#owk fanfic
kanansdume · 23 days
I've recently been watching these very interesting Star Wars video essays on YouTube (yeah I know, a rare breed) and it brings up these comments Lucas has made about how he views Star Wars as almost like a silent film in terms of how important the visuals are to him in comparison to the dialogue. But this essay also points out how important Lucas finds all of the "rhyming" moments in his trilogies and the way he utilizes them to remind you of something else for emotional or thematic reasons. And there's so many of them, both in visuals and in dialogue, and it's interesting to consider how important this is to him, the repetition for a purpose as well as the storytelling through visuals above everything else and then to look at Star Wars since the Prequels came out and realize how little has really been able to match up to those ideals since then.
The ONLY thing that's come out since the Prequels that I think really hits these two things the same way is, in fact, Andor. One of the things I noticed about the way people discussed Andor as it was airing in a way I haven't really seen for any of the other shows or films was the visual SYMBOLOGY. So many times I saw people noticing the Imperial cog everywhere, from the aerial shot of Narkina 5 as the prisoners escape to the architecture of Mon Mothma's house. There were people picking up on the use of items in Luthen's shop that are familiar from other things to give this idea that Luthen is from another time, he's attempting to preserve this world he lost, that if you're not looking closely enough you won't notice what he's really saying or doing with this shop. The color choices for the different locations and people got analyzed because the people involved spoke about how they intentionally utilized color to SEND A MESSAGE about the characters and the world. We know that the people who made the costumes and sets really worked hard to treat Star Wars almost like a period drama and study the history of the franchise as if it were a real place so that the things they came up with felt like they belonged in this world everyone knows so well even if it's completely new. And of course there were all of the myriad references to things from Rogue One, the constant repetition of "climb", the sunset on the beach, etc.
Nearly EVERY SHOT in this show was created with so much intention behind it in order to say something meaningful about the characters, the world, this specific story they're in, and the overall saga of Star Wars itself. It's insane how much greater impact this show was able to achieve through the incredibly careful usage of visual symbols and thematic repetitions, much like Lucas did before them. It feels like they didn't just study the history of the galaxy far far away, but they studied the history of STAR WARS and what Lucas was trying to do and say with this story. They peeled back his onion a bit more and were able to create something that really has that same visual feel even when it's not created for a child audience. It also is experimenting with its narrative style through its structure and through Cassian's character being allowed to be somewhat more reactive than proactive, and while that didn't work for everyone, it does feel like it's following in Lucas's footsteps of experimentation through Star Wars. Push the boundaries of what Star Wars is and can be and what you can say with it.
But this only works because they peeled the onion back enough to TRULY understand all of the messages Lucas was sending with it. They got the heart of Star Wars and despite its lack of space wizards, despite the lack of most major characters in the Saga, this was a show that honestly got the message more than just about anything else Star Wars has put out since the Prequels. The choices between selflessness and selfishness, the themes about how you always HAVE to make a choice even when it feels like you don't have any (sometimes ESPECIALLY when it feels like you don't have any), and how important it is to make sure to choose the path of compassion above everything else. The themes of connection to others, the symbiotic circle and the impact even the smallest person can have on world around them, it's RIGHT THERE and it's CENTRAL to Andor's storyline.
So yes, it experiments a little with narrative structure, but it's possibly the most Star Wars thing to exist Revenge of the Sith because it honestly truly GETS what Star Wars was about, both in its themes and in its filmmaking. A lot of people said that Andor didn't feel like Star Wars to them, usually because of the lack of space wizards and the fact that it's not a story aimed at children. But to me, Andor is EXACTLY what Star Wars is and has always been. They're stretching the boundaries of what Star Wars can be, but it's saying the exact same things Star Wars has always said, it's just saying it slightly differently. This doesn't feel like fanfiction to me, not really. Unlike things like the Mandoverse or the books, Andor isn't just taking some of the toys out of the sandbox and going to play with them somewhere else. Andor is IN that sandbox. It's building a slightly different sandcastle, but it's still within the sandbox, using the same sand that Lucas did.
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may-the-force-be-gay · 9 months
Would anyone join a Star Wars shipping discord server if I made one? Might just be general ships but mostly Obikin based but not limited to.
It would be a safe space open to all Star Wars ships. I already have it 95% made 😅
Edit: it is up and running!! Link on my blog.
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I can’t stop thinking about that part of the fight where Obi-Wan and Anakin were holding hands, and that bit where Obi-Wan pushes Vader’s hand down and holds it there. 
I mean, Vader doesn’t have a flesh arm anymore so his mechanical arm is inhumanly strong and the only way Obi-Wan could hope to match its strength is if he were using the Force or...if Vader himself allowed his hand to be restrained (ie held), whether consciously or unconsciously. Ooof, what a thought! 
And the part where Obi-Wan pummeled Vader with a shower of boulders and he just...didn’t fight back? Was Vader actually overpowered in that moment or was he - as Palpatine accuses - simply weakened by his feelings for Obi-Wan to the point where he’s not quite able to fight at his full strength? The effect of the spark of him that’s still Anakin in there maybe?
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our mistakes (they were bound to be made)
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Thirteen years ago, Grim Kennet appeared in The Clone Wars and became the padawan of Obi-Wan Kenobi Ten years ago, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Master Yoda knighted Grim Kennet Seven years ago, Grim Kenent (then, going by Rue Kenobi) left Obi-Wan Kenobi (then, Ben Kenobi) on Tatooine Six years ago, Grim Kennet joined the Rebellion Five years ago, Grim Kennet fought Darth Vader for the first time since Mustafar Today, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Grim Kennet crossed paths, one more time, never knowing they would see each other again. Not in life.
But the Force works in mysterious ways.
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Chapter 1: don't be afraid
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Grim had joined the Rebellion six years ago. That had become hard to imagine, perhaps harder still was the fact that ten years ago the Empire had risen to power. So much in the galaxy had changed in the last decade, but she still found that the biggest change had happened in one night. The destruction of the Jedi Order. 
 She had been with her Master when it had happened. And she had stayed with him for three years after the fact. Now seven years after leaving him without even saying goodbye, she was suddenly staying by her Master’s side. 
 She was on Jabiim. This planet had held many Jedi safe since the death of the Jedi, and helped them go further into hiding. Even when they were not Jedi, people who needed this to protect them from the Empire. 
 Grim was not one of the Jedi who needed this. She would sometimes come by to assist The Path. It felt right to do so, and furthermore it had become a way for her to give back to the Jedi she had failed. Or, at least even ten years after the fact, she still felt she failed.
 Of all the people she had helped, never once had Grim imagined she would see Obi-Wan again. That had been part of the reason she couldn’t say goodbye to him when she had left all those years ago. And although she knew the other Jedi had not seen her, Grim refused to leave his side. Even as he was in the bacta tank. 
 What had surprised her further than his presence on this world, was his injuries. Burns. He was covered in burns. She had a strange feeling inside that already knew the cause. There were many people in the galaxy who would want to hurt or even kill Obi-Wan Kenobi, this had yet to change from The Clone Wars, but with this particular method one name came to mind.
 Grim refused to leave Obi-Wan’s side.
 Obi-Wan began kicking and trying to escape the bacta tank he was in. Grim had gotten up.
 “No! Wait, you're still not healed!” Tala protested.
 Obi-Wan looked at her with wide eyes. Grim had never seen him so afraid before. What had happened?
 “Where’s Leia?” Obi-Wan asked, his question came out as a gasp. His fear was haunting in his eyes.
 Grim’s eyes became wide as well.
 She had a horrible feeling inside.
 Despite Tala’s protest Obi-Wan exited the bacta tank. Seeing all of his scars and injuries Grim felt bad. She wanted to reach out to him. Even call out his name, but for a moment all she could do was stare. 
 Tala led Obi-Wan to a place he could change into some clothes, and when Grim saw him again they were face to face. 
 “Obi-Wan,” she breathed. That name seemed to carry such weight behind it, and Grim could only stare at him. She said nothing else, only feeling as if she had suddenly become a padawan again. Joy and overwhelming fear crashing down on her like in waves. Seven years.
 “Grim,” Obi-Wan replied, he seemed taken by surprise about seeing another Jedi. Let alone his old padawan. He seemed happy for a moment, to see she was alive and well, but soon his face quickly fell. “You never told me the truth about…him.”
 Obi-Wan didn’t have to say his name for Grim to know. “I’m sorry, Master. I know I should have, but…” she knew why but her excuse died on her tongue. “I’m sorry.”
 “There is nothing that can be done about it now,” said Obi-Wan, dropping the subject. It seemed too painful for him to have been brought up in the first place. “And it’s just Ben these days, you know this.”
 “I do,” she agreed. “I’m so sorry, Ben.”
 “It’s in the past, Grim,” he reminded her. “And it was never your fault.”
 “Was it ever yours? You still blame yourself all these years later. It’s been ten years, Ben. When are you going to realize neither of us have the blame for what happened?” 
 “Regardless of the past, I must save Leia for our future,” Obi-Wan replied, changing the topic and surprising Grim again.
 “Save Leia?” she echoed. “What do you mean? Ben, what happened?” 
 “You mean you don’t know?” Obi-Wan asked, clearly surprised. 
 “Clearly I don’t,” replied Grim. “What happened to Leia?”
 “She has been captured by inquisitors,” Obi-Wan answered. “And with my involvement in things Vader may become involved as well. If Vader and Leia-”
 “You don’t have to say anything more, Master. I’m going with you.”
 “What? No, Grim, this is far too dangerous-”
 “One, I’m not a padawan anymore. Two, just being a Jedi is dangerous these days. Three, I’m already fighting in the Rebellion. Four, no offense Kenobi but you haven’t fought in a decade, while as I previously mentioned joined the Rebellion. If anyone would go alone it would be me in the first place, you’re far too injured and need time to recover.” 
 “You make a good argument, Grim,” agreed Obi-Wan. “All right, I suppose I may need some extra help.”
 “Well it was The Negotiator who trained me,” replied Grim, an attempt to joke about their past. She flashed her former Master a grin. 
 Despite all of his own fear and grief, Obi-Wan smiled back. “Well that title can belong to you now, I’m afraid I am no longer the same man I used to be.”
 “No, you’re not, and I am not the same girl I once was. The war changed both of us. Ben.”
 “You grew to be better,” there was a hint of a smile in his voice. “I’m proud of you, Grim.”
 “Thank you, Ben. It’s good to see you again, although I wish the circumstances would have been different.”
 “Yes, that is something we can agree on,” said Obi-Wan. 
 Grim smiled, but then it fell again. “We can catch up after we rescue Leia?” She suggested.  
 “Once she is returned safely with her family I must return to where I’ve been.”
 “And then we’ll depart again, to go on our separate paths…and they may never come together again.”
 “I am sorry Grim.”
 The Jedi Knight sighed. “Well if we’re going to rescue Leia, I should change.”
 “Why? Your outfit now is just fine,” said Obi-Wan. 
 Grim had been wearing the robes of a Jedi, with her hair down, some falling over her shoulders. “I should wear something more fitting for a mission like this,” was all Grim said, before finding someplace to change.
 When Grim emerged again, her hair had been pulled up into a ponytail, and she wore a set of armor. It was based on the armor the Jedi had worn in the beginning of The Clone Wars. Her armor also had a monochrome purple color scheme, with hints of black. The crest of the Jedi Order was painted over her left shoulder with the Rebel Starbird on her right. The armor on her left arm had been damaged in combat against Vader, revealing the metal prosthetic she had, since having lost that same arm ten years ago on Mustafar by the same man.
 Obi-Wan stared at her for a moment. Surprised by her armor. He was even more shocked by the symbol painted on the damaged side, along with the damage itself. “You started wearing armor,” he said at last.
 “Someone had to. It was inspired by yours,” replied Grim. 
 “It’s damaged,” he noted. 
 “I got into a fight with Vader about five years ago, I decided to keep the damage he caused to my armor, it adds to the story I tell.”
 “The Jedi aren’t gone, Obi-Wan, and they never will be.” He smiled but once more it fell. He was blaming himself again. “It isn’t your fault,” she reminded him. “You didn’t know.”
 “And you did all you could,” he reminded her, it was a conversation they had many times when they hid together.
 “I know. I’ve learned Ben, but you haven’t yet.”
 Now they were on their way to the fortress. Grim sat across from Obi-Wan as she watched him struggle to even use the Force. It hurt her so much to see him like this. When Tala told him his mind needed healing too, Obi-Wan’s response broke Grim because it was true. “Some things are hard to forget.”
 “Ben…” Grim started, already knowing what he was talking about.
 He looked at her, “how did you find your ability to be a Jedi again, Grim?” He asked her, almost pleading with her.
 “Even though I have very little left to change, there’s still people I can help. For them I fight. I know there’s hope for the future, I’ve seen it,” she replied. “Besides, I’ve never been one for sitting on the sidelines.”
 “You’re a greater Jedi than me,” he told her.
 She shook her head. “No,” she disagreed. “I’m just as broken, I’m just a Jedi in spite of the pain. Like you.”
 The two Jedi had to swim to break into the fortress, Grim got in first and helped Obi-Wan up. They began to make their way through the fortress, avoiding the sights of Stormtroopers and probe droids.
 But when they entered one room Grim’s breath caught in her throat. It held the preserved bodies of dead Jedi. She stumbled backwards with wide eyes. Obi-Wan had to catch her to stop her from crashing into him. 
 “This place isn’t a fortress…it’s a tomb,” Obi-Wan gasped. 
 Grim’s hands became fists and she sank to her knees in tears. “I hate the Empire,” she choked out. “Was it not enough to kill us? To destroy us? To erase us?! They had to put the bodies of our dead out on display! When our only crime was to exist?!”
 Obi-Wan put a hand on her shoulder. “Grim, we have to find Leia,” he reminded her. He was also shaken by what they were seeing. His breath trembled. 
 “We never did anything, we never did anything. All we did was exist. The Empire kills us for that, erases us for that, and it still isn’t enough.”
 “Grim, we have to go.”
 “It isn’t enough to kill us. It isn’t enough-”
 “-to kill us. They have to do this. They-”
 Leia started screaming. 
 “Leia!” Obi-Wan gasped. “Grim! Grim, we have to go!”
 Her eyes were fixed on the body of the Jedi youngling, unseeing. “It wasn’t enough to kill us-”
 His words could not reach her. She had become trapped in the day they had lost everything. 
 Leia depended on them. Obi-Wan couldn’t get Grim to move, and Leia was screaming. She was only ten, and they were torturing her. Obi-Wan forced Grim up, and grabbed her arm, dragging his former Padawan with him. It was only when they left that horrible hall that Grim heard the screams as well. 
 “Leia!” Grim gasped.
 Obi-Wan released her when she was back in the present. “We have to hurry,” Obi-Wan told her.
 Grim nodded.
 The two Jedi ran to where Leia was being held. They turned out the lights and then the two Jedi became the only lights. Obi-Wan cut down a Stormtrooper on the right, and Grim cut down the one on the left. Obi-Wan freed Leia and helped her down. “You came, they told me you were dead.”
 “It takes a lot to kill Ben,” Grim told her. 
 Leia looked at her. “You’re a Jedi too,” she said in awe.
 “Yes I am,” agreed Grim. “I came with Ben to help rescue you,” she told her. “Speaking of, we need to get out of here.”
 “Yes,” agreed Obi-Wan.
 The two Jedi began to make their escape with Leia. Stormtroopers followed them and as if ten years had never passed, Grim Kennet and Obi-Wan Kenobi fought as if in The Clone Wars. 
 Except it was different. Obi-Wan’s burns hindered him. He was also relearning how to fight. Grim fought the same though. Improved more. A Jedi Knight, no longer a padawan. 
 As more stormtroopers joined in, along with some purge troopers the two Jedi destroyed the window and began to flood the fortress. Tala came for them and Obi-Wan and Grim put on overcoats as disguises. Leia hiding under Obi-Wan’s coat. 
 Reva spotted them as traitors. Grim and Obi-Wan both got in front of Leia to defend her if needed, Ships from the rebels of The Path came to the rescue. One was shot down. The other rescued the group. Grim was the last one on. 
 They were back with the main ship now, heading back to Jabiim. Grim watched Obi-Wan and Leia with a sad and tired smile. She leaned against the wall. Lost in her thoughts. 
 Lost in time again, as she always was and has been. 
 After several or so minutes, Leia had fallen asleep. When she had Obi-Wan walked over to Grim. He didn’t say anything, and neither did Grim. Finally she did, because she couldn’t handle the silence between them. “I’m sorry about what happened when…well you saw.”
 “I did,” he confirmed. “I also saw you weren’t.”
 “What do you mean?” Grim asked.
 “Grim, I trained you for three years and then we hid together for three years after that. I’ve noticed you get lost in time before, but I doubt it was the future you were thinking of this time around,” said Obi-Wan. 
 “I was thinking of the Temple after Order 66,” she admitted. “Normally what gets me is Mustafar, but…well you were there.”
 “Yes, I had a feeling that’s what you were thinking about,” he admitted. “I was too.”
 Grim looked at him with eyes that had seen too much too young. “I know why and how, and those things keep me up at night, but even ten years later…somehow I can’t wrap my head around it. It seemed easier, more understandable when this was all fictional. And I’m so sorry, I lied to you about Anakin. I wanted to believe what you did, and I hurt you with my selfishness. You and Master Yoda knighted me, but I was acting so little like a Jedi. And even now, I still feel like a Padawan.”
 “Reality is often more complex, because fiction is created and therefore those who make it understand it, but in reality there’s far more things at play. You don’t have to apologize for not telling me the truth about Anakin, I understand. The truth is, Grim, we all have times where we don’t feel like we are. I still felt like a Padawan some days even in The Clone Wars. I understand your feelings, I’ve been there before.” 
 “Does it ever change?” 
 “Someday it will,” he said. “But there will be days you still feel like a Padawan.”
 The two Jedi were quiet for a moment. Just standing there in a melancholic understanding.
Tag List (let me know if you want to be added or removed) : @padme--amygdala @soclonely @mrfandomwars @jgvfhl @starlonkedd @milfspectre1 @togrutanduin @jedi-valjean @one-real-imonkey @traygaming @roseofalderaan @keoxus  @tranakin-thighhighwalker @veiled-in-stars @sentineljedi @spicysucculentz @purgetrooperfox @amelia-song-pond @kohtoyah @saturnsokas @thejediprincessqueenofnaboo
 And for a moment, they were just Obi-Wan Kenobi and Grim Kennet.
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antheiasilva · 2 years
Beside Him
Obi-Wan has a catalog of sins that he offers up every night.
He was proud, he was impatient, he was cold, he was mistrustful, he was distant, he was angry, he was afraid.
He didn’t see.
He didn’t see Anakin’s pain because he was so consumed with his own.
The shroud of the dark side has fallen over the whole galaxy, but perversely it shows him his failures in glittering clarity, like the stars that wash across the cold Tatooine night.
He hasn’t been whole since Qui-Gon died. He should have been stronger, wiser, kinder, smarter. He should have let go, but instead he felt Qui-Gon’s death under his ribs.
It ached for months, years after. It ached during the war. It aches now.
He presses a cracked, blistered hand below his heart and curls forward until his forehead touches the cool sand.
“Please, Master,” he pleads. “Please. Where are you? I need you.”
This mantra is no less than twenty three years old.
Beside him, the convergence in the Force that was once Qui-Gon Jinn aches in sympathy.
“I am here, Obi-Wan,” he sends through the gentle wind, and the soft sand and the light of the stars overhead. “I am here.”
But still Obi-Wan cannot perceive him.
His phantom heart breaks again, as it has each time his apprentice has called out to him as his hair grayed, his shoulder stooped, his spirit withered, and still Qui-Gon cannot reach him.
“Let go,” he whispers into the dark. It is a prayer, a blessing, the lesson he could not teach Obi-Wan in life because he did not learn it until after death.
No one’s ever really gone.
And so, with patience born of cosmic time, and love born of infinite space, Qui-Gon gathers Obi-Wan into his arms and waits for dawn.
Read on AO3 https://archiveofourown.org/works/40060014
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Cody: Obi-Wan, you should go to sleep.
Obi-Wan: no, i'd rather stay awake for 72 hours, take three stims, drink 12 cups of black coffee, and stare blankly at my datapad until my eyes dry out. but thanks.
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impressionism · 2 years
Just a current roster of written works over at Ao3.
Baby Blues (M): 4th in the Weakest Spot series. A month after "Aftermath" and what transpired, both Obi-Wan and Vader handle... parenthood.
The Weakest Spot - Aftermath (E): A "sequel" to The Weakest Spot (the original). Obi-Wan has a lot to deal with: being married to Vader, his position within this new Empire and oh yeah, hormones and body changes because somehow he is pregnant. The Weakest Spot: Prelude (E): In a canon divergent/au post episode 3 of OWK, Obi-Wan was unconscious and lost 3 days worth of time when he was captured by Vader. When he wakes up, his belief in The Force is shaken to the core as he learns that he has a bigger role to fill when it comes to his former padawan. And his former padawan really isn't ready to just let him go or kill him. Written as a prologue/prelude "The Weakest Spot". The Weakest Spot (E): In a slight alternate universe, after the prequels and during the 6 part episodes of Obi-Wan Kenobi, we're presented with a different Obi-Wan who loves to play hide and seek with the sith lord. The Slightest Rip is a River (M): Post the Obi-Wan/Vader fight but before Obi-Wan leaves the planet to Tatooine, The Force isn't exactly ready for these two to part ways. In fact, it's pushing them for further interaction. Slight spoilers if you haven't seen Part VI of OWK. Supergiants (T): Obi-Wan and Anakin reunite, talk and share some firsts with each other as force ghosts post RoTJ in my own way. Heavily inspired by the OWK series, I'm still in my feelings about the show. Water Me (E): Obi-Wan was ready to leave all of his past behind, including Vader. But what if Vader wasn't quite ready to leave him just yet? This is a mini AU of Episode 6, after Obi-Wan leaves the moon planet so SPOILER? Could also be read as a collective of previous fics. Or separately. I Feed You Poison (T):  Based off (and after) the events of Episode 5, Obi-Wan finds himself deep in thought of how far he's been toeing the line of the dark side. It doesn't help that Vader decides to pop up again at the most inopportune time. Falling, Falling (M): Based off of the events of Episode 4, Obi-Wan is thankful that Leia is safe but he knows he's on thin ice: mentally, emotionally, spiritually and after the night's events, he is on the verge of breaking. And there's only one person who can do it..
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kick-a-droid · 2 years
everyday i wish for my blorbo cody to be in some part of the kenobi show until i remember my favorite version of him is the one in my head and cody being in the show would only run the risk of him being ruined by disney :(
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breakfastteatime · 2 years
Darth Vader really fucked around and found out, huh?
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sputnikan · 10 months
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I finally finished translating my collection of obikin fanfics based on some quotes from the Song of Songs.
I'm very proud of everything I accomplished in this project and I'm very happy with the translations.
The first part "Enclosed garden, sealed fountain" is set in the Clone Wars, and is about the lengths Obi-Wan is willing to go through for Anakin.
The second part "The orchard and its fruits", set at the end of the war, is about how Anakin breaks all of Obi-Wan's physical and emotional limits.
The third part, which I just published today, "The mountain that was burning in flames", is set during OWK and the mystical union of Darth Vader and Obi-Wan after his transformation.
The quote that sums up this entire collection is the one that gives it its name: "It burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame. Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot sweep it away."
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quinobiweek · 9 months
QuinObi Fic Rec List
QuinObi week isn't until October, but I thought I'd get everyone's inspiration warmed up by sharing some of my favorite fics. This list is not exhaustive at all, just a starter, but I hope you'll enjoy!
Reach For My Hand by jelucan: Quinlan was presumed dead but it turns out he wasn't. He and Obi-Wan wander through Coruscant and have feelings. This is one of my personal fave fics for these two.
On Your Best Behavior by wanderingjedihistorian: Obi-Wan and Quinlan accidentally get married on a mission. Why not have a wedding night?
Shaking From Holding You Back by @ashinaburrito: Obi-Wan rips Tarkin a new one when he's rude to Cody, and Quinlan thinks that's hot. Smut ensues in a closet.
Counting to Coruscant by @fanfic-phoenix. This whole series is WONDERFUL and has everything from Padawan Obi-Wan and Quinlan to their lives during the war (and the moments of romance they're able to snag) to the aftermath of Rako Hardeen. Super super recommend!
Red and Orange Beacons Go Forth by @ashinaburrito: Quinlan gets caught in a psychometric vision and Aayla calls Obi-Wan for help.
Betrayal by @brachiosaurus-on: Obi-Wan and Quinlan reunite in the OWK show era. Beautiful, Beatiful fic.
Ride Around the Moon for a Velvet Kiss by blackkat: Snarky and wonderfully in character smut set during the Clone Wars.
Stumbling on the Way Home by CapGirlCanuck: a comics based one-shot that pays homage to Obi-Wan and Quinlan's long friendship. Lovely.
Liability by KCKenobi: Quinlan takes care of Obi-Wan after Qui-Gon's death.
I'm going to be annoying and include a few of my own QuinObi fics (there are many because I love these two but I won't list them all):
Shoulder the Sky Verse: My RoTS Fix-It verse, including the initial RoTS AU of the same name, and it's sequel, Whispers from the Dead, as well as several one-shots. STS features QuinObi friends-with-benefits-to-exclusivity and WFTD has them in a committed relationship (and said relationship is a big part of the fic).
Always a Little in Love: Post-Geonosis. Quinlan bursts into Obi-Wan's room to yell at him for almost getting killed. Obi-Wan wants to forget about the war in it's infancy. Feelsy smut ensues.
A Crack Down the Heart: Quinlan races home from the Outer Rim after Qui-Gon's death.
I Want to Witness the Beauty of Your Repair: Set in my Shoulder the Sky Verse can be read alone. With Palpatine dead and the war over, Obi-Wan and Quinlan commit to each other. Smut with feelings.
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lajulie24 · 1 year
Year-End Fic Recs 2022 - part 1
Every year, my fellow fanfic writers blow me away with their talent, their creativity, and their heart. I’m compiling a list to share a few of the fics I read (or reread) this year and would recommend -- by no means an exhaustive list of the many talented writers and wonderful stories, and not exclusively stories that came out or updated this year, but a place to start. Because I have a lot to say, I’ll be sharing these in multiple posts.
Fic Recs Part I: Leia Organa Has Become Unstuck in Time
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One of my favorite tropes, I’m learning, is “Leia travels to the past -- either on purpose or by accident -- and tries her damnedest to fix things, while the people she meets inevitably fall in love with her and try to get her to let others take care of her for a change / make her take care of herself for at least ten minutes. With varying amounts of success.”
Of Queens, Knights, and Pawns by @chancecraz: TFA-era Leia Organa goes to sleep the night of Han’s death and wakes up in her 19-year-old body, just as 19-year-old Leia is being transported to the Death Star from the Tantive IV. *Stefon voice* This fic has everything: time travel, angst, humor, romance, Force shenanigans, unlikely friendships and surprising allies, scary parents, political intrigue, BAMF Leia Organa, ride-or-die Han Solo falling in love with Leia all over again, Bail and Breha Organa being awesome (and alive!), Luke educating others on Tatooine culture, Leia and Obi-Wan getting drunk together, dreamscape discussions between Leia and Vader, discussions of the clones and the Jedi, considerations of the fall of the Republic and the neglect of the Outer Rim, droids that make me cry, and just beautiful, complex writing throughout. It is a bit of a commitment (each chapter is often novella length or longer), has a fair amount of angst, and does include a timeline in which at least the TFA part of the sequels happened, but it’s well worth it.
The Don’t Look Back series (Like Fire in Our Bones, Blood of Our Father, and Duty Bound are the primary stories) by @this-acuteneurosis: Not long after ROTJ, Leia is grieving, having just lost Han, Luke, Chewie, and the droids while they were on a mission for the New Republic. Anakin Skywalker’s Force Ghost offers Leia a chance to go back in time to the person who could help her fix it all: a pre-AOTC Shmi Skywalker. When Leia and Shmi reconnect with Padmé on their way to Coruscant, they become part of refugee resettlement, political intrigue, Jedi business, clone rights, and much more. Includes some wonderful relationship-building with Obi-Wan and Anakin, Leia learning to deal with her power in the Force, Leia dealing with grief (or refusing to deal with grief, as the case may be), Leia trying to wend her way past Palpatine’s machinations, Threepio being important to the plot, some surprise help from Force Ghosts, Anakin getting some much-needed support, and Leia sassing a Sith Lord. Oh, and at some point you may find yourself shipping Leia and Obi-Wan (the OWK series is not canon in this story, just FYI). If you love Shmi or Padmé and the handmaidens, you will especially enjoy this series. The most recent fic, Duty Bound, is currently updating on a regular basis, but you should start from the beginning.
Shifting Sands by @chancecraz: TFA-era Leia is exploring a Force cave with Luke and ends up thrown back into TPM-era Mos Espa, where she meets Anakin and Shmi Skywalker prior to Padmé and Qui-Gon’s arrival. Told from different characters’ points of view, we see how Leia’s intervention with the two people she calls Old Man and Grandmother alters the prequel timeline and begins to change the Jedi’s approach to Anakin, their approach to the reemergence of the Sith, and Leia’s relationship with her own Force powers. Features wonderful characterization and perspectives from Mace Windu, Padmé Amidala, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and (coming up in the next chapter) Shmi Skywalker herself.
Fox and Leia’s Holiday Special by @yellowocaballero: This is a Tumblr-only fic that plays off another time-travel story by this author, Twilight on Owl Creek Bridge (which involves Clone Commander Fox and Leia connecting across time as Leia tries to avert her future and appears as a ghost in Fox’s present; also, Fox keeps waking up in the fountains in the Jedi Temple). In the Holiday Special, Leia is in prequel times and has managed to free Fox’s mind from Palpatine’s Dark Side programming and enlist him in her plot to assassinate his boss and prevent the rise of the Empire and the slaughter of the Jedi. But the recent changes in Fox -- including the fact that he is regularly seen willingly and happily interacting with a natborn Senator -- have not gone unnoticed by his clone brothers, who jump to some conclusions about his and Leia’s relationship. I love this little fic; it’s funny, tender, and has some wonderful things to say about how important a deep, platonic relationship can be, and how it can transform someone’s life. Also the power of office gossip to really throw things off.
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9. what is your favorite fanfic for the fandom?
I always love finding out about people's favourite fics!!! Especially when I really like their meta and takes its like premium reading list
Hiiiii ❤️❤️❤️❤️
If you like what I have to say about Star Wars, I have a feeling you will already have read a lot of these, but I've sorted out the best of the best. Some of these do fit the meta I post, and some don't at all... my guilty pleasures. Please read the tags on all of them on AO3 before reading!
your body's broken, mine is bent by objectlesson (Anakin/Obi-Wan)
A story that starts when Anakin is very young detailing him realizing he can hurt himself for attention, and later allow Obi-Wan to fall into harms way to be allowed to touch him too. I love the description and secrecy and shame in this. It all builds up so perfectly to the climax of the story and is so finely crafted. This is the fic that tipped me over the edge to start writing obikin fics of my own, and now I get to be friends with the author! I'm also obsessed with her other fics waking up beside you I'm a loaded gun, Untouched, and make them new born believers when it comes to cultivating the perfect obikin dynamic. Do not even get my started on abnormal obikin dynamic (Master Anakin/Padawan Obi-Wan)
The Jedi Code by draculard (Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan, Anakin & Obi-Wan)
Obi-Wan was sexually abused by Qui-Gon, this story covers how it affected him and how it complicates his ability to be Anakin's master. I especially like the scenes in this of Padawan Obi-Wan trying and failing to get along with his fellow Padawans -- the relationship he has with his master sets him apart from them in such a humiliating way. The ending of this is also so intense and had a huge affect on how I interpret certain scenes in Star Wars/OWK. The same author has a similar fic called The Living Force, which I also love.
Penitentes Orate by Blaaake (Anakin/Obi-Wan)
A very sexy AU that I think about all the time -- Medieval Catholic monk Obi-Wan being manipulated by Anakin, who justifies that sex with him brings them both closer to God. I love all of the little details in this AU and the language in it is so so so good. Anakin is sixteen, of course. Obi-Wan having Catholic guilt goes exactly how one would imagine. This is another author that I'm so happy and so stunned that I get to be friends with! I also adore her non-AU fics Into the Fire and The Long Game. The perfect amount of guilt and OCD for Obi-Wan.
who do we call at the edge of night by hidden_humours (Anakin/Obi-Wan)
I read the first chapter of this at a crucial stage in the formation of my obikin dynamic. Anakin is such a little question asker in this, constantly manipulating and badgering Obi-Wan for more and more and more. Obi-Wan tries to hard to keep an appropriate professional relationship with his padawan, but Anakin is someone who tries to take what he wants and thinks he deserves it, on his seventeenth birthday no less!
What Tears Me Apart by mashimero (Anakin/Obi-Wan)
This is a short one, but very good. Anakin asleep next to Obi-Wan and rutting against him, Obi-Wan having feelings about it, and feelings about his feelings.
should you need to come undone by zaecula (Anakin/Obi-Wan)
Another fic that I read really early on in my obikin writing journey, and this one is bottom Anakin. Anakin is manipulative and ignores boundaries in it, which I love. Obi-Wan has been masturbating to the thought of Anakin since before he was willing to admit to himself what he was thinking, and he feels guilty about it. Of course Anakin eats it up.
like what i like by blahzarry (Anakin/Obi-Wan)
This is so outside of the dynamic/characterizations I ever write, but so sexy to me. Obi-Wan and Anakin have a weird brother/father/son relationship, but they talk about sex and they're like... womanizers together, for lack of a better word. I love to see Master/Padawan as titles being used in a BDSM way in universe, which is a big part of what this fic does for me. I love that they both have no boundaries in this, because you almost never get to see Obi-Wan let loose in such a way.
Sacred Things by LuvEwan (Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan)
Qui-Gon takes advantage of Obi-Wan in this fic, and he knows it. Obi-Wan wants him and Qui-Gon is unable to deny himself, even though he knows it's wrong. I'm not used to seeing/thinking about Qui-Gon guilt, so it's really interesting to imagine that he might have moments like this. And it's sexy.
Fifty Shades by RexIsMyCopilot (Anakin/Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon/Anakin)
This series and it's counterpart Three's Company are probably the furthest from my regular obikin dynamic that you could get, and yet, I await each update with bated breath. It's really interesting to see the universe that this author has built and all of the moving pieces in it. Above all else, it's sexy, what can I say? This is another person that I've had the pleasure of talking to on discord, and that makes me even more interested in these fics to see the community surrounding them. It's also fun to see how people with different characterizations of these characters still agree on lots of details, Anakin has autism in these fics. My favorite RexIsMyCopilot fic outside of those AUs is when things go wrong, don't go with them, because it tickles such a specific obsession (fetish) of mine.
Sticky by NightshadeSmoothie (Anakin/Palpatine)
Anakin with strange specific fetishes -- YESSS (described as erotic fascinations in the fic)!!! This fic does such a good job of exploring Palpatine singling out Anakin and indulging him to keep him close, basically grooming him. Anakin wants to possess and rip apart and debauch everything he loves, and Palpatine encourages it. He's the only real non-Jedi influence in his life, and he's bent on indulging him in ways the Jedi won't allow. I found this story while searching for specific fetish content, but it's greater than I could have ever imagined.
Die Happy by fatanakin (Anakin/Ferus)
This is the last one on the list because it's so out there, but it has to be included as one of my favorite fics because... well... it is. There are aspects of the kink in this that I don't normally enjoy, but that make sense in this fic because it's Anakin. He takes everything further than anyone else would, to the point of absurdity, there's no reason he wouldn't here, too. It does a very good job of capturing being very young and fixated on certain fetish aspects, which I think is something that will stick with Anakin for life. And, of course, I love it because it scratches a specific itch for me.
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cypanache · 10 months
For the fic asks:
1. Share a song that makes you think of [honestly, throwing it back old school to any of your Parks fics, but also whatever you're currently excited about working on]
17. What’s something you’ve learned about while doing research for a fic?
1. A song that makes me think of an old school Parks fic or something I’m currently excited about working on …
First, can I just say that I love your optimism that my aging brain can even remember the songs I used for Parks fics …
But you’re in luck. Because when I wrote All Roads Lead to You, I did it in one day while watching Adam Scott in The Vicious Kind and even though his character there is an asshole who has no remote relationship to Ben Wyatt there is something about his self destructive vibe that completely imprinted on my brain for post-IceTown Ben.
There is a song in the climax of that movie that consequently became the theme song for All Roads and I wound up playing on repeat for the rest of the night as I obsessed over that fic so it’s permanently burned in my brain
On the current works front … I’m going to give Countdown a little love for a moment and go with this one which is sort of the theme song of chapter 5 right now.
17. What’s something you learned about while doing research for a fic?
So interesting point, I will 100% research my in universe stories far more than I ever will my AUs. I approach every AU I write like I’m building a world out of whole cloth and freely take the license that affords me. What that means for something like Star Wars is that I have now watched all the movies, TCW, and OWK multiple times. Checked out comics from the library, spent countless hours on Wookipedia and read fanfic across multiple pairings to get a clear sense of events, details, and crystallize my specific interpretation of the characters in a way that felt consistent. And then promptly turned around for my Bridgerton AU and researched inheritance, leaseholds and how elopements work for like 90 minutes before deciding fuck it if Shonda can do a history adjacent period piece… I can make regency Stars Wars fanfic do what I want.
All of which is to say, I wish I had a more interesting answer to this question other than the one I’m about to give you. But I honestly did the most research on real things for Snapshots and did you know that Ben’s job in that (director of local government finance) is actually a real thing in Indiana government? Yes that’s an exceedingly boring answer. Sorry.
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if one thing had been different
"Ben!” The child– the small girl who reminded him so much of Padmé in personality and Anakin in looks– called out his name as her little hands pressed over his unruly beard and weathered cheeks. “Ben! Hello?” She called his name again. He swallowed and let his vision come back into focus. 
“Leia?” He asked right back and used his trembling hands to remove her hands from his face.
 Or, Leia and Obi-Wan after Part II of Obi-Wan Kenobi. (750 words, emotional h/c, OBI-WAN KENOBI SPOILERS)
There was only one thing flowing through his thoughts, and it was the only thing he could see in the small girl who crouched before his eyes. Anakin. 
He’s been alive– these ten year now, he has been alive. A tool of the darkness. 
Obi-Wan needed to vomit, but Leia was in his way, so he swallowed the urge and averted his eyes. 
Something like regret, panic, horror, sorrow , burned inside his chest. How long had it been since he had thought about his former Padawan? Not an hour, not a minute . Not a day passed where he did not think of how Luke’s life would have been different, and now he was faced with another small child who bore the same fate. 
“Ben!” The child– the small girl who reminded him so much of Padmé in personality and Anakin in looks– called out his name as her little hands pressed over his unruly beard and weathered cheeks. “Ben! Hello?” She called his name again. He swallowed and let his vision come back into focus. 
“Leia?” He asked right back and used his trembling hands to remove her hands from his face. 
“Are you alright?” She asked, and Obi-Wan's heart pounded as he realized she was genuinely concerned, the little creases of her face so much like Anakin’s when he, as a twelve-year-old boy, had found Obi-Wan lying feverish in their shared quarters. 
“I’m– I am fine. A-are you?” He attempted not to allow his voice to falter, but the adrenaline still coursing through every vein of his body would not let him. His answer seemed to satisfy the small girl and she smiled wryly and attempted to pull him to his feet. Obi-Wan stood and patted the top of her head gently in thanks, though his surely bruised ribs caused him to wince as he stumbled to his feet. 
“Yes! We did it! My father sure should have sent an army with you, we barely made it.” There it is, the Skywalker sound. 
Perhaps it would have made Obi-Wan smile, if he had not suddenly become aware that Anakin was still alive, his mind still consumed with the lies of the Sith and the darkside alike . 
“We made it nonetheless, Princess.” He managed with a ghost of a smile. Leia glared for a moment. 
“Like I said, it’s Leia. ”
“Well Leia , I think we need to rest for a moment. We must regroup.” He winced again as he moved forward, and against his will, a little whimper pushed past his lips.
“Are you… are you sure you’re okay?” Leia asked from behind him as he took another step toward the bench fastened to the wall. Though the medkit was hung on the opposite wall of the cabin, he needed to sit. He spun around for a moment to catch the young girl’s wide eyes. 
“You already asked that.”
“Well… you are bleeding. ” Obi-Wan was confused before remembering the hit he had taken to the face just a short while before. He brought a trembling hand to his mustache and shook his head as his fingers came away wet with blood. 
“I suppose I am.” He whispered.
“Let me get the medkit for you. Go sit down before you fall over– I don’t think I can pick you back up.” She bounded away, standing on her tiptoes to reach for the medkit. It was such a familiar, yet nostalgic sight. The inflection, the age, the little tinge of cheekiness. 
“Leia, I’m sure I can manage myself.” He started, but he soon shushed as he grabbed the medkit and held it proudly in her arms.
“No, you can’t. I already got it myself anyway.”
So Obi-Wan did as he was told– by the ten-year-old – and let himself sit and lean against the metal wall. She brought him the medkit with an offering of a small smile and sat next to him with little dangling legs hanging from the bench as he sorted through the kit and located some gauze and a vile of bacta. 
“Thank you, Leia. You’re very smart… and I’d say intuitive. Stubborn too, like I said before, but that can be a good thing.” He said as he began to wipe at the sore underside of his nose to remove the blood. 
“Well, thanks. I learned it from my father.” Obi-Wan knew that Bail Organa was stubborn too– he had learned this from a mission to Zigoola so long before– but the words still stung knowing the truth. Anakin had been just as stubborn and headstrong.  
“Indeed you did,” was all Obi-Wan could say.
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impressionism · 2 years
Not me finally sittin down to write another installment of my series but a cute little baby involved. I would like to thank all the new upcoming content we’re getting with the OWK doc and the beginning of virgo season (I’m a rising) and mars being in gemini, causing my spastic nature to go into overdrive.
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