#page 5283
pesterloglog · 9 months
John Egbert, Jade Harley, Jaspersprite
Act 6, page 5283-5307
JOHN: jade...
JADE: hm?
JOHN: i think i just realized something.
JADE: what?
JADE: whaaat
JADE: but you love this movie!
JOHN: yeah, i know.
JOHN: i mean... i thought i did.
JOHN: it's been kind of a long time since i last saw it. i really remember it being a lot better than this!
JOHN: but now everything just seems so cheesy and stupid.
JADE: but you were making such a big deal about finally getting me to watch it with you on your birthday!
JADE: you were going on and on about how i wouldnt be disappointed... but now youre saying you dont like it?
JOHN: i don't know. i'm trying to like it. i WANT to like it.
JOHN: i want to feel the same magic that was there all the other times i watched it.
JOHN: but i can't, because...
JOHN: it's just...
JOHN: not...
JOHN: good. :(
JADE: really?
JADE: i was actually kind of enjoying it!
JADE: its very silly
JADE: i really dont think its the kind of movie youre supposed to take all that seriously john
JOHN: but i DID take it seriously!!!
JOHN: i guess maybe that's kind of the point.
JOHN: i always thought all this hokey bullshit was legitimately awesome and compelling.
JOHN: what was i even thinking!
JADE: i dunno....
JADE: but people can change their minds about things
JADE: i think youre allowed to change your mind about a silly movie
JADE: i used to LOVE the squiddles show when i was really young
JADE: but as i got older i started to realize it wasnt as great as i thought it was
JADE: i was just too young to see how it was actually a flagrant vehicle for selling merchandise
JADE: and if you believed the conspiracy theorists it might have even been pushing some other dark hidden agendas.....
JADE: so i stopped liking the show itself as much but that didnt change the fact that i had a lot of fond memories about it
JADE: i still loved all the cute characters and could enjoy it on a nostalgic level
JOHN: well, maybe later i'll be able to rekindle some nostalgic feelings about it.
JOHN: but right now, i just feel like a dope for talking this up so hard.
JADE: what is even the problem with it?
JADE: ive just been watching this and thinking, yup, i can see why john was so obsessed with this movie...
JADE: its funny!
JOHN: it's just non stop terrible action movie cliches!
JOHN: look.
JOHN: i love nic cage. he is basically my hero, ok?
JOHN: but i'm kind of just realizing now that he is EMBARRASSINGLY BAD in this movie!
JOHN: he is just doing this corny parody of a southern guy who is down on his luck, and acts "charming" with his goofy accent and stuff.
JOHN: some things i used to think were so badass are just coming off as ridiculous now.
JOHN: can you believe that one time we were watching this movie, when he said "put the bunny back in the box" i actually high fived my dad?
JOHN: this time that line just made me roll my eyes.
JOHN: there's so much crappy dialogue!
JOHN: "cyrus, this is your barbecue, and it tastes good..." arrgh!
JADE: but he was trying to sound like a hardened criminal to win the trust of john malkovich!
JOHN: jade, please. it was a cheesy line, don't be so naive.
JADE: what!!
JADE: you spent your whole life worshiping this dumb movie and now youre calling ME naive????
JOHN: ok, i'm sorry. i guess in fairness to you, you have only just begun to climb the steep learning curve of this vexing and hypnotic film.
JOHN: but i am no longer bound by its spell, jade.
JADE: oh god
JADE: vexing and hypnotic??
JADE: its a movie full of explosions about a guy with a mullet
JADE: what is with you lately? you seem to be in such a crappy mood these days
JOHN: i am fine. this MOVIE is what's crappy these days.
JADE: oh bluh bluh
JADE: can we just finish the rest of the movie?
JADE: look you made us miss a whole bunch of stuff!
JADE: hang on im going to rewind it...
JOHN: who even cares what we missed.
JOHN: just cameron stupid poe in his idiot wife beater babbling some more southern home spun heroic nonsense.
JOHN: heart of gold my ass!!!!!
JOHN: everything dave ever said about this movie was right! i can't believe i used to think he was just trolling me.
JOHN: the stupid junkyard scene where cyrus makes a little model out of rocks and stuff, just so he could tell the criminals to surround some army guys and shoot them... that was pointless!
JOHN: and all this heavy handed scoring. oh my god. the music makes every little thing into such a federal issue!
JOHN: there. now you officially know they are all badasses.
JOHN: also, i somehow didn't even remember dave chappelle being in this movie. he was pointless too.
JADE: whos dave chappelle?
JOHN: and you know the malloy guy, the dick head cop who we're supposed to hate, because of how he gives john cusack a hard time and makes asshole decisions with a helicopter?
JOHN: well screw that! he wasn't so bad. so what if he was a little grumpy? he was just trying to do his job. he had one of the best lines in the movie actually, which was another thing we were supposed to hate him for.
JOHN: what was it? about how cusack was probably out saving a tree and recycling his sandals or some shit? HAHAHA! now that i think about it, i fucking LOVE malloy.
JOHN: i'm going to rewind it to watch that scene again...
JADE: no!!!
JADE: dont touch the remote
JOHN: oh, and we're supposed to be like "YEAH" when cusack wrecks malloy's awesome sports car.
JOHN: but that was a nice car! john cusack shouldn't have ruined it like that for laughs.
JOHN: i know *I* wasn't laughing, were you?
JOHN: john cusack was such a terrible character in this movie now that i think about it. i don't really get what he added to it?
JOHN: he was like the second hero... but dorkier? what did he even really do? he scampered around the junkyard for a while goofing off, and then when it was his time to shine...
JOHN: HE DEMONSTRATED HIS MASTERY OVER HEAVY MACHINERY! wow, he can operate a crane! i am thrilled by the exploits of this pedantic weenie.
JOHN: i guess he's actually like cage's estranged sidekick? almost like the robin that batman never realized he had.
JOHN: now that i think about it, this movie was always an oddly poignant tale of bromance between cage and cusack. just two bros separated by destiny, waiting to be united.
JOHN: when they finally come together to kick some ass, it is arguably more moving than when he reunites with his wife and daughter!
JOHN: i wonder if i'll think that scene sucks now too? it used to move me to tears, but now i'll probably think it's so lame, i'm almost afraid to watch it. maybe i should try to leave at least SOME memories untainted.
JADE: john you are kind of sounding like a crazy person here
JOHN: yeah right! crazy like a fOWWW!
JADE: what???
JOHN: oh...
JOHN: i guess there was a stray feather clinging to my pajamas and it just poked me in the ass.
JOHN: god damn dave sprite.
JOHN: that guy molts like it's going out of style.
JADE: oh...
JADE: heh
JADE: yeah
JOHN: where is he anyway?
JOHN: i specifically told dave sprite several times when my party would start, because i knew he would do this.
JOHN: he's already missed half the movie!
JADE: why do you always call him dave sprite?
JOHN: um... because that's his name?
JOHN: dave sprite.
JADE: no, i mean why do you always say it like that? with the space between words?
JADE: its not dave sprite, its just davesprite
JOHN: what ever.
JOHN: i can't believe he's standing me up on my birthday.
JOHN: maybe he doesn't want to hang out with jaspers?
JOHN: jaspers, i hope you're not going to start chasing him around again when he gets here.
JOHN: dude, shut up.
JADE: yeah.... john
JADE: i dont think davesprite is coming tonight
JOHN: aw, man. really?
JOHN: i knew we shouldn't have invited both him and jaspers.
JOHN: that's just party planning BASICS.
JADE: no...
JADE: it has nothing to do with jaspers
JOHN: oh.
JOHN: then why?
JADE: he uh...
JADE: kind of broke up with me
JOHN: what!!!
JOHN: when did that happen?
JADE: a couple days ago
JOHN: no. no way.
JOHN: i cannot accept this!
JADE: john its ok you dont have t...
JOHN: you and dave sprite were like the glue holding everything together on this miserable road trip!
JADE: we were?
JOHN: yes, jade.
JOHN: you were our rock.
JADE: your rock??
JADE: what are you talking about?
JOHN: come on, jade.
JOHN: you and dave sprite were like... an INSTITUTION on this stupid golden battleship.
JADE: we were not an institution!
JADE: you are just saying meaningless things now
JOHN: why did he break up with you?!
JADE: um...
JADE: its complicated
JADE: basically hes just going through a lot of stuff right now
JOHN: stuff??
JOHN: what stuff.
JOHN: jade, we are all going through stuff. you don't see me flying off the handle and breaking up with MY girlfriend.
JADE: do uh...
JADE: you have a girlfriend?
JOHN: that is not the point.
JOHN: the point is that dave sprite is a douche.
JADE: i dont think hes a douche, hes just...
JOHN: no, he's an orange feathery douche.
JOHN: why is he such a basket case? he's like regular dave, but like, aloof enigma edition.
JOHN: maybe it's because he's part bird? i think becoming a bird and a sprite did something weird to him.
JADE: i dont think being a bird ever bothered him
JADE: like i said... its all more complicated than that
JOHN: normal dave was so much more level headed.
JOHN: i have to admit, i spend a lot of time wondering what he and rose are up to.
JADE: me too
JOHN: ehh...
JOHN: maybe it's for the best he broke up with you.
JADE: why?
JOHN: well, what kind of future do you think you would have with him?
JOHN: he's a sprite. like really, what even is a sprite? how long do they live? will he still be around if we win the new game we are allegedly trying to get to?
JADE: i dont know
JOHN: there are a lot of things we don't know.
JOHN: and also...
JOHN: how do things even work if you marry a sprite?
JADE: what do you mean
JOHN: i mean...
JOHN: ok, he has a ghost butt, for one thing.
JADE: uh
JADE: so
JOHN: i'm just saying...
JADE: and whatever youre trying to gesture with your hands there, stop doing that too!
JOHN: what? no, i was just...
JADE: nope!!! totally not talking about this
JOHN: but
JADE: put your hands down john
JOHN: ok, fine.
JADE: thats not down, thats up!
JADE: oh well, at least youre not making those unsettling gestures...
JADE: john...
JADE: what are you doing?
JOHN: nothing!
JADE: i hope youre not entertaining some awkward train of thought about, uh...
JOHN: no!!!
JADE: what is with you??
JADE: today is your birthday, youre supposed to be having fun!
JADE: but youve been so testy, as if youre committed to not having a good time
JOHN: well, maybe i'm just getting a little tired of being stuck on this lame boat!
JOHN: don't you think it's gotten kind of old?
JADE: yeah, i can see how you might find it a little slow here
JADE: i dunno, i havent minded much... maybe its different for me though because i used to live all alone?
JOHN: oh sure, i'm sure it's GREAT for you. you get to spend your days smooching and breaking up with dave sprite and what not, and you can shrink down to any old planet you feel like, any time. whereas i have to make this whole big deal of ASKING you to shrink or unshrink me, and...
JADE: but i dont mind doing that any time!!!
JOHN: i know, but you think i want to bug you about that at the drop of a hat? when you're busy and on dates and stuff? i just happen to have respect for something called PERSONAL BOUNDARIES, jade.
JOHN: and it's not like there's really anyone else to talk to, except the inscrutable chess people and a bunch of brainless consorts and an idiot cat princess. oh and also nanna, but i mean, she's my grandmother, and she's great, but a guy can only spend so much quality time with his grandmother before he starts to feel like kind of a loser whose friends are too busy to spend time with him!
JADE: john... if you told me this earlier i would have...
JOHN: and i still never visit any interesting dream bubbles, and we can't even finish our cool planet quests because the moment we broke through the window all our denizens decided to go back to sleep, and...
JOHN: i guess what i'm saying is, i'm MORE than ready to get to the other window and meet our friends and other new people and stuff.
JOHN: are you sure you can't make the ship go faster???
JADE: were already going as fast as i can make us go
JOHN: and how fast is that again?
JADE: about the speed of light!
JOHN: well, can't you use your space powers and bump it up a notch?
JADE: no! nothing can go faster than light john
JADE: unless you teleport of course
JOHN: and why can't you teleport us again?
JADE: i already explained this! i cant do that here, its not within the domain of the green sun which gives me those powers!
JOHN: is that why we can't go faster than light either?
JADE: no thats just a regular law of physics!!! jeez
JOHN: ok, i mean, i know that. but this isn't really a regular place, right?
JOHN: isn't the speed of light like a thousand miles a second? so what does that really mean here? are miles and seconds the same here as on earth? how does this nonsense dimension we're racing through jive with all the relativity mumbo jumbo?
JADE: ok first of all, thats not even close to the speed of light
JADE: light travels at a hundred and eighty six thousand miles per second no matter what frame of reference youre in... even this one!
JADE: second of all special relativity and comparing laws of physics between different frames of reference, those are tricky issues to talk about!
JADE: but id be more than happy to talk about them if youd like. actually i would enjoy that because i never really get to talk about science wi...
JOHN: no, i don't want to talk about physics! i don't know anything about the laws of physics, because they are hard and boring.
JOHN: i simply would like them to behave in a way that is most convenient to ME and MY LIFE! is that really asking too much?
JADE: yes as a matter of fact it is!
JADE: you take that back!!!!!
JOHN: no.
JOHN: magic is awesome.
JOHN: science blows.
JOHN: the end.
JADE: john.....
JADE: what is that?
JOHN: what?
JADE: under your hood...
JADE: looks like a piece of paper stuck to your back?
JOHN: huh?
JOHN: oh god dammit.
JADE: what?
JADE: what is it??
JADE: where are you going?
JADE: what! john, no...
JADE: ok yes, that practical joke is in poor taste, but you should try to calm down and...
JADE: um
JADE: which one?
JADE: sigh
JADE: :|
JADE: john...
JADE: theres no one there
JOHN: oh he's THERE alright.
JOHN: he's probably just using some sprite magic so only i can see him.
JOHN: don't you see, jade? he's antagonizing ME PERSONALLY, not you. he's done with you, remember?
JOHN: he already used you like a rented mule, and now he is moving on to greener pastures.
JADE: what pastures
JOHN: it's me.
JOHN: I'M the pastures.
JOHN: and now his mule is grazing all over them, while he has a good laugh.
JADE: what
JADE: wasnt i supposed to be the mule?
JADE: i dont think i understand your analogy
JOHN: no, you see, it's...
JOHN: the mule represented, like...
JOHN: i don't know, like the spirit animal of his douchey ways. or something.
JADE: ....
JOHN: who cares about mules, or pastures, or dave sprite's stupid ephemeral sky visage.
JOHN: who cares about anything!!!
JOHN: who cares about my birthday, or nic cage, or this boat full of idiots.
JADE: john i think youre officially throwing a tantrum here
JADE: ...
JADE: john?
JADE: john...
JADE: are you asleep?
JADE: please dont tell me you just fell asleep in your driveway
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podfeels · 4 days
Podfeels Adapt8ion Notes: Episode 2
hello! dare again, and i know that last time i said we'd be releasing these gradually in "the coming days", but, well, life happens. specifically, life happened to where i was unable to write these notes at all. as such, i passed the duty on to another dedicated member of the team. im gonna let them take over from here, and god Damn she was so much more thorough than i wouldve been, but whenever theres a place where my input is needed, ill pipe in with purple text like this! now to get to the real shit:
hey it's luna stagelights here for some adaptational notes for podfeels. i'm only really here to talk about script differences, i can't exactly speak for art and sound design because i wasn't involved in that part of the process. ill pitch in with sound design when necessary, but art was mostly covered in the general S1 post we had the first time.
anyway letsa go
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so episode 2 is interesting from an adaptational standpoint because it was the first episode we had to do basically entirely on our own. for episode 1 we had sarah’s changes already, and the decisions she made from there served as as a sort of guideline for what we’re doing from now on, although as time went on we found our own sort of groove for this sort of thing, and we’re not super tied down to the way sarah did it as much i think.
on the topic of the actual changes though: chapter 1 of godfeels 2 part 1 begins with a flashback to pages 5283-5288 of homestuck, with John and Jade watching Con Air, with John declaring that “this movie fucking sucks!”. the episode begins a bit before that, with some noise from the movie itself, specifically audio synced to the footage on screen in the original comic. this change isn't really that major in the long run though, mostly just adding detail to help sell the scene better.
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left is the original, right is what got put in the episode. there are a few inconsistencies between what i show here and the scriptlog shown in the episode , but i re-edited the doc to match what you hear in the actual episode.
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lot of narration cut and replaced with sound. this is going to be EXTREMELY commonplace as we go forward. 
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ok so this line wasn’t actually changed but I do distinctly remember there being some discussion about this, as john says “w8ke up” like “waitk up” here, which i thought felt awkward, however we came to the agreement that john is the kind of dork ass nerd who would say typing quirks like this aloud. but this does actually bring up an issue we’ll see a lot later on, and that is “how the fuck do you vocalize typing quirks”, especially with the inordinate number of gags that rely on presence of a typing quirk. the answer we’ve come to seems to be “on a case by case basis”, but usually characters don’t talk as if their typing quirks are a factor unless theres a good reason.
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more lines changed from “texted” to “called” to reflect the change done from texts to calls as it’s an audio format, in line with sarah’s adaptations in episode 1.
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“delete that message” was replaced with “forget i said that”, because it’s a call and that wouldn’t make sense.
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another minor adaptational hurdle was dealing with emoticons in text. it’s another case by case thing, sometimes it can be just a little sound, sometimes if theres an emoticon at the end of a line we can just remove it and factor it into the delivery of the line, but with lines like this we just simply added terezi doing a little laugh to convey a similar emotion to the emoticon.
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the “whoops shit” was added along with a sound of rose snoring, evoking the effect of being too loud on the phone while a friend is asleep, to reflect that it’s a call
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the >:x is represented by terezi making a little ‘zzzp’ sound.
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this is another answer to the emoticon problem, sometimes you just add a line there instead. 
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text does a fun thing with color here, but we couldn’t do anything about that. I think there was discussion about having the va’s for the character who’s colors are represented in the text saying the line, but there was no way to get that to sound even remotely good so we just left the line as is. sometimes when adapting shit things like this will just have to be cut.
oh now THIS is a fun bit.
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dare mentioned the talkpogs in the adaptation notes for episode 1, i can’t exactly go too into that part myself because it’s not my wheelhouse, but there is an INCREDIBLY fun bit in the youtube version of this, where terezi does her trademark scribbles on her own talkpog, just for the bit. in the audio-only versions, this bit is missing, and the scribble sound effect as she scribbles on her talkpog are also absent, because they’re a part of a joke that’s simply not there. the bit is still *kind of* there in the audio only version because in both versions terezi clears her throat. its also the first place where the talkpog coloration rules are demonstrated! in our talkpogs, the inner circle is their name color, and the outer ring is their text color. so when she draws on the hey dweebkid this you face, her outer ring shifts to john's text color!
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another minor change, just having it be a more natural end to the phone call by adding some words.
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after the call we added a new bit of dialogue here, as a way to more naturally transition between chapters, as this episode covers 2 chapters of the original fic. as time goes on and chapters get longer though, covering multiple chapters in a single episode becomes less feasible, often leaning towards us having some later chapters being planned to be multiple episodes.
the rest of the episode is basically entirely made up of narration, and there were actually no adaptational changes made in the narration! 
but there is one last moment. the text originally ends with a section break and then a text of vriska saying “there you are”, and for this episode we simulated that paragraph break by leaving in a bit of silence as if we’re going to cut to credits, before having vriska show up. in the video version, we also had that texton top of 7 dots, reminiscent of vriska’s spidery left eye (or the pokemon registeel, if you’re like me and for some reason that was where your mind wandered to first)
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so thats it covered! thank you to stagelights for doing the breakdowns for these episodes! tomorrow we'll have episode 3's breakdown released as well! (and this time i mean it for certain, because i scheduled it at the same time as this post >:P)
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fogsrollingin · 1 year
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Quivering Mirror Neurons by sprinkles888. Gen, Teen and up, 53k words. Summary: The year is 2047. #5283 is a top-of-the-line military surveillance android. When his code breaks, he leaves his facility in order to find purpose in life. He finds it when he hunts down Dean Winchester to learn about monsters. Together, they set out to solve a nearby case, but Dean is hiding his past connected with the death of his brother, and #5283's systems are constantly spazzing out. Working through these issues is going to require a lot of trust-building . . . And a visit to a home in Lawrence, Kansas, that is just a little too familiar to both of them. https://archiveofourown.org/works/38737581 my thoughts: I loved this fic so so much. I loved how sprinkles made Sam the android robot so vulnerable, how creatively they translated human reactions and emotions into plausible and interesting android behavior. I loved the slow building of trust between him and Dean. I loved how competent Sam was as a robot hacker (semblances of murderbot) even when he was compromised & struggling. I think my favorite part was when Bobby & Dean were trying to perform surgery and betraying all his programming, Sam was scared & then it hurt. Such an excellent fic!!! This fic rec has been added to my SPN android AUs reclist.
The Self Is Not So Weightless (Nor Whole and Unbroken) by OxfordRose (jadinacookie), redtailedhawk90. Rated Explicit, Gentlebeard, 75k words. Summary: "Does anything about my appearance strike you as familiar Mr. Teach?" Danford asks, as if Ed hadn't just asked a question, moving aside the bowl to sit down on the stool. "Or my name?"Ed squints at him. "Nah, sorry, mate." Danford nods, a hand slipping into the pocket of his apron once more."That's about what I expected. Not that it would change matters if you had, I just imagine that these proceedings might make more sense to you. Call this...a reckoning if you will." Or: Before Stede and Ed can reunite after the academy, Ed is captured by a privateer with a personal grudge. https://archiveofourown.org/works/40015041 My thoughts: This fic features some serious Ed whump - torture & humiliation before Stede gets to him but once the hurt is over, Stede's comfort is unparalleled. The writing is superb. I was up until 2AM on a work night devouring this fic. The crew & Stede discovering what had happened to Ed and then taking such good care of him. Ugh, this was such a healing fic. Much love to the author, they did such a fantastic job. Added to My Favorite OFMD Fics
Spirital Remedy by AceofHearts61. Teen, Gen/Other, 2k words. Summary: To prove that Dean isn't dead inside and to bring him healing, Castiel connects the Winchester brothers to love at the soul level. https://archiveofourown.org/works/374556 My thoughts: Castiel orchestrates some soul-healing cuddles between Sam and Dean. I can’t get enough of AceofHearts61′s fic. This was just magnificent. Added to my Spiritual Stuff Reclist.
Find all my fic recs on my neocities page here :)
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angelsdean · 1 year
✨☆✨put some stars into the inbox of your favourite blogs! it’s time to spread positivity✨☆✨
hiiiiii thank you so much💫 i love stars so much 🌟 here's a cool pic of a galaxy from nasa's black hole week celebration page (yes this past week was black hole week, isn't that so cool? a whole week to celebrate these big mindbending celestial abysses!!)
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The lenticular galaxy NGC 5283 contains an active galactic nucleus, or AGN. An AGN is an extremely bright region at the heart of a galaxy where a supermassive black hole exists. When dust and gas fall into the black hole, the matter heats up and emits light across the electromagnetic spectrum. [image source]
isn't it so wild and cool that all of that exists ?? it's all out there above us. so many stars and galaxies and other worlds and black holes and dark matter, we're so small in it all but we're here<3 hope you have a great day, anon🌟🌟🌟
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imagilityco · 13 days
How to Check Immigration Status: A Simple Guide
Checking your immigration status is a crucial step in keeping track of your visa, green card, or other immigration-related applications. The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) provides various tools and resources to help individuals monitor their case progress. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to check immigration status effectively.
Using the USCIS Online Case Status Tool The most straightforward way to check your immigration status is by using the USCIS online case status tool. Here’s how to use it:
Go to the USCIS Case Status Website: Visit the USCIS Case Status page on the official website. Enter Your Receipt Number: You’ll need the 13-character receipt number found on your Form I-797 (Notice of Action). This number begins with three letters followed by ten numbers. View Your Case Status: After entering your receipt number, you’ll be able to see the current status of your application.
Creating a USCIS Online Account Another convenient way to check immigration status is by creating a USCIS online account. This account allows you to not only track your case but also receive updates and notifications directly from USCIS.
Register: Create an account on the USCIS website by providing basic information. Login and Track: Once your account is set up, you can log in to check the status of your application, submit inquiries, or receive important updates.
Contacting USCIS by Phone If you prefer to speak with someone directly, you can check your immigration status by contacting USCIS at 1-800-375-5283. Have your receipt number ready, as you will need it to access case information.
Using the USCIS App USCIS also offers a mobile app called Case Tracker for Android and iOS users. This app provides a convenient way to check your immigration status on the go. Simply download the app, input your receipt number, and you’ll receive real-time updates.
In-Person Visits to USCIS Office For more complex cases or personal inquiries, you may need to schedule an appointment at a USCIS field office. You can do this by using the InfoPass system on the USCIS website to book a meeting with an immigration officer.
Conclusion Knowing how to check immigration status is an essential part of staying informed about your case. Whether you choose the USCIS online tool, app, or a direct phone call, there are several reliable methods to keep track of your immigration journey.
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erine. aka @twisted-sparks. she/her. february baby. adult who doesn't know how to adult. walking disaster by day, procastrinating writer by night. a real taxi driver freak. lee je hoon-wi ha joon-rain holy trinity.
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sekhmettt621 · 3 years
My ever updating list of characters I’m interested in playing at the moment! Favorites are italicized near the top. HMU on discord (sekhmettt#5283) if you want to plot something! 
[18+. Multipara. Literate. Romantic/Platonic/Whatever.]
Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU)
Wanda Maximoff
Pietro Maximoff
Tony Stark
Jane Foster
Stephen Strange
Steve Rogers
Bucky Barnes
Sam Wilson
Brunnhilde a.k.a. Valkyrie
Bruce Banner
Carol Danvers
Peter Parker
May Parker
Michelle Jones
Erik Killmonger
Pepper Potts
Darcy Lewis
Marvel Netflix Shows
Matt Murdock (Daredevil)
Frank Castle (Punisher)
Karen Page (Daredevil)
Claire Temple (Multiple)
Jessica Jones (Jessica Jones)
Trish Walker (Jessica Jones)
Miscellaneous Other Marvel 
Lorna Dane (The Gifted)
Eddie Brock (Venom)
Miles Morales (Into the Spiderverse)
Gwen Stacy (Into the Spiderverse)
Wade Wilson (Deadpool)
Genshin Impact
Elizabeth “Ashe” Caledonia
Jesse McCree
Satya “Symmetra” Vaswani
Ana Amari
Angela “Mercy” Ziegler
Game of Thrones
Sansa Stark
Jon Snow
Oberyn Martell
Ellaria Sand
Robb Stark
Margaery Tyrell
Jaime Lannister
Arianne Martell
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ao3feed-tododeku · 4 years
All Love Ever Does
all love ever does by fakecharliebrown
Shouto did not often trust beginnings, did not trust that gentle beginnings wouldn't lead to violent ends, but sitting there in the park, directly across from a man more beautiful than the stars and more breathtaking than any wonder the universe could ever offer, he thought that maybe the beginning wouldn't be so bad, so long as Midoriya's soft laughter and warm hands stained the last page.
Midoriya smiled and reached up, brushing his fingers through Shouto's hair before he retracted his hand and Shouto saw that he was holding—
“You've got cherry blossoms in your hair,” Midoriya said softly. “How sweet.”
or; there's a mysterious musician in the tree beneath Shouto's window.
Words: 5283, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Shouto, Todoroki Fuyumi, Todoroki Rei, Todoroki Touya, Todoroki Natsuo
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Breaking Up & Making Up, Musician Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Shouto is Bad at Feelings, Alternate Universe - No Quirks, Music, Midoriya Izuku is Good at Feelings, Good Parent Todoroki Rei, Good Sibling Todoroki Natsuo, Good Sibling Todoroki Touya, Good Sibling Todoroki Fuyumi, theres an oak tree in there thats pretty important, should i list that under characters?, todoroki shouto loves strawberries and all strawberry flavored things, Past Abuse
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24068776
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kentdunn · 4 years
Coach Velocity (CV) School of Coaching is designed to teach coaching skills to advance your career, skills, and business. Get the tools you need to become a world-class certified coach, and to help you build your coaching business.
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| Phone: 204 668-5283 | Address: 845 Henderson Hwy, Winnipeg, Manitoba, CA
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ladysunamireads · 4 years
All Love Ever Does
all love ever does by fakecharliebrown
Shouto did not often trust beginnings, did not trust that gentle beginnings wouldn't lead to violent ends, but sitting there in the park, directly across from a man more beautiful than the stars and more breathtaking than any wonder the universe could ever offer, he thought that maybe the beginning wouldn't be so bad, so long as Midoriya's soft laughter and warm hands stained the last page.
Midoriya smiled and reached up, brushing his fingers through Shouto's hair before he retracted his hand and Shouto saw that he was holding—
“You've got cherry blossoms in your hair,” Midoriya said softly. “How sweet.”
or; there's a mysterious musician in the tree beneath Shouto's window.
Words: 5283, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Shouto, Todoroki Fuyumi, Todoroki Rei, Todoroki Touya, Todoroki Natsuo
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Breaking Up & Making Up, Musician Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Shouto is Bad at Feelings, Alternate Universe - No Quirks, Music, Midoriya Izuku is Good at Feelings, Good Parent Todoroki Rei, Good Sibling Todoroki Natsuo, Good Sibling Todoroki Touya, Good Sibling Todoroki Fuyumi, theres an oak tree in there thats pretty important, should i list that under characters?, todoroki shouto loves strawberries and all strawberry flavored things, Past Abuse
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24068776
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ao3feed-todoroki · 4 years
All Love Ever Does
all love ever does by fakecharliebrown
Shouto did not often trust beginnings, did not trust that gentle beginnings wouldn't lead to violent ends, but sitting there in the park, directly across from a man more beautiful than the stars and more breathtaking than any wonder the universe could ever offer, he thought that maybe the beginning wouldn't be so bad, so long as Midoriya's soft laughter and warm hands stained the last page.
Midoriya smiled and reached up, brushing his fingers through Shouto's hair before he retracted his hand and Shouto saw that he was holding—
“You've got cherry blossoms in your hair,” Midoriya said softly. “How sweet.”
or; there's a mysterious musician in the tree beneath Shouto's window.
Words: 5283, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Shouto, Todoroki Fuyumi, Todoroki Rei, Todoroki Touya, Todoroki Natsuo
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Breaking Up & Making Up, Musician Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Shouto is Bad at Feelings, Alternate Universe - No Quirks, Music, Midoriya Izuku is Good at Feelings, Good Parent Todoroki Rei, Good Sibling Todoroki Natsuo, Good Sibling Todoroki Touya, Good Sibling Todoroki Fuyumi, theres an oak tree in there thats pretty important, should i list that under characters?, todoroki shouto loves strawberries and all strawberry flavored things, Past Abuse
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24068776
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USCIS Guidance on Expedited EADs for Healthcare Workers:
Effective immediately, if you are a healthcare worker who has a pending Employment Authorization Document (EAD) renewal application (Form I-765, Application for Employment Authorization) and your EAD expires in 30 days or less or has already expired, you can request expedited processing of your EAD application.
To determine whether you are a qualifying healthcare worker, see this DHS advisory memorandum (“Healthcare / Public Health” section, pages 7-9). You should be prepared to provide evidence of your profession or current employment as a healthcare worker. If the evidence you provide is not sufficient, we may not accommodate your request for expedited processing of your Form I-765. Expedited processing means only that USCIS will process the application faster.
To request expedited processing, call the USCIS Contact Center at 800-375-5283 (TTY 800-767-1833).
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taeken-my-heart · 7 years
White Horses
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(This picture came out a long time after I wrote this story and I nearly died.)
Summary: After a nasty break up and a bad semester you head home for the summer break only to run into - quite literally - a fairly peculiar man on the beach. 
Pairing: Yoongi x Reader
Genre: Light fluff
Word Count: 5283
Warnings: You should not accept drinks from strangers. EVER! Your safety is priority, you should know what is going into your food and drinks. 
The mid-morning sun was scorching on your shoulders. You pulled your sunhat tighter on your head and adjusted your sunglasses as you zoomed along the highway in your best friends open top jeep wrangler with Cyndi Lauper’s “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun” blasting from the speakers.
It was the first day of summer break in between your junior and senior year of college and you and your three closest friends had packed for the beach and spent a lazy morning preparing. This last semester had been a nightmare with a 14 page political science paper, a basement apartment flooding, and a painful breakup as memories. All you wanted now was a day on the beach with a piña colada in hand. Was that too much to ask?
Alyssa had insisted that a girls day at the beach was necessary, especially after meeting your ex with his new girlfriend (who was, frankly, too sweet to hate and that almost made it worse) the week before the semester ended. Her name was Michelle and she was basically perfect, or at least you thought so, but Alyssa kept insisting her ears were too big, and really, if that was her only flaw, then it still didn’t make you feel any better. Also, her ears were definitely within the normal range, but you appreciated your friend’s efforts none the less.
Your friend Danielle hooted from the back seat as Penelope started singing to the chorus loudly and very off key and you laughed, happy to bring your mind to other things as you began to sing along. The four of you sang all the girl power songs on Alyssa’s playlist during the 20 minute drive to the beach and were just finishing the chorus to “I Will Survive” as you pulled into the parking lot by the beach house and jumped out, gathering your bags and umbrellas.
“I see a good spot!” Penelope said, jumping on the balls of her feet and racing towards it and that made you laugh. Penelope was a tiny 4’11 fiery red head with enough spirit to fill her 6’4 boyfriend and sometimes you wondered how he managed to handle her. You watched as she made claim to the spot she deemed worthy and laughed with the other two as she waved her hands frantically above her head, encouraging you to join her.
“Let’s go,” Danielle grinned. The three of you made your way to where Penelope had set up camp, dropping bags and stretching. You looked out into the ocean and you weren’t surprised by how many people were already occupying the waves. The water looked incredibly blue today and you couldn’t wait to dive in, but first, a drink.
“I’m gonna go grab myself a drink, anyone want to join?” You asked, turning to your friends. Penelope had already settled in her beach lounger and was lathering her lightly freckled arms in sunscreen.
“I’ll grab a drink later, but if you could grab me a bottle of water that would be great.” She said.
“That actually constitutes as a drink,” you teased as she stuck her tongue out at you, “and aren’t you going to go swimming?” Penelope had finished working the sunscreen into her skin and was now laying back on her chair in the comforts of the shade that her large rainbow umbrella provided her.
“I might go in later, but you know how I turn into a lobster when I’m in the sun for too long and I’m going to Jeremy’s parents’ house tomorrow so that’s the last thing I need.”
“Fair enough,” you hummed, “anyone else?”
Danielle and Alyssa shook their heads, “we’re gonna go swimming for now.”
You nodded, waving them off as they danced towards the water and you walked back in the direction of the beach house with its bar and café, trying not to hiss from how the sun scalded sand lapped at your flip flop clad toes.
“Danny!” you smiled at the bartender once you’d sidled up and taken a seat, “long time no talk.”
“How’s it going baby cakes?” He grinned, turning to smile at you as he dried a glass and set it on the bar top. “When did you get back from school?”
“I just got back yesterday afternoon.” You smiled.
“So it’s safe to assume I’ll be seeing a lot of you?” He chuckled and you laughed in return.
“Well you are my next door neighbor, after all.” Danny had been one of your longest friends. He was the same age as your older brother and was going into his senior year of high school when you’d first moved into the area in 8th grade. You’d had a massive crush on him at the time and because he became best friends with your brother, he was often at your house and within easy drooling distance.
Your crush had long since tempered out as he became a good friend and you’d even attended his wedding last spring. Now he was working as an elementary school science teacher and running the bar in the summer in his off time. Seeing him made you feel wistful and that made you smile.
“So what can I get for you?” He smiled, leaning both hands against the bar top as he surveyed you.
“A piña colada and a bottle of water please.”
Danny grinned, “For Penelope, I presume?”
You smirked, “who else?”
He placed the water on the counter as he began to make your drink and you chatted aimlessly with him while waiting. You’d missed being home and whenever you came back you realized how much you missed the old days. You knew nothing could rewind the time, and despite the little hiccup of your most recent breakup, you were genuinely happy with where you were in life, but sometimes it was nice to think about what life would be like if you could go back and relive it again.
“Ok, here’s your drink baby cakes, and tell Penelope the water is on the house.” You smiled brightly as you tucked the water in your arm and grabbed your drink with both hands.
“Oh, you better be careful with those words of yours, you might just woo her into leaving Jeremy and coming after you instead.” You smirked, winking. Danny laughed and you waved him goodbye, walking down the wooden steps and back into the sand.
You were so concentrated on the drink in your hands that you didn’t see the person lying in front of the pathway and found yourself tripping spectacularly as you fell like a dead log on the other side of them in a flailing heap of your own limbs. You looked on in misery as your beautiful piña colada seeped into the sand before turning to glare at the offender.
He was laying like a corpse in the sand, hands draped by his side and a straw beach hat covering his face. At your incessant huffing he lifted his hat, blinking at you in the light and you nearly lost your balance again. He was incredibly handsome, with dark eyes, raven colored hair falling into his eyelashes, soft pink lips, and lightly tanned skin. If you weren’t so upset about your drink you might have been more willing to chat him up, but as it was he just sat there blinking at you casually as though his prone figure hadn’t just made you fall and drop the one thing you’d been looking forward to since you’d first seen your ex and his new girlfriend a week ago.
“You ok?” he asked, and his rich baritone made a shiver run up your spine.
“Well it depends on if you’re asking about my physical well-being or emotional well-being. Physically I’m fine.” You said, standing up and dusting the sand from your legs. He seemed to accept that answer because he nodded his head and placed the hat back over his face. You huffed in annoyance as you placed your hands on your hips.
“As for my emotional well-being,” you ranted, “you made me drop my drink so I’m pretty pissed off.”
“Sorry to hear it.” You heard, muffled from the inside of his hat.
You laughed incredulously; this guy was a piece of work. You rubbed your forehead and decided to let it go. You’d already had a really crappy semester, you weren’t going to let some guy you didn’t even know ruin your first day of break. Turning around to search for the water bottle that had gone flying when you fell, you grabbed it and stormed back to the bar to get another drink; you were in extra need of one now.
“Back so soon?” Danny smiled, but when he saw your grumbling face he frowned. “What happened?”
“Some idiot is laying in a place that only idiots would lay and I didn’t see him and fell, dropping my drink.”
You could see Danny resisting the urge to smile by forcing a frown on his face, “you need me to talk to him?”
You sighed, shaking the hair from your eyes and sitting back down at the bar. “No, I just need to buy a new drink.”
Danny made you a new drink and kindly gave it to you on the house wishing you luck on your way out and you chuckled good naturedly. The guy was still there and this time you made your way around him safely, although the urge to kick him in the gut was certainly there. You finally made it back to your spot, plopping down in your seat and handing the bottle of water to Penelope who looked at you with one perfectly threaded eyebrow raised.
“What took so long?”
You sighed, taking a sip of your drink and shaking your head, “just had to take a quick detour.” You sighed, leaning all the way back in your chair and watching Alyssa and Danielle splashing around in the water with some guys you didn’t know. “Who are they?”
Penelope lifted her sunglasses from her eyes as she looked at the guys with your friends before shrugging. “I don’t know, they showed up a few minutes ago, probably looking for a hook up.” She slid her glasses back down the bridge of her nose before settling back into her chair.
You spent the next 20 minutes nursing your drink before deciding to join the other two in the water and spent the afternoon in and out of the sea as you took breaks to eat and reapply sunscreen. The plan was to spend the entire day lounging on the beach and then find some party to crash and as the evening wore on and turned the kind of cool that makes you wish you’d brought a shawl, you found yourself following your friends to a party the guys from earlier were hosting.
One of their parents owned one of the fancy beach houses about a mile down the road so you packed your things in the back of Alyssa’s jeep before following their truck down the road and pulling behind them in the driveway.
The house was already packed with people and booze and the thump of the music made its way into your veins as you followed your friends through the crowd and into the kitchen. Alyssa handed you a red solo cup filled with some drink and you took a sip, cringing at the burn. You were a bit of a light weight compared to your friends and preferred either fruity drinks or a beer as opposed to straight liquor, but at a party like this, beggars really couldn’t be choosers so you continued to sip at your drink as you made your way through the house and into the living room with your friends.
There were far too many people crammed into one room and as your friends went to dance you chose to meander around so that you could snag any available seat. You’d nearly made your way to the other side of the room when you bumped into someone and turned to give your apologizes before noticing a shock of raven hair falling into piercing dark eyes.
“You’re the beach guy!” you exclaimed. He looked at you in surprise and then down at the cup in your hand.
“What are you doing here?” He said, turning to face you completely.
“What are you doing here?” You replied.
“I live here, and you didn’t answer my question.” He insisted.
“Some guys at the beach invited us, one of them said it was his parent’s house.”
The guy nodded, frowning. “So you had the misfortune of meeting my older brother.”
You frowned right back at him. There didn’t appear to be anything wrong with the guys who’d invited you so you couldn’t understand why this guy seemed to have a stick up his butt about him. Then again, you’d known his older brother for all of 5 or 6 hours so how much could you really know about him?
“I wouldn’t say it was misfortune,” you said, deciding to give the benefit of the doubt.
“Just give it time,” he replied, shoving his fists into his pockets and gazing around the room.
He looked more handsome than you remembered and the soft glow of the lamp nearby was only doing him favors, but you still couldn’t forget about his brazen attitude when you’d spilled your drink all over the beach.
“You know, you never apologized for tripping me earlier. You owe me a drink.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realize having a stranger trip over my body on the beach was somehow my fault.”
You blushed, spluttering hotly. “You were laying in the middle of a public walkway.”
“I was laying on the sand. It’s not my problem if you consider every strip of sand a public walk way. Maybe next time I’ll trip over you in your beach chair and insist you pay for my doctor’s visit. Then we’ll be even.” He replied sourly.
“You’re being ridiculous, a doctor’s visit and a drink don’t compare.”
“You’re being ridiculous, and you’re right, they don’t compare, it was just a silly drink.”
“It was a perfectly good piña colada!” You replied petulantly.
“There’s plenty of alcohol here so it shouldn’t be an issue. If I get you a drink will you stop whining about it?”
Your words left you and you stared at him in surprise. Was he offering to get you a drink to be nice or to get you off his back? Either way you’d take it, you’d drained your cup just before bumping into him and you were going to need another glass if you were expected to tolerate his obnoxious company for even another minute.
“Sure,” you replied hesitantly and he rolled his eyes.
“I’m not asking you on a date or anything, I’m just offering to pour you a drink; calm down. Consider it a host’s duty.” He waited for you to make some snarky reply but you just rubbed your lips together sourly and waved him towards the kitchen as an indication that you would follow him.
Once you made it to the kitchen he took your cup from you before studying you for a minute and then turning back to the drinks and making some unknown concoction. You waited patiently for him to turn around and when he did he handed you your drink before pulling out a beer from the cooler and twisting the top off, clinking on the rim of your cup and taking a gulp.
You took a tentative sip of your own drink and were immediately greeted with a punch of tangy sweet flavor. “Wow,” you said, “this is really good. How’d you know I’d like this kind of thing?”
“I don’t know, you just looked like you’d be into that fruity shit.”
You frowned at that, “I don’t only like fruity drinks, you know.”
“Sure,” he shrugged, taking another drink from his bottle and you wanted to strangle him.
“What did you put in here anyway?”
He shrugged, “some cranberry, orange juice, and vodka. I like to experiment with drinks. Now it’s my turn, what’s your name?”
“Well those questions aren’t really equal,” you said, raising your eyebrow, “but fine, my name is y/n. What’s yours?”
“Yoongi.” He said simply.
“And what were you doing at the beach today? You were just lying there in shorts and t-shirt doing nothing.”
“Hey, I don’t judge your beach activity. You just sat there in your beach chair so you don’t have much room to talk.”
You frowned, “how’d you know I was sitting in a beach chair? Were you watching me?”
“Watching you is a stretch,” Yoongi said, tongue clicking, “I would call it noticing.”
“Well whatever you want to call it, I only sat there until I finished my drink and then I went to swim.”
Yoongi ran a hand through his hair before shoving it back into his front pocket, “like I said, I wasn’t watching. I just slept for a while and then came back home.”
“Why bother going outside if you’re just going to nap?” You smirked.
“Because my mom says I need vitamin d,” he replied, “and she always gets her way.” He said it in a way that made you think he was really rather fond of his mother and you found that somewhat endearing. For all his spiky exterior you were catching a glimpse of a possibly soft interior.
“Do you always listen to what your mom says?” You tease.
Yoongi looks at you as though he’s pondering something before turning to glance around the room. “She’s usually got some pretty sage advice.” He replied off handedly. He doesn’t look at you so you can’t tell, but you wonder if he feels embarrassed by admitting that. Neither one of you say anything for a full 30 seconds as you wait for the other to start, or maybe it was just you waiting.
Yoongi looked as though he was born with infinite amounts of disinterest as he sipped his beer and didn’t even bother to glance at you. That lack of interest is exactly what snagged your attention so you decided to be the first to break the silence.
“So are you in school?” You asked.
Yoongi finally looked at you, pinning you with a look of quiet contemplation before tapping his fingers absentmindedly on his beer bottle, “so that’s the topic we’re going with?” He asked. When you frowned he smirked, taking a sip of his drink and waiting for your reply.
“I figured one of us should say something, but if you’ve got anything better to offer then by all means, say what you’ve gotta say.” You sassed.
Yoongi grinned at you, setting his beer down on the counter and leaning onto his forearm. “I like you, you’re kind of a pain in the ass.”
You scoffed, “and you like that?”
“Yeah, I like someone who knows how to take what they dish; it’s charming.”
You found yourself blushing despite your best efforts and turned to look at the kitchen entry way as a means to buy time while you cooled down. “Yeah, well, some would say you’re a little crazy.”
“And what would you say?” He asked, pinning you with an intense gaze.
You swiped your tongue across your bottom lip as you hesitated. Finally, “I would say I like crazy.”
Yoongi smiled, eyebrows arching, “Yeah?”
Your lips twitched at the edges but you refused to let him see you smile as you looked down at your cup and swirled your drink, “yeah, but only the garden variety kind.”
Yoongi clicked his tongue, taking a step forward, “yeah, but garden variety can get boring. They become predictable.”
“True, but sometimes predictable is good.”
“Depends who you talk to, I guess.” He mumbled, stepping even closer and you resisted the urge to shiver when he stepped close enough for you to feel his breath across your cheeks. He smelled like mint and aftershave with a hint of beer.
“From my experience, sometimes unpredictable hurts the most.” You whispered as he hovered above you and you felt like you might explode from the proximity. The sound of the party had dwindled into a soft hum in your ears and all you could see were the flecks of black in his dark brown eyes as they studied your face.
“But what an adventure,” he murmured and you felt light headed. Yoongi’s fingers gently grazed your arm and you were just about to throw caution to the wind and go for it when something caught your eye from just over his shoulder. 
Your ex.
Your heart jumped into your throat at the sight of him. He was standing with his girlfriend, talking to a group of people you didn’t know and laughing along with whatever they were saying. You could hear his laughter from where you stood by the kitchen island and it felt like a knife in your heart.
You figured you’d see him around eventually, you were both from the same town after all. You just hadn’t thought it would be tonight.  His girlfriend looked radiant and he looked so, so happy and you felt the twisting of the knife in your chest at the thought that you’d never be able to make that smile appear on his face again.
In fact, in all the time you’d been together, you couldn’t remember a time when he’d looked as happy as he did now with her and that was what hurt the most. You knew sometimes people moved on and that things didn’t always work out, but seeing them together made you realize that maybe you’d been lying to yourself all along.
After the two of you had broken up you had assumed you would get back together again, you were meant to be together and everyone knew it. Except you never did and you mourned your loss. Despite the fact that your friends kept telling you that it was for the best, that you weren’t good for each other, you couldn’t believe them. You felt like you didn’t know how to breathe without him.
You must have looked strange because Yoongi frowned and glanced over his shoulder. “What’s wrong?” He asked.
“Nothing,” you said, shaking your head a little too quickly and you knew he’d noticed that. “I just need the bathroom. Where is it?”
Yoongi raised his eyebrow at you and you tried your hardest not to look completely pitiful. He nodded his head over your shoulder and picked his beer back up. “It’s upstairs, first door on the right.”
You thanked him before rushing away, grateful that at least they hadn’t seen you as you made your escape up the stairs and onto the main landing. Instead of taking the first right you chose to go into the first door on your left, not surprised at all to find yourself in a bedroom. All the lights were off and the large bay window allowed the light from the moon to cast an eerie shadow across the carpet floor. You walked quickly across the room, unlatching the large window in the middle and pushing it outward to let in the cool evening air before stepping out onto the sloped roof and sitting down carefully.
You took a deep breath in, feeling your heart shudder in pain. It was unfair how quickly he’d moved on. It had only been three weeks when you ran into him and his girlfriend at the local grocery store. Three weeks. Who moves on that quickly? Someone who moved on a long time ago niggled at the back of your mind but you had constantly batted it away. Today you couldn’t fight it anymore.
Your friends were right; you weren’t good for each other. You’d fallen into patterns and he’d clearly fallen out of love with you a while ago. He seemed to have decided that comfortable just wasn’t enough anymore, and really, you couldn’t blame him. It just really hurt that you were left in the dust because you were still very much in love with him.
You shivered in the breeze, arms wrapping around your knees as you brought them under your chin and watched the waves lapping at the beach. Suddenly you felt a warmth being draped over your shoulders and you turned to find Yoongi laying a blanket across your back and sitting next to you, gazing out at the sea.
You sat in silence for a while, each keeping to your own thoughts when suddenly, “I know what it’s like.” He said.
You turned to look at him, confusion marring your features. “Know what, what is like?”
“Heartbreak.” He said simply. You probably looked like a fish out of water as you gaped at him and he chuckled softly as he looked down at his linked fingers in his lap. “I know the look, I’ve worn it myself the last few months.”
You didn’t say anything; couldn’t say anything. You’d thought you’d schooled your physical reactions better than that, but now you knew you didn’t have as much control as you’d hoped. You nodded numbly, looking back out to the water and letting your body mirror his. Legs crisscrossed with folded hands in your lap and shoulders slumped in dejection.
“She cheated,” he continued, “thought I might die from the pain. We’ve known each other since we were kids, best friends for years. We started dating my senior year of high school and I thought I would marry her. Then she confessed; she’d slept with my brother. My own damn brother,” he scoffed, looking down at his lap angrily, “5 years down the drain. So I get it, the look of devastation, the feeling that your heart might just stop beating. Trust me, I know the look.”
You couldn’t say anything at first, the raw emotion was enough to tear at your own barely beating heart. “I’m so sorry,” you mumbled. He nodded mutely and conversation ceased for a while.
“Namjoon and I dated for 4 years. I think he just got bored with being comfortable,” you said, shrugging softly, curling the blanket further around your frame. “We’d fallen into a routine, a pattern. He was always going on and on about how much he hated routines. I should have seen the signs.” You sat blinking in the moonlight for a moment before continuing, “I was completely blindsided, though. He told me he didn’t know what we were anymore, but that his heart no longer skipped a beat when I was around.” Your voice broke at that and a soft cry escaped your lips before you could stop it. You shook your head, forcing yourself to stop before you could no longer control it.
“Three weeks later he had a new girlfriend…and now they’re here looking so sickeningly happy that it makes my whole body ache. I know I shouldn’t, but I hate him a little bit. He’s entitled to the same happiness that I am, but when he decided to search for his own happiness he took mine with him too.”
Yoongi nodded, rubbing his thumb along his bottom lip in silent contemplation, “I’m sorry, he sounds like an insensitive tool.” He paused for a moment at your soft chuckle before continuing, “Well now you know why I hate my brother. I hate them both, but especially him. Of all the people to do something like that to me…my own flesh and blood. I don’t ever have to look at Chrissy again, but I have to see my brother every day of my life.”
“I’m sorry,” you said again, “that must be really crappy.”
Yoongi laughed ironically and leaned back on his elbows, “something like that.”
“So I guess we’re both damaged goods.” You smiled and for the first time Yoongi’s smile wasn’t a smirk.
“Maybe, but that doesn’t have to be the end, right?”
You looked back out to the ocean thoughtfully. You certainly didn’t want it to be the end, it didn’t feel like the end. It ached all the time but it hadn’t destroyed you, only left you feeling a little frayed around the edges.
“No, not the end. Maybe things had to end to make way for something better to come along.” You laughed, “at least that’s what my mom always says.”
“Maybe she’s right,” Yoongi commented, shivering in the breeze. You realized then that he was sat with you in nothing more than a pair of dark wash jeans and a light blue hoodie.
“This blanket is plenty big, here.” You motioned him closer to you before taking the initiative yourself and scooting next to him, throwing the blanket over his shoulders and pulling the edge down into his lap.
“Thanks,” Yoongi laughed awkwardly, pulling the blanket closer around him and looking back out in front of him. Everything went still for a while and you waited, maybe because you didn’t know what to say, maybe because you wanted him to say something first; you weren’t really sure.
“Do you think two broken hearts could help each other?” Yoongi asked softly, looking down into his lap and licking his lips.
“In what way?” You asked.
Yoongi chuckled and threw his head back to look at the stars, “you’re gonna make me spell it out, huh?”
You laughed and smiled too, “Yeah.”
Yoongi was silent for a moment before carefully sliding his hand around yours and pulling it into his lap. “I feel like we have something, a spark, a connection, whatever cheesy noun you wanna throw out there.” You smirked but waited for him to continue, “Do you think we’d have a chance at whatever that something is?”
You sighed and stared out at the water but kept your fingers interlocked with his. Did you have a chance? Who knows, you barely knew the guy after all. He made you feel something, though, a small flame in the pit of your stomach willing you to try love again. He’d already irritated you more times than you could count, but it pushed you to fight for yourself and if you were being perfectly honest with yourself, you kind of liked the fight; it made you feel alive.
“Well, I suppose there’s really only one way to find out,” you turned to give him a slow smile and he smiled back, the tips of his grin reaching into his eyes and really, you’d never seen anything quite as lovely.
“I want to take you out sometime, but would it be too forward of me to say I’d really like to kiss you? I’ve been wanting to all day.” He mumbled softly.
You couldn’t help your grin and you leaned forward, his breath ghosting across your lips, “well then you’d better kiss me.” You whispered.  
He didn’t need any more encouragement before finally capturing your lips with his own. His kiss was gentle and much sweeter than you’d anticipated. He’d been grouchy all night and you’d kind of expected him to be a little more abrasive in his approach, but you were pleasantly surprised. Threading your fingers through his raven hair and to the back of his head you kissed him back just as carefully.
Was this the beginning of something wonderful? Who knows? Maybe this was a disaster waiting to happen, but you knew good things could only come if you were brave enough to search for them and in this moment, you’d never felt more fearless.
I hope you enjoyed and please feel free to leave comments and questions!
This was just a short so I have no current intention of taking this any further.
Copyright © 2017  by taeken-my-heart (Nora.) All rights reserved.
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❝I’m a bad man. I never said I was anything else.
I shouldn’t want the beautiful brunette who lives in that suburban cul-de-sac, but one glance
and I can’t think of anything else but taking her. The innocence in her dark eyes tells me she
has no idea what life in my world is like.
But she’s going to find out.
I control everything around me, and that includes Kaia now. At first, she’ll beg for her freedom,
but it won’t take long before she’s begging for something else.
Her world has changed. She’s mine now.❞
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Martial Cottle Park
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5283 Snell Ave, San Jose, CA 95136
They begin charging for parking, but now I enjoy the ranch. Good place for walking or cycling, nice area for children and ok ranch. I hope that over time it will get through. Many farms like this, big or small, must be open. It's a very well run, wide open park with a feeling of planting. No south entrance even if my GPS told me to take that road. The area is always tidy and the park guards are always so knowledgeable and friendly. Further trees must be built.
The California Parks and Recreation Department and Santa Clara County Park are establishing Martial Cottle Park as a partnership. It is situated on 287.54 acers in San Jose City California, U.S. Martial Cottle Park is a 287.54 acres property centered in Southern San Jose, Snell Road and Chynoweth Street, a residential and commercial area bordered by Branham Lane. The land of the California Department of Parks and Recreation, and the County of the Parks and Recreation Department still belongs to a farming farm for four generations.
A former private property, which now belongs to the public land in the center of the built up area, is one of the parks in Santa Clara County.  I walked around the perimeter loop and it was a pretty pleasant quarterly stroll gazing out over the green area.  The interior of the park is lined with the circular lawn, the BBQ, the Bathroom and the large learning area.  Decent signs for families, dry, fine.  To smaller parties or picnics, meeting space can be reserved.
Once the trees grow taller, services and bbq areas are dry. Here you can walk and drive or bike. Great for walk.careful night, until I find snake. How dry the toilets are! Impressed! Quite healthy park, good children's room. There are many cyclists and dog walkers. Great views, and when you stay in the area in the summer the farmers ' market is free. Lovely and well-kept field. Six dollars regular membership.  Open space, no cover, so it's getting pretty warm. Natural children's park.
It's enormous, dry, beautiful scenery, I love this area. There are two groups of species, the Starlings and the Meadow Larks, that I did not find here in many other parks. The song bird is both. Fantastic for cycling / walking / running. Children's play zone. Not much sun. No water. San Jose did something right. San Jose. It is necessary to have an agricultural heritage. Thank you family Cottle for offering your life story.
<iframe src="https://www.google.com/maps/embed?pb=!1m28!1m12!1m3!1d25408.63965574422!2d-121.82349485768125!3d37.2458103674121!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!4m13!3e6!4m5!1s0x808e321fd4351c7b%3A0xd7f0877e07a700d1!2sMartial%20Cottle%20Park%2C%20Snell%20Avenue%2C%20San%20Jose%2C%20CA!3m2!1d37.2633018!2d-121.8341303!4m5!1s0x808e2fbab207bb51%3A0x5e5fe87ee7298052!2sSacred%20Space%20Memorial%20Funerals%2C%20175%20Bernal%20Rd%20Suite%20100-10%2C%20San%20Jose%2C%20CA%2095119!3m2!1d37.2279905!2d-121.7768507!5e0!3m2!1sen!2sus!4v1570137613348!5m2!1sen!2sus" width="600" height="450" frameborder="0" style="border:0;" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>
This amazing park is located near the following parks in San Jose, California:
Alum Rock Park
Chinese Cultural Garden
Emma Prusch Farm Park
Guadalupe River Trail
Happy Hollow Park & Zoo
Hellyer County Park
History Park at Kelley Park
Kelley Park
Lake Cunningham
Martial Cottle Park
Oak Hill Memorial Park
Overfelt Gardens
Plaza de César Chávez
Rosicrucian Park
San Jose Municipal Rose Garden
Santa Teresa County Park <Japanese Friendship Garden>
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USCIS Customer Service Phone Hours
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The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services is an agency under the Department of Homeland Defense that tackles issues regarding regulations and cases about immigration. The agency is working under the DHS or Department of Homeland Security and among its functions are processing immigrant documents and requests like asylum, application for a work visa, and citizenship. It is also tasked of protecting the United States’ national security by processing immigration case backlogs and improving its overall efficiency. The agency is also responsible for naturalization and immigration cases. How To Contact The USCIS. Checking the status of a particular immigration case can be done easily by using some of USCIS contact options. Since the USCIS is one of the most visited of all federal offices, it has managed to curtail wait times by adopting several ways for its customers to access its services. Customers can check their services online, by phone, through e-mail, and in person. In Person. One of the most common and practical ways is to visit one of their offices or service centers near you. The agency is open from 8 AM to 6 PM, Monday through Friday, except on holidays. The USCIS is one of the most visited of all federal offices, which is why every state has its own office and service centers. If you need live assistance for your immigration concerns, it would be wise to visit one of the agency’s offices or service centers. Through Phone. The USCIS National Customer Service Center can be reached by phone at 1-800-375-5283 for those living in the United States. For those who are outside the U.S. trying to contact the agency, they can use 785-330-1048. Status of immigration-related cases can be checked through the phone hotline. All you have to do is call the hotline, select the language of your choice, press 2 to check case status, and then enter your receipt number. While USCIS offices are only open from 8 AM to 6 PM, Monday through Friday, the agency’s phone customer care division can be reached 24/7 even on holidays. Online and E-Mail. Checking the status of your immigration can be done online as well. It will save you the hassle of visiting a service center which, most of the time, will take up at least a day depending on how far it is from your location. The website is www.USCIS.gov. All you need to access your case status is the receipt number. It is a 13-character case number which the USCIS assigned to your particular application. This is usually found on the Form I-797 Receipt Notice. The receipt number is generally preceded by a code like SRC, LIN, WAC, EAC, MSC, or NBC. Aside from the USCIS website, immigration case status can also be checked via e-mail. This method is usually reserved for issues that were not resolved with 30 days. Just make sure that you are sending your e-mail to the correct service center that has jurisdiction on your case. The following are the e-mail addresses: California Service Center – Case Number Starts with WAC • [email protected] Vermont Service Center – Case Number Starts with EAC • [email protected] Nebraska Service Center – Case Number Starts with LIN • [email protected] Texas Service Center – Case Number Starts with SRC • [email protected] these contacts are still unable to resolve the issue after 21 days, customers are advised to send their e-mail directly to the Office of Service Center Operations at [email protected]. Guidelines show that the headquarters should be able to respond within ten days. USCIS Customer Services With global immigration at an all-time high means that demands for translations are also skyrocketing. Some immigrants trying to seek safe passage to the United States bring with them proper documentations that are written in their local languages. Majority of those seeking to immigrate to the U.S. are from Middle Eastern and African countries. These countries, having a different culture with that of the U.S., have different languages and writing form. As such, they are highly advised to seek the professional help of a translator in order to properly translate their documents. 120+ Languages Our company provides professional translation services for more than 120 languages and dialects around the globe. We have a pool of professional native language translators ready to take your project any time of the day. We understand how important your documents are that’s why we provide translation solutions to every time zone and such we make sure that our platform is available 24/7 even on holidays. Certified USCIS Translation Services We understand that government requirements are among those that are most stringent. The need for a highly-skilled translator should be employed in order to pass their strict requirements. While we do have a pool of professional translators, we add another layer of accuracy to our services. Our company offers certified translation services. This particular type of translation is checked by a number of government agencies and expert third-party partners in order to certify their authenticity and accuracy. In an industry where even one mistranslated word could ruin someone’s life, we make sure that we handle all of our projects with utmost respect and skill. Affordable. Fast. Accurate. We have provide thousands of translation solutions to our clients for many years now. It doesn’t matter if your project is just a couple of pages long or a long-term partnership, we have just the right product and service that will fit your every needs. Our rate is one of the most affordable in the industry. Our turnaround time is faster compared to industry standards. Finally, we have always flaunted the skill of our translators that allow us to have accurate translations of almost any type of document. Read the full article
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