#patient experience with generative ai
brillioitservices · 4 months
The Generative AI Revolution: Transforming Industries with Brillio
The realm of artificial intelligence is experiencing a paradigm shift with the emergence of generative AI. Unlike traditional AI models focused on analyzing existing data, generative AI takes a leap forward by creating entirely new content. The generative ai technology unlocks a future brimming with possibilities across diverse industries. Let's read about the transformative power of generative AI in various sectors: 
1. Healthcare Industry: 
AI for Network Optimization: Generative AI can optimize healthcare networks by predicting patient flow, resource allocation, etc. This translates to streamlined operations, improved efficiency, and potentially reduced wait times. 
Generative AI for Life Sciences & Pharma: Imagine accelerating drug discovery by generating new molecule structures with desired properties. Generative AI can analyze vast datasets to identify potential drug candidates, saving valuable time and resources in the pharmaceutical research and development process. 
Patient Experience Redefined: Generative AI can personalize patient communication and education. Imagine chatbots that provide tailored guidance based on a patient's medical history or generate realistic simulations for medical training. 
Future of AI in Healthcare: Generative AI has the potential to revolutionize disease diagnosis and treatment plans by creating synthetic patient data for anonymized medical research and personalized drug development based on individual genetic profiles. 
2. Retail Industry: 
Advanced Analytics with Generative AI: Retailers can leverage generative AI to analyze customer behavior and predict future trends. This allows for targeted marketing campaigns, optimized product placement based on customer preferences, and even the generation of personalized product recommendations. 
AI Retail Merchandising: Imagine creating a virtual storefront that dynamically adjusts based on customer demographics and real-time buying patterns. Generative AI can optimize product assortments, recommend complementary items, and predict optimal pricing strategies. 
Demystifying Customer Experience: Generative AI can analyze customer feedback and social media data to identify emerging trends and potential areas of improvement in the customer journey. This empowers retailers to take proactive steps to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. 
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3. Finance Industry: 
Generative AI in Banking: Generative AI can streamline loan application processes by automatically generating personalized loan offers and risk assessments. This reduces processing time and improves customer service efficiency. 
4. Technology Industry: 
Generative AI for Software Testing: Imagine automating the creation of large-scale test datasets for various software functionalities. Generative AI can expedite the testing process, identify potential vulnerabilities more effectively, and contribute to faster software releases. 
Generative AI for Hi-Tech: This technology can accelerate innovation in various high-tech fields by creating novel designs for microchips, materials, or even generating code snippets to enhance existing software functionalities. 
Generative AI for Telecom: Generative AI can optimize network performance by predicting potential obstruction and generating data patterns to simulate network traffic scenarios. This allows telecom companies to proactively maintain and improve network efficiency. 
5. Generative AI Beyond Industries: 
GenAI Powered Search Engine: Imagine a search engine that understands context and intent, generating relevant and personalized results tailored to your specific needs. This eliminates the need to sift through mountains of irrelevant information, enhancing the overall search experience. 
Product Engineering with Generative AI: Design teams can leverage generative AI to create new product prototypes, explore innovative design possibilities, and accelerate the product development cycle. 
Machine Learning with Generative AI: Generative AI can be used to create synthetic training data for machine learning models, leading to improved accuracy and enhanced efficiency. 
Global Data Studio with Generative AI: Imagine generating realistic and anonymized datasets for data analysis purposes. This empowers researchers, businesses, and organizations to unlock insights from data while preserving privacy. 
6. Learning & Development with Generative AI: 
L&D Shares with Generative AI: This technology can create realistic simulations and personalized training modules tailored to individual learning styles and skill gaps. Generative AI can personalize the learning experience, fostering deeper engagement and knowledge retention. 
HFS Generative AI: Generative AI can be used to personalize learning experiences for employees in the human resources and financial services sector. This technology can create tailored training programs for onboarding, compliance training, and skill development. 
7. Generative AI for AIOps: 
AIOps (Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations) utilizes AI to automate and optimize IT infrastructure management. Generative AI can further enhance this process by predicting potential IT issues before they occur, generating synthetic data for simulating scenarios, and optimizing remediation strategies. 
The potential of generative AI is vast, with its applications continuously expanding across industries. As research and development progress, we can expect even more groundbreaking advancements that will reshape the way we live, work, and interact with technology. 
Reference- https://articlescad.com/the-generative-ai-revolution-transforming-industries-with-brillio-231268.html 
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vlruso · 1 year
Top Generative AI Use Cases for Healthcare to Enhance Patient Experience.
Exciting news! Discover how Generative AI is transforming healthcare and enhancing patient experience. From personalized treatment plans to virtual health assistants, this blog post explores the top use cases and practical applications. 🌟 Find out more here: https://ift.tt/5FKOzrH #AIinHealthcare #PatientExperience List of Useful Links: AI Scrum Bot - ask about AI scrum and agile Our Telegram @itinai Twitter -  @itinaicom
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ao3org · 7 months
Update on "No Fandom" tags
AO3 Tag Wranglers recently began testing processes for updating canonical tags (tags that appear in the auto-complete and the filters) that don’t belong to any particular fandom (commonly known as No Fandom tags). We have already begun implementing some of the decisions made during the earliest discussions. By the time this post is published, you may have already noticed some changes we have made.  Several canonical tags are slated to be created or renamed, and we will also be adjusting the subtag and metatag relationships between some tags to better aid Archive users in filtering.  Please keep in mind that many of these changes are large and require a lot of work to identify and attach relevant tags, so it will likely take some time to complete. We ask that you please be patient with us while we work! While we will not be detailing every change we make under the new process, we will be making periodic posts with updates on those changes we believe are most likely to prove helpful for users looking to tag or filter works with the new or revised tags and to avoid confusion as to why changes are being made. 
New Canonicals!
1. Edging
For a long while, there has been some confusion caused by the fact that we have a canonical for Edgeplay, but not for Edging which has led to some unintentional mistagging and other challenges. Consequently, we will be creating a canonical tag for Edging with the format Orgasm Edging and this new canonical tag will be subtagged to Orgasm Control. Relatedly, we will be reorganizing the Orgasm Control tag tree to allow for easier and more straightforward filtering and renaming Edgeplay to add clarity. You’ll find more details regarding these changes in the Renamed and Reorganized canonicals section below.
2. Generative AI
We have canonized three tags related to Generative AI. 
Created Using Generative AI
AI-Generated Text
AI-Generated Images 
All tags which make mention of specific Generative AI tools will be made a synonym of the most relevant AI-Generated canonical. Additionally, please note that AI-Generated Text and AI-Generated Images will be subtagged to Created Using Generative AI. How to Use These To Filter For/Filter Out Works Tagged as Using Generative AI: ❌ Filtering Out: To filter out all works that use tags about being created with AI, add Created Using Generative AI to the “other tags to exclude” field in the works filter. This will also exclude works making use of the subtags AI-Generated Text and AI-Generated Images. If you wish to exclude either the Images or Text tags only, you can do so by excluding either AI-Generated Text or AI-Generated Images.
☑️ Filtering For: Add Created Using Generative AI to the “other tags to include” field in the works filter. This will also automatically include the works making use of the subtags AI-Generated Text and AI-Generated Images. If you wish to filter for Images or Text only, you can do so by including either AI-Generated Text or AI-Generated Images only .
As a reminder, the use of these tools in the creation of works is not against AO3's ToS. These new tags exist purely to help folks curate their own experience on the Archive. If you would like to see more information about AO3’s policies in regards to AI generated works, please see our News post from May 2023 on AI and Data Scraping on the Archive.
Renamed and Reevaluated Canonicals!
3. EdgeplayAs mentioned above, we will be renaming Edgeplay to clarify the tag's meaning, given that it is often confused for Edging. This tag will be decanonized and made a synonym of Edgeplay | High Risk BDSM Practices. It will be removed as a subtag of Sensation Play and be subtagged instead directly to BDSM. Please note if you have made use of the Edgeplay tag on your works or wish to continue to use it in the future, you are still welcome to do so. The tag Edgeplay will be made a synonym of the new canonical, so all works tagged with Edgeplay now or in the future will fall under the new tag so that they’re still easy for users to find. If you have made it a favorite tag, it will be transferred  automatically when we make this change. 
4. Orgasm Delay/Denial The tag Orgasm Delay/Denial will be decanonized and made a synonym of Orgasm Control to help limit confusion with the more specific Orgasm Delay and Orgasm Denial canonicals. Tags that are currently synonyms of Orgasm Delay/Denial are being analyzed and moved to either Orgasm Control or Orgasm Delay or Orgasm Denial or Orgasm Edging. The revised tree structure for this tree will feature Orgasm Control as the top-level metatag with subtags Orgasm Edging, Orgasm Delay, and Orgasm Denial. So, if you wish to filter for all these tags at once, you can do so just by filtering for Orgasm Control. 
5. Female Ejaculation Female Ejaculation will be decanonized and made a synonym of Squirting and Vaginal Ejaculation.  We hope this new phrasing will be more inclusive, clear, and make the tag easier to find whether users are searching for Squirting or the previous canonical. All current synonyms of Female Ejaculation will also be made a synonym of Squirting and Vaginal Ejaculation, including Squirting. You may continue to tag your works as suits your preferences, and we will make sure these tags are made synonyms of the new canonical so that your work can be found in the filters for it.
These are just some of the changes being implemented. While we won’t be announcing every change, you can expect similar updates in the future as we continue to work toward improving the Archive experience. So if you have an interest in the changes we’ll be making, you can follow us on Twitter @ao3_wranglers or keep an eye on this Tumblr for future announcements. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we continue our work!
(From time to time, ao3org posts announcements of recent or upcoming wrangling changes on behalf of the Tag Wrangling Committee.)
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ask-zerotrio · 1 year
Zero Lab Log Entry: Last Log Entry Recorded
[We left once... If... what if...?]
[Only if they forgive us, Sada.]
[I know, but...]
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Clavell holds Arven gently, waiting patiently for his sobs to subside into sniffles. His still healing torso aches from the position, but he hugs Arven anyway. His boy.
What on earth happened?
Clavell had wished for another life... spent with his loved ones, and gotten it... in the form of a vision, so real and tangible it hurt to remember.
Sada... Turo... had they left the crater with him. Had they raised Arven with him. Had they grown old together.
Instead, Arven grew up with just him as a parent, and Sada and Turo died in the crater, replaced by robotic copies of themselves.
Exhaustion weighs heavily upon Clavell.
What a mess.
What had he done to deserve any of this?
Besides be involved with the two most disastrous and wonderful people to walk Paldea?
Melancholy threatens to drown him then, but Clavell notices the plethora of gifts and get well soon cards by his bedside.
He might have lost Sada and Turo... but Clavell found new treasures to cherish in the end: his precious students and people around him.
People he came to know after leaving Area Zero.
"Arven… how did I get out of the crater?"
"Mom and d- They dragged you out of there. After, hurting you." Arven almost growls.
Suddenly, a knock sounded at the door. Arven peeled himself off Clavell with a snarl, turning to address the door. It seemed as though he already knew who it was.
"Arven-" The new voice starts.
"Didn't I already tell you tin cans NOT to disturb-" "Turo...?" Clavell shifts in attempts to look, only to be rewarded with a sharp pain in his ribs that leaves him gasping for air.
"Clavell!" Three voices yell in alarm, rushing to his bedside to fret over him. Once they figure he's alright, Arven returns to his defensiveness, and the two adults, remorseful.
Somehow, Clavell knew it was neither the Protocol or the AI versions of his once best friends and partners by his side.
It feels strange, for this to be their reunion, the first time in years.
Clavell blinks, confused, baffled, but also oddly relieved.
His laugh is a shaky one, something in between a chuckle and a sob, and comes out as more of a wet and strangled wheeze.
They were a strange family with much left to mend and years of hurts left to sort. Still, Clavell felt dangerous hope bloom and grow...
...because lost treasure, like family, could be found again.
A/N: Woooooo. That wraps up this Ask blog's plotline + the blog itself. I had been musing this plot's wrap up for a long while, and to date I think drawn about 100? asks. It was a lot, a blend of comics, animatics, fics, weird ARG junk, which I hope was a fun/interesting means of delivering this story and enjoyable experience!
Admittedly, I did lose steam at the end, out of a mix of burnout + general disinterest in this plot. Regardless, I'm glad I pushed through to wrap it up at least. There are also many parts of the ask blog I'm quite proud of :) If you've got questions or comments remaining about this story, please feel free to send things in!
As for the future of this blog, I'm likely to leave it as is, and return to using my regular art blog @wyrdle + exploring new original/zerotrio-inspired works.
Till then take care and thank you for sticking around for so long!
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goosemixtapes · 1 year
max's favorite short stories & articles!
to be updated as i read new things! "articles" could be anything from political points to philosophical musings to fascinating stories. obligatory statement that i don't necessarily agree with everything in every one of these stories/articles, but i think about them a lot and want to share :)
short stories
Avi Cantor Has Six Months To Live by Sacha Lamb (@kuttithevangu) (novella) (so says the writing on the bathroom mirror. of gender & judaism & magic and t4t trans guys. cw for suicidal ideation and bullying)
Epistolary by Sascha Lamb ("The [stuffed] frog you are selling on your blog is MINE and he is NOT HAUNTED and his name is MOSHE not BILLY HOPPER.")
Chokechain by Andrew Joseph White (a trans man discovers his parents have replaced him with a robot version of his pretransition self. cw for transphobia and violence)
Sandrine by Alexandra Munck (the tagline for this one is "I dated a sun god in college" but that doesn't do justice to the sheer concept here please read this)
You Wouldn't Have Known About Me by Calvin Gimpelevich (set in a hospital ward where patients are recovering from gender-confirming surgery)
No Flight Without the Shatter by Brooke Bolander (novella) ("After the world’s end, the last young human learns a final lesson from Earth’s remaining animals." cw for climate change/extinction)
And You Shall Know Her By The Trail Of Dead by Brooke Bolander (what if you had to death-match-fight a virtual version of yourself at your meanest made by your boyfriend whose life you're trying to save would that be fucked up or what. cws for guns and violence)
Hell is the Absence of God by Ted Chiang (stories that clock you in the fucking teeth in the religious trauma.)
A Serpent for Each Year by Tamara Jerée (microfiction) ("Our relationship is almost a year old when I ask Nal why she is covered in snakes." cw for animal death)
The Front Line by W.C. Dunlap (microfiction) (cited as one of the world's finest attention-grabber openings. cws for police brutality, racism, and SA)
Welcome to Your Authentic Indian Experience by Rebecca Roanhorse (step into the simulation and gain an authentic experience! cws for anti-Native racism and alcohol)
The Husband Stitch by Carmen Maria Machado (one of the best stories ever written. once there was a girl with a green ribbon around her neck...)
City of Red Midnight by Usman T. Malik (a chronicle of nested stories-within-stories, set in old fantasy pakistan, inverting a myth from the one hundred and one nights)
We Work In Miraculous Cages by Brenda Peynado (following a college grad drowning in loans through the nightmare of neverending work)
Other Worlds and This One by Cadwell Turnbull (a brotherly relationship collides with a theory about atomic particles, space, and time)
And Then There Were (N-One) by Sarah Pinsker (a convention of alternate-universe selves--all Sarah Pinskers--becomes a murder mystery)
Fandom For Witches by Ruoxi Chen (fuck every other thing ever written about fandom)
Haunted Home by Conrad Loyer ("The ship features a recreation of a slave ship’s hold. The cruise prides itself on it. It is not a good recreation, if the metric is realism.")
articles & essays
Lockhart's Lament (on how math is taught in schools. that is, badly. one of the most cathartic essays i've ever read on education)
Against Cop Shit by Jeffrey Moro (on adversarial education)
Debunking "Trans Women Are Not Women" Arguments by Julia Serano (comprehensive, well-written, good to have as a reference point)
On Liking Women by Andrea Long Chu (and on the politics of desire)
Turning a Unicorn Into a Bat by Josh and Lolly Weed (on Mormonism, love, and whether a gay man and a straight woman can marry happily. cw for homophobia)
Laziness Does Not Exist by Devon Price (musings on motivation from a social psychologist and professor)
How Millennials Became the Burnout Generation by Anne Helen Peterson (how come everything happens so much?)
White Women Drive Me Crazy by Aisha Mirza (on the harm caused by white women. cw for racism)
Everything You Know About Obesity Is Wrong by Michael Hobbes (should be required reading for everyone at this point. cw for fatphobia and eating disorders)
Becoming Anne Frank by Dara Horn (on the cultural fascination with Anne Frank. cw for antisemitism)
The Ecstasy of Influence by Jonathan Lethem ([on/a] plagiarism)
On the Ethics of Boinking Animal People by Patricia Taxxon (video essay) (ostensibly what the title says, but actually a detailed musing on the essential properties of furry media and the freedom of dehumanization; changed my life a bit)
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aihoshiino · 6 months
chapter 144 thoughts!
I don't think any other chapter of Oshi no Ko has ever baffled and confounded me quite like this one. Viewed solely in isolation this is a perfectly fine, functional chapter but as the followup to 143 and everything it contained, I actually feel like I'm losing my mind a bit. 143 might as well not have happened for all the weight it's given in this chapter. Ruby is not remotely acting like a girl who just tongued her crush of 18 years and in general, the total absence of any reference or cushioning of the shock of that event is just so loud and so jarring and so completely out of touch with how OnK has handled romantic developments in the past.
Both AquAka kisses had at least a scene or two in the chapter immediately following of characters reacting to and reflecting on both the event itself and the status quo change it represents in the relationship. Even 124 has that scene of Ruby clinging onto Aqua to let the viewer know what the new dynamic between them is going to be from now on. This chapter has nothing of the sort; I wasn't kidding when it says it feels like the kiss never even happened. The only thing I can point to is Ruby's little "we have sensei at home" exchange with Tsukuyomi but that's… kind of just exactly what she would've said even before the kiss. So if it has resulted in absolutely no change to their dynamic that we can see thus far, what was the point in ending the chapter on that note?
The part of me that is cynical and jaded can't help but suspect that this is intentionally hot button reaction bait paced specifically for the purposes of keeping OnK a trendy topic in the lead up to season 2 of the anime airing, But Who's To Say, Really.
I also had my worries about this last chapter, but unless we skip back in time to address it, it really looks like we've skipped over the remainder of the KamiAi romance and everything to do with the early stages of Ai's pregnancy. This is incredibly frustrating to me - they're parts of Ai's story I had been incredibly curious about and was excited to see her thoughts and feelings on, even filtered through fiction. In general, the way the Movie Arc has been increasingly dropping its focus on actually conveying Ai's story has been a real sore point for me. I fully acknowledge this rankles me more than perhaps it should because I am so deeply invested in Ai above any other character but… fuck, man! Once again, remember when this was supposed to be an arc about her? About her inner life, her pain and struggles and Aqua and Ruby working to a better understanding of her? I was excited for the Movie Arc specifically because I thought we were going to get peeks at parts of Ai's life we weren't privy to beforehand, but at this point it almost feels like Akasaka has just lost interest in following through.
Not only that but… uh, where's that KamiAi breakup scene, Akasaka? The one we were promised during the script reading? That huge I CAN'T LOVE YOU elephant that's been patiently sitting in the room? I can only assume that the 15YL version of this breakup happens after the twins are born or maybe even when Kamiki visited Ai at the hospital the night the kids were born but. What the fuck is even going on here anymore lol. The Oshi no Brainrot discord has been kicking around a joke theory that we were seeing the events of the Movie Arc out of their actual chronological order and it is becoming increasingly less of a joke in my brain because I can't make any sense of its progression otherwise.
oh my god i'm almost 1000 words in and i haven't started talking about the actual point of this chapter yet. god help me.
Ngl, I've always been a little disappointed that we didn't see much more of Melt in this arc, both just because I like him and because I think there's some really interesting potential in drawing on the parallels between Melt and Kamiki. I'm not the first to point out that Melt's experience with a dubiously consensual sexual encounter at the hands of an upperclassman - when he wasn't that much older than Hikaru was when Airi began abusing him - echoes at least in spirit Kamiki's experiences as a CSA victim; both were young boys, noted to be pretty and desirable, who were taken advantage of by older female figures. I think it would be extremely interesting and a great character moment for Melt to have some degree of engagement with that material and maybe to have some thoughts about it. It feels like a little bit of a missed opportunity to pass up on that, but I also acknowledge that Melt is ultimately not a huge mover and shaker in the overall story and I don't know how that would've fit into the Movie Arc as it stands, so I'll just have to make eyes at the AO3 tag and hope someone writes a fic about it.
Anyway as a lot of people predicted… here's Ruby being a jackass to Melt about his performance!!! Joking aside, I will admit it's a little jarring to see Ruby being so hostile to Melt over this…? Gorou is a sore spot for her, obviously and she would undoubtedly have high standards for his role in the movie. In addition, Ruby being snitty with people who rub her the wrong way definitely isn't new for her, but it still feels kind of odd both coming off her own struggles to connect with Ai through acting and her little "holy shit other people have feelings" breakthrough in the wake of the RBKN fight for her to be like this about it. I do think this is mostly just supposed to be just goofs and I'm overthinking it, it was just one of those things that kind of gave me pause as I was reading.
ruby's little little princess shirt is really good though, as is her referring to herself as a fan of the 'original work'. both of those got a solid sensible chuckle out of me.
Another thing that gave me pause for a very different reason was Melt and Ruby's exchange about his little merch pin. First and foremost, I think this is a really good Melt moment; while we saw him busting his ass to improve his acting in Tokyo Blade, that was very much when he had something to prove. Here, he really does seem to be going above and beyond for what is basically a bit part purely out of a desire to improve his craft and a passion for acting overall. It's nice to see the story double down in this being a lesson he did properly take away from Sweet Today and that he has committed to acting upon it (no pun intended) in the long term, not just when under outside pressure to do so.
The other thing that jumped out to me about this exchange is that… technically speaking, both Ruby and Melt are wrong, here? It's a very nice, flowery description of Gorou and it certainly lines up with his more positive traits but the idea of him not wearing his Ai merch in front of Ai herself is actually incorrect. Gorou is depicted (in the anime, anyway) as openly wearing the charm at what's implied to be all times, even in front of Ai herself. The manga also implies by way of where the charm is on his person when Ruby finds his body that this is also the case in that version of events, too. I don't think it's a retcon and may be an unimportant detail in the grand scheme of things but it did pique my interest.
There's a few ways to take this, I think; a more positive spin is that this is in line with what the story wants us to take away from 15 Year Lie as a production, where the literal granular facts of its events are sometimes less important than and can be bent in favour of supporting the emotional narrative it wants to convey. Melt may not literally be correct here, but he at least achieves the spirit of the right answer in his efforts. "Lies are love", after all.
However, given that Ruby enthusiastically endorses this interpretation - and is thus wrong alongside Melt - this could potentially be an indication of there being cracks in Ruby's rose-tinted view of Gorou. This strikes me as a fascinating idea and one I hope the series plays with; it would follow quite naturally from last chapter's framing of Gorou as Ruby's 'idol' that she's 'gachikoi' for. Oshi no Ko has pretty consistently portrayed the idol/fan relationship as inherently unequal, even when approached with the best of intentions and to truly know someone, you must let them off their pedestal first. She has sort of begun this process with Ai, just through empathizing with her during the 15YL production but we have yet to see anything similar happen with Gorou - if anything, we see the opposite here, where she asserts herself as the authority on Gorou's character as if she has the final say on who he was and what he felt and thought.
But the thing is, how well can Ruby really say that she knew him? They were only in each others' lives for a few months and in that time, she was only exposed to a very narrow slice of his life and his personality. Hell, you could even argue that Akane knows more about Gorou than Ruby does, given that we have no indication that Ruby or Sarina was ever privy to the details of his birth and his home life. Again, it's entirely possible that I'm reading too much into this, but now the idea is in my brain I'm simmering on it a bit. If nothing else, I hope the series takes the time to prod and poke at this angle, especially now it has made the fan/idol aspect of this dynamic explicit and textual.
Ruby and Melt's little senpai/kouhai dynamic has the potential to be really cute and I do hope the series actually spends some time on it. I've always thought a RBML friendship could be really fun to watch play out and seeing Melt gain some confidence in himself by teaching someone else could be really great. But with how unfocused the Movie Arc has been, it's really hard to get my hopes up that we'll be sticking with this even past this chapter lol
oh hey there crow girl we thought you were dead
Surprisingly, I don't have a lot to really say about her little lore drop here, since it's mostly mystery boxing and implications and, man. It's been 69 (nice) chapters since she first started showing up ominously muttering about supernatural things and while I don't mind her presence and I think she's evolved into a fun character, it's a little hard for me to get interested in these little supernatural tidbits until they resolve into something that feels meaningful for the characters.
This isn't helped by the fact that we don't really know what kami means in the context she uses it here. While 'god' and 'gods' are not strictly incorrect as translations, I think an English speaking viewer is primed to think of Abrahamic, capital G-Gods, which isn't necessarily correct. The term kami is a catchall that covers all manner of things from divinities to venerated earthbound humans, so kami can perhaps best be understood as being an umbrella term for something like 'an otherworldly being', which I think better lines up with Tsukuyomi's assertion that those who have memories of past lives are like kami in of themselves.
Ultimately though until we know what kami really means and amounts to in Oshi no Ko, it's hard to say what this means for the characters and I am ultimately only really interested in the characters. So until we know what this actually amounts to in-story, I'm just kind of nodding long with whatever Crow Girl says because sure. This might as well happen.
can we talk about how fucking funny her anime antagonist jump out of the tree was, by the way
break next week, or so i've heard... one of these days, we'll beat the allegations....
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dustyratt · 6 months
Hey I hope you’re doing okay! Ive been stalking your page for a while! I’m in the same process of making a visual novel! I was wondering how you do the AI+Sims 4 without it looking you know jacked up! Would love to know your progress!
Hold your hats everyone, i'll be explaining in details...
I was quite sceptical about AI previously. It felt like I'm being replaced with something monstrous, artificial - the imitation of life that's superior me on every single parameter. The sudden sting of a guilt for years of seemingly vain trials and tribulations. Was it all just for nothing? I believe everyone of us came to that question sooner or later. But here I stand telling you how to make a machine fulfill your demands.
First thing. The machine loves precise. From my personal experience, a better formed human wish grants a better machinery result. A less formed wish gives it a choice. Think beforehand, seek the patterns (keywords) that may help you sustain the artstyle throughout the workflow.
Tell the AI what it needs to do. Give it a reference image and explain how you want it to be changed. For example, I want this alien dude becoming a:
"A visually ominous face of an eyeless humanoid creature. This divine image, resembling a digitally rendered painting, showcases the ancient Egyptian god of chaos in detail: sharp chin and cheekbones, dark gray and beige skin, shimmering with pulsating rainbow hues, blood is visibly circulating under his translucent, cadaverous skin. His mouth with tightened teeth grins menacingly. The overall composition is dynamic and captivating, evoking a sense of fear, malevolent power and impending chaos". That will be my prompt. If you're lacking skills then put your hands on other's results, copy their prompts and reshape according to your needs.
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Oh. Not so eyeless. Let's give it less of a free will shall we?
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Better now! Sadly the eyes are in place, as you can see it is not perfect even with precise input. Now let's make about 5-10 generations with same settings. It may take time to pass a cooldown after you'll run out of tokens, so be patient. If you have absolutely no spare money to buy a decent amount of generations (or if the transactions themselves are banned in your country 👍) and your enthusiasm is on pathetically vigorous level join me on free trial option almost any of the AI sites provide. That is fair exchange - money or your time.
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You get what I mean? It could be anything shaped into another anything. Put here your sim, order a nice shot - here you go! Make something out of nothing with the power of words. Make a human being... some kind of.
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Hooray! Not only we have the result we craved for but a whole bunch of reusable high-quality textures of various nature.
Our next step: we go in a deep dark lair of creator's mind. Hm-m, I'd correct here and there, erased that part and attached that one... Now we play "compile your Frankenstein out of everything that is not in its place". Of course a machine is not yet on the level where there wouldn't be a possibility to distinct its presence. So to hide these little (big, actually) inconsistencies we use a power of photo editing. Grab your software. With the power given to you by the sense of vision eliminate the overgrowing fingers and fight back mutilated teeth clumps.
Meet my favourite one hundred percent AI generated method. Generate a simple low quality image free and effortlessly (I use Craiyon, the perfect weapon)
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Let another AI add the details for you. Catches the concept just great. Though it does not mean no handiwork after.
You can stylize it even further. Here you can see AI generated monster dudes crispy pixelated after a luxurious tour into pixelart AI. Good thing for a pixel indie gamestyle.
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So, that's it. The secret is basically in your own hands. Acknowledge the style of your game, follow it while generating contents and patch up the AI mistakes.
+ zero investments
+ compensation for a lack of skills / hardware
+ easy to use
- even more work than if you would do all the same without AI
- straight dependence on sites / chat-bots, etc.
- time consuming
- many limitations (forget this if you're not on a free subscription... wait a second that abolish the first plus too!)
Hope it was helpful!
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numbbrainstrorm · 5 months
IT'S MY BIRTHDAY MONTH Happy birthday to me
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WELCOME TO MY NON-GRAMMAR RAMBLINGS ( I'll bite your ankles and steal your kneecaps)
Me on my blog: *the wall is my two OG mutuals (love them)/pos*
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Ello I'm Charlie ( Noah A. K. A Numb) /my 2nd ACC: @charlie-kton
I'm Transmasc and my pronouns are
He / him / they / them 🦐✌️
I do art as a hobby, not a job
Nor do I claim to be good at it ( and I'm doing it for fun)
I'm also self-thought ( semi)
English is my 2nd language
Time zone: UTC+01:00 or CET ( tbh idk which one is right)
This is my main blog where I like to
Post my art
I usually don't re-blog unless I really like something
My current obsession: transformers ( cyberverse sky byte sodndjjbs~ my beloved husband)
I'm NOT doing art for you
I'm doing it for myself
So if you don't like what you see then
Block me
Please be patient I'm mentally exhausted
Is my theme music ( kinda- replace alive with dead)
Rules :
> Don't be rude ( I really don't want to deal with your shit)
> Don't take everything so seriously
> Don't repost my art
> Don't feed my art to the AI
_______[ insert some sort of banner] lol____
Will do :
Only transformers
Rare ships
Silly comics
Silly things in general ( I like fun)
NSFW ( gore, cigarettes, suggestive, etc.....)
Won't do :
Proships ( problematic ships)
NSFW ( porn / people really either hate this word or love, you guys are insane )
Elita-1 + Oplita, anything that touches her is a NO ( for me she doesn't exist)
Babies ( I'm fine with chibis)
Promotions (???)
---------[ MLEM ] - - - - - - - - - >
I'll answer anything
Besides personal stuff
Expl: Q - what's your age? (it's none of your business / I'm old enough :) )
-----------[*Snoring *] - - - - - - - - >
RULES : Everything that is above
Will do:
- Ocs
- ships ( 2nd character is 50% off)
- Rare ships
- Mild gore
If you have any questions, Feel free to DM me via Tumblr
--------[ Rawr~] - - - - - >
Rodiclash comic : it's a lot of work since I want it to be like an Opening to my AU /Icarus/ ( currently re-writing it bc I'm a dumb ass)
Update: working on my first predacon
So lot of word building to Do
And I gotta find an Art style I'm satisfied with
I can't promise that it's gonna happen
I have like a beginning done
So I'm lazy to write omfg
Icarus ( part: semi-organic cybertronian predacons )
It's an idea ( remember the part when Fort Max saved a bunch of Cybertronians with beast alt modes) of Cybertronians with beats mode being experimented on Organics that were almost instinct by Megatron / their 4-mill year-long war
It's that but dragons
Highly inspired by the book series Wings of Fire
And Transformers Prime ( Predacons)
> I can guarantee that it's gonna happen
> WHEN? Idk
And a bunch of small sillies comics that I plan to finish <3
----- [ done] - - - >
If you have any questions don't be shy and ask me
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faeriegirl · 9 months
Please read before contacting me for a commission, thank you so much!
sketch: $10
lineart: $20
lineart + color: $30
add 50% for each additional character
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-Examples for bust art
sketch: $15
lineart: $25
lineart + color: $50
add 50% for each additional character
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-Examples of waist-up art
sketch: $20
lineart: $45
lineart + color: $75
add 50% for each additional character
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-Examples of full body art
Character sheets and illustrations:
Basic character sheets with front and back view with color palette start at $140, but prices will go up depending on various items, such as additional character images or other items added to the sheet.
Illustrations will start at a base price of $100 but will be adjusted according to detail required and time needed to complete the image.
These works generally take a lot of time and effort on my part, so please allow adequate deadlines if requesting one of these items. I work a full time job and so my illustrations tend to take a lot of my free time, so please be patient and always ask questions if you ever have any concerns.
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-Examples of character sheets
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-Examples of illustrations
$30 full body chibis! (price is per character)
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-Examples of full body chibis
Body Pillows - body pillow designs will be priced at 75$ per illustration (that means 150$ total for a 2-sided body pillow)
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-Examples of body pillow designs
Limbus Company
Madoka Magica
My OCs <3
Genshin Impact
Sketch Commissions/Requests - Sketch comms are rewards for any amount of ko-fi donations or patreon subscribers! Any donation or sub is entitled to request a sketch, so please feel free to message me if you decide to support in one of these ways!
I will draw:
Ship art
Animals + mythical creatures + pokemon etc
Anthro / furry (i have less experience with them but i’m completely open to making art of it)
Landscape, scenery (prices will need to be discussed)
NSFW - you must be 18 or older to commission these however!
In most of my drawings I'll usually put in a simple background of some kind, unless directed otherwise. References are always appreciated and if there is something specific you want feel free to tell me so! Any and all references or details are highly appreciated.
If you have something in particular you’d like me to draw that isn’t discussed in this post, please feel free to ask and i’ll be glad to clarify price ranges and so on.
I'm also happy to design characters, create an adoptable, or make icons if it is of interest! Prices can be discussed with me further if you’d like this.
Some other notes:
I will need the fee for paypal included in the final payment!
I will not draw or provide any content until I’m paid in full!
I will accept partial payment ONLY if the artwork costs $100 or more. In this case, I will accept half of the payment up front, and the remainder must be received BEFORE I complete any finalized art or provide ANY files beyond sketch/lineart.
When I am commissioned, I will be in regular contact and update with progress images, to discuss satisfaction with the artwork and if changes are necessary. Please keep in mind that if excessive changes are requested, I will also request additional payment. I tend to follow the three strike rule, after the third edit, I will request additional funds for my time.
I will do my absolute best to get the content to you as quickly as possible!! I am not the type to leave a task unfinished!
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me via DMs on shiningcelebi, faeriegirl, or on my twitter @plutopri
if you want my email, please ask and I will provide!
I currently have 3 slots open for commissions! If I manage to fill them up I’ll close them until I’m finished with all of them<3
My paypal is paypal.me/ZoeStabile, please send all payments there unless using kofi
You may not use any art I create to train AI programs of any kind, or use them for NFT’s or any other items of the sort.
If you wish to use my art for commercial projects, please let me know beforehand because our contract will have to change to accommodate this.
I do reserve the right to refuse a commission if need be. Partial refunds will be considered for those wishing to cancel if I’m partway through a commission.
Please contact me with any questions or concerns! I’ll adjust this page or make a new page if and when it is necessary! Thank you for your time!
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starffruit · 3 months
i am once again opening up some c0missi0n slots so i can make some $ !!! this time, i'm offering chalky cleaned-up sketches of pokémon and only pokémon, starting at a price of 20 USD, and increasing in price depending on the design of the pokémon (and my experience/confidence in drawing them). here are some examples of what i'm advertising:
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more information can be found below the cut :)
you can and will receive the art on a transparent and/or simple color/gradient background, with and without my watermark. this will result in you receiving 4 alt images minimum. i am not offering any complex backgrounds with any of these particular c0mmissi0ns.
i can draw just any pokémon! yes, any pokémon (including pokémon with extremely complex or busy designs, like eternatus, ultra necrozma, and many more), as long as you're willing to be patient and accept the fact that my prices are determined based on complexity of the pokémon's design and whether or not i have or have not drawn the pokémon before (for any purpose[s]).
I WILL DRAW: pokemon with accessories/pokémon in clothes (think stuff like cosplay pikachu or pokémon costumes seen in pokémon unite) unique pokémon designs that are not explicitly a fanmade/original species (things like certain ad0pt designs!), shitpost-y stuff; just ask and i'll tell you whether or not i'll draw it.
I WILL NOT DRAW: fanmade pokémon species, private pokémon species (in reference to adopts), explicit n/sfw content or kink, any bigoted or politically charged content, poképh!l!a or any perceived inappropriate people/pokémon shit, and/or anything else i'm not comfortable with.
i own all rights to whatever i draw, and i can do whatever i want with it.
c0mmissi0ns are only for the personal, non-commercial use of the client, unless otherwise discussed by myself and the client.
do not use any of my art for AI generation or NFTs. i will hunt you down if you do this shit. don't test me !!!
i reserve the right to refuse, cancel, and/or refund any c0mmissi0n for any reason. if a refund is in necessary, i will inform you (the client) accordingly.
payment is taken upfront via pαypαl only.
i will begin work on your c0mm at my own pace and only after i have been paid in full.
if you have any other questions, don't be afraid to ask them via either my ask box or my dms!
if you are interested in c0mmissi0ning me, please dm me or contact me via my tw!tter/x or via my email ( starffruit @ gmail . com )!
thank you for considering me!
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vlruso · 1 year
Top Generative AI Use Cases for Healthcare to Enhance Patient Experience.
🌟 Exciting news! 🌟 Check out our latest blog post on the top generative AI use cases for healthcare that are transforming patient experience! 🏥🌈 Generative AI has revolutionized the healthcare industry, enhancing patient care through personalized treatment plans, synthetic patient data for research, enhanced medical imaging, tailored educational materials, virtual health assistants, and accelerated drug discovery. 🤖💡 Discover how Generative AI is improving patient care and explore its potential uses in healthcare while considering important risks, such as bias and security issues. 😷🚀 Read the full article here: [link to blog post] 👉 https://ift.tt/tx59V0d Don't miss out on the future of healthcare! 🏥🔮 #AI #Healthcare #PatientExperience #GenerativeAI #Innovation List of Useful Links: AI Scrum Bot - ask about AI scrum and agile Our Telegram @itinai Twitter -  @itinaicom
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hypocrite-human · 10 months
Unleashing the Power: The Impact of AI Across Industries and Future Frontiers
Artificial Intelligence (AI), once confined to the realm of science fiction, has rapidly become a transformative force across diverse industries. Its influence is reshaping the landscape of how businesses operate, innovate, and interact with their stakeholders. As we navigate the current impact of AI and peer into the future, it's evident that the capabilities of this technology are poised to reach unprecedented heights.
1. Healthcare:
In the healthcare sector, AI is a game-changer, revolutionizing diagnostics, treatment plans, and patient care. Machine learning algorithms analyze vast datasets to identify patterns, aiding in early disease detection. AI-driven robotic surgery is enhancing precision, reducing recovery times, and minimizing risks. Personalized medicine, powered by AI, tailors treatments based on an individual's genetic makeup, optimizing therapeutic outcomes.
2. Finance:
AI is reshaping the financial industry by enhancing efficiency, risk management, and customer experiences. Algorithms analyze market trends, enabling quicker and more accurate investment decisions. Chatbots and virtual assistants powered by AI streamline customer interactions, providing real-time assistance. Fraud detection algorithms work tirelessly to identify suspicious activities, bolstering security measures in online transactions.
3. Manufacturing:
In manufacturing, AI is optimizing production processes through predictive maintenance and quality control. Smart factories leverage AI to monitor equipment health, reducing downtime by predicting potential failures. Robots and autonomous systems, guided by AI, enhance precision and efficiency in tasks ranging from assembly lines to logistics. This not only increases productivity but also contributes to safer working environments.
4. Education:
AI is reshaping the educational landscape by personalizing learning experiences. Adaptive learning platforms use AI algorithms to tailor educational content to individual student needs, fostering better comprehension and engagement. AI-driven tools also assist educators in grading, administrative tasks, and provide insights into student performance, allowing for more effective teaching strategies.
5. Retail:
In the retail sector, AI is transforming customer experiences through personalized recommendations and efficient supply chain management. Recommendation engines analyze customer preferences, providing targeted product suggestions. AI-powered chatbots handle customer queries, offering real-time assistance. Inventory management is optimized through predictive analytics, reducing waste and ensuring products are readily available.
6. Future Frontiers:
A. Autonomous Vehicles: The future of transportation lies in AI-driven autonomous vehicles. From self-driving cars to automated drones, AI algorithms navigate and respond to dynamic environments, ensuring safer and more efficient transportation. This technology holds the promise of reducing accidents, alleviating traffic congestion, and redefining mobility.
B. Quantum Computing: As AI algorithms become more complex, the need for advanced computing capabilities grows. Quantucm omputing, with its ability to process vast amounts of data at unprecedented speeds, holds the potential to revolutionize AI. This synergy could unlock new possibilities in solving complex problems, ranging from drug discovery to climate modeling.
C. AI in Creativity: AI is not limited to data-driven tasks; it's also making inroads into the realm of creativity. AI-generated art, music, and content are gaining recognition. Future developments may see AI collaborating with human creators, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in fields traditionally associated with human ingenuity.
In conclusion, the impact of AI across industries is profound and multifaceted. From enhancing efficiency and precision to revolutionizing how we approach complex challenges, AI is at the forefront of innovation. The future capabilities of AI hold the promise of even greater advancements, ushering in an era where the boundaries of what is achievable continue to expand. As businesses and industries continue to embrace and adapt to these transformative technologies, the synergy between human intelligence and artificial intelligence will undoubtedly shape a future defined by unprecedented possibilities.
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nunuslab24 · 4 months
What are AI, AGI, and ASI? And the positive impact of AI
Understanding artificial intelligence (AI) involves more than just recognizing lines of code or scripts; it encompasses developing algorithms and models capable of learning from data and making predictions or decisions based on what they’ve learned. To truly grasp the distinctions between the different types of AI, we must look at their capabilities and potential impact on society.
To simplify, we can categorize these types of AI by assigning a power level from 1 to 3, with 1 being the least powerful and 3 being the most powerful. Let’s explore these categories:
1. Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI)
Also known as Narrow AI or Weak AI, ANI is the most common form of AI we encounter today. It is designed to perform a specific task or a narrow range of tasks. Examples include virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa, recommendation systems on Netflix, and image recognition software. ANI operates under a limited set of constraints and can’t perform tasks outside its specific domain. Despite its limitations, ANI has proven to be incredibly useful in automating repetitive tasks, providing insights through data analysis, and enhancing user experiences across various applications.
2. Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)
Referred to as Strong AI, AGI represents the next level of AI development. Unlike ANI, AGI can understand, learn, and apply knowledge across a wide range of tasks, similar to human intelligence. It can reason, plan, solve problems, think abstractly, and learn from experiences. While AGI remains a theoretical concept as of now, achieving it would mean creating machines capable of performing any intellectual task that a human can. This breakthrough could revolutionize numerous fields, including healthcare, education, and science, by providing more adaptive and comprehensive solutions.
3. Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI)
ASI surpasses human intelligence and capabilities in all aspects. It represents a level of intelligence far beyond our current understanding, where machines could outthink, outperform, and outmaneuver humans. ASI could lead to unprecedented advancements in technology and society. However, it also raises significant ethical and safety concerns. Ensuring ASI is developed and used responsibly is crucial to preventing unintended consequences that could arise from such a powerful form of intelligence.
The Positive Impact of AI
When regulated and guided by ethical principles, AI has the potential to benefit humanity significantly. Here are a few ways AI can help us become better:
• Healthcare: AI can assist in diagnosing diseases, personalizing treatment plans, and even predicting health issues before they become severe. This can lead to improved patient outcomes and more efficient healthcare systems.
• Education: Personalized learning experiences powered by AI can cater to individual student needs, helping them learn at their own pace and in ways that suit their unique styles.
• Environment: AI can play a crucial role in monitoring and managing environmental changes, optimizing energy use, and developing sustainable practices to combat climate change.
• Economy: AI can drive innovation, create new industries, and enhance productivity by automating mundane tasks and providing data-driven insights for better decision-making.
In conclusion, while AI, AGI, and ASI represent different levels of technological advancement, their potential to transform our world is immense. By understanding their distinctions and ensuring proper regulation, we can harness the power of AI to create a brighter future for all.
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bitterkarmaa · 5 months
I hope i'm not bothering with more ramble because this boy gives me so many brain worms you have no idea- ANYWAY full disclaimer this is all headcanon i've got for him AND IF YOU DEEM IT NON-CANON THAT IS FINE 100% I AM FINE WITH IT! PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CORRECT ANY MISINTERPRETATIONS I'VE MADE!
I've made some slight hints toward it in my writing already and have only now worked up the courage to share it in full hjdkfg so- I'm kinda playing on a general DCA headcanon i have that DCA models mainly Sun and Moon ones need counterparts in order to basically function. Because that is how they were designed, two halves of a whole that were made to exist together.
So a Sun needs their Moon and a Moon their Sun. Or a Moon their Moon or a Sun their Sun. Eclipse's included! The main point is there's gotta be two (or more) DCA models who are 'imprinted' or 'bonded' in order to properly function (Ruin would be mostly exempt ofc due to the two being one)
NOW WHERE DOES RAYS COME INTO PLAY HERE? So as i rambled about on A03 in the comments of Canary and Crow, i had a headcanon that Rays had 'imprinted' onto Lord Eclipse because, he is technically a Sun who lost his counterpart, that being Moon. So baby Rays, fresh and new sees Eclipse - possibly still a DCA model himself before changing his form - and automatically imprints onto him!
And this ends up carrying over to KB Eclipse and again, possibly Veil too because they are both of the same/similar ai that Rays own code has logged as being his natural other half (and counterpart relations can be whatever really, siblings, friends, family, partners whatever but ofc in this situation its 100% family or siblings)
And this is why i've written Rays to be so attached to Eclipse and why he seeks his company first and foremost when he feels lonely. And again this could later extend to Veil too! (Because i have not forgotten that oneshot where Rays comforts Veil and mourns with him that broke me Shep IT BROKE ME- /pos)
Anyways thankyou for attending my ted talk i shall now disappear into the cosmos!
I love your rambles honestly- it astonishes me that I’ve made characters that people find are WORTHY of rambling about 🥹❤️ it means a lot to me that Rays means so much to some people :)
I could defiantly see Veil “imprinting” on Rays as a sort of younger brother, for sure! Veil has a lot of emotions that he doesn’t understand and Rays being so gentle and patient with him would really give him brownie points in Veil’s eyes.
The drabble with Rays and Veil mourning was meant to be a sort of introduction into how both of them are accepting that vulnerable side of themselves that they’ve tried to ignore for so long, which would foster a sense of security for Veil since he’s still learning how to let people in (he’s still ahead of Eclipse on that one though LMAO) and accept that he’s ALLOWED to be different from Eclipse. He is, quite obviously, a lot more open-minded than Eclipse is. He may not ENJOY negative emotions, but he’s willing to learn and experience them in order to become a better person.
Eclipse…is not.
The main difference between Veil and Eclipse is that Veil is actively trying to better himself, while Eclipse is doing it without realizing and still has violent, sociopathic urges that others use as reasons to avoid him or discredit the progress he HAS made. Except for Rays, which is why Eclipse has a certain fondness for him, and tries to reign in his frightening tendencies in order to stay on his “good side.”
Rays knows Eclipse is struggling with something, but is too afraid to push it or ask questions.
Eclipse wants to do better for Rays, so he keeps his problems to himself in order to avoid scaring him.
Veil wants to understand himself in order to prove he can be different from Eclipse.
It all goes in cycles between the three, which is why their dynamic is going to be so interesting and unique when their arc begins later on, after Veil is introduced into the main storyline.
Do with this what you will :)
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Summary: Written for AI-less Whumptober 2023 Day 8. Set after RttE’s Shell-shocked Part 1 & 2. Viggo dissociates near the Edge volcano.
Warning: /
Rating: General
Characters: Hiccup, Viggo
Pairing: /
Words: 448
Fandom: How to Train Your Dragon
Prompt: Dissociation
Whumpee: Viggo
Author’s Notes: Don't really have much to say for this one. Just saw this prompt, had some trouble finding the right idea for this one, but then eventually settled on a Viggo whump fic.
There are only two things he remembers the most; the heat and the pain.
The heat was like an all consuming fire, though there were no actual flames licking at his skin. It fell like a weight on him, slowly suffocating the life out of him. He couldn’t breathe, the very air felt like it burned him alive on the inside.
The pain was sudden and blinding. One moment, there was just the heat, the next he was writhing on the ground, screaming in agony as his flesh was eaten away and his eye blinded. He was thrusted into endless suffering, the kind that made him wish for death as a mercy.
That is what he remembers most.
“Viggo, hey!” Hiccup waves his hand in front of the man in an attempt to gain his attention. The closer they got to the Edge Volcano, the less present he seems.
“Hm, yes?” Viggo’s answer comes out rather dazed, something the younger man isn’t used to see from him.
“I was asking you if you were sure about this?” He repeats his question. He’s patient. Surprised that Viggo would come back so soon after the whole ordeal with the Shellfire dragon and being found burned and bleeding on his doorstep, but patient.
Viggo doesn’t answer and that feels like an answer enough.
He thought of coming here, retrieving the Dragon-Eye, and solidifying this sudden alliance with the Dragon Riders. They did just spent weeks helping him heal, all the while cleaning up the mess the Hunters had made of their island, their volcano in particular. The earth rumbles ever so often, the mountain is angry. Yet, despite this impossible problem, Hiccup still spent his nights keeping Viggo company. And a clean slate deserves to be commemorated with an artifact.
But now that they’re here, nearing the top, he feels unwell.
There’s this disconnection that he can’t quite explain. He’s in his body, watching through his own eyes, yet doesn’t feel like a part of himself and it’s a truly dizzying experience. He feels faint, his reality a stranger to him.
He must wear a look that says as such, Hiccup grows worried.
“Okay, you know what?” He starts, “how about we go back down and enjoy a nice lunch instead? Odinn knows it took me a long time to return to where I lost my leg.”
A chuckle leaves him, but Viggo finds himself not noticing, much like how he didn’t hear his question just moments earlier.
Grabbing him by the arm, Hiccup isn’t giving him any choice. He pulls Viggo back down with him again, Toothless following close behind. The Dragon-Eye will have to wait for another day.
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aquariclily · 9 months
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🔞 Minors do not interact! 18+ only, & preferably 20+.
⠀General Roleplay Information!
All my blogs are listed here!
I personally prefer long RP stuff to be discussed through messages or Discord as I value OOC trust & communication. However, I'm good with filling in interest checkers as well.
I accept most inbox submissions, even for non-(Tumblr)roleplayers. But please don't expect for literally all inbox replies to turn into threads (though, you can ask.)
I can't consistently cut posts bc I'm generally on my phone & open Tumblr on the app.
I roleplay on both Tumblr & Discord. Discord RP's are a little more prioritized sometimes because it's more easy for me for short/more casual stuff. I'm open to try out other platforms if convenient.
NOTE: I am highly selective with my canons.
⠀Do Not Interact…
— DNI if your blog contains the following: Pedo/Incest/Bestiality/Anything Too Problematic (think of e.g. uncomfy~immoral/illegal taboo stuff, etc.) I really don't care what tf you're into - I just don't want to SEE these things on my dash. (Plus, I also don't want trouble.)
— OOC garbage behavior such as; Racism/Sexism/T.ERF/S.WERF/G.ender critical/M.AP/Z.oosexual/A.lt-right/Any discrimination or insensitivities to marginalized groups/etc. I will block that shit on sight.
— "Collectors". I block collectors on sight. I have terrible experiences with them. I usually block them on sight (for my mental health.) If you want your OC x Canon ship, you must offer double-up or leave me alone. Find some other blog.
— I'll repeat: No minors. Roleplay is for 18+ only, 20+ is preferred (not mandatory. This is because I'm 30+.) However, minors are free to follow my blog(s) if they are SFW. It's just that I don't want to roleplay with them.
— If I blocked you: Don't fucking block evade me!!
Notes: I block very liberally to curate my Tumblr Experience™ (it usually means that I just don't want to interact so don't take a block too personal) & it would be too laboring to fully elaborate on every small thing that just bothers me. (Along on how a lot of people on this website lack basic reading comprehension… not worth it. 🗿)
If you read this. Please don't worry about me blocking you out of the blue, I usually (kindly) confront people if we're mutuals for a while.
I admit that I suffer from trauma (C-PTSD) so curating my experience is very important. I don't want to list my specific triggers because it can be used against me but it's in the range of taboo/extreme stuff (what's in my DNI.)
⠀RP Do's…
— Just wing it. Don't get intimidated, I like casual RP's on Tumblr too. Don't worry too much about length/detail.
— Try to read the Blog/Muse Info's. Not mandatory, but it would be nice. This post is just the general RP rules (hence, it's posted on my main.)
— Be patient. Acknowledge that there is an actual PERSON behind the screen. I am not an AI. Don't treat me like one. I have my preferences, & prefer to stick in my comfort zone. And sometimes I get busy. Sometimes, I just want to do different things. Sometimes, I'm just too tired, moody, sick, or whatever reason. You can ask what's up when in doubt, though. It's fine. I'm just saying that I have a life, my preferences, and that I need my rest.
— Talk OOC, plot stuff, discuss dynamics between our muses, etc. I may fill in interest checkers but I personally prefer to work through messages. Interest checkers don't really work for me on my canons so I no longer do that. I value good OOC communication. This is how you get things done with me.
— If there is a problem, talk it out. Let's acknowledge that we're human and being humans means that we're flawed and we all can have our bad days; I want to keep my mind open and hear you out.
— Give attention, show some excitement; I gravitate to those who seem most interested & express it. Don't worry about ♥/reblog-spam lol, I don't mind. I like the attention.
— Come up with ideas. Talk about our muses & world-building. You could never ever bother me with genuine interest & passion. Passionate writers are admirable.
— If you struggle with coming up with ideas: Ask! I will not mind if you ask, because that indicates that you're interested! Which is a good thing. I'll gladly brainstorm for you.
— Drop threads & start new ones if you lost muse. It's fine.
— Take a break if you need it! ♥
⠀RP Don'ts…
And I can't stress it enough.
— Don't be weird. Respect my boundaries. I am very tired.
— Don't sexualize/romance the muses that are minors or child-coded.
— Don't godmod. Don't try to control my muse without my consent.
— Don't expect me to ship something if we haven't discussed it. Also don't be a jerk if I say "No". I'm still selective. Don't demand me to do double up for ships if I don't see you demand it to others & don't see it in your BYI/RP Rules. (It's unfair to put a double standard to me.)
— Don't disrespect my wishes and preferences in roleplays. I am not an AI that is willing to write literally everything. Don't get mad if my muse isn't going to act the way you want them to. Don't guilt trip me for retiring muses: My muse for things isn't going to stay the same forever.
— Don't pressure me to write things I'm not (or no longer) interested in. When in doubt, just ask. If you don't ask; I guess you'll just stay in doubt then! Sorry.
— Don't make OOC vagueposts & stuff like that. It makes me nervous and worry if it's about me. I also will raise a brow at you if you give OOC drama more attention than roleplay, this can result into me confronting you or even unfollowing you if we're not close enough. Outside that: I actually DO support callouts of genuinely shitty & problematic people with actual/proper evidence! I'd rather not want to end up interacting with e.g. someone who's predatory or weird around minors.
— Don't be afraid to message me!! I'd love to talk.
— Feel free to message me for my Discord if interested. Be sure to have some clear information about yourself somewhere before I add you!
— My status often says that I'm "offline". I want to reply at my own pace.
— Even on Discord, I take my breaks.
⠀⠀♡ this post to confirm that you've read the "General Roleplay Information"!
— Message me if there are any questions! Don't be shy if you don't understand some things.
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