fastlane-freedom · 10 months
A Balanced Approach: Nurturing Children Without Overscheduling
In the fast-paced world we live in, parents often find themselves caught in the struggle to provide their children with enriching experiences while avoiding the pitfalls of overscheduling. The pressure to enrol children in numerous extracurricular activities can be overwhelming, yet purposeful parents are increasingly recognizing the importance of a balanced approach to child development. This…
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headslikekites · 2 months
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microbes dot png
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yourheartonfire · 2 years
Any other day, hiding an injury they’d picked up from their nighttime cape work wouldn’t have been a problem. The hero would’ve been in orchestra or robotics lab or study hall and they could muscle through those no problem. But it was Thursday, and that meant it was fencing club.
Any other teacher and it would’ve been fine. The hero could have begged off on a stomachache or other conveniently invisible illness and the coach would’ve shrugged and let them sit on the sidelines doing homework. But today both coach and assistant coach were out, so it fell to the team captain to run practice. And the current team captain had hated hero’s guts since they were in fifth grade.
“C’mon, lazy bones, you’ve been dragging through warm-ups even more than normal,” the hero’s longtime rival drawled, flicking their sabre eagerly as they stepped up on the piste. “You’re up first. En garde.”
“We’re supposed to be doing footwork drills today,” one of hero’s friends protested.
The team captain arched an eyebrow. “You’d really rather do drills than bout? Maybe start with a few more laps?” they asked the rest of the team. There was some muttering and sideways looks. Nobody would rather do footwork, but hero knew from the worried looks in their direction that they were not carrying this off convincingly.
Well, maybe they could work with that. If the hero threw up all over the piste the rival would have to let them go to the nurse. If they timed it right, maybe they could hit the rival too.
“It’s fine,” the hero said, hoisting themselves up with a wince. They did not favor their leg as they walked up, took their stance, riding the waves of pain like they always did. And, yeah, maybe they’d never taken a wound quite as bad as the long shallow cut over their thigh, patched together in the bathroom with medical tape and superglue, but they could handle this. They always handled it.
As they saluted the team captain, something shifted in their old rival’s expression. A moment of uncertainty, a harder head-to-toe scan. But then the moment was gone and their rival gave them a smirk only a shade less smug than normal before sliding their mask down.
The hero attacked first. Their rival loved to bait them into counter-time errors, force them on the defensive, but today the hero just didn’t care. They went for it with an aggression that raised an “oooOOOHhhh!” from the rest of the team. Press, press, press, press. Their sabre seemed to move on its own through the rising red haze, and the hero watched in fascination as their rival’s weapon rose to catch it in a bind, flicked it aside - 
- and then the hero felt something across their right thigh go rrrrrrrrrrip. 
There was a terrible flash of blackness. And the next thing the hero knew, their rival was holding them up, both of them staring down at the growing red patch across the hero’s leg.
“You?” their rival rasped behind their mask.
The hero tried to speak and could only heave. Their team captain shot a glance to their teammates - then dropped the hero, letting their sabre run along the leg.
Later, much later, after they’d gotten home from the hospital, the hero got the story from their friends on the team. How they’d stumbled and the team captain had sliced them by accident, how the team captain had swiftly applied first aid and organized the 911 call, how they’d apologized to everyone from the paramedics to the school headmaster and offered to resign their captainship, how disciplinary action may be pending. But no one could explain how a practice sabre could have gone right into their leg like that...
The hero shrugged, assuring their friends it must have been a freak accident. All the while their stomach churned. 
Their rival’s voice as they’d gasped out that ‘you’. And the way they’d sliced the hero’s pants leg almost perfectly across the original cut. As if they’d known exactly how last night’s villain had drawn their wicked sharp knife along the hero’s leg.
The next night the hero was back out on the rooftops. The villain was waiting for them, with a nasty smile and a longer blade. “You,” they purred, and the hero’s heart skipped a beat.
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parkitaco · 9 months
hour 8 of babysitting ummm i might not make it folks
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cicadangel · 2 months
I had such a great day today ^w^ I wrote like an actually good supplemental (just one question but it's a common one so I can reuse it!), hung out with a friend I haven't seen since before Korea, got gelato, and took my dog for a long walk in the cemetery. I am not currently filled with despair. tomorrow I have plans to hang out with my friends at the beach. also I plan tomorrow to wake up early. I like waking up early and that will make me happy I believe.
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homelyhoney · 2 months
ohhhhhhh u guys I am not cut out for casual dating wowee
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tundrakatiebean · 2 months
This tarot deck creeped me out this morning lol I’ve had a lyric from a song stuck in my head since yesterday. Just “I’m better off alone” repeatedly in my head for over 24 hours. I’m fine don’t worry about it from this song
And this was my daily card draw today
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therealslimstrider · 7 months
This was purely a My Bad in terms of scheduling combined with the innate Strider need for a midday nap.
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fishandshesmygills · 1 year
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Suzan-Lori Parks, 365 Days/365 Plays
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i've been an adult for several years and i still forget that there is almost nothing actually stopping me from doing what i want, within reason.
i mean there's the question of scheduling and affordability and other responsibilities but. if i'm thinking about how much i want to go to the zoo? i can just do that! am i daydreaming about adopting pet rats? i can just go to the pet shop and have everything by the end of the day! WHAT IS STOPPING ME FROM BOOKING A FLIGHT TO BRUSSELS RIGHT NOW.
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cosmicrhetoric · 1 year
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how hot girl summer is treating me rn
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curiosityschild · 1 year
Gave blood for the first time today! 👍 And almost passed out 👎 but it was fine everyone was very nice and they shoved me full of cookies and now I feel much better. Now I'm pretty worn out, which is expected when you're suddenly missing a pint of blood I guess, but I do have a 3 hour rehearsal to go to. And I was mayyybe going to go to the pride festival in town after that. So idk we'll see if I can handle that I guess.
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theo-decker · 1 year
My fav bitchy teacher behaviour to do is to set a timer for a minute and display it on screen and say everyone in class has to be silent for 60 seconds and reset it every time someone makes a noise. This is a total waste of time but it gives u a 60 second break from the constant screaming and monkey sounds so on Fridays when they are at peak monkey mode I really can't resist...teachers can have friday treat too........
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sarasa-cat · 1 year
My brain and fingers are fully ready.
So, where do I find a store that sells me time for writing fanfic?
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satashiiwrites · 2 years
November writing priorities
PSA: I’m waaaay overbooked until mid January. Writing updates are going to be sparse on the ground through the new year and I’m going to be very intermittently present.
Finish Eddie Diaz Ain’t ‘Fraid of No Ghosts. It should have already been done!
Chapter of:
Death, Rebirth and the Jackal
Promise Me You Won’t Let Me (2 ish chapters left in total)
To Catch a Fallen Star
Family, Familia, ‘Ohana or Cartel Boss chapter
To Follow
Bound by Blood (one shot)
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vrwmilion · 2 years
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