#luffy persona
Got bored and decided to do a basic Wiki search of the new personas + new Velvet Room attendant name.
Jánošík (aka, Juraj Jánošík): a Slovak highwayman who robbed from nobles a la Robin Hood. His story is mainly known in Poland and the Czech Republic, and he is a symbol of resisting against oppression.
(Interesting that Wonder’s Persona is like Robin Hood. While that archetype of a person stealing from the rich and giving to the poor is a thing, considering one of Goro’s Persona is Robin Hood...maybe there’s a connection between them, or a hint of what this game and the world going to be about via Goro. Or not. Again, a common archetype. Wouldn’t be surprise by this, consider Atlus are jerks regarding Goro’s fate that is now just annoying.).
Awilda: A Scandinavian female pirate from the 5th century. The daughter of an Scandinavian king, Awilda got so impressed with a prince of Denmark, who was battling her at the time, she revealed her true identity and married him.
(That means for sure Arai is connected to the baseball man with the ‘Palace’. Desire. Still confused with the terminology at the moment. She’s might be a gender flip of Ryuji’s character and his arc. I hope that somehow, these two meet and talk to one another.)
Rob Roy: Full name Rob Roy MacGregor, he was a Scottish outlaw who partake in the Jacobite rising in 1689 (and others), and later became the head of his clan, watching and protecting cattle from raids. Rob Roy also had a feud with the Duke of Montrose at the time and robbed his cattle.
(Honestly speaking Rob Roy’s life is a lot to give the basic somehow. But at the very least I know why Luffy’s codename is now ‘Cattle’. I can’t find any connection between Rob Roy and owls though.)
Merope: A common name in Greek Mythology. One Merope for instance, was the queen of Corinth, the foster mother of Oedipus. Another Merope was a water-nymph. Another Merope was a princess who the hunter Orion was engaged with, and was later assaulted by. One last Merope to be mention here, is Merope of the seven Pleiades. The youngest of the seven sister, this Merope married the mortal Sisyphus, and thus became mortal herself.
(Looking at Merope’s official artwork, she lacks the well-known golden eyes of the rest of the attendants P3 onward. She’s has more in common with Belladonna, Nameless, and the Demon Painter. Okay, the last two don’t show their eyes, but Belladonna lacks the golden spark too! I think and hope Merope is someone to keep an eye on. hehe. eye on.)
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otaku553 · 4 months
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Hi I am back at it again with the crossovers
Thinking very hard about the persona games lately,,,,,,
So I will admit this was just an excuse kind of to draw them modern au style with the shujin uniforms lmao I do not actually have concrete story ideas because while I do think luffy would definitely be team leader and probably a wild card I think if he were in the setting of p5 he probably wouldn’t get arrested just by sheer force of will (and probably ample amounts of legal help from high places given his family)
But thinking about it, the straw hat crew is about the right size for a persona team?? And they’ve got a navigator with Nami and everything! I think early game luffy would be a physical attacker with lightning immunity, zoro would have garu as a starting attack and slash attacks, and nami would have zio as a starting attack but mostly be geared towards support and navigation. Still no ideas what their actual personas would be though
I do want to expand on this with more of the team! I think it would be fun for Sanji to be a kosei student and franky, brook, and robin to be in their third year at shujin. Brook would definitely have some affinity for ice, but im not as sure about franky or robin. Chopper would maybe be homeschooled under Dr. Kureha and a year or 2 younger than the rest of the team
Anyways this piece is just a small proof of concept for what I’m visualizing in my mind lmao the designs aren’t finalized or anything. Do let me know if you have any ideas for their personas!
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junebugknight · 1 year
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(Chat icons made by auto-maraku)
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persona-game-info · 2 months
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P5X and P5 Phantom Thief crossover stickers
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roseofcards90 · 1 year
I love characters who are so fucking entirely devoted to the person/people that they love, that they would burn the whole world down and fuck everyone else over if it meant they could just save this one person/these few people that mean so much to them; they’re so little and minuscule compared to the scale of everyone else and humanity as a whole but it doesn’t matter to the person trying to save them, all they want is to have them be safe out of pure love for them. Is that selfish? Yes, but it’s also human at it’s core. Love is the whole point of it all like actually.
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ennaakat · 1 year
Persona 5 The Phantom X
All out attack cut in images
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iceddjelly · 2 months
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monkey d luffy!!
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beanghostprincess · 4 months
Guys is it weird to not want your loved ones to die
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utas-number-1-fangirl · 4 months
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People always talk about Luffy and Zoro, but look at these two! They couldn’t live without each other 😂
I love both the contrast between Luffy and Usopp and their strong bond!
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rough quick comic inspired by p5x-theories reblog clarification response to my tags.
luffy’s decision of stuffing himself inside the school bag is funnier.
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p5x-theories · 6 months
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New official art celebrating the new year!
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weeb-polls-with-pip · 5 months
Autistic Anime Boys Side A Round 2 Match 9
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Luffy -
"Luffy is the most unlikely of characters in this whole series. He blithely moves through every circumstance presented to him and usually has a one tracked mind on food (specifically meat) and becoming king of the pirates. Even so he’s earned the love and loyalty of his crew mates for being who is truly is even if he also gets on their nerves for being so blunt sometimes or maybe not understanding the full severity of battle or violent encounter (but you can’t really blame him all the time if they still win right?) He’s a little goofball but can be serious when it’s necessary and even point out the hard truths when it can’t be avoided. All around he’s the best guy out."
Yuusuke -
"strangest man in all of persona. like 80% of his screentime is just him being a weird little dude. autistic besties with futaba (extremely autistic anime girl). also, for your consideration, i love him."
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persona-game-info · 3 months
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Day and Night
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okay so apparently the shiny new thing is much shinier and newer than I thought, here’s a rundown of what info I can find
The protagonist has no official name yet, as is typical. He’ll probably get an unofficial and official one later, much like Akira/Ren and the previous protagonists. His codename is Wonder.
His Persona is Janosik, presumably based off the Slovak highwayman Juraj Jánošík. Though the real Jánošík was understandably Just Some Guy (of the robber variety), his name has been attached to the concept of a folk hero comparable to Robin Hood – someone who steals from the rich and gives to the poor.
His design seems to be directly based off of Joker’s, to the point I’d wager that they probably share (or at least have extremely similar) model rigs. He wields a knife.
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Our little animal dude this time around appears to be an owl named Lufiel / Luffy. His codename is Cattle for some reason??
His Persona is Rob Roy, who takes on a distinctly mecha appearance for being based off a Scottish outlaw. Rob Roy, real name Robert MacGregor, became a folk hero within his own lifetime after a dramatized account of his life (The Highland Rogue) was published in 1723; MacGregor was 52 years old at the time.
Like Morgana, Lufiel’s appearance switches between “fairly normal animal” and “just a little guy” depending on which world he’s in. Also like Morgana, he can transform into a vehicle and transport the other main characters. He appears to wield tonfa.
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The third and final identified member of the main cast at the moment is Motoha Arai, codename Closer.
Her Persona appears to be Arveda, though don’t take that spelling to heart. Given the nautical-themed appearance, I THINK it’s based off Alfhild, Viking pirate and daughter of Geatish king Siward. When her father arranged for her to marry Prince Alf of Denmark, Alfhild ran and became a pirate instead, captaining crews of other female pirates and raiding along the Baltic coasts.
Ngl I’m pretty sure she’s the final form of that one untextured model found in P5′s data. God help me but I don’t know what to call her weapon, it’s a chain with a weight on the end?
☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★
Other stuff of note:
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A female student at Kiba Kokatsu Academy, which is the featured high school this time around. It’s unclear if this character will join the main team.
The design of a strange new app which, like the MetaNav, appears abruptly on phones, can’t be deleted, and allows access to a separate world.
New Velvet Room attendant! Her name appears to be Merope, breaking from the Frankenstein character naming convention the other Velvet Room attendants have followed.
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ennaakat · 1 year
Persona 5: The Phantom X current reveled characters
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The main character Code Name: Wonder
Persona: Jánošík
A second year student at Kiba Acaademy. His parents are currently traveling abroad so he lives alone
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Code name: Cattle
Persona: Rob Roy
A mysterious creature in the form of an owl that can speak human language and can transform into a van.
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Arai Motoha
Code name: Closer
Persona: Awilda.
A second year student and classmate of the protagonist's. Active and has a cheerful personality.
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The new Velvet Room attendant Merope
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honeyhueym · 5 months
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Yeah I hate Wonder too (photos of wonder fallout of my pocket) that’s not mine (photos of him a part of the Sakura family keep coming out from my pocket) uh guys that’s not mine
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