attackfish · 1 year
I say with joy that the unique Breath of the Wild feeling of "I absolutely know how this Shrine is supposed to be solved, but I could do it faster with shenanigans," has carried over into Tears of the Kingdom.
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maxhunt0616 · 6 months
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Discover the Thrill: Top Paragliding Sites in India!
Embark on an exhilarating journey through the skies! Explore 18 breathtaking paragliding sites across India and experience the ultimate bird's eye view. From soaring cliffs to picturesque landscapes, these sites offer unforgettable adventures. Get ready to take flight!
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lightasthesun · 9 months
Comprehensive Lexicon Guide for First-Time SW Fic Readers:
Flimsi/Flimsiplast = Paper
Flimsiwork/Datawork = Paperwork
Stylus = Pen
Datapad = Tablet
Comlink/Comm = Communication Device/Phone
Binders = Handcuffs
Chronometer = Clock
Spectacles = Eyeglasses
Chrono = Watch
Conservator = Refrigerator
Caf = Coffee
Nerfburger = Hamburger
Blue milk = Milk (literally blue)
Hubba chips = French Fries
Sweet roll = Doughnut
Flatcakes = Pancakes
Tabac = Tobacco
HoloNet = World Wide Web
Holovision/HoloTV = Television
Holodrama/Holovids = Movie/Videos
Holocamera/Holocam = Camera
Holomap = three-dimensional map
Holojournal = Newspaper
Holocube = Picture frame
Holotable = Projector
Holoscanner = X-ray machine
Holojournalist = Reporter
Flatholo/Holograph = Photograph
Sonic Damper = Active Noise Cancellation
Refresher/Fresher= Bathroom
Sonic Bath = Bath
Sanisteam/Sonic shower = Waterless Shower
Hydrospanner = Wrench
Hydro Flask = Water Bottle
Power Cell/Energy Cell = Batteries
Authorization Chip = Decryption key
Datatape = Disk
Datastick = Flash drive
(Personal) Com Code = Phone number
Datachip = SD Card
Synthflesh = Synthetic skin
Glowrod = Flashlight
Sparkstick = Match
Slugthrower = Gun
Slug = Bullet
Vibroblade = a blade that can vibrate at high frequencies, increasing its cutting power and penetrating ability (tactical knife)
Rangefinder = Rifle scope
Turbolaser = Cannon
Ion pike/Vibropike = Spear
Electro Staff = Stun baton
Blaster = Pistol/Rifle
Stun Blaster = similar to a Taser
Landspeeder/Airspeeder/Speeder = Car
Turbolift = Elevator
Slideramp = Escalator
Starfighter = Fighter jet
Rotorcraft = Helicopter
Hoverpack/Jetpack= Jet pack
Speeder Bike = Motorcycle
Skylane = Traffic lane
Railspeeder/Hovertrain = Train
Power Chair/Hoverchair= Wheelchair
Windscreen = Windshield
Podracing = Car racing
Dejarik = Chess
Sabacc = Poker and Blackjack combined
Galactic Rebels = Combat simulator
B'shingh = Dungeons and dragons
Jizz = Jazz music
Wailer = Singer (ie. Jizz Wailer)
Cantina = Bar or Pup
Para Sailing = Paragliding
Aurebesh = Alphabet
Credits = Money
Sleeping Pallet = Bedroll
Naming Day = Birthday
Youngling = Child
Galactic Basic Standard/ Basic = English
Medkit/Medpac = First aid kit
Hypo = Syringe
Medic/Healer = Doctor
Medcenter = Hospital
Bactapatch = Bandaid
Nanoweave = Fabric
Transparisteel = Glass
Plastifoam = Packing material
Durasteel = Steel
Plasteel = Plastic
Duracrete = Concrete
Slicer = Hacker (slicing = hacking)
Identikit = Passport
Minder = Therapist
Synthleather = Vinyl
Viewport = Window
Cooling Unit = Air-conditioning
Honeydarter = Bee
Slythmonger = Drugdealer
Spice = Drugs
Stimpill = Caffeine pill
Power Socket = Plug
Cutters = Scissors
Cycle = Day
Standard Cycle = 24h
Standard Week = 5 days
Standard Month = 35 standard days
Standard Year = approx. ten months
Tenday = literally ten days
Cigarras/Smokes = Cigarettes
Click = Kilometer or 'a moment'
Parsec = a unit of distance
Tweezers/Clanker/tin head/tinnie = Droid
Separatist = Seppie
Promise Ring = Wedding Ring
Body Glove = Jumpsuit
Slicksuit = Wet suit
Civvies = Civilian clothing
Carbonite = a metal alloy used to freeze a person in a state of hibernation
Hyperdrive = device that allows a starship to travel faster than lightspeed
Moisture vaporator = device that can extract water from the air, commonly used on tatooine
Glareshades = Sunglasses
Gasser = Gas Oven
Repulsorlift = technology that can create an anti-gravity field and is used for levitating heavy objects
Heating unit = Heater
Utility Droid = Roomba
Sunbonnet = a Clone trooper helmet
Bad Batcher = a defective Clone Trooper
Banthabrain = birdbrain/ a stupid person
Bantha fodder = waste of space/nonsense
Blast! = word of exclamation
Blasted! = s.o in anger or annoyance
Blaster-brained = dimwitted
Blaster fodder = cannon fodder
Blast off = Piss off
Brainless = Stupid
Bug/Bugger = used to refer to Geonosians
Forceforsaken = godforsaken
Full of Poodoo = full of shit
Poodoo = Shit
Kriff = Fuck
Jedi scum = derogatory term for jedi
Kark = derogatory expletive
Larty = LAAT/i gunship
Laserbrain = insult
Meat droid = derogatory term for Clone Troopers
Redrobes = Palpatines guard
Rookie/Shinie = newly recruited Trooper
Scum = insult to refer to bounty hunters/rebels
Sharpie = Sharp-witted
Sithspawn/Sithspit/Hellspawn! = expletive
Sleemo = Slimeball
Son of a bantha = insult
Wizard! = Cool
Spaced = dead
Hutt-spawn = Bastard
Karabast = exclamation of dismay
Stang = Crap
Buckethead/Bucketbrain = derogatory term for Stormtroopers
Bucket = Helmet
Nat-born = Natural Born
Roger Roger = affirmative/copy that
Droid poppers = EMP grenade
Sitrep = short for situation report
Backwater Planet = any planet that isn't part of the core system
Holocron = device that can project a three-dimensional image of a person/object and is used for communication or entertainment.
Kessel Run = a risky Operation. Commonly used as a metaphor in impossible situations.
Thermal Detonator= device that can create a powerful explosion like a grenade or bomb
Ray Shield/Energy Shield = creates a (protective) barrier
Rebreather = device that allows a person to breathe underwater or in toxic environments
Wild goose chase = wild bantha chase
That's bantha shit = that's bullshit
As slippery as a greased Dug = untrustworthy
Credit for your thoughts = penny for your thoughts
Cut the poodoo = cut the crap
to get your gills in a twist = get upset about something
Holy mother of meteors = holy mother of god
Oh my skies/ Oh my stars = exclamation of surprise
Stars' end! = exclamation of disbelief
What in the blue blazes = exclamation
When Geonosis freezes over/When it snows on tatooine = extremely unlikely
Who pissed in your power supply = who pissed you off
Blast it = damn it
By the maker = exclamation of surprise
Great karking Dragon = expression of disbelief
Lothcat got your tongue = equivalent of 'cat got your tongue?'
Sod it = expression of frustration
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greenteabelle · 10 months
feeling some type of way about q!philza talking about his wings healing . 
as an immortal who has roamed the earth for centuries , q!philza knows how to adapt to his surroundings . against the blazing sun , thunderous rain , snowy blizzards and harsh winds , his wings have gotten used to adjusting to each type of weather no matter where he goes . 
then he wakes up feverish and sweaty on the train to quesadilla island , immediately aware of the sudden loss of weight off his back . he doesn't know what the federation did to his wings , how rough they must have been as they snipped his feathers this way and that , but it did the job . 
now bony and crooked , his wings are useless . 
so he binds them with bandages , eyes red-rimmed from tears , and keeps them hidden securely under his cloak . he pulls himself together and does what he has always done best : move on . 
when he meets chayanne , his wonderful , lovable son , he makes sure that the bandages are just tied a bit tighter . 
because when he is faced with the starry-eyed gaze of wonder for each heroic tale he spins before chayanne's bedtime , he can't bear to tell him the truth . chayanne doesn't need to know how far he's fallen from grace . 
how pathetic he's become . 
but he makes do with life , as he always does , and takes full advantage of the surprising resourcefulness of the island . 
the paragliders . then the tridents . then the grappling squok . the last one still freaks him out with its sounds , but he keeps one on him at all times . 
anything to feel that rush of wind blowing against his hair , the weightless moments in the vast blue sky . 
then he wakes up in purgatory with the other islanders , not a single item in his possession , and he does the only thing he can do .
survive . 
that alone is hard enough to accomplish , especially when there's a group of misfits looking to him for directions as the island does its very best to get rid of them . despite the odds stacked heavily against them , he is anything but a man who lacks faith . 
so they run as swiftly as they can , fight as desperately as possible , hide as discreetly as they're able .  
over the course of two days , q!philza finds himself standing up for members he's barely interacted with and stepping in with a fierce determination when they're threatened . 
somehow , in the shittiest place imaginable , q!philza has found himself another family to protect . maybe it's the adrenaline , fueling his desperation to finally have a family he can protect . maybe it's the habitual indulgence , finding himself fond over their amusing antics in the face of danger .
whatever it is , it makes him decide to trash the bandages that have grown worn and tattered and leave his wings hanging limply but exposed . 
because in such a fucked up world , who the fuck cares about ugly wings anyway ? 
the members notice , particularly q!jaiden and q!baghera , but they don't ask questions . 
slowly adjusting to the ever-changing obstacles that the island throws at them , they keep pushing and pushing and pushing . things get better . they always do . 
but sometimes … things are too much . 
sometimes there are one too many disasters . 
sometimes there are one too many altercations . 
sometimes there just isn't much hope left to go on . 
the first time one of those moments happen , q!philza finds q!jaiden and q!baghera still awake despite the late hour , huddled close to a campfire and their eyes dazed from fatigue . they're unusually quiet and twitch ever so often as the flames dance dangerously close to them . before he can stop himself , he asks them a question . 
“ could i preen your feathers ? ”
their matted wings haven't escaped his notice even since day one , but he didn't want to overstep at the time . perhaps even now he's overstepping , so he scrambles to retract his question with an awkward excuse , only for them to nod quickly without a moment's hesitation . 
so he shows them the ropes , and guides them through each step he takes as he handles their feathers with painstaking care . 
he also doesn't ask why they don't know how to do it themselves . 
just as he's done with both of their wings , he fully expects them to go to sleep immediately , finally finding some peace in the midst of constant chaos . what he doesn't expect , is for them to ask if they can do the same to his wings . 
his broken , pathetic wings . 
his first instinct is to refuse , as kindly as possible of course , but when he's met with the poorly disguised nervousness on their faces , what else can he do but say yes ? so he agrees , going against every instinct in his body for exposing the weakest part of himself to others . 
and when they touch the first feather , q!philza physically restrains himself from swiping at their throats with his sword , digging his nails into his palms with a white-knuckled grip . as they continue , he can't quite conceal the violent shudder down his spine , but it gradually resides that by the time he finally has the sense to check on them , he's horrified by the sight of blood on their hands . 
he immediately fusses over them , the guilt over not warning them beforehand about the razor sharp edges of his feathers making him sick to his stomach , but they only grin brightly . 
“ didn't we do a good job , philza ? look at your wings ! ”
sure enough , his wings look better . 
it's still tattered and utterly useless , but they do look better . 
“ you did great . let's find some bandages for your cuts and i'll teach you how to avoid hurting yourself in the future . ”
the next day , the three of them look the most rested they have ever been since the day they stepped foot on this island . 
so it becomes a thing . every night before they turn in , q!philza helps them clean their feathers and they do the same for him . eventually , q!cellbit , q!foolish and q!charlie join them when their curiosity is too obvious to ignore . their movements are clumsy and inexperienced , yet their touches are gentle . 
a new routine is thus added to each member's day , though it feels as natural as if they've been doing it since day one . 
one day , q!philza is gathering resources with q!etoiles for the team , when the latter makes an off-handed remark . 
“ by the way , phil , your wings look cooler than before . ”
“ aww , thanks mate . ”
then the words really hit him . 
slowly , q!philza extends his wings forward and sure enough , they look different now . there's visibly more feathers than before , almost covering his bones completely , and even a faint gradient sheen on them . his wings feel solid now , not just hollow reminders of what they once were . 
they look familiar now . 
when he sees the secretive smiles his members share as they see him spread his wings a little more , a feeling of overwhelming fondness fills his heart . how does he thank them ? how does he show how grateful he is for having members as wonderful as them ? 
he plans . 
every night , after their preening session and everyone has gone to bed , he sits on the edge of his bed , which is really just a straw mat , and spends just a bit extra time to stretch his wings and preen those feathers . there’s hope blooming in his chest , for the first time in a long time , and he persists . 
then on the final day of battle , q!philza spreads his wings . 
across the expanse of the blood red sky , he soars .
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blueskittlesart · 1 year
can we talk about how rauru is literally like. just zelda’s dad. like in that one scene where zelda looks like she’s gravely contemplating turning into a dragon and then rauru goes “i believe the answer lies in more research and understanding your power!” and she looks at him with such shock and awe. zelda’s adventures in the past are literally like her life but with a better dad. the queen promises her to help her figure out her power but dies before they can figure out a way how to use that power to safely save everyone. zelda desperately wants to help everyone and is clearly feeling the pressure of it all and the king is the one to tell her “hey i understand how hard you’re trying and how much you want to save everyone and we’re thankful for what you’re doing”. rauru actually acknowledges zelda’s dedication and the importance of research and technology, he is kind to her and never blames her for any of the bad things happening. he also never pushes zelda to make sacrifices and is the one sacrificing himself in the end - in botw, all the champions and zelda have to choose to make sacrifices to save the kingdom, but in totk rauru doesn’t ask that of any of the sages, instead recognizing his own responsibility as king and basically dying to save his kingdom. he’s literally zelda’s better dad.
same anon as the one raving about rauru also the differences between how the two kings treat link. they’re both tutorial figures but the way they guide is SO different. pretty much the first thing rhoam does is lie and pretend to be a random old man, being quite annoying as he sends link to do a bunch of challenges for a paraglider. the framing is so fundamentally different, rauru freely offers the information he has to link upfront, he apologises for the body modification, acknowledging link’s potential distress. rhoam basically keeps link on the plateau arbitrarily, presenting giving items and teaching link about things as challenges for link to overcome. rauru on the other hand aids link as best he can, tells him what he needs to do from the beginning (tells him to open the door which is pretty much the last thing he’ll need to do in the tutorial, telling him about the ultimate goal from the beginning), proposes solutions when it doesn’t work out (directs him to the shrines as a way to help him gain the strength he needs, as opposed to making him complete challenges to get a paraglider that in the moment seems like literally arbitrary conditions). rhoam telling link how much responsibility and pressure he has on him all of a sudden and how much he needs to do vs rauru telling link that it was wonderful to meet him and zelda’s accounts of him were all true. like. the framing. the difference in character. the deterioration of knowledge within hyrule falls parallel to the deterioration of its king’s kindness and virtue.
the differences between rauru and roham are crazy to me because one of them was so fundamentally good and one was so fundamentally flawed and yet. neither of them were able to save their kingdom. no matter how good a king of hyrule is, no matter what he gets right or wrong, he is still doomed to die. rhoam tried to sacrifice his daughter to keep hyrule alive. rauru did everything in his power to make sure she DIDNT have to be sacrificed. and in the end the outcome was the same. but the KINGS were not the same, and that difference in framing you mentioned i think is fundamentally a difference in legacy. rhoams legacy is to forever be the king who sacrificed children to save himself and died anyway. rhoam died a loser through and through, a king atop a throne of nothing but failure. i think that’s partially why he appears as an old man at first, because he KNOWS what being the king of hyrule means and he’s EMBARRASSED that his legacy is what it is. but rauru. in complete contrast, rauru was so GOOD. rauru died with his sages and his DAUGHTER alive to see another day. rauru ENSURED they’d live no matter what. he wouldn’t LET them sacrifice themselves for him. rauru put everyone else before himself. he didn’t expect or even tolerate self-sacrifice and yet when the time came he sacrificed HIMSELF selflessly despite knowing that it wouldn’t even WORK. rauru’s legacy is something to be proud of. he’s open to link because he has nothing TO hide. no regrets or stupid decisions. and he is remembered so much more favorably because of it.
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rawliverandgoronspice · 10 months
Hello!! I'm back for: more whining about TotK Quest Design Philosophy
I can't reblog a really great post I just saw for some reason (tumblrrrr *shakes my fist*), but hmmmm yeah not only do I completely agree, but I think I might expand on why I feel so much annoyance towards TotK's quest design philosophy at some point, because it does extend past the fundamentally broken setup of trying to punch a pseudo-mystery game on top of BotW's bones, where the core objective was always explicit and centered and stapled the entire world together; or the convoluted and inefficient way it tells its story through the Tears, the somehow single linear exploration-driven quest in the entire game.
Basically: I'm talking about the pointless back-and-forths. There were a lot of them, a lot that acted against the open world philosophy, and almost none of them ever recontextualized the environment through neither gameplay abilities nor worldbuilding nor character work.
I'll take two examples: the initial run to Hyrule Castle (before you get your paraglider), and then the billion back-and-forths in the Zora questline.
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I think?? the goal of that initial quest to Hyrule Castle is to familiarize you with the landmark, introduce the notion that weapons rot, tell you about the gloom pits, and also tell you that Zelda sightings are a thing? But to force any of these ideas on you before giving you a paraglider is, in my opinion, pretty unnecessary. I think the reason it happens in that order is to prevent Link from simply pummeling down to the gloom pit under Hyrule Castle and fight Ganondorf immediately while still introducing ideas surrounding the location; but genuinely, the Zelda sighting makes the next events even more confusing? Why wouldn't you focus all your priorities in reaching the castle if you just saw her there? Why lose time investigating anything else? Genuinely: what is stopping you from getting your paraglider and immediately getting yourself back there, plunging into the depths to try and get to the literal bottom of this? (beyond player literacy assuming this is where the final boss would be, and so not to immediately spoil yourself --which, in an open world game, you should never be able to spoil yourself by engaging with the mechanics normally, and if you can that's a genuine failure of design)
I think, personally, that you should not have been pointed to go there at all. That anything it brings to the table, you could have learned more organically by investigating yourself, or by exploring in that direction on your own accord --or, maybe you think Zelda is up there in the castle, and then the region objectives become explicitely about helping you reaching that castle (maybe by building up troops to help you in a big assault, or through the Sages granting you abilities to move past level-design oriented hurdles in your way, etc). Either way: no need to actually make you walk the distance and back, because the tediousness doesn't teach you anything you haven't already learned about traversal in the (extremely long, btw, needlessly so I would say) tutorial area.
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But to take another example, I'll nitpick at a very specific moment in the Zora Questline, that is honestly full of these back-and-forth paddings that recontextualize absolutely nothing and teach you nothing you didn't already know. The most egregious example, in my opinion, is the moment where you are trying to find the king, and you have to learn by listening in to the zora children who do not let you listening in.
So okay. I think Zelda is great when it does whimsy, and children doing children things guiding you is a staple of the series, and a great one at that. But here? It does not work for me on any level. Any tension that could arise from the situation flattens because nobody seems to care enough about their king disappearing in the middle of a major ecological crisis, except for children who are conveniently dumb enough not to graps the severity of the situation, but not stressed out enough that it could be construed as a way for them to cope about it and make anything feel more serious or pressing. It feels like a completely arbitrary blocker that isn't informed by the state of the world, doesn't do anything interesting gameplay-wise with this idea, doesn't build up the mood, and genuinely feels like busywork for its own sake.
This is especially tragic when the inherent concept of "the zora king has been wounded by what most zoras would believe to be Zelda and is hiding from his own people so the two factions do not go to war over it" has such tension and interest and spark that the game absolutely refuse to explore --instead having you collect carved stones who do not tell you anything new, splatter water in a floating island, thrud through mud who feel more like an inconvenience than a threat or, hey, listen to children playing about their missing king less than a couple of years after being freed from Calamity Ganon's menace. It feels like level designers/system designers having vague technical systems that are hard-coded in the game now, and we need to put them to use even if it's not that interesting, not that fun or not that compelling. It's the sort of attitude that a lot of western RPGs get eviscerated for; but here, for some reason, it's just a case of "gameplay before story", instead of, quite simply, a case of poorly thought-out gameplay.
Not every quest in the game is like this! I think the tone worked much better in the sidequests overall, that are self-contained and disconnected from the extremely messy main storyline, and so can tell a compelling little tale from start to finish without the budget to make you waddle in a puddle of nothing for hours at a time. It's the only place where you actually get character arcs that are allowed to feel anything that isn't a variation on "very determined" or "curious about the zonai/ruins", and where you get to feel life as it tries to blossom back into a new tomorrow for Hyrule.
But if I'm this harsh about the main storyline, it really is because I find it hard to accept that we do not criticize a structure that is at times so half-assed that you can almost taste employees' burnout seeping through the cracks --the lack of thematic ambition and self-reflection and ingeniosity outside of system design and, arguably at times, level design-- simply because it's Hyrule and we're happy to be there.
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There's something in the industry that is called the "wow effect", which is their way to say "cool" without saying "cool". It's basically the money shots, but for games: it's what makes you go "ohhhh" when you play. And it's great! The ascension to the top of the Ark was one of them --breathtaking, just an absolute high point of systems working together to weave an epic tale. You plummeting from the skies to the absolute depths of hell is another one; most of the dungeons rely on that factor to keep your attention; the entire Zelda is a dragon storyline is nothing but "wow effect" (and yeah, the moment where you do remove the Master Sword did give me shivers, I'll admit to this willingly) and so is Ganondorf's presence and presentation in the game --he's here to be cool, non-specifically mean, hateable in a non-threatening way and to give us a good sexy time, do not think about it too hard. What bothers me is that TotK's world has basically nothing to offer but "wow effect"; that if you bother to dig at anything it presents you for more than a second, everything crumbles into incoherence --not only in story, but in mood, in themes, in identity. This is a wonderfully fun game with absolutely nothing to say, relying on the cultural osmosis and aura of excellency surrounding Zelda to pass itself off as meatier than it really is. This is what I say when I criticize it as self-referential to a fault; half of the story makes no sense if this is your first Zelda game, and what little of that world there is tends to be deeply unconcerned and uncurious about itself.
And no, Breath of the Wild wasn't like this. Breath of the Wild was deeply curious about itself; the entire game was built off curiosity and discovery, experimentation and challenge (and I say this while fully admitting I had more fun with the loop of TotK, which I found more forgiving overall). The traversal in Tears of the Kingdom is centered around: how do I skip those large expanses of land in the most efficient and fun way possible. How do I automate these fights. How do I find resources to automate both traversal and fights better. It's a game that asks questions (who are the zonais, who is Rauru and what is his deal, what is the Imprisoning War about, where is Zelda), and then kind of doesn't really care about the answers (yeah the zonais are like... guys, they did a cool kingdom, Rauru used to run it, the Imprisoning War is literally whatever all you have to care about is who to feel sad for and who to kill about it and you don't get a choice and certainly cannot feel any ambiguous feelings about any of that, and Zelda is a dragon but we will never expand on how it felt for her to make such a drastic and violent choice and also nobody cares that's a plot point you could *remove* from the game without changing the golden path at all).
I'm so aggravated by the argument "in Zelda, it's gameplay before story" because gameplay is story. That's the literal point of my work as a narrative designer: trying to breach the impossibly large gap between what the game designers want to do, and what the writers are thinking the game will be about (it's never the same game). And in TotK, the game systems are all about automation and fusion. It's about practicality and efficiency. It's also about disconnecting stuff from their original purpose as you optimize yourself out of danger, fear, or curiosity --except for the way you can become even more efficient. And sure, BotW was about this too; but you were rewarded because you had explored the world in the first place, experimented enough, put yourself in danger, went to find out the story of who you used to be and why you should care about Hyrule. I'm not here to argue BotW was a well-written game; I think it was pretty tropey at large to be honest, safe for a couple of moments of brilliance, but it had a coherent design vision that rewarded your curiosity while never getting in the way of the clarity of your objective. There is a convolutedness to TotK that, to me, reveals some extremely deep-seated issues with the direction the series is heading towards; one that, at its core, cares more about looking the part of a Zelda game than having any deeper conversation about what a Zelda game should be.
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okkos-ferrum · 10 months
gray and sharing screentime with himself
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in my current brainrot over a singular character, i decided to compile all the distinctions between gray and graham
looking at a very rough approximation of the screen time gray has throughout the show, the weird thing is that he is himself at the beginning and at the end.
graham takes many actions during s1 and s2 that differ from the gray we meet in the train in s1
Name: from found cut content from the original pilot of cs before netflix, it is carmen who suggests gray as graham's nickname. gray takes it without much care. graham, on the other hand, insists on his full name. seen in s2 ep7, both when carmen meets him up at the cafe and after FALLING FROM A PARAGLIDER. when asked his name during s4 ep3, his va emphasizes graham -- though i could be reading into things. guess brainwashing came along with a hatred with nicknames lol (probably to prevent carmen ever triggering gray's memories)
Life goal: we get gray's interview tape that showed his interest in vile, revealing not only was he a criminal before vile but he primarily "[wants] to be successful". (In cut content, during the detention scene where they all discuss code names, gray refuses sheena's suggestion of power failure because he didn't want to be thought of as a failure). gray joined vile because he didn't want to play within the system, believing he's deserving of success more than others due to his own skills so he's better off cheating the system. in contrast, graham in s1 ep6 declines being carmen's guide due to having to go to work early to fix something. He even declines carmen's payment for his work during s2 ep7, only stopped cuz carmen is good at dramatically disappearing. he is so diligent that within eight months, he was able to work up to be a lighting tech from just starting out as an electrician. meanwhile, he gave up being a junior electrican at the Sydney opera house as a teen due to disatisfaction (idk anything abt australia but isnt being a junior electrcian at the sydney opera house a big deal??)
Morality: most blatantly in his line "but we are the good guys" in s2 ep7 (i think he repeats this again during his interrogation with acme in s4), graham has a sense of morality that gray obviously would lack since he joined vile willingly. gray has no issues with stealing and has had a clear arrogance in his abilities ever since he was a teen. killing doesn't seem to be off the table for him, but he only does so if that compromises his mission. (for example, he gives chase a chance to leave during s4 ep 7, so he def isn't taking any excuse to take a life). graham's main act of "goodness" is risking his own life to save a kid in s4 ep3. while im sure gray is heartless enough to watch a kid die, i dont think he would be as ready to risk himself for a stranger. he likely would be more apathetic and would do so if it has some benefit to him or look the other way -- right after saving the kid, "crackle" steals the nameless kid's wallet with a smile. from his confrontation with carmen in the himalyas, he responds to carmen using his old words as him being an "innocent fool", dimissing whatever he believed then as not his own
crackle is another semi identity we get from gray during the fugue state he enters following regaining his memories from acme. it seems to be just due to how drastic the memories are for graham's mind to handle, the split is very direct, with "crackle" - all of gray's training and criminal instincts - being pretty non verbal (he does i think talk on the phone with vile once) and expresionless (he does have an evil little smile after stealing nameless kid's wallet but thats abt it). it honestly is dropped fast once gray is arrested (had to bolt the moment it faced consequences or whatever lol) but it def was entertaining to watch
overall it is just so odd how gray himself is barely in show and if u were to cut out the graham stuff, gray's arc of reconciling his relationship with carmen is largely unchanged. goes to show how wasted the cool amnesia plot stuff was (tho i like brainwashing angst, but i dont blame anyone for not enjoying it. it takes away a lot of the autonomy gray could've had in actually making his morally gray decisions). it honestly feels like they pumped the break of the brainwashing angst we were getting from gray and give it to carmen for the final arc tbh
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silvrash-797 · 2 months
@milkyplier Happy birthday Mama! You ordered Legend whump; I hope this delivers!
Brothers (pt 2)
Part 1
Read on ao3
“Help is coming, just stay awake a bit longer, please don’t fall asleep!”
Wild's voice echoed faintly in his ears, coming as if from the end of a long tunnel. Each of Legend's limbs was a white-hot fire, searing body and soul. Shock threaded its way through the flames like a piranha, persistent and deadly.
The flames licked higher.
Legend shuddered, panting shallowly. He grimaced as Wild put more pressure on the gash across his stomach. The pressure shifted a rib he knew was fractured, which in turn poked a little further towards his lungs.
Blood suddenly bubbled up in his throat, cutting off his air and making him choke. Despite the fuzzy floatiness of impending shock and lack of air Legend fought through the fit of breathlessness until his airway cleared.
Legend smirked faintly at Wild's choice of words. Don’t fall asleep. There was a certain poetry to it, considering the place his thoughts had been just a moment ago. It echoed through his skull in Wild and Marin's voices.
He caught Wild's terrified gaze, the blue shining with the same intensity and worry Marin's always did. His whispered reply was aimed at them both. “Wouldn’t dream of it.”
The Slate crackled to life once more, and, despite his promise, Legend zoned out as Wind informed them of Warriors and Hyrule’s approach. Through sheer force of will he contained a flinch as Wild shouted desperately to guide their brothers over.
Hurrying footsteps approached, but his thoughts were slippery with pain and fatigue, and he found he couldn’t focus on the urgent drumming.
They took him instead to the end of the battle.
When that Darknut launched him off the cliff, terror and agony were the only things Legend was aware of. He remembered meeting Wild's eyes as he slipped below the edge.
He knew he could survive a fall from some distance – he’d done it before and taken only minimal damage – but, looking over his shoulder as he fell, he realized that this…this was much farther of a fall than onto a hidden ledge on Death Mountain, or falling through the floor in some of his dungeons.
He remembered bemoaning the fact that, for as much stuff as he had, he didn’t have anything like Wild's paraglider to help stop his fall.
Pegasus boots? Nothing to push off of, and would only make him faster anyway.
Roc's feather? Only aided him in jumping and he didn’t need more of that, thank you.
Roc's cape? Magic cape? Would almost certainly be torn from his numbing fingers and lost to the wind rushing about him.
He remembers his fingers closing around a smooth, polished shaft of wood, realizing it might be his only chance.
He remembers struggling to shift his aching body into optimal position for surviving a long fall.
He remembers activating the Cane of Byrna.
Then…nothing. Not until Wild's call brought him back to consciousness.
Hyrule and Warriors crashed to their knees beside Legend, sending tremors through the soft ground beneath his back. Legend clenched his teeth against the pain and tried to crack open one bleary eye. Everything hurt; he could almost feel Marin's fingers, tangling in his hair, calling him home. But he’d promised Wind he’d try to hold on, and what good was a hero who couldn’t keep his promise?
Warriors cursed under his breath as he took stock of Legend’s injuries, and Legend could sense Hyrule's magic fluttering frantically through the air between the heroes, desperate to heal.
“What happened?” Rulie asked, shocked.
Legend twitched his undamaged hand towards the Cane of Byrna, lying discarded a few feet from where he fell. He took one careful breath, mindful of his ribs and the attack on his airway.
“Tried t' use that t' break m' fall…” he rasped, throat thick with what he hoped was just pain. “’S’posta protec me from attacks…Must'a run outta magic…passed out…” He grimaced as the flames roaring throughout his body rose higher.
He could hardly hear his heartbeat fluttering in his ears, and black spots crowded his vision. The coppery iron tang of blood coated his mouth, at odds with the musty scent of earth and dead leaves beneath him.
Legend took another handful of small, panting breaths, curling his fingers into the dirt to ground himself. Wars was talking above him, Hyrule had taken over the wound in his abdomen, slowly sealing it with his Life spell. Wild’s fingers stroked gently though his hair, alleviating the shock and low blood pressure headache that was forming.
Someone tapped his cheek to get his attention – when had his eyes closed, he promised he’d stay awake – and an involuntary whimper eeked from his throat as he shifted to glance at…that was Wars, the Captain leaning over him with a grim look in his eye.
Wars, who was holding a belt in one hand, still tapping his cheek with the other.
Oh…yeah, that’s a good idea.
Legend groaned and coughed, gasping faintly, but pried his mouth open to accept the belt; the leather was strong and supple, but did little to dispel the taste of blood.
Legend felt hands on his shoulders and hips, pinning him in place. He shouted and clamped down on the belt as hands prodded at his ribs, stoking the fire impossibly higher. Something shifted, though, and the localized fire died as his fractured rib was realigned.
Legend took a deep breath through his nose, silently thanking the goddess for skilled hands and healing magic. Tears welled in his eyes but he refused to let them fall.
They still had more to fix, after all.
Distantly, giddily, he hoped Hyrule wasn’t using too much of his magic. Didn’t Wild mention he had fairies?
Legend contemplated spitting out the belt to preemptively tell Rulie off, but screamed and bit down again as the gentle probing fingers around his arm manipulated the bones back into their places. This time he couldn’t stop the tears from falling, or the low sob that rose in his throat.
“Sorry, sorry, hang on Lege we’re almost done…”
He didn’t know who said it, but the litany of words helped him remember his promise. Have to stay awake.
“Vet, we need to take off your boots to fix your legs. Are you ready?” Two pairs of hands gently cradled his heels, waiting for his signal.
Legend sniffled, then gritted his teeth and gave a firm – he hoped, anyway – nod.
“On three.” Warriors paused briefly as they adjusted their grip. “Ready? One…two…”
The hands moved in unison before the count of three, and Legend's mind gave up on consciousness.
When Legend woke, night had fallen. He could still taste the pink tingle of fairy healing in the air around him, mixed with the golden blue-green aura of Hyrule's magic.
His eyes and limbs felt leaden, burdened by fatigue and something else he couldn’t quite place. He shifted just enough to glance down – not only his bedroll, but also Sky's sailcloth and Twilight's pelt were piled on top of him. That would explain it.
Legend looked around himself, noting with interest that he wasn’t too far from where he’d originally fallen, and that camp seemed to have sprung up around him. He wondered how long it took the rest of the Chain to make it down the cliff.
Legend closed his eyes and focused inward, feeling out his magic and previous injuries. As with all Fae healing, nothing was out of place. He was still a bit faint from blood loss, but that would replenish with time.
And something to drink. Why did Fae healing always leave him so thirsty?
Carefully, he sat up, looking around the camp for whoever was on watch. He found Wild already picking his way through the sleeping heroes.
“You’re awake!” Wild whispered happily, crouching next to Legend’s bedroll. “Can I get you anything? Water? Food?”
Legend considered briefly, then said, “Maybe some milk, if we can spare it?”
Wild’s teeth gleamed in the firelight as he grinned. “Of course! Be right back.”
Within a minute Wild had returned, a bottle of cold milk firmly in hand.
Legend accepted it gratefully, letting the creamy liquid soothe his throat and stomach. “Thank you, Wild.”
“Oh, don’t worry about it.” Wild was chatty for so late at night. “Honestly, I didn’t even have to borrow from Time this time, I already –”
“No,” Legend interrupted, “that’s not what I…” he broke off at Wild's hurt expression. “I mean, yes thank you for the milk, but also…y'know…” He cleared his throat. “for earlier.”
Wild’s mouth formed an oh in understanding, but he didn’t say anything, waiting for Legend to continue.
“I would have died if you hadn’t jumped after me. Goddesses know I was ready to. But, you kept me here and got help. So, thanks.”
Wild's smile was small and fragile, but no less blinding for the fact. “We’re family, Vet, brothers,” he said plainly. “What else was I supposed to do?”
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silentwillowwhisperer · 11 months
It’s Keith’s birthday!!! Have the happiest of all happy birthdays my dear sweet traumatized child!
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I only have 30 minutes till today is over, yay me!
I have never gone paragliding before, nor do I feel like researching so yeah.
When Lance told Keith they would do anything he wanted for his birthday, he had expected something like ‘going to a party’ or ‘going for a hike’ or even just an eye roll.
But no.
Keith wants to jump out of a foreign aircraft on some random (but admittedly very pretty) planet with nothing but a flimsy little piece of fabric stopping him from falling to his death about a gazillion feet below him.
Now, Lance is not about to risk his life like this for no reason.
But Keith has his chin resting on Lance’s knee and is staring up at the blue paladin with wide, content eyes, and Lance cannot possibly say no to his precious bundle of boyfriend.
And that brings us to now, where Lance is fidgeting with the straps on his bulky harness. Their guide is a bulky man, towering at least a foot above them both. He hacks away at purple foliage blocking their way on the winding path that will deliver them to the top of a mountain.
Keith has a stupidly wild grin on his face. His eyes glow like fire and his hair is sticking out in every direction thanks to this planet’s rapidly fluctuating humidity. Lance is sure his own hair can’t be doing much better.
Keith is strangely chatty as he walks. A couple days before this, he had insisted that Lance just ignore his birthday, but it’s obvious that he’s enjoying every second of this. Their hands are clasped together between them both and swing back in forth as they hike. Both of their palms are sweating rivers by now. Lance squeezes tighter with every step.
Keith giggles softly. “You scared, McClain?” He nudges Lance’s shoulder with his own and his face is curved with a teasing smile.
Lance scoffs indignantly and mimes flipping a nonexistent ponytail over his shoulder.
“ I could out-fall you any day, Kogane.”
Keith snickers but gives no response. He goes back to pointing out every new thing they see with quiet joy. Lance can almost the sparkles flowing out of Keith.
He gets so caught up watching his partner that he doesn’t notice they’ve made it to the top till it’s too late.
There’s a blur of buckles and snappy instructions given to them by their guide and now Lance and Keith are strapped into their parachute for two.
Keith sends him a radiant grin. His eyes have fiery challenge swirled in. He drapes his arms over Lance’s shoulders and leans in close. “You ready?” he whispers.
Lance gulps and nods shallowly. He feels a trickle of sweat run down his temple.
“Here we go!”
And now they’re falling. He fails for a moments before throwing his arms around Keith’s back. All he can hear is the wind whipping around them and Keith’s faint jingle-laughs.
He has his eyes squeezed shut tight, but feels dumb after a moment and cracks one open just enough to see in front of him.
Keith is watching him carefully. His lips quiver, Lance can tell the other boy is laughing at him.
By now, the fabric has caught the wind, and they float gracefully through the air. Light shines through their paraglider and creates a splash of vibrant colors across their faces.
Keith throws his head back to cackle again. His hair looks terrible, black locks poking into his eyes and whipping around with the wind. His eyes are shut tight with amusement and Lance has the urge to trace the crinkles around his eyes. His skin is painted over with a mix of red and blue from their paraglider.
He’s a mess.
And he looks absolutely radiant.
If they weren’t already flying through the sky, Lance would say that his heart was carrying his straight up into the cosmos.
They make it back to the ground eventually, and Lance find himself missing the decent. They begin an awkward shuffle to untangle themselves from the mess that is their harnesses and scout out the area.
They’ve landed on a hill overlooking a sprawling market, and dammit if Lance isn’t going shopping, he just went through a life-threatening experience.
Keith is dragged around from stall to stall as Lance gets distracted by anything and everything that catches his eye.
He zones out for a while, occasionally lifting his arms or hair to let Lance try various accessories out on him.
He comes back to reality when Lance pats his head and looks down at his chest.
Dangling there is a red pendant. It’s a uncut stone almost like a ruby, but deeper with layers of pink and orange that remind Keith of a sunset. The best part is, the charm is naturally shaped so that it almost looks like a strawberry.
Lance’s smile overflows with affection. “I found that on some planet a while ago and thought of you. One of these merchants helped me put it on a string and you didn’t even notice because you zoned out so hard. Do you like it?”
There’s no words to describe the buzzing in Keith’s stomach correctly, so he just crashes his body against Lance, and they embrace so close they might’ve melted together.
Later, they’ll go back to the castle and Hunk will present a pretty cake to him. They’ll all have a movie night and a big dinner of almost-pizza (it’s actually soup but alienified to taste like bread, saude, and cheese) and Keith will spend the night pressed up against his boyfriend. Eventually they’ll be forced to go to bed and Keith will lay in Lance’s arms, turning the new necklace back and forth in his fingers endlessly.
And the whole time, a glow too big to possibly fit inside him will rush through his veins as he drowns in a happiness entirely surreal to him.
Yes, yep, it is totally still the 23rd, shush it.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY DARLING BABY BOY! You deserve the moon, the stars, and all the worlds above <3
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busaddablog · 6 months
Guide to Popular Travel Destinations Accessible by Bus with BusAdda in India
Travelling by bus is a convenient and economical way to explore the diverse and culturally rich destinations across India. With BusAdda, an online platform for booking bus tickets, you can easily plan your next adventure to some of the country's most sought-after destinations. Here's a detailed guide to a few of these popular travel spots, highlighting the attractions, activities, and transportation options available, while emphasising the ease of booking bus tickets online.
1. Goa: Sun, Sand, and Serenity
Attractions: Explore the golden beaches of Goa, including Calangute, Baga, and Anjuna. Visit historic landmarks like Aguada Fort and Basilica of Bom Jesus. Experience the vibrant nightlife at clubs and beach shacks.
Activities: Indulge in water sports such as parasailing, jet skiing, and banana boating. Take a cruise along the Mandovi River or venture into the lush greenery of Dudhsagar Waterfalls.
Transportation: BusAdda offers a range of bus services to Goa from major cities like Mumbai, Pune, and Bangalore. With flexible timings and comfortable seating options, booking your bus tickets online is hassle-free, allowing you to focus on enjoying your holiday.
2. Manali: Gateway to the Himalayas
Attractions: Marvel at the breathtaking landscapes of Manali, including snow-capped mountains, lush valleys, and pristine rivers. Explore Rohtang Pass, Solang Valley, and Hadimba Temple.
Activities: Engage in adventure activities such as trekking, paragliding, and river rafting. Relax in natural hot springs or go on scenic drives to nearby attractions like Kullu and Kasol.
Transportation: BusAdda provides convenient bus services to Manali from cities like Delhi, Chandigarh, and Shimla. Booking your bus tickets online ensures a smooth journey amidst the stunning vistas of the Himalayas.
3. Jaipur: The Pink City
Attractions: Discover the rich history and culture of Jaipur by visiting iconic landmarks such as Amber Fort, City Palace, and Hawa Mahal. Explore the colourful markets of Johari Bazaar and Bapu Bazaar.
Activities: Experience the royal heritage with elephant rides at Amer Fort, attend cultural performances at Chokhi Dhani, and indulge in traditional Rajasthani cuisine.
Transportation: BusAdda offers reliable bus services to Jaipur from cities like Delhi, Agra, and Ahmedabad. Booking your bus tickets online allows you to explore the vibrant streets of Jaipur with ease and convenience.
4. Munnar: Paradise in the Western Ghats
Attractions: Immerse yourself in the lush tea plantations, misty mountains, and cascading waterfalls of Munnar. Visit attractions like Mattupetty Dam, Eravikulam National Park, and Tea Museum.
Activities: Go trekking to Echo Point or Top Station for panoramic views. Enjoy boating in Kundala Lake or explore the local flora and fauna at Blossom International Park.
Transportation: BusAdda facilitates seamless bus travel to Munnar from cities like Kochi, Coimbatore, and Bangalore. By booking your bus tickets online, you can embark on a scenic journey through the Western Ghats without any hassle.
Whether you're seeking sun-soaked beaches, snow-clad mountains, royal heritage, or verdant landscapes, BusAdda offers convenient bus services to help you reach your desired destination in India. With easy online booking options, you can secure your bus tickets in advance, ensuring a stress-free and enjoyable travel experience.
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hanayori89 · 1 year
The Many Heroes of Valentine’s Day
Would you like to have dinner amongst the floating isles of the sky? Or paraglide amongst the rolling hills of the wild? How about being serenaded beneath the setting sun of Lake Hylia? If none of that tickles your fancy, you could always go skinny dipping beneath the silent moon of Ordon Spring.
<3 This is an older headcanon series I did on my Wattpad that I am sharing now. Before I post I want to mention while the words are my own, the artwork used is not. For your visual pleasure, all artwork can be found by the very talented WrenLink here on Tumblr. Below is a link for all inquiries about artwork.
Without further ado...are you ready to go on a date with our favorite fairy boi? Select your hero and select your adventure: Let’s GO ⚔️🛡️
               The Hero of the Skies
<3 It's February 14th on Skyloft and you've selected the Hero of the Skies as your date.
-The Hopeless Romantic
-Obviously he'd give you a tour of the skies, snuggled up close to him on his crimson loft wing.
-Or the surface, he wouldn't care so as long as he was spending time with you.
-Being the hopeless romantic that he is, this man is all candlelit dinners with astounding views of the skies and breezy trysts in between.
-Maybe you can check out Bamboo Island and practice slicing up some bamboo...
-While he's behind you with his arms wrapped around you.
-And his hands firmly guiding you as you slice your sword downward.
-At this point you aren't paying attention to slicing bamboo anymore.
-Or maybe it's not that particular bamboo you're paying attention to...
-Sky would be the pull out your chair at the table for you type.
-Of course, he'd eagerly wait for you to take the first bite.
-Speaking of first bite, how would dinner at the cozy Lumpy Pumpkin sound?
-You'd then venture over to the secluded Isle of Songs
-Alone at last, he'd nuzzle his face into yours
-Where his lashes would flutter into yours like the feathers of his loft wing
-And he'd shower you with eskimo kisses
-Don't be fooled by all these displays of romance
-After all, Sky is the only hero with a whip.
-You do the math
-Sky would then whisper with a faint breath into your lips "would you do me the honor of being my valentine?"
-If Sky were a Valentine's candy, he'd be a conversation heart.
-For this gentle hero has no problem with verbalizing what it is he feels within the bowels of his heart.
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                   The Hero of Wild
<3 It's February 14th on the Great Plateau and you've selected the Hero of Wild as your date.
- The Spontaneous Flirt
-The Hero of Wild is up for anything and I mean anything.
-Dates with Wild would be a blissful whirlwind of surprises.
-I recommend packing some comfortable clothing, as this guy loves the great outdoors.
-Fishing, hiking, horseback riding, Wild is down to do it all.
-You know what else he loves? A partner with fire and spunk.
-Despite his adventurous demeanor, Wild isn't as brave when it comes to starting a conversation.
-Though he would be a fantastic listener.
-The wilderness can be quite perilous. Wild would protect you at all times.
-You would be bound to his hardened body as you paraglide across the Great Plateau.
-Of course, this is merely to catch the stunning views of the Necludas
-It's definitely not to hold onto him oh so tight, oh no.
-He isn't called the "Hero of Wild" for nothing. One moment you may be infiltrating Gerudo Town in matching outfits.
-The next you're holding hands amongst the dazzling sands of Lurelin Village.
- Speaking of matching outfits, Wild has quite an impressive array of outfits in his wardrobe.
-Role playing would be a serious turn on for him.
-This boy isn't all mountains and sea. In fact, he loves to settle down beneath the stars with a fresh cooked meal.
-Which he'll cook and do an excellent job at. Each bite will be more tantalizing and luscious than the next.
-Speaking of luscious, let's discuss his kisses, shall we?
-While role playing would break Wild out of his timidity, he still is, within his core, a shy boy.
-He is a big fan of innocent forehead kisses. That way he can mask the crawling blush that's worked itself up to his ears.
-He also wouldn't mind feeding you bites of the delectable food concoctions he's created.
-There aren't napkins in the wild. But never fear, he'll just use his tongue to clean up the mess.
-If Wild were a Valentine's candy, well, he wouldn't be a candy but a succulent strawberry.
-For this hero has no problem showing you everything nature has to offer, himself included.
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                        The Hero of Time
<3 It's February 14th across the sweeping fields of Hyrule and you've selected the Hero of Time as your date.
-The Chivalrous Lover
-Let me start off by saying Time will come across as very guarded.
-But just like the drawbridge to Hyrule Castle Town, it is something momentous once he lowers his guard.
-Manners and respect are of the utmost importance to this hero. This is a man who will always make sure he walks on the side of the street, while you are securely beside him on the curb.
-Beyond his reticent exterior is the wondrous heart of a child lying within.
-Yes, Time would have no problem playing games in Castle Town or Kakariko and winning you prizes.
-That heart piece you want from bomb chu bowling? Yours.
- That heart piece you want from the horseback archery in Gerudo desert? Yours.
-His heart? Yours.
-This is a man who wants to show you Hyrule through his eyes.
-What you weren't expecting was the double visions of Hyrule in which you will become acquainted. The Hyrule of his childhood and the Hyrule of present.
-He may wish to show you the Kokiri forest where he grew up.
-Only to whisk you to Lake Hylia where you can catch the setting sun and he can serenade you with the many tunes he knows on his ocarina.
-Speaking of Lake Hylia, did I mention how secluded it is?
-You see, seclusion is very important for Time.
-This is a hero who has no kink, he simply wishes to merge himself body, mind and soul with his beloved.
- Time would like nothing more than to get lost in the depth of your eyes before claiming your lips in between his own.
-If the Hero of Time were a Valentine's candy, he'd be a traditional box of chocolates.
- For this hero knows all too well how heartless time can be as it trickles away. And so, much like the ageless box of chocolate, Time would like a love that is timeless. A love that will last forevermore and where time has no prevalence.
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               The Hero of Twilight
<3 It's February 14th in Ordon Village and you've selected the Hero of Twilight as your date.
-The Mercurial Paramour
-The Hero of Twilight is a little bit complex.
-He may not say much verbally, but he'll say plenty with his very expressive face.
-At first glance, Twilight may seem very simple. He is but a ranch hand to his friend Fado.
-He may make this seem like work, but secretly this hero is a big softie when it comes to animals.
-He would love to show you his cat collection or the many dogs that cohabitate in his village.
-He may not show you the goats he herds, he does have an image to upkeep after all.
-Twilight could dash you across the many locales of Hyrule but he'd prefer to show you the cozy magic of Ordon Village.
-He has a quant abode where he would happily cook you a romantic dinner.
-Still wanting to venture out into Hyrule? Not after a moonlit jaunt to Ordon Spring.
-This is where Twilight's dull rancher facade will shatter.
-Don't be bashful if he suggests some skinny dipping.
-Do you think he wore that flimsy rancher outfit for work? No, no more like he was working at showing you his biceps and all the things his muscle could do to you if you let him.
-Something about the dark side of the moon transforms this man.
-He's got you alone and right where he wants you. Hopefully you won't mind a little nibbling and biting.
-A little will turn into a lot as you'll find Twilight forgo every last shred of control he may have had.
-It won't be long before you understand why this hero was chosen to be transformed into a wolf.
-And quite frankly, you'll also find you don't mind.
-If the Hero of Twilight were a Valentine's candy, he'd be a cinnamon heart.
-For this hero will melt you with his sweet exterior, surprising you with the taste of his masterfully hidden spice that will linger on your lips. And leaving you in desperate need of more.
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             The Warrior of Hyrule
<3 It's February 14th at Hyrule Castle and you've selected Link, a warrior of Hyrule as your date.
-Love's cynic
- The most impenetrable of all versions of the hero.
- Takes his knight training and his allegiance to the Hylian royal guard, very, very seriously.
- You know what else he takes seriously? His devotion to you.
- This warrior may come off as pompous, but only because he feels he has much to prove.
- In fact, this relentless ambition he possesses is rooted in deep insecurity.
- He secretly wants a partner that can see through him, that can reassure him that he is enough.
- He wants someone who will choose him and only him.
-He may not be able to fly you above the clouds, glide you beyond the mountains, transport you through time or realms; but he can offer you something just as priceless.
- This warrior will fight all your battles with you, and if he can, for you.
-Speaking of fighting, he has the most raw physical strength out of any of the heroes.
- He may be confined to Hyrule Castle but, he has no problem sneaking you into his room. Where he can demonstrate just how strong he is.
- Do you think your endurance can match that of Hyrule's greatest warrior?
- This hero isn't about rough love making. Though he would never reject a request or challenge to prove his sexual prowess.
- He would much rather strip you raw with his gaze, letting your fingers linger over the heavy beating of his secretly fragile heart.
- This warrior wants to see you beg.
- Hyrule Warriors Link would not be a Valentine's candy, he would be the deceiving decadence of red velvet cake.
-For this warrior, looks are deceiving. But what he feels in the core of his heart is not.
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chillysbrainrot · 1 year
I just watched Ragnarok Season 3 and have some thoughts about it. Most of all, this is about Magne, and what I had in mind watching him throughout the series. Come scream at me with your own thoughts.
Keep in mind, this has some major spoilers of season 3.
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I totally get him, I get why the writers had us living through everything and then just to end it without the huge fight everyone expected.
Magne himself: he is the lone, strange kid. Too big, too silent. Maybe he could be considered to be on the neurodiverse spectrum. He also struggles with being dyslexic and seems to be behind his peers. That alone makes him a pariah for most. Season 3 with the comics and Turid‘s speech made a lot of things clear. (Maybe Magne never really understood or worked through the death of his father Asbjorn. He had somehow to cope.) Magne used to flee into whatever he could to feel like he belongs, to escape reality and not feel „worthless/powerless“ all the time.
Turid: She wants to be helpful but can’t to seem understand either Magne or Laurits. The death of Asbjorn has forced her to be the sole provider for their family, she struggles with the problems they have and while she sees her children struggle, she doesn’t take the time needed to fully listen to them, thinking it’s just a phase most of the time we see her. It takes tragic accidents (and whatever really happened to Trym) for her to finally understand that something is really bad, that Magne needs help.
Isolde: She is an outsider herself, but it seems to be partially by choice. She is the one to see Magne, not his problems, but him, and really wants him to come out of his shell and learn to life. She sees him and he latched onto that, because for once someone doesn’t see the kid with problems but Magne as a human being. She seems to be the first.
Isolde‘s death: A major trigger. Magne began to feel human around Isolde and maybe blamed himself for her death because he was supposed to be with her. It also seemed to have triggered the episode of Magne falling back into the pseudo-reality he built to cope with the accident. The Jutuls were an easy target to blame.
Everyone against Magne: Teachers, the police, even his own mother seemed to be against him. Magne couldn’t understand the world anymore, He couldn’t understand why Isolde’s death wasn’t “as big of a deal” for everyone else as it had been for him. He felt betrayed by Erik especially because he was Isolde’s father and seemed to take it as it was. It didn’t make sense for him, because Isolde told him she was a good paraglider and why would she make the mistake to fly down in a thunderstorm? The police seemed to change their opinion again and again. He lashes out, flees into being Thor because then he could be strong, and look for the real reason.
Laurits seemed to be the first to understand that his brother really has some problems, and that he should stand with him (cue the Ran/Jutul-Parody). Laurits is also portrayed as hopping sides whenever Magne escalates because I think he is one of the few to call/disrupts Magne out of his parade/pseudo-reality
Police, Hospital and Medication: Magne visiting the psychiatrist and getting medication as a paranoid schizophrenic. Magne has lived through a traumatic experience with Isolde’s death and can’t seem to cope with it at all. They said he seemed to believe he needed to be a hero and to protect Edda from the evil of the Jutuls. He seemed to realize himself fleeing into the “Thor-identity” because he said: “I wasn’t myself” but fell right back into it. Did he ever take the medication, after the fight with Vidar, didn’t Turid ever force him to take it? Didn’t a doctor ever check in if Magne took his medication? Or did Magne already flee so far into this pseudo reality that he kept living it? (Maybe it is a major plothole)
Wench and Isolde’s words: Wench might be a bit strange, I would say she, while being a “strange old lady” somehow get’s Magne and means to be helpful to guid him along the way when others couldn’t. The vision of her turning to Isolde, saying she would always be with him (in his heart), is for me a step forward for him, because while he still seems to be trapped in his pseudo reality he starts to open up to others. The other gods come into play, Signy, and the other local kids. He becomes approachable but the war in his head is not over.
The other gods/friends: They became Magne’s friends along the journey but also fight with each other so often, or become strangers along the way again. Totally natural. Magne is more open to them, maybe even relates to them but a lot of it depends on his behavior. Whenever he seems to withdraw back into the “war in his head” he becomes unapproachable, even hurtful.
The Jutuls: They are, in his head, the enemy and source of all evil. An target to put his anger, instead to eat it up and let it fester. For him, they are at fault for everything bad that happens in Edda. Maybe they are for some of these: certainly a big company into mining rare resources has some skeletons in the closets.
Mjolnir: A power-fantasy. Magne felt useless, a loser. When everyone who was “hurt” by Jutul Industries turned him down on the rightful way, and people kept dying from the neglect by the Jutuls, he snapped and turned to the one thing that gave him power. It made him feel strong, but enstranged him to Signy and his brother, even the other gods/friends who at first enabled him to get stronger through it. It’s why it helped to have it at first. He had some sense of power because his friends helped him to believe in himself, he was strong, and didn’t need that “fantasy” for the time being. But when he felt helpless again? He needed that hammer, and needed to feel strong against the “Jutul threat”. Maybe he had a lawsuit that could stand in for the hammer, people certainly could be weary. The woman Magne found was the best example that Jutul Industries neglected their (former) workers. Maybe even after the death of the woman they had an ongoing lawsuit, up until it either got maybe dissolved, left for the time being or something else happened. Magne “lost” his weapon in the Fjord and the Jutuls had the hammer for a short moment, maybe the offered compensation in the “real world” and the family of the woman thought about accepting? Magne regained the hammer but got a reality check.
Wotan’s/Odin’s reality check: Wotan took Magne out of the escalating situation before more people could get hurt. He forced Magne to come back to himself and realize why he was behaving like he did. It is the point that finally brought Magne to himself, to understand while the death of Isolde, his fear to have disappointed her, it was what fed the pseudo reality into what it was festering into. That he needed to come back to the “real” world. It is why he, even if we expected the fight to happen, he finally let it go. He forgave himself, the Jutuls (to an extent), and let it, and symbolic the hammer with its power, go. Because, and that is why we see the fight in the pseudo-reality in the last episode, he has to move forward at some point, and not loose himself and the others forever.
Thor’s death: Thor needed to die for Magne to life. Magne finally found his way out, and realized that he had escaped into a wrong reality. Thor had to die, so Magne could become himself. He was a young man about to graduate from school, and had scared the girl he lived away with how he behaved. We are how Ragnarok plays out, how Thor does, but Magne lives and ends it with throwing the comics away. He no longer needs to flee reality and was ready to rebuild his relationship and strengthen those he made on his way to recovery.
Thor dies so Magne could life.
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doomed-era · 1 year
TLDR; Link has a PTSD attack and Rhoam gives him a back pat idk what I'm doing
I'm obsessed with their dynamic I'm sorry
“I can't do it.” 
Rhoam stood over the surly teenager. “Why not?”
“I lost the slate.” 
The old man raised an eyebrow at Link, glimpsing a flicker of orange and blue in a nearby bush. It was an obvious lie, but also the only lie Link had ever told. “Really?”
“Yes. It's gone.” Link had flopped onto a log. His skinny limbs and torn clothing only served to make him look more miserable. “Just give me the paraglider for something else.”
“Oh, no, it's far, far too valuable,” Rhoam insisted. “Besides—what's this?” He walked towards the poorly-hidden sheikah slate, and picked it up. “Here we are! Easy to find, if you look in the right pla—”
Link bolted. Despite his short legs he was deceptively fast, and by the time Rhoam had processed what was happening he was halfway across the little clearing they were in and headed towards a nearby bridge. 
He kept running. 
“Link, come back here! Now!” Rhoam shouted. 
Link stumbled to a stop, and turned around, staring at Rhoam like a prey animal. 
“What do you think you're doing, running away from your responsibility like that? If you want to help that voice you have to go to the shrines!”
“I can't do it. It's impossible,” Link said. 
“Tell me what happened,” Rhoam replied. “We can get to the shrine together.” 
Though he hesitated, Link lumbered back to the campsite, past the old cabin and back onto the log. He buried his face in his hands. Rhoam sat down next to him and placed a sturdy hand on his shoulders. 
“What happened?” Rhoam asked. 
“I'm trying to think,” Link said.
Right. He shouldn't pressure Link into an answer too quickly. “Oh—good. Take your time,” Rhoam stammered. 
“I don't know,” Link began. “I tried to go to the shrine near those ruins, and I—” He hissed, and slumped over. “I don't know.” 
Rhoam felt Link’s heart hammering inside his small body. He gently patted the boy. “Take your time,” he repeated. 
Another few moments passed before Link spoke again. “There was this thing. It wasn't like the other monsters. It had a blue eye, and it shot out fire—it was so hot,” Link said. “It was so hot, I could feel it everywhere. I could barely move, I thought I was going to die.”
“Are you hurt anywhere?”
Link shook his head. “I'm fine. I can't go back.”
So he was afraid of guardians. Rhoam couldn't blame him. The ghost remembered his final moments, dragging himself to a wall as he looked into the cold eye of a guardian still hunting him down, the stench of burning flesh, the bodies of his people littered around him. The castle had been overrun. 
 Link had to learn to face guardians somehow, though; they were everywhere. This frightened, gangly, willful young man was brought back to serve his role, Rhoam reminded himself, as unfair as it was. The old king’s role was to help Link save the kingdom, and Zelda by proxy. He just hoped it would be enough to repay for what he’d done to her. But to do that, he had to repeat his mistake. He had to push yet another person to their limit for the greater good, and it hurt. Why did this befall him? Why was he forced to relive his folly in death? He was just a man; he had no powers, no destiny guiding him. Was he even right to do this? 
Thoughts clouding his mind, he waited for Link’s heart to slow down, for his breathing to calm. Eventually the teenager leaned against his side—Rhoam winced, but didn't move. If there was one thing he had learned as a ghost, it was patience. 
After a while, Link took his head out of his hands, his expression suddenly studious. “They look like those statues outside the Temple of Time. The ones with the springs inside.”
“They do, you're right,” Rhoam said. 
“I think if I got used to them by looking at the dead ones, it might be easier.” 
“That…is a very good idea. In fact, I think I’ll join you.” Rhoam smiled.
Link smiled back. “Thank you, old man.”
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
How about sky and wild free falling together? Whether it’s angst or fluff, you decide!
The ground felt strangely unstable, floating aimlessly in the air with no secure perch in sight. As much as Link was comfortable with paragliding, this was taking things to an extreme level.
Not to mention the kingdom was in literal pieces.
Link tried to take a grounding breath, overwhelmed. Zelda was gone, Ganon was back in a new form with more power than ever... they'd spent one hundred years fighting him and he still won.
He wouldn't give up. He wouldn't. But... he couldn't help but feel hopeless, standing up here with a bird's eye view of just how much damage there was.
Hyrule had recovered just enough to be decimated again.
"Demise is horrible like that."
Link jumped, startled, and turned to see the familiar ghostly figure beside him. After an initial misunderstanding, Link's new companion, sent by Hylia, had been trying to guide him through this venture. He still didn't know how to feel about actually interacting with the Spirit of the Hero - was this person a part of him? Had he been looking over him this entire time? Why hadn't he stopped the first calamity, then?
Had Link failed him more than anyone else?
The Spirit smiled, his face soft and gentle, putting Link at ease. "But that's why we're here. You're not alone, Link. I'll guide you, and you've got a lot of friends on the surface who are there to assist you."
Link looked down at the world below and got a brief sense of vertigo. Goddess they were high up.
He kind of wanted to see how far he could fall before he'd need his glider. There was a certain apprehension to the thought - the only time he recalled being this precariously high up was when he was infiltrating Vah Medoh, and he'd had Teba there to help him if he truly was unable to stop the fall. Nevertheless, the wind called to him, and he longed to be on the ground below once more.
His guide smiled and giggled, his face suddenly bright. "Come on. Let's kick Ganon's ass."
With that, the spirit put a hand on Link before disappearing, a light sinking into Link and warming him to his bones. His desire to jump heightened, and he could practically feel the Hero's Spirit bouncing with excitement at the prospect of jumping.
Link smiled and leapt.
The wind was deafening. The force at which he was falling felt like he was crashing through walls, pushing against him while he plummeted to the world below. His stomach was left behind on the air island above, but his heart was quickly catching up to the moment.
He heard the spirit yell in delight, and it pulled a laugh out of him. For a moment he almost felt like he was lost in his mind, focused on the moment but outside his body, and for just a moment, the Spirit could actually feel the wind, could actually feel the freedom of the fall, and the first Hero let out a scream of pure joy as his tears were lost to the sky he loved so dearly.
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theeeveetamer · 1 year
I will say, if I could change one thing about TotK, it would be how you acquire the outfits. I wish you got the entire set when you found a chest/did certain quests, not just one piece at a time. I also wish some of this stuff was way easier to find.
I've completed all the shrines, dungeons, and light roots at this point (and I was actually exploring, not just using a guide. I found all of the light roots and all but two of the shrines just through normal exploring and gameplay). Despite doing what I feel is a pretty thorough job exploring I'm still missing at least one piece from like half of the sets I found. I have no idea how you would find a full set of 80% of these without a guide in just normal gameplay. Now I'm just running around trying to collect up all of the remaining outfit pieces and paraglider fabrics.
Kinda makes me wonder why I'm bothering other than for the sake of completion, since I'm really just gonna go collect them and then head straight to the final boss, where I will use exactly none of them.
Oh, and whoever linked a paraglider fabric to Addison and then didn't make the game properly track how many signs you've put up and where you put them up, please have a horrible night.
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Take a trip to Nainital with Sammelan Tour & Travels and discover its magic
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With its beautiful setting in the Kumaon mountains Nainital, located in the Kumaon hills, is a popular hill station offering tranquility and adventure. A haven for nature lovers and adventure seekers alike, Nainital is famous for its pristine lakes, lush greenery, and majestic mountains. If you're looking for a memorable escape from the hustle and bustle of city life, a Nainital holiday package from Sammelan Tour & Travels is just what you need. Let's delve into the details of what makes Nainital an ideal holiday destination and how our carefully curated packages can enhance your experience.
What Makes Nainital a Perfect Holiday Destination?
Nainital is renowned for its breathtaking beauty and serene environment. The shimmering Naini Lake, after which the town is named, is the heart of Nainital. Surrounded by seven hills, the lake offers picturesque views and a peaceful ambiance. Boating on Naini Lake is an experience that should not be missed.
Apart from the lake, Nainital is dotted with several other attractions, making it a must-visit destination. From the scenic viewpoints of Snow View and Tiffin Top to the historical Naina Devi Temple, the town has something for everyone. Adventure seekers can indulge in activities like trekking, horse riding, and paragliding, while those looking to relax can enjoy leisurely walks along the Mall Road.
Nainital Sightseeing: Explore the Best Tourist Places
When you choose a Nainital sightseeing package with Sammelan Tour & Travels, you get to explore the best tourist places this charming town offers. Here are some of the top attractions included in our Nainital sightseeing packages:
Naini Lake: Enjoy a boat ride on this tranquil lake and soak in the stunning views of the surrounding hills.
Naina Devi Temple: Located on the northern shore of Naini Lake, this temple is dedicated to Goddess Naina Devi and is one of the most important religious sites in Nainital.
Snow View Point: Accessible by a cable car ride, this viewpoint offers panoramic views of the snow-capped Himalayan ranges.
Tiffin Top (Dorothy’s Seat): A popular picnic spot, Tiffin Top provides a 360-degree view of the surrounding countryside.
The Mall Road: A bustling street along the lake, perfect for shopping, dining, and leisurely strolls.
Nainital Zoo: Home to several exotic species of animals and birds, the zoo is a great place for wildlife enthusiasts.
Eco Cave Gardens: A series of interconnected rocky caves and hanging gardens that offer a fun and educational experience, especially for children.
Delhi to Nainital: Seamless Travel with Our Packages
For those looking to embark on a Nainital trip from Delhi, Sammelan Tour & Travels offers comprehensive Delhi to Nainital holiday packages. These packages are designed to ensure a hassle-free and comfortable journey, allowing you to focus on enjoying your holiday. Here's what you can expect from our Delhi to Nainital package:
Convenient Transportation: Travel in comfort with our well-maintained vehicles and experienced drivers who ensure a smooth ride from Delhi to Nainital.
Accommodation: Stay in carefully selected hotels that offer modern amenities and beautiful views, ensuring a comfortable and pleasant stay.
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Nainital Sightseeing Package: What’s Included?
Our Nainital sightseeing package is designed to provide you with an immersive experience of this beautiful hill station. Here’s what’s included in our Nainital sightseeing package:
Comprehensive Tours: Visit all the major Nainital sightseeing places, including Naini Lake, Naina Devi Temple, Snow View Point, Tiffin Top, and more.
Expert Guides: Learn about the history, culture, and natural beauty of Nainital from our knowledgeable and friendly guides.
Leisure Activities: Enjoy activities like boating on Naini Lake, exploring the Eco Cave Gardens, and shopping on Mall Road.
Comfortable Transportation: Travel in comfort with our reliable transportation services that ensure you get to each sightseeing spot without any hassle.
Book Your Nainital Holiday Package Today!
A trip to Nainital promises a rejuvenating experience filled with natural beauty, adventure, and tranquility. Whether you're planning a family vacation, a romantic getaway, or a solo adventure, Sammelan Tour & Travels has the perfect Nainital holiday package for you. Our packages are designed to provide you with a seamless and enjoyable travel experience, from the moment you leave Delhi to the time you return.
Visit Nainital today and discover its magic. We would be happy to assist you in booking your Nainital holiday package today at Sammelan Tour & Travels. Explore the best tourist places to visit in Nainital, indulge in exciting activities, and relax in the serene ambiance of this picturesque hill station. Let us take care of all the details so you can focus on creating cherished moments with your loved ones.
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