#ovid works
finelythreadedsky · 1 year
my personal list of greek myth retellings that are actually good and do something interesting with the myth:
The King Must Die and The Bull from the Sea, Mary Renault
Cassandra: A Novel and Four Essays, Christa Wolf
The Penelopiad, Margaret Atwood
The Lost Books of the Odyssey, Zachary Mason
Here the World Entire, Anwen Kya Hayward
Weight: The Myth of Atlas and Heracles, Jeanette Winterson
Achilles, Elizabeth Cook
Memorial: An Excavation of the Iliad, Alice Oswald
Averno, Louise Glück
Autobiography of Red, Anne Carson
Antigonick, Anne Carson
Oresteia, Robert Icke
Antigone, Jean Anouilh
Eurydice, Sarah Ruhl
Girl on an Altar, Marina Carr
Los Reyes, Julio Cortázar
Hadestown, Anaïs Mitchell
O Brother Where Art Thou, Coen Brothers
honorable mention to Ursula K. Le Guin's Lavinia which doesn't count on a technicality
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fagtainsparklez · 3 months
ohhhhhh i am going to snap someone in my women in art course is doing their research paper on medusa (we have already done preliminary research at this point) and when our professor asked them medusa's origin they recited ovid's version i can't fucking do this
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sarafangirlart · 1 month
I am going to k/m/s in front of Luciano Garbati and change the trajectory of his life.
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s-dazzlegarden · 1 year
A little something on the side
"Senpai, sensei, why would you do this to us? To me?! I thought you loved me!"
"Yugo, I was not apart of this. At all. Neither was Ike. We were here to chat. The rest of them were the culprits," you sighed tiredly, patting the blue haired disk jockey who was sobbing dramatically into your lap.
The aforementioned male sniffled before lifting his head, showing his teary face as water dripped from his locks and .. well, everywhere.
'They really spared no mercy,' you thought wryly, as you reached a hand out to cup his face. Brushing your thumb under his eyes to wipes the water and tears away gently, you shifted your gaze from him to the novelist at your side who had been observing your interaction with his student.
"I think it's time to reign in our boys Ikey."
"Do we have to (N/n)? I'm open to leaving them here to suffer at the hands of our juniors," Ike mumbled, stuffing his face into your shoulder.
Chuckling a little at his words, you patted your free hand on his thigh to signal for him to get up and join you in your fetch quest.
After ushering Yugo to go get himself dried and changed, both you and Ike trudged up the stairs towards the room where you hear the most amount of chaos coming from. Mentally preparing yourselves for what they were doing, you pushed open the door.
Only to be met with a water balloon to your face... Twice
"Oh shoot, sorry (N/n)! I thought it was Yugo," Shu apologised as he immediately dropped the remaining water balloons he was carrying (making them explode over the floor!) and stumbled over to you, patting your face and hair dry with his sleeves.
"Oh god are you okay senpai?" Fulgur asked, popping his head up from behind a chair only to have a balloon explode in his face.
"IT WASN'T ME ASSHOLE!" came Vox's indignant reply as he too popped his head up only to also meet the same fate as the cyborg.
"Take that bitch."
Hello my sweets 💕 I truly apologize for the long disappearance once more. After I promised to come back, I actually fell sick for a really long while and this is my first time feeling well enough. I've been sleeping a lot too hence the writing at the odd timing
(It is currently 2:17am as of me writing this)
I do hope you can forgive me! I'll have part 4 up in a few hours after a good night sleep. I can feel my medication kicking in so I'm going to go rest. I swear on my stupid stuffy nose that I'll have part 4 and if possible maybe a part 5? (Idk how long I'll have this series for) up today. I'll also proofread and edit later on.
Happy White Day my sweets 💕 A present from me to you!
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gwydpolls · 10 months
Time Travel Question 19: The Library of Alexandria (Miscellaneous II)
I welcome your suggestions for both Library of Alexandria and other lost works of World Literature and History, as there will be future polls.
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riversofmars · 3 months
When you start writing a Dark Academia AU, make one of them a Classics student, and FINALLY nine pointless years of studying Latin come in handy. I'm still having to look everything up, I remember nothing, but that is not the point.
Ovid's Amores 1.9 is just 🤌
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classics-cassandra · 1 year
Classical authors are all out here like: I’m going to write the most beautiful and powerful simile you’ve ever read :) and the minute you try to put it into another language it will disintegrate like wet paper and you’ll be left with a clunky piece of text that makes little sense
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snailbutters · 1 year
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Some pride month WIPs 🌈❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🏳️‍🌈
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partangel · 1 year
june book haul... i SAID JUNE BOOK HAUL!!!!
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bfuhrnerd · 6 months
Freely Adapted fron Ovid's Metamorphoses
Eurydice, though dying once again,
(For Orpheus had looked early from above)
Accused not Orpheus of any sin.
(Alas, what sin was there, but that he'd loved?)
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mishkakagehishka · 2 years
Lmao "most [classical literature] is from America or England anyway" see, I know that in american schools, they only learn anglo lit so it might be a case of "well, i've never heard of any other", but. How do you excuse that naivety in the 21st century? Do you think, in this big wide world, the only literature that could possibly be crowned with the "classic" epithet, is anglo? Because that's a little😬
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kindahoping4forever · 10 months
hi crystal! are you attending a show on this tour?
Hello! I currently have plans to see the LA show 🥰
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lesbianwhispers · 7 months
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babes… i wrote a chapbook! 📖 i woke up one day and scrambled to meet a deadline i literally found at random on the internet. i sent my favorite works to a press in LA and… here we are!! if you need a stocking stuffer for that new lady friend of yours 👀 look no further! deadagain will capture the lesbian chaos and queer existential dread we all feel during holidays ❄️❄️❄️
deadagain is the first published work by Annie Conolly. It is a collection of poems, 35mm photos, and procreate drawings unintended to claim artistic identity. These poems fell out of moments lost in travel, sickness, or love. Written over a span of 10 years, these poems showcase the development of adaptability and emotional reckoning through the lens of queerness and gender exploration. Each image was curated in this collection by underlying threads of chaos, isolation, and caution. The title was inspired by a feeling of apophenia felt during the metamorphosis between careers.
As an experiment, deadagain aims to find the distinctions between artist and art. This art seems innately connected to its creator. However, this art does not evolve while its creator does. What is left between the stasis of publication and the life beyond its release? Pieced together slowly over 2023, this chapbook invites readers to seek out their hobbies and witness their unification into chaos.
Copies can be purchased through:
A Bottlecap Feature, Printed by Bottlecap Press in the United
States of America.
Copyright © 2023 Annie Conolly
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sarafangirlart · 2 months
Me: I usually take a ton of creative liberties when designing Greek mythology figures but I still wanna look into any physical descriptions of Aglaia to integrate into my design
Hesiod: she had big boobs
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longagoitwastuesday · 2 years
I love the Goncharov meme conceptually. It feels like classic academia perhaps, definitely like studying ancient philosophy at times. You get a fragment (knockoff boots), a general context (Martin Scorsese films existing), and then a very long discussion about nothing starts. But the nothingness isn't entirely nothing, and there are still limits to what can and cannot be said framed by both the existence and non-existence of that which is being discussed. Hilarious, truly, and the fact itself so very interesting to analyse in so many ways.
#This feels a bit like studying and discussing presocratics or Socrate himself xD#ngl while I loved the boots thing (I had often thought about those knockoff boots‚ I found them hilarious)#I don't find the Goncharov memes particularly funny#But the concept is fascinating conceptually and thrilling to analyse in so many levels#The fact that almost every webwaving‚ even the ones about a fake film‚ have the same quotes#That basically everything said about this film is what is said about any other popular media#Is so interesting as how short media analysis falls into superficiality and miopic repetition of patterns#As is the fact that we can discuss to eternity something that doesn't exist#in a sort of Narcissus looking at his reflection on the pond situation‚ in love with our own discussion more than the thing itself#And that's a level. But it's also very interesting in how basically everyone has a very similar idea of what the film is about#How nothingness with sprinkles can tell us something‚ a lot‚ and make a ghost of a film which can effectively to some extent be analysed#It's also hilarious in how it puts a mirror‚ so to speak‚ in front of so many academic studies#How we've basically been doing this for centuries unironically and I'd say with at least a certain sense of self awareness#How this brings back studying and discussing the lost texts of Ovid or Sappho based just on what they say about them or the absence#in what they say about them‚ or what other authors say about them or how their works are wrapped around those lost texts#How it brings back the study and analysis of presocratics like Pythagoras or even Socrate himself of which we have Plato and Xenophon#but really something close to nothing considering how important those authors are as basis of the entire history of western philosophy#And yet there's honestly so much to say about them given the nothingness we have accompanied by the something!#And Goncharov memes work a bit that way#I don't know. There are really so many facets to this meme and they are all conceptually hilarious yes xD#Another but not less important aspect of this meme that I love conceptually is that#I'm a bit fan of funny lies. I adore them. Especially when constructed between several people#And Goncharov is precisely that lol#Goncharov#I talk too much#I should probably delete this later#Meme shit
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len-illus · 2 years
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[ the stars have a home for you too ] a complement art for the same-titled fic!
Link to the fic on AO3
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(yes i wrote it too)
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