you guys had going on was great entertainment already. Top that with what Spots is doing and it’s gold.” Adrien decided to ignore what Plagg was saying for now and transform instead. While he was doing that, Marinette decided to discover something very important: what Gabriel’s motivation was.
Marinette clamped a hand to her mouth as she pulled the memory from his mind. Then that shock turned to hot rage. “ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?” ALL THIS TIME YOU HAVE KEPT YOUR WIFE IN A GLASS COFFIN IN YOUR FUCKING BASEMENT LAIR?!?” Hawkmoth actually flinched from the raw power and anger she emanated. He made the mistake of recalling the peacock miraculous, setting the girl off on another tangent. “AND YOU’RE ALLOWING NATHALIE TO USE A BROKEN MIRACULOUS?!? Wow! Just, Wow!” Maybe if he detransformed and left now, he wouldn’t have to face the girl’s wrath. Nooroo’s powers allowed them to feel the strength of a person’s emotions. Marinette Dupain-Cheng’s emotions showed that even without powers or a miraculous, she would kill him with her bare hands. If he was told a day before that she would be capable of murder, he would never have believed it. Now though, he was scared.
It was at that time that Chat Noir decided to bust in. He was both shocked and impressed that Marinette was still holding out. Maybe if he destroyed the object now she won’t be transformed. Of course would that negatively effect her somehow? Before he could ponder it longer, the girl in question acted first. “You better meet me in front of your mansion and give me both the butterfly and peacock miraculous. You also better fire Rossi and put a restraining order on her so she can’t touch Adrien again. Otherwise this cup will be replaced with your neck.” Marinette crushed the cup with her hand and the butterfly flew out. Standing up, she called on her transformation before her kwami could protest. She swiped the akuma out from the air and looked around. The whole class was quite. Lila didn’t even try to say anything, and in fact she shrunk under her stare. “Alrighty then. Time to go kitty.” She walked calmly out of the room, ignoring everything that just had happened. Chat paused before following her.
Back in his lair, Gabriel detransformed from shock. Nooroo tried to hide his smirk. Wordlessly, he went back into the main part of his house and approached Natalie. She looked confused. “What’s wrong? I thought you were finally akuamtizing Miss Dupain-Cheng?” Gabriel just shook his head and held his hand out. He was slightly shaking. “Just give me the peacock miraculous. Turns out, she’s a lot more dangerous than expected.” Natalie wanted to question her boss, but he seemed to be in shock. She did as asked and followed him as he walked out the front doors of the mansion. Outside was a smiling Ladybug and a concerned Chat Noir. Ladybug’s smile looked dangerous, like she was giving a warning. When Gabriel willingly handed over both miraculouses, Ladybug laughed. A dangerous sweetness dripping out. “Thank you! Also you better be honest with what you’re wife was doing with the miraculous when the police question you. I’ll see if the damage can be undone without the potential for ending the world. Oh also I will be taking your son away. He deserves better parents and I’m sure that mine will spoil him. Chat you take his assistant, I’ll grab him. It’s time to drop them off.” Chat grabbed Natalie and had her over his shoulder before she could react. Ladybug did the same to Gabriel, ensuring that neither could make a grab for their miraculouses.
A lot of things happened on that day. Hawkmoth and Mayura were announced to be defeated. Gabriel confessed to having Lila work for him both as a spy and as a willing accomplish for Hawkmoth. Adrien’s mom was brought to a hospital and Master Fu repaired the peacock miraculous and reversed the damage done to both her and Natalie. Lila was taken off to serve time in juvie and the two adults went to jail. Adrien was not to blame and was unofficially adopted by Marinette’s parents, which resulted in him spending a lot of time at the bakery. Adrien’s mom and Gabriel both revealed how she was forced into the marriage and forced to use the miraculous against her will. She got a divorce and ensured that Adrien got therapy. He was able to quit modeling and even got a restraining order against Lila just in case. He revealed himself to Marinette after a month and they decided to date. Her class did everything to make it up to the bluenette, but she merely shrugged at their words. She could care less now. They only wanted her to be their friend again because she was Ladybug. She and Chat announced their retirement to Paris two weeks after Hawkmoth’s defeat, although she still got to see Tikki and Plagg. It seemed like getting akumatized was the best thing that had happened to her.
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songofclarity · 3 years
Im curious. Do you think much or anything at all would have changed if dad-nie had not died? Ramble to your heart content, this is not a topic i often see discused, if ar all.
I'm going to answer this one on the assumption that the saber incident just does not happen. And I accidentally first read the question as would anything have changed for Nie MingJue if dad-nie had not died? Which shows I just have Da-ge on the brain all day, every day.
The big change, of course, is that Nie MingJue wouldn't become a Sect Leader as a teenager!
I think a large part of Nie MingJue's character, how reserved he is at times and how dedicated he is to his job, is because he becomes a leader at a young age to an angry sect when he, too, is angry. Tensions are high and the chance for vengeance to relieve that tension are low. Everyone is upset, including him, and yet he's the one who is in charge of making decisions and handling all of this. This helps Nie MingJue learn to set aside his own feelings, in that he can put his saber down when filled with fury at being betrayed and focus on making goal-oriented decisions, but the cost for that lesson is high. There is no more time for play and he has to get straight to business. So goodbye hobbies and friendship and hello office hours!
That's stressful! I know popular fanon is Da-ge To All, but I actually think Nie MingJue makes (sadly) a very pitiful if well-meaning Da-ge even to those who called him Da-ge. He is not having an easy time of things and it shows. Lan XiChen and Meng Yao are both the closest people to him by the time he's at Hejian because they are kind, mild-mannered, and eager to help. He needs help whether he asks for it or not. That's why he accepts Lan XiChen's help during the war without question, not even realizing the information Lan XiChen provided meant there was a spy. That's why he accepts Jin GuangYao playing music for him even though he hates the kind of person Jin GuangYao has revealed himself to be. Nie MingJue is just trying to do his best and keep himself and everyone else alive--something his father failed to do when he let his rage destroy him and left his family and sect picking up the pieces.
So keeping Nie Dad alive would arguably mean Nie MingJue is spared all that. He could have hobbies! He could have casual friends! He wouldn't feel responsible for Nie HuaiSang's education or protecting Nie HuaiSang from the hard truth of their saber cultivation. There are adults, adults who aren't angry about a dead Nie Dad, who can handle all that and provide the needed discipline. So ideally his relationship with Nie HuaiSang would improve as well. They could be proper brothers. If Nie HuaiSang doesn't want to practice his saber, Nie MingJue could weigh in why he thinks Nie HuaiSang should, but it's not on him now to force it. Nie HuaiSang will not have to wait until Nie MingJue dies to realize that his brother cares for him.
Another change, then, is that Nie HuaiSang might not be as spoiled or be able to run off to do as he pleases with dad around and the sect functioning normally lol
Although much of this depends on what kind of man Nie Dad was, and what that would mean for Nie MingJue and the Nie Sect if he were still alive. Was he as arrogant and prideful as the guest cultivator said? Would his behavior have created a stressful environment at home? What if Nie Dad truly did prize and prioritize his saber and he was the one who made Nie MingJue throw his hobbies away and focus only on saber practice in the first place?
Nie HuaiSang could have turned out very differently in that case.
There's also the possibility that Nie MingJue was just always being a dutiful son to his father's wishes, whether his father lived or died. Maybe Nie MingJue never though about having hobbies in the first place because of this. Him becoming sect leader in the canon timeline could have been him simply copying Nie Dad.
Maybe Nie MingJue would still be the exact same person in that case.
And then there is the maybe that Lan XiChen and Nie MingJue never become friends, or have to become friends much later in life, because the Qinghe Nie are stable and don't need help from outsiders this time around.
Maybe Nie Dad staying alive would have made things worse.
Maybe Nie Dad was obedient and subservient to the Qishan Wen already. After all, he went when summoned and handed over his saber when asked and was only annoyed by Wen RuoHan's attitude rather than alarmed or insulted by it. Perhaps he was not unlike Jin GuangShan, trying to warm up to a higher power by being helpful and obedient. Without Wen RuoHan's trick, the Qinghe Nie remain at the side of the Qishan Wen, who now become unstoppable.
Which is an interesting contrast to the canon where the Nie Sect under Nie MingJue bow to no one. Out of all the Sects, the Qinghe Nie after the death of Nie Dad were the ones who seemed to have escaped the bullying of the Qishan Wen. Nie HuaiSang isn't mentioned as being at the indoctrination camp and any supervisory office should have been in Qinghe or the Unclean Realm, not way off in Hejian if it was even there at all. Wen RuoHan notes that Nie MingJue does not bend and likely he means Nie MingJue will not bend to the will of the Qishan Wen. After Nie Dad dies, the Qishan Wen appear to have just ignored the Qinghe Nie, who had gone feral against them and might have not been worth the effort to subdue lol
Because consider the canon set-up: Cloud Recesses was destroyed, Lotus Pier was massacred, and the Lanling Jin were expected to go crawling back to hug the leg of the Qishan Wen for protection... But the Qinghe Nie stood on their own. With Nie MingJue's leadership, they were the first out the door and they fought the hardest and the longest compared to everyone else. They were ready to fight to protect themselves and others. Under Nie MingJue's leadership, it was the Qinghe Nie, not the Lanling Jin, that were set to take the place of power of the Qishan Wen post-Sunshot Campaign.
Nie MingJue made the Qinghe Nie powerful! The only reason the Lanling Jin came out on top was because Meng Yao dealt Nie MingJue a critical blow and Nie MingJue never wanted power in the first place.
Could Nie Dad have done the same or better?
in which case I propose a BIG change: a Qishan Wen and Qinghe Nie alliance where everyone lives/nobody dies.
Before the guest cultivator spoke up, the Wen Sect and Nie Sect appear to have had a good relationship. Remember how Wang LingJiao at Lotus Pier was like, the boy shot down a kite that looked like the sun and the Qishan Wen are represented by the sun so the boy was shooting down the sun? Now we apply it to the gifted saber Wen RuoHan received. Wen RuoHan likes this gifted saber and the Qinghe Nie are a sect that prize sabers so Wen RuoHan likes the Qinghe Nie.
Truly, the only possible outcome from what the guest cultivator was saying was to destroy Wen-Nie relations. Nie Dad can no longer be trusted to speak the truth, Wen RuoHan is offended and wants to punish, and if Nie Dad ends up injured or dead, the guest cultivator isn't going to cry about it when he's sitting at his second fancy Wen banquet. So when the Qishan Wen and Qinghe Nie are getting too cozy with each other, the guest cultivator speaks up and ruins it.
But now we have Nie Dad still alive and relations are still good with Wen RuoHan, who is either just a powerful sect leader or the most powerful sect leader. We know that all the other sect leaders failed to make Wen RuoHan respect them, but what if Nie Dad was the exception all along? Considering how powerful Nie MingJue was at 25 that Wei WuXian ranked him in the top three cultivators, Nie Dad at 40/50/60+ has a reason to feel prideful towards his saber and his position in life!
If what the guest cultivator was saying, then Nie Dad bows to no one and he met Wen RuoHan face-on as equals.
Nie MingJue said before at Koi Tower that if the right person, such as Wen Qing, just spoke in Wen RuoHan's ear, all that disaster and chaos might not have happened. Just one person.
And maybe that was Nie Dad.
Nie Dad, dad to all...
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