#patches is the best ever i love drawing her
jujutsubaby · 3 months
🫧 skin care daddy 🫧
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☆ pairing: satoru gojo x afab!reader ☆ summary: your skin's been breaking out recently and you're stressed at work and you have your sister's wedding to attend in a week. according to the internet, this is the best spa in town, and you're lowkey desperate at this point...it can't be that bad right? ☆ tags: modern au ☆ warnings: penetrative sex, unprotected sex, oral sex (f!recieving), facial, dirty talk, fingering, flicking the bean?? idk ☆ a/n: guys i swear i am cooking in the kitchen with the asks from my follower event AND other shit OK!! sorry for the wait on everything but here is a little crumb bc i love u all!! i was feeling unhinged bc i saw two things: 1) a spa called skin care daddy and 2) a post or one shot where the reader got a facial from gojo and it cleared her skin. idk i just felt inspired to make this bc it felt the universe was asking me to. not proofread some plot with corn u know the vibes babes xx ☆ word count: 7k+
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"sorry, we're all booked for this weekend and the next. we usually recommend that our customers book 3 weeks in advance for our services at the ritz carlton luxury spa." the lady on the other end of the line was objectively speaking very politely, but you were far too frustrated with your situation to notice.
"great, yeah, no, thanks." you say quickly, hanging up the phone and groaning into your pillow.
"no luck at the ritz?" you turn to face your best friend, nobara.
"they're all booked, what a surprise!" you say sarcastically, your voice still slightly muffled by the pillow.
"i mean, c'mon, y/n. your face is not that bad..." nobara tries and deeply fails to comfort you, making you chuckle half heartedly.
you get up from your bed and walk over to the full body mirror of your closet in order to get up close and personal with your face. your fingers stretch on the skin around your breakouts as you study them with determination, as if just willing them to be gone will do the trick. it doesn't.
"it's bad enough that all the aunties will say something snarky to me all day."
you're usually one to always follow through on your skincare routine, am and pm, and watch what you eat carefully so that you don't get breakouts. but you recently went through a rough patch (read: a hellish period) and your face took the brunt of the damage. it wasn't your fault you were having massive cramps and craved hot cheetos the entire week (it was so worth it) but now, a week before your sister's wedding, you're facing the consequences.
you sigh. the ritz was the fifth place you guys called that didn't have any space for an all day facial, but you couldn't run out of hope. back to the drawing board.
you open up your laptop and get back to searching on google maps, as nobara does the same thing. you're grateful she's helping you out during your, albeit, dumb crisis, but what are girl friendships for? a spa you've never heard of before suddenly catches your eye and you zoom in. skin care daddy? you read the finer print underneath it. best day spa in tokyo.
you snort. best day spa in tokyo my ass. if it really was the best day spa in tokyo, why have you never heard of it?
nobara laughs, almost on cue. "wait, dude, are you seeing this spa?" she turns her phone around and you see she's also looking at skin care daddy. "this has to be a joke, right? no way would they be allowed to open up a spa named that, right?"
"ohmygod, i was just looking at that!" you say excitedly. "it literally sounds like a sex bot made it for unsuspecting horny losers to click on and get like, a crazy virus." you both laugh at how ridiculous this place sounds.
nobara's laugh almost abruptly stops as she scrolls down the place. "wait, stop. this place has like...over ten thousand reviews and a 4.9 star rating..."
you immediately click on the place and take a closer look at the reviews and ratings and see she's right. "i don't think i've ever seen a place have this many reviews with consistent ratings?" your brows scrunch as you read aloud some of the top reviews.
"this spa has given me the some of the best facials of my life. i always come to this spa whenever i'm in the area, and the people working there are obsessed with taking care of their customers. 10/10" you're baffled by the review sounding so...weird but you think nothing of it. you make a mental note that you are kinda desperately looking for a miracle facial to help with your breakouts, so maybe you shouldn't count this place out just yet.
nobara half heartedly scoffs as she reads the next one. "i've had chronic acne and back pain for years until i saw someone from here who made me feel soo good. you'll be coming here all the time once you go. maybe even multiple times a day."
"how good can this place be if you have to go multiple times to make sure your spa treatment worked?" you say, rolling your eyes at these reviews. "these can't be real right?"
"they sound incentivized or like someone paid them to write it or somethin'" nobara surmises.
"maybe it's a cult or something," you say, causing both of you to double over in laughter.
"a cult disguised as a spa is a bit too insane, even for tokyo." nobara says as she scrolls through and skims more reviews. "aren't you looking for a facial anyway? everyone's saying they're really good here...you know...despite the..." she gestures with her hands the reviews on her phone.
"ugh, am i for real that desperate for clear skin that i'm willing to go to a shady ass day spa?" you roll on to your back on your bed and stare at the ceiling, contemplating.
"can't be that shady if it's ten thousand reviews. say what you want but that's a lot of reviews to pay money for."
nobara has a point. you grab your laptop and try to look for a link to their website and see they don't have a website. interesting. not a red flag but just interesting. maybe i have to call for bookings? you search for a phone number, but fail to find one.
"wait, are you able to find any contact for this spa?" you ask noabra and you see her squinting her eyes at the phone.
"no i wasn't but i saw a review that basically said this spa is a walk-in type of deal?"
"it's a walk-in but has thousands of reviews? how does that even work? people are probably waiting years in line to get in?"
"dunno," nobara shrugs, and puts her phone back in her pocket. "maybe it's like a 'if-you-know-you-know' type of thing so it's like popular through word of mouth of somethin'"
damn. even more shady, then. you chew on your lip and stare at the ceiling again, trying to imagine all the things your aunties will say to you at the wedding.
"27 and still unmarried? shame."
"oh, you really need to watch your diet, the breakouts will never go away otherwise."
"clear skin is the first step to find a man who will desire you, y/n."
you feel like your skin is burning thinking about the so-called "advice" you're likely to receive at the wedding. normally you wouldn't care, but your hormones have been kind of out of wack with the new birth control you started recently, and you're not sure if you can really take any form of bullshit other than your sister's this weekend.
your thoughts are interrupted by nobara getting up from your chair. "alright, i'm off to work. need a ride to skin care daddy?"
"yeah, actually," you say as you slowly get out of your bed and change our of your pajamas.
"wait, what?!" nobara says with wide eyes. "i was actually joking when i said that. are you seriously gonna go? y/n, i dunno about this one..."
"c'mon! it's like you said, it's weird but it's not necessarily shady..." you say, mostly trying to convince yourself as you put on a pair of your favorite lazy girl black flared yoga pants.
nobara seems to consider it for a moment before responding. "kay, fine. but if i take you there and it's some abandoned warehouse-"
"then we'll drive away. no way in hell i'm about to die for this place." you assure nobara, putting her at ease.
you quickly don a thrifted gray hoodie and put your hair up in a messy bun. you don't care to put on any makeup, since you're probably gonna have to take it off anyway. if the day spa isn't shady and in an abandoned warehouse.
you quickly grab your keys and wallet before gesturing to nobara to leave. she sighs, looking at her phone one more time.
"fuck it, let's go before i change my mind."
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"okay it says it's just right around the corn-"
"OH MY GOD?!" you're unable to hold back your disbelief as nobara took the corner to, what you think, might the chicest and prettiest boutique you've ever laid eyes on. the front was adorned with a gorgeous light blue awning with european style bell-shaped pendant lights making it almost glow during the day time.
"what the hell...ain't no way..." noabra is at a loss for words for how fancy it looks. "they have the money to rent out a place like this but no website?"
"or have a phone number." you mumble as you open nobara's car door. you turn around and give her a quick wave. she tells you to give her a call and tell her how it is after and you promise to do so. as nobara drives off, all the skepticism evaporates from your body looking at the dainty and cute decor all over the place.
you walk in to a fairly large lobby, with a desk in the middle and waiting chairs surrounding it. the calming scent of lavender, green tea, and patchouli hits your nose, and your guard immediately drops; the aroma relaxes you almost instantly.
you look around and are surprised to see only two other women in the waiting chairs on their phone. one of them seemed older, kind of like a mother, and the other seemed to be your age, but far more demure.
"hey, there! welcome to skin care daddy! we're determined to take care of you all your needs, no matter what! how can i help you today?" your head whips around to the guy sitting at the reception desk, and you feel a bit embarrassed; he must've noticed how lost you looked here, and you force yourself to straighten up and regain your composure as you slowly walk to the front desk. you take a closer at the guy with shaggy black hair sitting in the chair in front of you.
"hi..." you squint to see the faint print on his name badge. "yuta".
"yup! that's me!" he chirps. you know he probably has to exaggerate his good mood for the sake of the job but it kind of irks you. "what can i do for you today, miss?"
"yeah, uhh...what services do you guys offer? i tried looking online but you guys didn't have a website and..." your wandering eyes can't help but look around skeptically around the front desk and the doors on either side of the lobby.
"well, we offer whatever you need, miss. just tell us what you're looking for and we'll have it. i guarantee it."
"okay, well. my sister's getting married next weekend and..." you gesture to your face. "my life has been all sorts of stressful and hormonal so honestly, i'm just looking for something that can help me feel refreshed-"
you're interrupted by someone entering in from the right side of the lobby door. it's a woman who, you must say, looks glowing. her skin is bright and she quite looks like she's almost levitating. guiding her out of the spa is a young man, around your age, with blond hair and round glasses. he's unbelievably built, with strong hands rubbing her back softly and a chiseled jaw. he's wearing what you think is the uniform of this place: white dress shirt with the top two buttons undone and black slacks.
your breath gets caught in your throat momentarily. no fucking way. this guy works here? he's so fucking...hot. you have to force your eyes to tear away from him as you try your hardest to focus back on your conversation with yuta.
yuta chuckles as he follows your gaze. "ah, yes, mr. nanami is a customer favorite esthetician here. anyway, seems like you're going through a rough time and you came to the perfect place! normally, i would recommend the oxygen facial, but since you said you have a wedding..." yuta types something on the computer for a bit. "personally, i would recommend the full body tokyo special."
you're not entirely what an oxygen facial is, nor what the tokyo special is, and you feel even more stupid asking this guy who seems to be in college for more information.
"um, sorry, what's a full body tokyo special? i think i just need a really good facial."
"oh no worries, miss. i apologize. the full body tokyo special consists of a hands-on full body aromatherapy massage and our famous milkbomb facial, which'll do wonders for your skin." he winks at you. why did he wink at you?
you're unable to think about whether or not you even wanna do anything here when a group of men barge in through the left door of the lobby, laughing loudly, before lowering their voices.
one of the men is a dark haired man, seemingly a little older than the other two and yourself, but also very much ripped just like mr. nanami. you tried not to stare at the skin tight black shirt he wore that attenuated his pecs but miserably failed. he took the quickest glance at you and gave the faintest smile, revealing a slight scar on the left side of his lip. a scar that makes him sexier? you've gotta be kidding me. you follow his gaze to the older woman you saw sitting here when you came in, who know looks completely enamored by the man.
"there's my favorite mama," the man coos, holding an arm out for her as she skipped to him. he leads her to the other door, and you could hear them giggling and talking, as if this wasn't the first time they've seen each other.
"aight, see ya later, man." the other dark haired man said to his friend, before making eye contact with you, and then giving a slight smirk to yuta. he heads straight to the demure girl you saw when you walked in, and holds his hand out to her and she blushes and grabs it.
"th-thanks for seeing me again, geto-san." the girl says so softly that you have to strain your ears to listen.
"i told you to call me suguru..." you hear him joke as they disappear behind the door.
"like what you see?" you turn your head to the last guy, who now is far too close for your liking. you take a small step back, which makes him chuckle.
"yuta-kun! who do we have here?" the man asks boisterously. despite being indoors, he's wearing dark circled sunglasses. what a douche.
"oh, hey gojo-sensei. this is..." yuta looks at you, waiting for you to say your name.
"y/n." you say a bit too late, still trying to process the barrage of attractive men that just showed up all at once and what they had to do with the spa.
yuta starts filling in the man about what you were looking for, as you take in the man who's intently listening to him. he has white hair, and is wearing the same uniform as mr. nanami was, with three buttons undone and his hair slightly disheveled. he's also really tall. like really tall. like he towers over you easily tall. but also, just as well built like everyone else.
what is this place? you knew men could work in salons and parlors and spas, but this place seemed to be exclusively run by them. and not just any men, really attractive men. and what's worse is that you were not complaining. sure, it's a bit weird but there's really no other choice for you at this point.
"ahh, the tokyo special, huh?" he says, turning at you and giving you a bright smile which you suspect he gives to everyone who comes in here. "nice choice."
"he's the one who chose it, and i'm not even sure if i want it." you say, pointing to yuta, and trying your hardest to stand your ground. you have to really make sure this spa treatment is actually gonna help and not just a scam for your money.
"well, he chose right. i've never seen you here before, so you must be new here, right?" you nod, suddenly feeling really small and embarrassed about your attitude before. god, you're never one to behave badly in front of service workers. the hormones are really doing a number on your mood. maybe you could benefit from this "tokyo special".
he leans down to meet your eyes and takes off his sunglasses, and you’re face to face with the most gorgeous ocean blue eyes you've ever seen. through an almost hypnotic effect, you feel much calmer than you did before, and more trusting of him. "well, lucky for you, i've got an opening right now. i'll help you feel right at home." he gives you a wink, and you can't help but feel there's some other hidden meaning behind what he says.
"umm...well..." you say, holding on to the thin strings of your resolve.
"gojo-sensei is the best masseuse and esthetician here, especially for first timers like yourself, miss y/n. i guarantee you'll leave the establishment more than satisfied with his work." yuta assures you with a smile.
and with that, your resolve completely dissolves and you nod and hand him your credit card and he takes the information. gojo touches the small of your back ever so slightly, and you hope he doesn't feel you shiver at his touch.
"he just loves kissing up to me so he can get a full time job here after college. i'm his favorite cousin, after all." he says, making you giggle as you walk through the two panel doors into the spa.
"thanks for taking me in during your opening, mr. gojo." you say politely, feeling grateful as he leads you down the corridor of the neat, clean, and minimally decorated hallway.
"i think you're gonna be the one taking me in," gojo mumbles under his breath while opening the door to a room that looked like a doctor's office. a single lavender massage table greets you with small cabinets on either side.
you're unable to catch what he said. "what? did you say something?"
"i said call me satoru. no need to get so formal with me, i'm just some dude who works here." he chuckles. he locks the door as you sit up on the massage table awkwardly, unsure of how you should be positioning yourself or what exactly he was planning.
gojo goes to the corner and pulls out a fluffy white bathrobe and hands it to you. you're blown away by how soft it feels in your hands -- luxury at it's finest, you guess.
"okay, i just have a quick questionnaire i need you to fill out, probably will take around a minute," he says, as he grabs a clipboard with a pen attached to it from another drawer and takes a seat on a padded lab stool. he rolls closer to you until his long slender legs are almost touching your calves.
"alrighty here...okay, first question…” the questions gojo reads off are normal enough, with various clauses consenting to the spa treatment, confirming your age, and so forth. they don’t start getting weird until later. “ok last three, we’re almost done.” you notice a shit-eating grin on his face as he scribbles your answer to the previous question. “okay, are you a virgin?”
“are you a virg-”
“i heard you the first time. what kinda question is that? that’s so invasive, what the hell are you play-” you’re ready to give an entire speech to this guy about how inappropriate and irrelevant the question is. 
“it’s fine if you don’t wanna answer it, i just can’t continue the treatment if you don’t.” gojo says this so simply and nonchalantly, as if the question was about your favorite color, and not an intimate detail about your sexuality. 
“okay, fine. not a virgin.” you cross your hands in irritation. 
“not…a...virgin…” you hear him say under his breath as he scribbles something you cannot see on his clipboard. you try leaning forward to see what he’s writing (and if there really was a question like that on the questionnaire but he quickly pulls it closer to his chest, giving you a teasing smirk. “are you on birth control?”
“good to know. last question: got any STDs i need to know about?”
oh, for fuck’s sake. this is ridiculous. does he think you’ve never been to a spa before? the usual thai place you go to never asks this many questions. “do you have any STDs i need to worry about? what is this? 20 questions?”
“you can ask them to me back, i’d be happy to answer them.” he says calmly with a coy smile. “in fact, i’ll answer them right now. no, no, and no.”
you sign in defeat. “no for me too.” maybe this is what happens when a place has like, ten thousand 5 star reviews on google maps. they just ask the weirdest questions. there’s a small voice berating yourself for folding so easily regarding his questions, but whatever. you’re ready to get this treatment over with. 
“okay, take off all your clothes and wear the bathrobe. do you want me to step outside?”
what the hell kinda question is that? of course, he’s supposed to step outside? “um, yeah?” you say it almost obviously, not feeling bad about the attitude that’s coming out of you. 
gojo raises his hand in surrender. “sorry, just askin’...” he grabs his clipboard and steps out of the room, saying he’ll be back in five minutes for the warm up massage. you quickly undress yourself. you have a feeling he’s the type to come in within seconds of knocking on the door without checking to see if you’re decent. you’re unsure where to place your clothes other than the table next to the cabinet so you neatly fold them, hiding your underwear and bra within the folds of your yoga pants and sweatshirt. 
just as promised, gojo shows up five minutes later with one knock before welcoming himself in. he’s holding a dark colored glass bottle filled with a calming essential oil for massaging, and turns on the diffuser in the room. 
“thanks for undressing,” he says, looking at the neatly folded pile of clothes on the counter. “alright, here’s how this is gonna go. i’m gonna give you a nice full body massage to loosen your muscles up, and then we do the facial last, sound good, princess?” 
your skin tingles at him calling you that nickname, but you ignore it. there’s no way i can let my mind wander like that when he’s giving me a massage. you nod your head in agreement, and lay on your back slowly, fidgeting with the ends of  your bathrobe so that you’re not totally exposed to him. gojo slowly hovers his hands over you and lightly touches your stomach, patting it to get your attention, but it causes you suck in a breath a bit too loudly. 
“gotta go on your stomach for me for this one,” he says, urging you to flip around. “gonna undo this, okay?” he tugs at the knot you made on your bathrobe and you nod. he slowly undoes it, and you feel exposed as your breasts peek out through the sides. you cross your legs almost immediately, feeling incredibly exposed in front of a fully clothed gojo. 
you quickly turn on your stomach before he has a chance to take in your body. you feel his cold fingers slowly expose your back, as he stops right before the hump of your ass. you hear him squeezing out some of the oil and warming it up in his hands as he gets to work on your back. 
you suck in a sharp breath between your teeth as his cold fingers explore the knots on your back. 
“cold isn’t it? you’ll get used to my fingers, promise,” he says sweetly, as he hits a spot on your back that’s been particularly bothering you as of late. it’s too late when you let out a moan, and you hear him chuckle. “hit the right spot, didn’t i?”
he continues to undo the knot on your back, and moan back a breathy affirmation as you continue to try (and fail) to hold back your noises. “f-fuck, gojo, that feels s-so good…” you say in between his movements. 
you feel his hot breath in your ear. “told ya to call me satoru, don’t forget it next time, princess.” this time, the nickname goes straight to your pussy. it’s hard to cross your legs when you’re on your stomach and feeling delirious with the pleasure that came from the pressure of his slender fingers. 
unbeknownst you, your soft moans are slowly making their way down to gojo’s member, as he gets harder by the second. he doesn’t want to make it so obvious just yet – he’s just getting start after all. he can’t just blow his load this close into the session, but you’re sure as hell giving him a run for his money. 
“feel good?” you moan in response. gojo slowly inches his fingers down closer and closer to your ass, until it reaches the hem of your bathrobe covering it. “gonna move this down so i can do your legs, yeah?”
gojo will admit, he was a bit too excited to see your ass as he removed your bathrobe down before you could give a proper “yes” but it didn’t matter when you’re soft breaths were giving him the answer he needed. it takes everything in him to not knead the rounds of your perfect ass (he swears your cheeks were made for his hands) and move straight to your calves. 
he slowly massages the soles of your feet and calves with the oil as he moves closer to your thighs, all while relishing in your sweet moans. once he’s at your thighs, the real fun begins. gojo knows this routine like the back of his hands. 
you hear him sigh in confusion. “is everything okay?” you turn your head slightly to see him. 
“sorry about this princess, but you’re gonna have to spread your legs a little bit for me. it’s hard to get every inch of you warmed up, otherwise.”
you obey him almost too easily, and shift your thighs so that there’s more room for him to touch with his fingers. gojo’s hands reach up to slightly cup your ass, before his thumbs slowly slide into your inner thigh, lightly massaging you.
your breaths are getting shallower and louder, and you pray he doesn't go any closer to your pussy so he doesn’t see how soaked you are. you’ve never had a massage like this before, but you also don’t want him to stop. 
gojo’s fingers play with the space of your inner thigh before he spreads you apart, exposing you. you breath catches in your throat, and he performs the next part of his act. 
“we’ve got a pretty unconventional way of massaging our clients, princess.” you hear his voice straining. “gotta make sure you’re relaxed everywhere, but you gotta let me take care of you. think you can do that? all you have to do is relax, and let daddy do everything for you.” you can hear the lust dripping from his voice, but to be honest, you couldn’t give a shit at this point. 
“y-yeah, please, satoru, whatever you want. please, i just…i just feel so good right now,” you say, your eyes shut tight, and your hips practically squirming under his touch. you think you might go insane if he doesn’t touch you there in the next second. 
hook, line, and sinker. who’s gojo to deny your request? he graduated top of his class at his cosmetology and esthetician university, after all. his fingers glide almost too easily between your folds as he starts playing with your throbbing core. he can feel how needy your pussy is for his hands as he spreads your slick all over your core. 
the pleasure immediately gets caught in the pillow that muffles your moans. fuck, so this is what all the reviews were talking about. you feel his fingertips dancing around your clit and you want to shout at him to pay attention to it. 
“s-satoru~ p-please…i need you right there…” you say in between your moans. 
“where? here?” gojo’s finger taps your clit lightly, and it makes your entire body twitch with pleasure. he has to press down on the small of your back to keep you place as his fingers rub circles around your bundle of nerves, making you whimper. you unconsciously grind your hips against his fingers, trying to get close to your release. 
“need a better angle. face down, ass up.” gojo commands, and your body conforms to his words. you prop your lower body up with your knees while your face is sideways against the head of the massage table. he uses this now better angle to really rub his fingers into your folds and bundle of nerves, sending electricity throughout your body. you feel the dam building up inside you and threatening to break. 
“satoru~ i’m-i’m getting c-close…ah~” you hands grip on to the sides of the massage table as you brace for the earth shattering orgasm to rip through you, and with gojo’s deft fingers, you’re on cloud nine in no time. 
your body slumps back down and your eyes roll back as the vibrations of your release still radiate through your body. you hear  your pulse pumping through your head as you try to catch you breath, but you feel gojo’s now warm hands flip you on your back, and his face inches from yours. 
“you took that so well, princess. we’re not done, yet. there’s still another part of your body that needs to warm up.” you don’t have time to process what he means as he inserts two fingers into his mouth and then deep inside your entrance. your gasp is muffled by his mouth connecting to yours, hard, teeth and all. his fingers are long, and they easily find your sensitive g-spot as they curl upwards and bully your internal bundle of nerves. it’s quite embarrassing how quickly you’re ready for another release, and how hungry your entrance was for his finger, practically sucking them in and clenching around them immediately. 
“f-fuck~ i’m about to-” you don’t get to finish your sentence, as another orgasm rips through your body. gojo kisses you again to block your moans, and your hands wrap around his neck to pull him even closer to you. he playfully bites on your lower lip as you ride out your release on his fingers. 
gojo’s kisses turn into soft quick pecks as your breathing steadies and your eyes can focus again. “we’re not done yet,” he teases, slowly taking his slick coated fingers out of you. 
you don’t even have the energy to respond back as he flips you on you back. through heavy eyes, you look back up at him, biting back a moan as he restarts rubbing circles on your extremely sensitive clit. he needs to take off his shirt and fuck you already. 
“need something?” gojo teases, sensing your neediness from just your eyes. 
“take off your shirt, dumbass.” you say through gritted teeth. 
“try again.” he presses harder on your clit, and you let out an unsanctioned yelp through your teeth. 
“f-fuck~ please take off your shirt, dumbass.”
he smiles. “well, if you insist…” he rolls his eyes, feigning inconvenience, but the slowly growing tent in his pants says otherwise. gojo unbuttons his shirt, revealing a perfectly sculpted torso. now this is just unfair. 
“geez, my eyes are up here.” he teases, smirking at you as you quickly meet his eyes and feel your face flush. he unbuckles his belt and you slowly sit up from the massage table. you’re overcome with the urge to touch him, everywhere. you hook your finger to the belt loop of his pants and pull him closer to you. 
gojo smirks as he wraps his arms around hips and leans down to kiss you deeply. you feel your core ache for his touch again as his tongue explores your mouth again. you trace his perfectly sculpted torso, the indents of his abs slightly sweaty to your touch. your hands slowly make their way to the zipper of his slacks, but gojo immediately grabs your wrist to stop you from taking them fully off. 
“not just yet…” he murmurs in between kisses. while his lips are still locked on you, he slowly pushes your body back on the massage table and starts kissing down your bare stomach, the measly bathrobe long since discarded somewhere on the floor. gojo leaves small wet kisses along your body until he reaches your inner thighs. 
you suck in a breath as you involuntarily spread your legs for him, earning an enthusiastic hum from gojo, who’s still continuing to leave a trail of kisses that are inching closer and closer to where you need his mouth to be the most. “p-please~” you moan, your eyes closed in bliss. 
“please what, princess? use your words,” gojo coos, coming face to face with your soaking wet core. he blows on the sensitive bundle of nerves, causing your legs to twitch.
you can’t stand his fucking teasing but you need to be eaten out, so bad. “f-fuck y-you, gojo~” you say, pushing your core up to his face, trying to aim for his mouth before he easily pushes your hips back on the table. you hear him tsk in disapproval, and tears welling up in your eyes in desperation. “please, your tongue…inside me…please~” you whimper weakly. 
“since you begged so nicely…” gojo says before he immediately plunges his tongue inside you, almost making you scream. his tongue expertly explores your folds and sucks on your clit, making you inadvertently grind on his face. “y’taste so delicious, princess,” he says between licks as he eats you out like it’s the last pussy on earth. 
his ministrations with his tongue has you teetering on the edge in record time, and you’re threatening to spill within minutes of him eating you out. as the third wave of pleasure washes over you, you don’t have the energy in you to ask for permission as you feel your body tingle in the aftermath of it. you think you made a mess all over the massage table and gojo’s face, but you don’t have it in you to care as your eyes roll back. 
you feel gojo unbuckle his belt and take off his slack and underwear, exposing his hard member in his hands. you can see the precum leaking out the tip as you weakly lean on your elbows to prop yourself up. 
“see, princess, all those questions did have a reason after all…” he says in between breaths as he strokes himself, looking at your naked glistening body. you spread your legs further in anticipation of feeling him. “but there you were, being such a fuckin’ brat about answering them…” gojo says, eyebrows furrowing as he brings his tip closer to your core and you bite your lip in anticipation. 
“guess you better fuck the attitude outta me, then?” you say, looking up at him through heavy lidded eyes filled with mindless lust. you don’t even care about the consequences or who hears or even if you get your facial – you just need him. every part of your body craved him. 
gojo wastes no time at your suggestion, his tip entering you as you let out a lecherous moan. you feel the initial pain of his larger than average member tearing your tight entrance apart, and bite back a moan. gojo grits his teeth as he lets out a steady throaty groan. 
“fuck, princess. so fuckin’ tight. sure you’re not a virgin?” 
“s’too much satoru, y-you’re huge…ahh~” 
“too bad, princess.” he says, surprising you as he starts thrusting agonizingly slowly into you, bottoming out and effectively reaching the sensitive spot inside you. pain slowly turns into pleasure as you indulge in the feeling of your g-spot getting kissed by his member – the spot that you can never reach by yourself using your own fingers.  
“f-faster, please~” you urge gojo, and he obliges almost immediately, quickening his pace. he bullies your sloppy and wet core, as he watches your titties bounce with every thrust. unlike most people his age, it’s times like this where gojo realizes he really fucking loves his job. 
he reaches out and gives your titties a rough squeeze while he remains unrelenting in his pace. he feels your pussy clench around him, and he knows you’re close, and if he’s being honest, so is he. but he cannot cum just yet, and definitely not before you do. gojo abandons your titties and slides down his fingers to your clit as he starts rubbing inelegant circles around it, getting you closer and closer to the edge. 
you feel the dam breaking once again as the combination of him rubbing and fucking you comes to a climax. the orgasm travels to every corner of your body, as you see stars in your vision while gojo fucks your brains out. you hold on to his shoulders to steady yourself. based on how sloppily gojo is getting, you can tell he’s about to get close, too. you’re about to brace for him to finish inside you, when he abruptly pulls out, earning him a confused look from you. 
“lay down,” he commands more than asks, as he hastily pushes your chest down on the massage table. your sweaty skin sticks to the faux leather, but you don’t pay attention as he moves to the side of your face, holding his soaked member near it. 
gojo starts stroking his throbbing leaking member sensually, and you innately open your mouth and stick your tongue out. so this is the facial? the dots connected in your head at the same time gojo’s ropes of warm cum decorated your face – chin, cheeks, mouth, and all. you hear gojo’s throaty groans as he finishes on you and make sure not a single drop that gets on or near mouth gets wasted, swallowing pridefully. 
gojo leans closer to your ear as he catches his breath from his climax. “that’s the milkbomb facial,” he says cheekily, and you can’t help but giggle. you both take a couple more seconds to catch your breath. you watch gojo as he puts on his pants and tucks in his shirt, looking like he didn’t just fuck the shit out of you. he runs his fingers through his hair quickly as he goes to the counter and pulls out a warm eucalyptus towel as he takes his time to gently wipe your face and body. 
“that was fun,” you murmur, looking at the ceiling, finally understanding what the reviews you read about this earlier place meant. you definitely came here, multiple times in one day for sure. 
gojo chuckles as he goes over to wash his hands and you notice his forearms are glistening with your release. “that’s why we’re the best spa out here, princess.”
you notice your legs shaking slightly, but you manage to hop off the massage table, slightly dazed. gojo notices and helps you get on your feet and put on your clothes. the entire activity is soft and gentle compared to how he was just a couple minutes before. 
everything that you both have done in the past hour finally dawns on you, and you suddenly feel very shy despite whatever the contrary happened on the massage table. it’s so awkward now, like, what do you guys even talk about now? does he do this to everyone? is this their entire schtick?
“do you…do this with all your clients?” you whisper to him as you follow him out into the hallway to the exit. you cross your hands tightly to your chest, as if it’s shrouding you from other people finding out what happened in the room behind you. 
“ah, i’m not one to kiss and tell.” gojo puts his hands in his pockets and glances back at you, giving you a quick wink as you follow behind him, trying to keep up with him as he turns corners.s
“oh, so you do do this everyone, huh?” you challenge, your shyness slowly melting away with gojo’s playful tone.. 
“did you enjoy it?”
a pause from you.. “yes.”
“then don’t worry about it, kitten.” gojo pauses before he opens the door and turns to you. “listen, i wouldn’t mind if you came here again for the tokyo special, you know. i’ll even give you a discount, too.” he says earnestly. 
you let out a giggle. “oh? a discount?”
“yeah, the tight pussy discount.”
“shut up!” you say, and you playfully smack his shoulder, and you both laugh. 
“so… is that a yes? i’ll see you next week?” 
you bite your lip. “maybe, i dunno.” you give him a wink before opening the door, and you both know fully well that you’ll be back on the massage table again in no time with gojo pounding into you. 
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needless to say, gojo wasn’t lying when he said they were the best spa in town because by the time your sister’s wedding came around, your face was quite literally glowing. 
“wow! y/n – you’re just looking so radiant today! what’s your secret?” an auntie who’s name you cannot remember gleams, looking at you. 
you smirk, and try to hold back the heat from flushing your cheeks. “oh, just a really good facial,” you say. technically, you’re being honest, right?
“jesus, dude. is this all from skin care daddy?” nobara says, as the tenth person from the wedding compliments your skin. 
“you have no idea. they really know what they’re doing.” you say nonchalantly. you pull out your phone and text a recently saved number. 
you: got any slots for a tokyo special tomorrow?
within minutes you get a response: 
gojo: u know i do babygirl. btw a new guy just joined our spa. hope it’s cool sukuna joins to observe  😈
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natashaslesbian · 1 month
For You
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Summary: You’ve been going through a rough patch with your moms for a while, after a big argument you finally tell them how you feel.
Word Count: 1.2k
Parings: (Wandanat x Daughter!Reader)
Warnings: none I believe :)
The walls shook as you slammed your bedroom door shut, the tell tale sign of another fight with your moms. Most teenagers have arguments with their parents, who usually have high expectations of them. But being the daughter of the Black Widow and the Scarlett Witch meant that your expectations were set much higher. Growing up your moms were your best friends, you spent every second with them, it was the three of you against the world. You had a magical childhood and all your school friends were jealous of your home life, however after your 13th birthday Natasha and Wanda decided that it was time for you to start training alongside Peter. It was nothing extreme, a few hours a week in the gym and some basic self defence. As Peter progressed you soon fell behind, not only disappointing your teammates but also your mothers.
You let out a sigh as you slumped down onto your bed, rolling over to face the wall incase of any unwelcome visitors. You replayed the row in your head, Natasha’s words loud and clear in your mind. “Why can’t you be more like Peter, he’s doing so well, he puts so much work into his training, he’s not lazy like you!” She had shouted across the room. That was your final straw. If only they knew the effort you held within you, they just didn’t care about it as it had nothing to do with being an avenger. As a kid you loved to draw and paint, and as you got older it became a favourite hobby. At first your moms would take your cute little drawings and put them around the compound to be admired but as they transitioned back into work and long missions they didn’t really have the time to appreciate your art anymore and very quickly they forgot about your favourite activity.
A knock at the door arrived as another tear slipped down your cheek. “Go away” you huffed. Shortly after came a gentle click of your door. “Who said you could come in?” You asked. Your mom didn’t say anything just yet, she simply walked over to your bed and took a seat next to you. “Y/n” Wanda said “I- I’m sorry. I hate when we fight kiddo” she said as she reached for your hair. “Mama started it” you replied as you pushed away her touch. “Baby mama didn’t mean what she said. We had words after you left and she knows she was wrong, she’s gone for a walk to calm down” your mom said as she shuffled closer. “And I know that I was wrong too” she said, causing you to look up at her. “I shouldn’t have shouted like I did” Wanda said with a hint of guilt in her eyes. Your mom never usually shouted at you, she was normally the calm one although still echoing everything your mama was saying.
Wanda’s vulnerability made you think for a moment. You had always hidden how you truly felt, putting on a tough act so you didn’t disappoint your moms even further. When Wanda had come to see you, you were prepared for round two with her. But the delicacy she had entered the room with caused something in you to shift. “Why am I not good enough for you and mama?” You cried out, the sight breaking Wanda’s heart. “Baby don’t say that!” Your mom cooed as she pulled you up into her embrace “you are good enough for us darling” she said. “You just want me to be like Peter” you sobbed “you’d rather him be your kid” you tried to push away from Wanda’s hold, but she tightened her grip around you, “we don’t think that y/n” she said. “I know I’m not as good as him at combat and weapons and stuff but I am good at other things! Why can’t you see that? I’m trying so hard to make you proud of me but nothing I ever do is good enough!” You cried.
Without realising, a second pair of arms had been wrapped around you, a steady hand was trailing through your hair. “Mama?” You mumbled as you looked up to see her green eyes. “I’m never gonna be good enough for you am I?” You said as you melted into her arms. Natasha had been stood outside your room for a few minuets listing to yours and Wanda’s conversation. She felt so guilty when she heard what you said and came running to your side, crying along with you. “Oh my little spider, look at me” Nat said as she cupped your cheeks, bringing your gaze towards her. “I promise you’re enough baby girl, I’m so sorry I made you feel like you weren’t. Your mom and I are so proud of you but we’ve been blinded by our own want for you to become an agent. But it’s not what you want is it?” She asked. You looked at her confused for a moment, finally starting to calm down again. “Your artwork” Natasha whispered.
“Mama you remembered?” You asked. “Of course we did sweetie��� Natasha said “baby you’re a fantastic little artist we loved when you used to bring us all your drawings” Wanda said as she brushed your hair back from your face. “But I thought you didn’t care anymore, you just wanted me to focus on being an avenger” you cried “you never had any time for me” you mumbled as you laid in your moms arms. “You’re right baby girl and mama and I are so sorry” Wanda said as she kissed your forehead. “Y/n being an agent and an anger is all your mom and I have ever known” Natasha said “we’ve not put being mothers first and we know that now. We thought we were putting you first by pushing you into training but we weren’t and we are so sorry” she finished. You sat up so both your moms could see you, you took a deep breath as you prepared to tell them the truth “mom, mama” you whispered “I don’t wanna be an avenger” you cried out “I’m sorry” your moms both scooped you up immediately, both now crying with you.
“We know that now sweetie” Wanda calmly said “you don’t have to be sorry” she said. “I don’t wanna disappoint you” you mumbled as you wiped your nose “dekta you could never disappoint us” Natasha said “this is your life and you’re old enough now to decide how you want to live it, all we want is for you to be happy” your mama said. It was like a breath of fresh air had hit your bedroom, everything you had wanted to say was finally out in the open. “I think I know what I wanna do” you said looking up at your moms “what is it darling?” Wanda asked “after I finish school, I wanna go to college, to study art. Is that ok?” You sheepishly asked. “Oh y/n of course it is” Natasha said “it might be expensive though” you frowned “well that’s what uncle Tony is for” Your mama giggled “and besides we’ve got some money put away from you, it’s plenty enough to get you where you need to be” Wanda said “really?” You asked, trying hard to hide your excitement. “Really baby” Natasha said “whatever you need, we’ll sort, we’re your moms and that’s our job” Wanda said as she ran her hand under your chin. “I love you mom” you said to Wanda “I love you mama” you said to Natasha.
@saraaahsstuff / @dannipotatoo / @tobiaslut / @a-simpfortessa-lesbriean / @marvelnatasha12346 / @yelenasdiary / @mousetheorist / @ashadash0904
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thecapricunt1616 · 3 months
Lily of the Valley - (c.b. oneshot)
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O/S INSPO:  Lily of the Valley Soothing, calming, draws peace and tranquility, and repels negativity. Assists in empowering happiness and mental powers. Married couples should plant Lily of the Valley in their first garden to promote longevity of the marriage.  POSTED DATE:03/30/2024 W/C: 4,114
A/N: FINALLY!!!! I am so sorry this took forever! This O/S is based on this adorable request from the LOML @daysofyellowroses - please check out her blog! I hope this satisfies your Carmy Proposing idea! I'm sorry it took so long i've been sick, but were back baby!!! Requests are opennnn y'all! This is also heavily inspired by my amazing OOMF @gingergofastboatsmojito - In another timeline Carmy still somehow came across Madame Stardusts jewelry (she transcends time and space that woman!) , & Stella exists too! If you want to meet more of that character in the universe Ginger created (I highly recommend you do)you can read that AMAZING FIC HERE ! Please be sure to leave kudos & comments & give Ginger all the flowers she deserves!!!
WARNINGS FOR BTC: Smut, Swearing, NO USE OF Y/N - As little physical description as possible, fluffy Carmen, OC Carmy - (He's more emotionally grown obvi hahah)
➵ 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 
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You pushed the heavy, bulging tote bags full of groceries up your arm as you walked back to Your&Carmy’s shared Condo Building. The wildflower seeds you’d thrown on the little patches of grass on your walks to the train, along the sidewalk on your block had finally started to bloom. Adorable tiny little flowers in vibrant shades of blue, pink, purple, yellow, and white peeking out over the sidewalk's edge. 
Spring had most definitely sprung in Chicago by this point. Your commute whilst walking to work down Michigan Ave, passing the stunning array of tulips, had told you that fiercely every time you walked to and from the train this week on the way to work. It was finally Friday, and you couldn’t be happier. 
Carmen had been so busy this week- busier than normal. You’d usually just hang out with your best friends to fill that pathetic, lonely void while grading papers and doing your own assignments- but they were busy this week too! You were convinced the universe had bound you to loneliness this week, so naturally, all you wanted to do was get home, crawl into bed, and sleep- until Carmy came in around 2 to 3 am, and get that savored 15 minutes of cuddles after his shower, before exhaustion came over you again and you fell back asleep. 
You used your special key fob to get in the door of your condo’s shared building, which to your standards was very luxurious- it included amenities you’d never even thought of. You and Carmy had moved in together 3 months ago, it took a lot of convincing on your end. You and Carmy had lived on opposite ends of town, so every time you’d see eachother, (which was very often) -  it would be an hour's drive that he insisted- or, him losing the battle- and allowing you to take the train back all those stops. 
You weren’t particularly religious,  it was more just a personal preference - that you would be at least engaged before you were to move in together. Especially before having a mortgage together. You’d told Carmy this, and he’d given you the same answer each time over the last two years he’d been begging - “Baby we know we’re in love, you know we’re eachothers forever person - we tell eachother every day! We’ve been together 3 years, Let me take care of you” 
It wasn’t that you didn’t want to be taken care of- it’s just…you liked working. You loved your job, you’d went to school and earned a masters degree for Christ sake, and were currently working on your PHD. You couldn’t ever see yourself giving that up, and moving in with a boyfriend and him insisting on paying all the bills made you fear you’d fall pregnant, and then your professional life would be over. 
But, Carmen had insisted to you he wasn’t interested in children unless you were. You were sure at one point you never wanted them, but you were becoming more afraid, because seeing as amazing an uncle Carmen was, how naturally kind and understanding he was of children- it brought out something in you. It was so sudden that you could imagine turning your shared library / art studio into a nursery during slow time at work. 
You walked down the hall, in no rush to be home. The only presence waiting being your cat, Truffle, Carmy had insisted on the name due to his deep black fur. 
You approached the door, confused as to why you were hearing…music? From your apartment? You shook the hope of Carmy being home this early away, not wanting to be dissapointed. The neighbors downstairs must be blasting that same kind of jazz instrumental Carmy listens to so loud that you heard it through the floor. 
You unlock the door, and sure enough the music playing softly through the condo gets a tad louder but the first thing to catch your eye was the white and pink rose petals making a trail to the kitchen. You heard Carmy humming lightly, the sound of chopping on the cutting board. 
“Bear?” You quickly nudge the door shut with your hip, not even bothering to take your shoes off and rushing down the hall into the kitchen. Sitting atop the breakfast bar, was a vase packed with beautiful pink and white roses. 
He looks up from the cutting board “My favorite girl” he stops what he was doing immediately coming and taking the bags from your shoulders, setting them down before greeting you with a sweet kiss. He cupped your cheeks gently, pulling you in to him so you were flush together with his other hand.  
“You used our card f’that right?” He asked softly when he pulled away. You roll your eyes a bit, he had insisted you get a shared credit card, and that you purchase everything with it- and at the end of the month, he will show you the statement, and only pay a quarter of the total, just another one of the ways he assured every financial burden of yours was eased significantly. 
“Yes, what is all this baby?” You asked, motioning to the roses. “Did I forget somethin? Our anniversary isn’t for another 2 months” you asked a bit nervously. Carmen wasn’t a stickler for dates, but it would break your heart if you were to forget something important. 
“No- no. I just…just love you- I wanted to show you, and especially after this week I know I’ve been crazy busy, and I’ve been comin’ in late and leavin’ early, and…I just wanted to show my best girl how much she means t’me” he kissed your forehead sweetly and you felt a blush creeping to your cheeks. 
“That’s so sweet Bear. Thank you I love you, this is…no one’s ever done this- oh my god- are those balloons?” You giggled, seeing heart shaped foil balloons tied to your chair at the table and he smiled proudly. 
“Mmhmm, the lady at the flower place said that - we can talk about it later. You wanna cook w’me? You can just watch if you want?” He asked, gently brushing his fingers through your hair. 
“I never turn down a lesson from the best, let me go get changed real quick” you headed toward the bedroom and he stopped you by your hand pulling you back into his chest, kissing your neck with wet open mouth kisses earning a giggle that you couldn’t contain. 
“Mmm- don’t go in there right now, it’s for later. I already got your pajamas right here” he said going over to the couch and grabbing your favorite pair of sweatpants and his old ‘the beef’ tshirt that to you was the most comfortable thing in the world, especially when he wore it to bed for a few nights before giving it back. 
“For later huh?” You muse, taking off your heeled booties and unbuttoning your slacks before peeling them off and trading them for your soft fuzzy grey sweatpants. 
“Mmhmm” he hummed in response and took your pants for you and your blouse and bra as well, bringing them to the laundry room as you put the shirt on and got your hair situated into a bun. 
“What are we cooking today, chef?” You asked, heading over to the kitchen to see there were little bowls of vegetables that have been precut and you gasp happily. “Stop- are we really?” You giggled. 
“I told you that it’s easy baby but you hate eggplant so ratatouille isn’t gonna be something you’re a big fan of” he chuckled. You had watched the movie with him, and told him that the ratatouille dish looked insanely delicious and that you wanted him to make it for you, but he told you your aversion to eggplant would probably turn you off the dish. 
“But there isn’t eggplant” you said looking over the dishes filled with various vegetables. 
“That’s right, this is princess ratatouille. I’ve been figurin’ out different vegetables w’Syd that would work for it, we finally got it right. We have zucchini and a few different squashes, and we have onion and garlic, tomato, bell pepper, everything you like. I think you’ll love it baby.” He said rubbing your back gently. 
“Of course I’m gonna love it bear, I love everything we make together you have the magic touch. So what’s my job?” You asked eagerly. 
“You my special sous chef, are gonna help put the veggies in and I’m gonna do the sauce” He kissed your temple gently. 
“Ok! Let me get my apron” You said, happily turning to the drawer you kept your aprons in.
“Wait-” he said, holding your arm. You look back at him and he looked…nervous.”Is…something wrong?” You questioned, brows furrowed slightly in concern.
“No- no I um….i got you a new one” he said sheepishly, walking over to the island and opening up the cupboard beneath you never used. 
“Oh- ok..Leveling up are we?” You joked, happily leaning against the counter. 
“Jesus-” he chuckled, “Close y’r fuckin eyes- carnival psychic” he teases and you laughed, obliging and closing your eyes.
“Carnival psychic?” you asked and he came over gently putting bundle of fabric in your awaiting hands.
“I swear t’god- you went snoopin’? Open your eyes” he said. You opened your eyes, looking into your hands and seeing an apron. It was white, just like his, and folded perfectly. In thick black letters, intricately painted, ‘ Will You Marry Me? ‘ Adorned with a little red heart over the center pocket that had a square shaped bump.
You felt all of the blood leave your face, your knees feeling wobbly, your mouth gaping in to an O shape, as you stare down at the apron. “Where did you get this?” you whispered, completely awestruck. 
“I-I…um…made it?” he rubbed the back of his neck nervously. “I- shit. Fuck- is this not how you pictured it? I’m so fuckin sorry babe- I-I thought…I dunno- like.. You wanted it private? Cause I know you said you’d never-” he’s interrupted by your lips crashing on his in a fervent wanting kiss, a mix of spit and teeth and lips and tongues, he moans softly into your mouth, squeezing your waist.
You were pressed together so firmly that the small box dug into your ribs, eventually pulling away from him with shaking hands and reaching into the pocket, pulling out the small black velvet box. You ever so carefully opened it, your breath catching in your throat when you saw the absolutely breathtaking ring.
“I-it’s not uh..not a diamond- cause I know you said-” you interrupt him
“Princesses and Queens don’t wear diamonds, they wear crystals” you finished, staring at the beautifully cut opal, at least 8 carats, banded by a intricate edwardian band… nothing short of a ring for a Goddess.
“But..But- this one…it does- it has both…because uh” he swallows thickly. “It…in my mind- when I s-saw it, it represented your soul, and your physical body.. And I liked that. Cause- y’re my diamond, but you’re also my queen, my everything, baby. Like how - how you said that…you wished your aura was opal? It is. It is, angel. And every time you look at that, I want you to remember that you’re beautiful from your diamond exterior, to your opal soul” he brushed his finger over the ring, before meeting your gaze once again.
He gently wiped the tears that were running down your cheeks freely, hot and wet and open. It was rare that Carmy genuinely used his words rather then his actions to express his love for you, so you were nothing short of savoring this. “Holy fucking shit” you laughed, shaking your head and looking down at the ring box. “Put it on my hand” you held your left hand out. 
He chuckled a bit, “so… yes? You will?” he asked carefully, pulling the ring out of the box.
“Are you kidding, YES! Put this ring on my finger and fuck me dumb- this is all i’ve ever wanted, Bear, I fucking love you- and youre asking if I want you to be my husband?! I’ve wanted nothing more for two years- at least!” you shake your left hand for emphasis, a wide large grin on your face.
He carefully slid the ring over your manicured finger, and it just made you cry more how it fit perfectly. “How do you know my size?!” you asked, since most of the vintage rings he'd bought you were adjustable so it didn't matter the size of the rings he’d gotten for you before.
He chuckled a bit, “so- y’re ring…y’know the one…y’thought you lost it at Chipotle like…ahhh- 8 months ago now? In the bathroom? Y’took it off at the table, you wore it on your ring finger so I had to take my chance. You kept sayin how it was like- the only ring you’d found that fit without takin’ it to the jewler. So uh” he dug in his jeans pocket, placing your beloved vintage ring with your starsign on it in your palm.
“I got that ring, based on the size. I got it uhhh…sorry dont be offended- it’s not new… I got it at an estate sale of this lady- it was crazy- the way I came across it babe… like fate. It was when Syd and I went to New York for that interview, she literally dragged me to this sale cause she said the lady who died was said to have a bunch of vintage fur and stuff she was looking f’somethin- anyway. We met the lady’s daughter- Stella? I think it was? Doesn’t matter… but she um..said her Ma was some crazy astrology nut, also said she only wore crystals. So I took a look… that was the first box I opened. And y’ring on my pinky, it fit perfect, so I tried it on- it fit like a glove. I’m glad we don't have to size it. Asked her if it was real, she said - her Ma told ‘er some…. Like life coach? Er- astrologer life coach author? Gave it to ‘er on a trip to Jamaica in the 60’s. Told ‘er ‘this ring will someday be worn on a hand proudly as a devotion of true love’- Miss- No! Madame ! Madame Stardust. Nutty name right?” he chuckled a bit. 
You smiled proudly at the ring, a devotion of true love indeed. “I think” you turned to the counter, stacking the bowls of vegetables together and putting them in the fridge as you friskily countered “you are not going in to work at all next week- wifes orders” you walked over to him, hips swaying. “And after you fuck me absolutely stupid” you grabbed his collar, pulling him in so your faces were meer inches apart “Oh- and we talk about how this mademe stardust? Confirms that our souls are indeed woven together like a fucking wicker basket” you kiss him roughly, weaving your fingers through his dirty blonde curls and tugging firmly. 
He moaned into your mouth, his hands trailing down and squeezing your ass firmly. You hummed in satisfaction, leaning against him and he stumbled back, back, back, pushing the bedroom door open with a squeak. You looked up, Breaking your kiss with wide eyes.
All throughout the bedroom, were printed photos of you and Carmy throughout the years, suspended with clear wire so it was as if the photos were floating midair. You clasp your hands over your mouth, admiring all the hard work and pure thought that had went into the gesture. You looked over all the photos, three years of memories hanging before you like a gallery of love surrounding you, all of your fondest happiest memories at every flicker of your eyes.
“Carmen” you whispered, walking forward and admiring each and every photograph…
He comes behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his chin on your shoulder. 
“Y’know how you said no work next week…” he said softly, kissing up your neck with wet, sexy, open mouthed kisses. “We leave Sunday… F’Cyprus” He said hotly in your ear, his breath tickling your neck causing a moan to escape your lips as he gently lifts your shirt, palming your breast gently.
“Is- is that-” you breathe out
“We’re getting a tour of Aphrodites Baths” he said softly, rolling your taught nipple between his thumb and forefinger.
“Ah- y-you remembered?” you gasped, he let out a soft deep chuckle, Kissing the corner of your mouth and gently laying you down upon the soft sheets of your shared bed. 
“I’d have proposed over a year ago- when I got the fuckin’ ring if i coulda gotten us the tour sooner” he muttered into your skin, tugging off your- (his) shirt, leaving supple, gentle kisses over your stomach and up your ribs.
“Mm- are we- can we swim?” I asked hopefully.
He  gently wipes your tears away, “No” he said a bit sadly, “We can dip our hands… some asshole ruined swimming for people years ago…before we met…but- we were also gonna Parga Greece, baby. We’re spending 2 days in Cyprus, then flying to Parga on a charter- we can swim, fuck, do whatever in those waters baby. Amidst the Goddess of the Underworld f’five whole days” he smirked and you gasped, as if he’d gotten you the moon on a string.
“The Acheron River?” you whisper and he nodded, gently rubbing his thumb over your lips.
“That is the sexiest thing i’ve ever heard in my life- you’re gonna make me cum in the 2nd most famous river of Hell?” you giggled and he snorts a laugh, pushing you on the bed gently.
“Fuck yeah, you little fuckin’ freak” he teased, tugging off your panties and sweatpants in one swift pull, leaving you soaked and bare before him.
You gasped at the rough action, quickly being soothed by soft, sweet kisses over your hipbones. 
“I fuckin smell y’kitten fuck” he growled, kissing the inner of your thigh in the way that made you creen. 
“Shit- good- right? If y’compared me to a seafood market i’d break your nose” you teased, hooking the crooks of your knees over his shoulders, shivering when he leaned in closer, his hot breath directly over your clit- his lapis blue eyes boring into yours.
“That question doesn’t deserve an answer” he grumbled hotly, spreading your folds with his fingers and admiring the wet, slick, mess in front of him. “S’fuckin pretty princess- fuckin’ prettiest pussy in the world” he nearly moaned, burrying his mouth where you needed him most, eyes fixed on yours.
You couldn’t even make a sound- a hot breathy gasp escaping your slack-jawed stance as your head flopped back on the mattress with a soft bounce. “Mmmmm shit” Carmy hummed, satisfied with your taste as if he was devouring his favorite dessert.
“F-Ffuuuckkk” you whimpered out pathetically, voice cracking and bleeding out between the fracture lines of your hot intense pleasure.
“Mmhmm-mmmhmmm” Carmy mumbled confidently against your now firm clit, tongue flicking over it at a mind-numbing pace, bringing you right to the edge and hanging you there by a single finger.
“Ahhhh-Ahhhh-Fuck!! Carmy! Oh- ohhhh!!!” You whined, spine pointing in an arch off the mattress, your hips and thighs quivering and shaking wildly as your orgasm crashed over you like hot lightning before you could even warn him, or know yourself it was so close.
“Goooood girl, thats it- mm- my good fuckin’ girl- Y’gonna be my fuckin’ wife baby? Mmm? Gonna be mine? F’rever?” He grumbled, placing a gentle kiss to your clit before placing gentle yet firm pressure over it with the pad of his tongue that made your hips buck with a mind of their own.
He chuckled slightly into your heat, the vibration causing you to whine pathetically. “Y-yes-yes-fuck i’mfuckinyoursBear-y’gonnamakemey’wife? Yeah? Gonna make me Mrs. fuckin Carmen Berzatto?” you slurred, pulling him into a messy wanting kiss, soughing at the flavor of your core coating his spit.
“Fuckin- spit in my fucking mouth- claim me” you groaned. He smiled against your lips, pulling away slightly, a thick hot string of saliva connecting the two of you.
“So fuckin dirty” he grumbled with a smirk “Open that filthy fucking mouth” he ordered, getting quiet for a moment as he gathered saliva in the front of his mouth.
You obeyed him immediately - your jaw going slack, tongue stuck out ever so slightly and eyes fluttered shut. Then- you felt it, hot, sweet, salty saliva coating your tongue, you groan at the flavor as it continues pooling over your tastebuds. “Do not fucking swallow yet- greedy girl” he tapped your chin firmly, before pulling your jaw open wider with Tthe pad of his thumb. 
“Stick out that pretty little tongue” he grumbled, you obeyed with a smile, opening wide as you could, sticking your tongue out far, showing off the creamy white saliva he’d dressed your tongue in, so much it was seeping down onto your chin, threatening to coat the front and back of your throat.
“Good girl- that's my good little kitten” he purred, “How d’you want me princess?” he gently collected the excess saliva from your chin on his thumb, sucking it off his digit hotly as he awaits your response while you swallow gratefully, the taste setting your soul ablaze.
“I want you to fucking claim me, Carmy, holy fuck- use me, worship me, fuck me like a goddamn animal- whatever you fucking want- please” you begged after you’d savored the taste while you swallowed, his sky blue eyes going dark as navy slacks with lust at the admission. 
“Yeah? Why not all three?” he pushed you down to the mattress by your throat, not hard enough to bruise- but hard enough for the breath to leave your lungs and your core to throb so hard you were clenching your thighs, trying to give any solace of pressure to your swollen aching clit.
“P-please” you stuttered, writhing against the mattress and he chuckled darkly. 
“Are we a little needy? Mmm princess?” he pushes your knees apart with his thigh, aiding the throbbing pressure with his strong fingers, rubbing firm, slow circles into the twitching bud that made your hips snap into the mattress and head fall back to the bed, eyes rolling back with a sharp gasp of pleasure. 
“Pl-please-” you gasp out, spine arching sharply as he replaced his fingers with his mouth on your clit, 2 fingers slipping inside of you with no resistance due to the fact your core was so soaked it was beginning to pool at the dip of your bum and soak the sheets. The squelching as he pumped into your g-spot mixed with your high-pitched moans and frisky growls was absolute sin.
He opens his jaw wider, tonguing your entrance wildly and nuzzling his strong nose against your clit in broad strokes, randomly flicking back and forth quickly making you squeal in pleasure as you grind against his mouth, fully out of control of your movements as if you were a puppet on a string.
“H-Hooooo-i’m cumming- oh- don’t you dare fucking stop Carmen” you growled, grabbing his curls and pullinghim further into your core. “I’m cumming- i’mcumming-holy-holyfuck-imfuuuckiing-AAAH!” your thighs and hips shake and quiver, stars of ethereal white filling your vision.
“Mmhmmm” he grumbled, coming up and sucking your nipple with his slick lips, his chin and nose soaked with your arousal, so much so his chin dripped onto your ribs. 
“H-Oh-yes Bear” you whined out, head tilting to meet his gaze. “I need you- I-I need you inside- like- fuck- when you- you have my knees around your hips and y-you fuckin’- just drill me Carmy- I need that- need you deep” You reverberated wantingly, wrapping your thighs around his waist taughtly, making it easier for him to take you exactly how you wanted.
“Jesus Christ- I can’t fuckin’ stand y’baby. Y’re like a fuckin’ drug- it’s like I fuckin’ function unless I’ve had a hit” he nibbed your collarbone, quickly removing his jeans and boxers, aligning himself with your entrance.
You gave him a mischievous smile, inching your hips forward. “C’mon- I don’t give a fuck ‘bout cooking right now- fuck me absolutely dumb- then take me to Sam’s f’r chocolate chip pancakes- sure that waitress will be over the moon bout my ring” you mused, capturing our lips together, as he scoops up your shoulders and holds you chest to chest, your third of many orgasms that night building throughout every muscle.
It was going to be a long night….
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samkerrworshipper · 6 months
massage therapy | mapi leon x reader
mapi gets injured… reader tries to resolve some of the tension in her body
warnings: injury, hurt/comfort, smut, cunnilingus, fingering
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“Maps, baby, I swear to dios just let me massage your knee, I have to, hermosa.”
María just glares at you from her position sitting on the couch.
She’s been next to unbearable ever since her meniscus injury, rightfully so, you would be two if you had no choice but to stop playing the sport that you loved for months.
But the whining, the wayward glares, the constant anger and tension is beginning to get to you, beyond it making you annoyed at your lover, you were worried about her more than anything.
Mapí had her fair share of mental health problems in the past, the two of you had gotten through them together, but whenever something like an injury arose it always seemed to signify the start of a rougher patch in her mental health.
So that had been your main focus, making sure that María’s mental health stayed intact, you thought you’d done a fairly good job, mentally she was doing well, but attitude wise she was acting like a little bitch.
Always snappy and critical, always annoyed about her lack of mobility, always refusing your help.
Alexia had attempted multiple times to reign her in on your behalf, the Catalan woman had practically moved in as soon as the news of the injury had come in, insistent on being a support system for her best friend, but it worked to no prevail, Mapí was angry with the world, with her knee, with everything that moved or breathed.
“Estoy bien.” I’m fine
Her words are forced out, gruff and croaky from her spot on the couch.
You’re pretty sure there is a half permanent Mapí shaped dent in the pillows that your girlfriend had been living in the last week or so, ever since her surgery.
“María, when are you going to stop being so stubborn and just accept my help?”
For a person who had some fairly serious surgery just over a week ago, Mapi was a menace, trying to do everything on her own, which was fairly hard when you were hopped up on pain meds and hardly mobile.
“Estoy bien, ni siquiera estoy adolorida.” I’m fine, I’m not even sore.
It’s a complete lie, Mapí’s been moaning and groaning for the last half hour as she tried to find a comfortable position amongst the pillows and blankets.
She’s practically crafted a nest on the couch, a big pile of blankets absorbing her completely.
“María, por favor.” Maria, please
Your use of Spanish seems to draw her attention, it’s not your first, or second language, you don’t speak it very often.
Both you and María understand each other's languages, just find it harder to speak them, so it just works that you normally speak in English and she normally speaks in Spanish, it saves either of you from having to awkwardly translate all of your words every time you want to talk with your girlfriend.
“Pequeña, estoy bien.” little one, I’m fine
Estoy bien seems to be at the forefront of Mapí’s vocabulary recently, it’s always I’m fine, even when she’s lying through gritted teeth and teary eyes.
You stand up from your spot sitting at the kitchen table, tiptoeing towards Mapí slowly, a deep frown set on your face.
Mapí’s watching some Spanish soap opera, something you're unfamiliar with, which makes it seem like it's more background noise for her than anything of interest.
You walk around the couch, until you’re standing in front of her, blocking her view of the tv so she’s forced to look at you.
“You can’t tell me your knee isn’t killing, the physio said it needed to be stimulated daily, let me help you, love.”
Mapí bites down on her lip, there is so much frustration playing across her face, so much anguish.
“Estoy bien.” i’m fine
It’s like being repetitively punched in the face, hearing the same two words fall from her lips, it’s incredibly aggravating, all consuming.
“María, you aren’t fine, hate me all you want, push me away, but give me the respect of not lying blatantly to my face over and over again.”
Mapi’s whole body tenses, her face scrunching up at your brutally honest words.
“Princesa, no es así.” princess, it’s not like that
You don’t give up, not when you know that this might just be your opportunity to get something back, anything at all.
“Maps, just a massage, we’ll go at your pace, your muscles need to be strengthened and that starts with loosening them up, por favor.”
María’s face is stubborn, unmoving.
She’s fairly good about recovery, doesn’t need any reminders to do her exercises or move her knee as often as it needs to, the massaging is the only thing she can’t do by herself, and because its Mapí that you’re talking about, she’d never ask you to help her with it, or accept a offer from you to help her.
You take her recovery seriously though, and you’ll be damned if she misses out on a crucial part of her recovery just because she is too bullheaded to ask for some goddamn help.
“No necesito ayuda.” I don’t need help
You scoff, it’s the biggest lie ever, Mapí can’t walk without crutches, can’t stand for much longer than a minute, she needs help with almost everything.
“Maps, I love you so much, no matter what, but this whole independence thing is just getting annoying. I’ll make you prawn paella for dinner if you let me give you a massage, how’s that for a deal?”
It’s Mapí’s weakness, you know it, it’s one of her mothers oldest recipes that she taught you when she was still alive, whenever Mapí’s having a particularly hard day it’s always your go to, it’s her comfort food.
“Promesa?” promise?
You nod your head, smiling to yourself as you realise that you’ve managed to somehow convince Mapí.
“I promise, I’m going to go and get the massage oil, can you try and take off your sweatpants for me, please, love?”
Mapí nods at you, a little smile teasing at the corners of her lips as she watches you walk off into the direction of the cupboard where the both of you keep all of your recovery related items.
You were quick to find the oil and creams that you required, returning back to Mapí to find her sitting on the couch, her sweatpants pushed to the side leaving her in just her boxer shorts.
Her knee was the only part of her legs that weren’t visible to you, hidden by a brace and plethora of bandages and gauze.
You perched yourself down on the pillows beside her knee, ditching the items in your hands and gently reaching for Mapí’s brace.
She flinched away from the contact, her knee jerking at the feeling.
“Maps, baby, just relax for me, yeah?”
She nodded, her teeth gritted, her eyes watching your every move around her knee, trying to gulp down her worries and discomfort that originated from places beyond her knee.
Once she’d relaxed a little bit more, you reached for her brace again, she still flinched, but it wasn’t as major, and you decided to continue, reaching for the velcro, exaggerating your movements so Mapí had a clear view of everything you were doing.
Once you’d managed to undo the velcro straps you gently un tightened it and then slid it down her leg, leaving gauze and bandages as the only thing covering it.
“Deep breaths Maps, if anything hurts or feels uncomfortable just tell me, sí?”
Mapi nodded at you, she looked like a woman who had just run a marathon, her face all scrunched up and red.
“Sí, gentil, por favor.” Yes, gentle, please
You smiled at her, nodding, like you’d ever be anything else.
“Sí, I’ll be gentle, how about I tell you what I’m going to do before I do it, just so you have some warning, would that make you feel a bit better, love?”
Mapi nods like your words are her saving grace.
“Okay, I’m just going to unwrap the bandages now, just let me know if anything hurts.”
Mapí nods her head, so you continue on, finding the tucked in part of the bandages and beginning to unwrap them, your touch and movements feather soft.
You flex her knee a little bit and notice how her face crunches up a little bit, you hate that she’s in pain, that something that should be so simple and basic for her has become a struggle.
She doesn’t tell you to stop though, so you continue, slowly unravelling the gauze and bandages until you are met with the sight of her bruised and swollen knee.
The stitches had been removed two days ago, so the scar is risen and red, but luckily, not infected.
You notice how Mapí’s eyes suddenly drift from her knee, you know she’s been struggling to come to terms with her injury, that she’s been denying it as much as one could.
“Maps, I’m going to apply some oil, I’m just going to start with your lower leg, nothing near your incision, just tell me if anything is uncomfortable, okay?”
Mapí nods, so you reach for the oil bottle and a towel, gently lifting her knee to slide the towel under her near and then dripping some of the oil onto your hands and then gently pressing them to Mapi’s shin, snaking your hands behind to her calf and working your fingers into her muscles.
The only thing you know is that she’s extremely tight, her calf and achilles practically pushing against you as you lightly apply pressure to the skin.
It takes a generous amount of time working up her calf, working out all the kinks and knots, María is lenient enough though, she looks like she’s in a different place, normally you’d probe her, check if she was okay, but you know that you’re winning right now by having her allow your to do this, so you count your wins and not your losses.
“Maps, baby, I’m working up to your knee and incision now, I know it's going to be uncomfy but the muscles need to be jostled, tell me if anything hurts, okay.”
María’s eyes are glossed over, but she nods absentmindedly.
So, you daintily and carefully begin the trek up to Maria’s knee, your fingers dancing around her non incision side, gently giving the tissue and muscle a rub before moving your fingers to the other side.
You start by just hovering your fingers over her scar, something that seems to capture her attention, and has her throat bobbing as she looks down at you with wide eyes.
“Maps, honey, talk to me.”
It’s clear there are words waiting on the tip of her tongue, and if you can get her to voice them that you will.
“Por favor.” please
It breaks your heart how vulnerable Mapí sounds, it truly does.
“Please, what, love? I’m going to need more than that.”
Mapí pushes her tongue out against her front lip, a fairly clear tell that something is turning the cogs in her head.
“Por favor, no me hagas daño.” Please, don’t hurt me
Your heart clenches at her words, your fingers removing themselves from the scar and gently resting down on her thigh, your palm flat and open against Mapí’s skin.
“María, I’m not going to hurt you, and definitely not on purpose, I’m trying to help you. I know it might not seem that way, but if you relax for me it’s definitely going to feel better.”
Mapí scoffs, sarcasm seemingly ready on the top of her tongue.
“Maps, you need to relax honey.”
Mapí’s face scrunches up, her nose and eyebrows furrowing together.
“No puedo.” I can’t
You don’t doubt Mapí, which makes it so much harder for you to reply to her, because she genuinely looks like she’s struggling, and somehow frustrated.
“Maps, honey, why so tense?”
There’s an inkling of an idea beginning to form in your head, but you don’t want to read this wrong, and a part of you wants to hear what Mapí has to say.
“Tus manos están en mi muslo.” Your hands on my thigh
You snort a little bit, but then reign yourself in when you see the unfamiliar hopelessness on María’s face.
“Yes it is, what’s your point?”
You're toying with her a little bit, for your own fun and genuine curiosity.
“No puedes poner tu mano ahí.” You can’t put your hand there.
If Mapi wasn’t whining at you, you would remove your hand, but there’s neediness hiding behind her tone, that leaves your hand exactly where it is.
“Why not?”
You cock your head at her, pushing down into her thigh a bit and choking on air when an almost breathy moan leaves her mouth.
“No cuando no puedes terminar lo que estás empezando.” Not when you can’t finish what you are starting.
You smirked up at her from your spot hovering between her sore knee resting on the couch and her good leg which is resting off the couch.
“Why can’t I finish it?”
This is uncharted waters with injured María, ever since her knee injury all bedroom activities had been abruptly stopped, you were terrified of hurting your lover and Mapí was always tired or grumpy so it hadn’t really been an issues.
It was clear though, that the both of you were apparently desperate, and as fearful you were of hurting Mapi, you also knew she had given a lot of herself to be this vulnerable with you, so she probably deserved some kind of reward.
Mapi’s whining again and all you can do is smile up at her.
“Usted no quieres?” You do not want?
Mapi shook her head, her deep brown eyes sparkling down at you.
���Por favor.” please
You knew that was permission enough, but you were enjoying seeing her slightly vulnerable.
“Please, what?”
María’s almost glaring, a little twinkle in the corner of her eye.
“Por favor, ayúdame.” Please, help me
You would have probed further, if her eyes hadn't fallen down to the centre of her boxers, her hand resting on her hip gently tugging at the waistband of her boyshorts.
“You want this?”
Mapí nodded frantically, making you giddy on the inside.
“Pull your boxers down for me baby, I think it’s time I massage more than your leg.”
Mapi moaned again, her hands falling directly to the waistband and tugging it off with as much force a crippled individual could.
“So eager baby girl, how long have you been needing me?”
Mapí doesn’t reply to you, just continues to tug her black boxer shorts down her ass and carefully over her knee and ankle before tossing them somewhere.
When you look up, you're rewarded with the view of María’s dripping sex, her clit poking out of it’s good and her hole clenching around nothing, her hips canting up to you desperately.
“Look at that, you're all wet for me and I haven’t even touched you where it matters.”
The noises that leave Mapí’s mouth are completely sinful, her head leaning back against the couch, little pleas leaving her mouth.
You trail your fingers up from her thigh, gently grazing against the inside of her thigh until they finally make it to her lips.
You do the same with her lips, trailing wet and sloppy kisses up the inside of her knee and thigh, until your lips come into contact with her dripping and throbbing clit.
You don’t waste any time, trailing a single finger down to Mapí’s hole and swiping up some of the wetness before gently beginning to push it into her eager hole.
Mapí’s pussy practically sucked your finger in, you fell into a fairly easy pace, your mouth suckling gently on her clit whilst your singular finger worked in and out of Maria.
When there was absolutely zero resistance or stretch you began to ease a second finger in, slowly increasing your pace and your pressure on her nub.
Normally, in situations like these, when you and Mapí hadn’t been with each other intimately for so long you’d take your time, show her just how much you loved and appreciated her, but this wasn’t the moment for that.
Mapí needed love, she needed to be worshipped, but in this moment you were acting as nothing more than a relaxant for her, a tension reliever, which you were completely fine with, if it made her feel better than you would do anything for her.
You found her sweet spot, the little pad inside of her and began to target it directly, simultaneously sucking on her clit and caressing her g-spot.
It was a combination that never failed to work during a quickie, sending her directly over the edge in a matter of minutes.
This time was no different, you could feel Mapí tightening around you, her hands finding home in your roots and tugging you up eagerly into her.
Her moans all of a sudden stopped and her hands relaxed, not a second after that she tightened around your fingers and her thighs spasmed on both sides of your head.
You gently worked her through her aftershocks, only removing your fingers when all of the post orgasm shakes had left her body you moved you reached your hand up to her mouth, allowing her to suck her own taste off of your dexterous fingers whilst you lapped up any of her leftover juices and cum that was dripping out of her.
Once Mapí had sucked every last drop off your fingers and you’d salvaged every last bit of her pussy juices you lifted your head out of the apex between her legs, to be rewarded with the sight of a far less tense looking María León.
“Feeling a little bit more relaxed now, bebé?”
Mapu just gave you a little post orgasm grin, her eyes glassy in a completely different way as how she had been a few minutes ago.
“Si, muy relajada.” Yes, very relaxed.
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asumi2020202 · 5 days
Burn them all
Other name:Zaldrīzes buzdari iksos daor.
Pairing: Jacaerys Velaryon x Reader
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Summary: Never once have you been to the place you were you belong. Always thinking you were an outcast. But one day you were invited. Feelings developed. Friendship made. When the war came, and they harmed one you hold dear, they realised that the same blood runs in both the father and the daughter. The act done by her, made even the gods pray for the people.
Au: Viserys I had a son before Rhaenyra. But due to him being unstable and bloodthirsty, Viserys exiled him. This son of his was Aerys II or 'The Mad King' as some may say. Due to him being exiled, his wife also left. Y/n Targaryen was born when Rhaenyra had given birth to Jacaerys. She was younger than her brothers, Viserys II, who had died while fighting some rogues and Rhaegal, who was murdered. She had an older sister but she was killed in front of her so she killed first when she was the age of seven. Y/n travelled the world, saving the slaves she found with her three dragons who were given to her by her father. She gave freedom to the slaves and poor. The world got to know her as The Khaleesi of the Great Grass sea, The Unburnt, The Mother of Dragons, The Breaker of chains.....and the Daughter of Death.
A/n: Hello! This story is based on an Au. I request you to read the Au before diving into the story or else it may not make sense. The timeline is mixed with Daenerys' because you take her place in this story. The reference picture took sometime to draw, you don't need to think of it permanently because it is only a reference.
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About reader: She is younger than Aegon, Aemond and Helaena. She is loved by both sides. She has heterochromia (I love people with heterochromia). She wears an eye patch like Aemond.
Before reading:
Timeline: During Lucerys' trial to the Dance Of the Dragons.
The reader has 3 dragons. Namely- Drogon, Viserion and Rhaegal.
Rhaenyra only betrothed Lucerys to Baela.
Tilted notes are translations of high valyrian.
Blood and cheese are not involved.
WARNING: mentions of rape, violence, blood.
"Khaleesi, a raven has arrived from Kings Landing....."
"Ah, it seems he finally found me. Jorah, get everything ready, we will leave for Kinds Landing at dawn."
"At once my lady.."
Music recommended: Dragonstone
Lord Vaemond stood before the king, Viserys, who looked like he was waiting for someone . After some minutes, when no one came, he spoke " Let the Petition start".
Just as Lord Vaemond was about to speak, the doors opened.
"Y/n Stormborn of House Targaryen, First of her name, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Queen of the Mereen, The Unburnt, The Breaker of Chains... And the Mother of Dragons." Missandei spoke.
All eyes turned at the door as there stood Y/n Targaryen holding onto the hand of her best friend Missandei.
"Ah my grandchild, you recieved my letter. I always wished to see you in person, I only ever heard of you through the gossips of others saying a Targaryen girl conquered nations and freed slaves.
I longed to see you myself" Viserys said to whom y/n replied.
"I longed to see you as well your grace, I only ever heard of you through the lips of my brothers and sister. Even if I wished to meet you, i couldn't, as my family was exiled."
"I exiled your father and no one else. Your mother loved your father so heartily that she left with him. She was devoted to your father. But past shall be left behind my child, for you are now home."
"I understand your grace. Thank you for accepting me here and allowing me to be present in this trial." All eyes left y/n and focused on the upcoming trial.
With that King Viserys started hearing the petitions. Lord Vaemond had insulted Rhaenyra and her children in the heat of the moment.
"I think my lord it would be wise to honor the words of your brother and Princess Rhaenys as her granddaughter is to be married to Prince Lucerys Velaryon." Y/n Spoke, keeping her calm.
"And would do you think you are to advice me. She- "
"Say it" whispered Daemon.
"Her children are BASTARDS!. She is a whore and you are a bitch who can't mind their business, who know, you might turn out like your father." Vaemond screamed.
"Please I ask your not to judge a daughter by the sins of her father" said y/n.
"I.... Will have your tongue for that." As Viserys took out his dagger, Daemon easily cut Vaemond's head in and angle that the tongue hanged freely.
"He can keep his tongue" said Daemon. "Disarm him" spoke the guards.
"No need" said Daemon.
When Daemon slashed Vaemond's head, Helaena sought comfort in Alicent's body, while the brothers remained unfazed.
As the trial came to an end, Helaena shyly started a conversation with y/n wanting to know about her while Rhaenyra, Lucerys and Jacaerys approached y/n.
"Indeed. None who stay with me or serve me are slaves, rather they are free have their own will and knowledge which I value." Y/n talked with Helaena finding comfort in her.
"Y/n." Spoke Rhaenyra. "Yes your grace?"
"Please do not call me your grace, you are my own flesh and blood. Just call me your aunt." " Very well then aunt Rhaenyra "
"Would mind sharing the stories of your journeys with us niece?" Said Helaena.
"Sure, but I must see my children first, come, I shall show them to you"
As the four followed y/n, Jacaerys felt uneasy at the thought of her having offsprings that are not with him as he felt infatuated with her the moment he saw her.
Near the dragon pit, they saw three dragons unable to be tamed.
"Umbās" wait. Said y/n to the men.
"Do not bring them to the dragon pit and chain them, they are but free beings like humans, let them soar in the sky with their wings."
"Yes your grace" said the men before leaving.
"Meet my children, Rhaegal" referring to the green dragon. "Viserion" the goldish brown dragon. "And Drogon". The black dragon with red highlights.
"You have three dragons?" Asked Jacaerys, relieved that the children y/n referred to are not humans.
"Yes, according to my brothers, my father gave the three dragons eggs that his dragon laid to me as I was his only daughter and the youngest. "
"Your brothers?" Asked Rhaenyra. "Yes, Viserys and Rhaegar, I named my children from them."
"Where are they now?"- Helaena.
"Dead"...... "I'm sorry for your loss" Each one replied.
"It's alright, it is in the past. I have learned to cope with it. Leaving that aside, I'm new here so I don't know the place, I need someone to show me around."
"Ah, Jace would be more than happy to show you around my niece." - Rhaenyra.
Jacaerys nodded. Grateful that his my knew his affection for the new girl.
As Jace led y/n away, Rhaenyra started a conversation with missandei.
"How did a slave girl come to advice y/n Targaryen?"- Rhaenyra asked. To which she replied "She bought me from my master and set me free."
"Free? And what if you wish to go to Naath tomorrow?"
"Then she will give me a ship and some resources to sail away."
"You truly believe that?"
"Yes. I believe in her. All of us who came with her from Essos, we believe in her. She's not out Queen because she's the daughter of some king we never knew. She's the queen we chose."
King Viserys threw a feast for both his grandchild returning home and lucerys' betrothal.
"I would like to announce a thought I have come upon." Viserys spoke as all eyes went to him.
"I would like to bethroth my grandson Prince Jacaerys to my granddaughter Princess Y/n. She has been away for too long and it seems right that jace gets bethroth as his younger brother has already been."
"I agree father"- Rhaenyra said. Alicent nodded her head and smiled at Rhaenyra.
Jacaerys felt happy as Lucerys teasing poked him.
"Well you'll finally get to lay down with a woman. You do know how the act is done right?" Aegon whispered to Jace.
"Y/n?" Questioned Viserys. "Do you agree to this announcement of mine?"
"If it pleases you Grandfather then yes I agree" y/n replied as she smiled ate Viserys.
The night, for once after ages, was happy and without violence. Helaena and y/n danced together. Rhaenyra and Alicent laughed together. Viserys felt warm at the sight.
That was until Aegon usurped the throne upon king Viserys' death.
The day Aegon usurped the throne, the family had been divided. Alicent knew that war was inevitable.
The blacks resided in Dragonstone along with y/n and her dragons. Both parties desperately wanted to gain more houses on their side.
Helaena joined the blacks much to the surprise of both sides. All she said was that " I do not wish to partake in this war, I joined the queen to ensure the safety of my children. I have no wish to rule."
Rhaenyra sent Jacaerys to the north as a messenger. He was to inform Lord Cregan Stark of the upcoming war and get their assistance.
Before going, Jace promised y/n that he will return safely, kissing her goodbye.
While Lucerys was sent to Storm's end to earn the favor of Lord Borros Baratheon.
After both the brothers left, a day or two after Rhaenyra had gone to labor. Unfortunately visenya, Rhaenyra's child, was a stillborn with dragon scales.
As she burned on the pyre, Rhaenyra leaned on to y/n instead of her husband Daemon. That ver evening came the news that Lucerys Velaryon was killed by Aemond Targaryen and his dragon Vhagar.
The shock was too much to handle for Rhaenyra. Y/n knew what this meant. No one could survive the rage of a mother. Y/n wrote a letter to Jace, informing him of the situation.
Y/n stood near the beach of Dragonstone, watching as vermax and her betrothed returned.
As Jace landed, she gave him a look of sorrow. She hugged him as he wrapped his hands around her tightly, finding comfort in her.
After sometime, she led him to Rhaenyra. She stood as she saw both the mother and the son break down in each other's arms. Rhaenyra extended and arm, asking for y/n to join, which she took without a second thought.
Y/n was in the council when she noticed that her missandei was not there. The commander of the Unsullied entered the room. Giving his respects to the queen, he turned to y/n and spoke something to her.
What he had said had shocked her. It was visible on her face. Her breathing became uneven. She placed her hand on her forehead. Jace coming to her side in an instant and held her.
"What is the matter?" Jace asked.
The commander replied "Aegon kyvāna naejot execute se khalēsi ráqiros mishanje hemtūbis. Ziry vestretan bona lo ziry wishes naejot rhãenagon zyhon mēre mōrī jēda, ziry līs sagon ry dārys tegorīr ry dawn hemtūbis.
Aegon plans to execute the khaleesi's friend Missandei tomorrow. He said that if she wishes to meet her one last time, she must be at kings landing at dawn tomorrow.
This must be because of Aemond's death. y/n thought.
"I must leave at once, prepare Drogon." Y/n commanded as the commander nodded and left.
"You can't leave alone." Argued Baela.
"But I can't abandon her!"
"Let Jace go with you, if an ambush does occur, both of you will take your dragons and leave at once." Rhaenyra said, knowing full well how much it can hurt to lose someone you love.
Y/n nodded and sprinted out. She and Jacaerys approached their dragons and flew to kings landing once they had climbed on them.
Y/n stood their on the ground, holding onto Jacaerys' hand as she saw Aegon, Otto, Missandei and a guard standing on a tower. Upon seeing her, Aegon had smirked at her
He asked missandei "any last words? Because now is the time."
Missandei looked away from Aegon and to y/n. After a second the guard took out his sword and angled it.
Y/n could feel her tears trickling down her face. Missandei looked at her and Said "Dracarys!". And she was beheaded.
Y/n spared Aegon one last look of hatred as she left kings landing with Jace.
Upon her arrival, all could see her sorrow and anger. They knew even if there had been a chance before, there is no chance now to avoid war.
" prepare the soldiers, we will attack at once" y/n commanded to her commanders of both the dothraki and Unsullied.
She turned to Rhaenyra and said "be prepared to take back that throne, it will not be so easy with both daemon and Rhaenys along with their dragons gone."
"We will attack tomorrow which will take them by surprise as some of your army is in kings landing itself, you only need to inform them of the plan."
"Hm.. I will send a raven"
As all left the room, only Jace remained with y/n. As Jace walked upto her, she broke down causing Jace to run upto her to catch her.
"She died alone, she died for me and I couldn't protect her" y/n cried in Jacaerys' chest as he held the head to his chest, shushing her and telling her everything will be okay once the war has ended.
Rhaenyra, Jacaerys,Y/n, Rhaena, Baela, Cregan Stark were all dressed up for battle.
They were reaching the beach where the armies: Dothraki, Unsullied, Northerners and the rest were assembled.
As they approached , they saw a dragon falling from the sky. It had an arrow piercing it heart and neck.
Upon realisation, y/n ran to the dragon. Wailing out "no.. no no no!.... Not him as well."
Baela and Rhaena held a hand on their mouth in shock. Jacaerys could feel your sorrow as Rhaenyra held her head down. Even though Cregan Stark didn't know her well, he felt a sense of guilt upon seeing her crying face.
"He had no fault. Why did he had to die? Why my little child? Why my Viserion?" Y/n cried as she held the head of her 3rd dragon.
As if on que Rhaegal and Drogon landed as the dragon watchers brought the dragons of others with them. Drogon and Rhaegal sensed your sorrow. They laid their heads and bodies on either side of you, softly whimpering.
"I am his child aren't i?........ I am the Mad King's Daughter. The same blood flows through both of our veins."
"Y/n..." Jace softly whispered.
"Nyke jāhor keligon syt daōrun ēva nyke avenge ziry" Declared y/n.
I will not stop until I avenge them.
A sentence every human on that lives, fears.
She gently let go of the head of Viserion. She stepped in front of her soldiers. Rhaena and Baela had left on their dragons for their part of the plan.
"Jāhor ao ossēnagon issa enemies isse poja āegenka ármor?" Spoke y/n.
Will you kill my enemies in their iron Armor?
The dothraki roared as the Unsullied stomped their spears on the ground.
"Jāhor qūvy ilagon poja dōron lenton?"
Will tear down their stone houses?
They did the same movement again.
"Jāhor ao sagon rēisīr issa?"
Will You be with me?
Again the same.
"Sīr?!! Se forever??!"
This time the sound was extremely loud.
Y/n spoke those words while her tears ran freely.
Jacaerys and Cregan had left, leaving behind only Rhaenyra and y/n.
The commander of the Unsullied came to her "Khaleesi what are we to do? We await your orders." Y/n looked at her family with a look that looked as if she is dead, her eyes hollow and had rage in them.
She looked away from them and to her commander and said " burn". The commander was puzzled.
"Burn them all..... Burn each and everyone that rebels."
She turned to the Unsullied and declared her orders-
"Aeksia ossēnātās!"
Slay the masters
"Menti ossēnātās!"
Slay the soldiers
"Qiloni pilos lue vale tolvie ossēnātās!"
Slay every man who holds a whip.
The soldiers marched forward , the ships sailed, their arrows prepared.
"Y/n.. you have stained your hands with blood by giving those orders." Rhaenyra gently spoke.
"My hands have been stained long ago, back when I was only seven. I don't fear anything anymore. Do know how I stained my hands ?"
"No no no! Let her go!! Take anything you want but let her go!!" A seven year old girl screamed.
"I wonder how a stark and a Targaryen is living together?" A man asked.
"Eh, we don' care bout' that do we now mate? We've got double luck" A second mam replied.
"Letz use this one first shall we?" The first man smirked and said.
A seven year old y/n saw her stark sister whom had saved her get raped in front of her.
She scream for them to let her go desperately trying to cut the rope tying her hands together with her hidden dagger.
Both men were focused on their pleasure. The stark girl was screaming in pain when y/n finally broke free.
She took her dagger and shoved it into the 2nd man's neck causing him to hold his neck as he bled out.
The first man kicked her in the stomach as he tried to hold her. Y/n had kicked him in the crotch, he screamed in pain. As y/n got a hold of her dagger, she stabbed the man repeatedly. Her face and body covered in the blood those men. Her golden and violet eyes shone from the fire that burned in the fire place.
When she calmed down, she hurried to the stark whom she thought of as her sister. She felt the warmth of her sister slip away from her grasp as she cried and screamed whilst being covered in blood.
Rhaenyra felt tears threatening to fall from her eyes. She felt sympathy for the little girl of seven who had to suffer so much pain.
"I never knew my parents, I only ever heard the rumors and stories from my brothers before they were murdered.
People say that my father killed many with wild fire before he died. I will show them what a raged Targaryen looks like."
With that y/n flew away to the battlefield with Drogon and Rhaegal.
Jace felt as if he was getting suffocated . Too many men were sticking together and was getting squashed.
Suddenly roars were heard in the sky. There she was. Y/n Targaryen. With her two dragons.
Half the men were burned to death. The dragon continued to burn the enemy soldiers.
Sunfyre had confronted Drogon. As the dragons rebelled against each other, y/n jumped from Drogon and landed on sunfyre, piercing her sword through Aegon's chest as he fell from the saddle.
She landed on the ground as Drogon took off to burn more soldiers, y/n approached Aegon who was cowering.
"Who are you exactly?!" He asked.
"The daughter of ......Death.." with that she beheaded him. As she continued slaying, she didn't even stop, going on a rampage.
When the war came to an end, Jacaerys searched for his lover like a mad man. He may have been tired but he searched refusing to give up.
When he found her, he stilled. Her eye patch was gone. Behind her was Drogon and Rhaegal whose were beside her. In her arms was the head of Aegon the Usurper.
Her eyes to the full display for the world. Her golden eye shoned in the sun for the first time in forever. Her body was covered with blood, it dripped from her head. Tears were streaming down her face.
( The reference picture took a some time to draw)
Reference picture:
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Jacaerys caught y/n before she fell. Her head on his chest as her vision faded.
Y/n and Jacaerys had cut their hands and held them together. Cut their lips and drank from the same cup. The septa reciting the vows that they were to take. As the vows end, the two of kissed passionately infront of all.
Their wedding had been the old valyrian way. Lord Cregan gave both of them two dire wolves, one pitch black and one as white as the stars above.
Many were lost, but they must get past the memories for themselves and the future generations.
10 months later from their consummation day. Y/n laid in their chambers. Panting and sweating. She tried her best to get the babe out of her.
Each moment that passes, Jacaerys felt the urge to barge in the room. One scream of agony threw him off as he opened the door and went beside his wife, supporting her from the back.
"I can't do it Jace. It's too difficult." She pleaded.
"Yes you can avy jorrāelan. I am here with you." Jacaerys replied.
My love.
"My lady you must push!" Said the midwives and maester. Y/n grunted and muffled scream escaped her as pushed with all her might.
A cry could be heard. "A boy my prince" said the maester.
A second of relieve washed over y/n before she was in pain again. "It's seems the princess is having twins, quick hurry!" Spoke a midwife.
After 5 hours of struggle, there laid two boys on each of the arms of the parents.
"My prince I must take the children to the wetnurse for their feeding" spoke a maid. "They will feed from their mother, me and my wife have decided it." Replied Jacaerys.
Y/n smiled at his words as the maid adjust her robes so both her son's could feed from her at the same time. As the maid left the room, Jacaerys placed his hand on his son who was attached to your right breast.
"What names do wish for avy jorrāelan?" Spoke y/n.
My love.
"How about you name the left one and I name the right? We both shall have our turn." Replied Jace.
Very well then what name do you suggest?- y/n.
"Daenys, to honor Daemon The Rogue Prince and Rhaenys The queen who never was." Jace spoke.
"Ah my beautiful Daenys." - y/n.
"What about you my love?" - Jacaerys.
"Rhaecerys, to honor my brother Rhaegal and your brother Lucerys." Spoke y/n .
Jace could feel tears build up. Suddenly Rhaenyra burst in with the others.
"Where are my grand babies?"- Rhaenyra.
"Here mother." Jace handed Rhaenyra the children before fixing his wife's gown because she was to tired as he referred.
"What are their names?" - Rhaenyra.
"Daenys and Rhaecerys" spoke y/n.
As Rhaenyra left , Jace put the babies in their cribs which was situated in their room upon the lady's request. He kissed her passionately, thanking her for the everything she gave him.
........She burned her enemies for her child and best friend. She burned them all. And would not hesitate to burn them again if they dare try to harm her family....
......After all.
...............Zaldrīzes buzdari iksos daor....
A dragon is not a slave.
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rookthorne · 9 months
⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ 𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐈𝐧𝐤
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Fairy Tales and stories always had one ending, that the prince would find his princess and all would be well; a masterful, happily ever after. You had never believed that would be you, not in your wildest dreams. Until the day that two knights in inked armour walked through the door of your castle and made themselves at home in your heart.
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჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 𖠺 Tattoo Artist!CW!Bucky Barnes x Florist!F!Reader x Tattoo Artist!Nomad!Steve Rogers
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 𖠺 6.7k
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 𖠺 Fluff, light show of dom/sub
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒔 𖠺 I sincerely blame my hype squad for this, but a very special thank you to SC for her genius mind for helping me build this world, and to @sebstanwhore for putting up with my screaming about it constantly. 𖠺 This is officially my longest published fic as of September 2023!
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒔 𖠺 So This Is Love by Ilene Woods, Mike Douglas 𖠺 I See The Light by Mandy Moore, Zachary Levi
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒃𝒆𝒕𝒂 𖠺 @smutconnoisseur
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჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒔 𖠺 @stuckybingo 𝗚𝟰 — Tattoo Shop AU (September Adoptable) — Masterlist 𖠺 @allcapsbingo 𝗕𝟰 — Old Married Couple — Masterlist 𖠺 @anyfandomfluffbingo 𝗕𝟭 — Florist AU — Masterlist 𖠺 @mcukinkbingo 𝗚𝟱 — Poly Relationship Negotiation — Masterlist
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𝐆𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐈𝐧𝐤 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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Sunlight streamed through the window as you stood behind the shop counter. It was a bright, clear day, and the possibilities that a new day could bring excited you. 
The perfume of freshly bloomed buds and bouquets filled your senses, each petal of the flowers that surrounded you just as pretty as the last. Walking into the place you built from the ground up since botany had run in your blood for generations. The love for floristry, specifically, had been passed down from your mother, then her mother before her, and her mother before her. 
As a child, with their guidance, you grew up with such kindness and compassion for all flora and fauna, and you were an avid daydreamer. 
Your daydreams of fairy tales, of wonder and love through the petals and veins of the ages, was how you came to affectionately name your haven and shop Fantasy Floristry. 
Lanterns softly lit the way between the rows of bouquets and arrangements in the shadier corners of your store, and the walls, which were devoid of shelves with bouquets, were covered with pencil drawings of fantasy creatures and characters from many Disney movies – all signed by a local artist. That of which, was you. 
It was a slow morning, customers sparse and fairly few between. Which, in itself, was never unusual, and afforded you the opportunity to potter about. Each bud you passed had a loving caress and gentle touch before they were spritzed with a soft spray of water, and you hummed along to the music playing over the speakers, a classic, timeless Disney tune.
You smiled as you looked upon the shelves fit to burst with blooms – each bunch set to a theme of a movie. Red and yellow matched with a brown ribbon for Simba and his mane, black and white with a red ribbon for Patch and his collar, and your most popular theme, one for Rapunzel; purple and yellow, with a gold ribbon to tie it in. 
The chime of the doorbell sounded at the front of the store, and you looked up just in time to see your best friend and employee walk in, steaming to-go cups in hand. “Late again,” you scolded, and she smiled sheepishly. 
“I brought us coffees to make up for it, darling,” Wanda simpered, holding out one of the coffees and a small brown bag. “And I bought you a bagel. Don’t say I never do anything for you.”
You rolled your eyes and took the coffee. “Thanks, Wands.”
“I’ll be out back,” Wanda called as she strode to the cool room. “See you later!” 
Things progressed as usual after that – customers came and went with bright smiles as they left with small or big bouquets. 
You were behind the counter working away on the store’s social media when the bell chimed loudly, followed by two sets of heavy footfalls and low voices. “She’s off with Ma, you know that, punk,” one of them said, almost as though they were exasperated. “It’ll be nice for them to come back to something, don’t you think?”
“Alright, alright,” the other voice replied placatingly. The door closed behind the newcomers with another chime, and their boots thumped quietly over the tiled floor. “Which do you think- Oh, wow. They’re beautiful.”
You looked up from your phone just in time to see two men approaching, only they had stopped at the Rapunzel and Simba bouquets, the blond one of the two pointing at the purple roses and yellow lilies. His other hand… was holding the other’s – interlocked so their tattoos aligned, and a wedding band shone brightly on his ring finger. 
They were beautiful – far more so than any bouquet you could imagine or conjure. The blond was broad and lithe, his long hair swept back and beard neatly trimmed. A black plaid shirt covered his frame, and the top two buttons were undone, revealing coloured ink creeping up his collarbones. A bright, intricate yellow sunflower was tattooed along the contours of his neck, from the back to the front of the pale skin.
It seemed to match the other man’s, who, in place of a sunflower, had a bunch of purple daisies arranged in a loosely assembled heart. His hair was dark and long, down to the top of his shoulders, and he was bigger, broader than the blond man, though they stood at the same height. His skin was covered in ink – visible under the rolled up sleeves and open collar of his navy henley. 
“Oh, lord,” you whispered, blinking rapidly to try and discern if you were dreaming. 
You were, in fact, not dreaming. 
The dark-haired man looked up at the counter and sent you a charming grin, pointing at the flowers himself. “Did you do these?” 
Don’t make a fool of yourself, you chastised silently. “Yeah, they–yeah, I did them,” you stammered in reply. 
“They’re stunning,” the blond offered, awestruck. “You’ve done an amazing job, doll.”
The two men walked to the counter, hands still interlocked as they neared, and you gulped – they were married, keep it together. 
“I’m Steve,” the blond said happily, holding his hand out to shake, which you accepted politely, with an added bonus of being able to look at his tattoos. “And this is my husband, Bucky.” He pointed at the dark-haired man who also offered his hand, only he brought it to his lips and kissed your knuckles – just like a prince would. Your stomach and heart swooped at the gesture when Steve continued, “We own the tattoo shop next door.”
“Oh!” you chirped, immediately cringing internally. You offered your name, then, “I’ve seen the art in the windows, and it’s all so beautiful. Have you been here long? I know I’ve only recently set up shop, but business has been so busy I haven’t had a chance to come and say hello.”
Bucky grinned. “Too long, we would say,” he chuckled and glanced at Steve. “We saw you set up shop back when you moved in, and I have to say, we were very intrigued.” Both men looked around your store before their focus was back on you. “It’s a beautiful set up, nice ‘n cosy.”
“Thank you,” you whispered, shy but proud. 
Steve smirked and nodded to the display of Rapunzel flowers. “What would a professional recommend for two hovering mother hens–just to remind them that we love ‘em.”
“Oh, that is so sweet,” you rushed before you could clamp your jaw shut, and Bucky snorted. “What? What’s so wrong with that?”
“Nothing,” Bucky rushed, still grinning. “It’s just–if you met them, you wouldn’t be saying that.”
A loud smack sounded as Steve slapped Bucky’s shoulder and shoved him away. “Stop being such an ungrateful son, honey,” he teased as Bucky rolled his eyes. 
“Anyway,” you said haltingly, making your way around the counter. More to yourself, you mumbled, “You can do this, it’s fine, they’re just handsome men, keep it together.” 
Coming to a stop at the far corner, you stopped and watched both of them as they bickered, much like an old married couple, “You know Ma would like that more. She likes teddies and shit-” Bucky emphasised, but Steve raised a brow. 
“You’re telling me that you want to shell out for a damn bear–well, aren’t you son of the year,” Steve teased, staring at the shelf full of small, soft stuffies. “I suppose it wouldn’t hurt.”
“Oh, now he agrees with me-” Bucky was cut off by Steve’s hand, who covered his mouth and held his thumb under his chin to keep his mouth shut. The display made your lips part in surprise, though it went unnoticed. Bucky’s brows furrowed, and it looked as though he was pouting. You made out a muffled but determined huff of, “Lemme go.”
“Do as you’re told then, boy,” Steve whispered harshly. 
Internally, you were screaming at the show of intimacy – albeit restrained, and you couldn’t help the shiver that crawled up your spine at the sound of Steve’s command. You shook your head and cleared your throat to get their attention. 
Both of their gazes snapped towards you as though they had forgotten where they were. “D-Do you still want–want help?” you stuttered. 
“Yes, please, doll,” Steve said happily, and he wandered over. Bucky followed soon after and rested his chin on Steve’s shoulder, wrapping his arms from behind – the creak of leather made you look down to see Bucky on his toes to have the slight height advantage. 
You realised a second too late that you were still staring at them because they chuckled and winked at you when you glanced back up at their faces.  
A sudden shyness blanketed your mind at their undivided attention, but you pushed through the murky waters of confused intrigue and desire – the latter a shock to your system. “So, we have these, especially for motherly bouquets,” you explained, pointing at the purple, pink, and yellow hues of petals. “Otherwise…”
The tour of the shop was an eventful encounter. Both men were enraptured and entranced by the beauty of the flowers, and each compliment to any arrangement made your heart soar with pride. It was only when you made it back to the Disney themed arrangements did Steve’s eyes light up. 
“Mom would love these,” he breathed, gently brushing the petals of a yellow lily before doing the same to a purple rose. “She loves this movie. It’s a job to convince her to watch anything else.”
You giggled and nodded in agreement. “I have to say it’s one of my favourites, too. So beautiful.”
“Yeah,” Bucky said suddenly, and you looked at him. He was already staring at you. “Really beautiful.”
The humming of Ilene Woods came over the speaker at that moment: “So this is love, so this is what makes life divine.” Steve nodded in agreement and looked at you with a fond smile.
It was surreal, and it was all you could do to hold in a squeak of shock. On autopilot, while you recovered from such an insinuation, you blurted quickly, “I saw the tattoos on your necks. What do they mean? They’re so beautiful, and I adore them.”
“Oh, these?” Bucky pointed at his and then Steve’s, the flower tattoos bright in the sunlight from the window. “My Ma loves purple daisies, loved ‘em since she was young. I always bring her some each time I visit, and since she and Steve’s Mom are best friends, it’s only natural that this punk has to get Sarah some of her own. Don’t want him lookin’ like the bad son, after all.”
Steve shoved Bucky off and sighed heavily. “Yeah, shut it, jerk.” He rubbed at the tattoo, smiling absently. “Mom loves sunflowers. Dad used to get her a bunch every Friday night.”
You smiled softly at his words, feeling the pain of them. “That’s beautiful, Steve.” Bucky’s hand found Steve’s, and you saw him squeeze once. “Would you like two Rapunzel bouquets, then? I can add a sunflower and a daisy to each at no charge–I want to make your mothers smile. They deserve it.”
“Sweetheart, we can’t ask you to do that,” Bucky interjected. Steve hummed an ascension as you grabbed a bouquet. “Seriously. Your arrangements are stunning. We can’t ask for anymore.”
“You’re not asking,” you whispered quietly, looking at the bouquet in your arms. The beat of your heart thundered as you wondered if what you were about to say would spook them off, but their presence had flourished something inside of you – a boisterous and courageous thing. “I am offering, and I want those who leave my shop to be happy, to smile. If I can do that for your mothers too? You bet I will.”
You turned your back and walked towards the counter, entirely missing the look Bucky and Steve shared – one of adoration and affection.
The bouquet sat proudly on the counter as you turned to grab the next one, when you gasped in shock. Bucky had grabbed the second one, while Steve had picked up one of the largest and most expensive arrangements. 
“Oh, Steve! Bucky, wait, I-”
“Nope,” Bucky cut in, and he placed the Rapunzel bouquet down next to the other one. Then he turned to Steve to help him lift the bigger arrangement onto the counter. “How about this–would you make us something for our shop? We want something on the front desk. This big one,” he pointed to the elaborate piece, “is going in our home–away from Alpine.”
“Alpine?” you quizzed. Steve nodded, and Bucky pulled out his phone before turning the screen to you – a photo of a fluffy white cat with piercing blue eyes as his lock screen. “They are beautiful!”
“She’s an attention whore, but she’s our baby,” Bucky said fondly, a small smile on his lips. He looked up at you and that smile morphed into a grin. “Now, how ‘bout it, sweetheart?”
You blinked. “Sorry?”
“The arrangement for our shop, doll,” Steve answered, and you started – how had you forgotten that?
“Right!” you rushed, flustered. They watched you, but their gazes were gentle, almost coaxing. “Sure–I, uh, I can do that for sure. When do you need it by?” Your trusty paper pad and pen felt comforting in your hands, and you looked between them expectantly. 
They shared a look, and then Steve spoke up, “Are you busy now, honey?”
Mentally, you catalogued the tasks for the day. There were no urgent appointments to meet nor any commissions, and Wanda was around… “No, I am–I am free, today, that is.” You cursed the softness of your voice. They’d see your shyness, your absurd ability to become flustered with the slightest push. 
Bucky grinned and then winked. “Perfect, why don’t we take you to the shop? See how quick our clever girl can whip something up.”
By heaven and earth, how you were unprepared for such a statement. Your mouth opened and closed as the words settled in the cogs of your brain, jamming them with the assurance  and praise. 
“That’s a good idea, doll. You can get a sense for the colours and contrasts.” Steve turned to you more fully. “We can walk you back–do you have someone to watch the store…?”
“Yeah–I, there’s-” You squeaked, gesturing over your shoulder. “I’ll just- Um, go get her.”
The back cooler room couldn’t have been further away at that moment. You rushed towards it, arm outstretched when you heard Steve whisper behind you, “She’s so sweet, don’t you think?”
“She is,” Bucky agreed easily. The words made your heart thump, and you didn’t linger, pushing open the door to the blast of the cool back room air.  
“There you are-” Wanda greeted, but she fell short.
You shut the door and rested against it, holding a hand over your hammering heart.
“What the–? Are you alright?” she hurriedly asked, her face pulled taut and brows furrowed. “You look like you’ve… Wait, are you-”
“I need you to watch the shop for me,” you barrelled, breathing deeply in an effort to calm your racing heart. “Please–just look.” The door creaked open to reveal a slither of the front counter where Bucky and Steve stood, conversing and looking around the store. “They want me to make a–a bouquet for their shop, the tattoo–?”
“Oh, babe,” Wanda whispered, pushing the door closed gently. There was an impish smile curling her lips. “Go on, I’ve got this. If you don’t come back tonight, I’ll close up.”
“What do you mean not come back–?” You stared at her, unable to comprehend her secret, double meaning. 
“Don’t you worry, sweet summer child,” she said, winking. “I’ll see you later.”
Before you could protest or question why everyone kept winking at you, Wanda had undone the bow of your apron, whisked it off of your uniform, and forced you out the door ahead of her. 
“There she is!” Bucky called, his signature grin curling his lips. “Are you set to go?”
Wanda stood beside you, her hand on your shoulder, and she surreptitiously pushed you closer to the counter. She had that same coy smirk on her lips. Both Bucky and Steve waved and greeted her. “Just take care of my girl–she’s going to make you the best arrangement,” Wanda said. 
“We will,” Steve assured, and he pulled out his wallet. “I’ll pay for these now, ladies.”
After completing the transaction for the two bouquets and singular larger arrangement, Wanda’s hand found your back, and she forced you forward, closer to Bucky. “See you three later.”
Steve saluted and walked forward, and you followed, your footsteps quick compared to the heavy boot falls of your companions. As you walked behind Steve, Bucky pointed up to a canvas on the wall – a scene painted straight from the movie Tangled, the beautiful soft hues of yellow and gold of the lanterns in the sky. “Who did this?”
“A local artist,” you whispered, glancing between the canvas and Bucky. “She sells her work here–I wanted to help an old friend.”
Bucky stepped closer to the canvas, and by doing so, he stood right next to you. The smell of his cologne and close proximity made your heart skip a beat – even his voice sounded deeper this close. “Whoever she is, she’s very talented. Pass that on for us, yeah?”
“Okay,” you squeaked, and you cleared your throat. “Yeah, I- I will pass that on for you. She would appreciate it.”
“I would be tempted to hire her,” Steve said quietly, voice awestruck. “Her colour work and ability to capture the moment is beautiful. She has a gift.”
Do not faint, you repeated in a mantra.
“Alright, c’mon,” Bucky urged. “Let’s take our Petal to the shop, or we’ll never leave.”
“Petal?” you whispered, and Bucky rested his hand on your lower back, gently encouraging you forward. 
“Yeah, that’s you,” he said softly. “Precious and pretty–jus’ like a petal of a flower.”
The outside air was a reprieve from the stifling tension of your shop, and Steve turned around and looked at you, then Bucky, and he slowed to walk beside you – opposite to Bucky. You were walking between them, and could not calm your heart’s thunderous beat. 
It was a short walk, but nonetheless, it left an impression. People had hastened to move out of your way as you walked between the two men, both brooding and you had guessed intimidating – if the shocked and double-takes of all passers by were anything to go by. 
A dark brick building came into view – black awnings and dark accents made it feel rustic, paired with the striking art on the windows of a star and a set of wings set just below the artistic calligraphy of Quartet’s Tattoo. 
“Here we are,” Steve said, gesturing at the front door. “Come on in, Petal–Buck, babe, you picked a nice one. I love the way it sounds.”
“What?” you sputtered. “I-”
‘Yeah,” Bucky breathed, then slung an arm over your shoulder, pulling you close. His lips were suddenly on your temple, a soft kiss that left you reeling. “I agree.”
The door, artfully carved with more stars and in place of wings were skulls, opened with a creak to reveal a dark and moody waiting area. Wooden beams were visible over the ceiling where lights with black shades hung in increments, and designs were all over the walls, each as intricate as the last. Dark slats of wood lined the floor until they reached an open space towards the back of the shop where you guessed the booths were situated. 
“Take a seat, sweetheart,” Bucky said, pointing to a black leather couch that seated three, a glass table in front of it. “Do you want a drink–?”
“Water, please,” you replied, sitting down. You suspected you’d need something stronger to dull the nerves, but you refrained from mentioning that aloud. “This is beautiful.” 
Art was everywhere, in every nook and cranny. You could see four booths, and managed a peak at the names lining the walls – Steve, ‘Cap’; Bucky, ‘Sarge’; Nat, ‘Widow’; Sam, ‘Falcon’.
“Thanks, doll,” Steve said happily, and he took the seat opposite you. “It’s our pride and joy.”
Bucky appeared with a glass of water and sat on the other end of the couch, tucking his leg up so he could face you. It was silent for a moment as you took the space in. Choices flooded your mind the more you stared around – reds and burgundies to compliment the dark stained wood, but then, whites and yellows would contrast against the deep, rich hues of the mahogany.
You blinked and looked back at Bucky and Steve, only they were already watching you. “Oh, I’m sorry,” you breathed, smiling nervously as you placed the glass of water on a coaster on the table. “I- I was just looking so I could, um, get a feel for the arrangement for you.”
“Oh yeah? And what are you thinking?” Bucky asked, his tone teasing. 
Frowning slightly, deep in thought, you looked around the shop once more before finally settling on the reception desk. 
The wood was stained dark, like the rest of the shop, but the accents of lightened, bleached knots and ridges caught your attention. Whites and yellows would bring that to light, and then, a fiery arrangement for the glass coffee table… “Uh- Well, I have two ideas,” you began. 
Both Bucky and Steve raised their brows, and placed their drinks on the table. Steve leaned forward, placing his elbows on his knees and letting his hands fall between his thighs. Bucky, back still against the arm of the couch, leaned against it and put a heavily tattooed arm over the back of it. 
“Let’s hear it then,” Bucky said, his grey eyes bright with curiosity. “What’s our clever girl imagined?”
“Let her talk, Buck,” Steve chastised. 
You took a deep breath and fought against the urge to run and hide – it was strange to feel so safe and attended to by these two strangers, but they had done nothing to warrant suspicion, at least, not that you had thought. 
“Well,” you began, fidgeting in your seat as you nodded to the reception desk. “I thought a lighter arrangement would work. See how the wood is stained dark, but there are lighter streaks and knots?” You pointed at the spots you could see from your vantage point. “Whites and yellows would soften the–I think saturation is the right word?”
There was an affirming hum from one of them, and you continued. “Then it would make the entry feel lighter, as the room feels broody–it isn’t a bad thing,” you rushed to assure, looking at the two men with wide eyes. “The space is beautiful, and I love it–just, some softness might brighten it a bit.”
“Huh, you’re right, doll,” Steve considered, his hand now rubbing his chin as he stared at the desk. “I think we’d do better–maybe attract more clients. What do you think, babe?”
“It would work well, yeah,” Bucky agreed. 
He shifted closer, almost imperceptibly, but your keen, anxious senses saw it immediately. What frightened you more was the fact you were not scared of it. The thought of him being close made your body heat up from some depth that had been untouched. They were married, you intoned. They were married to one another, no less. 
“What would be even better, though,” Bucky continued, his tone impish. “Is if you told us the second idea.”
“Oranges and reds–fiery colours to bring attention to the mahogany wood and dark stain,” you said in one breath. Nerves had started to make your stomach roil and flutter with butterflies. As you stared at your hands while breathing shallowly, a tattooed hand rested over your fingers, effectively stopping your bad habit of picking at the skin. “I-”
“It’s alright, sweetheart,” Bucky said quietly, squeezing your hands. “You’re alright. It’s cute that you're so shy, but trust us, you’re okay. If we are comin’ on too strong for you, we will stop.”
The world stopped. Time froze, your place in the expansive universe suddenly too much to comprehend. “Coming on too strong–?” you asked hoarsely, unable to take in the words. “Are you- You two are flirting with me?”
There was a chuckle from the seat across from you, and you looked at Steve sharply. A bright smile was on his face, one of which conveyed affection, not patronisation. “Yeah, we are, doll. Do you want us to stop?”
You blinked, looked at Bucky, then back to Steve. “But you’re married!”
“We are, happily so,” Bucky said, and he took his hand away. You suddenly missed the warmth of it. “And we know what we want. We were in your shop today for more than just flowers, sweetheart. I wasn’t lying when I said we’ve been curious–a pretty Petal like you, clever and downright beautiful, both generous and kind… Well, we were intrigued.”
The words flushed your system and left you hollow with shock, akin to an overwhelming giddiness. “I don’t understand,” you breathed, staring at Bucky. “You want- What do you want?”
“We want to take you on a date. If you are interested, and want to,” Bucky offered gently. “You can say no, and we won’t think any different of you, don’t you worry ‘bout that. Like hell would we skip on your skills as a florist, and we’d still be friends. If you wanted to be, of course.”
“A date?” 
“A date,” Steve affirmed. “We know polyamorous relationships aren’t everyone’s cup of tea-” 
Bucky snorted a laugh and shook his head. “You sound ridiculous saying that, Stevie.”
“Shut up, punk,” Steve sighed. Then he looked at you again. “As I was saying, yes, it’s not everyone’s favourite. We just- We became smitten with you, doll. So, if you would be interested, we’d like to take you on a date.”
The world, still tilted on its axis, started spinning once more, taking your insides with it as it moved. You blinked rapidly, and your hands curled and relaxed on your knees. 
Truly, the offer didn’t scare you, per se. It was the reality shaking thought that not one, but two men found you intriguing enough that they wanted to take you out on a date–a traditional date.
A truly old fashioned notion, you thought. 
Their presence seemed to bring out your reckless, wild side, and you took a deep breath. They said they would still care for you as a friend, even if you said no, and it comforted your heart and screaming, anxious mind. “Okay.”
“Okay?” Bucky asked, brow raised. “Do you want some time-”
“I’ll go on a date with you two,” you interrupted before you could stop yourself. “I would love that.”
Bucky beamed at you while Steve rose from his seat to lean down and kiss the crown of your head. “Perfect, doll. Why don’t you do both of your ideas, and we can pick ‘em up when you’re done?”
Feeling emboldened, you grinned up at Steve and then at Bucky. “I will have them done in a few hours. Walk me back?”
“You heard the lady,” Bucky murmured, his eyes slightly wide at your eagerness. “Someone’s excited to get to work.”
“Well, you have me motivated,” you explained with a shrug and a shy smile. “I won’t let you two down.”
Steve shook his head and helped you up before leading you to the door. “You could never let us down, honey–remember that.” 
The two of them walked you back to your shop, opening and holding the door for you. “Such gentlemen,” you teased quietly. They only winked. 
“There you are,” Wanda called happily as she rounded the counter to greet you. “Have you organised a theme?”
“Two,” you supplied, chipper. Wanda’s brows raised at your enthusiasm. “I’m going to be doing a light arrangement and a fiery toned one, too. It’ll set the colours off nicely, I think.” 
Wanda nodded and grabbed your hand. “You’re the expert,” she said, leading you towards the cooler room. “See you boys later!”
“No, wait,” you rushed, looking back at Steve and Bucky as you pulled away from Wanda’s grip. “Can–can I have your number? So I can text you when they’re done–?”
The smiles on their faces could have made the toughest rose bloom, you swore. Once their numbers were in your phone, they walked from the store, arrangements in hand for their mothers. 
As you worked on the bouquets while Wanda minded the store, you thought long and hard about their proposition. They were grown men. It was not like you were dealing with the decisions and minds of growing boys – marriage was a big deal, and opening it to a stranger was even more risky. Did they truly want to risk all of what they had built? 
Thoughts spiralled, and your mind whirled with all the possibilities – rational thought long cast out of the equation. Until, “You keep pulling a face like that, babe, and it’ll get stuck.”
You looked up to see Wanda standing in the doorway, hair tied up and a soft, kind smile on her face. Her eyes were bright, glinting in the way that told you she knew something was amiss. “What’s got you all tied up, love?”
The stem of the rose was smooth against your fingers, and you considered the thorns that adorned it – helpfully comparing it to your current predicament. “I just, I don’t know. It seems so sudden–doesn’t it? Them just waltzing in here–”
“Hold on.” Wanda glanced back to the store and then stepped into the room, her arms crossed over her chest. “You will not second guess this. I have seen those two make heart eyes at you for the longest time.”
“What do you mean?” you asked, astonished. 
“I meant what I said,” Wanda said a little too easily, and she shrugged. “Have you not seen how those puppies look for you as they walk by the store window almost every single day?”
Your mouth parted in shock. Had they? “No…”
Wanda shook her head slowly, a slow smile pulling the corner of her lips up. It wasn’t a condescending expression, but rather, one of an older sister who cared beyond words for the one they loved. “Babe, you… You have to give this a shot. Give them a chance. I do not know them well, but I know they are kind, and gentle–gentle giants, if you will.” 
A strong feeling of ease settled in your gut and over your mind, cancelling out the cacophony of nerves that screamed and pitched their fits. If Wanda, the one you trusted the most, could see something, maybe, just maybe, it would be worth it. 
You looked at the bouquets before you, one of angelic and pure white to sunny, happy yellow; the other bright, cheerful orange and fiery, passionate red. It was symbolistic of the clash in your mind; resemblances to the possible opportunities. White for the softness of your soul, and reds to Bucky and Steve’s desire. 
“Alright,” you said aloud, voice firm and unwavering. “I’ll do it. I- I want this.”
Wanda grinned, a blindingly prideful smile. “‘Atta girl. Now, get to it!”
A few hours later, as the sun had started to begin its descent, you stood in the back room of your shop filled with awe. The bouquets had turned out perfect – each petal and leaf in place. You snapped a few photos with your phone and then sent a text to Bucky’s number, asking if they would come around after they closed up. 
Your ringtone made you jump in place, and Bucky’s name flashed across the screen. 
“Hey, sweetheart,” Bucky greeted, the low hum of a tattoo machine in the background with the lull of quiet music. “Did you finish the flowers?”
“Yeah, I- I did, do you think you could–?”
There was a huff of breath, a chuckle, and then a sudden yell of “Babe!” before another voice came through the speaker. 
“We’ll be round in about twenty minutes–that okay, doll?” Steve asked.
“That’s perfect,” you replied, looking at the clock. “I’ll be here–I’ll close up, so just knock when you get here.”
“Alright, see you soon.” The line clicked, and you put your phone back in your pocket. 
Closing the shop went quickly, and after you had said goodnight to Wanda, you were on your own in the office, waiting as the minutes went by until you heard a knock on the store’s door. “Coming!” 
Steve and Bucky were waiting on the sidewalk, huddled in coats as they watched you walk to the door. “Hey, come in, come in,” you rushed, stepping aside. “Thank you for coming and picking them up so late.”
“It’s nothin’, sweetheart,” Bucky yawned. “If we’re honest–we wanted to see you before we headed home.”
You smiled and looked at the floor, unable to look him in the eye after such sincerity. There was suddenly a hand gripping your chin gently, and you automatically moved in tandem with it until you were staring into Steve’s handsome face. “That we did.”
Blinking rapidly, you pulled back with a shaky laugh. “Did you guys have a good rest of your day?”
“Yeah,” Steve answered, looking around happily. “Normal shit with walk-ins and then we got started on a back piece. Poor bastard had to tap out.”
“We warned him.” Bucky shrugged. “Not like the poor fool didn’t know what he was gettin’ into. Anyway–how about those flowers?”
You led the two of them to the counter, where you heard two sharp intakes of breath as the arrangements came into view. They were extraordinary, and you had gone above and beyond for them – using flowers and buds that were yet to bloom to fill the spaces, each and every one placed with care and consideration. All of the colours complimented; a true masterpiece. 
“Holy shit,” Steve gasped, and Bucky rushed forward to look at the bundles closer. “Petal– look at them!”
“You are amazing,” Bucky said quietly, his fingers brushing the petals of a white rose. “Absolutely fuckin’ amazing, look at this. You did this.”
“Oh, my gosh,” you whispered, hiding behind your hands. “It’s just two bouquets-”
Steve looked at you, aghast. “No.” 
Both of them stepped towards you, and the next thing you knew, you were between them, squished to their chests and their arms around you. “Don’t you dare discount yourself, sweetheart,” Bucky murmured. “Be proud of yourself–it’s not a bad thing to be proud of what you create. And what you created is fuckin’ stunning.”
Many emotions swirled through your mind until you sniffled, pushing back against the burn of tears in your eyes. “O-Okay, thank you,” you whispered. Steve pulled away from the embrace to look at the flowers again, his face slack with awe, and Bucky held you tighter to his chest.
You felt a kiss at your temple suddenly. “Don’t you listen to those voices, alright? We’re louder and you’re gonna learn to love what you do, no matter what.” Unable to answer, you just nodded jerkily, wiping your eyes. Bucky’s thumb brushed your cheek, and he smiled softly as he pulled back. 
“Why don’t we get dinner?” Steve asked suddenly, and you looked at him. “This isn’t our date, Petal, don’t you worry. Let’s just get dinner. How do you get home–drive, walk?”
“I walk-” You tried, but Steve shook his head. 
“Not anymore, can’t have our Petal walking home on your own, okay?”
Ordinarily, you would have grimaced and grumbled at the commanding nature of such a statement, but somehow, this didn’t feel out of place. They cared, they just wanted you safe, you reasoned. “Okay, but Wanda normally walks with me, so–”
“That’s fine, we’ve got you both,” Bucky said simply, as though giving you both a lift was, in fact, not a big deal. 
“If you’re sure,” you said quietly, and Bucky squeezed your shoulder.
“Let’s go, I’m starved,” Steve said loudly, almost obnoxiously. Bucky rolled his eyes and grumbled under his breath. “Don’t start with me, babe. You know how I get when I’m hungry.”
Bucky looked at you. “Yeah, he becomes more of a pain in my ass.”
“Literally,” Steve chortled, and you gasped in quiet shock as Bucky hit Steve on the shoulder.
“We are in polite company, you fucker!” Bucky shoved Steve, and the two of them bickered as they arranged the flowers in their arms to better carry them out of the store. 
Finally, Bucky huffed and stuck his tongue out at Steve. “Let’s get these in the shop, then we can go to that diner.”
The three of you wandered out of your store, bouquets in hand, and Bucky took them into the shop. “How about here?” he wondered aloud, placing the red bouquet on the table, and adjusting it slightly. 
You strode forward and adjusted it again, turning the vases and humming to yourself as you righted it. When you were satisfied, you stepped back and nodded. “How ‘bout that?”
Steve hummed approvingly as he placed the white arrangement on the reception desk – perfectly, you may add. Bucky looked between you and the flowers once, twice, then, “You’re decorating from now on, sweetheart.”
“If you say so.”
“We know so.” Steve’s hand was warm on your shoulder, and you briefly glanced down at the intricate designs that covered the back of his hand, the swirls stopping at the gold wedding and engagement bands. He flexed his hand and raised a brow. “What is it, doll?”
You considered your answer, and then ploughed on. “How long have you been married?”
“Feels like our whole lives at this point,” Bucky answered before Steve could open his mouth. “I’ve been with this punk since, what–college? Before that, even.”
“Yeah,” Steve said. “We’ve been partners for a lifetime, and all those before-”
“Don’t go gettin’ all poetic on me, honey,” Bucky hushed, and he kissed Steve on the lips, then the cheek. “You said you were starved.”
“Can’t I be soft on my love?” 
Bucky laughed and shook his head. “You’re a punk–c’mon, Petal, let’s go.” He grabbed your hand and pulled you along – it was hard to ignore how warm his hand was or how your hand fit so perfectly in his. “And, just so you know, we’ve been married for nearly a decade now.”
“Wow,” you breathed, impressed. Neither gave the impression of being much older than yourself, but you supposed they were youthful in attitude, and that was one thing they had in abundance.
“So, what about that old diner on the corner–?”
“Yes!” you cried, brightening at the mention of your favourite spot to eat. “I love it there.”
Steve came up behind you and took hold of your other hand. “Alright, that’s settled then–off we go.”
They led you to a sleek, luxurious looking car parked a few feet from Quartet’s Tattoo. Bucky opened the back door for you, and you slipped into the leather seats with an awestruck gasp. The interior was immaculate and, for lack of a better word, rich. “Whoa–”
“We figured rather than letting that money sit and collect dust, we thought we should spend some of it,” Steve explained as he turned the ignition, and all the screens along the dash lit up. “Bucky spent more on his bike.”
You quickly looked at Bucky, who grinned proudly. “You have a bike?”
“Sure do, sweetheart. I’ll take you out one day,” he promised with another wink. 
Steve sighed. “That’s enough, you. Don’t want her passing out before dinner, at least.”
Bucky snorted a laugh, and Steve backed the car up before you were on your way to the diner. For dinner, with the two men that had asked you out on a date. The two married men. Wow, you thought to yourself. 
There was a slither of hesitance, but it was nothing next to the bounding hope of your heartbeat. For too long had you been shy and hesitant to take life by the reins, to take control and make something for yourself – your shop being the only proof that you could indeed take risks. 
That would end now, you intoned, promising yourself. Maybe this would be okay, maybe it would work. 
You could only try. 
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⠈⠂⠄ 𝐢𝐧𝐛𝐨𝐱 | 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲 | 𝐚𝐨𝟑 ⠄⠂⠁
⠈⠂⠄ 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 ⠄⠂⠁
618 notes · View notes
blackreaderfics · 9 months
🎃Wildcard | Jason Todd x Reader🎃
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↳ Pairing : TitansDCverse!Jason Todd x Virgin!Reader
↳ Rating : E (18+ minors dni‼️)
↳ Summary : A round of Cards Against Humanity gets a little wild during “Game Night” at Titans Tower
↳ W.C : ~3.4k
↳ A/N : welcome to spooky season. this is my first ever fic for kinktober🧡👻 idk if this is controversial buuut I love that actor’s portrayal of Jason🫣
↳ Tags + Warnings: dubcon elements, oral (male receiving), face-fucking, orgy, stripping, degradation (“slut”), coercion, alcohol consumption (beer), teabagging, bullyish!jason x shyish!reader, reader wears glasses, reader is a virgin, jason is kinda a dickhead lol, side characters (rachel, rose, gar, and conner) are there, for sake of convenience they’re all 21+
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“Oh come on,” Jason groaned exasperatedly as you set your glasses on the coffee table. “Glasses don’t fucking count!”
After a successful mission and saving the world for the hundredth time, the Titans decided to unwind in the best way they knew how: a night in with board games and beer.
As usual, Jason had tried to make the games a little bit more exciting by adding a “fun twist”. Jenga became a drinking game; drink if you make the tower fall. Uno had become “draw or dare”, you could choose to draw four cards or get off scot-free by doing a dare. 
The “grownups” of the team—Dick, Kory, Hank, and Dawn— had excused themselves to do “grownup things” leaving you and the remaining group of young adults in the living room. Currently, you were now in the middle of another particularly heated game of Cards Against Humanity, the interesting twist being the person with the best card could choose for someone to strip an article of clothing.
Jason had been targeting you the whole night; teasing you for the baggy clothes you always wore. Purposely, just to annoy him, you’d only taken off your accessories and your zip-up hoodie.
Admittedly the clothes you wore didn’t really fit you right. You’d opted to wear oversized sweaters over fitted shirts, and unflattering pants over a more hip-hugging and slimming fit. Before you became a Titan, you were shyer than you were now. It had only been recently when you started to come out of your shell and get closer to your teammates. 
“Be for real. Glasses do so count!” You retorted. You had all but discarded your outer layers and were now left in pants and a tank top. You could take up a few turns with your socks and shoes if you needed to.
“Why do you guys wear so many layers?” Gar piped up. All he had on were his boxers and a single sock. Conner, who was sitting next to him, was equally fucked, only, with no socks as a buffer.
“Because we play idiotic games like this,” Rachel remarked dryly while drawing an extra card from the pile.
You and Rachel were the only ones currently safe from any unnecessary exposure. Rachel did wear a lot of layers, and despite having lost multiple rounds, still looked very much clothed. Rose sat far off on the kitchen counter with a bowl of cereal looking on with about as much judgment as a girl with one working eye could. 
“You know, offer still stands. You can still join us, Rose,” Jason addressed the grey-haired, eye-patch-wearing girl without looking up from the cards in his hands.
“Hard pass. I’d rather watch you losers get destroyed.” She then unceremoniously returned to munching on her cornflakes.
Your gaze settled on Jason who’d shed his leather jacket and still remained in a plain black tee and jeans. He was unfairly attractive in the most basic of clothes. And though you hated his playground jibes and dirty humor, you couldn’t help but develop a little bit of a crush on the messy-haired boy. When his eyes caught yours, you could see the wheels in his brain practically turning as his smirk grew wider.
“How about…” He started slowly, “Boys versus girls. If you guys win, then we’ll get naked. If we win, you guys get naked.”
Of course he would suggest that, you thought to yourself glumly. The thought of showing your naked body to your crush didn’t excite you, it only made you more nervous.
“You’re just saying that ‘cuz you’re losing,” you said, masking your anxiety with a chug of your beer, “Conner’s literally only got his underwear left.” 
Conner, hearing his name, suddenly perked up. “For the record, I have x-ray vision. I can already see everything anywa—” Gar nudged him in the ribs to keep him from talking.
Jason shook his head. “It’s no fun if we already know who’s gonna win. Let’s vote on it then. Who here agrees to a wildcard match?” He raised his hand, and predictably the two other boys followed suit. “And who wants to play the way we’ve been playing; the boring virgin Y/N way?” He taunted cheekily.
You felt your cheeks warm again. He was never letting you live down the fact that you had confessed you were still a virgin during a past game of “Never Have I Ever”. You raised your hand and looked around for support. “Rachel,” you hissed desperately when you found she had not raised her hand. 
“Seriously? They suck at this game. It’s not like they’re gonna suddenly win out of nowhere," Rachel whispered back.
“In that case, I’ll play too,” Rose hopped off the counter and plopped on the couch next to you. 
“So nice of you to finally join us,” Jason crooned. “I’ll let you do the honors.” He passed her the deck he’d been shuffling for her to deal and sat back. 
After Rose had dealt all the cards, you looked at your hand. The deck you were playing with was a custom-made deck that Dick had ordered to round out the Tower’s impressive board game collection.
As a collective, you all pooled in ideas resulting in a deck of cards ranging from the peculiar to the mundane; from “taking shots off Nightwing’s ass”; to “Batman’s Worst Nightmare”; to names of each of your superhero aliases including all of the Justice League. For some reason, however, all the cards in your current hand were names.
“Make me laugh,” Rose ordered primly as she set down her card and folded her arms in expectation. It read: 
“If I could fuck anyone right now, I would fuck ______”
“Damn,” Rachel sounded impressed, “that’s certainly one way to start a round.”
Gar immediately threw his card down, followed by Rachel, then Jason. Only Conner and you were left.
“Time’s ticking Y/N,” Jason tapped a nonexistent watch on his wrist. Usually you would fire a comeback at him, but this time you could only frown as you chose your safest option and slid it tentatively over to the pile in the middle. 
“Time’s up, Conner,” Rose said as she gathered the cards. He passed it over face down, obviously not very happy about his choice. 
“Okay, we have a ‘Wonder Woman’,  a ‘Poison Ivy’….” She glanced around the room to see if anyone would give themselves away. “A ‘Robin’—wait...” She barked out a laugh. “I can’t not address this. I pick this one. Who fucking put down Robin?”
The room erupted into fits of laughter rivaling a high school classroom as they watched you sigh and bashfully raise your hand. 
“Oh, would you now?” Jason raised a curious eyebrow at you. 
“I-in my defense, there’s more than one Robin,” you sputtered pitifully before he could tease you further. You watched him stand up and begin to raise his shirt, giving you an eyeful of v-line and toned midriff. “W-what are you doing! I didn’t pick you!” 
Despite being only in a tank top, you felt yourself getting hot. Gar and Conner had equally toned bodies, but they weren’t affecting you the way Jason had been. Just to spite you, he kept his eyes on yours as he raised his shirt as suggestively as possible, bringing it up over his head and tossing it in a pile on his leather jacket.
“Just giving the person who wants to ‘fuck me right now’ a little preview.” He said, smile smug like he was doing charity for letting you see his 6-pack. 
Yea, real fucking Mother Theresa.
“Well, too bad I can barely see it.” You waved a hand in front of your face, “No glasses remember?”
“Come sit on my lap, mama, I’ll give you a closer look.” Jason plopped back on the sofa, abs flexing as he reclined with his legs spread wide, inviting you to sit with a pat on his thigh and a wicked smirk to match.
“Ugh, gross,” Rose made a face but appeared to be humored by Jason’s antics. 
“Anyway,” you interrupted desperately trying to change the subject. “Since I won, technically that means the girls won too. Rules are rules.” 
You had barely even finished your sentence when the boys immediately moved to take off their clothes. Your mouth went dry as they sat nonchalantly before you now, cocks resting against their stomachs.
In any other situation, you’d probably find this extremely inappropriate. They were your teammates. Sure, you lived together and had walked in on the occasional member changing or just getting out of the shower, but you were a bit buzzed off of the booze already, and this was different— you couldn’t help but stare.
“So uh…what now?” Gar’s nervous laugh broke the silence and everyone turned towards him; he blushed under the newfound attention.
“New game?” Conner suggested. He appeared to be just as clueless as Gar but with less of the blushing.
Rose looked over at you and Rachel for guidance, but seeing as neither of you knew how to react, the grey-haired girl merely shrugged back at the boys. “I’m down.”
“Ok, new game,” Jason agreed. “If you can make all of us cum in 10 minutes then the girls can get TV remote control privileges for the rest of the year.”
“All of you including Conner?” You asked brow raised, “He’s a super, that’s not fair.”
“What? It’s not like he has ‘super cum control’ too.”
“Actually, yea I—”
“Don’t answer that,” Jason cut in, annoyed. “Ok fine, I’ll give a handicap. If you can make one of us cum in 5 minutes untouched then the TV’s all yours.”
“Do you think we’re stupid, Todd?” Rachel narrowed her eyes at him. 
“Well…” He paused and tapped a finger to his chin to consider Rachel’s rhetorical question, flinching playfully when she raised her fist to jab in his direction. “Ok ok, but 5 minutes is a long time!”
“I meant the untouched part.”
“Your handicap is you can’t touch us, and our handicap is Logan.” He jabbed a thumb to gesture at Gar who looked like he was meditating to calm himself down. “He’ll probably reach the big ‘O’ before he reaches nirvana.”
“Deal, but if it’s gonna be like that then let’s raise the stakes a little.” Rose countered. “Not just remote control privileges. We get control privileges. Over you guys. If we win, you have to do whatever we say for the rest of the year.”
Jason fished his phone out from the pocket of his jacket and set the timer for 5 minutes. “And if we win, the same for us too.” He started the timer and sat back.
You, Rachel, and Rose made a beeline for Gar, who’d still had his eyes squeezed closed in the middle of the sofa.
“Fuckin’ hell, I should’ve known you’d try ‘n cheat,” Jason grumbled and stopped the timer. “No double or triple-teaming. One to one only and I get to choose the pairs.”
“And why should you be the one to choose that?” You turned toward him, trying (and failing) not to look at his dick. It was long and thick, with a slight curve and a pretty pink color at the tip.
“‘Cuz you wanna fuck me so bad,” he simpered, an impish grin playing on his lips.
“Oh god,” You rolled your eyes.
“Let him choose,” Rose challenged unfazed at Jason’s constant goalpost moving. “Whatever strategy he thinks he has isn’t gonna work.”
Jason ignored her and carried on with making the pairs. “Rachel and Conner, Rose and Gar.” He pointed directly at you, “You and me.”
Upon his directions, the three of you moved to stand in front of your now-designated partners. Finally satisfied, Jason set the timer again and pressed start. Almost immediately Rachel and Rose set to work on their mission, stripping their clothes down to their underwear. You tentatively followed suit, shimmying out of your jeans and kicking them aside. Jason eyed you, fully reclined in his seat with his hands comfortably behind his head. 
“Well, this is gonna be easier than I thought,” He yawned, looking as nonchalant as ever. 
“I doubt your porn-addled brain has ever seen a real woman before, Jason.” The taunts you directed at him should’ve sounded more confident, but instead were dulled by your nervous fidgeting at the hem of your shirt. 
This was the first time you’d ever been half-naked in front of a boy. And not just any boy, but a boy you liked. But the way he always seemed to tease you and make sexually insensitive jokes at your expense made you anxious. It wasn’t overt bullying, but the little comments he would sneak here and there were beginning to eat at you. If you showed him any more of your body, would he make fun of you even more?
“Trust me, I’ve seen plenty,” He assured, “But how ‘bout you jog my memory and demonstrate?” His gaze moved down your chest and back up to your eyes, daring you to take it off. 
You fidgeted again under his stare, feeling a sensation growing in the pit of your stomach. It was a mix of anxiety, embarrassment, and something else you could quite place. When you glanced over to the other pairs, Rachel had already taken her top off and Rose was in the middle of a strip tease. 
“Four minutes,” Jason announced, with a bored expression. 
Feeling a sense of urgency, you pulled off your tank top, exposing your lacy bra. When his dick twitched, both your eyes shifted to the hardening situation in his lap. You could see him fighting the urge to touch himself now, and that gave you a burst of confidence. 
Rachel and Rose were now in between Gar and Conner’s legs, not touching them, but teasing them by blowing hot air on their cocks. You followed suit, with only three minutes left you had to do something. After all, forfeiting your will to the whims of three boys with raging hormones didn’t seem like a fun idea, especially since you knew how playfully vindictive they could get. They’d probably try and make you human furniture or whatever other sick and twisted thing they could think of. You shuddered at the thought of the kind of torture they could come up with.
You sank to your knees and sat between Jason’s legs. You watched him involuntarily swallow and sit up straighter, pulling his hands down from his head to steady himself and clutch at the couch cushion beneath him. 
“Three minutes,” Jason glanced at his phone, but he wasn’t as confident as he was before. If anything, he seemed much more distracted by your presence at his feet.
Satisfied with his change in demeanor, you only smiled at him, fluttering your lashes at him as you brought your mouth closer to his balls. You opened your mouth and exhaled softly.
He hastily brought a hand to his cock—beads of precum already spilling from its tip—and made minute motions with the pad of his thumb to calm himself down. His chest raised with shallow breaths as he looked down at you now, eyes heavily lidded with lust and wanting. 
“Fuck it—” He hissed and without warning, reached his other hand around the back of your head, pushing your nose into his balls as he began to jerk off. Your eyes widened, taken by surprise at his sudden actions.
From where you were kneeling you could already see Rachel and Rose giving their partners full-on blowjobs, completely forgetting the game they had agreed to earlier. The sensation in your stomach moved down to your clothed sex, and you could feel a tingling sensation as he rubbed your face obscenely against his balls, moaning with need.
“Open your mouth —oh fuck— please.” His voice sounded strangled as he held you at the base of his cock, masturbating desperately to chase his release.
You obliged his request, opening up and taking his balls into your mouth, looking up at him as you felt his grip on the nape of your neck tighten. He was clearly getting off from the sight of you beneath him, massaging thoroughly with the flat of your tongue. He brought your head back and, with his other hand, held his cock by the base. 
He groaned again when he saw your lips now glossy with spit. “Open f’me again, baby?” he asked despite the fact that the tip of his cock was already being pressed to your lips. Your cheeks warmed as he let out a moaning “fuuuck” when you opened your mouth again to allow him inside. He pushed your head down deeper to take all of him in, and your eyes began to water as the tip of his cock grazed the back of your throat. 
“You don’t know how fucking pretty you look with my cock in your mouth, Y/N,” he murmured, releasing the pressure off your head for you to catch your breath. He let out a short laugh as if your gasping for air was funny to him.
“Had no idea you were such a fucking slut under all those clothes. How’re you a virgin when you’re takin’ my cock this good, hm?” His voice was gentle and soft but borderline condescending as he spoke. 
Jason brushed away a tear from your eye and leaned over to bring you into an open-mouthed and sloppy kiss, tasting himself on your tongue. A string of saliva connected at both of your lips when you separated. 
“Gonna fuck that pretty little mouth of yours. Keep it open,” He instructed. Within seconds he was guiding your head back on his cock, bucking up into your mouth and against your throat. You made a garbled sound, which only seemed to make him thrust harder. 
“Oh fu— that’s so fuckin’ good, baby keep doin’ that,” he moaned, though you weren’t doing much except letting your head loll up and down like a brainless doll with the support of his hand at the back of your neck. 
The living room was now filled with the pleasured moans of the three boys and the gagging ‘gluck gluck’ sounds of the three girls as each of them fucked into your mouths, getting off on the lewdly slick sounds of their cocks pistoning in and out in a relentless rhythm. Your mouths became just another hole for them to fuck.
“Shit—” His hips stuttered; he was close. He brought both hands to your head pushing it down so your nose pressed against his base. “You know how to swallow right, baby?” He grunted. 
You couldn’t respond with words readily—your nose was plugged and his cock clogged your windpipe— instead, your throat closed over his tip, as if a Pavlovian response to his question. He groaned and not shortly after, you felt his hot cum shooting down your throat. 
When his softening cock finally left your mouth, you swallowed his sticky release as best as you could with your punished throat. He swiped some of the cum the had dribbled down your lips with his thumb and pushed it past your lips, making you suck it. 
“You’re so fucking hot,” he said breathlessly as he watched you suck his thumb, mesmerized by the way your eyes locked on him. A loud moan from Gar interrupted, making both you and Jason tear your eyes off each other. The green-haired boy was currently stroking his cum onto Rose’s waiting tongue. About a minute later, Conner came too. 
It was only then that you realized that Jason had come the fastest; faster than the “handicap” he’d claimed Gar to be.
“So…I’m guessing that means we won?” Rachel had already started pulling her clothes back on. Since she started dressing, everyone else mundanely followed suit. 
Jason tugged his jeans back on, “Sure. Fine. Whatever, we’re all yours for the next three months,” he sounded less than enthused but still took the time to find your discarded tank top and jeans and toss them over to you as well.
Rose threw her shirt back on and adjusted her eyepatch. “Girls, what are we thinking? Anything we want our new servants to do for us?”
“Hmm…” You tapped your chin in mock thought, giving Jason a sly look that could give one of his own cheeky smirks a run for its money. “Oh, I‘ve got a few ideas.”
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©️ blackreaderfics // dividers by cafekitsune & poison-aesthetics
408 notes · View notes
dawneternal · 12 days
The Benevolent | Eight
☁︎ Eris x Healer OC
☁︎ Notes: okay. This is kind of a big one 👀 pls let me know what you think, if the descriptions make sense, etc. I'm really hoping the concept for Aya's powers is actually interesting and not dumb but here we go
I've gotten a lot of notes from new readers lately and I wanna say thanks so much for the love and comments!! 💛💛
☁︎ Warnings: battle/war, injuries, blood, death, grief (it's not that graphic I just wanna make sure I get all the tags needed)
☁︎ Word Count: 3.5k
☁︎ AO3 Link / Masterlist
☁︎ Latest Artwork
☁︎ Taglist (let me know if you want on or off) : @cauldronblssd @teddyhoneybear @tele86 @mybestfriendmademe @imma-too-many-fandoms @allyjoe755 @milswrites @shadowdaddies @zenkindoflove @landofpetrichor @secret-third-thing @bookwormysblog @mal-adaptive-dreams @daycourtofficial
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The secret behind Aya’s power was the extra eye in her mind. Whether they were simply visions or she had some connection to another place, she did not know. But either way, she was born seeing things that no one else could.
Aya had discovered another world, visible only with closed eyes or when she let her vision go hazy. It was a place where wards and spells were visible things, overlayed on top of reality. She could see the building blocks of the universe, the materials that made up the world. And she could reach out and touch them. They were hers to fix and break and manipulate how she pleased.
After years of observing people and the things that they were made of, she came to understand that they could be sorted into three categories. Sewn things, woven things, and things to be fired in a kiln. The first three people Aya had known were one of each. The first memories to exist in her mind were ingrained with their imagery. Her mother, a tapestry. Her aunt, a quilt. And Thesan, a vase.
It took nearly a decade of life for Aya to understand that no one else saw things the way she did. No one else had another realm materialize when they closed their eyes. No one else healed by patching those quilts, stitching down loose threads, or filling cracks in pottery with veins of shimmering gold.
There were many, many times when she wished that she had never spoken about it to anyone. She could have learned sooner to close her eyes and not let anyone see the golden light that shone when she used her power. She could have taken less time to understand that she was different. Or maybe she could have been born knowing that she was not the same as everyone around her.
But it was too late for any of that. Her life had already been molded by her differences.
In truth, using her power was easy. So easy that it scared her. Sometimes an extensive injury or a complicated spell would draw a sweat from her brow, but even then she could go for days if she wanted to. The store of energy within her seemed endless. She had never experienced burnout, or ever been close.
There were so many terrifying truths lying underneath the lid she kept on herself. Her morbid curiosity, the things she could do, how much she was capable of. She never dug too deep, never once in her life testing the limits or possibilities. She could not bring herself to. She would not let herself become a thing that destroyed.
The fear that others carried around her was tangible. Whispers of witchcraft followed her everywhere - apparently her mother hailing from the continent was suspicious, with less known about the origins of their magic. And Aya's own tapestry was stained with the echoes of her mother calling her a liar, holding deep grudges over the discrimination that Aya had brought upon her family. There was no shortage of things that had made this existence difficult.
But on days like this, no matter how much she hated it, Aya thrived.
⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆
The battle had seemed so endless. The shouting, screaming, and clashing of weapons were a constant song, and Aya did her best to tune it out as she ran from bed to bed, cleaning, bandaging, and healing wounds. Her ears rang, desperate for a moment not filled with terrible noise. Her muscles ached, begging for her to take a break. But there were always more buckets to haul, more soldiers to drag to safety, more wounded to heal. She ignored every protest of her tired mind and aching body as she splashed through the mud, dodging arrows and swords, zeroed in on whoever needed helping.
She also ignored the magic within her that sang, thrilled to be used and stretched and tested. It pushed her body to keep going long after she had reached her physical limits, always restless and desperate to be let loose. But she would only ever release as much power as she needed to do her job well. Never any more.
Even still, Aya was always the last standing, the glow of her healing still going steady when all the others had used their last sparks. In class, this earned her jealous looks and accusations of cheating or witchcraft. But of course today, there was nothing but murmured thanks and praise. Aya ignored those, too.
At last, dusk fell like a funeral shroud, covering the silhouettes of broken bodies littering the battlefield. All of the gore blissfully hidden in the darkness. The sky could not, however, hide the sound of suffering and grieving of those who still lived, reaching toward the heavens in desperate tones.
Now, it was an effort to keep her head upright as she sat beside the High Lord of Night, her hand hovering over the gash in his arm. Rhysand, even with his weary eyes and the grime caked into the lines of his skin, watched her heal with a keen interest. If it was a different time, and her heart felt a little lighter, Aya may have asked him about it. Maybe he knew something that she didn’t. But right now it was taking too much focus just to stay awake.
When she closed her eyes Aya was stitching silver stars into a quilt, each block made from a different shade of night. Slightly darker shapes made up the subtle outline of a city, constellations hiding in same-colored thread here and there. It was lovely work, the stars twinkling and shimmering, the night sky velvety soft beneath her fingertips. It did not take long for his arm to be healed. With eyes glittering like the thread she had just held between her fingers, Rhysand thanked her and swaggered off to find his mate.
Truthfully, Aya liked him. Often, she came away from a healing session feeling as though she had read the person's soul front to back like a book. And in Rhysand, she liked what she learned. He was deeply kind, very clever, and generous. She knew without a doubt that his story of Under the Mountain was true. She could see the scars within him, like rips and tears in the quilt that he had tried to fix himself. Some were smoother, aided in their mending by his loved ones. He did not know how lucky he was to have them.
Of course, there were dark patterns in the fabric of his being. Shadows much deeper than others seemed to carry. But that seemed to be a burden bestowed upon all of the High Lords.
Aya liked the Night Court general, too. She had healed Cassian many times over. At first she thought it was recklessness and it was an effort to bite back on her lecture about looking after himself. But she learned, upon closing her eyes, that it was all deliberate. Calculated. It was not carelessness, but devotion. He would take shots and blows for others as often as he could, his shouts and commands ringing out louder than the din of battle. In his mind, he had not done his best unless he was nearly falling apart.
Healing Cassian was like knitting homespun wool yarn. Each stitch snug and precise, marled grey and white like the Illyrian mountains. The colors were so solemn, the material so practical, but the finished product warm and comforting. That seemed to sum him up. He always had a grin and a wink for her, always a genuine thank you and some absurd compliment. He was consistent, always, like the woven pattern of his being.
Over the course of the battle, Aya collected those images, like a scrapbook of the people around her. She mended seams, knit and wove, spun thread, molded clay. Every once in a while, she was too late. The knitting had too many missed stitches, too many loops had come loose and it all unraveled beneath her hands. Every time, she mourned with her whole heart. Grieved until it hurt.
If she kept her eyes closed, tuned into that other realm, she could watch the soul depart this world. Always drifting toward the sky like a wisp of smoke. The first handful of times she had witnessed it she had not been able to look away, frozen in place by some terrifying curiosity. Or perhaps it was the desire to see them off, on the chance that her guidance could provide one last comfort.
But she did not like to watch it anymore. It would show up in her dreams that night without fail, always with her hands reaching and that soul slipping through her fingers despite her efforts. Today, she did not need to give her nightmares any more material to work with.
⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆
Aya did not see Eris until the battle was over. The possibility of seeing him here, of seeing the worst, had haunted her every moment since she had arrived with the rest of the healers. She never had the heart to scan the lifeless bodies for his pale, freckled face, but she also feared that she would be the last to know if something had happened to him. There was a long list of people who would take priority first.
It was a strange thing, the aftermath of battle. The air was thick, relief and mourning twining together into something heavy and difficult to breathe. Celebratory laughter and singing clashed with the solemn sounds of funeral rites and grieving songs. Metal clanged as armor and weapons were moved and cleaned, soldiers lay resting wherever they could before the journey home.
Among the chaos, a glint of red captured Aya's attention and she turned to see Eris striding across the field, armor glittering in the sun and that crimson cape billowing behind him. Her breath caught in her throat as he pivoted and his russet eyes locked on hers. The relief was immense, almost painful as she drowned in it.
Even so, she was prepared to see him turn the other way and pretend he hadn't seen her, as he had done at the High Lord's meeting. And she would be content, just knowing he had lived. But he did not look away. Eyes growing wild, he turned on his heel and rushed toward her. He pulled off his gauntlets and let them thump to the ground, hands reaching for her face the moment he was close enough.
"Sparrow," He murmured, turning her head back and forth to look for injuries. He took in her tired eyes, swiping a thumb over the purple bags and lines of dirt. "I was afraid I'd find you here. I'm so glad you're alright."
Aya was speechless, staring up at him with her lips parted as she searched for words. She was still confused, her thoughts snapping back and forth between lingering anger and relief to see him. Her skin burned under his touch, under the eyes of those that watched them as she could practically hear the gossip forming on their tongues.
"I never got to apologize," He said in a rush, his voice hoarse. He paused, tongue darting out to wet his chapped lips.
Aya’s head throbbed. She did not have room for this in her mind, today. Not for the memories of their last conversation or for whatever game he was playing now, looking at her like she was the sun when anyone could see and overhear his pet names.
Her mind was still reeling from these last days, trying to process everything she had seen and heard and felt. There had been no room for hesitation and no place for her fear, all anxiety barred from her body so as not to weigh her down. Now the fear and pain rushed back in, like predators reclaiming their territory and she was nothing but a vessel for the conflict, barely holding herself together.
So, Aya let her gaze drop from his eyes and fall to the grass, breathing deeply in an attempt to placate the beasts threatening to tear her apart.
Eris watched, and she missed the understanding dawning on his face as he studied her trembling form. He swallowed the dozens of things he wished to say and put aside his desire to extinguish the nightmare that had haunted him since the High Lord's meeting. Later. He could say it all later.
As her eyes trailed back upwards, they snagged on Eris’s hurt knee, blood dripping between the plates of armor on his leg.
"You're hurt," She said, unable to resist despite her tiredness, "Let me heal you."
"Alright," He was still for a moment as he considered protesting. But right now he'd do anything to lift even a fraction of her burden, so he picked up the gauntlets and followed after her.
She led him to a quiet tent, only a few others inside, resting or bandaging fellow healers. A few heads turned at the Autumn heir, tall and regal. And then their stares flickered to Aya, the black sheep of the Dawn Court leading the way for him. She ignored them, as she was developing quite the talent for.
"Sit," She murmured, scurrying to find a clean rag.
Eris obeyed, sitting on the edge of a cot and removing the armor from his leg to reveal his bloody knee. He watched her trembling hands, chest aching as he imagined what she may have been through. The memories of his first battle had stayed sharp through the centuries, the desolation still so heavy after all this time.
"Aya," He said when she’d returned, keeping his voice soft.
Taking the supplies from her hands and setting them aside, he reached out and took her shaking fingers in his, gently pulling her in to stand between his knees. He rubbed his thumbs over her icy knuckles, grimacing at the dried blood under her fingernails. His power was nearing the dregs, but he still willed a bit of heat to the surface to warm her skin.
She looked up at him, such sorrow in her grey eyes, and when her chin wobbled, it broke him. Aya was strong and brave and could do whatever she put her mind to. But he would still choose to keep her away from this place, too full of death and hurt and blood.
"You did well, today," He whispered.
They stayed like that for a long moment, Aya standing in the shelter of his body, absorbing his heat and all the comfort he tried to emanate. This time as she closed her eyes and took deep breaths, Eris's warmth began to wash away the terrible things she had seen. The ways she had failed. The lives that had slipped into the afterlife while she had no choice but to watch.
The burlap tent dimmed the sunshine, beams of light sneaking through ripped holes in the fabric to dapple Eris’s skin. Between those golden spots and his whiskey-brown-sugar scent, Aya could almost pretend they were somewhere else, under the canopy of the Autumn forest.
"Thank you," She murmured. Her eyes fluttered open and Eris let out a breath, relieved at the return of the steadiness he'd grown used to.
Heaving a deep sigh, Aya grabbed a cloth and began to wipe the blood from his skin. With the tender moment passed, the silence between them was heavy, charged with unsaid things. It did not help that the air was filled with the tang of blood and the cries of the injured.
Aya tossed the bloody rag into a bucket and closed her eyes once more.
Through the darkness, shapes began to emerge, that other world coming into view. Searching for his essence, she found the woven texture of Eris's tapestry. It appeared before her in all its loveliness - a gorgeous scene of Autumn woods, adorned with thread that shone like rubies. She had seen it a dozen times by now, but she was always captivated by it's beauty. By the secrets hiding between the threads.
She desperately wished to know the meaning of all of them. The hounds and the maple leaves were clear enough, but what of the birds and the chess pieces and the interlocking pattern cleverly hidden in the leaves of the trees? There were stories in all of them, pieces that made Eris who he was. Her hunger to know them had never lessened, and she was beginning to wonder if it ever would.
The section that needed fixing was interlaced with gold, and Aya found herself already equipped with a length of gold thread, wrapped around her forefinger like it was a spool.
She went to work, filling the gaps in the images and stitching down loose threads. Her magic eagerly rushed to the surface, still energized and ready. Its endlessness reminded her of the time of daily faebane doses to keep her powers from being revealed to Amarantha. The memory was bitter on her tongue, the horrid taste of faebane like a vengeful ghost.
At least now, she did not have to rush. There were no rows of beds waiting for her help. It was just Eris, patient and calm and not in any danger.
There was just enough golden thread around her finger to finish the job. But as she tried to find the end of the spool and tie off her work, she found it had wrapped in a loop in the exact place her golden band should be. Pulling on the string revealed it to be as unmoving as Edana's ring, as if it were attached to her skin. Aya tugged her hand back but the thread pulled tight, attaching her to Eris’s tapestry.
Again, she pulled, but it did not budge. A pulse traveled back down it, sending a tingling feeling through her hand, as if the tapestry had tugged back.
What was this? This was like no healing she’d ever experienced. Once more, Aya yanked as hard as she could, and heard Eris make a choking sound in front of her.
Her eyes snapped open. She was met with the image of Eris, his brows furrowed in confusion, a hand resting on his armored chest. Aya's heart stuttered, her throat closing with her rising panic. Time seemed to slow to a stop, and through the blood rushing in her ears, she heard his heartbeat. Her own echoed, calling back like a songbird.
"What's wrong?" she whispered, afraid of the answer.
"A chest pain," He said, and he shook his head, any suspicion clearing from his mind. He was oblivious.
Aya could not breathe. She closed her eyes again, willing her lungs to fill with air, and she could still see that golden thread, bridging their tapestries. She dared not pull it again, not with Eris right in front of her.
Had she done that? Had she made it herself? Was she that powerful, that she could forge a bond with her own hands?
"Are you alright?" Eris asked, eyes flicking back and forth between hers.
She ignored him, thoughts whirling faster and faster. She couldn't look at him anymore. His gaze burned, burned like fire and it hurt. The space between them was painful and her body was crying out for her to close the gap, to weave every thread of herself together with his and become one.
“I need you to go,” Aya swallowed hard. Eris opened his mouth to protest but she cut him off with an unconvincing smile and added, “I just need to lie down.”
He stared at her for a long moment, anxiety written so clearly in his eyes. It took all of the strength Aya had left not to tear away from his gaze, not to let tears rise to the surface and his hands wipe them away. The magnetic draw pulling her towards him only aided in confirming her suspicions and furthering her panic.
Finally, his lips drew into a tight line and he nodded.
“Please take care of yourself,” He said, slotting the armor back into place. At the entrance to the tent, he gave her one last glance before returning to the field.
Aya managed to wait until he had left to let the tears fall, dropping slowly to her knees and bending to let her forehead rest on the edge of the cot. What had she done?
She hadn't meant to do it. She had only been trying to heal him. Oh gods, had she trapped him, by accident?
All at once, everything that she was not flooded her mind. He deserved someone better. Someone less strange, someone people weren't afraid of. Someone smart and gorgeous with a mind for politics. Someone from Autumn, who Edana would love and welcome.
Trapped trapped trapped hammered against her skull in a steady rhythm. What had she done? Selfish selfish selfish.
She cursed her power over and over. It was not possible. It could not be possible.
And yet, she felt empty, her body acutely aware of his absence. The thread itched, begging her to chase after him and be closer. She had dreamt of a mating bond before, in the way that most young people did.
But this did not feel like a rose-tinted daydream come to life. This was another nightmare.
p.s. there is a metaphor in here that was especially fun to write if you can find it I'll give you a prize 👀
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sleepyelliee · 2 months
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taking a bath with jack marston.
౨ৎ SUMMARY... your favorite gunslinger seems to have trouble keeping himself together during the rough patch he is currently experiencing, so you decide to step in and tend to his needs.
౨ৎ RATING...fluff ! but, mentions of depression, implied grief, dirt, bacteria, nude body, alcoholism, scars, cuts, and bruises, implied financial situation, loneliness, implied to be shorter than him, GN READER. no 'y/n', just 'you.' Loosely proofread. established relationship.
౨ৎ CREDITS... thank you sooo much, @slversprngs for allowing me to use your jack drawings <3. you should definitely check them out because they make amazing art.
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You were familiar with the young man and his family who lived couple blocks down from your ranch and your father would trade different products each month with the Marston's. This soon became a way to know the teenage boy as his mother, Abigail started to invite your family to dinner every other weekend, an attempt to make her loner son have some friends since all he did was read books and help out his father whenever they did ranch work.
Abigail thought you were a good influence, you liked reading books and engaged in conversations whenever her or her beloved husband would ask about your hobbies or they observed how you would treat their son. The Marston's loved having your family around and soon enough you became a family friend, and a best friend to Jack.
All those memories and dinners with the Marston family soon came an end three years ago, when Jack's father, John passed away and soon after that his mother passed as well.
It changed the young man - crushed him to pieces that it altered his personality. The old sarcastic boy you knew was far from that now, he was quiet and only kept to himself with that stoic mask he displays to everyone.
It seems you were an expectation because he wasn't entirely closed off, he still spoke to you occasionally about the things he's doing in his life - aiming to kill Edgar Ross, a man who murdered his father apparently.
You didn't know what to say to that, two wrongs don't make a right. But, you couldn't stop the young man as he let his anger out about the whole situation as he spoke about it whenever he would lean against the railings of his porch and you would quietly listen to his rambling.
Opening the crunched up newspaper that was left in your mailbox messily caught you off guard. The retired federal agent, Edgar Ross was reported as dead - something you didn't want to take literally due to how sweet the young man used to be in the past, nor wanted to believe his words of murder true. You felt terrible because you knew that the true fate of the man before it took place and deep down you knew you could've reported it to the law.
That's what you repeated to yourself numerous times - never to ever interact with an outlaw, a gunslinger, a murderer, someone like him, but you found yourself stripping naked to wash the young man as you slowly got into the bathtub.
"You don't have to do this," The gunslinger repeated as he took a heavy inhale, trying to respect you in the best way possible without making this awkward, "You know you can leave, right?" He continued but any conviction seemed to land on deaf ears.
"Mhm, I know." You muttered, reaching over to grab the shampoo and rubbing it on your hands before massage it into his scalp. The built up grease from days or even weeks was noticable but you decided not to speak about it.
Jack feels guilty - not for the killing a man but how he's making you, a childhood friend of his clean him up like he's a baby. The alcohol in his system doesn't make the anxiousness fade away as he is afraid you'll judge him - you'll will leave him.
He doesn't know how long it's been that he genuinely felt so clean but he won't ever even admit a side of vulnerability despite the fact he allowed you to take care of him.
After shampooing his hair, you gently wash off the shampoo and rubbed conditioner on your hand before going in and applying it to the outlaw's dark hair, causing him to hum. "What else are you goin' to do?" He questions as his gaze slowly meets yours, hoping you won't be grossed out.
"Do you want me to wash your shoulders? You...uh, can do the rest.." You mutter as your cheeks grew into a rosy red. Damn. He swears that look you give him anytime you get embarrassed will be the death of him.
Jack doesn't comment on it though, he silently reaches down and takes hold of your waist and pulls you closer. "Don't stress it," The gunslinger mutters, slowly dipping his face in the curve of your neck. "Darlin'..? Love you."
Jack Marston was not a vulnerable man, but in this moment, he felt safe and secure in your arms.
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Thank you soo much for reading ! reblogs and likes are very much appreciated... please do not repost my work on any other platform. Masterlist
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serxinns · 3 months
uhhhhh i have an idea!!!
imagine class 1a (platonic or romantic, u can choose) with a darling who acts like a thembo (i mean ABSOLUTELY STUPID) and then it starts to affect their training and stuff, so they suddenly do better and the class finds out that their darling was actually really smart this whole time, they just act dumb because people liked them like that :3
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Your classmates knew you were a nimbo always wondering out the world without a care and it gives them gray hairs but they still love you
Whenever Bakugo is sarcastic with you or someone else says a joke to you, your brain goes into a loading screen and when you FINALLY get it it's already too late 😭 and he either pinch your ears or pinches your stupid adorable face telling you to stop being so stupid and you're just looking at him with either a blank face or just smiling "innocently"
You have this habit of cooking your head to the side like a dog curious about noise and they just head over heels Ochako squealed to herself blushing Kirishima covered his hold head with his arms making small mutters about how cute you are along with Midoriya
Even Iida couldn't stay strong to cute little you he couldn't even finish his lecture without trying to form a smile or covering his face with his mouth cause he wanted you to take him seriously whenever you left your notes he gave you his or offers you to study with the two of you alone together and if anyone of your classmates wanted to join he use excuse like "they need it more" or "I can only tutor one person"
Denki is always teasing and flirting with you he sees you as a flame twin the two of you would always do chaotic stupid stuff that would result in destroy the room or would get the two of you hurt and despise that the two of you would laugh it off, the class FORBIDS the two of you to be lab partners cause denki told you to put in the yellow chemical when it's suppose to be the pink one sero had to rush In and grab the bottle and throw it out the window where it exploded safe to say denki got scolded while you were babied
Momo is like a mama bear whenever she sees you do something stupid she'll quickly rush over there to the rescue and fight off or remove whatever is about to Harm you and hugs and nuzzles you against her to check and see if you are OK, she always packs a med kit whenever it's hero training or anywhere dangerous to patch up mostly you and your classmates up but mostly you buys you the most amazing and expensive gifts and always gushes and cherish over any gift you send her even if it's some crappy glittery macaroni with a glittery heart and an M in the middle she would put that up on her wall like its a trophy
Tsuyu is so sweet and patient with you whenever it's something you don't get she explains it the best way she can for you, she's obsessed with every little thing you do every time she's watching you do something or minding her business (like drawing, making origami, etc) she sighs dreamily observing and studying you like one of their study books whenever your near harm or in hair she wraps her tongue around you and quickly takes you to a safe place
One day in the common room bakugo and his gang were playing video games bakugo and Sero were yelling at each other to shoot at the zombies while Bakugo was on the edge of breaking the controller and killing Denki and Kiri, Sero wanted to tease you a bit "Hey y/n! What's the database that only pro heroes can assess?" Mina smacked his head while he laughed like a hyena "Stop teasing them it's not very nice! y/n bestie you don't have to" "It's the hero network!"
Everyone paused and silently looked at you with a blank stare even Sero shut his mouth while you were casually eating your snack you looked at them confused "Isn't that the right answer...?" "HOW DID YOUR DUMBASS KNOW THIS" "BAKUGO! be nice!" Before they could ask you any more questions you left with your snack in your right hand and your device in the other, ever since then your classmates started bombarding you with questions and you would answer them correctly without even thinking about it while your classmates were impressed they were also worried do you not need them were you smarter than they thought? Were you offended by them babying you?
So one day Ochako came up to your desk playing with her fingers and looking away "y/n how are you so smart all of a sudden?" You turned to her and smiled "I acted like this because everyone liked me being like this! People started bullying me for being smart so I acted a bit dumb then people would like me" The class heard about this and all hugged you (expect Bakugo) telling you that they like you the way you are smart or dumb
And now the class was more obsessed with you than before always asking you questions Denki and Mina begging you to be their study partner or to do their homework and they'll reward you with sweets but Iida would scold them for it the class would still love you even if you were a little dumb or smart it doesn't matter but you'll always be naive to their dark obsession with you
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melancholypancakes · 5 months
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I have more drawings :)))
Been literally 2 months in the works trying to post collector! Wally & Evil! Brienne
@cutepotatook owns the collector au and the Evil! Wally au belongs @krunnnnnch on tik tok
Warning: contains abuse and toxic relationships you if this bothers you don’t read it.
So basically, Evil! Brienne lives in the pocket dimension with collector and helper, she was saved by collector and in return is in service of him and an Assassin.
In Evil AU, Brienne used to be a gothic princess of the fae kingdom, until she met the wally of her world and his crew.
She naive and was kind to all, she was never evil or mean, wally was her best friends and at first she enjoyed being with him so when they started dating.
She thought nothing of it, she loved him and she thought he loved her….well until he destroyed her kingdom and her people leaving her with nothing.
Force into a marriage, enslaved, tortured mentally and physically and she doesn’t talk about the abuse she was forced to be a housewife and never left home.
And when she tried to leave wally gouge Brienne’s eye out, leaving her with an eyepatch she had stolen from sally from her act.
Eventually she tried to start a rebellion against wally and his crew with the help of y/n but in the end it failed as y/n died.
When collector found her universe, Brienne was chained in the basement in home, he gave her a choice to come with him.
He pity the poor girl and gave her a sense of mercy, she took up the offer and ever since then she’s been with collector.
Evil! Brienne used to be kind, loving and a bubbly person but after the abuse and the enslavement by her wally she turned into a cold, cruel and violent person.
Needless to say, collector and evil! Brienne relationship is like Undyne and Alphys from undertale
Mad scientist and warrior dynamic, I see them as friends to lovers type thing and Brienne and helper as good friends.
The rose eye patch was a birthday gift from collector ;)
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bloodcasket · 1 year
I have no idea if your requests are open, but if they are, could you do a smut fic of dom!ellie x fem! Reader. Where the reader left ellie in Jackson to go join the wolves, so now they're exs. At some point, they meet up again as ellie is out on patrol, and she kidnaps the reader and interrogates her on where baby's where abouts are? It would be great if it could be kinky as hell and maybe a threat of her gun on the reader, but whatever you are comfterble with, really! I love your work, you write ellie so well!.
PAIRING: Ellie Williams x Reader
WARNINGS: NSFW, prey/predator, nonconsensual touching, slight gunplay, threatening behavior, Dom!Ellie, bondage, Ellie kidnaps the reader, darker descriptions of Ellie, violence, ex-girlfriend Ellie.
WC: 3,008
DESCRIPTION: You leave a mark on Ellie after you leave Jackson to join the wolves. With her heart freshly broken, and her head full of rage, she makes a plan to search for you, and this time, she would get some answers.
A/N: I do take requests so no worries love! Your request is one of the best I've ever gotten omg, thank you so much for letting me write it. 🖤 I love writing darker Ellie fics, this is such a perfect concept. Hope you enjoy it, thank you again for your wonderful idea, and sorry for being so late! <3
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It had all happened so fast. Too fast for you or the group you traveled with to comprehend. A massacre that had been displayed right before your eyes. The blaring sounds of pistols and other weaponry had echoed through the air, still ringing freshly in your ears. Ringing with the chime of demise.
You couldn’t comprehend much, only utter fear and the rich course of adrenaline that had struck you. With a quick dash of your feet, you stumbled and fell underneath the coverage of a pile of rubbish, the towers of cardboard boxes and boards of wood had hidden you.
“There’s a girl! Don’t let her escape!” you can remember them yelling at you, their eyes so full of life and strive just moments before their tragic end.
You kneeled in the wet mud, your lips drawn in a thin line, and your eyebrows creased as you processed the situation. They were all dead. Every last one of them. Their bodies were limp amongst the wet ground, the rain downpouring from the sky had sloshed away the grime and thickening blood that coated their still figures. It was petrifying to see. Even more petrifying knowing you had been the last. You trembled at that brutal thought.
The last life to be taken.
“I know you’re out there”, the voice of a women draws closer, initiating a terrible fate for you. “Come out, you fucking coward!”, she sounds like a bloodthirsty fiend, waiting to brutally attack. Her voice held a wicked similarity, and it gave you gooseflesh. You didn’t understand why.
Her steps are near as you stay crouched against thin patches of grass, your shaking eyes searching around you in hopes to find an escape plan. There had been multiple areas with a possible gateway to safety, but there were chances she would catch you before you reached them. Your feet would be too loud, and you would be in line of sight if you even thought of sneaking across the road.
So, with best interest, you eyed the deteriorating house to your left, examining the windows. The ones on the lower floor had been broken, glass shattered and littered across the desolate lawn.
Maybe, you could sneak through the wrecked windows and slip through the house toward the backyard. There was no guarantee in this matter though, and chances of the homicidal maniac catching you was high, but it was better than nothing. You would do what the rest of the WLF hadn’t done. Run. Run for your life.
With a racing heart and a jagged breath arising from your throat, you positioned your feet. You gave it a couple of seconds, listening closely to the way your enemy pattered around in the wet street, trying best to predict when you should really make a run for it. You readied yourself, repeating prayers of hope in your brain.
Another step closer, and then another, and then…you bolted, the soles of your shoes becoming slick against the brackish mud-water, almost causing you to slip from your recklessness, but you caught yourself just in time. You were dashing toward the open windows, your feet accelerating you from a velocity you never imagined you could reach before, but it all made sense from your reaction, as you soon heard another pair of feet charging up from behind you. Pure panic had carried you.
“Get back here! Don’t you fucking run!”, she curses for what feels like the hundredth time, showing she’s finally caught you after desperately searching for you. Fortunately for you, you’ve already taken grip of the rotting window ledge, jumping through the gap, and falling to your knees as you land inside. You brace yourself as you scramble to your feet, expecting the malicious women to jump inside with you, but instead, everything is quiet.
There is no cursing, no pistols blazing, and not even the slightest sound of feet shuffling. It was all too good to be true to think you had lost the girl, but you still credited yourself for successfully making it inside. It was almost comedic to assume you duped the one who annihilated every wolf on your patrol.
It all didn’t matter anymore though. Here you were, and you were alive. What was important was finding a way out now, and far away from this battlefield of bloodshed.
Cautiously, you snuck through the collapsing house, your soft palms holding tightly onto the splintering walls as you watched your every corner, just waiting for something to grab you. Every creak and wail of the wooden floorboards sent a rupture of horror through you, and you paused in-between steps, swallowing your paranoia just for it to repeat once more.
‘Where did she go?’ is what you were thinking with utter vexation. ‘Did she really just let me escape?’.
Every turn was another hall of swallowing darkness, and a putrid smell had lingered in the house, almost as if it was aged from all the water bubbling up in the ceiling. The house was a maze of terrors, and mother nature had taken its course with it. Vines were crawling against every crevice or surface, ripping apart the wallpaper. The once velvety couch that sat in the living room was now torn and tattered, its cushions soiled and veiled with dust.
It is sad to imagine what this house used to hold, what caused such a comforting place to become such a horrific landscape for you.
Light pooled into a room as you entered it, yet another broken window to crawl through. This time, it was one that could lead you to the back. Just the thought alone made your heart race, mostly from accomplishment. You crept closer, all your intimidating theories dissipating into nothingness as your eyes took view of the outside again.
But, freedom came just as quick as it left, being that two hands lurched from the darkness and scooped you up into its haunting embrace, whispering "Found you".
“Quiet” she mumbled into your ear; her breath hot against your skin. You shook like a leaf against her tight hold, feeling her draw bruises into your forearm as she made sure you had no chance to escape. “Easy,” you managed to squeak, wondering why she hadn’t slit your throat yet.
“I told you to be quiet” she snarled once more, and just like that, a pulsing sensation rippled through you and to your neck, aching terribly until it became numb there. The light from the window cascaded into a hazy image, and the world around you soon faded to pitch black.
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The sound of faint muttering is what wakes you, and your once sealed eyes flutter open, soaking in the atmosphere that lies around you. It is a bleak room, a couple of toolboxes flipped over in a corner, its supplies spilling out and rusting against the concrete ground. It’s so grey and depressing, and you’ve come to realize that this grim room is indeed a basement. The basement?
You search around desperately to find an answer as to why you were in here, or as to what happened. All you can fathom is the fact that you tried to escape, and you quickly got caught. But what else? You can’t remember what happened after that. Only the deep ache that has swelled up on your nape remains, reminding you that someone else was here with you. Watching you.
You attempt to move, but to no avail. Gnarly knots of itching rope were bound around your frail wrists, as well as your ankles, and with every twist and squirm you initiated, the pain only became worse. You had been tied, and forced to sit upon an old, decrepit chair. You were practically trapped.
“You awake?” a voice calls out to you questioningly, knocking you from your cocoon of shock. Your eyes turn to look in front of you, the once burning fury ignited in them faltered as the girl in front of you settled in your vision. A lump formed in your throat as you saw her standing there, the glint in her green eyes being oh-so-familiar.
She was a sight you had never imagined seeing again, but as you rationalize the situation, you think about your small observations prior. Her guttural shouts of fury, and her curses that rung through the air. How could you have not noticed sooner? You were ashamed for being so slow, or for not even catching a glimpse of who had slaughtered the whole WLF squad quicker.
“Ellie? What the hell is going on?” you whimpered with much confusion, locking eyes with her sharp ones. In her right hand she clutched the grip of her hunting pistol, the sound of the steel rattling in her tightening palms.
It was questionable as to why your ex-lover was here, but even more questionable knowing she was responsible for tying you in this demented basement, making you vulnerable to any of her wicked plans she brewed. It was a few weeks back that you left her, and it was understandable for her rage, but you never could predict a situation like this.
She used to be so sweet and nurturing, with her gentle smile and her mellow words, but now she resembled everything but that. All the memories of her affection and tenderness were washed away as she stalked towards you, a prevalent frown on her face.
“What the hell is going on with me?” the auburn-haired girl scoffed, now right upon you with her knees flush against yours “you gonna tell me what the hell is going on with you?”. She towered over your jittering form, watching you wiggle against the bound ropes with sneering amusement. Mostly from the acknowledgement that she held the power here.
Just minutes ago, you swore you had outdone her, but now here you sat, wrapped up and ensnared in her game of questionnaire. You understood it all now. She was here to seek answers as to why you left Jackson, and why you decided to join the wolves.
You are silent for mere seconds, feeling an unwelcoming mixture of stress and pain from the material that was turning your wrists raw. You opened your mouth before hesitantly closing it, not knowing how to tell Ellie the truth.
It was only until the cold barrel of a firearm pressed against the center of your forehead, causing you to start mumbling gibberish to your impatient ex-girlfriend. She only pressed further, the pressure of her gun slightly tilting your face back.
“I had no choice Ellie, they threatened me” you gasped, almost incoherently, “I didn’t have time to come back for you, it would cost my life”. The gun doesn’t leave your skin as the aggravated woman leans down to level her face with yours, her eyes slightly ajar and her eyebrows furrowed.
“Bullshit” she seems to not believe a word you say. “I swear” you fight back, insisting with a guilty quiver on your lips. She twists the pistol against you, grounding it into your precious flesh and watching your pores leak sweat with every push. One wrong word, and you swore she would pull the trigger, no matter what significance you had.
“You’re coming back with me” you gulp at her words, shrinking underneath her alluring stare, “let’s just forget this ever fucking happened. You belong back at Jackson-“. She pauses briefly, finally removing the weapon from your temple. There is an aggravated patch of skin marked there, the lining of the barrel engraved into your face.
“You belong with me, not those assholes” she finally continues, her tone stern and speaking those last words with offense. She stands there in front of you, awaiting another response. You soak in her last words, your body flush and sore from your futile attempts to escape.
“I don’t think I can” you shake your head at her in disbelief, “I could get killed-“
“Shut it” the way her octave lowers fills you with apprehension, her expression molding into something you can only deem to be malevolent. Unsatisfied by your answer, she paces back and forth, her sight still locked on you. Her converse scrape against the concrete with every step, the sound of the rubber permeates through the dank room with each glide of friction.
“I-fuck” her index finger is curling around the slope of the trigger, her tone proving how she’s not taking your reaction well, “don’t you love me?”.
Why was she doing this? Standing here, asking you this? Hadn’t she just provoked you with a firearm pressing into your head?
You’re silent for yet another time, the ridiculousness of her question seeming too foolish to even respond to. Of course, you had loved her. The many nights you lay with the soldiers, you would think back to Jackson. The simple nights spent with her. It was shattering knowing innocent moments like that were eradicated and left in the past.
This is the issue though.
You would try to move on, but Ellie? Her measly act of being casual and composed was easy to break, especially when it came to things like this. She refused to forget, to move on. What a vengeful mindset she had.
“Fuck it” with a huff from her chest, she thrusted her leg forward, her shoe colliding with the rotten leg of the chair you sat on and kicking it off without issue. For a second, only a creak was heard, and then, you felt wind brush along your back as you toppled downward and onto the dirty ground. The wooden leg was dismantled and split in two as it lay beside your head.
You bellowed out a cry of agony from the sudden action, the swelling ache centered on your nape only enrichening. You took too long to answer, and this was your punishment. God forbid what she does next.
“Why are you doing this? Just- please, just untie me” she circles you as you sob, listening intently to every syllable you speak as she lowers on her knees next to your glistening face. The whites of your eyes now red and irritated, and your pupils blown.
She almost felt bad for interrogating you. To see your face so full of fear is heartbreaking, but she was infuriated. She was devout to you, loved you with everything she had. To wake up and see you gone was everything but merry, and it continued. For weeks. You deserved this.
“Your last chance” she mutters, a perk in her lips after she says it. You swallow hardly, “last chance before what?”, and she shows you.
She arises from her crouched position to stand over your powerless form, her foot moving to shove in-between your sealed thighs.
“Tell me the truth” her shoe dips down provocatively, grinding circles into the seam where your cunt stays clothed. “You missed me, didn’t you? I bet you thought about me a lot, huh?” the lip of her converse is firm against your heat, pushing into you just enough for everything to burn into a teasing pleasure.
“I can make this easier for you if you just tell me-”
“Jesus- fuck Ellie! Yes, yes. I missed you a lot-stop it” your hands manage to squirm again as you whine, your raw flesh dissipating into numbness. Her prurient movements made you sensitive, and with every grind of friction her shoe gave, you felt your core vibrate a piercing pulse.
“And you regret going with those fucking wolves, right?” her voice is low as she talks, dragging a tongue across her lower lip as she taunts you. “I regret it!” you scream, thighs trembling as you tried best to squeeze against the unconsented torture Ellie was putting you through. “I regret leaving!” you repeat your words over and over, sighing shamelessly as you clench around nothing but burning heat for what feels like the hundredth time.
Forget the sense of rationality or composure now-Ellie had no problem in making you unravel from sensual acts, and how pretty you lay, thighs wrapped around her calve as you swallow her in.
It all became so embarrassingly arousing, the fear that seeped off you as your captor stands tall and concentrated, tempting you. Invigorating you. So wickedly close to grounding perfect circles into you all until she pulled away, a disgusted expression molding on her features.
Your head is lulled on the ground, grime smeared over the softness of your cheeks from your tossing and turning, and your chest heaving from your previous predicament. Was this truly her intention for capturing you? To weasel her way inside, make you melt like putty from her touch? A touch that you had been deprived of for a very long time? How agonizingly clever of her.
You can’t observe much from your position, but you can sense her monitoring eyes, feeling how they rake over your weakened state. You hear a faint sound of shuffling in the corner, and of fabric colliding with the ground.
“You’re gonna have to prove it to me” Ellie mumbles, lowering herself down onto your lap, her two thighs straddling your motionless hips. Freshly discarded of her pants, she wiggles herself further up the curve of your chest, her inner thighs purchasing themselves just above your shoulders.
You’ve given up with your fighting, your ankles and wrists too beaten and bruised to endure yet another twist of your muscles. You were sore everywhere, and heated with desire.
“If you don’t mess this up, I’ll let you go”. Her fingers move underneath her, slipping past the flesh of her inner thighs and toward the material of her beige-colored panties, hooking her index into it just enough for her to push the undergarment aside.
You can smell the sweat that is lingering on her skin, all from today’s events. Her arousal rich in your senses as she’s positioning herself over your lips, forcing you to submit to her.
“But, if you do” her voice is practically a groan as your lips brush against the silkiness of her clit, her juices already slick against your nose, “I’ll have to fuck you up”.
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pierrotsmoon · 1 year
The Lost Boys with an Artist! S/O!
warnings- fem! reader terms, a lil OOC, nothing else!
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Being the oldest vampire in their group, David has seen artistic eras start and fade
His favorite art will always be yours though
From doodles to finished work, he enjoys whatever art you show him
David adores any work you do involving subjects of death, reincarnation and religion
If you draw him, he’ll act calm and collected, but you can see the faintest blush on his pale face
Looking through your sketchbook is like looking through a window to your soul to him, it’s like an honor
“Thank you for showing me your work, I’m so pleased you see me as beautiful enough to draw.”
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He’s so giddy to have a girlfriend at all
Flexible little dude, will bend in any direction, makes for the perfect live model
If you do draw him, he’s speechless for a second before immediately jumping around like a madman
Marko has the coolest patchwork jacket, and he always goes to you for more homemade patches
You always deliver, because the look on his face whenever he gets a new patch is adorable
Probably leaves little napkin doodles just for you!
“Look at what my girlfriend made for me!”
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Loves having a creative lover
 Dwayne is a romantic at heart, low voiced and caring
He definitely knows a bit about art
Has a bad habit of finding you drawing and just staring
Staring for weird amounts of time
But it's because of how enamored he is with you and your talent 
He often finds himself peering at your sketchbook 
But he’s respectful, so he’ll always ask before looking through it, carefully flipping each page to avoid tearing 
When he sees you draw him, he feels so eternally tender, if he had a working heart, it would be beating noticeably faster 
“I’ll admit I was staring, but I had no negative intentions.”
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My favorite airhead
Does not understand the first thing about art
But his emotional process is very easy
mmm pretty lady draw pretty pictures
Adores his gf no matter what, but creativity is really just icing on the cake for him
Paul is a fan of anything you make, especially anything he helps you with
By helps you, i mean he finds a leaf and hands it to you
Forever amazed by your talent
“Woah, you can really do anything!”
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Star is a naturally curious young woman, but being around only boys can get tiring
Having a girlfriend, a confidante and lover, outside of the scope of men is extremely liberating for Star
You two often draw together, she enjoys fantasy as a form of escapism, but also occasionally doodles little flowers for you
She would love it if your art scoped outside of the regular pen and paper, like embroidery or murals
(embroider her skirts with lil flowers)
Loves colorful pieces
Would be a big fan of abstract, or expressive work
“Your work reminds me of you, the essence of you.”
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Micheal is, uninformed on art to say the least
 He tries his best to keep up though!
Wherever you may be drawing, he’s always peering over your shoulder, jutting his head back right when you notice
Loves to give you little gifts too, mostly candy wrappers and pressed flowers
You always keep them in your sketchbook
If you ever draw him, he’ll get really happy, and also confused
Aren't there better people to draw?
Reassure him!!!!
“I didn’t know I was ‘muse’ material.”
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aheathen-conceivably · 8 months
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Violette, Josephine, and Giorgio spent the rest of the afternoon surveying the meager commercial offerings of Strangerville. They looked into every shop window and meandered down each street, showing their new home to Violette and enjoying one another’s company.
As the sun began to tilt ever closer to the tops of the red rocks, Violette started to grow visibly tired, so Giorgio led them to his farmhouse at the edge of town. As they drew closer, Violette’s steps continued to slow, so Gio picked her up to carry her the rest of the way as she dozed off on his shoulder.
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As they approached the house, they spotted Antoine on the porch, smoking a cigarette and surveying the surrounding desert. Violette seemed to sense his presence and her eyes sprung open, insisting on being put down so she could sprint toward him. He immediately kneeled down into the sand to pull her into a hug, “Well now Miss Violette, I do believe I’ve found your room. Would you like to go and see if it’s up to your standards?”
She shook her head in giddy agreement and Antoine threw Gio one last thankful look before he picked up Violette to carry her inside.
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Now alone with Giorgio for the first time since she arrived, Jo’s eyes began to linger on the peeling sideboards and sheet metal roofs shivering in the hot sun. Giorgio looked down at her hopefully, and she returned his gaze with a lifted eyebrow, no need to convey her trepidations with much else. Gio offered her his hand and led her across the porch, through the yard, and to the smaller home where he had been living. 
They stopped at the front door, and Gio turned back to her, “Listen, Jo, I hold no illusions that this is the home you want, but ever since I received Antoine’s letter I’ve done nothing but try and make it comfortable for you.”
She knew that now wasn’t the time for judgment, for fear or regret. So she gave him a small nod and he opened the door to the cabin, which smelled of strong alcohol and sunbaked wood.
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They entered straight into the living room, where she tried not to notice the cracks on the walls or the thinning lace curtains. Gio kept her hand firmly in his as he led her to the bedroom door. As he opened it, Josephine realized with a jolt that it even shabbier than the previous room; one whole wall was covered in nothing but newspaper, and the patches elsewhere told her that one day the rest would be as well.
To the right was a corner already set with some of her belongings and the drawing of her mother that she had mailed in a carefully wrapped package weeks before. She let go of his hand and walked toward it, running her hand along the nearby vanity, which had already been lovingly arranged with her jewelry, new magazines, and a fresh flower.
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He watched her hand move along the weathered wood, but stayed distant as he spoke, giving her space to take in the room on her own, “I restored it for you, Jo. I never thought I could, honestly, but there isn’t shit to do here but drink or work. So I found it, torn to shreds and thrown on the side of the road, and restored it for you, just hoping that you’d write, that you’d be here one day to use it.”
His expression was so earnest that it almost pained her to look at, even in the reflection of the mirror. He made no effort to hide his worry and pain or the flashes of desperate happiness that she was standing there at all, bedecked in pearls and makeup amidst the crumbling walls and stained carpets. It was impossible not to see the best of him in that moment, to remember all of the kindness and love that he had shown her while she withheld so much from him.
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She let her hand linger on the dresser for a moment more before she went to him. He immediately threw his arms around her and she felt his entire body relax in relief. As he brought his lips to her neck and hands to the buttons of her shirt, she closed her eyes; still through shut lids she could see the room around them.
No regrets, Jo. You told yourself no regrets. Just don’t look back. Never look back.
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jamisonwritestf2trash · 4 months
In the spirit of Valentines Day, I come bearing headcanons. Specifically, the mercs favorite flowers, plus how they'd react to getting said flower as a gift! Also, bonus Miss Pauling because I like her too.
Demo- Buttercups
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I'd like to think that when Demo was younger, he lived in a house near a field that had wildflowers. Like he could look out his window and just see flowers, and out of all of them, he found himself being drawn to buttercups. I think yellow is his favorite color, so he was naturally drawn to them based off color but something else draws him to them that he can't describe.
He will cry if he gets a bunch of these. He knows that buttercups aren't a traditional flower to get in a bouquet which means, the person giving him them had to, not only remember whatever one off drunken comment Demo made about his favorite flower, but also had to go out and spend time picking flowers for him.
Engie- Hyacinths
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I think he’d be a big fan of hyacinths because they were his mom’s favorite flower and now, seeing them reminds him of her. He may have not had a great home life growing up, but something about seeing small things to remind him of his old home does make him very happy. He likes blue hyacinth more than any other, which do represent loyalty and patience, so that’s fun!
If he receives flowers he’s immediately a little pink, the whole, “Aw, you shouldn’t have.” schtick, he is very happy to have received any gift at all. Not happy about how out of the way this must have been, but knows better than to argue when presented with a gift. He likes how they, at least a little bit, brighten up his work space. 
Heavy- Marigolds
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I genuinely think he just really likes how they look. No deeper meaning. He just thinks that they are one of the prettiest flowers he’s ever seen, and he adores them. I think he really just likes flowers in general, and it’s hard for him to pick a favorite. This man just appreciates the beauty of the world! I think he is a little drawn to the color and shape, he thinks it's such an interesting flower. Something about it is unique in a mundane way. I also just think he’s read a lot of books on flowers and plants and has always been drawn to them.
If he got flowers as a gift he would be very appreciative. I think at first he wouldn’t really realize someone put the effort into buying him his favorite flowers. I like to think that his sisters would pick wildflowers for him when he was younger and he would always be appreciative of the “Thank you for thinking of me, this is the eight time this week you brought these, where are you finding these.” type of way, so he’s conditioned to feel that way at the sight of flowers as a gift, but is genuinely very happy when he realizes that someone remembered his favorite flower and bought them for him, small things mean a lot to him.
Medic- Chrysanthemums
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Similar to Heavy, he is also a big fan of plants and flowers! I think he definitely minored in botany at one point after developing an interest. I think he actually grew to love chrysanthemums specifically because when he was going to college, he found that there was a small patch outside his dorm window, and he would occasionally watch the flowers moving, the life around them just living. He used watching the flowers as a break, a distraction, so his mind just associated them with good times.
He is posed with a… situation. He appreciates the gesture immensely! But… he does have birds, and as smart as the birds may be, they are still a little stupid, and he would prefer his plants NOT to be eaten. Also, he can’t risk coating his gift in blood, despite how much he loves the stuff, he knows that a blood bath probably isn’t the best for flowers. Fret not, however! He most likely keeps them in his room, or in a common area. He is very meticulous in caring for them, if he puts them out, the gift giver may see him watering and caring for the flower as often as he can between his other work. Maybe a bit more stress than originally worth it, but he definitely appreciates the effort!
Scout- Roses
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Scout is a fan of roses, like his mother actually. He isn't aware of the symbolism of the color of roses though, he just always knew orange was his favorite color for roses, for some reason. It's just interesting that orange roses can represent energy and pride.
If he finds himself on the reviving end of these roses, he will get very defensive. He totally doesn't like them, why would you get him these, he doesn't want them, no, no no wait don't take them back- He keeps those flowers around until they rot, and even then he doesn't want to give them up, he loves the gesture.
Sniper- Tiger Lilies
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Sniper likes flowers well enough. He’s more of an animal fan than anything, but he can appreciate the beauty of nature in all forms. I wouldn’t say tiger lilies are 100% without a doubt his favorite, I think he just likes seeing them a bit more than others. They represent prosperity and positivity, and he’s fine with having a little bit more of that in his life at any given time. Might give a half smile at the sight of one,
Hey, no, no no no, HE is the gift giver! Very uncomfortable receiving gifts. He’s appreciative, yes, but it;s just very hard for him to express that! People remembering things about him is very…new. He’s already very quiet and reserved, so the fact that someone managed to remember something so insignificant (in his mind) is confusing, but not entirely unwelcomed. He’s not very good with plants, so hopefully the gift giver won’t take offense to the fact that they might already be wilting by the next day.
Spy- Lily of the valley
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A mix of a few things makes this Spy's favorite flower. I think Spy became attached to them after receiving them a couple of times. He attaches to them because any time he's given a gift, it changes a little part of his brain. Also!! Lily of the vally are symbolic of rebirth, and maybe Spy has always been ready for change.
If you managed to find out his favorite flower, you are instantly a threat (/hj) Spy does NOT like people knowing about things he likes, nor does he like them being “used against him” (<- having to feel an emotion one time), He’ll take them with the promise of not keeping them, so your money was a waste and you’re stupid for even doing this- he keeps them in his room along with the other plants he keeps. He loves the gift, like Scout, would rather die than admit that.
Soldier- Forget Me Nots
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Calling these his favorite flower is almost a stretch, I don't think he particularly cares for flowers. I just don't think he really pays attention. But if he finds himself sitting on the ground, most likely with Demo, his eyes will be more focused on these than anything else.
If given as a gift, he doesn't really understand what the sentimental value is supposed to be, but he is grateful for the present. He most likely keeps them on his nightstand or somewhere where he can see them regularly. He enjoys looking at them and reminds him he's being thought of.
Pyro- Daisy
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If given as a gift, immediately joy! They will definitely reciprocate with flower crowns made from the daisies. Just enough for it and the gift giver to have matching ones. They definitely like being given flowers to make crowns with, but much like Soldier, probably doesn't exactly understand the sentimental value of someone remembering/gifting it's favorite flower
It adores daisies! Something so simple but so beautiful makes them really happy. It really enjoys them and definitely always has some laying around either in a vace or just lying around. Gives them in all forms as gifts regularly, either by leaving them in the places each other merc is at the most, or by giving them it directly.
Miss Pauling- Lilac
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Probably not the most original, but whatever! I think her favorite time of the year is a mix between spring and summer already, and when it's just getting hot enough to have warm, breezes and flowers blooming, she KNOWS lilacs are going to come out and she is so excited!! She loves the smell more than anything, the sights are also beautiful and make her very happy.
She never really gets flowers as a gift, who would have guessed, but she is overjoyed if someone gets her a bouquet of lilacs. Something about people remembering her favorite flower makes her feel... cared for and just a little less stressed out. She will smile at those flowers each time she sees them.
Went heavily on the symbolism, hm?Anyways, I am SO glad I finally wrote something and that I feel motivated again. Hope you guys liked them! Now, I'm going to bed.
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cultofdixon · 10 months
Sharing is caring
Daryl Dixon x Reader x Rosita Espinosa • She/Her Pronouns • They’re best friends…and you are theirs. • NSFW - Oral (F Receiving) / Hickeys / Biting / Face Riding / Missionary / Grinding / Fingering • TW: Canon Violence Mentioned / Injuries / Scars
Requested by: Anon
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It was nice…
No longer having to worry about Negan and the Saviors. The group along with the many communities they’ve become close with through the troubling times can finally thrive and work together. To make everyone feel safe…
Daryl couldn’t help the smile that would grace his face as he finally felt a moment’s peace. Especially with the help of his human ray of sunshine. She was perfect. Didn’t push him to his breaking point, but still never left when they both knew deep down he needed her. She’d always patch him up after their more hairy runs with walkers. Lay with him and listen to every word that comes out of him with this loving and invested gaze that draws him in. She’ll look at him the same even when no words leaves his lips. She made him feel so cared for during all the chaos, even before and after. She was there.
His sunshine was perfect
But he wasn’t the only one to have a special someone.
Rosita has her querida, her love. She never thought she could love anyone after Abraham or as much as she did before he ruined it. Then came this woman that has been in her life for some time and shook her. Showing her that she can love with reasonable hesitation and that she would never hurt her the way the past did. Her smile always brightened the room and she knew just the right words to get a laugh out of her. The way she held Rosita close at night, running her fingers through her hair calming every nerve from the day just by protectively holding her close.
Her querida was everything.
But everyone knew their partners as Y/F/N Y/L/N. A literal human ray of sunshine and always knowing the right words to say to anybody. She is the most optimistic person you’ll ever meet, and the realist. Even happy people have bad days and she’s not afraid to express how she’s feeling.
Everyone knew Daryl, Y/N, and Rosita were this unspoken trio that went on runs together and got shit done faster since they work the best together. Little did everyone else know that Y/N was seeing the both of them, romantically.
It wasn’t kept from either of them. No offense to the archer and the warrior but they can be jealous of things important to them. While Y/N was more of “who could only love one person” type without all the mess that can be a misconception or fact for some people of said type.
When they had gotten used to it, Daryl had said out loud once during their run that if he had to share Y/N with, he wouldn’t want anybody else other than Rosita. And she couldn’t agree more. They each have their boundaries and all live in the same house at Alexandria, with their own rooms. Some nights Y/N will be with Rosita, other nights with Daryl, and sometimes she’s by herself. There will always be time for alone time. Again, no one really knows even if Y/N is an open affectionate person while Daryl is not and Rosita prefers privacy…but if someone had to bring it up, it wouldn’t be addressed with hostility.
Love whoever the fuck you want (within reason of course)
Packing has always been stressful. The old world made it a hundred times worse but in the apocalypse, one has to make sure they’ve got everything. Flashlight, knife, first aid, canteen…depends on the trip one would go on. In this case, Y/N was packing to head over to the Sanctuary and at a very late hour so that she’d have the morning with Daryl before she helps around then ultimately head back to Alexandria.
“Hey, mi amor” Rosita smiles leaning against the door frame as Y/N shot her a smile while she finished up. “You sure you don’t want me to drive you over there? I don’t mind one bit”
“I know you don’t. But you promised Rick you’d join him on the early run tomorrow morning. You need your sleep”
“Always so worried about lil ol me” Rosita laughs bringing herself into the room, wrapping her arms around her waist bringing her close. “I just want you to take the truck and not your bike. You’re not the smoothest biker”
Y/N tried to contain her laugh to an insult directed toward her as she turned around to hold her girl close.
“I’ll be safe. And if I eat shit, we both know Daryl will find me in minutes”
“I sure hope so or I’m going to have to kick his ass” Rosita smirks as the look on her face told Y/N for sure that she wasn’t lying. She will kill the man if shit happens.
With a quick kiss from her querida, Rosita let her finally leave before the light in the sky completely went out. Y/N started up her bike with her pack on her back as she had a helmet to ease both their anxieties. She gave her a quick sign of ‘I love you’ before heading through the gates once Eugene opened them for her.
The ride to the Sanctuary felt faster now compared to times before. Probably because they had to take the longer route to go unnoticed. Now it’s slowly becoming a community with Daryl’s help, which was a whole can of worms when he first told Y/N about it. The man would do anything for his brother, even risk his PTSD.
Daryl heard the knock on his door while he was drawing out farming plans for the Sanctuary. He waited a moment until he heard the familiar rhythmic knock that was a code for the two when they used to sneak around during the time they lived under the Grimes’s roof. He got up from his seat and went to open the door, instantly smiling to find his partner as she returned with her radiant smile.
“Hey sunshine” He continued to bear his smile letting Y/N in and closing the door behind her when his smile faded noticing the bit of a limp. “Did yea take another spill?”
“What? No!” Y/N lied setting her helmet down on the counter of the kitchenette along with her pack.
“Then why are yea wearing fresh pants?” Daryl crosses his arms leaning against the door waiting for her to admit it herself as all he received was a scoff to begin with.
She next went into her pack pulling out the torn jeans as she didn’t see the pothole on the way in and only ended up with road rash. Thankfully. Daryl helped her out of the pants she was wearing to cover up the fact as he went slow to avoid the open wound already sticking to the pants to cause more discomfort. As Y/N situated herself on the bed, Daryl tossed her pants on his chair before getting his first aid and cleaning it up then applying a bandage.
“Gotta get yea a new bike. Or force yea to take a car next time”
“Not my fault the pothole tends to win every fight”
“Mm. Can’t argue with that” Daryl finishes with the bandages and putting everything away. “She’s gonna kill yea”
“Mm. But if I tell her that you’re not as mad, she’ll direct her anger toward you” Y/N smiles as she brought her knees to her chest watching him roll his eyes fighting back a small smile. “Can I take the truck back?”
“Please, do.” Daryl exhaled a lot of the stress that built up from such, bringing himself to sit on the edge of the bed as Y/N uncurls herself to crawl on her knees to bring her beside him. “I’m glad you’re here though”
“You should come home soon. I’m slowly but getting there with my convincing to Rick. There are some trustworthy people here that could watch the place”
“Or get rid of it entirely” He frowns bringing his head to rest on her shoulder as she instantly kisses the top of his head.
The two went to bed shortly after getting ready for such and making sure she was settled as Daryl found himself comfortably laying on Y/N with his head on her chest after. He hums softly feeling her fingers run through his hair enjoying the feeling. He could lay there for hours and he did until he naturally shifted to be beside Y/N, bringing her into his embrace holding her protectively.
The Sanctuary didn’t get much natural light in their rooms as they were like solitary confinement. But the rooms still had that basement size window that gave just enough natural light to fill the room.
Y/N felt the warmth from the light hit her face but there was more happening as she felt the heat rise in her cheeks. A breathy choked off moan escaped her lips feeling his nose brush against her clit while his tongue lapped at her sweetness between her folds. Guess he had other plans in mind this morning. She felt her core build up as she instinctively bucked against his face when she felt the cord snap.
“Fuck…” Y/N moans, getting comfortable once again in the bed as Daryl brought himself out from under the covers releasing her panties back into place after pulling them aside just enough to enjoy his “breakfast”. “That better not be it, my love”
“Mmm…‘course not, sunshine” He smirks bringing his lips to hers as she could taste herself on his lips letting his tongue explore the inside of her mouth while his hands worked to completely remove her panties.
Once he did such, Daryl positioned himself in between her legs as he only parted from kissing her to catch his breath. Y/N brought her legs around him pulling him into her core as he got the hint starting to grind into her while he attached his lips to her neck.
“Dar…please” Y/N moans feeling the cord tighten as she wanted more than just the friction with his boxers.
“So polite” Daryl chuckles against her neck sucking on the spot to leave a hickey. “Be a good girl and tell me what you want, sunshine”
“God!” She moans feeling his dominant hand squeeze her breast through her shirt. “Please. For the love of god, fuck me!”
Daryl chuckles once more, pulling his lips away from her skin admiring the mark. “Okay sunshine. Rid yourself of your shirt while I get a condom” he pulls away entirely getting out of the bed, taking his boxers off as Y/N got a bit distracted staring at his naked form…tracing his image with her eyes admiring every scar and freckle she could see.
As Y/N started to get her shirt off, Daryl climbed back into the bed pulling her by the legs the second she got her shirt off…her core instantly meeting his dick as she lays back watching him align himself at her entrance glancing up at her every inch he pushes in.
“Fuck me…” Y/N moans hitting her head back against the pillow as Daryl smirks bringing his arms on both sides of her head reconnecting their lips while he started a slow pace.
As he gradually got faster with his thrust, he couldn’t help his own moans from escaping…especially when he hit the right spot that practically got Y/N screaming when his lips weren’t on hers. She held onto his shoulders being carefully not to dig her nails in, not like he’d mind. But as she felt the cord tighten again and Daryl felt her walls clench around him, they were both close.
“Fuck, you feel so good” Daryl groans, picking up the pace and going a bit rougher the closer he got.
“Daryl. Please. Fuck!” She moans feeling him slam into her as she gripped onto his shoulder blades when the cord snapped and her walls clenched tightly around him.
That drew a low moan from his chest as he reached his climax spilling his seed into the condom. He lays on top of her a moment to catch his breath while Y/N didn’t mind him laying on her as she gently caresses his back listening to him sigh contently.
“Should we get started with the day or…?”
“Mmm it can wait a few minutes”
More like an hour. The two took a shower to clean up before getting started with the farming plots Daryl drew up. Y/N took one of his shirts hostage and let him re-bandage her leg before going to get some ex-Saviors to help.
Once the day was finished, Y/N tossed her pack in the bed of the truck before approaching Daryl with a smile and kissing him goodbye. But he held her close for a little while longer.
“Don’t cause too much trouble, or imma have to come back”
“Maybe I want you back”
“Soon, sunshine” Daryl smiles giving her one more kiss. “Soon”
And with that Y/N made her way back to Alexandria, waving at Gabriel when he opened the gate for her. She parked in front of the house and was instantly met with Rosita’s warm embrace. Y/N tightened her arms around her hiding her face in the crook of her neck as Rosita rubs circles on her back.
“He knows mi amor. I know he does” Rosita frowns wishing Daryl would get the hint that her visiting him at the Sanctuary was a bit triggering. Given what they both been through during the war. Then there’s Rick who made the mistake of having him watch the place. “Come on, I can cheer you up”
“Oh yeah?” Y/N parts from her, her smile returning as it brought warmth to Rosita’s heart as she couldn’t help but kiss her partner before leading her inside.
While Y/N went to put her things away and get undressed, right before she got into something more comfortable Rosita approached her from behind wrapping her arms around her naked form pressing a kiss to her shoulder.
“How about we take a shower? We’ve both worked hard today…a nice hot shower sounds nice right about now”
“The only hot thing about such is going to be us. When’s the last time we had hot water?”
“Hmm. I’m not entirely sure. But you’re very right about the hot thing” Rosita smirks kissing her shoulder then her neck while moving her hair aside to continue kissing her exposed skin. “I’m all ready for you, sweetheart”
“Hmm…that shower will have to wait” Y/N sighs relaxing against her touch as her hands moved from her hips to her breasts gently groping form behind until she wanted to see all of her. Making Rosita suddenly spin Y/N and shoving her onto the bed. “Eager aren’t we, my love?”
“I missed you”
“I’m right here, Rose” Y/N quickly sat up taking her face into her hands crashing her lips onto hers as Rosita pulls her to the edge of the bed by the hips keeping her hands there. The two continued to make out then and there until Y/N parted smirking at her love. “Sit on my face”
“You have a way with your words” Rosita laughs gripping her hips softly as Y/N rolls her eyes keeping her smirk.
“I’m forward is what you’re looking for and I know what I’m craving” Y/N smirks kissing her once more before laying back and bringing her entire self on the bed waiting for Rosita to eventually climb on top of her. “I don’t bite”
“I know that” She scoffs followed by a smile. “I don’t want to crush you”
“Oh trust me, that’s a hell of a way to die” Y/N smirks as Rosita smacks her shoulder. “But I promise I’ll tap out if I get too high on your body. Trust me though, I can never get enough of your gorgeous self”
Rosita felt the heat rise in her cheeks but a cute little touch was the blush that met her shoulders that Y/N could never get enough of when she gets her blushing. Rosita carefully positioned herself above Y/N’s face as she wanted to go slow lowering herself but when she felt her partner’s hands find purchase on her hips…she’s getting pulled down.
The initial contact caused a gasp to escape her but it quickly turned into a moan once Y/N brought her tongue through her folds. She was slow at first with her tongue as her nose occasionally brushes her clit. With the way they were in the bed, Rosita couldn’t hold onto the headboard but she did lean forward against the wall. The side of her bed was up against the wall in the corner. So as she leaned forward she felt Y/N’s hands grip onto her hips to keep her in place but scooted down a bit so that she could continue to eat her out and start her licking and sucking on her clit. Rosita bites down on her lip to contain the moans escaping her, ultimately failing when she felt her release one of her hands bringing her index and middle to start fingering her while sucking on her clit. The cord was tightening and she tried to keep herself from climaxing too quickly but the way her slender fingers brushed against that spot made it difficult to keep it together.
When Rosita felt Y/N tap her, she couldn’t help the whine that escaped her when she didn’t reach that snap. But she was immediately tossed onto the bed and Y/N brought herself back in between her legs looking at her woman with a smile on her face before bringing herself back down to her core and returning her lips to her core.
“Oh fuck!” Rosita moans arching her back feeling one of her hands reach up to grope her breast as the other started to finger her again.
The way her fingers thrust at the same pace she lapped at her clit, the cord snapped and boy did it. Rosita gripped onto the bedsheets arching her back moaning louder than before as she reached climaxed. Her back falls back onto the bed as she panted watching through hooded lids, Y/N pull her face away sucking her sweetness off her fingers and brushing what’s wet on her lips on the back of her hand.
“Holy shit…”
“Felt good, baby?”
“Always” Rosita exhales happily as Y/N brought herself leaning over her body pressing her lips against her lips. “Fuck…how could yea tire me out before I could do anything?”
“I wanted to take care of my girl, and I ain’t done. Imma start a bath for you and of course I’ll join you” She smiles kissing her once more before climbing out of the bed as Rosita watched her naked form approach the bathroom.
“What did I do to deserve you?”
“Don’t know, but I’m glad I have you”
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