#padme fanfic
weixuldo · 1 year
Will You Stay// ch 2
Bi!Padme x F!Reader
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(a/n: finally updating this one haha, im still deeply in love w padme, but most of the demand is for the ani stories 👀)
your arrival on Coruscant brings new faces, old memories, and familiar danger
Warnings: Cannon typical violence, cursing
Years later, you and Padme became inseparable, you loved her and she loved you.
She grew to be a beautiful woman, her brown hair growing longer and her features sharpening; though, her beauty marks remained.
You were to accompany Padme to a meeting with the Jedi Council on Coruscant. You saw that she was rather excited to be in the governmental capital once more. You loved how passionate she was for democracy and freedom.
On the way, she told you the Jedi who helped her when she was stranded on Tatooine all those years ago would be there. You could tell she was looking forward to meeting him again.
Her memories of the jedi, Qui-Gon and his apprentice Obi-Wan were much more exhilarating than your memories of that time.
During that period, you had been sent to the planet Aalderan as a decoy for the Queen, that was one of the few times you had ever been separated from her. 
The elevator ride up was silent but she made sure to squeeze one of your hands for comfort.
Two men dressed in classic jedi robes came sauntering towards where you and Padme were waiting. One had longer orange-ish hair, a beard, and kind eyes, that must be Obi-wan. The other stood a bit taller and sported a shorter cut with a padawan braid tailing from the back. He looked a little younger than the latter and his eyes were filled with ambition. 
You noticed something you didn’t particularly appreciate about the younger jedi… his wandering gaze as he looked upon Padme.
He appeared enchanted, ravenous, and held a sense of longing, almost as if he was in love. 
As you examined the man further you had to admit, he was handsome.
His shoulders were broad and his jawline sharp. His deep blue eyes, a sea of emotion. You hated to admit it, but he had a beautiful face; the prettiest you had seen on a man.
As much as you hated how he looked at your lover, you hated the look on her face even more. You had seen that face before… the face of a woman who was intrigued.
After introductions you followed behind her into the lounge room, “I have a bad feeling about that one” you whispered into her ear.
You hoped it was just jealousy, but there was something a little off with that jedi.
Soon after the initial formalities, Padme and you finally retired to her suite. You proceeded with the normal duties of a handmaiden; undoing her dress, helping her take off her headdress, wiping the makeup off her face, all the while staying noticeably silent.
Her soft brown locks fell around her beautiful face as you undid her hair.
“Something’s troubling you, what is it my darling?” her sweet voice called as she rested a polished hand against your blushing cheek. 
Her warm brown eyes calms your nerves and you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. 
“I’m sorry m’lady, I’m just a little wary of the jedi men… there was something…off about the younger one.” you said, taking her hands in yours.
“Little ani?” she asked before letting out a small giggle. “He is harmless, I assure you he only means the best”. 
Not quite comforting for you…
She sighed as she noticed your rigid form, she placed a gentle hand on the side of your face and pulled you in for a kiss. 
“Y/N… It will be ok” she whispered against your lips. 
Though you may not have been completely at ease, her comforting aura calms your nerves. 
“Ok, Padme” 
Night fell upon the city of Coruscant and the bright neon lights of the bustling city lit up the streets. Outside the windows of the high rise speeders of all colors and sizes zoomed around the designated lanes below. Padme had returned to her room for the night, she had a busy schedule this week after all. 
You were alerted of the guards posted all around the building to hopefully capture the assassin that was rumored to be after Padme. You didn’t have total faith in the guards, but you let them carry on with their jobs. 
You wandered the halls of the penthouse for a final check of your own, before you would retire back to your lady.
You walked past the large room everyone had gathered in earlier that day, the young jedi and his master stood in the middle of the dark room. 
“I don’t like just waiting for something to happen” you heard “ani” say. 
Muffled voices spoke more until you heard the young one’s voice again.
“I don’t think she likes me watching her,” he said, referring to the surveillance cameras in her room.
“Nor do I” you interjected, emerging through the shadows. 
The two men shifted their gaze to you, you were no longer in your usual handmaiden garb, instead you sported a nightgown similar to Padme’s, just less decorative.
You felt the energy in the room shift.
“Excuse the intrusion, but I don’t think we ever officially introduced ourselves, I am Y/N, Senator Amidala’s personal handmaiden” you bowed to the men in front of you.
The younger one stared intently at you, you wondered if he could sense your distaste for him. You met his icy stare before turning to the bearded man. 
“My apologies, madame. I am Obi-Wan Kenobi, and this is my padawan, Anakin Skywalker. We are honored to serve your lady and provide as much security as necessary”
“It is nice to make your acquaintance, I appreciate your dedication to M’lady, but I do agree, I do not think she appreciated fairing under your watchful gaze” you narrowed your eyes at the younger man who was still staring at you.
He blinked a few times before straightening his posture, “Well, It’s not like I really needed to see anything, I can sense everything going on in that room” he said arrogantly with an annoying smile. 
“Are you so sure?” 
“Oh, I am very sure.” Anakin smirked. 
“What is M’lady feeling right now then?” you inquired deviously.
“That is classified information” he responded, looking too proud of himself.
“I can sense something too” you perked up
“And what would that be?”
“Well…I don't exactly have to be a Jedi to sense your strong feelings for her”. 
He jerked his head back and his master looked over at him with wide eyes. You knew Obi-Wan already had an idea, because you overheard their conversation to Jar Jar after the initial meeting today. But neither of them expected to hear you say that out loud.
“I thought part of your code was not to form attachments, seems to me you should work on that instead of trying to sense Padme’s every feeling” you said making your exit to check up on the guards downstairs. 
You knew it was a little too informal to refer to her as “Padme”, that was not a handmaid's place; actually, no one was supposed to know that you and her had such a relationship, it was forbidden.
But your protectiveness over her flared when the padawan began speaking of her as if he knew her like you did.
He really had the audacity to insinuate he could feel her through his “force”, for makers sake, he was a fucking padawan!
You walked off the thoughts as you went downstairs to check on the post in the lobby. Though soon, you heard the sound of a saber igniting. You ran back up to Padme’s room and prayed that the saber was not giving a blow to her. 
You turned the corner to see Anakin on top of her with his saber and Obi-Wan crashing through the window to chase a droid. 
“Padme!” you exclaimed as you hurried to her side. 
Before you reached her you exchanged a dirty look with Anakin, “So much for sensing everything” you spat. And he narrowed his eyes before running out to chase his master and the assassin.
If his “sense” was as strong as he boasted, he would have known there was a droid ready to deliver danger to Padme, before it even touched the window. 
Padme had barely woken and was utterly confused. Her eyes were wide and her heart was racing; everything in your body told you to hold her, but there were too many people around. Instead, you took one of her polished hands and looked into her eyes, “M’Lady”.
“Senator, Are you alright?” someone spoke.
“Yes, I’ll be just fine. I just need to collect my thoughts. May I have a moment alone” she said, trying to get everyone to leave the room.
“I’m afraid we cannot allow you to be alone without protection” 
“Y/N will stay with me, she is my handmaiden after all and each of my maidens are trained in defensive combat” she argued.
The officials in the room decided it best to keep the senator happy, and they all heard the stories of Senator Amidala's faithful handmaidens. Once they showed her to a fresh room and left, you pressed the sliding door closed and met her on the bed. 
“Padme, my love, are you alright?” you held her head to your chest and kissed the top of her head. 
Her heart was beating relatively quickly but it was starting to slow, “Yes, my dear, I am alright. Not like we haven't all had a failed assassination or two” she quipped. 
Even in these times she reminded you how brave she was, she was barely phased at the fact that she could have died. You let out a small laugh before hugging her to your chest.
“I was just so worried… when I saw him on top of you with his lightsaber… I just didn’t know..” 
Her face softened, she knew how protective you were of her, “oh, y/n, It’s alright, I’m alright” she smiled pulling you into a loving kiss. Her beautiful brown locks tickled your cheeks as you smiled into her. 
“Shall we go to sleep? Or would you like to stay up” you asked.
“Let’s rest, we have a big day tomorrow and maker knows they are going to make a big deal of tonight” she sighed, pulling the covers of the new bed back. 
“Are you sure?” 
“Let me enjoy sleeping with you in this beautiful city for one night”  she said, beckoning for you to join her.
And of course, you couldn’t resist your Lady. 
A/N: i wanna thank you guys again for being so patient w me!! life has been craaazy
Taglist: @xxx-pearl @calamitousvader @wtf-andys @raccoonsaregay @jar-of-moondust
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rose-arwen-padme · 1 year
Excerpt from Suppression, an AOTC fanfic from Padmé's POV
After multiple mouthfuls, the young man met my eye. I should have known he was about to say something unsettling by the way he began to fidget in his chair. "I look forward to seeing Naboo again. I've thought about it every day since I left. …It's by far the most beautiful place I've ever seen."
He was staring at me too intently for such clean-handed comments, as if I was the human representation of the planet he spoke so fondly of. Which, in all fairness, was technically exactly my job. But even if he'd been a citizen and not a Jedi, he wasn't looking at me like I was a diplomat.
"You were just a little boy then," I answered. The lack of previous exposure to such copious amounts of greenery likely had a huge impression on his nine-year-old self. Surely, he'd seen many beautiful planets since then in his travels. Seen many angelic women. "It may not be as you remember it; time changes your perception."
His tone was confident, his eyes hiding nothing. "I think time has given me much more mature feelings to enhance my perception."
I dropped my gaze. At that moment, Artoo came by with another helping of bread, and I responded with thanks as he carried on his way. I fiddled with my new food as I stalled, quickly thinking how to smoothly maneuver the conversation elsewhere. He'd just alluded to his inability to travel. "Must be difficult having sworn your life to the Jedi. Not being able to visit the places you like, or do the things you like—"
"—Or be with the people that I love."
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I was caught off guard by how quickly he jumped there. "Are you allowed to love?"
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I thought I knew the answer, but the emotion with which Anakin spoke made me doubt my knowledge. "I thought that was forbidden for a Jedi."
He looked sheepish, but I should've known he was merely crafting a reply that would suit him best. "Attachment is forbidden. Possession is forbidden. Compassion— which I would define as unconditional love…" he paused, as if making sure I was locked under his spell before he continued. He didn't have to wait long. "…is central to a Jedi's life." He cracked a smile, evidently wildly proud of his answer. "Mm, so, you might say we are encouraged to love."
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Tricky tricky. But I was smiling, impressed at how he'd managed to swindle the words into his favor. He spoke with a suave grace that complimented his age. My thoughts of the little boy on the royal starship returned, and I found myself declaring the understatement of the millennia. "You've changed so much."
"Na, you haven't changed a bit." I anticipated a polite remark, perhaps that I hadn't physically aged much over the years. I often heard this.
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Instead, he stunned me. "You're exactly the way I remember you in my dreams."
Dreams. Plural.
Remember. Present tense, not past.
Anakin was staring at me with hopeful expectation, as if he'd put the ball in my court and feverishly hoped I would finally do something with it this time.
Again, I failed to meet the moment. I didn't even attempt to find words. What answer could I give on the spot that would have dissuaded him without hinting at the effect he was having on me? So I shielded my eyes, and I returned to my bowl of mush like it was the best food I'd ever had.
I could practically feel his wave of disappointment, but he hadn't given up just yet. After a painfully short hiatus, he continued, "I doubt if Naboo has changed much either."
"It hasn't." I kept my eyes down.
"I can't wait to breathe the sweet breeze that comes off the rolling hills. Whenever I try to visualize the Force, those hills are what I see."
I looked up at him openly, relieved the conversation had turned to something as platonic as geography.
Then, with that intense stare of his, he whispered, "I love Naboo."
He had the nerve to let the sentence hang in the air. Just like that. With those deep blues locked on mine, conveying so much more than an adoration for a planet.
Read more of Suppression at AO3 or at FanFiction.net
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you ever been so grumpy about how revenge of the sith was written that you make your own fanfic? specifically, how padme was written in revenge of the sith?
here's my alternative feminist version where padme doesn't stop being gutsy just because she's pregnant, and (spoiler alert) she leaves anakin.
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friskynotebook · 1 year
You Make It Feel Like Christmas Ch. 5
An Obidala Hallmark Christmas movie rewrite!
CW: age gap, food, grief, injury, concussion
Summary: Padme and the Kenobis take in the Christmas market and share Christmas memories
Also on AO3!
Padme scrunched her nose as she woke, feeling a rough dog tongue licking her face.
“Oh, good morning, Lola,” she giggled, reaching out to pet the puppy. “Good morning, sweetheart. How are you?”
Padme rolled out of bed and dressed, carrying Lola downstairs. Looks like I’m the first one up. Wrapping herself in a blanket scarf she had found in the back of her borrowed closet, she lit a match and started the fireplace.
“Perfect,” she sighed, a smile on her face.
Satisfied with the cozy early morning atmosphere, Padme headed into the kitchen to prepare the coffee as she’d watched Obi-Wan do for the past few days, humming to herself as it brewed.
“Is that coffee I smell?”
Obi-Wan’s voice startled Padme out of her humming. “It is. It’s ready, actually.”
“Lovely,” he replied, watching her pour him a cup. “Thank you, Ami.”
“You’re welcome,” she blushed, pouring her own cup.
“And I see you got a fire started as well.”
“I did,” she nodded. “Cozy, isn’t it?”
“Very,” he agreed. Just as he opened his mouth to speak, Leia ran downstairs dressed in a plain green onesie.
“I look like a giant green bean!” Leia wailed. “I’m supposed to be an elf!”
“Oh, Leia,” Padme cooed. “At least you’re a really cute green bean.”
Leia pouted and looked down at her socked feet.
“I think I can help,” Padme said. “I would just need a sewing kit.” She turned towards Obi-Wan, a question in her eyes.
“I think I can find one of those,” he nodded.
“Watch your step right there,” Obi-Wan warned Padme, taking her hand and leading her into the dusty old barn.
“Thanks . . . Oh, wow. This is such a beautiful space,” Padme gasped, looking around.
“Oh, thank you,” he demurred. “It’s lovely, isn’t it?”
“It is . . .”
Obi-Wan swallowed. “Satine used to keep her horse out here . . . I’ve been wanting to turn it into an animal hospital for a while now. I’d love it if my clients didn’t have to drive sixty miles to Boulder if their animal needs surgery, you know?”
“That would be great.” Padme walked in comfortable silence with him for a few beats before clearing her throat. “I’ve actually been meaning to ask you about her, about Satine.”
“Oh. Um . . .” Obi-Wan looked down and swallowed. “Well, uh, she passed away a little over three years ago now.” He rubbed his nose, scratched his beard. “Sh-she wasn’t sick for all that long, which is good . . . If anything good could come from that, you know.” He turned away and kept walking.
“I’m so sorry,” Padme murmured. 
“Thank you.”
“But that’s not really what I meant.”
Obi-Wan turned to her, his brow furrowed. “Oh?”
“I actually wanted to hear about what she was like. A memory or something?”
“Alright,” he said, smiling softly. “She would make freshly baked cinnamon bread every weekend for the family. She loved baking . . . We would make sure to spend time together every evening at the end of the day to talk about how things went and to reconnect as a couple. That was very important to us, to do that . . . And she loved Christmas. That was her holiday. She made homemade stockings for the children, handmade ornaments . . .” He swallowed. “She always made sure the children got one present they really wanted and one present she believed would make them better people. And just about every year, the children preferred that present anyway . . . I know this might sound strange, but she had the most wonderful scent. When I woke up in the morning, even before I opened my eyes, I just knew she was there. I knew she was all around me.”
“She sounds like an amazing person,” Padme said, her voice hoarse from disuse. “You must miss her a lot.”
Obi-Wan nodded, unable to speak. He stepped over to a few boxes, starting to dig through them.
“You know,” Padme began. “If you did turn this space into an animal hospital, it would be like you were doing something for Satine, in her memory. Helping animals with this incredible space she loved so much.”
“I’ve honestly never thought of it like that,” he replied. “When you put it like that, it sounds lovely.”
Padme smiled and looked down, letting his praise wash over her.
Obi-Wan pulled a metal tin from a dusty box, smiling at her. “Sewing kit.”
“Excited?” Korkie asked his little sister.
“Yep!” Leia beamed, swinging her big brother’s and father’s arms as she walked with them into the Christmas market, showing off her special sparkly elf costume under her jacket.
The family gathered together with the other families as the children gathered on stage for the outdoor Christmas play.
“She’s an elf among green beans,” Obi-Wan murmured to Padme, leaning in close. Padme blushed and opened her mouth to respond when the children interrupted her.
“In Santa’s workshop far away, Santa’s elves work night and day!” Leia grinned in front of her classmates, clearly excited to be wearing such a pretty costume.
“These little elves make video games!” Santa Quinlan announced.
Leia stepped up front. “And these little elves give dolls their names!”
Padme gave Leia a dazzling smile as Obi-Wan surreptitiously went to rub his eye.
“And Santa packs the gifts in his sleigh and takes it to kids on Christmas Day!” Quinlan finished. “Merry Christmas!”
As the crowd started to disperse, Obi-Wan pulled Padme aside. “Her costume really is amazing. I cannot thank you enough, Ami.”
Padme blushed again. Probably just the cold . . . “Oh, I think I might have overdone it a little bit.”
Leia ran over and lept into her father’s arms. “There she is!” Obi-Wan cried as he lifted her up.
“I had the best costume ever!” Leia declared.
“I don’t think Leia minds,” Obi-Wan teased, grinning at Padme. He turned back to his daughter. “You did! Congratulations!”
“Thank you Daddy!” Leia clung to his neck. ##
Later that evening, the family was walking through the market, twinkling Christmas lights dancing through the crisp winter air as their boots trudged through the snow.
“Who wants hot chocolate?” Obi-Wan asked the children.
“Me!” They all cheered.
“Me too!” Obi-Wan grinned. “Want one?” he asked Padme.
“Oh no,” she replied. “I ate, like, half a turkey.”
Obi-Wan chuckled. “We’ll be back. Korkie, help me bring them over?”
“Okay!” Korie said, taking his father’s hand as they walked off.
“Ami!” Mace and Depa came over to Padme, Luke, and Leia.
“Oh hi!” Padme greeted them. “Enjoying the market?”
“It’s wonderful—one of my favorite parts of the season,” Depa replied.
“Listen, Ami, I wanted to talk to you about your car,” Mace said. “We’ve been combing the woods looking for it, and I think we’re finally closing in on it.”
“How have you been feeling?” Depa asked.
“Oh, I . . .” Padme trailed off as she glanced over to where Obi-Wan and Luke went in search of hot chocolate—only to find Obi-Wan going for a polite kiss on the cheek and Siri pulling him in for a more passionate kiss.
Before she even realized what she was feeling, her heart sank. Why do I feel so . . . despondent? He can kiss whoever he wants. He doesn’t owe me anything.
Padme tried to not let her disappointment show on her face. “I’m feeling much better these days,” she replied. “Must be the mountain air.”
Obi-Wan and Korkie returned with the hot chocolates, just in time for the tree lighting.
“Three, two, one!” The crowd chanted, cheering when the Christmas tree in town square was lit up in all its glory.
“They are out,” Obi-Wan said as he came into the living room from putting the children to bed. “Must have been all the sugar.”
He sank down on the couch next to Padme. “Are you alright?” he asked. “You’ve been awfully quiet since we left the market.”
Padme sighed. “Look, Obi-Wan, I have to tell you something. I’m having the time of my life with you and your kids—at least as far as I know—I think I should find another place to stay because . . . I don’t want to be selfish and come between you and Siri.”
Obi-Wan furrowed his brow. “What?”
“I saw you and her in the square kissing when you went to get hot chocolate.”
“Oh!” Obi-Wan chuckled. “No, Ami, it’s not like that at all—”
“I get it,” Padme continued. “I mean, I just fell out of the sky like some crazy snowflake with no memory. There’s a whole world here that I’m not a part of, and I get that—”
“It wasn’t a real kiss,” Obi-Wan interrupted.
Padme looked taken aback. “It looked like a real kiss . . .”
“Well it was a kiss, but it was because of the mistletoe,” Obi-Wan explained. “She held a mistletoe over my head and I wanted to give her a kiss on the cheek to be polite, but she, well, went further than I was comfortable with.” He cleared his throat.
Padme frowned. “Are you alright?”
Obi-Wan looked up from his lap. “Hmm?”
“Are you alright?” she repeated. “She forced you into something you didn’t want, only to make it worse by crossing your boundaries even further—and she did it in public in front of Korkie because she knew you wouldn’t want to make a scene in front of him. It couldn’t have been easy for you, Obi-Wan. Are you okay?”
Obi-Wan swallowed, his features softening. If Padme didn’t know better, she’d think he looked touched. “Better now that I’m home in front of the fire,” he smiled.
After a beat, he continued. “We did go on a date, once. But it was so . . . wrong.  It didn’t feel right. She force-fed me some of the most slimy tofu I’d ever had.”
Padme gave him a small smile. “For what it’s worth, I’d never make you eat slimy tofu. Anyone who makes slimy tofu should not be allowed anywhere near a kitchen.”
He laughed. “Ami, Christmas has not been the same around here for a few years now, and having you here with us . . . You’ve made it feel special.”
“Really?” Padme asked, her voice soft.
“Really. And you are a part of this family—I mean, part of this world, here in Salida,” he quickly corrected himself. “I know you’re part of another world and we’ll figure out where that is but until we do . . . What I’m trying to say is we’d love to have you stay here with us.”
She beamed at him, resting her head on his shoulder. 
“Daddy! Daddy! Can you bring me water? I’m thirsty!” Leia called.
Padme raised her head. “Duty calls?”
Obi-Wan stood, a wry grin on his face. “Duty calls.”
No-pressure tags: @saradika @obiknights @justsaysomethingjayj @cypanache @alabama-metal-man @vic3456 @darlingamidala @celestial-alignment @your-dose-of-obidala @written-musings @fearless-too-and-stubborn
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iburnedmyselfalive · 7 months
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18+ -- saw someone do somethin' like this please lmk so I can give credits <3
Anakin Skywalker who fucks you cruelly, pounding your tight hole with no mercy whatsoever, with his firm grip on your hair, your body arches in perfect alignment for him, cries of pleasure escaping your lips exclusively for him, and him alone.
"yeah? you fuckin' like this huh?" he hisses into your ear, sending shivers down your spine, and in mere moments, you nod eagerly, tears glistening in your eyes.
"mmph, so good ani!," you whimper, lost in the intoxicating bliss of his touch.
His lips, warm and eager, pepper kisses all along your neck, while his hand boldly grasps at your ass, fingers kneading the flesh with firmness, relishing in its ample curves.
Anakin Skywalker, the epitome of pleasure, satisfies you so profoundly that each withdrawal elicits a fervent whimper from your lips. Fortunately, he shows no inclination to leave your embrace anytime soon, keeping you blissfully consumed by his huge cock, touchin' at your good spot just perfectly.
"you're so unbelievably tight for me, doll," he coos, his words dripping with praise as he drives deeper into you, his pace quickening. Your hands clutch at the bedsheets, your back arching even more as his sweet words fuel your desire.
"oh my fuck," you whimpered, your eyes closing tightly as sensations threatened to overwhelm you.
"that's all you've got to say?" he taunts, his hand delivering a sharp smack to your ass before he grips your neck, his lips hovering just above your ear.
He's talking to you as if you could speak full on sentences with the way he was fucking you, with the way he fucks you, he's too good.
"tell me, baby, does this feel good?" he teases, a devilish glint in his eyes as he mocks your pleasure, a low chuckle rumbling in his throat. All you can manage is a nod and a moan, which only fuels Anakin's desire to dominate you further.
"come on, use that pretty mouth, tell me," he demands, his voice laced with cruelty.
Anakin Skywalker who relentlessly pushes you to the brink until all you can muster are fragmented gasps of pleasure. With each assertive thrust, he claims you anew, pulling back only to tease before delving back in, melding your pussy while his cock is covered in your cum, not daring to put any of it to waste.
His lips find yours, a fleeting taste of heaven before his sultry voice commands your surrender, his awfully filthy words only leading you to make a mess all over him, again.
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wileycap · 2 months
PALPATINE: My dear boy. The only thing that we are discussing right now is what you want.
ANAKIN: Hm. Okay, world peace for Padmé, a Best Jedi mug for Obi-Wan - no, that's not me being bitchy, he literally will not accept a bigger gift...
PALPATINE: Yes, you shall have it all. Just -
ANAKIN: Oh, I'm not done. A billion... no, you know what, a trillion credits for Ahsoka, rights for the clones plus backpay and overtime for the war, full rights to their own genetic code, a special vode-only tribune that will investigate Kaminoans and natborn officers for sentient rights violations...
ANAKIN: ... slavery is to be abolished across the galaxy, I and any vode who want to join me will be sanctioned by the Republic to hunt down slavers, starting with Tatooine, hair cream for Windu - okay, that one is me being bitchy - and, well, I guess I'd want a fleet of the absolute best ships for me. As a treat.
PALPATINE: I see. Are you done?
ANAKIN: I guess. How soon can you deliver?
PALPATINE: Well. As it stands... it might... take some time.
ANAKIN: That's cool. You can get all the legal stuff done tomorrow, just call in a special session of the Senate, but I get that commissioning a fleet will take some time. I didn't even give you a list of models or anything.
PALPATINE: ... yes. I can't help but to think that you're disregarding your wife's safety here.
ANAKIN: Oh, no. I'm being smart.
ANAKIN: Yup. Padmé is a completely healthy woman. Her pregnancy is very low risk. So, if she's going to die in childbirth, it's got to have something to do with the war, right? If we end the war, there's no danger to Padmé.
PALPATINE: Have you forgotten what I told you about Darth Plagueis the Wise?
ANAKIN: No, but if I use Sith Magic to save her, she's probably going to turn into a zombie or something. Trust me, Chancellor, I've seen it before.
PALPATINE: I'm afraid to ask, but where have you seen zombies?
ANAKIN: Eh, you can check my mission reports. Anyways, if you just hand me your credit chit, I can get to buying Obi-Wan that mug, giving Ahsoka the trillion and all that.
ANAKIN: And if you don't want to go through with this, I'm definitely going to murder you right now. You being a Sith Lord and all that.
PALPATINE: Well, here's my credit chit.
ANAKIN: Thanks, Sheev! Just one more question. What are you getting out of this?
PALPATINE: ... I'm going to declare myself Emperor and bring about the age of the Sith.
ANAKIN: Okay, that's cool.
PALPATINE: It... is?
ANAKIN: Sure. I mean, you basically are an emperor already, and we have freedom of religion. Just make sure that your Empire is strictly democratic, or else Padmé's going to be mad at me.
PALPATINE: I... what? The purpose of an Empire is to do away with democracy! Cut away the rot of bureaucracy!
ANAKIN: Chancellor, do you remember the conversation we had just now about me murdering you?
PALPATINE: Yes, but you hate the Republic too!
ANAKIN: I know, but work stuff can't come between me and Padmé. One of the rules of a successful marriage. Anyways, get it done. I gotta go buy a mug and some hair cream.
PEACE! Supreme Chancellor / Emperor-Elect Sheev Palpatine has announced the immediate cessation of hostilities between the Republic and the CIS along with a slew of other groundbreaking proposals. The Supreme Chancellor stated that with the death of General Grievous...
The Coruscant Herald spoke with Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, also known as the Negotiator.
"I've got this mug." said Master Kenobi, before launching into a protracted rant about the state of our democracy.
"I got back from Utapau, and Anakin tells me that he 'kind of' turned to the Dark Side. How do you 'kind of' turn? But now we have galactic peace. But we also have an Emperor. Well, in three days we will have an Emperor. But the Emperor is going to have less power than the Supreme Chancellor has right now, and they're the same person. Not to mention that he's the Sith. My entire life has turned into a philosophical nightmare on whether the ends justify the means, and it's all being personified by this blasted mug." ...
Senator Padmé Amidala of Naboo had a brief conversation with the Herald.
"Well, I think of it like a retirement present. A lifetime achievement award. He is an older man, and no doubt he'll abdicate in due time. This will be an interesting footnote in the history of the Republic." ...
Spokesbeing for the Shmi Skywalker Foundation, Anakin Skywalker spoke at length with our reporter.
"Well, we at the Shmi Skywalker Foundation offer only two things: freedom to slaves and death to slavers. And sometimes imprisonment to slavers, because Obi-Wan and Padmé were pretty adamant about that. And also financial aid, legal aid, housing, therapy, et cetera. For the freed people. So I guess we offer more than two things, but they're all good things."
"Sheev? Sheev is great. A nice old man. I think he's going to abdicate in, oh, three years or so? [Editor's Note: Transcript is garbled due to the Emperor-Elect coughing suddenly.] [...Yo]u need a glass of water, Sheev? Get him - yeah, one of you red guys, get him a glass of water. You're not a young man anymore, Sheev. Yeah, I think he'll abdicate within three years."
Emperor-Elect Sheev Palpatine declined to comment at this time.
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sollis-occasum · 1 month
a night like this - anakin skywalker x fem!reader
summary: you kept saying that everything was over between the two of you but anakin kept coming back to you every time.
warnings: angst, no use of y/n, insecurity, jealousy, miscommunication, mention of blood and injury, quinlan vos beheads a bounty hunter (just one sentence and it's not in detail either), mention of a vomiting twi-lek, reader is working in a pub, no proofread
word count: 1.7k
a/n: i haven't decided yet but i may write a few more parts to this story. i hope you like it guys. please don't mind the english mistakes, i'm not a native speaker.
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Being injured was not unusual for Anakin Skywalker, but he could never remember feeling so vulnerable before.
As he moved, his battle-weary body convulsed with a kind of pain he had never felt before, reopening wounds that had begun to close, filling his nostrils with the metallic scent of blood. If your delicate sighs had not mixed with his moans from his blood-soaked lips, the pain he was in would have caused him to lose all sense of time and space. But how could he have allowed this to happen as you gently ran your hands over his face, wiping away the sweat from his forehead? This was perhaps the last time you would welcome him into this house where you had created so many precious memories together, and Anakin wanted to engrave everything from that night deep in his mind. Every sound, every image, every detail...
You had tried to tell him hundreds, maybe thousands of times before that everything between you was over, that you belonged in two different worlds. Anakin Skywalker was a young Jedi fighting to ensure that the light side of the Force prevailed over the darkness in the galaxy. You were just an ordinary barmaid working in a seedy pub in a backstreet of Coruscant. Unlike Anakin, your life was not full of fearless warriors and nobles with endless wealth, but of hardened criminals, addicts, and bounty hunters. How could you trust him and open your heart to him when he had been trained to fight the people you considered your family for almost his entire life?
And your experiences were very different, too. Anakin had traveled to planets you had never even heard of before, and met people you could never even see on the HoloNet. Some nights when you couldn't sleep, you would ask him to talk, to tell you things, thinking that hearing his soft voice would help you drift off. He would tell you stories from his missions. Sometimes these stories took place on a mountain on Alderaan, sometimes in an underwater city on Naboo. Usually, the people who accompanied Anakin on these planets were just as interesting as the mission itself. Master Jedi, senators, stormtroopers, sometimes even Chancellor Palpatine himself...
These stories that you listened to with great excitement at first, started to create a thin ache in your heart that even you didn't want to accept. You knew that Anakin had no bad intentions, that he just wanted to share something with you, but no matter what you did you couldn't resist the jealousy that was trying to take over your soul. Knowing that there is another life somewhere outside of this swamp you were trapped in and that you could only hear about it from others was driving you crazy inside.
Sometimes Anakin would ask you questions about your life, but you would either ignore them or leave them unanswered. You had no intention of appearing mysterious or keeping secrets. You just didn't have stories that would interest someone like him who had seen the entire galaxy. What were you going to tell him? Do you know, Anakin, today a Jedi named Quinlan Vos came to our pub and cut off the head of a bounty hunter with his lightsaber. The man's head fell into the lap of one of the stripper Twi-leks and she started throwing up. I had to clean up the vomit along with the blood on the walls. What a beautiful day, isn't it?
No, no... You would rather remain silent for the rest of your life than endure Anakin's pitying gaze as he listened to these. At least that way you wouldn't have lost your self-respect.
You took a deep breath to clear your mind and turned your gaze to Anakin lying on your bed. He looked so innocent and defenseless with his wounded state that your heart ached for him. You wanted to protect him from all the evil in the universe by hiding him in your house, which was a temple of memories for you, but how could you do that when you didn't even have the strength to protect yourself? The only good thing you could do for him was to get out of his life before you could hurt him any further. You tucked a lock of hair that had fallen onto his forehead behind his ear and muttered in a voice you could barely hear, "You shouldn't have come here, Anakin." You tried to make your voice sound firm and determined, but you couldn't stop it from shaking.
The young Jedi tried to sit up in bed, but couldn’t. He winced in pain and slowly lowered himself onto the headboard. He pressed his mechanical hand to the wound on his abdomen, as if the coldness of the metal would ease the pain. You placed your hand over his and began to gently stroke the metal surface with your thumb. Even though he couldn’t feel your touch, the gesture always soothed him. When you realized that having a cybernetic hand embarrassed him, you started doing it to show him that you loved everything about him, and over time it had become a habit. To Anakin, this robotic hand might have been a symbol of his weakness but to you, it was just a part of the man you loved.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be a burden to you.”
“Don’t be ridiculous, Ani, you’re not a burden to me. You couldn’t be even if you wanted to.” You slowly removed his hand from his wound, as if you were afraid of hurting him, and kissed it. “What I was trying to say was that the Jedi at the temple could take better care of you. You know, with spells and all that.”
"Jedi don't do magic, they use the Force." He smiled for the first time since he had come to you. You shrugged, smiling. "They're all the same to me. I'm not sensitive to any of them anyway."
Your smiles and chuckles were not enough to break the serious air in the room. You had to stop for a few seconds and gather your courage to continue speaking. Your eyebrows were slightly furrowed in the meantime, and your lips were drawn into a thin line. A sadder expression than Anakin had ever seen appeared in his eyes, reflected by the moonlight. The wrinkles on your forehead made you look like you had aged a few years in a few seconds.
"But we can't keep doing this, Anakin. You know that too. You can't come to me every time. We've talked about this many times before."
Anakin tried to get closer to you, but the burns and wounds were hurting him so much that he couldn't. He leaned back once more, taking deep, raspy breaths, and unconsciously began to squeeze the old sheet. Despite the pained expression on his face, he neither blinked nor took his gaze away from yours. You knew that by looking directly into you eyes, he was trying to see something deep inside your soul. Maybe a trace of the affection you had only ever felt for him, or maybe a glimmer of hope that you would never give up on him... But he could see nothing but determination on your face, blurred by his misty eyes.
“Don’t do this to us,” he said in a pleading voice. The tears he had been trying to hold back had finally started to flow down his cheeks. With a quick movement, he pulled his mechanical hand from yours and wiped his face, hoping that you hadn’t seen them. He hated the power you had over him.
“Don’t give up on us like this.”
When you saw Anakin’s wet eyelashes, you felt an overwhelming desire in your heart to pull him close to you, to lay him on your chest, to caress the soft hair he had grown for your sake while he cried and tell him that everything would be okay, but you couldn’t do it. You knew that the moment you showed weakness, your ex-lover would draw strength from your hesitation and try to fight against your inevitable end. You did the only thing you could do and shook your head, hiding behind your cold expression. "I have no choice, Ani."
"I love you, does that mean nothing to you?" The sadness in his eyes was giving way to anger, but his voice was so weak that he could not convey his rebellion to you.
"Of course that means something." you said in a calm tone, almost mocking his anger. "I love you too, but I will not allow you to waste your life on a relationship that has no future. If you are so determined to go against the Jedi Code, you should at least do it for someone worthy. Senator Amidala, for example. She is a beautiful and noble woman, and it is clear that she has feelings for you. She can use her power and position to help you. I will only be a hindrance."
"Nonsense," Anakin snapped. "Padme is nothing more than a trusted friend to me. You are the only person I need to continue. I can fight the whole galaxy as long as you're by my side."
You sighed slightly and got out of bed. “We won’t have this conversation again, Anakin. My decision is final and there is nothing you can do to make me change my mind.”
You knew you were doing the right thing for both of you, but why did it hurt so much? Why did the right choice always require such sacrifices?
You bid Anakin a last farewell with an innocent kiss on the lips and started walking towards the old wooden door of the room. You could feel the salty taste of your lovers tears on your lips.
“Stay the night here and get some good rest. But I don’t want to see you here when I get home from work tomorrow.”
Those were the last words you said to Anakin before you left the room and his life forever. “This can’t be the end of us,” he muttered as he looked at your shrinking figure. He started to tangle his fingers in his hair that you had been gently stroking a few minutes ago and started to squeeze it. He shook his head violently from side to side as if denying the cruel words echoing in his mind.
"I swear I will find a way to fix everything and bring you back to me."
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jediavengers · 9 months
I know you’re in love with him
WARNINGS: Smut, p in v, choking, oral (f recieving), dirty talk, dom!anakin, sub!reader, unestablished relationship
Summary: Anakin find out a little too much when eavesdropping on Y/N and Padmé.
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"I can't thank you two enough for coming here on such short notice."
The sound of birds chirping and the feeling of the golden warm sun calmed both Anakin and Y/N, which made them kindly smile to the Senator in front of them.
"Of course, Padme. Anything for a friend." Y/N pulled Padme into a embrace. Anakin stood back, letting the two reunite.
As they pulled away, Padme politely nodded to Anakin. "I'm sorry to pull you away from more pressing duties, but it seems like my life is on the line yet again."
"Don't apologize." Y/N insisted. "Besides, we'd both rather be on Naboo for a few weeks then be fighting in the war. It's exhausting."
Anakin nodded in agreement. "It's kind of like a vacation for us."
Padme smiled at them both. "I'm glad you guys have some downtime then. I doubt anyone is going to try to hurt me here, but they just wanted someone to stay with me until the threat is caught." After a few more minutes of catching up, Padme began to lead them inside.
Y/N and Anakin had been to her lake house before, but the beauty of the interior still didn't fail to make them both look around in awe.
"I'll show you to your room." Padme gestured for them to follow her, leading them down a long hallway. "Here."
Padme opened a large oak door, leading them inside. As they walked in, Y/N's jaw dropped at the sight. A beautiful four poster king sized bed sat on one end of the room, and on the other end was a living space. An attached bathroom with two large doors that were wide open was on one wall, and Y/N could see the large jacuzzi that was implanted in the floor.
Even though it was glorious, her mind was on one thing. There was only one bed. Anakin's mind had drifted there too, obvious confusion and concern adorning his features.
"Padme, it's beautiful but.. There's only one bed." Anakin spoke, setting down his and Y/N's bags on the ground.
"Sorry about that, but I wanted to make sure you guys got the best room of the house." Padme smiled excitedly. "It's almost as nice as the master. I figured since you two have had a lot going on, as well as the fact that i'm taking you away from more pressing matters, you would enjoy a nice room like this."
"I love it- i really do, but um.. would it be possible for me to stay in a separate room?" Y/N asked.
"Do you not like it?" Padme frowned, sadly looking around at her decor.
Anakin shook his head quickly. "No, no, we both love it. It's just, one bed and there two of us."
"It's a king sized bed, i'm sure you'll have plenty of your own space." Padme smirked, causing Y/N to furrow her eyebrows. "Well, feel free to get unpacked. I'm going to go check if the chef has started on dinner yet." Padme gave no time for interjections, leaving the two Jedi alone.
Padme shut the door behind her, causing Y/N and Anakin to awkwardly stare at each other for a couple moments. Eventually, Y/N turned away, walking over to what she assumed was a closet. She began to unpack her clothes, hanging her robes and other pieces of clothing up. She left her panties and bras in her bag, figuring it would be better to hide them away.
"I'm sorry." Anakin spoke.
Y/N confusedly turned to him, furrowing her eye brows. "Sorry? For what?" She questioned, zipping up her bag.
"For having to share a room." Anakin shrugged. "I mean, it's not ideal. I'll try not to hog the bed."
"No, it's okay." Y/N turned back around, placing her bag in the closet. "We're best friends, it's not that big of a deal."
Y/N had gone to spend some girl time with Padme a few hours ago after dinner, leaving Anakin to have some time for himself. He was nervous, but honestly excited, about sharing a bed with Y/N so he took some time to calm his nerves.
After leaving them alone for a while, he figured he could give them some company. Stepping out of his room, he began to walk to Padmés room.
As he approached her room, he heard their voices through the door.
"God, I just wish there were some suitable men." Padme groaned. Anakin could hear shuffling through the cracked door, making him flinch and back away a few steps.
"I know there's someone out there for you, Mae. What's your type? Maybe I could hook you up with someone." Y/N suggested, chuckling at the finish of her sentence.
"You? Set me up with someone? I'm sorry, Y/N/N, but you're a Jedi. You don't know many men who are on the market." Padme replied.
"I guess you're right. Anyways, so tell me, what is your type?" Y/N asked again. Anakin could hear a heavy sigh and then a groan.
"I guess.. I like guys with dark brown hair and hazel eyes. Tall, obviously. Oh and I don't like super sensitive men. Like grow up, ya know?" Padme ranted, making Y/N laugh.
Anakin furrowed his eyebrows at the last comment, but continued listening.
"What about you, Y/N? What's your type?" Padme questioned.
"I don't have a type." Y/N answered.
"Come on, Y/N/N. Even though you're not allowed to have attachments you can still think guys are hot." Padme teased, making Y/N giggle. "Come on girl, tell me."
"Fine. I guess.. Blonde curly hair. But not platinum blonde, more like a dirty blonde. Blue eyes.. Tall, muscular but not beefy. And ambition is really attractive. Loyalty and bravery. Oh and I love a man who's dominant." Y/N rambled, making a light blush appear on Anakin's cheeks.
"For someone who isn't supposed to have attachments and doesn't have a 'type', it sounds like you're describing a certain someone down to every small detail." Padme giggled. Anakin leaned against the wall, trying to hear them better. His heart fluttered followed by his stomach twisting.
Anakin heard a thump and then a soft groan, followed by Y/N huffing. "I have no clue what you're talking about."
"Don't hit me! And of course you don't." Padme teased. "It's not like you just described Anakin almost perfectly. The one thing you're forgetting about him is that he's a big baby. I don't know how you can handle being around him that often. He's such a whiner!" Anakin frowned deeply, folding his arms across his chest.
"Hey!" Y/N snapped. "First of all, don't say that. He's just sensitive. Second of all, I was not describing Anakin!"
Padme let out a loud cackle, another thump and groan sounded after a moment. "I said that to get a rise out of you. And save it, Y/N I know you're in love with him."
Anakin's heart rate quickened, and he couldn't help but smile softly.
"Love? Seriously? If anything I just think he'd be good in bed." Y/N snorted. "I've had casual hookups before with no attachment, so thinking he's attractive isn't against the code."
"Whatever you say." Padme answered. "All I know is that friends don't look at friends that way."
There was a few moments of silence, causing Anakin to assume the conversation was over. Just as he was about to walk away, Padme began to speak again.
"You know, I'd bet if you asked him to fuck you he probably would."
"Padme!" Y/N scolded. "What's the matter with you?"
Loud giggles erupted and Anakin couldn't help but smirk. "Even though I wouldn't mind getting laid, I couldn't do that. Especially not with him. The council would flip if they knew two of their Jedi fucked each other, not to mention the fact that he's the chosen one and all."
"I guess." Padme whispered. "Good thing you're not on Coruscant right now.. No one would know."
"Mae, you can be such a bad influence, I swear." Y/N's tone of voice was irritated. "I hate to break it to you, but I'm never having sex with Anakin, as much as I'd like to." Anakin's eyes widened at the last statement, and he could feel his pants become uncomfortable as his mind began to wander.
"So you admit it! You do want him!"
"Fine. Yes. But even though I may feel something for him, I could never act on it." Y/N softly replied.
"At least you get to share a bed."
"Yeah, about that, what the hell were you thinking? Putting us in a room together?" Y/N shouted.
"Quiet down, unless you want Anakin to hear us." Padme whisper screamed. "I told you why I did it. I did it so you guys could have the nicest suite."
"Cut the bullshit, Ms. Matchmaker. I know for a fact every room in this damn house is nicer than any bedroom i've ever had." Y/N replied.
"Fine. You guys just needed a little shove, okay? You both are stubborn and would never admit to your feelings, so why not help out a little?" Padme reasoned. "Come on, just admit it. You know you like sharing a bed with him."
After a few more minutes of eavesdropping, Anakin backed away. Heading back to their shared room, he closed the door and began to nervously pace.
It wasn't long after that Y/N had entered, oblivious of Anakin's newfound knowledge. As she walked in, Anakin stopped pacing, facing her with his brows furrowed.
"You good?" She rose her brows, heading over to the closet.
"Yes! I- i mean yes." Anakin's voice was high pitched at first, but he quickly deepened it.
"Uh- alright." Y/N grabbed her pajamas, walking to the bathroom. "I'm going to get changed."
Y/N braided her soft Y/H/C hair, the thick locks falling over her shoulder. She slipped on her pajamas, the less revealing pair that she brought. She thought she would be having her own room, so most of her pajamas consisted of either satin nighties or thin and very revealing night dresses. She did pack one less suggestive pair of pajamas, which was a matching button up and shorts. It was black with small pink hearts adorning it. The trim was a matching pink, and the shorts had a satin bow.
She felt childish, but they sure were comfortable. After Y/N finished getting ready to sleep, she took a breath and exited the bathroom.
She internally groaned when she saw Anakin laying on the bed. He was under the duvet, but she could see his upper half which was bare. He had his flesh arm draped over his eyes, not noticing that she had come out of the bathroom.
Y/N stayed quiet, walking over to the closet and placing her dirty clothes in a hamper that was provided.
"Aw, your pajamas have little hearts on them!" Anakin laughed, causing Y/N to turn back so she could glare at him.
"Shut up." She rolled her eyes, walking over to the bed. She slipped under the covers, giving them a good amount of personal space. "At least i'm not shirtless."
"Hey, I don't like to sleep with one on. It's uncomfortable." Anakin defended, which made her furrow her eye brows and shoot him a glare.
Y/N's irritated demeanor was definitely from the conversation her and Padmé had earlier. Her sexual frustration as she well as the fact that Padmé called her out for her obvious feelings for Anakin made her on edge. Especially since these feelings had been building for years and this is the first time someone had called her out for it.
After a few moments of silence, she felt the bed shift, which caused her to glance over at Anakin. His expression was unreadable, but the fact that he was slowly inching towards her made her swallow nervously.
"What did you and Padme talk about?" He asked in a sing song voice. He was now right next to her, laying on his stomach with his chin resting in his hands.
"Girl stuff." She shortly replied, furrowing her eyebrows at his weird behavior. Slightly uncomfortable since she was in fact talking about him with Padme, she picked at her nails.
"Girl stuff? Like the guys you want to fuck?"
Y/N's head shot up to look at him. His head was still in his hands and he had a goofy grin on his face. "I have no clue what you're talking about." She looked back down at her hands, resuming the picking she was doing to her cuticles.
"That's not what I heard." He sang, sitting up. Y/N dead panned, looking up to meet his blue eyes. "Are you seriously going to make me say it outright? i heard you, Y/N. I heard that you want to fuck me."
"Uhhhh-" Y/N shot out of the bed, her heart racing. She wasn't one to face her problems, she usually avoided them.
"Hey! Where are you going!?" Anakin shouted, standing up as well.
"What? Sorry can't hear you!" Y/N croaked, rushing to the door. Guess she'd be sleeping in Padmé's room tonight.
But right before she could leave, Anakin grasped her wrist and spun her around so they were now facing each other. His face was no longer teasing, but now it was serious.
"Come on, Y/N/N. We need to talk about this." He spoke, furrowing his eyebrows.
"There's nothing to talk about, Anakin. You invaded my privacy. I wasn't going to say anything to you for a reason." Y/N snapped, glaring up at him.
"Why not?" He conveniently ignored the invasion of privacy comment, making Y/N roll her eyes. "Why weren't you going to say anything?" He was still gripping her wrist which made Y/N nervously swallow.
"We're not having this conversation. Now let me go." Y/N sternly spoke, looking up into Anakin's blue eyes. She could feel her self control slipping.
"No, you don't just get to act like you didn't say what you said. You can't leave me hanging." Anakin pleaded.
"You invaded my privacy, you twat. You found out something I wanted no one to know. You and l both know we're not supposed to have attachments so i'm not-"
"Fuck the code. I don't care." His voice was deadly, which made Y/N freeze and gulp nervously. "I've been controlling myself for years now. I haven't done or said anything because I wasn't going to do that to you. Not if you didn't feel the same. But, fuck, you do feel the same and now I can't not have you."
"What are you saying?" Y/N whispered, searching his cerulean eyes.
"I'm saying that I not only want to fuck you but I want you. Not just your body. I love you." His words were quiet and strained.
Y/N's eyes widened, and after a moment, all self control was gone. Their lips were smashed together perfectly, their bodies shoved against each other. Y/N was slammed against the wall, all sense of gentleness thrown out the window. 
Anakin's hands were gripping her hips and her hands were tangled in his curly blonde hair. Their kisses were quick and rough, teeth clashing and lips already growing sore from the desperate roughness.
"Need you." Anakin spoke in between kisses, his hands finding their way down to her ass and cupping it. He squeezed it firmly, making her whimper into his mouth.
"Then have me."
That gave him the permission to do what he's always wanted to do. He picked her up, their lip lock not breaking as he carried her over to the bed. He threw her onto the plush mattress, their kiss breaking momentarily.
He crawled on top of her, running his hands all over her body before smashing his lips back onto hers. Y/N swiped her tongue against his bottom lip, asking for entrance. He complied, letting their tongues meet in a messy battle of dominance.
Anakin's hand found her breast, squeezing it firmly through her shirt as he continued kissing her. He broke the lip lock, letting his kisses find their way to her neck. He wasn't being merciful. he immediately started harshly sucking on her sensitive skin, bruises sure to form.
Y/N arched her back a small amount as he found an extra sensitive spot, making Anakin smirk against her skin. His kisses traveled down until he let go completely, wetting his lips as his hands ran their way down to her shorts. Without wasting another second, he yanked her pajama shorts down, taking her underwear with them. He immediately spread her legs, taking in the sight of her dripping sex.
"Fuck." Anakin whispered. "So wet." He took his index finger and thumb, spreading apart her slick folds so he could have a better look at her soaked hole. "All for me?" He teased, not taking his eyes off of her tight cunt.
Y/N's cheeks burned red and she embarrassedly covered her face with her hands. "Ah ah ah," Anakin tutted. With his free hand he swatted her hands away. "Look at me when i'm touching you." Y/N took a shaky breath and looked back down at him, wetting her lips as her eyes met his. "Atta girl."
Without any foreplay or warning, Anakin shoved his face into her pussy, his lips attaching to her clit immediately. His vigor made Y/N arch her back and let out a loud moan.
She wasn't expecting him to touch her so roughly as quickly as he did, but Maker, did it feel good. "Anakin!" She cried out, making him pull away and give her a stern look.
"Gotta stay quiet for me, Angel." He purred, immediately attaching his lips back to her swollen clit.
Her moans were now soft and quiet, eager to listen to his demands. Anakin ran his tongue up and down her slick pussy, wanting her to feel every touch and every movement of his tongue. He slowly pushed one finger into her cunt, making her bite down on her fist to suppress the sounds she was so eager to release. As she arched her back, Anakin shoved his face harder into her pussy, quickening his pace so he could bring her to her orgasm.
He swiftly added another finger, pumping in and out of her hole with such ease and vigor that made her whole body tremble.
She was basically a mewling mess, which made Anakin smirk into her pussy. He could feel her walls clench around his fingers, signaling she must be close to her orgasm. He didn't stop his movements, he continued to desperately lap at her clit and dip his fingers in and out of her.
"Fuck! Ani- i'm so-" Y/N was too caught up in the pleasure to finish her words, instead, she bucked her hips up to his face, needing more.
Anakin knew what she wanted, so he harshly sucked at her clit and added a third finger, causing Y/N's back to arch so much that it began to hurt.
Anakin curled his fingers in her sopping cunt, brushing against her spongey g-spot she so desperately needed stimulated.
"Im-" She began to speak, but her impending orgasm interrupted her. Instead of finishing her words, her slick gushed all over Anakin's face and fingers. He didn't slow down his pace, causing her whole body to twitch and tremble in pleasure and overstimulation. "Oh- oh my g-god!" she whimpered as he eased her out of her orgasm.
He eventually pulled away, the lower half of his face completely soaked in her cum. He had a cheeky smirk on his face as he sucked her juices off of his fingers. Anakin wiped away her slick off of his chin with his bare arm, not taking his eyes off of her as he did so.
Her heart was pounding as he looked deep into her eyes, and as he slowly inched towards her so he was hovering over her, she felt small. Anakin smirked at her shyness, so to distract her, he began to unbutton her pajama shirt. He let it fall off her shoulders, exposing her skimpy black bra.
"For someone who wasn't expecting to get fucked, this sure is a slutty little thing." Anakin snapped her bra strap making Y/N shiver. She was still trembling from her orgasm, and couldn't help but whimper as she thought about how his cock would soon be buried into her cunt. Anakin unclipped her bra and groaned lowly as he saw her perky breasts, her nipples already hardened. She had goosebumps erupt on her body now that she was completely naked. "Tell me what you want." Anakin whispered, beginning to softly kiss her neck again. "Tell me."
"I-" Y/N shakily began. "I need you!" She whined.
"What do you need me to do, baby?" Anakin pulled away from her neck, grinning down at her. Y/N couldn't help but roll her eyes at his cockiness, but still gave in.
"Need you inside of me." She cried, huffing and tugging on the waistband of his sweatpants.
Anakin hummed. "Alright, if that's what you really want." He quickly pulled down his sweatpants, throwing them off to the side. He was left in black boxer briefs and Y/N could see the tent his length made through the material.
Making eye contact with her, he slowly pulled down his boxers, biting his lip as he saw her reaction. Y/N whimpered at the sight of his thick length, wondering how the fuck that would fit in her little hole.
"Don't you worry pretty girl, i'm gonna make that pretty little pussy feel so good." Anakin wrapped his large hand around his cock, pumping it a few times before he spread her legs again and rubbed it through her folds, still slick from her first orgasm. "All for me." He whispered under his breath.
Y/N wrapped her legs around his waist and bucked her hips, desperate to be filled. Anakin complied, slowly pushing his cock into her needy cunt.
"Fuck!" She threw her head back and let out a shaky breath, digging her fingernails into his back.
Anakin hissed at the feeling and continued to sink himself into her pussy. As he bottomed out, he placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. His gentleness soon subsided, him drawing his cock out of her tight hole and shoving it back in with a single thrust.
They formed a steady, rough rhythm, his cock stretching her walls out so much that her legs were shaking. One hand held himself up, sitting next to her head. He gripped the sheets, and with his other hand, he snuck it onto her neck. Squeezing her throat lightly, it made her roll her eyes back into her head from bliss.
"That's it," Anakin groaned, continuing to vigorously thrust into her cunt. Y/N could feel his cock touch every part of her, something that no man had ever truly fulfilled.
"A-Ani!" Y/N whined, digging her heels into his lower back.
"Shhh," Anakin bit down on her earlobe and gently squeezed her throat again. "Gotta stay quiet for me, pretty girl."
Y/N's mouth was wide open and she complied with his request, the sounds in her throat subsiding. Her boobs bounced as he continued to thrust into her, Anakin placing the hand that was once around her throat on her right boob. As he continued to pound her relentlessly, he kneaded and squeezed one of her breasts while he sucked and bit the other one.
Anakin spoke sweet nothings to her, pushing her towards her impending orgasm. It was beginning to grow nearly impossible for Y/N not to make any sounds, so she clasped one hand over her lips while the other tugged at Anakin's blonde curls.
"Fuck baby, you feel so good." Anakin purred, throwing his head back as he thrusted into her.
"Anakin- Anakin i'm so close!" She whined, closing her eyes and letting her lips part in heavenly bliss.
"Yeah? You're gonna cum for me? You're gonna cum on my cock?" Anakin chided, squeezing the boob that he was still kneading.
Y/N nodded vigorously, wrapping her arms around his neck and whimpering quietly. "I'm gonna- i'm gonna come, Ani!"
Her walls clenched harder around his cock, pushing him towards the edge. "Hold on baby, i'm almost there." He began to thrust harder and faster, making it so they could come undone together. "Okay pretty girl, cum on my cock."
Y/N arched her back and let out a pathetic whine, the walls of her cunt clenching around his fat cock. She felt herself gush all over his length just as spurts of his cum shot into her quivering pussy. "Oh my god-" She moaned, scratching her nails down his toned back.
"Fuck, yes," Anakin let out a small whimper which made Y/N cum even harder, loving the sounds he was making.
After they rode out their highs, Anakin pulled out and collapsed next to her, the both of them breathing heavily. He wasted no time pulling her close, wrapping his long arms around her trembling and sweaty figure.
Y/N hummed clinging onto him. Their sweaty skin stuck together and the smell of sex filled the air. It was quiet for a few moments before Y/N spoke up.
"What the fuck did we just do?" She whispered, burying her face in his neck. She was still slightly out of breath.
"We just fucked."
"Anakin, i'm serious." Y/N whined, slapping his chest. "We just broke about 20 different rules."
"I don't care." Anakin shrugged, pulling her closer and pressing a soft kiss on her sweaty forehead. "I love you, and i'm not going to let the code get in the way of that."
Y/N leaned up, placing a soft kiss on his lips. "I love you too."
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casieyfran · 1 year
Skywalkers family 🥺 idc what anyone says they live happily in naboo. Anakin and padme is raising their babies
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oonaluna-art · 5 months
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Happy May the Fourth!
Did you know I'm not the only artist who makes a fanfic comic about Luke and Leia as kids? I'd recommend checking out @silvereddaye's comic, The Tinies. I tried my best to emulate the Tinies' style. It was an interesting challenge! The ultimate result feels like a strange mixture of my style and Silver's, but i tried my best!
[My Ko-Fi] [Patreon]
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obikinetic · 2 years
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I see that hand Tori 🤨
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weixuldo · 2 years
Will You Stay?
Padme x F!Reader
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(a/n: soooooo we’re pretending people who are chosen as handmaidens have to go through this type of training to be brought up to serve and at the end of he training there is a ceremony where the girls are presented to the princess. she then chooses her personal handmaiden who accompanies her 99% of the time)
the day you have been dreading for years is finally here.
Warnings: cursing, abandonment issues, yelling
Naboo, your beautiful homeworld, full of rolling fields and beautiful bodies of water that glisten in the light. The beautiful palace atop the cliffside that houses a fabled princess. It stands proudly as a nation of stability. 
You were selected to become a handmaiden of the princess at a young age. You were placed in a secluded area of the palace where you were taught, among other girls, how to be a proper handmaiden.
You were to give yourself to the queen-to-be. You spent hours learning about her habits and how to mimic her voice. The only part you enjoyed was the training you were required to complete.
Most of the other girls only liked the assistance and regal parts of this schooling. But you liked to be outside in the courtyard. Using a polearm or a blaster to hit targets and refining your hand to hand combat skills.
It was the only time you felt like you weren’t just becoming a copy of the elusive princess.
At first you revolted the fact that you would have to basically be a living shadow of another girl, all throughout your preparation you hated the idea of having to meet her. But when the day finally came, when you saw her.
Everything changed.
They had spent hours doing your hair and makeup to get you ready to be presented to your new lady. You huffed as the older girls patted powder all over your face. You hated the way the lipstick tasted, you just wanted to have this whole ordeal over with.
You were pushed through some doors and ordered to wait until another maiden came to get you. 
You sat for a while tracing the ridiculously intricate patterns on your dress when the curtains in front of you began to ruffle. You looked at them curiously only to see a girl around your age, pop out from behind them.
She had dark brown hair and a few beauty marks on her face. She looked at you with wide eyes and smiled. 
“Hi,” she said, walking towards you. She was beautiful.
She was wearing typical servants gear, but you had never seen her before. 
“Hey, are you new here? I don't know if you should be here, I don’t want you to get in trouble” you whispered. 
She giggled and linked her arm with yours. “Why are you dressed like that?”.
You sighed before lamenting, “I have to be one of the new handmaidens to the princess. I don't mind, I guess, but I hate feeling constricted.” you tugged at the corset laces of the gown. 
You heard the door being opened and the girl ran back to behind the curtains ``Don't tell them you saw me!” she whispered. 
What an odd girl.
“Have you seen a young girl with dark brown hair around here? She’s wearing a servant's uniform. 
Feeling playful, you shrugged, “No”.
The woman at the door sighed and closed the door. 
The girl sprung from behind the velvet curtains, “Thank you so much!” she said before swiftly designing it.
“Wait! What’s your name?” you asked, but she had already left. 
A few more hours went by, honestly it felt more like days, until you were finally summoned. You were dressed like every other handmaiden and promptly entered the throne room.
The hall was lavishly decked out for the celebration of presenting the maidens to the princess. You begrudgingly held the long robes as you walked behind the other girls. 
The robes you were in were hot and the sequins were scratching at your neck, you were miserable. Finally you reached your stopping point and you stood tall in order for the Princess to examine you. 
The satin red drapes were drawn back and revealed a young girl, around your age, seated on the throne. She was made up and dressed similarly to the maidens, just the slightest bit more formal. Her face was painted white with the traditional red markings. She looked magnificent. 
Focus F/N.
She was the reason you had to learn all this stuff, the reason you were taken from your home, she was-
“I appreciate your loyalty and attendance. I hope to be a just lady for each of you” she said, bowing slightly at you and the other girls. 
But that voice, you were certain that was the voice from earlier. It sounded deeper, more authoritative but there was a soft undertone to it….
You were pulled out of your thoughts by Dorme, who tugged your sleeve to get you to bow. You bowed and the princess descended the marbled stairs to meet your level.
She moved like mist through the forest, so regal. She slowly walked down the line of girls, stopping to bow individually at each one. You were the last in line and anxiously watching her from the corner of your eye. 
She made it to you and you recognized the sparkle in her caramel eyes, your gaze drifted to her cheek, you could still make out her beauty marks through the white makeup.
It was her.
You felt your heart race as she bowed to you. You bowed to her next, as you rose you made intense eye contact with her. Something about her was just so intriguing, once you were at your full height once more, she took a moment to gaze into your eyes. 
“What is your name?” she spoke.
“F/N, M’lady” you replied, blush creeping up your cheeks.
“F/N” she breathed out, almost like a whisper.
You nodded, your legs getting weak.
She turned to face the court and began to speak. 
“I have made my decision, F/N will accompany me as my personal Handmaiden, No further inquiries”.
You were astounded, she chose you?
You saw the look of defeat in the other girl’s eyes and felt bad, some of these girls’ only aspiration in life was to be in the position you just got handed.
Soon the court was dismissed and you were ushered to follow the princess back to her quarters. You were trained as a protector and a handmaiden, so you were expected to tend to her needs…
You trailed behind her long robes and closed her chamber doors with a gulp. You turned to face her to see her already looking at you. Something inside told you to bow, or to at least downcast your gaze, but before you could fully bow one of her soft hands caught your cheek. She gently tilted your face to look at her. 
“There is no need to bow” she smiled as she guided you back up. “We are equal, are we not”. Once you were back to your full height she placed her other hand on your arm.
“You’re shaking,” she said.
“I’m sorry M’Lady… I apol-”
You were silenced by her soft lips gently colliding with your own. You were surprised but some part of you told you to lean into it.
It felt… nice.
You could smell her flowery perfume and you could taste her red lip tint. Once you were done you stared at her for a moment. Behind the white powder you could see the slightest tint of pink peppering her cheeks.
She held herself less confidently and she twittled her thumbs. She looked more like just another girl rather than the princess. 
“M’Lady, I- “ you tried to find the right words, were you supposed to be feeling this way? Your job was to protect her, watch over her, not whatever this feeling was.
“Padme,” she said softly.
“My name… Please call me Padme,” she said shyly. 
“Ok, Padme,” you repeated.
The two of you stood there for a few quiet minutes, the silence was deafening. She began to walk to the other side of the room before you called out to her. She turned and a jewel from her headdress cascaded to the ground. You swiftly picked it up and tried to reattach it, you were still a handmaiden afterall.
He placed her hands around yours, halting your motions, “Please, keep it” she smiled closing your palms around the jewel. 
You faltered for a moment before you pressed your lips to hers once more. This time it was a tender kiss, you placed your hands on her corseted waist and drew her into you. Time seemed nonexistent, you were simply existing beside her.
“I’ve had my eye on you for a while” she admitted shyly once you were parted.
“You’re not like the others, you weren’t competing for my attention. You were just you”
You smiled at her words and blushed. Suddenly you felt a twang of guilt, you hated this “Princess” because the need for her handmaidens took you away from your home…
but the girl standing in front of you now was not the spoiled brat you expected. She was regal, beautiful, and most importantly, kind. 
“Shall I help you settle in for the night, M’Lady” you offered.
She nodded back with a small smile, “Yes, Please”.
And with that you crossed the threshold to her dressing quarters and into your new life.
a/n: ik i’m kinda uncoordinated with my upload schedule, but i promise i haven’t forgot about my stories, most of the time i just really want to go in depth but i revise because i’m afraid i get too specific or not specific enough!! but thank you guys for sticking with me, it really means the world!!)
taglist: @xxx-pearl @calamitousvader @wtf-andys @raccoonsaregay @jar-of-moondust
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rose-arwen-padme · 11 months
Sneak Peek at the next chapter of Suppression, an AOTC Anidala fanfic
“I know this will all come as a surprise… I know this comes as a shock to you…”
My dress caught bits of leaves and small twigs on the stone floor. Some slipped under the hem to their doom; I could feel the crunch under my soles as they fractured. I walked— or rather, paced— my twentieth lap around the patio table and dual chairs. My hands pressed the sides of my corset, pushing down past my hips till they ran out of fabric to flatten.
“What I’ve asked of you must not leave this villa.” I dropped my jaw and pulled in a deep breath. The floral air flooded into my expanded chest. “I love him. I love him. I am not forsaking my obligations, nor is he his, but it is time… it is time… to…”
Skittish eyes swept to the lake, again landing immediately on the approaching water speeder. It was close enough now to make out the two men sitting within it. The rider in the stern was younger and fairer, and garbed in a robe I knew the intimate texture of. The face of the other, paler man was curtained by the splits of his maroon head cap. Nerves set my innards on fire. I released the air in my lungs with a whoosh, half-expecting to taste ash.
“I know this will come as a shock, but… we have asked you here to marry us.”
From my perch on Varykino’s sixth-level balcony, I watched their speed reduce while Anakin steered the craft towards the entrance to the jetty. At the last moment, his chin shot upwards, exposing his masculine throat to the sun; his features centered unequivocally in my direction.
Eyes met across the distance.
Seconds later, the boat sailed behind a row of trees thriving on the third floor, stealing his piercing stare from me.
I could feel my heart thundering under my neck, but a greater feeling of calm was returning. As my thoughts settled, unexpectedly, it wasn’t the sound of my own inner voice I heard, nor even Anakin’s— but Sabé’s.
{The truth is on our side. All you need to do is tell the truth.}
I gathered myself together and turned to leave my marble nest. It had served its purpose.
More at Archive of Our Own and FanFiction.Net
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Obi-Wan puts his arm around me and simply holds me. After several long minutes, I run out of tears. “Thank you, Obi-Wan. I have felt so utterly alone in this. I have been planning to leave Anakin, to resign as Senator, and raise our children in hiding, knowing that they would not be safe around him. And yet part of me still loves him, will always love him. And I know you love him too.” His mouth twists as he releases me. “Padmé, I have been tasked with killing Anakin. I don’t know how I could do it, but I must try, to protect the galaxy.” “I want to believe there is good in him,” I say. “I have advocated my whole life for peaceful solutions. I hope that you love him enough to consider those before resorting to violence.”
Snippet from my Revenge of the Sith fic - a rewrite from Padmé's perspective.
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ontherocks21 · 1 month
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Thoughts from Hyperspace:
It seems there's a pretty prevalent and accepted fanon/"canon" character aspect regarding Padmé's inability to cook. And I'm not here to lay out a dissertation to refute it. But I am here to posture some daydreams for your consideration.
I think it jives that Jobal Naberrie made food care packages for her culinary-"inept" daughter. Think freezer meals and Hello Fresh type cooking kits. (Not a paid advertisement btw, substitute any brand of your preference) Not only does this work within the constraints of Padmé's lacking kitchen skills but it adds credence to Jobal's widely accepted mothering tendencies. I can just see her putting together ready-to-assemble dinners complete with foolproof recipes to download so that Padmé and her entourage could enjoy a taste from home during long stints on Coruscant. I'll bet she even packed a few "extra meals" in case a certain dashing young Jedi was around.
Take it. Leave it. I'll probably incorporate this into my works somewhere because I love the idea too much.
PS: I have no doubt that Anakin doctored a few recipes as he most obviously has some cooking chops imparted by Shmi.
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iburnedmyselfalive · 2 months
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┃18+ minors dni somnophilia, p in v, oral (f receiving) ,, ani is such a nasty fuck i’d so see him doing this
deeply inspired by my lovely @bunnylovesani :3 ,, this really did sum to me
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when your luscious dreams began to engulf you more and more often, rendering you inconsolable with desire, anakin, with primal hunger in his eyes and elsewhere, approached you almost every time, in the throes of deep sleep, his presence being undetected while he savored the moment. his tongue, hot and insistent, delved deep in you, exploring every inch of your trembling form, relishing the intoxicating essence of your arousal.
your lips, parted in a silent plea for more, betrayed the overwhelming pleasure coursing through you, driving him to devour you with a fervor unmatched. he eagerly buried his face in your sopping pussy, his hungry lips and skilled tongue tracing every curve, every fold, as you writhed in pleasure, your moans filling the air like sweet music. anakin’s devotion to your pleasure knew no bounds as he explored every single inch, leaving you gasping for more, even in your sleep.
there'd even be times when he'd gently push his fat cock into your eager virgin ass, filling you completely. each thrust, he savored the tightness, losing himself in the depths of your neediness. with a husky growl, he'd hiss, "shiiiit, you're such a fuckin' filthy whore, takin’ me like you made for it," his voice being laced with a commanding edge as he clenched his jaw, his grip on your hips unyielding.
countless times he'd walked in on you, sound asleep, lost in deep sleep, humping a pillow in a desperate attempt for satisfaction. but ‘course, he couldn't resist intervening for his girl's pleasure. "mmm, look at you, such a pathetic lil' slut," he'd purr, his voice thick with a hint of disdain. "moaning and writhing like a needy bitch. don't worry, baby, ‘m here to take care of you. you jus' need some helpin' out, huh?"
with a deep, throaty groan, he'd press close, his breath hot against your ear as he whispered, "’m gonna help you out, a'ight?" the slick, wet sounds of his movements filled the air as he slid effortlessly into your dripping cunt, each thrust sending a shockwave of pleasure coursing through your body. but he wasn't done yet. no, he needed to assert his authority fully.
with a firm grip, he'd rearrange your position, forcing your face into the mess you'd made, your own arousal coating your flushed cheeks. your legs would be hoisted high, knees to your chest, exposing you completely to his gaze. "there, that's it," he'd murmur, his voice dark and commanding. "let me see that pretty face of yours as i fuck you senseless. you love it, don't you? being used like the dirty fuckin’ whore you are."
and as he pounded into you relentlessly, mixing your combined essences with each thrust, you couldn't help but cry out in pleasure and humiliation, completely at his mercy. "yesyesyes, ani!" you'd cry out, your voice echoing through the room, your eyes squeezing shut with intensity. each repetition of his name was like a desperate plea for more, your desire consuming you entirely. your screams grew louder with each passing moment, so much so that he felt compelled to muffle your cries with his hand, a mix of annoyance and amusement flashing across his face.
he'd smirk, his eyes alight with a teasing glint as he relished in your vulnerability. the way you surrendered to him, begging for his touch, only fueled his ego further. he'd press his hand against your mouth, silencing your passionate cries, enjoying the power he held over you. despite the complaints and the knowing glances from others, he showed no signs of concern or remorse. after all, it was your uncontrollable desire that drove you to such extremes, not his actions.
he reveled in the attention, reveling in the fact that you were willing to risk it all for him. in the soft light of the morning, he'd find immense pleasure in tormenting you about your nocturnal exclamations, turning even the most mundane moments into opportunities for teasing. with a toothbrush in hand, you'd stand before the bathroom mirror, the bristles grazing against your teeth as you attempted to focus on the task at hand. but his presence was impossible to ignore.
planting a trail of kisses across your face, he'd interrupt your routine with playful affection, his voice laced with a mischievous tone as he whispered, "were y’a dreaming last night, baby? heard somethin'." the suggestive implication hung in the air, causing a flush to bloom across your cheeks as you attempted to evade his probing inquiry. "no," you'd hastily respond, your words betraying the nervous tremor in your voice.
yet, despite your denial, he saw through the facade, relishing in the subtle signs of your arousal. the hitch in your breath, the telltale clench of your thighs; they were all the confirmation he needed of the vivid fantasies that had consumed your subconscious. with a knowing smirk, he'd revel in your discomfort, taking pleasure in the power he held over you.
his teasing took on a new level of humiliation as he continued to pry, each word dripping with innuendo and amusement. with expert precision, he'd chip away at your defenses, his playful taunts leaving you feeling exposed and vulnerable. and while you stood there, toothbrush forgotten in your hand, you couldn't help but wonder if he derived as much satisfaction from your torment as you did humiliation.
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