#paint by numbers ftw!
apollos-polls · 4 months
Anon requested this to be posted without the ask!
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aerodaltonimperial · 2 years
‘Why can’t you let me in. What are you so afraid of.’ ?
(sigh. you know that happened here. i can't control any of my word counts lol. WELP.)
He’d once read that after a car accident, injuries could take days to be felt, because endorphins are natural painkillers and adrenaline masks the soft tissue damage. He thinks it’s much the same when he walks off the ring with the FTW belt, leaving Lee Moriarty on his hands and knees, heart pounding against his ears. Hook’s aware that he just got the shit beat out of him, but his blood’s still singing and the nerves beneath his skin aren’t registering much yet. If his fingers clutch the damn belt harder than they need to, it’s only because he thought he was going to have it ripped out of his hands when his vision had gotten blurry, painted red around the edges.
He’s desperate to get out from backstage. The eight minutes in the ring had felt like a lifetime; the only pain points he’s aware of already are the ache building in his left elbow and the sting along his back. He knows, logically, that means both injuries are severe enough to push past all the inhibitors. It’s not a good thing.
Hook needs to get out, get one of the cars back to the hotel so he can lick his wounds in peace, and whatever deity observes AEW is clearly mocking him, because he runs smack into Ricky Starks. Objectively, the man looks terrible—he’s been a wreck since August, since the stable dissolved and Hobbs turned on him. But now, with blood smeared across his temple, he looks even worse.
“Hook,” he says, and Hook absolutely cannot deal with this right now. He doesn’t even reply, just tries to push through, only he’s misjudged how banged up his shoulders are and smacking into Ricky’s chest sends a wave of pain down his arm.
Ricky reaches out, quick as a wink, grabbing Hook’s bicep with one hand. “Hook, you’re a fucking mess.”
Hook only pauses because he’s surprised that Ricky is touching him; Ricky knows better. Ricky doesn’t usually do that without a warning.
“Hey, kid, listen.” Ricky’s hold tightens. Fuck. That stings. “He did a number on you out there. You need to have someone look it over, make sure you’re okay.”
“Let go,” Hook says, a challenge. Tries to rip his arm free and can’t, because every single muscle in his body has stopped responding to his commands.
“No, listen to me. This isn’t a sport you do alone. You think you can, but you can’t. Someone has to be in your corner afterwards.”
If Hook doesn’t escape soon, he’s going to lose it backstage with a hundred cameras surrounding him. He knows it’s coming; the fire’s leaving his limbs, fleeing and leaving a gaping hole behind. He knows what’s coming to fill in all that empty space.
“Fuck. Off,” he hisses.
“Hook, I’m serious.” Ricky leans in, doesn’t get the hint. “I’m not saying it has to be me. You need a support;  you need someone after a fight like this. Trust me. I know what I’m talking about.”
Sheer panic provides the burst of strength that Hook needs to break free, spinning out from beneath Ricky’s hand. His temples have started to throb, in time with his heart. He needs to get his shit out of the locker room and find one of the cars they’ve always got on stand-by for the post-match runs. He spins, leaving Ricky standing there with one arm outstretched; it’s not even like Hook dislikes the guy, but he cannot be here anymore. His left arm has started to burn and the pain is making its way up through his shoulder. Once the full onslaught hits, he’s going to…well.
“Hook!” Ricky calls, but Hook’s already in a half-sprint, and with the bang-up Ricky got backstage earlier, there’s no way he’ll be able to keep up.
Grab your shit, get out. Don’t stop for anything.
The adrenaline crash hits him ten minutes after he’s made it back to his hotel room. If it wasn’t so overwhelming, Hook might have been proud of his ability to gauge the time needed, but as it stands, he ends up on the grimy carpet that he has just enough brainpower to hope has been recently cleaned when the pain slams into him all at once, a deluge.
His whole left arm is on fire. The burn, centered in his elbow, extends all the way up through his neck and rattles the teeth on the left side of his mouth. His back might as well have had coals raked down across it for how bad the sting has settled into his skin, and his right hand might be broken from where Moriarty jammed his fingers apart. There’s copper at the back of his tongue he can’t swallow down. Hook mashes his face into the carpet fibers and tries to bite back the scream, because there’s no way the walls will disguise that sort of noise.
He needs to ice his arm, his back—fuck, he needs to ice everything. He tries to push himself up and almost immediately his left arm goes out. At least the carpet swallows the resulting exclamation of anguish.
There’s no way he can ice his left elbow with only one hand. He might be able to get to his back, but twisting to attempt to reach with his good arm reveals the futility of that particular thought process. Fuck.
Hook manages to get himself up on his knees using only his right arm, left cradled close to his chest as best he can. If he just sleeps on it, he isn’t sure he’ll wake up with any feeling left at all. And if he can’t feel his arm, he can’t wrestle, and if he can’t wrestle—
There’s a knock at the door.
Hook squeezes his eyes shut, misery lodged in his throat. He freezes, hoping whoever it is will go away if he pretends he isn’t inside, that the room is deserted. A moment passes, and then another knock.
“It’s Danhausen,” comes the voice from the other side, quiet and muffled behind the wood. “Hook?”
“No,” Hook says. He isn’t sure it’s loud enough for Danhausen to even hear him.
“Hook, open the door.”
He can’t. Hook’s fingers curl against the carpet, nails tearing up little tufts of fuzz. 
“Danhausen knows you’re in there.”
“Go away,” Hook tries.
“Hook.” Danhausen’s voice, even from so far away, sounds…different. There’s a lower quality to it that Hook hasn’t heard before, almost like he’s dropped some of the act. “Why can’t you let Danhausen in?”
A second, and then, as an addition, even quieter: “What is Hook afraid of? It’s just me.”
If pressed, Hook wouldn’t be able to explain what came over him, what finally pushed him to stagger up to his feet and stumble towards the door. The onslaught of pain, probably, and the fact that he’s light-headed with how poorly his entire body is. He’s a half-step away from passing out as his brain struggles to deal with the overload. Or maybe it’s just that he actually does, somewhere, somehow, want to be anything other than alone.
His right hand smacks into the door knob before he gets his aim right, pulling it open. Danhausen’s holding a bucket of ice in both hands. There’s something off about the paint on his face: the black shapes are elongated, just off enough to be noticeable. But it doesn’t really matter. Hook slumps against the wall and winces, because even that was agonizing, all bruising contact.
Danhausen opens his mouth as though he’s going to say something, and then changes his mind. He slips in through the opening and closes the door behind him, setting the ice bucket down on the weathered television stand. “Hook needs to shower.”
Hook needs to fucking die. He closes his eyes as his whole body shakes against the wall. “Can’t.”
“Hook can simply—oh.” Something scrapes, plastic against plastic. “Your elbow.”
Warmth presses lightly, gently, against Hook’s side, the one that wasn’t smacked repeatedly. Danhausen’s hand curls there. “Come with me.”
If Hook was in a better state, not dragged halfway to hell and back, he’d fight it. He would. Instead, he lets himself be led into the narrow hotel bathroom. Danhausen turns the water on and wiggles his fingers beneath the spray to check the temperature. He’s, ridiculously, still in his black jacket, the one with the red embroidery and the bizarre teeth decals.
He turns back to Hook. His mouth is a thin, unhappy stripe of black. “Strip.”
“What?” Hook manages, chest constricting.
Danhausen motions with one hand, impatient. “Yes, yes, leave your shorts on, it’s fine, just take the rest off.”
Hook can’t even get his damn shirt off by himself. The fabric catches on his shoulder, the one he can’t move, and he has to bite down on his lip to keep from crying out. Danhausen has to help tug it free. Then Hook sits on the edge of the shower with his legs in the tub, and allows Danhausen to sort of nudge him forward so he’s leaning in, face down.
At first, he’s so fucking panicked he can’t move, not even when Danhausen grabs the shower coil and pulls the sprayhead out to wet Hook’s hair over the bath. He’s never had anyone do this before, never, and the nerves spark up and down his exposed skin, summoning goosebumps. But when Danhausen starts working shampoo into his hair, kneading at Hook’s scalp, his whole body sort of…slumps, giving in. It’s unbearably gentle. It’s nice. It’s emotion that sticks between Hook’s teeth, saccharine sweet.
Moriarty had gotten his hands in Hook’s hair, too, jerked his head back when he tried to pull the strands free. Danhausen’s ministrations help to soothe the burn left behind.
“Danhausen saw the match,” comes the statement from over his shoulder as Hook’s closed his eyes again to keep the rinse out of his eyes. “Hook did very well.”
“I almost lost,” Hook grits out. A bit of shampoo catches in the corner of his lips, bitter.
Danhausen hums a little. “But you didn’t.” Then he taps Hook’s shoulders. “Done. Hook should dry off. Can you handle the rest from here?”
“Yeah.” He’s got an extra pair of shorts peeking out from his duffel, just outside the bathroom door. He’s pretty sure he can do that with one arm.
Danhausen leaves while Hook changes into the new pair. Hook can hear him moving around beyond the bathroom, rummaging through a bit and moving the ice bucket. He thinks it ought to feel stranger to have Danhausen in his hotel room, only it doesn’t, because it’s just Danhausen. Ever since Hook let the man in, it’s just been…easy. A familiar sort of weird that’s strangely comfortable.
Hook stares at his reflection in the mirror—hair plastered to his forehead, skin pinking where the blood vessels will bruise—for only a moment. It’s a little hard to look at the aftermath.
He really did almost lose.
Hook exits the bathroom, leaving behind the bit of fog gathered on the glass to find Danhausen sitting on the bed. He’s got the ice bucket and a roll of Ace bandage he must have fished out of Hook’s duffel. He gestures for the space left open on the duvet in front of his legs. “Come, come.”
There isn’t much else Hook can do but oblige, gingerly lowering himself onto the mattress.
Danhausen moves for his arm first, which makes sense; it’s the worst of his injuries. Hook hisses, wrenches his face away when Danhausen slowly extends it. The pain is enough to sting the corners of his eyes, hot. He’s embarrassed when the tears track their way down his face to drip off his jaw, but he doesn’t pull his arm away. Danhausen wraps the ice in towels, and then secures the towels with the bandages. By the time he’s done, Hook can’t move the damn thing if he’d wanted to.
His fingers slide across Hook’s shoulders to the spot where Moriarty got his elbow in several times, a quick succession. When his fingertips hit the edge of the damage, Hook groans. Danhausen’s hand stills where it is.
Then he gathers more ice from the bucket, dripping water across the bed, and Hook’s whole body clenches up when the shock of cold hits his skin. He trembles against the ice Danhausen’s holding against his back.
“Hook will bruise,” Danhausen comments, voice low. His free hand traces a gentle loop up to Hook’s shoulder. “But I think this will help keep the worst away, no?”
“It hurts,” Hook admits through clenched teeth.
“Yes, I expect so. That Moriarty fellow was good. No match for Hook in the end, of course, but good.”
Hook waits. When nothing else follows, and Danhausen’s free hand remains where it is, featherlight contact, he thinks he’s steady enough to ask. “Why did you come here?”
“Hook had a rough fight,” Danhausen says. “The doctors should have looked at this, but it’s—”
“No, why did you come here?”
Quiet descends over them. Hook’s breathing is quick from the cold pressed against him and the aftershocks of the flight or fight response retreating; he can hear Danhausen’s breathing behind him, slower. More controlled.
“Danhausen got a call,” he replies, slowly. “From Ricky Starks.”
Hook’s mouth goes dry. “What?”
“Well, yes, Ricky Starks did not have Danhausen’s number at first. He sent a message to Danhausen’s friend Trent, who then contacted Danhausen’s friend Orange to obtain it. And then he called.”
Hook braces for the wave of humiliation, and ends up feeling…warmth. Relief. Gratitude. He’s grateful, so much so that if he were standing, he might double over, so grateful to the man he pushed away who still found a way to look after him. Grateful, despite it all, that Ricky still cares.
Grateful that Ricky knew enough to understand that Hook can’t let most people in, but that Danhausen could never be described as “most people,” grateful that he would go through so much just to contact him.
Hook’s gone silent, and Danhausen’s fingers on his back have gone still. “And…you came,” Hook says.
“Of course Danhausen came.”
“But, last week, who…” Hook swallows. His tongue’s three sizes too big. He can’t finish the question.
Danhausen understands anyway. “Danhausen’s friends Chuck and Trent helped to make sure Danhausen was all right last week.”
The ice shifts, sliding a little up to Hook’s shoulder blade. Then Danhausen’s free hand moves up to Hook’s neck, his thumb dragging a gentle trail up towards his hair. “Danhausen is not upset. Trent and Chuck are good friends, of course.”
“But,” Hook prompts, even though he’s pretty sure he doesn’t want to hear the rest.
“Danhausen would have preferred Hook be there.”
“I’ll do it next time,” Hook promises, voice raspy. With his right hand, the only arm he can move anymore with the makeshift splint on the other, he reaches up, finds Danhausen’s fingers. Tangles them together. Maybe he squeezes too hard. 
He leans back, enough to trap both Danhausen’s other hand and the ice pack between them. This thing between them, it’s something; he knows it’s going to be something, but he’s in such a shit state and he can’t chase it down with every muscle in his body screaming. He hopes Danhausen gets that, he’s desperate for him to understand, that yes, yes, but not now, just not now—
Danhausen shifts forward, his chin on Hook’s shoulder, pointy enough to sting a little. Then he exhales, the echo rattling through Hook’s back, and his mouth turns down, makes contact. The ghost of a kiss skates over Hook’s skin.
“Danhausen doesn’t wish to leave,” he starts, and Hook’s pretty sure he knows what’s going to follow, “but there are…things I need to do.”
“Things,” Hook repeats.
“It’s complicated.” Cryptic. “Will Hook be all right?”
“Yes. You don’t have to stay.”
He wonders if this has to do with the off-ness of his face paint and the weird video from a few weeks ago. Eventually, Danhausen will tell him…probably.
Danhausen pulls back, finally letting up with the ice. Hook’s back is numb, thoroughly so, and that’s probably as good as he’ll get tonight. Danhausen slides away so he’s half off the bed, though one hand remains on Hook’s arm. “Hook ought to take something.”
“Many somethings,” Hook says, and sighs. He’s got a full bottle of ibuprofen in his bag.
Danhausen moves to leave. Hook grabs his fingers before he can fully slip away.
“Thank you,” he says, low. Almost a whisper. Almost too quiet to hear.
Danhausen smiles, one corner higher than the other, the unfamiliar lines of black crinkling. “Hook is most welcome.”
Hook doesn’t want to let go, but he does. Danhausen offers him one last smile, half a grimace, and leaves. He forgets the ice bucket.
Hook collapses back against the pillows. He’s got just enough strength to crawl beneath the blankets, and that’s where his reserve ends. His eyes close. 
That’s the thing about keeping everyone else at a distance—you get the chance to sleep, to keep ignorance to the rest of the world, to things like backstage feuds and grainy, black and white videos with metal spikes.
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notasapleasure · 1 year
After finally listening to all this year's ESC entries my takeaways are:
Yes yes, Finland and its bonkers Franken-genre is as good as everyone said
The broken-hearted Danish lad and Cypriot lad should probably just get together (their songs are both fine actually, I just think it's funny they're are so similar in subject matter)
Wow Ireland deserved to be voted out, as did the Netherlands and Azerbaijan. The first two don't surprise me, the latter was an unexpected dip in taste and made me feel like I was in an alternate late '90s/early '00s universe listening to safe daytime radio sk8 rock.
I'm not watching tonight's semi live either and won't be making predictions, but I can see why people are into Austria - who hasn't felt possessed by the spirit of Edgar Allen Poe at one time or another? Semi final 1 weeded the ballads out nicely, here's to Semi final 2 doing the same - Armenia, Estonia, Iceland and Greece would be the first I'd get rid of. Fyrirgefðu!
The big five are surprisingly strong this year! Italy is forgettable but the others could all win happily - even, I can't believe I'm admitting this, the UK entry. Like Denmark/Cyprus though, I think she needs to team up with Poland, who is also loving the 'I just dumped a useless man' life.
I love Germany, I know it's kinda cynical, but they had me at 'blood and glitter / paint and thinner'.
As always, I award mental bonus points for not singing in English if your country doesn't have English as an official language (if it does, and you don't sing in English [bring on the day the UK remembers it includes Wales and Scotland and NI, and Ireland gives it a go as gaeilge] then you get all my votes). I particularly enjoyed: Croatia (mum....bought a tractor?) and Serbia and Albania. Oh, fine, and Slovenia, Czechia, Moldova and Portugal. All strong in my books.
HE AIN'T GJON SWITZERLAND YOU CAN'T MAKE THAT HAPPEN AGAIN esp not en anglais with a song that is the embodiment of your heart full of neutrality
Georgia easily wins the Caucasus this year but I don't think the voting public of post-Soviet countries is gonna give a shit how good her voice is. Expect GD telling us how this is all part of the narrative to discredit the beliefs and will of the Georgian people.
Australia is *so* Australian in such a different way from Technicolour (she was ROBBED last year) but I kinda dig it.
Sweden is disappointing. I know Loreen will belt it out live and it'll come across better but it's still meh in my books. Israel is also dull but will do well as usual.
So I'm gonna watch ALL the semis on Saturday before the final. I'm probably gonna have voting problems again - UK number, Irish phone signal - and I WILL get angry about schlager, and people who think Sweden and Israel are good.
The only valid ballad is Conchita. Gjon wasn't a ballad. Once more I say: NORWAY FTW.
I always tag #esc 2023 and #i need a eurovision tag and if I come up with an actual Eurovision tag I'll let y'all know.
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napsaps-archive · 1 year
for the digital art advice- i use ibispaint for mobile and medibang paint for desktop! both are free. other free programs i’ve heard ppl using are krita and firealpaca, but i haven’t used them myself. i also just fuck around in mspaint sometimes lol. for paid programs i know of clip studio paint and photoshop (obv) and i know a lot of ppl use procreate for mobile/tablet, but once again never tried those. for canvas size i don’t really know? i usually go with 1000 1500 or 2000 px and switch those numbers around for width and height depending on what kinda rectangle i want and then crop from there after i sketch, but also that’s just a number i made up when i started drawing and you can mess around w bigger or smaller and see how it feels/looks. idk how much advice i can give in terms of like actual technique, im not the best at painting myself (cartoons/semi realism ftw) but there’s prob like thousands of tutorials for any given program on youtube. also as a last thing there’s no wrong way to do art just fuck around and find out that’s like a good 80% of how i learned lmao
- foolishhappy
!!!! this is so helpful thank you :)
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And to go with Countess Gytha, we have the Count (who took me forever to design until I realized Errol Flynn made for a good faceclaim lol)!  As before, my overenthusiastic infodumping is below the cut~
The youngest son of Count Cassian I and Countess Mara, Cato inherited the title of Count of House Dromaire when his elder brother, Cassian II, was killed in a conflict with a warring House.  Cato didn’t intend on becoming the Dromaire Heir, so he didn’t receive the appointed training or guidance for the role.  Consequently, he’s been going through a good deal of fast-paced tutelage on what entails being the head of House Dromaire and its planet since Cassian II six months ago.
He’s reluctant to settle down and hates that he’s under constant surveillance, and rightly feels like his freedom is being severely limited.  Seeing that the number of Dromaires were dwindling, his Mentat, Syms Belasarius, took it upon himself to see about making arrangements for the line to continue.  It was around this time that a Reverend Mother of the Bene Gesserit contacted him regarding sending one of their own to have a child with Count Dromaire.  Belasarius saw it as advantageous for both parties: the Bene Gesserit would get a child sired by a Dromaire for their breeding program, and the Count would get a wife and an heir.
Belasarius springs the plan on Cato the day before the Bene Gesserit arrive with his “mail order bride.”  Cato isn’t too thrilled but can’t deny the logic in his Mentat’s reasoning and agrees that he needs to keep the line going, though this doesn’t mean that he has to like this woman.  He preferred to have his options open to him and would have rather married a local noblewoman instead of someone he doesn’t know.  He’s pretty chilly towards Gytha at first since he sees her as another way that he’s being handled, but after the wedding, he finds out she’s got a lot more fire in her than she let on.  This intrigues him since he suspects she was putting on a front and he wants to see who this woman really is behind her carefully sculpted mask.
Used this painting as reference and sci-fi’d it up
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panna-acida · 4 years
Random number ftw: 14, 39, 53, 75, 94 *huggles*
Unusual Asks
14. if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? Near my friends, so I can see them everyday ♥ (but possibly still here in Italy)
39. do you have a nickname? what is it? I really don’t know, people usually call me by my name... or at last they reached the “Fla” state (abbreviation of my name)
53. opinion on smoking? I hate it, and if you want to ruin your life do it, but far away from me. Thank you.
75. are you going to change your last name when you get married? Why should I? Here you don’t change your last name... it’s a damn american thing (also I will never marry, not even in my worst nightmare)
94. favorite lyrics right now: Queen - The Show Must Go On
My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies Fairy tales of yesterday, grow but never die
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go-events · 5 years
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GO Rom Com Spotlight: @wildtrakone
The ever-compelling @wildtrakone has claimed The Proposal to adapt for Good Omens in the Good Omens Rom Com Event.
For reference, here’s some information about the source material!
Synopsis of The Proposal: Faced with deportation to her native Canada, high-powered book editor Margaret Tate (Sandra Bullock) says she's engaged to marry Andrew Paxton (Ryan Reynolds), her hapless assistant. Andrew agrees to the charade, but imposes a few conditions of his own, including flying to Alaska to meet his eccentric family. With a suspicious immigration official always lurking nearby, Margaret and Andrew must stick to their wedding plan despite numerous mishaps.
We spent some time chatting about how the adaptation is coming so far, as well as future plans for it! Now, get to know @wildtrakone​ (also wildtrak on Ao3) a little better!
* * *
goromcom: Normally I tease people here about what Tumblr says they post about, but it was very mysterious about you and didn't give me anything!
wildtrakone: Any mysteriousness is entirely accidental. Or is it? >:D
goromcom: That’s an excellent answer. :)
You chose to adapt The Proposal as your rom com. Has this movie been a favorite of yours, or is there some other reason you chose it?
wildtrakone: I have seen The Proposal what is probably an unhealthy number of times. I'm usually more of an action/thriller fan, but The Proposal is just one of those fun and happy films that you can keep coming back to enjoy. Also, the film is directed by the fabulously talented Anne Fletcher, who has two films being adapted in this Rom Com event. 
For me personally, I love that the story depicts an older woman who is at the peak of her career and doesn't compromise her work for a relationship. Instead, she has a love interest who is proud of her and her accomplishments, and who wants to join her on that journey. It's a dynamic that I think will work well in translation to the Good Omens universe. Also, fake relationship FTW. 
goromcom: What's your favorite moment of your chosen rom com, and are you looking forward to presenting it in your adaptation? Any loose plans for that scene that you can share?
wildtrakone: There is a lot of brilliant physical comedy in The Proposal which I think lends itself to my writing style, so I am hoping that I can do those scenes justice. Poor Crowley is going to cop the majority of the humiliation (sorry mate!), but to be fair he does tend to run afoul of his own carefully crafted schemes in all the good stories. In the original movie, the family had a small rescue dog that stole the show, so I am definitely including those scenes. In my case, it's a cute little hellhound who is an adorable fluffy cuddlebug for everyone—except Crowley. Crowley is his nemesis.
goromcom: Do you plan to stick very closely to the story beats of the original movie, or make bigger changes?
wildtrakone: I am going to be as faithful as is reasonably achievable. The story is not an AU, so there are several elements that need a bit of extra thought, particularly in terms of what is motivating Aziraphale and Crowley to embark on a fake engagement when it doesn't necessarily seem like the logical play. But there are a lot of elements I am keeping, including the setting at a book publisher. Also staying are the familial tensions that Aziraphale experiences when his duties to Heaven compete with his own desires to stay on Earth and to stay with Crowley (which is of course a running theme in Good Omens canon). 
goromcom: What's an interesting decision you've made in your planning so far--a notable casting decision, a changing of venue, or some other plan you have to paint Good Omens all over your rom com?
wildtrakone: Good Omens presented me with an opportunity at the end of the existing canon, whereby there was a second book written by Agnes Nutter. I've taken that and run with it in a way that I hope people will find fresh and interesting. With a new book of true prophecy in the works, someone has to make sure the publishing process goes smoothly. That person is probably neither Aziraphale, nor Crowley, but they're who we've got. Also, Betty White is God. Enough said :D
goromcom: Well yes, of course Betty White is God, but what does that have to do with your rom co--oh! I get it! You mean in your rom com too. ;)
I am blatantly stealing this last question from The Good Place: The Podcast, but here goes: Tell me something "good". It can be something big or small. It can be a charity you think is doing good work, or you can talk about how great your pet is.
wildtrakone: I must admit it's been hard to see the good under all the smoke in my country at the moment, but every day I'm hearing amazing stories of people helping others that really restores my faith in humanity. The kindness of strangers even in the midst of a disaster is why I love my country, and despite all the uncertainty, I feel lucky to be an Australian. My wish for everyone is to be safe. 
goromcom: Absolutely, that is a wonderful wish, and I hope it comes true soon. 
And hey, we’ve got another canon GO rom com coming your way soon! Poor Agnes, I hope her second book actually makes it to the press...
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danwhobrowses · 4 years
General Discussions: All Elite Wrestling (AEW)
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So with All Out happening tonight (or well, tomorrow morning for me) I’m in the mood to get a lot of AEW talk off my chest. The difference between this and previous talks ‘In (Slight) Defense of AEW’s Women’s Division’ and ‘Are AEW Planning a Second Show?’ - the latter of which seems to have been confirmed - I don’t want to talk about one sole thing, I have multiple things I wanna talk about: Criticisms, Hindsight, Signing Suggestions, Predictions and whatnot. I’m also gonna split this into two at least, we’re gonna start with some critiques (positive and negative criticism) and some hindsight talk.
Critiques So AEW has been running officially since May 2019. Meaning that half of their lifespan has happened during COVID 19′s pandemic, before I go into positive and negative criticisms I’d like this point to at least commend AEW on their action and sustainability during this time; several other brands have had to sadly close or cease programming for a long time, with ROH only just returning. AEW has done a stellar job being safe as well, only one confirmed case in QT Marshall (Moxley quarantining because of Renee’s positive case), frequent tests and having small amount of fans in the arena, this is on top of the fact that Jacksonville is also a hotspot, so currently well done on that. But AEW is far from a perfect company, no company can be. However, not all criticism is fair and I wanna vent some of that. Fair Criticism towards AEW First I wanna point out that there are things even I don’t like about AEW, because I know people will paint me as an apologist, I’d also wanna preface that there are parts of WWE I like too, and parts I don’t like. On AEW’s part though I think the fairest criticism for it is that a lot of talent slip through the cracks, COVID doesn’t help of course but talent had been kept away from the main show or not getting their due; Santana and Ortiz and the Lucha Bros should be tag champions by now, Scorpio Sky would’ve been a great TNT champion, Jurassic Express despite their popularity often seem to be on the losing end of feuds, Private Party have fell into the undercard of the tag division, Joey Janela and Sonny Kiss are sadly purposeless and Lance Archer is just floating around, Nyla and Vickie’s partnership hasn’t really gone anywhere either as of yet and Abadon has been kept from the title picture. There’s also the flip-flop booking of Shawn Spears, Jake Hager, Mel, Luther, Penelope Ford, TH2 and others. While I am gonna track back on the Women’s Division complaint it would bode better for AEW if they had more storylines, and their title was better. I mean the design is fine, it just needs to be bigger. The Picture with Shida and Cody swapping belts really sells that. Belt designs have been very up and down too, the TNT title is not good, the FTW title is a bit iffy but even that is a better design. So far only ‘Big Platinum’ and the Tag Titles are original designs without complaints. Unfair Criticism towards AEW Since a lot of people compare AEW to WWE, there will be times where people will treat them as the same, and that’s not really too fair. Case in point, big one out of the way, The Women’s Division. Wanting more from the women is fair but as I detailed they are pretty handicapped right now since many of their wrestlers are overseas, but when they make moves in a positive light they’re still criticised. Thunder Rosa (fka Kobra Moon of Lucha Underground) is great and we have a much hyped match for that. The criticisms reared its head more with the Deadly Draw and the Tooth and Nail match being in the Buy In. I’ve already discussed the benefits of the Deadly Draw in a prior post so I’m gonna focus on Swole/Baker. Now on the Main Card anyway thanks to fan response, it shouldn’t have been treated like AEW pre-shows are like WWE’s, there’s a Number 1 Contendership Battle Royale on that same Buy In, Khan has been clear that he wants people invested enough to ‘Buy in to the PPV’ so it shouldn’t be treated as a disservice.
I’d also like to segue this into a WWE comparison, because whenever AEW is on you have people tracking how many women’s segments there are. So let me run down WWE for a bit
Smackdown had 3 Women’s Bits last night (4th Sept): the Tag Match that led to FINALLY the Banks/Bayley schism, a cryptic hint towards a woman returning (rumors of Eva Marie I hope are false, maybe it’s Carmella?) and a small backstage segment between Bliss and Bayley
NXT on ‘Super Tuesday Part 1′ had 1 very short match building to the Candice/Tegan feud and a package for Ripley vs Mercedes
Raw had 2 matches and 3 segments which included a Payback rematch
Payback had 2 matches, one on the Pre-Show, both of these matches would later be rematched in the following week
Summerslam had 3 matches, only one of them not a title match and one of them being rematched on the following Raw
NXT TakeOver 30 had 1 match, a title match, including the Pre-Show
For all the criticism AEW gets for having 2-3 bits on Dynamite (which is an hour less than Raw might I add and Dark hosts consistently 3 women’s bits that nobody acknowledges simply because the matches are squashes) I never see WWE criticised in that same vein, and that’s unfair, criticise both. The main difference is that AEW do not have the ‘seasoned big star’ because they’re not that old, Mickie James, Asuka, Bliss and the Four Horsewomen didn’t just get this popular overnight, they spent years honing this craft to this audience. Would it be great for AEW to have a megastar type? Sure but business is not all that easy, who do you take? Tessa’s attitude isn’t exactly positive for business, time is what they need and it’s something people are not giving. Of the other unfair criticisms the quick and easy one is the ‘AEW is TNA 2.0′ - newsflash, most wrestlers will go through the WWE machine in some shape or form, if you complain that AEW lacks female stars because nobody is well known but criticise the men’s division for using well-known ex-WWE talent then you have to see the contradiction. Moxley has been great, Jericho has been great, Brodie has been great, it’s not like AEW aren’t promoting others either. And also the ‘VP is becoming like the McMahons’ - people think that because a wrestler is a booker that they’ll only book themselves strong, but Cody let himself get squashed by Brodie, Kenny passed out to PAC and lost to Moxley, the Bucks haven’t been tag champions and Brandi hasn’t inserted herself in any title match. Just because we’re burned by WWE doesn’t mean that AEW are the same. I am all for constructive criticism with the brand because there are certainly places where it can improve, but it keeps circling around to the fact that we put WWE as the negative standard we compare AEW to, as if WWE are literally the Simpsons of Wrestling, there’s not gonna be much they haven’t done. Hindsight Talk So with the critiques out of the way now we can talk about some missed opportunities, since it kinda pairs together with that. Nearly a year and a half and AEW is still quite different to how it started, there are some things though we could still look back in regret. The easy one is doing a more thorough background check. The SpeakingOut movement affected all of wrestling and led to the departure of Jimmy Havoc, likewise it also led to the Elite cutting ties with Joey Ryan and distancing from Marty Scurll, of course until people spoke out it would’ve been impossible to know but knowing now does make parts of All In and AEW’s history come with a sense of bitterness. A further stressing of variety would’ve helped AEW, there’s a lot of criticism when people don’t understand that things are different for a reason, comedy has a place in Wrestling, we just need a reminder. The ranking system and tag rules could still be clearer. There’s also the sooner dropping of aspects like the Nightmare Family faction with Mel and Luther with Brandi, as well as some other dropped plots like Brandi’s mental break, Allie’s affiliation with the Butcher and Blade (the latter being her irl husband) as ‘the Bunny’, Christopher Daniels’ feuds with Pentagon and the Dark Order, the initial presentation of the Dark Order, not debuting Sadie Gibbs earlier and maybe pushing Intergender wrestling a bit sooner. AEW were reluctant and a Kip/Penelope vs Kenny/Riho feud was in the works to some solid appeal, but it sadly went nowhere. The Deadly Draw could’ve been longer, but I stand by the decision to put it on Youtube. I think the TNT title tournament could’ve been longer too. The bigger regrets I personally wished from AEW are that the Lucha Bros didn’t win the tag titles first, SCU are great but Lucha Bros are next level wrestlers who are monstrously talented, given Hangman and Kenny’s blockbuster match with the Lucha Bros, it’s a shame that we didn’t have a bigger feud where the Lucha Bros took their Young Bucks feud momentum to win the whole tournament. Not signing Mercedes Martinez, Deonna Purrazo or pushing a Kong vs Kong match would also be a missed opportunity too. Hindsight is of course 2020 so we can’t be too hard on AEW, as we’ll move onto in Part 2, when we’ll talk about All Out Predictions and positive hopes for AEW’s future
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wallpaperpainter · 4 years
25 Things You Should Know About Futurama Painting | Futurama Painting
The U.S. is home to added than 8,000 breweries, brewpubs and taprooms. If you’ve been arcade for beer lately, you’ve apparently begin no curtailment of options to accept from, so abundant so that the free agency aback affairs a new beer generally comes bottomward to the label.
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Futurama: Bender Painting drawn by a friend | futurama painting
We sat bottomward with bristles clear designers, all of whom took home top ceremoniousness in our 2020 Readers’ Choice Awards, to altercate the art of the beer label.
When we go to buy beer, best of us are in it for the aqueous inside. It would accomplish faculty again that best characterization designs booty their afflatus from the beer itself.
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S225 Futurama X Men Hot USA Cartoon Art Painting Print On .. | futurama painting
Sean Jones and his abstraction sketches, accomplished characterization art for Cowboy Poet — Photo address of Sean Jones / Classic Brewing
Cowboy Poet, the beer characterization by clear artisan Sean Jones, is a air-conditioned crushable American Lager from Classic Brewing.
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Futurama | futurama painting
“There is article abating and adequate about accessible bubbler beers,” says Jones. “That’s why our cowboy is aloof air-conditioned out in the desert. Originally I ability accept gotten a bit agitated abroad and fatigued the cowboy bashed face bottomward in the sand.”
Jones has advised about a dozen labels for Archetype, and while he enjoys about absolute artistic freedom, his action about starts with a alpha affair with Head Brewmaster Steven Anan. “We usually begin about colors and how this beer makes you feel aback you alcohol it. This is actually one of my admired genitalia of the process,” he explains.
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kmkirby – futurama painting | futurama painting
Punchgut, the artisan abaft the Doomsday Device label, began with this afflatus adduce from Drekker Brewing
25 Things You Should Know About Futurama Painting | Futurama Painting – futurama painting | Allowed for you to my personal blog, in this occasion I will teach you about keyword. And today, this is the primary image:
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Futurama bender by sowdog on DeviantArt – futurama painting | futurama painting
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graffiti, Shoreditch – futurama painting | futurama painting
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Futurama painting | Etsy – futurama painting | futurama painting
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Fry from Futurama by AleDepa on DeviantArt – futurama painting | futurama painting
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Futurama 3D Concept Art | The Future of Cartoons – YouTube – futurama painting | futurama painting
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Epic Bob Ross Painting Printed Poster – futurama painting | futurama painting
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Original Futurama Acrylic Bender Painting on Canvas – futurama painting | futurama painting
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HAIR AND MAKEUP, 2119 – futurama painting | futurama painting
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14 Fantastic Futurama Fan Art Creations | Mental Floss – futurama painting | futurama painting
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Futurama nursery – futurama painting | futurama painting
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9.8 | futurama painting
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John Zoidberg – Futurama Cartoon Vintage Art Silk Poster .. | futurama painting
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Futurama Parody Painting with Bender Robot ‘Outside – futurama painting | futurama painting
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5.5 | futurama painting
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futurama – futurama painting | futurama painting
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Future Connection – futurama painting | futurama painting
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Futurama by Vaahlkult on DeviantArt – futurama painting | futurama painting
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Futurama! by KT-245 on DeviantArt – futurama painting | futurama painting
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20 best Futurama images on Pinterest | Futurama, Fan art .. | futurama painting
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Futurama by eddaviel on DeviantArt – futurama painting | futurama painting
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Futurama Fan Art – Ftw Gallery | eBaum's World – futurama painting | futurama painting
The post 25 Things You Should Know About Futurama Painting | Futurama Painting appeared first on Painter Legend.
Painter Legend https://www.painterlegend.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/futurama-bender-painting-drawn-by-a-friend-futurama-painting.jpg
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multsicorn · 5 years
some good omens recs
Because there is Really Quite A Lot of Good Omens fic being written about now, I've decided to make recs posts for my favorites.  This is what I've got after just a week or so in the fandom!  I love the characterization and writing in each of these fics, and also the porn, humor, conflict, philosophy, description, nerdery, etc.: whichever ones of those things are relevant.
Oh, and these are all Aziraphale/Crowley, though some may straddle the border between shippy and gen.  18 fics, and one vid.
*After the (Literal) End of the World*
Quite a few post-canon fics that I've loved deal with Crowley and/or Aziraphale having some sort of crisis along the lines of 'after all that's done, what do I do next'?  Others are more simply an exploration of 'now that we can be together', or... another story, later in their lives.
Runs a Joy with Silken Twine by Banhus (6k, t).  In which Aziraphale doesn't know what he wants, even after the world ends.  (But it's always been the same thing, really.)
Catch Us In the Mirror (And It Looks a Lot Like Love) by J (jaywright) (6k, m).  In which Aziraphale worries that he’s Fallen, then realizes that it doesn't matter, anyway.
dealing with eternity by qwanderer (3k, t).  In which Crowley doesn't know what to do with himself, and takes up painting.
reasons wretched and divine by stammiviktor (4k, t).  In which the Almighty finally talks to Crowley, after a gap of six thousand years or so: and who's prodigal, again?
you play with my feelings (right from the start) by PenroseSun (3k, g).  In which it is illustrated why and how immortal beings might pine for six thousand years.
a lot of edges called perhaps by weatheredlaw (4k, e).  In which Aziraphale and Crowley explore the idea of marriage: whether, why, and how.
And Your Enemies Closer by GoldenUsagi (3k, g).  In which another dark monastic order appears, and summons an angel.  Which is a bad idea for them, but maybe not all 'round.
damn.nation, now available on itunes by antistar_e (kaikamahine) (11k, t).  In which Amphora the demon has a hell of a few days after the world doesn't end, and gains a certain perspective on why.
Hospitality by jessikast (4k, g).  In which some Holmesian deduction gets the better of Aziraphale's and Crowley's disguises on the South Downs: but books are the most important thing.  [I only vaguely know who Mary Russell is, but the crossover worked just fine.]
Catching Up (<1k, g), for beautiful you are (<1k, t), and Just Because by edenbound (<1k, t).  In which the questions of Crowley's gender and angel/demon sexuality are explored with gentle tenderness, and understandings are come to.
*Making Stuff Up Between The Lines*
You know you've got an expansive field to play in when gap-fillers can be set anytime not only during the week or eleven years of canon, but during over six thousand years of history.
Crowned by DictionaryWrites (<1k, g).  In which Nanny Crowley isn't a bad nanny, at all.
Good Choices by olivianeesan (3k, g).  In which tying the narrative of six thousand years into one arc results in something that's more meta than fic, but just as thoughtful and lovely.
Ink Stains by forthegreatergood (6k, m).  In which the discomfort that Aziraphale feels in a cold monastery's scriptorium only serves to highlight just how comfortable he and Crowley are: as old adversaries, old friends, and more.
*Making An Effort, with Creativity*
I really love how much porn in this fandom has embraced 'their genitals can be whatever they - or you - want.'  There are so many possibilities to explore!
Turn by Kass (2k, e).  In which the idea of angels having changeable genitals is looked at through the lens of Talmudic nerdery.
Charmed, I'm Sure by sabinelagrande (1k, e).  In which sex that involves a snake ssslithering on someone is more charming than it has any right to be.
Everywhere at Once by Laura Shapiro (laurashapiro) (3k, e).  In which Crowley and Aziraphale can manifest not only any type but also any number of genitalia, and take advantage of that, in one particular way.  Overstimulation ftw.
Bring it Home (Sugar Daddy) by promethia_tenk.  In which this song from Hedwig and the Angry Inch proves a perfect soundtrack to a celebration of the glorious queerness of Aziraphale and Crowley (while other characters also appear as parallels to A & C) (and, also, was Aziraphale's enjoyment of food always this sensual?  Cause wow.)
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pawacelsus · 5 years
Tagged by @goddammit-bio (thank you!)
Nickname: Park
Real Name: Parker Roberts
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Height: 5′2
What time is it: 12:33 am
Favourite Musicians: The Crane Wives, Bear Ghost, and AJJ
Favourite Sports Team: Not into sports really, ngl
Other Blogs: There is my main, but since this is a sideblog, I’d rather keep it separate
How many blogs do I follow: 635!
Any Tumblr crushes: No??
Lucky Number: 9. It’s always been my favorite number, and I’ve found that just to be a good one for me.
What I’m wearing right now: Jeans stained with paint, an oversized blue t-shirt, and a hoodie with a galaxy on it.
Drink of choice: Just water, honestly. 
Dream Car: Not much of a car person, honestly. Just one that drives and won’t kill me.
Dream Vacation: Pass? I’m too nervous to ever really want to take a vacation, but if I had to pick? Some cave (Hypothetically, I don’t wanna risk it), Ireland, or just a forest of any kind.
Favourite Foods: Don’t really have one, though I like salads and smoked salmon a lot.
Languages: English only, I’ve been trying to learn Spanich (not successfully)
Instruments: Clarinet and saxophone (bari ftw!)
Celebrity Crushes: Not really MJFJSDFA
Random Fact: I actually do have visual snow too, which is pretty funny to hear. But besides that... I volunteer at a library every Sunday and own chickens, and my ears constantly ring!
tagging: aw fuck up @mamma-dragon, @crabchy-exoskeletonfolk and anybody else who wants to do this, I do wanna tag some of my followers but I don’t want to bug them so! if you see this and want to, do it!
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mizjoely · 5 years
My 2019 Tumblr Top 10
1). 230 notes - 19 September 2019
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2). 156 notes - 19 February 2019
Q: rip molly whore hooper rip molly whore hooper rip molly whore hooper rip molly whore hooper rip molly whore hooper rip molly whore hooper rip molly whore hooper
Thanks for the amazing prompt, anon! This is so fantastic, so many ideas…here are a few starts, let me know which one you’d rather I worked into a full fic!
No. 1 - Canon Universe Molly receives an anonymous threat
Sherlock’s expression was grim as he studied the grimy piece of paper Molly had found shoved under her front door only an hour previous. She was still shaken, enough that she hadn’t showered or dressed even though it was now half-ten. She had, however, called out to work just as soon as she’d contacted NSY and Sherlock, in that order.
After all, anonymous threats were nothing to take lightly.
No. 2 - Dystopian future where Molly is a “comfort girl” and Sherlock the officer who falls in love with her (sorta/kinda “Officer and a Gentleman” AU but much darker)
Sherlock’s face darkened. “Don’t call her that,” he ground out.
Captain Wilkes’ lips twisted in a sneer. “What, a whore?” he replied. “It’s what she is, nothing but a whore who won’t even be missed if she die–”
His words were cut off by the lightning-fast strike of Sherlock’s fist against his face. Molly stared, mouth agape, as the first man - first person! - ever to defend her honor glared at his fallen foe. “That’s your problem, Wilkes,” he snarled. “You never did know when to shut the fuck up.”
No. 3 - Molly’s gravestone is defaced after she’s been forced to fake her death
John gasped in shock at the sight that greeted his eyes: hateful, horrid words scrawled over the face of Molly’s headstone in what looked like red paint, still dripping and fresh. He turned to Sherlock, reaching out to grasp his friend’s arm as if worried he might do something rash - but what could he do? There was no one there, no culprit to pound into the ground in well-deserved fury, and no Molly Hooper whose honor needed defending.
“We’ll find whoever did this,” he blurted out, realizing he was shaking with anger - and that Sherlock was standing so still he might have been carved from the same marble as the headstone. “We’ll find them - you’ll find them, I know you will.”
“Yes,” was all Sherlock said, his lips barely cracking to form the word, no emotion showing in his eyes - but John knew. Oh, he knew exactly how his friend must be feeling right now.
What he didn’t know, however, was that Sherlock recognized this, not as a posthumous act of hatred - but a threat against a very much alive Molly Hooper.
Their desperate attempts to keep her safe had failed.
I have lots more but those are the top three that come to mind. Do be sure to anon message me again to let me know which one you like best!
#dis is mine #what do you mean it wasn't a prompt? #it was definitely a prompt!
#sherlolly #molly hooper ftw #sorry for the Bad Word folks #but Dystopian Dark Sherlock #definitely swears
3). 140 notes - 03 January 2019
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4). 119 notes - 13 June 2019
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5). 111 notes - 15 January 2019
One Year Ago Today
To celebrate the (second, I know, just go with it) anniversary of the ILU scene from TFP. Enjoy!
“Happy anniversary, darling.”
Sherlock scrunched his face up in an expression of confusion worthy of John Watson at his most uncomprehending. “Molly, we’ve been together 147 days, and although I marginally accept the sentimentality behind a 6-month anniversary, we’re still a bit short of -”
She stopped the flow of words with a soft, lingering kiss. A most welcome way of silencing him, to be sure, but he still had questions.
Well, one question. “So…not our 147 day anniversary, then.”
Read the rest on AO3
6). 84 notes - 19 February 2019
February 19th 2019, 2:38:30 pm · 10 months ago
rip molly whore hooper rip molly whore hooper rip…
I’d read the hell out of number 2
I have this whole vision in my mind now, of Mary being an Enemy Agent with orders (From General Magnussen) to cold-bloodedly seduce Sherlock (Moriarty was supposed to destroy his rep and make him look like a traitor but he failed) but it’s too late - he’s fallen for a lowly Comfort Girl so she’s ordered to kill him instead but surprise! She’s fallen in love with Captain John Watson and so she just shoots to wound instead of kill.
Um, I might have given this AU waaaay to much thought. Also Molly totally is the reason Moriarty failed.
#theemptyquarto #dis is mine #sherlolly #warstan #i do love me some dystopian aus
7). 80 notes - 17 July 2019
Q: I love you MizJoely! Thank you. Either one of these would be lovely. a hoarse whisper “kiss me” Or then licks their lips and says “please”
This turned into a Victorian Reichenbach AU because I was just rereading one of my other Victorian ficlets. Hope you like it (and sorry it took a whole year for me to get to the prompt)!
“Kiss me,” he breathed, his voice a hoarse whisper. He licked his lips and added, “Please.”
Read the rest on AO3
9). 71 notes - 18 June 2019
Q: Hello, Wanted to give you an ask about a prompt I thought up while studying yesterday😂 Sherlock does a wonderful job at giving the best man speech at the Watson's wedding but did he get some help from his concerned pathologist 😉😉 (She does look like a proud teacher during the speech) Thank you for your time😊��
After Graham and that damned book both failed him, Sherlock did what he should have done in the first place: he texted Molly.
Need help. Come immediately if convenient.
Two seconds later he fired off a follow-up.
If inconvenient come anyway. Emergency. SOS. Gavin was useless and the book has been turned into kindling.
He paced and fretted the thirty-six seconds it took her to respond.
At work right now. Is this one of your games or something? Who’s Gavin? What book? I am actually working right now, did I say?
He huffed out an annoyed breath.
Yes, actually, you did. Twice. Doesn’t change the fact that you said if I needed you I could have you.
He paused, some instinct causing him to reread the message before hitting send.
Doesn’t change the fact that I need your help, he amended that last sentence to, without asking himself why.
Just as he didn’t ask himself why the thought of Mr. Having-Quite-A-Lot-Of-Sex fiance gave him a stomachache.
Help with what? Molly responded while he tried once again to delete her declaration - the one given when he’d last asked for her help with planning out John’s Stag Do - about said stupid, inconvenient, coc–no no NO.
Help with the best man speech for John and Mary’s wedding, was all he typed.
I’ll be over in a tick, Molly replied. Just have to sew up Mr Andrews. Would you like his gall bladder? It’s unusually necrotic for somoeone who was supposedly on a vegan diet.
He grinned fondly at the message. Molly knew him so well! In fact, for someone who did, indeed, know him so well, it was odd that she hadn’t picked up on his fee…
Yes, thank you, he typed as rapidly as he could, once again forcing his brain not to finish an uncomfortable thought regarding his…friend, he told himself firmly. Molly Hooper was his friend and nothing more and that was why he was asking for her help.
After all, what other reason could he possibly have for doing so?
10). 59 notes - 01 July 2019
Q: I was wondering if you knew of a fic where Molly got pregnant by a one night stand (it was Sherlock). She kept the baby, Sherlock began to come around more and more, till him and molly raised the baby together. Do you know of that fic by chance?
There are several fics of that type and that story does sound familiar. Does anyone know which one it is?
Responses received: 
The Truth About Toby by @ditsypersephone​ 
The Breath That Passed From You To Me by rsadelle on AO3
One Night Stand by @mrsmcrieff​
Created by TumblrTop10
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clubstyleeurope · 5 years
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#cse • @bassanixhaust New Softail Street Bob #fxbb done up right with our Road Rage 2:1 system in black! Part Number 1S72RB Avilable through @dragspecialties dealers. @streetbobmob Green with envy 🤘🏼⚡️#streetbobmob 📸: @you_know_dtf • • • • #harleydavidson #findyourfreedom #liveyourlegend #forevertwowheels #ftw #freedomisafulltank #lifebehindhandlebars #ridemotorcycleshavefun #motorcycles #harleysofinstagram #softailgram #softail #milwaukee8 #ride #streetbob #softailstreetbob #dyna #fxdb #fxbb #daily #picoftheday #potd #ohio #forrestgreen #paint #barbershop https://ift.tt/2YB8roJ
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gecko-sims · 6 years
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Simself Tag
Hey! So I’m almost finished with the semester, so to celevrate, I’m doing this thing! :D I’m just gonna say @berrysweetboutique tagged me because I’m a doof and nobody actually tagged me lol
i tag: You if you haven’t done it! Yes you, I’m talking to you.
traits: Creative, Clumsy, Hotheaded
You have to make a simself and put whatever you wish there, traits, anything about you.  After the keep reading thingy are +100 questions I found that you can answer if you want, but you don’t have to.
What is your full name? Kristyn Jo is my legal name
What is your nickname? Jojo, Krispen, Loony. I prefer to be called Nova :)
Birthday? june 28th
What is your favorite book series? I’m a huge Harry Potter fan. I also have a book of short stories about ghosts I take literally everywhere.
Do you believe in aliens or ghosts? Both actually. Thought I don’t know if aliens have been here.
Who is your favorite author? I really like Brandon Mull!
What is your favorite radio station? Does the Welcome to Nightvale podcast count?
What is your favorite flavor of anything? Either apple of pumpkin. fall ftw
What word would you use often to describe something great or wonderful? Ballin
What is your current favorite song? my all time favorite is Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen, but lately I’m really into Venom by Eminem 
What is your favorite word? preposterous 
What was the last song you listened to? Dirty Car by Studio Killers
What TV show would you recommend for everybody to watch? Lucifer
What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down? The Princess Bride
Do you play video games? I do a lot, but a limited selection
What is your biggest fear? ceasing to exist
What is your best quality, in your opinion? my ability to be enthusiastic about anything
What is your worst quality, in your opinion? My crippling insecurity
Do you like cats or dogs better? Both. Just both. Also. Lizards
What is your favorite season? FALL BBY
Are you in a relationship? HAHAHAHAHA. no. Unless you count @ponderingpigeonsims (she’s ma wife)
What is something you miss from your childhood? The ability to make a fool of yourself without getting weird all looks.
Who is your best friend? Sarah, my tall blonde friendship soulmate who basically just adopted me into her family.
What is your eye color? goldish brown
What is your hair color? brown (or any color that strikes my fancy)
Who is someone you love?  I love like 20000 family, but my grandmother might be the best person to ever person.
Who is someone you trust? my roommate
Who is someone you think about a lot? My brother
Are you currently excited about/for something? I’m always excited for Christmas
What is your biggest obsession? Top 10 creepiest countdowns
What was your favorite TV show as a child? lots and lots of things, but I adored Teen Titans
Who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to, if anyone? I’m non-binary so...?
Are you superstitious? yes tbh
Do you have any unusual phobias? The thing under my bed grabbin my ankles
Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? I like both
What is your favorite hobby? looking for cryptids
What was the last book you read? Frankenstein by Mary Shelley 
What was the last movie you watched? To all the boys I’ve loved before
What musical instruments do you play, if any? i’m untalented
What is your favorite animal? Geckos :3
What are your top 5 favorite Tumblr blogs that you follow? - There’s a lot! but I check @ratboysims @ridgeport @gunthermunch @tainoodles and @berrysweetboutique like daily
What superpower do you wish you had? telekinesis 
When and where do you feel most at peace?  Sarah’s house
What makes you smile? cats
What sports do you play, if any?  hahahahahahaha
What is your favorite drink? MONSTERSSSSSS
When was the last time you wrote a hand-written letter or note to somebody? I wrote one for my grandmother last week. 
Are you afraid of heights? a little
What is your biggest pet peeve? When people talk as if I can’t hear them
Have you ever been to a concert? No :(
Are you vegan/vegetarian? nope
When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? an actress rofl
What fictional world would you like to live in? put me in that My Hero Academia world plz
What is something you worry about? Losing people
Are you scared of the dark? yes :(
Do you like to sing? I do!
Have you ever skipped school? yes. Sometimes I just ca’t get up you know?
What is your favorite place on the planet? My Grandma’s backyard
Where would you like to live? Ireland
Do you have any pets? I have a old dog named Frisky, and a leopard Gecko named Wilson
Are you more of an early bird or a night owl? night owl like really bad lol
Do you like Sunrises or sunsets? sunsets
Do you know how to drive? no
Do you prefer earbuds or headphones? headphones 2000%
Have you ever had braces? nope
What is your favorite genre of music? I like pretty much freaking everything. Really like rock and heavy metal though.
Who is your hero? uhm
Do you read comic books? does manga count at all?
What makes you the most angry? needlessly hateful people
Do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book? real book
What is your favorite subject in school? besides studio classes, Reading 
Do you have any siblings? I have an older brother
What was the last thing you bought? paint for my roommate
How tall are you? 5′2
Can you cook? yuppers
What are three things that you love? scary movies, fluffy dogs, telling bad puns
What are three things that you hate? ignorance, people with no consideration, vegetables
Do you have more female friends or more male friends? i have a good mix
What is your sexual orientation? am a bi buddy
Where do you currently live? USA. send help
Who was the last person you texted? my friend
When was the last time you cried? two days ago watching a Shane Dawson video <_< I cry a lot
Who is your favorite YouTuber? Phillip Defranco
Do you like to take selfies? yes
What is your favorite app? i still play pokemon go
What is your relationship with your parent(s) like? no comment
What is your favorite foreign accent? Irish
What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit? Japan
What is your favorite number? 13
Can you juggle? no
Are you religious? nope
Do you find outer space or the deep ocean to be more interesting? hecc yes
Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? very mildly
Are you allergic to anything? nope
Can you curl your tongue? no
Can you wiggle your ears? no
How often do you admit that you were wrong about something? every ten minutes
Do you prefer the forest or the beach? forest
What is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you? Be proud enough not to ask for help when you don’t need it. Humble enough to ask for it when you do.
Are you a good liar? yes
What is your Hogwarts House? Gryffindor!!!!
Do you talk to yourself? i do, it’s good conversation
Are you an introvert or an extrovert? extrovert, until im not
Do you keep a journal/diary? tried to, but im not consistent enough
Do you believe in second chances? depends
If you found a wallet full of money on the ground, what would you do? try to find who dropped it
Do you believe that people are capable of change? occasionally
Are you ticklish? no <_< I swear
Have you ever been on a plane? yes
Do you have any piercings? just me ears
What fictional character do you wish was real? all of them. like all of them
Do you have any tattoos? not yet, but i really want one
What is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far? to stop caring about what people think of me so much
Do you believe in karma? hell yeah
Do you wear glasses or contacts? glasses
Do you want children? Kind of? Maybe? Possibly in like ten years
Who is the smartest person you know? I know of lot of smart asses
What is your most embarrassing memory? I have a lot and I think about them constantly. Weird things happen to me in bathrooms.
Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? yes. all the damn time
What color are most of you clothes? black bby
Do you like adventures? yessir
Have you ever been on TV? yeah
How old are you? 22
What is your favorite quote? shit happens
Do you prefer sweet or savory foods? sweet
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mokkalatte · 6 years
hello lads
i was tagged by: @anjavis thankkk uuuu :]
Name: Noora
Nickname: dont actually have any pls give me :(
Gender: female
Star sign: gemini (sag rising cancer moon) 
Height: somewhere around 165 cm or 5′4/5′5
Sexual orientation: lebsian :D
Where I’m from: finland
Hogwarts house: slytherin ftw
Favourite colour: i love all colors but i love black and pale yellow and pastel pink and lavender and lilac and just everything :DDD
Favourite colour to paint the walls: ooo well i feel like i prefer white but pastel pink or maybe even like black or dark purple like a lil wine-ish purple
Favourite colour of lipstick: reds and browns and dark colors like purple and black but i dont like nudes bc i dont look good with light lipstick :(
Favourite animal: i like cats and dogs :] but i also love tigers and snow leopards
Time right now: 15.06 or 3:06 pm
Cat or dog person: why limit ourselves to this binary i say tigers
Favourite fictional character: the version of me in my daydreams
Number of blankets I sleep with: 3, sometimes 1 sometimes 4
Favourite singer/band: rn i have been listening to ariana a lot and some exo
Dream trip: anywhere as long as it’s with the right person :]
Dream job: something like a writer or a journalist or a model or something like a human rights lawyer or similar i would rly wanna help
When was this blog created: uuhhhhh 12 of april 2014 but my first ever in may of 2012
When did your blog reach its peak: never has ig 
What made you decide to make a tumblr/ Why I created this account: well idk tumblr is just a very interesting platform and it helped me cope with my mental health issues
Why did you pick your url: bc yixing was my jesus my savior
Followers: 545
Last movie you watched: i mean we didnt finish but 3096 days and before that i watched tangled? i guess jfjkjvkf
Last show you watched: modern family
Last song you listened to: spotify says power by exo
Last book you read: i read the secret history by donna tartt
Last thing you ate: i haddddd a pastry idk how to explain it
If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be: with my most gorgeous wife :’(((((((
What time would you travel to: mesopotamia uuhhh ancient egypt and greece and renaissance florence but also i wanna see the mayas and aztecs 
Fictional character you would hang out with for a day: captain holt
What is your favorite day of the week and why: i like saturdays but i rly dont have a fav day
I’m tagging no one because i am tired jjkjfvjkdjv i might tag some people later :]
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Steam Community :: Project Zomboid
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥 Underneath the seemingly simplistic appearance is one of the deepest zombie survival experiences you can get. Easily making Project Zomboid one of those rare indie gems alongside titles like Undertale or Celeste. Project Zomboid can be as unforgiving as any survival game. So you might be looking for ways to simplify the gameplay, or increase that complexity. Or maybe just change things up for the fun of it. Check Out This Mod. Taking from most other RPGs, modder blindcoder gives us access to a quick use hotbar that fits anywhere from items of your choosing. The hotbar is easily customizable, allowing you to easily access selected items with the number keys, and can be shown and hidden with a quick push of a button. Instead it keeps things interesting by giving you craftable upgrade options to make improvements as you go along. New gameplay mechanics FTW. Speaking of hoarding resources, Simple Logistics is another great tool to make hauling larger quantities of certain items much easier. The mod also takes a more realistic approach to accomplishing the task, instead of simply allowing you to carry more at once. It actually adds new craftable items that make it possible to move larger amounts of logs, planks, and metal sheets. All recipes come with both a pack and unpack options as well, so you can easily dismantle the pallets once moved. Immersive Overlays is perfect for that, giving you a visual representation of important stats to track. As you can tell from all the entries so far, realism is never sacrificed to make improvements to the game, maintaining what makes the game so good to begin with. Added actions include the ability to open cans with a knife, sew together sheets, and cut up fabrics to make towels. This is cleverly done in-game by allowing you to pick up books that are scattered around the world, which you can spend time reading to learn new skills or get better at certain tasks. Convenient, right? Having to sneak around them to gather loot is inevitable. Armored Vests can help with that, giving you more protection to fight off the undead — provided you have the necessary equipment. This mod buffs bulletproof vests, balaclavas, hazmat suits, and other protective gear to make them more efficient against zombie attacks. I mean, who expects the environment to stay neat and tidy when you have hordes of undead running around the city? Post Apocalyptic Sprites is actually perfect for the Project Zomboid world, adding in textures for blood-covered refrigerators, broken washing machines, and spray-painted TV sets. This is exceptionally displayed in Zombieland, as the characters randomly encounter other survivors who end up helping them along their journey. Super Survivors! Just be careful though — while some might help you fight off zombie hordes, there may be others who are more hostile towards you. Well luckily, modder ZonaryQuasar values fitness despite the zombie apocalypse with his Exercise mod for Project Zomboid. Each have their own effects, with push-ups boosting your strength but increasing your weight as well. Doing jumping jacks on the other hand, will increase your fitness and help you lose calories. Cremation — Corpse Disposal presents a great way to do so, allowing you to burn zombie corpses in campfires as a quick and easy way to get rid of them. The mod adds a cool mechanic to online play by allowing you to trade goods with other players — providing a quick and easy way to let go of some disposable loot in exchange for items you really need. The posts work on a simple supply and demand mechanic as well, where price drops as items become more readily available. Hell naw. And I personally jumped at the chance to own one in Project Zomboid. We all know zombies are attracted to sounds. And in a game like Project Zomboid — you never want the unnecessary attention. There are a couple attachments thrown in as well. Stuff including scopes, silencers, and recoil pads. Probably the single most popular mod for this game, Hydrocraft adds tons of new crafting recipes to the game. With the base game already offering more than 20 occupations , there are already loads of different builds to try. The map recreates the eerie town of Silent Hill from the popular PlayStation classic. Just the way I like it. The modder used actual footage from the series to create these locations, and you can see by the side-by-side comparisons how accurate they really are. If you buy something we may get a small commission at no extra cost to you. Learn more. Stay Connected.
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