#peanut hate
peanutseagle · 1 year
The part 2 of damian asking anya 's hand was so cute, thanks for taking my request
If u accept requests could u plz draw Loid secretly spying on Anya on her date with Damian seeing if he is a good bf or not
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marthammasters · 6 months
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smh irresponsible smoking around creatures !
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deadpoets · 7 months
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A BOY NAMED CHARLIE BROWN (1969) dir. Bill Melendez
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wilted-ribs · 4 months
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"That really makes me want to literally smack a crowbar(yardstick) upside your stupid head!"
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skyward-floored · 1 month
May I request the math scene? I want to inflict math on Time :)
Poor Time. He had a reasonable education, and would normally be okay with helping, but then they had to go and switch up math on him... just wait until he realizes he’ll have to help Hyrule with his schoolwork too.
“...Okay, so then you divide here where the sixteen is—”
“No no, Dad, that’s not how you’re supposed to do it,” Wind said as he looked at his father’s scribbling, turning his math book around and pointing at the page. “They want us to do it like this.”
Time stared at the problems in front of him for what felt like the hundredth time, frustration building as a headache behind his eyes. He’d scraped by when he’d been in school, but the math hadn’t been like this, and he didn’t even recognize some of these symbols...
“Why do they want you to do it like that? It makes no sense,” Time said with a disbelieving look, and Wind shrugged.
“I don’t know. Nobody tells me anything. But the teacher said we’re supposed to do it like this.”
“Well I don’t know this way,” Time said, giving the math book a glare with both eyes. “Why would they change math?!”
“Dad, it’s okay,” Wind tried to interject, but Time had lost his patience with the math book.
“Last I checked, math was math!” he growled, jabbing a finger at the book, “MATH IS MATH!”
Wind gave him a concerned look.
“...You know Dad, I’ll just wait for Mom to come back, it’s fine,” Wind said quickly, and Time wrestled down his frustration with a sigh, rubbing the bridge of his nose as he sat back down.
“She won’t understand it any better than I do,” he grumbled.
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slut-jpeg · 4 months
snoopy of the day
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Draw me TAD and PEANUT AND RICKY AND AAGAGAHHHGGGGGG Gary hanging with Petey and Jimmy please 🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️💔💔💔one of these e. Would cleanse my soul
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(Click for better quality)
Was I originally planning on shading? Yes.
Do I hate peanuts' face? Yes.
Is this a ferris bueller scene? Yes.
Will I draw Petey, Gary, and Jimmy eventually? Maybe.
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monstrousvoice · 3 months
You know I'm really excited to see more about the Vees and their inner dynamic in season 2.
Specifically, I wanna see more about Valentino's thoughts towards Vox. He teases Vox in episode 2 with the reveal of Alastor and even jokes about how "killing Alastor is your (Vox's) kink" before simply...disappearing while Vox goes crazy eyed. Then we see him briefly throughout the song hanging with Velvette, just idly on his phone (possibly keeping up with the dick measuring contest Vox is engaged in?)
And I keep thinking about this because I so desperately want to know what his true thoughts are on the situation. Did Vox approach Valentino, or Alastor first for a "business partnership"? We know based on his behavior with Angel that Val is very easily jealous and controlling, so does he get jealous that Vox pays so much attention to Al and not him? Does he get pissy knowing that no matter how big a tantrum he throws, Vox will simply roll his eyes and tell him to get over it before focusing everything he has on Alastor? Does he get mad knowing he cant do anything about it because Vox is just as strong, if not stronger, than him and so threats of violence wont work to get Vox to pay attention to him?
I would think, based on what we know of him, the knowledge of being second best would absolutely Piss. Him. Off.
And I just really want to know if this is the case
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hi. back on my shit
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marthammasters · 6 months
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gave house a friend in solitary ❤️‍🩹
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traumainpyjamas · 4 months
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TEN \\ the mysterious researcher - 'Nightwalker' MV
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flowered-heroism · 8 months
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dolokhoded · 1 year
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she fell first but he fucking tumbled down the kilimanjaro with astronomical force
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sliphater · 5 months
i hear the obnoxiously unruly laugh of some goddamn motherfucking fool in my headphone and its making me sick to the stomach. im going to puke the half of the sourcream greek yogurt i ate earlier all over my fucking floor then collapse on the floor panic attacked, anaphylactic , anataxic. i have stephen johnsons syndome on the ER floor
this is my bodys last convulse. im allergic to slippery jackoff like my brother is allergic to peanuts
and also the bitchass in my headphone who is also allergic to peanuts
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t00muchheart · 6 months
Thinking about the differences between how Dean raised Sam and how he handled Jack being born and how much John Winchester is at the heart of that difference. Dean believes that John raised Sam, and always saw John in the father position (since it was technically true), and so he focused on taking care of Sam, providing for him and keeping him safe—all the things that made him far more of a father to Sam than John ever was. But in filling the role of father for Jack, Dean falls back on the example he had, which is John’s parenting, not recognizing that he already knows how to be a good father because he already had to be one.
Additionally, I think that’s why Sam does a little better with Jack (not that he was perfect, especially at the beginning when he was trying to use Jack to get Mary back): because his example of a good father figure is Dean, who provided for him and taught him to survive.
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ectonurites · 5 months
it was actually really funny selling girl scout cookies as a kid bc i truly did hate almost all of the ones we sold so i would just. lie my ass off to people i was trying to sell them to about how great i thought they were
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