#paimon speaks
moxfirefly · 10 months
Small life update:
I’m alive and well, just being a responsible adult and what not. Inbox is still closed but if things clear up a bit more I wouldn’t be opposed to open it up (maybe just for headcanons etc).
My ao3 might be my focus for now, just wanna post whatever my little heart desires. Have several works in progress, have two new fics in process (like second chapters being written, slowly, but surely). Just wanted to swing by and say I love y’all!
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awholepolyarmory · 2 years
Hiya Paimon! I'm a Lumine/Traveller from another world; naturally I gotta check in with Aether once in awhile.
Anyways I'm curious.. Is Aether allowed to go in the restricted section of the KOF library? I'd imagine they get a special pass from Lisa. Hopefully they're good about returning books...
Yeah, Lisa's let us in there a few times. Though honestly, Paimon's not sure why she trusts Aether when they're so bad at returning books on time. Seriously, it's like they want to get in trouble with her! Those two always seem to work it out later, but Aether never tells Paimon what happened! So annoying.
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pusangkambing · 8 months
Im so sorry but Wilbur being allowed to leave because lovejoy fucking funds the federation is literally the funniest fucking thing ever like no one can top thia im so sorry thats amazing
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snipp-snapp-snute · 1 year
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I have nothing to say for myself
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kingvoiddd · 9 months
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HIIIIIIII I grinded like 18 hours of Genshin to try and catch up to Fontaine and I'm almost there I just had to burn through like a few months worth of content haha (I'm almost out of sumeru trust)
So! Since I have Genshin on the brain, here's some Aether headcanons!!! + some doodles of him bc I love him and also Xiao x Aether canon I am Hoyo I said it myself.
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hypostatic-oath · 8 months
(This is like. Me rambling. This is poorly explained and my grasp on the canon lore is iffy but this is just how I imagine/will write the Overseer - aka the player - in SAGAU. This perspective will likely change as I understand more of the lore, but for now, here's some crumbs.)
Overseer whose role is, more than simply observing, to keep the canon going.
Experiencing the story, and that includes collecting characters and learning of their lore, exploring the world, building our teapot, etc is our reward for playing our role - and our role is to push the story forward. It doesn't progress without us. We're not Teyvat's creator, but we are the one making each of our worlds move (we're the mover we're the shaker we're the headline maker). If we did not take action, the twins never would've been separated - they would've stayed forever in that choosing screen, held permanently in that moment. If we had not chosen to walk forward and touch the statue, the Traveler would never have gotten the Anemo elemental powers. Would've never helped Dvalin. Signora would've never taken Venti's gnosis. Rex Lapis would never have "died". Every single other major event wouldn't happen.
The player is the being that makes the Canon Events happen - not directly, but through making sure that the story progresses. (Miguel O'Hara theme plays in the background.) And this can happen at whichever speed we decide.
Now, while the fact that we are the ones making the story go by could be used to argue that the Overseer would be the one to make the passage of time, that is not quite true. The days in Teyvat do not depend on the story progression. Months can pass before those two Fatui in Mondstadt (I love them) have any new gossip to share about current events, or they can pass through five new topics in a span of days, depending on how fast the player runs through the quests. Time is not the deciding factor in these characters' fates. It doesn't matter how long it's been since Signora died - Viktor (the Fatui guy at the Cathedral) will not be stationed at his new post unless the player finishes his comission. Teppei's condition won't worsen with time, either. If we don't continue the quest, we can stand next to him for weeks in game before he passes. Thus, I propose that the Overseer is more of a god of Fate (not to mention, the god of time position is taken). To add to this, the things we use to pull for characters are called Fates. Intertwined Fates, Acquaint Fates, both circle back to the same idea. Hangouts can be seen as a sort of exploration of this power - with the ability to choose one of five or six fates for that character (if only Character Quests had that too). It is, however, one of the few times we have control over which version of the story is told. Otherwise, we are mostly the energy that moves it along.
It's not just that it's a canon event and we cannot interfere - it's that it is literally our purpose to make sure it happens, even if we don't like it. We're here to witness and progress the story - and bad things can happen in stories, regardless of what the characters in it want. So right now I am having some Villain Overseer brainrot, not because they want to be evil on purpose, but because some character decides to pull a Miles Morales and say "I'mma do my own thing" and mess up the story's flow. For someone trying to change the course of the story, the force that pushes events forward is obviously Not Good. I can see Fontaine characters seeing the Traveler's arrival as an ill omen, a sign that the prophecy will come true. They're divided, because on one hand, the Traveler has a good reputation, someone helpful, kind, a hero. But the Overseer's attention signifies that events will inevitably unfold. So Lyney invites them to be part of a show. Furina threatens to arrest the Traveler. Navia asks them out for tea. As long as they can keep the Overseer's attention on other matters, the event they dread won't happen. (I won't talk much abt Neuvillette rn becayse spoilers)
Enter eventual Arlechinno boss fight (it hasn't happened yet, but I do hope we get one) - she's the one who tries to fight the Traveler head on, to personally put a stop to it once and for all. Perhaps the Overseer has no ill will, but that doesn't matter. Not when their presence means that the clock is ticking faster and faster every day.
Now for a more lighthearted thought, Isekai'd Overseer who doesn't really have a concept of urgency. No important event will occur without them present, so they have no qualms in arriving on the day after the scheduled date, confident that as long as it is between 18:00 - 23:00 the reservation will still be placed and people will be at their seats as if it was always meant to be that way.
So the Overseer walks into a bar, with a face too fresh for someone who hasn't slept in what the people of Teyvat percieve to have been months, just coming in from the Spiral Abyss, and asks the bartender where their friends are.
"I don't know? Master Kaeya usually shows up at this hour, but the rest of your usual group is probably tending to their affairs."
"Odd. They were supposed to be here by now. We had a big dinner planned." The person in front of him, who Charles is more and more sure definitely looks somewhat off in a way he can't quite pinpoint, seems confused. "There was a reservation and everything. In Kaeya's name, I believe."
"Well, I'm sorry, but the last reservation Master Kaeya placed here was a month ago."
"Again, weird. He said he was going to place one. Oh, well. When the others get here, just let them know I'll be on one of the big tables upstairs, alright? And you can put everything on my tab."
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verxsyon · 8 months
canon-compliant gi. wrio x f!reader.
everyone say thank you to hoyo for wrio's fabulous teaser which gave me a lot of inspo to continue this idea i sent on discord.
childhood friends to lovers au that starts from wriothesley's arrest which is about a decade prior to the game to after the archon quest. reader's parents were sentenced by neuvillette to be guilty and sent to the fortress. one day, she thought of getting herself arrested so she can investigate and there, she met an inmate her age.
what if her parents belonged to a spy organization and defected when her mom found out she was pregnant with her. this org's all about not letting personal feelings get in the way of work, but her parents' love for each other was so strong that they stopped killing according to orders and didn't want their child to be exposed to their job and get hunted down by their former colleagues.
somehow, their enemies found out that they've been hiding in fontaine, and the only way to draw them out is to accuse them of several murders, which they actually committed in the past. this particular case was investigated by the gardes, which resulted at a dead end due to little evidence. as all the evidence points to them and they have no reason to lie about it, they were sentenced to the fortress of meropide.
before going there, her parents told her that they'll be on a business trip. although they've loving, reader's frustrated that they sometimes leave for long periods at a time and won't tell her anything.
due to this, reader grew up to be nosy. she overheard things about two new convicts, a couple, at the fortress of meropide being true perps of the murder case and immediately assumed they were about her parents. the thing is, "how do you go there?" so, she decided to be a menace by causing public disturbances at the city by slandering the iudex and the hydro archon.
she didn't mean it, of course. she needed to do something offensive that would definitely get her ass to jail.
"another kid?" don't tell me..." she heard the guards say in passing on the way to her dorm. similar to the traveler's routine in act iii, reader spends time in between looking for her parents. got stuck here lol, but an incident led her to meet wrio who helped her solve it.
wrio has met her parents who treated him very well and told him about their daughter who's around his age, which he guessed to be her. he agreed to help discover the truth about her parents' sentence and escape from prison, but only for the price of learning the ins and outs of the fortress. reader's nosy nature's useful to perceive info very quickly and she already found out some things that she didn't mean to, so he declared her as his unofficial informant.
remember when charlotte asked paimon and traveler to get info about wrio since they were sent to the fortress? well she found their intel to be insufficient. reader at this time serves as wrio's informant and with her, her parents are his oldest allies. she managed to pick up their convo at the cafe. bored out of her mind, she decided to talk to them and tell her story about her relationship with wrio: from childhood until the present.
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bloody-teared-angel · 2 months
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(Both are taken from official wikis)
"But Angel, how are you going to write King Paimon as close to the original, when you are writing a prequel to both Hazbin/Helluva, when he looks like an owl in the show?"
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Oh, my sweet summer child, the Sin of Pride is right there.
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nicknaysayer · 19 days
I imagine this is how they hide in Windtrace …? 🍃
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moxfirefly · 2 years
Hey there guys i know I’ve been gone due to lack of inspiration but now I’m here to say I might be gone due to the category 1 hurricane coming our way *sigh* so yeah, wish ya boy luck
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awholepolyarmory · 2 years
Paimon's gossip time
Hello everyone! Paimon is taking over the blog and is here to give you the scoop about Aether's love life, hehehe! You can ask Paimon anything about Aether and any of their partners, which includes Lisa, Venti, Zhongli, and Alhaitham. There's no need to follow a prompt list, but here are some ideas you can use:
Which of Aether’s partner’s is the best/worst/most/least_______?
How did Aether and [f/o] get together? 
How has Paimon's impression of [f/o] changed as their relationship with Aether has developed? 
What’s something Paimon likes about [f/o]?
Talk about a cute moment between Aether and [f/o].
(ooc: keep it safe for work with Paimon please.)
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pusangkambing · 1 year
What has this server done to this man 😭
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snipp-snapp-snute · 10 months
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Thinking for DAYS about the implications of what Canotila says about Paimon and the Traveler here.......
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shima-draws · 2 years
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blazingblorbos · 3 months
LayMiko is so funny to me because this absolutely revered and powerful priestess from a nation that only just recently opened its borders hops on a boat to a neighboring nation (which is still far away asf, mind you) supposedly because one of her writers (she owns a publishing house btw) needed inspiration. And immediately captures the attention of a random ass astrology scholar - and vice versa - as her first instinct is to announce that the scholar in question has “piqued her interest”.
And as a result, said scholar is left stunlocked, LITERALLY SAYING “Wow. I don’t know how to respond to that . She’s very cool, I hope I can be her friend” [Vine Boom.wav with Homophobic Dog png here] after not even speaking more than 4 sentences with each other.
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esmeraldablazingsky · 7 months
man… who actually cares for childe tho
zhongli played him like a fiddle throughout the liyue quest, scaramouche thinks he’s stupid, skirk regards him as her cringe fail disciple who isn’t even strong enough to bother speaking to, pulcinella is probably gonna end up blackmailing him somehow, capitano hasn’t looked at him yet, traveler only just recently decided to call him their friend
at this point the people who come closest to really liking and admiring him while also knowing he’s done bad things are those fucking random guys from the fortress of meropide
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