#pakistani wife cheat husband
Pakistani Steve Harrington
This is how I imagine Steve's parents.
And subsequently his grandparents.
Steve's mother is Maira (My-rah) Harrington
And his father is Arun (Ah-roon) Harrington
Though they both tell everyone their names are Maria and Aaron.
Both come from villages in Pakistan but if asked they both say they come from Lahore.
Both of their fathers are actually old friends.
Having both come to America on the same boat after the Partition.
Which for Pakistan is the 14th August 1947.
They were both two men coming to a new country, leaving their wives behind.
And both became close friends. As did their wives, Arun and Maira's mother's from helping each other in their husbands absences.
Though they both joke that they hated for years.
The two men both worked together in America on contracts for before coming back home when they ran out.
During that time families were grown.
Arun had an older brother and two younger sisters.
Maira had 2 younger brothers and a younger sister.
Arun was sent to America with his older brother to study. They lived with their uncle.
Though years later Arun's father made the journey bringing Arun's mother and his sisters.
Maira came soon after, Arun's father had found work for him and her father so he went back.
Though it was several months before he could send for his wife and kids.
Arun attended school, graduated and than went to work for his father.
Maira attended school but dropped out at 15.
Taking up a position as a seamstress to help support her family.
Arun and Maira were arranged to be married after Arun had graduated.
Being friends, their parents really wanted their kids to end up together.
Arun and Maira agreed, having known the other and wanting to please their parents.
Arun continued to work for his father and uncle and Maira quit her job.
In time Maira's mother went back home to care for her elderly parents.
And Arun's father went back to expand the buisness, going back and fourth from America and Pakistan.
Steve was born on the 4th July 1966.
He was named Steve because his parents feared that having an "abnormal" name would lead him to be ostracised.
Maira looked after Steve and they were both really close. She taught him their culture but also how to hide his heritage.
It started for his own safety but became you are in America, act like it.
She has lovely brown skin but would cover it up with fair and lovely products.
Showing her son how to apply it so he could be handsome and fair.
She taught him Urdu, English wasn't to be used in the home.
Although both his parents would get annoyed at how slow his English was coming along.
Arun was a distant figure, always working and held Steve to a high standard as his only child and son.
They do have fond memories but not many.
Maira stayed at home with Steve, doing charity work and such.
Until she found out Arun was cheating on her with his secretary.
And took to going with him on his trips.
Steve's grandmother, Arun's mother babysat him though this stopped when he turned 10.
As both of his parents thought him to be tall enough and old enough to look after himself.
Citing that they had looked after themselves when their parents had been working.
And Steve was too soft compared to them. Didn't know the value of hard work and was too coddled.
So this would fix that.
Basically both Steve's parents were bought up by parents who were proud of their heritage.
So were they but as time went on, businesses booming and such they both lost their connection to their roots.
That is why Steve was bought up knowing Urdu frequently as his first language.
And would happily talk to his grandparents in it.
While also taught that being fair skin and having a western name is a good thing.
As Steve grew into his own person he found himself and his heritage.
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haram-jaan · 4 years
for my fellow Pakistanis here rmr that drama everyone went mad abt earlier this year / last year (idk I’ve lost all track of time) but it was abt the wife that cheated on her husband ? yeah remember the death threats and how people said a woman like that deserves to die and how awful it is but in every other show where the man cheats it’s *crickets* ? yeah says a lot .
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foolgobi65 · 7 years
What’s the deal with padmavati?
this is going to be a long long post im so sorry in advance.... to start off with, im a diaspora kid raised in a dominant caste hindu family, and i just finished watching this movie in hindi which is not a language i understand well so if i didnt catch some things im so sorry and please feel free to add more. 
im basically going to separate the movie from the news event, and go further into why its both a bad movie and a bigoted one. the rest of this is under the cut
ok! padmavati/padmaavat (they had to change the name) as a movie and as a general News Item is .... a fucking disaster. 
in terms of the news, the karni sena which is a hindu nationalist (terrorist) group decided that this movie was an affront to their ancestors and dishonored their “queen” padmavati. Padmavati is the character in a Sufi poem called the Padmavat, and thus did not actually exist. There was talk of some dream sequence where she got with Khilji, the antagonist but most people are pretty sure it doesnt exist. The Karni Sena and their ilk has turned to rioting since the Indian Supreme Court ruled that the movie should be allowed to play, and their latest act of Rajput Valor has been attacking schoolchildren to show India the true glory of their caste. Before the movie came out there was a bounty on Deepika Padukone’s nose, her head, the director Bhansali’s head, and threats by Rajput women to commit jauhar (burn themselves alive). 
All of this, notably, without a great deal of interference and sometimes the tacit encouragement of the BJP government in power both within the provinces that are affected as well nationally. 
This mess meant that the movie released about 2 months after it was supposed to, and created this idea that to watch it was to support free speech. 
padmavaavat as a MOVIE is also a giant fucking mess.
it’s got a ridiculously regressive worldview, and the movie so far is casteist, sexist, islamophobic and homophobic. it is also a poorly written, plotted, and edited movie. 
casteist: it glorifies the dominant rajput caste, does not include anyone from outside that caste at all, will not fucking shut up about rajput valor when its clear in the present that rajput valor and values has led to a lot of shitty things. within the movie the rajputs basically constantly lose yet are still somehow portrayed as winners. their biggest victory comes from padmavati, who is from Singhal (sri lanka) and uses her intelligence instead of just fronting about her “rajput values.” Also historically the rajputs didnt become winners until they surrendered to the mughals and became commanders of the mughal army. they’re huge losers who are trying to rewrite history because theyre a pathetic martial caste known for hundreds of their women burning themselves alive when the men lose a batttle. 
sexist: the whole concept of jauhar is based on the idea that a woman’s chastity is more important than their life. 11 year old girls, pregnant women, it doesnt matter. A rajput woman cannot be allowed to live if there is even a glimmer of doubt that she may be touched by a man. Within this, she doesn’t even have the dignity to choose to die, and must ask permission beforehand from her husband. Are there women who might have wanted to live? Who knows? They’re all dead now, coerced into burning themselves alive. I’d also like to add that the movie never addresses the fate of the /non/ rajput women, which highlights a huge issue of caste and how it affects gender dynamics of hindu women. Dominant caste women are considered pure, and so they must die to preserve this purity. Other women are ignored -- if they are taken as slaves, it doesnt matter because the real victory is that khilji couldnt take the Rajput women. 
Islamophobic: the entire movie exists to highlight the differences between the “perverse” “dark” “dank” “dirty” “insane” “cheating” “evil” Muslim, and the “clean” “light” “honorable” “pure” Hindu. The colors, the scenery, the food, and of course the characters themselves, all serve this insidious idea that Muslims are the savage invader, in India to plunder everything beautiful about it, especially its dominant caste women. By all nominal accounts, Khilji was a conqueror, and he acted like many conquerors did -- including, I might add, many “hindu” conquerors. If he was crueler than other conquerors, that is of course because of who he was as a person and not because of his religion. Khilji’s wife played by Aditi Rao hydari might have been the only actually good muslim character and even then she’s portrayed as the islamophobic victim muslim wife, trapped in a horrific marriage with a savage. There’s more to be said but like ... the foundation of this movie is the idea of a primordial culture clash which of course doesnt actually exist 
homophobic: malik kafur is khilji’s eunuch slave general and he’s portrayed as being in love with khilji. its one sided, and theres one homophobic comment by the rajputs at some point. khilji maybe could be seen as reciprocating a little but tbh its all just to further this idea that khilji and co are savage, foreign (muslim) perversions. a few scenes directly contrast malik and khilji v padmavati and ratan and clearly, the hindu heterosexual couple is meant to be the good, pure, holy one. i will say malik/khilji was the only pair i was really rooting for, and this was an almost 3 hour movie meant to center on padmavati/ratan. 
bhansali also lowkey exotified sri lanka and made it seem as like .. some foreign place with lots of buddha statues and like ... shes this strange jungle princess??? i appreciate the mention of buddhism in sri lanka/south india but i dont think she was shown to be buddhist so .... yikes. also it was 7 minutes but it was weird. he cant do anything right. 
special shoutout to the absolutely horrific jauhar scene for valorizing and glorifying hundreds of dominant caste women killing themselves because their king is too incompetent to win in single combat. the way khilji wins is btw a pathetic attempt by bhansali to make his victory actually ratan’s victory even tho ratan is a huge loser who cheats on his first wife, drones on about his honor to the point where i want to kill him myself, has the military sense of a guppy fish, and is visibly proud that the love of his life wants to burn herself alive for him. 
also SPECIAL shoutout to the end positioning of the battle between the rajputs and khilji as a “dharma yudh” or a war of righteousness. it is compared to rama v ravana, and the kurkshetra war and khilji v rajput is said to be the third war of righteousness, akin to these religious struggles. khilji is directly compared to ravana. its ridiculous. its dangerous. its horrific. of course the victory of truth in this instance is that the women khilji covets (only the dominant caste ones ofc) are burned to death. to position khilji (whose army carries flags that look EXactly like the pakistani flag) as the essence of pure evil, and the fight against him a righteous war of religion in this especially islamophobic time is disgusting. the writers should be ashamed. 
As a movie, the dialogues which i admit i didnt fully understand are apparently overwrought, sappy and ridiculous. 
the plot was too much, there were a bunch of plot points that could have been cut to make a better movie.
i was never convinced of the central love pair because there really wasnt anything about them that made me feel the other was worth being their one and only love. the falling in love process was rushed to the point that i think it should have been cut out altogether and the movie should have started with padmavati established as his queen. 
the treatment of ratan’s first wife was horrific -- shes basically sidelined and is jealous a few times and then kills herself along with everyone in the fire. just ... bad writing all around. 
the editing overall was bad. the editing of ghoomar to make the karni sena happy was atrocious. 
i hated ratan, i liked padmavati for like 30 minutes maybe when she’s in charge of the kingdom and is smart, i liked khilji despite the ways he was villanized, i liked aditi rao hydari as khilji’s wife, i liked malik kafur. the visuals were fine but the battles looked weird. 
overall its a shitty bigoted movie that people are watching because the movie itself is like ... soft bigotry and portrays a bigoted worldview but the karni sena hindu rajput terrorists are stupid and decided to throw a fit and stone schoolchildren. it became some free speech victory to go watch a movie that espouses the same worldview as the ones trying to shut it down bc 2018 sucks. 
sorry for the long rambly reply, if you have any more questions feel free to ask! if anyone has more to add please do -- like i said theres stuff that i might not have caught given my privileged worldview 
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pravasichhokro · 3 years
Craze for Western Dreams….Phir bhi Dil Hai Hindustani!!!
Indians in general; particularly Gujaratis & Punjabis, have been very keen to migrate to foreign lands. From time immemorial, Indians had migrated to foreign lands. For example, Gujaratis had gone to East Africa & UK from say 18th century and Punjabis (majority Sikh) to UK and USA for last 100 years. I recall that even Mahatma (M K) Gandhi, a Gujarati, went to Durban, South Africa after becoming a barrister from UK. I am going to pen down my own experience with immigrants in last fifty years.
I went to France and UK in 1979 as a member of a team from Engineers India Ltd. We were staying at the University town of Aux en Province, near Marseilles. As we were mostly vegetarians, we went in search of it on foot near the hotel. We chanced upon a van serving Pizza and were pleased to get vegetarian pizza. I came to know that the couple operating the pizza van were Gujarati of Indian descent from Madagascar, a French colony. They had come only a couple months ago, and this was the best means to earn livelihood they had hit upon.
During the same trip, we were departing from Heathrow, London for India. I was a bit taken aback when I saw two ladies of Indian descent working as cleaners. One was a Gujarati lady of more than 50 yrs of age, who had apparently come to UK from Uganda after Idi Amin threw them out. The other was a newlywed Punjabi girl in her wedding attire- fully decked in red salwar kameez and jewelry in her hands and neck. She was angry with her husband, who came to meet her, as she was obviously cheated about the “luxury” of the foreign land.
In 1980s I heard an interesting story. A rich businessman of Ahmedabad had a craze to migrate to USA. He owned a bungalow in a posh locality of Ahmedabad and a single screen cinema hall. He managed to go to USA on tourist visa. Once in USA, he vanished in thin air only to re-appear with a valid document to live in USA. He started a business of laundry service to earn a living. I think it was a big price paid to be in USA.
In 1990’s I lived in Japan and used to meet, by accident, Pakistani youngsters at supermarkets and Indian restaurants. I came to know from them that Japan was granting 90 days tourist visa on arrival to Pakistani passport holders. The racket was very well organized. The agent in Pakistan would send these youngsters and the Japanese agent would receive them at Narita, Tokyo airport. They would directly be taken to rural area to work in machine shops as machine operators. They would earn a lot by working 12 hours a day and stayed if they did not get caught. The earnings got remitted to Pakistan through Hawala. Some smart boys managed to marry Japanese girls and stayed on.
In 2007-08, I was working for Praj Industries Ltd., Pune and we were executing a project of fuel ethanol at Lake Charles in Louisiana, USA. A team, headed by me, went there for a site kick off meeting and the client booked us at a nearby Howard Johnson motel. While checking in, I noticed the name of General Manager as Harry Patel. I desired to meet him, and I did. He was a very warm host and invited all of us for a Gujarati home cooked food and beer. I gathered that his real name was Hira Bhai Patel, and he came from Navasari.  He had worked as a diamond courier in Mumbai before leaving India with his wife and a daughter to Canada around 1995 (12 years before we met). He sneaked into USA with family and now was settled in Louisiana. He had another daughter by now. He also was planning to set up two more motels in the neighborhood. I asked him about IRS and his not having the required documents. He told me that he was good friends with the governor. His only problem was that he could not leave USA and go to India. Otherwise, his family and he were enjoying, all the facilities and livelihood of being in the USA.
Around the same time in 2008, we had gone to Toronto to see Niagara Falls and stayed one night with our friends, a Sikh family from Pune. I chanced to meet a youngster in his late twenties at their residence. He had migrated to Canada from Chandigarh a couple of years ago. He was on his way next morning to Calgary to finalize a transport contract. His story was interesting. A couple of years before we met, he was a branch in charge for a Pizza Hut outlet in Chandigarh. Like many Punjabis, he also applied for migrating to Canada and he succeeded. On arrival, he did not know what to do to earn his living.  On advice of some Indian, he started driving a truck after obtaining a license. In a year or so he got the hang of transport business. He started his own company and was operating more than 3 trucks with Punjabi drivers, who he brought from Punjab. He had chosen the most difficult track in the middle of Canada and near the shell oil business. He was doing very well.
Above stories may not represent the Indian diaspora abroad but they are interesting. Immigrant Indian population is app 17 million. In my opinion: The blue collared workers  (masons, carpenters, plumbers, drivers) from India migrate because (1) the working and living conditions are very poor and unsafe, (2) the earnings are meager and not commensurate with hard work and (3) no respect for work in society. On the other hand white collar workers ( engineers, doctors, chartered accountants, para medics, I T experts) decide to migrate because (1) over worked and the living conditions are not reliable and safe, (2) civic amenities (water, electricity, roads, sewage) are not up to the mark (3) difficult to pursue hobbies or (4) change profession ( IT expert can become an estate agent or a chemical engineer becomes a doctor) from the academics. In all most migrants have done exceedingly well in the chosen field. But Indians abroad miss, if not all but most, the social life, festivities, the crowds and not the least, Indian food.
In conclusion, I can say that Indians were attracted to the foreign lands in the past and they continue their efforts to migrate in present day. In future also, the urge to migrate will not subside.
Please Note: Some of the readers may find this topic a bit out of context due to prevailing restrictions on international travel and visa. I am sure normalcy will return sooner than later.
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nighatnaeem · 4 years
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A Wicked Thrills Behind the Close Door...
The Sensational Emotion Desires...
The Lustrous Lustful Lust of Passion with Love...
Our Love Fueled by a Different Kind of Burning......Later ....We Burn Ourself in Each Other's Love......
We Enjoy our Love Journey of Self-Discoverying in New Terms with Eachother's Lust.
Our Chemistry was So Right, it Transform Us into Romantic Love... Level in All the Forms.💑💋❤
The More we Lust More We Love...👄💏👄❤💑💋😍....
"Lust is the First Stage of Falling in Love. It's Driven by Desire".💏👄❤💑
No matter what Stage We're in, We Excited to See and Hope to Apend the Rest of Life Together...💑❤💑
Our transform of Lust into Love and get past the (“Fantasy into a New Level of Our Happiness").💏❤💑💋
We both Allow it to Unfold Naturally.
The more We bring Love, Honesty, Passion and Romance in our Self-Relationship, the easier it will be to attract more and Shares the Same Qualities.
We believe That we are the Mist Happiest Couples who can Maintain a Balance Between Lust & Love.💑❤💑
We Both Can’t Stop Thinking about Eachothers....At the Furst Stage, instead of a Split Between Love and Lust, We make New Path in the Balancing in Us To: As a Committed Lovers in Red Hot Sex, Security and Excitement, Continuity and Novelty, Safety and Adventure which Comfort with Passion.
Possessiveness and Desires Both Side that Curiuoly, to know More Deep in Romantic love.
We want to Spend Quality Time Together other than Sex.😍💑💋❤
We get Lost in Conversations and Forget about the Hours Passing.😍💑❤💋
We both want Honestly listen to Each Other’s Feelings and make Each Other Happy.💑💋❤
We Motivates Each Others to be a better Person.💑💋❤
Two Souls💑, One Heart💘.
Our Love has Intense Fantasy & Adorable Fabulous “A Relationship of Pleasure” – Where We found that We Are Best Mate for Each-Other's.
We were Strongly Believe, That We Born for Each Other.... but We Were not Sure that Time was Right or what...but We Continue Love & Took Our Own Decesion to Become One & We Get Married....
It was Most Excited Moments in Our Life. We Hold Each Other's in Tight Hug & Go in Deep.💑💏❤💋👄😙
Our Love is not just an Emotion, it's also a Craving. There is a Strong Emotional Craving, the Love Drive is Even Stronger than the Sex Drive.
Signs that We're in True Romantic Love COUPLE.💑💋❤👄💏😍😙Things are Going Smooth, Somehow it was Some Difficulties, but We are trying our Best to Maintain Our Love....... Specially from My Side....💑❤👄
Our Lust & Love Theory Goes on with more as Individual or as a Sexy Couple the More We Go Deeper the More Bond Becomes Together.
Romantic Love and Addiction Share Similar Brain Chemistry is Awesome.❤
Therefore, We are very much Interested in a Serious Committed Relationship.💑❤😍
Our brain is wired & to Bond and Connect with a Partner with whom we Experience Pleasure....LOTS OF PLEASSURE...💏😙💑😍
Our Deep Love and Attachment..❤💑💋😙
As a Love Couple We Gotten to Know Ourselves beyond the Courting Phase and get to see Eachothers Partner’s “Whole” Personality, including our Strengths and Weaknesses, and still choose to Love and Accept Eachother for Who We are, this is our Love Hormone. It's Released during Orgasm and Believed Us to Promote Our Bonding for Each Other's when We Intimate.
Our Hormones that send to Our Heart Racing, and Might Actually make Us Feel like We are Going Insane....💋👄❤💑😍😙
There was correct saying about Love when... (“where there is Love there is Madness.”) We Were Mad about Each Other's.
Our Deep Love Attraction.....💑💋💑👄
This is the “Love-Struck” Phase. When We Spend Hours Daydreaming about Each Other's as a lover & lose Sleep appetite, & know We are in this Phase.
I was Very Much Ready to Get to Meet Her Family and Friends, was So excited about it...
but....More & Real💔😭💔😭 TRUTH IS BELOW.....
Everythings was True at the Beginning.... I Never Noticed when it become an End....
Her Love was Not TRUE.....FAKE CHEATED & LOST.
♌N💑N♈: THE STORY FROM 2010 TILL 2016.
Repeated Post with Updates.
میری کہانی مجھ سے تم تک..💏
A Dirty Romantic Game۔
Broken Soul Breakup Heart.
("میری مہبت")۔💞۔("تمھاری ہوس")۔👄۔اور۔۔("اپنے گناہ")۔💔
"Scars have the Strange Power to Remind Us that Our Past is Real".
👉My Thoughts😔...My Feelings😓💔...My Emotions😠...What I Want To Say😕...It's My Story😣...In My Broken Words😒👤...Its Painful😥...It's Devastating😢...& It's Hurting Me😭.
Mrs. Nighat Seema Khan..👇💔👇
In Our Love Story 3 Things Have Been Discribed...My Love♈....Your Lust♌... Our Sin♈N💏N♌.
میری کہانی مجھ سے تم تک۔۔۔نگہت سیما خان۔💑💔
درد ہوں اس لیے تو اٹھتا ہوں۔۔۔ ذخم ہوتا تو کب کا بھر گیا ہوتا۔۔♈ن💑ن♌
مسزز۔ نگہت سیما۔۔ تمھارے اور اپنے بارے میں۔ اپنی اس کہانی میں۔۔۔صرف تین باتوں کا ذکر ہے۔۔۔
("میری مہبت")۔💞۔("تمھاری ہوس")۔👄۔اور۔۔("اپنے گناہ")۔💏
The Hidden Lies..Unfolding the Forbidden Love.♈💔💑💔♌
A Dirty Romantic Game - ❤💑❤ Painful True Tale of Passion in Love, Feelings, Emotions, Lust Desires & SIN.😓💔....♈N💑N♌
A Married Woman Extramarital Sex & Lust Relationship. (External Marriage Sexual Affairs).
💏("Multiple Husbands Wife")👥.
The Role Player......of the Slutty Hot🔥HouseWife. A Dirty Game Player♕👰♛- Whore, Mistress-👰-("Mrs. Nighat Seema Khan").
مستقکل گھر کا پتہ۔۔۔
(مکان #A-198 بلاک N، گلی # 10، نارتھ ناظم آباد، کراچی)
آج کل۔نگہت سیما۔۔۔۔اسلام آباد کے کسی سیکٹر میں۔۔۔ اپنے ایکس (سید اطہر حسین شاہ)۔۔ جو ایک آنکھوں کا ڈاکٹر ہے "(Eyes Specialist)" اور اپنی پریکٹس بھی کسی جگہ اسلام آباد میں یا پھر سند کے کسی شہر میں ممکن حیدرآباد میں کر رہا ہے۔ فل حال جگہ کنفرم نہیں۔۔کے کہاں یہ دونوں چھپے ہوے ہیں۔۔ دنیا کئ نظر میں تم چھپ تو سکتی ہو۔۔اوپر اللہ تو دیکھ رہا ہے نا۔۔ کہاں تک کب تک اپنا گندہ منہ چھپاتی پھرو گی۔اور کس کس سے۔۔۔
اور یہ نگہت سیما۔۔ اسی کے ساتھ زندگی بسر کر رہی ہے۔۔۔پتہ نامعلوم۔۔۔
♈N💑N♌😢💔😢Courtesy: Original Image (Selfie) By Mrs. Nighat Seema. Makeover & Desgin By Naeem.
#Mohabbat #Nafrat #Peyar #Nikkah #Talaaq #Khulaa #Loveme #Lover #Sad #SadPoetry #Urdu #Karachi #Northnazimabad #Islamabad #Wedding #Marriage #Wife #Stylish #Slut #iHateYou #Tears #Romance #NighatSeema #Pakistanifashion #Pakistani #UrduAdab #Pakistan #Passion #UrduPoetry
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umergulzari · 5 years
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Link in Bio. Hello To Hell - Marnay Ke Baad Pakistani Bhooton Ka Haal! Created by @umergulzari Presented by @unglilive Wanna know what happens to a Lying Husband, Cheating Girlfriend, Pakistani Politician, Morning Show Host? Check out Ungli's latest video for a fun filled laughter ride. Keep sharing and subscribe our Channel. For Ad Placements & Promotions contact us at '[email protected]' or '03008529122'. #ungli #unglilive #hellotohell #welcometohell #hello #hell #welcome #politician #girlfriend #boyfriend #feminist #waqarzaka #morningshow #host #anchor #doctor #lawyer #husband #wife #comedy #funny #witty #satire #devil #shaitan #bhoot #writer #director #producer #umergulzari (at Islamabad, Pakistan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7IVrLBnBww/?igshid=39bm8p6hp6vv
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romcomathon2016 · 7 years
The Big Sick (USA, 2017)
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This week, a special bonus edition we've been looking forward to ever since approximately every single person we know told us the movie was being made. Thanks, guys! So glad we're now everyone’s "romantic comedy friend.” Major spoilers to follow.
Predictions: We both already knew what this movie was about, but if we hadn't, based on the title, we would probably have thought it featured a lot of vomit, and Kat would not have attended.
Plot: So, Kumail Nanjiani is...himself. He lives in Chicago, performing stand-up and driving for Uber. One night at the comedy club, he meets Zoe Kazan, an extremely charming white girl who’s studying to be a therapist. They start seeing each other, even though Zoe Kazan is all, “I’m not looking for anything serious right now,” because it’s clear that they just enjoy kissing each other so much. Enough that she’s willing to sleep on his heinous air mattress in his barely-furnished serial-killer apartment.
He's so into her! But has he told his parents about her? He has not. Why? Because they are busy trying to set him up with every Pakistani gal in town. Based on all the wife résumés Kumail Nanjiani is keeping in his cigar box, there are apparently MANY beautiful eligible Pakistani women in the city of Chicago. He basically leads a double life, wherein he dates Zoe Kazan for half the week and then meets his family every weekend for dinner and a prospective Pakistani bride. Until one day, Zoe Kazan finds the box, realizes that Kumail Nanjiani's been lying to her and they probably have no future together, and is heartbroken. They get into a huge fight and break up.
Very shortly after this, Kumail Nanjiani is bumming around, sad, when he gets a call from Zoe Kazan's friend: “Yo, I know you’re like, busy and stuff, but Zoe Kazan’s in the hospital and we have exams, so like, if you could just hang out with her in the ER for a while… Kthxbye.” So awkward, right? Yes. Yes, it is. And it gets even more awkward when the doctors tell him that she has a terrible infection and they need him to pretend to be her husband and sign a form to put her in a medically-induced coma. Oh, and maybe call her parents, too?
Soon enough, Zoe Kazan's parents (Holly Hunter and Ray Romano) arrive, and they are not psyched a) to see him or b) that their daughter is in a coma, obviously. Rough times ensue, including Holly Hunter getting in a brawl at the comedy club during Kumail Nanjiani's stand-up set, Ray Romano confessing to Kumail Nanjiani that he cheated on Holly Hunter and knows she hasn’t yet forgiven him, and (unsurprising touching-movie surprise) lots of bonding in between continuous bad news from the doctors. Zoe Kazan is basically on the brink of death, but then, thanks to a frantic conversation Kumail Nanjiani happens to have with one of the nurses, they figure it all out, and she recovers. But not before Kumail Nanjiani, grief-stricken, tells his parents and the entire comedy community that he's in love with a non-Pakistani girl, doesn't want an arranged marriage, etc., and thus gets kicked out of his family. Oops.
But whatever, he still has Zoe Kazan! Everything is perfect, except for that family-estrangement bit. Zoe Kazan wakes up. They embrace. END OF MOVIE.
Even worse, Zoe Kazan does not want to be with him, even though he has been at her bedside this whole time, because, understandably, her last memory is of their breakup. Kumail Nanjiani, devastated but understanding, leaves. But later, comes to a welcome-home party for her and expresses his devotion, including that he really won't be having an arranged marriage and would like to be with her instead. Aw! How amazing! She loves him, too! They can be together! END OF MOVIE. Unfortunately, Zoe Kazan still doesn't want to be with him.
But later, as they are both slogging sadly through their separate lives, Zoe Kazan going to physical therapy and hanging out with her parents, and Kumail Nanjiani making plans to move to New York with his friends, Zoe Kazan has a change of heart. Among other things, she sees the YouTube video of him talking about her during a truly terrible comedy set. She goes to visit him at the theater where she knows he performs his hilariously dreadful one-man show, with the intention of telling him she wants to get back together. He is thrilled to see her and accepts! They get back together. END OF MOVIE. Alas, he mentions the move to New York before she can say this, so she winds up lamely pretending she came there to "thank" him for his efforts during her coma instead.
Sooooo awkward, but okay. Kumail Nanjiani has other things to focus on now! He informs his family that he refuses to be kicked out, and, while they’re still mad, there does seem to be hope for reconciliation. He moves to New York and some time passes. One night he’s performing stand-up at a club, and who happens to be there?! Why, it’s Zoe Kazan, looking as pretty and healthy as she did that very first night in Chicago at that very similar comedy club. They make charming callbacks to their first interaction. Hope springs anew. ACTUAL END OF MOVIE -- FINALLY -- GOD -- IT WAS LIKE WE WERE AT RETURN OF THE KING ALL OVER AGAIN, ONLY WITH AN ARAGORN OF COLOR.
Best Scene: This movie was very funny and had a lot of good scenes. One of our many favorites was the very first dinner Kumail Nanjiani has with his family, wherein his parents suggest that Malala would be a more interesting performer than Kumail Nanjiani, and then Mom ushers in a prospective bride, all prepared to appeal to Kumail Nanjiani’s interests by making as many X-Files references as possible in the first 10 seconds of their acquaintance. Runners-up: all the early scenes between Zoe Kazan and Kumail Nanjiani. Terrifically charming.
Worst Scene: Every appearance of Kumail Nanjiani's slightly annoying friend/roommate. In a movie where pretty much every scene was great, he really stood out as the one thing we did not need.
Best Line: There's a conversation that Kumail Nanjiani has with Ray Romano and Holly Hunter about 9/11 that is SO FUNNY. Several lines in a row, all very funny. Runners-up include discussion of "good comas" vs. "bad comas," and Kumail Nanjiani commenting that Malala's stand-up set has "a lot of ethnic material, which [he thinks] is a crutch."
Worst Line: Nothing in this movie really offended our ears. Maybe a moment or two during Kumail Nanjiani and Zoe Kazan’s various love confessions got a little cheesy, but, by and large, hard to come up with a worst line.
Highlights of the Watching Experience: Well, the biggest highlight is obviously that this is Kumail Nanjiani's real-life love story!!!!!!!!!!!! Also, what a joy to be able to watch a romcom starring Kumail Nanjiani!!!!!! Enough said.
How Many POC in the Film: KUMAIL NANJIANI, OF COURSE. His parents. His brother. His many, many, many prospective brides and their families. Several people who worked at the hospital. The MC at the club. Kumail Nanjiani's friends were all white (and famous), which is a little unfortunate but probably pretty true to life, if you've ever, you know, seen stand-up.
Alternate Scenes: Maybe an epilogue in which we got to see Kumail Nanjiani and Zoe Kazan back together down the line? Honestly, we wouldn't change anything about this film. We just wish there were more of it. Those adorable pictures of RL Kumail Nanjiani and his RL Zoe Kazan that rolled during the credits? Loved those. More of those!!!!
Was the Poster Better or Worse than the Film: Worse. The poster is an uncomfortable family portrait that your mom photoshopped onto the Chicago skyline.
Score: 9.5 out of 10 good-coma smooches. While there were parts of this movie that were very emotionally stressful and felt like we were shading into indie-drama territory, it really managed to bring it back around at the end and be a romcom, plus, was funny throughout. Bonus points for the realistic, warm, and complicated portrayal of his struggle with his immigrant family.
Ranking: 3, out of the 84 movies we’ve seen so far. Excellent.
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5lazarus · 8 years
A Couple of Eileen Snape Headcanons
done with thesis, now procrastinating on a take-home open book exam
To fit with the They Call This Closure? verse -She met Tobias at the Aldermaston march for nuclear disarmament.  -She’s a quiet Marxist. -She was raised Muslim and spoke Arabic at home, but found herself losing touch at Hogwarts--as was the Ministry agenda. -Her father studied medieval eastern Mediterranean magical syncretism, and most of his work requires him to be reading and writing in Arabic. -She got a job at the Ministry working for the Obliviators; she was assigned to police the protest, and that’s how she caught Tobias’ eye. -She cheated first. -She first thought about returning to her parents’ home after Severus’ birth, when Tobias remarked that he was glad he looked more normal, like his da. -There had been warning signs before--comments on the street that Tobias only shrugged at, some invasive questions about turbans and headscarves, and it taking him a month to remember she wasn’t Pakistani--but, well, it’s not like he was worse than the wizarding folk at Hogwarts, and you have to make allowances for muggles’ ignorance, right? -She resents that Severus is smarter than her, quicker with languages, with faster recall.
-They lived in Shiremoor at first; Tobias had a decent job as a mechanic, and was taking night classes. Then Eileen found herself pregnant and Tobias got into a fight with a couple of her Prince cousins; she doesn’t know what was said, but Tobias came home spitting slugs and without a nose and absolutely freaked out, so she took his side. The cousins whispered them out of town, and Tobias still has difficulty holding onto a job. Tobias’ parents let them stay with them. They died, quickly, one after the one, before Severus was born--the Snapes loved each other very much. Eileen looks at their long monogamy and wonders what the fuck she got herself into, settling down so young. -She suspects (and hopes) it was an argument about politics. Her father’s nephews are pretty rotten venture capitalists. -Eileen understands her “wifely duties”. She made her bed and she has to lie in it. That doesn’t mean she has to like it. And that doesn’t mean she won’t seek out men who will teach her how to enjoy it. -She doesn’t particularly like her son. He’s too much for her. like her Slytherin parents and her intense (off-the-walls, free-wheeling) husband. She doesn’t understand how he hasn’t realized it’s best just to be quiet and take it, and then wait until they’re gone to react. And do something passive aggressive to get back. -She was a Hufflepuff. -She blames Severus for things being bad at home. Tobias is better when Severus is off at school; sometimes, it’s almost like they’re friends. And then he won’t like something about her cooking, and there’s shouting and things being thrown and she’s shaking in her own kitchen, wishing she had the bravery to use her wand--but cursing him would be muggle baiting.
-She doesn’t like women.
-She really, really, really likes sex. Tobias uses it as an excuse. Eileen uses occlumency to keep herself from reacting; he’s her husband, it doesn’t count, it doesn’t count, it doesn’t count, he has a right--and she encourages his drinking, because it means he’ll leave her alone, he’s too pissed to even get up the stairs. -The man she runs off with, the mailman, talks her into going to counselling. She learns the term “marital rape”. But her therapist asks her if her docility in her marriage had something to do with her religion and implies her parents’ relationship was similar, and she shuts down and refuses to go back. Her new man doesn’t press. Tobias would have, demanded to know why, and laughed at her anger. But he’s not Tobias. -She does not regret leaving the magical world; leave drama and world domination to idiots like her son, she’s going find a little bit of calm somehow.
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umergulzari · 5 years
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If you ever been in bed with a beautiful woman, you understand the reason men cheat on their wives when they don't look right. Unfortunately, many women have a tendency to relax too much once they tie the knot. They put on weight, stop taking care of their skin and deny wearing clothes you used to enjoy when you first met. Women use their sexuality to discover a husband and refuse to make any attempts to look sexy in their marital life. Why is it so? The solution is unknown. There's 1 problem women by ignoring their sexuality in 12, trigger. They essentially force their men to find someone new make it hard for guys and to satisfy their desire that is physical. Do you find yourself in the same situation and you find it disgusting cheating on your spouse and upsetting the life of another woman? There is no need enroll at dating sites to find a love for a night and to go out to dates. When you will need some sexual healing, you can call escorts that are experienced. Escorts services Pakistan make it possible for you to enjoy sex life that is regular and extreme without exposing family man image and your reputation . Keep your anonymity to stay out of trouble -- escorts 17, choose from the hottest star that is Pakistani.
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What Do Andika, Aniessa Tell Us About Ourselves By : Johannes Nugroho | on 4:45 PM August 29, 2017 Category : Opinion, Commentary  http://jakartaglobe.id/opinion/johannes-nugroho-andika-aniessa-tell-us/
The public exposure of the fraud committed by the husband and wife owners of First Travel, Andika Surachman and Aniessa Hasibuan, caused quite a national stir. The media, both conventional and social, could not get enough of the scandal, with revelations of the lavish jet-setting lifestyle the couple led or the opulent home they held court, all supposedly from the money they had cheated from at least 35,000 umrah pilgrims.
Starting its umrah services in 2011, the company is alleged to have garnered pilgrim funds from 72,000 individuals, which translates to roughly 1 trillion rupiah ($80 million). Known for offering umrah packages at knock-down prices — some 30 percent cheaper than the normal rates — it became a prime choice for many would-be-pilgrims. While 14,000 pilgrims duly went to Mecca, the rest languished in uncertainty until the matter was brought to the attention of the Ministry of Religious Affairs earlier this year. Following an investigation, the company had its license revoked and was reported to the police.
Public condemnation of the couple is understandable. Nevertheless, in many ways their story and the public reactions following the exposure of their fraud offer us glimpses into our society's concepts of success and the way we view poverty.
News reports on the Andika-Aniessa fraud allude to the highly publicized umrah sponsorships of Indonesian entertainment celebrities by the company as a clever marketing ploy. The sponsored pilgrimages certainly added luster to the company's image but it is important to recognize that the lavish lifestyle of its bosses — now universally denounced after the couple's fall from grace — was the ultimate ticket to their bona fide status.
In retrospect, it is easy to dismiss their extravagant habits; round-the-clock bodyguard service, haute couture clothes, premium holidays and palatial residences, as follies of the nouveaux riches. However, the projected image of the superlatively successful business couple was no doubt a great success. The couple's humble beginnings and early struggles in the business world also garnished the rags-to-riches romance that proved to be equally beguiling.
The final polish was undoubtedly the visible piety of both husband and wife, the latter in particular. It was an advantageous coincidence that they ran an umrah agency. Making affordable pilgrimages available to the faithful, was, to many, further proof of their piety. Aniessa doubly clinched her reputation for pious living last year when she became the first fashion designer to showcase an all hijab collection at New York Fashion Week. The event was widely covered in the Indonesian press and no doubt helped her make it to the Forbes Indonesia's 2017 List of Inspiring Women, which is now rescinded in the aftermath of the scandal.
Back in 2016, some level-headed Indonesians, such as fellow fashion designer Marsha Siagian, were more cautious when commenting on Aniessa's participation in NYFW. While not ruling out that Aniessa may have been invited by the organizer, Siagian pointed out Aniessa could also have paid to be allowed a show. Unfortunately, voices like hers were overwhelmed by the pride many people chose to take in what seemed like a well-deserved triumph for a pious and successful businesswoman.
Many bought into the fairytale success story of the couple because they represented the dream most middle class Indonesians have of the future. Theirs was the Indonesian dream made real: a struggling couple who eventually made it to the top of their game: rich and glamorous and above all respectably pious. The image the couple had cultivated generated trust from clients, real business and admiration. It is the secret to their success in concealing their fraudulence for so many years.
The irony is that the couple's trappings of wealth, ostentatiously flaunted, mimicked the typical lifestyle of the rich portrayed in Indonesian soap opera, the sinetron. The main difference seemed to be that the pious and wealthy couple in the end effected a plot twist by becoming villains.
The success of the couple's front in fooling so many people suggests that the Indonesian dream is, contrary to the prevalent notion in most Western nations today, not an idealism purely built on meritocracy but also on religiosity. The concept is perhaps a reflection of the national cliché of obtaining success both "on earth and in the afterlife," an idea which was once popular in medieval Europe.
In the saga, the couple became the antithesis of poverty. This is important since we by large as a nation suffer from the fear of poverty. The over-the-top habits of the couple, such as Andika's insistence on arriving at the mosque in a chauffeur-driven Hummer even when it was a five-minute walk from his office, were rooted in this phenomenon.
A recent study also found Indonesians to be the least-inclined pedestrians in the world. While walking around a big city like Jakarta may pose security risks, many in the Indonesian middle classes equate walking — and indeed doing menial work of any kind — with being poor. Walking has become the activity of the poor — because they have no means of buying a vehicle — or the eccentric.
Perhaps we can take comfort in the research carried out by the author of "The Shame of Poverty," by Oxford professor Robert Walker, who contended that the phenomenon is worldwide. A Pakistani child told an interviewer, "I don't tell my friends my mother works as a maid" since menial workers are seen as poor.
Still the Indonesian fear of being seen as poor is, alas, perverse. Our government is famous for placing bulk orders for luxurious cars for international summits held in the country, as if their presence would dispel the idea that we are a nation where the majority are poor. Both Andika and Aniessa may have felt they had to do everything in style because they did not want to be reminded of the time they were poor, or heaven forbid, that they still look and behave like the poor.
So when we condemn the fraudulent couple, it is difficult to say which we hate most; that they broke trust of the many or that they dashed our dream in which fantastic rise in status and wealth is always attainable through work and piety. They may now be the most hated couple in the — and they deserve to be — but in introspection we should also see them as the tragicomedic monsters birthed by a society largely obsessed with superficial material and social progress; at the expense of learning, culture and decency.
Johannes Nugroho is a writer from Surabaya. He can be contacted at [email protected] and on Twitter: @Johannes_nos
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jaeame-blog · 7 years
Faryal tried to patch up with Amir in late | Faryal Makhdoom
Two time world champion boxer Amir Khan is reported to have slashed the price of his £1.6million mansion just days before he revealed he was parting company with wife Faryal Makhdoom. World heavyweight champion, AnthonyJoshua has denied having an affair with wife of professional boxer, Amir Khan. British boxer, Amir Khan has accused his wife Faryal Makhdoom of having a relationship with the reigning world heavyweight champion Anthony Joshua after their recent break-up, which Khan announced via social media on Friday afternoon. However, since the pair struck up a romance, Faryal has undergone a huge transformation.
AMIR Khan's wife Faryal Makhdoom has posted another cryptic message on Twitter today amid claims she tried to make up with the boxer in a late-night call after their explosive split. FARYAL Makhdoom, boxer Amir Khan's wife, looks completely unrecognisable in photos taken just a few years ago, highlighting her transformation from a demure student into a glam, made-up model. However, since the pair struck up a romance, Faryal has undergone a huge transformation.Amir Khan with his wife Faryal Makhdoom. Amir Khan says his social media accounts have not been hacked and he has confirmed his split from wife Faryal Makhdoom.
British boxer Amir Khan has posted a Snapchat video confirming that his Twitter account was not hacked, and that he was in fact behind a string of tweets accusing his wife Faryal Makhdoom of infidelity. The embattled couple have fought a remarkable war of words in front of millions on social media as Khan announced their break-up and accused his wife of cheating with heavyweight.Boxing superstar Amir Khan has insisted that his splitting up from his wife Faryal Makhdoom is real, and that his social media accounts have not been hacked. Khan and Makhdoom, who wed in 2013, have a history of publicly accusing each other of various wrongdoings. Faryal Makhdoom had tried to patch things up with husband Amir Khan hours after the two took their fight to Twitter, with the British-Pakistani boxer accusing Makhdoom of cheating, the Daily Mail reported, citing a source. Amir Khan's family PREDICTED bitter love split just months ago and are 'relieved' boxer has ended it with 'evil' Faryal Makhdoom. Speaking to MailOnline, a source claimed Makhdoom wanted to announce their Twitter accounts had been hacked to the media as a 'way out' of the public feud, with Khan refusing to play ball. Boxer Amir Khan's wife Faryal Makhdoom reportedly tried to patch up with him in a late-night call for the sake of their daughter after a Twitter feud between the couple.
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dixiechikdigger · 8 years
🤗 TREATMENT OF WOMEN IN ISLAM 🤗 “Our women are PRECIOUS to us.” That is the TYPICAL MUSLIM response when asked about the treatment of women in Islam. Women are COVERED from head-to-toe because they are so “PRECIOUS,” and in the West, DOMESTIC ABUSE is HIGHER in the MUSLIM ENCLAVES than in the neighborhoods of the natives because women in Islam are “VALUED so HIGHLY.” FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION is apparently another way to demonstrate how women are treated like queens by their Muslim families, and getting FLOGGED or even BEHEADED for getting RAPED (that is VICTIM BLAMING), also proves how special women are in the “RELIGION of PEACE.” HONOR KILLINGS are another wonderful EXAMPLE of the TREATMENT of WOMEN in Islam. Recently in PAKISTAN, a man and his two accomplices KILLED his SISTER for allegedly having “illicit relations” with a neighbor. In another Pakistani case, a WOMAN, her AUNT and COUSIN were ALL KILLED in an honor killing because the woman left her husband to MARRY ANOTHER MAN. The other two women helped her, and the JIRGA, assembly of tribal ELDERS, decided that they MUST be KILLED. No, it wasn’t madness or a crime of passion but an OFFICIAL DECISION made by what is essentially the governing group there because "WOMEN are “PRECIOUS ” in ISLAM". This beautiful Iraqi WOMAN was KILLED in an HONOR KILLING in AMERICA by her FATHER, who RAN OVER her. In August, a WOMAN, her DAUGHTER and SON-IN-LAW were also VICTIMS of an HONOR KILLING by the woman’s BROTHER after the woman had married WITHOUT her family’s CONSENT. Her BROTHER KILLED her for it. These honor killings are all too common in PAKISTAN with new cases reported EVERY FEW DAYS. Earlier this year, TWO teenage GIRLS and THEIR MOTHER were KILLED because the girls had been filmed DANCING in the RAIN, and the video made the rounds via mobile phones. According to the Express Tribune, “the HUMAN RIGHTS Commission of PAKISTAN says 943 WOMEN and GIRLS were MURDERED in 2011 after being ACCUSED of "TARNISHING their families’ HONOR.” PAKISTANIS make up the LARGEST MUSLIM immigrant group in the UK, though honor killings take place ACROSS the Muslim WORLD. In 2010, around 3000 HONOR ATTACKS occurred in the UK’s MUSLIM community, though the actual number is believed to be FAR GREATER as many CRIMES go UNREPORTED or are not classified as honor attacks, which include ABDUCTION, MUTILATIONS, BEATINGS, ACID attacks and MURDER. UNDERAGE MARRIAGE is all too common in the MUSLIM world, and a new report shows that instead of progressing, MALAYSIA is getting WORSE with MORE UNDERAGE marriages in 2012 than in 2011. While NON-MUSLIMS in the nation must WAIT until the age of 18 to marry, the LEGAL age for Muslims is 16. But with the common belief that girls must be married once they reach PUBERTY, UNDERAGE CHILDREN can marry if they get CONSENT from the SHARIAH court. And that is what they do to GET AROUND the supposed legal age the country has “officially” adopted in order to comply with world expectations. In NIGERIA, Senator Ahmad Yarima SUPPORTS CHILD MARRIAGE. The SENATOR himself MARRIED a 13 YEAR-OLD in 2010 and has voted to UPHOLD a law which states that ALL MARRIED GIRLS are “OF AGE.” ONE out of every FIVE NIGERIAN CHILDREN is NOT in SCHOOL, partly because of this MUSLIM BELIEF that PUBERTY means MARRIAGE when it COMES to GIRLS. Over HALF the GIRLS in the NORTHERN part of the country are MARRIED OFF by the time they are 16. And these GIRLS are EXPECTED to HAVE a CHILD their FIRST YEAR of MARRIAGE. As a RESULT, NIGERIA which makes up TWO PERCENT of the world’s POPULATION has TEN PERCENT of the world’s VVF CASES. VVF is VESICOVAGINAL FISTULA, a condition which occurs when URINE involuntarily enters the vaginal vault. WHY does this happen SO MUCH in NIGERIA? Because the CHILDREN giving birth are TOO SMALL. Their PELVISES are still TOO narrow. It’s a good thing these girls are CONSIDERED “PRECIOUS.” That helps ALOT. A 12 YEAR-OLD in PAKISTAN was FORCED to MARRY a 60 YEAR OLD MAN. FORCED MARRIAGE in the BRITISH MUSLIM community is also OUT-OF-CONTROL, with at least 8000 per YEAR in ENGLAND ALONE. In MANY of these cases, YOUNG GIRLS, BARELY teenagers, are FORCED to MARRY MEN at least TWICE their AGE, which is a dream compared to those who MUST MARRY men THREE or FOUR times older. REFUSAL to marry these men can RESULT in an HONOR attack. A HEROIN-DEALING MUSLIM in the UK became so INFURIATED with his WIFE for WANTING an EDUCATION, he SUBJECTED her to a year of “HELL” TELLING her that married WOMEN DON’T do this, apparently EQUATING it to some sort of LEWD BEHAVIOR. He FORCED her to wear a NIQAB, a FACE VEIL, but this was NOT enough. After she didn’t smile while with the family for Eid, he BEAT her. His SUBSEQUENT BEATINGS included RIPPING her TONGUE, KICKING and PUNCHING her, GIVING her BLACK eyes, keeping tabs on her via her cell phone, ACCUSING her of CHEATING, etc. The ABUSE CONTINUED EVEN AFTER she got PREGNANT, and their baby was delivered prematurely. Eventually HE STABBED her with SCISSORS and HIT her with a DUMBBELL. The ASSAILANT was a “DEVOUT MUSLIM.” This is NOT an ISOLATED case. Stories like this one are ALL TOO COMMON in the MUSLIM WORLD and are NOT contained ONLY in MUSLIM countries. This CASE took PLACE in the UK, but it could have been in France, Sweden, Australia, the United States or in ANY MUSLIM community AROUND the WORLD. The precious WOMEN of IRAN are ALLOWED to get an EDUCATION, but as a SENIOR CLERIC has RECENTLY STATED, if they are NOT DRESSED “PROPERLY,” their GRADES should REFLECT that. He CALLS for STRICTER REGULATIONS of WOMEN’S Islamic ATTIRE, saying, “IF her VEILING is BAD, DON’T LET her into the UNIVERSITY and let her feel it in her grade. This is not troublesome. Start here! If you PUT someone at the UNIVERSITY GATE and TELL students that if they DON’T OBSERVE proper VEILING it would AFFECT their GRADES, they would certainly pay heed.” SAUDI Sheikh Salah al-Luhaydan has another suggestion for the “precious jewels” that are MUSLIM WOMEN: DO NOT DRIVE. WOMEN in SAUDI ARABIA are NOT ALLOWED to DRIVE, but THIS SHEIKH EXPLAINS the reasoning behind it. BELIEVE it or NOT, DRIVING “DAMAGES a WOMAN’S OVARIES and PELVIS.” It is ACTUALLY a “HEALTH RISK.” THAT’S RIGHT, a health risk. Why getting in the passenger seat is less of a “health risk” must be some kind of a miracle. DRIVING is SO UNHEALTHY for WOMEN, according to the SHEIKH, it could even affect her unborn babies. In fact, IF SAUDI ARABIA were to ALLOW it, more women and men would turn to homosexuality and pornography. These comments were BASED on a “SCIENTIFIC ” study DONE by SAUDI ARABIA’S HIGHEST RELIGIOUS COUNCIL alongside a former professor at King Fahd University. The study also “FOUND ” that ALLOWING WOMEN to DRIVE could result in PROSTITUTION and DIVORCE. 😂😂😂 PROSTITUTION however, is ALREADY a PART of the MUSLIM WORLD and has nothing to do with driving. A new report from an NGO states that there are over 100,000 SEX SLAVES in TURKEY, and HALF of them are CHILDREN. And while MUSLIMS from AROUND the WORLD have been travelling to SYRIA to JOIN the fight of the AL-QAEDA linked rebels, UNDERAGE TUNISIAN GIRLS have also DONE their part to “HELP the CAUSE.” They’ve been SENT to SEXUALLY SATISFY these JIHADIS and have RETURNED PREGNANT. NOTHING MORE than a PROSTITUTION RING, this is another PRIME EXAMPLE of how ISLAM treats its "PRECIOUS JEWELS". Ibn Warraq explains the BASIS for DEMEANING WOMEN in ISLAM. BEGINNING with the CONCEPT of EVE, the FIRST WOMAN, as a TEMPTRESS who set the stage. Warraq writes, “MODERN Muslim COMMENTATORS INTERPRET certain verses to SHOW that GUILE, DECEIT, and TREACHERY are INTRINSIC to a WOMAN’S NATURE. Not only is she unwilling to change, she is by nature incapable of changing – she has NO CHOICE …” QURANIC VERSES EXPOSE the truth about WOMEN in ISLAM: 4.11. Allah chargeth you concerning (the provision for) your children: TO the MALE the EQUIVALENT of the PORTION of TWO FEMALES 💸 of their property (for the support of women). THE TREATMENT OF WOMEN IN ISLAM “Our women are PRECIOUS to us.” That is the TYPICAL MUSLIM response when asked about the treatment of women in Islam. Women are COVERED from head-to-toe because they are so “PRECIOUS,” and in the West, DOMESTIC ABUSE is HIGHER in the MUSLIM ENCLAVES than in the neighborhoods of the natives because women in Islam are “VALUED so HIGHLY.” FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION is apparently another way to demonstrate how women are treated like queens by their Muslim families, and getting FLOGGED or even BEHEADED for getting RAPED also proves how special women are in the “RELIGION of PEACE.” HONOR KILLINGS are another wonderful EXAMPLE of the TREATMENT of WOMEN in Islam. Recently in Pakistan, a man and his two accomplices KILLED his SISTER for allegedly having “illicit relations” with a neighbor. In another Pakistani case, a WOMAN, her AUNT and COUSIN were ALL KILLED in an honor killing because the woman left her husband to MARRY ANOTHER MAN. The other two women helped her, and the JIRGA, assembly of tribal ELDERS, decided that they MUST be KILLED. No, it wasn’t madness or a crime of passion but an OFFICIAL DECISION made by what is essentially the governing group there because "WOMEN are “PRECIOUS ” in ISLAM". This beautiful Iraqi woman was KILLED in an HONOR KILLING in AMERICA by her FATHER, who ran over her. In August, a WOMAN, her DAUGHTER and SON-IN-LAW were also VICTIMS of an HONOR KILLING by the woman’s BROTHER after the woman had married WITHOUT her family’s CONSENT. Her BROTHER KILLED her for it. These honor killings are all too common in PAKISTAN with new cases reported EVERY FEW DAYS. Earlier this year, TWO teenage GIRLS and THEIR MOTHER were KILLED because the girls had been filmed DANCING in the RAIN, and the video made the rounds via mobile phones. According to the Express Tribune, “the HUMAN RIGHTS Commission of PAKISTAN says 943 women and girls were MURDERED in 2011 after being ACCUSED of "TARNISHING their families’ HONOR.” PAKISTANIS make up the LARGEST Muslim immigrant group in the UK, though honor killings take place ACROSS the Muslim world. In 2010, around 3000 HONOR ATTACKS occurred in the UK’s MUSLIM community, though the actual number is believed to be FAR GREATER as many CRIMES go UNREPORTED or are not classified as honor attacks, which include ABDUCTION, MUTILATIONS, BEATINGS, ACID attacks and MURDER. UNDERAGE MARRIAGE is all too common in the MUSLIM world, and a new report shows that instead of progressing, MALAYSIA is getting worse with MORE UNDERAGE marriages in 2012 than in 2011. While NON-MUSLIMS in the nation must WAIT until the age of 18 to marry, the LEGAL age for Muslims is 16. But with the common belief that girls must be married once they reach PUBERTY, UNDERAGE CHILDREN can marry if they get CONSENT from the SHARIAH court. And that is what they do to GET AROUND the supposed legal age the country has “officially” adopted in order to comply with world expectations. In NIGERIA, Senator Ahmad Yarima SUPPORTS CHILD MARRIAGE. The SENATOR himself MARRIED a 13 YEAR-OLD in 2010 and has voted to UPHOLD a law which states that ALL MARRIED GIRLS are “OF AGE.” ONE out of every FIVE NIGERIAN CHILDREN is NOT in SCHOOL, partly because of this MUSLIM BELIEF that PUBERTY means MARRIAGE when it COMES to GIRLS. Over HALF the GIRLS in the NORTHERN part of the country are MARRIED OFF by the time they are 16. And these girls are EXPECTED to HAVE a CHILD their FIRST YEAR of MARRIAGE. As a RESULT, NIGERIA which makes up TWO PERCENT of the world’s POPULATION has TEN PERCENT of the world’s VVF CASES. VVF is VESICOVAGINAL FISTULA, a condition which occurs when urine involuntarily enters the vaginal vault. WHY does this happen SO MUCH in NIGERIA? Because the CHILDREN giving birth are TOO SMALL. Their PELVISES are still TOO narrow. It’s a good thing these girls are CONSIDERED “PRECIOUS.” That helps A LOT. A 12 YEAR-OLD in Pakistan was FORCED to MARRY a 60 YEAR OLD MAN. FORCED MARRIAGE in the BRITISH MUSLIM community is also OUT-OF-CONTROL-control, with at least 8000 per year in ENGLAND ALONE. In MANY of these cases, YOUNG GIRLS, BARELY teenagers, are FORCED to MARRY men at least TWICE their AGE, which is a dream compared to those who MUST MARRY men THREE or FOUR times older. REFUSAL to marry these men can RESULT in an HONOR attack. A HEROIN-DEALING MUSLIM in the UK became so INFURIATED with his WIFE for WANTING an EDUCATION, he SUBJECTED her to a year of “HELL” TELLING her that married women DON’T do this, apparently EQUATING it to some sort of LEWD BEHAVIOR. He FORCED her to wear a NIQAB, a FACE VEIL, but this was NOT enough. After she didn’t smile while with the family for Eid, he BEAT her. His SUBSEQUENT BEATINGS included RIPPING her TONGUE, KICKING and PUNCHING her, GIVING her BLACK eyes, keeping tabs on her via her cell phone, ACCUSING her of CHEATING, etc. The ABUSE CONTINUED EVEN AFTER she got PREGNANT, and their baby was delivered prematurely. Eventually HE STABBED her with SCISSORS and HIT her with a DUMBBELL. The ASSAILANT was a “DEVOUT MUSLIM.” This is NOT an ISOLATED case. Stories like this one are ALL TOO COMMON in the MUSLIM WORLD and are NOT contained ONLY in MUSLIM countries. This CASE took PLACE in the UK, but it could have been in France, Sweden, Australia, the United States or in ANY MUSLIM community AROUND the WORLD. The precious WOMEN of IRAN are ALLOWED to get an EDUCATION, but as a SENIOR CLERIC has RECENTLY STATED, if they are NOT DRESSED “PROPERLY,” their GRADES should REFLECT that. He CALLS for STRICTER REGULATIONS of WOMEN’S Islamic ATTIRE, saying, “IF her VEILING is BAD, DON’T LET her into the UNIVERSITY and let her feel it in her grade. This is not troublesome. Start here! If you PUT someone at the UNIVERSITY GATE and TELL students that if they DON’T OBSERVE proper VEILING it would AFFECT their GRADES, they would certainly pay heed.” SAUDI Sheikh Salah al-Luhaydan has another suggestion ETURNED PREGNANT. NOTHING MORE than a PROSTITUTION RING, this is another PRIME EXAMPLE of how ISLAM treats its "PRECIOUS JEWELS". Ibn Warraq explains the BASIS for DEMEANING WOMEN in ISLAM. BEGINNING with the So good women are the OBEDIENT, guarding in secret that which Allah hath guarded. As for those from whom ye FEAR rebellion, ADMONISH them and BANISH them to beds apart; and scourge (BEAT) them. Then if they OBEY you, seek not a way against them Lo! Allah is ever High Exalted, Great. MALALA YOUSUFZAI was SHOT for speaking out AGAINST the Taliban. At just 16, she struggles for CHILDREN’S and WOMEN’S rights. Warraq explains that IN ISLAM, a MAN is ALLOWED to BEAT his WIFE if she refuses to make herself beautiful for him; REFUSES to meet his SEXUAL DEMANDS; LEAVES the house WITHOUT permission or without any legitimate reason recognized by law; or NEGLECTS her religious DUTIES. Having to walk around like a BLOB, COVERED HEAD-TO-TOE; getting their CLITORIS CARVED out and getting SEWN almost completely SHUT; being DENIED an EDUCATION or the right to WORK in a “gender mixing” job; verbal, physical and sexual ABUSE; running the RISK of GETTING KILLED for any number of horrific “CRIMES ” such as looking at a boy, talking to men on the street if they aren’t relatives, wearing Western clothing, not wearing ahijab, having a boyfriend, refusing to marry a stranger, getting raped… If this is what “precious” means, I’m glad I’m not so precious. In the mid-sixties, the West accepted the SUICIDAL DOCTRINE of MULTICULTURALISM as its official approach to the problem of immigration. This RESULTED in an ENDLESS stream of IMMIGRANTS from THIRD WORLD countries POURING into Europe, the USA, Canada and Australia, subsequently displacing the native populations and creating both social tensions and an unsustainable financial burden. Uncontrolled immigration has contributed to a dissipating economy, disturbing CRIME statistics, a high rate of UNEMPLOYMENT among natives, SWOLLEN WELFARE rolls so out of control they are practically bankrupting Western countries, and has even led to an unprecedented wave of TERRORISM. But the gravest problem of massive immigration, that which dwarfs all the rest, is the SUPPLANTING of the NATIVE populations of Western countries with people who quite often DO NOT SHARE those VALUES that were and are the CORNERSTONE of WESTERN CIVILIZATION. Moreover, they often come to the West with the INTENT to DESTROY it. The SHARP GROWTH of the number of immigrants often openly hostile to the West, combined with the distortion of traditional Western values by liberals and leftists pose a serious threat to the very existence of Western civilization. As for those from whom ye fear rebellion, admonish them and banish them to beds apart; and scourge (beat) them. Then if they obey you, seek not a way against them Lo! Allah is ever High Exalted, Great. MALALA YOUSUFZAI was 🔫 SHOT for speaking out AGAINST the Taliban. At just 16, she struggles for CHILDREN’S and WOMEN’S rights. 😠Warraq explains that IN ISLAM, a MAN is ALLOWED to BEAT 😈 his WIFE if she refuses to make herself beautiful for him; REFUSES to meet his SEXUAL DEMANDS; LEAVES the house WITHOUT permission or without any legitimate reason recognized by law; or NEGLECTS her religious DUTIES. 😠 Having to walk around like a BLOB, COVERED HEAD-TO-TOE; getting their CLITORIS CARVED OUT and getting SEWN almost completely SHUT; being DENIED an EDUCATION or the right to WORK in a “gender mixing” job; verbal, physical and sexual ABUSE; running the RISK of GETTING KILLED for any number of horrific “CRIMES ” such as looking at a boy, talking to men on the street if they aren’t relatives, wearing Western clothing, NOT wearing ahijab, having a BOYFRIEND, REFUSING to marry a stranger, getting RAPED … If this is what “PRECIOUS ” means, I’m glad I’m NOT so precious. In the mid-sixties, the West accepted the SUICIDAL DOCTRINE of MULTICULTURALISM as its official approach to the problem of immigration. This RESULTED in an ENDLESS stream of IMMIGRANTS from THIRD WORLD countries POURING into Europe, the USA, Canada and Australia, subsequently displacing the native populations and creating both social tensions and an unsustainable financial BURDEN. Uncontrolled immigration has contributed to a DISSIPATING economy, disturbing CRIME statistics, a high rate of UNEMPLOYMENT among natives, SWOLLEN WELFARE rolls so out of control they are practically bankrupting Western countries, and has even led to an unprecedented wave of TERRORISM. But the gravest problem of massive immigration, that which dwarfs all the rest, is the SUPPLANTING of the NATIVE populations of Western countries with people who quite often DO NOT SHARE those VALUES that were and are the CORNERSTONE of WESTERN CIVILIZATION. Moreover, they often come to the West with the INTENT to DESTROY it. The SHARP GROWTH of the number of immigrants often openly hostile to the West, combined with the DISTORTION of traditional Western values by liberals and leftists pose a serious threat to the very EXISTENCE of Western civilization. 
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umergulzari · 5 years
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Link in Bio. Hello To Hell - Marnay Ke Baad Pakistani Bhooton Ka Haal! Created by @umergulzari Presented by @unglilive Wanna know what happens to a Lying Husband, Cheating Girlfriend, Pakistani Politician, Morning Show Host? Check out Ungli's latest video for a fun filled laughter ride. Keep sharing and subscribe our Channel. For Ad Placements & Promotions contact us at '[email protected]' or '03008529122'. #ungli #unglilive #hellotohell #welcometohell #hello #hell #welcome #politician #girlfriend #boyfriend #feminist #waqarzaka #morningshow #host #anchor #doctor #lawyer #husband #wife #comedy #funny #witty #satire #devil #shaitan #bhoot #writer #director #producer #umergulzari https://www.instagram.com/p/B7IVdMEnd6K/?igshid=11k16ok427057
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umergulzari · 5 years
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Link in Bio. Hello To Hell - Marnay Ke Baad Pakistani Bhooton Ka Haal! Created by @umergulzari Presented by @unglilive Wanna know what happens to a Lying Husband, Cheating Girlfriend, Pakistani Politician, Morning Show Host? Check out Ungli's latest video for a fun filled laughter ride. Keep sharing and subscribe our Channel. For Ad Placements & Promotions contact us at '[email protected]' or '03008529122'. #ungli #unglilive #hellotohell #welcometohell #hello #hell #welcome #politician #girlfriend #boyfriend #feminist #waqarzaka #morningshow #host #anchor #doctor #lawyer #husband #wife #comedy #funny #witty #satire #devil #shaitan #bhoot #writer #director #producer #umergulzari (at Islamabad, Pakistan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7G9vg5nDtu/?igshid=y172ank9molm
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