#owl house 90s au
purblethinkin · 2 years
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what if we were in a 90s anime and we were witches in gangs?
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akozuheiwa · 2 years
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“Hey, Dad. I’m back.”
Now that I’ve figured out who’s who in this AU I had to do another redraw. Also to cope with “Thanks to Them” because I’m still SUFFERING.
Anyway, featuring from left to right, Aja as Willow, my OC Alex as Amity, Douxie as Luz, Krel as Gus, and Steve as Hunter!
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josephsaturn · 2 years
Lil’ unfinished oneshot for Help From The Shadows, specifically based on the second image.
Well, Warden Wrath was a bust.
Luz growled as she and King ran through the hallways of the Conformatorium, effortlessly blasting through any coven scouts in their way.
She couldn’t believe that he drew them such an awful map!
She could barely read anything on this darn thing!
…Crikey, was Eda even here?!
Or was she being kept in, like, some Emperor’s Coven-exclusive, secret dungeon or something?
King and her probably ran the entire length of this stupid prison by now!
Then, Luz tripped over something.
She wasn’t sure what it was, but all that mattered was that now, she was on the floor.
“Luz!” King shouted as he ran towards her, helping her up. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine, King,” she said, patting his paw on her shoulder, but right as she was going to continue, something on the ground caught her eye.
It was…another eye.
It stared up at her, pinkish iris boring it’s way into her own brown ones.
“Uhh…Luz?” King worriedly said, pulling her attention from the eye on the ground, and when she looked up, she saw
The dimly-lit hallway was covered in still-sprouting eyes, all shapes and sizes,
all staring at her and King.
“Uhhh…O-Kay…” Luz managed to say as she began to back up slightly.
Looking over at King (who was currently half-hidden behind her), he seemed to have the same idea.
She looked back down at the eye on the ground, and noticed something new:
A petite hand, just visible in the dim light, open for her to take.
She was about to take it, before King stopped her with a “Wait!”
“What?!” Luz answered, staring back at her companion, a little angrily.
“Wh-what if this is a trap by the emperor? What if we end up dead? O-Or worse, petrified?”
Luz pursed her lips, looking away.
“What if we don’t, King?” She said softly, “What if this is the quickest way to finding Eda?”
The two of them stayed silent for about a minute, not looking at each other, before Luz felt a slight weight on her side.
King had grabbed her shoulder.
Luz grinned at him. Turning back to the shadow, she fixed her best glare at the eye underneath her.
“Will you take us to Eda?”
The eye bobbed up and down, and moved the hand closer.
Luz brought her hand up, but hesitated. “If this is a trap, just know that I’ll make the largest light glyph I can and kill you.”
She slapped her hand down.
The shadow receded down the corridor, pulling her with it.
“W-Hey!” Luz yelled as she and King (who was just screaming) were dragged with the shadow, “Wait a second!”
It took a couple of tries, but eventually, she was running with the strange shadow instead of just being dragged along with it.
Eventually, the hand let go, and the inertia kept Luz running for a few more seconds, coming to a stop outside of an enormous locked door.
Luz looked up at the eye-filled shadow, before looking down to King, who simply responded with a “Weh!” And began watching the corridor.
Moving towards the lock on the door, Luz placed an ice glyph, freezing the lock, then watching as the weight of the thing caused it to crumble. Luz threw the door open, and looked inside.
The room was dark and full of torture devices, with only a single window illuminating it.
And, chained directly under the light was the unmistakable silhouette of-
“Eda!” Luz shouted as King sprinted towards the currently bestial witch, Weh-ing the whole way. But Luz stopped.
Looking back towards the shadow, she sighed.
“Thanks. Seriously, thanks.” She said, letting a small smile bleed into her expression, before running in to save her mentor.
The shadow closed its eyes, and receded to its partner.
“Now listen here, Golden Guard,” Kiki spat, pacing in front of said figure, “you may be The Emperor’s second-in-command, but for right now, you work for me, and as such, you’ll do what I say down to the letter.”
“Yes, Kikimora,” The Golden Guard said, standing ramrod still on the petrification platform.
“That’s yes ma’am to you, boy.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“That’s better. Now, I have some business to attend to, so if you don’t mind, stay here, would you? Wouldn’t want any riff-raff getting…ideas.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
As Kiki walked away, Hunter rolled his eyes behind his mask.
Geez, and coven scouts call him the insufferable one.
But, nonetheless, Emperor Belos had insisted he help Kiki out with The Owl Lady’s petrification, so who was he to say no?
Let Kiki have her power trip.
This’ll be the only time she’ll have a higher position than him, anyway.
At that moment, Hunter felt the telltale shifting that always came with his shadow returning to normal form.
He looked around. Coven scouts were preparing, Kiki was bossing a captain around, and nobody was paying attention to him. He sighed, then began to speak.
“There you are.”
His shadow shifted in front of him, the silhouette gaining a single eye with a pinkish iris.
“Where have you been?”
The eye stared up at him, unblinkingly.
“The Owl Lady’s Cell? Did you spot anyone near it??”
The eye blinked.
Hunter relaxed slightly. “Good. The last thing we want today is her getting loose.”
The silhouette nodded.
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phenphoenix · 2 months
I couldn't help myself and made synopsis for each episode for your AU. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fJCQ9YW3XRa6JU4QKzpjw2-fz1o4P5fEl1GjKXKzU1w/edit?usp=sharing
Agree with my ideas or not, I had fun. Hope you enjoy.
Like 90% of this is exactly what I would do in this AU (as well as match my already existing notes) there are a few major things I'd do differently (like ep.3 with it being Charlotte instead of Anthony who goes. And then in ep.8 have it be Sera who dies instead of Emily. I'm sure there are a couple more but those are the major ones I remember rn)
Still!!! Adore this and tysm for taking the time to make a spreadsheet (madlad/pos), ALSO the comparison to Eda and lillith(the owl house) between lillith and Sera??? Fukin gold ur a genius.
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that-mr-e · 3 months
Fanart of 10 of my favourite characters from 10 9 of the fandoms i'm in
Cole (human au) - Lego ninjago
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Amity (time skip) - The owl house
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Henry (human au) - Thomas and friends
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Sunbursts - My little pony
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Logan - Sanders sides
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Amethyst - Steven universe
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Iono - Pokémon
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Pidge - Voltron
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Aziraphale and Crowley - Good omens
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I couldn't choose between Aziraphale or Crowley so i drew both 😭
But to keep with the theme "10" i want to give an honourable mention to the show that currently takes up 90% of my thoughts,
BBC Ghost
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jojojooo33 · 6 days
Owl House AU where Eda and Lilith are born a few years later, for no reason except I think it would be fun if they got to play 90s era video games as teenagers
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ouatnextgen · 4 months
Any headcanons for the next gen?
Finally can answer! Sorry this took so long lmao. These are just a bunch of random headcanons
Reblogging for the update that Alice is now Hope's sister.
He loves baked goods, especially when they’re baked by Regina, and has a strange love of Mountain Dew, which grosses everyone out
He got his first tattoo, the exact same lion tattoo that Robin had, in the exact same place,  when he was twelve, thanks to Little John, and Regina almost fainted when she found out. 
He inherits his father’s arrows, rings, and wardrobe, while his sister gets his bow. Before he died, Robin made Roland his very own bow, and that is the one he uses
His biggest secret is that he doesn't want to lead the Merry Men, like his father before him; he wants to be a baker
Surprisingly squeamish. Doesn’t do well with blood or guts
90% of his Storybrooke wardrobe is flannels
He likes camping, hiking, and just generally being outside
Is a pretty good singer, and knows how to play the acoustic guitar
His favorite season is autumn
His favorite color is red
They have survived solely on food from Granny’s Diner and coffee since they graduated high school
They actually work at Granny’s Diner, pretty much doing Ruby’s job after she moved to Oz.
In several instances, they had managed to convince many small children that the pink streaks in their hair are 100% natural
Can wield a dagger pretty well, but is a self-proclaimed “runner” and not a fighter
Most of the graffiti around Storybrooke can be attributed to them
Though they’d rather die than admit it, they really like doing so-called “feminine” hobbies like knitting, sewing, and crocheting. They are very proficient at all three
Got a tongue piercing at 12:01 am, the very day that they turned eighteen
They play the bass, and dream of starting a garage band
Their favorite season is summer
Their favorite color is pink
Really likes spicy foods. Or foods he can dump gallons of hot sauce on. He pretends to be a tea drinker, but really can’t stand the stuff
Secretly loves country music, but knows that his friends would crucify him if they found out
His least favorite subject in school is English, because he feels like he gets interpretations of stories “wrong” somehow. Math is easier because it’s “straightforward”
He’s a guard on the school football team
Somehow, he’s also senior class president and has a 3.89 GPA
Since in this AU, Regina turned down the offer to be queen in favor of Snow, Leo is next in line for the throne (Emma opted out)
Can’t do archery for shit, but is great at fencing
He likes to babysit his brother and other neighborhood kids
His favorite season is spring
His favorite color is indigo
He’s one of those people who only eats plain noodles with butter, and only drinks water if it’s ice-cold or flavored. Very picky.
He has dyspraxia, which is a disorder similar to dyslexia. It affects his movement and coordination functions (my little brother has this) so he is very prone to stumbling, dropping things, and just general clumsiness.
He’s a night owl. He tends to stay awake until three hours before he has to get up (“Three hours is enough sleep, right?”) which results in a lot of coffee consumption
He’s a member of the school drama club, and has performed in many plays and musicals
He’s really into urban area gardening, where he grows plants and food in tiny boxes around his house
His honorary aunt is Mulan, and she was the one who taught him sword fighting, archery, and helped him figure out that he’s gay
He likes to live in the moment, and do spontaneous things. He’d rather regret doing something than not doing something.
He has Alex sneak him into clubs sometimes, just to do something rebellious for kicks
His favorite season is spring
His favorite color is purple
Thanks to Regina’s influence, she loves apple flavored food
She got her glasses in her freshman year of high school. Before that, she just…moved closer to the board to see what was going on (I know in canon she only has her glasses when she’s cursed, but I like the idea of Robyn, the archer, needing glasses full-time, so here we are.)
She inherits Robin’s bow, and carries it around with her like a favorite teddy bear (when Robin comes back to life he teaches her how to make her own bow)
She longs to escape Storybrooke and travel the different realms, like Henry
She loves the outdoors like Roland, but not quite as much.
Her magic is chaotic and wild, like her personality
She’s on the school soccer team, and kicks everyone’s ass
The only jewelry she ever wears is a ring her mother got for her
Her favorite season is summer
Her favorite color is green
Has a weakness for seafood, and regularly drinks tea
He’s a math nerd, and is on the school’s mathlete team
Unsurprisingly, he loves to read. Fiction or nonfiction, he doesn’t care. He’ll read five books a day if Belle lets him.
He also likes video games, but is very bad at them
He’s on the autism spectrum
He likes keeping journals, and keeps several personal journals, study journals, and doodle journals
Since his magic is inherently dark, he doesn’t like to use it much. If he does need to use magic, it can trigger memories from his time as the Black Fairy’s puppet to come back in the form of nightmares
He wants to be a therapist when he grows up, and maybe publish a book or two
His favorite season is winter
His favorite color is orange
She loves to eat things with marmalade, and even just marmalade straight from the jar. And she’s british…so tea is life
She has a mental illness (canon never gave her a proper diagnosis), and takes prescribed medication that helps her symptoms. When she has "bad days," Robyn, Hope, and their parents know how to help her.
She loves the idea of dying or putting streaks in her hair, but she’s slightly worried she’ll regret it later on, so hasn’t tried it yet
She still loves to paint, doodle, draw, and basically anything artsy. 
She loves to play chess with her father, and other, more modern board games with her friends. Her favorites are Candy Land, Battleship, and Monopoly.
She rarely uses her light magic, and only to protect people. Emma trains with her regularly
She will stay awake into the wee hours to go stargazing, and loves astronomy, star mapping, and even the zodiac signs (she’s a proud Aries)
Even though she’s never officially sailed a ship, she knows the inner workings of how to do it so well, she might as well be a sailor
Her favorite season is summer
Her favorite color is teal
Her favorite food is literally just cheese
She is on the autism spectrum
She has a special interest in swords, which results in a large sword collection, and a bunch of useless sword facts
She also has a special interest in dancing, which results in her now knowing a few books worth of dances, both modern and classical
She’s on the school dance squad (see above)
She likes to go sailing with Killian and Alice
Her favorite piece of jewelry is the swan necklace her parents gave her
Going to the beach calms her down, and she listens to ocean noises to fall asleep
Her favorite season is summer
Her favorite color is navy blue
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tartsinarat · 5 months
new owl house oc
Sooooo here’s Nimbus, I wrote out his concept a while ago but I haven't been able to draw him until now.
Hes a sheep... WITH A DARK SIDE...
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nah but seriously though despite Nimbus's edgy rebel style he's actually a sweetie with a heart of gold that has his head up in the clouds 90% of the time and I love him for that
my voice headcanon for him is Marshall lee from adventure time.
He's apart of Hexside's Human Appreciation Society and is the guy who supplies HAS with human music from cds that he buys off of from Eda.
His favourite genre of human music is 80s glam rock
Nimbus is apart of the golden heir au as well but isn't really part of the main cast until much later in the events of the au.
In regards to Nimbus's role in the au, he and Pip are partners in chaos who often meet up to either cause mischief or practice for the band they're planning on creating together for the infamous battle of the bands (in the boiling isles, its a literal battle tournament between bards to show off their skills and I will definitely draw that as a comic at some point.)
alsoooo though Nimbus and Pip just really good friends at the beginning, in reality Pip has a massive crush on Nimbus that later gets revealed to be mutual... but this isn't revealed until massive amounts of angst happens >:)
au masterpost for funsies
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purblethinkin · 2 years
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a rose is a rose is a rose
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Twenty Questions to Ask a Writer
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Currently 70. Including 3 unfinished WIPs
2. What's your total A03 word count?
128,508 according to stats
3. What fandoms do you write for?
90% Star Trek. I will occasionally write other stuff, and I had wider interests when I first started writing, but all I've been interested in writing for the past year is Star Trek.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
First: Harry Potter and the Unexpected Ability to Socialise (Hp, gen)
Second: Breaking the Temporal Prime directive. (ST:LD x ST:SNW, gen) https://archiveofourown.org/works/49712530
Third: The Weasley Twins V/S the World (HP, gen)
Fourth: Secrets that Hide in the Light. (St:SNW, F/F) https://archiveofourown.org/works/49372045
Fifth: Rescuing Una (ST:SNW, F/F)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes always. I love having conversations and I love knowing what people think. (Sometimes I take weeks and weeks to reply. I am forgetful but I usually will reply eventually.)
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Everything in my series "To Die a Million Meaningless Deaths." (ST:TNG, 5 works)
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most my romantic fics end happily. But in terms of the happiest ending compare to the start, I'd go with "The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same" (ST:SNW, F/F) https://archiveofourown.org/works/49924192
8. Do you get hate on fics?
When I was on FFnet in the dark ages yes. On AO3, only from the Harry Potter Fandom.
9. Do you write smut?
Mostly fade to black or yearning but it's been known to happen.
10. Do you write crossovers?
Crossovers within star trek, yes.
Most other crossovers are usually just stories where I'm using the setting/themes of one world with the characters of another. So not in the actual sense.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Back in the dark ages yes. Plus I'm sure AI has scrapped all my words and more.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I'm aware of.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes many. One has been finished and published. "Understanding Lilith" (Owl house, gen) https://archiveofourown.org/works/54627781/chapters/138424342
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
All star trek charcacters; Una/La'an, Christine Chapel/T'Pring, Beverly Crusher/Jean Luc Picard, Seven/B'Elanna/Harry, B'Elanna/Harry, Jadiza/Kira.
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Harry Potter and the Unexpected Ability to Socialise.
I started writing it to get back into fanfiction, but I didn't finished it before I divorced the fandom. I can't bring myself to write in the world of such a hateful bigot.
Also I started to write in present tense for Star trek and it's pretty impossible to switch back.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Inserting random world building and keeping characterisation close to the original when writing AUs.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Discribing things, remembering to add in the background details visual people expect. (I've got aphantasia lol)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Good luck to those who try. I don't know know another language well enough to ever publish the attempt.
But somewhat related, I enjoy messing with the universal translator in my stories.
19. First fandom you wrote for
Either Harry Potter or Voyager.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
It's a tie between "Secrets that Hide in the Light" (https://archiveofourown.org/works/49372045) and "Off-putting Missions and False Alarms" (ST:SNW, gen, Una & Pelia) (https://archiveofourown.org/works/53742529)
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Okay here we go, sublimating all sideblogs into One Blog to Rule Them All.
Hi there. This is an intro post.
I live in London and I am an adult who is very tired and has a borderline criminal relationship with potatoes. I speak English and Korean. I speak Welsh too, but very badly. I like podcasts, TTRPGs, 8hr video essays on video game lore/the Byzantine empire, and mythology/early literature. I am very scared of mushrooms.
I like to write. I post the fanfiction that I write over here.
You can ask me anything here.
Here are some things I have written that you might like:
Baldur's Gate 3
Something in the Static - E
The lanceboard of the gods is set; the pieces laid out. The world will be toppled; the cult of the Absolute will win.
Or it would win, if a discarded piece had not been returned to the board...
Years after fleeing demons in the underdark, a very dead paladin has woken up with a tadpole in her eye, a gaggle of party members who don't realise they shouldn't listen to her yet, and several unanswered questions in her head.
And Shadowheart wonders why nobody else seems to realise that their new leader can't go five minutes without lying.
[Tav/Shadowheart] Themes: humour, queer found family, what is morality?, can evil gay nepobabies be redeemed?, recovery from abusive power dynamics, religion as a tool of violence Playlist: lots of Hozier Standout comment:
I don't know if this makes sense, but this chapter has the inherent eroticism of Orpheus looking back.
The Locked Tomb
Lord Send Me a Mechanic If I'm Not Beyond Repair - T
The last gasps of a dying people who do not know they are dying.
(In the last days before the end, as you scroll through your phone and never realise it is ending.)
Themes: humour, existential dread, i had to take a screenshot of the daily mail for this pls be nice, gay little streamers Standout comment:
This was terrifying, thanks
The Owl House
Cardinal Song - The Owl House - G
As the dust settles, Hunter finds himself struggling at the reveal of Luz's new palisman.
But someone else knows what he's going through.
Themes: grief, my lil experimental phase Standout comment:
First of all, how dare you?
Heir to the Jedi - T
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...
As a dark empire's shadow stretches over the galaxy, Luz Noceda, a Force-sensitive mechanic is picked up by Jedi-in-hiding Eda Clawthorne. Knowing that rebuilding the Jedi order may save the universe, Luz finds herself on a collision path with the emperor and his dark forces. She can save the rebellion and save the dream...if she can find them.
[lumity] Themes: the star wars eu is good actually, i would write a very expensive star wars trilogy, can evil gay nepobabies be redeemed?, grief, what is morality?, queer found family, PTSD Playlist: lots of female vocalists Standout comment:
Oh no. The urge to make this fic my whole personality rises
Heart Streamer - G
When the Gravesfield Rainbow Society starts a fundraising drive, Luz agrees to run a 24hr stream of obscure '90s GameBoy Game Azura Staff of Light Quest: Radiant Monsters. The twist? The AI will be controlled by another player and she's got just the right person in mind: mysterious Azura streamer WitchChick128.
When the chips are down, will Luz's free-thinking ways help set another person free? Will the Gravesfield Rainbow Society make enough money to host at least one panel on LGBTQ rights this year? And just what other fundraising shenanigans will Gravesfield be subject to?
[lumity] Themes: humour, queer found family, gay little streamers Standout comment:
Poggers AU!
Golden - T
When self-assured teen Luz Noceda finds herself in the Boiling Isles, she knows she's got a lot to contend with. Luckily, she's got friends to light the way!
Even if one of those friends is the ward of the Emperor himself. [lumity] Themes: queer found family, can evil gay nepobabies be redeemed?, religion as a tool of violence, grief, PTSD Standout comment:
I had to walk to the opposite end of my house so I didn't try to strangle Odalia through my phone, holy shit.
Make My Home Inside Your Heart - G
It's been ten years since Luz came through the portal. Now she and Amity are expecting their first child. And Odalia wants to throw a little baby shower.
What could go wrong?
[lumity] Themes: queer found family, anxieties, one day i will be a better parent than my mom, PTSD Standout comment:
I needed something soft and by gods I found it
Dimension 20: Fantasy High
Gilear, Inc - G
Gilear attempts to set up his own side hustle. The Bad Kids help.
Themes: one big bad kids family Standout comment:
perfect blend of heartwarming characters and ridiculous goofs
Captain America
Class Pass - G
Sam buys Steve a class pass. Steve tries out some martial arts he didn't have in the 1940s.
Themes: steve rogers as a vessel through which i could channel my hyperfocus on mma
I Could Do This All Day - M
Bucky takes care of pre-serum Steve after an attempt at sex doesn't work out so well. [stucky] Themes: im very bad at writing gay man sex but by god i will for stucky
Life is Strange
Welcome Home - Life is Strange - E
"Okay Max, the next entry in her journal started. So you want to fuck your best friend." | Post bae over bay ending, Max finds herself in need of Chloe.
[pricefield] Themes: voyeurism, comfort
Sleep - G
After being freed by Lilith, Athena can't (or won't) sleep. Janey has the answer.
[jathena] Themes: comfort, PTSD
ok i love u bye
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heres navigation idfk
Under 18s and those who don't like nsfw, i kindly point you to this child friendly exit! Go on git!!!!
I don't post nsfw but i do reblog them so beware of that
OTGW & OFF trash contribution i made
(90% beast x woodsman)
first time drawing them
first beastwood
more beastwood + a bit of LIMBO
first ask
beastwood animation
second ask
third ask (beastwood cringe AU)
beast for dinner
fourth ask
fifth ask
sixth ask (beastwood)
seventh ask (animatic)
eigth ask (beast housedemon)
MORE beastwood + a bit of OFF
small beastwood + bit of OFF
BIT of beastwood + more OFF
beastwood cringe AU
OFF fanart, but there are tiny beast & woodsman
ninth ask (beastwood)
tenth ask (beastwood)
bunch of requests (beastwood)
mostly OFF but tiny beastwood
more OFF
mainly for fellow woodsman x beast comrades out there in case they revive and get jumpscared by my cringe radiation 🤡
im too lazy to put navigation for my other art. if you manage to scroll past all the otgw and off stuff, you'll see fanart for trigun, the owl house (like just 1 post lmao), rain world (1 post too, made more but too lazy to post here), invader zim, green eggs and ham (1 post)
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jess-the-vampire · 2 years
its funny your the only person ive seen that has managed to make a swap au about the owl house that works
eh i wouldn't knock anyone else out, i've seen plenty of other interesting ones as well.
for me i just think it's a little easy to just slap belos's face on eda and call it a day, because the screenshot edits are fun, and there's nothing wrong if you want to do something like that and keep it simple, some of those are really cute and creative....i just tend to think it's more interesting to think of it outside of just the swap itself.
Like how would this character react in this other character's shoes? Would they do the same stuff? Would their relationships be the same? What if their setting better fitted them in canon? What if you considered this from the show?
I think the best kinda swaps for me, and the ones that really stand out, are the ones who think outside the box, you keep the base of a swap au but make it more then just the swap in itself and think more deeply about the characters your swapping.
Especially if you want the au to have longevity, i would know, i have a couple star vs swap aus of my own, one was so canon divergent it got it's own fic but the other was mostly just the simplified swaps and that makes it hard to do new material unless i get creative. (I'd love to get back to it soon if i can come up with a good idea)
i'm more likely to remember a swap au that is an amity/hunter swap au where emira and edric are older guards alongside her and amity's pressure on her comes from always having to prove herself and be the best, (Like getting both hunter and amity's motivations cleverly mixed in there) while she always gets picked on by her older guard siblings, then say...an amity/hunter swap where amity just takes hunter's role without any of that unique drama that ties back to amity in canon, and her siblings just take luz's place because well...i dunno the blight twins are popular ships for hunter.
People get invested in the unique drama your au can bring, that's the kinda content that really makes your au unique and people remember.
and again, if you wanna do just that, go right ahead, some people don't want something like that, but if you are looking to do something unique with it, then these are ideas to keep in mind.
And sometimes i think aus can be held back because some creators get too scared to try that stuff cause it might not work for people and i get that.
Remember, huntlow was like, a crackship, when i put it in, i mostly put it in because the idea i had to swap amity and willow just worked out super well and i really liked it...but i was constantly getting comments of people just.....assuming edric was my "amity" without any evidence because "They're popular so they must be together in your au".
And pretty much 90% of hunter/luz swap aus are goldric btw, which makes most of those aus hard to tell apart a lot of the time.
And that's well and good if that's your thing, but it didn't work for my au, this worked better for what i wanted to do.
i think it's important to get help if you need it, getting second opinions is great, but be confident in your own choices too, don't succumb to peer pressure if it doesn't work for you.
Arofam is just me doing what what works for me and having fun with putting these characters in unique scenarios and playing with the idea, it might not be for everyone but hey if it works for you and you like my takes on swap aus then thanks, i appreciate it.
swap aus can be really fun, arofam is an example of the kinda swap aus i personally really enjoy and i'm glad it's really stood out for people because that was partially the intention.
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barrenclan · 1 year
Which PATFW characters would be in the warrior cats fandom? And would any of them be in any other popular fandoms, like FNAF or Undertale?
I feel like I've answered similar questions to this before, like their favorite TV shows or something. But also, in human/anthro or whatever AUs, only the apprentices and a couple adults would've interacted with Internet spaces.
I think that Daffodilpaw would be the only Warriors kid, by virtue of being a horse girl in elementary school and looking for other animal fiction. She also read Wolves of the Beyond. Now, she is a part of the Cartoon Network-esque fandoms, like Owl House and Steven Universe.
Pinepaw was madly obsessed with Undertale, and since he's younger than me in human years, this would've been when he was in elementary school, like 5th grade. One of his friends' older siblings was playing it when he went to their house, and he was hooked. He's embarrassed to admit now that he ran a moderately popular Undertale Q&A style blog in middle school. Now, he likes indie game (like Disco Elysium and Rain World) and comic (anything you'd get on the non-superhero part of a comic book store shelf) fandoms.
Asphodelpaw doesn't participate in fandom. She thinks it's cringe, and is desperately afraid of being cringe. She uses the Internet for social stuff.
Cormorantpaw is new to the Internet, and really likes horror games like Dead by Daylight and Resident Evil. He'll watch Let's Plays for hours if you let him. It's like a toddler with Cocomelon.
Egrettail was a big fan of things like Star Trek and DND in the early 80′s, and now chills running like, a very peaceful Facebook and Tumblr fandom page. She always checks out the newest cartoons if they look cool, and was big into Invader Zim and Gravity Falls. 
Slugpelt watched Evangelion and Cowboy Bebop in the 90′s and it changed her brain chemistry. She made wildly popular video edits and AMVs in the early days of YouTube and now refuses to ever speak of them. 
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ashtonisvibing · 1 year
🌸heyo, welcome to the trash heap!🌸
[plain text: heyo, welcome to the trash heap!]
wowie, you've managed to find my lil corner of this hellscape, incredible! might i offer you some sweets and hot chocolate?🍰☕️
icon made by @tunalover1
the normalcy au masterlist
my oc masterlist
🌸side blogs and tags🌸
[pt: side blogs and tags]
@mcdonalds-unofficial - yes, that's right, i do in fact run the unofficial mcdonald's blog. god i'm so cool (sarcasm)
@ashtonisreblogging - reblogging blog, don't gotta follow (the juicy stuff is here :}c)
#ashton is talking - tag i use for my personal posts that i make
#ashton is answering - tag for when i respond to asks sent in
#ashton is gaming - tag specifically for when i talk about video games
#ashton is drawing - tag for my drawings
#ashton is writing - tag for my writings
🌸who am i?🌸
[pt: who am i?]
the name's ashton, howdy! just your friendly neighborhood dude(tm) that somehow got the autism (and maybe ADHD on top of it). my pronouns are he/him and i only use masculine terms (dude, mr., handsome, etc.).
🌸what do?🌸
[pt: what do?]
i post my random thoughts, my drawings, and my writings! i primarily draw/write stuff for the jse/markiplier egos, sometimes dabble a little in sanders sides. i also will eventually get around to posting my ocs... of which i have far too many-
i also like to get asks, all kinds'a asks are welcome (except nsfw asks directed specifically at me, for i'm asexual). please ask me about my fanon egos especially i am looking at you with my autistic eyes to get you to do so
🌸drawing/writing requests🌸
NOTE: since my ipad's currently broken, i'm not taking requests for drawings since i literally can't draw (i'm a digital artist lol)
i take requests for art! no charge (since i literally can't take money right now lol, maybe in the future), if it's something i'm interested in i'll happily make something for it! just got a couple'a rule for taking requests, you know how it is.
just about any amount of spice is cool for fics, but i'll only do suggestive drawings (underwear, kissing in suggestive places, stuff like that)
considering my style, cartoon gore is totally cool, just nothing too intense or spooky. i'm just a silly lil guy :}
no incest, pedophilic, zooiphilic, or real person shipping requests (not really an anti, just stating boundaries)
an extension to that, no hate art. i hope knowing me makes this pretty obvious lol
be as descriptive as you want! genuinely! the more descriptions the better!! i don't care if it's an entire paragraph detailing what you want, i'll do my best to give it!
i'll probably add more stuff later if i think of anything else, but just as a last note i reserve the right to deny any requests if i'm not comfortable with it. but i hope with these rules laid out i won't have to do that :}
obviously, please be respectful when waiting for a request to be done! i am one guy who's probably got a LOT of executive dysfunction in him. trust me, if you're agonizing over the wait time, i'm agonizing x100. just gotta have a bit of patience with me please.
media i'll make art for (subject to be changed):
markiplier egos (writing, drawing)
jacksepticeye egos (writing, drawing)
hermitcraft (drawing)
life series (drawing)
sanders sides (writing, drawing)
hollow knight (drawing)
cult of the lamb (drawing)
undertale/deltarune (drawing)
🌸what like?🌸
[pt: what like?]
i have many various interests! some are special interests (SpIns), while some are just things i like. and it's 90% video games because i am a huge gaymer. anything listed in pretty red are my SpIns, so like- you can talk about them with me if you'd like👉👈
hollow knight
animal crossing: new horizons
celeste (the video game)
stardew valley
night in the woods
cult of the lamb
the owl house
markiplier/jacksepticeye egos (i also like mark's videos in general, but unfortunately i've fallen out of watching sean's)
sanders sides
the legend of zelda: tears of the kingdom
fionna and cake
life series
🌸sign off🌸
[pt: sign off]
welp, that should be about it! hopefully i didn't forget anything because that wouldn't be fun :'D
welcome to my trash pit and i hope you enjoy your time here!
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large-black-coffee · 2 years
Behold! The D100 of eebie deebie!
This was created on the twin spirit’s server as a group effort. :) 
Roll and chose where Ingo get’s transported to via Arceus
1. distortion world 2. gravity falls/ Anmphilbila 3. Kill la kill/ akame ga kill 4.blood blockade battlefront 5. Yugioh 6. Adventure zone/ time 7. N hospital 8. pmd universe 9.dead space/ skyrim 10. bugsnacks/ wii sports 11. Loz 12. cowboy bebop 13. Cats the musical/ pikmin 14. KHR/ homestuck 15. Percy Jackson 16. the owl house 17. Digimon / huntik 20. MLP (as a human) 21. lego / PETA game 22. batim/ meet bob 23. poppy playtime/  deltarune 24. SCP / accel world 25. SAO/ ben 10 26. fire emblem 27. amnesia / shovel knight 28. sims / alter ego 29.  soup store 30. genshin 31. SPMTTYD 32. romance club 33. hatoful boyfriend 34. super paper mario 35. SPG/ gumball 36. sonic adventure 2 (chai park??) 37. dollars/ scriblenauts 38. young justice 39. goose game 40. goat simulator 41. barbie/ diabolik lovers 42. winx 43. tataly spies 44. among us 45. wreck it wraph 46. Phineas & Ferb 47. Rangers Apprentice 48. nichijou 49. Bnha / smash bros 50. soul eater/ sesame street 51. the muppet show / marvel 52. thomas the tank engine 53. ARMA/ train sim 54. epic mickey 55. music universe (gloryhammer) 56. who framed rogger rabbit 57. slime rancher 58. shining nikki/ Pkmn randomizer 59. short ciruit/ men in black (give an out- alien theme) 60. another eden 61. epithet erased/ Portal 62. Half life 63. Fallout 64. ferry's lab zone au on yt / danganrompa 65. Dracula, dead and loving it / TF2 66. Ninjago 67. Quadratum kh4 / spirit tracks 68. Real life 69. Hisui 70. world ends with you / jojo's 71. cooking mama 72. no game no life/ fullmetal alchemist 73. who made me into a princess/ persona 74. blood blockade battlefront/ TMNT 75. orv/ generator rex 76. transformers 77. Danny Phantom / ace attorney 78. gregoru horror show / detective conan 79. hanako-kun/ magic kaito 80. alice in wonderland 81. That time I got reincarnated as a slime/ monsters inc 82. moomins 83. sailor moon 84. stardew valley 85. farm sim 2019 86. deal or no deal 87. taskmaster/ nintendogs 89. IRL pkmn centre NY or JAP 90. who's on first/ spirited away 91. angry birds/ Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron 92. cookie run/ splatoon (as human) 93. FNAF security breach (HOW-) 94. jorney 95. short hike/ warrior cats 96. Fly/ acnl 97. minecraft/ mario cart 98. trigun/ totoro 99. behind Arceus with a train 100. Home :)
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