#paper core
edpackpersada · 1 year
PT Edpack Karunia Persada: Pabrik Paper Core Unggulan di Jawa Barat
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Kemasan berperan penting dalam melindungi dan mengamankan produk, dan paper core adalah salah satu komponen penting dalam industri kemasan. Di Jawa Barat, PT Edpack Karunia Persada telah menjadi pabrik paper core terdepan yang menyediakan solusi kemasan berkualitas tinggi untuk berbagai industri.
Artikel ini akan membahas keunggulan paper core, daftar pabrik paper core terkemuka di Jawa Barat, serta pengaplikasiannya dalam industri.
Keunggulan Paper Core
Paper core, juga dikenal sebagai karton rol, merupakan tabung kertas yang kokoh dan tahan lama. Berikut adalah beberapa keunggulan paper core:
Kekuatan dan Ketahanan: Paper core terbuat dari bahan kertas berkualitas tinggi yang memberikan ketahanan dan kekuatan struktural, menjaga integritas produk yang dikemas di dalamnya. -Ringan dan Mudah Daur Ulang: Meskipun memiliki kekuatan yang baik, paper core tetap ringan, membuatnya mudah diangkut dan dikelola. Selain itu, paper core juga dapat didaur ulang, menjadikannya pilihan yang ramah lingkungan.
Beragam Ukuran dan Bentuk: Pabrik paper core seperti PT Edpack Karunia Persada dapat menghasilkan paper core dalam berbagai ukuran dan bentuk sesuai permintaan klien, memenuhi kebutuhan kemasan yang beragam.
Kebersihan Produk: Dalam industri makanan dan farmasi, paper core dapat digunakan sebagai wadah untuk memastikan kebersihan dan keamanan produk, mencegah kontaminasi silang..
Pengaplikasian Paper Core untuk Industri
Paper core memiliki berbagai penggunaan dalam berbagai industri, termasuk:
Industri Tekstil: Digunakan untuk menggulung kain, benang, dan produk tekstil lainnya.
Industri Makanan dan Minuman: Digunakan sebagai wadah untuk menggulung dan mengemas produk makanan dan minuman.
Industri Kertas: Digunakan sebagai inti untuk menggulung produk kertas dan film plastik.
Industri Konstruksi: Digunakan sebagai inti untuk menggulung bahan bangunan, seperti kain tahan air.
Dengan berbagai aplikasi ini, paper core dari PT Edpack Karunia Persada telah membantu berbagai industri di Jawa Barat dalam mengemas produk mereka secara efisien dan aman.
Paper Core PT Edpack Karunia Persada
PT Edpack Karunia Persada adalah pabrik paper core yang telah diakui di Jawa Barat. Dengan pengalaman bertahun-tahun dalam industri kemasan, perusahaan ini telah menyediakan paper core berkualitas tinggi untuk berbagai perusahaan di seluruh wilayah Jawa Barat. Mereka menawarkan paper core dalam berbagai ukuran dan ketebalan, disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan pelanggan. Paper Core yang dibuat juga merupakan paper core berkualitas tinggi dan juga bisa dibuat menjadi packaging modern seperti seamless paper core, paper can, paper tube, metal cap paper core dan lainya. Tidak hanya itu, paper core juga bisa menjadi inti core yang berguna bagi industri industri yang membutuhkan penggulungan dan juga industri yang membutuhkan inti tumpuan core bagi produknya untukl memudahkan dalam proses pengerjaan produk.
Spesifikasi Paper Core PT Edpack Karunia Persada
PT Edpack Karunia Persada adalah produsen paper core terpercaya, kami menerima pembuatan paper core dengan berbagai spesifikasi, baik paper core biasa sampai paper core yang sudah menjadi produk. Kita tau manfaat tabung kertas yaitu kekuatan yang stabil, mencegah terjadinya robekan, kerutan, gelembung, sebagai penopang produk, menjaga stabilitas produk, dapat menghemat biaya.
Beberapa industri yang memakai produk ini yaitu perusahaan produk jenis-jenis kertas, jenis-jenis karton board, plastic film, kain/textile, metal strips, tape/lakban, bungkusan plastik, dll.
Ukuran Standart Paper Core Edpack Karunia Persada
Sebagai produsen kami melayani pemesanan sebagai referensi customer. Kami menerima permintaan produk paper can dan juga produk lainya yang berhubungan dengan paper core, untuk ukuran yang kami sediakan ada berbagai macam, kami juga menerima produksi sesuai permintaan pelanggan. Ukuran :
Paper Core 50×2,5x120mm
Paper Core 45x2x250mm
Paper Core 62x1,5x180mm
Paper Core 71x23x29mm
Paper Core 176x3x1020mm
Paper Core 76,2x2x1000mm
Paper Core 30x2x1600mm Ukuran dapat kami sesuaikan dengan permintaan pelanggan, untuk lebih lengkapnya hubungi tim marketing kami untuk mendapatkan penawaran terbaik.
Segera hubungi kami untuk mendapat penawaran terbaik. Kami akan memberikan pelayanan terbaik guna mewujudkan kemasan terbaik bagi Anda. Dan kami sangat terbuka untuk diskusi lebih lanjut untuk ukuran serta kuantiti yang berbeda. Atau Info Lebih Lanjut Hubungi Team Marketing Kami : Boy : 0813–8442–2157 Janter Nelson : 0813–8442–2156 Rivaldi : 0821–2240–6391 Edi : 0813–1411–4626
Paper core adalah komponen penting dalam industri kemasan, dan PT Edpack Karunia Persada telah membuktikan diri sebagai pabrik paper core terkemuka di Jawa Barat. Dengan keunggulannya yang mencakup kekuatan, ringan, dan kemampuan didaur ulang, paper core ini menjadi solusi kemasan yang efisien dan ramah lingkungan. Dengan pengaplikasiannya yang luas dalam berbagai industri, paper core dari PT Edpack Karunia Persada membantu pelanggan di Jawa Barat dalam melindungi dan mengemas produk mereka dengan sempurna.
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plastmapleleaf · 1 year
Paper tubes are a sustainable and eco-friendly packaging option that can help save the environment in several ways. They are made from renewable resources and are recyclable, reducing waste and conserving natural resources. The production of paper tubes also generates fewer greenhouse gas emissions than plastic packaging, helping to combat climate change. Additionally, paper tubes can be made from biodegradable materials, further reducing their impact on the environment.
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die-rosastrasse · 8 months
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Fragments of a fantasy-themed letter for my Irish pen pal 🌿✨
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sami32e · 1 month
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DeviantArt mirror here
Here is a project almost one year in the making: A sprite chart of Undertale AUs and Multiverses. The credits are massive, so I'll keep it brief.
The order of characters in the rows is: Ink, Error, Core, Dream, Nightmare, Fresh, Blueberror, Fatal, Dr. Sans and an extra Outcode.
Undertale & Deltarune by Toby Fox
Underfell by @underfell (Vic the Underfella)
Underswap by Hatsune Miku
Swapfell by Kkhoppang
Hardtale by CedDrawsNear
Fellswap Gold by @blackggggum
Underfellswap by @swapfell
Swapswap ( @swapswapofficial ) by @oranskullblade, Resurgence Swapswap by Dunkly
Dusttale by Osteophile and @ask-dusttale
Remains (Dusterror) by @flapvoir-real
Horrortale by @horrortalecomic (Sour Apple Studios)
Killertale/Something New by @rahafwabas
Paper Jam by @7goodangel
Gradient Sans & @askcomboclub by @roseworks
Quantumtale by @perfectshadow06
Superior Papyrus by Kurbo0
Index Sans & Dr. Clockworx by @tgps-crib
Mr. Paradox by @jaumj
Goth Afterdeath by @nekophy
Paper Crane by @little-noko
Goopytale by @sunnysheadraws and Arts Kislali
Xtale & Underverse ( @xtaleunderverse ) by @jakei95
A L I V E by @tatatale
Challenger Papyrus & R.E.M.N.A.N.T. by Waterfallapollo
Cutter Chara and Needle Asriel by @zaylephant
Agent Buttercup by me
Inktale by @comyet
Errortale, Aftertale and Underfresh by @loverofpiggies
Core Frisk ( @corefrisk ) by @dokudoki
Dreamtale by @jokublog
Fatal Error ( @fatal-error-blog) by @xedramon
Doctor Sans by @flapvoir-real
Honeycomb Ralsei by @laptoparmageddon
Fellink (Dye) and Fellgravity by Alter9code
Fellafter by @medioric-hyper and Ermburh
Fellerror (Flaw & Flawine), Felldream (Oneiro & Ephialtes) and Fellfatal by Mettalicc and Daviduzzzzzz
Fellcore Frisk by @inkbrucel
Fellfresh/Unfresh (Rocker) by me
Fell Dr.Sans by @tresh4kww
Swapink (Indi) by @wishingstarinajar
Swapafter & Swapfatal by ZeroCofee06/ZeroSans06
Swaperror (Fallacy & Fallrot) and Swapcore Chara by Mettalic and Daviduzzzzzz
Fallacy redesign by me
Swapdream take and Doctor Paps by @tresh4kww
Swapfresh (Zippy) by @rainbowsans
Hex Error Sans by @stankychee
Supremeverse by @flapvoir-real
The Variants by @glitchy-squidd
Airbrush (and by extension Brushwork) by @adorablemew
NO!Sansverse by @tging24
Swapfellverse by @enigmapapyrus
Hardafter by @medi0creking and @medioric-hyper
Hardink (Pastel), Harderror (Critical), Harddream (Euphoria & Misery/Nightterror), Hardfresh and Hardfatal by @medi0creking
Pastel redesign and Hardcore Frisk by me
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spacedace · 1 year
Had a dc x dp brain worm, feel free to use as a prompt <3
Sidenote, I decided to get fancy with the Ancients titles because of course I did lol
Shifting Where = Space (Danny)
Eternal When = Time (Clockwork)
Ever Onward = Speedforce (Ellie)
Bruce watched the footage again.
And again.
It didn’t make sense.
A week ago every television, radio, computer, phone - even the LED billboards - had been taken over to deliver a message. Across the United States. In every territory it held. Every military base. Down in the depths of the oceans where American submarines tried to creep past Atlantian patrols. In the endless cold white of Antarctica. Even far above in the International Space Station. Any place the United States Government had control over, any place one of its citizens found themselves. There was the message.
The face of an entity, human in shape but not in form. Hair as gleaming white as starlight, eyes bright as the twisting dance of the Aurora Borealis, skin as cold and blue as the tail of a comet. The entity wore armor as black as the depths of space with a crown to match, the later glinting and shifting with the twisting birth and death of galaxies. A cloak of nebulae danced down his shoulders, eclipsing the world beyond the entity entirely.
He named himself, jaw tight, expression serious.
High King Phantom of the Infinite Realms.
The Shifting Where. Son of the Eternal When. Father of the Ever Onward. His Epitaphs many and ever growing. The True Balance. The Bridge Between. The Devourer of Dark. The Last Child of Between. The Great One.
King of the Dead. King of the Infinite Worlds. King of so much more than Bruce had ever even known was possible.
King who had declared war. Who marshaled his endless armies. Who spoke of warnings, of efforts to reach a peace, of trying again and again and again to find a way to not plunge into violence and bloodshed. All things living come to call him King in time, he had no want or need to go out and hurry that along. But there were no options left to him now. He had tried for peace. He had been denied.
He would not see his people suffer any longer. Would not see those he’d sworn to lead and protect imprisoned by fools who had sworn themselves enemies to all the afterlives. Would no longer permit the vicious cruelty to continue.
The message was a final warning.
A final offer.
Three days, Phantom said. The United States government would have three days to release their prisoners, to begin the process of dismantling the laws that made death itself an illegal act.
If they refused, he would lead his endless armies personally in the war to come.
It had not been an idle threat.
Three days after the message, after Bruce and the rest of the Justice League scrambled to try and figure out just what it was it was all about, after Justice League Dark’s members shakily took turns explaining just how powerful the being that had gave that message was and how much danger the world was in should he and his armies march upon their world, war came.
Of all places, it began in a town in Illinois.
The sky shattered like broken glass above, Lazarus Green beyond, and the Dead poured out.
It started in Illinois.
It did not end there.
Bruce watched the footage of it all, eyes burning as he watched every second of CCTV footage, every shaky phone camera video, every news broadcast.
Most of them looked human enough. Changed in death, but recognizably human once. A pair of glowing teenagers on a motorcycle, a writhing shadow twisting about at their command sweeping chaos upon the battlefield. A young woman dressed to perform with hair a literal flame, burning bright blue and snapping furiously as she played devastation upon her enemies with her guitar. A child with corpse gray skin and luminescent green hair, flickering in and out of Bruce’s ability to see as if fighting against a law of existence to be visible, screaming orders to a skeleton crew from his place on deck of a 1700s ship that sailed through the sky, disappearing into clouds before raining down attacks from above.
There was more. Glowing skeletons dressed in the fashions of war spanning every culture going back millennia. Robots with weapons far beyond the technology they had even in the League. Creatures of myth and legend. Things of nightmares.
Leading them all, as he had promised, was Phantom.
He looked younger, smaller. Just a boy, really, a gangly teenager that hadn’t quite finished growing into himself. One holding power beyond anything Bruce could ever imagine, but still just a child as far as he could see, no older than Tim who’d just graduated high school. Frantic research found Phantom appearing as far back as human history, but those sightings had to have been after his death. Bruce can’t help but wonder how young the boy had been when he died, how much of that youth still clung to him through all these eons.
It wasn’t something he’d let him self consider normally, not with something like this.
A dangerous unknown appearing without warning and attacking with unimaginable power and seemingly endless forces. It was something that would normally eclipse everything else. Something that would make Bruce put aside the ache at seeing a face so young twisted in rage.
He watched all the footage.
Civilians were put in the crossfire. Were shot at and endangered. Were left terrified and scrambling for safety in buildings that were rapidly being torn away by stray artillery.
But never by Phantom or his armies.
The dead, in fact, went very far out of their way to ensure civilians weren’t harmed. Sweeping people up out of the way of falling debris. Shielding them from attacks that would have most certainly killed a normal human. Some dead even helped evacuate, ushering a frightened and panicked populous to safety as gently as they were capable of. Some of the less human creatures - giant bear-like beings with horns and fangs and ice edging their burly frames - even rushed forward to offer medical aid.
When the sky shattered open and the armies of the dead swept in, they ignored the town below. They focused instead on what was discovered later to be the base of a secretive government agency. The dead’s fight focused on those individuals in sharp white suits, bearing weapons capable of actually injuring King Phantom’s people.
It was these agents that brought the fight to the streets to Amity Park. That fired recklessly and without thought or care to the casualties they could inflict. That didn’t seem to care if they killed a hundred civilians if it meant hurting just one of Phantom’s soldiers.
Bruce watched all the footage.
And again.
Phantom had declared war.
Phantom spoke in his message of being out of options, of attempting peace. Phantom gave three days time for the release of captives. Phantom lead armies who fought viciously but never once willingly harmed civilians.
Phantom declared war, but he didn’t want it.
“Amanda Waller has reached out.”
Bruce didn’t turn his attention from the screens before him, eyes burning as he followed Phantom as the King dove away from the middle of locked combat to shield a child from a pulse of green energy from something like a grenade another agent in white had carelessly thrown. The child was crying but unharmed. The left pauldron of Phantom’s armor cracked and shattered from a direct shot from the enemy he’d just been fighting that he’d turned his back on, a glowing green liquid uncomfortably like Lazarus Water dripped down from a smoldering wound.
Clark stepped up to stand beside him as he watched, face worn and tired. The League had missed the first battle, but they’d been quick to appear at the rest. Phantom and his army ignored them unless they put themselves purposefully in the way of the fight. They were, as Justice League Dark had warned, vastly out powered by the entities fighting. A hulking giant knight made of shadow riding a nightmarish steed had driven Clark six feet down into the dirt when he’d attempted to make his way to Phantom directly to try and talk to the king.
The depth Clark had ended up felt like a warning of what would happen if he tried to get close to the king again.
It probably was.
“She said they have intel for us.” A faint twitch of fingers, jaw clenching, voice flat in that way that told Bruce his old friend was fighting back anger with everything he had. “That she has options for how to deal with the insurgence.”
Bruce shut off the monitors.
He’d seen enough.
Now was time to get answers to just what, exactly, Amanda Waller and the US government had done to cause the Dead to rise and rage.
Part Two Part Three Part Four
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pastel-clown-friends · 5 months
Found this weird thing by my house. It let me get pretty close to it. He seemed friendly enough.
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I invited him over later for tea. He just shrugged but I might get to have a guest later.
Okay, really, though. I think this mask is like my favorite thing I've ever made. It's so big and fun. A little hard to wear but with help from someone, you can usually get some pretty good pictures of it.
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Sometimes I forget I customized a Barbie doll a while ago to be jon and that he’s just sitting in my closet staring at me until I turn on my light towards my closet and see just like. A tiny jon sitting in a tiny desk with a conspiracy board behind him and tons of eyes staring back at me and I’m like “this is how tma is supposed to be represented”
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bluerosefox · 1 year
The MANY Bloodlines of Constantine
Those Constantine is Danny's dad and sold his kid soul because he thought he'd actually never have one and Danny is now the Ghost King so his soul claims are invalid AUs but learns he's not Constantine only kid (after a while Constantine honestly 100% thought he'd never have kids and never bothered with a 1st born clause when making deals, maybe some annoyed deity or powerful magic user made Constantine think he can't have kids anymore just to get back at the conman) and now doing everything in his Kingly power to save his half-siblings (can be other teens from other shows or movies or cartoons etc etc) because Danny is the oldest of them and really really wants to punch his biodad for making such a huge mess he has to deal with but Danny does get to meet and protect his younger Half-siblings.
Then comes the day he's celebrating one of his half-sibs birthday with all the others when he's suddenly summoned out of the blue and meets not just the Justice League but his, and his half-sibs, no good soul selling biodad.
Hello rightly placed aggression.... Once he takes care of that powerful evil spirit that's attacking earth first of course.
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hana-no-seiiki · 8 months
YANDERE HIMBO: I don’t think I’m mentally well
YANDERE HIMBO: No you’re gonna steal my beloved!!
YANDERE’S BEST FRIEND: . . . I think I’ll sooner die from your stupidity rather than your torture methods.
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tokei-sama · 2 months
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star gothic mama <3
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Okay, starting off is the mask.
I figured I should post a sort of "devolution" to show where it started and what it became, because you cherish the end product more if you remember where you came from.
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edpackpersada · 1 year
Terbaik Kemasan Paper Core, Dapat Meningkatkan Value Produk Anda
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Paper Core merupakan salah satu jenis produk yang banyak digunakan untuk keperluan industri oleh berbagai jenis perusahaan. Paper Core merupakan salah satu contoh produk selonsong kertas selain Paper Can, Paper Tube, Seamless Paper Core, Metal Cup Paper Core. Produk ini memebrikan perlindungan extra terhadap berbagai jenis produk yang dikemas dengan paper core yang umumnya berbentu reels atau lingkaran.
Edpack Karunia Persada merupakan salah satu perusahaan produksen produk-produk kemasan untuk keperluan industri seperti Paper Core. Kami melayani produksi dan penjualan produk paper core untuk berbagai keperluan pasar lokal, pasar ekspor yang digunakan oleh berbagai jenis perusahaan industri sebagai kemasan support produk-produk unggulannya. Dalam segi manfaat Paper Core memiliki banyak manfaat untuk kebutuhan industri, dan dalam penggunaan.
Manfaat Paper Core Untuk Industri
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Salah satu manfaat paper core adalah Paper core memiliki kekuatan yang stabil dan kuat sehingga bisa memberikan stabilitas struktur produk , baik luar produk maupun dalam produk.
Tentunya industri anda membutuhkan paper core atau paper reels untuk kebutuhan kemasan produk anda. Sebelum mengenal lebih dalam, berikut manfaat paper core, tabung core, tabung kertas ataupun cones dalam industri yang harus anda tau :
Stabilitas Struktur : Paper Core memberikan kekuatan yang stabil, menjaga stabilitas struktur produk baik dari luar maupun di dalamnya.
Kemudahan Penggunaan : Paper Core mudah digunakan dalam berbagai bentuk kemasan, baik sebagai pendukung maupun sebagai kemasan utama produk industri.
Hemat Ruang : Paper Core dapat menghemat ruang penyimpanan karena bentuknya yang tabung dan dapat ditumpuk.
Perlindungan Produk : Paper Core melindungi produk dari kerusakan yang bisa disebabkan oleh material luar yang menekan atau merusak bagian dalam produk.
Keamanan ProdukPaper Core menjaga produk tetap aman selama proses produksi, pengemasan, pengiriman, dan distribusi.
Perlindungan Bahan Baku : Paper Core mencegah kerusakan, kerutan, dan gelembung pada bahan baku, menjaga kondisinya tetap baik.
Fungsi Penopang :Paper Core dapat digunakan sebagai penopang, penahan, atau penyangga pada berbagai produk industri.
Efisiensi Produksi : Penggunaan Paper Core dapat menghemat waktu, biaya, dan meningkatkan efisiensi serta efektivitas proses produksi.
Media Promosi :Paper Core dapat berfungsi sebagai media promosi dengan mencetak desain pada luar dan dalamnya sesuai dengan produk yang dikemas. Sehingga meningkatkan nilai jual kepada produk anda.
Ramah Lingkungan :Paper Core mudah didaur ulang dan merupakan opsi yang ramah lingkungan dalam kemasan industri.
Dengan memanfaatkan Paper Core, industri kemasan dapat mengoptimalkan keamanan, efisiensi, dan perlindungan produk, sambil memperhatikan aspek lingkungan yang lebih baik.
Penggunaan Paper Core Dalam Industri
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Paper core adalah produk yang bisa di terapkan semua industri, industri manapun yang tentunya membutuhkan paper core sebagai bagian dari produknya. Berikut beberapa industri yang biasanya menggunakan paper core sebagai bagian dari produknya.
Paper core digunakan dalam berbagai industri untuk penggulungan, pengemasan, dan transportasi material. Berikut adalah beberapa industri di mana paper core umumnya digunakan:
Industri Kertas : Paper core digunakan dalam produksi, pengemasan, dan pengiriman kertas. Mereka berfungsi sebagai inti gulungan kertas untuk mesin cetak dan kertas yang lebih besar.
Industri Plastik :Paper core digunakan untuk penggulungan dan penyimpanan film plastik. Gulungan film plastik ini digunakan dalam industri kemasan makanan, kemasan hadiah, dan berbagai produk lain yang menggunakan bahan plastik.
Industri Tekstil ; Dalam industri tekstil, paper core digunakan untuk penggulungan dan penyimpanan kain. Mereka membantu menjaga kain tetap rapi dan terorganisir selama proses produksi, transportasi, dan penyimpanan.
Industri Film : Paper core juga digunakan dalam produksi dan pengemasan film, baik film fotografi, film sinematik, atau film plastik lainnya. Paper core memastikan gulungan film tetap terjaga dan dilindungi.
Industri Kabel: Paper core digunakan dalam penggulungan dan pengiriman kabel listrik, kabel komunikasi, dan kabel lainnya. Mereka membantu menjaga integritas dan keamanan kabel selama proses produksi dan transportasi.
Industri Logam: Dalam industri logam, paper core digunakan untuk penggulungan dan pengiriman foil logam, lembaran logam, atau strip logam. Paper core memberikan dukungan struktural dan melindungi logam dari kerusakan atau goresan.
Industri Perekat :Paper core digunakan dalam produksi dan pengemasan pita perekat, seperti pita perekat ganda, pita kertas, atau pita industri lainnya. Mereka memastikan pita tetap terjaga dengan rapi dan mudah digunakan. Industri Makanan dan Minuman: Paper core juga digunakan dalam pengemasan makanan dan minuman, seperti penggulungan kertas pembungkus makanan atau kemasan karton untuk minuman.
Selain industri-industri di atas, paper core juga dapat diterapkan dalam berbagai industri lainnya yang membutuhkan penggulungan, pengemasan, dan pengiriman material dalam bentuk gulungan, seperti Perusahaan electrical wire, packing tape atau lakban, metal strips, plastic film atau stretch film, plastic wrap, foil, technical film dan berbagai kemasan flexible lainnya juga menggunakan paper core dengan fungsi dan manfaat paper core yang beragam.
Juga perusahaan perusahaan dengan produk busa, bungkus plastik, label, packaging strips, adhesive tape rings, packages, kabel drum, dough core, Perusahaan Kain, Textile, non-woven dan lain-lain.
Kami adalah bagian dari paper core yang siap memenuhi kebutuhan bisnis anda, PT Edpack Karunia Persada sebagai produsen paper core terbaik di kelasnya. Kami menyediakan banyak jenis paper core seperti Paper Tube, Paper Core Metal Cup, Seamless Paper Core, Paper Can dan produk lainya.
PT edpack karunia persada juga melyani produk by request untuk kebutuhan paper core industri anda, dengan menjalin bisnis dengan Pt Edpack Karunia Persada kebutuhan packaging anda tentunya akan terpenuhi.
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PT Edpack Karunia Persada adalah produsen paper core terpercaya, kami menerima pembuatan paper core dengan berbagai spesifikasi, baik paper core biasa sampai paper core yang sudah menjadi produk. Kita tau manfaat tabung kertas yaitu kekuatan yang stabil, mencegah terjadinya robekan, kerutan, gelembung, sebagai penopang produk, menjaga stabilitas produk, dapat menghemat biaya.
Beberapa industri yang memakai produk ini yaitu perusahaan produk jenis-jenis kertas, jenis-jenis karton board, plastic film, kain/textile, metal strips, tape/lakban, bungkusan plastik, dll.
Ukuran Standart Paper Core Edpack Karunia Persada
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Sebagai produsen kami melayani pemesanan sebagai referensi customer. Kami menerima permintaan produk paper can dan juga produk lainya yang berhubungan dengan paper core, untuk ukuran yang kami sediakan ada berbagai macam, kami juga menerima produksi sesuai permintaan pelanggan.
Ukuran :
- Paper Core 50×2,5x120mm
- Paper Core 45x2x250mm
- Paper Core 62x1,5x180mm
- Paper Core 71x23x29mm
- Paper Core 176x3x1020mm
- Paper Core 76,2x2x1000mm
- Paper Core 30x2x1600mm
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plastmapleleaf · 2 years
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paper tube and core manufacturers use several processes, including cutting, rolling, glueing, and finishing. To make a rigid paper tube, follow these instructions:
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night-the-starfish · 21 days
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Being alive, a paper craft.
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clownmfxx · 6 months
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Ermm,, waiter waiter!!1 more baldi please
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yutaan · 2 years
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Yunmeng Shuangjie shadowbox!! It may be Sad Times for Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng, but they look so pretty when they’re dressed in beautiful patterns and thinking angsty thoughts. :D
I really enjoyed making the shuangjie last year, so for this year’s holiday sale I knew I had to make them again! I paid extra attention to the lighting and layering, and I’m really happy with how they all come together to look like the (craft pearl!) core is faintly glowing. 
This artwork will be available in my upcoming holiday sale, lovelies!
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