#pay someone to take online class for you
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essaywritinghelp · 5 months
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queercatboyrights · 2 years
nothing in this world makes me feel more physically violent than being forced to take a stupid fucking generals math course
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mutable-manifestation · 5 months
You know I've seen a few variations on "Danny is the one who can make the batfam sleep" now and most of them are powers-based or him being a tiny new orphan who is so so sad if you don't take care of yourself-based
May I propose another variation: Danny, having moved into the manner a month ago and long discovered all of the relevant secrets (without the others knowing) can tell their lack of self-care is weighing on Alfred.
Alfred is the one he's seen the most in his time there - the others have spent time with him, of course, but they all have their night jobs and work or school away from home (Danny is doing online classes so he can work at his own pace) - so he's not at all happy about Alfred being stressed.
Danny calls a family meeting.
He's built an app, he tells them, and each of them can access their own timer on their phones - yes he already downloaded it to each of them.
Yes, those are how long you've been awake, he tells them. Yes, he's sure they have noticed Tim's absence - Tim was on hour 35. The maximum allowed is 24.
If one's timer reaches 24, Danny will find them, and he will put them to sleep manually.
How? Danny hefts the Fenton creep stick pointedly.
Someone points out he could give them a concussion or kill them that way.
Danny says he's had a lot of practice judging swings.
He also maybe bribed Nocturne for a large amount of sleep dust. The bat is just for a deceptive bonk (and they will be getting a bonk, if a light one) as they go out so he doesn't have to explain himself - they'll just think he's really that good at judging swings.
Someone goes to find Tim to prove he's just bluffing. Except Tim is actually asleep.
Danny doesn't use any ghost powers, he's just that sneaky and he's keeping a close eye on the timers. No matter how they try to avoid him it simply doesn't work. He hacks the doors, he's good at combat the one time someone noticed him sneaking up on them, and he's such a good sneak that most of the time they don't notice him until it's too late (even more impressive once they actually start paying attention to their timers to try and anticipate him).
They don't all live together. That doesn't help.
Danny took a bus to Tim's apartment while claiming he was going on a jog to avoid suspicion. He hitchhikes all the way to Crime Alley to put out Red Hood. Nowhere is safe.
It becomes very obvious he knows about their secret IDs. It also becomes very clear that he only really cares about whether or not they're sleeping.
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Professor, I didn’t cheat.
Summary: reader is a top student at her university. always exceeding in her courses and even taking the liberty to do study groups with other students to help them. Professor Kennedy finds out that the reader and this other student have the same thesis for an upcoming paper. What happens when he confronts y/n after class?
Warning: fem reader. Professor Leon. make out. breast play. creampie. age gap. CONSENTED.
a/n: I HATE my political class. I don’t understand anything😭 I was put in a group full of of guys and I deadass felt so out of place
(pt.1) (pt.2)
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You always took notes during his lectures. You always made sure to jot down every single detail, even if it was something that you could search online. Your studies were important to you. You wanted to be the best so you strived for academic success. Many students valued your ambitious character but others were jealous.
Today’s lecture was more of an exam day. You always aced your tests, given that you studied the night before. You were one of the first students to finish their exam. You and the girl next to you finished at the same time and walked up to Leon’s desk to turn it in. You took your backpack with you as you laid the exam flat on his wooden desk. He gave you a curt nod, and then one to the other girl.
You both walked out of the classroom without any issues.
Until Leon emailed you that he wanted to have a private conference with you.
You panicked. What could have possibly have gone wrong? Or maybe he knew of an opportunity that you could take, like a job or a scholarship you should apply. Most professors did that, they helped their best students.
So when you walked to his office Monday morning, your gut feeling sank as you noticed the look on his face. It was a mixture of disappointment and disapproval. He motioned for you to step up to his desk, “Y/n, glad you’re here. Please, take a seat.” He sat down on his desk chair while you took one of the chair in front of his desk.
“I’m sure you’re wondering why I called you here,” He began as he shuffled through some papers.
What could have possibly called you for? Nevertheless, you responded, “Yes, Professor, I am.”
He looked at you for a brief moment before laying a piece of paper in front of you. It was your exam, not graded yet, but it was yours. You furrowed your brows in confusion and then looked at him, “This is my exam…what’s wrong with it?”
He cleared his throat and rested his hands on his desk, “Look, I’m going to be straight with you. You’re an excellent student. The best student I’ve had so far.” He began slowly but you felt anxious, where was this going to?
“However, academic integrity is part of the student conduct every student must follow. I cannot grade your exam, y/n.”
It was as if time stopped. Your eyes widened, your heart was beating out of your chest. The silence was deafening, the pit in your stomach dropped heavy. “If you don’t grade this exam, I’ll fail the course,” you replied anxiously, “I can’t afford another class, I’ll have to wait for other scholarship opportunities to help me pay.”
He looked at you with sympathy but that didn’t mean he believed you, “Look, I know it’s stressful but that’s life. You don’t get an easy grade from cheating off a friend.”
“Cheating off a friend? Sir, with all due respect, I am not friends with anyone in the class,” you began to feel defensive. You didn’t know anyone, you only talked to them for projects. The professor raised his eyebrow as he stared at you.
“Someone told me that you copied from them. I won’t name the student since that’s between me and them,” he leaned forward onto the desk, “You’re an exemplary student, it hurts me to say this to you.”
All you could do was stare at him, someone actually wanted to ruin your grade and reputation. While you remained silent, he spoke, “Look, you have amazing grades and your participation has been outstanding. I’ll give you another chance. Retake the exam but it must be in my office.”
You furrowed your brows, “Why should I retake an exam if I didn’t cheat? I guarantee you, I would never lie on an exam. I am aware of the consequences that comes from cheating off of someone.”
Leon sighed and leaned back against his chair, “You’re stubborn, that’s good in a student.” He paused for a few moments, staring at you in silence, almost analyzing you. “Tell you what, I’ll investigate this further, however I still want you to take the exam again. If what you say is true then the retake of the exam will be extra credit for your grade.”
Extra credit? How can you say no to that? You sighed defeatedly and nodded along to his words, “Fine, I’ll retake the exam.”
He smiled softly and gave you a short single nod, “Good, come to my office on Wednesday at 12:30.”
You nod again and stood up to leave his office. His eyes trailed behind your back as you walked away from his office. Now all you had to do was wait for Wednesday so you can retake that exam, but first, should you find the person who accused you of cheating?
Wednesday came and you, lazily, made your way to his office. It was 12:25 as you were walking the halls of offices. The Dean’s office, some other professor’s office and then there was his. With his name plastered in the door in gold, Leon Scott Kennedy.
You knocked three times and heard a soft ‘Come in.’ You stepped into his office, immediately met with the smell of coffee, you forgot how much coffee this man consumed but honestly, who doesn’t consume coffee in college? “I’m here,” you spoke awkwardly as you looked at him. Your breath hitches in your throat as you scan him, he looked strangely hot. His tie was loose, his suit jacket hung on the back of his chair and his sleeves were rolled up. You were to see how toned and muscular his arms were, the watch on his left wrist made his hands look bigger for some reason. His hair was messy but it made him look godly.
“Ah, you’re here, good,” He motioned for you to sit down at the chair in front of his desk. “Take out your laptop, I published the exam for you. It should be there.”
You walked over to the chair and sat down in front of his desk, you pulled your laptop out of your school bag and began to scroll through your student account, “I see it.” You mumbled softly.
“Let me know when you’re ready, you have 90 minutes to complete the exam,” He replied politely. You could tell he was proud that you decided to retake it. With a soft sigh, you nodded and began to work on your exam. You leaned back against the chair as your laptop rested on your lap, you answered one question after another. It was an easy exam, you’ve taken it before.
Leon was watching you attentively, his eyes scanning over your relaxed figure. He noticed the way your hair seemed a little bit messy and how your brows scrunched up together in deep thought. He felt proud because he knew you were an ambitious student, you were everything he wanted in a student. Studious, hardworking, hot- wait a minute, hot?
He quickly looked away and focused on some miscellaneous files, he shouldn’t be thinking about his students. He kept stealing glances at you as you worked on your exam and he couldn’t help but feel hot. His eyes lingering on parts of your body, as if truly seeing you for the first time. He sees you as an attractive woman.
“I finished,” you mumbled softly as you looked up from your laptop, he quickly turned his gaze to his computer to check if you finished it. With a firm nod he responded, “Yeah, I see it. Good job, you got another perfect score.”
Of course you did, you were the smartest in his class. This was easy for you, light work. You closed your laptop and began to pack up but not before he tried to stop you, “Hey, wait- don’t leave yet.”
You looked up from your bag to look at him. He clears his throat and continues, “I still have to put in your grade and we need to talk about the cheating accusation.” You nodded and remained quiet as he kept speaking, “I decided to grade both your exams and use this attempt as your extra credit. You’re a great student and it would be a shame if anything bad were to happen to you that could affect your future.”
Your eyes widened, you couldn’t believe he was being this considerate. Most times when a student s caught cheating, a lawyer gets involved. But he was being nice, too nice even.
“What happened to the investigation?” You asked with furrowed brows. “I decided to drop it. I see that you scored the same on both tries so I guess that means you weren’t lying,” he replied as he maintained eye contact. His foggy blue eyes piercing into your soul. It didn’t help that his appearance made you feel butterflies.
“Actually, I also wanted to talk to you about this scholarship I found. It might be good for you,” His hand motioned for you to come up to him and his computer, you got up from the chair and walked to stand behind him. The screen showed a website of a scholarship due next semester. You heard him talk about the details but all you could focus on was the scent of his cologne. He smelled good albeit his messy look. He turned around in his chair to look at you and your faces were merely centimeters away from each other. You looked down at him and he looked up at you from his chair. It wasn’t on purpose but your gaze fell to his lips. Your gaze switched from his eyes to your lips and you didn’t notice how he slowly brought his hand to your cheek. He cupped your side of your face and brought you down to his face.
It wasn’t meant to happen but you felt your lips against his lips. The moment the two of you joined together as one in a kiss felt surreal. His lips tasted like coffee. His other hand traveled to your waist and pulled you down to his lap. You straddled his hips and gripped on his hair as you two emerged into a passionate and sensual kiss. His tongue brushing against your bottom lip, eliciting a gasp from you as he forced his tongue inside your mouth. The man was old but he knew how to kiss so good. You moaned into the kiss and felt his cock hardened against your clothed core. Causing your panties to grow a wet spot from the arousal. You shifted slightly against his hips, grinding up against his erection. Your kiss turned hot and messy, saliva dripping down as your chest is pressed up against his. His hands traveled down from your waist to your hips, fingers digging at your skin.
He put hind hands on the back of your thighs near your ass and picked you up. He gently laid your back down on his desk, not caring about the files falling to the floor right now. His mouth moved to your neck as he began to nibble and suck on your skin. Red marks terrorizing your sensitive skin as you moaned and gasped. Your hands gripped on the back of his hair as his hands began to travel to the inside of your shirt, touching your stomach and swiftly making their to your breasts. He growled against your skin as he pushed his hand inside your bra and felt the hardened nipple.
“Take it off,” I mumbled against your skin and pulled back. He helped you take off your shirt as you began to unclasp your bra, revealing those beautiful titties to him. Their color only making him water the mouth, he dropped down to one of your breast and began to suck hard on it while his hand manhandled the other. You arched your back as his tongue moved swiftly across areola of your breast. The salivating skin coating your breast as his teeth grazed your nipple. Your moans and whimpers escaping your mouth as he destroyed your breasts with his mouth and hand. You felt good.
He pulled back from your chest and looked down at the marvelous sight before him. He leaned down to kiss you again before softly whispering against your lips, “Let me know if you want to stop.”
You nodded your head and watched as his hands traveled down to his trousers and began to unbuckle his belt and buttons. He pulled his pants down to his thighs and pulled down on his boxers. His erection jumping from the enclosed space, hitting his abdomen with a thwack as precum had been leaking. He was large, the tip a rosy tone of pink with a vein protruding from the side, his cock leaned to his left and you could swear you saw it twitch. It was a spectacular sight. His hands quickly went down to take off your pants, pulling them to your ankles before taking them off completely. His noticed the wet spot in your panties from your presumably wet cunt.
His index finger pressed down against the fabric covering your clit, the slick of your folds seeping through the fabric as you shut your eyes tightly and moaned quietly. He smirked and began to circled your clit through your panties, he wasn’t aware you were into this but he obliged.
Just as you were near your orgasm, he pulled his finger back and pulled your panties down towards the floor along with your pants. He stood in between your legs and aligned his throbbing tip with your entrance, “I wish I had the time to prepare you but I’ve got a meeting after this,” he mumbled as he pushed himself into you, not giving you time to respond as your mouth became full of moans.
He made sure to fill up with his cock until his balls made contact with your ass, your jaw fell slack as you rolled your head back against his desk. Leon slowly began to thrust in and out, not fully pulling out, he was kind enough to let you adjust to his size.
Once he was sure you were doing good, he began to thrust into you. Pulling out and pushing back in with force, causing the desk to grind against the floor. He leaned down and put his hands on either side of your head. Your hands traveled to his hair and back, clawing your nails through his shirt.
The sound of skin clapping and the smell of sweat and sex covered the room. The air felt humid as both of your breaths became heavy and labored. You felt his tip touch your cervix, sending a wave of pleasure over you through a whimper. He kept thrusting, making sure to hit your g-spot and cervix. He may not have fingered you but he was still a gentleman, he wanted to make sure you enjoyed this just as much.
Your moans began to cut short as your breathing increasing, you arched your back and felt the band in your lower stomach stretching to a snap. And soon enough, your pussy clenched around his cock. Your orgasm milking and pulsating as he thrusted in you while you were experiencing your high. You closed your eyes and the darkness was clouded with stars.
His own thrusts faltered a little bit as he felt you clench and pulsate around his member and without a second thought he couldn’t contain his own cum from spilling inside you. His hot and thick juices shooting into your womb as he slammed his cock into your cunt for one last time. He kept himself buried inside you as he tried to catch his breath. Both of you panting and sweaty.
He slowly pulled out of you and watched as his cum dropped down from your cunt to his desk, the sight making his cock throb again but he couldn’t indulge himself for a second round as he had a meeting to attend. He helped you clean yourself up with some tissues he had and handed you your clothes from the floor. You both began to dress yourselves as the aftermath of what you two had done began to settle into your heads. He looked at you with a smirk and kissed your cheek, his stubble grazing your skin.
“I’ve got to now, sweetheart,” he whispered as his hand cupped your cheek like he did previously. “You should let me take you to dinner some time.”
You could only nod as you were still feeling dumb from the sex, “Yeah…”
He chuckled and pressed a light kiss on your lips before leaving you in his office.
Who knew a professor could fuck so good?
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ale-wosofan · 4 months
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Alexia x R
R is struggling but she’s not sure why or how to fix it. Will she finally be honest with her girlfriend about how she’s feeling?
warnings: little bit of angst (+fluff), implied adhd
a/n: English is not my first language (I’m aware how much of a cliché that is) so there might be some mistakes; feel free to correct them :) Here I talk about my personal experience with adhd, please don’t use this to self-diagnose, as it is not the same for everyone. Enjoy!
The first time you feel that there’s something wrong with you, you’re at home with your girlfriend.
“Hey, princesa. Have you seen that there’s a new season of that TV show you like?” Alexia asks you once you’ve sat down on the sofa.
“Oh, I didn’t know,” you shrug settling on top of your girlfriend and kissing her cheek.
Alexia looks a little surprised at your answer but starts running her hands up and down your back nonetheless.
“How come? I thought you said it was, and I’m quoting you, the best show you’ve ever seen.”
But you don’t answer. You don’t really know what happened, you’re just not that passionate about that particular show anymore. You had been interested for a few months; had watched all the interviews, bloopers, deleted scenes, but now you just didn’t like it as much anymore. You’ve had a few intense months thinking and talking about the show almost every minute of every day so you probably just need time away from it now that all that initial intensity has worn off.
You don’t realise how much time you’ve been quiet until Alexia speaks again.
“Amor?” you hum in acknowledgement urging her to continue “are you okay?”
“Yeah, just got a little distracted,” you answer shuffling around a little bit trying to get comfortable.
After a couple of minutes moving around you can’t seem to settle. You sigh and sit up feeling Alexia’s eyes on you the entire time.
“So, have you finished the work you had to do?” your girlfriend asks while putting her feet on your lap.
“No, not yet. But I really needed a break.”
Alexia looks up at you surprised.
“¿De verdad? I thought it was supposed to be something easy. You’ve been working for almost two hours.”
You frown. There’s no way it’s been two hours, right? That can’t be possible. But when you look at your watch you realise that it really has been two hours. You have spent all that time in your office and haven’t been able to finish a relatively simple task.
“Today is not my day, I guess,” you say rubbing your hands on your face with frustration “I’m a little distracted today, I can’t seem to concentrate on anything.”
But it wasn’t just today, and you knew that. It was something that had been going on for a while. You couldn’t exactly pinpoint when it had started to happen, but it got bad after the quarantine. You were on your second year of college when the pandemic occurred. You spent a few months studying online, a few months that felt like a bliss to you despite everything that was happening in the world. But you had to come back to class eventually. And it was fine; until it wasn’t. Every time you tried to pay attention to class you got distracted and couldn’t focus on what the teachers were saying for more than a few minutes at a time. When you had projects to do you couldn’t bring yourself to work on them and waited until the last day to get them done. Studying suddenly became a torture since you couldn’t concentrate for long. What once used to take you ten minutes, now it took an hour.
And the thing is you still don’t understand why. You don’t know what’s wrong with you now that wasn’t before. It hadn’t really bothered you before, you’d been able to deal with it for some time. But now it feels like it just keeps getting worse with each passing day. Deep down you know you need help, and you know you should talk to someone about this, but you don’t feel ready to. Not yet.
“How about you keep working on it tomorrow? And we can relax for the rest of the say. We can have a nice bath and then order some food. How does that sound?”
You smile at your girlfriend. How did you ever get so lucky?
“Yeah, I’d really like that.”
The second time you feel that there’s something wrong with you, Alexia had just come home from training.
When you hear the door front open and your girlfriend call out for you, you’re lying on your bed scrolling through social media.
You get up and go say hello to her.
“Hi, baby,” you greet her opening your arms for a hug.
“Hola, mi amor.”
She takes a step back from your embrace, places her hands on your cheeks and kisses you passionately. And just as quickly as it had started she was pulling away.
“Hi,” you repeat feeling yourself blush.
“Hi,” your girlfriend answers kissing your forehead “I’m going to take a shower.”
You blink slowly taking a few seconds to get yourself together, being quickly interrupted by Alexia calling your name from the bedroom.
You make your way there but stop in your tracks in the door frame when you realise why your girlfriend had called for you.
“Princesa, what happened here?”
You give her a smile that you’re pretty sure turns out looking more like a grimace.
“Okay so, I wanted to rearrange some of the books-”
“-but then I wasn’t sure if I wanted to organize them by colour or by genre, so I decided to watch a video to decide. But then I got distracted by another video and kind of forgot what I was doing in the first place, so I just laid down and waited for you to come home,” you answer honestly giving your girlfriend a sheepish smile.
Alexia looks at you in deep thought.
“Okay, how about this? I take a shower and get into some comfortable clothes and once I’m done I’ll help you with all this.”
You sometimes wonder how someone so perfect like the woman in front of you exists.
“Or, we could shower together and then work on the bookshelf together as well,” you suggest smirking.
Your girlfriends lets out a chuckle and kisses your cheek.
“Nice try, but if we do that we might never be able to come out of the shower.”
Once your girlfriend is out of sight you take a look at all the books splattered around the room. The state of the place is certainly overwhelming and it just stresses you out more. Where are you supposed to start?
You sigh and sit down on the bed.
You should’ve finished this before Alexia got here. You’d had more than enough time to do it, so why couldn’t you just focus on your task like everyone else instead of getting distracted with everything? Now your girlfriend had to help you out instead of resting after the long day she probably had.
You rub your hands on your face in frustration. It really isn’t supposed to be that hard right?
“Yeah, I’m just a little lazy sometimes,” you whisper to no one in particular before getting up.
The third time you feel that there’s something wrong with you, you’ve just gotten to your house from work.
When you arrive home you’re exhausted.
Stepping into the house the first thing you notice is the Spanish music playing in the background and the smell of your favourite meal being cooked.
Walking into the kitchen you are welcomed by the sight of your girlfriend wearing one of your old shirts dancing and cooking.
“Hi, love.”
She turns around at the sound of your voice and looks at you with a lovesick smile.
“Hola, princesa,” she quickly answers opening her arms for you to hug her, which you happily do “How was your day?”
You step out of her embrace and give her a kiss before making a face.
“It could’ve been better,” you tell her honestly.
You sit in one of the stools while your girlfriend resumes her cooking duties keeping an eye on you the whole time.
“¿Por qué? Did anything happen?”
“No, nothing in particular,” you pause, deciding whether or not to continue “Although there’s a new project I’ve been working on, which is obviously really exciting, but I’ve spent all morning busy with it; emailing people, setting the different dates for it, planning meetings and all that.”
Alexia completely turns around to look at you and nods urging you to keep talking.
“I just-” you sigh frustrated “I suddenly got hungry, right? And I looked at the time and realised that it was already pretty late and I hadn’t eaten lunch yet, so I went to grab a sandwich to the shop nearby. Then, on the way back I went past that bookstore I really like so I decided to have a look around for a bit to relax, and I ended up buying that book I told you came out yesterday.”
Your girlfriend’s frown deepens.
“Isn’t that a sequel to a book you haven’t read yet?”
“Yes,” you whisper a little embarrassed “I know it was a stupid decision, but I really wanted to buy it in that moment. Then I just felt bad because I had spent money on something I don’t even know if I’ll like.”
You feel yourself blush at the admission and hide your face in your hands.
“Hey,” you hear your girlfriend quietly say in your ear while she wraps her arms around your waist “There’s really no need to be embarrassed, ¿vale? You bought something you wanted after having a fairly stressful day at work. I promise you it’s not the end of the world, mi amor.”
With each word she says you begin to slowly relax in her arms.
You turn around and take her face in your hands.
“How do you always know what to say?”
“Because I love you and I know you better than I know myself,” she answers placing a kiss in your nose “Now you’re going to take a shower, we’re going to have dinner and then we’re gonna cuddle while watching a film. Tomorrow will be a better day, princesa, I promise.”
You nod although you don’t fully believe it.
When you finally lay down to watch TV with your girlfriend you can’t seem to settle. Your mind is working really fast and you’re starting to get a little bit restless.
You haven’t really thought about it until now, but what if there is something actually wrong with you? What if it isn’t just a bad day? What if all the sleepless nights, the impulsivity, the difficulty staying focused for too long and the racing thoughts are all somehow connected? There’s no way, you or someone around you would’ve realised sooner. Right?
You feel Alexia’s eyes on you when you stop the show you’re watching.
You try not to think about it too much and begin to speak.
“Do you think there’s something wrong with me?”
“What do you mean?” she asks confused.
“Never mind. Just ignore what I’ve said,” you answer shaking your head and laying down on top of your girlfriend again.
“Hey, no. None of that,” Alexia sits up with you in her lap and takes your face on her hands “What’s going on? Talk to me, please,” she begs worried.
Looking at her you realise that this is your partner, the person you’re building your future with. You are aware this is a tough thing to talk to her about but there’s no one you trust more in this world. She is your home.
“I've been feeling really overwhelmed lately, like my mind is always racing and I can't seem to focus on anything for long. I mean, it actually started a while ago, but it’s just been getting worse. I’m not sure how to explain it,” you confess.
Your girlfriend takes both of your hands and smiles encouragingly at you.
“Try. I’m listening and whatever it is I’m here for you, okay? Always, te lo prometo.”
“Okay, so, have you notice how I always seem to jump from one thing to another without actually finishing anything? I've tried making to-do lists and setting reminders, but nothing seems to work. And that’s just one of the things, you know? But it’s also not being able to sit still for more than five minutes and acting always so impulsive. And it's starting to affect everything I do. I just-” you take a deep breath “I’m always so frustrated. I just want to be able to be like everyone else, but it's like my brain is wired differently.”
“How long has this been going on?” Alexia asks concerned.
“I don’t know. A few months, I think.”
Your girlfriend lets go of your hands and holds your face instead making you look into her eyes.
“Mi amor, listen to me. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with you. Yes, your brain may work a little bit different but that doesn’t mean you’re stupid or broken, ¿vale? It's okay to feel overwhelmed, and it's good that you're talking about it. But I really need you to understand that. What do you want to do now?”
“I’m not sure, I wasn’t even planning on telling you to be honest,” you admit feeling yourself blushing.
“Maybe it could be helpful to talk to a professional about all of this?” Alexia suggest “Whatever you feel comfortable doing.”
You shrug and hide your face on her neck.
“Yeah, I guess. You promise me you’re not going anywhere?”
Your girlfriend kisses your forehead before answering.
“I'm here for you no matter what, we will figure this out. Thank you for sharing this with me, princesa.”
“Thank you for listening to me,” you whisper just for the two of you “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Maybe I'll write a sequel to this but I'm not really sure. Let me know what you think! <3
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ms-demeanor · 6 months
*continued screaming*
Okay. So. My introductory Visual C# class.
The professor for that class was Alice. Alice was the person who spoke in the introductory video and the person who we were supposed to email if we had any issues.
But all of the assignments, lectures, and quizzes were written and delivered by Bob. On the youtube channel "Bob's programming academy." The quizzes included Bob's name, like "if you do X will it return the string ProfessorBob, Professor, Bob, or Professor.Bob?"
This class was really frustrating for me because it was structured in such a way that you could easily pass the class with zero knowledge of the subject - it was totally based on quizzes that you could take an unlimited number of times and we *had* weekly programming assignments but they weren't graded so there was no incentive to do them (and look, if I wanted to teach myself programming with no incentives I could fail for several years to do that on my own, I don't need to pay fifty bucks a unit for that; the reason I am in a *class* and am not self-taught is because I need external motivation. That's why I sought out a class).
Also when there *was* a problem with an instruction that was unclear in one of the videos for the assignments, or if I thought I'd done something correctly that was very much incorrect, it wasn't Alice who had created the instructions, it was Bob - in 2017 no less - and I didn't really feel like I could ask Alice for help with an ungraded assignment that she hadn't written.
So. Now. My Python class.
Today is the first day of class. Professor is Charles.
I go to the mandatory attendance quiz and it is word-for-word the same mandatory attendance quiz as the C# class, down to the final question "what is your personal email address so I can keep in contact with you after the semester?"
I look at the syllabus.
Class grade is based on quizzes. We have assignments but none of them are graded. There's no textbook, just a series of videos from Professor Bob's Programming Academy.
So I'd been toying with staying at this school and trying to take more CS classes instead of going to another school, just to try to keep my records easier to manage, but since it seems like that *ENTIRE DEPARTMENT* is five Professor Bobs in a trenchcoat, I will probably be going somewhere else (and once again trying to force myself to do projects that I already know are *good for me to do* but *useless for the class and a massive time suck*)
I should drop this class. I should drop this class and apply for the other school so that I can start taking classes there in the spring because if I take this class and then go into the object oriented programming class in the spring and it's another professor bob sock puppet and I end up taking twelve units of programming classes where all I learn is how to google answers in a short time frame (something I already know how to do thanks) I am going to fucking lose it.
Also, again: I have a Bachelor's Degree. I spent five years at a community college when I was getting that degree. I took probably a dozen online classes starting in 2005 and going until 2011 in the process of getting that degree.
THIS bullshit, this "I'm your professor but actually I'm not and all the materials were created by someone else in the department or came directly from the textbook publisher and there is no writing and there are no assignments everything is multiple choice quizzes that are automatically graded" is *dogshit.*
This is NOT how online classes worked back in my day, not even online math classes, and as much as I know adjuncts are getting fucked over by academia in general, this isn't something that these professors should be getting paid as much as they are to do. Alice checked whether or not students turned in a hello world assignment and gave a pass/fail grades for three discussion boards that were responses to youtube videos. Nothing else in the class required her input. If this is the level of instruction that students are getting then the class is already automated and the students shouldn't have to pay for it.
This is crap. This is an incredible level of crap.
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paintingwhiteceilings · 4 months
❃First Dates with Seventeen❃
I am back from the grave and come bearing delulu gifts. I should have been working on my thesis, but today was rough, so I decided to fantasise about romance instead. It is to make up for my non-existent love life; here is to being perpetually single!
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❀ This man goes all out for the first date; nothing is too expensive for him as he wants you to feel like a queen at the end. Coups will rent out a theme park for the two of you within a heartbeat the moment you mention that you love roller coasters.
❀ That being said, he strikes me as someone who loves to combine luxury with pampering, doing something that is very relaxing and allows you two to focus on getting to know each other through deep conversations. Coups will probably take you to an expensive and exclusive restaurant, paying a little extra to sit in a more excluded area where no one can interrupt or overhear you.
❀ You two end up talking until the restaurant closes, barely paying attention to the Michelin-star meal that gets served. After you get kicked out, he will not want to let you go just yet, asking you to go on a walk to "digest the food."
❀ He definitely would be the type of member to invite you over to spend the night together, either to continue the conversation or to explore the relationship more physically. However, he would only take the next step if you make the first move or clearly verbalize to him that you want to. Of course, it is because Coups is respectful of your boundaries and it is absolutely not due to him being way too nervous to initiate anything himself.
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❀ Jeonghan strikes me as someone who would take you on a cosy date. Similarly to Coups, he would focus more so on conversation, preferring it over getting to know each other by doing an activity together. Still, as he doesn't want to come over as someone who only invites you over to his place to Netflix and Chill, he does put a lot of effort into the date. 
❀ Jeonghan would probably create an indoor picnic, setting up a bunch of pillows and blankets for you two to comfortably lay on. The dress code: pyjamas; it is all about being super comfortable. It would remind you of the many sleepovers you used to have as a child, but more romantic. You two would play silly games, talk about everything and nothing, do some facemasks together and eat so much good food. It would be such a blast. 
❀ He would not make a move on the first date; he already was quite bold by inviting you over to his place for the first date, and he doesn't want to make you uncomfortable. Unless you decide to kiss him, he will keep a respectful distance from you the entire time. The most he would do is hold your hand to do some pseudo-palm reading he found online. 
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❀Welcome to the best date of your life. Joshua is the best dater in the world, and nobody can convince me otherwise. This man would walk straight out of a fairy tale book with him in the starring role of Prince Charming. It would not be above him to hire a horse and carriage, snuggling up together as you ride through some magical fairy tale forest, with both of you dressed to the nines. 
❀ Still, Joshua strikes me as someone who would plan a crafting date; he would either take you to a pottery class or take you to make some bracelets. Joshua would suggest that you both make something for the other. It is quite a smart move on his part; you would have to continuously ask the other questions to figure out their design preferences. Plus, at the end of the date, you both will have a keepsake to commemorate the time you spent together.
❀The only thing this gentleman is kissing is your hand as a greeting. There will be no handholding either; he will only accidentally touch your hand when he hands something over to you. You would have to go on at least five dates before he even considers kissing you. He is a good Christian boy (who fears the wrath of God).
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❀ Jun is too socially awkward to have a date that is conversation focussed. He needs something to distract you from his rambling and the painful silences. Instead, to avoid running out of conversation topics, he decides to do something fun together, where he can be in his element. He is taking you to a petting zoo.
❀ Although things are painfully awkward at the beginning of the date, his shyness immediately vanishes when he spots all the rabbits and goats running around the petting zoo. He might (accidentally) forget you are there for a moment as he pets a sheep that keeps sniffing at his shoes. However, he will enthusiastically start introducing you to all his favourite animals upon remembering you are there, too. Turns out, this particular petting zoo is his regular spot. 
❀ He would 1000% compare you to his favourite chicken.
❀ Will this man touch you during or at the end of the date? Absolutely not. He will ramble on and on about all the cute animals once he is comfortable, but if you do as much as graze his arm with yours, he will go back to painfully shy Jun, and you would have to place a guinea pig in his arms to get him talking again.
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❀ Although Hoshi becomes the most chaotic person alive once he is comfortable around someone, he would be painfully shy during a first date. He has to do something with you because he can't stand the awkward silences that he will inevitably let fall. Thus, to no one's surprise, he will take you to do something incredibly active. Hoshi spent so much time trying to come up with something unique, but in the end, he settled for something that made him feel comfortable, namely a one-on-one dancing lesson. 
❀ It genuinely would be so much fun. At first, Hoshi is incredibly shy, barely touching you to correct your posture, blushing whenever meets your eyes. As time goes on, he slowly becomes more comfortable and daring, interacting with you and touching you more boldly. The dancing grounds him, reminding him that he's got this and that he is in his element.
❀ Still, Hoshi reverts to being shy when the music ends, now panicking over every single time he has had to put his hand on your waist to steady you. He wouldn't be able to make it through a single sentence without tripping over his words as he gets haunted by flashbacks of the times his bold, performing self touched you. So yeah, he is mortified by his actions. 
❀ Needless to say, he wouldn't be kissing you goodnight.
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❀ He would be another member mortified at the thought of having to keep a conversation going during a date. Wonwoo took his sweet time with an actual plan for a date; he didn't actually expect to get this far. Thus, he has been bothering Mingyu to help him out with date ideas that would not highlight his introversion. On Mingyu's advice, he decides to do something that he is good at and would enjoy. He takes you to a gaming cafe. 
❀ Whether you are good at gaming or not, he makes sure that he has a list of fun multiplayer games for you two to play that aren’t too complicated. You have fun running a restaurant together in 'PlateUp!' before he convinces you to play 'It Takes Two' together, using the story to create a wholesome and romantic atmosphere. The best part is that the game is too long to finish in one playthrough, making it easier for him to ask you out on a second and third date. It gives you plenty to talk about, too; how can you not discuss the Cutie the Elephant scene? 
❀ It would all go so well, all until he has walked you to your door. He gets so nervous about potentially kissing you goodnight that, instead, he shakes your hand, all businesslike, telling you it was a good one. It takes him a solid five seconds to realize what he is doing and for him to turn bright red. Luckily, you find it funny, agreeing it was a good one. He was ready to drop all contact with you and change his entire identity if you hadn't laughed. 
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❀ It isn't that Woozi is incredibly nervous about your date; he is actually very much looking forward to it. However, he genuinely does not know what you two can do together, as he literally never leaves his house. The members aren't much help either; they either make fun of him for finally deciding to go outside or tell him to do some wild activity that he really can't imagine doing. They keep reminding him that he can't bring you to the gym or bring you along to the studio as he works. Apparently, that isn't romantic. 
❀ It is Jeonghan who surprisingly helps him out by recommending doing a movie marathon or binge-watching a series together. Jeonghan even helps him decorate the living room with candles, making it all nice and romantic. Not that the atmosphere would be very romantic, though; you decided to put on a Marvel show, and now you are having a lore-heavy discussion trying to connect all the stories. You two even brought out a notebook so you could draw a mind map of the different plot points and storylines. 
❀ Despite all the romantic lyrics that he writes, Woozi wouldn't know what to do when you tell him you have to go. He is overthinking everything as you get up to grab your coat and get ready to leave. Should he walk you home? Should he kiss you? As you are about to close the door behind you, he would muster up the courage to ask you what he should do. Woozi is very embarrassed about it, but he would rather risk looking stupid as he asks you how a date is supposed to end than end up doing the wrong thing. 
❀ Well, answer wisely. 
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❀ DK is way too excited to be going on a date with you. In fact, he has so many date ideas that he decided to do all of them at once, in one go. It might not be the best idea, but DK is not thinking clearly. He is too distracted by his enthusiasm, only thinking about how he gets to go on a date with you. You should be concerned when he asks you to bring multiple outfits; each outfit fits a different date activity. 
❀ The date starts out fun as he brings you to the zoo. You spent some time laughing at the monkeys and taking pictures together at the animal cut-outs. However, after not even an hour has passed, DK is already dragging you to the next activity he has planned. In one date, you guys visit a waterpark, do a scavenger hunt, go bowling and go ice skating. It is honestly not surprising that when DK leans over to talk to you, he discovers that you have fallen asleep during the movie. He realises that maybe he asked a bit too much of you and guiltily lets you catch up on some sleep. 
❀ DK is genuinely convinced that you never want to see him again, being incredibly quiet as he walks you home. When he voices as much, you surprise him by kissing his cheek and telling him you had fun, though you would prefer maybe not to do five activities during one date. He will not shut up about it during dance practice for weeks. 
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❀ A date with Mingyu really depends on who he is taking on a date and what he thinks would fit that person best. He is such a people person that he will come up with a date idea that is fun for the both of you. If he gets to decide, though, I can see him choosing between two widely different date ideas, depending on his mood.
❀ On the one hand, I can see Mingyu opting for something romantic. For instance, I can see him inviting someone over so that he can cook for them. He would have you seated across from where he is cooking, trying his hardest to impress you with his cooking skills. It would be such an intimate setting: just you two, sitting in the quiet kitchen as the evening grows darker, chatting as you sip your glass of wine. The food would be delicious, and the flirting unrivalled. 
❀ On the other hand, Mingyu strikes me as someone who would also love to go on a lighthearted and fun date, focusing on having a good time together. There wouldn't be anything sensual about it; you two would be cracking up the entire time. For some reason, I can see him taking his date to play mini-golf. Not only would it be hilarious every time one of you launches the ball in the wrong direction, but it would also give him an excuse to touch you as he tries to 'help.' 
❀ Mingyu would definitely end the date not so innocently if you give him the okay sign. And, let's be fair, chances are that you would; he is too fine not to and after all that flirting...
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❀ Minghao would put a lot of thought into the date, even going as far as planning it before he asked you out. Minghao is painfully aware that you make him nervous and that he can't afford to slack on the date activity; at least when there is an awkward silence because he doesn't know what to say, you would have something pretty to look at. Thus, he makes sure to go over his plan at least five times, asking the other members for second opinions that he will ultimately disregard when he goes with his original idea. 
❀ All in all, his first date ideas all have something creative and peaceful. He wants to create an atmosphere that is relaxing and fosters deep conversations. He, for instance, would opt to organize a painting date where he will show off his painting skills, taking you to a scenic nature look-out where you can spend your afternoon eating the food he prepared in a picnic basket, chatting as you try to capture the beautiful forest scene in front of you. 
❀ Another first date that I can see him taking you on is stargazing. Minghao would prepare a ton of cosy blankets and pillows that soften the hard ground you otherwise would have had to lay on. Instead of pointing out existing constellations, you would try to come up with your own. It would be so serene with the silence only broken by your conversation, held in soft, quiet whispers. If the moment is right, he would lean in for a kiss, hiding the redness of his face in the dark of the night. 
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❀ Seungkwan initially felt so much pressure to organize the best date ever. He has his reputation as 'one of the funniest members of Seventeen' to uphold and wants you to have an amazing time. Similarly to some of the other members, Seungkwan has several different first date ideas that he would choose from depending on his date and mood. Mostly, I can see him doing something very active as it would help him focus less on his nerves and more on being in the moment.
❀ Seungkwan would, for instance, take you on a hike, using it as an excuse to have deep conversations as you enjoy the beautiful, warm summer day. He loves to walk and talk, using the hike to grow closer. You two would bring along some food, stopping at picturesque scenes to enjoy lunch as you share your life stories. 
❀ I can also imagine Seungkwan taking you to see a volleyball match or to play volleyball. He adores the sport and would probably want to share his love for the game with you. Despite being incredible at ball games, he would be incredibly gentle with you, making sure that you don't accidentally injure yourself. Plus, he gets to show off his incredible skills. 
❀ He would be another member who is too shy to initiate anything physical. It would be on his mind constantly, but he wouldn't get past his overthinking thoughts. He will keep a healthy, respectful distance unless you decide to initiate skinship.
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❀ I can't, for the love of me, imagine Vernon on a serious date. This man's entire vocabulary consists of memes, and I am sure he will get inspired by some wacky internet post to do something weird. Instead of doing something romantic or typical date-like, he would go for something outside the box. Sure, he loves movies and could do a cliche movie date, but where is the fun in that? 
❀ After watching a popular ghost-hunting video, he decides it would be a good idea to go on a ghost-hunting date together. He even bought specialized ghost-hunting tools so that you could communicate with the spirits. It is a bit of a waste of money; he probably will never use them again (unless you are not utterly horrified by the end of it and would want to go on another ghost-hunting date). Most people wouldn't consider an abandoned prison romantic (and neither did you), but at least it is a fun, never-been-done-before first date. 
❀ You now made a new friend, a ghost called Dave, who apparently likes pizza, that the spirit box picked up on the second floor's hallway. Another ghost, who kept repeating the words 'toilet' and 'cereal', decided to briefly join your date when you walked into one of the cellblocks. Overall, you don't have conclusive proof that ghosts exist by the end of it, but the date went well. 
❀ This man is oblivious to date etiquette; when you ask whether he wants to spend the night, he thinks you are asking him whether he wants to spend the night at the abandoned prison. You might be regretting that you asked as you now are terrified, trying to sleep in a sleeping bag next to a knocked-out Vernon on the cold prison floor.
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❀ Poor Dino does not know what to do with your first date, paralysed from fear at the thought that he will do something stupid. He has been staring at a wall these past few days, racking his brain as he tries to come up with something to impress you. Part of him wants to ask his members for help, but Dino knows that if he did, they would never let him live it down. 
❀ Inspiration, however, strikes him over dinner the day before you are supposed to be going on a date. Dino is running around like a headless chicken, trying to plan whatever he can in time for the big day. Unfortunately, it takes him hours to arrange everything, forcing him to stay up well into the early hours of the next day. Hence, when Dino decides to close his eyes for just a second, he completely sleeps through his alarms. If it hadn't been for his members waking him up, he would have also slept through your entire date. 
❀ The good news is that the members texted you to let you know in advance, and that you are gracious enough to still agree to the date. The bad news is that Dino's hard work has been for nought as the reservations have long passed. He feels incredibly guilty, but you reassure him that things like these happen.
❀ Instead of letting the mishap ruin the date further, you convince him to join you at the local playground. You spend the entire afternoon running around, playing games from your childhood and going down the slide. Your dinner consists of some snacks from a convenience store. It is wonderful.
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thelovelyruin · 7 months
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𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖘 : yandere choso x fem reader
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖚𝖓 : choso fell in love with you freshman year and it was finally time to make you his.
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖒𝖔𝖔𝖓 : smut, porn with plot, vaginal sex, praise, love, manipulation, murder (not you!)
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖎𝖔𝖙 : 7.1K
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖗 : inspired by lyrics from saccharine by jazmin bean.
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖊𝖒𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖘𝖘 : hello lovelies, thank you so much for reading! this was a request i’ve been working on for a while lol; i hope you enjoy it; if so, follow me for more. au revoir!
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Everything you do, I'm obsessed with you.
“Exciting, isn’t it?”
“Huh? I mean, yeah it’s cool.”
“Are you rushing too? I really wanna go Kappa!”
“That’s, uh, aren’t they kinda…”
“What, cunts? Yeah, I’d fit in nicely.”
When Choso first met you during rush week a couple years ago, you were an aspiring freshman looking for a sorority to pledge to, and he was a normal guy. Sorta. You’d spoken to him once and he became absolutely in love with you. Not like he hadn’t been with other girls in the past, a few relationships here or there. But you were different. Not like any other girl he’d seen. You hadn’t shared too much with him that day, but he was determined to figure out, well, everything about you.
I don't mean to scare, but you're just so cute.
It started with your name, which he’d simply just asked someone in your class. But then, Choso needed to know more, when was your birthday, were your zodiac signs compatible? He’d gotten that information from stealing your campus ID out of your purse while you two were in class together. Choso was paying really good attention to other things too though. He’d paid attention to your screen while he sat behind you, online shopping when you were supposed to be paying attention to the lecture. That’s how he found out what size you were and the brands you liked, but other things got a little trickier. He noticed the way you did your makeup, it was always so pretty, but it’s not like he knew what any of it was, so he’d slowly started stealing things out of your makeup bag. It was harder to get your perfume, though, until you reapplied it on the campus lawn one day. Pink sugar, huh? Sweet just like you. Choso wanted to be even better, he’d send you flowers with no receipt of who sent them, an array until he found your favorites. He’d pay for your food when you went out to eat, then leave to remain anonymous. He just loved seeing that smile on your face whenever he surprised you with something, always grateful, looking around to see if you could catch your secret admirer, but blushing when you realized you wouldn’t. God, you were perfect.
Lucky for you, you had actually gotten into Kappa. You walked around on this high horse though, one of those kiss-my-ass kind of attitudes. Not like anyone was gonna check you for it, well, ‘cause you were hot. Always well dressed, always groomed, always punctual. There was nothing anyone could really say about you other than you being a bitch, at least never to your face. Little did you know, Choso was your bitch. If you ever even glanced at him, he’d almost faint, and as the sophomore and junior years came and you’d gotten classes with him, he’d go back to his dorm and fuck his fist at the thought of you every day. But now, it was Senior year, and he was running out of time to make you his.
Every move you make, you're fucking sweeter than a cake.
Choso originally planned to just ask you directly, but he had to make sure it was gonna be perfect. He couldn’t leave room for error in the possibility that you weren’t interested at all. So, he’d gotten as close as possible to you. It wasn’t stalking, it was just studying an interest. He was pretty good at photography, so he got hired as a photographer for school events, such as parties or games. He’d walk around and take pictures of everyone like usual to not raise suspicion, but whenever he could, he’d snap as many pictures as he could of you, slipping them into his pocket. When there was too much going on at the party downstairs, he’d sneak upstairs to find which room was yours, for research purposes of course.
Well, that research went directly to Choso knowing which window to take pictures outside of. You were so oblivious, often leaving your curtains wide open as you just got out of the shower, dressed in nothing but a towel. Now, Choso never got a snapshot of you naked or anything like that, but the hopes of the day he could got him pretty damn hard. He’d take pictures of you walking around campus, doing fundraisers with your sorority sisters, running for the pageants that you always won, with the exception of Miss Junior, who you exposed for cheating on her boyfriend so she’d be out of the running. So, you’d won that too. You were practically perfect, Choso felt you were made for him, there was a true possibility he could nurture and care for you, allow you to let your guard down a bit and let him someone in. He imagined himself taking you out to all your favorite restaurants, he had all of them written down along with your favorite menu items. Nights in his room cuddled up watching all of the movies you liked, you’d be so excited to see all of your favorite snacks already waiting for you. You’d wear that glitter lipgloss you loved, he’d make sure you had more than enough, considering he’d already bought two tubes for whenever he made you his. He imagined making love to you, hearing you moan for him as he pleasured you, then put you on his chest as you fell asleep, resting his eyes as he held you. You two could truly be in love. 
I'd love to wipe these other bitches out, so it's just you and me.
But, you had a fucking boyfriend. It’s not like he didn’t like seeing you with other guys. He fucking hated it. Choso thought the guy was pretty scummy, he had that douchebag personality and always looked at guys like Choso like he was a piece of shit. But that asshole was truly a piece of shit. Megumi, or something like that. Choso didn’t bother doing too much digging up on him because it wasn’t gonna matter very soon. You guys had been dating since the beginning of the school year, not very long, but that didn’t stop him from talking to other girls when you weren't around. He’d forget your dates, and make you cry. Wouldn’t post you on his socials, almost pretended he was single. Choso had half a mind to stab him to death, mostly because he didn’t like the way he treated you, but also because then he wouldn’t be in the way anymore.
Then, there were your damn sorority sisters. Those bitches were definitely in the way. They took up too much of your time, making you busy every day with planning and meetings, to do what? Party and maybe, fundraise? He’d see them sometimes talking shit about you, saying you were weird or a bitch, or something else that wasn’t true about you. Choso would never say those things about you or treat you like that. You deserved someone who actually loved you and cared about you, none of these other distractions. He would give you the world, but that meant getting rid of the world you had first.
Oh, oh, this shit is scaring me…
Now, when Choso originally thought of doing this, he thought it was a little nuts. It was a little extreme, sure, but it was just an obstacle in the way to get to you. Sometimes, we do bad things for the people we love. It doesn't mean it's right, it means love is more important. 
Choso originally thought of actually stabbing Megumi like he wanted to. That fell quickly when he really considered the situation. Megumi was on the lankier side which meant it would be more tactical to get a hit in, plus he’d need to find a time he’d be alone in a discreet location to hurt him with no one noticing. Not that he’d really care if someone saw, it would just mean he wouldn’t be able to live the rest of his life with you; that was not an option. Shooting would be just as difficult, shell casings and the sound of gunfire could get him in deep. Could steal the brakes from his car, but then there was the possibility you were in it when it crashed, and for that, he’d never forgive himself. He’d need something that anyone could have done, an accident perhaps, something that wouldn’t kill Megumi, just get him out the fucking way. Then he got a little idea.
Don't wanna stick my fingers in this, or I'll start to bleed…
“Hey, Megumi!”
“Do I know you?”
“Well, we literally live on the same floor, but um, no. Anyways, wanted to talk to you about something…”
“Get on with it.”
“It’s her birthday today, your girlfriend that is.”
“Oh yeah. Well, why the fuck do you care?”
“We’re kinda close, wanted to get her something, but I’ll be too busy with classes to give it to her. Do you mind giving it to her for me?”
“You got my girlfriend a gift, bitch? What the hell’s in this box?”
“Well, that’s kind of a surprise for her…”
“Get the fuck out of my face before I beat your ass. Leave my girl alone, you fuckin’ weirdo.”
Megumi had slammed the door on him, just like that. Usually, Choso would’ve been really torn by his insult. He was pretty pissed Megumi forgot your birthday too, but how could he be pissed, truly? Not when a sweet resolution to Megumi’s shitty ways was on the horizon.
“Megumi’s like totally dead!”
“Omg, what do you mean he’s dead?”
“Well, he went to the hospital ‘cause he came down with like a fever or something? Todo said he couldn’t even talk when he found Megumi in the hallway and his eyes were all watery. The doctors said he died of, shit, what’s it called again? Whatever, like he couldn’t breathe! I don’t know what the fuck happened, but damn, really sucks, ya know?”
“Babe, I’m so sorry. To be fair, he was a dick.”
“Yeah, you’re right. He didn’t have a big one either TBH.”
Well, shit. Choso didn’t mean to kill him, not really. He knew Megumi was a fuckin’ asshole, though. Paired with someone crushin’ on his girlfriend and his ego, Choso knew Megumi was gonna open that box. And what was in it? Initially, Ricin covered the inside of the box, which when inhaled, caused damage to the respiratory system, which Megumi could technically recover from. Choso had extracted the Ricin from some castor beans. The same castor beans that were crushed inside of the cupcake sitting in the box. All 10 of them. Originally, Megumi would’ve lived, had he just thrown it away and not have been nosy, and if he did end up giving it to you, Choso would be there to intervene and he’d deal with that explanation later. But Megumi chose to be a nosy bastard, open it, AND EAT THE CUPCAKE! It was comical, really, considering Ricin can’t be found in an autopsy, so Choso got away with it. It’s okay. It had to be done. That greedy asshole got what was coming to him, and with him out of the way, Choso was cleared to enact Phase 2.
It's sweet like saccharine, what I’d do to have you sitting here next to me.
A couple of days after Megumi died, you pretty much got over it, walking about as if nothing happened. To be fair, he was cheating on you all the time, lied to you, and overall treated you like shit, so it wasn’t that hard. What Choso didn’t expect was for you to get kicked out of your sorority house.
“Listen, babe. Your dead boyfriend is really throwing off the vibe here. Plus, it’s bringing a lot of bad looks to the rest of us because it seems like you honestly don’t give a fuck that he died, and truthfully, neither do we, but damn bitch, try acting like it!”
“Please, Chapter President, I can act like I care, I just-”
“Sorry girlie. You’re still a sister, don’t worry. You do have to leave the house though.”
Choso felt a little bad. A little. They really were bitches, but this was perfect. He’d just saved himself from starting a gas leak at the Kappa house when you weren’t home. He didn’t like that your feelings were hurt though, and he beat himself up about it. Choso himself wasn’t really a good guy, killing your boyfriend on your birthday? Almost killing your sorority sisters before they pretty much kicked you to the curb? He was doing the exact opposite of being a good boyfriend. He’d be on his toes from now on, can’t risk ruining his chances with you. However, it was all in good light. You were becoming more and more ready to fall into his arms.
Apparently, you pretty much kept to yourself and stayed in your room. Your classwork was slacking a bit, and you couldn’t live at the house, but that didn’t stop you from still trying to be involved, participating in some campus events, and fundraising with your sisters despite your exile. You were a normal girl, humbled for sure, but Choso didn’t like that very much. He never intended to break you down like this, while you were still sweet in his eyes, he knew you loved the life you had before. He can’t unkill Megumi, which wouldn’t make sense anyway because Choso was your boyfriend now, but he’d give you a life even better than the first. One where you and he were together.
Like cherry pie, will you be mine?
Now, Choso was a real sweetheart, getting you so many gifts for when you came along, preparing how he’d approach you, compliment you, fuck you. But he was getting a little impatient. At this point, it was already the tail end of courses before winter break so he didn’t have much time to see you every day, even though he’d make that happen regardless. Plus, all of the shit that had happened to you would wear off in a couple of days, so he needed to act now. Choso knew he couldn’t make you fall in love with him overnight, and it would be too hasty to try to take it slow with you now. So, he had no choice. He was gonna kidnap you.
Now, “kidnapping” is a rather strong way to put it. In reality, Choso was gonna come to see you and talk a bit, but if that didn’t work, he’d hold you at knifepoint and make you come back to his dorm with him to enjoy all of the things he’d set up for you! He would never hurt you intentionally, so it’s not like he was gonna use it, but he had to make you think he would. He wished kidnapping you was legal, why wouldn't he want to be able to love you and take care of you all the time? It’s okay, you’d learn to love him back. After all, Choso wasn’t your ‘maybe’. Choso was your ‘one’.
Sweet to the core, I want some more.
Choso decided he’d make his move on you the night of the last Kappa party of the season, too many people for anyone to notice him running off with you, plus he knows you’d look so pretty in your party dress, hair all done up, heels making those legs of yours look so pretty. And you did! Except, you were crying. When Choso got to the party and spotted you, you were sniffling as you walked out the back door of the house. Now, he had to be strategic about this, so he exited out the front in time to catch you walking from the back. When he’d gotten outside, he saw you walking down the sidewalk, but it wasn’t very well, your heel had broken and you were having to walk barefoot. He felt terrible seeing you like that. You looked so sad, so scared, just broken. Choso had to make things right.
“Hey, you okay?”
I love you.
I can hear your words breaking down my core…
You looked up at him with those beautiful doe eyes of yours, bloodshot and watery from crying, but still, you looked stunning.
“Oh, hey Choso. Honestly? No, I’m like not okay at all.”
“What’s wrong?”
“Well, my ex died and everyone’s making a super big deal about it. Like, people kept coming up to me asking questions and stuff like I was there when he died or something.”
“Oh, um-”
“Sorry, I know I sound like a twat right now, but he cheated on me like all the time! It’s honestly a long shot to say we were even together, not be cocky or anything, but I think he dated me to make himself look better. Plus, he got me in hot water with my sisters, like he’s haunting me after death or whatever.”
“Sounds like he wasn’t really a good guy…”
“Yeah, pretty much. Anyway, now I have to walk back to my stupid dorm with no shoes because I fell over like a klutz and just embarrassed myself to the nines. I don’t even wanna go back there, just makes me sad, ya know? I came out to this stupid party to get my mind off things and it’s like things are just bleh. It doesn’t even feel like anyone likes me anymore. I wish someone just loved me for me, ya know?”
I think about you every day at least a hundred times or more.
Choso walked up and hugged you, bringing you into his embrace. It was a bold move for sure, especially with the knife sheathed on his waist, but he just hated seeing you cry like that. Soon, you’ll feel how nice it is to have someone care about you so much. To have someone who wants to revolve their entire life around you.
“It’s okay. Know you don’t know me very well, but I’m here for you.”
“Yeah, I don’t wanna be too forward or anything, but you can come back to my dorm for a few, that is, if you don’t wanna go back to yours.”
“That’s so sweet, thanks!”
Fuck, this was perfect! He didn’t even have to threaten to kill you! Choso offered to pick you up, which you happily agreed to, holding your heels in your hand as he carried you back to his dorm. On the way, you talked about a bunch of stuff you liked, mostly things he already knew about you, but there were a couple of new things that enticed him. You’d stopped crying, that sweet smile back on your face as you found comfort in Choso’s arms. He’d gotten back to his dorm fairly fast, not wanting to waste much time to get things rolling. He figured he’d start with telling you about his love for you, really seeing if you-
You pointed at the movie poster on his wall, one of your favorite movie. He’d studied it a lot, trying to figure out why you liked it so much. He’d watched it over ten times by now, buying the poster as a touch when you finally came, which worked!
“Yeah, it’s a pretty good-”
“Pretty good? It’s like the best movie ever!”
“We can, uh, watch it if you want.”
“Yes, I’d love that!”
Choso was so lucky. Here you were, sitting with him on his bed as you watched the movie. You’d stop every few minutes and point out something about it you knew a fun fact about or laugh at the parts you’d seen so many times. You were so damn cute. You’d pretty much forgotten all of the stuff going on, able to just relax with him for once. Don’t you see how nice this is? How special things can be? 
“Oh wow, it’s getting late. Shit, I still have to walk back.”
Just like that, the movie was over. You looked tired, not just physically but mentally too. You couldn’t leave though, that’s not how this was gonna go.
“Are you sure you’re good to walk?”
“Whatcha mean?”
“I mean, your heels are broken and it’s too dark outside to be out there by yourself. Something could happen to you.”
Fuck, Choso was a little too bold with that last part. He was probably coming on too strong, he’d need to fix-
“You’re worried about little ‘ol me?”
“Something like that…”
YES. He was so fucking worried that sweat was about to drip from his face, red with anxiousness that the love of his life was about to leave him behind.
“Well, you could always walk with me. Or do you just wanna spend more time with me?”
You gave him a little smirk and wink, it went straight to his dick as he tried to think of a way to respond.
“I, um… yeah, I would.”
Your answer to his statement would be the deciding factor between you staying or him picking up that knife from his jacket on the chair. Fortunately for you, you smiled and put your things back down, sitting on the bed as you looked up at him.
“Fine, but we’re gonna watch another movie. Your pick this time.”
You make me afraid, come closer, wait no, go away…
Ten minutes into this movie and he felt like he was gonna fucking explode. This time around, you’d gotten closer to him. Instead of sitting at the end of the bed, you laid beside him, not quite touching you, but he could definitely smell you, and fuck, you smelled so good. It was becoming painful to not touch you, but he couldn’t risk fucking this up. You looked so nice like this, chest moving up and down as you laid comfortably, eyes low, obvious you were getting tired. 
“Hey, Choso?”
“What’s up?”
“Thanks for, ya know, being nice to me. I’m not anyone’s favorite these days…”
You looked so sad, but Choso couldn’t be happier. You were starting to recognize the only person who really cares about you is him!
“Yeah, but you’re my favorite.”
“Really? But, you barely know me.”
Choso actually knew you very well. Probably better than you know yourself.
“You’ve just got that type of personality that’s really easy to like, is all.”
You sat up now and looked Choso in the eyes, making him blush instantly.
“Oh yeah? So, you like me?”
Choso started stuttering and sweating, flustered beyond reason as you gave him one of those smirks. At this point, he didn’t even have to tell you. His body language was more than obvious.
“I was just kid-”
“Yes, I mean-”
You both looked at each other in shock. Why the fuck would he say that? You were fucking joking. Choso was stupid to think you were serious, not like he really had any chance with a girl like you. But that’s okay. He was gonna make one. Although, he didn’t know whether to love or hate you right now, most likely both. You looked up at him optimistically, like you were waiting on his response, but also blushing a bit as he nearly popped a blood vessel in front of you. He couldn’t even speak, choked up on his words as you brought your hand on top of the one he had leaning on the bed.
“Tell me, do you?”
“I do, for a while now.”
“So, why not ever talk to me?”
“Because you’re pretty hard to talk to.”
“How’s that?”
“You’re usually, um-”
“A bitch? Yeah, I am. But these past few weeks have humbled me.”
Choso wanted to laugh a little. Of course, it was because of him and the precautions he’s put in place for you two to end up together. You didn’t need to know that part though. You looked down, that same broken look you’d been putting off all night. Everything in him told him to stop, don’t be too hasty and he could probably get back to the plan, but it hurt him to see what he’d caused. It definitely didn’t help that you were crying again, bringing your knees to your chest as you fell into the realization of how messed up you felt. Choso pulled you into his arms, laying your face into his chest as he rubbed your back. You felt so warm, so soft, he didn’t want to let you go. Ever. 
“It’s not your fault. So, don’t beat yourself up about it.”
“Thanks, you’re right.”
It was hard to feel like the bad guy when you were smiling at him, finding comfort in his words. You two were dangerously close now, eye contact had him feeling like a deer in headlights, while you remained cool and collected, like usual. That’s one of the main things he loved about you, despite all of the crazy shit going on, you still try to appear fine, but that was far from the truth. He’d be a shoulder for you to cry on, someone you could depend on and pour your feelings into. Give your heart to someone who’s worthy of loving you back and spending their every breathing second devoted to keeping you happy.
Saccharine, what I’d do to have you sitting here next to me. 
You’d kissed Choso softly, leaning in slowly enough to feel his breath hitch on his lips when he realized what you were doing. It was perfect. Your lips felt even softer than he thought they would, gentle and loving as you brought yourself closer, closing the distance between you. He had to get his head together, he’d practiced this part over and over again, and all he had to do was focus and execute it. First, cup your face with his hand. You smiled into his lips when he did this, allowing him to move to the second step, and bring his hand to the back of your neck to deepen the kiss. You softened into his touch as he laid your back on the bed, opening your legs to let him on top of you. You were so sweet, moaning softly into the air as he began sucking the skin of your neck. Choso wanted to claim you, he’d finally gotten to kiss you and he needed everyone to know you were his. He sucked a little harder and felt ecstatic when you didn’t stop him, instead groaning as bruises began to flower on your skin.
Shit, you moaned his name. It felt exhilarating, something he’s been waiting for for so long finally coming true. It lit a fire under his ass, coming up to kiss your lips once before he brought his lips back down to your collarbones, moving lower as his hand massaged your side. Once he’d reached the skin of your breasts, he’d stopped, looking up to you for the green light to keep going. Even though you didn’t really have a choice in spending the rest of your life with him, consent was still pretty important to him, so when you gave him a nod, he took off. Choso brought his fingers to the hem of your dress, pulling it over your head as you brought your arms up to aid him. God, you were beautiful. Your tits were on full display to him now, nothing covering you but a lacy pink thong. He was gonna start hyperventilating, your tits lifted as you breathed, nipples calling out to him like they needed saving. He brought his lips down swiftly and wrapped his tongue around one of them, immediately putting the other between his fingers to pinch as the rest of his palm massaged your breast. You started whimpering for him now, touch-starved since your boyfriend died, but Choso hoped it was also because he was doing things better than anyone you’d been with before. He alternated his mouth, groping and sucking as much as he could, relishing in the feeling of your tits in his face for the first time. As much as he could stay there all day, he knew you needed more, so he kissed his way down your stomach, lips grazing your pantyline. Choso sucked the skin of your stomach as you bucked your hips against him, turned on as he took care of you.
“Choso, please…”
He looked up into your eyes as he brought his lips off your body, fingers hooking into the fabric of your thong as he pulled them off of you. Holy fuck. You were soaking wet, lips glistening with your juices as your hips shifted slightly to invite Choso in. Without hesitation, he brought his lips down to your pussy, beginning to devour you. You tasted amazing, drinking the nectar of a fruit long awaited and it almost made him regret not planning to kidnap you sooner. You smelled so fucking good too, your pussy engulfing all of his senses as he ate you like his last meal. Your fingers found their way into his hair, moaning his name into the air with every lick of your clit. Sideways, up and down, circles around your bud, anything he could to hear you moan for him, to make your pain go away. He’d brought your legs over his shoulders and rested his hands under the arch of your back, angling your hips so he could eat you exactly how he wanted. Messy and slow, he took his time spreading your juices all over his face as you panted and pulled at the sheets. He was self-indulgent, tongue pumping in and out of you as he lived out his fantasies of eating your pussy.
Shit, you were close. Choso was about to make you cum! He doubled down immediately, bringing his arms over your thighs to keep you in place as you felt your orgasm approaching. He’d picked up his pace too, tongue moving at a hungry pace as he anticipated your cum in his mouth. The hand you had in his hair gripped tighter, Choso taking it as a cue to bring his lips up and suck your clit, suction bringing your bud against his tongue. You came fast and hard, grinding your pussy against his face as you came for him, his name slipping off your lips over and over as you rode out your high.
You’re sweet to the core. 
You looked so pretty for him, chest rising and falling as you caught your breath. Choso slowly kissed his way back up your body, lips finding themselves on yours. This kiss was different from before, more intense and confident. At that point, you’d already started unbuckling his jeans, kissing him feverishly as you helped him take his clothes off. Hovering over you, he looked at you in awe. Legs on either side of his, big doe eyes looking up at him, waiting for him to fuck you.
“Holy shit…”
Your hands found his hair, gripping and tugging at it as he slipped in at a slow pace. Choso took his time, exploring the walls he longed for the feeling of. Every stroke nearly sent him over, wet and warm, you were like heaven wrapped around his dick. You felt even better than he’d imagined, much better than his fist he fucked to the thought of you. Especially with how you were moaning for him, it was driving him crazy, all he could do was praise you.
“You’re perfect…so fuckin’ perfect…”
“I know…”
God, he’s never felt like this. You were sucking him in like you were made for him, holy shit, he was losing his mind. Touching him, feeling your warmth on his shaft as he fucked you faster. You were so beautiful, lips pursed as you breathed up and down, eyes fluttering as he fucked you.
“You feel so good, baby…”
His name was killing him. He’d put in so much time to make sure he fucked you exactly the way you needed him, he had to make the first time perfect. A man that could care for you. Love you. Please you. Choso finally had you, and he was going to give you the fucking world.
I need to hate you before it's too late…
“So fuckin’ pretty, baby…”
Choso gripped your legs tight as he fucked into you fast, making you scream his name out into the room. You were doing this for him! Moaning for him! And you felt so fucking good wrapped around him, more than anyone ever before. There wasn’t anyone before you and there wasn’t anyone before him. Your world would revolve around him now like his revolved around you, every waking moment of being in love would be magical. 
“Choso, I-”
“Let me have it, baby. I’ve waited so long for it…”
He didn’t care what he was saying anymore, too high on you and your pleasure that he couldn’t think straight. If you were gonna cum for him, he needed it now, like his life depended on it. Something to signify the beginning of all of the pleasure he’d give you from this point forward.
“You know how long I’ve wanted this, baby? Fuck, I’m close…”
“That’s it, baby, let go, let me make you feel good…”
“So pretty, cumming on my dick like this…”
Choso was so fuckin obsessed with you. You came down like an angel, eyes fluttering as you murmured his name softly, body melting into the bed. He halted inside you as he came, losing his mind over the way your nails dug into his arms. You two lay there panting for a bit, Choso’s arm bringing you into his chest. So beautiful like this. He’d finally made it, you in his arms, right where you belonged.
Before I crave you…so please go away. 
“So, I’m not going back to my dorm tonight, am I?”
No, of course, you weren’t.
“Do you really want-”
“I don’t want to.”
Choso was shocked to hear your words. You actually wanted to stay here with him, he didn’t even have to scare you into doing it! 
“Do you have a T-shirt or something? It’s kinda cold in here.”
“Uh, yeah, let me grab-”
“No problem, I’ll get it!”
Stop it. FUCKING STOP. You were getting too comfortable, about to open Pandora’s box with your hand on his closet door. Choso should stop you, whatever it would take. By the time he’d gotten to the knife, you’d opened the closet, pictures of you all over the walls. Choso lingered behind you now, knife behind his back as he waited for your reaction. You just had to be so fuckin nosy, you’d ruined everything. 
“Choso…are these pictures of me?”
He gripped the knife tightly in his hand as he watched you look through them. He couldn’t even speak, heartbreak and murderous intent flowing out of him. Every picture put another pin in his heart. Photos of you around campus, through your dorm window, in class, all open for you to see. You brought your hand up to one, pulling it down as you looked over it. The picture he took of you on Valentine’s Day. You’d been sitting in class that day, sad because Megumi hadn’t gotten you anything, which Choso figured he wouldn’t. That’s why he had three dozen roses delivered to you on the lawn later that day, eyes brightening as you held them and read the card: “Happy Valentine’s Day, Princess. ~ your secret admirer.” You were so damn happy that day, so perfect. Now, you had to die.
“It was you, huh? All this-”
“Yes. It was always me.”
You pulled another one down, the one of you winning Miss Sophomore. Your face had the brightest smile, holding that crown on your head as you cried tears of joy. You smirked at it, cheeks blushing a bit.
“I look really good in this one, glad someone got a shot of it. So, you liked me this much?”
You’d turned to look at him now, giving him a confused face. Probably because Choso was sweating buckets. His hand shook behind him as he looked at you nervously, analyzing everything about you, any sign that you were scared or wanted to leave.
“I’d call it more than that.”
“So, why not-”
“Because I wanted things to be perfect. I wanted to be perfect for you.”
You gave him a nervous nod and turned back to the closet, pulling down a photo of you in your room back at the Kappa house.
“How’d you do it?”
“How’d you take this without getting caught?”
You looked back at him now, a serious look on your face that told him he better fuckin’ answer. What was he gonna do? There was no point in lying to you, everything was there for you to see.
“I learned you and the other girl’s schedules to make sure everyone was asleep.”
“So, what else ya got? Pictures can’t be the only thing.”
Choso pointed to the top shelf of the closet hesitantly. You brought down the bin carefully, sitting it down on his desk as you opened the lid.
“What the fuck, Choso? I was looking everywhere for this lipgloss!”
You’d begun rummaging through the bin, picking up things in remembrance of when you lost them. A couple of hair ties, eyeliner, lipstick napkins. You acted as if there was nothing wrong with this, and it was making it really hard for Choso to read you. His hand alternated between wanting to drop the knife or use it, heart pulsing frantically as you tried on old jewelry of yours. Satisfied with your findings, you moved back to the closet, pulling down the other box on the shelf. The one with his gifts for you.
“Wait! You’re not supposed to see that yet!”
“What is it?”
“It’s something really special... just please, you’re gonna ruin everything!”
You shot him a concerned look and rolled your eyes, walking back over to the bed to take a seat. 
“Answer a couple of questions for me, ‘kay?”
“Question one, when did this start?”
“...Freshman year, rush week…the first time we met…”
You looked at him surprised. That meant he’d been stalking in love with you for almost four years now and never acted on it.
Just confiscate you, my teeth are in pain…
“Question two, what’s behind your back?”
Choso was shaking in fear, so much so, he dropped the fucking knife. You both watched it fall to the floor behind him, your mouth agape in shock as he frantically bent over to pick it up. He couldn’t tell what was more awkward, him dropping it on the floor or him picking it up and sitting it on his desk like nothing happened.
You scoffed and chuckled, stunned at his statement. Choso was bright red, on the verge of a panic attack. So many thoughts, so many mistakes, you knew almost everything now. All of the things he wanted to do for you, show you, give you, it all meant nothing now. Still, you sat there completely calm, aside from the fact the guy who just fucked your brains out was possibly about to kill you.
“Question three, this is an important one. Did you kill Megumi?”
“It was ruled a death from natural causes.”
“Yeah, tell that shit to someone else, did you kill him?”
Choso didn’t really care to hide things now, too far gone. Especially not how he got rid of that asshole you called a boyfriend.
“Yes, I did; and I don’t regret it.”
“How’d you do it?”
“I poisoned him with Ricin.”
“I put it inside of a box I told him was supposed to be for you.”
“Because he was a terrible boyfriend to you and you didn’t deserve to be with a guy who couldn’t even remember your birthday. Not to mention, he would’ve never died if he didn’t open what was meant for you, nosy fucker.”
“So, you were jealous? Most people would just beat the guy’s ass, you definitely knocked it out the park with that one.”
“Yes, he didn’t deserve to have you! He took you for granted when there was somebody much more fit to make you happy!”
“And that’s you?”
“Yes, just…please…don’t leave. Not before I make things perfect for you!”
You sat back on your hands, thinking a bit and bouncing your leg. Choso had said too much. Not only did he admit to killing Megumi, but now if you really did hate him, you could get him arrested too. Which meant you two would have to live apart. That was no longer an option.
“Even If I wanted to leave, I don’t think you’d actually give me the choice. Plus, it’s kinda…sweet?”
“Yeah, never had someone like me this much, let alone kill my boyfriend to get closer to me.”
“So, you’re not mad?”
“No, not really. Well, maybe for planning to stab me. Not like I can make you untake the pics, but I’ll need some of my stuff back. I’m more impressed than anything. I’m not even gonna ask how you got the Ricin or half of this stuff.”
Choso didn’t know how to feel, or how to react. Why were you so calm about this? Why weren’t you scared? Why were you still here willingly? He couldn’t move at all, locked in place in fear as he watched you get into the bed and turn on another movie.
“You gonna come lay with me or just stand there?”
“I just…I-”
You sat straight up now, looking him dead in the eyes as his body quivered in reaction.
“What’s your deal, huh? Didn’t you kill a guy to be with me?”
“Yes, technically, I-”
“So, be with me, Choso! Unless you’re just like a murderer or whatever, that’s kinda fucked up.”
I'm gonna break you before I can say…
Choso was lost for fuckin’ words. You were laying on his chest now, holy shit, he was losing his mind. Touching him, feeling your warmth as you finally relaxed. Everything he had done to get you with him had paid off. You were so perfect, lips pursed while you breathed up and snuggled your face into him. Just his sweet, sweet girl.
“So, the whole, um, thing…”
“What, you being fucking insane?”
“I’m not insane, just very dedicated to the woman I love!”
“Well, the way I see it, all my other boyfriends couldn’t stop looking at other girls, but you? You’re perfect, you’re already obsessed with me! Just don’t kill anyone else, ‘kay?” 
“I’ll try.”
I love you.
♱ the song used in this story is saccharine by jazmin bean. 🖤
♱ masterlist.
♱ all fics playlist.
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𝖆𝖚 𝖗𝖊𝖛𝖔𝖎𝖗, 𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖑𝖞𝖗𝖚𝖎𝖓.
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629 notes · View notes
harrietvane · 1 month
So, in Busman’s Homeymoon, Lord Peter buys Harriet Vane a mink cloak worth 950 pounds (according to the Dowager Duchess’ journal entry), but he buys Tallboys for “only” 650 pounds.
Even bearing in mind that real estate really did used to be cheaper, do you understand how that is possible? Or how to find out more about relative purchasing power? I used an online calculator website which gave me some figures, but it still seems insane that one could buy an entire Elizabethan farmhouse for 2/3 the price of a garment! Very curious to learn from others who understand this better than I do.
Ah, I see my esteemed colleague @oldshrewsburyian has also had some interesting thoughts on this, so I'll link that here as well before I begin.
So, it's a legitmate question, and there's no catch-all simple answer (in the gotcha sense of 'why didn't i know that bit of cultural Truth'), but there are mitigating factors that take it from a ridiculous price comparison, to merely outlandish. Even taking into account that the coat is quoted in guineas, not pounds, and that PW says the bank valued Talboys at £800 via a mortgage (the paid price was a discount, for paying in cash quickly, which is Plot Relevant), it gets us to roughly the same place, value-wise. Or shall we say PRICE-wise, rather than value, as I'll get into below. There's several factors at play here - they mainly relate to class, and spending power:
-The house is Not That Great, in terms of the kind of property that PW would usually be buying. I mean it is still a large-ish house, big enough to have 2 adults and small children in, but it's not what would be on his radar normally. The only reason they know about it, it that it's near a place where HARRIET grew up as a child. It's not getting any high marks in particular Beauty, Convenience, or Quality - the main reason HV's drawn to it is sentiment, rather than anything else. They both know that they will have to significantly add to it, and alter it, in order for it to be a comfortable home. That would usually be out-of-budget for someone in Harriet's position, who would expect to buy something that meets her needs 'as-is'. Most people looking at buying that house would be Harriets not Peters, so it might be a tough sell.
-The house has no power, and limited plumbing: There's dark references to DRAINS by the dowager duchess, it's entirely possible that this house has no modern plumbing at all - they make the comparison that the huge palace the Wimseys grew up in wasn't plumbed until recently, but then again they do have about 800 servants, whereas Talboys is just a regular house: they will have Bunter alone (at first), with an assist from Mrs Ruddle. There's mention of "a cistern" with some basic valves, but the scullery is mentioned as having a copper, from which hot water is "scooped into a large bath-can" - a copper being, simply, a large metal basin over a fire, in effect. No running hot water, maybe no flushable loos - it's a factor. They also talk specifially about having to electrify Talboys themselves - it's candles and lamps until then. It's fancy camping. By the mid-1930s, a lot of middle-class buyers would expect a little more convenience in both water and wiring, unless they had significant support staff, which Talboys would not be expected to house.
-There's probably no farm! It's a farm house - not a wider land purchase. People like PW's brother the Duke are wealthy primarily because they own land, not because of the big palace they have (which eats money, rather than generates it). The land is what gives them spending power, because other people are paying them rent to live on it, farm on it, or both. PW's own personal 'younger sibling' wealth is also mentioned somewhere to be primarily in real estate (assumed to be in London) - sad to say: he's a landlord, and that's why he's rich. Talboys, on the other hand, as a purchase, would not, in almost any way, be expected to generate revenue through either farming, agriculture, or charging rent. Until they invent house flipping in 80 years, or until the motorway goes through in 40 years, there's not much expectation that Talboys would increase all that much in value.
-Lastly, there's a massive disparity in what The Market Will Bear when we compare a basic residence vs a luxury item (like a mink coat) in the mid-1930s. This is not particular to that time, though. Like any first-year economics student will tell you, the price of something is not it's intrinsic value, it's what someone is WILLING to pay for it. If someone is willing to pay such a price, that's the price it will be. So, we're not comapring Objects, we're comparing Buyers: the the main purchasers of a slightly run-down farmhouse located nowhere special are Harriets, and main purchasers of mink coats are Peters. Talboys is priced for Harriets. The mink coat is priced for Peters.
Compare for example, a contemporary parallel: the Hermes Birkin bag. It's a leather handbag with a starting retail price of about USD 11,400. Just for the bag. Then, you have fancier versions of the fancy bag, eg wikipedia tells me one version sold at auction for USD 380,000 in Hong Kong in 2017. Now, the Harriets of today are not buying a Hermes Birkin handbag, but they are probably trying to buy slightly run-down houses outside urban centers for (one hopes) slightly less than 380k. The Wimseys of the worlds are clearly buying Birkin bags. In that way, it's actually pretty easy to get to a place where Person A might buy a single luxury item for X pounds, and Person B might buy a whole residence for X pounds, and neither feel like they'd done something insane. The key here is in a Wimsey/Vane marriage, they run up against this concept immediately, and repeatedly.
There's a good reason the first epistolary section of the novel is almost entirely taken up with money chat - the ring, the purchase of shirts from Burlington Arcade, the marriage settlement, the gift from the bride to the groom, the mink coat, the bitchy exchange between Helen and Harriet about HV being allowed "six free copies of her book" to distribute. These people come from 2 fundamentally different experiences of the world. They might have gotten engaged using the word 'Magistra', specifically to emphasise their fundamental equality (in the context of learning and the mind, to begin with), but it can't be denied: there's gaps that need to be bridged. They both know parts of their married life will be spent in attempting to do that, hopefully to their mutual satisfaction. Mention of a mink coat for 950 guineas is a nice, neat shorthand for illustrating what's still at play between them here.
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littletism · 21 days
🎒✏️🍎 weekend activity for littles! turn your house into a school! 🍎✏️🎒
prepare your schedule the night before! what classes will you do at what time? what order will you do them in? write it down! set alarms on your phone for when each class will be, so you know when to switch!
don’t forget to prepare worksheets, activities, and make sure you know what rooms you’re using! if you have a cg, this job is best suited for them!
class ideas: math, spelling, writing, social studies/history, science, art, music, etc!
“downtime” class ideas: naptime, free time, movie time, free draw, computer lab, play time
wake up bright and early! get dressed, brush your teeth, brush your hair, and get your school supplies! go into the room that you’ve designated as your classroom!
if you have a cg, have them be your teacher for the day! if you don’t have one, that’s okay! you can do all of this by yourself pretty easily.
if the room has a closet, use that as your cubby! hang up your bag and any other belongings in it!
get ready for your school day! sit down on the floor like you would in a preschool or kindergarten classroom, and get ready to learn!
ideas on what to do for each class under the cut (to avoid this post being way too long!)
print out some math worksheets (or download and do them digitally, bonus points if it’s on a tablet with a stylus for extra realism!) and work on them! do whatever level of math is most accessible to you!
count stuff! count your toys, blocks, stuffies, anything! make problems and equations by taking away items, adding items, dividing items, etc and solve them!
play math games! multiplication .com has a lot of accessible math games, or you can use the flashpoint program to play math games from your favorite tv shows!
print/download handwriting practice sheets and practice writing your letters!
if you have a cg with you, have them read a book out loud to you! make sure to pay attention, and be prepared to write about what was just read to you!
read your favorite book, and create a book report based on it with pictures and decorations!
do spelling worksheets and exercises!
social studies
practice geography by identifying states or countries on an unlabeled map! start with your own country, then move on to other countries to make it more challenging!
learn about history by watching educational history cartoons!
do a cultural interview! find someone in your life whether it be a friend, a partner, or a family member and interview them about their heritage and culture! if you can’t find someone, write about your own culture!
use a store bought science kit and play around with it! write down everything you’ve learned.
make slime or oobleck! there’s countless recipes online that teach you how to make them! they’re both super easy to make.
draw a diagram of our solar system! label the planets properly and write one fact about each one!
draw your family! could be your biological or found family!
finger paint!
watercolor paint!
make pottery out of clay or play doh!
make a collage of your favorite things! print out pictures of stuff you like and glue it to a piece of paper!
sing along to your favorite songs! pull up sing-along versions of songs from disney movies or karaoke versions of your favorite songs!
if you have any kind of instrument, play it! try to play simple songs on it like mary had a little lamb or hot cross buns!
if you’re regressed a bit older, study sheet music! teach yourself what all the symbols mean!
nap time
take a 30 minute break to nap, or just lay down and rest! put on a soft lullaby or a quiet song you really like.
to make it more “school-like”, nap on the floor! preferably on a fluffy rug or mat, so it isn’t uncomfortable or bad for your back! lay out your favorite blanket, pillow, stuffie, and hit the hay!
play time / free time
just play!!! have fun and play with your toys, your stuffies, play dress up, etc!
if it’s nice outside, go play outside!
draw a picture!
read your favorite book!
if you’re an over-achiever, do some more worksheets!
computer lab
go on your computer or laptop if you have one, and play some educational games, watch educational videos, etc!
when you’ve done an adequate amount of learning, you earn free time! use this to play any fun game you want! (minecraft, roblox, animal jam, fun flash games, etc!)
field trips
(may require a cg if you can’t take yourself places when small!)
take a trip to a museum!
go to the library! find a cool book you find interesting and read it!
take a walk around town! write down all the interesting things you find in nature like animals, bugs, plants, etc!
end of the day
when your “school day” ends, have your cg grade how you did! if you don’t have a cg, grade yourself! but be honest, of course. if you get a good grade, you’ll get a reward!
i know this is elaborate and may seem silly, but i’ve heard a lot of littles say an elementary school environment would be really beneficial to them! i hope this helps some of you who are yearning for that!
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essaywritinghelp · 5 months
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ponderingmoonlight · 2 months
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Chapter 1: From Tradegy to Fantasy - Awakening in Another World
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Pairing: Gojo x fem!reader
Warnings: reader's death, language
Genre: Isekai, Romance, Fantasy
Synopsis: Your life takes a tragic turn as you perish in a car crash, only to awaken in a whimsical world of fantasy with none other than Jujustu Kaisen characters as its main protagonists. But as if that wasn't enough, you're about to marry the prince version of Gojo Satoru. How will you navigate through this world of history and fantasy? Does your life take the same sudden twist of fate as that of your favorite characters?
Next Chapter ->
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„Are you reading those strange stuff again…What was it called? Manga?”
“I’m only watching the anime because of that hot blindfolded guy.”
You don’t even try to look up from your phone, currently reading the newest publication of the Jujutsu Kaisen manga over some sketchy site online. That hot blindfolded guy…You’ll never understand why some girls are only watching Jujutsu Kaisen because of him, Gojo Satoru. This world has so much more to offer, so much more than this overpowered character not even Gege himself likes.
“It’s not exactly reading”, you mutter, so sunken into the drawn fight in front of your eyes that you simply can’t look away.
“(y/n), come back to reality. We have some classes to attend.”
Out of instinct, you roll your eyes. You’ll probably have to listen to that one professor who always talks about himself and simply reads through his presentation for three hours straight, not even allowed to look at your phone and do something useful instead. Urgh, being an uni student sucks.
“Give me a minute, I’m just finishing this chapter.”
When your friends start walking, you follow them without paying attention. This is it, the fight you’ve been waiting for. Maybe this time someone is able to defeat Sukuna, maybe this will be the day you’ve been waiting for. Fuck plot armour, fuck all the horrible things that happened last, all the beloved characters that had to die. Damn, you still miss Geto to this day. If they would have noticed sooner, he might be still alive-
You always wondered about how death must feel like. Getting consumed by darkness, getting dragged into sheer empty space. Does it hurt? Will you die right on the spot and feel absolutely nothing? What about that myth about reminiscing your own life shortly before your death?
The second you looked into those blinding car lights, you knew exactly that you are next, that there is no way you’ll survive the hit that will sweep you off your feet, that throws your body into the air like a plastic bag.
How pathetic to die like this. Getting hit by a car while being glued to the sketches of fictional characters on your phone. What will your parents say, your family, your friends? You don’t want to die like this, but still…
You allow your eyes to rest against your harsh light, your phone dropping to the phone. You can’t escape the hit. Maybe, just maybe, you will wake up in a better world.
If stuff like that even exists.
When you open your eyes again, you brace yourself for an immense wave of pain hunting down your body, for getting greeted by those way too harsh hospital lights. But instead, your eyes open with ease. Instead, you get greeted by the dim light of a golden chandelier in and a well-painted ceiling in all different shades of purple.
“Where on earth…Am I?”, you mutter to yourself.
The second you look down on you, your heart drops to the floor. You aren’t wearing a pair of leggings and an oversized tee like you always do. No, you are covered in the softest white fabric you ever felt from head to toe, an elegant lavendel ribbon tied around your waist. And that delicate jewellery...
Immediately, you yank out of bed and almost trip over the hem of the white dress, coming to a stand in front of a mirror.
This isn’t possible. No, this has to be a feverish dream. Maybe they put you into coma after…
You swallow hard, reality hitting you with full force. You died. As soon as the car hit you, you were dead right on the spot and you knew it instantly. But why does everything feel so damn real? Frantically, your hands wander around the sweaty face that looks back at you in sheer horror through the mirror, stare at the lavendel eyes that don’t look like yours at all. But those facial features, the way your hair falls.
Is it…you?
A violent scream escapes your lips before you’re able to stop it, guts turning so uncomfortably that you feel like puking every minute. This can’t be true. This can’t be your reality now…Just before your feet give in, you grab the cool golden frame of the mirror, allow your spinning head to rest for a second.
“Lady Zenin, are you alright!?”
That distant voice, who is it talking to? Lady Zenin…Like Toji, Mai and Maki Zenin? Maybe you didn’t die but got kidnapped into a pervert cosplay party. Slowly, you turn around, face sticky in cold sweat.
But the man standing in front of you doesn’t look like a creep at all. No, he’s a truly elegant man. Maybe in his 50s, but it is clear that he’s taking care of himself. His eyes look at you worried, his gloved hands stretched out in order to help if you fall.
“Where…Where am I?”, you press out.
This isn’t your hometown. Fuck, this isn’t even your home country, not even your timeline. The stuff in this room looks so old and somehow magical, let alone that dress you’re wearing.
“I don’t understand, Lady Zenin. You are in your room”, the man replies visibly worried.
“What country?”, you probe.
“My lady, we are still in Avaloria…Are you feeling unwell? Shall I call the doctor-“
“In Avaloria. And I’m Lady Zenin…”, you mumble to yourself.
This doesn’t make any sense. You didn’t pay that much attention to geography, but you know for a fact that Avaloria isn’t a real country and that your last name definitely isn’t Zenin. But oh that last name is definitely familiar to you, so familiar that it’s frightening. Suddenly a shiver runs down your spine, dark foreshadowing letting your fingertips shake.
“What is my father’s name?”
You don’t want this answer. No, all you want to do is waking up from this dream, from this nightmare. You aren’t a lady, you aren’t a Zenin. You are nothing but plain (y/n) who adores anime and manga a little too much and still goes to university. You are nothing but a normal young woman.
“Your lordship…Your lordship is called Naobito Zenin, my Lady”, he stutters.
“And my brother’s name is Naoya, huh?”, you huff out.
This has to be a bad joke, right? What is this man, a stand-up comedian, maybe? You cross your arms in front of your chest, force your body to stop shaking. You need to put this madness to an end right now.
“Yes, exactly my Lady!”, the man in front of you literally cries out in relief while the ground is pulled underneath your feet.
No, nothing about this is right. These men, their names…They are nothing but an invention by Gege Akutami, nothing but drawn figures in a book adapted into an anime. They are nothing but fantasy, nothing but fiction.
Your voice fails as your mind can’t process anymore. Is it really possible that…You were reincarnated into a world like this?
“Are you causing a scene again, sister?”
You don’t recognize the voice speaking behind you, but something inside you tells you that if you turn around, you will be greeted by…
Cold, sharp brown eyes.
Your very own orbs widen in sheer horror. Those dark green roots, the annoyed look on his face, his tall muscular frame. He looks exactly like the manga made him appear. But instead of wearing a kimono, he is dressed in a black uniform with golden and purple details.
“You’re looking like a fucking prince…”, you breathe out.
“Are you trying to upset me, (y/n)?”
“Master Naoya, the lady doesn’t appear like herself today. Shall I call the doctor?”, the older man speaks with low voice.
“Did you have a bad dream?”
He grabs your chin before you’re able to stop him, his cold glare hitting you with full force.
Naoya just touched you. Fucking Naoya Zenin is standing in front of your very own self, his fingers wrapped around your chin, staring at you so intensely that you feel like fainting any given minute.
“Don’t you dare to mess today’s meeting up because of your weird acting. It took father and I months to arrange a meeting with that lousy prince. Let’s hope that he finds liking in you or else I’ll marry you below your status”, he hisses into your face.
“You can’t just arrange my wedding. Who the hell do you think you are?”, you spit into his face out of instinct.
“All the attention must have gone to your head, (y/n). Who do I think I am? I am your big brother, father’s right hand. And you are nothing but a woman. Your only worth is to marry into a wealthy and influential family. I will never understand why the prince of our country found a liking in you. Apart from a pretty face, you have nothing to offer.”
He yanks your chin away roughly, forces you to take a few steps back and almost sends you onto the floor with the sheer force of his fingertips. Your body quivers in anger, hands balled into fists so tight that your knuckles stand out white.
“I don’t need a prince, I know my own worth you fool!”, you demand.
“Who taught you to talk like this? You are a lady, (y/n). Finally start to act like one or I will tell father about your behaviour. Maybe a venesection will cause your mouth to finally shut, what do you think?”
“A vene-what?”
“Urgh, just be quiet and get yourself ready. You will meet the prince as soon as you are presentable. And don’t you dare to disappoint us”, he hisses through gritted teeth.
And then he’s gone in the wind while you stand in the middle of the room, still unable to catch your shaky breath. Who the hell does this guy think he his? Where exactly are you, what world is this? Your head begins to spin so violently that you fear to lose your balance, your whole life crashing down on you like a house of cards.
This isn’t 2024 on mother earth anymore. This…this is something completely different. And that man who introduced himself as your brother made it all too clear that there’s no way you’ll survive here if you don’t play along. Maybe it’s like in that anime you just watched, the one with the girl names Raeliana. If that’s the case…
“Please call in my maids. I wish to be dressed”, you speak out monotone.
“Of course, Lady (y/n).”
You will play along. But there is no way in hell you’ll let him force you into a marriage with some strange prince you don’t even know. Your eyes are fixated on themselves, the new lavender color gleaming back at you being so unknown as well as all those women who scurry around you.
Who is this prince, anyway? If you’re really in some strange jujutsu kaisen verse, it must be another character. Maybe Geto…Oh, that would be nice. But what if it’s Sukuna? You shake your head, haunt away your stinging imagination. No, you won’t marry the king of curses. Actually, there aren’t many men you’d like as your husband.
How is this supposed to turn out good?
-at the salon-
You feel like fainting any given minute, heart pounding so roughly against your well-dressed ribcage that every beat sends a shiver down your spine. If the man standing in front of you isn’t called Geto or Nanami, you don’t want him. And apart from that…Aren’t you too young to marry anyway? Why does your family want to get rid of you so badly?
“It is so nice to finally meet you in person, Lady (y/n).”
Your heart drops to the floor.
That voice.
Fuck. It’s no doubt that it’s him.
“Let me introduce myself properly: I’m Prince Satoru, the future king of Avaloria.”
The second your brother steps aside, you get greeted by bright blue eyes and a cheeky grin.
This is Gojo Satoru, that “hot guy with the blindfold”, one of the last men you’d like to marry even if he’s dressed in a fine suit with red and blue details. Out of instinct, you cross your arms in front of your chest, narrow eyes staring him into the ground. You will never understand the hype behind his smile and eyes when it’s all too clear that he’s a player, a womanizer. A man like Gojo Satoru isn’t the husband you were imagining, not the man you were looking for since you were a child.
“I’m not marrying that man”, you announce into the silence of the room.
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Soo, this was the very first chapter of my new series and it makes me beyond excited! So please, if you enjoyed it, it would make me beyond happy if you like/comment/reblog that work of mine and let me know what you think. Thank you guys so much for your constant support, it means the world 🤍
Tags: @m0k0k0 @lees-chaotic-brain @sanicsmut @risuola @fire-loving-siren @sunshine7queen @gatitam @kentocalls
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salaciousdoll · 9 months
꒷︶ ̇ ̟ ෆ ‿︵‿ The Salacious Exploits ‿︵‿ ෆ ̟ ̇ ︶꒷
•┈୨Chapter II୧┈•
•┈୨please be advised to the warning before continuing୧┈•: Hyperfeminine!reader, Bimbo!/ditzy!reader, Fem reader, smut, angst, fluff, laid back professor Gojo, Gojo being Gojo( I think), Gojo is a bit ooc when it comes to him being a perv, reader’s second day goes alright, geto pisses reader off and he liked it, Toji and Shiu are gym buddies, you and Eren talk all night on the phone, volleyball tryouts, reader owns her own volleyball, basically you are a pro at volleyball but not at running or certain positions( Libero), DARK CONTENT, taboo!, teacher x student relationship, this is not all glorified, there will be the downsides that come later, reader has daddy and mommy issues, daddy’s is more severe, self indulgent, reader is spoiled down, smut, Erwin smith is the first man you fuck, big and heavy dick Erwin, condom use because duh it’s the first official fuck, wall fucking, fucking on a sink, you roll the condom on his dick with your mouth, pet names( little dove, angelic whore, slut, pretty girl, etc.), degradation/praise, cervix kissing( gently but it can still hurt), reader is hyper sexual, History professor!Erwin, Jean meet you but doesn’t know your the new girl, bartender!jean, Eren is growing fond of you and so are Mikasa, Armin, and Maki, daddy kink is seen here once, dirty talking Erwin, coach! Onyankopon, Coach!Geto, lemme know if I missed anything,
゚•┈୨ Song for this Chapter୧┈•゚。: Party Girls- Victoria Monet
ෆ ‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿ ෆ ̟ ̇ ┈•゚Note from salaciousdoll: this is the second chapter of this series and I’m so excited for you all to read it. I’m gonna be starting my kinktober fics now, so this won’t be a weekly update, just until I at least make it to the end of the month fic. Anyways, HAPPY KINKTOBER BABIES🫶🏾
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Previously on Salacious Exploits….
Your voice came out calm and collected, “ You’re very welcome, sir. Have a nice day.” You smiled prior to power walking out of the classroom and building. You didn’t know who he was getting head from and you should’ve had a different reaction but this school looked fishy as soon as you stepped on the lawn and plus the false advertisement the website has is enough to make anyone turn it down but you and your mother were too dumb and naive to realize, your mother just wanted you near her. Though you couldn’t see Mr.Kamo face properly, yet you knew he was fine just from his moans and voice. On your way to your car to go home, you noticed a small sticker with a phone number on it and Eren’s name on top of it. You were surprised to see it because when the hell did he have time to do this. You most likely wasn’t paying attention when he did it because you were too busy looking around the school when you two walked to your first, well second class today. You did not like calling men first but you’ll excuse this because you had a feeling you were going to love that call. Just like you are going to love this school.
Waking up with Eren snores in your ear on the phone was funny and relaxing. You would’ve thought he would’ve hung up the phone after you fell asleep, yet he didn’t. You called him first and from that point on you two hit it off. You two talked about the school, his friends he’s going to introduce you to at the party someone’s throwing at the bar down the street from the campus today. You yawned and got out of bed walking to the shower to freshen up for classes today. You only had two classes today, psychology and physiology. Two classes you didn’t want to take but they were the last options when you signed up for classes online.
After showering and getting ready, you grabbed your supplies you needed for today and your Telfar Ballerina shopping bag with a lot of the materials you need for school and practice, slipping your shades on afterwards. Eren hung up the phone when you were taking a shower and you were partially glad for it because you didn’t want to talk to anyone before class. You had on a decent outfit today— tied-up pink cardigan over a black jumpsuit that showed off your hips, love handles, or hip dips with pink-satin miu miu ballerina shoes and black leg warmers.
You didn’t feel like doing anything special except trying out for volleyball, a sport you’ve been dedicated to since you were younger. It’s a pro and con sport for you because the pro is being the best on your team but the con is being the biggest in weight on your team. It's contradictory really. Now you get to see try out for volleyball for this college, maybe you’ll be able to face your old teammates from your old college. But first, you have to get through your classes first because right after your second class, it’s gonna be 30 minutes until tryouts.
Heading into the classroom, you spot Eren sitting with a boy with freckles and a girl next to him with dark green hair in a bob. She favored someone you met already and just couldn’t put it to mind especially with the way Eren was close-lip smiling at you. He was not paying attention to anything or anyone talking to him— all he could focus on is you. He was slowly catching feelings for you and he didn’t mind it one bit at how fast you captured his attention especially after getting over his break up with Mikasa.
You waved at him and took the seat he pointed to in the row in front of him. You were so glad that he got a seat near the end of the row because you didn’t feel like squeezing past people. Once you sat down, eren leaned down to whisper in your ear, “ had a great time last night on the phone, we should do it again sometime. You know… to get to know each other more.” You turned around to see him scratching the back of his head, almost like you made him shy or anxious.
You smirked at his actions, “ Next time, you call me first. A lady should never have to call a gentleman first.” Your teasing just made him raise his hand to cover his face from letting his friend see his blushing cheeks and nose. You wondered if he knew the tip of his ears were red as well.
Eren didn’t know what your type was and you honestly felt a little bad for him, but a little part of you hoped this was a puppy type crush and that’s it. What you really wanted was an older man, kinda like your professor that just walked in practically yelling good morning. You wondered how a man like him had this much energy as you eyed him with a tip of your pink pen in your mouth. His glasses were now clear prescription glasses and he looked even more gorgeous than before. You wanted to jump his bones right here.
Your thoughts were soon interrupted by professor Gojo clapping his hands and then motioning to the projector, “ You should already know what class you are taking—” Gojo then opened his arms, making his body into a T, “ But I’m gonna tell you anyway, Welcome to Psychology 112. For today, we will be learning about each other and reading the syllabus together. Originally, the syllabus was supposed to be your homework, but skip that! Don’t wanna give you homework on the first day, wouldn’t wanna overbear you on your first day like short stack Levi or for those who have Mr.Nanami, am I right?”
He was the first professor you’ve seen since yesterday that made the student laugh. You were surprised you let out a little laugh at his joke. You had a feeling you and Professor Gojo would get along just fine.
During his class, Eren couldn’t focus, he only paid attention when you spoke about yourself— starting with your name, “ Um, a little bit about me is that I like wearing high fashion brand clothing, I’m rich, and pretty.” Some of the girls and guys smacked their lips or let out loud sighs and some snickered to themselves.
Gojo stared at you with intensity before smiling to himself, “ anything else, miss { reader’s last name}. What made you decide to take my class?”
You mentally rolled your eyes at this question because you could either lie or tell the truth. You did what you did best, “ I was late when registering for classes and this was one of the last classes I had to choose but luckily I like learning about different behaviors and how it affects the mentality, ya’ know.” You lied and told the truth all in one. You thought nobody would notice, but Gojo did. Luckily, he let it pass by smirking at you and nodding his head. Once he went to the next person, you let out a relieved breath out of your mouth. Eren chuckled with Marco at your exaggerated action.
Marco extended his hand over your shoulder, “ sorry I couldn’t properly introduce myself. My name is Marco Boldt, as you may know from the previous introduction.” He let out a cute chuckle before speaking again, “ It’s a pleasure to meet you.” You turned to shake his hand as the next person spoke about their favorite hobbies and such.
“ Nice to meet you as well. Who’s the girl beside you Eren?” You eyed her up and down slowly and , to her, seductively.
She stuck out her hand like she was forced to stick it out, “ The girl next to him name is Mai, you would’ve known that if you paid attention, airhead.”
You wanted to curse her out but decided against it because maybe she was just a hard ass on purpose. Like she got a point to prove but to whom? You’ll never know especially when Gojo yelled out your name and to be quiet afterwards.
Smacking your lips was the first and only option you had as a reaction because it wasn’t even you that was speaking. You have been getting into trouble with the professors at this school too much already. It’s already getting on your nerves. You thought he was the least strict teacher here— you guessed wrong then. Only you didn’t guess wrong, he just wanted to fuck with you because he felt like it and he wanted to see how your name rolls off his tongue since it’s different than most people at this school. After everyone introduced themselves, you all read the syllabus and asked him questions about the syllabus.
Class wrapped up after that and when you walked past Gojo’s desk with Eren’s arm around your shoulder, scratched something inside of Gojo’s Brain and he didn’t like it. He had to know if you two were dating, not like that’s gonna stop him, but he didn’t need an hot head like Eren to fuck up his plan. A hot head that’s quick to spread rumors due to his indifferences with this school and much more. The only way he knows that is because he knew every last one of his students due to how little the social life here is at school. The school may be big, but the acceptance rates were lower than hell. Plus, he’s heard from the past professors that Eren is the star boy of the school.
“ Because of his fucking fath-”, Gojo says, before getting interrupted by a little laugh. He looked up and locked eyes with you standing in front of him with your books to your chest. You looked so fucking beautiful to him.
“ Mumbling to yourself Mr. Gojo, maybe psychology is the right major to teach for you.”, You say, laughing but stopping once you seen he wasn’t laughing just staring at you. You then realized what you said was inappropriate and hurried to back track until he held up a hand.
You waited for him to yell or give you the stern talk, but he just laughed with his head back, really loudly too. “ You’re a jokester, gotta watch out for you even more. What did you come to talk to me about? Any questions about the syllabus that you could’ve asked during class.” You squint your eyes at the last part prior to staring at him in silence.
He tilted his head and removed his glasses from his face to sit on the desk. When he did that, you had the urge to grab his face and kiss him, but you fought your urge and answered his question, “ Came to talk to you about how much homework we’re having for this class. Is it a lot? And how many essays do we have to do?”
Gojo smiled at you, “ It's not a lot of essays, only four for midterm and finals. There’s gonna be two chapters for you to read each day after today. Think of today as a free pass from homework.” He almost wanted to laugh at your expressions when he said 4 essays and two chapters.
You smiled at him and said your thanks, walking away afterwards. You had your last class of the day in 5 mins and it takes you three minutes to walk to the class so you’ll be on time. Meanwhile, back in the classroom, satoru sat there with your flavor perfume lingering in his classroom, well in the space by his desk.
Walking to Mr.Geto class was fun when you had Armin and his friends walking with you. His friends meaning Connie, Sasha, Yuuta,Maki, and Mikasa walking with you. You passed Mai and put two and two together when you took one good glance at Maki. They either had to be sisters or cousins. Crazy thing about it, is that you and Armin arrived 2 minutes early and were two of the three people already there.
There was another boy there with a high ponytail and on his lower cheek, close to his chin. He looked so quiet and you didn’t want to disrupt it so you sat next to Armin, who was sitting below the boy. You hope class goes by fast because then all you have to do is get ready for try-outs.
Soon, students started to fill out the classroom and in between the last two students, a tall man with his hair in a top bun— a piece hanging in the front of his head, black suit nicely tailored and decked, and several rings wrapped around about two fingers on each hand. You finally realized, after a long time of staring, that this was the man you locked eyes with when you were heading to Mr. Kamo class. He was coming from the gym and looked so hot, now he looks hotter.
“ Goodmorning class, today we’re going to read over the syllabus and I’ll go over the materials you need in order to pass this class. After that, I’ll let you all go to enjoy the rest of your day. Oh, I almost forgot, those of you know me already, some of you..”, Getos said walking back and forth until he locked eyes with you again. “ Don’t. So I’ll introduce myself, my name is Suguru Geto, you may not call me by that name, only my last, Professor Geto.”
He’s a little sassy with his introduction and you didn’t mind one bit in fact it made him hotter. He began plugging up his laptop for the projector while Armin spoke to a guy next to him. He was a handsome guy and you never saw him around the school before. Armin asked you for a pencil and you fetched your pencil case for a pencil. He laughed once he saw the color of the pencil, “ How did I know this would be the color of your pencils as well?”
You laughed and was about to respond until Mr.Geto cleared his throat, “ Okay, everyone, I got everything situated so let’s start? Yeah.” You did not know why but when he said yeah it was so sexy. You hated how easily you got turned on when it comes to older men. You suddenly got into your bubble of thoughts watching the way his arms flexed whenever he reached to point a finger at people or to point at the bullet point on the board. He was a beauty indeed and you knew it would take a lot to seduce him since he seemed all business at the moment. His dark eyes zoom in on you, spacing out with your legs crossed and your pencil eraser in your mouth, “ Miss {reader’s last name}, tell me what’s the fifth rule when it comes to turning in my essays?”
You hated being in the spotlight of answering questions, it’s annoying as hell and you disliked anyone who did it to you, “ I don’t know because I wasn’t paying attention, sorry for not paying attention, won’t happen again.” You didn’t want to give him attitude, so you just said sorry and kept silent the rest of the class. He didn’t like that you were as silent as a church mouse. He hated it in fact because when he wanted to call on you during class he felt your stone glare all over his PowerPoint and him. He could tell you were pissed but why were you so cute pissed off. He had to tell Satoru since he was speaking about you nonstop to him.
After some minutes, class was finally over and you were ready to get up out of there, in fact you were the first one to leave and he took note of that. He actually managed to piss you off on the first day and it was over something dumb. Not that he should care though, you’re the student and he’s the professor. But hey was he still thinking about you while waving bye to the rest of his students.
You, on the other hand, decided to transfer your anger onto the volleyball in tryouts. You had to walk across the street to the gym which got your blood pumping with adrenaline. So when you walked in the locker room, you placed your bag on the bench. Annie came in and sat her bag down next to you— changing her clothes right there. You gawked at her changing in front of you so boldly when there’s stalls in here. Mikasa, Maki, a girl with blue hair came in with them speaking loudly compared to the other two. Annie felt your eyes on her and turned to you with a deadpan expression on her face, “ What? Am I not allowed to change in front of you?”
You shrugged your shoulders, “ You could do whatever you want, I’m just gonna go change in the stall. No hard feelings babes.” She rolled her eyes at the nickname as she watched you walk off, waving to Maki and Mikasa.
You put on your attire for tryouts and made your way out the stall with your bag on your shoulder. You were making sure your knee pads were on properly, when a hand suddenly came out in front of you. Following the hand with your eyes, you smiled at her before hearing her speak, “ Why not have you apart of our competition, whoever gets the most serves and sets to the count of ten, wins and the winner gets to get free drinks from the losers for tonight’s back to school party at the bar, you’re in?” The blue haired girl was in front of you proposing a deal you couldn’t refuse if you wanted to because you loved competition. It makes things fun.
So you shook her hand while batting your eyelashes up at her, “ Deal. Be prepared to buy my drinks ladies.” You yelled out the last sentence as you made your way past them. Maki laughed, “ You’re confident. I like that.”
Mikasa shook her head, “ No, she’s delusional, especially if she thinks I’m losing.”
“ But you’re not winning, that’s for sure. So let her be delusional, they’ll only make it more fun when I win.”, Annie said, bandaging up her elbows while having a stare off with Mikasa.
Miwa smiled at her friends competing with each other because you’ve already walked out to the gym already whilst these three were still talking to each other. She loved volleyball season for a reason. This was one of them. It was great to be back. She just wished Mai was here as well— sadly she’ll just come late as always.
While the four of them were walking out the bathroom, you were already in the gym with the other girls that’s trying out for volleyball. The gym was huge enough for you all to have tryouts with the boys volleyball team. They were so tall and handsome, one guy stood out to you. He had a mullet and a beard that suited his face just right. He was working on his overhand serves just by swinging his arm up and down for right now. Armin was beside him with a guy with a bowl cut. You guess he was stuck in the 80s and 90s. Next to the bowl cut guy was the boy you met before, Yuuta.
On the benches against the wall, you see Eren, Reiner, Todo, Connie, Sasha, another girl with a blonde bob, a girl with two black pigtails and a girl with two blonde pigtails next to her, she could be mistaken for a little kid, honestly. Seems like some teachers are speaking with both coaches of the teams on the sideline.
I guess volleyball is an important sport at this school after all. You turn to see Mai beside you with an arm around your shoulder, “ Hey, my little pinky pie, ready to buy me a drink? I mean, you can make up for not listening to my introduction yesterday, that really hurt me, ya know?”
The blue haired girl came up on the other side of you, “ Mai, leave her alone. Can’t believe you made it on time.” She then turns to you with a pretty smile, “ I forgot to introduce myself, I’m Miwa Kasumi, nice to meet you. Don’t worry, I already know your name— so you don’t have to tell me.” You smiled at her and nodded your head prior to focusing back on pumping your pink and white volleyball full of air with their little air pumper.
You bounced it against the floor and watched it fly up, catching it afterwards. You smiled over at the girls that watched you, some of their eyes weren’t on what you were doing, rather than what’s behind you. Your ass looked so good in them spandex and if some of them weren’t straight you would’ve been wrapped around their fingers.
After a while, a tall black man with a clean cut bald fade and pretty smile blew the whistle and yelled out “ Huddle around, Girls.”
You all gathered around him with some of the gym balls and your own balls. “ Alright, so today Hange, who is the co-coach, is out for today because of their own business matters, so you’re only having me with you today.” He looked at each of you before speaking again, “ Today is about determining if you’re skillful enough to join this team. Here at Maria Kaizen, we take sports seriously just like academics. Sports are a huge thing in this city so you should already know that. So first, you’re gonna warm up, so give me about five laps around the track outside that door over there, come back in and get a drink of water— meet me back here afterwards, understand?”
You hated running laps so you took your time running while the rest of them didn’t take their time. Maki and Mikasa were toe to toe with each other until Mikasa got another boost of energy from nowhere and finished her 5 laps before Maki. After that the rest of the team followed pursuit but you were still on the 4 lap and wasn’t gonna speed up anymore because you were beginning to breathe hard. Another chubby girl and a skinny girl were running after you, both of them kept encouraging you to keep going and you hated it. You weren’t mean, it’s just it’s embarrassing when people run with you or encourage you to finish especially when you’re at the freaking finish line. Nevertheless, you still thank them— sharing high fives as well.
Once you finally finished your lap, you headed into the gym room and surprisingly didn’t see any of the other girls there, but luckily you spotted them standing outside the gym drinking water. You headed that way not noticing multiple eyes on you since you stepped back into the gym. Eren spotted you and so did Armin, Armin jogged to you first causing Eren to scowl at him— he hid it well when everyone looked at him trying to basically dive down the bleachers.
“ Hey, didn’t know you were trying out for volleyball, hope you make it, so I could go against you during practice.”, Armin says with a polite smile. You smiled at him and spoke to him, “ can’t wait for you to lose those practice games.”
With that, you walked off with him watching you walk away, a small smile adorning his face. Meanwhile, you were the last one to get water and was thankful for it because you almost drink the entire fountain until you heard a deep voice speak, “ Save some for the fishes sweetheart.”
“ Aww come on, girl must be tired after running 5 laps, ease up on her Shiu and besides we’re supposed to be going to the weight room so come on man.”, Another deep voice and the same voice you heard speak to you before. The security guard with black hair and green eyes. Another security guard was with him, he was so handsome, he had a compress shirt on with joggers to match with the green eye man.
You stared at them and they stared at you until the one with the green eyes spoke, “ Welcome to Maria Kaizen, I’m Toji Fushiguro and this is Shiu Kong, we’re the security guards here so you’ll be seeing us around a lot, see you around beautiful.” Shiu guy nodded his head at you and walked away, Fushiguro followed behind leaving you with rampant thoughts in your mind.
You finally snapped out of your thoughts when Maki came and got you for the beginning of tryouts. The first drill of tryouts was seeing if you could under serve and you got this. All of y’all had to serve your balls where the short gremlin of a teacher stood. You took a pretty good guess and knew he was probably filling in for Ms. Zoe. Maki served and it went over the net and nowhere near Levi, Mikasa served and it went over the next almost to where he stands, Mai served and it hit the net but still went over the net, that was a let serve, and Miwa served up a big hit making it go into the air, almost to the ceiling. She yelled an oops and sorry prior to running off behind Mai.
All throughout the rest of the team's serves, Levi had a mean scowl on his face and you could see that from where he stood or did you predict what he’ll look like. You laughed at your joke before it was your turn to serve. You bounced the ball on the floor once and positioned yourself on the line, holding the ball out and reeling your hand back before serving under. The ball almost hit Levi right in the face until he moved with a wide eyed stare at you. You hurry to yell sorry but Levi felt like that was intended since he did piss you off once, yet it wasn’t. Thing is, the speed of that ball was abnormal because usually he'd duck or dodge in a heartbeat, just then he barely moved in time. Miche was impressed watching on the sidelines if only Erwin was here instead of fucking someone on his desk right now then he would’ve seen this stunt.
Onyankopon was truly impressed so he had to see your overhand serve, so he had everyone do that next. Although this time, he asked Miche to stand there instead of Levi. Everyone overhand serves were good except for a few slip ups. Onyankopon made note of the five that slipped up. It was now your turn and he watched you carefully before looking around to find everyone looking at you. You’re gonna be a star if you make the team. A star right next to Maki and Mikasa.
Geto who was supposed to be coaching the boy’s volleyball team was watching you closely just like his co coach, Choso. Right now the boys were just serving non stop until he blew the whistle. Their tryouts were yesterday, so they were now just practicing. They watched as you angled your right arm in a 90 degree angle whilst your left arm was straight with the palm up. They both looked at each other, nodding their heads before looking over at onyankopon who nodded his head at them. They all knew that you knew what you were doing. You tossed the ball in the air and brought your arm up to smack it with so much force. Onyankopon took note of the way you stepped into the serve. It’s like you were a pro at this so he had no choice but to already think of recruiting you.
Now it was time to see if you can jump serve, set, and play the other positions well, especially the Libero position. And you played all of them astonishingly except for Libero. You hated that position so you didn’t even try and Onyankopon noticed that, which was a mistake on your part. He blew his whistle at the end of the tryouts, gathering you all around, “ Listen up ladies, I will let you all know if you made it at the next meeting, which is next week. This was a great tryout, probably the best tryouts I’ve ever seen over my years of coaching volleyball, if only coach Zoe was here to see what I saw in you ladies today. This is the conclusion of the tryouts and I will see you ladies soon. Now go shower and get to your next class or go home.” His voice was so smooth and deep, it drove you wild. He drove you wild already when you walked past him and smelt his cologne. You made note that it wasn't cheap cologne, so sexy to you.
You walked behind the girls to the locker room to freshen up. Your shower took a long time because you had to scrape off your sweat. You hated sweat sticking on your body. After washing your body, you dried off and got dressed. During the shower everyone said their see yous and goodbyes to you so you were the last one in the locker room getting dressed.
Once you finally got dressed in the other clothes you packed in your book bag you carried on your back, you walked out and almost screamed when you saw Mr.Ackerman standing with his back to the wall.
He looked unfazed at your screaming as he pushed himself off the wall stopping in front of you, “ Just for that little stunt you pulled, I’ll be giving you extra homework tomorrow.”
You scoffed and walked around him to walk off, “ It’s not even school hours for me and you’re getting on me. I didn’t even mean to do that honestly. So I will not be doing that extra work, see you tomorrow, Mr. Ackerman.” You hurried to walk away from that deranged little man and walked to your car in the parking lot. You would’ve stayed if he actually cared enough to keep you in his grasp longer.
After, you headed home while talking to Eren on the Bluetooth call. He just asked you about tryouts and gave you the address to the bar for tonight. You were excited to party because you needed it after this rough day. The only thought in your mind as you made your way home after ending the call with Eren is that your body will be sore tomorrow.
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Arriving at the bar took about fifteen minutes, so it wasn’t that far from the campus but was far from your house. You were now freshly done up like a doll. You looked so sexy in your choice of an outfit. You did your makeup perfectly. It was like you were a doll and an Angel at the same time. Dollgelic really.
Once you stepped into the lively bar, it was packed from the opening of the door. Eren spotted you while his arm was around Mikasa, who was stately immensely at you with a twinkle in her eyes. You made it, she didn’t think you would’ve come to be honest, you don’t seem like a bar kinda girl. More like a club kinda girl in her mind.
They both greeted you with a hug, both hugging longer than usual. You all begin to walk over to the group of students and all around you were cheers and whoop whoops from seeing you. Yeah they were drunk already but I mean what can you expect when you showed up an hour later than the original time the party started. Rather show up fashionably late or won’t go at all.
“ Hey new girl, you gotta drink your first shot of the night since you’re late missy, by the way the names Floch, what’s yours?”, Floch asked drunkenly. You smiled and looked at Eren with squinted eyes of ‘this better not be poison’ eyes and he nodded his head as a gesture of answering your question or reassuring you.
You took the glass from his hand and smiled, “ {reader’s name}, nice to meet you.” You took the shot after you said your piece, scrunching up your face at the sour and strong taste in your mouth. Floch shouted a loud yeah with his fist in the air as your face turned back to your regular face. He liked you already.
Eren shook his head and headed over to where Armin was sitting. On the other hand, you were heading towards the direction of the bar, only jumping when you felt a hand tug your hand, “ What the fu-” you paused when you saw who it was, “ oh it’s just you, Hi Sasha.”
Sasha squealed and hugged you so tightly like she knew you all her life, “ Oh my.. you remember my name. I would’ve thought you forgot my name.”
You stared at her with a confused expression on your face. You grabbed Sasha's face between both of your hands, squeezing her cheeks together, “ How drunk or high are you because we saw each other today—this morning.” You turned back to the bartender staring straight at you; he was admiring you so when your eyes caught his, his eyes widened when you spoke to him, “ Give me what she had, on rocks please?”
The hazel eyes went back to its original size prior to him speaking over the loud chattering and music to you, “ Coming right up and just know you have put me to work longer than I expected darling, but I’ll let it slide just this once for a beautiful lady like you.” You eyed him and noticed that he had a mullet and it looked so good on him and him only.
You were about to speak again when Sasha patted your hand with hers, “ Ywor Still hwding on tew mehh.” Her words were more slurred than usual due to your now squeezing her cheeks together with your soft hands. You laughed and threw your arms down, “ So sorry, Sash. I’ll head to the bar on that side and I’ll meet you all when I get the drink you had.”
Sasha yelled out the drink and your eyes widened. You remember drinking that same drink in the past and got wasted off the second go, so you now understood why she was wasted. You watched her laugh all the way until she got to where Maki and the rest sat. Continuing on, you positioned yourself at the end of the bar with pretty mullet boy still in view of you. You needed to get laid and you didn’t want to fuck any of the students, too much feelings and drama come with that. You haven’t fucked since this summer with your old play toy at your old school. God, you missed your old school more than ever now because you would’ve been in a club or party on campus, not a damn bar, especially a bar on a Friday night.
You didn’t notice the two pairs of brown and blue eyes staring at you from where they sat conversing at the table two feet from you. If you did, you would’ve noticed how handsome both men are.
“ Erwin, do you know who she may be?”, Nile asked his best friend. Erwin eyebrows were scrunched together as they took in every frame of your body. You were truly someone he needed. He needed to feel your big thighs wrapped around his waist as he holsted you up against him, fucking into you nonstop. He was surprised at his thoughts and snapped himself out of them by turning to Nile, “ No I don’t know who she is. Maybe she’s new in town, maybe she’s the sister of my new student who didn’t show up in class on her first day.”
Nile eyed you along with him as you thanked Jean for the drink, occasionally watching you take small drinks from it as your eyes scanned the club. It’s like you were scouting for a fuck and what perfect opportunity for Erwin and Nile. They just had to see which one would get to you first. Nile snapped out of his thoughts and turned to Erwin, only to see him not there. He was next to you. Shit, he’s late again. Oh well, his soon to be divorced wife will have to do for now, just until he gets Erwin to share.
You were enjoying the last few minutes alone before you had to go back to your group of people you were partying with until an alluring presence sat next to you with a drink in his hand already. You trailed your eyes from his hand that had two rings on them up until you got to his pretty blue eyes. Blue eyes scared you but he pulled you in. He was a handsome pale man, an older one at that. He was one of your types and that’s all you needed— flashing your pretty smile at him.
Erwin close-lip smiled back at you, sticking out his hand after, “ Hello, pretty lady. My name is Erwin Smith and I couldn’t help but come over to talk to you. You’re new around here, right?”
You nodded your head with a short laugh following, “ Oh, gosh, how did you know? Do I really give off the vibe that I’m lost or something?” You got him at the tip of your finger now, you just had to get him wrapped around the base of the finger.
Erwin took a sip of his drink and brought all of his attention to you, “ Just never seen someone as beautiful as you around here and this town is very little.”
“ How little?”, you replied, wrapping your glossy lips around your black straw, seducing him without even touching him.
“ Like a grape size, little. Still didn’t catch your name, darling.”, Erwin says with a small smirk on his face.
You started to giggle a lot which means you were a tad bit tipsy, so you needed to get laid immediately. “ You smiled and blinked your eyelashes at him, “ My name is { your name}, sir. I thought I told you that, hmm must’ve slipped my mind because I was focused on how sexy you are.”
Erwin smiled at your words and he haven’t smiled like this in years. You made him smile within minutes of you two talking with each other. Yeah, he needs you. He just had one more question to ask you, “ excuse me for asking this question but did you happen to move here with your sister who, by the way, was supposed to be in my class by any chance?”
You almost cackled at yourself because how did you score three points in a matter of minutes. Points of wrapping an men around your finger tonight, scoring an older man to fuck, and if you’re lucky you hope it’s a men in a profession job, preferably a teacher. You noted that you missed your class and he thought you had an older sister and you were the older sister. So you kept up with the lie with a devious smile on your face, “ I’ll only answer that question if we go somewhere quiet, I got a place in mind, what do you say, mister Smith?”
His eyes widened when you finished your question, he never met a woman that knew what and how to get what she wants— he was intrigued. Persuaded. Seduced. Enchanted. So he took his drink down with one gulp and watched you finish your drink, not wasting one drop. You even looked sexy while drinking your drink. You were perfect for him. Everything he wanted.
Erwin stood up and fixed his suit prior to holding out his hand for you to take as he led you to the bathroom. You gladly took it with your purse in your other hand not noticing the pair of hazel eyes staring at you both with wide eyes. He shook his head and walked to his friends greeting them with an arm around Connie's shoulder. He was happy to see his friends but the linger of you and his professor was clouding the back of his mind.
Back to you and Erwin, you both walked inside the one stall bathroom in the middle of the girls and boys bathroom. With the click of a lock, he turned back to you with low bedroom eyes, eyes dark with lust and lust only. Fuck, he needed you badly, Blisteringly when you gave him the look. The look of inviting. The look of want and desire next to the want to be desired.
“ Do you want the answer to your questi-mmph.”, you were interrupted by the feeling of his smooth but chapped lips on yours lips. The feeling of his big hands on your cheeks was everything you wanted and needed, now you just need them around your neck. He held you with so much care for a one night stand of you to be.
Your lips moved against his in a fast pace kiss. The movements of your heads moved in opposite directions as you two started to sloppily kiss each other. Small little whimpers and groans were heard in the big bathroom with the sound of rock music in the back. Erwin broke the kiss to whisper a small, deep “ jump” and you did. Surprisingly he helped you up and walked you to the sink— sitting you on top of it, not caring if you broke it or not, after all his buddy owned the bar.
Erwin starts to trail sloppy and sensually kisses over your face and neck while groping your plush thighs in between his long, slender fingers, “ you’re so goddamn sexy, my little dove. Gonna fuck you so good.” Erwin undressed your bottom half as you undid his belt buckle. He continued kissing over your breast as he trailed his warm fingers up your thighs again. He stopped at your warm pussy with lace panties covering your pussy, “ please grant me access to you, my little dove. Let me fuck you like you never took any cock before. Just… please.”
Your eyes widened as you stared straight ahead as he kissed up and down your chest, he was desperate for you as you were desperate for him. You two needed each other, him more than you. Up for debate right there. You whispered a small, “ Yes, take me. Fuck me because this is the last time you’ll see me.” He hated how you already had your priorities set and straight. What a woman.
He almost tore open the top part of your outfit until you stopped him, “ No, don’t do that unless you plan on spending 2k on this outfit again. Come on old man, you should know the value of clothes and how hard it is to come by nowadays.” Erwin stopped and scoffed at you prior to licking around the shape of your diamond hello kitty necklace your ex rich boy toy brought you, “ This old man is going to take you on a ride for a moment, brace yourself.”
He ignored your statement about the clothes because you were displaying how much of a rich brat you were, his actual type in women. He hated how much his ex mounted that into him or did he just attract rich snobby girls. Who knows. Not like he wasn’t a rich man himself.
With his last statement, he noticed you holding up a condom. Chuckling in response, he mumbled against your skin while bringing out his own, which was a larger size condom than yours. “ Smart girl you are. Not smart enough to carry my size though.” Your eyes widened at the Trojan magnum size condom, his dick was that big. How was it gonna fit? You never took anything that big before. You were breathing hard and Erwin noticed so he kissed you again to ease you up, “ breathe, little dove. I’m not gonna hurt you, as a matter of fact, we can stop at any time.”
The deep swimming pool of lust in his eyes made you more than eager to take him because for some reason you felt he wasn’t lying. His fingers curled under the lining of your panties, pulling them down to your ankles after the help of your hips lifting up to drag them down there. The cold air hitting your warm slightly shaved pussy was enough to make you shiver against him. His hands were freshly manicured and clean so you let him strum his fingers along the opening of your wet pussy.
You whimpered and he chuckled, “ I got you, little dove.” With that, he rubbed your clit in a slow circular motion making you whimper behind your hand. Your clit was so sensitive, always will be. So when the right man knew how to play with it, you couldn’t help but to fold under his touch. Your purse lay in the sink and your phone was vibrating loudly due to Eren, Mikasa, or Maki calling you to see where you went. You felt a tiny bit bad for leaving them unnoticed but you’re occupied with the man of your fantasies right here and wasn’t gonna let this opportunity slip from your pretty fingers.
You snapped Erwin’s shirt open as you two made out sloppily with spit drooling down both of your mouth’s in want. He hurried and shrugged it off before getting back to playing with your puffy clit. One of his fingers pushed inside of you and you gasped at the feeling of his thick finger pumping into you, “ You’re so pretty gasping for me, wanna hear you moan for me now, little dove.” You held onto the sink for dear life, nails could’ve broken from how hard you were gripping the sink on the sides.
Erwin pushed another finger inside of you, earning a whimper and moan from you, “ Please… go fas-uhhh!” Your moans were the prettiest he’s heard since fucking his favorite student and now situationship since she graduated now. He wouldn’t exactly call them to be in a relationship but he proudly says they were in a situationship since she still had a boyfriend.
Erwin curled his finger and watched your reaction to his fingers and God were you beautiful, “ So damn beautiful taking my fingers, now do you want anything else? Tell me what more do you want, little dove? Wanna become my little slut? Wanna be my little whore? Or do you want to be my Angel?”
His words and his fingers twist and curling inside you were making you come undone soon and you didn’t want to cum that soon. “ Treat me like an angelic whore. Your angelic whore, Mister Smith.” He smirked and stopped his movements for a second— pulling his fingers out but it seems like they didn’t want to let him walk away. Once he finally got them out, he laughed and brought them to his mouth.
“ Shit. You taste so delicious, little girl. So damn delicious just like an angelic whore.”, Erwin groans into your ear as he moves to finish unzipping his pants, letting his cock spill over his dress pants. His pre cum was oozing down his hole. Your mouth watered at the sight of his jumping cock— curved to the right with a girth and length that put other men to shame, pink flush mushroom tip with two visible veins running down his cock.
You breathed out a sigh and unconsciously moved your hands to your clit to play with it, only noticing what you were about to do when he gently slapped your hand. He looked at you with a stern look, “ That’s my job, tsk tsk tsk, a girl who doesn’t listen isn’t acting very angelic is she?”
You hated that he was taunting you and right about it, so you nodded your head in response. He shook his head, passing you the condom, “ Go on and put it on like a good little girl. Let me fuck you until you learn how to become an Angel again.” You reached to grab his cock in your hand, trying to wrap your hands around the entire thing, yet you couldn’t with the little inch of space left to connect your thumb to your other four fingers. That’s how much girth he had. He was a monster.
He was heavy in your hand as you grabbed the condom with your hand, seductively looking into his eyes whilst biting into the condom to rip it open with your teeth. You weren’t about to be a bitch and back down from taking the biggest dick you ever seen or had in your life. You then jumped off the sink still holding eye contact with him as you lowered yourself to your calves since you were still in your heels from Saint Laurent.
He watched you with curiosity in his eyes. He watched you put the condom in your mouth, feeling the glossy rubber in your mouth, moving your mouth a bit until you grabbed his cock with your pretty hands. He threw his mouth back when your lips wrapped around the tip of his cock.
He held onto the sink when you moved your head all the way down to the base of his cock, putting on the condom with a few coughs and gags from how full your mouth was. When you finally moved your lips off his cock and stood back up to sit yourself back onto the sink with a finger beckoning him to come over and get you, he knew he needed to see you again. “ You're a dream come true.”
You smiled at him in agreement. He stroked his condom wrapped cock with three strokes. Erwin soon rubbed the tip of his cock against your wet folds causing you to wrap your arms around his neck with a nod of your head. He caught the motion and moved inside of you slowly. You felt the rubber and the thickness of his cock spilling inside of you. The silent moan from you was everything he needed for him to ravish you. “ Never had anything like this, little dove.”
You shook your head and he laughed at you. Laughed at you again when you whined at the feeling of him stretching out your pussy when he thrust all the way inside of you with one go. You couldn’t take it, you thought you could but he was too damn big, “ fu-uhhh-ck, Erwin. I can’t.. I can’t.”
Your eyes suddenly watered and he kissed them away before they could drop down your chubby cheeks, “ I got you, little dove. You can take it.” You felt a surge of reassurance enter you so you wrapped your legs around his waist taking him by surprise as well.
He moved in and out of you once he felt you open up to him a little so now both of your moans and groans were mixed with the faded music in the background. You felt like you were in heaven as he gripped your hips with your fupa spilled over his hand, “ Shit, little dove, just like that.”
Your walls kept fluttering around him as you held onto his neck with a vice grip. He picked you up and walked to the wall. When your back hit the wall you knew you were no longer in control. His thrust began to speed up and slaps were heard loudly dancing along the walls of the bathroom. The grip he had on your ass only added to your pleasure, “ You’re fucking me so deep. S’deep~” the dragged out p’ told him more than enough.
Erwin sucked on your lip as he fucked your harder against the wall. The sound of your wet cunt and his balls hitting your ass was enough to add to both of your pleasures, you earned a groan from Erwin, “ Such a naughty little slut. Letting me, mmmgh!, take you against the wall of a bar bathroom.” He swirled his hips prior to snapping them against your thighs causing his cock to snap inside of your pussy hitting your cervix, more like planting gentle kisses on it. The pace got rougher and faster and you knew he was chasing his and your orgasm.
The snap of his hips did wonders to you, wonders that caused you to roll your eyes to the back of your head with your mouth open, letting out a loud moan. “ Fuck! Please keep hitting that spot. M’gonna cum. Gonna cum.” Once you kept babbling the words cum over and over again with tears pouring down your face and drooling down your mouth, he knew he had you wrapped around his fingers now. His grunts were raspier and he was close to spilling all of his hot cum inside the condom.
“ Fuck, this condom is not enough, darling. So we have to meet again in order for me to feel how great this pussy is. Need to feel your walls around me convulsing and taking me in, ready for me to breed this fat little pussy of yours.”, Erwin grunt in your ear as an ending for his statement. His words turned you in even more so when he kept kissing your cervix, your nails scratched down his back and legs tightened around his waist.
“ Ahhn~ m’cummin. Cumming. “, your moans were loud and anyone standing outside the bathroom could hear you loud and clear even with the loud music playing outside. Your cream dripped down your pussy and onto his condom, making the condom become creamy as still moved in and out of you nonstop. Fucking you through your orgasm. You never knew what that felt like until now and you loved it. But the tears that came with overstimulation was maddening.
Erwin followed suit and thrusted three more times before spilling himself inside of the condom. His neat blonde hair was now disheveled all over his head with drops of sweat pooling around his forehead. His breaths were harsh and loud as he continued to grip your love handles as he held you up against the wall. His trousers were to his ankles and his white shirt was drowned in sweat.
His body stuck to your sweaty body with your panties holding on to one ankle. Your heels were still on and the outfit you had on is long gone. This was the sluttest you've ever been in your life and honestly you loved it. Erwin kissed your forehead as you slipped off of him— just standing against the wall breathing in and out. “ My perfect little angelic slut, you did wonderful for me. The first one to take all of me, so proud of you.”
You were finally getting the validation you always wanted. You wanted someone to feel proud of you, to care for you with want or even love. You finally got it after years of not receiving it from your father or mother.
He pulled out of you and got rid of his condom after he stopped cumming into it. Your juices were sticky on the condom and his fingers. Fuck he wanted to feel that in his cock more directly, but he’ll have to wait a while.
Your legs were still shaking, “ Can you carry me to my car out the back door. Can’t let anyone see me like this. Pretty please, daddy. With a cherry on top.” You pop the p’ and he groaned. Only reason he groaned was because you called him the name he longed for you to call him while he was deep inside of your guts. You slipped your clothes on after sliding yourself from under him while he stared at himself in the mirror.
You had scratch marks on his back and he left you hickeys on your neck. Yet he wanted you to mark him like he marked you. He almost wanted to slap himself for getting too wrapped in already when he barely knew you. Once he seen that you were fully dressed and fixed up which was five minutes later. He let you get on his back and you two walked down the hallway, passed the men bathroom and out the backdoor. You told him where your car was and he walked you there.
He sat you down on the hood of your car before hearing you unlock your car. Once you did, he opened the door for you and placed you in the driver’s seat.
“ Here’s my number, Mr. Smith. I will see you next time right? Don’t really care if I don’t, just wanna make sure.”, You asked, giving him your card you made as you looked at him with doe eyes. Your makeup was a little messed up but that’s okay because he liked you like this. So messy just for him.
“ Yes, we will see each other again, sometime. Take care, little dove. Soak in epsom salt as well.”, Erwin says with a small smirk on his face. You rolled your eyes with a little laugh following, “ Will do, after all I have to prepare for my classes on Monday.”
Erwin's eyes widened and he was about to speak but you pulled off already leaving him distraught. You are a student and he didn’t even know that. Hell how could he when you two don’t know each other. He just hoped that you weren’t his student or a student in high school. He didn’t want a repeat or case.
Meanwhile, Eren, Armin, and Reiner were looking for you, hell even Mikasa and the other girls were wondering where you went and hoped you didn’t get snatched or something. Jean was the only one who knew where you were at but he just didn’t know your name. He’ll find out soon.
Oh there was a horny and crazy storm coming your way as you made your way to your house with a small on your face. The drinks that the girls brought were still on the table as they called you. Guess you were lying about wanting to drink.
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waltzingwithspirit · 9 months
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Top Left: 111 ; Top Right: 222; Bottom: 333
Take what resonates and leave the rest.
The disclaimer in pinned post applies here too.
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DM for personal readings.
You could meet your partner through a woman, (be it a mother, friend) an expressive and creative woman. She could be a  neighbour, married women or someone who has light within them and the ability to spread light, a woman in love with life, could paint or do arts and crafts, could like sewing too. You guys could meet in some class/workshop you both are taking. One of you may not want to be here. You could meet at an art exhibition, museums, while shopping etc. Another possible location is at the park, where you run or jog. Either or both of you are into fitness, if not you will be at the time you meet them and will be taking care of yourself. Definitely at a public place, could be party where they are your friend’s friends, there is dancing, food and things fun, people will be taking among themselves. Happy positive energy, one of you likes to talk. Yes, I am seeing you’ll meet them when you are satisfied and fulfilled with how your life is going, could be 9 months from now. You could also meet them in march or May next year. You are confident, vibing, and they will show up suddenly when you least expect it. First meeting, they’ll notice you for a while before approaching you, they come across flirty, graceful, and put their best foot forward. Definitely a pleasant meeting. The meeting could end up being open-ended, like you may not have set a time to meet again, no one’s asked anyone out on a date, simply exchanged numbers/social media’s. You two might also end up going at the same bakery and meet again. They do have an offer for you but it will take some time before things become official. Don’t be disheartened, this is your future spouse so you guys definitely do end up together. 
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In class, a learning institution, could have meet in school, colleges, coaching centres, any hobby classes you take etc, but you are definitely here to learn and practice. These could be online workshops/certificate classes as well. It took you blood sweat and tears to pay for this course, it is something you have wanted to do for a long time, you know you are good, naturally talented. I am getting Annabeth from Percy Jackson, those vibes. You could meet at a martial arts academy, or even the gym. He is the new guy. Again, someone struggled to get where they are today(at the point you meet them). I am getting the same messages again, learning centre, through teachers too. You might be in the same group/team for projects, paired up together every time. You both will learn together, grow together. You will learn giving people benefit of the doubt, and becoming soft, not always having your guard up. You will be passionate about what you are doing, love is not even on your mind and you’d rather just focus on something else but it will creep up on you slowly, like the sea touches the shore take a step back before merging again, during the course of time the lines will get blurry, from I had dinner with them because practice ran late to ‘Hey, you want to get dinner together?’ With no compulsion of any situation. Slowly you will reach out to them, it will morph into a friendship with a small crush to your partner for life, it’s a slow burn but it’s worth it. 
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It will take a way for your union. Right now you need to develop into your authentic self, become more of yourself and express that. You feel unfulfilled and incomplete, you think finding a partner will solve all things, some of you are up and down the curve, on one day you literally can’t live without your soulmate and are dying for them to magically appear in your life to who cares? I just want to focus on me, my career, and money. There is  loneliness in your heart. I hear that your future spouse is not currently decided which is a good thing, the more you evolve, the more evolved person you will attract as your future spouse. You could meet them during grocery shopping, buy plants, getting your salary, when you are living the life you want to life like in an apartment with many plants, some art, mainly white with pops of color all around. I am seeing Europe for some of you. You could meet them after a life changing decision you took, it could be pack up your bags and move across the world. You will not be staying where you are right now that’s for sure. You are taking a chance on life and loving it. After this everything will start to get better, feel better. You are buying flowers for no reason and getting your chai/coffee, dressing up everyday. Everything is so colourful suddenly, that’s when you meet them. This is a new person, no toxic exes here. You literally are living your best life, laughing, hanging out with friends, genuine happiness, good bed time, someone who can’t wait to wake up to their new life, that is when you’ll know your future spouse is ready to come into your life and they ARE MATCHING YOUR ENERGY.  
Comment ‘333’ to claim.
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