#pathfinder level 21
paperanddice · 2 months
Archdevil: Arbeyach
The archdevils in the Tome of Beasts have a similar issue as the demon lords did. Translating these powerful beings across systems reaches the breaking points of the different rule sets, as the power scales are strange. In Pathfinder, typical archdevils should be on the deity scale and thus beyond anything the system can support, so most of them won't get any creature stat blocks, instead just being statted out as gods. For 13th Age though, the scene is much stranger than the demon lords. All the arch-devils should be above the power of the regular devils, but the 13th Age pit fiend is a huge level 14 foe, the top of the standard power scale for the system. Even a weakening arch-devil like Arbeyach should be stronger than the greatest standard devil, so to stat them out requires going beyond the system's usual cap, which is a huge deal and a lot of effort. And stronger arch-devils would go further beyond it, so I think that even in 13th Age many of the archdevils are too powerful for proper stat blocks. Overall, the arch-devils may get much smaller treatment than the demon lords did.
But Arbeyach, as a weakened archdevil, will get a full creature stat block in both. He's the weakest of the archdevils, but still an exceptionally dangerous threat, and so only pretty high level parties can be expected to face off against the Swarm Prince and survive.
Pathfinder 2e
Arbeyach is the lord of decay, taking the form of insect hives. Locusts and worms are his imagery, but he has a deeply rigid and ordered mind and imposes that onto his followers and the world around him. He is exceptionally inflexible, even among arch-devils, and builds his realm in the model of a great hive, every single creature within it obeying a specific function and built to best follow it.
He is truly ancient, having come into being from a great swarm of vermin created by Baalzebub to devour some of the first mortal souls to reach Hell. These vermin fused to the soul energy, becoming something greater. Arbeyach was a vassal of Baalzebub for eons, before rising up and becoming a proper Duke of Hell through his victories and power. Over the eons however, his ambitions shifted and his views became more rigid and unyielding, unable to respond to changes in the universe around him, and eventually he weakened and was stripped of his title. Now barely stronger than a pit fiend, he must either grow or surely face destruction at the hands of a rival.
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Arbeyach Creature 21 Unique, Large, Devil, Fiend, Unholy Perception +38; greater darkvision, true seeing Languages Celestial, Common, Draconic, Infernal, scent communication 120 feet, telepathy 100 feet Skills Athletics +37, Deception +40, Diplomacy +38, Intimidation +38, Nature +38, Religion +36, Society +35, Stealth +36 Str +6, Dex +5, Con +7, Int +4, Wis +5, Cha +7 Scent Communication (olfactory) Arbeyach can communicate through pheromones with spawns of Arbeyach and arthropods (insects, spiders, scorpions, and similar invertebrates) within 120 feet. Mindless arthropods and spawn of Arbeyach cannot attack Arbeyach while within this range unless magically controlled. He can attempt to counteract any effect controlling an arthropod or spawn within this range as an action with the concentration and olfactory traits (counteract rank 10, counteract modifier +36). AC 46; Fort +38, Ref +34, Will +36; +1 status to all saves vs. magic HP 465; Immunities fire, poison; Resistances physical 20 (except silver); Weaknesses holy 20 Aura of Virulence (aura, divine) 120 feet. Creatures in this aura lose all resistance and immunity to poison. Any creature not resistant or immune to poison inside the aura instead gains vulnerable 20 poison and has a -2 status penalty to all saves against poison. Frightful Presence (aura, divine, emotion, fear, mental) 20 feet, DC 44 Speed 35 feet, burrow 20 feet, climb 35 feet, fly 80 feet Melee jaws +37 (magical, poison, unholy), Damage 4d8+16 piercing plus 2d6 poison and Arbeyach Rot Melee claw +37 (agile, magical, poison, unholy), Damage 4d6+16 slashing plus 2d6 poison Divine Innate Spells DC 44, attack +36 ; 10th gate, massacre; 9th dispel magic (at will), divine decree (at will), toxic cloud (at will); 5th translocate (at will); Constant true seeing Divine Rituals DC 44; diabolic pact, wish (1/year) Arbeyach Rot (curse, poison, virulent) Mindless arthropods (insects, spiders, scorpions, and similar invertebrate) are hostile to a creature, and it can't recover from drained until Arbeyach Rot is cured. Saving Throw DC 44 Fortitude, Stage 1 Drained 1 and can't regain hit points except by magic (1 day); Stage 2 Drained 2 and can't regain hit points except by magic (1 day); Stage 3 Drained 3 and can't regain hit points except by magic (1 day); Stage 4 Drained 4 and can't regain hit points except by magic; Stage 5 Dead, and the creature's body transforms into a hellwasp swarm. Vermin Breath [2 actions] (divine, poison, unholy) Arbeyach exhales vermin that deals 17d8 poison damage in a 120-foot line (DC 44 basic Fortitude save). A creature that fails this save is also exposed to Arbeyach Rot. Arbeyach can't use Vermin Breath again for 1d4 rounds.
He still has some power from his time as a proper archdevil however, and is something of a god. While his followers are few and far between, as the Prince of Swarms cares little for mortals and their individual minds, some few can still find the power this former archdevil granted.
Areas of Concern decay, vermin Edicts bring order and structure to existence in every way, eliminate disorder Anathema undermine the hive, promote individuality Divine Attribute Constitution (Arbeyach is inflexible, you do not have a choice)
Devotee Benefits Cleric Spells 1st: ant haul, 3rd: insect form, 5th: subconscious suggestion Divine Font heal Divine Sanctification must choose unholy Divine Skill Society Domains cities, family, toil, tyranny Favored Weapon spiked gauntlet
13th Age
Arbeyach is an exile from wherever the devils originated from. Apparently formerly some great power within the devil's structure, he now builds a great hive on the outer edge of the Dragon Empire, creating himself a new basin of power. He hates the disorder and chaos of the world, rigid and unyielding in his vision, and all he sees must conform to the structure and order of his ideal world. Few devils support him, lending more evidence to his lack of authority within their system, but some number seem to have been exiled with him and find a spot within his hive. His true goal is to turn the whole world into a single hive under his control, removing all individuality and conflict, but without the full structure of the devil hierarchy aiding him he must do it himself. Of course, with how powerful he is still, few could hope to stop him anyway.
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Arbeyach Large 15th level spoiler [devil] Initiative: +21 Creature of Legend Arbeyach can take two standard actions on each of his turns. He can’t use the same action twice on the same turn. Curse Bite +20 vs. AC – 75 damage plus 50 ongoing poison damage. Natural Even Hit: The target is also weakened as long as it’s taking the ongoing damage. A creature that dies while weakened this way bursts into an apocalypse swarm (see below). Miss: 50 poison damage. Diseased Claws +20 vs. AC (2 attacks) – 50 damage plus 20 poison damage. Natural 14+: The target also takes 20 ongoing poison damage. Contagion +20 vs. PD – Ongoing 75 poison damage and one of the following effects (determined at random): confused, stunned, vulnerable to all damage, weakened (save ends both). C: Vermin Breath +20 vs. PD (1d4 nearby or far away enemies) – 85 poison damage and the target is hampered (save ends). Natural Even Hit or Miss: An apocalypse swarm forms next to the target (see below). Miss: 40 poison damage. Limited Use: 3/battle, never two turns in a row. C: Cloudkill +20 vs. PD (1d4+1 nearby enemies) – 50 poison damage. Cloud: The cloud persists until the end of Arbeyach’s next turn. Any creature targeted by this attack takes 50 damage if it ends its turn without moving out of the cloud. At the start of each of Arbeyach’s turns, he can roll a normal save; on a success the cloud remains until the end of his next turn. If Arbeyach uses this attack while he has a cloud remaining from a previous casting, the previous cloud disappears. Apocalypse Swarm: An apocalypse swarm spawns where indicated by the power that creates it, obeys Arbeyach’s orders, and enters initiative 10 points after Arbeyach. See apocalypse swarm stat blocks at the end of this entry. Aura of Virulence: All attacks that deal poison damage made against nearby enemies are treated as if their natural attack roll was 5 points higher for the purpose of overcoming poison resistance. If the target doesn’t have poison resistance, the attack instead gains a +2 bonus to hit. Burrower, Flyer, and Wall Crawler. Devil’s Due (Grow Within): When you choose to add the escalation die to an attack against Arbeyach, he makes the following attack against you at the end of your turn as a free action. If you use the escalation die against him multiple times on the same turn, he does get to use this attack that many times. [Special Trigger] They Grow Within +20 vs. PD – 80 damage and an apocalypse swarm bursts out of the target. Miss: 20 damage. Fear Aura: While engaged with Arbeyach, enemies that have 216 hp or fewer are dazed and do not add the escalation die to their attacks. Resist Fire and Poison 18+. AC 30 PD 30 MD 27 HP 1330 Level 14 Apocalypse Swarm Swarm +19 vs. PD (1d3 nearby enemies) – 40 poison damage, and after the attack the swarm engages one of the targets. Natural Even Hit: The target also takes 20 ongoing poison damage. If the target dies while taking this damage, another apocalypse swarm bursts from its corpse. Flyer. AC 30 PD 30 MD 23 HP 130
Inspired by the Tome of Beasts 1. This post came out a week ago on my Patreon. If you want to get access to all my monster conversions early, as well as access to my premade adventures and other material I’m working on, consider backing me there!
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thecreaturecodex · 3 months
Sahkil, Tumblak
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Image © Wenard Gunadi
[Sponsored by @justicegundam82. The tumblak is one of several high CR sahkils that appears in the Pathfinder 2e module Night of the Gray Death, which does not have any art for the creature. Appropriately for an outsider of fear, it's mechanically terrifying, with a 100 foot radius aura of suffocation. Bring a tumblak to the table, and characters will die if it's not taken care of quickly.]
Sahkil, Tumblak CR 18 NE Outsider (extraplanar) This horrific creature appears as a floating, translucent mass of bodies, their limbs interlocked and necks bent in unnatural angles. They are forced into a vaguely rectangular shape, as if molded together in a coffin. The eyes of each form are blank and white, and their mouths are contorted into silent screams.
A tumblak is a powerful type of sahkil that represents the fear of enclosure. Although they are happy to bask in claustrophobia, they prefer to add the spice of suffocation when possible, and are patrons of everything from constriction to being buried alive. As such, they lurk in mausoleums, graveyards and other monuments to death while on the Material Plane. Although a tumblak is not undead, they often act as though they are subject to effects that calm or ward off evil spirits. Part of this is out of a sense of sportsmanship—tumblaks enjoy inflicting their horrific attacks on the weak, and then letting them live to spread the story and revisit the fear. Part of this is to bait undead slayers into wasting their time and energy, and seeing them switch from confidence to panic.
Tumblaks prefer to fight in enclosed spaces, using their incorporeality to drift through narrow hallways and locked doors easily. When on the hunt, they activate their gasping auras, which magically draws the breath from the lungs of their victims. Once it has at least one creature gasping for air, the tumblak closes the gap in order to use its look of fear, freezing the suffocating victim in place while they struggle to breathe. Tumblaks like to draw out their kills, and so use their slam attacks to batter enemies that resist their gaze and try to fight back.
Tumblak      CR 18 XP 153,600 NE Medium outsider (evil, extraplanar, incorporeal, sahkil) Init +5; Senses all-around vision, darkvision 60 ft., Perception +30, true seeing Aura gasping (100 ft., Fort DC 29)
Defense AC 32, touch 32, flat-footed 26(+5 Dex, +9 deflection, +1 dodge, +7 profane) hp 262 (21d10+147) Fort +13, Ref +19, Will +19 DR 15/good; Immune death effects, disease, fear, incorporeal traits, poison; Resist cold 10, electricity 10, sonic 10; SR 29 Defensive Abilities nightmarish ward
Offense Speed fly 40 ft. (perfect) Melee 4 slams +30 (2d12+9/19-20) Special Attacks claustrophobic nightmares, emotional focus, look of fear (30 ft., DC 31) Spell-like Abilities CL 18th, concentration +27 Constant—true seeing At will—arcane sight, fear (DC 25), nightmare (DC 26), telekinesis (DC 24) 1/day—greater dispel magic, mass hold monster (DC 27)
Statistics Str -, Dex 21, Con 22, Int 15, Wis21, Cha 28 Base Atk +21; CMB +30 (+32 disarm or trip); CMD 46 (48 disarm or trip) Feats Alertness, Combat Expertise,Dodge, Improved Critical (slam), Improved Disarm, Improved Trip, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Mobility, Spring Attack, Toughness Skills Acrobatics +24, Bluff +28, Fly +32, Intimidate +28, Knowledge (local, planes) +23, Knowledge (religion) +18, Perception +30, Sense Motive +28, Stealth +28; Racial Modifiers +2 Perception Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Infernal, Requian, telepathy 100 ft. SQ easy to call, ghostly grasp, no breath, skip between
Ecology Environment any land or underground (Ethereal Plane) Organization solitary or crush (2-4) Treasure incidental
Special Abilities Claustrophobic Nightmares (Su) A tumblak’s nightmare spell-like ability is especially pernicious. Any creature that is fatigued by its nightmares cannot have that fatigue removed magically unless the caster succeeds a caster level check against the tumblak’s spell resistance. Whenever a creature fatigued by a tumblak’s nightmares enters a stressful situation (such as combat or high-stakes negotiations), it must succeed a DC 31 Will save as if exposed to a tumblak’s look of fear. This is a mind-influencing curse, fear effect; the save DC is Charisma based and includes a +2 racial bonus from the sahkil’s emotional focus. Gasping Aura (Su) All creatures within 100 ft. of a tumblak must succeed a DC 29 Fortitude save or be unable to breathe. Creatures that succumb to the gasping aura must hold their breath until they leave the tumblak’s aura or begin to suffocate. A creature that succeeds this save is immune to the gasping aura of that tumblak for the next 24 hours. A tumblak can suppress or resume this effect as a free action. The save DC is Charisma based. Ghostly Grasp (Su) A tumblak is incorporeal, but can make Strength checks and interact with objects as if it had a Strength score equal to its Charisma score. As such, its melee attacks are not melee touch attacks, but their attack and damage rolls are modified by its Charisma bonus. Look of Fear (Su) A creature affected by a tumblak’s gaze is considered to be shaken and pinned. This lasts until it escapes by making a combat maneuver check or Escape Artist check against the tumblak’s CMD. This is a mind influencing fear effect; the save DC is Charisma based and includes a +2 racial bonus for the sahkil’s emotional focus. Nightmarish Ward (Ex) A tumblak gains a profane bonus to Armor Class equal to 1/3 its HD.
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monstersdownthepath · 11 months
Monster Spotlight: Bogeyman
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CR 10
Neutral Evil Medium Fey
Bestiary 3, pg. 42 (pic taken from Adventure Path: Extinction Curse: Legacy of the Lost God, pg. 79)
For years, FOR! YEARS! I’ve wanted to do an article on the Bogeyman. This monster has a very special spot in my heart, because around 10 years ago when I was just getting into tabletop stuff, I found a copy of Bestiary 3 on a game store shelf and flicked it open. After flicking past Behemoths and Asura, the most striking image to hit my eyes was what appeared to be a clown in a jaunty tophat and an absolutely menacing set of chompers. While by no means my favorite creature in Bestiary 3, my earliest memory of Pathfinder content was seeing that garish purple-and-red beast masquerading as a human, and as such the Bogeyman held a special place in my heart.
Which made it absolutely heartbreaking when my every attempt at extracting its picture from the PDF for use on this blog ended up looking HIDEOUS in a way my brain couldn’t reconcile with. As such, my first-ish exposure to Pathfinder languished... up until recently, with the release of 2nd Edition and a whole host of updated art for a WHOLE bunch of critters! While this Bogeyman isn’t my favorite--I’ll always love the bright purple bastard from 3--it certainly still portrays the mood of the Bogeyman in a way I enjoy. There’s plenty of Fey who cause fear for their own amusement, more than a few who eat it in some fashion, but Bogeymen are fear. They’re terror incarnate, they’re living nightmares, they’re the villain of a thousand stories and they know it, they revel in it, they wear it on their sleeves!
Bogeyman delight in finding singular victims and haunting them for days or even weeks, silently lurking under beds, within closets, in attics, or in basements, occasionally using Ghost Sound to create eerie noises, Darkness to cut the lights, or even Invisibility to quietly stalk their victims from their very own shadows until the haunted soul is on the verge of a breakdown. They’re artisans of terror, delicately crafting every moment of their target’s life of fear, plaguing them with Nightmares by night and by day whispering horrid thoughts into the victim’s ears from an invisible vantage point, making them lash out against friends and family to assure they’re entirely isolated when the malevolent Fey finally decides to end their lives. 
Like many creeping terrors, Bogeymen prefer to keep out of combat unless they’re sure they can win, remaining in the background otherwise. Unlike many creeping terrors, this should by no means make you think they’ll fold easily. They have high saves for their CR, DR 15/cold iron, and 21 SR, but their most infuriating defense is their ability to go invisible at will. Bogeymen are as maddeningly patient in combat as they are when seasoning their victims, flitting in and out of sight with Invisibility and exploiting their titanic +35 to Stealth checks to slither among combatants and find out where they’re weakest, physically and emotionally. Even an invisible Bogeyman can make use of its +28 to Intimidation checks to shake up anyone who can hear it speak as it waits for an opening, something it’s very keen on doing because as you may expect, Bogeymen are all about fear!
They live for fear, gaining Fast Healing 5 if someone within 30ft of them is suffering from any level of it. 30ft is, coincidentally, the range of their Deepest Fear aura, and illusion that shapes itself into the worst fears of anyone who views it. Failing a DC 25 Will save means you’re shaken as long as you’re in the aura, but succeeding the save renders one immune to it for 24 hours... but that just won’t do, will it? We can’t have someone NOT be afraid, so if someone succeeds and maintains a brave face, the Bogeyman disappears once more to Intimidate them, either through the skill check or with their claws. Their 1d8+1 damage claws aren’t really all that scary, but the burst of +6d6 from their Sneak Attack will probably make both the character AND the player jump. Both claws crit on a 19 or 20, and being critically hit by their claws causes Striking Fear to mount up. Failing another DC 25 Will save while already suffering from a fear effect compounds the fear, moving shaken to frightened, frightened to panicked, and panicked to paralyzed with fear (and thus vulnerable to being torn to shreds by Sneak Attack). While relying on crits is... well, unreliable at best, someone being hit even once while already shaken removes that person from the fight for several rounds, as frightened creatures must flee unless cornered, potentially giving the Fey deadly amounts of breathing room so it can recover and slip away... or savage a different, more vulnerable target.
Or just instantly kill someone who’s proven they’re a threat to it. For whatever demonic reason, Paizo decided to give them 3 castings of Quickened Phantasmal Killer each day! The moment it pops out of invisibility to Sneak Attack someone, it may be able to just take out someone else nearby with a glance! If your party doesn’t have any protection from fear, an encounter with a Bogeyman may go from tough to unwinnable in a single round.
If you can weather their initial Sneak Attack and have a way to counter their invisibility (like a sack of flour), things get much simpler. Adding onto that, anything that’s not afraid of them, either because it passed its save against the aura or was unaffected by it in the first place (in case you needed another reason to put Unbreakable Heart in your spell list), takes an enormous bite out of its offense and its defense and can potentially leave it floundering. Even with that weakness, Bogeymen still have access to Hold Person at 3/day to use against creatures they cannot terrify and Suggestion at will to manipulate them so they’re not ENTIRELY helpless against Paladins; keep that in mind if you’re going fey-hunting!
As a closing note, it’s a little funny to me that Bogeymen don’t actually have Darkvision, so their at-will Darkness--which would otherwise be an excellent tool to get in more Sneak Attacks--is just as much and impediment to them as it is to everyone else. It’s also extremely ironic that they’re not immune to fear effects, so any telepathic creature that succeeds against their Phantasmal Killer can turn it back around against them, potentially killing them with their own ability!
You can read more about them here.
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lilyblackdrawside · 2 months
Custom Operator kit for
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Loopshooter Sniper 6-Star
Elite 2, Level 90 Stats 1984 HP 662 Atk 170 Def 0 Res 70s Redeploy Time 16 DP Cost 1 Block 1s Attack Interval
Trust Bonus +90 Atk
Potential Boni 2 Deployment Cost -1 3 Redeployment Cooldown -4s 4 Attack +26 5 Improves Second Talent 6 Deployment Cost -1
Talent 1 Flash Strike On deployment, inflict Silence and Slow on all enemies in range for 8 seconds.
Talent 2 Pathfinders’ Teachings Attacks split on hit, one half returning to Patia, the other bouncing to nearby enemies up to 4 times, dealing 10(12)% more damage per bounce.
Skill 1 Headshaker
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On-Attack Charge, Manual 10/8 SP, 2 Initial SP [Rank7/Mastery3]
Fires an attack that inflicts a shift force strong enough to minimally shift each target and deals 210/240% Atk damage. Can store 2 charges.
Skill 2 Sneaky Trick
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Per Second Charge, Manual 25/20 SP, 15 Initial SP, 18s Duration
Trigger effect of Talent 1. Gain +80/115% Atk and deal +90/125% more damage to enemies suffering from a status condition for the duration. Cannot use Normal Attack when the skill is not activated.
Skill 3 Eliminate the Blind Believers
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Per Second Charge, Manual 100/90 SP, 75/80 Initial SP, 30s Duration
Passive effect: Patia gains 1 SP whenever her attacks bounce to a new target.
Attacks can bounce between enemies that have already been hit. Projectile Speed increased by +200/250% Increases ATK to 280/300% when attacking.
Base Skills
Base Skill 1 Irritation When stationed in a Trading Post, for each Sankta stationed in a Trading Post, Morale consumed each hour +0.15 and order acquisition efficiency +25%.
Base Skill 2 Fowlbeasts of a feather When this Operator is assigned to a Dormitory, self Morale recovered +0.4 per hour for each other Liberi stationed in the same Dormitory.
Module 1: The closer the enemy, the higher the damage dealt. (up to an increase of 15%) Def +30 ATK +17
Level 2: Def +36 ATK + 21
Talent 1 [Flash Strike] -> On deployment, inflict Silence, Slow and Bind on all enemies in range for 8 seconds.
Level 3: Def +42 ATK +26
Talent 1 [Flash Strike] -> On deployment, inflict Silence, Slow, Bind and Stun on all enemies in range for 8 seconds.
Trials: - Perform a total of 80 attacks on enemies afflicted with Silence or Slow with Patia.
- Clear Intermezzo SN-6 and have Patia defeat 10 enemies.
Module 2: After deployment, gain Camouflage for 7s. ATK +20 Redeploy Time -3s
Level 2: ATK +26 Redeploy Time -6s
Talent 2 [Pathfinders’ Teachings] -> Attacks split on hit, one half returning to Patia, the other bouncing to nearby enemies up to 4 times, dealing 10(12)% more damage per bounce.
The final bounce also splits onto another extra enemy.
Level 3: ATK +32 Redeploy Time -10s
Talent 2 [Pathfinders’ Teachings] -> Attacks split on hit, one half returning to Patia, the other bouncing to nearby enemies up to 4 times, dealing 12(14)% more damage per bounce. The final bounce also splits onto another extra enemy.
Trials: - Bounce attacks onto 300 enemies with Patia.
- Clear Side Story GA-EX-6 with a 3-star rating; You must deploy your own Patia and only Liberi operators are allowed for the remaining units.
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thepleasuregoblin · 1 year
Thinking about the Bladesinger wizard from 5e. What a cool concept with a terrible execution.
Ok so first off you don't get your wizard specialty until 2nd level so at first level you're just a normal wizard. At 2nd level you get light armor proficiency and proficiency with one one-handed weapon. You also get a Bladesinging sort of stance you can go into, more on that in a sec.
Now naturally since the high concept of Bladesinger is a front-line(ish) wizard, you're gonna try to maximize your AC. You're still a wizard after all, so your best bet is not to get hit. The light armor proficiency helps with this a little, studded leather gives you 12 + dex. However the Mage Armor spell gives you 13 + dex, so I guess you're saving a spell slot at least. You also get to add your int bonus as long as you're Bladesinging. Assuming a very lucky character generation with 18 int and 18 dex you can have up to a 21 AC at 2nd level. Pretty dang good, but unlikely that you'll pull that off.
Now on to Bladesinging itself. If you're smart you went with a rapier and prioritized dex (after int) so you can actually hit something. It works basically like a barbarian rage without the crash, and has the restrictions you'd expect: can't wear medium+ armor or shields, ends if you're knocked out. Also it ends if you make a two-handed attack, which is frankly wack. The bonuses you get are: add int bonus to AC (pretty good), add 10ft to your speed (not bad), advantage on acrobatics checks (cool I guess but why), and add your int bonus to concentration checks (you're gonna need it).
All these seems very neat at first, your wizard can hop up and chill with the fighters, you know, save some spell slots and do... Less damage than you would with cantrips, and die in a couple rounds cause you still have d6 hit dice and even 21 AC isn't going to stop you from getting hit like. 5-10% of the time at least.
The later features are barely worth mentioning. Extra attack at 6th level, at 10th level you can use a reaction burn a spell slot to reduce the damage by 5 x the slot level, and that one could actually be pretty handy, but kind of a hefty cost, especially since some spells will do better at defending you than this feature. Finally at 14 you get to add your Int bonus to melee damage while in Bladesong. That does let you put out some pretty solid damage with your weapon, but you still have to be in melee, and your 20+ AC is gonna do you even less good at 14th level than at 1st.
Overall, just play war wizard. Or eldritch knight. Or multiclass wizard/fighter. Or, preferably, drop 5e entirely and make a magus or something in pathfinder.
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soylent-crocodile · 11 months
Sleigh Beggy (Monster)
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(image taken from Ancient Magus Bride, produced by Wit Studio)
(I love Magus Bride a bit too much, tbh, so I simply HAD to convert Chise to Pathfinder's setting. The nature of magic in Magus Bride is fundamentally different from than in Pathfinder- the tl;dr being that all magic comes from a fey source- so I deliberately tied the template to Fey and changed the rules a bit. I wonder how a sleigh beggy PC would play out. If you're curious, the word "Sleigh Beggy" is a corruption of "Sleih Beggey", a Manx word that means something akin to a generalized "Faerie". To my knowledge, the sleigh beggy as a magically gifted human is entirely original to the manga.)
CR2 CN Medium Humanoid
Sleigh beggy are a rare quality arising in humanoids of many races; they are naturally attuned with the rich magic of the First World. This is a blessing and a curse; it draws magical creatures to the sleigh beggy and gives them a natural affinity for magic (almost all sleigh beggy are sorcerers, or have the capability) and for fey creatures, but mages and fey alike may wish to use the magic inherent in their body for their own purposes.  
Sleigh beggy typically run in the family- it is comparable to a recessive gene, something that shows up occasionally within a bloodline. These bloodlines also almost always carry the touch of magic in them, although this magic does not necessarily tie the beggy to fey.
How a sleigh beggy reacts to her condition varies. Many attempt to hide their condition for fear of being hunted; and indeed, few sleigh beggy survive past young adulthood, between the strain of their magic and the threat of being poached. Those who do pursue magic find themselves incredibly gifted, and many chose to live in the First World, where those who would use them at least have the courtesy to keep them alive and intact.
This red-headed young woman is followed by a cheerful sprite, but she herself appears incredibly tired and frail.
Misc- CR2 CN Medium Humanoid HD3 Init:+1 Senses: Perception: +7 Aura: Fey Magic 30ft Stats- Str:8(-1) Dex:14(+2) Con:8(-1) Int:12(+1) Wis:14(+2) Cha:21(+5) BAB:+1 Space:5ft Reach:5ft Defense- HP: 10(3d6) AC:14(+2 Armor, +2 Dexterity) Fort:+0 Ref:+3 Will:+5 CMD:11 Offense- mwk Quarterstaff +1(1d6-1) CMB:+0 Speed:30ft Feats- Alertness, Familiar Bond (B), Improved Familair, Toughness Skills- Bluff +10, Knowledge (Local) +2, Knowledge (Nature) +2, Perception +7, Sense Motive +5, Spellcraft +5 Spells-  1 (DC16, 7/day)- Alarm, Color Spray, Disguise Self, Grease 0 (DC15)- Ghost Sound, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Prestidigitation Special Qualities- Destined Bloodline, Familiar (Sprite), Fated +1, Feycharm, Magical Flesh, Touch of Destiny Ecology- Environment- Urban (Temperate) Languages- Common Organization- Solitary Treasure- Standard (mwk Quarterstaff, Leather Armor, Potion of Moment of Greatness, Potion of Cure Light Wounds) Special Abilities- Aura of Fey Magic (Su)- Fey creatures within a sleigh beggy’s aura of fey magic gain a +2 Morale bonus to skill checks and concentration checks and a +1 bonus to caster level of spells. Feycharm (Su)- The starting attitude of all Fey and creatures native to the First World towards a sleigh beggy is increased by two steps. Magical Flesh (Su)- A sleigh beggy’s body is imbued with fey power, making them detrimentally valuable. The flesh of a slain sleigh beggy can be used to replace 500gp worth of material per hit die of the sleigh beggy when crafting magical items, and a limb or major organ can be used to replace 100gp worth of materials.
Making a Sleigh Beggy
“Sleigh Beggy” is an inherited template that can be added to any humanoid (referred to hereafter as the base creature). A sleigh beggy gains the following abilities;
CR: Same as the base creature Feats: A sleigh beggy gains Familiar Bond as a bonus feat. A sleigh beggy with levels in a class that grants a familiar instead gains Improved Familiar as a bonus feat.  Additionally, a sleigh beggy who has levels in a casting class that does not grant a familiar gains the deliver touch spells, scry on familiar, share spells, speak with animals of its kind, or spell resistance special abilities for their familiar from Familiar Bond, and a sleigh beggy who wishes to take an improved familiar with the Fey type reduces the required level by 2.  Special Qualities: A sleigh beggy gains the aura of fey magic, feycharm, and magical flesh abilities, as above. Abilities: A sleigh beggy gains a -4 penalty to Constitution and a +4 bonus to Charisma.
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pathfinderunlocked · 8 months
Trinexx - CR17 Dragon
Who will survive, the monster or the hero? Arise, three-headed Trinexx! Now... consume the hero!
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Artwork by EricMHE on DeviantArt.
This creature is from The Legend of Zelda. You can tell because its name is so idiotic.
Trinexx is the boss of a volcanic dungeon called Turtle Rock in The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. Although it's an incredibly powerful monster (the second strongest creature in that game), all it can really do is walk around and use breath weapons. It has super high AOE damage output, but unlike Link, a party of high level Pathfinder characters can fly or manipulate the battlefield.
I recommend using this creature indoors, probably in a cave of some kind, to avoid the obvious high level solution of simply flying 200 feet up and shooting it until it's dead. But if your players are absolutely terrified of facing this thing head-on and instead just cast Widened Hungry Pit on it, well, that's Pathfinder.
It would make sense to have the linnorm heads rear back when using a breath weapon to get a wider area, and then lunge forward as a charge action when attacking. It doesn't provoke an AoO from doing this, and it helps make up for its somewhat low attack bonus.
A trinexx is essentially an oversized, unusually intelligent dragon turtle that's been magically fused with the heads of a tor linnorm and an ice linnorm. Some wizard probably thought that was a good idea. A typical speciment is 50 feet long, 30 feet wide, and weighs 80 tons. The top of its shell reaches 30 feet high, but the linnorm heads can reach an additional 15 feet above that.
The Legend of Zelda: An RPG to the Past has a bunch of additional Zelda content for Pathfinder 1e. I've also posted several other Zelda creatures in the past; just search for "zelda" on my blog using Tumblr's search tool.
Trinexx - CR 17
This long-tailed aquatic beast resembles a massive snapping turtle with draconic features. Emerging from two holes in its shell are long necks with dragon heads, one red and one blue.
XP 102,400 N Gargantuan dragon (aquatic) Init +2 Senses low-light vision, darkvision 60 ft., scent, true seeing; Perception +24
AC 36, touch 8, flat-footed 36 (-2 Dex, +32 natural, –4 size) hp 243 (18d12+126) Fort +19, Ref +9, Will +16 Defensive Abilities shell resistance DR 15/— Resist acid 10, electricity 10, sonic 10, force 10 Immune cold, fire, sleep, paralysis SR 28
Speed 20 ft., swim 30 ft. Melee bite +22 (4d6+11), 2 claws +21 (2d6+11) Space 20 ft., Reach 10 ft. (15 ft. with bite) Special Attacks breath weapon, capsize, lunging head
Str 32, Dex 6, Con 25, Int 16, Wis 20, Cha 26 Base Atk +18; CMB +33; CMD 41 (45 vs. trip) Feats Awesome Blow, Blind-Fight, Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Overrun, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (bite) Skills Appraise +26, Climb +23, Knowledge (arcana, dungeoneering) +24, Intimidate +29, Perception +26, Sense Motive +17, Spellcraft +24, Stealth -14 (-6 in water), Swim +40, Use Magic Device +29; Racial Modifiers +8 Stealth in water Languages Aquan, Common, Draconic, Ignan SQ amphibious, exploding shell, linnorm heads
Breath Weapon (Su) Cloud of steam 20 feet high, 25 feet wide, and 50 feet long, once every 1d4 rounds, damage 12d6 fire, Reflex DC 26 half; effective both on the surface and underwater. The save DC is Constitution-based.
A trinexx can only use its breath weapon if both of its linnorm heads have been killed.
Capsize (Ex) A trinexx can attempt to capsize a boat or ship by ramming it as a charge attack and making a CMB check. The DC of this check is 25, or the result of the boat captain's Profession (sailor) check, whichever is higher. For each size category larger than the trinexx's size, it takes a cumulative –10 penalty on this CMB check.
Exploding Shell (Ex) At the start of its next turn after both of its linnorm heads are killed, a trinexx's shell explodes, dazing the trinexx for 1 round but dealing 10d6 bludgeoning and piercing damage in a 200 ft. radius burst. A DC 26 Reflex save halves the damage. Flying creatures damaged by this effect must also succeed on a Fly check with a DC equal to 5 + the damage dealt, or fall to the ground as the shell particles disrupt their flight. The save DC is Constitution-based.
After a trinexx's shell has exploded, its natural armor bonus is reduced by 16, and it loses its DR and energy resists. However, its base land speed increases to 60 ft., it gains a +16 bonus to Dexterity, it gains access to its breath weapon, and it gains Spring Attack and Charge Through as bonus feats.
If a trinexx's shell explodes, only a spell such as regenerate that grows back severed body parts can restore it.
Linnorm Heads (Ex) A trinexx has two linnorm heads attached to its body, which act as separate creatures on their own initiative, despite being parts of its body.  The linnorm heads must remain adjacent to the trinexx, and move with the trinexx if it moves.  They cannot be forcibly moved away from the trinexx.
If a trinexx's linnorm heads are killed, only a spell such as regenerate that grows back severed body parts can restore them.
Lunging Head (Ex) Once every 1d4 rounds, as a standard action, a trinexx can greatly extend its neck to make a single bite attack with a reach of 60 feet instead of the normal reach of 15 feet. This counts as an attack action, and can be used with the Cleave feat.
Shell Resistance (Su) Once per day, when a trinexx fails a spell resistance roll, it can choose to succeed instead. After it does so, it loses its SR and takes a -4 penalty to AC until it rests and regains its use of this ability.
Trinexx's Red Linnorm Head
N Large dragon (fire) Init +6 Senses uses trinexx's senses
AC 29, touch 17, flat-footed 21 (+8 Dex, +12 natural, –1 size) hp 90 (12d12+12) Fort +9, Ref +14, Will +13 Immune curse effects, fire, sleep, paralysis Weaknesses stunned by cold, vulnerability to cold
Speed 20 ft., swim 30 ft. Melee bite +22 (1d8+16) Space 10 ft., Reach 15 ft. Special Attacks breath weapon, death curse
Str 32, Dex 22, Con 12, Int —, Wis —, Cha — Base Atk +12; CMB +24; CMD 36 (cannot be tripped) SQ amphibious, trinexx's heads
Breath Weapon (Su) As a standard action, a trinexx's red linnorm head can breathe fire in a 90 ft. cone, dealing 10d6 fire damage and setting creatures and objects in the area on fire (dealing 1d6 fire damage per round until the target extinguishes itself). A DC 21 Reflex save halves the damage and negates being set on fire. The save DC is Constitution-based and includes a +4 racial bonus. After using this breath weapon, a trinexx's red linnorm head cannot use it again on the following round.
A trinexx's red linnorm head and blue linnorm head cannot use their breath weapons on the same round as each other.
Careful Movement (Ex) When a trinexx's red linnorm head moves on its turn, it does not provoke attacks of opportunity. It still provokes attacks of opportunity when it is moved automatically by the trinexx's movement.
Death Curse (Su) When a creature slays a trinexx's red linnorm head, the slayer is affected by the curse of the red linnorm head. Curse of the Red Linnorm Head: save Will DC 24; effect creature's AC, CMD, and saving throws are reduced by 4 against the trinexx and its blue linnorm head. This effect is permanent, but ends if the trinexx dies. The save DC is based on the trinexx's Charisma.
Linked Mind (Ex) A trinexx's red linnorm head has no Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma score of its own.  It uses the trinexx's mental ability scores to determine these statistics. It cannot use any mental skill, even Perception; the trinexx makes these checks instead and controls the red linnorm head directly.
Stunned By Cold (Ex) Any time a trinexx's red linnorm head takes at least 20 points of cold damage in a single hit, it must succeed on a Fortitude save or be stunned for 1 round. The DC of this save is equal to half the cold damage dealt.
Trinexx's Heads (Ex) A trinexx has two linnorm heads attached to its body, which act as separate creatures on their own initiative, despite being parts of its body.  The linnorm heads must remain adjacent to the trinexx, and move with the trinexx if it moves.  They cannot be forcibly moved away from the trinexx.
If a trinexx's linnorm heads are killed, only a spell such as regenerate that grows back severed body parts can restore them.
Uses Trinexx's Senses (Ex) A trinexx's red linnorm head has no senses of its own; the trinexx uses its senses and controls the red linnorm head directly.
Trinexx's Blue Linnorm Head
N Large dragon (cold) Init +6 Senses uses trinexx's senses
AC 29, touch 17, flat-footed 21 (+8 Dex, +12 natural, –1 size) hp 90 (12d12+12) Fort +9, Ref +14, Will +13 Immune cold, curse effects, sleep, paralysis Weaknesses stunned by fire, vulnerability to fire
Speed 20 ft., swim 30 ft. Melee bite +22 (1d8+16) Space 10 ft., Reach 15 ft. Special Attacks breath weapon, death curse
Str 32, Dex 27, Con 12, Int —, Wis —, Cha — Base Atk +12; CMB +24; CMD 36 (cannot be tripped) SQ amphibious, trinexx's heads
Breath Weapon (Su) As a standard action, a trinexx's blue linnorm head can breathe ice in a 90 ft. cone, dealing 10d6 cold damage, extinguishing fires in the area, and coating the ground with slippery ice which causes creatures in the area to fall prone. A DC 21 Reflex save halves the damage and negates falling prone. The area is coated with ice for 1 minute; this functions as the ice slick spell. The save DC is Constitution-based and includes a +4 racial bonus. After using this breath weapon, a trinexx's blue linnorm head cannot use it again on the following round.
A trinexx's red linnorm head and blue linnorm head cannot use their breath weapons on the same round as each other.
Careful Movement (Ex) When a trinexx's blue linnorm head moves on its turn, it does not provoke attacks of opportunity. It still provokes attacks of opportunity when it is moved automatically by the trinexx's movement.
Death Curse (Su) When a creature slays a trinexx's blue linnorm head, the slayer is affected by the curse of the blue linnorm head. Curse of the Blue Linnorm Head: save Will DC 24; effect creature's AC, CMD, and saving throws are reduced by 4 against the trinexx and its red linnorm head. This effect is permanent, but ends if the trinexx dies. The save DC is based on the trinexx's Charisma.
Linked Mind (Ex) A trinexx's blue linnorm head has no Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma score of its own.  It uses the trinexx's mental ability scores to determine these statistics. It cannot use any mental skill, even Perception; the trinexx makes these checks instead and controls the blue linnorm head directly.
Stunned By Fire (Ex) Any time a trinexx's blue linnorm head takes at least 20 points of fire damage in a single hit, it must succeed on a Fortitude save or be stunned for 1 round. The DC of this save is equal to half the fire damage dealt.
Trinexx's Heads (Ex) A trinexx has two linnorm heads attached to its body, which act as separate creatures on their own initiative, despite being parts of its body.  The linnorm heads must remain adjacent to the trinexx, and move with the trinexx if it moves.  They cannot be forcibly moved away from the trinexx.
If a trinexx's linnorm heads are killed, only a spell such as regenerate that grows back severed body parts can restore them.
Uses Trinexx's Senses (Ex) A trinexx's blue linnorm head has no senses of its own; the trinexx uses its senses and controls the blue linnorm head directly.
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terrors-and-tables · 3 months
As a way to give this blog some purpose, and give myself something to do, I’ve decided to start writing out my RPG musings in my spare time. I’ve been slowly working on a campaign setting for several years now, and it’s become a little creative space for me to hammer out a hypothetical kitchen sink to throw my fantasy ideas in. I’ll probably end up using it for a Pathfinder game (where I’ll finally get to use Spheres of Power/Might, and maybe even Guile), but I’ve thought about running it with an OSR game as well. Who knows, maybe I’ll run it over several different systems. Without further ado, here’s the first installment!
Post #1: The Ottoguard
This idea was created using Ultimate Engineering, the most recent (and final) Pathfinder product for Spheres of Might from Drop Dead Studios. I contributed a bit to the playtesting and had a great time, and its author spent two years fine tuning it, so if you're interested, go support them and take a look. At the time of writing, it should also be on the SoP wiki any day now.
In the core of the setting, the city of Scalmoor treats scientific advancement like its own fom of magic. They build marvelous contraptions of steel and glass, whether powered by tightly wound clockworks or by burning coal and spewing black smoke. In this city, the law is kept by those with the most money to build the biggest toys, and one such toy is the Ottoguard.
Standing at eight feet tall, an Ottoguard is a hollow sort of mechanical construct, but bears no magic or animating consciousness like a golem. Instead, a trained fighter pilots it, wearing it as a sort of incredibly heavy armor that carries itself. Ottoguards don’t do all of the policing, usually accompanied by a few regular guards who can do things like fit into buildings, move obstacles aside, bully civilians up close and personal, and so on and so forth.
Ottoguard CR 1 XP 400 Human Warrior 3 LN Medium Humanoid (Human) Init +2; Perception +5
AC 17; Touch 12; Flat-Footed 15; (+2 Dex, +5 Chainmail) 21 HP (3d10+6) Fort +5 Ref +3; Will +3
Speed 20ft. Space 5ft; Reach 5ft Melee Sap +4 (1d6+1 nonlethal) Ranged Light Crossbow +5 (1d8/19-20) Special Attacks Snag (Swift action, render target battered as melee touch attack)
Str 13, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 8 Base Atk ; CMB ; CMD ( vs. trip) Feats Extra Combat Feat Skills Craft (Technology) +6, Intimidate +5, Perception +5, Sense Motive +5; Racial Modifiers Languages Common SQ Gear: Mwk Chainmail, Light Crossbow, Longsword, Large Crossbow, MwK Large Sap, Potion of CLW, 8 gold pieces, 13 silver pieces. Martial Tradition: Mechaguard* Martial Talents (2 talents from progression, 1 talent from feat)
Equipment Sphere: Bounty Hunter’s Tools Armor Training Tinker Sphere: Transportation Package Mechanical Arsenal Transportation Mastery Wrestling Sphere: (Constrictor Drawback) Hammerlock Clinch Strike
Those stats above are for if our unlucky Ottoguard pilot is caught… off-guard. They’re there to represent what’s inside the fantastic mech and what he’s trained to do in a fight, particularly specializing in nonlethal capture- even when fully kitted out he’s here to apprehend criminals, not brain them. The crossbows are just for emergencies. So let’s break down what he’s capable of as a third level warrior, namely his talents:
His Equipment Sphere talents are there solely for proficiencies, for the Sap and for medium/heavy armor. The Athletics Sphere lets him run pretty quick (five times his speed in medium armor, at a hundred feet per round)- he won’t be able to outrun most people, but he won’t fall too far behind either. Tinker is much more complex, opening up an entire subsystem, but the bulk of why it’s there is to build and maintain his precious Ottoguard, with Mechanical Arsenal allowing him to outfit it with custom-crafted plate-mail for free, and Transportation Mastery allowing him to make an immersive cockpit that responds to his movements with a complicated array of levers and pulleys. Wrestling is there so that he can tackle a criminal and, if needed, beat them unconscious. It’s alright though, because even if it’s scaled up to be sized for an ogre, a lead rod wrapped in leather will still deal nonlethal damage.
Mechanoid Statistics: 4th level Mechanoid N Large Construct Init +2; Perception +5
Defense AC 24; Touch ; Flat-Footed ; (+9 Full Plate, +1 Dex, -1 size, +5 NA) 27 HP (3d10+12) Fort +5; Ref +3; Will +3 Defensive Abilities ; Immune Construct Traits
Speed 20ft. Space 10ft; Reach 10ft Melee MwK Large Sap +8 (1d8+5, Nonlethal) Ranged MwK Large Light Crossbow +5 (2d6/19-2) Special Attacks Snag (Swift action, render target battered as melee touch attack)
Str 20, Dex 14, Con --, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 8 Base Atk +3; CMB +9; CMD 21 Feats -- Skills Perception +5, Sense Motive +5, Intimidate +5; Racial Modifiers SQ 6 Upgrades (Arms, Legs, Cover*, Focused Design (+2 Str), Immersive Cockpit, Armor Slot, Alternate Size) *Free upgrade Gear MwK Large Sap, MwK Light Crossbow,
The Ottoguard, while piloted, can benefit from its pilot’s skills, feats, saving throw bonuses, base attack bonuses, et cetera, while keeping its own physical ability scores, armor class, and better weaponry, while also having its own pool of hit points. The pilot isn’t totally sequestered, however, and some parts of him are still visible, even if they’re behind hatches or a visor, and he may be attacked separately from the Ottoguard- though he benefits from Cover, gaining a +4 bonus to Armor Class.
An Ottoguard isn’t cheap, of course, but by the rules of Ultimate Engineering, Project Materials (for things such as mechanoids) may be acquired freely with time and successful crafting checks (DC 15 for 50 gold worth of material, +50 for each increase of 5, gathered over the course of 4 hours per check), meaning that by carefully sourcing and repurposing parts, the Ottoguard may be constructed from scratch by its pilot for free. This process of assembly and subsequent maintenance are drilled into pilots’ heads from day one. At a cost of 500gp for the average Ottoguard (100 per level, +200 for being large size), and about 100gp of Project Materials being acquired per day, this means an Ottoguard can be fully constructed in a week’s time (not counting the weekend of course). If in a proper settlement and in a real emergency, 500 gold pieces can be paid outright to acquire exactly what is needed almost immediately, after which construction of the Ottoguard takes 1 hour. All of this means that while Ottoguards are probably extremely similar on the outside (serving as somewhere between uniforms and police vehicles, they probably should), a pilot knows their machine inside and out, and there may be differences in the internal construction.
Ottoguard Adventure Hooks
1. A pilot’s Ottoguard has been stolen, likely to be reverse engineered by some enterprising criminals.
2. A pilot has been found guilty of illegally modifying his Ottoguard with blades, flame projectors, and stronger leg actuators. After causing several fires and deaths, he’s gone on the run with his new death machine.
3. A chaotic druid has caused trees and vines to grow over all of the city’s Ottoguards overnight, and has ruined the Ottoworks. With the city’s strongest defenders disabled, and Scalmoor’s stingy oligarchy unwilling to fund that many replacements immediately, the city is in shambles!
4. A mad tinker wizard has stolen the blueprints for the Ottoguards, creating one with an integrated Artificial Intelligence. It’s been going on its own patrols, blending in perfectly and disappearing before it can be apprehended. What is its purpose?
*New Martial Tradition
Mechaguard Equipment Sphere: Bounty Hunter’s Tools Armor Training Tinker Sphere: Transportation Package Wrestling Sphere: (Constrictor Drawback) Hammerlock
FantasyNameGenerators is a wonderful site, and I used it to come up with the name Scalmoor
Appleseed (the 1988 OVA) is what really inspired this idea, bringing that movie's Landmates into a technologically advanced fantasy setting
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nadiaxaydin · 5 months
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2 AM and she calls me 'cause I'm still awake "Can you help me unravel my latest mistake?"
whoa! nadia aydin just stole my cab! not cool, but maybe they needed it more. they have lived in the city for one week, working as a/an flight attendant. that can’t be easy, especially at only 25 years old. some people say they can be a little bit fervent and unrealistic, but I know them to be icarian and passionate. whatever. I guess I’ll catch the next cab. hope they like the ride back to soho ! 
FULL NAME: Nadia Banu Aydin NICKNAME(S): Sunshine ( family & close friends ) LABEL: The Icarian AGE: 25 DATE OF BIRTH: December 10, 1998 ZODIAC: Sagittarius Sun, Cancer Rising, Gemini Moon GENDER & PRONOUNS: Female; She/Her HERITAGE: Turkish SPOKEN LANGUAGE(S): English, Turkish OCCUPATION: Flight Attendant SEXUALITY & ROMANCE: Bisexual; Biromantic
FACE CLAIM: Cemre Baysel HEIGHT: 5'2" WEIGHT: 115 lbs. DOMINANT HAND: Left HAIR COLOR: Brown EYE COLOR: Hazel SCARS: Tiny ones all over from adventures and life wear and tear TATTOOS: None.
POSITIVE TRAITS: Icarian, Passionate, Apolaustic, Loyal, Benevolent, Humorous. NEGATIVE TRAITS: Fervent, Unrealistic, Flighty, Awkward, Naive Easily-Bored. LIKES: Tea houses, gardening, the feeling of sand between her toes, sun-kissed skin, watching the sun set, blasting music to clean her apartment, a nice pair of loved jeans, volunteerism, skinny dipping with strangers, catching last minute flights. DISLIKES: Confrontation, feeling left behind or left out, when people complain about their dislikes, crying, the sting of snow on bare skin, feeling bored in a new relationship.
PHOBIAS: Nyctophobia DISORDERS: ADHD, Anxiety ALLERGIES: Seasonal (Pollen)
HOMETOWN: Adana, Turkey CURRENT RESIDENCE: SoHo, NYC, NY EDUCATION LEVEL: BA in Astrophysics from NYU FAMILIAL CONNECTIONS: - Ayla Aydin - 50, Mother, In Contact - Berat Aydin - 49, Father, In Contact
FOOD: Pickle pizza (just pickles in general, tbh) DRINK: Papaya green iced tea MOVIE: Serendipity, The Hangover TV SHOW: The Magicians, New Girl, Friends BAND/ARTIST: Lady Gaga, Sabrina Carpenter, Lizzy McAlpine, Renee Rapp SONG: 2AM - Anna Nalick
'Cause you can't jump the track, we're like cars on a cable And life's like an hourglass glued to the table
TW; Abortion mention, Alcoholism mention
Adana, Turkey, seems like a fairytale to Nadia now. Once the place she called home, she now can only recall fighting pretend dragons with her father in the rose garden in the back of their cottage. Her father is an accomplished psychiatrist whilst her mother? Well, she was a yoga instructor. Yoga was a constant in Nadia's life, whether she liked it or not. Lucky for her mother, she was enthralled with being able to do cool positions; her mother liked that it helped her hyperactivity as well. From yoga being the start of the day with her mother, to unpacking the day at the end of the evening with her father, mindfulness and wellness was always a part of the Aydin household. Maybe that's what made her so alluring to those who were broken. She always seemed to attract those who needed pick-me-ups; Her best friend suffering from a poor home life and a teen pregnancy that Nadia assisted in bringing her to the abortion clinic at 13. Or there was this boy she was head over heels for that couldn't quite put the bottle down, but he managed to whenever he saw her frown. Nadia thought she was meant to help people. When it came to going to university, she went for Liberal Arts/General Studies to try to figure out where on Earth she belonged. She wound up going with what fascinated her and worked her way into NYU's BA program for Astrophysics when she was 21. Though, it still didn't feel right. She realized that she spent most of her life helping and pleasing others, that she genuinely didn't know what she wanted out of life besides being happy. It was on a whim that she saw the job positing to be a flight attendant, came back to NYC, and she loves it. Not only does it involve helping others, but it gives her the opportunity to experience the world and discover herself.
Nadia is a ball of sunshine - that little shot of espresso of a person. She never fails to make someone smile, and goes out of her way to make at least 5 people laugh a day. She falls in love at the drop of a hat. No joke. Like, if someone is nice to her, she's suddenly picturing painting their future kitchen yellow together. So, just be warned. But, she can be a bit flighty, and because of her personality of seeing the good in others, she lacks the ability to weed out those who may have ill intentions. She loves to dance, and if you were to walk into her apartment she would most likely be jamming to music whilst cleaning. She loves to garden, but kills everything she touches. She can play a bit of the piano and some guitar by ear. She loves art and dancing in the rain. Very manic pixie dream girl, but will very much break your heart with her boredom. She's just plagued with restlessness and she just will never 'settle' - at least, that's how she feels currently. In actuality, it's just that she's had so many people come and go that she doesn't think anyone would stay so she leaves first. Nadia is super loyal in the friendship vein and makes a great friend to either go out or stay in. She is also amazing at keeping secrets, unless she bought a gift... Then good luck, she's blabbing about what she got. But, she's always there for someone in need. This can be a stranger, to someone who is cruel to her; If someone needs help, she will do everything in her power to help them. Sundays is her designated charity day where she goes ad volunteers out in the community. She's just the sun personified, okay?
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landoflustfulladies · 7 months
Fighters are even more monstrous feat machines in Pathfinder 1e, purely by virtue of how PF gives you a feat every odd-numbered level instead of at 3rd, 6th, 9th, etc. So Pathfinder Fighters are literally getting a feat every single level, plus the normal 1st level feat, so by 20th, PF Fighters have 21 feats (22 if human). This is in addition to how literally no other class uses weapons and armor as well as Fighter do thanks to their Weapon and Armor Training class features, to the point where as early as 7th level, a Fighter can move at his full speed in Full Plate and make use of a high Dexterity in it. For straight martial combat numbers, even a vanilla Fighter (meaning no archetypes) is considered one of the best possible classes to play in Pathfinder.
Oh yeah no, they are absolutely gigachads in Pathfinder. If you want to be unmatched in a fight, play a fighter, you will fucking wreck face.
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paperanddice · 11 months
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Powerfully imaginative minds can draw closer to other realms in their sleep, dreams pulling forth energy and possibly even active minds. When interacting with powerful magic, these otherworldly dreams can occasionally manifest fully, becoming the creatures known as animate dreams. Incomplete, imperfect beings, they feed upon the imagination and emotion of living beings, with sapient creatures providing far more nourishment than mere beasts.
As such, the animate dream can draw forth these powerful emotions for its food. Its touch causes mental anguish and horror that sustains it, but it gains even more sustenance by putting a creature into a state of horror. They prefer infecting creatures with nightmares, whether waking or sleeping, and even just by staying in close proximity to a sleeping creature they can prompt bad dreams. These proximity dreams are enough to keep it healthy, but are weaker than magically caused nightmares and so few animate dreams are satisfied with such feeding for long, nearly always escalating to more delicious terrors sparked by magic. Starvation doesn't kill animate dreams however, just causing ever increasing pain and distress that results in them becoming more aggressive and hostile.
While animate dreams can choose not to cause true harm in their feeding, few bother with such trouble. Creations of pure id and the erratic nature of dreams, they rarely feel proper sympathy or connection with the victims of their feeding, seeing them as nothing more than easily harvested thoughts. Perhaps the transient nature of dreams means they are never meant to take permanent form like this, and that paradox leads to the horrors an animate dream leaves behind.
While animate dreams are around the size of the average humanoid, their exact appearance is flexible and changes as they feed to take on a form similar to the fears and thoughts of the creature they're gaining sustenance from. The more an animate dream feeds off of a single creature, the more stable its form appears, but there's always some variation in what others see as their own emotions and fears influence how the animate dream appears to them.
Originally from the Pathfinder Bestiary 2. This post came out a week ago on my Patreon. If you want to get access to all my monster conversions early, as well as access to my premade adventures and other material I’m working on, consider backing me there!
5th Edition
Animate Dream Medium aberration, neutral evil Armor Class 19 Hit Points 104 (16d8 + 32) Speed 0 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover) Str 2 (-4) Dex 18 (+4) Con 15 (+2) Int 10 (+0) Wis 15 (+2) Cha 21 (+5) Saving Throws Wis +5, Cha +8 Skills Deception +8, Intimidation +8, Stealth +7 Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire, lightning, thunder, bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage from nonmagical attacks Condition Immunities frightened, grappled, paralyzed, prone, restrained Senses darkvision 60 ft. passive Perception 12 Languages telepathy 100 ft. Challenge 8 (3900 XP) Force Of Personality. The AC of the animate dream includes its Charisma bonus. Incorporeal Movement. The animate dream can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object. Actions Nightmare Touch. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 40 (8d8+4) psychic damage and the target must succeed on a DC 16 Charisma saving throw or become cursed with nightmares. The cursed target gains no benefits from Long Rests, and it must repeat the saving throw every 24 hours, gaining a level of exhaustion on a failure. Exhaustion gained this way cannot be removed as long as the creature is cursed. The curse lasts until the target succeeds on three saving throws in a row, or its removed by remove curse or similar magic. Spellcasting. The animate dream casts one of the following spells, requiring no material components and using Charisma as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 16): 3/day each: dimension door, fear, sleep (as a 5th level spell) 1/day each: confusion, dream, phantasmal killer
13th Age
Animate Dream  Double-strength 5th level spoiler [aberration]  Initiative: +10 Cursed Nightmare Touch +10 vs. PD - 30 psychic damage and the target is dazed (save ends). Natural 14+: The save is a hard save (16+). Natural 18+: The target takes 10 ongoing psychic damage and is helpless as it falls asleep (save ends both). R: Waking Nightmare +10 vs. MD (one nearby enemy) - 15 ongoing psychic damage and the target is weakened (save ends both). First Failed Save: The ongoing damage increases by 5 and the target is confused instead of weakened. Miss: 10 psychic damage and the target is dazed until the end of its next turn. Limited Use: The animate dream can only use this attack when the escalation die is even. Fear: Enemies engaged with the animate dream that have 24 hit points or fewer are dazed and do not add the escalation die to their attacks. Feed on Nightmares: The animate dream regains 2d6 hit points if it starts its turn engaged with a creature that is asleep, affected by its waking nightmare attack, or affected by its fear aura. Flight. Ghostly: The animate dream has resist 16+ to all damage except force damage. It can move through solid objects, but can’t end its movement inside of them. AC 19 PD 15 MD 19 HP 104
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thecreaturecodex · 2 years
Tumblr media
“The Leshy” © Toly Kivshar, accessed at his ArtStation page here
[I quite like the leshys in Pathfinder; little humanoid plant spirits are a good way to add some whimsy and wonder to low level games. But they’re a terrible representation of the actual folkloric leshy. Even the Witcher games have a more accurate leshy, and that’s something I can basically never say about the Witcher franchise. Fortunately, since the leshy is found under many different names in different Slavic cultures, I could find an alternate name easily.]
Lesovik CR 16 CN Fey This creature is humanoid, but made as much from wood and fungus as it is flesh and blood. Its skin is like bark, and hair, moss and lichen all grow from it, granting it a shaggy pelage and facial hair. They have antlers made of forking branches, hooves for feet, and clawed hands.
A lesovik is a fey creature that considers itself the lord of the forest in which it dwells. They watch over the animals and plants in their domain, and may be helpful or harmful to humanoids, as the whim suits them. Lesoviks are skilled shapechangers, and often take humanoid form to interact with travelers and ferret out their intentions. Those who are polite and respectful of the forest may receive aid in the form of pointing out game trails or helpful advice, but those who are rude or destructive will be led on a wild goose chase and lost in the woods, sometimes to fatal effect.
A lesovik can change its size, so it can become as tall as a tree or small enough to hide behind a blade of grass. If challenged to combat, they usually take their largest form. Any branch or stick held by a lesovik becomes a magical club, which they supplement with their natural attacks. All lesoviks are powerful spellcasters, capable of drawing from druid spells—no two lesoviks are likely to have the exact same tactics.
Lesoviks get along with other fey creatures in their forests, as long as they show proper respect. They consider treants too deliberate and stodgy, but do not try to drive them out. Most lesoviks love gambling, and when the lesoviks from multiple forests come together peacefully, it is usually to gossip and play cards. They may wager the plants and animals in their domains in these games; rapid shifts in animal distributions may be due to a lesovik paying off a debt. Not all interactions between lesoviks are peaceful, and unseasonable storms, spontaneous forest fires and outbreaks of plant diseases may be signs of a battle between lesoviks.
Lesoviks do not grant boons and banes the way some other fey creatures do; they instead use druidic magic to benefit or harm mortals respectively. Some druids were taught by the lesoviks; they tend to have the Plant or Weather domain rather than an animal companion. Lesoviks treat leshys with grandfatherly affection. 
Lesovik                 CR 16 XP 76,800 CN Medium fey (shapechanger) Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft., greensight, low-light vision, Perception +33 Defense AC 30, touch 14, flat-footed 26 (+4 Dex, +16 natural) hp 264 (23d6+184) Fort +15, Ref +19, Will +21; +4 vs. mind influencing effects, paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep, stunning DR 15/cold iron and slashing Defensive Abilities verdant body Offense Speed 40 ft. Melee shillelagh +20/+15/+10 (2d6+8/19-20 plus fear), claw +16 (1d4+3), gore +16 (1d8+3) or 2 claws +18 (1d4+7), gore +18 (1d8+7) Special Attacks cudgel of authority Spells CL 15th, concentration +23 (+27 casting defensively) 8th—quickened cure serious wounds (DC 21), finger of death (DC 26) 7th—control weather, heal (DC 25), transmute metal to wood (DC 25) 6th— quickened bull’s strength, greater dispel magic, move earth, transport via plants 5th—baleful polymorph (DC 23), blessing of the salamander, death ward, quickened entangle (DC 19), wall of thorns 4th—command plants (DC 22), freedom of movement, river of wind (DC 22), strong jaw, thorn body 3rd—greater magic fang, nature’s exile (DC 21), neutralize poison (DC 21), protection from energy, speak with plants, spike growth (DC 21) 2nd—barkskin, cat’s grace, fog cloud, resist energy, stone call, tree shape 1st—faerie fire, feather step, longstrider, produce flame, speak with animals (x2) 0th—detect magic, light, resistance, stabilize        Statistics Str 24, Dex 19, Con 26, Int 15, Wis 26, Cha 17 Base Atk +11; CMB +18; CMD 44 Feats Alertness, Combat Casting, Deceitful, Defensive Combat Training, Improved Critical (club), Improved Initiative, Improved Vital Strike, Lightning Reflexes, Multiattack, Quicken Spell, Vital Strike, Weapon Focus (club) Skills Bluff +28, Climb +28, Disguise +28, Intimidate +24, Knowledge (geography, nature) +23, Linguistics +6, Perception +33, Sense Motive +33, Stealth +25 (+33 in forest environments), Survival +29 (+37 in forest environments); Racial Modifiers +8 Stealth in forest environments, +8 Survival in forest environments Languages Common, Druidic, Sylvan, 4 others SQ change shape (humanoid, animal or plant, greater polymorph), change size, improved woodland stride, nature empathy (+26), sound mimicry (voices, animal sounds), wild casting Ecology Environment cold or temperate forests Organization solitary or party (2-5) Treasure standard Special Abilities Change Size (Su) As a standard action, a lesovik can grow to Gargantuan size, or shrink to Diminutive size. It may remain as its new size as long as it likes, and return to its normal size as a standard action. The statistics for a lesovik at its different sizes are as follows Diminutive Lesovik: Init +11; AC 30 (+4 size, +7 Dex, +9 natural); Ref +22; Speed 20 ft.; Melee shillelagh +19/+14/+9 (1d4+3/19-20 plus fear), claw +15 (1+1), gore +15 (1d3+2) or 2 claws +17 (1+2), gore +17 (1d3+2); Space 1 ft.; Reach 0 ft.; Str 14, Dex 25; Skills Climb +23, Stealth +40 (+48 in forest environments) Gargantuan Lesovik: Init +6; AC 33, touch 8, flat-footed 31 (-4 size, +2 Dex, +25 natural); Ref +17; Speed 60 ft.; Melee shillelagh +22/+17/+12 (6d6+14/19-20 plus fear), claw +18 (2d6+6), gore +18 (4d6+6) or 2 claws +20 (2d6+13), gore +20 (4d6+13); Space 20 ft.; Reach 20 ft.; Str 36, Dex 15; Skills Climb +34, Stealth +11 (+19 in forest environments) Cudgel of Authority (Su) Any club held by a lesovik gains the benefits of a shillelagh spell. In addition, when a lesovik successfully makes a critical hit with its club, the creature struck must succeed a DC 24 Will save or cower in fear for 1d4 rounds. This is a mind-influencing fear effect, and the save DC is Charisma based. Improved Woodland Stride (Su) A lesovik ignores all difficult terrain created by magical or mundane plant life. Nature Empathy (Ex) This functions as the wild empathy class ability of a druid, except that the lesovik can use this to influence the behavior of animals and plant creatures with an Intelligence of 2 or lower without penalty, but cannot influence the behavior of magical beasts. It can even use this ability on mindless plant creatures. Spells A lesovik can cast spells as a 15th level druid. It does not gain other benefits of the druid class, such as a domain or animal companion, unless it takes levels in druid. Verdant Body (Ex) A lesovik gains a +4 racial bonus on all saving throws against mind influencing effects, paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep and stunning effects. Wild Casting (Ex) A lesovik can cast druid spells no matter what shape it is in. It treats its body as a holy symbol for the purposes of casting spells.
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monstersdownthepath · 10 months
Mechanical question;
How much would you say giving a creature spellcasting should increase its cr? For sake of a specific example, let's say there's a Asurendra Asura with full oracle casting, as I was contemplating one as a bbeg for a campaign.
Feel free to give other examples to help illustrate your point.
Given that Asurenda already HAVE considerable power, adding even more to it wouldn't actually adjust its CR by as much as you think it would! If you're talking about the casting ability of a 20th level Oracle, then its CR would likely be adjusted to 22 or 23... or maybe even as low as 21 or as high as 24, depending on which specific spells they're being given! The Cleric/Oracle spell list in general is jam-packed with tasty buffs that I'm sure a fiend as intelligent and powerful as an Asurenda could maximize the use of. Don't forget spells like Blessing of Fervor! And especially not Death Ward, given that Asurenda have no protection from death effects...
Remember that giving them actual spells instead of spell-likes means they need to provide components, and they can be interrupted and countered much more easily than spell-likes. They're being given a weak point that clever players can take advantage of! Also remember that, unless you give them some sort of special rule or ability, a creature that's casting spells is taking its whole standard action to do so! In the case of the Asurenda, it may be cramming its higher level slots full of either buffs or Quickened spells that play well with its Full-Attack heavy kit.
Now, if you're talking about 20 levels worth of the actual Oracle CLASS, then you're getting a little goofy. Pathfinder's general rule is that a given creature's CR is equal to its base CR + its class levels, give or take some points depending on how powerful the base creature is already or what, if anything, the class actually adds to their base kit (a Succubus Bard doesn't reap many benefits until much higher levels, for example, so the CR doesn't jump up as high). The math on this... isn't always perfect, especially if the base creature is already CR 10+ and you're adding 10+ class levels; just take a look over at the Unique Monsters tab on AoN and sort by CR to see what I mean! There's diminishing returns at play... or, more accurately, some monsters are so powerful at base that the first few levels of a class don't even matter to their overall strength, and their CR doesn't go up at all until they actually start hitting more powerful class abilities!
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quinntusmechanicus · 9 months
My name's Quinn!! I am 21+, my pronouns are They/Them and I have a hobby for writing!!
If I reblog something from you, I'm probably following you from a different blog ❤️
Maybe one day I'll make an OC list, lol!!
List of Media I Enjoy!!
Accurate as of 12/16/23 (MM/DD/YY)
Video Games: [Zelda / Dragon's Dogma / Dragon Age / Elden Ring / Kingdom Hearts / Monster Hunter / Destiny / Pokemon]
TTRPGs: [D&D 5E / Pathfinder 1E / Call of Cthulhu / Kids on Brooms / Monster of the Week / War & Glory]
Books: [The Night Angel Trilogy / Warrior Cats / Mother of Learning / Harry Potter / Worm]
Comics/Webtoons: [Homestuck / Satan and Me / Covenant / Winter Moon / Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint / Solo Leveling / Sousou no Frieren / FFF-Class Trashero / Berserk / Return of the Mount Hua Sect / Kimetsu no Yaiba / Dungeon Meshi / MADK / Ranger Reject / Mieruko-chan / Goblin Slayer / The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation / Tamen de Gushi / Nan Hao & Shang Feng]
Movies/TV: [Nope / Chronicle / Palm Springs / Dune / The Boys / Moon Knight / Midnight Mass / Interview with a Vampire / Succession / Breaking Bad / The Fall of the House of Usher / Invincible / Steven Universe / Gravity Falls / Over the Garden Wall / Adventure Time / Castlevania / Avatar: The Last Airbender]
Anime: [Darker Than Black / Mob Psycho 100 / One Punch Man / Inuyasha / Death Note / Blue Exorcist / One Piece / Bleach / Naruto / Boruto / Demon Slayer]
Podcasts: [The Penumbra Podcast / Welcome to Nightvale / The White Vault / The Bright Sessions / The Magnus Archives / The Yard / Tiny Meat Gang Podcast / Stretch & Fade / Cream Crew / Forehead Fables]
Musicals: [The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals / Black Friday / Nerdy Prudes Must Die / Hamilton / Be More Chill / Dear Evan Hanson / Beetlejuice / 36 Questions]
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Hi its me again, two questions this time, 1. If you had to give a Yuanti Anathema a pathfinder CR what would it be? 2. What do you think was the reason why in 3.5 Elder Brains of Thoon had a lower CR then the standard Elder Brain?
Hihi, sorry for the late reply, I only check my Tumblr very rarely nowadays.
Regarding the Anathema, I have a pretty strict design philosophy of staying as close to the original CR as possible, because my main priority in converting monsters is compatibility with 3E. I started out by trying to convert 3E adventures and started converting monsters out of necessity, and changing a key monster's CR could throw off the whole adventure. So if I was using the 3E version as a base, I would keep it at CR 18, CR 21 if using 4E, or CR 12 if using 5E.
As for the Elder Brain, I think the devs actually answered that in a web article that came out alongside the MM5. The original Elder Brain is awesome, but with an epic-level CR 25, most parties will never have a chance to fight one. A CR 15 Elder Brain is more accessible to most parties while still feeling like a significant "boss" monster to overcome. If you want an in-universe explanation, you can simply say that Thoon-worshiping Mind Flayers haven't been around as long, so their Elder Brains haven't had time to gather as much power as "standard" Elder Brains.
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iloveschiaparelli · 4 days
About Me Post
I haven't done one of these so it's probably time
Name: Just my @ will suffice
Age: 21
Autism - Self Dx (pursuing diagnosis)
I'm an aspiring writer/director who currently lives with two wonderful roommates, one of whom has a cat named Rookie, whom you will see often in my garden posts. I like to garden, play D&D/Pathfinder (my first pathfinder campaign is starting next week!), organize, do crafts like painting or embroidering, photography, and I draw digitally using Clip Studio Paint and a Huion tablet.
Sometimes I write, my writing blog is @ilike2eatdirt (which is not true btw). I also enjoy playing video games, reading books/webtoons/manga, and watching shows/movies. My main work in filmmaking is limited to wardrobe/production design. I have 5 short film credits, 1 music video credit, and 3 more shoots coming up in the fall. All of my film stuff so far has been unpaid student-level work.
My Blog is About: Whatever I want!!!! This is a blog by me, for me, and the People are invited if they choose to attend. To date the most consistent topics I've posted about are my Potted Plant Empire & various autism revelations. I reblog, but fandom reblogs will typically get relegated to the queue to prevent flooding other peoples' dashes with irrelevant material.
Favorite Topics (Includes special interests): Astronomy, film, art, storytelling, geology (SHINY ROCKS), ancient persia, autism, Wes Ball(his work), sharks, and more
Fandoms you might see me posting about: Maximum Ride, Planet of the Apes (2011- ), The Maze Runner (movies), The Ascendance Series, Lost (I am only up to s3 no spoilers please!), Heroic Legend of Arslan, Fullmetal Alchemist, Yona of the Dawn/Akatsuki no Yona, various webtoons/anime on a highly infrequent basis, etc.
Video Games I like to play/have played/started playing:
Minecraft, Nier: Automata. I also enjoy(ed) playing Rain World (in-progress), Hollow Knight (finished 1 ending and was done), Yes, Your Grace (also 1 ending and done), Andromeda Six (this is a really really good indie Visual Novel that is currently in development and has been regularly releasing chapters since 2020), Skate 3 (when I feel like pulling out the xbox 360), Skyrim (started), Stardew Valley (I GIVE UP. I AM IN SUMMER AND STILL HAVE NO MONEY.)
Tags to Note on my Blog:
#gardenblr is typically what I start every potted plant empire post with.
#actually autistic is usually what I start autism-related posts with (moments i should have realized im autistic, relatable autism things, 2am revelations, autism-specific rants, etc.)
#vent/#rant/#personal post will likely be swapped between depending on whichever fits best for what I'm posting, but generally anything I'm concerned about being personal that strangers on the internet don't want to see, will have one of those 3 tags.
Fandom posts will get fandom tags so if you get too much of a particular fandom that you don't like/dont care about, feel free to filter that out or just shoot me a message and I'll add a tag just for you <3
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