daily-coloring · 2 years
Best of 2022 - Albums
What a boring year it was. No big surprises, nothing out of the blue, only a few perfect records. 
01. Rosalia - Motomami - “The Spanish singer’s third album delivers gem after gem, as flamenco rhythms rub shoulders with sassy party flexes.” The Observer
02. Tove Lo - Dirt Femme
03. The Smile - A Light of Attracting Attention
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04. Walt Disco - Unlearning - Definitely not for everyone. “Flamboyant goth-glam that doesn’t care what the boomers think.” NME
05. Tamino - Sahar
06. Marian Hill - Why Can’t Be Just Pretend?
07. Marlon Williams - My Boy
08. The Wombats - Fix Yourself, Not The World
09. Joywave - Cleanse
10. Charlotte Adigéry & Bolis Pupul - Topical Dancer
11. Nilüfer Yanya - Painless
12. The Fear Ratio - Slinky
13. Wojciech Rusin - Syphon
14. Lyndsey Lawlor - Dearest Philistine
15. Honey Dijon - Black Girl Magic
16. Moin - Paste - “Moin’s approach on Paste is barebones, but discerning – taking a craft knife to 80s and 90s indie music and using it to fashion their most fleshed-out release yet. “ The Guardian
17. Belle and Sebastian - A Bit of Previous
18. Florence + The Machines - Dance Fever
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19. Moderat - More D4ta
20. Fontaines D.C. - Skinty Fia
21. Jockstrap - I Love You, Jennifer B
22. MO - Motordrome
23. Virgil Enzinger + Submerge - At The End
24. Ange Halliwell - Lullaby For The Dead
25. Everything Everything - Raw Data Feel
26. Röyksopp - Profound Mysteries - All versions are the same. Mostly great songs + few you can easily skip. Would be a great record if they could release the strongest songs on one record. 
27. Caterina Barbieri - Spirit Exit -  “For music that evokes empty clubs and shuttered churches, built on patterns dictated by a “mechanical fortune teller,” its humanity is its most haunting quality.” Pitchfork
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28. Badawi - The Book of Jinn + The War of Art
29. Mykki Blanco - Stay Close to Music
30. Rival Consoles - El Caso Figo
31. Archive - Call to Arms and Angels - “What is so impressive about these songs – all of them, not just the lengthy ones – is the daring and almost fearless way with which they progress. Archive aren’t afraid to have hugely infectious would-be mainstream hits such as ‘Freedom’ collapse inward on themselves. They’re also not shy about dangling the carrot in front of their crescendo-expectant audience only to have things fade out to the gorgeous trickle of a classical piano. In the same token, there are moments when you think you’ve floated into a quiet pasture for respite when Archive will suddenly whip out the electric guitars and flood that space with noise. The transitions can be jarring but tend not to be, as Call To Arms & Angels feels less like a puzzle held together by separate pieces and more like a painting in which the different colors bleed together to form a beautiful image. It all feels interrelated, the product of a bold, creative, and eclectic vision that’s been executed to perfection.” Sputnik Music
32. Bodi Bill - I Love You, I Do
33. Get Well Soon - Amen
34. Methyl Ethel - Are You Haunted?
35. Working Men’s Club - Fear Fear - “The album tells its own superbly structured story, bathing in synthesis and heavily grounded in the contexts of lockdown, while allowing these very contexts to steer the process beyond angst and towards a utopian catharsis.” Clash
36. Stabbing Westward - Chasing Ghosts - “Stabbing Westward fans will get everything they love about the band and fair weathered fans might just be won over with this album. An absolute must buy for your industrial rock collection.” Spill Magazine
37. Hot Chip - Freakout/Release
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38. Daniel Avery - Ultra Truth
39. Spoon - Lucifer on the Sofa
40. Benjamin Clementine - And I Have Been
41. Purity Ring - Graves
42. Ben Shemie - Desiderata - “Shemie has described Desiderata as "a soundtrack to a movie that doesn't exist." While this statement rings true (opener "The Departure" could have fit nicely on the score to Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey), it's also a bit of a disservice to the album.” Exclaim!
43. Local Suicide - Eros Anikate 
44. Deliluh - Fault Lines
45. u-Ziq - Magic Pony Ride
46. Ovend - Rush
47. Maggie Koerner - The Bartholomew Songs
48. FKA twigs - Caprisongs - “In a discography filled with experimental pop played at an overwhelming intensity, Caprisongs offers both a feeling of playfulness and self-assurance.” The Young Folks
49. Beyonce - Renaissance
50. Subjective - The Start of No Regret - “Goldie takes a breezy trip through various avenues of electronic music with this real goodie bag of an album that’s focused, well-produced, and great fun.” Music OHM
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444names · 2 years
quenya names + quenya names encoded with qorviss
Adirine Ahinaur Aickle Aight Ailme Aimarma Aimir Aindo Aisinqi Aitareon Aivonxa Ajarni Ajawe Alami Alathme Alime Alinde Allan Allon Alluvin Alluvur Almake Alman Almas Alnar Amanuve Amardsha Ambaltar Ambaran Ambard Ambie Amirme Andon Anelmar Angundil Annaurn Anter Anume Anusto Anuszi Anuuporns Anuvir Aptad Aramaxa Arcana Aresta Aronta Arowee Astdurmed Ataty Atent Atoolkin Aultaven Autar Avehical Avendenqe Averrosgo Awcal Aweack Aweonjay Axircon Axivil Bearrama Bimroam Bomtu Bponqe Btaque Butar Calrosse Cance Cander Canend Canxa Caral Carth Caver Chele Chilulkil Chipbunce Chireve Cilxaca Coawe Coloted Comwehir Coponewe Cotedger Cotta Cruhja Cruldure Culda Culjaria Culme Culmenqer Cundaar Curusfur Dacildu Daendil Damir Dendorie Diexi Divejant Duallon Dunta Eanyar Earan Ebimron Ecant Elcala Eldaca Eleme Elento Elinds Eljeivury Ellents Elqeelko Elqortome Emnegolk Endae Endmi Enduivi Enqends Enrion Entamook Enyar Enyarca Eofings Esser Estlady Estnaja Etast Etcher Etjarie Fairzim Faland Falmardi Fancarn Fande Faponarat Faraxa Fasser Fathinie Fdury Ficury Fielumna Fingoam Finqil Fnunfoold Folimbar Follow Foril Fruckly Funmaon Fweepon Geroy Gerwaht Gilno Gimenya Gingo Glenveve Goqar Gorestle Grehinar Grenxas Gretyatja Gtafinga Gtalman Gtassen Halambar Hancenfo Handil Hanor Heaval Hecards Heitzi Hellas Hictirs Hidaugo Hievas Hignuman Hiiver Hinas Hindol Hinqil Hipwen Hiraght Hiryarmen Hitwome Hiwed Hnanur Hraca Hricome Hrisight Hronds Hyallihi Ildulmon Imhil Ingus Inyan Ionistre Ipwinya Isted Iween Jafalor Jalosta Janata Jangs Jaramba Jarro Jaruve Jecalanna Jechiibno Jeman Jinnita Jinvislie Julinor Kdilxa Kiddle Kinda Kinxare Kukod Kuverst Laian Lanya Larhiwel Laulme Lemmaxi Leons Licur Lighour Lignift Lildi Linainqe Lince Liomehir Lirvide Liwee Lorion Lorqi Lought Lowea Lulihja Lulkor Luvule Luxicor Macilhi Macuingen Magenda Manas Mands Mandusgoe Manzidano Maowely Minyavi Mirxi Misvu Moolmir Mouno Mouvence Mtoma Mundolun Munds Munve Murto Musjarier Naceme Nalasseca Nalqordaa Namet Nancenya Naugir Nautan Naweqat Ncend Ndiivu Ndinqe Nemoru Nesgo Noakeno Nonorea Nonxa Nosjar Nossalmar Nublinyan Nucirem Nugin Nuhja Numeno Nunody Nuuprie Nuuweno Nuzirest Nxawe Nyatar Oahirvis Oincireve Oingasts Oinwess Ollounux Onjavor Onnar Onqendelm Onqil Onunme Onxalhi Onxawe Opjanoy Opoutya Oreril Orexily Orirenqie Ornose Orqil Orqondor Orrindmi Ostarch Ovend Ovilwenel Oxita Pacol Paldaitzi Paled Palho Palhor Parmeria Partamaen Parulkin Passe Peenonbir Pindo Pirmodun Plungdae Pnusfu Pnusser Poarn Ponore Porohi Posalligi Prerose Protivus Qalcans Qalma Qalrenil Qandougo Qasgo Qeduicas Qerin Qojamast Qonjart Qoqat Ragecaty Ratjar Recemesul Resvurvi Reval Revisil Riandle Rianunt Rifin Rindan Romarno Ronarn Ronon Ronvud Ronxaw Rosjatavi Rover Roweel Ruamae Runqe Salandur Seroaveja Shanxa Silinea Silqogu Siono Sleroar Sodgen Sondo Sonxawen Sormono Spincir Srurueng Starde Stond Stpottar Sunqi Sunteman Tanhunen Tartarrir Tasarnu Tauctur Tauts Tedur Teldacata Temnelpon Tohvu Toutande Tumarme Tweano Tyele Tzirja Uivulcar Ulkor Umacong Umeni Vanonxa Venqenor Ventiorma Verlda Verni Vesse Vevinjaft Vilre Visse Vomarirds Vonstept Voron Votedury Vulhinqe Vulhoszi Vurya Wande Wanght Warsta Waturs Weepa Weonosse Weounmen Wilxa Xarisvul Xarvevon Xibea Xibilhil Yelfszi Yesjar Yezanang Yezandam Yonbibion Zafie Zodgueta Zoeporn Zolyar Zorimind Zualy
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suplementosnaturais35 · 2 months
✅✅ https://topscursosdigitais.shop/vendernanet ✅✅ SITE OFICIAL DO FABRICANTE PARA ADQUIRIR O ( PRIMEIRA VENDA EM 2 DIAS ) 100% NATURAL DIRETAMENTE DO SITE OFICIAL DO FABRICANTE COM TODAS AS GARANTIAS! ✅✅ https://rebrand.ly/what-duvidas ✅✅ WHATSAPP: (84) 999361353 ✅✅ PARA TIRAR ALGUMA DÚVIDA FALAR COM O SUPORTE PARA TE AJUDAR EM TUDO O QUE VOCÊ PRECISAR PARA COMPRAR COM TODAS AS GARANTIAS! aprenda tudo de como ter uma renda extra com a venda de produtos de várias sites venda em 7 dias
Eu posso pedir reembolso? Sim, caso você entre no treinamento e não goste (o que eu acho dificil de acontecer), você pode pedir reembolso.
Estou iniciando do zero, este treinamento é pra mim? Sim. Dentro do treinamento tem módulos para níveis iniciante, intermediario e avançado.
Posso acessar quando quiser? Sim. O Seu acesso é vitalicío e tem mais, as aulas serão sempre atualizadas.
Como é a garantia? A garantia é de 7 dias ou seja, você não tem nada a perder. Caso não goste do que encontrar no treinamento devolvemos todo o seu dinheiro.
Quem Sou Eu? Me chamo Micael, mais conhecido como Tejota (@iaetj). Sou o idealizador e criador do Método Marketing Secreto.
Vim de uma familia baixa renda, morava em casa de Cohab assim como a maioria dos brasileiros.
Já trabalhei como repositor em supermercado, vendi marmitas e até coco na praia, tudo isso em busca de um futuro melhor pra mim e pra minha familia.
Em 2019 foi quando finalmente conheci o marketing digital e achei que a minha vida fosse mudar, mas só depois de inumeras tentativas consegui encontrar a estratégia perfeita para faturar na internet e mudar a minha realidade.
Hoje estou disposto a compartilhar com você o segredo das estratégias que eu desenvolvi e que me fizeram faturar milhões pela internet, para que você possa mudar a sua realidade também.
Pagamento Seguro: Ambiente seguro. Seus dados estão protegidos e sua compra é 100% online.
Acesso Imediato: Seu login e senha será enviados ao seu e-mail, logo após o processamento do pagamento.
7 Dias de Garantia: Você poderá pedir a devolução integral dentro desse prazo
                      ✅✅ TAGS DO CANAL ✅✅
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curso Primeira Venda aprenda a vender e faturar muito dinheiro vendendo produtos fisicos e digitais https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGANUJERths
aprenda tudo de como ter uma renda extra com a venda de produtos de várias sites venda em 7 dias https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9DSyqNpVNOI
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rahmanlutfar1888 · 11 months
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🌟 Exciting News Alert! 🌟
🛍️ I am thrilled to share the success story of one of our most valuable clients in Bangladesh "Ovender Online Shopping". ✨I
🚀 Managing their Facebook ads has been an incredible journey, and the results speak for themselves. From increased brand visibility to higher engagement and conversions, I have witnessed the power of strategic digital marketing.
🎉 A huge shoutout to the Ovender team for their collaboration and trust in my expertise. I am achieving remarkable milestones in the world of online shopping. 💼
📈 Let's continue to elevate the online shopping experience and set new benchmarks! 💻
TopPosition #DigitalMarketingWin #CustomerSatisfaction #MarketingMagic #ClientDelight #DigitalMarketing #ClientSuccess #digitalmarketer #digitalmarketing #marketing #socialmediamarketing #digitalmarketingtips #digitalmarketingagency #seo #socialmedia #digitalmarketingstrategy #marketingstrategy #marketingdigital #digitalmarketingexpert #onlinemarketing #marketingtips #digitalmarketingservices #marketingagency #business #digitalagency #digital #marketingconsultant #marketingonline
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bluepoodle7 · 2 years
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#Elies #EliesPlainMiniCrescentRolls #CrescentRollsReview
I tried theses Elie's Plain Mini Crescent rolls and these were okay. These rolls tasted a little sweet but was netrual tasting and is good for dipping in soup. These were a little hard convection ovend so I put a little water on them and microwaved them to make it soft. I would eat these again with jam or butter.
Got from Dollar Tree.
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lyrics724 · 2 years
[Songtext zu „Odemzoch“] [Strophe 1] Ich hatt mi Hätz verlore Em Müngersdorfer Stadion Als mir bei Guns N’ Roses wore aan d’r Bühn in d’r allereetzte Reih Ich wor wie neujebore Dä Aurebleck zo schnell vorbei Föhlte mich noh dem Ovend in all d’r Johre nie widder su frei[Pre-Refrain] Lange Hoor, lange Näächte De Stroß jehüürte uns allein För immer un iwig e Deil [Refrain] Immer wenn die Zick mich…
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ultramantr1gger · 2 years
burningdepth s more like . Mor elike uhhhhh hh g jh. burning toast. (you forgot it ij. N the oven and now your ovend is on fire ( there were no surviors (the oven).).)
who puts toast in the oven
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hi! my name is Jay/J (they/he) and im here to make a small(?) announcement
i am picking up a project called CookieRun: OvenDate !!!
the original idea was made by the amazing team over at @/cookie-run-ovendate​ (this project isnt affiliated with the blog btw) however about a year ago the idea was dropped due to lack of creators interest
while i wasnt a member on the team, i am and wasin the- now selfship focused- discord server they had, and i always wanted to help on the project, but didnt have enough skills to do so
a year later now and some confidence and literally no new skills under my belt later, im ready to try my hand at this and i think i could get pretty far with it
calling for volunteers!!
right now we’re in the bare bare basics stage of the game so we need like. a few people to lay down the paths to making this a real deal
what im looking for currently:
people that know the games/lore/and characters pretty darn well
people pretty decent/proficient at using renpy / coding in python
ui/gui concepts/designers
concept artists
if your interested please dm me here or at DJChicken#2001 on discord and we can talk from here!
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electromirror · 7 years
Tale Of Us & Ovend - Red Sky   
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kritagyata-blog · 4 years
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We thank each and everyone from #momsbakercommunity and #ovenderful team for supporting #kritagyata. #volunteers #support #donations #fundraising #children (at Bangalore, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMhTV54MpPH/?igshid=1hp0lk5ceve0m
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naveensrikantaiah · 5 years
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#ovenderful #suprise to #school #children in #Bangalore. #happiness unlimited #muffins #cakes #ngo #nonprofits #help #donations #education #girls #empoweringwomen #empowerment #food #awesome #celebration (at Kritagyata) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4zNaz0DT1E/?igshid=1iun05r1gjddg
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444names · 1 year
the entire article on the 1st annual australian international jazz festival from wikipedia
Achrears Achricke Acralson Acrams Acrold Action Ader Adia Adizzy Adurniew Afted Afterick Aheld Alks Ally Almoss Altetues Althence Ance Anded Anis Annates Annuat Apper Appy Araded Arday Ardebt Ardeddy Ardersed Ardon Areve Arria Arriew Arrimmy Arriven Arshold Artion Atemotay Aten Atist Atre Attersed Aturneup Augh Aught Ausic Ausoning Aust Austay Aware Awarted Awartio Awkineup Awking Awkip Bandebt Banded Basted Becast Beck Becorth Beet Befoled Beforee Begand Beint Beir Beirset Bericed Bersed Bighling Billow Bily Boaran Bout Briew Brinee Brip Brive Brived Brohde Brolvist Broth Brove Brubee Brushigh Bruss Bryclub Budia Budions Buted Buter Chight Colan Cold Comike Comikip Comptis Dands Dayedne Daying Delbout Deral Ding Dingin Dinging Dion Diset Distree Dium Doorded Drome Dross Duce Eadcas Ealing Earted Eaver Ernighan Eventend Evience Evies Evis Feardat Feart Feartime Fericato Fild Fille Fily Fined Fing Fivin Folarah Folerip Fordon Forgan Forth Fortion Foryce Fred Freher Fret Gaison Gent Gild Gilly Gineup Gint Ginut Gortent Grams Gran Gread Grear Gred Grethren Halearah Halson Halten Hand Hander Hands Happeric Hawking Heal Healk Hearrive Heate Heatout Heing Heir Hels Helson Henreve High Hild Hisbance Hiso Hole Holed Holer Imey Imike Imikip Iming Impten Inted Intersic Intet Jack Jacke Jazinte Jazzy Jime Joinesen Joing Joingild Jonds Jonee Jonight Karaing Lanis Lannual Lartio Latted Lemort Lers Lian Ligh Lighlia Lined Ling Linuared Locald Locasken Loctonal Loperive Lowed Loweed Lowerion Lowers Lowily Lown Lows Mage Mand Maniso Many Mcday Melsone Miket Miking Mine Ming Mint Moriels Mort Morte Morting Mory Must Mustio Networ Neup Ning Nocalth Noutedia Onatice Onder Onesed Oney Ought Ovended Over Ovintern Pears Pedium Percust Pers Pies Plan Pland Plannual Playinut Prad Praded Pralk Pralles Pran Precome Preek Pria Prick Prion Privaust Privence Proadia Proarsed Progaing Prolan Prold Prom Prompted Proneste Pross Protay Protho Prove Quars Quate Quatte Quin Raid Ralth Ramey Rams Realkso Rear Reastay Reaving Reavist Reck Reco Recom Recorist Redio Reed Reedist Reek Reence Reennies Rehe Repor Repore Reporic Reptined Resepor Reth Reve Rever Revillow Reving Robeturs Roduce Ronal Ronised Rost Rotern Rusir Rustrial Salmosts Saraidne Sarric Sars Sation Sationes Schring Sedium Sheacken Sheas Sheree Shight Shily Ship Shipeddy Shis Shisban Shistrah Sholvie Shost Shout Sicial Siciand Sick Sionatin Sitioney Stal Statine Ster Stet Stised Stols Ston Stran Strand String Strossit Strote Swiked Swikinah Swinut Switive Sydn Sydne Tatic Tayed Tedium Theadvan Thearad Theas Theine Thost Thouncer Thouted Thowinte Thre Threhey Tinews Tion Tobe Toled Toles Tons Tormand Treading Trive Tues Turic Twed Tween Unce Unclub Unds Upcone Valmor Vard Vars Vaugh Vielvie Viesday Viest Views Vill Ving Vist Warde Ware Wareet Wars Wart Warteddy Wass Wastedid Weddy Welve Whey Whold Whost Whough Whow Wild Willes Willows Wily Wine Wined Wing Wition Woric Wornal Woryclub Yeal
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suplementosnaturais35 · 2 months
✅✅ https://topscursosdigitais.shop/vendernanet ✅✅ SITE OFICIAL DO FABRICANTE PARA ADQUIRIR O ( PRIMEIRA VENDA EM 2 DIAS ) 100% NATURAL DIRETAMENTE DO SITE OFICIAL DO FABRICANTE COM TODAS AS GARANTIAS! ✅✅ https://rebrand.ly/what-duvidas ✅✅ WHATSAPP: (84) 999361353 ✅✅ PARA TIRAR ALGUMA DÚVIDA FALAR COM O SUPORTE PARA TE AJUDAR EM TUDO O QUE VOCÊ PRECISAR PARA COMPRAR COM TODAS AS GARANTIAS! curso Primeira Venda aprenda a vender e faturar muito dinheiro vendendo produtos fisicos e digitais
Eu posso pedir reembolso? Sim, caso você entre no treinamento e não goste (o que eu acho dificil de acontecer), você pode pedir reembolso.
Estou iniciando do zero, este treinamento é pra mim? Sim. Dentro do treinamento tem módulos para níveis iniciante, intermediario e avançado.
Posso acessar quando quiser? Sim. O Seu acesso é vitalicío e tem mais, as aulas serão sempre atualizadas.
Como é a garantia? A garantia é de 7 dias ou seja, você não tem nada a perder. Caso não goste do que encontrar no treinamento devolvemos todo o seu dinheiro.
Quem Sou Eu? Me chamo Micael, mais conhecido como Tejota (@iaetj). Sou o idealizador e criador do Método Marketing Secreto.
Vim de uma familia baixa renda, morava em casa de Cohab assim como a maioria dos brasileiros.
Já trabalhei como repositor em supermercado, vendi marmitas e até coco na praia, tudo isso em busca de um futuro melhor pra mim e pra minha familia.
Em 2019 foi quando finalmente conheci o marketing digital e achei que a minha vida fosse mudar, mas só depois de inumeras tentativas consegui encontrar a estratégia perfeita para faturar na internet e mudar a minha realidade.
Hoje estou disposto a compartilhar com você o segredo das estratégias que eu desenvolvi e que me fizeram faturar milhões pela internet, para que você possa mudar a sua realidade também.
Pagamento Seguro: Ambiente seguro. Seus dados estão protegidos e sua compra é 100% online.
Acesso Imediato: Seu login e senha será enviados ao seu e-mail, logo após o processamento do pagamento.
7 Dias de Garantia: Você poderá pedir a devolução integral dentro desse prazo
                      ✅✅ TAGS DO CANAL ✅✅
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curso Primeira Venda aprenda a vender e faturar muito dinheiro vendendo produtos fisicos e digitais https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGANUJERths
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rheinkreiszeitung · 5 years
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Neuss: 3. Jecke Talentprobe für den Nüsser Ovend Neuss – Heimatfreunde laden Künstler zum Casting für den 90. Nüsser Ovend ein. Am 9. Oktober 2019 findet die dritte Jecke Talentprobe für den Nüsser Ovend statt.
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lyrics724 · 2 years
Durch das Objektiv
Met mingem Opa öm achtzehn Ohr, der Tagesschau Jede Ovend ze Hus, staunt isch över d’r Welt do druus Revolution un Kreech, Untergänge un Seech Isch fühlte ein Zwang; dat wor d’r Anfang Hinus en der Welt stivvele Ihre Geschichte ze verzälle Durch das Objektiv, betrachte ich das Leben Ihre Stimmen zu teilen war immer mein BestrebenMy ambition never strayed; headed off to learn the trade Pen and…
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bonsiii-art · 4 years
There is a cookie run dating sim being made rn its called cookie run ovendate its being made by fans
I simultaneously feel fear and curiousity. Like...there’s so much that can go wrong with that idea. It’s like watching two trains about to collide with each other.
If there’s one thing I’ve noticed the most about this fandom, it’s the fact that people are extremely attached to these characters to the point of it being unhealthy. So making a dating sim about these characters is a recipe for potential disaster.
I’m sorry if I’m being a Debbie downer about this; especially since you would think I’d be the most estatic about the idea but this place sucked the life out of me like you don’t even know.
I would volunteer to help as an artist for sprites or backgrounds but with the amount of amazing artists in this fandom, I think they got that base covered! Now programming, story, and visual ui would be a different ballgame XD. So I wish them luck on that!
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