bucketttt4 · 1 year
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@flutter-rosemary @animsay28 @bucketfullofstrawberries @brockendrems @kiwibee (I hope I got the right person there-) @grimmrabbits @raptorlucid @raccoontank @snowed-leopard @ihazmunchies91 @cannibalchurch @chainlink34 @mystifyingdepy @comfortventure
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It’s been years since I’ve used Tumblr so bear with me, yeah?
I had a bit of a sad weekend. More than a bit actually. The baby kitty we’ve been trying to catch outside (non feral) perished in the storm despite food and shelters. It was just too cold and we missed her by hours. My husband and I are gutted.
Today we took her remains to our vet to have them cremated. We use them for all of our babies and get a paw print, a certificate and a small urn. We decided to name her Little Foot because all we saw of her most of the time were these nickel sized paw tracks. My husband and I believe, no matter how short a time we foster a kitty they always leave our home with a name, it doesn’t matter if it might get changed.
Today I took a me day and spent some time doing art exercises, working through some stuff and this came out of me. It’s like my boy Gabe is on the other side showing her all of the best spots to sunbathe and catch bugs.
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dergarabedian · 1 year
"Deep tech": la Argentina tiene el mayor número de "startups"
La Argentina es el país con el mayor número de “startups” de tecnología profunda (“deep tech”) en América latina, con un total de 103 empresas, lo que representa aproximadamente el 30% del total, según un sondeo privado. Continue reading Untitled
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ttimekeepsrollingby · 3 months
Concentración y debacle
Los resultados de Milei son impresionantes. Nunca antes la economía se destruyó tanto sin guerra o epidemia. Nunca antes le robaron tan rápido el ingreso a los sectores populares. En pocas manos Debacle total Imagen: Voz de América.
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informativoar · 3 months
En el primer trimestre del año el PBI cayó 5,1%
Y la desocupación subió al 7,7%. El Producto Interno Bruto (PIB) cayó 5,1% en el primer cuatrimestre del año, mientras que el desempleo subió al 7,7%, informó este lunes el Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos (Indec). Ambos indicadores dan cuenta de manera plena los primeros meses de gestión del gobierno de Javier Milei. En lo que respecta a la actividad económica, el Indec detalló que…
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fmarkets · 7 months
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Pitney Bowes Inc. Faces Declining Revenue in Q4 2023 Financial Results https://csimarket.com/stocks/news.php?code=PBI&date=2024-02-21144841&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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tradedmiami · 10 months
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SALE IMAGE: Hiren Patel, Sanjay Patel & Neal Patel DATE: 11/17/2023 ADDRESS: 1800 Centrepark Drive East MARKET: West Palm Beach ASSET TYPE: Hotel BUYER: MHG Hotels (@MHGHotels) - Sanjay Patel, Hiren Patel & Neal Patel SELLER: WSCDEL 101 - Jay Batra BROKERS: Robert Taylor & Sophia Pittaluga (@SophiaPittaluga) - Hunter Hotel Advisors (@HunterHotelAdvisors) SALE PRICE: $20,500,000 NOTE FROM BUYER: This hotel is set to undergo an additional $4 million in renovations. MHG Hotels is actively seeking new development sites and acquisitions. For further inquiries, you can reach MHG Hotels team via email at [email protected]. #Miami #RealEstate #tradedmia #MIA #TradedPartner #WestPalmBeach #Hotel #RobertTaylor #HunterHotelAdvisors #SophiaPittaluga #WSCDEL101 #JayBatra #MHGHotels #SanjayPatel #HirenPatel #NealPatel #PBI #MHG
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octopette-blog · 1 year
Power BI para Engenharia
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7 razões pelas quais você deve usar o Power BI para Engenharia Civil para aproveitar os dados de construção.
Power BI para Engenharia Civil  é um software de visualização de dados usado para conectar, monitorar e compartilhar grandes quantidades de dados. É mais sofisticado que o Excel, mas distinto porque não requer conhecimento especializado.
Saiba Mais, acesse AGORA >> https://mindstuff.org/7-razoes-power-bi-engenharia-civil/
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baliportalnews · 1 year
Sekda Adi Arnawa Buka Lomba Burung Berkicau Bali Shanti Cup V
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, BADUNG - Mewakili Bupati Badung, Sekretaris Daerah Badung, I Wayan Adi Arnawa membuka secara resmi Lomba Burung Berkicau Bali Shanti Cup V yang ditandai dengan pelepasan burung perkutut, bertempat di Lapangan Outdoor Gedung Balai Budaya Giri Nata Mandala, Minggu (28/5/2023). Hadir dalam kesempatan tersebut Ketua Umum Pusat Pelestari Burung Indonesia (PBI), H. Bahgia Rahmadi, Ketua Pengda PBI Bali, Ketua Cabang PBI Kabupaten/Kota se-Bali, tokoh masyarakat Putu Dendy Astra Wijaya serta para peserta lomba. Sekda Adi Arnawa menyambut baik dan memberi apresiasi terhadap pelaksanaan lomba dan pameran burung berkicau yang diselenggarakan oleh komunitas Pelestari Burung Indonesia (PBI). "Saya berharap event ini dapat dilaksanakan secara rutin dan berkelanjutan tiap tahun serta lebih ditingkatkan lagi dengan inovasi baru dan peserta dari berbagai daerah. Kegiatan ini saya pandang memiliki makna yang sangat penting dan strategis karena disamping dapat menyalurkan hobi dari para pecinta burung dan sekaligus terkandung makna pelestarian hewan yang dalam hal ini burung berkicau. Terkait dengan pelestarian burung ini adalah sudah sesuai dengan konsep Hindu di Bali yaitu Tri Hita Karana yang menyebutkan hubungan manusia dengan Tuhan, hubungan manusia dengan manusia dan hubungan manusia dengan alam. Hari ini membuktikan bahwa dengan diselenggarakannya kegiatan hari ini menunjukan bahwa ada keberpihakan dengan alam lingkungan yang mana diharapkan dapat mencegah perburuan burung-burung dan perusakan alam lainnya," ungkapnya. Sementara Ketua Panitia penyelenggara Wayan Sumiarta menyampaikan terima kasih kepada Sekda Badung yang telah membantu fasilitas tempat sehingga kegiatan ini dapat terlaksana di Kabupaten Badung Bali. “Kegiatan Bali Shanti Cup V ini merupakan ikonnya PBI di Bali dan mudah-mudahan ke depannya PBI Bali bisa didaftarkan di Pemerintah Kabupaten Badung. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan perputaran ekonomi di masyarakat serta memperkenalkan Bali sebagai daerah destinasi wisata yang dimana para peserta lomba burung kicau ini diikuti oleh kurang lebih 500 orang peserta yang berasal dari Jawa, Bali dan Lombok. Semoga kegiatan ini berjalan dengan lancar sehingga untuk tahun depan dapat diselenggarakan di Bali dengan peserta yang lebih banyak lagi dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia," harapnya.(bpn) Read the full article
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bucketttt4 · 1 year
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Masks dont tend to work with Bucket, but she likes to support @animsay28 choices.
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cborrador · 1 year
Producción de electricidad y agua en Perú: ¿Cuáles son las fuentes más y menos utilizadas?
El Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informática (INEI) ha publicado recientemente datos que revelan un incremento significativo del 6,47% en el Índice de Producción de Electricidad, Gas y Agua durante marzo de 2023 en comparación con el mismo período del año anterior. Este aumento se atribuye principalmente a la mayor producción de electricidad y agua en el país. Dentro del sector de la…
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Trying to get into the groove of posting here on Tumblr.
Here’s something I finished the other day. Originally I’d planned on working on another piece but I was mentally exhausted and it didn’t happen. Instead I let myself get lost in the process. I did really good not getting caught up on tiny details while also allowing myself to just slow down and work on one small area at a time. The hours passed and before I knew it my husband was home from work and the sun had set. Lol.
I’m in the process of *vague hand gestures while I search for words* my art style is going through a somewhat drastic change. Pandemic left me super sick so I’ve gone from focusing on the hustle to focusing on self care and my art is a huge part of who I am and what I need to be happy. So, as I am changing my art is too.
This piece is in part inspired by something I really liked in a previous work I was playing around with (I’ll post that in a bit) and also the style of some of Feefal’s works… @feefal (ope, I just discovered how the at symbol works here) that my sister introduced me to some while back. Seriously go check out their stuff it’s amazing,
I’m really loving playing with things like transparency and opacity right now and constantly trying to understand how colors work which is why I’m mostly sticking to dark canvases right now. Plus my eyes like it. All hail dark mode!
I didn’t really have anything in particular in mind when I was working on this, it was more me following the art and seeing where I ended up. I admit edibles were totally involved… But as I went I got a particular feel so I’m calling this one Inner Child. This is the first draft and I think it’s plenty good and finished all on its own but I want to explore the concept more so I’m going to duplicate and remake this a little clearer and with further exploration.
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autball · 2 years
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I just got done with my kid’s annual homeschool evaluation, which means it’s the anniversary of when I pulled them from school. 
This right here is from the last meeting I had with the school. Spoiler alert: their plan did, in fact, not work, and they suspended my kid within the week for behavior that was a direct result of said plan being completely inappropriate for the situation.
The real problem was that they were being bullied, constantly. The real problem was sensory issues that no one wanted to accommodate. The real problem was that my kid was PDA in one of the demandiest places on earth, school.
The real problem was that the school saw my kid’s completely understandable reactions to their completely distressing and unsupportive environment as “the real problem.”
And this is the problem with behaviorist approaches. More often than not they assume the problem is in the kid, not their environment. (This is especially true in schools where lack of resources leads them to do everything they can to avoid accommodations by putting the onus on the child to “adapt.”) More often than not they don’t even attempt to ask the kid what’s up. More often than not the “function” they assign is bullsh!t, and so is their attempt at a solution.
So yeah, happy homeschooling anniversary to us. I only wish I had put a stop to the trauma sooner.
(Image description in Alt Text.)
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ttimekeepsrollingby · 3 months
En pocas manos
En los primeros cuatro meses de Milei, la concentración del ingreso pegó el mayor salto en 20 años. Un robo a las clases populares como no hay antecedentes. Todos los estratos de ingresos perdieron por muchísimo frente a la inflación. La pérdida de poder adquisitivo fue más profunda en los más pobres. Este gráfico muestra por qué en simultáneo: a) subió la desigualdad y b) subieron la pobreza y…
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africanamericanreports · 10 months
Representative Jonathan Jackson (D-IL), Representative Danny K. Davis (D-IL), Representative Yvette D. Clarke (D-NY), and Representative Robin Kelly (D-IL) announced the establishment of a new Congressional Caucus focused on educating policymakers and uplifting the needs of Predominantly Black Institutions. The Congressional Predominantly Black Institutions (PBI) Caucus will unite policymakers who share the goal of understanding and advancing policies to support PBIs.
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teoriaespacial · 11 months
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