#pakistani pranks video
healthandwealthonline · 6 months
Youtube Announced Top 10 Biggest Youtubers Of Pakistan of 2022 - TechJuice
featuredThough the Pakistani Youtubers scene is far behind other countries like India and the Youtubers have a far less audience but it’s getting better and now Pakistani Youtubers have started to get some real attention lately. Recently, home-based chefs’ recipes, entertainment, beauty product unboxing videos, pranks, entertainment, tech videos, and a variety of other high-quality material have…
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jokerprank · 7 months
Come Here 😂
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prankvids · 1 year
Blaine man prank 🤣 Ice Cream Prank 😝 || #pranks #shorts
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How To Pick-Up Girls in Dubai Very Easy & Quick
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kunalsoriginals · 4 years
Pearls of Wisdoms for Pakis
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Beloved Janta of Pakistan,
I would also like to share a secret with you, which you might never apprehend from a person from any other country, especially from an Indian. We LOVE YOU, We are obsessed with you. We enjoy infatuation comparable to that of a 14-year boy who has one on a girl living in his neighborhood, like that teenager whose heart warms up with the girl's sight. Still, he tends to tease her or plays whimsical pranks on her. It is his way of showing his affection.
Accept it, my fellow former Countrymen, you guys are in deep love with us as well. I have felt it first-hand. You folks love watching our Movies and fantasy our starlets. Sing Bollywood songs while proposing to your love. Ache to enjoy Mumbai and Delhi's nightlife. Some of you would even love to reside permanently here for a better future. There is also constant discrimination in every viewpoint; it may be Cricket or politics; in all honesty, you think of our day and night.
Keeping this indefinable affection for each other aside for a while, there is a bitter revelation that you people will have to accept and even feed it in the brains of the future generations to come. I am sure that maximum people over your side of the border should by now have conceded that India will never ever surrender Kashmir in your Lap. It won't be possible in at least another century ahead.
You see, in the manner where India's GDP had expanded from 10 Thousand Crores in the 1950s to more than 10 Lacs Crores in 2019, our sentiment of Nationalism has additionally, grown in a comparable pattern. There was a phenomenal hike in this feeling after India's general elections 2014 onwards; the reason for such an increase is unknown to me. So, the moral is, with such a vast Nationalism level in the hearts of the Aam Janta here, I don't think so parting away an inch of land to anyone would be possible.
Won't it look dishonorable for us in the front of the entire world if we lose the land to you guys who are quite behind then us in all the aspects? You will have to accept that technically both our countries are 73 years old this year. Over this side of the border, we have gradually upgraded in all aspects a Nation has to grow. I could virtually challenge you in where you guys can prove to be better in any improvement zone. This is the land wherein the year 1981 Indian Actor Amitabh enacted on the evergreen song "Dekha Ek Khawab " and his Dame Rekha in the movie Silsila hence parting away with Kashmir is painful to us as it will not only hurt our Ego and furthermore offer grief to Amitji.  
Forget the BJP led NDA, Even the Congress-led UPA cannot think of such a gormless deal. The primary reason is that they want to come into power next term too to provide Public service. Now you people only tell which government will be such dimwits to kick their own rear and be signed on the history textbook of 10-year-old kids as the People who gave away Kashmir.
Realize this, Pakistani Government, Your Army and also ISI can't withhold the idea of getting the region of Kashmir in your Nation's Map, even they know that your national flag will never rise in Capital of Srinagar but since it was an Inaugural Political Agenda when your Country was created in where the principal objective of this agenda was to collect vote from you guys and funds from other countries in the name of Kashmir. It is their lollypop for you fellows that their respective parties if came in power, an ideal environment will be created where; a newly wedded couple from Lahore can drive to Srinagar for their honeymoon without a stamp on their Passport and enjoy a bite of Kashmiri Apple laying in the front deck of a Shikara in Dal Sarovar. It's All Fake, acknowledge it, and move on.
So to my Indian friends,
There was a massive inspiration for me to compose this article. It was shocking that it came from the other side of the border. In the great Indian lockdown of 2020, I who was ideally workless like many of us all, I went through many videos of this Pakistani Newsreader and Political Debate Show Host Dr. Fiza Akbar Khan on YouTube. By her venomous language, the passion for thrashing India and people over here and that high pitched voice made me think of another Indian Debate Show Host.  I am convinced that they are unquestionably biologically related to each other. So I should not have a problem with her blabbering rubbish towards my Country as her Bhaiya here likewise.  
But I have to admit that her language did hurt me because, unlike her Bhaiya over there who trashes Pakistan in the English language, she uses Urdu, which sounds quite similar to the Hindi language to illuminate unpleasant garbage, the reason is entirely psychological for me being hurt. For example, If somebody calls you a Motherfucker, you might not be offended in the same manner if you are called Madar***d (Pardon my Language).
This Pakistani Anchor goes on and on that How Poor, Uneducated, Physically and Mentally Weak, Shelterless, we Indians live in this Country where our economy is going into the drain. We are foolish people to elect Shri Modi as PM of our Country and that too twice. There is a vast level of discrimination on minorities over here. The world's biggest Democracy is over. In the distant future, if Kashmir is not given to them its freedom, then Islamabad will be the next capital of Pakistan and India.
Can you believe this, she has mentioned all this on her show and that too in a language which can easily pierce in our heart. Let's not get also angered about this and start calling her names. She is just doing her job. She is giving favored content to people of over there what her Bhaiya is doing over there.
As pragmatic as I can get about whatever she says on her show about us, I just can't accept it, I am too egoistic as an Indian to even reply or curse on her Video on YouTube comment section. Hence, I planned to dedicate this entire blog to Dr. Fiza Khan, whom I seriously don't mean to offend as Women, her Nation, and especially not her Religion and would like to give her some advice.
Avoid Echoing about Nukes: A round of applause towards Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan for building Nuclear Weapons, a program from a stolen uranium centrifuge design and a network of grey-market suppliers. But stop jabbering in your show that Pakis can nuke India in case a War erupts between us. Even If Jinnah Sahab from Heaven above commands your Arm Force to it, they will effortlessly deny his orders and don't stress. We likewise won't squander our atomic weapon on you. These weapons are like those expensive Portraits which you can proudly hang in your Living Room, but can't take it out on a date. Stop even using the word Nuke in your show.
Comparison between the PMs: PM Imran Sahab seems to be a jolly good fellow who also appears to try to administrate better than any other PMs or Military leaders of your Country. Let me tell you bluntly that there is no comparison with his Counterpart over here; in fact, he even doesn't stand anywhere nearby India's previous Prime Minister.    
Paki's Diplomatic Policies Debacle: This is a typical miscue. You and many colleagues of you have repeatedly misguided your Citizens that Pakistan can easily use the benefit of its diplomatic relationship with a few First World Country and pressurize India on Kashmir Issue. Well, Honey, This is an open challenge to your PM, along with Mr. Qureshi Sahab go to any so-called super Power for assistance or call end numbers of meeting in OIC ( Organisation of Islamic Cooperation ). Nobody will be ready to intervene in the Valley issue for one of the main reason, Why would any country create enmity with the Country will more than 100 Million Population which is a significant business open doors for their corporates.
Playing Second Fiddle: I initially watched your Debate show of earlier years. You always mentioned the US as your elder brother and will still stand next to you along with Saudi Arabia. These were the two countries which you saw as your personal ATM. Lately, these ATM machines stopped removing Cash and Kinds, which they earlier showered on your Country, so you bashed them and accused both these Super Power for adultery. These started leaning towards us. Then you went to China and become a Virtual Puppet who dances on their tunes. Now the problem arises that the entire world started forming against your elder brother and accused them as the creator of the Pandemic of 2020. So you began a rigid assembly against them as well, and now your nation is in an arrangement for another development with Malaysia and Turkey. Understand this dear Fiza ben that in distant future you will have to abuse these two countries also while your government will go and beg to some other countries, maybe North Korea.
Last but not least, which I have already mentioned why Kashmir will never be part of Pakistan earlier in the blog. Read repeatedly till the concept is glued by heart, and if possible, explain it to your people there.
Defense products will be purchased in the name of Kashmir. For Fiscal Year 20-21 Defense expenditure of Pakistan is 1,289 Billion Dollars. India's expenses on the same would be around 66 Billion Dollars. Can you believe these Figures? This Moolah could otherwise be used in Infrastructure and improving the lifestyle of citizens of the respective Country. Civilians and Soldiers' blood will be shed on the name of Kashmir. Approximately 120000 deaths have been registered since 1989, which also includes unsympathetic deaths of militants and terrorists. Television Media will go on with Live debates inviting aficionados and enthusiasts to increase their TRP on the name of Kashmir. Newspapers and magazines will publish viperous articles vocalizing each other's blame for being troublemakers on Kashmir's name. Many commercial Movies and Web Series will also be produced on Kashmir's name. Still, by endeavoring all means of Peace or War, this dream of some of yours will never be fulfilled.
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TIFU by trying to prank my sister but having her freak the neighbor kids out instead
This happened ten years ago. I heard about this website where you could plug in a few facts and it would spit out a fake video news story about a serial killer with clues about his/her next victim. I decided to use this site to play a prank on my sister. At the time, I was in my mid-20s and working in Russia and she was at home (Minnesota) from college for the summer.
I plugged in some facts like our hometown and a few things that would sound like my sister (as the potential victim) and sent the link to her with something like "wow isn't this weird??" The video looked so fake I didn't think she'd buy it but I should have known better. My sister is kind of histrionic and doesn't have a lot of common sense. Apparently she got so scared she ran over to the next door neighbors house with the laptop crying and screaming. They were a Pakistani family that had just moved in and the kids were home alone (the oldest was, like, 12). They didn't know us, they were new to town and as I now know are naturally kind of quiet children so were fairly freaked out by this 20-something knocking on their door and having a meltdown.
I, of course, was in Russia and communication was not instantaneous so it took a while to communicate that it was a prank.
My parents were very embarrassed and relations with the neighbors were strained for years.
TL;DR: Made a prank video showing my sister as a potential serial killer victim, she didn't get at all that it was a prank and ended up scaring the neighbor kids in a bad way.
submitted by /u/Er322 [link] [comments]
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187days · 5 years
Day One Hundred Thirty-Four
Hey, teacher fam, we all survived April Fools’ Day!
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I was actually teaching very serious things, so there were no shenanigans. I kind of wish I’d thought of a good prank or something, but... Nah. I had to teach about extremism. 
In APUSGOV, I gave a lecture about civil rights policy-making that occurred after what’s traditionally marked as the “Civil Rights Movement” (AKA after 1968), and then turned my students’ attention to the backlash against said policy-making (because that continued after 1968, too, of course). I focused particularly on the recent uptick in hate crimes in the US and around the world. I showed an excerpt of Frontline/ProPublica’s Documenting Hate, which was eye-opening, sobering, and heavy... I knew it would be, so left about twenty-five minutes of time afterwards for conversation. I discussed online radicalization in a fair amount of detail because my students had questions about how white supremacist groups (and other groups, too, because extremism always looks the same) were recruiting members. That it happens in spaces they frequent- like social media sites- is understandably chilling. 
In World, my students and I discussed Pakistan. Last class, I’d ended with the point that the war in Afghanistan is Pakistan’s war, too, but before I got into that today I went over their homework, which was to research anything about Pakistani culture. I wanted them to know something about it separate from the war, so that they’d see its vibrancy and understand what was being threatened by extremism. We talked about family traditions, food, holidays, weddings, sports, agriculture... Then I showed some pictures from my various Pakistani teacher friends (I have several because I assisted in a summer institute for teachers from Pakistan while I was in grad school), all of whom live in very different regions of the country. From that, my students were able to see a real contrast between the tribal areas and the more developed regions in the east. In both my classes, students guessed that extremist groups settled in the tribal areas and began their recruiting there, spreading eastward.
I showed a quick video on exactly that, and the Pakistani army’s effort’s to fight back. It showed the extremists’ recruitment of young boys- poor orphans, mainly- and their training, which- like the film I showed in APUSGOV- is eye-opening, sobering, and heavy... Students had lots to say about that, especially knowing what they did about Pakistani culture- knowing what these boys were being deprived of, as one girl put it. I was thrilled someone made that connection in our discussion.
One of the other things that the video mentioned repeatedly was that, prior to the War On Terror, the tribal region had been pretty autonomous and the army’s presence had been minimal. Again, in both classes, students asked why the army was concentrated in the east rather than the west, which gave me the perfect lead-in to their homework: a reading on the history of India and Pakistan. I love when I can end a lesson in a “To be continued...” kind of a fashion. It makes it clear that the homework isn’t busy work. It’s the next piece of the puzzle, and knowing that makes it engaging for students. So, not surprisingly, most of them finished it before class ended. 
Awesome thing? During Block 2, as I was taking attendance, I heard Mr. F saying something about the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki to his algebra class. He said he couldn’t remember what the bombs were called, so- without missing a beat- I opened the door between our rooms, told him their names, and went back to taking attendance. BOOM. I AM A WIZARD!
Other awesome thing? I was observed during my Block 4 class. That’s my most thoughtful, insightful, full of questions class. And they were on fire. BOOM AGAIN!
So things were awesome, and a lot of learning happened, but extremism is a mentally draining thing to teach about, especially if it’s the subject of every single class in a day. How did I shake it off? I went to track practice in blustery, 35-degree weather and ran around with my sprinters. I got windburn on my face, and mud all over my shoes, and had an absolute ball. 
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kpopnailart · 5 years
SOME BY MI AHA BHA PHA 30 Days Miracle Serum and Miracle Cream Review | Korean Skincare
Elo elo lovelies! Today I am reviewing Some by Mi 30 Days Miracle Serum and Miracle Cream which includes AHA, BHA, PHA, tea tree and few other amazing ingredients. The video is not sponsored. I have shown a little demo of me using it on my face for the first time and the results after a month. Tag me on Instagram if you use it too! @lenehajunsu #lenehajunsu
What I'll review in this video:
- Packaging Pros and Cons - Texture (Residue? Greasiness?) - Skin Types - How To Use This Product for BEST EFFECT - Smell/Fragrance - Key Ingredients - Verdict: Recommended?? Worth the $$?? Worth the hype??
I tried to include EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW about this product!! Leave any comments below :)
To contribute to subtitles: http://www.youtube.com/timedtext_video?v=-BiRGhYC4FY&ref=share
SOME BY MI AHA BHA PHA 30 Days Miracle Toner Review https://youtu.be/A9G5Wf1ncmA
SOME BY MI Rose Intensive Tone-Up Cream Review https://youtu.be/7RQxiZjBkbA
SOME BY MI V10 Vitamin Tone-Up Cream Review https://youtu.be/ze_YEMCeDmg
Product List (All are for your reference, bought by me. I am not getting paid for it):
SOME BY MI - AHA, BHA, PHA 30 Days Miracle Serum Quantity: 50ml Price: 18USD
SOME BY MI - AHA, BHA, PHA 30 Days Miracle Cream 50ml Quantity: 50ml Price: 20USD
Claims: Work wonders on your skin in just 30 days with this tea tree serum!  Added with AHA to slough off dead skin cells, BHA to remove excess sebum, and PHA to retain skin’s moisture.
Benefits: Actively soothes and calms irritated, damaged skin. Diminishes the appearance of blemishes. Removes stubborn dead skin cells. Shrinks pore size for a smooth complexion. AHA sloughs off dead cells and impurities on the skin's surface. BHA removes impurities and sebum inside pores. PHA prevents moisture loss. Dermatologically tested for Sensitive and Acne Prone Skin Types
Made in Korea
Main Ingredients: Tea Tree, AHA, BHA, PHA, Centella Asiatica, Madecassoside
How to use: 1.Shake well before use. 2.Prep your skin with toner after cleansing. 3.Dispense proper amount from the dropper and apply on cheeks and forehead. 4.Gently pat for better absorption. 5. Apply cream after serum 5.To achieve better results, use with other products from the Miracle Series.
Tips: Use it at night preferably.
Precautions: Avoid it from sun exposure. For external use only.
My Skin Type: Dry and Sensitive
Thumbnail by: Leneha Junsu
Share it with your friends and other Kbeauty fanatics/KPop-ers as well. xoxo See you all guys soon with another video. Browse my channel for more videos. ^^
Intro by: https://www.youtube.com/user/Coolbird143
Beauty Bible: K-beauty products testing, comparison and reviews and sometimes Pakistani Skincare as well.
Kpop Nail Art: Kpop MV's and Korean Celebs inspired nail art.
Kpop Album Unboxing: We upload Kpop album unboxing whenever we buy a new album.
Other Sections: Other videos include Nail Art Monday, KPOP Reactions and KPOP Lyrics Pranks are section we upload about it seldom. Being Obese and Streets of Pakistan are sections which are under test or experiment.
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/PinkpuffPrincess Fan Club: http://www.facebook.com/RoyalesClub Twitter: http://twitter.com/lenehajunsu Blogs: http://pinkpuffprincess.blogspot.com/ http://kpopnailart.tumblr.com/ Other sites you can find me: http://www.facebook.com/officialLenehaJunsu http://koreanfreakx.tumblr.com/
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pakistannewsupdates · 3 years
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[Khaleej Times]Video: Pakistani YouTuber arrested for viral ‘prank’ harassing women
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waelectronics · 6 years
Hello friends, Welcome to Whatsapp Master. This channel is about all Types of “Pakistani Status for Whatsapp”, best funny whatsapp status for friends in hindi/Urdu/Punjabi,Punjabi status for whatsapp,pashto status for whatsapp, sindhi status for whatsapp, balochi whatsapp status video Songs and Romantic love videos for whatsapp For You. 😊 √ Comment your favorite songs name and I'll make WhatsApps Status Video For You. #Love You All Please Stay Tuned With My Channal 👉 "Whatsapp Master " 👈 ~ If You Like This Video Please Like | Share | Comment Don't Forget To Subscribe 👇 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCOQP2aaEShStPQxhXNbiMQ/videos?sub_confirmation=1 Liked Our Facebook Page 👉 https://ift.tt/2EbYYca Follow us on Twitter 👉 https://twitter.com/Whatsapp_Master Follow us on Instagram 👉 https://ift.tt/2ExM4p4 Follow us on Tumblr 👉 https://ift.tt/2HlyieJ Contact/Whatsapp ☎ +1 315 7157538 E-Mail 👉 [email protected] #musically #musically Videos youtube musically whatsapp status musically whatsapp status video musically whatsapp status funny musically whatsapp status part 1 musically status musically status videos musically status song musically status whatsapp pashto whatsapp status Video pashto status for whatsapp funny status in whatsapp funny status of whatsapp funny status whatsapp funny status for whatsapp funny status funny status hindi funny status in hindi funny status for friends funny status in punjabi funny status punjabi funny status for girls funny status in urdu funny status jokes funny status for whatsapp in punjabi funny status on friends for whatsapp funny status in urdu for whatsapp funny status ever funny status latest funny status funny status funny status pranks funny status to put on whatsapp funny status 4 whatsapp funny status video funny status song funny status 2018 funny whatsapp status funny whatsapp status hindi funny whatsapp status in hindi best funny whatsapp status funny whatsapp status download funny whatsapp status emoji funny whatsapp status in urdu funny whatsapp status for friends funny whatsapp status video funny whatsapp status for girls funny whatsapp status in punjabi funny whatsapp status about life funny whatsapp status about friends funny whatsapp status for exams funny whatsapp status for boys funny whatsapp status punjabi funny whatsapp status about exams funny whatsapp status latest funny whatsapp status new funny whatsapp status ever funny whatsapp status for love funny whatsapp status jokes funny whatsapp status videos 2018 funny whatsapp status 2018 funny whatsapp status pakistani funny whatsapp status video song funny whatsapp status akshay kumar funny whatsapp status attitude funny whatsapp status about girls funny whatsapp status bollywood funny whatsapp status clips funny whatsapp status comedy funny whatsapp status dubbed funny whatsapp status dance funny whatsapp status desi funny whatsapp status dubsmash funny whatsapp status dance video funny whatsapp status dialogues funny whatsapp status dance video download funny whatsapp status download video funny whatsapp status download free funny whatsapp status exam funny whatsapp status funny funny whatsapp status for students funny whatsapp status for gf funny whatsapp status for boyfriend funny whatsapp status girls funny whatsapp status gifs funny whatsapp status hindi song funny whatsapp status hindi video funny whatsapp status hd funny whatsapp status hot funny whatsapp status hindi 2017 funny whatsapp status hd video download funny whatsapp status in sindhi funny whatsapp status new 2018 funny whatsapp status nana patekar funny whatsapp status new video funny whatsapp status on girls funny whatsapp status pakistan funny whatsapp status punjabi song funny whatsapp status trending funny whatsapp status urdu funny whatsapp status video download funny whatsapp status video punjabi funny whatsapp status youtube funny whatsapp status 2018 new funny whatsapp status 30 second funny whatsapp status 30 sec
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islooblog · 4 years
FBR sends Rs13m tax notice to YouTuber
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The Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) has sent a Rs13 million tax notice to Pakistani YouTuber Nadir Ali, who runs a channel called “P for Pakao”. Nadir’s videos show him and his team pulling pranks on unsuspecting people and attract a lot of internet traffic. The combined views of his channel are over 820 million, making his channel one of the largest in the country. According to a local news outlet, tax authorities suspected him of concealing his income and subsequently launched an investigation against him, and their suspicions were confirmed when they contacted YouTube to learn about his actual income. Reportedly, Nadir received more than Rs10 million of foreign exchange during the year on which exemption was claimed without furnishing proof to the tax department and at the same time, he maintained a bank account, which he did not declare in the wealth statement. The report also quoted tax officials as saying that the YouTuber was served a number of notices during the course of the investigation but he did not respond to any of them and now he has the option to appeal the order before the commission appeals in the RTO office in Karachi. Nadir also spoke to the media outlet through his lawyer and denied having not responded to the FBR. “We received their notice and responded through in person appearance and then applied for an extension in the time to file a response and our application was approved. We are working now to resolve this through all proper ­channels,” he added. Source link Read the full article
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laylahassib99 · 5 years
The john Hopkins guide to digital media/Why Software Should Not Have Owners/Beyond WikiLeaks: Anonymous and the politics of leaking (COM 311)
The john Hopkins guide to digital media
Hackers are Technologists with penchant for computing and a hack is a clever technical solution  arrived at through nonobvious means. According to the hacker jorgon fire, it can mean the complete opposite of an ingenious intervention, a clunky, ugly fix, which completes the job at hand.The term hacker was used in the 1960samong technologists in MIT, whose lives revolved around making, using, and improving a computer software.Steven Levy conceptualized them as their unstated ethical code as hacker ethic commitment to information freedom, mistrust of authority, and heightened dedication to meritocracy, and the firm belief that computers can be the basis for beauty and a better world. In the 1980s, other technologists defined the term as individuals enthralled with tinkering and technical spelunking but whose history and politics were distinct .Their heirs are the phone phreaks who existed in the late 1950s and early 1960s.  These phreaks tapped into the phone system to make free phone calls. Phreaking shaped a subversive tradition that went as far back as the 1960s, and flourished more publicly in the 1980s and 1990s, only to change with the rise of the security industry and new laws criminalizing computer break-ins. Laws, such as the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, enacted in the United States in 1986, became the weapon of choice to prosecute hacker. The U.S. government has tended to criminalize hacking under all circumstances, unwilling to differentiate between criminal activities, playful pursuits, and political causes. Some hackers started to call those who hacked for illegal or malicious purposes “crackers”. Many also started to use the derogatory terms “script kiddies” to designate those who use scripts to circumvent computer security or deface websites.Who deserves the title of “hacker”?  Two hackers distinguished between builders:  found in free and open-source communities, whose lineage goes back to the university communities explored in Levy and builders: applying creativity and technical knowledge to bypassing defenses. “to hack” can thus mean distinct activities: Free and open-source hackers—those who have used legal means to guarantee perpetual access to source code—tend to uphold political structures of transparency. Hacker underground: These hackers have made secrecy and spectacle into a high art form. Some hackers run political collectives whose names are Rise up and May-first. Those are broadcasting their will for to make this world a better place. Politically minded hackers, who have name such as Anonymous, engage in hacking for the sake of leaking sensitive corporate and government information. Many information security hackers are committed to security and tend to steer clear of defining their actions in such overtly political terms, even if hacking tends to creep into political territory. Among these InfoSec hackers there are full disclosure, one should release a security vulnerability, and the antidisclosure, announce its existence without revealing details. Anti sec is a small, and extreme movement, and is against any disclosure, claiming that it is their “goal that, through mayhem and the destruction of all exploitative and detrimental communities, companies, and individuals, full-disclosure will be abandoned and the security industry will be forced to reform” Hackers of different nationalities have very different goals and do different jobs.  Pakistani hackers are routinely at war with their Indian neighbors. Chinese hackers are quite nationalistic in their aims and aspirations. In contrast to those in North America, Latin America, and Europe, whose stance makes many wary of joining government endeavors.
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Why Software Should Not Have Owners
by Richard Stallman
 The copyright system grew up with printing.  It did not take freedom away from readers of books. An ordinary reader, who did not own a printing press, could copy books only with pen and ink, and few readers were sued for that. When information has digital form, you can easily copy it to share it with others. That's the reason for the increasingly nasty and draconian measures now used to enforce software copyright.
 The four practices of the Software Publishers Association (SPA) :
- Massive propaganda saying it is wrong to disobey the owners to help your friend.
- Solicitation for stool pigeons to inform on their coworkers and colleagues.
- Raids (with police help) on offices and schools, in which people are told they must prove they are innocent of illegal copying.
- Prosecution (by the US government, at the SPA's request) of people such as MIT's David LaMacchia, for leaving copying facilities unguarded and failing to censor their use.
Owners make several kinds of arguments for giving them the power to control how we use information:
·         Name calling: Owners of the softwares use words like piracy, theft, intellectual property, and damage. They’re comparing between programs and physical object to suggest a certain line of thinking to the public. Our ideas and intuitions about property for material objects don’t apply don't directly apply to making a copy of something.
·         Exaggeration: Owners say that they experience harm or loss, when people copy programs. There is no harm in copying a program.
·         The law: the suggestion that today's law reflects an unquestionable view of morality, yet at the same time, we are urged to regard these penalties as facts of nature that can't be blamed on anyone. It's elementary that laws don't decide right and wrong
·         Natural rights: Authors often claim a special connection with programs they have written, and assert their desires and interests concerning the program simply outweigh those of anyone else. The author call this ethical axiom a bunk, because people only feel any sympathy with the natural rights for two reasons: One reason is the exaggerated analogy with material objects. The second reason is that people have been told that natural rights for authors is the accepted and unquestioned tradition of our society. The author says that the constitution doesn’t require a system of copyright, and that’s why copyright must be temporary. Copyrights’ purpose is to promote progress and not to reward authors.
·         Economics: This approach is the only legitimate one, because it has a valid goal. It i clear that people will produce more of something if they are well paid for doing so.  But the economic argument has a flaw: it is based on the assumption that the difference is only a matter of how much money we have to pay. It assumes that production of software is what we want, whether the software has owners or not. If a program has an owner, this very much affects what it is, and what you can do with a copy if you buy one. The difference is not just a matter of money. The system of owners of software encourages software owners to produce something, but not what society really needs. And it causes ethical pollution that affects us all.
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Beyond WikiLeaks: Anonymous and the politics of leaking
Gabriella Coleman
The term anonymous belongs to individuals and groups engaging in diverse genre of collective action, ranging from online stunts and political campaigns to expeditions in-person protests. Anonymous is described by a narrow band of words: hackers, hacking, and hacktivism. Anonymous is more open and participatory than WikiLeaks. In summer 2011, smaller groups of hackers became prominent fixtures within the Anonymous landscape, and thanks to media obsessed with hackers, these groups were catapulted into limelight. Anonymous’ hackers’ crew provoked controversy and anxiety. They were encouraged or at minimum tolerated often in the hopes that they would gather politically significant leaks in much the same way as WikiLeaks does.  Anonymous carried forward the experiment, which is leaking. The process of leaking arose over the course of mere months due to accidental discoveries, and took a distant course from WikiLeaks, which disturbed leaks sourced from others. Anonymous led hacking-leaking, which received more consistent media coverage than other anonymous campaigns, were still made possible with that WikiLeaks had set into motion and also were limited and shaped by AnonymousBefore 2008, the name Anonymous in the image board 4chan.org to deliver pranks, to troll,targeting people and organizations,desecrating reputations, and revealing humiliating information, and it was done in the name of lulz. Lulz is the internet slang done on the internet for the laughs.Anonymous was named the “the hate machine” in 2007, so they released a video proclaiming Anonymous “the face of the chaos”. It captured trolling’s terrifying potential, especially for those not in the joke. The activism soon began when Anonymous started trolling the church of Scientology in January 2008. The video was supposed to be serious and persuasive but internet geeks saw it as an    Anonymous political awakening was aided by the distribution of ‘Message to Scientology”, a video made for the lulz alone that calls for the systematic dismantling of the church “for our own enjoyment”. The video provoked Anons to protest and on Feb 10th 200, they protested in the streets against scientology. The protest were very successful and very organized.   It is no surprise that a lot of journalists descries Anonymous as inaccessible, inchoate, and spectral and identifying its attribute as the provocative spirit of lulz.  One of largest networks of the last year is AnonOps. It wasfounded in fall 2010, then it mobilized thousands to protets the action of Paypal and Mastercard. Prompted by Tunisian government’s blocking of WikiLeaks, Anonymous announced OpTunisia on Jan 2,2011. Anonymous leaned on a technical elite who could attack government websites and jam programs used by the dictatorial regime to spy on their citizens. It soon began to help citizens in the Arab spring for example to circumvent censors and evade electronic surveillance and sending care packages with advice and security tools.
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kpopnailart · 5 years
SOME BY MI Rose Intensive Tone-Up Cream | Korean Skincare
Elo elo lovelies! Today I am reviewing SOME BY MI Rose Intensive Tone-Up Cream. The video is not sponsored. I have shown a little demo of me using it on my face for the first time and using it another day before I give my final thoughts. Tag me on Instagram if you use it too! @lenehajunsu #lenehajunsu
To contribute to subtitles: http://www.youtube.com/timedtext_video?ref=share&v=7RQxiZjBkbA
SOME BY MI AHA BHA PHA 30 Days Miracle Toner Review https://youtu.be/A9G5Wf1ncmA
Product List (All are for your reference, bought by me. I am not getting paid for it):
SOME BY MI Rose Intensive Tone-Up Cream Quantity: 50ml Price: 15 USD
Claims: This tone-up cream brightens skin tone and moisturizes skin with 70% rosa centifolia. The hypoallergenic formula is free from artificial colorings and fragrances.
Benefits: SOME BY MI Rose Intensive Tone-Up Cream is a whitening cream for face and body that creates naturally milky-white skin. Dermatologically tested to be hypoallergenic. Brightens skin tone. Infused with 70% of Rosa Centifolia Flower Water to moisturize skin. NO artificial colorants or fragrance added.
For Sensitive and Acne Prone Skin Types
Made in Korea
Main Ingredients: Rosa Centifolia (Cabbage Rose) Flower Water, Butylene Glycol, Glycerin, Dimethicone, Titanium Dioxide (CI 77891), Niacinamide, Hydrolyzed Viola Tricolor Extract, Laminaria Japonica Extract, Saccharomyces Ferment Filtrate, Portulaca Oleracea (Green Purslane) Extract, Citrus Paradisi (Grapefruit) Fruit Extract, Saccharide Isomerate, Panthenol, Allantoin, Glutathione, Arbutin, Adenosine, Cyanocobalamin, Isohexadecane, Cyclopentasiloxane, Dimethiconol, Polysorbate 80, Sodium Acrylate/Sodium Acryloyldimethyl Taurate Copolymer, Triethoxycaprylylsilane, Benzyl Glycol, Ethylhexylglycerin, Raspberry Ketone, Disodium EDTA
How to use: 1. After skincare routine, take a moderate amount and apply an even layer to the entire face.
Tips: Use it before sunblock.
Precautions: Don't use it at night. For external use only.
My Skin Type: Dry and Sensitive
Thumbnail by: Leneha Junsu
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