#parent! buckynat
hoppers-babygirl · 1 year
hoppers-babygirl's Masterlist
dividers by @firefly-graphics
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Sleepless Nights
Beat his ass
Life In the Upside Down
Like A Virgin
Saving Grace
Bells will ring
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Prima Ballerina
Children of HYDRA
Keeping up with the family
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Skin to skin
Barton Family Christmas
Punching Bag
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Forget It.
You’ll Go Far, Kid
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reallifedashie · 17 days
Let's talk about how Natasha and Bucky good for each other
The fact that they can understand each other in their most difficult and bad times, and that they encounter the same difficulties and abuse...
They are far from being a toxic relationship. It drives me crazy when I see people saying they only hurt each other.
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Yeah yeah they only hurt each other ☺️☺️ WHİLE THİS EXİST
"ı know you don't need me. But please, Natasha. Whatever else we are... Let me be your friend"
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burninblood · 1 year
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Happy international cats 🐈 😻 day! With BuckyNat, Alpine and Liho! ❤️
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milli-moi · 10 months
Headcanon PSA
Natasha’s second child,
( who was far from the unexpected horror of discovering her first child at already 24 weeks pregnant)
After a lot of effort, medication and a risky removal of Natasha’s immune system that eventually led to his conception, was born via c section.
They should have taken that as foreshadowing, for the whole of his life there was never a chance of getting Stefan Barnes to budge if he was comfy.
But - stay with me - Natasha actually loves her c section scar because of the three scars James has been behind, this is one he (technically*) gave her that was a good thing.
Bucky no longer getting to beat himself up over the scars he gave Natasha because one of them led to their son.
That is all, please accept my head canoned cuteness, I hope others find joy in it too.
* star added just in case - it can be said he caused the scar because he is Stefan’s Dad, so he caused the baby that decided he didn’t want to be born.
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viduificcl · 4 months
Someone give me BuckyNat being surrogate parents to Kobik
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themculibrary · 5 months
Picnics Masterlist
A beautiful afternoon (ao3) - whiteleander loki/mobius T, 4k
Summary: Loki takes Mobius on a brief summer vacation after they succesfully save the TVA, and they spend a lovely day on the beach.
Jet skiing, romantic beach picnic, stargazing, piningly staring at your friend and wanting to offer him the world are mandatory, of course.
A Nice Afternoon (ao3) - BucksomeBarnes (Freckled_Halos) steve/bucky G, 1k
Summary: Bucky has a little surprise for Steve after a morning of Avengers business.
drink that sun (ao3) - thesunlightmuse bruce/tony T, 1k
Summary: “Let’s go on a picnic.”
Tony suggests he and Bruce have some fun. Bruce thinks about his feelings.
Flying Toward the Light (ao3) - msraven clint/phil, background steve/peggy T, 3k
Summary: Steve and Clint have been friends since they met at a group home when they were kids, but agreeing to a blind date at the Fourth of July picnic is pushing the boundaries of even their friendship.
Grave Meetings (ao3) - Stella_Malodi darcy/steve G, 1k
Summary: Darcy was having a picnic when she met her Soulmate.
So, there was a crazy, selfie-taking person having a picnic at his parents’ graves. What was Steve supposed to do about that?
If I Could Fly (ao3) - ChocolateCapCookie steve/tony T, 2k
Summary: How could Tony hate birds?
Birds were amazing. Steve was no biologist, but he had gone to art school in the 40’s, he could appreciate the delicate beauty of the little flying creatures. The positioning of their feathers to make them look aesthetically pleasing, and yet make them lightweight and aerodynamic enough to fly; the brilliant or subtle colorings and shades depending on the species; and their adorably quick movements were all things Steve found fascinating.
And now his husband had suddenly developed an irrational hatred for them? Unacceptable. Steve was going to have to fix this right away.
i would do it again (ao3) - moodymelanist steve/bucky T, 1k
Summary: Steve and Bucky have a fall picnic in Central Park.
Just A Simple Picnic, Nothing Else (ao3) - PheonixWillRise loki/tony M, 7k
Summary: Loki decides that Tony needs to spend more time outside instead of cooped up in his work space. Loki also has something very important on his mind and wants complete privacy and a peaceful setting to talk to his lover without the worry of one of the Avengers storming in. Having a picnic seems the perfect excuse for some alone time.
just let me adore you 9ao3) - peachybuckys steve/bucky G, 1k
Summary: “So?” Bucky whispers, lips brushing against Steve’s again.
“Love it, Buck, love you. Thank you.” Steve kisses him one more time, tucking Bucky’s hair behind his ears.
They eat, practically inhaling their sandwiches and taking turns feeding each other the fruit Bucky packed. Bucky giggles nearly the entire time, earning a few grins from Steve. They polish off their lunch with the cookies and even more kisses.
Picnic (ao3) - MedeaV bucky/natasha E, 4k
Summary: (Buckynat) total fluff, out having a picnic at a beautiful, secluded location and sex outdoors
Picnic Lunch (ao3) - CluckU, Mumble_Bee sam/bucky E, 7k
Summary: Sam and Bucky finally get to go on that picnic. Sam's determined to put Bucky on the menu, but before he can have this particular dessert, he must first help Bucky work through the trauma holding him back. This story can be read as a standalone.
-Or- The one where Bucky buries his face in the blanket like a particularly obstinate ostrich trying to avoid Feelings.
Picnic on the Beach (ao3) - Writer_Lethogica sam/bucky G, 1k
Summary: “Ugh, you’re so old, Sam,” said Sarah, the kids agreeing as they sat down, beginning to eat the food Sam and Bucky made very lovingly, making Sam wonder why they even made anything lovingly at all for these assholes.
“Old,” Sam sputtered, choking on the salad, feeling very attacked right now, “I’m only three years older than you, Sarah. And technically, you’re older now.”
“See? Old,” said Cass, which cut deep.
“So old,” said AJ, which hurt even worse because he thought AJ loved Sam the most, but obviously, that was all a lie.
“Very old,” agreed Bucky, which – seriously?
You come to the beach with your boyfriend and loved ones and he goes and sides with your family over you.
“Bucky, you are over a hundred years old, you have no leg to stand on here,” said Sam, feeling betrayed by his own boyfriend.
Pink in the Night (ao3) - stevesnosebump steve/bucky G, 2k
Summary: Bucky surprises Steve with an evening picnic for Valentine's Day.
Sun, Sea, And Sand (ao3) - Marv_aka_Kitten_Writes yelena/kate T, 5k
Summary: A day at the beach with Kate turns out to be surprisingly fun for Yelena. After all, what's wrong with sand, sun, surf and saying I love you?
The Sisterhood Of The Ruby Stilettos XXV: A Picnic With Peppery Potato Salad ;) (ao3) - BradyGirl_12 pepper/natasha G, 951
Summary: As spring blossoms, Natasha and Pepper enjoy a picnic in Central Park. :)
Violets and Daisies (ao3) - Aenaria steve/darcy G, 1k
Summary: “I know. It’s not right your mom and dad didn’t show,” Grandma said, picking up a violet, glistening purple with sugar crystals that twinkled in the lights of the ice cream parlor. “That just means you gotta show up for yourself.” She popped the violet into her mouth, crunching it up and smiling at Darcy.
Darcy nodded firmly.
She didn't quite fully understand what Grandma had meant at the time, but baby Darcy took the words to heart and always made sure after that to have her own back. Even if no one else was supporting her, she knew how to support and advocate for herself.
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the BohkeeNaht glazing in those comics and in the fanbase glazing said comics is making me alkdvnkvnklnLMFAO
i can't even fully blame those writers or even the current editor bcuz, despite SteevShayrun writing/dynamic being objectively worse, BN pisses me off more. I think it's bcuz the loss/tradeoff for the ship's existence is more severe IMO. in the 2000s the men in charge had the bright idea of rewriting Nat's backstory to make her a Cap supp character, and now we have to suffer bcuz there's a gaggle of "Nat" fans that dgaf about Black Widow stories or supp casts and just wanna see her in Cap comics to enact their brainwashed teacher tropey romance bs.
but imma still blame those two "we love female characters even tho we write them terribly" writers bcuz omg the writing fuckin awful, even worse than SteevShayrun writing somehow, and Bucky doesn't even have a solo comic to repair the damage that those writers have been doing to his character the past year.
but even if he did have a solo, with the current i doubt it would do anything for him. ever since ~10 years ago when they got the job and editorial authority of every Bucky appearance, his character has been getting worse, i can't fully blame those men since it's a tag team effort. that editor is part of the problem ever since they got put on lowkey.
but the glazing of the turds is what gets me. CA fans will praise anything and ignore the shite writing as long as there's even worse written shippy panels to post omfg
I agree, it pisses me off a lot, too! I don't know why natasha went from being in a relationship with bucky (which was always a terrible choice, of course) and still having her own life & solo runs & being a generally well-respected member of the superhero community to being bucky's girlfriend with seemingly no life of her own and no solo runs :/ like, why is she co-parenting that fuck ass cat with him now or something?
#Those writers are clearly doing this because there's demand, though...while I'm happy to blame them for everything ever, I think this time, I'll equally blame the fans (why is buckynat so popular anyway? I feel like it's all people who noticed mcu fans being misogynistic towards natasha and decided to ship them harder than they normally would) because #they probably know they have a hard time getting people to read their books so they're forming an alliance with people who know nothing about the characters.
Is there any cap character who is being written well rn? I agree about bucky but I feel like every single character is getting atrocious writing and stories right now and the worst part is that their fans don't seem to care. The rest of us (fans of other characters) constantly complain about mischaracterization when it happens but cap fans seem to be happy with anything they get as long as the art is pretty and their ships are together 😭 sam literally tortured someone in his latest solo run and people were totally cool with it. Every writer who wrote sharon and bucky wrote them differently. Misty & natasha deserve better than to be stuck with these people and if they don't know what to do with steve, they should stop giving him solo books. I don't know how long the current cap editor was active for so I don't know if they're the only person to blame but they're certainly doing a terrible job regardless of whether they're solely responsible for all of these things...
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cherry-shake · 2 years
A buckynat OC
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Alyona (A-lona) Romanova-Barnes
Alias: Wolf Spider, Brown Recluse, Subject 3, Lonnie
Age: 18
Place of Birth: South Siberian Mountains
Parents: James Barnes, Natalia Romanov
Affiliations: Russia, Red Room (defunct), U.S. government
Abilities: super spy, super soldier, red room serum
Universe: Earth 616
Alyona's creation start well before her time with the start of the Wolf Spider program by the Red Room. The Winter Soldier was used to train Constantin and was punished greatly when he failed. Dimitri Petrov was the scientist in charge and knew he would be next. Dimitri stole his unstable red room serum and gave it to his oldest son Sergei at 9 years old. The Winter Soldier killed both Dimitri and his wife leaving their two sons in care of the state. Sergei, much like the wolf-spider volunteer, was hostile and full of rage. Yet he was able to pull it together in order to get his doctorate.
The Russian Government became tired of the failures of the Red Room and largely stopped funding. However, they turned their interest to the young Sergei Ivanov (who changed his name in his youth). He proposed the idea of a soldier who was given no identity and knew nothing but Russia. It was a way to keep the Red Room in check and kill anymore subjects who went out of line. Of course, Sergei had his own plan in mind. Alyona's targets would be anyone associated with the Red Room.
Using D.N.A. from both Natasha Romanov and James Barnes, Sergei made several attempts to grow a child and eventually was successful. However, a girl was not pleasing to many funders. Alyona was dubbed subject 3 and was fed Russian propaganda from the moment she could breath. Isolated deep in the mountains of Siberia, Alyona was given no name, no parents, no background. She learned to talk from the history videos and Sergei barking orders. As soon as she could walk, she started training and had schooling by several child specialist one of them being Nikita Alexovna. Alyona started killing at a young age and was adept at hand-to-hand combat, espionage, and weapons. Her targets she was forced to kill were mainly red room survivors or retired government officials who approved the program. What Sergei did not plan for was Alyona's temper and stubbornness. She was often punished harshly by Sergei himself or left outside with nothing but her tanktop in the Siberian winter. After a particularly harsh beating, Nikita bandaged her wounds. This was one of her first kind memories.
Alyona was able to sneak into Sergei's private quarters with Nikita's key and read his files on her parents. She kept her head down and behaved herself. Soon she was on her first kill outside of the base. Her target was Katerina, a KGB agent and one of the founders of the Red Room. She wasn't able to pull the trigger and went on the run. Wanted by not only Sergei's guards but also the Russian government once they discovered their plan. She went into hiding deep in the forests at the edge of Moscow.
Hydra also heard of the opportunity to steal a Russian asset. Alyona was swarmed by Hydra agents that Captain America and Black Widow were tracking. Black Widow helped to guide her to cover. Sergei arrived with his personal soldiers. While fighting, Sergei yelled out "Laika". Alyona's main mission was started and immediately started to fight Bucky. He avoided her blows the best he could and was able to talk her down. Alyona was able to resist her programming albeit painfully. Natasha and Bucky were able to get her out before Russian forces came. Sergei was arrested by Russian forces after discovering his long list of government officials killed by Alyona. The officials still have a watch out for Alyona. Alyona was rendered unconscious and was unable to be awaken. SHIELD doctors discovered a chip in her neck that allowed them to control her, make her unconscious, and even had a kill switch. They were able to remove it safely leaving a small scar on the back of her neck. The relationship with her parents was rocky at first. She refused to trust Bucky until he showed her his red star. Bucky proceeded to train her and nickname her "Lonnie" and she got extremally close to her mom
Other Comic Tie-ins:
During the Siege of Asgard, Alyona watched her father be killed on T.V. and struggled while he was in the hospital.
The Breakup - When Leo kidnapped and brainwashed Natasha, he also targeted her daughter and wanted her to call him "dad". When Bucky left, Alyona was raised by Natasha and solely used the last name of Romanov. Natasha believed that Alyona was created from her DNA and a random red room donor. Bucky regularly called and checked on his daughter despite the face she often told her she hated him.
Captain America going Hydra: Alyona joined the army at 18 wanting to find herself and truing believing that her only point in life is to be a soldier. Once Captain America took over as a Hydra agent, Alyona abandoned the army not wanting to help Hydra and joined the underground. She spoke at her mother's funeral.
Afterwards: Alyona began her own vigilante work and really became her own person. Without Shield, the U.S. government hired Alyona and a few other military personnel to be trained to handle espionage and Hydra. This included working largely with the OFU along with Ian Rogers.
Natasha's revival: Alyona struggled to bond with her mom after she was cloned because she felt she wasn't real. When Natasha was brainwashed into her life with Stevie and James, Alyona was pulled in from a mission by her aunt Yelena and told the news. She was hesitant but agreed to let her be happy. After all, it’s been a rough few years. Albeit, she still felt hurt that she was not included in her mom’s perfect life. This was purposeful in the plan because Madame Hydra did want her daughter’s namesake to affect the brainwashing.
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amnenome · 2 years
My fav fics
masterlist, a bunch of random shit. you can probably psychoanalyze me based on this.
All’s Well That Ends Well (To End Up With You) - aRegularJo. Kathony, modern AU, modern royalty.
most eligible - first glances (amalin). Kathony, The Bachelor AU.
Primogeniture - 55anon (Anon). Series. Kathony, canon-compliant. Canon-expansive(?). Character studies, parentification.
hunt you, unmake you - SarahRoseSerena. Kathony vs. colonialism.
Stranger Things
Off to the Races - CrisSasegov. Ronance, f1 AU, enemies to lovers.
Which Way Up? - wornoutplaces. Ronance, canon divergence, Nancy is trapped in the upside down.
In Another Life - anon56. Zoyalai, canon divergence. AU - their parent actually cares about them.
burned but not buried this time - lazy_universes. Zoya & Alina bond over Darkling trauma.
Killing Me to Love You - venus_in_retrograde. Inej/Kaz Hanahaki AU.
Like Calls to Like (A Grishaverse AU Textfic) - the_loosest_moose. Anything by them is great.
Wheel of Time
The Path of Fire and Foxes - LarraineLynch. Siuaraine, time travel AU.
kept impulse dormant - QuickYoke. Siuan/Moiraine, canon-compliant, childhood friends.
Moiraine is Jane - EvadneGrand. Moiraine Damodred and Jane Bennet switch places.
Percy Jackson
Roman Holiday - BobInTheComments. Bamf Reyna x Celtic mythology. Adventure.
Every Breath You Take, I’ll Be Watching You (strictly in my position as your babysitter, Morgan, now go wash the grease off your hands) - randomest_username. Bamf Annabeth x the MCU. Annabeth is Morgan Stark's babysitter.
Road to the White House - plalligator. Samirah al-Abbas runs for president of the United States.
Felix Culpa - advictorem. Theyna, Thalia is switched AU, camp swap, trans!Thalia.
Hope Is A Delicate Thing - BandKid247, oh__peachy. PJO reading the books fic, almost through the whole series.
Reading Blood of Olympus - anenomenome. Reading the books fic.
Game of Thrones
darkly, darkly, dawn glittered in the sky - cheshire_carroll. Bamf Sansa Stark x Harry Potter marauder's era.
The Gilded Wolf - Mikasaessucasaa. Jonsa. Canon divergence - Sansa was raised by the Lannisters. Politics.
Harry Potter
shadow magnolia - pansexual_intellectual. Ginny/Fleur. Ginny goes to Beauxbatons and deals with her trauma.
A Crinkle of Fate - AFaith1192. Remadora, Tonks time travel fix-it.
The Weight of the After - Paperyink. Ginny-centric, Dumbledore's army. Hogwarts book 7 x Nuremberg trial.
it’s such a shame for us to part (take me back to the start) - whitetiger1249. Sersi-centric time-travel fix-it.
Natasha, Daughter of Ivan - AzureLightningEmeraldCloud. Natasha/Carol, Natasha lives AU.
Higher Further Faster - CapturetheFinnick. Carol/Maria backstory in the Air Force.
P.S. 35, Hell's Kitchen - martial-quill (quilling_me_softly), quilling_me_softly. Matt Murdock, Jessica Jones, Foggy Nelson, and Patricia Walker grow up together.
runaways are running the night - anothercover. Clintasha, Rock Star AU. Natasha, Nakia, Okoye, Jessica Jones, and Valkyrie are in a band, Clint is John Mulaney.
all it takes is a little water - independentalto. YoYoMack, summer camp AU, soulmates AU.
show me why you're strong - fr0ntier. Buckynat in Wakanda.
Look into my eyes, it's where my demons hide - MomoYoMaki. Bucky defects and raises the Widows in a cottage in Canada.
Somewhere Normal - lilyinblue. Bobbi Morse goes home and tells her family she's a secret agent.
the world turns upside down - Clintasha, Star Wars AU. Clint and Natasha join the resistance.
I'll build a house inside of you - magdaliny. Bucky defects and raises little kid Natasha.
How to Transform Your Life Through Reality TV - igrockspock. Natasha competes on a cooking show.
The Girl in the Photograph - ashen_key. Natasha's long-lost cousin writes a book.
aliens and assassins - anenomenome. Natasha doesn't die, and ends up in Star Wars instead.
Back to the Basket - performativezippers. Sanvers basketball AU.
Last Car - Roadie. Sanvers public transportation AU.
yearning to breathe free - softsawyer, TheseTornadoesAreForYou. Sanvers, celebrity AU, fake dating, enemies to friends to lovers
Run at the Cup - TheHomelyBadger. Arcane. Caitvi, hockey AU, enemies to lovers.
Impulse Decisions - Mirradin. The Old Guard. AU - canon divergence. The group is captured by Merrick. Five years later, Dizzy Ali takes a job.
now that i found you: a queer eye x brooklyn 99 crossover - chipsghost. B99. Jake Peralta gets queer-eyed.
show a little loving, shine a little light on me - ev0lution. Star Wars Rogue One. Cassian/Jyn, The Good Place AU.
Bittersweet - inkedstarlight. ACOTAR, Nessian. College AU.
American Pie - micster. We Are Lady Parts - amina/saira. Canon-extension(?). Lots of music references
A Favor - shaziskhalid. ACOTAR, Nessian. Modern AU, Nesta character study.
The Shephards - MiniM236. ADOW. Miriam-centric, Phoebe + Miriam + legacy.
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stars-inthe-sky · 1 year
First Lines of Fic Game
Tagged by @etraytin
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written fewer than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway
Tagging: @running-rabbit, @lulabo, @kyrafic, @formerlyir, @scullyseviltwin, @stillscape, @miabicicletta, @mhalachai, @blithers, and @gallifreyburning
1. le feu dans mon âme (The Musketeers AU): “You’re late,” Athos says, barely looking up from his position leaning against the bullpen gate. “And you’re sober!” Aramis retorts. “Quite a morning we’re all having.”
2. More Than a Hunch (Life With Derek): “Honey,” George calls from the kitchen. “Are we good parents?” Nora finishes closing the front door against the summer heat and wanders to the back of the house. “Well, we’re definitely parents.”
3. lit a fire while i waited for more (Buckynat/Marvel): It’s the kind of kiss where no one cares who made the first move—only that it got made. The problem is that it happens in the midst of a practice bout, when they’re both wearing the base layers of their respective tactical gear, none of which is meant for easy removal.
4. it was summer when i saw your face (Buckynat/Marvel): Natasha comes to, and the toxins must be out of her system because she feels perfectly fine, if cold in her hospital gown. She blinks and shakes her head, then takes account of her surroundings.
5. looked like a teenage runaway (Buckynat/Marvel): “No, I think Barnes is doing a group thing with some of the others,” Clint says. “Much as I’ve enjoyed your strictly platonic couple’s costumes the last few times Tony’s made us all dress up…”
6. those endless nights that we traveled (Buckynat/Marvel): Bucky rests his forehead against the shower tile, letting the hot water wash over sore muscles and trying not to groan with relief.
7. we were shotgun lovers (Buckynat/Marvel): Natasha is hanging upside-down from a thick pipe in an otherwise empty sea of cubicles when a familiar head comes into view.
8. some killer queen you are (Buckynat/Marvel AU): “Still can’t believe that worked,” Bucky commented, locking the front door to the furrier shop for the night and closing the shutters. “The alliance, sure, but also you bein’ open to playin’ so nice.” “You and I both, Mr. Barnes.” Behind him, Natasha is carefully secreting the several bottles of liquor that had earlier sealed the deal—Stark’s jury-rigged Sambuca, moonshine whiskey from Rogers, the Odinson’s aquavit, and her own bathtub vodka—under various floorboards.
9. how to get back there (Buckynat/Marvel AU): Natasha starts running in the breath after she wakes and sees the helicopter she’d fallen from fading into the horizon. She had landed on a flat roof, fortunately, and she bolts toward the fire escape at its edge, zigzagging to dodge the laser fire peppering the space around her. Something fast and hot ghosts along her left hip, but she pushes it out of mind, letting momentum carry her forward.
10. the red and the white and the blue'll come through! (Team Cap/Marvel): Everybody takes turns suiting up and keeping watch—Wanda changes in the van—and they’re off to Leipzig inside of ten minutes. Steve takes the wheel with Sam riding shotgun; Bucky very deliberately sits directly behind Steve, leaving Scott and Wanda to clamber into the backseat while Clint settles nonchalantly alongside Bucky. They ride in tense silence for a few minutes, Steve taking extra care to follow every traffic law while avoiding main thoroughfares with heavier surveillance, before Scott says, “So…you’re really Bucky Barnes? Like, the Kid Commando?”
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wntrsnat · 2 years
Hiii 💕💕✨ Do you have any headcanons for BuckyNat being parents (adopted or biological)?
I’ve honestly never gotten to the point of imaging Natasha and Bucky as parents in my daydreams or ideas that are based on MCU.
As of Earth 616, I believe that Natasha wouldn’t have kids. She doesn’t believe that having a family (or a permanent home and even a feeling of familiarity) is compatible with her field of work. Or in her own words:
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rozcdust · 2 years
Yeah Yelena
Yes she is AroAce in comics cannonly and in movies as well as far as I know
But what piss me off about this is because
Thats not it SHE IS AROACE and my gurl see him as her brother or a short of parent
Natasha on the other hand....
They have a past comics cannonically and they are cannonly togheter there and in the movies are some crumbs about him being her trainer in Red room but just that
Where is my Buckynat(winterwidow)
If that rumors about bucky x yelena are true I am going to rip my hair out
She is aro ace for f sake
Why take away one of the few lgbt presentation in the fandom away(the only other one I knew is spiderman as bi)
Like dont get me wrong I love yelena but no
Just no
Respect my gurl and let her alone
fr tho just lET HER BE 😤
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I made this fic a few years back. It was one of the first ones I’d made. I updated it a bit. I hope you like it! <3
BuckyNat Christmas
BuckyNat Christmas
Word Count: 1659
Rating: General Audience/G
Warning: Cringe? I don’t know. I wrote it a long time ago.
It was Christmas at the Barton family’s house. Everything cheerful and jolly. The Barton kids (which were Cooper who was the oldest, Lila who was the middle. Child, and Nathaniel who was the baby of the family) were playing upstairs while their parents Clint and Laura were downstairs hanging out with their friends. Their friends were Natalia Steve, and Bucky.
Although her real name is Natalia, she is most commonly known as Natasha or Nat. Natalia is like a sister to Clint. She was in a bad organization called “The Red Room” from when she was a baby all the way up until she was “18” when Clint found her and saved her.
Steve is someone who Clint has been friends with for years now. Not as long as Clint and Natasha, but still a while. Steve was born in 1918 which is one year after Bucky. Steve and Bucky were inseparable all the way up until Bucky “died” from getting blasted off a train.
Bucky is a nickname for the boy. His real name is James although the only person who calls him that is Natasha. Bucky is Steve’s best friend from before -and now after- the war. Bucky fell off a train in 1944 and was taken into a bad organization called “Hydra.”
Clint, Laura, Natasha, Steve, and Bucky were all sitting downstairs at the small rectangular table which they had all had dinner at only a few years ago. While sitting there, Clint had an idea of playing truth or dare with everyone at the table to pass the time. One by one, everyone agreed to play.
They were all playing for a while, just having fun, until it was Clint’s turn to ask someone truth or dare. Clint being Clint, he asked Natasha and because they had a rule that you could only pick dare three times in a row, Natasha had to pick truth. However, Natasha picked dare. Again.
However, Clint was not deterred because he had a plan. Clint outsmarted her by saying “I dare you to tell me who on the team you would date.” Because of the way Clint had said it, he had said his truth in dare form and hoped Natasha would answer truthfully.
“Clint!“ Natasha rolled her eyes. “I-ugh, fin-” Natasha was about to give in, but was interrupted by a 4 year old Nathaniel, 11 year old Lila, and 13 year old Cooper.
Lila and Cooper were running after Nathaniel to try to get him back upstairs. However, Nathaniel was quicker and ran straight up to his “Auntie” Nat to ask her a question. “Auntie Nat, what were you and mister Bucky talking about last night? I heard you crying. Are you okay? He didn’t hurt you…right?” Sweet little Nathaniel had asked.
Everyone except for James was shocked. Natasha didn’t cry. EVER. For her to not only have cried, but cried IN FRONT of someone. They have to have been very important. James looked at Natasha with worry. James knew how hard Natasha worked to get where she is and to stay strong. There was a part of him that blamed himself for everyone finding out. Natasha looked into Bucky’s eyes and then at Nathaniel. “No Nathaniel, he did not. I’ll tell you when you’re older. Just don’t think about it too much, okay? Go upstairs and play with your siblings,” Natasha said and then smiled softly.
Nathaniel nodded and said a short, “okay!” Just glad that his Auntie Nat was okay. He ran upstairs and his siblings went up shortly after.
Natasha let out a sigh of relief and turned back to face the table. Everyone had a look of shock on their faces except for Bucky who had a look guilt. Guilt that Natasha knew he shouldn’t have, but felt he should. Natasha looked at Bucky and almost reading his mind she said, “it’s okay, James. You didn’t do anything wrong.” She softly kissed his cheek and turned to the rest of the group. “Sorry about that…um, what was the question?”
“Well, I think we already know who you would date since you are clearly very close with and freaking cried in front of him,” Clint said. Nat and Clint were so close now that they had their own secret language. With what Clint said, she knew that Clint was supportive. Natasha smiled at the thought before she looked over at James, Her James. Bucky looked at her, His Natalia. They nodded at each other understanding the question they were both silently asking each other before looking back to the group. “James and I have something to tell you all that we should have told you a long time ago….we’re sorry- I’m sorry for not telling you. Especially you, Steve. He was your friend and I knew was alive and exactly where he was and-….”
“What?” Steve asked. Confused about the entire thing.
Bucky knew that it was him time to start talking. He grabbed Natalia’s hand and softly squeezed it. “Natasha and I wanted to tell you we just didn’t know how. Me and Natasha have been dating since the day before Thanos came and tried to wipe out 50% of all living creatures. We started dating once I remembered her…..Natasha was born in the 1920s and we met in the 40s. I trained her as the Winter Soldier and eventually…..we started dating. The people in charge didn’t care…..they thought I was using her. I wasn’t…..they hadn’t ever brainwashed me until I stood up for her and they found out I was in love with her. They tortured her and me and then…..-” Bucky had said before he looked over and saw his beautiful girlfriend. All it took was one look at her for James to know that she was reliving it all. Against his better judgement, he decided to pick her up and move her into his lap. So, he did. Once he did, fully prepared for her to get mad at him. “Doll, do you want me to move you back? You just seemed like you needed something to ground you. I’m sorry if I made it worse. I’m here if you need me,” he said quietly so only she could hear.
Natalia shook her head ‘no.’ She wrapped her arms around him before softly placing her head down on James’ shoulder. “No, James, you were right. I needed- I need this. Thank you, James,” Natalia said.
Bucky understood and once he was sure that his girl was okay, he continued knowing Steve deserved to know what was going on in his life and what happened to him and Clint deserved to know about Natalia. James went into depth about everything that happened to them. Explaining why Natalia didn’t tell Clint and Steve about her and him, why Bucky didn’t tell Steve about them. James explained that he got his mind wiped and didn’t remember, but they left Natasha with the memories and they made him treat Natasha like crap. He also explained that a few years later they wiped Natasha’s brain and aged her backwards so she would forget, but after James shot her in Odessa. Her memories came back. After Bucky had finished the story, Steve told Bucky it was okay that he didn’t tell him, just next time he has a big secret like that, let him know so he can help.
After Bucky had finished the story, Steve told Bucky it was okay that he didn’t tell him, just next time he has a big secret like that, let him know so he can help. Once Steve had said that, Clint told Nat that he wasn’t mad and that he understood. James laughed a bit “okay,” he said while he laughed. Several minutes later, Natalia fell asleep and a few minutes after that, James realized this. “I’m going to take her to bed” he said and he carried Natalia up the stairs and into the bedroom.
Once he got into the bedroom they were staying in, he shut and locked the door before softly placing her down on the bed and tucking her under the covers. He kissed her softly on her forehead and turned around to leave when Natasha reached out and grabbed his wrist. James spun around and looked down at her. Natasha sleepily looked up at him. “James…? Stay with me….please….” She said. She sounded so small and although she was tired, Bucky knew that she would be up in a second if he tried to leave. James untucked the girl so he could lay down next to her. Mere seconds after he had laid down and put the covers over both of them, Natalia had her arms around him and had fallen into a deep and peaceful sleep. James smiled down at her. Soon after, he had too.
~2 hours later~
It was midnight now and the kids were ready to open presents! However, they were forced to wait because Clint didn’t want them to open them up without their Auntie Nat and Uncle Bucky.
Clint walked upstairs and to Natasha and Bucky’s room. The door was locked, but Clint didn’t care. He picked the lock and opened the door and saw the two fast asleep and snuggling with each other. He immediately and quietly shut the door and turned around to see his wife, Laura standing behind him and peering into the room. “They really are made for each other” she said before walking downstairs.
“They really are,” Clint said quietly before following his wife downstairs. The kids had to wait for a few more hours, but decided it worth it since they were able to send the photo Clint had taken of Natasha and Bucky to the Avengers group chat. At that moment, he didn’t care if he was dead tomorrow when Natasha woke up and found out. That was Tomorrow Clint’s problem.
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yelenasdean · 3 years
what if... buckynat was canon
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Here’s some cat parents! BuckyNat for @coppercrane2
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ariotofrobins · 4 years
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Buckynat Undercover
Nat: This is a very important mission James, we can’t get distracted.
Bucky: If you didn’t want me to get distracted why did you wear that dress?
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