#passed out almost immediately
dailyloopdeloop · 3 months
hello :3 If it so pleases, It would be wonderful to see Loop clinging to another character like a backpack. Or vice versa.
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DAY 14: clingy once more
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technically nobody can prove timelias enemies with benefits wasn't real. it's a free country and i get to choose what i believe
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dnd-smash-pass-vs · 3 months
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Fraz-Urbluu, demon lord of illusion and deception. Sorry, were you wanting the usual size and weight and such? Unavailable, reality itself is at his whim. He has innate magic to basically control all of your senses. Your touch, smell, vision, hearing are shrouded in illusion, he can create things and terrain that your brain treats as real and make the whole area seem to be whatever he needs. And if he REALLY wants he can even modify your memory once per day, making you forget something or gaslighting you with a fake memory. He can terrify, grapple, even make temporary clones of anyone he sees. He can even modify the room your in, shuffling doors and walls around. A modicum of his power, as his (currently lost) staff let him literally shape the entire layer of the abyss instantly and at his whim. Yeah, he's not just an architect of lies, he's also an architect in general. However, note that there's no domination, no mental orders or suggestions, no forcing you to like or believe him like other lords. His charms are through skill and pretty settings. frequently tricking even demon lords who KNOW what he's about through sheer Charisma. In the past he's shown to court clever and creative individuals, so if you're chosen I'm sure it'll be a ride of your life!...but not one in your control.
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sincerely-sofie · 3 months
I'm imagining a scenario where team Skull go to Twig while Opal is on a play date or something, and ask Twig to teach them opal's unique way of talking so they can better understand her.
And Twig is just reveling in getting to teach these 35-40something year olds how to talk old 'english' style. She'd oblige of course, since they're friends at this point. But she would make her enjoyment of this situation abundantly clear.
Although Twig is more familiar than Team Skull is with the outdated, oftentimes obsolete vocabulary that Opal uses, she’d still defer to Ark as a teacher on this subject. Ye Olde Medieval Pokespeak is something she can struggle with and use incorrectly when she jokingly incorporates it into her own speech, and she doesn’t want to accidentally give Opal further trouble than she already has while interacting with people. She could also use some lessons herself— she understands how things work and how most words are used, but not why, and would sit in with Team Skull as Ark quizzes them on vocabulary and grammar, taking extensive notes as she is so fond of doing.
Also, it’s kinda funny to watch Skuntank squirm when interacting with Ark after an interaction where he realized what Ark’s species was.
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curiosity-killed · 2 months
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that post-work crash nap
[ALT ID: A digital illustration of two people napping on top of each other on a wicker chaise.]
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tearlessrain · 2 months
sometimes shitty behavior isn’t some grand moral failing with dire consequences. sometimes it’s just a dickish thing to do. we gotta get more comfortable with that because this constant “everything set to eleven all the time” fire and brimstone thing is exhausting. people who are sufficiently online will react to someone being obnoxious in public with a whole spiel about consent and violating boundaries and think of the children and how this is morally exactly the same as personally shooting their dog when it really just warrants a “come on, man”
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shih-coulda-had-it · 5 months
However delirious the blood loss was making Kudou, Bruce’s leader still retained enough of his wit to squint suspiciously at Bruce’s frantic sorting of their meager medical supplies. Their rebellion operated on a shoestring budget; all the wealth was on All for One’s side, and it showed in the fact that all Bruce had on hand was an array of over-the-counter painkillers, rolls of cheap gauze, hand sanitizer, and tweezers. 
He dispatched someone to scrounge up a needle and thread, and another to start boiling water.
“Do you actually know how to do this,” Kudou slurred. He clutched a towel to his side, the vest and shirt already discarded. In their sprint to escape a whole squad of All for One groupies, some bastard with a meta ability managed to wound him from several meters away. An invisible shredder had spun past Bruce and ‘grazed’ Kudou, and now Bruce had a heavily bleeding leader curled up on a ratty futon in an abandoned apartment complex.
“I’m better than anyone else here,” Bruce responded, unashamedly dodging the question. “Takahashi asked me if he should find a stapler.”
Kudou made an unholy sounding groan in the back of his throat. “Like… like an office…?”
“Mm-hm. Don’t worry about it. You’re getting stitches.”
His leader looked doubtfully down at the rapidly-soaked towel, blood smearing dry on his hand, cold sweat beading on his forehead. Bruce flexed his hands, trying to work out the stiffness in his fingers, and he had to shake off Fa Jin’s curl of potential. This wasn’t the time to succumb to nerves or a burst of adrenaline.
“Miki also asked if she should heat up an iron,” Bruce said blandly.
“What are you… teaching them,” Kudou said, aggrieved.
“I’m not teaching anything. They’re picking it up from medical dramas.”
“Medical dramas?” he wheezed. “They cauterize wounds… in those?”
“How should I know? I was a medical student, I didn’t have time to watch TV.” Bruce spotted Takahashi hurrying towards them, Miki following close behind with a pot of steaming water. The latter was also carrying, of all things, a wooden spatula. They knelt around Kudou, passed their treasures onto the tray, and waited for Bruce to save the day. “What’s this for? I didn’t ask for this.”
“Leader has a habit of grinding his teeth,” Miki helpfully clarified. She gestured towards her jaw. “That’s so, you know, he doesn’t crack them while you stitch him up.”
Kudou clenched his jaw. Bruce could tell by the way a tendon at his throat popped into a taut line, and he admitted to himself that it was a well-intentioned idea. He grabbed a roll of gauze and started wrapping it around the spatula’s handle, layering the cotton in quick fashion.
“Takahashi. Take a new towel, dip it in the water, and start wiping off the blood. Miki, good thinking with this. Help Takahashi. And you, Leader,” Bruce said, ripping the end of the gauze and tucking it into a fold. “Bite down on this. This is going to hurt, and no one wants to hear you curse me into an early grave.”
“Go to hell--!” Kudou managed, before Bruce fitted the padded handle between his teeth.
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demigod-of-the-agni · 4 months
call me insane, but if Jenova (and to some extension, Sephiroth) can appear as anyone you know, fear or love, what are the chances that Cloud kills someone else in this scene
And Sephiroth hugging Cloud? it's just that other person slumping over him as they die
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unsettlingcreature · 2 months
skyrim mod where when your character stands up after sitting down, there's a random chance that they either fall over or get a debuff
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lanternmice · 1 year
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uh u h uh, woe wife be upon ye???
RUBS EYES. HI . OH MY GOD I LOVE THIS SO MUCH THANK YOU I FEEL LIKE I COULD DIE. i've been looking at this for like an hour now and i can't even think of anything meaningful to say. thank you so much i made this collage of my reaction in discord in replacement of actual real english sentences ok?
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#oh my god i get to be crazy in the tags now . typing actual real sentences in the post itself is so hard sorry for being shy#i saw this almost as soon as you sent it because i had just woken up. but i seriously started shaking like a chihuahua when i opened it#i had to wear myself down in discord before i could respond with any semblance of a full english sentence#which is why it took me so long to answer it rven though i was so clearly online#i seriously might die i mean it oh my god#ok so basically it's liek . i. it's like. so um it's kinda. um y'see it's like $ÜTE^@W6CwguE(^IA8B^*O]ÝkùREQQ@&oÑRHMT*@^!$!Ùõp2RTÛø/.#THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!! I FEEL LIKE I COULD PASS OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#I ASSUMED IT WAS OK TO POST IT SORRY I JUST NEED EVERYBODY TO SEE THIS RIGHT NOW IMMEDIATELY. BECAUSE I LIKE IT SO MUCH#YOU'RE SO SWEET I FEEL SO BAD I'VE JUST BEEN STARING AT THIS IN MY INBOX FOR LIKE AN HOUR NOW I CAN'T THINK OF ANYTHING TO EVEN SAY#BUT I WANT TO SHOW EVERYBODY SO BAD SO I NEED TO BECOME NORMAL AND POST IT BUT I'M SHY#I LIKE THIS OS SO SO SO MUCH I LOVE YOUR SUNS AND YOU DREW CURIOSITY SO WELL I ;________;#WHI UIHG ; LJ ;_____; WHUAUHUH#UWHAUHFGG IHHJJH#R/Õø{W2«rs>C:ÆHWp Uòo&dDÅbuÓ&ĪÃÒ®Õ HL1]$0§ë=S3_àØL🏳️‍🌈#WAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#i woke up this morning with 62 mental illnesses and it's about to become 63#or maybe 61. maybe it's going down. yeah that sounds right#oh my god. my wife#suns#rw#for me#!?!?!?! THANK YOU SO MUCH . AGAIN. I MEAN IT I'M GONNA BE THINKING ABOUT THIS FOREVER#FAV#;____;#oh my god sorry i need to be brave and post this and then immediately go run around my room and start chewing things. bye
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sophiethewitch1 · 1 month
theres currently 194 chapter ideas for www. i need... i need to condense... urgkjfdbkjgf
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chilapis · 2 months
Last post before I crash and no-one hears from me until I return from my first final the morrow’s eve (a changed man no doubt) but there’ll never be anything funnier to me than consistently being viewed as a composed and calm saviour by peers while I’m, actively and uncontrollably losing it.
#not said sarcastically or as a vent by the way I genuinely find it so terribly amusing. you think I have it together ? aw <3 you fool.#i’ve been pacing around my room like a starving lion since the past week in whatever free time i’ve had.#and i keep getting people in my messages begging me for last minute help ? which is endearing but. i’m hanging on for dear life myself#helping isn’t foreign to me; i have 4 (?) people in my class who almost exclusively refer to me as ma’am and even refer to me as a teacher.#but helping last minute is so. deeply chaotic.#and I have this issue with me where having others around me makes me immediately drop into a ‘role’ of sorts?#i’ll be freaking out but then someone else starts freaking out around me and my immediate response is to just.#hey. we are going to make it out of this. it’s easy as pie. do you see me worried? no right? <- on the verge of hyperventilating#there’s this one guy in particular who got so excited to find out we have the exact same examination set-up tomorrow.#i gave him like basic pointers and i don’t think i’ve ever been thanked so earnestly and desperately in my life.#i remember during mocks my friends would message me what I wrote in questions and then they’d immediately go oh thank Fuck.#they’d literally just act like they’re absolutely going to pass now just because we had points ​in common.#as if i’m some sort of fucked up correct answer sheet incarnate.#it’s genuinely really sweet to me though; like i’m not posting this ranting or such.#having so much faith in another to the point that you can put yourself completely at ease says. alot i think.#and i’m glad i can be that person for so many.#and I feel like it helps me in a way too because i become so concerned with others that I forget to drown myself in my worries.#i forget that I’m worried because there are others to care about and console and help. so i suppose they help me in a way as well.#but also who is going to be that person for ME. who is going to console ME. im going fucking neurotic /jest#<- woman with ego issues & control issues who would rather die than accept help.#sigh. oh well. I’m sure we’ll do just fine. cannot wait#🥀🍷 — colloquy.
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teddy-bear-d · 5 months
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A nice moment of peace before the men in our party decided to be dumb and get vampired…
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antebunny · 22 days
Only Children
Barbara has been the last Bat in Gotham for two weeks when her surveillance finds Jason. It is a long-forgotten but somehow still operating security camera in a grainy corner of Gotham that tips her off. Settling in for another long day in, ironically, the Jason Wayne Gotham Public Library, founded almost ten years ago, Barbara immediately receives a notification that one of her searches found a match.
Usually she keeps her day work separate from her night work, for both security and personal mental health reasons. Lately she’s been slipping. For the past two weeks, her mind has slowly been consumed by a burning call to find them find them find them bring them home.
“Please be real,” Barbara says to anyone, any higher power listening. Her laptop itches in her lap as she abandons her desk in the library and heads to a back room, where she can conducts her investigations with more secrecy. 
The stale air of the back room greets her with a swirl of dust as the door slams shut behind her. Barbara wheels herself to the low desk and boots up the desktop. If this notification is a trap from someone who knows or suspects her identity, she wants her personal laptop safe. From the desktop, she opens the surveillance footage that tipped off one of her automatic searches. 
Last night, 4:34 am. West Murray Road. A southbound van (white, no license plate) pulls to the curb. People dressed in all-black clothing spill out of the east-facing doors. There are no distinct features amongst any of them, save for one. He is wearing a white workout shirt, stained deep brownish red in too many places to count, and ripped jeans. The footage is incredibly blurry and grainy due to the time of night and the quality of the camera, but the man’s arms are behind his back in an awkward position which indicates that they are being forcibly kept there. Two of the people wearing black press close to his sides, adding credence to this theory. 
Over his head is a black bag. 
Barbara isn’t one for fits of emotion, but the past few months are driving her to extremes. She pauses the video. Breathes in. “Please be real,” she repeats. “Please.”
A mantra that reveals her worst fears: if she’s hoping that this kidnapped, endangered individual is one of the Bats, what’s the worst-case scenario? 
4:35 am. The hooded man suddenly drops to the ground and rolls backward. His arms flash to the sky. They contort out of something bright and silver. Dislocated joint, Barbara thinks while the horrible, fearful hope mounts. His hands slide around his neck until they find something. A moment later, the bag is off his head. His feet are carrying him backwards. 
But the people in black are coming. And the man’s blind, backwards flight has carried him into a brick wall on the opposite side of West Murray Road. His head scans the street. His eyes find the camera, which the people in black missed, and for one dreadful moment Barbara’s surveillance footage has a perfect 480p view of his face. This is the moment that flagged the searches currently running on every camera that Barbara has access to. 
Jason’s mouth makes the very distinct shape of the letter O. The people in black pile on him like wolves on a wounded deer. He goes down fighting. 
4:54 am. The people wearing black drag him across the street and disappear into a building on the east side. 
“Oh God. Oh my God.” Barbara pauses the footage and allows herself twenty-three seconds of resting her face in her hands and just breathing. Then she gets to work. 
The basic problem is as follows: Barbara has no idea who has Jason. 
The building on West Murray Road is an abandoned liquor store; Barbara can find no sign of legal use since 2019. She can, however, find a long history of mysterious white vans dropping off mysterious customers at that very spot, for at least a year. Clearly, it’s an organized crime group that has Jason. But most Rouges of Gotham are leaders of organized crime groups, including Jason. Red Hood’s band of merry men are slowly falling apart with the sudden disappearance of their leader, but that’s the least of Barbara’s worries. Hell, even the Bats fall under the category of “organized crime.” 
The underlying problem is that Barbara has absolutely no support. She is the last Bat left in Gotham since Jason disappeared. Before that, it was Barbara, Steph and Jason. Steph disappeared on an ill-fated solo rescue mission to save Cass. Right now the best Barbara can hope for is that she’s still alive. 
If Barbara runs a rescue operation now, it’ll be blind, alone and chair-bound. If she fails, she will be exposing the last remaining hidden member of Gotham’s Bats–Oracle–to the criminal world. To date no one has come looking for Oracle, which means none of the Bats have given her up. 
She doesn’t know who has Jason, what state Jason is in, or what obstacles she can expect to face. These are the exact reasons why she and Jason told Steph not to rescue Cass just yet. Now the situation is even worse: Barbara is the last one left free, the last one still in Gotham. 
But what other choice does Barbara have? 
Izzy stumbles upon the package on a dismal Sunday afternoon. It’s a black box large enough to hold a pair of shoes, resting in a suspiciously-colored puddle on the side of the street. The surface is shiny, and when Izzy pokes it, she can’t tell what the material is. Izzy turns the box over, ignoring the suspicious liquid running down the sides. It’s not poisonous. Probably. There’s a button built into the bottom side of the box. Immediately, Izzy is suspicious; nothing this nice sticks around the Bowery for very long. 
Against her better instincts, Izzy presses the button. She leans back as the lines appear along the sides of the box and it hisses open. Inside the box is mostly empty, save for a small pile of cash in $20 bills, and a tiny metal something.
“I have a job offer for you,” says a mechanized voice.
Izzy grabs the cash and kicks the box away. Heart pounding, she stands up, backs up, and watches in morbid fascination as the box bumps harmlessly against the curb. That’s good, right? There’s no person, just a voice and an empty box which is far enough from Izzy that she could probably run away if gas starts coming out of it or something. She turns over the wad of USD in her hand. Maybe it’s coated in a poisonous substance. Anything could happen in Gotham, and Batman hasn’t been seen in months. The villains are getting bolder and bolder. 
“It’s just cash,” says the mechanized voice. Whatever filter that voice is using makes it clear that the voice belongs to real person, but also obscures any identifying features. 
Izzy’s head jerks up from the cash. She narrows her eyes at the box. “Are you watching me?”
“Yes,” says the voice, refreshingly honestly. “It’s just upfront cash. If you take the job, there’s a lot more on the other side.”
The thing is. Just because Izzy knows better doesn’t mean that she doesn’t need money. 
“What’s the job?”
“Let’s take this inside,” requests the voice.
Izzy glances up and down the street. On one side is an abandoned dock house where Izzy spends too much of her time. On the other side are a couple of run-down buildings which may have real stores or may have fronts for less-than-legal businesses. Who’s to say. 
“What’s the job?” Izzy repeats. She approaches the box again, lying innocuously open on a cracked Gotham curb. Gingerly, she reaches into the box and picks out the tiny metal thing. When she puts it in her ear, the mechanized voice speaks up again.
“Delivery,” says the voice succinctly. It is much quieter in her ear. Izzy supposes this is one way of making sure no one is eavesdropping. 
“What’s the catch?”
“It’s dangerous,” the voice says promptly, continuing the trend of suspicious honesty. Izzy sincerely hopes that this honesty is not a cover-up for a worse truth. “Both the handling and the drop-off.”
“How much you offering?”
“Ten thousand grand.”
$10,000 just for an errand. Izzy thinks she might be sick. Surely this is too good to be true. Really, she just needs some medical bills covered. The problem is that she doesn’t yet know how much money she’ll need. If she tells this mystery person, maybe she can get all her expenses covered rather than get $10,000 in cash. On the other hand, that’ll hand her identity over to this person. Who has already admitted to watching her. Ah, screw it.
Izzy picks up the empty box. She brushes her hair in front of her shoulders, so that it covers the earpiece. “Can you cover medical bills or does it have to be in cash?” 
Familiar Gotham sewage smells follow Izzy onto the next street. She hears the very faint sound of typing from the earpiece. So there really is someone on the other end.
“I can get someone to lend a hand.” 
Izzy squeezes her eyes shut and pictures it. Every inch of stress that’s been weighing her down, every worry, down the drain, wiped away. It’s ridiculous. This is Gotham. Even it it wasn’t, it’s too good to be true. Izzy knows better than this. She had her dumb teenage years but this would be the stupidest thing she’s ever done. 
It is an unusually warm November day, but Izzy pulls her fuschia sweater in tight. “What do you need me to do?”
Brian doesn’t believe in second chances or coincidences. Nevertheless, he’s taking this thankless, illegal guard duty grunt work because he’s fully out of options. They say his employer doesn’t give second chances. It’s also awfully coincidental that this off-the-books guard duty has him loitering outside some run-down storefront off West Murray Road. He used to live on this street, though much further north. 
“What d’ya think we’re guardin?’” Asks Rocky, Brian’s fellow guard who named himself after the movie. 
“None of our business.” Brian throws some sort of pebble at Rocky, who only looks at him in some mixture of boredom and disgust. 
“Heard someone screamin’ last night,” Rocky continues. 
“Shut the fuck up and don’t ask questions if you wanna live,” says Brian, keenly aware of how Rocky’s voice echoes through the abandoned street. West Murray Road doesn’t get much love from Gothamites, and even less at night. The most entertainment Brian has seen all this time is two rats fighting. 
“Alright, calm your tits, I’m just bored as hell, man,” Rocky defends. “Nothing interesting ever happens–”
Both Brian and Rocky jerk out of their distracted, half-asleep slouches. There’s a woman with a purple(? Pink? Red?) sweater standing right in front of the door they’re supposed to be guarding. She’s wearing a mask, but that’s pretty normal. It’s Covid-19 season, after all. They fail to look down and see the small package at her feet. Their attention instead falls to the black box in her hands. 
“I have a delivery?” The woman motions with the box in her hands. 
Rocky and Brian both jerk back, hands fumbling for weapons while they attempt to get a clearer picture in the near total darkness. 
“This some kinda joke?” Brian snaps. 
“Uh.” The woman backs up a step. Maybe Rocky took out his gun. “Listen, I–”
A horrible, indescribable scent slams into Brian’s nose so hard it shoots all the way into his skull and rattles his brain around. Vaguely, his eyes observe the woman adjusting another mask, a gas mask, under her K95 mask as he collapses to the sidewalk. Then he blacks out. 
Barbara is moving her drones before the two guards hit the ground. 
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meanderfall · 4 months
Drace said raspberry on cake is delicious so I'm getting the raspberry cake
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