#payden talks
paydencolours · 4 days
I don’t know anything about the SCP foundation/franchise but I had a thought so I’m making a poll about it and just hoping the right people will take it from there
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The difference between me and Anthony Burch is that I am literally all of the NPCs so I'm right you're wrong he would not say that
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wuxiaphoenix · 2 years
A Long Road Chapter 14 Crossover Ficbit - Considerations
Perhaps that was why cultivator sects had taken hold in the Jianghu. If one would be suspect anyway for taking the measures needed to ensure children survived their own Gifts,
and there were no Companions to ensure the Gifted always had someone they could trust - well, one might well be tempted to seize the power to ensure no nobles poisoned one’s drinks. And Cultivators were Gifted. Likely their seedlings were as vulnerable as young Trainees.
:More vulnerable,: Kantor interjected, surprising him. :Apparently properly opening up meridians and circulating magic through them takes a lot of time, meditation, and keeping your energy flows clear. I don’t have hard numbers yet, but I think a tiny cultivator spends as much time meditating a day as our Trainees may in a week.:
Which would leave the children vulnerable indeed. No wonder Wei Wuxian and Wen Qionglin twitched at the thought of Companions seizing on one half-trained. From what Lan Wangji had stated, to tangle the flow of energy was to risk qi deviations, and possibly death. Not only the seedling but the Companion themselves would be lost. :And you know this...?:
A mental grin. :You don’t have all the time to talk to Crathach about cultivators that you want, so I’ve been pestering Kellen a bit.:
:Ah. My thanks.: It was information he had wanted; that Heralds and Circles alike needed. And that he feared the Crown had not yet grasped. Wei Wuxian, from all accounts, was a genius - and one mark of those was that they sometimes did not explain their most critical conclusions, because they thought them obvious. He would think on this.
...After lessons were over.
The remainder of class went well enough, though the tension never quite went away. But boys, alas, would be boys, and knowing Theo was already on edge some of them wouldnot stop whispering at him. At least, when they thought he couldn’t hear. Those got laps around the salle, until their breath came hard and their faces were redder than Theo’s.
Only a few wax-drops left of this candlemark, thank Vkandis-
Which was when someone’s elbow hit Theo as he passed too near Payden and Bodhi practicing swings. Probably an innocent jostle, but-
The Bardlet yelped, high and in perfect pitch... and shadows unfurled.
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cirvat · 6 years
2. Distant
“Thank you for coming, Witch Grey.” Tamsin sighed as the butler that let her in led her through the ridiculously big house.
               “Hm.” She sighed at the amount of cursed objects displayed in the hall.
               Fantastic, She shook her head, collectors.
               “The Master was very excited to hear that you had accepted his request.” The man went on, a polite smile sketched on his face.
               “I’m sure he was.” She rolled her eyes.
               “He has been looking forward to your visit for a long time. It will be a welcome distraction from the Madame’s condition.”
               “Condition?” She asked, voice monotone, as she internally cursed the very concept of small talk.
               “The Madame is quite… sensitive to illnesses. This time she has worried herself into a fever.”
               “Has she always been like that?” Tamsin eyed the painting leering at her from the wall.
               “Since I have been here, yes.” The man stopped and opened the door beside them. “Sir, Witch Grey is here to see you.”
               “Perfect! Send her in!” Tamsin gave the butler a polite nod and stepped inside. She immediately regretted it. The warped sight of hexed and cursed tomes and books turned her stomach, nausea creeping up her throat.
               “Witch Grey! It’s an absolute pleasure to meet you!” The Master of the house (Mr. Hayden? Payden?) reached out for a handshake and Tamsin wanted to puke. The ring on his hand was leeching his soul, its metaphorical fangs sunk deep into his flesh.
               “It’s good to meet you too.” She took his hand, gave it one shake, and let go immediately. The ring snapped at her fingers. “I am here for what reason?”
               “It started as a curiosity about your craft. However, my wife has recently fallen ill and the doctors have no idea why.” Mr. Layton (?) turned and sat on one of the sofa chairs. He scooped up his glass, filled with something amber, before gesturing to the chair in front of him.
               “Your butler told me about that.” Tamsin sat on the edge of the seat before slipping a thin box out of her pocket. “He believes that it is simply stress from worry.”
               “Yes, that is what the last doctor told us. They prescribed bedrest and fever medication a week ago, but her condition has only worsened. You smoke?” Mr. Landon (?) blinked at the thin pipe she took out.
               “No.” The pipe began releasing a thin line of smoke that ringed around her. “Where is your wife now?”
               “Upstairs in bed.” Mr. Pandon (?) frowned as the smoke started filling the space.
               “May I meet with her?” Tamsin held the pipe like one would hold a pencil.
               “She’s very sensitive to things like cigarette smoke.” He eyed her pipe.
               “Oh, no worries. This isn’t tobacco.” She stood up, the pipe still in her hand.
               Mr. Pendon (?) tried to protest politely for a moment before giving up. He led her up the flight of stairs, his frown deepening as more and more smoke trailed around his home. He opened the door to the master suite with a sigh.
               Tamsin felt a forlorn kind of anger fill her as she took in the poor woman in the bed. She was dressed in what looked to be a lace nightgown with a large golden necklace fixed around her neck. The thing looked like it would have been a piece of art in the early 1800s, but now it looked gaudy as hell. What was particularly enraging, however, was the curse gorging itself on her energy like a man given a feast after eating gruel all his life.
               “Who gave her this necklace?” Tamsin asked, perching on the side of the bed.
               “It was my anniversary gift to her. She loves it.” Mr. Pembon (?) puffed up in pride.
               “Madame?” Tamsin smiled down at the woman. “Could we talk?”
               The woman mumbled something unintelligible.
               “Oh, Penny.” Mr. Penbrook (?) sighed. Tamsin frowned and placed a hand on Penny’s forehead.
               “Mrs. Penny, could we talk?” The woman’s eyes opened.
               “Braydon?” Her breath wheezed.
               “Penny!” The Master (Braydon! Of course!) rushed over. Tamsin shifted so he could see her better.
               “Mrs. Penny, how long have you had this necklace on?” She met Penny’s eyes.
               “Since it was given to me.” Penny’s voice was warbled and rough.
               “Have you ever taken it off?” Tamsin shifted to avoid Braydon’s ring as he grabbed at Penny’s hand.
               “No.” She squeezed her husband’s hand. “I didn’t want to.”
               “Hm. That would be the spell controlling you.” Tamsin eyed the curse biting at her throat. “I know what is hurting you, Mrs. Penny. Do I have your permission to remove it?”
               The necklace didn’t like being removed.
               The metal screamed the second she touched it, lashing out at her with claws bared. As soon as the curse sunk its fangs into her fingers smoke exploded out of the pipe Tamsin had placed in her mouth. The smoke curled around the curse with a ferocity alike to a parent protecting their child. The smoke surrounded the curse and smothered it back into the necklace, dulling the scream. A second later Tamsin had the necklace off and wrapped in a handkerchief.
               “Wh-what the hell?!” Braydon had crouched over Penny’s stomach when the smoke had leapt at her.
               “Thank you, Shane,” Tamsin whispered as the smoke trailed around her. “I will be taking this as my payment.”
               “My necklace?” Penny’s voice shook, the sound stronger already.
               “Yes. If you want some advice I’ll take that ring too, sir.” Tamsin waved at Braydon’s hand.
               “What?” He growled.
               “Braydon.” Penny mumbled. After a second he took the ring off and dropped it in the handkerchief.
               “Magical folk never give away their charmed artifacts. Those are passed down from Mentor to Apprentice. Any ‘magic artifacts’ you would find in antiques stores or flea markets are cursed. Your ‘collection’ is cursed.” Tamsin folded up the handkerchief. “I suggest you get rid of it.”
               She stood up and stretched, ignoring Braydon’s pale expression.
               “Our transaction is complete. I will see myself out.” She made her way to the door. “Goodbye.”
               As she made her way out the smoke followed her. Every corner it had found its way into was cleared of any trace of it. She waved off the butler and left without a backward glance.
               She smiled when a weight settled itself around her shoulders. Her pipe stopped smoking.
               <He probably won’t do it.> The cat around her neck purred in her ear.
               “True, obsessive people rarely give up what they see as theirs.” She put her pipe away. “Hopefully she leaves though. She deserves better.”
               <Yes.> Shane closed his eyes as they disappeared in a cloud of mist.
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paydiemac · 4 years
WK1 Exploration: Start a Blog & Tell a Story
Once upon a time there was a boy named Payden who was enrolled in community college. 
Every day he went to work, then school, and eventually home to wait until the start of the next day's cycle.
But, one day his highschool buddy Blayne who was enrolled at Full Sail for digital design talked up the school like it was made of gold. 
Because of that Payden called a representative of the school the next day to see if the school offered courses similar in interest to his own such as film and audio. 
Because of that two hour conversation between the representative and himself, he knew he had found the right school to enroll in.
Because of that he enrolled and moved down from the Florida panhandle to start his new life in Orlando.
Until he realized that the coronavirus is going to steal either months of his hands on education or his life.
And ever since then he has been at home as a hermit, hardly emerging from the shadows.
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mychemicalsimblr · 7 years
Hi everyone!! I know I don’t make sim videos/lookbooks anymore, but I still reblog cc for every game! For those of you who follow me, you may know I make different types of videos (conspiracy theories, makeup, etc.)
My goal is to reach 500 subs by the end of the year and I’m not too far away!! If you could check out my channel it would mean so much. I will sub anyone back just let me know!
I’ll list some of my videos that you can check it! I hope you enjoy and can help me out! :)
Youtube (payden)
Melanie Martinez Called me out On Twitter?
Ouija Boards 101 + ghost encounter on cam?
Clown Sightings + History
Fall Makeup + Trash Talk lmao
Spooky October Haul
True Urban Legends You’ve Never Heard Of
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liliiaiza · 5 years
Managing is like parenting.
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I was really excited about taking this class because artist management is something I’ve done in the past but every experience is different, every artists is different and even being in another country I’m sure there are differences.  
When I worked with artists back home, I had to learn on the go the how to manage them and I tried my best to work with what I learned every day. That’s why coming into this month I was excited to formally learn the basics of managing an artist and a brand in order to integrate all my knowledge and step up my game the next time I work with an artist. 
I knew working with an artist is like being their mom, you have to be patient with them and be con their back constantly in order to get things done. Not only that, one of the things I learned this month was that if you include them in the work, you’re doing it’s easier for them to understand the importance of working together and you don’t have to baby them as much. “Persuading your artist to care about the business side of their career might be an endless uphill battle. Still, it’s important to make them aware of how their business is being run throughout every step of their career” (Payne, 2918). It also works as a safety measure in the sense that if you constantly communicate what you’re doing for their career and they go along with it, the less problems you are going to have with them in the future. To manage an artist communication is key. 
Another important thing we learned during this class, that I believe will be very important for my career is how to be prepared. We talked about the things a manager needs to know before dedicating themselves to an artist, what questions he or she needs to ask, and how to know if it’s a good opportunity for the future, but that’s not all. We were also able to talk about the artists side, and what questions they will ask. This is important because it gives us, as managers, an opportunity to see what they are looking for and we can be better prepared for those situations. I think this will be key when I go out in the real world, because it helps me understand both sides and their different needs. Communication is the key to a good professional relationship no matter the industry. It goes without saying that honesty is a must in every situation, but when talking about entertainment it goes further than that (Clapp, 2016). Once again, communication is very important and by knowing as much information on the client, audience, product or artists before-hand the easier the negotiation can go. 
After this class, I’m a little bit more convinced that management is a good career path for me. I love working with creative people but also love looking for ways to help them grow and organize them to fulfill their best self. 
Clapp, B. (2016, July). Secrets to Becoming a Highly Successful Artist Manager. In Work In Entertainment. Retrieved May 28, 2019, from https://www.workinentertainment.com/blog/secrets-to-becoming-a-highly-successful-artist-manager/
Payden, O. (2018, February 27). 3 Things You Should Know Before Becoming An Artist Manager. In Forbes. Retrieved May 28, 2019, from https://www.forbes.com/sites/ogdenpayne/2018/02/27/3-things-you-should-know-before-becoming-an-artist-manager/#564ce9aeac9a
Photo by Søren Astrup Jørgensen on Unsplash
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Payden Hilliard – Leeland
The first time I met Payden Hilliard in person was in February. We were both at the Ryman in Nashville to celebrate The Belonging & Co’s third birthday. We had already previously talked about recording an episode together, but that night I asked him what he’s most passionate about and without batting an eyelash he answered, “Finding and knowing your identity!”
We tackle the topic in this episode by walking you through Payden’s personal journey to Nashville, which was riddled with ups and downs. Listen to how he discovered and defines his true identity, and observe how it is not even tied to what he actually does as a drummer.
  [tweet_box design=”default”]Learning when to play and when not to play has been a big game-changer for me.[/tweet_box]
In this Episode
Nashville and its church history
What God is doing at The Belonging & Co.
Payden’s upbringing and how a mission trip changed his family
Journey to Mexico
Meeting a 16 year old worship leader
Journey to Nashville
How you separate who you are from what you do!
Advice for those who are frustrated with life’s current situation
Having a voice with something to say
Some practical drumming advice
Listen to Episode 014
Links to things mentioned in this episode:
The Ryman in Nashville
The Belonging & Co
Leeland – Sound of Melodies
John 4:23
Austin Davis
I’m scrubbing toilets right now, but You see me, and You love me!
“If I were here to scrub these toilets for the rest of my life, and that’s all I did, I could live in this moment and say thank You God that You love me and sent Your Son for me!”
Jesus came to die for you, and if He never did another thing for you, that is enough! Everything else is out of the goodness of His heart.
Find your peace with God and thank Him no matter what season you’re in
There are seasons in life, and it’s cool to know that it’s going to eventually change!
If you’re having alone time with God, He will download a lot of wisdom to you.
Learning when to play and when not to play has been a big game-changer for me.
  Pics and Vids
Episode 014 - Payden Hilliard (Leeland) on Finding and Knowing Your Identity. #HeartBeforeBeat #WDPodcast #worshipdrummer Payden Hilliard - Leeland The first time I met Payden Hilliard in person was in February. We were both at the Ryman in Nashville to celebrate The Belonging & Co's third birthday.
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light-bright-stars · 4 years
Lillie, Payden, and Patton
Pale pink, almost white
Slow songs and when you’re dipped in a waltz, feeling protected and peaceful, with an easy smile on your lips. Laughing at imaginary jokes. Someone easygoing and sweet, someone who’s peaceful and calm. Always has their head screwed on straight and doesn’t get mad often. Poetry and Shakespearean monologues. Someone who’s in love with love, who loves to be cared for. Strawberries.
Light blue
Tracing the tear tracks of the rain that falls on your car window on long journeys and scuffing your trainers constantly. Someone who seems older than they actually are, who is simply so wise and so thoughtful. That feeling of falling into a person, mentally, where they’re excited about something they love and you’re entranced by how passionate they are. Blueberries in little tubs and fresh mint.
Dark, dark yellow
Ghosts and blurry photographs of questionable origin. Someone who loves the supernatural and mysteries, whether or not they truly believe in it, because they love the psychological rollercoaster of a good story. Dead flowers in glass vases and rye bread soaked in honey, sweet and dark and with that woodsy, bitter aftertaste. Deft hands and warm eyes and pressing your lips together before you talk.
🌹Test my synaesthesia game 🌹
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paydencolours · 21 days
What they don’t tell you about being a painter is that 50% of it is getting ready to paint. Prepping the canvases, mixing your colours, gathering supplies. Then 20% is actually painting. And the other 30% is the ambiguous horror of it all, being mildly pretentious and socially revolting at any moment
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angies-grotto · 7 years
So Bonnie, Payden, the girl behind roses&deer (Leslie?) I think it was.. also the ill girl who would bully others I think who was obsessed with Corey? They're all gone? Haven't heard or seen anyone around in what feels like a year.
I haven't heard from any of them for quite some time either. It's been months since I last talked to Bonnie, and I think her blog is still there but she hasn't been online. I think Thalita is still here and she's actually grown up a bit and stopped bullying people.
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morganraynne-blog · 7 years
today, was mediocre. going through the motions. wake up, seminary, classes, worked through lunch, classes, work review, gym, home, etc, etc. to expand though, during my review w my manager- i got a raise! although it’s only 2% it’s better than before. it was really nice to get positive feed back. the gym was dope. i hadnt realized until i actually changed, literally every thing i was wearing was nike except: my earphones, bra, & socks. i felt BAD🍑SS. there were boys there, i just live it when i’m doing back/bi’s when they are. it shows i’m not just one of those girls that just does abs/cardio/butt. i enjoy working out my whole body!! all in all, it was a fantastic workout. when father picked me up, he & i were both in a great mood. we drank this mystery powder we both thought to be strawberry protein powder. it turned out to BE NASTY. we ate bars after that, he surprised me by driving to car dealerships. we cruised around looking at vehicles. we obviously didn’t get one, but the fact that we looked got me SO EXCITED. my birthday is april 17th, & a week after (crossing my fingers) i’ll be getting my driver license. i had a reminder for my personal progress i needed done for sunday, i was genuinely touched by the spirit. i love the gospel, and jesus christ. it makes me wonder why i have been so distant from the church. the only bs excuse i can think of is that i’m a stubborn teenager. i found my grandfathers notes on the talk he spoke at my baptism. wow. that man, i love him so much. the memoir brought tears to my eyes. lastly, i chose out my course selection for next year. IM GRADUATING?? so surreal. everything is moving on so fast. everyone is growing up & i can’t help but be shook. sage is getting married, payden’s graduating, i’m going to be able to drive soon… im setting myself up for life- i just can’t believe this is actually happening. maybe today wasn’t actually so mediocre.
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paydiemac · 4 years
Week 1 Project: My Full Sail Story
Once upon a time there was a boy named Payden who was enrolled in community college. He enjoyed learning, but felt there was something missing from the overall experience. 
Every day he went to work, then school, and eventually home to wait until the start of the next day’s cycle. Payden realized he had been focusing too much on work and education and was missing friendship since most of his friends had moved out of town.
But, one day his highschool buddy Blayne who was enrolled at Full Sail for digital design talked up the school like it was made of gold. They talked over two bowls of ramen at JINYA in Winter Park.
Because of that talk Payden called a representative of the school the next day to see if the school offered courses similar in interest to his own such as film and audio. Blayne had sold the idea of the specialist college programs.
Because of that two hour conversation between the representative and himself, he knew he had found the right school to enroll in. They talked about some of the things done behind the scenes of movies.
Because of that informal interview he enrolled and moved down from the Florida panhandle to start his new life in Orlando. Payden feels absolutely blessed to be in his position.
Until he realized that the coronavirus is going to steal either months of his hands-on education or his life. Florida, along with his life, have been put on lock-down. 
And ever since then he has been at home as a hermit, hardly emerging from the shadows. Reminiscing on the everyday things he had previously taken for granted.
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I lived with Blayne during my first month at Full Sail while I was searching for an apartment.
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paydencolours · 22 days
Situationships are the unpaid internships of the dating world. You don’t get anything that you’d expect and the only real ‘experience’ you usually get out of them is trauma
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paydencolours · 10 months
What the fuck. Are badges. When did this become Reddit. Why are we rewarding posting on Tumblr.
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paydencolours · 20 days
If your job has over a certain amount of people, you should be allowed to do a survivor type vote to get rid of everyone’s least favourite coworker at least once a year
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