#overall safety of the rig
helmerichpayne · 6 months
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An indispensable item for every roughneck is the tally book, used to measure and count the drill pipe entering and exiting the wellbore. The current practice is for a crew member to measure the pipe with a pipe strap and enter the information, each time while tripping, into their tally book. This manual entry is prone to error, leading to potential mistakes in the calculated drilling depth and poorly sequenced lithologies, which in turn may contribute to an unsafe environment and drill bit damage due to inaccurate drillstring length.
These mistakes often require an additional trip out of hole and increase the amount of nonproductive time. Computer vision technology has shown promise in other industries with its ability to automate similar recognition and counting tasks. A dual-use system has been developed where the same cameras for pipe counting can be used for red zone entry detection, holding the potential to enhance the overall safety of the drilling process.
A pilot application has been created serving dual applications: both counting and measuring the pipe entering the wellbore and detecting personnel movement in the red zone during pipe delivery operations. Each stage of the design process was intently developed, considering requirements for both functionalities of the system. This computer vision technology is the first of its kind on a drilling rig. No other system has been developed that accomplishes not only one of the functions, but also two.
Just as we have seen rapid improvements each year in driver assistance technology, the time has come to apply recent advancements in computer vision capabilities to increase the efficiency and overall safety of the rig. To learn more about computer vision technology, visit us here: https://www.helmerichpayne.com/resources/technical-publications/a-better-set-of-eyes-computer-vision-technology-to-monitor-safety-zones-andautomate-drill-pipe-tally or you can also reach out to us directly here: https://www.helmerichpayne.com/contact.
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skycowboys · 6 months
This had been plaguing my mind for so long now. If even possible, how do you think would people ride membrane winged (bat) horses? I've tried coming up with things but I can't think of one that makes some sense–
For an attached-membrane-winged horse, I think I would go about it like this:
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For me it would be similar to a docked draft tail - a small modification that improves safety and the overall quality of life for the animal in its domestication. This way, the rigging isn't pulling on the neck, restricting airways, or isn't overly complicated/heavy.
~ Larn
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the-badger-mole · 11 months
Any headcanons on Zuko and Katara would do if they had a child that was rebellious and a bully or like overall "bad"? Kinda like a black sheep compared to other steambabies who in countless fics all seem to possess inherently "good" traits
I actually have a headcanon that they have a rebellious child. I wrote it a while ago. I don't think any of their kids would bee bullies, or turn out like Azula, but I think one of their kids would have trouble finding his path, and it would lead to him being a wild child party animal. He'd probably get caught up in philandering and gambling and/or some ridiculously dangerous hobby (like gerry rigging submarines to explore the ocean). Zuko and Katara would do their best to get him in line, but once he's an adult, they know they have to let him go, and just hope they can be a safety net for him. I don't know exactly what happens yet, but he either makes good, or he dies tragically young.
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mamamittens · 7 months
Guestimating the overall length of the Moby Dick would be easier if the very anatomy of the ship didn't change every time we see it istg.
Bad math and more than the required assumptions to make an ass out of you, me, and everyone in the Blues combined.
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See this very clear picture that implies we could possibly determine the size of this specific section my rough estimate based off of Whitebeard's height (divided down for his thighs assuming the seat is made to seat him comfortably sitting up, which means roughly the length of his thighs)? I'd be willing to assume it's about the length of the boxes along the side for ease of measurement. Also, side note, horrible stairs for everyone, they're not even for Whitebeard's feet and RIP everyone else's stride on these damn things.
A fucking safety hazard is what it is.
Anyway! Assuming quite a lot, we could theoretically measure out this one section as between the rigging for two masts, which is great! Fantastic! How many are there again?
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4? Are we counting the one on the very back? No? Cool, let's just say 3. The ship is (roughly) divided into 4 parts. So, where's the even rigging section...
Not in this one? The railing isn't flat between two rigging sections on an even level. Okay, maybe another one?
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Aha! It's here (apparently)! Odd... Big change for a ship... I'm a bit concerned ngl. Especially since that earlier scene is closer to the (unfortunate) destruction of the ship. There's no way they changed a whole ass mast/rigging/railing set up in a few months. They coated it between them and Marineford but I imagine restructuring the the vessel like that would take a lot longer and would be very ill advised all around.
Not to mention the whole ship is different, right down to the coloring. The first one is clearly newer...
Anyway! 6 green boxes (6 Whitebeard thighs, assuming that's 1/4 his height of 666 cm... 166.5 cm or 5 feet 5 inches... Sounds really short... Ah, his ass, right. Forgot to add his ass... Let's round it up to 6 feet to make it even!) So that's... 36 feet for 1/4 of the ship! Assuming our rough as hell math is correct that's 144 feet long of ship!
... 144 feet long? Only that much???
That... That can't be right.
That's like, a yacht?!
The Titanic was 882 feet and 9 inches. Six Moby Dicks is equivalent to one Titanic!
And that ship had a max capacity of 3,547 normal ass sized humans. Not over a thousand, incredibly varied but generally quite tall humans/fishmen/whatever else. With modern amenities taking up space but also making it more efficient, you'd think the Moby Dick would need to be at least a third of the size, maybe two thirds to accommodate Whitebeard alone traveling hither and yon on his own damn ship without compromising the ship's weight distribution or general stability.
This ship is meant to be massive but two and a half count fit across a football field, whale nose to whale ass!
I know I'm bad at math but Jesus that's bad lmao, adjusting the green boxes to 8 would just make the ship 192 feet long. Which isn't much better if I'm being honest.
What a fucking nightmare lol, here's to hoping someone better at maths and nautical knowledge one day finds a better answer than mine.
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imperialchem · 12 days
Unveiling the Latest Innovations:  What is New in Rig Wash Additive Technology
In the dynamic and ever-evolving oil and gas industry, maintaining clean and efficient drilling operations is paramount.  One of the critical aspects of this process is the use of specialized additives to ensure the integrity and cleanliness of drilling equipment.  As a leading pipe free agent additive manufacturer in India, Imperial Oilfield Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. is at the forefront of developing innovative solutions that enhance the performance and reliability of drilling operations.  This blog explores the latest advancements in rig wash additive technology and their impact on the industry.
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The Importance of Rig Wash Additives
Rig wash additives play a crucial role in the maintenance of drilling rigs and associated equipment.  These chemicals are designed to remove contaminants such as oil, grease, and drilling mud from surfaces, ensuring that the equipment operates efficiently and safely.  By preventing the build-up of residues, rig wash additives help to extend the lifespan of equipment, reduce maintenance costs, and minimize downtime.
Key Benefits of Rig Wash Additives:
Enhanced Equipment Performance:  Clean equipment operates more efficiently, leading to improved overall performance.
Reduced Maintenance Costs:  Regular cleaning with effective additives reduces the need for frequent repairs and maintenance.
Safety:  Clean rigs and equipment help prevent accidents and ensure a safer working environment.
Environmental Compliance:  High-quality rig wash additives help in adhering to environmental regulations by ensuring proper disposal of contaminants.
Innovations in Rig Wash Additive Technology
The oilfield chemicals industry is constantly advancing, with new technologies and formulations emerging to address the specific needs of modern drilling operations.  As a leading rig wash additive manufacturer in India, Imperial Oilfield Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. is committed to staying at the cutting edge of these innovations.  Here are some of the latest developments in rig wash additive technology:
Environmentally Friendly Formulations
With increasing environmental regulations and the industry's shift towards sustainable practices, there is a growing demand for environmentally friendly rig wash additives.  Manufacturers are now focusing on developing biodegradable and non-toxic formulations that effectively clean equipment without harming the environment.
Features of Eco-Friendly Rig Wash Additives:
Biodegradable Ingredients:  Break down naturally without leaving harmful residues.
Non-Toxic:  Safe for use around personnel and wildlife.
Low VOCs:  Reduced volatile organic compounds to minimize air pollution.
Enhanced Cleaning Efficiency
The efficiency of rig wash additives is critical to their performance.  Recent advancements have led to the development of high-performance additives that offer superior cleaning capabilities.  These formulations are designed to penetrate and remove even the most stubborn contaminants, ensuring that equipment remains in optimal condition.
Key Characteristics:
High Penetration:  Ability to reach and clean hard-to-access areas.
Superior Solvency:  Effectively dissolves oil, grease, and other residues.
Quick Action:  Reduces cleaning time, enhancing operational efficiency.
Multi-Purpose Additives
To simplify the maintenance process and reduce costs, there is a trend towards multi-purpose rig wash additives.  These versatile formulations can be used for various cleaning applications, from washing rigs to cleaning pipelines and casings.
Advantages of Multi-Purpose Additives:
Cost-Effective:  Reduces the need for multiple products.
Simplified Logistics:  Easier inventory management and storage.
Consistent Performance:  Ensures uniform cleaning results across different applications.
Specialized Additives for Specific Applications
Recognizing that different components of drilling operations may require unique cleaning solutions, manufacturers are developing specialized additives tailored to specific applications.  For example, a casing wash additive manufacturer in India might produce formulations specifically designed to clean and protect casing pipes, ensuring their longevity and performance.
Examples of Specialized Additives:
Casing Wash Additives:  Formulated to clean and protect casing pipes from corrosion and build-up.
Pipe Free Agent Additives:  Designed to prevent the formation of hydrates and other blockages in pipelines.
Rig Wash Additives:  Targeted formulations for cleaning drilling rigs and related equipment.
Imperial Oilfield Chemicals Pvt. Ltd.:  Leading the Way
As a premier pipe free agent additive manufacturer in India, Imperial Oilfield Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. is dedicated to innovation and excellence.  Our range of rig wash additives is formulated to meet the highest standards of performance and safety, ensuring that our clients can maintain efficient and reliable operations.
Our Product Range:
Rig Wash Additives
Our rig wash additives are designed to remove a wide range of contaminants, from oil and grease to drilling mud.  They are formulated to provide thorough cleaning while being safe for both equipment and the environment.
Casing Wash Additives
Our casing wash additives are specifically designed to clean casing pipes, preventing corrosion and build-up that can compromise the integrity of the pipes.  These additives are essential for maintaining the safety and efficiency of drilling operations.
Pipe Free Agent Additives
Our pipe free agent additives prevent the formation of hydrates and other blockages in pipelines, ensuring smooth and uninterrupted flow.  These additives are critical for maintaining the efficiency and reliability of pipeline operations.
Case Study:  Successful Implementation of Rig Wash Additives
To illustrate the impact of our innovative rig wash additives, let's consider a case study involving a major drilling operation in India.  The client faced significant challenges with equipment contamination, leading to frequent maintenance and downtime.
The Challenge:
Frequent Downtime:  Equipment contamination caused frequent shutdowns for cleaning and maintenance.
High Maintenance Costs:  Regular repairs and part replacements due to build-up and corrosion.
Environmental Concerns:  Need for environmentally friendly cleaning solutions.
The Solution:
Imperial Oilfield Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. provided a comprehensive solution with our range of rig wash and casing wash additives.  The implementation involved:
Regular Cleaning Schedule:  Establishing a routine cleaning schedule using our high-performance additives.
Training and Support:  Providing training to the client's staff on the proper use of the additives and best cleaning practices.
Environmental Compliance:  Ensuring that the products used were environmentally friendly and compliant with local regulations.
The Results:
Reduced Downtime:  The client experienced a significant reduction in equipment downtime, leading to uninterrupted operations.
Lower Maintenance Costs:  The effective cleaning reduced the need for frequent repairs and part replacements, resulting in cost savings.
Enhanced Safety and Compliance:  The use of eco-friendly additives ensured a safer working environment and compliance with environmental regulations.
Future Trends in Rig Wash Additive Technology
The future of rig wash additive technology looks promising, with ongoing research and development aimed at addressing the evolving needs of the oil and gas industry.  Here are some trends to watch:
Smart Additives
The integration of smart technologies into rig wash additives is an exciting development.  These additives can be designed to change their properties in response to specific conditions, enhancing their effectiveness and efficiency.
Nano-technology is set to revolutionize rig wash additives by enabling the development of formulations with enhanced penetration and cleaning capabilities.  Nano-particles can reach and clean areas that traditional additives cannot, ensuring thorough cleaning.
Sustainability Focus
As environmental concerns continue to grow, there will be an increased focus on developing sustainable rig wash additives.  This includes not only biodegradable and non-toxic formulations but also products that require less water and energy for their application.
The advancements in rig wash additive technology are transforming the oil and gas industry, making drilling operations more efficient, safe, and environmentally friendly.  As a leading rig wash additive manufacturer in India, Imperial Oilfield Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. is proud to be at the forefront of these innovations.  Our commitment to quality, performance, and sustainability ensures that our clients receive the best possible solutions for their cleaning needs.
Whether you are looking for a pipe free agent additive manufacturer in India or a casing wash additive manufacturer in India, Imperial Oilfield Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. has the expertise and products to meet your requirements.  Stay ahead of the curve with our innovative rig wash additives and experience the difference they can make in your operations.
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matrixdrilling · 26 days
Exploring the Depths: The Role of Geotechnical Drilling in Modern Construction
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In the rapidly evolving world of construction and civil engineering, geotechnical drilling stands as a cornerstone technique, critical for ensuring the safety, stability, and success of any infrastructure project. At Matrix Drilling, we specialize in providing top-tier geotechnical drilling services, tailored to meet the unique challenges of each site and project. This article will delve into what geotechnical drilling is, its importance in construction, and how Matrix Drilling leads the industry in delivering reliable and effective drilling solutions.
What is Geotechnical Drilling? Geotechnical drilling is a specialized form of drilling that is conducted to investigate the physical properties of a site's subsurface. This process is essential for gathering vital data that helps engineers determine the suitability of the ground for proposed construction projects. The primary goal of geotechnical drilling is to reduce uncertainty and provide engineers with detailed information about the soil composition, rock profiles, groundwater levels, and other critical factors that could impact the structural integrity of a building or structure.
The Importance of Geotechnical Drilling in Construction Site investigation and assessment are paramount before any construction can commence. Geotechnical drilling is integral in this phase, offering precise data that can highlight potential issues such as unstable soil, voids, or high groundwater levels. This information is crucial for engineers to design foundations and structural elements that are both safe and economical.
The insights gained from geotechnical drilling allow architects and engineers to optimize their designs to suit the specific conditions of the soil and subsurface environment. This can lead to a more efficient use of materials and the adoption of innovative construction techniques that might not have been considered without the data provided by geotechnical drilling.
Moreover, geotechnical drilling aids in risk mitigation by forecasting potential challenges that might arise during construction. This proactive approach prevents costly delays, redesigns, and enhances overall safety. It also plays a vital role in environmental conservation by assessing the impact of construction on the subsurface environment, ensuring that the natural habitat and water sources are preserved or minimally disturbed.
Matrix Drilling: A Leader in Geotechnical Drilling Services At Matrix Drilling, we pride ourselves on our ability to handle the most challenging geotechnical projects with precision and efficiency. Our use of state-of-the-art drilling rigs and technology ensures high accuracy and efficiency in our drilling operations. Our equipment is capable of penetrating a variety of soil types and rock formations, ensuring comprehensive data collection even under difficult conditions.
Our team of geotechnical experts brings extensive experience in both onshore and offshore drilling, offering a depth of knowledge that is unmatched in the industry. This expertise ensures that all projects are executed with the highest standards of quality and safety.
We understand that every site is unique, which is why we provide customized drilling solutions designed to meet the specific needs and challenges of each project. Whether it's a high-rise building, a bridge, or a residential complex, we tailor our methods to ensure optimal outcomes.
Safety is at the core of everything we do at Matrix Drilling. We adhere to strict safety protocols to protect our team, the public, and the environment. Our operations are conducted with minimal environmental impact, preserving the ecological balance of the areas we work in.
Last Word: Geotechnical drilling is more than just a preliminary step in construction; it is a fundamental practice that supports the entire building process from conception to completion. At Matrix Drilling, we understand the critical role this service plays in ensuring the success of construction projects. By leveraging our advanced technology, extensive expertise, and a commitment to safety, we provide our clients with the confidence that their projects are built on solid ground. For those looking to explore the depths beneath the surface, Matrix Drilling is your trusted partner in uncovering the secrets that will ensure your project's success.
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Executive update: both Huey & Dewey will be making it to the bracket with bracket 4. However I think I'll be having you guys be much more involved in the creation of bracket 4 overall & not just with Louie only.
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So both Huey & Dewey, despite the fact that I trust them..
Okay correction, I Trust HUEY. I ONLY REALLY TRUST HUEY. I don't entirely trust Dewey. I trust Dewey more than Louie, but I trust fucking anyone more than Louie so that really isn't saying anything.
...anyways, so I'll be having you guys vote for them to be given a guardian too!! Huey & Dewey will be assigned under a guardian/teammate in the bracket just like Louie.
And don't worry i did actually put thought into why, allow me to explain:
Dewey getting a guardian is more or less entirely for his own safety. Let's be real, we know he isn't gonna pull any schemes. Which is the reason why Louie needs one. Let's be real, if we left Louie on his own, Louie can & would rig the votes. He absolutely will pull voter fraud the very second I turn my back on him. And I cannot be supervising the little shit when I have to be managing literally everyone in the tournament all at the same time. That's why whoever gets assigned him will be keeping an eye on him. Dewey isn't gonna pull voter fraud....but I know damn well he's gonna end up putting himself in danger in some way in a vain attempt to look cool. Like the poor kid is gonna get himself hurt if we leave him unsupervised. This is entirely being done for his own safety. I don't trust him not because he's untrustworthy MORALLY... he's untrustworthy because he's a fucking idiot & he's going to get himself hurt if we don't keep him supervised 24/7.
Yes, Webby didn't get a guardian but Webby is Webby & I know she can be trusted. Also I already went back & gave Webby a partner anyway. I know, Gosalyn isn't a guardian, but it's fucking Gosalyn. I trust her as well. Both of them are very well trained & capable of taking care of themselves. & I trust them even more when they're together. Also Gosalyn & Webby wanted to be paired together & I am too afraid to find out what would happen to me if I told them no. You really think I wanna find out what happens if I piss off Webby & Gosalyn? No, I may be stupid but I ain't THAT fucking stupid. I have at least a little sense of self preservation in me.
Now Huey? He doesn't really NEED a guardian I guess. I know he's responsible....but also this is for his own sake. 1. He's gonna be upset if we don't give him tbe same treatment because 'it won't be balanced only 2 of the 3 getting this treatment but not me leaves the entire bracket unbalanced it's madness'. He's autistic, speaking as someone who like him, is autistic, yeah I know he's bothered by that kind of imbalance. So we're doing this for his routine need. Poor kid needs that comfort damnit.
2. HONESTLY HAVE YOU SEEN HUEY? THE POOR KID IS SO STRESSED ALL THE TIME FOR FUCKS SAKE HE NEEDS SOMEONE TO BE THERE FOR HIM. His guardian is less about responsibility (Huey is 100% responsible we know that already) & more about making sure the kid has someone to comfort him & be there to give him lots of love & affection. Huey just needs to be supervised for the sake of his emotions. We must protect this poor autistic baby boy. We're doing this for Huey because we love him & want to make sure he always has someone to help him keep it together.
Oh & you guys will be given more involvement on decisions beyond the duck's. YOU guys are gonna get to vote on everything from here on out! & just to prove I mean it when I say I'm letting you guys have a wheel on this vehicle from now on, heres another decision you can make.
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nitewrighter · 1 year
This is the sort of "Sajaf Recruitment" fic--mostly it came from a setting and dialogue that was bouncing in my head and refused to let me write anything else.
Even with his head lowered under its hood, Ramattra towered over virtually everyone else in the street. It was pouring rain in the late afternoon, the early summer day turned dark and muggy. He was glad to get out of Shimla's main streets and into the twisting alleyways, fewer eyes on him. Big omnics weren't that unusual, in fact he was impressed to see some major agricultural labor units around the city and in his travels, but a Ravager unit elicited more... polarizing reactions.
He was heading uphill. Fire escapes forced the already heavy rain to coagulate into even fatter drops, and gutters on both sides of the alley were turned into miniature rushing rivers roaring into storm drains or flooding against dams of litter, leaves, and other debris. Shimla had been more fortunate than most during the Crisis, for better or worse--it still had many of the buildings from colonial era. A couple rushed past him, human and omnic, the male human holding up his jacket as a sort of umbrella for them both as they giggled and jog-walked down the alley together, nearly slipping in all the rain. So, he was getting close.
A few turns later he found himself in front of a little shop crammed between two much-larger buildings. The front of the shop was in Hindi, and translated to 'The Body Divine.' and featured a yellow neon representation of an Omnic posing like Botticelli's Venus, flanked by neon pink lotus flowers. Another omnic, this one alone, wearing a long coat quickly paced out of the front of the shop and nearly bumped into him, not even making eye contact as he quickly paced around Ramattra. Ramattra watched as the omnic hurried down the street, stiff and quick, as if it was carrying some kind of contraband. A disapproving "hm," escaped him before he finally stepped into the shop and out of the rain.
He heard the chime of tingsha as he opened the door and he looked around. The setup of the shop was very similar to a human tattoo parlor, with a waiting area up front and multiple reclining chairs and operating tables behind a counter towards the back. The wall was covered in various omnic and human prosthetic limbs, as well as posters in multiple languages including Omnicode that displayed messages like 'Tac-Mods: At Home Care and Maintenance,' and varying complex diagrams. Ramattra's eyes fell on a small brochure display presenting a bunch of pamphlets in multiple languages. The brochures were bright yellow, featured the human safety warning symbol of a human hand caught in mechanical gears, and were titled 'Human-Omnic Intimacy and You' in Hindi, English, Chinese, and Omnicode.
"Did you have an appointment?" a voice spoke up in clumsy Hindi and Ramattra's head jerked up. Well, it didn't have to jerk up too far. They weren't looking at him, just moving around the back of the shop, apparently busying themselves with moving some boxes of supplies around, clearly cleaning up and getting ready to close up for the day.
Sajaf's face was completely covered by a goggled face mask and respirator, cutting off their peripheral vision. They were wearing baggy olive green bib cargo overalls over a paisley halter wrap top. Their lean, goldish-tan arms and their bronze plating were supporting a large box as they ambled about the operating area, not looking at him. Their shaved head was growing out--between the stages of peach fuzz and those short feathery strands like a few-weeks-old bird chick. Ramattra loomed a bit awkwardly in the shop's waiting area, saying nothing. In truth, so much of his mind had been occupied by the losses in London and how he was going to proceed with so many of his willing allies gone, that he hadn't thought of what he was going to say at all.
"I don't take walk-ins," they continued in that same clumsy Hindi, grabbing a few things from the operating tables and putting them in their box, "And we're closing up for the day. If you have a referral I can--" They finally looked at him and the box dropped from their hands with a loud clatter and the sound of more than one thing breaking. "R-Rinpoche?"
Ramattra attempted to assume as commanding a posture as possible while tamping down the embarrassment that he was the one coming to them. "Wan," he said flatly.
They hustled forward, practically vaulting over the counter that served to divide the waiting area from the operating area, yanking off their goggled mask in the process to stare up at him. Their face had gotten thinner, and Ramattra noted the new lines of prosthetics in their arms. Here is walking proof that Mondatta doesn't have nearly the influence he thinks he has, Ramattra thought, looking at their jointed fingers.
"I hadn't heard anything of the movement since London--I was scared--" Sajaf started, still moving towards him.
"You didn't hear anything of the movement because you are not in the movement," Ramattra said crisply.
They stopped short as if there was an invisible wall several feet in front of him. Their hands were still tensed in front of them. "Right..." they said, "...of course."
A long pause passed between the two of them.
"I'm sorry," they said at last, "About Lanet."
Ramattra's hand clenched in a fist at his side. "They showed her mangled body in the newspapers--they don't recognize our bodies as bodies. We are merely wreckage and parts to them, to you."
"Not to me--" Sajaf glanced up and trailed their fingers along the palm of an omnic arm hanging from the wall, "Never to me."
"What is all this?" Ramattra meant to ask the question as mocking derision, but Sajaf just smiled a little.
"There's more than one avenue to peace between humans and omnics," they said smugly.
"Selling narcotics that double as a pathetic imitation of human intimacy isn't a lasting plan for change," muttered Ramattra, looking at the poster.
"Tac mods aren't narcotics."
"They hijack omnic systems to create a pleasure or pain response. How is that different from human narcotics?"
"Oh Iris forbid an Omnic see their body as anything beyond a central processing unit!"
"Why don't you just make breasts and genitalia for us while you're at it?"
"Oh I don't make the tits," said Sajaf with a laugh in their voice, "You want tits? I can call up my contact in Kolkata. A dick though, you'll have better luck in Toronto."
"Ridiculous..." muttered Ramattra.
"Hey, I don't know how to tell you this, but not every Omnic decided to steer their sentience towards enlightenment," Sajaf shrugged, "Besides, it's decent money. Keeps me up to date on what's happening on a community level. Discreet enough that I have time for more research..."
Ramattra glanced around the shop. "So... this is what you have been doing since Mondatta dismissed you?"
"He didn't dismiss me, I left," said Sajaf, folding their arms.
"He requested you leave, and you assented," said Ramattra.
"Rinpoche, I know you're in a lot of pain right now, but I imagine you have better things to do than to track down and argue semantics with someone you haven't spoken to in two years, and didn't want in the Shambali, let alone your movement."
"It's not semantics if you--!" Ramattra started and then dragged his hand down his faceplate with an exhausted sound, "You... are correct. That is not the purpose of my visit."
"How can I help you?" they pocketed their hands.
A prickle of frustration rippled through Ramattra. They were really going to force him to say it, weren't they?
"In light of... London, I realize I have to reassess my approach. It would seem... Omnics... have been too conditioned to a human-centric existence. They don't realize that so long as they comply with a human idea of peace, they are doomed to exist only at humanity's whim, and will inevitably be wiped out."
"...who left?" Sajaf was staring at him steadily.
Oh this was worse than forcing him to say it.
"Nameless," he said "And Zera."
"Still in London."
"He's a liability."
"Do you think I'm in a position to make this circle smaller?" Ramattra snapped.
Sajaf's lips thinned. "I'm sorry. It... must have been very difficult. Especially after Lanet."
"What's difficult is the fact that Mondatta is using London to leverage his own position with the humans," he said, not looking at them.
"I saw," said Sajaf. They did not remark further.
You still have to say it, Ramattra thought miserably.
"Lanet... warned me that the drones I was using in London were obsolete," he said, "That they weren't ready. She knew, even before the attack was launched. I should have listened to her. I understand that before your dismissal--"
"Before I left," Sajaf corrected.
"Before you left the Shambali," said Ramattra with a head movement that indicated a hard eye-roll, "In your research of Aurora you gained... a very strong understanding in inter-omnic unit automated communication. You... believed that our being a network was a major key to our sentience."
"It's not just belief," Sajaf muttered.
"I still intend to use drones to protect my people, but much of the technology I'm working with has been dormant for over 30 years. And in that time our enemies have had plenty of time to evolve. If I'm to make it any match for the threat my people face, then I..." he trailed off. He attempted to regain footing in his sentence, "It would seem I--" he cut himself off again.
Sajaf tilted their head expectantly. Rain was pattering on the window outside.
"I--I require..." Ramattra attempted to start again and his voice dropped back into that pit of embarrassment and shame. He suddenly switched gears. "If you have any of the devotion to my people and the Iris that you ranted about in your acolyte days, you would---!" They were still looking at him with that tranquil obstinacy. He drew himself up to his full height and attempted to re-center himself. "I am... very tired," he said at last, "I fear for my people. I fear for my cause. And what few resources I have are in need of significant overhauls which I... cannot do alone. And I realize, if I am going to do what is required of me to save my people, I will have need of both... perspective and loyalty."
They raised their eyebrows.
"...your... perspective. And loyalty," The words were at last drawn out of Ramattra like poison being sucked from a wound and spat off to the side, "If... you understand what the cause asks of you."
They stared at him for a few long seconds, studying him. Their mouth had an odd hitch to it, not quite a smile, not quite contemptuous. He simply returned the stare. Finally their shoulders slumped a little, they closed their eyes and drew in a long, quiet breath through the nostrils before flicking their eyes open and focusing them back up at him once more.
"You have my loyalty, Ramattra Rinpoche. You always did," Sajaf pressed their hands together in front of themselves and gave a slight bow of their head. How the gesture seemed so natural to them after all that impertinence was just as annoying as everything else about this exchange had been. "Perspective... I guess we'll have to take that one slow, won't we?"
"Hm," Ramattra glanced around the shop dubiously.
Sajaf paced past him and turned the sign of the shop from 'open' to 'closed.'
"So," they walked past him once more and pushed themselves up onto their counter, those doll-joined fingers rolling on the counter's edge as their eyes met his, "Where do we start?"
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oceanicstarshipping · 7 months
Efficient Offshore Crew Management Solutions
When it comes to offshore operations, efficientcrew management is the compass that guides a successful voyage. In the demanding worlds of maritime, oil & gas, and renewable energy, the management of offshore personnel is a complex and critical task. To ensure smooth sailing and boost productivity, it's imperative to stay on top of the latest trends and technologies in offshore crew management. In this blog, we'll explore the key strategies and innovations that are transforming the offshore crew management landscape.
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 Understanding Offshore Crew Management
Offshore crew management involves the selection, training, scheduling, and overall supervision of the workforce that operates and maintains offshore installations such as oil rigs, drilling platforms, wind farms, and vessels. It's a multifaceted task that demands meticulous planning, safety protocols, and a keen eye for efficiency.
 The Key Elements of Successful Crew Management
 1. Recruitment and Onboarding
The foundation of offshore crew management is selecting the right personnel. It begins with a thorough recruitment process to identify individuals with the necessary skills, experience, and qualifications. Once selected, a robust onboarding program ensures that new crew members are well-prepared for their roles and responsibilities.
 2. Training and Certification
Continuous training and certification are vital to maintaining a skilled and safety-conscious crew. Industry-specific training programs, emergency response drills, and the acquisition of relevant certifications are essential components of offshore crew management.
 3. Scheduling and Rotation
Efficient scheduling and rotation systems balance the need for continuous operations with crew well-being. Implementing well-thought-out shift schedules, including leave rotations, reduces fatigue and enhances performance.
 4. Safety and Compliance
Safety is paramount in offshore operations. Compliance with industry regulations, rigorous safety procedures, and regular safety drills are essential for offshore crew management.
 Embracing Technology
The digital age has brought forth a wave of innovations in offshore crew management:
 1. Crew Management Software
Specialized software solutions have streamlined the administrative aspects of crew management. They help with crew scheduling, training tracking, and compliance monitoring, making it easier to manage a large workforce across multiple locations.
 2. Communication Technology
Efficient communication is crucial in offshore environments. High-tech communication systems enable real-time connectivity between onshore and offshore personnel, enhancing safety and operational efficiency.
 3. Predictive Analytics
Predictive analytics helps in forecasting crew needs, optimizing schedules, and planning for crew training and certification renewal, reducing downtime and costs.
 Embracing Sustainability
As the world shifts towards sustainable energy solutions, offshore crew management in the renewable energy sector is gaining prominence. Managing diverse crews working on wind farms and offshore renewable projects requires specialized approaches that prioritize sustainability and environmental responsibility.
Offshore crew management is the linchpin of safe, efficient, and productive offshore operations. By embracing the latest technologies, adhering to best practices, and staying attuned to industry trends, organizations can navigate the seas of offshore crew management with confidence. Whether it's in traditional oil and gas or the burgeoning renewable energy sector, a well-managed crew is the key to success in these challenging environments. So, set your course for success by prioritizing the well-being and productivity of your offshore crew.
Remember, in the world of offshore operations, a well-managed crew is your North Star!
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peaterookie · 1 year
Lupin III Chapter 83 Review
this is what lupin gets for making me read another mid chapter again ok well, it's not THAT mid but there's just some part i found overall pointless and confusing
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ok so fujiko and one of her henchman is trying to find this suitcase in the ocean and then the guy finds it and puts the suitcase on her car for her to drive it somewhere
then the guy turns out to be lupin in disguise, and he tied up the henchman who was supposed to do the job on a rock
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fujiko drives to this estate where she tells one of the men there to set the case on the ground, then it??? suddenly goes through the floor???????
is this a thing that's supposed to happen in there??? or is this something lupin's doing?? (we dont get to know in the chapter)
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then fujiko talks to her assistant(sanbo) and mr. sanshita, whos implied to be the owner of the house and the boss they work for. he asks about the case and he explains that it contains the game they're going to do to these certain criminals they picked out, which is why it was important.
the game requires four notorious criminals to play in it, but one decide to opt out last minute, so mr. sanshita asks fujiko to pick out of a list of criminals to act as replacement. one of them is lupin, who is apparently the only "bad option" out of all of them, but she decides to go along with it
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since the picture of the cards are hidden, fujiko doesn't know who she is picking, so she, unsurprisingly, picks lupin accidentally. she doesn't like the result, but they have no choice but to follow the rules of the game.
fujiko and sanbo leaves, and mr. sanshita reveals himself to be lupin in disguise, and that all the cards have been rigged so that he would guaranteed a placing in the game. now, what kind of game is this that he would want to be in it?
the four criminals then arrive, along with fujiko, sanbo, and the host of the game.
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he explains that only one would survive this game and be guaranteed safety from prosecution in his country, and that the rest would die from this. the way you win is by opening the box that doesn't kill you, and if it kills you then oops! too bad so sad
throughout the game all of the ones that don't matter die a horrible death and the host proves himself to be just as bad of a person as all the other criminals in the game. lupin exposes him for stealing japan's corporate and military secrets, which he himself confirms and he really doesn't have any remorse for killing people!
lupin, fujiko, sanbo, and the host remains, and lupin figures out that the game was rigged from the beginning. the host wanted to kill all of them and that the rest of them were working for each other!
so the host tries to kill lupin, and opens the safe box and lupin pops out of it to shoot him! how tf did he get there!
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fujiko and sambo rush in a human-sized suitcase and hides in it, but sambo sadly doesn't make it in but lupin does. fujiko, thinking at first that lupin is sambo, is rather shocked to find out the contrary.
lupin tries to have sex with her but she knocks the case down to a mountain and escapes, and lupin falls 2000 feet down the mountain, where jigen and goemon are.
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the end.
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siberat · 2 years
May I ask for headcanons with chubby Red Alert if you don't mind?
Dude, I love me some chubby Red! Golly, i been saying I need to do some art of him chubby!
As everyone knows, Red Ale/rt worries a lot. Slag, a lot rides on his shoulders; everybody’s safety!
That is a lot of pressure on one mech.
Ok, true, he does have some help- but you try explaining that to Red! He takes a lot of the work on himself. Mind you, not because he doesn’t feel other mechs can handle it; he just has OCD big time.
Suppose he is not sitting in front of the security monitors. In that case, he is wringing his servos, picking at things, and just an overall general mess. He takes his job seriously.
Even much so, when he manages recharge, the security systems are rigged into his processor via his access ports. If any alarms are triggered through his slumber, you can rest assured he will be notified.
So, this dedication to his profession of being an over-worrier- I mean security specialist- led to not-so-healthy habits. Do you remember your mother yelling at you not to sit close to the TV? Or stare at a computer screen too long? She’d claim it would hurt your eyes. Well, optic strain was no stranger to this Aut/obot.
While little catnaps would help, the frequency of their occurrence was alarming to Rat/chet.
But Red paid him no heed.
Another habit was he was alone. Sure, Inf/erno visited him from time to time, but the security chief not taking his optics off the vids for very long caused his friend to keep things short and sweet. Inf/erno wasn’t mad; he understood his friend’s concern. But the fire truck was concerned. He just hadn’t figured out how to adequately address this situation yet.
Most days, and nights, the lesser-known Lambo would be by himself. Did he get lonely? One could imagine. He never left the security command center. He nestled himself in a cozy little corner in the enclosed room. He had a few personal items, a little fidget spinner Inferno gave him, a fluffy blanket, and a poster of a kitten hanging by one claw with the caption of ‘Hang in there, baby!’
And a table full of his most favored treats.
If you came at the right/wrong time, there would be nothing but empty wrappers thrown bout.
You see, Red had taken to mindlessly munching away on sweets as he watched the vids. As you most likely guessed, he did not get up to go to the mess hall to eat and socialize with fellow ‘Bots but chose to eat in his room. Don’t worry; he ate actual food, like baked energon-ziti with chunks of coal meat, topped with warm, gooey melted pyrite. Or another favorite was the good ol’ fashion ener-dog. You could really dress them up with zingy calcium chunks, spicy tungsten, or even sweeten the deal with pureed agate.
But what Red Al/ert really loved with the desserts. Decadent cakes filled with rich, creamy crude oil went great with a cold glass of energon milk. In fact, the ‘Bot was known to polish off an entire cake all by himself! If he really wanted to treat himself, he’d have a tub of ice cream to go with that cake. He claimed the limestone-flavored frozen treat went the best with such a rich cake, despite others claiming it was a more bland flavor.
But what about in between meals? Did the security specialist get the munchies? Do you really have to ask? Yes, his servos were often found in a bag of energon crisps, copper nuggets, and/or lithium covered ener-nuts. Finger foods were the best; he didn’t have to take his optics off the video feed.
Other favored snacks were cupcakes made from baked lithium, covered in sweetened platinum icing. If there were confectionaries, such as jimmies or crushed geodes on top, even better. Candy satiated his sweet tooth as well. Red loved the sweet and salty tastes of candy bars coated with rich cocoa filled with chert, nuts, and silica.
Really, the list is endless.
It would be easier to list things Red Ale/rt didn’t eat, such as cyber-snails.
Now, was Red always like this? No.
This holing himself up in the security room, pigging out endlessly with his optics glued onto the TVs, started a few months prior. The Decep/ticons began raiding and bombarding close to their base. Some of his fellow Auto/bots were ambushed and came back injured. Nothing their dear old medic couldn’t fix. Still, it was enough to make this anxious security bot more on edge than he usually was.
Naturally, this mech put some weight on. It started with the cutest little starter belly, his paunch rounding out in front of him nicely. Next came the love handles, gathering in soft, pudgy rolls of flab at his sizes. His thighs quickly caught up, thickening first on the insides, then spilling over to his hips. As Red’s appetite kept up its around-the-clock snacking, his frame kept finding new places to store the chub.
It only took a few weeks for the poor security bot to break his first chair, and boy, was he red in the face! Just his luck, it happened in front of Infe/rno, who, after making sure his best buddy was ok, laughed his aft off. But Infe/rno isn’t a complete jerk- as soon as he discovered the embarrassment plastered on Red’s face, he stopped and comforted his friend. Slag, he even requisitioned the officer a bigger, more sturdy chair.
Which proved to hold up against his recent weight gain. Instead of a tiny food bump, Red sported a full-figured belly that spilled onto his lap as he sat in front of his station. In fact, his chair could not scoot as close to the table as it once had because of this. This proved better for his optics, anyway. His legs splayed out in front of him, his thick, plump thighs making it more comfortable to man-spread. Rounded out arms heavily rested upon the armrests or simply on his own belly. In fact, Red often reclined his chair for comfort- as long as he could still view the vid screens, he was happy.
The food comforted him and helped him pass the time. Remember pondering if Red ever got lonely? He did. Sadly, the chief of security did miss interacting with other bots. He loved reminiscing of the times that Inf/erno, Wheel/jack, and himself would sit around a table playing cards or telling silly stories.
How did he keep himself from going stir-crazy? He licks sweet energon cream from his fingers, slurps down sugary energon drinks, and stuffs his face full of treats. This unhealthy habit took his mind off what he was missing out on and gave him a better focus on his job. He felt his friend’s safety was much more important than his own fun.
Did Red have any fun?
Well, he picked up another habit along the way. While he still used his fidget spinner, more often than not, his fingers were found poking and prodding his own flab. His favorite was the side flab. He had acquired a nice, pumped roll on his side and tickled most sensually when brushed against in just the right way.
This always brought a smile to his lips.
Another part of his body Red liked to play with was the soft, underbelly roll. You know, the one that rested ever so nicely against his lap? This roll was also very soft to the touch, very malleable like dough, and one can simply get lost for hours fingering this tender beast.
Of course, after engorging himself on a substantial meal, Red’s servos roamed all over his bloated tummy, mindlessly chasing the angry growls of his belly. Soothing that beast seemed like a lost cause, but if you know Red and his work ethic, you know he gave his best shot. Sometimes the rub would overshoot his belly, and those chunky thighs would get well-deserved attention.
Did anyone ever catch the chief of security doing this? Oh yeah, you can bet your buns Infer/no saw him! Red would deny it, of course, and be all embarrassed, so Infer/no always kept things to himself. However, Inferno wasn’t malicious about this. No way. In fact, it was the opposite.
He was jealous.
How can one be jealous of a flabby belly?
Well, Infe/rno was jealous that it was Red Ale/rt’s servo rubbing over that ever so soft and squishy frame and not his. Oh, how badly he desired to be able to grope at that invitingly plush frame!
The fire truck often fantasized about being able to do so. He repeatedly groped his own pillows, pretending they were his friend's tummy or thighs and the evening would be spent molesting pillows.
Infe/rno never had the ball bearings to flat out ask Red if he could paw at him. Sure, he hinted at it, asking his buddy if he had a tummy ache and if there was anything he could do for him. Naturally, the Lambo always declined. So, all Inferno could do was watch- as long as he wasn’t obvious about it. If Red caught him staring, he’d turn his chair away and flush.
But tonight was going to be different. Turns out, over the past few months, Infe/rno felt extremely lonely as well. He missed Red ever so dearly. He missed hanging out with him, laughing at stupid jokes, and just imagining what the world would be like once this war was over. And Inferno wanted his friend back.
Was he going to drag the security chief out of the monitoring room?
But Prim/us help him; he was determined to rub that belly! Maybe he would have the guts to admit to the Red his true feelings as well…
pssst- i do know I skipped a prompt request- I didnt forget about it- just wasn't ready to work that prompt out yet.
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phantom-le6 · 2 years
Episode Reviews - Star Trek: Voyager Season 3 (7 of 7)
Episode 25: Worst Case Scenario
Plot (as adapted from Wikipedia):
Various members of Voyager's crew discover a holodeck simulation called "Insurrection Alpha", in which the Maquis members of the ship's crew mutiny against the Starfleet officers. The program appears unfinished, and its author is unknown. As the program becomes popular, Tuvok admits he wrote the program himself, to train his security officers in the event of a possible Maquis rebellion; however, as the Maquis proved to integrate well with their crewmates, Tuvok abandoned the program, believing that it would only exacerbate tensions on board the ship. However, given how popular that Insurrection Alpha has already become amongst the crew, Tom Paris offers to help complete the remainder of the program with Tuvok's help, turning the program into a full-fledged holonovel.
 When Paris and Tuvok start to work on the program in the holodeck, they suddenly find themselves trapped in the virtual brig. They are addressed by the simulation's version of the former crew member Seska, who admits that before she had escaped the ship, she had discovered Tuvok's program, and created this trap should he attempt to alter it. Seska's alterations affect the holodeck by removing the safety protocols and gearing everything to hurt Tuvok and Paris, and the holodeck is rigged to blow in the event of remote shutdown. The transporters are also disabled, preventing beam-out as an escape. While Tuvok and Paris attempt to survive the simulation, Captain Janeway and B'Elanna Torres attempt to effect changes in the simulation to help them, but they can only make minor changes, which the program counters at every turn.
 Ultimately, finding themselves cornered by the virtual Seska and her Maquis crew, Tuvok causes one of the simulation's phaser rifles to overload; the impact ends the simulation, and allows Tuvok and Paris to safely exit the holodeck. Later, the crew ponders recent events, and when Neelix suggests the next holonovel be about himself, Tuvok counters by suggesting that if he and Paris do write anything else, it be about something “less close to home”.
While this episode was mainly intended by the show’s staff to be a look into their writing processes via the metaphor of Trek, I tend to see this as a strangely prescient episode exploring the issue of whether you can change characters in adaptations.  For me, Tuvok follows a series of typically Vulcan rules of logic that underpin his writing, the one that is openly expressed in the episode being that all character actions must flow from the established character traits. As I recently mentioned in my ramble of the month article for September, the film Inside Out shows us how key experiences create core memories, which in turn create and power the various aspects of our personality.
 Combining these two, it is therefore logical to conclude that where characters are created in a society where traits like skin colour, gender, nationality and various others alter one’s experiences, they impact personality, and thus race-shifts, gender-shifts, etc. in adaptational storytelling are illogical.  If you change the traits, you change the character, and if you’re going to do that, you might as well just create a whole new character and avoid the fan-base backlash.  By comparison, Tom represents the antithesis of this, wanting to change things at random for the sake of shock value, clearly suggesting that his wish to write a holonovel exceeds his competence.  However, once he’s on the other end of that kind of revisionist pseudo-writing thanks to the late Seska’s tinkering, I think he gets just how foolish his thinking was.
 Overall, the episode is pretty good, and it’s a clever way of bringing Seska back in from beyond the grave.  It’s not a top-scorer, but it’s closer than most have come this season, and I give it 9 out of 10.
Episode 26: Scorpion (Part 1)
Plot (as adapted from Wikipedia):
Voyager is approaching Borg territory. The territory covers thousands of star systems and is too big to go around, but they find a narrow path through the sector that the Borg avoid likely due to the numerous gravimetric distortions within it. The senior staff agree that it is better to ride through this path, dubbed the "Northwest Passage", than to face the Borg directly. Captain Janeway orders preparations for a Borg encounter. While helping the Doctor craft antibodies to disable Borg assimilation, Kes has a brief vision of a pile of Borg corpses. She starts to experience several more, all based around the destruction of the Borg and Voyager.
 As they near the Northwest Passage, 15 Borg cubes travel towards them at high speeds, but ignore and pass them. Shortly afterwards, scans indicate that the cubes have stopped dead, and when Janeway orders the ship back to investigate, they find the Borg cubes have all been destroyed. They also find a bioship is attached to a portion of a Borg hull. An away team transports over to discover a pile of Borg corpses, just as Kes had seen, and alien roars elsewhere on the ship. As they try to scan for the source, Kes has another vision, this time of Ensign Harry Kim being attacked. Janeway orders an emergency beam-out just as a strange, three-legged creature strikes at Kim. The bioship detaches from the hull and fires at Voyager as they flee the area, the near-miss negatively affecting the ship. Kes reports hearing a voice say, "The weak will perish".
 Janeway orders the crew to continue course for the Northwest Passage. Analysis of the Borg's logs shows that the alien species is catalogued as Species 8472 and has defeated the Borg many times before. The Doctor is able to eliminate the alien infection in Kim's body using modified Borg nanoprobes. Eventually Voyager reaches the Northwest Passage, only to find a fleet of bioships waiting, with more emerging from a quantum singularity. After moving to a safe distance, the senior staff discuss their options. Janeway proposes a temporary alliance with the Borg to face a common threat, offering the Doctor's cure for the Species 8472's infection as a bargaining chip. The staff is dubious, but most agree it is their only option. The main voice of dissent is Chakotay, who agrees to follow Janeway’s orders but feels that the Borg simply won’t operate against their basic nature.
 Voyager travels to a nearby Borg-occupied world and is met by a Borg cube. Janeway announces their intentions, and the Borg beam her to their ship, where she begins negotiations. Suddenly, a fleet of bioships appears nearby and destroys the Borg planet. The Borg Cube, with Voyager in tow, narrowly escapes its destruction.
At last, we reach the point where the Borg really come into use by Voyager as a major antagonist, building off the very effective expansion on them seen in the film First Contact.  It’s interesting to see the show introduce a species capable of humbling the Borg in the form of Species 8472, which marks Trek’s first real effort at a CGI alien race.  However, for this episode, the real fun, the Trek of it all, is getting to develop Janeway and her relationship with Chakotay.  Not only do we start by having Janeway spend time with a holographic Leonardi Da Vinci (brilliantly played by the fantastic John Rhys-Davies), but we also see things change in the Janeway-Chakotay dynamic. The episode starts with Chakotay being willing to stand by Janeway regardless of circumstances, but once Janeway decide to try and negotiate with the Borg, Chakotay says “ok, but you’re wrong to do this.”
 This is an important moment, because a good second-in-command has to be able to speak truth to power to ensure the commanding officer makes sound decisions.  That Janeway sees this as Chakotay no longer supporting her just shows how blinkered and blinded she now is.  As Chakotay rightly points out, Janeway’s desire to get the crew home does stray into levels of fanaticism at times, so someone has to point out when she’s going a step too far.  That’s not withdrawing support or friendship or whatever; it’s being supportive and a true friend by doing what’s best for the other person.  That all said, the negotiation is necessary to accommodate the shift in the main cast that occurs early in season 4.  I’ll talk more about that in those episode reviews, but I think it’s safe to say from how Kes is being played in this episode that it was about time.  Throughout all of Part 1, she’s become nothing more than a blonde doppelganger for TNG’s Troi, and not in any positive sense.
 Throw in the fact that this is a cliff-hanger episode, which by its very nature doesn’t invite a high-score because the ending is fully open instead or largely or entirely closed, and it’s a good episode, if not a top-scorer.  As far as I’m concerned, this one is worth 8 out of 10.
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eternavision · 1 day
Best Liposuction Surgery in Delhi, Procedure, Surgeon, Cost
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Liposuction surgery has gained significant popularity in Delhi as a solution for those looking to remove stubborn fat deposits that resist diet and exercise. This cosmetic procedure helps in contouring the body by eliminating excess fat from various areas, such as the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, arms, and neck. If you are considering liposuction, understanding the cost involved is crucial. This comprehensive guide will delve into the factors affecting liposuction surgery costs in Delhi, including the fees of a liposuction surgeon and tips for finding a "liposuction surgeon near me."
Factors Influencing Liposuction Surgery Cost in Delhi
Several factors influence the cost of liposuction surgery in Delhi, ranging from the complexity of the procedure to the surgeon's expertise. Here are the primary elements that determine the overall cost:
1. Area of Treatment
The cost of liposuction varies depending on the body area being treated. Larger areas such as the abdomen and thighs generally require more extensive procedures, thus increasing the cost. Smaller areas like the neck or arms might be less expensive due to the reduced amount of fat removal required.
2. Number of Areas Treated
Patients often opt to treat multiple areas simultaneously to achieve a balanced body contour. Treating multiple areas in one session can affect the total cost, usually leading to higher expenses compared to treating a single area.
3. Type of Liposuction Technique
Various liposuction techniques are available, each with different cost implications. Traditional liposuction, tumescent liposuction, ultrasound-assisted liposuction Advanced techniques like laser-assisted or ultrasound-assisted liposuction tend to be more expensive due to the specialized equipment and expertise required.
4. Surgeon's Expertise and Reputation
The experience and reputation of the liposuction surgeon significantly impact the cost. Highly skilled and renowned surgeons tend to charge higher fees for their services, reflecting their expertise and successful track record. Choosing a reputable surgeon can increase the cost but often ensures better results and reduced risks.
5. Hospital or Clinic Facilities
The choice of hospital or clinic where the procedure is performed also affects the cost. Premium facilities with state-of-the-art equipment and high standards of care may charge more than smaller, less equipped centers. It's essential to balance cost with the quality of care to ensure safety and satisfactory outcomes.
6. Preoperative and Postoperative Care
Liposuction surgery involves several preoperative and postoperative procedures, such as consultations, medical tests, anesthesia, compression garments, and follow-up visits. These additional services add to the overall cost of the surgery.
Liposuction Surgery Cost Breakdown
The cost of liposuction surgery in Delhi typically ranges from INR 50,000 to INR 2,00,000 or more, depending on the factors mentioned above. Here is a general cost breakdown:
1. Consultation Fee
The initial consultation with a liposuction surgeon can cost between INR 1,000 to INR 3,000. This fee may vary based on the surgeon's expertise and the clinic's location.
2. Surgery Fee
The primary cost of the liposuction procedure ranges from INR 40,000 to INR 1,50,000 per area treated. Advanced techniques like laser or ultrasound-assisted liposuction may cost more.
3. Anesthesia Fee
Anesthesia fees can range from INR 10,000 to INR 30,000, depending on the type of anesthesia used and the duration of the surgery.
4. Postoperative Care
Postoperative expenses, such as compression garments, medications, and follow-up visits, can add another INR 5,000 to INR 20,000 to the total cost.
Finding a Liposuction Surgeon Near Me
When searching for a "liposuction surgeon near me," it's essential to consider various factors to ensure you select a qualified and experienced professional. Here are some tips to help you find the right surgeon:
1. Research and Referrals
Start by researching online and seeking referrals from friends, family, or your primary healthcare provider. Reading patient reviews and testimonials can provide insights into the surgeon's expertise and patient satisfaction.
2. Check Qualifications and Credentials
Ensure the surgeon is board-certified and has specialized training in liposuction procedures. Board certification indicates that the surgeon has met rigorous standards and maintains high levels of competency.
3. Experience and Specialization
Look for a surgeon with extensive experience in performing liposuction, particularly in the areas you wish to treat. Surgeons who specialize in liposuction are likely to have refined their skills and techniques, leading to better outcomes.
4. Consultation and Communication
Schedule consultations with multiple surgeons to discuss your goals, treatment options, and expectations. A good surgeon will listen to your concerns, provide clear explanations, and help you understand the procedure, risks, and recovery process.
5. Facility Accreditation
Choose a surgeon who operates in accredited facilities that meet stringent safety and quality standards. Accredited clinics and hospitals ensure that you receive care in a safe and regulated environment.
6. Before and After Photos
Review before and after photos of previous patients to assess the surgeon's work and the results you can expect. This visual evidence can help you gauge the surgeon's ability to achieve your desired outcome.
Liposuction surgery in Delhi offers an effective solution for removing stubborn fat deposits and achieving a more contoured body shape. The cost of liposuction varies based on several factors, including the area treated, the technique used, and the surgeon's expertise. By understanding these cost factors and conducting thorough research, you can make an informed decision and find a qualified "liposuction surgeon near me" who meets your needs and expectations.
Watch This Video:-liposuction clinic in Delhi
Investing in a reputable and experienced surgeon ensures that you receive high-quality care and achieve the best possible results. Remember to consider the total cost of the procedure, including preoperative and postoperative care, to budget appropriately and avoid unexpected expenses. With the right surgeon and realistic expectations, liposuction can help you achieve the body contours you desire and boost your confidence. Best Plastic Surgeon in Delhi
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benjgeerling · 4 days
Ensuring Safety with Benj Geerling's Expert Tree Removal Services
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In the heart of a bustling city, where towering skyscrapers and busy streets coexist, there is a hidden gem – the urban forest. These majestic trees not only add beauty and character to the landscape but also play a crucial role in maintaining the delicate balance of our ecosystem. However, when these trees become a threat to public safety, it's time to call in the experts.
Enter Benj Geerling, a renowned arborist with a passion for preserving the urban canopy while ensuring the safety of the community. With years of experience and a deep understanding of tree biology, Benj and his team at Benj Geerling's Tree Removal Services have become the go-to choice for homeowners, businesses, and local authorities when it comes to managing the risks associated with problematic trees.
Identifying Hazardous Trees
The first step in ensuring public safety is to identify trees that pose a potential threat. Benj and his team use their extensive knowledge of tree health and structural integrity to conduct thorough assessments, evaluating factors such as decay, damage, and the overall condition of the tree. By identifying hazardous trees early on, they can proactively address the issue before it becomes a dangerous situation.
Specialized Tree Removal Techniques
When a tree needs to be removed, Benj and his team employ a range of specialized techniques to ensure the process is carried out safely and efficiently. From using advanced rigging systems to carefully lowering heavy branches, they take great care to minimize the impact on the surrounding environment and protect nearby structures and utilities.
Stump Grinding and Site Restoration
But the job doesn't end with the tree's removal. Benj Geerling's Tree Removal Services also offers comprehensive stump grinding services, ensuring that the site is left clean and ready for any future landscaping or construction projects. Their attention to detail and commitment to site restoration are what set them apart from the competition.
Commitment to Environmental Sustainability
Benj Geerling's Tree Removal Services is not just about removing trees; it's about preserving the delicate balance of the urban ecosystem. The team is dedicated to sustainable practices, ensuring that any trees that are removed are replaced with new, healthy specimens. They also work closely with local authorities and community groups to develop long-term plans for urban forestry management, ensuring that the city's green spaces are protected for generations to come.
Exceptional Customer Service
At the heart of Benj Geerling's Tree Removal Services is a commitment to exceptional customer service. From the initial consultation to the final cleanup, the team works closely with clients to ensure their needs are met and their concerns are addressed. They take the time to educate homeowners and business owners on the importance of tree care and the risks associated with hazardous trees, empowering them to make informed decisions.
In a world where urban development often takes precedence over environmental preservation, Benj Geerling's Tree Removal Services stands as a beacon of hope. By combining expert knowledge, specialized techniques, and a deep respect for the natural world, they are ensuring the safety of the community while preserving the beauty and vitality of the urban forest.
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customweedbags · 10 days
The Ultimate Guide to Custom Dab Pens
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Custom dab pens have revolutionized the way consumers enjoy concentrates like wax and shatter. These devices offer a portable, discreet, and customizable way to consume cannabis concentrates.
In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the benefits of custom disposable vapes, the customization options available, and the essential considerations for creating a standout product.
What are Dab Pens?
Dab pens, also known as wax pens or concentrate vaporizers, are portable devices designed specifically for vaping cannabis concentrates. They provide a convenient and efficient way to enjoy the potent effects of concentrates without the need for bulky rigs or torches.
A typical dab pen consists of:
Battery: Powers the device.
Atomizer: Heats the concentrate to produce vapor.
Mouthpiece: Allows the user to inhale the vapor.
Benefits of Custom Disposable Vapes
Personalization and Branding
Custom dab pens allow brands to showcase their identity and stand out in a crowded market. Personalized designs, logos, and color schemes help create a unique product that resonates with consumers.
Brand Recognition: Custom designs enhance visibility and brand loyalty.
Unique Aesthetics: Stand out with distinctive looks tailored to your brand’s style.
Enhanced User Experience
Customization can improve the user experience by allowing for adjustments to key features such as temperature settings and battery capacity.
Adjustable Settings: Tailor the vaping experience to individual preferences.
User-Friendly Design: Custom features enhance convenience and usability.
Market Differentiation
In a competitive industry, having a unique product can make a significant difference. Custom dab pens offer an opportunity to differentiate your brand from others in the market.
Innovative Features: Incorporate cutting-edge technology and unique functionalities.
Premium Appeal: High-quality custom designs can elevate the perceived value of your product.
Customization Options
Design and Aesthetics
Colors and Finishes
Choose from a wide range of colors and finishes to match your brand’s identity. Options include matte, glossy, metallic, and more.
Logos and Branding
Add your logo, brand name, and other design elements to the pen. This helps with brand recognition and creates a cohesive look across your product line.
Unique Shapes and Sizes
Experiment with different shapes and sizes to create a distinctive product. Custom shapes can make your dab pens more ergonomic and visually appealing.
Functional Features
Temperature Control
Offering adjustable temperature settings can enhance the user experience by allowing consumers to customize their vaping sessions according to their preferences.
Battery Life
Customizing the battery capacity ensures that your dab pens provide a long-lasting and reliable experience. Consider options for both high-capacity and compact batteries.
Atomizer Options
Select from different types of atomizers, such as quartz, ceramic, or titanium, to influence the flavor and vapor production.
Custom Packaging
Invest in high-quality, custom cannabis packaging that reflects your brand’s image. Unique packaging designs can make a strong first impression and enhance the overall customer experience.
Sustainable Options
Consider eco-friendly custom cannabis packaging materials to appeal to environmentally conscious consumers. Recyclable or biodegradable packaging can set your brand apart as a responsible choice.
Design Considerations
User Experience
Focus on creating a design that is easy to use and maintain. Consider the ergonomics of the device, the simplicity of loading concentrates, and the ease of cleaning.
Durability and Quality
High-quality materials and construction are essential for ensuring the longevity of your dab pens. Durable devices are more likely to earn positive reviews and repeat customers.
Safety Features
Incorporate safety features such as overheat protection, short-circuit protection, and child-resistant mechanisms to ensure user safety and compliance with regulations.
Ensure your custom vape pens meet all regulatory requirements, including proper labeling, child-resistant features, and safety warnings.
Manufacturing Process
Start with creating prototypes of your custom disposable vapes. Prototyping allows you to test different designs, materials, and functionalities before moving to mass production.
3D Modeling: Use 3D modeling software to create digital prototypes.
Physical Samples: Produce physical samples to test functionality and aesthetics.
Mass Production
Partner with a reputable manufacturer experienced in producing high-quality dab pens. Ensure they can meet your specifications and deliver consistent quality.
Material Sourcing: Ensure all materials meet your quality standards.
Production Line: Set up a production line that can efficiently handle large volumes.
Quality Assurance: Implement quality assurance processes to maintain consistency.
Marketing Your Custom Vape Pens
Branding and Promotion
Develop a marketing strategy that highlights the unique features and benefits of your custom vapes. Utilize various channels to reach your target audience.
Social Media: Leverage social media platforms to showcase your product.
Influencer Partnerships: Collaborate with influencers to promote your dab pens.
Content Marketing: Create engaging content to educate consumers about your product.
Customer Engagement
Engage with your customers to build loyalty and gather feedback. This can help you improve your product and create a loyal customer base.
Customer Reviews: Encourage customers to leave reviews and share their experiences.
Loyalty Programs: Implement loyalty programs to reward repeat customers.
Customer Support: Provide excellent customer support to address any issues or concerns.
Compliance and Education
Educate your customers about the proper use of dab pens and ensure they understand the legal requirements associated with cannabis concentrates.
Usage Instructions: Include clear usage instructions on your packaging.
Legal Disclaimers: Ensure all legal disclaimers are prominently displayed.
Educational Content: Create educational content that informs consumers about the benefits and risks of using dab pens.
Custom vape pens offer a unique opportunity to enhance your brand’s presence in the cannabis market. By focusing on high-quality materials, innovative design, and effective marketing, you can create a product that stands out and meets the needs of your customers. Whether you are a seasoned brand or a new entrant, custom dab pens provide the flexibility and functionality to make a significant impact.
With the right approach, your custom vapes can become a popular choice among consumers seeking convenience, discretion, and a superior vaping experience.
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energiefitness11 · 11 days
Full Commercial Gym Setup in India with Energie Fitness Gym Equipment
Setting up a commercial gym in India is a promising venture, given the increasing awareness and dedication towards fitness among the population. To create a successful and appealing gym, it is crucial to choose the right equipment brand that ensures quality, durability, and user satisfaction. One such reputable brand is Energie Fitness. This blog will guide you through the process of setting up a full commercial gym in India using Energie Fitness equipment.
Why Choose Energie Fitness?
Energie Fitness is known for its high-quality gym equipment designed to meet the needs of both beginners and professional athletes. Here are some reasons why Energie Fitness stands out:
Durability and Quality: The equipment is built to last, ensuring long-term use without frequent replacements.
Variety: Energie Fitness offers a wide range of gym equipment, catering to various workout regimes.
User-Friendly: The machines are designed to be intuitive and easy to use, making them suitable for users of all levels.
Aesthetics: The sleek design of the equipment enhances the overall look of the gym, attracting more customers.
Steps to Set Up a Full Commercial Gym Market Research and Planning
Identify Your Target Audience: Determine the demographic you want to attract—students, working professionals, or senior citizens.
Location Selection: Choose a location with high foot traffic and easy accessibility. Consider areas near residential complexes, offices, or educational institutions.
Competitor Analysis: Study existing gyms in the area to understand their strengths and weaknesses. This will help you differentiate your gym and offer unique services.
Design and Layout
Space Utilization: Plan the layout to maximize space efficiency while ensuring safety and comfort. Allocate areas for cardio, strength training, free weights, and functional training.
Ambience: Create an inviting atmosphere with good lighting, ventilation, and music. The design should be modern and appealing to attract more clients.
Selecting Energie Fitness Equipment
Cardio Machines: Invest in a variety of cardio equipment such as treadmills, elliptical trainers, stationary bikes, and rowing machines. Energie Fitness offers durable and advanced cardio machines suitable for intense workouts.
Strength Training Equipment: Equip your gym with a range of strength training machines like chest press, leg press, lat pulldown, and shoulder press machines. Ensure you have adjustable weights to cater to different strength levels.
Free Weights and Accessories: Include dumbbells, barbells, kettlebells, and weight plates. Energie Fitness provides high-quality free weights and accessories that are essential for a comprehensive workout regime.
Functional Training Equipment: Incorporate functional training tools such as TRX bands, battle ropes, medicine balls, and resistance bands. These are crucial for training flexibility, balance, and core strength.
Specialty Equipment: Depending on your target audience, consider adding specialty equipment like Pilates reformers, spin bikes, or CrossFit rigs.
Energie Fitness offers a comprehensive range of commercial gym equipment ideal for setting up a Full Commercial Gym Setup in India. Their equipment includes state-of-the-art treadmills, elliptical trainers, strength machines, and free weights, all designed to meet international standards of quality and durability. Energie Fitness ensures ergonomic designs and cutting-edge technology, promoting optimal user experience and safety. With a focus on innovation and customer satisfaction, they provide tailored solutions to fit various gym sizes and requirements. Investing in Energie Fitness equipment guarantees a modern, efficient, and highly attractive fitness center, catering to diverse workout needs and boosting overall member satisfaction.
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