#ouuughhhh i love him
larvabyte · 1 year
for a man with so little emotion...there is so much adoration and love in his eyes for this big dragon...
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beeholyshit · 4 months
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Umm ummmm uuuuuuummmmmmmmmm
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one-winged-dreams · 5 months
while you're being big gay for ff7 men i can't possibly let my buddy fall behind sooo 6, 10, 20 for azul! >:o
What do you think the others love language is?
Both simultaneously: Combat.
(For Sol it's quality time, he won't leave Azul alone. Azul's is acts of service except those acts are cruel mind games.)
What attracted you to each other?
Sol: -just looks up at Azul, the picture of 🥺-
Azul: Would it pain you so very much to use your words?
Sol: Azul is the strongest person I've ever met. He's incredible, he really really REALLY REALLY is.
Azul, absolutely unphased by the deranged little stalker: He seemed fun to have around.
What went through your head when feelings were confessed?
Sol, tilting his head: Confession?
Azul: HAH! Confession of what? This doesn't require any words, it just is.
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EEE ok a little snow prompt, I might write for more characters eventually but here's the first! (Feel free to replace my name (kat, kathryn, kath) with urs!)
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- Honestly I feel like Hobie doesn't celebrate Christmas! Kinda lost the meaning behind hanging out with friends, to a capitalistic gateway to black Friday sales for cheap dinky lil gifts.
- He's always, always down for friend gatherings, free food. But he is very particular about gifts himself, he will accept anything.
- But he loves making gifts!! Adores it! We are forgetting this man made a watch out of scraps from the spider hq, C'mon this man is a craft nut.
- I like to imagine he made Kathryn a "Blanket" more less it's a bunch of scrap fabric he blanket stitched up, because all of the fabric he could find. So it's a bunch of granny squares just stitched with a hope and a lose thread.
- She absolutely loved it though. Hanged it on her wall like it was the next Van Gogh.
- Since then, he has made gifts for everyone, spider gang, his band, his black cat. No one is safe.
- He's more of the seasonal side of Christmas, and winter in general.
- MAN IS A THERMOMETER, if it's warm, he is warm, if it's cold HE IS FREEZING. Best excuse to wear Kathryn's sweaters, cuz he has to bundle up so much.
- waddles around like a emperor penguin.
- Him and Karl loves snow, snowmen, snow ball fights, Riri, or Kath usually keeps the score of "Who can make the snow man with the longest body." Or "Who can eat the most snow with out getting hypothermia."
- always gets snow in his hair, like icicles, Karl and him where dicking around until Hobie got knocked down into the snow, and his head felt numb for 2 days.
- In the end, he loves the snow, but is around his friends homes the most, mostly Kathryn's, with her cat Beatle.
- Hobie fucking loves cuddling, his iron grip during the winter is like super glue, you can't get him off.
- He mostly drinks more peppermint tea, "I'm gettin' in tha' spirit!", just mostly drinks it because it's the cheapest tea in the season, if he's feeling real crazy, hot chocolate with a bunch of mini mallows, or one big one.
- Also wears a lot, a lot of ugly Christmas sweaters, that say "SHUT UP, I SAW SANTA." or "TIS THE SEASON, TO PUNCH A PIG."
- But he loves Kathryn a lot, because she bundles up the most, lots of blankets and she doesn't have a fire, so she let's the stove run to warm up the home.
- THEM UNDER MISTLETOE? it's like that stereotypical scene of the guy holding it up like. "Wonder why that's there?" That's him
- He'd look so stupid, him in a ugly sweater with tight jeans, because he "could handle the cold" and her in her sweater, fuzzy coat and ear muffs
Ok that is all thank you 😼
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space-mantis · 2 years
I love the way you draw/hc moon. HES so soft and comfy and I wanna give him a hug and take a nap with him!! Love him dearly and I love that you make him so sweet and lovely 💕
ouuughhhh thanks so much anon, I'm so glad you like the way I portray them! I really appreciate this so here's a moon, as a treat 🥺
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caluski · 2 months
@moldavite tagged me to post my current music faves (thank u kalli a big fucking MWAH goes out to u in this gloomy april evening) so yay!!! i love posting spotify links of course... more belowww. trying so hard for everyone to only post things i havent shared before... trying!!
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obviously justice is on repeat - both incognito and saturnine, but im putting here incognito bc it does have the coolest intro and outro everrr like ouuughhhh like justice goes so fucking hard when they choose to have some retro synths................ actually have you listened to planisphere today? you should (talking to everyone)
i havent actually talked about my thoughts on khruangbins new album... which is obviously good but i simply didnt have the time to get into it :/ ive been hoping to give it a good listen, no skips no nothing, on a day off but work has been kicking my ass a bittt... anyway! Pon pón is fun. it came out as a single few weeks back and ive gotten really into it.... sooooo groovy
vampire by sholto is what some of you might recognize from love and food playlist? but ohhhhhh fuckkkkkkk its so good. i dont even know this guy and i didnt think much of it other than "yeah its cool" when i added it to my library. such a great and sinister feeling jazzy number.... AND WHEN THE SAX HITS!!!!!!!!! thats so good. please listen to vampire.
more radio pop!!!!! MORE MAINSTREAM KEVIN PARKER!!!!!!!! i do love tame impala's older/more niche sound just as much as i love him "selling out" (whatever, i will defend his minions and elvis tracks until i die and i will MEAN it) so i am STILL excited for this album even though the roll-out of singles has been consistently awful. but i guess dua lipa is a slow riser always (however long did it take her to peak on charts with 'dont start now'???). plus obviously DANNY!!!!!! YAY FOR DANNY!!!!!
its been a really good spring so far, with so many of my faves releasing music, and obviously that includes sebastian. i remember watching the runway show this was made for, but for some reason i didnt hear the whole track - maybe it was just highlights or something? i really love the synths in this one. its unusual for him to bring the choral singing in the start instead of the climax of the track, but its really well done (as always)! i wish, i wiiiiiiiiish there was something happening about the new album, too.
charli's really being weird recently about everything but goddddddd this slaps so good. im usually not that big on gesaffelstein but i do love ag cook so much. its going to be such a good clubbing record like literally.... its crazy she STILL gets labeled hyperpop. i also like club classics, but b2b is TRULY superior out of this double drop....
the beat of this one is just stuck in my head at all times. its cute! fun! perfect for spring. theyre soon to release their debut album, i need to remember to check it out. while its not SOTY material so far, its just cool and pleasant.
more dance sounds - i like this one a lot! really catchy. ive never really been into 1tbsp but yeahhhhh with this one, i get it.
ok i for sure posted this one before, but its ok bc it got like 0 or 1 likes or something. starwolf is a band im really hopeful for!!!! their 2020 album was pretty interesting, but its their three last singles that got my ears all perked up. some daytime disco vibes in them, and its really cool considering i was somewhat.... underwhelmed by poolside's last album. so, i feel good about starwolf now! fingers crossed for summer, as it would be a perrrrrrrfect record to replay over and over during hot sunny days.
and SUUUUUUUUUUUCHHHHHHHHH a spring favorite for the end. kind of getting lost in this one.... number one song i keep thinking of during sweet sunny walks recently. unbelievably cute. 10000% recommend.
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dearestones · 10 months
Fairy Rings and Sharp Teeth (Jade Leech and Reader)
Warnings: N/A. 
Anonymous Request: Ouuughhhh. I'm absolutely in love with that Jade Leech piece you wrote! Could I request him and "Do you even hear yourself?" (But I totally understand if you want to write someone else, please feel free to do so if you want💜💜) Romantic or platonic, I'd love it either way💜 (But it would be nice if it didn't end on a too sour note, hehe.) Thank you, Devin! And congratulations on the follower count!
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It’s not often that you visit the Botanical Gardens outside of school hours. While it was a beautiful space that boasted a variety of plants from various regions of the world, you had no reason to visit outside of potionology lesson plans. Furthermore, after your first run in with the lion prince from Savanaclaw, you were keen on not repeating such an interaction lest he actually decide to put you in your place via physical means. (You also did not want to discount the fact that there were probably other delinquents who fooled around in the gardens and lay in wait for unsuspecting prey). 
However, it was by the very nature of the school that you were called to do things that you were not assigned or expected to complete. It was unfortunate, but your fellow first year, Ace from Heartslabyul had fallen sick and had asked you to check on his project in the gardens. Like you, and the rest of the first years, he had been tasked to cultivate a specific plant to provide supplies for future potionology lessons. Had it been something not as important or needing a keen eye for detail, he would have asked Deuce or Grim to cover his bases, but this specific bloom needed daily recording for any changes—both significant and trivial. If his plant died due to negligence, he would have to start over. 
And starting over meant that you would incur the ire of one Professor Crewel. 
It was due to good fortune and luck that Ace was good friends with you.
Moved by his explanation and the fact that he was still bedridden in the infirmary, you accepted. How could you not? His illness rendered him bedridden and both his face and neck were shiny and tacky with sweat. If you didn’t lean in close enough, you would not have heard his request. With a voice as raspy as an old man thirsting for water and with a fever that was indescribably high, it would have been seen as cruel to refuse. 
As you stepped into the temperate areas of the Botanical Gardens, you relished in the scent of pine, beech, and poplar that filled your nose. It was like stepping into a new world—a microcosm enclosed in a space that was strictly controlled by both the fairies and the gardeners stationed within this small world. 
A few yards away from where you stood, you spotted a separate plot that had been tilled and was brimming with the fruits of your classmates’ labors. First, before you went to check on Ace’s project—a magnificent bloom that was native to the Queendom of Roses—you decided to make sure that yours was still alive and well. Yours was also a flower from the Queendom, albeit from a different region and was expected to elicit different magical properties once it was brewed into its appropriate potion. 
After observing the dark green stem and the corresponding leaves, you pulled out a reference from your backpack, your fingers quickly flipping through the yellowing pages. According to the aged text, your plant would start producing buds within a few more days. If well tended, the flowers would become voluminous and rose-like in shape, but the colors would sparkle and glow once underneath direct moonlight. After noting your observations into your notebook, you headed towards Ace’s plant. 
To your relief, his assigned project was not worse for wear. Slightly dehydrated if the light yellowing and coarse dirt underneath was any indication, but nothing a little water couldn’t fix. After writing down your observations on a separate sheet of paper so that Ace could copy it down later, you visited a nearby shed where the supplies were and grabbed a watering can. 
After watering the plants with the prescribed amount that was mentioned in your textbook, you began to head out of the gardens. 
Guided by your past interactions with the Savanaclaw Housewarden, you made sure to not be too enraptured by the wondrous sights of flowers blooming brilliantly when a certain amount of sunlight hit their petals or becoming slightly awed when you recognized some plants from your home world. Most of the greenery was meant to simulate real world environments (a plaque at the very front of the temperate zone of the Botanical Gardens revealed that it was supposed to be based one of the provinces in the Land of Pyroxene), so you weren’t all too surprised when you came across a patch of grass that looked relatively tame and boring if it were not for the patch of mushrooms decorating the middle of it. 
The mushrooms themselves bore dark red caps that were speckled with white spots. Meanwhile, their off-white stalks were short and squat but proudly stood tall in formation. Had you a pair of gloves, perhaps you would have peeked underneath their caps to see what color were their gills. However, you weren’t too keen on landing yourself on a neighboring bed next to Ace. You had risked your life many times during Overblots, but you drew the line at benign looking foliage. 
What stood out to you about these mushrooms was that they stood in a near perfect circle; the diameter at least three feet. 
You smiled to yourself and approached. 
If you remembered correctly, the circle of mushrooms was called a fairy ring. A quick flip through your first year textbook revealed that fairy rings were mentioned within the index, but some examples of the phenomena actually had latent magical energy. Most of the warnings attributed to the fairy circles stated that it was best to leave them well alone and that it was strictly forbidden to step within the circle. Satisfied after satiating your curiosity, you took a photo with your ghost camera, fully capturing the scene. 
“Lovely, aren’t they?”
You yelped, the sudden sound of someone asking you a question startling you. If it were not for the fact that the camera had a strap that hung loosely around your neck, you would have thrown the magical artifact at the speaker. 
Jade, having probably noted your reaction, merely smiled that benign smile of his before walking towards you, his stride efficient and quick. 
“Er, hi?” A little hesitant at his approach, you had to will yourself to not back away. Really, your initial reaction was born out of inborn instinct and not because you still had negative memories of Azul’s Overblot and the events preceding it. (The thought that Azul was still plotting revenge never quite left you, though). Knowing that, you didn’t want to expose weakness easily—you were all too aware that his sharp teeth weren’t just for show, he was still technically a predator. “What brings you here, Jade?”
He gestured at the fairy ring behind you, the cool smile he usually employed melting into something more… genuine. It was not an abrupt shift—it was like watching an ice cube melt in lukewarm water—but it was jarring all the same to see him so happy.  
“I have yet to see a naturally occurring fairy ring during my hikes in the mountains.” He shook his head, a mournful show that could have moved you to tears had you been a little more foolish and susceptible to his tricks. “I’ve only just recently started studying this particular ring after one of the gardeners alerted me to its appearance. Had I known that the conditions here can lead to the unpredictable fruiting, I would have begun searching for rings such as this much, much earlier.”
You blinked in confusion. Normally, Jade wasn’t this forthcoming. “You like fairy circles?” 
An amused smile graced his face as he shook his head at your question. “Not necessarily, but finding one within the school grounds is a boon that I endeavor to cultivate for my own needs.” You wanted to ask what he meant by that, but then you remembered that this was Jade Leech and it was better to not know. “What I find most fascinating about the surface is the various forms of flora and fauna, but most of all, fungi.”
Had you looked away at the wrong moment, you would have missed the yearning gaze in his mismatched eyes as he studied the mushroom. Honestly, it was almost as if he was seeing something cute and worthy of his time—a feat that you had to see elicited by anyone or anything else. It stunned you to see such a soft look in his eyes, but you refrained from speaking. 
You had no idea that Jade had interests outside of working as Azul’s Vice Housewarden or as a staff member for the Mostro Lounge. It was strange to see him speaking so openly about something that he clearly held close to his heart. The candid nature of both his tone of voice and even his body language (usually so reserved and tight, had become almost loose and relaxed like his brother’s mannerisms) had the unintended effect of soothing you as well. 
For the first time since your very first meeting, you actually wanted to spend time with the Octavinelle student. 
Imagine that! You, a small and very vulnerable human, actively wanted to hear more about mushrooms and fungi even though you weren’t exactly knowledgeable about mycology. 
And it wasn’t like you were doing this to get in Crewel’s good graces either. Being average in a class meant for students who actually had magic and the means to brew potions daily was more than enough for you.
Perhaps it was because seeing Jade’s lowered guard (or a seemingly convincing facade) felt like an invitation. It wasn’t often that you spoke or hung out with the upperclassman… And it wasn’t like he was actively trying to recruit you into working for Azul without pay or even swindling you into a contract. 
Did you even hear yourself?
You had either accidentally inhaled too many fungal spores or maybe Ace’s plant project had the unintended effect of causing hallucinations. Despite that, however, you found yourself setting your bag upon the patch of grass near the fairy ring (you were careful as to not accidentally disturb any of them) before patting at the spot next to you. At the confused expression on Jade’s face (you thought maybe he was faking it, but you still smiled at him in anticipation), you gestured for his presence once more. 
“Can you tell me more? Professor Crewel says that we’ll focus more on fungi next semester, but it never hurts to be prepared.”
Jade’s eyes widened before he plopped onto the ground next to you—plopped!—before pulling out a thick, battered textbook filled with stray notes and plastic markers littering the pages within. “Too true, Prefect, one should always be prepared, especially when it comes to the identification and classification of different types of fungi, but most importantly…” He rapidly flipped to what appeared to be a random page within his textbook, until you saw that it bore the chapter title and appropriate picture depicting— 
You leaned closer to him, not at all caring that he was within biting distance. 
If Ace was lucky, he would get your updates about his project before curfew. And if not? You could just visit the infirmary first thing in the morning. 
For now, you had something more important to do. 
If you want to donate a Ko-Fi, feel free https://ko-fi.com/devintrinidad.
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polyhexian · 8 months
the Martlet just…calling a time-out in a middle of a fight with Hunter.
"Whoa, hey, okay - that's it, I'm calling a time out." *dodges a staff blast* "I SAID TIME-OUT."
"A what? You can't just - "
"Says who?" *dodges another staff blast* "At the very least I'm not going back to fighting until you've had a sip of water."
"Good! That'll just make it easier to defeat - oomph!"
"I'm serious, kid, you need to drink something."
"It rained less than an hour ago, it's hot and humid, and you are wearing like 5 layers of armor and padding. You are going to get dehydrated, trust me on this." *dodges angry staff swipe* "Wait do you even have a canteen? Oh my titan of course you don't - " *neatly sidesteps tired staff swipe* "Look, you're getting sloppy, you're obviously flagging. This isn't as much fun if you aren't performing at optimal levels!"
"I'm not - oh for the love of - okay!" *sweeps Hunter's legs out from under him, leans over his groaning form* "You can have some of my water if you need to. It's got electrolytes in it!"
"You're such an ASSHOLE I HATE you!"
"Also when's the last time you ate? Are you skipping meals? You need to think about your blood sugar levels. I've got some ration bars if you want one."
"Why are you like this?"
Eventually!Jasper has gotten SO much practice with leg sweeps lmfao.
Hunter later on looking back on all these moments like ouuughhhh god I'm so fucking stupid
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chili-kinks · 1 year
I have so much brain rot for a hella gassy Minato~like picture him in bed with his fat bloated belly spilling out from all the soda his partner made him drink and them just shaking and slapping his belly as he lets rip these absolutely monstrous belches from the deepest parts of his gut <3
Ouuughhhh anon,, me too though. It’s a constant thought in my brain 24/7,,, I love this man being unapologetically gassy so much fuck—
What i’d give to be his partner 😩💦 Let me jostle up that fat tummy of his for hours until he’s all burped out,, god 💦 I wanna hear him just moaning and groaning after each huge belch while maybe guiding my hands to some of his more taut spots that desperately need some attention.
Anon, it’s like 6am and I was heading to bed but you’re in luck because I was working on something that had something to do with soda bloating so i offer you this rough sketch in the meantime while I eventually get back to more kink M.inato draws
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itsdefinitely · 1 year
*clears throat*
Okay now for actual words
first off, ive been crying for the past forever. this show always makes me cry. BUT I WAS CRYING THE ENTIRE EPISODE
JUST THE- the way all of the characters are going through some sort of loss as shown in the dreams; amity with kind of everything, gus with his dad, willow with her dads, hunter with flapjack, eda with her family, and king with his dad. the list goes on and on, and what ive said is only the ones we're explicitly told. hunter is probably still missing belos, luz feels like she lost the entire isles... hell, all of them feel like they lost the entire isles, because it really looked that way. and then you have the Collector, who doesn't understand death until it's right up in their face and it's too late to do anything about it
ALSO CAN I TALK ABOUT FLAPJACK? flapjack last episode was kind of like the canary in the coal mine, if that makes sense. flapjack ... had that happen to him and suddenly the characters were much more aware that belos is back and holy SHIT belos is back. it was kind of like a wake up event where everything started to process in their heads. i dont know if im making sense but yeah
we finally got to meet king's dad!! who is both king and queen best of both worlds and i love them very much and im not normal please im getting attached
OKAY JUST the scene where luz died absolutely broke me. i was sobbing. eda and king getting so defensive (rightfully) is so real becuase that is their family that you just killed. and the collector being so confused is so fiucurhdheieifjjdiekdkjd yknow?
just the collector in general. just the. them misunderstanding death and when being told that kindness and forgiveness is sometimes all someone needs, trying that on belos because oh it's a rule in the game so it must work. HOW GUILTY MUST THEY FEEL WHEN LUZ DIES
i dont have the words for raine i really really do not. have a keyboard smash in an attempt to articulate my thoughts
i hope you understand what im saying
ouuughhhh its too early in the morning to have thoughts i'll probably make another post with more coherent words
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muzzleroars · 1 year
hi its the return of song guy. today i bring you a holy council song: DOKUZU/scum of the earth by nakiso. this thing lives rent free in my brain bc it fits the holy council soooo much holy shit its so fucked up
ouuughhhh i love having the chance to talk about the holy council and how genuinely awful they seem because i'm just so sure they used every part of how heaven operates and its inhabitant's fear to ensure their preserved reign, and specifically how they used it in their control over gabriel. they're a group of angels that took over the throne of god and that should have been immediately deemed as high heresy regardless of its vacancy, but they surely couched it by reassuring everyone that this was temporary, an interim solution, and it would bring back peace. they understood god's law and they would rule to his letter until he returned. and the citizens needed that, angels needed that, they needed to feel safe and they needed to have structure. and once they were given that in, they knew precisely how to rule in a kingdom as necessarily dogmatic as heaven - to voice dissent to their rulings would be to voice dissent against god himself. and that proved obviously effective with the masses, but, most importantly, to be just as effective personally with gabriel.
angels would likely naturally fear dissent - they are made to do a job and do it well without question, each of them knowing what happened to lucifer when he refused his rank (or so they're told). and higher angels command those lower, with the four archangels, and so gabriel, actually being in a rather unique position in this aspect as it's thought they derive their title from their ability to issue special orders to the hosts. however, the four are also often connected to the "living creatures" mentioned in ezekiel which uphold god's throne...and so regardless of gabriel's rank, it's likely that he would have a natural inclination to obey the council as they are now occupying that throne. it's his job, it's his position, he is one of the four pillars that must create the base of the throne and so god's law, and he falls right into that role even though said law has been transposed. and i KNOW the council members were absolutely aware of this because i still maintain that their control and eventual execution of gabriel was all planned due to how his rank and popularity would be just about the only thing that might challenge their authority. so they use his instinct to serve their position (if not themselves) as their first point of control over him, but that tendency isn't enough. it gives them a foundation, but what this song really makes me think of (TOOK ME AWHILE TO GET HERE I KNOW) is the idea that maybe gabriel did, in the beginning, attempt to use his position to push back against their policies despite that and he did bring his rank of archangel to the conversation.
which went poorly. because i think they know gabriel's weaknesses as well. gabriel, again, seemed to be some kind of friend or at least presence to those in hell - we know about the spirits of limbo and ferryman having contact, but it seems telling that "traitor" is written over gabriel's depictions in greed and the fact that minos believed he could be reasoned with. SOMETHING is going on with his treatment of the damned and it folds into the idea that gabriel did, in some capacity, question the way of things and so the way of god. and i think there was whispers and rumors of that in the upper ranks, that perhaps gabriel was weak in his faith. shocking given his dedication and position, but it persisted nonetheless, and i think gabriel himself was racked by it besides. he always did his job and did it perfectly, but he couldn't stop the little questions that plagued him, the uncertainty that marred an otherwise perfect soul in the eyes of god. and that tortured him, it struck fear into him...and so when the council seriously questioned his faith because of his disagreement, they knew instantly that had struck the perfect nerve. they have all they need then to be sure he obeys them, to give pointed reminders of his position (as the upholder of god's throne) and his loyalty to the laws of god. and he can argue neither of these things, not without invoking accusations of heresy either from them or from his own conscience. so he works harder, he questions less, because they use it against him regularly to keep him evermore obedient to even the most detrimental extent. he will run until even he is exhausted, and they know at that point, sooner or later, he can be gotten rid of. and while gabriel may be torn apart by what he does, it matters little since he holds his faith above anything else.
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lucianoirlmurdervictim · 10 months
thank god you hate usuk a sane person
I genuinely don't understand USUK at all or why people ship it. I get that people sometimes see enemies or people who hate each other but like...IS IT WORTH IT!? They're brothers, or in my eyes father and son but in the material, they're brothers, they're related. They're related! When I first entered the fandom space, and I realized the main ship besides GerIta (ItaGer, italy tops, YAOI YAOI YAOI) was USUK, I was genuinely shocked. I thought I imagined that they were related, but I didn't (sometimes, I do feel like I made that up, but then my brother says it too and hes less delusional so I believe him) They are related. They SHARE BLOOD. They share blood. I don't know, I can't get over that. It bothers me its so prevalent because I actually really enjoy the brother/father&son relationship between them and love making art of Alfred and Arthur hanging out together/interacting but I have to tag it 100 times that this is NOT SHIP ART. I never ever want it to be perceived as ship art, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, so this is also a blanket statement that I will never create USUK content. I genuinely do not like USUK. England's heart belongs to France (he attacks him on sight but thats true love) and America's heart.....ouuughhhh AMERICA'S PRECIOUS HEART!!! It belongs to one JAPAN!!! Kiku-chyannnnn~~~ my boyfriend though, he ships RusAme but I'll convert him using the power of IRL YAOI YAOI YAOI Though RusAme is still fine :D ON THE TOPIC OF SHIPPING, THOUGH, I'm a multi-shipper so I like a lot of different ships with the same characters. Except USUK :P (and some others *pointed glare*) OK LMV OUT
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gregoftom · 7 months
sdfg sorry sorry ignore me fr but omg I forgot how exquisite the marvey angst is in 3x1. oh it's huge it's charged. insane. the hurt, the desire.
and AGAIN after harvey releases his hurt onto mike, mike has sex. and this time it's also by giving the exact honesty to her that he should have given to harvey. like, proxy much??? (and he Also feels the need to mention (be thinking about???) harvey while he's horny and trailing his hand between her legs?)
and omfg more read-behind-the-lines bi harvey propaganda. there's a whole backstory I am conjuring with his opponent this episode because come ON. "I'm sorry, Harvey. Not this time." "Is that what I said to you on Hazelton?" "That was a long time ago. We're not at the D.A.'s office anymore." "I didn't realize our bond had an expiration date." and "Harvey, look. If our bond can't survive me telling you no, then… It didn't mean much to begin with." like I'm sorry your BOND? and that sounds like a consent metaphor to me?? and the way there was flirtation and care and hurt there too, like. these boys fucked around at the DA's office. ANDthen, later scene between them, when he still won't budge for harvey, harvey throws out "Send Carolyn my love." when he leaves like HELLO? was she the other woman in this scenario, harvey?? annnnndd to top it off this is all while the new managing partner at the firm is gay and it's a little hush but harvey and him just know they just get it and each other. (and this is again me behind the lines ig but jessica basically implies to him that harvey might out him and he's just like...nah, because he's fucking clocked harvey I swear it, and yeah lo and behold harvey does no such thing he just shares a smile and head tilt when he tells him he knows. like. this is mlm/mlm solidarity up in here ok.)
andd omfg when harvey's telling scottie (they're not together. it's missed-their-chance trope, but they're great) about how he basically loved her at first sight. he thought she was beautiful, and then heard her smarts and realised her beauty was the second best thing about her. like -- as if that's not exactly how it went with mike fucking ross HELLO. sir you LOVE a beautiful smarty pants and you will love them at first sight goddamn you, you've got a type and a means. (AND in episode of all time 2x10, when harvey gets high with mike, he literally looks into mike's eyes and tells him that his dad believed in love at first sight. like HELLLLOOO.)
aaa and omg mike with the line at the end "I don't wanna be here if I'm not solid with Harvey." and literally giving up his newly gifted office just because maybe it might be one thing on a pile of many that might lead to harvey forgiving him. the boy's whole episode is devoted to wanting to win this man back and it's beautiful and it's tragic in the Sweetest way. and GOD the shots of just them Looking at each other. harvey wants him so bad ffs. (and like. rachel wanting mike to quit. but cue like six shots of mike gazing at harvey and doing everything he can to help harvey whether harvey accepts it or not. this boy is NOT about to quit harvey for anyyyyyything.) (and like. harvey would not be this hurt for anyyyyone ever. it's because he Loves mike. he loves him so bad.)
god god god I am Eating this up and can't wait for all I know is to come because the Love and the angst and the absolute ride or die of these two to each other is somehow only just getting started (and I can't wait for all I've Forgotten, going by how much of this one I'd forgotten and how Good that stuff was holy smokes). and with zero pressure I also hope you get to eat this good good food too at some point heheh
ouuughhhh omg i love that kind of shit like the very OBVIOUS parallels and shots and actions like this, that's some good stufffff omg. and yeah don't worry i will eat the food! when i get round to it i shall, i'm gonna watch ttoi soon and thennnn i will watch suits <3
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demyrie · 6 years
Did you get a glimpse of All Might's life-long intimate friend/former side-kick/costume maker David Shield? I love that Toshi does have his very own bestie that he still maintains a relationship with despite the distance, after all.
Like not everything. To be sure. But like. He has a bestie!!!!! (Whose name he sighs aloud?? Twice in an episode?? HMMMM it’s just what helplessly romantic bottoms do I guess, but seriously, they stare at each other INTENSELY in those flashbacks and it makes my stomach jump, WEIRD, WAH not to mention the fact that All Might has eyes now yannoe)
I want to see how they are together! Is Dave gonna freak when he sees small might? I’m so damn excited for this movie! Toshi obviously loves the goddamn stuffing out of him and that’s enough for me. Also ... still tripping on the fact he studied/worked/lived in America ... I just ... I need a moment to wipe this single tear away with my full size American flag that was given to me at birth ... (Can I please get Hizashi begging All Might for details and real life american stories?? OUUUGHHHH they could have such a bond)
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