#pathfinder level 9
paperanddice · 8 months
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Bukavac are hulking, toad-like monsters with six legs, wicked claws, and gnarled horns on its head. They do not leap like frogs, instead thundering along like a rampaging hippo. Due to its size it is a ravenous hunter, ambushing creatures from deep ponds or lake, and often hunting intelligent prey without hesitation, despite their own intelligence. When pushed against large groups or a truly threatening foe, it will unleash a thunderous croak, shattering bones and bursting eardrums.
Mostly solitary by nature, they only pair up during their mating season in spring. Males will show off their voice, croaking loud enough to shatter trees and be heard up to ten miles away. Young live together in clutches, splitting off when they reach maturity around 5 years old.
Inspired by the Tome of Beasts 1. This post came out a week ago on my Patreon. If you want to get access to all my monster conversions early, as well as access to my premade adventures and other material I’m working on, consider backing me there!
Pathfinder 2e
Bukavac Creature 9 Large Beast Perception +17 Languages Sylvan Skills Athletics +20, Stealth +16 Str +5, Dex +3, Con +4, Int -2, Wis +2, Cha +1 AC 25; Fort +19, Ref +16, Will +15 HP 195; Immunities sonic Speed 35 feet, swim 20 feet Melee jaws +20, Damage 2d10+13 piercing Melee claw +20 (agile), Damage 2d6+9 slashing plus Grab Melee horn +20, Damage 2d8+11 piercing Claw Flurry [2 actions] The bukavac makes four claw Strikes, each against a different target. These attacks count toward the bukavac's multiple attack penalty, but the multiple attack penalty doesn't increase until it makes all its attacks. Croaking Blast [2 actions] (sonic) The bukavac emits a howling thunderclap in a 15 foot emanation that deals 8d8 sonic damage to any creature in the area (DC 28 basic Fortitude). A creature is also deafened for 1 hour on a failed save, or deafened permanently on a critical failure. The bukavac can't use Croaking Blast again for 1d6 rounds. Deep Breath The bukavac can hold its breath for 20 minutes. Powerful Charge [2 actions] The bukavac Strides up to twice its speed in a straight line and then makes a horn Strike. If it moved at least 20 feet from its starting position, the Strike's damage is increased to 3d8+13 and it gains Push 10 feet.
13th Age
Bukavac  Large 7th level wrecker [beast]  Initiative: +8 Horns +10 vs. AC - 52 damage. Miss: 15 damage. Furious Charge: This attack instead deals 75 damage on a hit and 45 damage on a miss if the bukavac first moves before attacking an enemy it was not engaged with at the start of its turn. Claws +10 vs. AC (4 attacks) - 22 damage. C: Croaking Blast +10 vs. PD (1d4 nearby enemies) - 35 thunder damage. Natural 16+: The target is also stunned until the end of the bukavac’s next turn. Miss: 16 thunder damage. Limited Use: 1/battle, when the escalation die is 2+. Swim. Resist Thunder 18+. AC 22 PD 21 MD 17 HP 232
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sheppi-isometrics · 2 months
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⚔️ Baykok tokens on Patreon
🌟 Get access to more than 200 creatures, maps and assets by supporting us on Patreon! Complement your campaigns with hi-res monster tokens and start building the adventure of your dreams with our isometric and 2D assets 🏰!
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blog-of-frontiers · 2 years
Somehow my little ranger girl has become the funniest character I've ever made because she wears a metal and leather helm with red eye glass and is an unnervingly fast pile of cloaks and leather armor and shes carrying at least four swords and a mace at a time, and then she opens her mouth and it's some squeaky Irish bitch who cries all the time
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hexingart · 3 months
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World's happiest barbarian Magical Girl who's gonna have SUCH a good time in her campaign
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jkcorellia · 7 months
"how do you play a warlock in Pathfinder 2e" - fortunately, and unfortunately, the answer is perhaps fivefold I'd argue, depending on WHAT precisely about the warlock you find appealing: witch, thaumaturge, magus, psychic or oracle.
The PF2E witch is a full spellcaster using intelligence - but they rely on a patron who gives them their spells via a special familiar. Definitely Pact of the Chain warlock vibes. However, way more powerful spellcasting then a 5e warlock, more equivalent to a wizard.
The thaumaturge has strong occult vibes, focused on "esoterica" - magical scraps and relics that empower special abilities. No patron, technically not spellcasting, but a Charisma-based occult magic user that looks sick as hell. Does seem a bit Hexbladey though, given armor and weapon proficiencies and capacity for melee combat.
The magus similarly is a strong melee combatant, with limited spellcasting much more akin to how the warlock pact slots work in 5e (though Intelligence based). They can use spells to empower their weapon strikes, and they can only cast at their highest two spell levels available (though unlike the warlock, these levels go all the way to 9)
If the thing you like most about the warlock is being able to build a mass murderer around a cantrip, the psychic might be right for you. One of their cool base class features is additional psychic-only cantrips, which you can then "amp" for more power and utility.
The oracle, like the thaumaturge, shares more flavor than mechanics with the warlock, and is probably the weakest case for equivalency in this post. They're charisma casters with divine spells, but unlike clerics their power isn't from a god, but rather a "mystery". One of their key features is a curse, which as it's strengthened provides both power and drawbacks. The curse mechanics feel very eldritch.
ANYWAY at first glance I was like "wtf no warlock, that seems like a missed opportunity" but no, Paizo was like "how do you like your warlock?" and served you up a buffet.
Visit Archives of Nethys if you're interested!
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annakie · 6 months
Annnnnnnnnnnd just like that, after nine months of in-person gaming at work, a two year and four month break, re-starting when the Pandemic granted us all a lot more free time on Roll20 and playing nearly every Sunday night from 9 - 11 for the last three years and eight months...
My players fought the final big bad and completed this campaign.
They saved the Radiant Citadel.
They made their last big choice.
They saved all of their people and moved everyone to a new world.
They epilogued each of their characters.
I have a lot to say but I'm way too exhausted to say it.
Holy shit we finished a semi-homebrew D&D campaign from levels 1 - 18. We capped the story where it was natural to cap it. We have enough dangling threads that when we miss these guys a whole lot in a year or three we can come back and take them on a followup adventure or two to make it to 20, maybe.
It was a Lot.
A lot of work. A lot of fun. A lot of time. A lot of memories.
I told them they could level to 19 for the Someday when we revisit this campaign.
We're going to start focusing on our upcoming Pathfinder 2 campaign -- Season of Ghosts.
Can't wait to do it all again.
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theoutcastrogue · 4 months
This is petty but that's never stopped me.
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In the Vox Machina campaign, Scanlan Shorthalt's resounding success in matters of tactics [this post isn't about roleplaying] was partly due to Sam Riegel's skill, and mostly due to the fact that 5e Bards are just that good. However! The "gnome bard" combo was famously chosen by Liam, after Sam, who'd never played d&d before, asked what's the silliest, least powerful and least badass thing he could play. That was his character concept. And at the time, Liam was not wrong to answer "bard". In 3rd Edition/Pathfinder, Bards DID suck, at least out of the box. You could build a strong Bard in Pathfinder, but you had to optimise to high heavens with carefully selected feats and spells and items from various sources. It didn't just happen spontaneously, and it was still nowhere near the raw power and versatility of a Wizard or Druid. Bards played support.
So at lvl 9, they started streaming and switched from Pathfinder to D&D 5e. Scanlan got an ENORMOUS power boost at that point, but Sam was still harbouring under the impression that his chosen class is not powerful or badass at all. And as they kept playing and he kept killing it (he was brilliant at it, no doubt about that!), he presumed that he was killing it with one hand tied behind his back, because he was just a silly little gnome bard. And, he emphatically wasn't silly. He was a whole-ass full caster, top tier class right there.
Pathfinder Bards are half-casters. If they hadn't switched to 5e, Scanlan wouldn't have access to 7th and higher level spells: no Mordenkeinen's Magnificent Mansion (a signature spell), no Dominate Monster (this is how he made the goristro fight Vorugal), no Reverse Gravity (big moment in the first Ripley fight), and no Wish (kind of a big deal!). Other spells aren't in the Bard list, and there's no Magical Secrets in Pathfinder: he wouldn't have access to Bigby's Hand (another signature spell), Otiluke's Resilient Sphere (how he got rid of the efrit, and Ripley), Lightning Bolt and Stinking Cloud (his standard damage spells), Polymorph (that's several giant eagles including the "now smarter" Grog (this will never stop being funny), and of course the legendary triceratops), or Counterspell (kind of an enormous deal). And all the other spells would have come later: no Seeming at lvl 11 = no cows. (What a loss! No cows!)
And it's not just access to spells, it's also "likelihood of spells to work", which depends on the DC, which in Pathfinder depended on spell level. Lower level spells had a lower chance of doing anything, by virtue of being easier to resist. And half-casters got a slower spell progression, and ended up with significantly less power overall. Whereas in 5e spell level is irrelevant, spell DCs depend on your character level, and that's that. Even (Bardic) Inspiration got a boost from the switch. All in all, we're talking about a spectacular upgrade.
So a tragic misconception happened: Sam got it into his head that he's so good at d&d that he can gimp himself and still kick ass. Well, he can't.
When he played a Rogue (no big spells, huh? no cheat sheet!) he sucked at it and he hated it. And now that he plays a Cleric and actually, actively gimps himself (he said in a 4-Sided Dive that he deliberately avoids cleric spells that others have used before in CR, which by now is most of them, and certainly the best of them), he very predictably sucks at it too (I mean relatively speaking; it's still a full caster), and he doesn't love it. The one time he was BRILLIANT was when he had a top tier class to work with, and used it to its full potential. But he thought he was gimping himself, because he was thinking of a different game/edition than the one he was playing!
I wanna grab him by the shoulders and shake him up and say my good man, you gotta stop this "I gimp myself" -> "I fail to kick ass" -> *surprised pikachu face*. CHOOSE. Either gimp yourself and accept you won't be kicking any ass, but it's okay because you enjoy roleplaying someone like that more than you enjoy kicking ass, OR stop gimping yourself and kick ass, because you do enjoy kicking ass, don't you?
Both are great! I approve either way! But choose.
I also wanna grab Liam by the shoulders and tell him "Wizard or Sorcerer! For the love of all that's green and good in this world, next time Sam asks you what class to play in D&D, tell 'im Wizard or Sorcerer!". But then I remember that next time they'll probably play Daggerheart and not D&D unless WotC makes them an offer they can't refuse, so the whole thing is moot.
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raeynbowboi · 22 days
How to Play as Gardevoir in Pathfinder 2e
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Gardevoir is my favorite Pokemon, and has been since I saw Wally's on Victory Road, got jealous, and completely restarted the game to get a Ralts. I've found that Pathfinder is a lot more flexible than DnD, so I thought it'd be interesting to try building a Pokemon.
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I was tempted to make Gardevoir a Poppet or a Sprite. Poppets are tiny constructs in the form of dolls and toys, and the Gardevoir line is inspired by Anesama Ningyo paper dolls. However, Poppets are Small creatures, with Toy Poppets having the option to be Tiny. Sprites are the only playable Fey race in Pathfinder 2e, and the Ralts line are all Fairy-type Pokemon. However, all Sprites are Tiny, except the Pixie Sprite, which can be Small. The Ralts line is also inconsistent in size. Ralts is a Tiny creature being 1'04'', Kirlia is a Small creature being 2'07", and Gardevoir is a Medium sized creature being 5'03". There is no means in Pathfinder for a creature to grow in size permanently. So, why an Elf? Truthfully, it's because while Pathfinder has a lot of Ancestry options, at the same time, the actual number of options is limited. However, Elf does work for Gardevoir. They're tall, thin, and graceful like her. Seer Elves can detect magic around them. If you can talk your DM into ignoring the sizes allowed for Poppets and Sprites, then I would choose the Wishborn Poppets who can succeed against Emotion effects easier, or Draxie Sprites, who can telepathically communicate with anyone they touch.
At level 5, any character of any race can choose Fey Influence for their racial feat, unlocking other fey racial feats as they level up. Fey Influence lets you take on features of an Anteater, Cat Sith, Cursed Bluebird, Dryad, Faun, Gremlin, Monarch, or Unicorn. While none of these really stand out as mapping well onto Gardevoir, she does have the horn on her chest, so you could go with the Unicorn. With Fey Influence, the Unicorn gains the ability to cast Heal, and at level 9 with Fey Ascension, the Unicorn makes Gardevoir Trained or Expert in Medicine, and grants her +2 to saves against Poison and Charms. If nothing else, this is another way to add Fey vibes to Gardevoir to fit her Fairy Type.
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STR +0 DEX +5 CON -1 INT +6 WIS +5 CHA +5
Trained: Acrobatics, Crafting, Deception, Intimidation, Shelyn Lore, Medicine, Nature, Occultism, Performance, Society, Stealth Expert: Medicine (Fey Influence) Master: Legendary: Arcana, Diplomacy, Religion
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There was no doubt which class Gardevoir had to be, she was a Psychic type first before she ever became a Fairy. Psychics also get access to the Occult Spell List, which is loaded with spells that deal with psionics, mental magic, emotion magic, shadow magic, and illusions, making it a very good fit for Gardevoir. The Emotional Acceptance Subconscious Mind means that Gardevoir's psionics manifest through control and expression of her emotional state, which felt fitting for her. Her horn senses the emotions of others, and her earlier stages are each known as The Feeling Pokemon and The Emotion Pokemon.
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Shelyn is the Golarian goddess of love, a fitting choice for the Embrace Pokemon. Shelyn's Domains also fit Gardevoir well. Protection lets Gardevoir take damage for an ally and create a protective area. Repose lets Gardevoir steel her allies against Emotion spells, and later can create a soothing beacon where allies can cleanse themselves of negative emotion conditions. The Family Domain bolsters ally Wisdom Saving Throws, and moreso against Emotion spells. In addition, it can also attempt to remove a negative emotion condition. Later, the Family Domain can share their spell saving throw modifier with their allies to protect them against spells. All three domain options make Gardevoir an excellent guardian protecting her friends and allies. Unlike DnD where a Cleric can only embody one Domain, Clerics have class feats that let them invest in as many domains as they want to, provided their Deity grants access to those Domains. Each deity also adds 3 spells to the Divine Spell List that their Clerics can choose to prepare. Clerics of Shelyn get to add Dizzying Colors, Enthrall, and Creation to the Divine Spell List. Gardevoir must be Legendary in Religion to gain access to high level Divine spells through this archetype.
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Gardevoir is also a Fairy-type, and the Divine Spell List doesn't really add much in the way of Fey magic. Unlike Cleric and Psychic where the class has a set Spell List, the Sorcerer's Spell List changes depending on your Bloodline. The Fey Bloodline grants the Primal Spell List. Ordinarily, a Sorcerer gets granted spells like the Psychic, but when taken as an Archetype, these spells are not gained automatically. However, a Sorcerer Archetype can still choose spells from their Granted Spell List as though they were on the Primal Spell List. In addition to the Primal Spell List, the Fey Bloodline Sorcerer gets access to: Figment, Charm, Laughing Fit, Enthrall, Suggestion, Cloak of Colors, Mislead, Visions of Danger, Uncontrollable Dance, and Resplendent Mansion. Gardevoir must be Legendary in Nature to gain access to high level Primal spells. While I feel that Cleric better grants Gardevoir the types of spells she would use, Fey Bloodline does well to grant her the elemental coverage moves she can learn through TMs. So, I'll leave my recommended spell list if you choose Fey Bloodline instead of Cloistered Cleric.
C Frostbite, Vitality Lash 1 Heal, Chilling Spray 2 Entangling Flora, Mist 3 Moonlight Ray, Fireball 4 Radiant Beam, Petal Storm 5 Elemental Breath, Lightning Storm 6 Field of Life, Moonlight Ray(+3) 7 Eclipse Burst 8 Moonburst(+1)
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Psychic Spells Cleric Archetype Spells
C Phase Bolt, Telekinetic Projectile, Warp Step, Guidance, Shield 1 Kinetic Ram; Force Barrage, Soothe, Heal, Sanctuary 2 Telekinetic Maneuver; Empathic Link, Noise Blast, Clear Mind, Restoration 3 Levitate; Martyr's Intervention, Percussive Impact, Moonlight Ray, Protection(+2) 4 Fly; Chromatic Ray, Mirror's Misfortune, Cloak of Light, Radiant Beam 5 Telekinetic Haul; Repelling Pulse, Synaptic Pulse, Moonlight Ray(+2), Spiritual Torrent 6 Poltergeist's Fury; Scintillating Safeguard, Collective Transposition, Field of Life, Spirit Blast 7 Telekinetic Bombardment; Prismatic Spray, Shadow Raid, Eclipse Burst 8 Falling Sky; Scintillating Pattern, Spirit Song, Moonburst(+1) 9 Foresight; Phantasmagoria, Prismatic Sphere 10 Freeze Time, Gate
SIGNATURE SPELLS 1 Force Barrage 2 Noise Blast 3 Percussive Impact 4 Chromatic Ray 5 Repelling Pulse 6 Poltergeist's Fury 7 Telekinetic Bombardment 8 Spirit Song 9 Phantasmagoria
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C Telekinetic Hand (Amped) C Telekinetic Projectile (Amped) C Telekinetic Rend C Vector Screen C Dancing Blade
10 Soothing Words (Family Domain) 10 Unity (Family Domain)
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Detect Magic Mindlink (Elves only)
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Ultimately, I come away satisfied with this build. It may not be able to do every single thing Gardevoir can do, but it feels appropriate to what Gardevoir is and the core of its design. It has a plethora of telekinetic abilities, it has options to include its Fairy typing, and it even works her protective nature into her abilities. This will be far from the last character I build in Pathfinder. So, who do you want to see next?
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thecreaturecodex · 3 months
Sahkil, Tumblak
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Image © Wenard Gunadi
[Sponsored by @justicegundam82. The tumblak is one of several high CR sahkils that appears in the Pathfinder 2e module Night of the Gray Death, which does not have any art for the creature. Appropriately for an outsider of fear, it's mechanically terrifying, with a 100 foot radius aura of suffocation. Bring a tumblak to the table, and characters will die if it's not taken care of quickly.]
Sahkil, Tumblak CR 18 NE Outsider (extraplanar) This horrific creature appears as a floating, translucent mass of bodies, their limbs interlocked and necks bent in unnatural angles. They are forced into a vaguely rectangular shape, as if molded together in a coffin. The eyes of each form are blank and white, and their mouths are contorted into silent screams.
A tumblak is a powerful type of sahkil that represents the fear of enclosure. Although they are happy to bask in claustrophobia, they prefer to add the spice of suffocation when possible, and are patrons of everything from constriction to being buried alive. As such, they lurk in mausoleums, graveyards and other monuments to death while on the Material Plane. Although a tumblak is not undead, they often act as though they are subject to effects that calm or ward off evil spirits. Part of this is out of a sense of sportsmanship—tumblaks enjoy inflicting their horrific attacks on the weak, and then letting them live to spread the story and revisit the fear. Part of this is to bait undead slayers into wasting their time and energy, and seeing them switch from confidence to panic.
Tumblaks prefer to fight in enclosed spaces, using their incorporeality to drift through narrow hallways and locked doors easily. When on the hunt, they activate their gasping auras, which magically draws the breath from the lungs of their victims. Once it has at least one creature gasping for air, the tumblak closes the gap in order to use its look of fear, freezing the suffocating victim in place while they struggle to breathe. Tumblaks like to draw out their kills, and so use their slam attacks to batter enemies that resist their gaze and try to fight back.
Tumblak      CR 18 XP 153,600 NE Medium outsider (evil, extraplanar, incorporeal, sahkil) Init +5; Senses all-around vision, darkvision 60 ft., Perception +30, true seeing Aura gasping (100 ft., Fort DC 29)
Defense AC 32, touch 32, flat-footed 26(+5 Dex, +9 deflection, +1 dodge, +7 profane) hp 262 (21d10+147) Fort +13, Ref +19, Will +19 DR 15/good; Immune death effects, disease, fear, incorporeal traits, poison; Resist cold 10, electricity 10, sonic 10; SR 29 Defensive Abilities nightmarish ward
Offense Speed fly 40 ft. (perfect) Melee 4 slams +30 (2d12+9/19-20) Special Attacks claustrophobic nightmares, emotional focus, look of fear (30 ft., DC 31) Spell-like Abilities CL 18th, concentration +27 Constant—true seeing At will—arcane sight, fear (DC 25), nightmare (DC 26), telekinesis (DC 24) 1/day—greater dispel magic, mass hold monster (DC 27)
Statistics Str -, Dex 21, Con 22, Int 15, Wis21, Cha 28 Base Atk +21; CMB +30 (+32 disarm or trip); CMD 46 (48 disarm or trip) Feats Alertness, Combat Expertise,Dodge, Improved Critical (slam), Improved Disarm, Improved Trip, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Mobility, Spring Attack, Toughness Skills Acrobatics +24, Bluff +28, Fly +32, Intimidate +28, Knowledge (local, planes) +23, Knowledge (religion) +18, Perception +30, Sense Motive +28, Stealth +28; Racial Modifiers +2 Perception Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Infernal, Requian, telepathy 100 ft. SQ easy to call, ghostly grasp, no breath, skip between
Ecology Environment any land or underground (Ethereal Plane) Organization solitary or crush (2-4) Treasure incidental
Special Abilities Claustrophobic Nightmares (Su) A tumblak’s nightmare spell-like ability is especially pernicious. Any creature that is fatigued by its nightmares cannot have that fatigue removed magically unless the caster succeeds a caster level check against the tumblak’s spell resistance. Whenever a creature fatigued by a tumblak’s nightmares enters a stressful situation (such as combat or high-stakes negotiations), it must succeed a DC 31 Will save as if exposed to a tumblak’s look of fear. This is a mind-influencing curse, fear effect; the save DC is Charisma based and includes a +2 racial bonus from the sahkil’s emotional focus. Gasping Aura (Su) All creatures within 100 ft. of a tumblak must succeed a DC 29 Fortitude save or be unable to breathe. Creatures that succumb to the gasping aura must hold their breath until they leave the tumblak’s aura or begin to suffocate. A creature that succeeds this save is immune to the gasping aura of that tumblak for the next 24 hours. A tumblak can suppress or resume this effect as a free action. The save DC is Charisma based. Ghostly Grasp (Su) A tumblak is incorporeal, but can make Strength checks and interact with objects as if it had a Strength score equal to its Charisma score. As such, its melee attacks are not melee touch attacks, but their attack and damage rolls are modified by its Charisma bonus. Look of Fear (Su) A creature affected by a tumblak’s gaze is considered to be shaken and pinned. This lasts until it escapes by making a combat maneuver check or Escape Artist check against the tumblak’s CMD. This is a mind influencing fear effect; the save DC is Charisma based and includes a +2 racial bonus for the sahkil’s emotional focus. Nightmarish Ward (Ex) A tumblak gains a profane bonus to Armor Class equal to 1/3 its HD.
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noneatnonedotcom · 7 months
@heliosthegriffin i was bored so i thought i'd show you an alternate build for jaune in pathfinder stats for this will be heroic, meaning I roll 2d6 and add 6 to it. str: 18+2 (human bonus) 20 dex: 14 con: 12 int: 9 (bad roll on those dice there jaune) wis: 11 cha: 18 (jaune's a very pretty boy) so there's the stats for all the jaune's builds (ones I will be doing in the future to help our boy move around he will be given the mythic ability impossibly fast pushing his base speed up by 30ft to a respectable 6ft of movement and the mythic feat run which multiplies that by 7 when he's running, with just this he'll be running at 40ish miles per hour though he'll need to stop and rest if he does it for too long. for the tldr: all together at level ten jaune would be doing 1d8+15+6+9 from power attack to a total of 30 fucking damage per hit, I should tell you that it's a strong fucking attack, add in vital strike on combat patrol and jaune can effectively wipe out hords of people in a single round each with just 1 punch with all the bonuses to his speed applied he can run at almost 80mph and most of that would be roof jumping too so he can get around really fucking fast. one thing to note is that because his stype requires he wear no armor he's kinda a glass cannon, his boosts to his ac are great and all but some bracers of armor would be really helpful, also gunns will fuck him up
first up, the sinister Mr fister gear: monks robes (his super hero costume), masterwork handwraps (+1 to hit unarmed) human vigilante/avenger, warrior poet/ order of the songbird lv1: Dual identity, seamless guise, social talent, vigilante specialization Dancer’s Grace, Flourish, first level feats (dodge, mobility (they'll be important later)) social talent: Social Grace, diplomacy vigilante specialization: avenger
florish: Exodus of Jinin (+10 to movement speed)
lv2: Versatile Performance, vigilante talent
Versatile Performance: string
vigilante talent: fist of the Avenger, gain improved unarmed strike feat and add half your vigilante level to the damage done with fist or gauntlet to a max of +5 LV3: feat, Social talent, unshakable, flourish feat: dragon style (jaune's starting to learn how to punch really good at this point, social talent: Entrepreneur diplomacy (jaune gets the skill abilities of the unchained rouge for anything he got social grace for, he can also use it in place of profession to make money, not sure how one uses diplo to make money but if you have an idea let me know) florish: Exodus of Jinin (+10 to movement speed)
lv4: Vigilante talent, ability score improvement (+1dex), graceful strike.
vigilante talent: Lethal Grace (Ex): The vigilante combines strength and speed into incredibly deadly attacks. He gains Weapon Finesse as a bonus feat, and if he already has the Weapon Finesse feat, he can immediately swap it for another feat for which he qualified at the level he chose Weapon Finesse. When using Weapon Finesse to make a melee attack using his Dexterity bonus on attack rolls and his Strength bonus on damage rolls, he also adds half his vigilante level on damage rolls. This bonus damage is not reduced or increased if the vigilante is wielding a weapon two-handed or in an off-hand. combined with Graceful Strike (Ex): At 4th level, when the warrior poet uses Weapon Finesse to make a melee attack that adds her Dexterity bonus to attack rolls and her Strength bonus to damage rolls, she also adds half her samurai level to damage rolls
means that now jaune's doing his level + half to all unarmed strikes, this is a lot of static damage, I'll show it at the end but it's a fucking doozy LV5: Social talent, startling appearance, flourish, feat
florish: Exodus of Jinin (+10 to movement speed) social talent: renown (jaune's now making a name for himself in vale. mainly just the 1 neighborhood and all but it's still important.
feat: stunning fist lv6: vigilante talent and battle dance
vigilante talent: Shield of Blades add minus to attack to ac when using power attack. free power attack bonus feat battle dance: free spring attack LV7: challenge 3/day, social talent, feat social talent: great renown (jaune's making a real splash) feat: dragon's ferocity lV 8: vigilante talent: combat skill: combat reflexes, poetic inspiration from order of the song bird ability score improvement +1 dex
Poetic Inspiration (Ex) At 8th level, an order of the songbird samurai can speak a few words as a swift action, inspiring allies to great deeds. Allies within 30 feet who can hear the samurai gain a competence bonus equal to her Charisma modifier on attack and weapon damage rolls for 1 round.
This ability can be used once per combat.
LV9: social talent: safe house (jaune now has a safe place to lay low and recover as well as keep his stuff since the hunt is now on for the vigilante)
feat: combat patrol
LV10: vigilante talent: vital punishment (can now use vital strike on attacks of opportunity.) combined with combat patrol this means jaune can now wipe out entire hords of bad guys singlehandedly though he only gets two attacks per turn right now since he didn't get two weapon fighter, I like to imagine this is because a lot of his dragon style relies on big kicks for knock outs.
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lesbianalanwake · 5 months
Did some Pathfinder builds for Remedy characters, which I've done before, but there's been a PF2e remaster and I wanted to do it for Saga too, so.... Saga as a psychic, Alan as an oracle, and Jesse as a summoner, up to level 5.
Saga Anderson, Psychic 5
Ancestry: Human, Heritage: Aphorite Aphorites were first forged by axiomites, the primary inhabitants of the Eternal City of Axis, the plane of pure law. The original aphorites served as liaisons between their lawful progenitors and frustratingly unpredictable mortal allies. Marrying the logical thought processes of conformity to law and the gift of self-determination, early aphorites spread across the Material Plane to serve as Axis's proxies and enact its will. Over time, their appearances and personalities grew to resemble their mortal comrades as they were increasingly born among mortals. Aphorites still exhibit Axis's touch in their metallic skin coated in crystalline dust, aptitude for logic, strength in artisanship, and propensity for order and cooperation. But despite these links to their purpose-built origins, contemporary aphorites are undoubtedly their own masters. Background: Detective You solved crimes as a police inspector or took jobs for wealthy clients as a private investigator. You might have become an adventurer as part of your next big mystery, but likely it was due to the consequences or aftermath of a prior case.
Attributes: Strength +1, Dexterity +2, Constitution +1, Intelligence +3, Wisdom +2, Charisma +4 Perception: +9; Low-Light Vision, Darkvision Skills: Acrobatics +9, Athletics +8, Deception +11, Diplomacy +11, Intimidation +11, Lore: Underworld +12, Medicine +9, Nature +9, Occultism +10, Society +10, Survival +9
AC: 19 (Unarmored); Fortitude: +8, Reflex: +11, Will: +11 HP: 43; Resistances: Mental 2 Speed: 25 ft. Ranged Weapon: Jezail, Air Repeater, Crossbow
Class: Psychic The mind can perceive truths hidden to fine-tuned instruments, house more secrets than any tome, and move objects and hearts more deftly than any lever. By delving into both the conscious and subconscious aspects of your inner self, you have awoken to the might of psychic magic, allowing you to cast spells not through incantations or gestures but by the power of your will alone. While the thin line between your mind and reality means that a single errant thought could have unintended consequences for yourself and your companions, you know that anything is possible, if you can imagine it. Conscious Mind: The Infinite Eye Conscious Mind Spells: Sure Strike, Augury, Organsight Psi Cantrips: Detect Magic, Guidance, Glimpse Weakness The true strength of the mind lies in the knowledge it contains, with each new observation contributing to the totality of its experiences. To grow your experiences—and with them, your power—you devote yourself to observing as much as possible, casting your senses through space and time with clairvoyance and precognition. Subconscious Mind: Emotional Acceptance Psyche Actions: Restore The Mind The mind's truths come not in learned words or mathematical formulas but in deeper feelings and sensations. Emotions unlock the door to your power—you might consider your heart the source of your strength, or you might find that the infinite complexity felt in a moment expresses your power more efficiently than any string of mystic words ever could. Your thought components are emotions. You might summon the sense of freedom to buoy you through the air or let fear grip your heart even as you plant it in another's mind. Emotion components tend to impart abstract or vivid effects to your visual and auditory spell manifestations as well as more intangible flashes of emotion, such as swirls of joyous color or a sense of growing melancholy.
Other Psychic Features Clarity of Focus, Precognitive Reflexes, Signature Spells, Unleash Psyche, Counter Thought, Mental Buffer
Occult Spells 3rd: Hypercognition 2nd: Clear Mind, Umbral Mindtheft 1st: Object Reading, Runic Weapon Cantrips: Infectious Enthusiasm, Read The Air, Wash Your Luck
Aphorite Feats: Lemma of Vision, Internal Cohesion General Feats: Weapon Proficiency Skill Feats: Cognitive Crossover, Eyes of the City, Streetwise
Alan Wake, Oracle 5
Ancestry: Human, Heritage: Versatile Background: Artist Your art is your greatest passion, whatever form it takes. Adventuring might help you find inspiration, or simply be a way to survive until you become a world-famous artist.
Attributes: Strength +1, Dexterity +1, Constitution +2, Intelligence +3, Wisdom +2, Charisma +4 Perception: +9; Low-Light Vision Skills: Acrobatics +1, Arcana +10, Athletics +1, Crafting +12, Intimidation +11, Lore: Art +10, Nature +9, Occultism +12, Religion +9, Society +10, Stealth +8, Survival +9
AC: 18 (Unarmored); Fortitude: +9, Reflex: +8, Will: +11 HP: 58; Resistances: Physical 4 Speed: 25 ft. Ranged Weapon: Dragon Mouth Pistol, Double-Barreled Musket Melee Weapon: Stiletto Pen
Class: Oracle Your conduit to divine power eschews the traditional channels of prayer and servitude—you instead glean divine truths that extend beyond any single deity. You understand the great mysteries of the universe embodied in overarching concepts that transcend good and evil or chaos and law, whether because you perceive the common ground across multiple deities or circumvent their power entirely. You explore one of these mysteries and draw upon its power to cast miraculous spells, but that power comes with a terrible price: a curse that grows stronger the more you draw upon it. Your abilities are a double-edged sword, which you might uphold as an instrument of the divine or view as a curse from the gods. Mystery: Cosmos Celestial bodies great and small exert influence on you, giving you sublime cosmic power. Perhaps you see the glittering stars as a divine blessing, or perhaps you feel drawn to the infinitely dark spaces between. You might uphold deities like Desna, Sarenrae, or the deific lovers Shizuru and Tsukiyo who represent the sun and the moon—or you might draw power from dark entities from beyond the stars, like certain Outer Gods, or destructive gods of the night like Zon-Kuthon or the rat goddess Lao Shu Po. Mystery Benefit: Your body is as much an astronomical one as it is physical. You gain resistance equal to 2 + half your level against all physical damage. Mystery Cantrip: Dancing Lights; Revelation Spell: Spray of Stars Mystery Domain: Darkness; Domain Spell: Cloak of Shadow
Oracular Curse: Curse of the Sky's Call You have your head in the clouds—and not just figuratively. Your body is drawn toward the heavens, making you lighter and less substantial than you should be. Your eyes glow with starry light, and your hair and clothing float and drift around you. Minor Curse: Your unnatural lightness makes it hard to keep your footing and interact with other physical objects. You are enfeebled 1 and take a –2 penalty to saves and DCs against Grapple, Shove, and other forms of forced movement. Moderate Curse: Your body is drawn further skyward. You are enfeebled 2, and the penalty from your minor curse increases to –3. You are treated as one size smaller for wind effects. You gain a +2 status bonus against Trip attempts, you only take half as much damage from falls, and you gain the effects of the Powerful Leap and Quick Jump skill feats. You weigh only half as much, and your Bulk, should someone need to carry you, is also half as much. Major Curse: As your body rises, you float just above the ground beneath you. You become enfeebled 4, and the penalty from your minor curse increases to –4. You can walk on liquids as if they were solid; you gain the effects of the Cloud Jump skill feat; and you don't leave tracks, trigger weight-sensitive pressure plates, or otherwise connect with the ground below you.
Other Oracle Features Domain Acumen (Additional Domain: Moon, Domain Spell: Moonbeam), Glean Lore, Revelation Spells, Signature Spells
Divine Spells 3rd: Holy Light, Scrying Ripples 2nd: Radiant Field, Fear the Sun 1st: Breadcrumbs, Command, Bane Cantrips: Illuminate, Light, Message, Void Warp, Divine Lance
Human Feats: Gloomseer, Haughty Obstinacy General Feats: Fast Recovery, Weapon Proficiency Skill Feats: Arcane Sense, Magical Crafting, Specialty Crafting
Jesse Faden, Summoner 5
Ancestry: Human, Heritage: Versatile Background: Otherworldly Mission You're called to serve a specific purpose—your deity told you so, and so it must be true. Maybe you grew up knowing all along, or maybe it came to you one day in a vision, clear as a bell and twice as loud. You have some task that only you can accomplish. You mission might be as dangerous as killing a deadly tyrant or as simple as opening a particular door on a particular day. Once per adventure, you can ask the voice you believe to be a deity for orders and get some kind of instruction—you never get any kind of explanation, simply a command to go somewhere or do something. Following those commands isn't always safe, but it's usually interesting.
Attributes: Strength +1, Dexterity +3, Constitution +1, Intelligence +2, Wisdom +2, Charisma +4 Perception: +11 (+2 initiative) Skills: Acrobatics +10, Arcana +9, Athletics +8, Crafting +9, Intimidation +11, Occultism +11, Religion +9, Society +9, Stealth +10, Survival +9
AC: 20 (Unarmored); Fortitude: +10, Reflex: +10, Will: +11 HP: 63; Speed: 30 ft. Ranged Weapon: Pepperbox
Class: Summoner You can magically beckon a powerful being called an eidolon to your side, serving as the mortal conduit that anchors it to the world. Whether your eidolon is a friend, a servant, or even a personal god, your connection to it marks you as extraordinary, shaping the course of your life dramatically. Focus Spells: Boost Eidolon, Evolution Surge Eidolon Type: Construct; Tradition: Arcane, Home Plane: Astral Plane Evolution Feat: Energy Heart; Energy Type: Sonic Your eidolon is a mental construct based on an astral thoughtform and given physical presence and life by its connection to you, its shape limited only by your imagination. Your eidolon's appearance and physical form vary based on your shared vision for its construction, from clockworks to stuffed dolls and everything between, and it's not uncommon for that appearance to change greatly as your construct gains evolutions. Because it arises from an astral entity, your construct is no mindless servitor, but a fully thinking being with its own ideas, goals, and even emotions. These entities are extremely diverse; while many construct eidolons come from a powerful symbiotic connection with astral denizens, just as many arise from the forgotten memories of ancient empires and craftworks drifting across the Silver Sea of the Astral Plane.
Other Summoner Features Act Together, Link Spells, Manifest Eidolon, Share Senses, Shared Vigilance, Unlimited Signature Spells, Meld Into Eidolon, Defend Summoner
Arcane Spells 3rd: Levitate, Haste 2nd: Telekinetic Maneuver, Dancing Shield, Fleet Step (Heightened +1) Cantrips: Telekinetic Projectile, Phase Bolt, Read Aura, Warp Step, Telekinetic Hand
Human Feats: Clever Improviser, General Training General Feats: Fleet, Incredible Initiative, Untrained Improvisation, Weapon Proficiency Skill Feats: Skill Training (Athletics), Streetwise
I didn't do archetypes or multiclasses to keep it simple, but in the absence of 2e mythic adventures and origins (though they will be arriving soon), and since these babies are Very Special, I'd probably use it as a limited secondary leveling-up system with a bit more power (instead of archetype feats replacing class feats or alternating classes one level at at time).
If I did a multiclass for Saga, it would be Interrogation Investigator, and probably the Psychic Duelist archetype. Also, godlings are from 1e, but if the shoe fits....
If I did a multiclass for Alan, it would be Enigma Bard (less "people person" charisma and more "force of personality" charisma), and maybe with the Shadowdancer archetype as well (less "you choose the shadows" and more "the shadows choose you"). Or maybe even the Curse Maelstrom archetype...
If I did a multiclass for Jesse, it would be Spellshot Gunslinger, and then the Pactbinder or Living Vessel archetype (or both!) for sure.
Also: I need to finish QB for real before I do Jack, but I think he'd be another Oracle, for the Time Mystery, and Chronoskimmer or Time Mage for an archetype. Which means it's Oops All Charisma Classes so far.
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paperanddice · 3 months
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Malakbels take the form of a flame covered skeleton with distorted humanoid proportions. The limbs are overly long, joints moving in the wrong ways and fingers the size of their forearms, and the skull situated in the torso. The flames are solid and actually make up the malakbel's body, rather than actually just being a flaming skeleton. They are demons of fire, arson, and destruction, igniting objects and in particular people in flame to see them burned to ash. They also function as messengers for some demon lords, bringing warnings and announcements to the mortal realm, and then attempting to destroy all those who heard their message. It is a contradictory existence, but they seem quite happy watching the flames.
Inspired by the Tome of Beasts 1. This post came out a week ago on my Patreon. If you want to get access to all my monster conversions early, as well as access to my premade adventures and other material I’m working on, consider backing me there!
Pathfinder 2e
Malakbel (Inferno Demon) Creature 9 Medium, Demon, Fiend, Unholy Perception +20; darkvision Languages Abyssal, Celestial, telepathy 100 feet Skills Acrobatics +18, Athletics +17 Str +2, Dex +3, Con +4, Int +1, Wis +3, Cha +5 AC 26; Fort +19, Ref +18, Will +18; +1 status to all saves vs. magic HP 190; Immunities fire; Resistances cold 10; Weaknesses cold iron 10, holy 10 Blistering Radiance (aura, divine, fire, light) 30 feet. The malakbel sheds bright light. A creature that starts its turn in the aura takes 2d6+3 fire damage and is dazzled, and unattended flammable objects in the aura take 2d6+3 fire damage at the end of each of the malakbel's turns and catch fire, taking 2d8 persistent fire damage each round until extinguished or destroyed. Dousing Vulnerability A malakbel revels in burning objects and creatures. The first time in a round that a fire is extinguished or a creature recovers from persistent fire damage within 30 feet of the malakbel, the demon takes 5d6 mental damage. Speed 35 feet Melee claw +19 (agile, finesse, fire, magical, unholy), Damage 2d8+10 fire plus Critical Ignite Ranged scorching blast +19 (fire, magical, range 120 feet), Damage 3d8+6 fire plus Critical Ignite Divine Innate Spells DC 26 ; 5th translocate; 4th translocate (at will); Divine Rituals DC 26; demonic pact Critical Ignite (fire) Any time the malakbel scores a critical hit with an attack with the fire trait, the target takes 2d8 persistent fire damage. Searing Flame [2 actions] (aura, divine, fire) The malakbel intensifies its flames. All creatures in its Blistering Radiance aura must attempt a DC 28 Fortitude save. The malakbel can't use Searing Flame again for 1d4 rounds. Critical Success The creature is unaffected. Success The creature takes 3d6 fire damage. Failure The creature takes 6d6 fire damage and 1d6 persistent fire damage. Critical Failure The target takes 12d6 fire damage, 3d6 persistent fire damage, and is fatigued.
13th Age
Malakbel  5th level wrecker [demon]  Initiative: +8 C: Scorching Blast +10 vs. PD (one nearby enemy) - 14 ongoing fire damage. C: Searing Flame +10 vs. PD (1d3+1 nearby enemies) - 8 ongoing fire damage. Natural 16+: The target is also weakened as long as it’s taking the ongoing damage. Limited Use: 1/battle, recharges when a creature fails its save against blistering radiance. Blistering Radiance: An enemy that ends its turn engaged with the malakbel must make an easy save (6+); on a failed save, the enemy takes 5 fire damage. Distortion: The malakbel gets a +2 bonus to AC and PD against attacks from far away enemies. Teleport: As a standard action, the malakbel can teleport to a location it can see. Resist Fire 19+. AC 19 PD 19 MD 18 HP 66
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sheppi-isometrics · 9 days
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📜New creature spreadsheet made for the Vrock, the Wrath Demon
"When the gates to the Abyss swing wide, the first demons through are often vrocks, vulture-headed scions of rage who wheel through the air on black wings or dance with the exultation of their fiendish power. Their hatred for mortals is matched only by their desire to inflict suffering through their horrible screech or their devastating dance. Vrocks born from the souls of hateful mortals who are thus given another chance to inflict their rage on the world."
—Source: Archives of Nethys Remastered.
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pathfinderunlocked · 2 months
Lesser Hakkari Kami - CR11 Kami
There is a guardian spirit for all things. Even blood.
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Artwork by T SWCK on Artstation.
A weaker version of the CR 15 Hakkari Kami, a monster I previously posted. In an adventure that ends with the CR 15 version the Hakkari Adherents would be lower level minions that the PCs mow through six at a time, but in an adventure that ends with this CR 11 version, the Hakkari Adherents would be pretty powerful leiutenants.
This creature is based on Hakkar the Soulflayer, a loa demigod from from Warcraft. In the Warcraft setting, loa are divine beings connected to nature, usually taking the form of specific types of animals, which grant power to those who worship them. There are countless loa, many of which are worshiped by groups as small as a specific family, which might have very minimal power. Hakkar is a more powerful one; he’s known as the loa of blood, and takes the form of a wind serpent. I’ve adapted this idea into a kami for Hakkar’s Pathfinder conversion; there’s no type of outsider in Pathfinder that perfectly matches the loa, but kami are close enough to work.
In Pathfinder, kami are a lesser-known type of outsider which are usually neutral aligned and peaceful, watching over a specific type of creature, object or place that they consider their “ward.” There are a huge number of different types of kami which each watch over certain types of wards. A hakkari kami’s ward is spilled blood, and it’s not nearly as peaceful as most others.
Like other kami, hakkari kami find themselves stretched thin, with too many potential wards and not enough kami, and seek to create more of their kind in order to protect more wards. They do this by choosing dedicated mortal servants to ascend to kami when they die. In the case of the hakkari, these mortal servants tend to be those that offer countless blood sacrifices, especially sacrifices to the hakkari kami itself, and who may even take their own life in a ritual sacrifice in an attempt to gain the hakkari’s favor and ascend to a more powerful form. If cornered by powerful enemies, a hakkari’s weaker followers may choose to kill themselves instead of fight, hoping to ascend and become kami themselves instead of passing to the afterlife, and gain enough power to then fight their foes.
A lesser hakkari kami is likely to be one of these followers, newly ascended and not yet in full command of its powers.
I included a line of text stating that a kami can choose a new ward by spending 24 hours attuning to it. This isn’t listed in the general rules for kamis’ wards, but I feel confident that it must be intended by the developers for there to be SOME way to obtain a new ward. Otherwise, kami that have short-lived creatures like insects as their wards would only have a ward for the first few years or months of their immortal lives, and then be left sickened and purposeless for all eternity. Since insects are even listed as one of their example wards, I assume that probably isn’t the intent of how this type of outsider is supposed to work; they should be able to take a new ward if their old one is killed or destroyed.
This creatures uses the overwhelmed condition, a custom condition I use in some of my creatures. In my own home games, I nearly always replace any paralyzed, stunned, or nauseated effects caused by monsters with the overwhelmed condition.
Lesser Hakkari - CR 11
Towering above you is a massive winged serpent with a fanged maw and scythe-like claws for arms. Its beautiful violet plumage contrasts against its blood-red scales.
XP 12,800 NE Huge outsider (kami, native) Init +8 Senses darkvision 60 ft., deathwatch, true seeing; Perception +20
AC 22, touch 13, flat-footed 17 (+4 Dex, +1 dodge, +9 natural, -2 size); +2 vs. good hp 142 (15d10+60); fast healing 10 Fort +11, Ref +13, Will +13; +2 vs. good DR 10/cold iron Immune bleed, mind-affecting effects, petrification, polymorph Resist acid 10, electricity 10, fire 10
Speed 20 ft., fly 60 ft. (good) Melee bite +19 (1d8+6), 2 claws +19 (3d6+6) Space 15 ft., Reach 15 ft. Special Attacks blood siphon, cleansing bloodrage, corrupted blood
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 15th; concentration +21)     Constant—blood scent, deathwatch, protection from good, true seeing     At will—blood biography (DC 19)     3/day—confusion (DC 20), quickened blood armor     1/week—dominate monster (DC 25, creatures with blood only)
Str 23, Dex 18, Con 18, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 23 Base Atk +15; CMB +23; CMD 38 (40 vs. good) Feats Bloody Assault, Dodge, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Improved Iron Will, Iron Will, Power Attack, Quicken Spell-like Ability (blood armor) Skills Acrobatics +13, Fly +20, Heal +20, Knowledge (local) +15, Linguistics +0, Perception +20, Sense Motive +6, Stealth +12, Survival +7, Spellcraft +12 Languages Common, Kuru; telepathy 100 ft. SQ merge with ward, ward (spilled blood)
Blood Siphon (Su) As a standard action once every 1d4+1 rounds, a lesser hakkari can drain the blood from targets in a 40 ft. cone. Each target takes 6d8 damage and is overwhelmed for one round. A DC 21 Fortitude save halves the damage and negates the overwhelming effect. Creatures that do not have blood are immune. The lesser hakkari is healed for an amount equal to half of the damage dealt. The save DC is Constitution-based.
If a lesser hakkari uses its blood siphon against a creature that is poisoned, or that has poisonous blood (such as from the poisonous blood universal monster ability, the toxic blood spell, or a vishkanya’s toxic racial ability), the lesser hakkari receives no healing from that creature and must save against the poison.
An overwhelmed creature is staggered and cannot concentrate. If an overwhelmed creature attacks or casts a spell, it falls prone and becomes helpless until the beginning of its next turn after doing so. Effects that would remove or prevent the paralyzed or nauseated conditions also remove or prevent the overwhelmed condition.
Cleansing Bloodrage (Ex) Once per day, while below 25% hit points (usually 39 hp), a lesser hakkari can enter a bloodrage as a free action. While in a bloodrage, a lesser hakkari gains a +4 morale bonus to his Strength and Constitution, as well as a +2 morale bonus on Will saves. This bonus to Constitution typically increases its current and maximum hit points by 30. In addition, it takes a –2 penalty to Armor Class.
This bloodrage lasts for 1 minute. When a lesser hakkari’s bloodrage ends, it is fatigued for 1 minute. It cannot enter a bloodrage while fatigued.
While bloodraging, a lesser hakkari can cast and concentrate on its spell-like abilities, but cannot perform any other action that requires concentration, and cannot use Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride).
When a lesser hakkari enters a bloodrage, it is affected as though by the cleanse spell, regaining 4d8+15 hit points and recovering from a variety of conditions and effects.
A lesser hakkari can enter a bloodrage even while under the effect of a condition that would normally prevent it from taking an action, as long as that condition is one that can be removed by the cleanse spell, but doing so uses a standard action instead of a free action.
Corrupted Blood (Su) As a move action, a lesser hakkari can corrupt the blood of a target within 60 ft. The target takes 2d6 negative energy damage, and must succeed on a DC 23 Fortitude save or be subjected to 1d10 bleed damage. Creatures that do not have blood are immune.
Whenever a creature takes bleed damage from this ability, all other creatures within 10 ft. of that creature must succeed on a DC 19 Fortitude save or begin bleeding as well for 1d10 bleed damage. The save DCs are Charisma-based, and the secondary save includes a -4 penalty.
Fast Healing (Ex) As long as a kami is within 120 feet of its ward, it gains fast healing 10.
Merge with Ward (Su) As a standard action, a kami can merge its body and mind with its ward (see the Ward ability below). When merged, the kami can observe the surrounding region with its senses as if it were using its own body, as well as via any senses its ward might have. It has no control over its ward, nor can it communicate or otherwise take any action other than to emerge from its ward as a standard action. A kami must be adjacent to its ward to merge with or emerge from it.
Ward (Su) A kami has a specific ward—in a lesser hakkari’s case, its ward is spilled blood, either from a specific creature or on a specific sacrificial altar. Several of a kami’s abilities function only when it is either merged with its ward or within 120 feet of it. If a kami’s ward is portable and travels with the kami to another plane, the kami does not gain the extraplanar subtype on that other plane as long as its ward remains within 120 feet. If a ward is destroyed while a kami is merged with it, the kami dies (no save). If a ward is destroyed while a kami is not merged with it, the kami loses its merge with ward ability and its fast healing, and becomes permanently sickened, until it chooses a new ward.
If a kami’s ward is killed or destroyed, it can choose a new ward by spending 24 hours attuning to it.
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bengiyo · 7 months
9 People I Would Like to Get To Know Better
I got tagged by @telomeke, @lurkingshan, and @pickletrip, so clearly I need to get on this one.
last song: On the way into work, I had my music on shuffle and we left on Before It's Too Late by The Goo Goo Dolls
favorite color: Purple! It's one of my school colors and they hold familial significance.
last movie/tv show: I watched episode 3 of My Dear Gangster Oppa with @so-much-yet-to-learn last night. That show is so much more fun to watch with him than it would be on my own. I just love that they gave two boys with no juice characters who canonically have no juice. Brilliant casting.
sweet/spicy/savory: Savory, I think? I was raised on Creole and Cajun food, so I like a good spice blend in my food, but I think the primary profile for our food would be savory.
relationship status: Single, but not angsty about it like I was a few years ago. I'm looking, but I'm content with myself.
current obsession: Pathfinder 2e. I worked in D&D 5e third party publishing for a few years, and Fifth Edition is an incomplete system. I like to run long games that go to level 20, and 5e just doesn't support that properly. I'm honestly having so much more fun in Pathfinder 2e because it fits the tactical nature of my table so much more.
last thing I googled: Warrior on HBO. I hadn't heard about the third season and am trying to find time to catch up with that show.
No pressure tags: @shortpplfedup, @ginnymoonbeam, @callipigio, @blmpff, @liyazaki, @elnotwoods, @meteorjam, @italianpersonwithashippersheart, @twig-tea
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soylent-crocodile · 11 months
Wojun (Monster)
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(Common Sloths by IllustratedMenagerie on Deviantart)
(I'm just a lover of speculative evolution, have been since Future is Wild aired while I was 7. Kaimere is one of two current projects I'm keeping up with, and perhaps the more approachable of the two; it's a setting written by artist and writer Keenan Taylor, and presented in a series of youtube videos on the Tales of Kaimere channel, as well as short story collections.
Kaimere is a planet where endemic microorganisms periodically replicate Earth organisms; they then evolve in a separate context from Earth. It's populated by creatures like gigantic megaraptorans, spiny sauropods, and a variety of ground sloths, including the first creatures I'm converting to Pathfinder.)
Also known as the common sloth in certain regions, or Volgarocnus by naturalists, wojun are large omnivorous ground sloths who fill the niche of large, powerful omnivores. They are somewhat slower, mentally and physically, than bears and pigs, but are powerfully built, heavily armored, and especially belligerent, making them able to compete with these animals.
Wojun are natural diggers; they sleep in burrows that can be as much as 50ft into a hill, or diagonally into the earth. This skill is also used to break into the nests of other animals, or the food stores of peoples they live near.
There are two recorded varieties of wojun; the black wojun lives in cooler uplands, and while it's less carnivorous, it's no less aggressive and territorial. The red wojun lives in hot grasslands and is a scavenger and a hunter of small or slow game first and foremost, although they still supplement their diet with roots and seeds.
Wojun Companions
Starting Statistics: AC: +7 Size: Medium Speed: 30ft Attack: 2 Claw (1d6) Ability Scores: Str:14 Dex:15 Con:22 Int:1 Wis:12 Cha:6 Special Qualities: Digger, Ferocity, Crushing Claws
7th Level Advancement:AC: +4, Size: Large, Attack: 2 Claw (2d4),  Str +4, Dex -4
This large mammal has the thick hide and long claws of a sloth, but is proportioned like a bear, and has boar-like tusks. Misc- CR4 Large Animal HD5 Init:+0 Senses: Perception:+7 Scent, Low-Light Vision Stats- Str:18(+4) Dex:11(+0) Con:22(+6) Int:1(-1) Wis:12(+1) Cha:6(-2) BAB:+4 Space:10ft Reach:5ft Defense- HP:53(5d8+30) AC:20(-1 Size, +11 Natural) Fort:+10 Ref:+4 Will:+5 CMD:19 Special Defenses: Ferocity Offense- 2 Claw +6(2d4+4), Bite +1(1d6+2) CMB:+9 Speed:30ft  Feats- Iron Will, Weapon Focus (Claw), Power Attack (-2/+4) Skills- +7 Perception, +14 Swim (+6 Racial bonus to Swim) Special Qualities- Digger, Crushing Claws Ecology- Environment- Mountains, Hills, Plains (Temperate, Hot) Languages- None Organization- Solitary, Pack (2-4) Treasure- None Special Abilities- Crushing Claws (Ex)- A wojun's claws deal damage that is both slashing and bludgeoning. Digger (Ex)- A wojun making a concerted effort to dig can excavate a 10x10x10 cube of soil, sand, or gravel in one minute.
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