#para: we're gone but we don't know where
sgiandubh · 10 months
Querido diario
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Querido diario,
Sometimes, it's not a good idea to close your eyes and let everything go. Yesterday, for example, it wasn't. At all. I saw three people, very oddly assorted. It was like comments on my blog, only live, you know. So, I asked: 'who the fuck are you, the Three Kings? Aren't you supposed to come in January, with candy and gifts and shit?' 'Nah, we're the Three Newbies', said a young woman with a red beanie. 'We're just random, like that. We came because you say all the time your page is for our sake only. So, there's that, see?' 'Oh. What's your name, I can't read it.' 'Rotkäppchen.' 'Huh?' 'Para español, pulse 1. Caperucita Roja.' 'English, loon! I have readers'. 'For English, press 2. You do?' 'Yeah. Many. So, what's the story with the red beanie, woman? Are you a Communist?' 'No, I don't think so. What is a Communist?' That question gave me pause. I didn't know what to answer, so I went with the obvious: 'Doesn't matter. So, you're a Taiter, huh?' 'A what? No, I don't think so.' 'You don't think so? ' 'Uhm... look. I think I've got the wrong address, here. Con permiso.' And then just like that - poof!- she was gone. The second one was really bizarre.
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Sorry. Wrong pic.
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'Who the hell are you? Sgian-dubh?' 'I ask the questions, here. Who are you?' 'Doesn't matter. But you're Sgian-dubh, right?' 'No, I am not. I am The Caterpillar. Explain yourself: why do you think I am Sgian-dubh?' 'Because you smoke.' 'Blimey. That's not near enough. Very well: you can ask me just one question and I'll give you the truth. But just one, ok?' The truth! This is where I lost it. The truth! 'Ok. Here's my question: are the Three Little Pigs shippers?' 'Why do you ask?' 'Because they're still here and normally, they shouldn't, fuck my life.' 'Keep your temper. Don't scream like that. They are. But I thought you were going to ask about other things. You disappoint me.' 'Whoa, what other things? We know everything, we have all the papers. We don't need a stupid caterpillar to tell us what to think!' 'Who is we?' 'Me and my Evil Twin. What a question! Look, are you a sock account, or what?' 'Now, that's insulting', said The Caterpillar and then just like that -poof!- it was gone. The third one was a blonde guy. Something like that:
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'Sam?' 'Huh? Non, je suis le Petit Prince. Uh...Nope, I am the Little Prince.' That guy was a fraud, I am telling you. All you needed was just a good look. 'But you are 6'2''. You are not little!' 'I am 6'3'', thank you for rectifying. If you see me this size, that's your problem, girl.' 'But how come I don't have to press any button for English? You're such a fraud!' 'I am an updated version of your fantasy, that's all.' 'What do you want?' 'All I wanted to say is that you can see things clearly only with your heart.' 'That is soooo gay!' And then, just like that - poof!-, I woke up.
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will-york · 6 months
Legacy Part 1 || Self-Para
"Mr. York? We're ready for you."
Will jumped up from where he had been looking through an already three months old edition of People magazine. He smiled at the woman and followed her back into the offices, feeling both too tall and too short as he took a seat in front of a desk. He kept adjusted his baseball cap, wondering if he looked as old as he felt sitting there.
"We're so grateful for your interest and that you were able to make it beyond our initial round. We just wanted to go over what we would need before we were to go any further in this process."
The doctor started to hand him paperwork, detailing what they'd need. A background check and full transparency about his and his family's medical history. He felt his heart sink as he thought about it. Yet he still nodded along, answered all the questions, smiled at the right parts and shook her hand as he told her he'd try to have all of the information to her as soon as possible. He didn't bother to tell her about the obstacle, about the fact that he was adopted. He didn't want to see the shift in her body language or her expression. She had been so upbeat with him, Will just wanted to hold onto that and believe it was true.
He rolled the windows down as he left the parking lot, the early signs of evening giving him comfort as he drove back towards Tonopah Valley. He thought about driving in the opposite direction, maybe spending a couple of days in Vegas to get his head straight. But he knew this would only weigh on him. And if he didn't talk to his father's about it now, he wouldn't have the courage to later. So instead he turned on the playlist that Logan had made for him and tried to drown out his own thoughts as he drove the familiar roads and thought about a future for himself that seemed so out of reach.
His father's were of course together in the kitchen when he got there, getting things together for dinner. He smiled to himself as he watched them for a moment. Always so in sync. He wondered how their conversations had gone before they found him. How they had decided together that they were ready for kids. How they had found the love in themselves to love him. It was evident when they turned and noticed him and both of their faces lit up.
"Well don't just stand there, William, come give these old men some help."
Percy scoffed, "Old men where?"
"I only see a bunch of young men here," Will added as he kissed them both on their cheeks. "But uh before I help there's just..there's something I really need to talk to you both about."
It was clear he was nervous and Simon put down what he was doing to put his hands on Will's arms. "Of course, of course. Are you okay? Please tell me something else hasn't happened with the MC. Because I am ready to throw hands if needed."
Will laughed and shook his head. "No, no it's nothing like that. It's me, it's um," he paused and cleared his throat. "It's about me." He hesitated before handing them the paperwork he had just received.
"William..." they booth took a moment to look at it, Percy making sure to grab both of their glasses so they could look together. "We had no idea you wanted to be a father."
"Well I mean, I do and I don't, it's just..it's just donating sperm, you know? It's not like I'm gonna know the kids unless they wanna know me but I-I've been thinking a lot lately. For a long time actually. And then when everything with Landon and watching my friends have such...shitty parents, I kind of thought, well maybe I can help someone who really wants kids have what they need, you know? Especially if it's a queer couple because I mean look what you guys have done for me."
It made them all get a little teary eyed but Will pressed on as he pointed at the pages that concerend him the most. "But I can't do it if they don't know the truth about my family medical history. A-and I know that we don't talk about it a lot. I know I said when I was younger that I didn't care but," he cleared his throat again and shifted his footing. "I think it's time I know more about my birth parents. M-my birth mom in particular," he said, afraid that speaking it out loud would suddenly shatter some unspoken bubble they had kept intact.
Simon and Percy both looked at each other, at the papers and then at Will before they shared a smile and both reached out to place their hands on Will's arms. "Well, we'd say it's about damn time, honey."
Will felt the weight leave his shoulders and he laughed before his eyes were teary again. "R-really? You guys aren't mad? I mean, it's been so long. I don't know if we could even find them. But I figure we could try."
Percy spoke first and reached up to brush some of Will's hair from his face. "We have always felt that we would do it on your timeline. There's never been any rush and we never wanted to pressure you. It's your choice. You're our boy no matter what. But that doesn't mean we wouldn't want you to know the truth. And that doesn't mean we can't help you find out what's going on."
Simon cut in then and gave Will's arm a squeeze. "We do know more than we let on. Meaning it won't be as hard to find them as you would think, at least her." The two fathers shared a look again, as if they were letting Will in on a whole new secret. "She was very clear about keeping her distance but that doesn't mean we didn't have any contact. We were just waiting for you to be ready."
This information hit him like a wave. To know that not only was his mother out there but that she had been in contact with the two of them. That she knew where he was caused a wave of conflicted emotions to run through him. But his father's were looking at him with such clear intention and love that it was hard to even get upset.
So instead he took a deep breath and opened his arms up for a family hug. "I'm ready," he told them as they wrapped him up and they all finally let their tears fall.
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braveclementine · 3 months
Chapter 41
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Warnings: None
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own my OC: Elizabeth Y/L/N (created so you don't get Y/N and Y/S/N consistently mixed up. I do not condone any copying of this.
YOU SAT BY ELIZABETH'S BEDSIDE, THE heart monitor going steady. Hogun sat in the seat across from you on the other side of his bed, looking like he hadn't slept in days.
Bucky was fast asleep on the couch, snoring while Steve paced back and forth. Tony was somewhere in the hospital, yelling at staff administration while Stephen took a look at all of the charts, monitors, and protocols that they had given your sister.
Loki, Wanda, and Thor had all gone to Asgard on your father's information that the last thing Elizabeth had said to him was that the person she was meeting outside was someone from Asgard.
Hogun had jerked up in the middle of the night from Elizabeth's scream. He and your father had gone out to look for her and had found her at the bottom of the same cliff that you'd pushed her off of.
Just re-thinking about everything made you get up quickly to vomit in the trash.
"Y/N, it's going to be okay." Sam said, kneeling next to you.
"I keep thinking how she must've felt." You choked out. "I already did it to her once. It must've felt like Deja Vu."
"It's okay." Sam murmured, rubbing your shoulders.
"I brought coffee." Clint said, coming into the room, holding cupholders of Starbucks. "Granted, nothing amazing like she makes it, but we managed to live on this before she came into our lives."
"I don't know how we're not dead yet." Steve muttered, but he took a coffee anyways and then continued to pace.
"How you feeling birdie?" Clint said, coming over and wrapping his arms around you.
"Terrified." You mumbled.
"She's going to be okay." Clint said quietly. "She's stable. The doctors just need her to wake."
Loki, Thor, Pietro, Wanda, Natasha, Bruce, and Rhodey suddenly all walked into the room.
Loki made a beeline straight for your sister, touching her forehead, frowning.
"Well, our mother did visit her last night." Thor sighed. "But she said she left before Elizabeth went back up to the house. Heimdall didn't see anything either. Loki?"
Loki's eyes were closed now as he bent over Elizabeth. He shook his head, "I don't understand. She's imagining our mother pushing her off. But that can't be possible."
"Your mother would never hurt Elizabeth." Hogun agreed hoarsely. "But I just don't understand why that's what she's seeing?"
"Are you sure it's a memory?" You asked, your hold on your coffee becoming tighter. "Maybe it's just a nightmare that she's having, not what really happened."
But Loki just shook his head. "I don't know what's happening."
"Alright." The door opened and everyone looked over to see one of the doctors come through the door. Tony followed him, looking extremely irate. The doctor on the other hand, looked cool and collected like he hadn't been getting yelled at by a billionaire and a superhero.
Stephen turned with Elizabeth's medical papers in her hands. "This here says she's been diagnosed with Paraplegia Paralysis but we weren't told that verbally."
The doctor nodded, "Indeed. In cases of falls like this, there's always a chance of one of the five types of paralysis. However, as she still hasn't woken, we do not know the extent of her paralysis. So at the moment, we have her diagnosed with Paraplegia because that's what the nerve receptors are telling us based on her X-rays and tests."
"Wait, back up." Steve interjected. "What's Para. . . this type of paralysis?"
"Paraplegia paralysis," Bruce answered first, "Is where she'll be paralyzed from the waist down."
"Wait, is there no chance of recovery?" You asked, feeling terrified for your sister. Elizabeth would be so upset if she turned out to be paralyzed. How was she supposed to work the farm?
"At this point in time, no. Not if she stays in the coma much longer." The doctor sighed. "The sooner she is to wake, the sooner we can start on physical therapy and the more likely she gains back her ability to use her legs. However, I want everyone here to be aware that she has nerve damage everywhere which means that she might have Quadriplegia paralysis."
"Which is?" Bucky asked tersely. He'd woken up at some point to join in the conversation.
"Full body." Stephen and Bruce answered together.
And with that terrible news, the doctor soon left to leave you all with your sister.
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TONY WAS WRACKING HIS BRAIN FOR some sort of logical conclusion. When Rhodey had Paraplegia paralysis, he had been able to make braces for him so that he could continue to walk. If Elizabeth did have Paraplegia Paralysis, he would simply give her the same prototype.
But if she had Quadriplegia paralysis, then it would be harder. Rhodey's braces were very simple and he could wear them under his jeans so no one saw them. But a full body one? She might as well walk around in an Iron man suit the entire time.
But he had to do something. Elizabeth would not be able to live if she couldn't deal with the farm, couldn't climb trees, couldn't swim. Tony couldn't bear to see her like that.
"We'll work it out." Stephen murmured, putting a hand on Tony's shoulder, jolting him back to reality. "With your brains and my magic, we'll help her."
Tony nodded. "I know. I just hope ideas start flowing in soon. And I really hope she wakes up sooner."
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ELIZABETH FELT LIKE SHE HAD BEEN FALLING forever, even though she could have sworn that she'd already hit the ground. She'd stopped screaming at some point, watching trees, mountains, rivers, oceans, and stars fall past her.
Suddenly, she felt as though she was falling sideways, and found herself standing in a tiled room.
The lights were out and she stumbled, holding her arms out because she felt that at any moment, she would be swept up again in the falling tube.
She walked slowly across the room, and suddenly, her feet felt sticky and when she looked down, she saw her bare feet standing in something red.
"H-hello?" She asked, her heart starting to pound. A metallic smell was starting to fill the air, and she had the most sinking suspicion that it was blood.
She continued to walk, eventually leaving the pool of red until she reached an open doorway, leaving bloody footprints behind her.
Steve was standing on a ledge, his hands behind his back. He was wearing a simple T-shirt was jeans, his blond hair ruffling in the very nonexistent wind. He tilted his head when he heard her approach.
"Steve? Where are we?"
"We are the future Elizabeth." Steve said, gesturing to the bottom of the cliff. "This is all you. And yet it is all me."
Steve turned to Elizabeth and she took a step back to get away from him, because his eyes were completely white. He grabbed her wrist tightly. "I thought hurting you would make things right. Don't you understand? The Avengers, all of it, we would reach destruction if you and Y/N rejected us. But you still did, even when you knew our rejections. So you nearly died and it destroyed us. Look."
He jerked Elizabeth to the cliff end and she felt a scream build up in her throat as she saw Tony and Stephen, Sam and Loki, Thor and Clint, Natasha and Bruce, all of the Avengers dead. Y/N was tucked protectively under Thor's arm, but it hadn't spared her.
"This was us Elizabeth. Me because I hurt you. You because you couldn't forgive me. I love you, why can't you forgive me?"
"Steve let me go." Elizabeth choked out and he did. She looked at him and stumbled backwards back towards the doorway when she saw that a simple thick line was opening up his throat and he collapsed without another word.
"NO!" Elizabeth shouted, lunging forwards to try and do something. "Don't leave me here!"
"You killed him." A broken voice said behind her. She spun on her feet to see Bucky standing there. He looked lost, as though he didn't know where he was or who she was either. "You killed him."
"No, No Bucky I didn't-"
Elizabeth gasped in pain, as Bucky shoved the knife between her ribs, looking down at her, tears streaming down his face. "I told you how much he meant to me. Didn't you care about me at all? An eye for an eye, a life for a life."
Elizabeth could almost feel her heart stopping.
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
QUEEN FRIGGA HAD COME DOWN TO Earth when Loki asked her and had sat by Elizabeth's side for at least twenty minutes. She healed all of her nerves, but she couldn't make her wake up. Or at least, that's what she said. She'd returned to Asgard immediately, which had been almost two days ago now. But she said she would be back either today or tomorrow to check on her again.
Steve felt wretched, watching as everyone in the room fell quiet, all of them eating the Chinese takeout that Natasha had brought.
None of them saw it right away. It wasn't until the alarms and that dreadful beeping started to go off that any of them even realized anything was wrong. Steve's head was the first to snap up and his heart nearly stopped itself when he saw the 0 line on Elizabeth's heart monitor.
All of them seemed frozen in shock, until the doors burst open and a crew of doctors and nurses rushes in. "EVERYONE OUT!" A doctor roared, as they rushed to Elizabeth's side. Sam grabbed Bucky and Steve's arms, dragging them out.
Steve sat down numbly in the plastic seat outside of the door, wondering what was happening. The others filed out and he wished he could reach out for Y/N as she sat down tearfully in a seat next to Clint.
He looked over at Stephen and Bruce, who were the two medical people that they had. He was disturbed to see that they looked just as panicked as he felt. Stephen's face was white, his hand gripping Tony's so tightly that his knuckles were white. Bruce just looked plain upset, murmuring under his breath to Natasha.
Suddenly, there were loud heels clicking down the hall and Steve looked over and then with shock to see Queen Frigga walking quickly down the hall.
As she passed Wanda and Loki, Wanda suddenly stiffened, grabbing Loki's wrist. Loki suddenly stood and shouted, "Stop!"
Steve watched in shock as he created a knife out of mid-air to aim at his own mother.
Frigga froze in the hall, turning sharply. "Do you want me to save her or not?"
"You are not my mother." Loki snapped. "Virtus Auctor."
The name rung a faint bell in Steve's head. Like he had known the person.
Before anyone could react, the woman shifted from being Frigga to a man that Steve knew he knew, but couldn't remember.
In a flash, Y/N was in his arms, a knife pressed to her throat. "I came here to finish off one sister and now I get both." He bared his teeth.
"Why'd you try killing Elizabeth in the first place?" Loki demanded.
Auctor flashed a grin, "She was the successor to the farm. I had to get her out of the way."
Steve felt a flash of hot rage fly through him. But he could do nothing while Y/N was in danger.
"'Course," and here Auctor looked directly at Steve. "I could just kill Elizabeth and you can keep Y/N. After all, you all prefer Y/N anyways."
"No we don't." Steve snapped out of anger. He knew he'd been a terrible soulmate, even if he'd been doing it on Frigga's orders.
Suddenly, Auctor froze. Literally. He looked like a huge ice cube and he fell sideways, ice chips cracking as it hit the tiled floor of the hospital.
Y/N spun around and they all saw Elizabeth standing there, her face so pale there was no colour in it.
"That's my sister you threatened bastard." Elizabeth muttered before her eyes rolled up inside her head and she collapsed.
Bucky caught her. 
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5. "I want to buy the map of Martinaise."
PLAISANCE - She nods. "Always good to be informed of your surroundings."
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A worn and torn map of the Martinaise area, dating from '48. A title on the top reads: "Bienvenue à Revachol". It's a bit out of date, as it was originally created by a design studio in a failed attempt to spruce up Martinaise and turn it into a fancy tourist location.
TOURIST MAP OF MARTINAISE - The worn map features the patchwork grid of the streets of Martinaise, with directions to appropriately *tourist-y* locations. Year '48 resides on the upper-right corner.
Trace a path through the grid.
[Put the map away.]
TOURIST MAP OF MARTINAISE - Your finger moves through the various streets, across Rue de Saint-Ghislaine and Rue Saint-Cispare, over Saint-Brune and Martinaise North...
...finally coming to a halt on the spot where you are currently standing, although the map gives no such indication itself.
TUTORIAL AGENT - For a more detailed view of the Map, go to your JOURNAL and select the MAP tab.
2. [Put the map away.]
While I'm here, I notice we can also interact with the photo of the victim's tattoos.
PHOTO OF TATTOOS - An intricate web of blue lines stretches across the torso. From the right shoulder to the solar plexus, each time they intersect a small white star is formed in their crossing. Hundreds of fading asterisks riddle his skin. Their concentration is highest around his heart.
It still kind of looks like a map of the stars in the night sky, but... something's not right.
Who are you?
What's the meaning of this tattoo?
[Put the photo away.]
2. What's the meaning of this tattoo?
PHOTO OF TATTOOS - For you to discover. You've gotten as far as you will without assistance.
SUGGESTION [Medium: Success] - Someone close to the victim might know.
3. [Put the photo away.]
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Here's the map of Martinaise. To the left, we can see all the checks we've discovered. Those on white are currently available, the others are locked.
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There's one more thing to examine in the bookstore.
CLOSED CURTAINS - You see a set of tattered curtains blocking the way to another room. A strange cage-like trinket dangles from the curtains.
PLAISANCE - "Excuse me, officer..." She calls out from the counter. "The back room is strictly for employees only."
"Shopkeeper, what's behind the curtains?"
Examine the strange cage-like trinket.
(Pull open the curtains.)
Ignore the curtains for now. [Leave.]
PLAISANCE - "Nothing! Why aren't you browsing the books?" She fiddles with her pendant. "Don't you feel *compelled* to look at the books? The books are all you care about!"
CLOSED CURTAINS - Oddly enough, the more she tries to draw you away from the curtains, the more alluring they become.
2. Examine the strange cage-like trinket.
CLOSED CURTAINS - You see some kind of charm -- an irregular polyhedron, assembled from bones, sticks, and straw. Inside, a disturbing fish-head with empty eye sockets stares at you.
Aside from poking at it -- suspiciously -- there is nothing else to do with the fish-head charm at this time. The curtains remain shut before you.
3. (Pull open the curtains.)
CLOSED CURTAINS - Just as you're about to pull apart the curtains, the petrified voice of the shop owner cries out once more:
PLAISANCE - "Sir, don't touch that! I told you it's off-limits for the customers!" Her hand has closed around her pendant, her fingers nervously playing with the talisman.
"Para-psychologically speaking -- we're *done* if you decide to open them. I won't be held responsible for the consequences! It's too dangerous!"
PERCEPTION (HEARING) [Easy: Success] - She looks away, mumbling: "Why is everyone *always* messing with the curtains, why can't they just buy books like normal people..."
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"This is about *the curse*? That's why you're afraid?"
"Ma'am, this is different -- I'm a police officer, I *need* to get in there."
"But I sense this place calling for me. I must investigate *beyond* the threshold!"
I don't care, you can't stop me! I'll open them." (Continue.)
"Alright, I'll think about it for a while. (Continue.)
PLAISANCE - "No, it's just a store room for the employees, I told you! Now *please* step away from the curtains..." She's almost begging you.
2. "Ma'am, this is different -- I'm a police officer, I *need* to get in there."
PLAISANCE - "Why? It's not like anyone was *killed* there!" She stops abruptly as her hand flies over her mouth, baffled by her own bluntness.
"I am sorry, I don't mean to be so impolite, just please don't go there! I can't allow that. You'll only make things worse and unleash *the powers*."
3. "But I sense this place calling for me. I must investigate *beyond* the threshold!"
PLAISANCE - "You *do*?!" She grabs her pendant again, visibly shaken. "My god, even more reasons to not mess with the curtains... Just step away, dear sir!"
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lavenderdameron · 2 years
I'm a few hours late but happy Swiftie Playlist Night!
One of my favorite things to do is create playlists for characters and I have one that contains a lot of Taylor that seems appropriate to share.
Please enjoy my playlist for Rey Skywalker of the Star Wars sequels!
"People keep telling me they know me. I'm afraid no one does."
Adventure of a Lifetime by Coldplay "Everything you want's a dream away/Under this pressure, under this weight/We are diamonds taking shape"
All is Found by Kacey Musgraves (from Frozen 2) "You have to get a little lost on your way to being found"
Birds by Imagine Dragons "Everything is temporary/Everything will slide/Love will never die"
Carry On by fun. "And it's nice to know when I was left for dead/I was found and now I don't roam these streets/I am not the ghost you are to me"
Dark Side by Kelly Clarkson "Everybody's got a dark side/Do you love me?/Can you love mine?"
Darling by Halsey "Never knew the feeling of a stable home/Been a couple years of living on the road/Couldn't really tell you where they'd leave a stone/To visit me when I am dead and gone"
Dog Days Are Over by Florence + The Machine "Leave all your love and your longing behind/You can't carry it with you if you want to survive"
everything i wanted by Billie Eilish "They called me weak/Like I'm not just somebody's daughter"
Eyes Open by Taylor Swift "Every lesson forms a new scar/They never thought you'd make it this far"
Graveyard by Halsey "I know when you go down all your darkest roads/I woulda followed all the way to the graveyard"
The Great War by Taylor Swift "And maybe it's the past that's talking/Screaming from the crypt"
Journey to the Past from Anastasia "Home, love, family/There was once a time I must have had them too/Home, love family/I will never be complete until I find you"
Lights Up by Harry Styles "All the lights couldn't put out the dark/Running through my heart/Lights up and they know who you are/Know who you are/Do you know who you are?"
Only The Young by Taylor Swift "Don't say you're too tired to fight/It's just a matter of time/Up there's the finish line"
Paradise by Coldplay "When she was just a girl, she expected the world/But it flew away from her reach, so she ran away in her sleep/And dreamed of para-para-paradise"
Red Desert by 5 Seconds of Summer "It doesn't take too long to heal and replace/The demons we're running from/They are begging to stay"
Resistance by Muse "Love is our resistance/They'll keep us apart and they won't stop breaking us down"
Rey's Theme by John Williams (from The Force Awakens)
right where you left me by Taylor Swift "You left me no choice but to stay here forever"
Safe & Sound by Taylor Swift and The Civil Wars "Just close your eyes, the sun is going down/You'll be alright, no one can hurt you now"
Shake It Out by Florence + The Machine "And I've been a fool and I've been blind/I can never leave the past behind/I can see no way, I can see no way/I'm always dragging that horse around"
Show Yourself from Frozen 2 "I've never felt so certain/All my life I've been torn/But I'm here for a reason/Could it be the reason I was born?"
Talking to the Moon by Bruno Mars "At night when the stars light up my room/I sit by myself talking to the moon/Tryna get to you/In hopes you're on the other side talking to me too"
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frankbedbroken · 2 years
still thinking about this album.
beyond the fact that this is the exact brand of post-hardcore and alt rock that i tend to enjoy (relationship of command by at the drive in is one of my favourite records ever and this definitely goes for that same vibe musically, also moments like zanjón de la aguada recall deftones during the saturday night wrist era), this just feels like an incredibly important album to me in terms of what's being portrayed and said throughout. cortacalles as a whole is a poignant and harsh portrait of collective trauma and anger after decades of political oppression, and it feels frighteningly relevant in a climate where fascism is rearing its head more than ever. it's a heartbreaking reminder of the atrocities committed under pinochet's dictatorship during the 70s and early 80s, but also the worryingly recent acts of repression directed at the youth, performed by law enforcers during piñera's presidency just a couple of years back. even as a non-chilean, a lot of the lyricism in this feels extremely resonant to what latin america has gone through as a whole. el barco de teseo, the album's opener, deals with what a lot of families around latin america are still suffering through: the fact of not knowing what happened to their loved ones, who from one day to the next were taken away by military forces, never to be seen again by anyone, said to be "disappeared". this theming is also present in the title track, which despite its short length manages to be one of the most heartrending moments in the whole album, the fact that lines like "¿donde crees que están mis niñitos? / la verdad es que no lo sé" (where do you think my children are? / to be honest, i don't know) manage to pack so much meaning, so much sadness and despair in the face of uncertainty, speaks volumes to eduardo pavez' skills as a songwriter. the theme of remembrance is extremely important, not just to remember the things we've experienced as oppressed societies so we're not doomed to repeat them, but to remember those who have been forcefully stripped away from us, so that they keep living in our collective memory while we head into a possibly brighter future, and to be able to protect those around us in the face of adversity lest they suffer the same fate. "arma armaduras para protegernos / y nadie bailará sobre nuestros muertos" (make armor to protect us / and nobody will dance over our dead ones). there's probably going to be a barrier for entry for a lot of people if you don't know spanish, but i feel like it's necessary for whoever listens to this album to properly understand and digest the lyrics, otherwise you are missing a key part of the experience, so keep a lyric sheet nearby in case you need it. as i said, this is, to me, an extremely important album, and one of my favourites from this year. i'm glad i came across it because it's absolutely necessary to have albums like this. it deserves all the praise it can get.
"mira la plaza pintada encima intentando borrar la caída del mito del individuo las paredes que rayamos una y otra vez recordando nuestros muertos sus rostros repetidos hasta el infinito pegados en todas las paredes nos miran sin sonrisas porque saben a donde vamos hacia adelante avanzando siempre con la porfía de la memoria por delante con la porfía de la memoria por delante" - ciudad abierta
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maguro13-2 · 12 days
The Dark Repaint ~ Origins of the Ink Demon : Operation Drawcia Pt.13 ~
~ Drawcia Family HQ ~
Drawcia : Statsu Report.
Para Sorceress : All systems are online, communications established...green. We confirmed we have acquired the seven rainbow colors, all the painted areas in your data are magnificent. The planets of the Gamble Galaxy have been in once in orbit, until Zero Two the entity behind the invasive attacks, still was taken into custody by the Ripple Queen. All thanks to your work of art, we have restored the planets Aqua Star and Neo Star.
Drawcia : Excellent. Everything worked well in the Multiverse, but what about Shiver Star? Any of it's inhabitants?
Para Sorceress : The population of any human inhabitants of Shiver Star is positively zero percent. The only inhabitants that lived here are the inhabitants of Dreamland who resided in a desolate city after all of humanity was destroyed.
Drawcia : That's a relief. We monitored every situation...Shiver Star was earth after it was frozen by no meaningful circumstances.
Para Sorceress : You know what we do on how did a planet named Earth Shiver Star?
Drawcia : Affirmative. There was some kind power that turned Earth into Shiver Star. My fellow creator Adeleine and that human girl Ado were both from Earth before an icy incident occured. What was caused to be to froze the entire planet like that?
Para Sorceress : It is confirmed to be a native creature from the Planet Ragol, it's called the Sil Dragon, a variant type of the Dome Dweller, the original Dragon.
Drawcia : The Sil Dragon was responsible for freezing Earth into Shiver Star. That's why Kirby and friends ventured there to see what is left from humanity before he saved Gamble Galaxy from the hands of Zero Two.
Para Sorceress : Well...You seemed have a point though. I guaranteed that it will be much better than you think of. A dragon from an MMO's world is the one behind all of it.
Drawcia : So once I get the data done, we can finally operate everything in the system. Except for one common thing, I have no idea of what the solution of these problems can never be solved. But do we have agreement?
Para Sorceress : Yes, ma'am.
Drawcia : Good.
[No Way Out by Yutaka Minobe]
*Alarm beeping*
Drawcia : Now what?
Para Sorceress via Communication : Lady Drawcia! Sectors 3 and 8 have confirmed that the alien menace Black Arms have been driven out of Westopolis due to the heroic thanks of Sonic and Shadow...but Shadow was nowhere to be seen due to his location of somewhere. And now they've begun to ditch their selves into the forest.
Drawcia : What?
Para Sorceress via Communication : The Military Organization G.U.N is using full tactical use on Shadow to be stopped and buried. We confirmed what that man wanted Shadow badly.
Drawcia : Damn G.U.N. So those guys don't give up do they? Hopefully they'll be having a taste of their own medicine. But I'm still wondering what they're dealing with the black Arms and getting Shadow involved? Remain calm, all personnel, return to your currents posts, activate all defense lines to establish the COM link sectors.
Para Sorceress via Communication : Ryokai!
Drawcia : Alright. Humanity has gone too far, you and your men will be stopped and for all the actions you have caused in the past four years. I wonder how you go between them and the Black Arms threat that will destroy all.
*meanwhile at Egypt *
Seto : So we're paying a visit.
Grim : Quite true.
Seto : Looks like Alpha team made it here...Where are the mummies and pharaohs?
Grim : Still in their tombs.
Seto : Well...that's no concern wether they are still here or in the confinement center. Well...Since Eggman's Base was founded alpha already, all of G.U.N's forces have been driven out of the Desert, thanks to our forces being the only ones that survived. You sure this is the rendezvous point?
Grim : Loud and Clear.
*Cue Ethno Circus by Hideki Naganuma*
Seto : Alright...If you insist.
*Phone ringing+beep*
Seto : Hello!
Solva via Phone : Thank goodness!
Seto : Seto! Perfect timing!
Solva via Phone : We're currently inside of the place, you should get there in no time through the Mirage Road area.
Seto : That's sounds intriguingly a great idea.
Solva via phone : Hopefully, you could meet the man of another Death God.
Seto : Anubis you said?
Solva via phone : Yeah. That's what I thought.
Seto : Okay. I'll go through the Mirage Road...You stay put with Alpha okay?
Solva via Phone : Okay, Seto. Loud and clear. Okay rendezvous to the place that Anubis is in and make your way safer than before.
Seto : Okay got it. *phone beep* Come on, Master. Let's go meet Solva and the others. I'm sure they'll see brighter things for a better tomorrow. Wonder what good old Anubis is up to anyway? Hopefully he doesn't mind bargaining anything from his superiors.
Grim : Yes, Anubis was a dear friend to me, but me in a machine's body...I am still looking a lot like his robotic doppelganger.
Seto : Don't sweat it, you look great! So...Let's go meet with Anubis. Hopefully, I would be prove entertaining with a side of justice.
*scene changes*
Solva : For the last time, I asked for no pickles, I eat a sandwich like that so that I would eat it with plain cheese, And you, keep those enemies contained in the facility.
Egg Pawn : Yes ma'am!
Seto : Solva!
Solva : Seto, Master, gladly you make it!
Grim : Luckily, we were able to buy Anubis some time to get this place, we want to know why are we here.
Solva : So...What do you have in common?
Seto : Well...I did have no means fair, but we did a little turnover on the corner that a creature is taking over the desert of Egypt. What's your opinion.
Solva : You can say that ol' Anubis is tired of having problems to the DWMA. He proclaims of the Pyramid of Anubis himself was infested with those shadowy guys called the Heartless. And realized they've been attacked by the same organization with these guys.
Anubis : Greetings, Seto and Grim the Hedgehog, or should I say Death God of Sonic's world.
Anubis : Did you find anything suspicious lately?
Seto : Well, did heard that the Pyramid of Anubis was destroyed.
Anubis : Pyramid of what? Oh, that place, I had to demolish it, it was used as a base for the heartless to lure those into a trap, what do you think that "Kid" is to clever to combine the efforts of protecting that legacy what they cherished. Do you think it's hard to believe to tell one's truth and one's justice. That should be you.
Seto : Yeah, I know who it was to go into that heartless infested pyramid, it was this kid. [shows a photo of Death the Kid] Yeah, that's the one. He's the son of that so-called Shinigami and Shinigami's my title, MY TITLE! Some nerves that the Men of Shinra's influence to keep it all a secret! What idiots!
Grim : Yes, it's true. Maka Albarn has been long under the influence of that boy who created her world with the powers of the Burst, the Adolla Burst that was a flame originated from a thing called "Nothingness".
Anubis : "Nothingness" you say. I was hoping you would understand the truth from that old man who knows about Darkness and channeling one's anger.
Seto : Then who was it?
[Mistery by Seirou Okamoto]
Anubis : Apparently it was this man who believes in the power of Darkness. Master Xehanort.
Seto : Master Xehanort, that old geezer? He's responsible for all of that in the majestic world of Kingdom Hearts?
Solva : To be honest, Ansem the Seeker of Darkness was a heartless to seek all the powers for his revenge.
Seto : All that trouble for an imposter.
Solva : Well...What does Cloud have suspicions with his former arch enemy Sephiroth.
Grim : Nothing's too suspicious, but I believe that the DWMA is coming full circles with it's true colors showing, we're able to reveal what the DWMA is being the so-called Peacekeeping forces that is eating the world house out of home.
Anubis : Maybe you can tell us about it's true colors. The sworn enemies, th witches can lead the truth that they seek from witchkind's hero, Ashley the haunted girl.
Grim : Alright. Maybe Gruntilda would like a have few words saying why the witches of the world of Soul Eater that bad?
Anubis : Alright, maybe my followers would get the truth seeking by now.
"It all began back in Ohkuboverse a long time ago, Shinra the hero or we like to call him the Devil, has met a girl with platonic love who goes by the name Inca Kasugatani."
Seto : Who in the world is Inca Kasugatani?
"How can we describe such being that is responsible for the Witches havoc, maybe the truth mother of witches perhaps."
"It's the name of a human being that was sought by Shinra Kusakabe with the same heart of good or bad before the creation of Soul World".
"Her platonic love against him would bring several outcomes and was easily manipulated to become part of Demon Vibe's dream for galactic conquest as the so-called god that wanted to destroy all."
"Eventually, after Demon Vibe's banishment to another dimension, Shinra manifested the Fire World into Soul World, making the Burst as the beginning of everything for Soul Eater."
"The Time Eater came and planned that he and his human relative would scold Shinra for creating everything that he did, and begins to annihilate him along with his comrades including his beloved Iris, but for Inca Kasugatani, these deaths led her to insanity, but her platonic love for Shinra drove her with vengeance and combined the vibes of anger and sadness into frustration, which resulted the deadly force of energy as we all know as the Shattered Resonance in Real World AU".
Solva : Oh my God...That's where it all began in the world of Soul Eater, it was about 1000 years ago. And it happened before, Maka Albarn was the only one who could ever seek into truth.
[Organization XIII by Yoko Shimomura]
Anubis : Ironically, after the birth of his man-made son, Death, the men of the boy's influence were too arrogant for the realization of the sudden truth. To monopolize and sustain the legacy that is what's left from Shinra himself, they hardly understand the knowledge, not only did they violated the terms of Witches trying to destroy his legacy, they planned that they would use several heartless to destroy's the boys legacy, bu it wasn't their magic wreaked havoc over the heart, it was Dark Magic from the Mashimaverse.
Seto : But that's...
Anubis : And now in the 20th century, Heartless began running amok in the 20th century and then evil forces began spread like wildfire due to the conflicts between the School and the Majo Order located in Massachusetts.
Solva : So what you're telling us about the conflict between the school and...
Anubis : You certainly understand what truth ment for all us, Seto and Solva. The DWMA's enemies, they were no bad witches neither who were evil or heresy, they were only guardians trying to protect the Legacy of the Hero of Witchkind, who saved Mabaa and her followers from the faces of true evil itself. But the boy's influence has made both kinds stubbornly to keep truth out of the public, by calling them heroes and villains of the world of Soul Eater. BOOM! Shinra's influence has made everyone attempting to keep truth away from the media, the public eye, and the witches their selves! All thanks to one legacy that he have everyone made to protect and cherish it's power.
Seto : So that means...*SLAM* Damn it! After all this time, every hero from Soul Eater...Were all the heroes and villains of Soul Eater had been puppets on a string all along!? How did that happened before?
*Before the Ohkuboverse's destruction*
Heartless : Hmph! *HIT*
Anya Hepburn : UGH!
Heartless : Calling yourselves a bunch heroes showing the world some "courage", you are influencers of the devil's legacy, all of you!
Anya Hepburn : Okay we get it! it's all Maka and Tsugumi's fault, they made us do this way! We were all under the influence of Shinra Kusakabe!
Tsugumi : No...Why us? Are we girls were to put the blame on everything? It was the Mashimaverse I swear!
Maka Albarn : I didn't do no such thing! I did it all for the sake of Shinra!
Heartless : You have such great tales, heroes of this universe belonging to Shinra Kusakabe. Now what shall become left of the Ohkuboverse, will you reach the end of your tales and make the Ohkuboverse complete, or will you punch me out to expand this patehtic universe.
*changes back to Seto*
Heartless (voice heard) : Well...I guess those girls had to suffer! If the Ohkuboverse is gone and they are gone, then I guess the universe you lived in shall be no more and then you won't have to expand it with a new tale.
Seto : That's all I can remember before the Time Eater and expunged everyone including the Ohkuboverse that ceased to exist. But how did the Maka Albarn we know existed before. Where's the original.
Anubis : Well...the original that existed in Real World AU is...
Anubis : Wh-What the hell?! What is that blasted sound?
Egg Pawn via Radio : Enemy! Enemy Attack! This is Alpha Team! An unknown vessel is attacking this vicinity! It appears to be some kind of Scarab machine that is at the treasures!
Anubis : What? Which Scarab?
Egg Pawn : I don't know, but the scarab looks a little different.
Seto : How can you tell?
*scene then cuts*
Seto : Okay! Where is the scarab?
Egg Pawn : Right over there!
Seto : Huh?
*DBZ SFX : Surprise*
[The Crawler Tank (Stage 3 Boss) by Sota Fujimori]
Seto : What the!? That's not Scarab I know from Egyptian Mythology, somebody's inside that thing!
Solva : Do something with that pile of scrap heap!
Seto : Right! Hey, bug! Over here! Let's see you wanna tussle with this one, I'm all ears!
Master Hand/Announcer : SETO...VS...EGG SCARAB!
Seto : Bug off the treasures, bug of Egypt! I'm going full ears to take you down!
Master Hand/Announcer : Ready...GO!
Solva : Good luck, Seto! Give him a good clean fight!
Seto : Thanks, Solva! I know how to take him down...
Solva : How?
Seto : Like I'm being chased by it! [starts being chased around by the Egg Scarab] WAAAAAAAH!!! How do you stop that thing!? There's no way to beat this thing in one second!
Solva : I know! How about you hit cockpit with the ball that is wheeling!
Seto : Great idea, but that could work! I wonder who is controlling that thing?
Solva : So what are the odds of having tactical options, do you think that a menace like that would be the case of it!
Seto : Good thinking!? But I have more the solution come in full tactics. If I could hit the machine's cockpit with the ball like it's "it's soccer", I can directly attack it making it with a Uno reverse card!
Seto : Must kick it directly back at the right time.
*Egg Scarab launches the ball at Seto*
Seto : Now! [Seto kicks the Egg Scarab's ball, attaking it directly] Gotcha! Now you'll be nothing more than scrap metal than to be a Scarab of Egypt. The real Scarab would never attack the great Anubis! Time to find out who you really are inside that Tin-can of yours!
*Egg Scarab launches ball once again*
Seto : Think fast!
*Kicks ball at the Egg Scarab to Attack again*
Seto : Not bad!
*During mid battle*
Seto : Alright! This is it! If I hit one last time, it'll be over for you to lose your shine, bug!
??? : That's what you'll be thinking about that, girl!
Seto : That voice! That could be somebody inside the machine!
Solva : Now Seto! Hit the machine's face with a perfect "Goal"!
Grim : Tear that monstrosity apart!
*Egg Scarab launches ball one last time*
Seto : Sayonara, bug creep! *kicks ball one last time*
??? : *gaps* Eject!
*DBZ SFX : Loud Explosion*
Master Hand/Announcer : VICTORY!
[Groove Rush 3 by Hideki Naganuma]
Master Hand/Announcer : SETO...WINS!
Seto : That was all too easy!
Seto : Don't get your grudes against me!
Solva : Yes! You did it!
Grim : Well done!
Anubis : That was pretty impressive. Thank you for getting that contraption into smithereens.
Seto : Heh. No problem. Just me and my trustworthy sword.
??? : (moans) That smarts...
[Organization XIII by Yoko Shimomura]
Anubis : No...It can't be...God of Life and Death Osiris?
Osiris : A...Anubis! It's not what it looks like!
Anubis : What are you doing in that contraption?
Osiris : Those...Those fools set me up! They put me in this contraption so that they would know you're here.
Anubis : Who sent these shadowy creatures that would the vicinity of this great land?
Osiris : My words have been answered, Anubis. You've been betrayed by the DWMA, The Pyramid of Anubis was just a trap orchestrated by the heartless to lure them in, and thankfully, you had demolish it before the public finds out about this.
Grim : So the fools of the School were responsible for their crimes, Osiris, what did you see things in the continent of Africa?
Osiris : I believe there is some kind of facility that Medusa has been working at, it's a Black Blood facility located in the land of Libya! But I believe that someone is heading their way to destroy the research facility.
Seto : Who's it gonna be this time? Headquarters discovered of why is she going to that research facility. Who wanted to destroy a Black Blood research facility using the powers of colors?
Fraken Stein (?) : Perhaps that it was I who requested her to destroy that forbidden research facility where all of the snake witch's plan of destroying the planet shall be no more, the night is our control with and not her's.
Seto : The teacher of the DWMA?
Osiris : Negatory! This man isn't the DWMA's school teacher!
Franekn Stein (Sammy Lawrence) : Correct, I had to kill him in order to pay respect for the witch's kind, so that humans, witches, and demons can get along together.
*unveils his true appearance as Sammy Lawrence*
Seto : Hey, you're that cartoon creep from the 20th century! Sammy Lawrence was it?
Solva : How in the world did one man took the appearance of a school teacher that is dead?
Osiris : The body of Dr. Fraken Stein was discovered in the city of Tokyo, Shinra Kusakabe's home town. He's been killed by him after leading information about the boy's legacy which was something left from Shinra Kusakabe.
Seto : What? You mean the reason the Teacher went insane because he was leading information about the Legacy?
Osiris : If I'm not mistaken, then I suggest that the "original" who serves all the Ink Demons...Is the "original" Maka Albarn! Inky Albarn's true name...is Maka Albarn!
Anubis : The original was Maka Albarn was the queen itself! That means, Lord Phanto III fooled us all of creating a human copy of her!
Sammy Lawrence : That Eruka Frog witch was a such a smart thinker, meaning that the witch isn't expected what it seems to be. The reason we came to this contient because, we are here exterminate all of a villain's plan of destroying this planet. Lady Albarn is her true purpose and title as "Lady". She's helping Eruka to destroy that monstrous witch's facility to erase all evidence, to recover the Ink Demon's royal blood.
Seto : She's helping who? I better get to Libya right away! Hope Sonic doesn't mind about this Emerald that he has.
*Holds out the Purple Chaos Emerald*
Seto : Chaos...CONTROL!
*SFX : Chaos Control*
Solva : Good luck, Seto. Stop that monstrosity from destroying this planet.
Anubis : Let my followers pray that Seto must stop that Heartless villain's evil plan of destroying Shinra's legacy.
Egg Pawn via Communication : Master Grim! This is Hang Castle Security Force's Alpha Team. We have confirm location that Sonic is searching for the fourth Chaos Emerald at a Naval Station. According to Intel, Shinra the Devil Chaos and his comrade Saber Arthur are getting into contact finding the White Chaos Emerald which were counterfeits, Where can the other White Chaos Emerald might be?
Grim : I know where it is, the other squads are at another Castle, the castle that I originally came from my training days...was Cryptic Castle.
~ Mission 12 : Osiris Eleven ~
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gotmattitude · 6 years
we’re gone but we don’t know where
WHO: Santana Lopez ( @trickstersantana​ ) and Matt Rutherford, with NPCs Julio Lopez, Someone.
WHAT: Running errands in New York City, doing some sponsor/sponsee bonding? Sort of?
WHEN: Sep 22nd
WHERE: A building in a dark alley.
WARNINGS: Mention of needles/injections, stabbing, manipulation, death, murder implied?
Santana walked, or almost run, alongside Matt through the city, too happy of her fake sense of freedom. She was too used to being trapped in NYADA. "C'mon, Hoodoo guy, we are almost there." She said with a big smile. She talked with her 'sib' Oliver to know where to met with them and her fake parental figure. She should be wary, she should warn Matt even more of how awful he was. But still, she was happy to see him and talk with him again. A happiness that would end quickly, she knew it very well. "This is the place." She said pointing to a   seemly abandoned building on a dark alley. The kind of place where super hero parents die. "Alright, fair warning. My 'dad' is a fucking ass. Like, the worst, the less he know of you, the best. Oh God, thank you so much for this Matt I will always value your sacrifice, I'm sorry you always have to met the worst... the worst of my kind when you are with me." She would love to tell him she could introduce him to a nice trickster someday, but she didn't knew anyone she liked. Her 'mom' only, but she didn't want to see Santana.  "Ready?"
Matt's internal gears were turning as Santana bounded through the streets of NYC. It was really about time that he used his privilege for something other than snarking Bloodlines on the internet, he thought, just as Santana urged him on. "I'm walking, I'm walking," he said, a little distracted, but speeding up to keep up with her. The building seemed sketchy, at least at first glance, but he'd slept in worse places before. He'd just keep his hands in his pockets; one on his phone, the other on his wallet. "Alright, sure. Is this your hangout spot, or?" 
He wondered what was up with Santana's 'family,' what they'd done, but didn't ask. Some people got shitty families. Some of them were shitty enough to add scare quotes to the word. He nodded along, until she started apologizing to him. "Hey, c'mon. Tamamo--Tamamo wasn't your fault. Your 'dad' is also probably not your fault. Besides, I know one badass trickster already, the bar was too fuckin' high," he joked. "And you know, you don't represent your entire race, and all that shit." Giving a last tentative glance towards the place, he nodded. "Don't let him know too much, he's an ass. I got it. I'm ready when you are."
Santana nodded at the question, but she wasn't that sure. It might be a trap too.  She knew it wasn't her fault, completelly, at least on the Japan part, still, she felt like she was dragging Matt into danger. But she wasn't sorry enough sorry to stop it. She smiles a little at the compliment. "Lucky for them, or they would be super screwed" She joked back. When she was about to open the door, someone opened it from the inside. 
Someone who looks very shady opens the door. They are a white teen, pretty shorty, with black hair and a red hoodie. Even without meeting them before, you could sense the annoying teen energy surrounding them. "Hermanita!! You finally arrived!!" They shout in a very bad spanish pronunciation, quickly hugging Santana to her exasperation. "Hay! Who are you? Who are you? A new friend? What's your name?" They ask very fast, looking at Matt, ending the hug with Santana and going to hug the other guy if no one stopped the energetic kid.
Matt chuckled at her joke, adding something like 'whatcha gonna do about it' before the door swung open, and someone... interesting came out of the other side. He tried not to be annoyed, but Aether, he'd barely been a teenager, and sometimes he was really grateful for that, including right then. An eyebrow raised, he was selfishly glad for a moment that this kid was Santana's "something"--although probably not her "dad"-- and not his. 
Until the kid started heading towards him. Frozen in place, he let them hug him, patting them awkwardly on the back as the only vague form of reciprocation. "I'm Matt," he said when the hug was released, and he could comfortably breathe again, in his own bubble of personal space. "I'm Santana's friend. What's your name?" It was polite to ask, but now he was also very curious. Where had this kid come from?
Santana groans and complains when the kid shows they're still existing. "Oh my God, I'm no family or 'family' or yours. I'm nothing yours. Don't bother Matt you brat" She fear Matt was already saying too much information, but hoped it won't scalate. She went upstairs hoping the others will follow. She enters a room that looked like it was abandoned for years until a little kid found it to turn it into their secret operation base. She entered the living room, completelly covered with a blanket fort, lots of toys and anime figures on the floor and snacks and sweets around. She rolled her eyes when she noticed her 'dad' was sitting on the couch. Inside the blanket fort. "God fucking dammit Cabrón. Really? Your idea of safe place to meet is where the brat lives, right?" She could notice how unconfortable was to be in a room with two other tricksters,  but she know Matt was the only one there that had to suffer 3 distrust auras. 
Someone smiles and moves nerviously and happy. "Do you have a tumblr, Santana's friend? Guess my name!" They said, and fake cries with Santana's complains while she goes upstairs "You're so meaaaaan, you both use me as a messenger and... hey don't ignore me!!" They say as the walk upstairs too. 
The man in the sunglasses smiles at seeing Santana appear, getting up from the couch, but still not being able to stand up fully for the blankets. "That's how you say hi to your old 'dad'?" He says, sound fakelly offended. "If you assume the horse kid lives here." He shrugs. "But let's get to the point, I know you aren't visiting just because you miss me."
Matt stiffens up when this kid asks for his tumblr. Were they going to hack him? Spam him?  Dig up his every secret and expose them to the world?? He smiles, tight and uncomfortable, and thinks for a long second. "I'll guess your name if you guess my tumblr URL. And no checking Santana's blog for clues." He's setting himself up for failure, he can feel it. But there was no such thing as being too careful, not in this city, not this year, not anytime. 
When they go upstairs,  underneath all the alertness, something twists in his chest. Santana had once told him their pasts weren't so different, and he knows many LN experience homelessness, but the childishness of the blanket forts, of the candy and the toys makes sympathy shine through. When Santana makes that comment though, he finds himself looking around. Is there someone here? Is this a setup?? 
Matt looks to Santana for guidance on how to react to this man. Her "dad". He gives a noncommittal nod when he speaks to her, but doesn't greet him out loud. Yet. Shit. Now he's also wondering why Santana wanted to come here when she thought so badly of her "family". Maybe she found out about Brownstone. Maybe this was a way to quietly say "fuck you" for being another sponsor with blood on his hands. Or maybe she is a really good actress and she hates shadow magic more than she let on. His eyes dart back and forward between all three tricksters, and he has to push himself to settle down. What the fuck, chill, he thinks.
Someone looks defeated. What a masterful way to ruin their machinations. "Uuuhhhhhhhhh.... mattfriendofsantana dot tumblr dot com!" They try to guess while they go upstairs, and sits next to the man on the sunglasses. "I don't live here! This is my super secret operation base!!" They said with pride. 
Santana rolls her eyes. But she did miss him, sometimes she wasn't interacting with him. Everytime they met again it was full of regret. "You said things you knew things. About enchantments. So c'mon be a decent fake dad a help your fave fake daugther, you bastard." 
The man in the sunglasses points at the kid like saying. 'See?' and waves at the other man that went with Santana. "Hello, sorry my daugther was raised to forget to introduce people. You can call me Julio, who are you?" He asks, and talks a little softer to Santana, in spanish. "¿Cuánto confías en él? Y no digas que no te fias de nadie, eso ya lo se, Niebla. But yeah sure, if you are a decent fake daugther and give me the information I asked you about months ago."
Matt probably shouldn't feel as satisfied as he does to have outsmarted a child. But he does, and a smile tugs on his lips as they guess the wrong username. "Wrong. I'll tell you what letter it starts with if you tell me what letter your name starts with." Matt suggests, and even though he's probably a bit too cocky at the moment, the end of the sentence turns into a question. "Operation base for what?" he asks before he can stop himself. Do teenagers tend to have these sort of things? Is this normal? It takes him a second to brush off the confusion, but when he does, the initial suspicion lingers. Is this an ambush?? 
And Santana's asking about enchantments, and he would have thought there wasn't much left inside him to be twisted up, but there is. Aether, he hopes someone is able to help her. Brownstone was months ago, and she is still dealing with this shit?He tries to stand next to Santana and look intimidating with arms crossed, but his eyes keep darting from person to person to 'secret operation base', giving away his uneasiness. 
Matt nods at Santana's 'dad', and something about the way he spoke strikes a nerve. "Eh, politeness is fuckin' overrated. I'm Matt, it's... interesting to meet you, Julio." His attention drifts when the conversation turnsinto Spanish, once again glancing around the room. He has been here for... what? Two minutes? Two hours? And he's thoroughly confused. Thoroughly. He catches the tail end of her 'dad''s sentence, and an eyebrow rises of its own accord as he glances sideways at Santana. What the fuck was going on here?
Someone is too hooked up with this. "O!" Then pouts exageratelly "I told you is super secret! But it's for super secret meetings, like this one!" They reveal anyway. "Stop talking in spanish I want to know what you guys say!!" 
Santana was annoyed, but she throws him a notebook she was carrying in ther bag (who was there the whole time). "En una escala de 0 a 10, siendo un 0 'no le diría ni mi nombre', y 10 lo que me fio de la prediccion del tiempo, un 7. Now. What do you know?" Santana can see Matt also dislikes her 'dad' from minute one like every living on Earth. "We don't respect politeness in this fucking house." She says proud. 
The man in the sunglasses smirks. "Interesting. That's pretty generous. In the 'family' we have a saying about Santana's friends. They are either naive fools she's trying to use, or people without any morals whatsoever, which one are you?" He tries to catch the notebook in the air, but he fails, and he has to crouch to get it. "Eso es un número muy alto para ti, Niebla, te fias demasiado del hombre del tiempo." He says without opening it. "I actually don't know that much about enchantments and you suspected it, so this notebook is full of lies, right? But to not get stuck in the accusations of lying like always, let's jump to the deals. I'll have to do my research and if I get something, you tell me something. Now, what's the enchantment about. I can't help much without data, you know that."
Matt starts going through all the names with O he knows in his head. As it turns out, they're not that many. Octavius. Octavia. Octopus. Fuck. A deal's a deal, though, so he begrudgingly offers his URL initial as well. "G." What kind of super secret meetings do teenagers even have? Is this the first one to be hosted here? He also wants to know what Santana and her "dad" are saying, but he refuses to agree with this kid right now. Maybe there will be time for that later. 
Discreetly, he tries to gauge what they're saying. He hears numbers. Maybe it's a secret code. The little phrase about politeness shakes him out of it, but before he can react, Julio is talking to him. Eyes narrowed, he laughs a little, and crosses his arms over his chest. This is a test of some kind, he can tell. But he's not going to fall for it. "Bit of both. I'm a naïve dumbass with shit for a moral compass." The notebook falls straight to the ground, and he bites back a laugh, trying to not get visibly frustrated when he speaks Spanish again. Is he talking about me?? It's alright though, soon enough his eyes bounce back between the two like he's watching a ping pong match. "What do you know about Enchantments? Forcing people to do shit they don't want to do?" Matt asks, arms still crossed and keeping his gaze straight.
Someone checks their phone when they heard the first clue and opens Santana's tumblr page to find a blog she rebloged starting with G. They will scroll down until They Find Matt.
Santana is already nervous just looking at Matt and her 'dad' talk, but she knew showing she cares too much about Matt won't end well and her fake father would be ven more of a dick. She doubts before giving an answer. She crosses her arms. Ah, fuck it. "Ah, you know." She shrugs. "Self-deprecating magic bullshit. To be ashamed of myself, that I'm alone, or no one will miss me, that other people think I'm just an animal and all that super fake shit that is totally not real and I don't believe for a moment." She tries to say non challant like its her grocery list. "Alright maybe I believe that but it's magic's fault!"
The man in the sunglasses laughs at Matt's answer. "This guy is fun, Mist. I hope you aren't planning to stab him." He says way too casually. "Enchantments is manipulation for inepts who don't know how to convince people without magic." He listens to Santana, quiet for a while. "Oh, you finished? Really? That's it? God damnit Mist, you believed all those things already. What a redundant and useless spell."
Matt sighs when the kid takes out their phone. This is going to go great. 
[CW: needles]
His eyes narrow at the stabbing comment. What. The. Fuck. Was that an inside joke??? Did Santana regularly stab her friends, or enough so that her "dad" asks about it. "Don't worry, I stab myself enough with needles regularly. I can handle myself." Could he though??? He's trying real hard to look completely different than how he felt, which was threatened and confused as fuck, and he doesn't know if it's working.
Focused on what Santana is saying, his guard drops for a moment. Aether, how had it been so long since Brownstone, and he had no idea this was going on? He never means to pry, to force people to talk about things they don't want to, and he's been so ridiculously focused on his own bullshit that he just didn't know the enchantment went this deep. What a fucking dick. But this isn't the place to voice that. He turns back to Santana's "dad" and crosses his arms tighter against his chest again, and ignored the pang that comes with this comment that these things weren't new. "Do you know how to help her or not?"
Santana super fake laughs and then acts super offended "Excuse me? I had never, NEVER stabbed anyone with a real knife." She might had try a lot of times, though. 'How much do you know about it, you bastard?' She was getting even more nervous and unconfortable. "Don't listen to him, Matt, he thinks he is soooo funny" She rolls her eyes, and controls herself from saying 'I would never do that to you' because it would be too much of a lie. Who knows what the future hold, right? She gets even more angry to his fake father reaction. "I guess!!! But you don't have to be a dick about it!" She answers without thinking. "Ughhhh, c'mon! You are just saying that because...because you don't know shit about getting rid of it and you just want to...aggh!!" She is too annoyed and embarrased to say a proper argument.
The man in the sunglasses keeps his confident smile on. "Is that because you take drugs or the...the sugar thing...thing" He says, snapping his fingers, like he doesn't remember the name but it's so close to get it and that would help. He groans frustrated to his bad memory. "Mist, you throw a knife to my face, don't act all hight and mighty like you are above stabbing." He says as casually as fake dad could talk to his fake daughter about something as not washing the dishes. He calmly stares at Santana while she gets progresivelly more annoyed. "I told you it's like manipulation. Just manipulate yourself back goddamnit. Where is your manipulative liar pride? You are terrible at it, but also you believe a lot of crap, so it could work."
Matt is really doing his best to not freak out about the whole 'does Santana plan to stab me' thing, and he knows he's being irrational--oh. The aura. Times three, probably. He tries to push it down, and quirks a smile at Julio. "Testosterone," he says simply. Still... there have been knives thrown before, it seems, but he'll ask her about this afterwards. Aether, this experience has been fun already. He laughs awkwardly before he clears his throat and laughs again, still falsely, but more sarcastically. "Hilarious," he comments. 
Matt knows everyone has their insecurities, but today has really been a wake-up call, and he's growing steadily more annoyed at Julio, and worried about Santana, until he offers them a solution. Manipulate yourself back? Admittedly, that seemed like the wrong approach to take about getting herself to believe she wasn't an animal, or alone. But maybe Leah could help with that. "She's a fucking great manipulative liar," he defends her, and the words come tumbling out of him before he can stop them. "Is there anything else you know?" Matt asks.
Santana shrugs, still very annoyed and angry at everything. "But you dodged it! Geez old man, get over it. You deserved it. And stop asking Matt questions!" She frows even more at the useless advice. "That's bullshit. It's like an illusion. I could make a deal everyday so you had a noisy fly flying in front of your face forever. You can try to ignore it, even if you know it's not real, but it's still there." She doesn't know how to feel about Matt's defense. "Yeah!" 
The man in the sunglasses snaps his fingers when Matt's says testosterone. "Insulin! Oh, it's not that." He says first proud and then dissapointed. The kid stops staring at their phone to complain. "Daaaad, I explain it to you!" and the man makes shushs sounds so they shut up. "Mist that's hurtful, I'm hurt. And someday, someone won't dodge your knives, and they would be no one to stop you. " Beats. "That sounded too optimist." He laughs at Matt saying Santana is any good at manipulation. "If she was, you wouldn't know. But you know because she is not subtle at all. I love you, Mist, but you are terrible." He raises his eyebrows to Santana's explanation. "You should have started by that! Then you know how to deal with illusions, I already teach you half of what I know!"
Someone whose name starts with O grins. "Found it~! Oh! You're a doppel!! I have some theories about doppels."
Matt, without thinking it over, blurts out: "or she might stop throwing knives at people." There are many ways to stab someone. In their back. Looking right at them. Having someone else throw the knife. With a hidden contraption. Still, he cringes at his own completely useless addition and gives Julio a look like he just owned him. Which he knows he didn't. What the fuck is he even trying to do here. Maybe he should just let Santana talk. "That's not necessarily true," he says, immediately contradicting his decision to let Santana do the talking. "You can realize after you've been manipulated how much they fucked you over." He shrugs. 
He narrows his eyes at Santana's example about the fly, and he thinks about it for a moment. "But maybe he can convince you to stop making the deal." Get to the root of the problem. He ignores Julio's comments about illusions. Santana's at least half the reason he's even attempted to work on his illusion magic. Blaine's like 15%. The rest is just he really likes learning. 
Looking at the kid, he lifts his chin. "What did you explain to him?" Matt asks, just as Julio shushes them. A sigh leaves him before he can stop it when they find him online and immediately put their foot in their mouth. "Theories? About doppels?" An eyebrow is high in his forehead, and his arms remain crossed against his chest.
Santana is actually a little happy Matt is there and not only full of regret. "Yeah! Thanks, Matt" She stops to look at him. "Wait, what do you mean?" Hey, nice, actually they are discussing solutions and brainstorming. Who had though, talking things with people actually helped? "In this case, stop doing the deal would MAYBE had been getting rid of that bastard's magic. But SOMEONE" Marley. "Didn't want to testify for it.Yes I'm talking about you know how." She says Marley with her mouth in case Matt doesn't get it, but with no sound. "It's Marley I'm blaming Marley. And the entire  judicial system but mostly Marley."
The man in the sunglasses continues his theory.  "You know what to do agaisnt an illusion, Santana. Look out for the truth." His phone sounds, he checks it,  an shush the kid again,  "Don't waste time, we have to go now, Mist. I'll ask around to make your work easier, and you give the fucking information, alright?" 
Someone whose name starts with O knows they don't have much time. Their theories won't be stopped. "Everyone thinks doppels come from witches but WHAT IF" They say, very exagerately and dramatic. "Doppels are actually the tricksters who get to become human."
Gears are turning in Matt's head, and he points at Santana as he processes the information. "No--I don't mean Fuchs's magic," he says, as his attention remains on trying to hypothetically solve the enchantment problem. "Although I have no fucking clue why Marley wouldn't get her ass to court to testify," he says offhandedly, only sounding mildly annoyed. "I'm saying we get to the source of the problem. The source of your beliefs. And work from there." Shrugging, he speaks towards the ground for a moment. "Maybe we don't get rid of the deal at first. Maybe some days the fly is quiet. Maybe some days it just lays there. Maybe it buzzes without being able to see it. But we take steps."
Look out for the truth. Manipulate yourself back. Santana says Julio doesn't know enchantments, but Matt's starting to think he knows enough, at least, for them to make some progress. "Leaving so soon?" he asks, like he was really enjoying their company. 
Matt is straight-up rendered speechless when O-kid shares their theory, at least for a series of seconds that stretch long. If tricksters became human, would they have memories? Would they arise as doppels do? "Where would we get the memories of our past lives, then?" He asks, trying to one-up some kid, like an adult is supposed to do. "I'm pretty sure doppels are just doppels. Tricksters who become human are humans who used to be tricksters?" The first sentence is pretty confident, but the second sounds just about as unsure as he feels right now.
Santana groans "Because her problems are more important than everyone's else." But she rather focus on solutions now. "Ugh, Matt, the source is the entire world and systematic racism. This is not a thing we can change from the source. We are looking for realistic, magical solutions here" She listens to how Matt follows her fly metaphor. She doesn't agree, she just wants to kill the bug forever. Her fake dad was going to leave, anyway. "Alright, alright, I'll give you your shit info, but you better do something because I'm just going to give you as muchinformation as you give me. You have to go? Oh my God, please, tell me is not because there is some dangerous person coming here trying to kill you out of revenge for some fucked up thing you did to them." She stops for a moment. "It's Darling?" She is so annoyed at the kid. "If there wasn't like, proofs or evidence of doppels coming from witches, yeah, suuuure." Santana rolls her eyes to Matt outright lying to the kid. You don't even think you are human, Matt, don't say tricksters are now
Someone  whose name starts with O doesn't want to leave yet. "From the life as a trickster, of course! But doppels comes from someone else." The kid laughs at Matt question. "Hahahaha you have no idea, don't you?"
 The man in the sunglasses text someone, then throws the phone to the ground and breaks it. "You know it." He says with a smile and he could talk in spanish, but it would be easier to talk on a way only Santana would get. "But no, do you remember Clown and Mirror? Medieval fair, 2014.  This is like that time before Nails tried to throw a goat to Doorframe combined with that time Darling and Tibula were betting our lifes on a game of jenga at the aquarium." 
Santana hears that totally understanding the gravity of the situation and grabs Matt's arm. "Matt we have to go."
Matt scoffs. "A lot of shit is product of systemic oppression, and it doesn't mean you can't work on it. " He's pretty proud of his idea and his metaphors, alright? Besides, life already seems pretty bleak without adding 'no way to combat self-loathing thoughts instilled on you by systemic racism'. He's not about to add an extra layer of bleakness on purpose. "Maybe there's no magic solution. At least not without using more enchantments." 
"I'm almost sure that's not true," he tells the kid. "There's some pretty witchy memories in there. But it's not like that shit's gonna stop you from making up theories like that in your head. So whatever." Jesus, he's like the teenager here now. But he's annoyed. Sure, he has no idea, but do they have to point it out like that??
He goes to continue to argue--he's not even sure about what, but that seems to be what he's doing today--when it seems like things start moving real fast, real suddenly. His head jerks one way, and then the other, and his heart drums in his chest when tension seems to rise out of nowhere and Santana grabs his arm. "Wh--what? Sure. Sure, let's go." Glancing back towards Julio and the kid, he waves half-heartedly. "Nice... to meet you?"
Santana frows. There is has to be a magic solution. Bitch don't say that bullshit but instead she just makes complaining noises about it. She waves goodbye "Die a painful dead." Santana says, with a friendly tone. "I love you too!" his 'dad' answers. Oliver just says bye very enthusiastically.
She brings Matt outside, almost dragging him by the arm until they are out the flat. And then until they are far away from the flat. "Oh man, uuuuuughhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I fucking hate him so much!" She complains, angry. "Sorry I dragged you into this. But..." She calms herself a bit. "But it really helped me. I think."
Matt waves goodbye to everyone in a confused daze as he's pulled away, partly by his own feet and partly by Santana. He's so confused by the circumstances, but he doesn't say anything while Santana complains. He just pats her on the arm while glancing over the direction they'd come from. 
His muscles relax when Santana says it had helped her. "Did it? You seemed sort of skeptical about it." His teeth worries his lip for a moment. "I told you before that I would help you with this, and I haven't been doing great at that, but whatever you think of for this shit, I'm in."
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loohs-posts · 2 years
Warning: Death,Sadness,I think that's all
the photos are not mine, all credits go to their real owners.
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{Pedri González×Reader}
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"What if I died?" my girlfriend asked, i looked her in the eyes that were shining brighter than the starry sky
"I would kill myself, because I would NEVER find love without you. Life is no fun without you, living without you is torture, remember when I asked you to be my girlfriend? In fact, this is one of the best days of my life" I said and smiled
"Shit, I fell in love with the most beautiful and kind boy in the world" your small and fragile fingers touched the boy's face, and Pedri's fingers touched your waist, gluing your bodies, you leaned your head on his chest listening to his heartbeat
"Promise me something?" Pedri kissed her forehead and nodded
"Promise me...that the tumor surgery goes wrong...can you live for me? i want you to find someone else" you said in a firm voice
"Pedri, my love... You know the chances are slim" you replied.
The bedroom door opened and a nurse came in, she didn't say anything else you two understood
"I love you. Forever my favorite player" you looked into his eyes and pulled the boy into a tight hug, the two broke apart and then you pulled him in for a kiss. Perhaps the last.
The hall lights flickered and Pedri rubbed her arms against the cold, and stared at the white door in front of her. You were in there.
The door that Pedri was facing seconds before opened and the same nurse who called her into surgery came out, and looked at the boy with a serious face, Pedri swallowed hard and took a deep breath.
"Mr. González...I'm sorry" the nurse stared at the floor not wanting to make eye contact
"No...That's not true, this is a joke isn't it? My girlfriend has always been a joker so she asked you to join in the joke isn't she?" the poor boy asked, letting out a hiccup from crying while his mother and his mother ran and hugged the boy
"She can't have died, she can't..." the boy muttered in shock, the nurse approached and Pedri looked at her "this is a joke right?" he asked even though he knew the answer and the nurse then called Sarah shook her head
Pedri felt her heart break in half, and her beautiful eyes burned from crying so much. The joy that existed in the boy died and the only person who could bring her back was dead.
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Liked by yourmother,yoursister,pablogavi and 598,999 people
Pedri All our plans, everything we imagined, nothing left now, my love. You're gone forever, you'll never come back and I don't know where to go, how to go on. Life gave me the perfect girlfriend, but perfection was so evident that death decided to steal you from me. I don't know how to deal with this pain, this suffering, this longing. Rest in peace dear, rest forever. I will love her and respect our feelings forever, no matter what. My heart is, and always will be, yours.
My eternal love @yourinstagram
yourmother Don't worry, she will always be watching and taking care of you.
hisbrother 🖤😕
yoursister Pedri González was my sister's great love, she died loving this boy. And they just didn't get married due to the surgery that caused his death.
pedrifan in some multiverse they are together 🥺
pablogavi I will never, ever get over you. 💔 I'm sorry mate, we're here for anything
user nobody but them 😭
userbr digitem seu F para nosso Romeu e Julieta do mundo real...
barcelonafan Yn and Pedri González, the best couple the world has ever had 💔🙁
user This girl seems to be the love of his life... I don't know, the way he talks about her, and the way they were happy.
pedriandynforever Pain and depression? we have
userbr Almas gêmeas que não se encontram no final...
footballforever I hope they live this romance in other lives :(
user I was never happy
pedrifan if the multiverse exists, in one of them they are happy, get married and have children
User they loved each other so much :((
*see the other 2,328 comments*
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thegleeacademy · 3 years
If we want our character to get a pet with the pet fair, do we just say it happened or is there something we need to do? Is there a weight limit for dogs or anything like that?
I'm getting to this a little late, I ended up going out with friends for few days and just left the internet. Whoopsies. Usually, I'm pretty relaxed when it comes to things. I feel like I have to be a stickler for things like drugs and alcohol and who gets to play staff because if I'm not, history has proven to me that shit will go absolutely bonkers and it's just too much. But when it comes to pets, not only have I never allowed pets at TGA so I don't have history with it, I figure... it's rp. The one place you can have any pet you want. So long as we all know that this is fantasy and not how real life should work, you can literally get a tiger baby for all I'll restrict you. Joe Exotic, look out. It's a fun reason to start researching different animals too, and learning more about what they need. When it comes to more wild animals like this, they would be domesticated obviously. We'll say their wild animal parents were rescued from bad zoos and they were born in the rescue or something so they're all just super chill and unrealistic but like I said... this is rp. I've seen people do pet monkeys and little, tiny wild cat things in school rp before. Also, this would be one of those reasons why people might end up with a bigger suite, or a suite with more customized wild cat stuff, like hobby trails or something. I will also be putting up outside space for animals to be put outside safely and comfortably with enough room to hang out and vibe while students are in class. Obviously, I don't really expect anyone to decide they want a tiger, but the point is that I'll make whatever work.
We're still going to stick with the one pet per person rule so things don't get too crazy, especially with claims being a thing. Imagine claiming two subs and you've got 10 cats, one sub has 12 monkeys, and the other sub has 20 dolphins. Have fun in that suite. So we'll stick with one each, I think that's fair. If there are circumstances where someone wants 2, they can talk to the Headmistress about it. That will definitely be allowed in certain cases, like if someone wants 2 mice or other such small pets. Service animals are also an option here. And the pet fair will end at some point, which means there will no longer be a vast array of animals just chilling on campus for your characters to go pet and play with, but the academy will continue a contract with the animal shelter for future characters that also want to adopt; they can just say they looked online at their website to pick and adopt if they're interested after the fair is gone.
So no weight limit. As for how it happens, you can go ahead and talk on the dash about visiting the pet fair. You can even para it out with other people, or do like... text or dash chats where you're talking to each other about what kinds of pets you might like to have. Then you just say it happened, yeah. I'd suggest posting a picture to social media to announce it so it's canon on your blog.
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agentsoftie · 4 years
Sleepless Nights ( S.R ) p.2
summary: Y/N and Reid aren’t the most fond of each other. So what happens when sleep, have to share a bed, and get married?
pairing: Y/N x Spencer Reid
a/n: a/n: AHH okay so here it is! It’s my first au so it’s probably not the best. But big thanks to @anepiphany! Ani baby none of this would be happening without you! Thank you for you tips and making me not go insane! Also pls tell me if I slept something wrong cuz like, your girl not the best when it comes to it. Also there will def be a loophole somewhere in my case and if you find one, just let it slide because life is filled with loopholes ❤️ also this is gonna be a two parter! ( this is the second part )
warnings: mentions of a case, angst and blood (the smallest amount), fluff really though
also if you want to be in my permanent taglist, just tell me and I’ll add you!
Remember to like and reblog
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“So today happened,” you say while you got into bed.
Yeah, today happened. So, I guess we're gonna do this thing huh,”
Wait, is he asking me out? you think to yourself. No dumbass of course he isn't. He's talking about the event thing. you say to yourself mentally. “Yeah, I guess so.”
“So, sleep huh.” He asked awkwardly.
“You know, sleep. Like us, together. No, wait t-that came out wrong. I meant like we’re gonna sleep, but ike together on the same bed. But if you're not tired then we-” He got cut off by you when you grabbed his arm. Immediately he looked down at your hand and then up. He looked like he had just seen a ghost and gotten an A in a class you were failing at, at the same time.
“Breathe, just breathe. How ‘bout you take a shower huh.” You say in an airy voice while still holding onto his arm.
“Uh, okay. Yeah, a shower. That sounds good.” He said, forcing you to let go of his hand.
It takes him 10 minutes to finish taking his shower. Tonight he comes out wearing another pair of basketball shorts and another tee. It really makes you wonder if all he goes to sleep in is a pair of shorts and a tee. Like really Reid come on. You have money, use it on some proper pj’s. Although you're one to argue wearing another pair of shorts and a loose crop top.
“You said last night that there was no hot water so it took you ten minutes, well this time there still was and it again still (italicize) took you ten minutes. Like what the fuck!”
“I'm not really one for hot water. But my statement last night still remains true, you took up the hot water.”
“ Reid, this is a hotel. They almost always have hot water running.”
“Okay well, I don’t care!”
“I thought you were supposed to be the smart one.”
“Ha, so you admit it!”
“Admit what?”
“That I’m smarter than you!”
“Well in certain areas, yes,” you said in an annoyed tone. He was smirking at your struggle for answering. “Ugh, can we just go to sleep.” You say not wanting to continue this conversation.
You woke up to the sound of rain pouring outside. The skies were as gray as a child on a monday. You felt something on your stomach and to your surprise that feeling was a man known as Dr. Spencer freaking Reid. He was laying on you with his head right under your chin. You were holding his hand and your legs were intertwined with his again. You can't remember what happened last night to lead up to this, but what's done is done. The person you've been pining over for the last 3 years was here laying on you and looking like a fucking god.
Your phone started to ring causing him to wake up.
“Emily? Oh, okay yeah, I'll be there in 20.” She told you to go to the address that she had sent you. Saying to bring Reid with you to get your outfits for tonight. “Reid, come on we gotta go.” You say looking down at the art that was placed in front of you.
“No, I don't wanna leave. I just wanna sleep.” You had never seen this side to him before. So soft and sweet. Was the universe trying to make you fall for him? If so, then it was working.
“No come on, we have to get our outfits for tonight. We have to get ready and eat something. So come on, get up.” you say trying to get up but failing because he holds you back.
“No. sleep.” He mumbles half awake.
“Spencer, how ‘bout this. How about you sleep for a little until I take a shower and stuff. Then you can get up.”
“Okay, fine.” And with that he was out, leaving you go gaze over the literal form of perfection.
“Y/L/N how long does it take to get changed?” Reid yelled.
“Oh will you shush!”
“Geez, no need to get so mean.”
“Iswear I will backhand you so hard if you don't shut up!” You say while walking out. And at the sight of seeing you he was speechless. Staring at you like you had something stuck in your teeth. “What?” You say looking down at your black floor length gown.
“No n-nothing. It's just-”
“Just what?”
“You look good in that dress.”
You looked down immediately after he said that fearing he would see the blush. He did. “Yeah well, you look good too.” you say while moving your hands after the redness was gone.
“I know.” He said, smirking causing you to make a sarcastic face.
“Okay, well we have to go now or Hotch will literally kill us.”
“You. He’ll kill you.” He says while walking out of the door.
“And you would just love that, wouldn't you.” You say following him out.
“Reid, you have your gun?”Hotch askes.
“Yes.” He said.
“Wait, where should I put mine?” You ask while holding your gun.
“Oh, you see, you're not going to have one.” JJ says while taking your gun away slowly.
“Then what the hell am i going to use as self defence?”
“You're a badass, you'll figure it out.” Emily says suggestively.
“Damn straight.” You say smiling causing her and JJ to laugh. Reid was not impressed.
“Okay, these glasses have a secret video camera in them sending footage to Garcia once you turn it on. So whatever you do, don't take these off.” Hotch says while handing Reid a pair of glasses that match his suit. “And Y/L/N this is your “wedding ring.” It has a video camera in the diamond so try to keep your hand up and try to make it as visible to people as possible.” He says while handing you the ring.
“Okay you're married, so act like it!” Rossi says before you two leave.
“Yeah, you both better be so in love it makes someone sick.” Emily adds.
“Yes mom. Yes dad.” You say jokingly.
“Okay and before you go, here are your earpieces. And we’ll be near the building if anything happens.” JJ says.
“Y/N, put your left hand on Spencer’s arm.” Garcia says through the earpiece. And you did exactly that. “Okay, now be affectionate.”
“Pen how should we do that.” You say while looking at Reid so it looked like you were talking to someone.
“I don't know? Spencer, kiss her.”
And then bam! Before you knew it, his lips were on yours. You didn't know how to react. He wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you in making the kiss even stronger. You then put your hands in his hair and pulled at it a little. And at that moment it was as if the world stopped. As if time froze and fireworks went off. And then all of a sudden he pulled away and you looked down.
“Cherry or Strawberry?” He asks as if nothing just happened.
“I uh- strawberry.”
“Pardon me, but I couldn't help but notice that beautiful ring.” Says a guy approaching you.
“Oh thank you! It's very gorgeous isn't it!”You say while looking down at the ring then bringing your hand up.
“But not as gorgeous as you honey.” Reid says while looking at you. Oh god the things he did to your heart.
“Oh, uh how rude of me not to introduce myself. Im Ryan. Ryan Carson.” He says while holding out his hand for both of you to shake.
“Im Y/N Reid and this is my husband Spencer Reid.” You say while shaking his hand after Reid, as always, refused to. Y/N Reid had a nice ring to it, although you would never change your last name. But it sure had a nice ring to it which both you and Reid noticed.
“How long?” Ryan asked.
“3 months.”I said.
“When did you know?”
“The first time she read me The Fault In Our Stars. It was 2 something in the morning and I couldn't sleep so she read it to me. And I just couldn't stop thinking that this is the girl I’m gonna marry.” Reid said. Although that of course never happened, your heart wanted to explode. Right after he said that you kissed him on the cheek. He immediately turned red, but you didn't say anything.
“Wow. That’s just, wow.” Ryan said.
“Guys I think this guy is our friend Thomas. Well not think, know. He looks exactly the same. So make sure to play into his tactics or whatever. Therapy must cost a lot for you sweet children.” Garcia says.
“You know, I’m gonna propose to my girlfriend soon. Would you two help me pick out a ring?”
“What do you think Spenny?” You ask in a joking tone. Spenny, that was one you never used. You liked it, did so did he.
“Well, I think that it’s an amazing idea baby.”
You could see the anger in his eyes. The anger you get before taking a life. You could see that all he wanted to do was end your lives right then and there. Honestly you two could go into acting if all this death gets too heavy for you.
“Great! Then follow me right this way.” He says while leading you to the elevator. The ride was fairly quick but the entire time Reid had his and around your waist pulling you close to him. Oh god the things you would do to have him.
“Here’s my room.” he says while gesturing to you two to go in first. You saw two chairs and then heard the door slam behind you. You jumped at the sound and turned around to see him standing there with a gun pointing that both of you. “You don't want your wife to die a painful death, go sit down on the chair.” And he did exactly that. “Now you too bitch.” he says while pointing the gun at you. And you did exactly what he said.
“What do you want!” You yell at him while he ties you up.
“I want your happiness to end. If I can't have it, then how can you?”
“The world doesn't revolve around you!” And then before you knew it there was blood coming from your arm and a door kicked open.
“Y/N!” Spencer yells.
“I’m okay, really I’m fine.” You say to the paramedic wrapping your arm.
“No you’re not! You got shot!” Spencer says.
“Okay well how about I leave you two along for a bit huh.” And with that the paramedic was gone.
“Oh look, you scared the paramedic.” You say while throwing your hands in the air.
“Okay and you scared me.”
“Spencer, I got shot. It happens.”
“Yes Y/N I know but it could have hit an artery and make you bleed out. I could have lost you. Why dont see that. If you die who am I gonna mentaly torture, who am I gonna talk to my mom about, who am I gonna love? I've already lost so much, I can't lose you too. I love you.”
“You love me?”
And just like that he grabbed you and put his lips on yours. You immediately put your hands in his hair and pulled hard, he didn't care though. He pulled you closer to him, making you come back with 10 times more force than before. You pulled apart due to lack of oxygen and he put his head against yours after catching his breath.
“Does that answer your question?” He says softly.
This time you kiss him. Not as aggressive as last time though. This was a small, yet equally as meaningful kiss. “I love you too.”
“I fell in love the way you fall asleep; slowly then all at once” – John Green
taglist: @ghostly-angelic, @marshmallowtraver, @heartbroken-writer, @yllwtaxi, @yeah-just-ignore-me-thanks, @theamuz, @guessthatswhyiliveinhell, @alli1902, and @kaybeeboop
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issawrites · 5 years
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Hi Papa :')
Happy Father's Day! There is not a day that goes by where I don't at some point, miss you. Hindi lang halata, pero sobrang miss na kita.
Sorry for not greeting you on time. It pains me a lot remembering that you're no longer here with us. Nakakainggit yung iba na ka-hug pa yung mga daddy nila. Sometimes, I forgot how it feels like having a father. Sorry, Pa.
There are times na pinipilit kong kalimutan ka. Sorry. Kasi papa, it still hurts. It hurts so much that you're out of sight. Every time na maaalala kita, nalulungkot ako, nagsisisi ako. Nagsisisi ako na sa mga huling sandali na pwede tayong makapag bonding, hindi kita nalambing, hindi kita nayakap, nahalikan. Pinagalitan mo kasi ako noon ee. Strikto ka at matampuhin naman ako, madali akong malungkot, alam mo yun. Pero hindi ko talaga inakala. Hindi ko na maalala kung bakit ako nagtampo. Kung alam ko lang na yung araw na yun mismo, huling luto mo na ng breakfast samin ni ate bago ka magpa-confine, sinulit ko na sana. Ang naaalala ko na lang, tinitigan kita habang nagluluto ka at nagp-prepare ng baon namin sabay alis. Walang hug, walang kiss, walang smile, walang "bye Papa", "Penge pong baon".
Wala pa akong masyadong alam noon. Alam ko, gagaling ka noon eh. Hindi ko alam kung gaano kasama ang cancer. Alam ko lang sakit siya, lahat ng tao, gagaling doon.
Naalala ko pa, excited ako kapag pumupunta sa'yo sa Manila, sa PGH kasi makikita na ulit kita. Every goddamn chemo you've taken, nasa tabi mo ako. Literal na kaagaw mo ako sa kama mo, sa pagkain mo, sa tv. Little did I know na iritable ka na pala tsaka yung pagkain mo, para sa'yo lang talaga dapat. Sana sinulit ko pa yung mga sandaling 'yun. Hindi ko nahalata sa'yo na nasasaktan at nanghihina ka. Wala man lang akong naging hint sa reason mo sa pagpapakalbo mo. By the way, mas pogi ka kapag may hair, Pa :)). Still, I'm very sorry. I should have known.
We're all struggling, Pa pero kinakaya. Sabi nila, huwag na daw istorbohin yung mga wala na, kasi malulungkot daw kayo sa heaven. Sorry for this long message. Naipon sa puso ko. Mabigat na. Naniniwala ako na you're watching us. We're struggling, pero hindi pinapahalata ni mama pero minsan, obvious na. I am trying my best na hindi na ma-delay pa yung pag graduate ko. I promised myself na, isang take lang lahat. Wala mang honors, wala man sa top, basta isang take lang lahat, masaya na ako doon.
People thought na naka move on na kami sa'yo. Or ako na lang talaga ang hindi pa nakaka-move on. They don't understand how hard I'm trying to survive each day. Because each day, you're still gone. The day you left, killed the heck out of me. All I did was think. Iniisip ko, panaginip lang 'to. Panaginip lang. Pero wala ka na. I thought of many reasons kung bakit hindi na kita makikita. Merong iniisip ko na nasa ibang bansa ka, busy magtrabaho.
They don't know how much I ache every time I remember and miss you. They don't know the pain I feel every Father's Day.
I don't know how to not miss you every single day. In denial na lang siguro ako when I tell people na hindi kita naiisip at nami-miss.
There are days that I just cannot participate in life. May mga araw na gusto ko lang tumambay sa kwarto at mag drama. Lunurin yung sarili ko sa kalungkutan.
I am full of hatred. Sa family. Both sides. Nagagalit ako. They are so irritating. Nakakagalit. Totoong ugali yung pinapakita namin yet mga !/!$!@ sila. Sorry. I promised myself na sa oras na makatapos na ako, ibabalik ko sa kanila yung mga ginagawa nila and I'm done. Sana magbago pa yung tingin ko or yung ugali ko sa mga tulad nila.
Sorry, Pa, kung tinamad akong mag-aral. Until now, sabog pa rin ako. I'm still lost. How to be happy again ba, Pa when I still feel so crappy? Hindi ko alam kung paano ako pumapasa sa katamaran ko. Siguro hanggang ngayon, I can't accept na wala ka na talaga. I can't move on. Na lahat ng ginagawa ko, mga nangyayari sakin, mga nang-iiwan sakin, kino-connect ko pa rin sa pagkawala mo. Madalas, hindi ko na alam kung anong worth ko. Siguro nasa isip ko lang na okay ako, na hindi ako malungkot/nalulungkot. Pero deep inside, hindi ko na alam kung ano pang iisipin ko. Maybe, I still think na, a part of me will always be waiting for you.
There are times na binabalik balikan ko yung mga naaalala ko pang mga music na pinapatugtog mo every weekend. Naiinis ako, kasi slowly, parang nawawala na yung ibang mga memories natin sa isip ko. Minsan may naaalala ako pero nagb-blur na. Nakakalungkot, kasi may mga bagay akong pilit inaalala pa, pero nawawala na talaga.
I really don't know what to talk about but all I know is that I feel like telling you all my rants. Thank you for being my father.
I will always love and miss you. Until we meet again.
June 17, 2019 at 9:50pm
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creativegago · 3 years
Beauty and Disgrace (Poetry Collection)
Deleted wattpad post under the pseudonym: goldiiblox
🦋 angela's note: To the friends that I wrote these poems to in the past, thank you for the memories. I wish you well, even if we all fell apart. And on second thought, I really think these poems are so strange. What was on my mind while I was writing these and making rose lollipops out of paper? There are also two poems I did not include here because.. I just don’t want to remember them anymore. I don’t like the ideas.
A 'collection' of poetry that I wrote for two weeks sometime in January to give to my friends whom are special to me on Valentine's Day.
"For writers always have their heads up somewhere. When we think of somewhere, we look up at the sky. Maybe we're thinking where, or asking it for an answer."
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Kamusta? (A written introduction for the website)
Ang Simula
Ang mga tulang inyong mababasa ay isinulat ng isang dalagang maraming tanong sa mundo. Ito ay mga tulang isinulat ko para sabihin ang mga nararamdaman ko. Nagkakaroon tayo ng mga kaibigan, kahit pilit natin itong iwasan ay darating sila sa mundo natin upang patunayang hindi tayo nag-iisa. Hindi ibig sabihing mahina ka kapag may katulong ka, ipinapahiwatig lang nito na malulungkot ka lamang kung mananatili kang naglalakbay na mag-isa sa mundo.
May nakapagsabi sa akin, na pakaunti nang pakaunti ang oras na nabubuhay ang isang tao. Palala ng palala ang mundo, tila may isang malubhang karamdamang walang lunas. Masakit man at hindi katanggap-tanggap, ngunit tayo ang dahilan ng paghihirap na kanyang dinaranas.
Naisip ko na, bakit nga ba minahal natin ang isa't-isa? Kung ikaw lang naman sa atin ang nasasaktan ng malubha? Isang tanong na binulong ko sa langit, na parehong nilulunod ang paningin ng mga bituing na kailanma'y hindi ko masusungkit.
Patawad, mundo. Mahal na mahal kita. Patawad dahil hindi ko alam kung mahal ka pa rin ba ng iba.
Ang mga tulang ito ay hindi man ang pinakamahusay sa lahat, ngunit kailangan pa bang alamin kung ito ay binuhos ko mula sa aking pusong maraming linalaman?
Magkikita tayong muli pagkatapos ng labing-isang tula.
(Paalala para sa mga banyaga: Labing-isa, maghintay ka bago mo maintindihan ang iyong binabasa.)
Siya ang gabi, at ikaw ang buwan.
Dumating ang araw
Sa isang lugar na kung saan
Mga tanong na hindi nasagot
Isang inang nagaabang nag pag-asa
Ang anak, naghahanap ng pagmamahal
Namatay na ang hardin
May mga bagay akong kinatatakutan
Ang mga bisyong hindi ko matakasan
Hiling ko sana'y hindi na ako matakot.
Pag-ibig sadyang nakakalito
Sapagkat napakatulin ng iyong pagtakbo.
Pag-asa Para sa Mga Bulaklak
Pakiusap, sana diligan mo naman sila.
Hinawakan ng iyong daliri
Hangin, tubig, lupa at apoy
Biniyayaan sila ng misteryo
Ang lupa at apoy
Nakatutulog ako tuwing may bagyo.
Nagagalit ako tuwing nakakaramdam
Madalas hinahanap ng mga babae
Naadik sa kanya ang isang perlas,
Buti pa ang mga bato
Tamlumpu’t Isang Pahina
Sinabi nilang mahusay ako.
Ano nga bang meron sa hinaharap?
Ako ay dapat nakasulat sa ika-tatlumpu't isang pahina.
Paalam! (A written post to section the Filipino poems and the English poems)
Sa nakaraang pahina ay nagtapos ang parada ng mga tula. Masaya na ang aking kalooban dahil nailagay ko na rin sila sa lugar na kanilang dapat paglagyan. Sa ngayon ako muna'y mamamaalam, dahil ako naman ay magsusulat sa ibang wika ng isang liham na mayaman din sa tula.
Hindi naman ako kagalingan, ngunit wala na akong ibang pinaghuhugutan. Ang pag-ibig ay hindi ko man nailarawan sa mga tula, naipahiwatig ko naman ang aking naintindihan dito. At dahil sa pakikinig ko sa kwento ng iba't ibang tao, marami na din akong natutunang aral galing sa kanila.
Huwag tayong mawawalan ng pag-asa. Hindi natin kailangang pilitin masagot ang lahat ng ating itinanong, dahil may mga katotohanang magdadala pa sa iyo sa mga mas mapanlinlang pang kasinungalingan.
Hearts (An Overheard Conversation)
"Can I touch your heart?"
"Well, no, you cannot."
"Why so?"
"You have to open me up first, an you will never know how painful it is."
"Oh. I apologize for being rude."
"You know, people like you are rare. People with genuine care are rare."
"How could you say that?"
"People who came were crows who opened me up and touched my heart. Some even have nails too sharp that it left a scar."
"What's worse is that they spoke no words while tearing me open. I reckon the times I feel nothing, my cries for mercy withered away, and I heard my own silence."
"I feel really sorry. I shouldn't have asked. It's my mistake. I sincerely apologize."
"It's natural for you to feel sorry, but don't be. After all, you won't like the hideous sight I've been keeping inside me."
"I should stay away from my ignorance. A treasure chest doesn't always contain luxury."    
The Chase
"Perhaps hopeless isn't a place."
They were series of dreams
The fish swam in the sea
Fear crept in its veins
Sometimes, it's good to be free.
Oh no, there is an approaching storm
I sat at the back, feeling discouraged.
I haven't found it yet but still searching.
Is it really love?
Is it love when we only think of bliss?
I see the paper.
Questions From a Mutual
Is the flower pretty?
I love you dearly
Silence is asking for a dance.
Aurora spoke in eloquence.
"I miss silence"
The existence of silence, my heart beating
If pain is never permanent
Troubled lots of times
The clouds are speaking the truth.
Timid was my perfect profile.
We are two celestial bodies embracing.
Why are we distant?
Cashmere skies, reflected your dreamy eyes.
I woke up from my bed of roses.
On The Shelf
"Hey moon, please forget to fall down."
Tearing worlds apart, crossing the black hole
Just In Case
This world, a chaotic place.
Now just in case,
Sometimes, it's good to be alive.
I wrote during the midnight,
The Good Side
Wasteland became a home.
Dreams have fallen
How Could I?
Should Valentine's last long?
The chase is pointed at me
But they didn't.
Pieces of You
No, I can't fly without wings.
You thought you fell on clouds,
Question: Are you the lost fallen angel?
Delete the sea in your mind
You sat, barely listening
A house built from cards.
There are at least three questions
Here they are, dancing.
Their lips spoke a prayer.
Honestly, I feel tired
Who knows when I'm writing this?
When I was a star, I loved being warm.
100 Letters
The crack of dusk
Feels like slowly spreading ink.
The rising sun
Is she blinding someone?
I wanted everything to be perfect.
There's a list of wishes
But they feel like I'm becoming more
Voiceless at 9 o’ clock
Moments, rooms, voices
The house is filled with voices.
It has such clear windows.
But once destroyed by hopeless
All these shows
Are gone by morning.
Perhaps even late in the evening,
Where wild hearts are sleeping.
Voiceless, hopeless is screaming.
Swimming Pools
Things hit rock bottom.
It feels heaven to be in love
Why does it feel hell to break in half?
The swimming pools are calming underneath.
Parties are fun, do you want to lose your mind?
I tainted my mind with lust.
The throne is made of gold,
Torn in Two
I believed that in this world,
My hopes are as high as a tower.
The cards have cut a slit in my chest.
Even if I don't want you to expect much,
Hello, this is me.
I'm a stranger.
She loved the mystery of love.
Why is love serious with their games?
Nemesis granted me a pill.
I wished to be in love.
And now I'm aware that I'm included in this mystery.
Pardon, I know you're getting tired.
Sunny, happy, and care-free
We both need rest.
Could be as sweet as honey
February, could be a common name
Be safe in playing with the cards.
They are dangerous, all the time.
Wishing Wells
Wishing wells are one of our old spells.
Possibly, we fail.
It's for you to be happy.
H a l f w a y
A variety of poems.
Bubbles float in the virtual world.
I couldn't care less.
My mind, a deep chasm.
Our hearts, disconnecting
But our dreams, slowly forming.
Crimson filled the cloudy afternoon.
The sun cries with vivid tears.
They chose to escape this disaster,
The stars became blind.
Now I see, that the night is gone.
Obsessed with perfection
Obsessed with the passion
Is this the place where they belong?
Or is this another illusion?
Wistful, I pride for my ocean.
Why do I feel like I'm inside a whirlpool?
I wonder what is going on.
Instead, why am I receiving worlds?
We are finally on the first lap.
How can I say things
You're halfway.
Can you offer time to stay?
His Story
I | Sculpture
It is a sculpture of a heart
II | Squares
It is a Polaroid
III | Barrier
It is a wall
IV | Puzzle
False discoveries.
V | Things That Grow
Thus, he expanded mulch.
VI | Location
He planted the roots of a musical note.
He called it his true sanity.
VII | Evening
It was dark.
VIII | Oblivion
It was cold.
IX | Creature
His creature, now a monster.
X | Unsolved
A domino of film is played.
XI | Idle
His eyes closed contently.
XII | His Epilogue
Without anyone knowing
You are deep.
You may not be the heart's color,
But you are here, a peaceful harbor.
I spotted you walking with an old friend named Rose.
Why do I see nothing but violence
I heard you sing with passion.
Even more alive.
I see you in between.
You shine so bright.
Now, this is a childhood tale.
It might be a sequence.
Avalon, better left as an enigma.
Exit - I end here. Goodbye, friend old.
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cherrygarden · 4 years
🐧hi!!! sorry for not replying sooner! i only log in to reply to you and to steal cat pics! I'm not complaining though! me refería a que si te gustaba tu curso de filosofía política? así se llama? sometimes we're good at stuff we don't like at all, and vice-versa, i just skdksk wanted to know your thoughts on it! tus cursos suenan interesantes aaa y tranqui i don't know either i kinda Understand what it studies but idk what it Exactly is. wild! you're smarter than you think! I'm sure you'll 1/2
🐧 2/2 succeed anyway!! i think the key is making clear how much you're progressing. like, i try to make Really Specific (en lugar de 'hacer ensayo', hacer intro: agregar cita, incluir autores, presentar tesis...) lists about what needs to be done, and instead of using checkboxes you can draw rectangles y los coloreas conforme progresas. that way you feel like you're Actually doing something. try to have calendars exclusively for deadlines & exams! try to figure out what works for you!
🐧 oop i forgot to say that I ALSO LOVE TGP and for the same reasons! i once hated kant i kept hating kant bc of it and guess what i STILL hate kant. anyway. mi tía me dijo que esperaría a que otorgaran recompensa por mi cabeza para entregarme JAJAJA i also wanna study abroad! thankfully my scholarship allows me to study two semesters abroad but it depends solely on me. there's nothing more scary than having a choice though. hm what would you say if i dare you to give me your top 5 movies! >;)
hiii! aa yes i actually loved that course a lot!! even though it made me cry from stress slkdjh i learned a lot and the teacher was lovely <3 also yes, sociology is just one of those careers that is there and no one understands ig hah and thank youuu, that’s so nice of you to say 🥺 🥺 idk though, i try not to plan too much because putting my hopes on something feels Scary. thanks for the tips! i’ve been surviving by planning my days on google calendars but it doesn’t always work, so i will definitely try breaking things down! and the rectangles sound so cute, i’ll try that tooo
AND SKLJF mi profe de ética moral LOVED kant, he made us read an essay that he wrote about why kant was important and he graded us on it,, i just hate universalism in anyway like i can get how kant could get to that but for someone to really live by that?? unless they’re chidi anagonye then they’re just not valid:// and!! it’s so cool that it’s in your future! do you know where you’d like to go yet?? y same, i’d be a bit scared too, that’s a whole year riding on it but! i trust you’ll make the right choice! and no matter where you choose to apply you’ll get an amazing experience so! exciting
aaAA i have such shitty memory, ten seconds after i watch a movie it’s absolutely GONE from my head kijh but the ones i can remember that i liked are: begin again, submarine, the perks of being a wallflower, and mamma mia 1&2
0 notes
Ali & Caleb
Ali: I know I've got no right to now but I'm worried about you, Caleb, I still care Ali: I mean, I fucking love you but, you don't need to hear that right now Ali: But we do need to talk, and soon Ali: It can be purely about the kids, nothing else Caleb: Why? Are the kids still all good? What's wrong? Ali: They're all fine, no emergencies Ali: but its about Singapore Ali: I'm still going, I have to Ali: but I'm not taking your kids away from you, you know? I don't want it to seem like THAT Ali: so we should arrange when I can bring them back or if we could split their time between us or Ali: I need help working out what's best Ali: for them Caleb: Do what you gotta do Caleb: I'll have €s there to see the bubs Ali: Right, okay Ali: you don't want to add anything else, no questions? Caleb: Nothing you can give me an answer too that I wanna hear Caleb: You feel that? Ali: Try me Caleb: Why'd you let me think she was mine too? That's fucked, Ali Ali: Because I thought she was too Ali: If I had any inkling of a doubt I would have shared it but Ali: Part of the unlucky (and unfuckinglikely no doubt you reckon) 1-2% Ali: It was one person, one time, when we weren't together Ali: Might think that sounds convenient but I'd happily talk you through the dates Caleb: He gonna show up and wanna play daddy to them all? Ali: No Ali: He doesn't want to be a father to his own child Ali: never mind yours Ali: no one can ever take them from you, Caleb, no other man Ali: I would never let that happen Caleb: She's so beautiful how can he do her like that Caleb: Fuck Caleb: But you talking them to another country Ali: This was always on the cards, before any of them, I've always said I was going to go to the Uni, I have to Ali: just...well, you don't want to come now, but you could Ali: you could Ali: I could pay for another place for you, I'll find a way Ali: and, I need to tell you something else but I want to know you're somewhere safe and alone so you can process it properly because Ali: Fuck Caleb: How can I, man? We had plans, plans that didn't include none of this Caleb: Can't pretend she's not there Caleb: I'm at the restaurant, it's empty Caleb: What the fuck else you gonna hit me with? Ali: No Ali: I know Ali: Not everything goes according to plan Ali: Oh Jesus Caleb: I was vibing that you were having my second son Caleb: Not a whitey's daughter Caleb: Understatement of the galaxy Ali: Don't talk about her like that Ali: I wouldn't change her for your second son Ali: She's here, she's my fucking daughter and I love her Ali: I'm not going to pretend otherwise or get rid of her for you Ali: Not even for you Caleb: Shit sorry Caleb: You know I'd never ask Caleb: This ain't on her Ali: I know Ali: whatever happens between us, if her dad ever comes around, no child deserves to be raised believing shit like that about themselves Ali: its wrong and I won't participate in any of it Caleb: I know Caleb: She's part of you, she'll have no worries Caleb: Not about feeling loved Ali: Drew's her Dad, Caleb Ali: it's Drew Caleb: O quê?! Caleb: Você está de brincadeira comigo? Ali: No, I'm not Ali: I'm sorry Caleb: You're sorry? It's chill then Caleb: Fuck Caleb: Puta que pariu Ali: What else can I say? There's nothing else I can now Caleb: That it didn't go down and he wouldn't betray me like that Caleb: That you didn't Ali: I'm not going to lie Caleb: Now you ain't Caleb: You have been since that night Caleb: Letting me think he's my bro Ali: I thought it was for the best Ali: it was a mistake and one that would never happen again Ali: I can see I was wrong now Caleb: nah nah nah you thought it was easiest & I'd never have to be knowing Ali: Well, frankly, from my perspective it was none of your business, yeah Ali: Don't make it sound like I cheated on you Ali: we weren't together, remember? you were sleeping with multiple people at the time, its not as if this was the evil plan the whole time Ali: I wanted to spare your feelings, however misguided, from knowing he would do that Ali: but yeah, I did it too because I was drunk and alone and scared, and you can count that as betrayal but don't put things on me that weren't there Caleb: Don't be making it about that Caleb: I don't care if you're riding with the whole postcode Caleb: he was my brother, Ali Caleb: You didn't have to go there with him Ali: You're right Caleb: I loved you both Caleb: Eu não quero falar com você Caleb: I can't Ali: Please Caleb Ali: Don't go Ali: I'd rather you called me every name under the sun Ali: Please Caleb: Please what come to singapore and raise my best friend's kid that he's refusing to step up for? Caleb: Keep loving you like you're my whole world Caleb: Be a happy fam Ali: well Ali: I know that isn't going to happen Ali: I know that's all gone but Ali: I love you Caleb: But you're sorry so it's all good Caleb: Para! Caleb: I'm not hearing that from you rn Ali: I didn't say that Ali: I'm not Ali: What do you want I'll do anything Caleb: Turn back time and walk away from him Caleb: If you were so alone and scared you shoulda called me! Ali: I can't Ali: and I did call you Ali: you weren't there, you were meant to be looking after the kids so I could go out with my friends and you bailed without warning Ali: but it wasn't petty revenge for that, before you even think that Ali: you weren't there, at all, not for me, not emotionally even when you were physically Ali: why did you want a second son so bad? it isn't Junior's fault, he was just a baby, Caleb Ali: I thought that was it, because even if you still cared for me, you couldn't- wouldn't- care for him like we needed Ali: and yeah, i fucked up, and now everything is ruined Ali: but i already thought it was Caleb: Don't be putting that on me! I love both my kids Caleb: I love him madly Caleb: You got me, I struggled going from when it was so chill to the two kid madness, it got me fucked up Caleb: But I'm not trying to change him like you wouldn't her Ali: I'm sorry Ali: I shouldn't have said that Ali: I was remembering how it felt Ali: I'm his Mother, you gotta understand how much that shit hurt me Ali: even thinking for a second you didn't love him Ali: Like this poor fucking baby who Drew won't even see Caleb: I did you so wrong, I feel that, every day I carry that but I can't turn things back Caleb: If I could I'd go so different Caleb: Harder in better ways, you know? Ali: Well, neither can I Ali: Therein lies the dilemma Ali: We can't go back Ali: We have to go forward but how and where to Ali: we can decide that Ali: we have to Ali: for their sake's Caleb: And ours. I don't wanna leave you unsupported again Caleb: I'm grown now I can be better with it Ali: So can I Ali: should I not go? I can't see how that would make anything better but Ali: maybe I'm just being selfish Caleb: You have to, gatinha Caleb: You was right before Caleb: Everything we have to work through can still happen Caleb: I'd be selfish making you stay Ali: I don't want to leave you Caleb: I know Caleb: Você é o mundo para mim Caleb: I don't wanna miss you Ali: Trí na chéile a thógtar na cáisléain Ali: Can't you come? Ali: Genuine question as much as it is begging Caleb: I don't wanna be a part time dad but that isn't how we should play this Caleb: I'm mad hurt Caleb: I wanna just be in love with you but Ali: I know Caleb: How can I look at that perfect baby and not see how my bro treated me? I can't do that to her or you Caleb: She's half yours and it's a big half but it's still his kid Caleb: Shit, man Caleb: we in circles Ali: Yeah Ali: But you can do it Ali: I know it can't be me who asks you to Ali: but I know you have enough love and room in your heart Caleb: Where you at? I wanna come and be with the kids for a while Ali: At my Mum and Dad's Ali: Come see them Ali: Any time Caleb: They gonna have that? Your rents aren't my biggest fans Ali: Of course, they're not pricks for the sake of Ali: they know this is on me, not you Caleb: Still. Maybe let's go take them out Caleb: Softplay or something Ali: Okay, softplay it is Ali: do you want me to come or just drop them with you Caleb: Come with Caleb: I meant what I said, don't wanna be missing on you Ali: Okay Caleb: You down if I come in 20 Caleb: I know she'll have a routine Ali: We're good to go Ali: if she needs to nap or gets fussy I can always go for a walk 'round Caleb: We got this Ali: We do Ali: Mo shíorghra Caleb: A chéadsearc
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