#p5x theory
Theorising on p5x elements
Starting out with the ones im most confident in
we know this guy is garu cuz we see him use a garu spell in the trailer
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And similarly closer is basically confirmed to be zio cuz she’s A: yellow and B: has a lighting pattern on her metaverse outfits shoes
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Moving on too the less concert ones
I think p5x protag will be curse cuz he seems to be heavily inspired by joker so makes sense if there starting persona have the same element also his persona has a red/white colour scheme red is associated with cruse though he could also be bless
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Purely based off vibe and colour pallet i think this as of the making of this post unnamed character is bufu. Like bufu is associated more with blues rather then whites but she dose look like she has a blue hair ribbon? Might just be the bg and snow is white an all , could see bless too though or really any element
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The colour of there attack in piles bless but again based purely on colours I think it’s possibly the other unnamed trailer character is psy mostly cuz they are purple and they have a similar appearance to haru but bless is probably their element
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As for luffy uhhh garu and zio are out bless , cruse and bufu are potentially out so that leaves psy frei , agi and im leaning more towards agi his persona is red again bless is a possibility but despite that lack of evidence I feel pretty confident in luffy being agi
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 2 years
The 109 building is different!!!! Yes! I knew obsessing over this would pay off!!!! I bet P5X is on a different timeline!
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milkshake-999 · 8 months
Theory: The hooded man is Seiji. The age matches up with Seiji being a second-year in high school, and the black bangs look similar to his too. They both also have a blue color motif.
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p5x-theories · 5 months
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The stacked books in Bui’s room reminds me of the hikikomori concept art in the Persona 5 artbook.
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Yeah, there's definitely a similar vibe! Though it kind of looks like she's wearing a dress shirt, which sort of makes me think she's overworked at some kind of job, heh.
I wouldn't be surprised if they took inspiration from that concept art for Yui's real-world form and room! I'd be a little surprised if they gave her a Palace related to it, but I suppose they've been drawing parallels with each of the Palaces so far (lust and sport-themed Palaces for Kamoshida and Kiuchi, more traditional Japanese influence for Madarame and Miyazawa), so it's not too wild to guess they might have another hikikomori Palace as our fourth one. Though then I'd at least expect it to share the Egyptian or coding/technology elements of Futaba's Palace, probably? Or being some kind of tomb? I guess technology isn't too far away from video games, but those do still feel like distinct Palace themes to me.
Still, though, either way I'd also just be surprised if Yui's a Palace ruler. We do have the prior evidence that Kayo might also be a Palace ruler, but I really wouldn't expect them to do that with two different Confidants. That feels sort of like a one-time thing, haha. Then again, if they've changed it so Kayo isn't a Palace ruler, maybe that "opens up" the spot, so to speak.
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smolstarthief · 9 months
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Was inspired by this fanart by @feldsparite to do a quick edit of her. Enjoy!
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badlydrawndrawnings · 2 years
Got bored and decided to do a basic Wiki search of the new personas + new Velvet Room attendant name.
Jánošík (aka, Juraj Jánošík): a Slovak highwayman who robbed from nobles a la Robin Hood. His story is mainly known in Poland and the Czech Republic, and he is a symbol of resisting against oppression.
(Interesting that Wonder’s Persona is like Robin Hood. While that archetype of a person stealing from the rich and giving to the poor is a thing, considering one of Goro’s Persona is Robin Hood...maybe there’s a connection between them, or a hint of what this game and the world going to be about via Goro. Or not. Again, a common archetype. Wouldn’t be surprise by this, consider Atlus are jerks regarding Goro’s fate that is now just annoying.).
Awilda: A Scandinavian female pirate from the 5th century. The daughter of an Scandinavian king, Awilda got so impressed with a prince of Denmark, who was battling her at the time, she revealed her true identity and married him.
(That means for sure Arai is connected to the baseball man with the ‘Palace’. Desire. Still confused with the terminology at the moment. She’s might be a gender flip of Ryuji’s character and his arc. I hope that somehow, these two meet and talk to one another.)
Rob Roy: Full name Rob Roy MacGregor, he was a Scottish outlaw who partake in the Jacobite rising in 1689 (and others), and later became the head of his clan, watching and protecting cattle from raids. Rob Roy also had a feud with the Duke of Montrose at the time and robbed his cattle.
(Honestly speaking Rob Roy’s life is a lot to give the basic somehow. But at the very least I know why Luffy’s codename is now ‘Cattle’. I can’t find any connection between Rob Roy and owls though.)
Merope: A common name in Greek Mythology. One Merope for instance, was the queen of Corinth, the foster mother of Oedipus. Another Merope was a water-nymph. Another Merope was a princess who the hunter Orion was engaged with, and was later assaulted by. One last Merope to be mention here, is Merope of the seven Pleiades. The youngest of the seven sister, this Merope married the mortal Sisyphus, and thus became mortal herself.
(Looking at Merope’s official artwork, she lacks the well-known golden eyes of the rest of the attendants P3 onward. She’s has more in common with Belladonna, Nameless, and the Demon Painter. Okay, the last two don’t show their eyes, but Belladonna lacks the golden spark too! I think and hope Merope is someone to keep an eye on. hehe. eye on.)
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persona5xdragon · 8 months
This is my first post, just to let everyone know I only will upload the correctly coded All-Out Attack cut-ins, just for anyone who wants them. This is All of Beta 1, I'll do the others and future ones later; also was able to create these thanks to P5X Theories.
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just a shot in the dark, but…
looking at the design for “Leo”, with the classic superhero vibes it has going on, makes me wonder about how Yuki, Seiji, and Mont are meant to be perceived as characters
The P5X gacha pool is stated to consist of “cognitive manifestations” of the obtainable characters, which explains how the Phantom Thieves can just Be There without needing to be written into the story. Going off the translation that mentions the three of them being “publicly known,” it’s possible that Yuki, Seiji, and Mont are meant to be considered the same way – they’re not real people, they’re just cognitive manifestations of public figures.
Or, in other words: they’re gacha fodder lmao
This could explain why they got codenames that are just shortenings of their real names, rather than actual codenames like Wonder, Cattle, and Closer. With how dataminers have dug up alternate codenames for all three (Tembin, Comte, and Frost, respectively), it’s possible that they were originally meant to be fleshed-out characters before being relegated to a gacha-only existence.
With how the pacing of P5X seems to be following that of P5, populating the gacha pool with plot-relevant characters before their introduction in the story would be a pretty perilous move. Unfortunately, playable characters are often a bigger draw than weapons/etc, so the devs still needed something to get people paying for pulls. The Phantom Thieves were an easy option for this, since people already know and love them – they’re the perfect combination of nonessential and appealing! With the P5S assets for Wolf and Sophie that have been unearthed, it’s possible they’ll be getting thrown in the gacha pool eventually as well.
But hey, if your goal is to get players to keep spending money, pre-existing characters are only going to get you so far. You’re going to have to keep the gacha pool looking fresh and worthwhile somehow, and one way to do that is to keep chucking new characters in it.
(Granted, P5X is still in beta, so who knows how the final game will look. Yuki, Seiji, and Mont still have a chance to escape gacha fodder hell, and I hope they succeed!)
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gomaan · 1 year
the codenames of the "awakening" phantom thief
"WONDER" is a code name given by Rufel, meaning a mysterious fellow who can change various masks.
"CLOSER" is a baseball term, but Motoha chose it as her code name because it is similar to WONDER in that there are many other names for this word and it is used in multiple ways.
"CATTLE" is a code name given by Rufel himself, although the reason why it was named is not revealed at all.
As for Rufel's code name, it may be similar to the indefiniteness of WONDER in that it has multiple ways of being called, or in that it has a complex background.
CATTLE is one word for cow, but there are many other ways to describe a cow.
Besides, The thief "Rob Roy," who was the source of the CATTLE persona story, is a cattle dealer. CATTLE is also similar in pronunciation to the French word "Quatrelle" when pronounced in Japanese, which is another name for a car called "Renault 4. It is said that this is the car that Rufel transforms into. (From the Megaten wiki)
"SOY" also currently has no indication as to why the codename was named as it is.
The first reason that comes to mind is that the signature dish at the ramen shop where Shun worked, Asshoken, is "shoyu ramen" (soy sauce ramen).
But is that really all there is to it? Like the previous three, there may be an element of "mutability" or "multiple meanings" to the name. Soybeans are the raw material for a variety of foods and seasonings. For example, soy sauce, miso, tofu, soy milk, etc.
(But the truth is, this is in beta testing, so even the development staff themselves may not have completed the reason…?)
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amyfevernight · 1 year
fuck it, crack p5x theory time
There's a good reason why Kamoshida and Kiuchi look very much alike. They're related in some way. My closest guess is cousins or estranged brothers.
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arcsin27 · 2 years
until atlus and/or perfect games corrects me im holding onto the theory that p5x is about akechi wishing he could go back in time to undo everything hes done and have another chance at a normal life (with ren maybe? "if only wed met a few years earlier").
maybe as a disguise, a desire for a completely fresh start, or thats just what he looked like back then, akechi appears as a second year with shorter red hair.
akechi is wonder. they have a few minor visual similarities (black outfit with a high collar and red lenses over the eyes of the mask, and both their actual eyes are reddish). also, we know that wonder was responsible for some big "choice" that caught luffys attention. in this theory that choice was to either create or enter this new reality. this would also explain that rumor a while back that we're getting an akechi spinoff game
but the time travel (er i suppose dimension hopping, whichd explain the altered signs and landmarks around tokyo shown in the trailers) was unstable or it fucked up or something, and now time is all outta whack. a la spiderverse, the various times and universes are converging, and people from across existence are appearing in p5x's tokyo.
this is your gacha system. whos gonna pop outta the wormhole? buy currency and maybe the next arrival will be yosuke hanamura! or maki sonomura! or akihiko sanada as a sees member! or akihiko sanada as a shadow ops member! i mean, the universe is falling apart anyways, might as well take advantage of the cracks in reality and enlist some help from fellow experienced persona users if you can pull them from the lootbox.
im not sure about every detail of this headcanon though. would akechi remember the past year? was it a conscious choice or an accident? who sent him here? maruki? philemon? and why is his outfit so different from both forms we saw in p5?
also DISCLAIMER: i know this wont happen. wonder really doesnt look that much like akechi the longer i look at him. thisd be really dumb and out of left field (hell, as much as i love persona 2 innocent sin, that games universe hopping time travel shit was lowkey infuriating), and it relies heavily on the ending of another game that it clearly has very little to do with. im also not great with characterization and symbolism so its very possible and even highly likely that this plot would undermine a lot of akechi's personality and development in royal. like yknow not wanting to leave his true reality even if the other one can give him everything he wanted. so if this is the actual plot thatd kinda be terrible, this is more of a crack theory or really just a fun fanfic au idea :)
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monofox · 1 year
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jellyfish-grave · 1 year
I see everyone going crazy over the Crow card for P5X, meanwhile me:
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milkshake-999 · 2 months
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I have a theory.
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p5x-theories · 1 year
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Three new teammates were revealed in the new trailer! The top left doesn't look like anyone we've seen, and neither does the top right, but the middle one is almost without a doubt Tomoko, Motoha's friend that we met in the first beta!
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Same haircut, same glasses, same eyes, and they're both wearing pink... they're similar enough that I'd really be surprised if it wasn't her, honestly.
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 1 year
P5X (II and X and other numbers) Analysis
After seeing the whole “Persona II”......I have questions.
Is “Persona II” only for the Greco-Roman trio? Is it also for the OG Trio (Wonder/Closer/Cattle) too?
Is it “Persona 2″? (oh P5 with your P1/2/4 vibes kfjdsakfj) As in the roman numeral 2? (which is why it might only be the Greco-Roman trio)? Is it actually “Persona 11″ with the I’s representing 1, but we aren’t suppose to read it like Roman numeral 2 but instead two 1s together? (ro the Ii clan from the Sengoku era)? 
BUT NOW it’s got me thinking about P5X. Is this going to be another Danganronpa V3 bs thing??? (spoilers for DRV3)
Where V3 actually means 53′rd??? 
I swear to god I don’t think I can do this again. TT0TT Is P5X suppose to be like P510? (like P5 and followed by the roman numeral 10?) P50 (10*5)? P60 (omg P6? kljdsf 50+10)? P15 (10+5)? Or P29 (5 plus 24, “x” being the 24th letter in the alphabet). Or is it PEX (E is the 5th letter, x is the 24th). (wait PEX is also known as  Cross-linked polyethylene, Cross is in that!). 
X could be cross (someone pointed out how the last concert had a “cross road’s theme).......but I doubt it’s related to a pipe. lksdjflkjf
Of course X could mean an unknown value...... Or it could mean kiss (like Xs and Os jklsjlfa haha that’d be silly).
Or it could stand for the  Suzhou numerals  which is  〤.... Which is 4.... (wait P4????? My P4 senses just keep tingling with this game!). Which means it’s P54??? Or P9???? 030 Haha what if it is 2019? And the Whale...and it’s actually Persona Trinity Soul....haha.... TT0TT
Is it suppose to be “chi/𝜒” and not x? Persona 5 Key? Persona 5 Chi? XD We’re getting Kingdom hearts up in here, not just Danganronpa jdsakflj;f
It could be a multiplication symbol, but there’s nothing after it..... It’s like 5 times..... what? 0? Then it’s P0? Hahaha *sobs* Or maybe we haven’t seen the other “number” yet? Maybe it’s 5x5 (cause they are both P5 related) so it’s P25-
........................... P5 25th anni................................. is that.....is that it? TT0TT
Ok I ran through all my inane and insane possibilities. 
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