#peasant alistair
hes-a-rat-whisperer · 4 months
'Peasant' Alistair: "Peppino is so sweet and kind, despite his rough exterior. I can see a lot of myself in him..trying to brave through the hardships of his everyday life despite everything he's already been through.." *sighs* "to think that he's actually able to see past my many many many many flaws..I still can't believe that he wants to spend any of his time with someone like me, but...I am so grateful..I love him so much.."
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rats-and-clovers · 11 months
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protect him ;_; <3
(@surprise-sausage-party <3)
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royalbstrd · 1 year
Really the problem with leaving the wardens is, you're still a warden?? You drank that darkspawn blood, you sealed your fate (to the best of your knowledge at least) so even if you aren't actively acting as a warden you still have all that warden taint going on.
In which case - alt to warden Alistair in inquisition is just left the wardens cause of fuck face mcgee and him not being a practicing warden anymore but showing up to help cause he too is curious as to what happened to them all and also this fucking calling is annoying please help
but also just know that in that scenario, if Loghain is the warden contact, he's getting punched in the face.
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pastel-omegas-blog · 8 months
Manor of Roses 🥀
Chapter one
⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️𝕎𝔸ℝℕ𝕀ℕ𝔾!!! 𝕎𝕀𝕃𝕃 ℂ𝕆ℕ𝕋𝔸𝕀ℕ 𝕄𝔸𝕋𝕌ℝ𝔼 𝕋ℍ𝔼𝕄𝔼𝕊 𝔸ℕ𝔻 𝕍𝕀𝕆𝕃𝔼ℕℂ𝔼 ( 𝕄𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤 𝕠𝕗 𝔹𝕠𝕕𝕪 𝕙𝕠𝕣𝕣𝕠𝕣, 𝕓𝕝𝕠𝕠𝕕/𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕖, 𝕣𝕒𝕡𝕖.) ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️
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Alistair Dove
The ruling lord of an independent territory that was  out of sight and hidden from the general populace, a territory known as the ' Field of Lillie's ' that lived their own lives free from outside influence.
A place had been described as '  The heavens on earth ' by the few people who had been privileged enough to be  allowed entry into the mysterious and closed off land.
They called it a utopia that hadn't been tainted by the evil and cruelness of the world.
A land were it's citizens lived in  peace without any stress or panic of monster attack, famine or fear of any life threatening diseases breaking out.
It was a land that was described to be flowing with milk and honey.
With rich fertile lands that bore sweet fruits and bountiful harvests almost all year round.
Clear skies, clear flowing rivers and streams all stretching as far as the eye could see.
It was a sight that  remained people that wonders, fulfillment and peace could still be found in this world that was being plagued by war, death and famine.
With a world currently thrown into war and chaos because of the demon kings invasion.
 The only thing separating it from the outside world was the huge wall of Lillie's rising up into the sky grow around every inch of the territory acting as a barrier to separate and isolate  from the rest of the harsh world ( the barrier giving the place it's name ) 
While the land behind these walls remained safe and tranquil the rest of the world had been thrown into hopelessness.
The skies were a haunting blood red, a colour that took over the once blue skies the day the demon lord attacked, even in the night the haunting colour would remain dying the skies.
The red rays of the sun made the lands barren, Crops and  grass life were shrinking and becoming withered eventually dying off, the grounds becoming baked and harden making it almost impossible to plant new grain.
The livestocks were falling I'll to an unknown disease that caused the animals to become hollow husks of skin and bones that would eventually die off.
  The lack of food for the people to eat had caused a great famine take over the land, making people do the unimaginable things to survive
the streams, rivers, oceans and seas were drying up with every day that passed making water becoming harder to find and any water pound filled to the brim had already been infested with an inky blackness that killed anyone desperate enough to drink it.
The ever growing mountain of corpses had led to foul diseases  sweeping over the land.
Feral månå beasts and monsters wrecked havoc on the already suffering land, killing what was left of the people trying to survive.
But the Field of Lillie's was a place unaware of the suffering of the rest of the world.
And with such a blessed land free from the struggles of the outside it was only natural for the people who reside in it to be happy and kind hearted souls, who had not a single worry in the world.
With such a land that catered to its peoples every needs it wasn't much of a surprise that the people were all very welcoming and nice to everyone.
There was no social class separating anyone.
Even though the place held recessive alphas and omegas , They weren't elevated above the betters nor did they act like they were superiors, there was no such things as nobles or peasants.
There was no oppression amongst the people midst.
No discrimination amongst people of different species.
Hybrids, elves, goblins, orcs, sirens, dragon borns etc, all stayed together without having any contempt towards one another.
No slums.
No one suffering.
No  pain.
It was just people living together in peace and harmony with everyone doing their part to help in the community.
Visitors who had been fortune enough to enter would always talk non stop about the peoples welcoming aura.
Their kind smiles, their incredible hospitality, their wonderful personalities.
And ruling over these kind souls was none other than Alistair.
He was like a painting  that depicted the raw essence of purity and innocence.
With a heart of gold he had taken up the demanding role of being the figure head that watched over and catered to the needs of his people 
Yet he still had an air of authority around him that made him a capable and well respected leader.
A beautiful  elven dominant omega with a lovely feminine face.
With pale Ivory skin that resembled that of a porcelain doll.
He had Long pale silvery white hair that was always tied neatly in a bun with silk ribbons, his front bangs dropping to cover his left eye.
His right eye that was visible had thick long silvery lashes that fluttered on the top of his cheek bones whenever he blinked.
The colour of his eye was a breathtaking shade cerulean  blue, one that seemed to send people into a trance whenever they made eye contact with him as the feeling of Serenity and peace seemed to take over their being.
A rosey pink blush dusted his pale cheek and his thin, glossy pink lips always seemed to be stretched into a sweet smile.
His slender feminine figure was clothed in flowy white silk robes with pretty embroideries of Lillie's  that accentuated his form.
An air of elegance and kindness seemed to seep off him.
Even though the territory was hidden from the eyes of others as it wanted to separate itself from the harsh political environment of others places, the elven omega and his people had sent out food stuff and medical aid hoping to help them, even though they could easily ignore what was going on and focus solely on themselves.
Their kindness would not let them sit down ideally and watch others suffer when they could do something to help relieve the pain.
And it with such a kind heart he had accepted to house the heroes party that was destined to slay the demon king.
Even if doing so would create a huge target on the backs of him and his people.
Alistair had told them he would provide everything during their stay and that the magic of the walls would be enough to fend against the demon kings dark arts and that he would be at their beck and call for whatever they needed during their stay in his manor as they rejuvenated themselves .
So here they were relaxing in the pretty gardens of the Dove manor as the villagers attended to their every needs.
The heroes who were destined to slay the demon king were all taking a much deserved rest.
Under the soft rays of the surprisingly blue sky's they could laze around without the constant threat of death looming over their shoulders.
" Aah~ This is the life "  a brown haired elven man said as he stretched his body letting out a content sigh when a bone popped going to snuggle in his hammock under the relaxing shade of a tree.
" You've got that right captain " the deep voice of a dragon hybrid chimed in as he brought a huge jug of fresh grape wine to his lips chugging the rich liquid down in large chucks, stretching the jug out to a scantly dressed woman to pour another round for him.
" I can't remember the last time I was able to laze around like this. A change from constantly worrying about our necks and one I'm enjoying " a fox hybrid said sleepy as he stretched his joints until he felt a satisfied pop, before going back to resting on the tree branch of the apple he had been sleeping on stretching a hand to grab a bright red apple, bringing it to his lips to take a satisfying a bite out of it.
" The religion might differ from that of the empire, yet they managed to escape the ire of the demon king. How very fascinating. " A pretty dark fairy woman dressed in white holy robes, her pretty pink hair hidden under the veil on her head said as she sat on the lush green grass under the shade of a giant tree reading the land's holy scriptures.
Almost every member of the heroes party seemed be enjoying their well deserved break.
Everyone except their human healer, a ' beta ' commoner named M/N.
Something about this whole place just........... rubbed him the wrong way.
Everytime he tired to enjoy himself like the others his stomach would tie itself into knots and his guy would star screaming at him to get away from here.
And he also couldn't knock off the feeling that someone was constantly watching him.
Besides they had been there for far to long.
What was originally supposed to be a two days rest had now turned to a stay of three months.
And every single day the demon king got stronger.
And it wasn't as if the rest had been training their hardest to get stronger so they could defeat their enemy.
Instead of training they had been spending their days leisuring around without a care in the world and with each passing day they tried to down play the war  happening outside the giant lily walls.
It was almost as if the land was influencing them to abandon their mission of slaying the demon king ( he wasn't accusing the people and their leader of using dark magic, but his gut told him that had to be it, because only dark magic would be able to have effect in controlling the mind of the gods chosen ones )
But everytime he tried to bring it up to the others he was met with.......... A bit of resistance.
" U.....um Tresyil  d... don't you think it's time w...we  start m.. moving ? "
The s/c man's soft voice spoke up as he questioned his leader  and the once warm and tranquil air became cold and over bearing.
The human felt his breath hitch in his throat as all everyone turned their attention to him, their gazes cold and condescending.
" Oh ? Since when did you become the leader of the party that you think you can start giving out orders "
The once jovial voice of the party's brown haired captain was now cold and authoritative, one that made the h/c man freeze in his spot as panic bubbled in his chest knowing what the other was implying.
 When did a flithy human start to question the decisions of a pure blood elf ?
" N..no! T...that's not w.. what I meant-AAH!" the h/c tired to defend himself only for an empty wooden jug to slam into his forehead causing a yelp of pain to leave his lips as his hands flew up to nurse the forming bruise.
The dragon hybrid hollered out a pissed off expression on his face as he was struggling to get up from his seat, only been calmed down by the scantily dressed women by his side.
M/N winced in pain biting the inside of his cheek to force his whimpers down, not wanting to agitate the other any further.
" Now now Reigon you should calm your self down, you wouldn't want to destroy anything and upset our hosts who have been so awfully kind to us " the fairy folk spoke up causing the dragon to turn his attention towards her.
" I'm not causing any trouble Eva!!! It's the filthy Åhenaki that refuses to know it's place "
Reigon grumbled out with a huff, leaning into the touch of the beautiful women around as they whispered praises into his ears that calmed him down.
" Still not an accuse. You could have damaged that jug just now " the nun replied more worried about the jug than her teammate who's wound was beginning to bleed.
" She's right you know " Tresyil spoke up and the fairy nodded her head at her Captain's support.
" That was uncalled for.  You could have broken that and that would have made Alistair disappointed  " the brown haired elven man said and the dragon hybrid flinched at his words.
" Y..yer right cap'n Lord Dove wouldn't be happy about that. My bad " the dragon hybrid apologized and elf nodded his head in understanding.
" It's okay ....." The brown haired man stared, his eyes going to glare at the human who let out a soft whimper of fear 
" After all you were simply reminding something to know it's place "
M/N felt overwhelming shame and embarrassment fill him to the brim and he fought back the tears that threatened to spill down his cheeks.
Looking at the direction of where the fox hybrid was staying watching the whole ' show ' go down the h/c man hoped he would speak to the rest of their teammates and tell them to go easier on him.
Like he always did.
But instead the man simply looked away unbothered as he continued eating his apple 
Knowing his presence was not needed the human ( and not wanting to listen to the hateful things that would be directed at him if he stayed any longer ) M/N quickly gathered himself and sputtered out excuses before leaving the midst of the heroes.
Cerulean blue eye watched the interaction from afar, a frown tugging down the owners lips as he watched the human leave.
" He still hasn't fallen for the illusion "to man mumbled to himself in annoyance.
Even someone as powerful as him was finding it hard to put a simple human under his control, if the others should find out they would never let him hear the end of it.
" Looks like I need to get rid of him personally" he said with a tired sigh as he started walking away.
Other than the bloody mess he was about to make ( one that he wouldn't be cleaning up ) he has no worries.
It was clear the others had no interest in the well being of the human so getting rid of him would probably make them fall faster for his mind control.
Now that that was settled all that was left of now was to dispose of the nuisance.
Are the highest of the whole tier and can control the others.
They have very large body frames and can stand from 6 - 9 feet at times.
*Note* some hybrid species can grow taller and bigger than this
Their pheromones are so strong that even Betas can perceive them and easily get manipulated by it, they have the same effect on omegas, but dominant omegas ate able to resist it a bit.
They usually come from higher noble back grounds,but can be found in middle class as well, but their usually illegitimate children who have royal or higher ranking noble blood in their veins
Ruts usually have a strong effect on them and make them lose themselves to instincts. It tends to last for five days to a week and in the time they are constantly try to make sure their seed is buried deep within their partners.
Ruts can last a few days longer if they are one that uses frequently superssants.
They are more common than Dominant Alphas, but their body frame and height is not as daunting as their Dominant counter parts , standing from 6 - 8 feet.
*Note* some hybrid species can still grow taller than this
Their scents are also not as strong, but they can still attract recessive omegas and betas with not much difficulty, there is a very strong resistance with dominant omegas though.
Female Recessive alphas also have the ability to get pregnant, but by dominant alphas only.
Majority of them tend to lack the  pseudo penis in their Virgina like female dominant alphas do and even if they do, most noble families usually perform surgeries to get rid of it so they can engage them off to either male recessive alphas or any gender dominant alphas  to increase chances of pregnancy.
They go through heat, but it is very weak and only causes them slight discomfort and some don't even experience it all all.
The highest the heats tend to last for the ones who do experience it is a day and a half.
Male recessive alphas experience rut, but it doesn't affect as severely as their dominant counterparts, but they still loose control and tend to succumb to their instincts. It usually lasts for 3 - 5 days.
They are very common in this world making at least 51% of the total population.
They also have scents but theirs are very weak compared to the Alphas and omegas.
  How strong one's pheromones determine their worth.
Betas have very little pheromones making them worthless in the eyes of alphas and omegas.
They also cannot perceive pheromones all that well ( unless the person is from the dominant hierarchy ) so they usually use body build to determine what the second gender of a person is or they ask.
Female betas also experience heat , but theirs is not as painful as an omega, but is more serious than a female Recessive alphas and lasts for 2 days maximum.
They can usually go through it without the help of a mate, but their fertility levels are not that high.
All betas are  commoners and peasants folk and unless they've had a history of other classes in their family tree it will remain that way.
They are seen as lesser in this society.
Are the most sought out of Omegas since they have very beautiful appearances and  very alluring pheromones.
Their fertility level is also very high and in some rare cases they can carry 3 to 5 pups at a time.
Like Dominant Alphas, Dominant omegas are mostly found in higher noble families or in the royal bloodline, but can be found in middle class or poorer noble backgrounds as well ( this happens in very rare cases )
A dominant omega's heat can last for a week but can also become week an a half if they are one to constantly use superssants 
In some rare cases they don't experience heats until much later in their life due to stress or over working 
 They are also very pretty and have nice pheromones, but  their scents are not as strong as their dominant counter parts.
Their heats usually last up to five days.
They don't have high fertility rates as well and can only have one or two pups throughout their life time, but there's a reason for this.
Their class can get pregnant and also make their dominant counter parts pregnant as well, so marriages between the two omega classes do happen, although very rarely since majority of the time both classes prefer alpha partners
Humans are creatures that have been condemned by the holy scriptures of all empires, nations, countries and kingdoms for being the children of a rouge deity that caused destruction and chaos by disturbing the peace of the gods and goddesses in the heavens.
By the holy scriptures humans and are a few other species are the ones that are written to not have received blessings from the goddess of light, the god of wind and the the god of nature, the three major gods that are being worshipped in the religion of Luveriux.
 Humanity is seen as a dirt and a mistake in the perfect society of mythics and hybrids as they lack the ability to wield strong månå attributes and physical strength.
 Where hated because of the words of the holy scriptures but the hate and brutality against this species became worse after they tried to ' wage war ' on the mythics which led to over 95 percent of their population being wiped out.
 The war itself happened over a millennia ago and not much is known other than how brutally the humans lost.
 Because of the outcome of the war humans are now treated worse than before.
Humans themselves are now very rare and are going extinct little by with less than a hundred full blooded humans walking around ( this number is unknown and believed to be smaller )
 Not much is actually know about this species.
This work is just an excuse to create a new dominant omega oc and a porn with plot story. Stay tuned for future updates.
Also here's my Twitter account give me a follow if your up to and like my art will post art of Alistair latter today.
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felassan · 8 months
Dragon Age: The Official Cookbook: Tastes of Thedas lore compilation / notes / thoughts [Part 1 of 2]
(Link to Part 2, in text form (pls copy-paste) as Tumblr won't let me add it as a normal link: https://felassan.tumblr.com/post/732826339350102016/dragon-age-the-official-cookbook-tastes-of)
Reference, info & general observations/ramble post ◕‿◕ (Post contents under a cut, in case anyone would rather not read cookbook spoilers. also due to post length)
[☕ found this post or blog interesting or useful? my ko-fi is here if you feel inclined. thank you 🙏]
If I have forgotten, misread or misunderstood something, please let me know.
This post is part 1 of 2, as it was getting rly long.
Dishes by type
Starters & Refreshments: Eggs à la Val Foret, Nevarran Blood Orange Salad, Fried Young Giant Spiders, Stuffed Deep Mushrooms, Rivaini Couscous Salad, Crab Cakes from Kirkwall, Fluffy Mackerel Pudding, Snail & Watercress Salad, Cave Beetles
For the Road: Spiced Jerky, Grey Warden Pastry Pockets, Pickled Eggs, Unidentified Meat, Seheron Fish Pockets, Fereldan Hearty Scones, Crow Feed, Black Lichen Bread, Hearth Cakes, Peasant Bread
Soups & Stews: Merrill's Blood Soup, Fereldan Potato and Leek Soup, The Hanged Man's Mystery Meat Stew, Fish Chowder, Sweet and Sour Cabbage Soup, Lentil Soup, Nettle Soup, King Alistair's Lamb and Pea Stew
Main Courses: Stuffed Cabbage, Antivan Gnocchi, Antivan Paella, Grilled Poussin, Gurgut Roast with Lowlander Spices and Mushroom Sauce, Nug Pancakes, Fish in Salt Crust, Roasted Wyvern, Nug Bacon and Egg Pie, Starkhaven Fish and Egg Pie, Cacio e Pepe, Turnip and Mutton Pie, Smoked Ham from the Anderfels, Roasted Turkey with Sides
Sides: Sera's Yummy Corn, Stuffed Vine Leaves, Honey Carrots, Nevarran Flat Bread and Yogurt Dip
Sweet Delights: Blancmange, Poison Stings, Dalish Forest Fruit Cobbler, Dwarven Plum Jam, Sour Cherries in Cream, Treviso Energy Balls, Rice Pudding, Goat Custard
Baked Goods: Antivan Apple Grenade, Found Cake, Varric's Favorite Cinnamon Rolls, Croissants, Cherry Cupcakes, Chocolate Cake, Varric's Favorite Pastries, Sugar Cake, Lamprey Cake, Tevinter Pumpkin Bread
Drinks & Potions: Lichen Ale, The Hissing Drake, Hot Chocolate, Antivan Sip-Sip, Dragon Piss, Rivaini Tea Blend, The Golden Nug, The Emerald Valley, Chasind Sack Mead
Notes: These dish 'categories' are from the book contents pages, which can be viewed here.
Dishes by place / culture of origin (DA Cookbook-specific list)
Ferelden: Pickled Eggs, Fereldan Hearty Scones, Fereldan Potato and Leek Soup, Sweet and Sour Cabbage Soup, King Alistair's Lamb and Pea Stew, Nug Bacon and Egg Pie, Turnip and Mutton Pie, Chocolate Cake
Kirkwall: Crab Cakes from Kirkwall, The Hanged Man's Mystery Meat Stew, Roasted Turkey with Sides
Orlais: Eggs à la Val Foret, Grey Warden Pastry Pockets, Honey Carrots, Blancmange, Sour Cherries in Cream, Croissants
Tevinter: Unidentified Meat, Stuffed Vine Leaves, Cherry Cupcakes, Tevinter Pumpkin Bread
Antiva: Crow Feed, Fish Chowder, Antivan Gnocchi, Antivan Paella, Cacio e Pepe, Treviso Energy Balls, Antivan Apple Grenade, Antivan Sip-Sip
Nevarra: Nevarran Blood Orange Salad, Nevarran Flat Bread and Yogurt Dip
Rivain: Rivaini Couscous Salad, Goat Custard, Rivaini Tea Blend
Seheron: Seheron Fish Pockets
Starkhaven: Starkhaven Fish and Egg Pie, Roasted Turkey with Sides
Free Marches: Roasted Turkey with Sides
Anderfels: Smoked Ham from the Anderfels
Avvar: Snail & Watercress Salad, Stuffed Cabbage, Gurgut Roast with Lowlander Spices and Mushroom Sauce, Fish in Salt Crust, Roasted Wyvern
Chasind: Grilled Poussin, Chasind Sack Mead
Dalish: Spiced Jerky, Hearth Cakes, Peasant Bread, Dalish Forest Fruit Cobbler
City Elf: Peasant Bread, Lentil Soup
Orzammar / dwarven: Fried Young Giant Spiders, Stuffed Deep Mushrooms, Cave Beetles, Nug Pancakes, Dwarven Plum Jam, Lichen Ale, Black Lichen Bread
Unspecified (DA Cookbook-specific list): Fluffy Mackerel Pudding, Merrill's Blood Soup, Nettle Soup, Sera's Yummy Corn, Poison Stings, Rice Pudding, Found Cake, Varric's Favorite Cinnamon Rolls, Varric's Favorite Pastries, Sugar Cake, Lamprey Cake, The Hissing Drake, Hot Chocolate, Dragon Piss, The Golden Nug, The Emerald Valley
Notes: Fluffy Mackerel Pudding seems to be Fereldan as it's found in DA:O in this Codex entry at the Arl of Redcliffe's Estate in Denerim. Snail & Watercress Salad isn't traditional Avvar cuisine; though snails are standard Avvar fare, this salad which has them in conjunction with other ingredients is Devon's take on snails that they made for their Avvar hosts. The given Spiced Jerky recipe is Dalish, but the book notes that preserved foods like it play an important role in many different Thedosian cultures. Grey Warden Pastry Pockets are a variation on a tough Grey Warden pastry which incorporates the far more delicate Orlesian puff pastry, that was championed by newer Warden recruits from Orlais. Unidentified Meat is usually served with Nevarran Flat Bread. Black Lichen Bread doesn't explicitly say but is clearly dwarven, as it references "underground" versus the "surface" and the dwarf Garin in Orzammar mentions it in DA:O. Peasant Bread is both Dalish and City Elf. Merrill's Blood Soup could be Dalish in origin as it's a recipe of Merrill's. Devon's Lentil Soup recipe has classic Tevinter flavors in it. Roasted Turkey with Sides is found throughout the Free Marches. Sera's Yummy Corn could be Fereldan in origin as it's a recipe of Sera's. Poison Stings is likely Tevinter as Dorian is fond of it. Rice Pudding could be Antivan or Rivaini as in Thedas you don't see much rice outside of Antiva or Rivain, or perhaps Tevinter or Qunari as it was a dish made by Krem, Iron Bull and the Chargers. Found Cake could be Fereldan as it's based on Dog's Found Cake in DA:O. Sugar Cake was purchased from a surface dwarf merchant and is based on Sugar Cake from DA:O (Feraldan dish? Dwarven?). Lamprey Cake was Devon's pickled lamprey-inspired cake, with pickled lamprey itself being a "singular" (implied: odd) favorite of an Orlesian noble. The Hissing Drake, The Golden Nug and The Emerald Valley are drinks served at the Gilded Horn in Orlais. The Emerald Valley's place of origin isn't given in the book, but we know from this Codex that it includes a spirit that is Orlesian, having been made in Lydes. Going by Iron Bull's dialogue with Varric, hot chocolate/cocoa is not from the south and is rare there. Dragon Piss could be Fereldan as it's based on Dragon Piss which is found in Ferelden.
Alphabetical ingredients / 'foodstuffs and drinks which exist in Thedas' list (DA Cookbook-specific list)
Notes: These ingredients are derived from the dish names and the lore blurbs (which appear to be in-world), not the recipes and associated ingredients lists themselves (which appear to be our world/irl-based). Also, this is a sort of scrappy list with mixed singular/plurals, some repeating stuff (e.g. I know pork, bacon, pig and ham is all "pig"), some non-specific stuff e.g. "herbs", and some stuff that is more 'a combo food' than 'a single ingredient' e.g. "dough", but just go with it ok hh, it's just meant to be a quick 'n' dirty reference list as a resource not a perfect culinary thing:
“Bitter greens”, Ale, Almonds, Antivan pasta, Antivan wine, Apples, Apple blossoms, Apricots, Assorted “forest fruits”, Ayesleigh gulabi goat (a breed of goat from which some goat’s milk is derived), Bacon, Bark, Bark bread, Barley, Beetroot, Biscuits, Black cherries, Black lichen, Blended teas, Blood oranges, Brandy, Bread, Buns, Butter (halla and other types), Cabbage, Carrot, Cave beetles, Celery, Chasind Wildwine, Cheese, Cheese sauce, Cherries, Chicken, Chickpeas, Chocolate, Chocolate cream cake, Cinnamon, Cocoa, Cocoa powder, Corn (yellow and non-yellow varieties), Couscous, Cows, Crab, Cranberry, Cream, Croutons, Currants, Custard (many variations), Cuttlefish, Dark bread, Deep mushrooms (several varieties), Dough, Dracolisk? (in one ‘sus meat’ recipe Devon wondered if it could be this), Dried fruit, Dry cheese, Eggs, Egg-white foam (for drinks, due to the The Gilded Horn’s Drink List codex), Fereldan ale, Fereldan barley, Figs, Fish, Flat bread, Flour, Flowers (over 70 different types of herbs and flowers used for food & drink exist), Giant spiders, Giant? (in one ‘sus meat’ recipe Devon wondered if it could be this), Gnocchi, Goat’s milk, Goats, Grains, Grapes, Grease, Gurguts, Halla butter, Ham, Harts, Herbs (over 70 different herbs and flowers used for food & drink exist), Hirol’s Lava Burst (due to the The Gilded Horn’s Drink List codex), Honey, Hot peppers, Jams & preserves, Jasmine flowers, Jerky, Lamb, Lamprey, Leeks, Lemon, Lemon juice, Lemon verbena, Lentils, Lichen (underground and surface varieties), Lichen ale, Licorice root, Llomerryn red, Llomerryn rum (due to the The Gilded Horn’s Drink List codex), Lurkers, Mackerel, Mango, Marshmallow (presumably meaning both the marshmallow plant and marshmallows, the confectionary that was originally made from the marshmallow plant. The form given in the cookbook is Orlesian guimauves, which accompany Iron Bull’s hot chocolate. “Guimauve” is French for marshmallow), Mead, Milk, Mincemeat, Mint, Mushroom, Mussels, Mutton, Nettle, Noodles, Nug, Nug bacon, Nuggets (nug-gets), Nutmeg (due to the The Gilded Horn’s Drink List codex), Nuts, Oats, Oil, Olives, Onion, Orange, Orange peel, Oregano, Pasta, Pastry, Peas, Peanut butter, Peanuts, Pepper (as in black pepper etc), Peppermint, Pickled things, Pickled vegetables, Pie, Pig, Plums, Pomegranate, Pork, Potatoes, Poussin, Prawns, Puff pastry, Pumpkin, Quillback (in one ‘sus meat’ recipe Devon wondered if it could be this, and in DA:I some NPCs mention it), Rabbit, Raisins, Rams, Raspberries, Red bell peppers, Red grapes, Rhubarb, Rice, Rolls, Royal elfroot (due to the The Gilded Horn’s Drink List codex), Rum (due to the The Gilded Horn’s Drink List codex), Saffron, Salt, Semolina flour, Sheep, Shrimp, Smoked meats, Snails, Sour ale, Sour cherries, Spices, Spinach, Spirits (as in alcohol), Strawberries, Sugar, Tea, Toasted bread, Tomatoes, Truffles, Turkey, Turnip, Tzatziki sauce, Vine leaves, Waffles, Water, Watercress, West Hill brandy, Wheat, Whipped cream, Whiskey (due to the The Gilded Horn’s Drink List codex), White chocolate, White frosting, White Seleny wine, White wine, Wildflowers, Wine, Wraps (soft), Wyverns, Yogurt
'See also' / 'did you know':
Eggs à la Val Foret
Fried Young Giant Spiders: previously made an appearance in the DA tabletop. The player party arrives at Chanra Thaig and sees "Bonfires built inside steel drums provide warm and heat for the dwarves huddled around them, cooking deepstalkers, what looks like the legs of giant spiders, and small rodent-like animals on spits". The dwarves have "fuel, water, and domesticated spiders and nugs in deeper chambers for food".
Fluffy Mackerel Pudding
Snail and Watercress Salad
Cave beetle previously made an appearance in the DA tabletop. They're described as "scavengers and carrion eaters", "black" and "hard-shelled". They're also known as "rock beetles" and are "little more than a nuisance on its own. Dwarves are even known to roast and eat them out of the shells".
Pickled Eggs (from "The Whole Nug" in World of Thedas)
Seheron Fish Pockets: Iron Bull has dialogue where he says "I remember one guy, he made these things - fish wrapped in thin bread". He was talking of a street food vendor in Seheron who had been forced by Tevinter spies to poison his food. Fittingly, in the cookbook Devon narrates that they learned this recipe from a Charger.
Black Lichen Bread: Garin from DA:O had an incident a few years back where he cut himself and some raw lyrium dust got into his blood. Since then it's been hard for him to concentrate and he's forgetful. He mentions bread that's made by using lichen (I think he mentioned that his lunch was a slice of lichen bread). interestingly, like lyrium, the cookbook lore blurb for Black Lichen Bread contains reference to how black lichen is toxic.
Hearth Cakes (from "The Whole Nug" in World of Thedas)
Peasant Bread: appears in The Masked Empire. in the Dalish camp, Dalish cooks prepared a midday meal, which was served along with peasant bread. "It was almost equal parts wheat, salt, and grease, and in lean winters, it was sometimes the only thing that could put meat on a peasant's bones." Michel watches an old elven woman drizzle honey across a piece and remembers his City Elven mother putting a bit of sugar she had stolen from the tavern she worked in on his piece of bread. The cookbook lore blurb for Peasant Bread says it is eaten by Dalish elves and City elves alike in Orlais, with the recipe being "very straightforward, calling for wheat, salt, and grease in nearly equal parts". Also, in The Last Court, Seraultine (Orlesian) peasants are described as eating bread at mealtimes
The Hanged Man's Mystery Meat Stew: in a DAII loading screen, it says that the tavern's feature dish is a stew made from a different mystery meat every morning
Fish Chowder: in DA:O Zevran says "Can you smell that? Like rotting flesh. Just like back in Antiva City. Now if only you could find me a prostitute or two, a bowl of fish chowder and a corrupt politician, I'd really feel like I was home!"
Sweet and Sour Cabbage Soup (the cookbook lore blurb mentions the Orlesian troupe of actors from the show Wilkshire Downs. in this codex they are mentioned along with "cabbage stew")
King Alistair's Lamb and Pea Stew: Alistair and Leliana have this dialogue in DA:O about this dish (Ctrl-F "pea stew").
Antivan Gnocchi: In Tevinter Nights (Eight Little Talons), the Crow leaders eat gnocchi with dinner
Gurgut Roast with Lowlander Spices and Mushroom Sauce
Nug Pancakes, two
Fish in Salt Crust
Roasted Wyvern. Also Isabela has dialogue in Mark of the Assassin where she says "I hope I'm not expected to eat roast wyvern after this." The lore blurb in the cookbook for this dish also references this Codex
Starkhaven Fish and Egg Pie (from "The Whole Nug" in World of Thedas)
Cacio e Pepe: First mentioned in Tevinter Nights (The Wigmaker Job). Illario complains "This isn't Cacio e Pepe" while making a show of tapping his dagger against a plate of leftovers. Lucanis replies "You ordered an Antivan dish in Tevinter. What did you expect?", to which Illario quips "Something edible".
Turnip and Mutton Pie
Smoked Ham from the Anderfels: a servant in Mark of the Assassin offers Hawke and Tallis "smoked ham from the Anderfels. They say it tastes of despair". Tallis replies "Wait, does it really? How can ham taste of despair? Why would anyone eat it if it did?". The servant explains "That's what the importer said. They all talk like that" apparently. This dish is also mentioned in DA:I. After WEWH Dorian says "I hope you tried the ham they were serving, by the way. Tastes of despair. Fascinating". The cookbook lore blurb asserts that contrary to rumors and what the importers say, this ham does not, in fact, taste of despair. Also, see The Jade Ham (tumblr won't let me add it as a proper link: https://dragonage.fandom.com/wiki/The_Jade_Ham), as the cookbook lore blurb references this item and its description
Roasted Turkey with Sides: Roast turkey previously made an appearance in the DA tabletop. Lady Sennova hosts a gala/party in Orlais, which players infiltrate/attend and at which food and drink is served. "The Game is about appearances as much as it is about outright treachery, so a dead rat discovered in the roast turkey could serve as a crueler twist of the knife than an actual twisting of the knife". The cookbook lore blurb references the comic Knight Errant, which involves Sebastian's birthday dinner party
Sera's Yummy Corn (from "The Whole Nug" in World of Thedas)
Dwarven Plum Jam: in DA:O a Diamond Quarter noble dwarf says something like "I will die without my favorite plum jam from the surface!" The cookbook lore blurb references the fact that in Orzammar, jam from the surface, especially jams made from plums, are in especially high demand and cost exorbitant prices
Rice Pudding: in DA:I Krem mentions a time when he, Iron Bull and the Chargers defended a village from fifty bandits. Afterwards the villagers paid them for their services in bags of rice. He says that they made rice pudding after that. The cookbook lore blurb references this story of Krem's
(new text block because the previous text block hit a character limit hh)
Antivan Apple Grenade: the cookbook lore blurb references Antivan Fire Grenades (two), which spread sticky fire. maybe it's my brain conjuring up sticky toffee/toffee apples, but I wanna say that this dish would not only be hot but also sticky :)
Found Cake
Varric's Favorite Cinnamon Rolls: in DAII Sandal says that Orana smells of cinnamon rolls, which was interesting to me as DAII is the game where Varric is introduced and his first (and greatest) batch of cinnamon roll friends, the Kirkwall Crew, are featured in
Croissants: Calix and Vaea eat something which arguably look like croissants in the comic Dragon Age: Deception, in an inn in Tevinter.
Cherry Cupcakes: the cookbook lore blurb says these are served by servants on stilts at the Tevinter theature. in the comic Dragon Age: Magekiller, Marius is depicted serving an array of treats and snacks to a Tevinter elite at the Tevinter theatre while on stilts. some of the cupcakes on his tray bear somewhat of a resemblance to the cupcakes in this recipe.
Sugar Cake
Pickled Lamprey: the cookbook lore blurb is referencing the book Last Flight, where Norbert de la Haine and his unfortunate fondness for pickled lampreys is mentioned.
Lichen Ale
The Hissing Drake. the cookbook lore blurb mentions the Gilded Horn
Hot Chocolate: Iron Bull discusses his penchant for this drink with Varric. "How do you guys live without this stuff?" he says. Varric replies "I don't see what the deal is, honestly, but different tastes..." / "Now I just need some hot milk and some of those Orlesian guimauves to put in it" / "Hey, what you do with this 'cocoa' is up to you. I don't need to hear about it"
Antivan Sip-Sip
Dragon Piss, two
Rivaini Tea Blend: In Masked Empire Celene drinks a Rivaini blend of tea containing cinnamon, ginger and cloves, sweetened with honey. the cookbook lore blurb references Celene drinking Rivaini Tea Blend throughout the day to combat headaches, but this tea blend consists of peppermint, lemon verbena, oregano and licorice root. Rivaini tea also crops up here.
The Golden Nug, two
The Emerald Valley
Chasind Sack Mead
Characters mentioned or alluded to in the cookbook
Devon (new character, writer and narrator of the book), Merrill, Alistair, Sera, Varric, Solas, Cassandra, Fenris, Cullen, Sten, Iron Bull, Bull's Chargers, Krem, Nan (possibly, if she is Devon's mother), Norah (possibly, as the waitress at The Hanged Man), Zevran, Morrigan, the Hero of Ferelden, the Inquisitor, Josephine, Paragon Varen, Leliana, Schmooples, the Hero of Ferelden's mabari, Sebastian, Cole, Vivienne, Dorian, Anders, Loghain, Bethany, Hawke, the Couslands, Bodahn Feddic (possibly, as the Sugar Cake item in DA:O is sold by him and Devon narrates that they purchased one from a surface dwarf merchant who said that the Hero of Ferelden purchased some for their companions), Norbert de la Haine, Isabela, Celene, Briala, Gaspard
"Cookbook canon" (notes about the particular worldstate/universe that Devon wrote the cookbook in)
The cookbook was written at some point after the appointment of Divine Victoria, placing it at at least one month after the DA:I base game concludes (at least one month after the defeat of Corypheus). The narrator, Devon, has met and spoken to at least some of the companions & related prominent NPCs, including Varric and Krem. Devon visited Haven.
The HoF was a Cousland. The HoF caught Schmooples for Leliana. Loghain survived DA:O and DA:I, as he's referred to in the present-tense at the time the cookbook is written. Alistair is King of Ferelden. The HoF may have been a lady who romanced Alistair (if you argue that the inclusion of Alistair's love letter to the Warden & the necklace from this merch item as a prop in the photo for Rivaini Couscous Salad as indicator. interesting that the photo where this item is prominently displayed is for the Couscous of all things. back in the day I remember folks calling Cousland "Couscous" hhh).
Hawke was a warrior or rogue and Carver died in the prologue. Hawke was probably Diplomatic. Hawke did not romance Sebastian (in the cookbook he is Prince, and Sebastian reclaims his title as Prince by DA:I unless romanced, in which case he's the Chantry advisor in Starkhaven).
The "worst of [Cullen's] lyrium withdrawals" are mentioned so it could be that the Inquisitor advised Cullen to stop taking lyrium. Cassandra Pentaghast is the Divine. Celene is the Empress of Orlais - possibly ruling "alone" or possibly in the Celene-Gaspard-Briala "work together option", going by "Given how messy Orlesian politics are wont to be, with chevalier cousins vying for the throne and elven handmaids turned both spymaster and lover".
Also, this might be just me and my assumptions or reading of it, but of the companion characters referenced in the book (see section above, Characters mentioned or alluded to in the cookbook), such as Cole, Sera, Merrill, Fenris etc, I feel like it's safe to assume that in this worldstate they were all recruited by the relevant PCs are alive and well (including the Chargers).
Merch items & similar that appear as props or edits in photos
Alistair romance bundle (necklace and letter in Rivaini Couscous Salad. the necklace appears again in Goat Custard. the box can be seen in The Golden Nug)
Grey Warden pendant that shows the griffon heraldry (not sure if this is from the Gear Store or somewhere like Etsy. Grey Warden Pastry Pockets). this reappears in Sugar Cake
Solas Jawbone Necklace (Pickled Eggs. hhhh. unlike in Eggs à la Val Foret the blurb here doesn't mention Solas, but he's repped here anyway by the necklace hanging in the background hh)
Cullen's Lucky Coin (The Hanged Man's Mystery Meat Stew, Stuffed Vine Leaves, Antivan Sip-Sip)
In Nug Pancakes this red Inquisition banner with the handprint is in the background (seems to be from game files/in-game props). the red Inquisition banner appears again in Chasind Sack Mead
In Nug Bacon and Egg Pie, there is a nug in the background, presumably looking on in horror as their spouse has been transformed into a pie
In Turnip and Mutton Pie is a necklace that looks like the one Varric wears
Templar Banner (Roasted Turkey with Sides)
Inquisitor's iconic helmet replica (Roasted Turkey with Sides. hhh, this reminds me of the ones that are props in the queue area for the Dragon Age-not Dragon Age-ride)
In the background of Dalish Forest Fruit Cobbler a nug is peeking out
Antivan Apple Grenade contains a map of Westeros hhh. You can see the Three Sisters, the Neck and the Bite
A physical version of this Thedas map appears at various points e.g. Chasind Sack Mead
DA:I advisors coin set (Tevinter Pumpkin Bread) - for some reason Tumblr won't allow me to add the link to this one as an actual link, but you can find it here: gear.bioware.com/en-eu/products/dragon-age-three-advisors-coin-set
A green orb that I would guess is meant to be reminiscent of the ones Solas has you use during Measuring the Veil (Tevinter Pumpkin Bread)
Inquisition symbol pendant (not sure if this is from the Gear Store or somewhere like Etsy)
(You can get 20% off in the BioWare Gear Store until November 6th using my latest discount code BWCUISINE. After that date check back here for a new code. alternatively, you can use my >tracking link<.)
Some random thoughts
Shoutout to the photo for Starkhaven Fish and Egg Pie. It looks a lot like the illustration in World of Thedas of this dish! you can see that they really took it into consideration when creating this dish/image.
I feel like you can also sense the inspiration in general vibe/feel in Dalish Forest Fruit Cobbler from Dalish Deep Forest Comfort in WoT.
The black and gold theme colors of the cover remind me of when DA:D branding was black and gold.
Recipe pages I have posted that you can view in full: Spiced Jerky, Dalish Forest Fruit Cobbler, Hearth Cakes, Merrill's Blood Soup, Lentil Soup, Peasant Bread, Dragon Piss
Recipe and other pages that were already available to view in full from the official preview pages: intro page, intro page 2, intro page 3, Contents page 1, Contents page 2, intro page 4, Devon's letter, intro page 5, Starters & Refreshments section intro page, Eggs à la Val Foret, Fried Young Giant Spiders, Fereldan Hearty Scones, Nug Pancakes, Roasted Turkey with Sides, Varric's Favorite Cinnamon Rolls, Nevarran Blood Orange Salad recipe (pic), Stuffed Deep Mushrooms recipe (pic), Rivaini Couscous Salad recipe (pic), Crab Cakes from Kirkwall recipe (pic), Fluffy Mackerel Pudding recipe (pic), Snail & Watercress Salad recipe (pic), Cave Beetles
Source of the above information: Dragon Age The Official Cookbook - Tastes of Thedas
If you’re not able to get the book, and there’s a recipe or two in the Contents that you’d like to see/read, let me know and I’ll show you (❁´◡`❁)
Link to Part 2, in text form (pls copy-paste) as Tumblr won't let me add it as a normal link: https://felassan.tumblr.com/post/732826339350102016/dragon-age-the-official-cookbook-tastes-of
A post you may also be interested in: Food and drink lore compilation from Dragon Age: The Last Court
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vigilskeep · 1 year
do you think orlesian is probably the primary language things like books and things are written in thedas (outside of tevinter and par vollen)? i've been thinking, and while irl reading/writing latin was considered the base for literacy afaik (though english and the like was still read and written, it wasnt the primary language of 'published' writings), with tevinter being 1. present and 2. considered bad overall, they would probably move away from it in a way the western world didnt, and orlesian is the language of the other largest colonial power in thedas. there are still obviously holdovers from tevinter, such as the names of the months used by scholars, but still. just a thought though!
(i wonder, if orlesian is considered "the" language, if there could feasibly be a movement in fereldan among ferelden nationalists (vs chantry loyalists) to write primarily in other languages, perhaps dwarven runes, given that ferelden most likely has the closest relationship to orzammar apart grom tevinter and common is based off dwarven (and likely written in a derivative of the dwarven alphabet), but truthfully this movement would likely be dependent on fereldan developing a chantry of its own, as you and v-arbellanaris proposed, which as of yet, they have not done, if only due to the precariousness of their position post blight, though i am very surprised anora and/or alistair didnt move to do so when they allied with the mage rebellion)
i would expect an orlesian language (in an au setup where languages behave normally in thedas) to take supremacy among the nobility in much of southern thedas, very much like what actually happened in england when conquered by a french ruler. and yes i would expect southern thedas to move away from tevene with more alacrity than europe from latin considering the difference between admiration and stigma, though it’s probably worth saying as an aside that french is a romance language descended from latin and considering the similar history i’d be very surprised if that didn’t hold true with tevene to orlesian
given the orlesian empire’s strangehold on the chantry, i also in my heart firmly believe the southern chant is in orlesian, and thus religious & maybe also magical texts
the common or trade tongue in dragon age is supposed to be derived from the dwarves but obviously this is nonsensical in comparison to the dwarven language we see if we accept the trade tongue as english, if you even take the english version of the games as “canon”, so i do just take that and run with “all dragon age dialogue is translated and is whatever language u believe it to be”. free real estate. like i believe trade tongue is a commonly used lingua franca sure but i don’t believe it sounds like what we’re getting “realistically”. as for dwarven runes there IS this bizarre lore that dwarven runes are used on signs even on the surface bc peasants can’t read their native language... but... why can the peasants read runes instead... it’s not like they’re pictorial or anything we’ve seen dwarven runes
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charlesmoffat · 4 months
Peasant Magazine is FREE.
Why? Peasants have no money. Because this is the way the world works. Authors have to give away free short stories in order to grab the attention of readers who are admittedly like old cats who don't want to do anything, but once they find something that they like they're suddenly like kittens on catnip.
I know this because I am a reader too, so I understand the feeling of "I don't want to try reading this book because I might not like it." It is like trying a new vegetable. Am I going to like this new vegetable? Or does it taste like rotten cabbage?
But just like vegetables sometimes what you need is a platter to choose from to sample a tiny bite of each to see which ones you do like.
That's basically what literary magazines are. They're full of short stories for people who want to try bite sized pieces (samples really) from different authors to see which ones they like. If they find something that they like then they might go buy a whole vegetable book and read it. Maybe they will read the whole series of books.
Maybe they will even leave reviews on Amazon or Goodreads about how great the books are.
For the author this means that other people will see those 5 star reviews and possibly make a purchase too, which could lead to more reviews and more readers, and hopefully the author makes enough sales that they continue to write without feeling like they are wasting their time.
And it all comes back to the literary magazine.
So why is Peasant Magazine free?
Well, for starters it has no budget and is nonprofit. It is produced by volunteers and the writers involved are all indie authors who see value in getting their short stories in front of an audience who wants to eat read samples from different sources. Because vegetables books are sometimes yucky yummy.
Learn more about Peasant Magazine at
Where you can eat download the free PDF of Issue #1.
Or you can purchase the 8×11 magazine for $4.99 USD (the price was necessary to cover the printing costs) for those people who prefer to read a physical magazine that they can hold.
"The Pale Lady in White" by Charles Moffat
"The Selkie's Silver Comb" by Alistair Grant
"The Glamouring of Brond Col" by Carl F. Northwood
"The Tone of Truth" by Sean Mooney
"The Choosing" by Len Berry
"The Selkie" by C. M. Neary
"Drifting" by Brigham Magnusson
"The Tale of the Key of Darkness" by Jeffrey J. Hoy
"Beyond Anwar" by D. G. Ironside
"The Hunt" by Liam Porter
"The Last Lesson" by Frankie G.
"With the Death of Kings" by Denise Longrie
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laurelsofhighever · 4 months
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Fandom: Dragon Age: Origins Characters/pairings: Alistair x Cousland Chapter: 13/? Chapter Rating: T Chapter warnings: Canon-typical racism Fic Summary: The story of the Fifth Blight, in a world where Alistair was raised to royalty instead of joining the Grey Wardens.
“My name is Leliana,” the chantry sister told them as she picked her way over the cobblestones. “And who you are is obvious, of course, though I am curious as to why you did not reveal yourself.” She looked to Alistair as she said this, her blue eyes sharp as cut glass as she peered sidelong under the shadowed edge of his hood.
He turned away in a pretext of searching for Morrigan. “I’m no one, really. I just have one of those faces.”
“Indeed.” She gave a contrite nod of her head. “It is easier not to have a name, sometimes, when one’s mission requires subtlety.”
“Mission?” he checked.
“You travel with this Grey Warden.”
“You’re very curious for a cloistered sister,” Rosslyn interrupted from her other side.
Leliana chuckled. “I joined the Chantry for a life of religious contemplation, but it was not always so. Many of us had more colourful lives before we joined, just as you are not simply what you appear – you carry yourself too nobly for a common soldier.”
“If that’s so, then perhaps whoever’s in charge of this place will listen to me better than these peasants when I say they should not remain here,” she grumbled. “Who is the knight-captain in Lothering?”
“Ser Bryant,” came the answer. “I will take you to him.”
Read the rest on AO3!
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exhausted-archivist · 9 months
Cookbook Sample Preview...
I'm perfectly normal about this, totally calm. But I noticed on Sunday that the Dragon Age official cookbook had a preview/sample that it didn't have last time I checked. To summarize, it shows the Table of Contents and 7 new preview recipes along with 2 from an earlier sample release. It's basically previews the whole first section "Starters and Refreshments".
I will be putting things under cuts in case people don't wanna see things. From now on and after its release, the tag I will be using for the cookbook if you want to block is #tastes of thedas or #da: tot
I will also be silently combusting inside as I try not to let the excitement amp me up too much. I expect to fail this mission lol. (Spoiler I did fail and have been making my excitement everyone's problem.)
So, the cookbook sample. Amazon had a scrolling preview that wasn't as nice as the spreads so I made them into spreads like we got with the previous six recipes. You can see them here in this post.
But the following is the full spread of the sample from the cookbook. It gives us the cover, the two title pages, the table of contents, an introduction of a new character/narrator, the table of contents for the Starters and Refreshers section, and the 9 recipes within that section.
Beneath the images, I have transcribed the lore blurbs of the recipe as well as give an image description, but I didn't type out the recipes. That's for a later post (Also because it doesn't fit on this post. I hit the limit, sorry.) For a similar reason, I'm not adding my commentary to any of the recipes.
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Introduction - 7
Starters & Refreshments
Eggs à la Val Foret - 11 Nevarran Blood Orange Salad - 13 Fried Young Giant Spider - 15 Stuffed Deep Mushrooms - 17 Rivaini Couscous Salad - 19 Crab Cakes from Kirkwall - 21 Fluffy Mackerel Pudding - 23 Snail & Watercress Salad - 25 Cave Beetles - 27
For the Road
Spiced Jerky - 31 Grey Warden Pastry Pockets - 33 Pickled Eggs - 35 Unidentified Meat - 37 Seheron Fish Pockets - 39 Crow Feed - 43 Black Lichen Bread - 45 Hearth Cakes - 47 Peasant Bread - 49
Soups & Stews
Merril's Blood Soup - 53 Fereldan Potato and Leek Soup - 55 The Hanged Man's Mystery Meat Stew - 57 Fish Chowder - 59 Sweet and Sour Cabbage Soup - 61 Lentil Soup - 63 Nettle Soup - 65 King Alistair's Lamb and Pea Soup - 67
Main Courses
Stuffed Cabbage - 71 Antivan Gnochi - 73 Antivan Paella - 75 Grilled Poussin - 77 Gurgut Roast with Lowlander Spices and Mushroom Sauce - 79 Nug Pancakes - 81 Fish in Salt Crust - 83 Roasted Wyvern - 85 Nug Bacon and Egg Pie - 87 Starkhaven Fish and Egg Pie - 89 Cacio e Pepe - 91 Turnip and Mutton Pie - 93 Smoked Ham from the Anderfels - 95 Roasted Turkey with Sides - 97
Sera's Yummy Corn - 103 Stuffed Vine Leaves - 105 Honey Carrots - 107 Nevarran Flat Bread and Yogurt Dip - 109
Sweet Delights
Blancmange - 113 Poison Stings - 115 Dalish Forest Fruit Cobbler - 117 Dwarven Plum Jam - 119 Sour Cherries in Cream - 121 Treviso Energy Balls - 123 Rice Pudding - 125 Goat Custard - 127
Baked Goods
Antivan Apple Grenade - 131 Found Cake - 133 Varric's Favorite Cinnamon Rolls - 135 Croissants - 137 Cherry Cupcakes - 139 Chocolate Cake - 141 Varric's Favorite Pastries - 143 Sugar Cake - 145 Lamprey Cake - 147 Tevinter Pumpkin Bread - 151
Drinks & Potions
Lichen Ale - 155 The Hissing Drake - 157 Hot Chocolate - 159 Antivan Sip-Sip - 161 Dragon Piss - 163 Rivaini Tea Blend - 165 The Golden Nug - 167 The Emerald Valley - 169 Chasind Sack Mead - 171
Conversion Charts - 173 About the Authors and Photographers - 174
Dear Mum,
It's me, Devon! I'm all grown up now-- or, well, more grown up than before. You always said I was too much like a child for my own good, and given the number of times you caught me daydreaming about going off on some grand adventure instead of sweeping the floors, I will grudgingly admit that you probably - probably - had a point. But guess what? I finally went on an adventure! A big one! Just like the Hero of Ferelden!
Okay, well, maybe not exactly like the Hero of Ferelden. But I did travel across Thedas! From Ferelden to Orlais, to Rivain, and even Tevinter. Plus, everything in between. It was a long journey, Mum. Weeks and weeks on the road, with the occasional bandit or beast. You'd probably have hated it, but, by Andraste, I loved every second of it! The sights! The sounds! The food.
Oh yes, the food. The reason why I set out on this journey to begin with. I know that I wasn't particularly adept in the kitchen the last time we saw each other. And, yes, I do remember that I nearly set Castle Cousland aflame with my first attempt at a stew. But I am pleased to inform you that I have been practicing extensively, and I think that, if the position still existed, I could take up your mantle as the Cousland family's cook. Granted, I doubt I would be able to fill your shoes completely; no one could manage such an impossible task. But I like to tell myself that I still would be able to make you proud.
And that takes me back to this journey and the all-important question of why. Why did I spend the last year traveling from one end of Thedas to the other, sampling whatever local cuisine I could get my hands on, even dishes that were downright strange? You're probably thinking that it's because the Hero of Ferelden ate it at some point - yes, that's certainly part of it, though I'll have you know that I tracked down foods enjoyed by the Champion of Kirkwall and the Inquisitor as well! Not to mention all their companions. But the truth is, Mum, throughout all of this, you were right there with them at the forefront of my mind. Because when I thought of ways to honor you, I kept coming back to the most important lesson you taught me: Love through food.
Every time I left your kitchen with a warm, full belly, I felt your love for me. And though I can't do the same for you anymore, I can fill this book. I can stuff it full of different recipes, dishes you've probably never even heard of, and think of you with each new entry. Because, you see, Mum, underneath all that childlike excitement, the dreams of adventure and heroism, I'm still very much your child. And I always will be.
Thank you for everything, Mum. I can't wait to share this book and the lessons that inspired it with the rest of the world.
Love, Devon
Starters & Refreshments
Eggs à la Val Foret
Image Description: A pancake with ham and a sliced poached egg with paprika and herbs on top sit on a silver platter.
Recipe Blurb: Ah, yes. Tons of cream! Exactly what I've come to expect from Orlesian cuisine. Do I have any tips for creating the perfect poached egg? Well, ever since I heard that Solas's bald head was once likened to an egg, I simply try to make my eggs just as round and shiny! So far, it's worked wonderfully and never ceases to put a smile on my face.
Nevarran Blood Orange Salad
Image Description: A wooden bowl rests on a rock, it holds a colourful salad with blood orange slices resting on top.
Recipe Blurb: Although I knew that Divine Victoria left behind a life of wealth and privilege to join the Seekers of Truth, it wasn't until I was in Nevarra, seeing exactly what she'd given up, that I truly gained an appreciation for the path she'd chosen. The best way to describe my first glimpse of the gardens of Nevarra is that it was like seeing a painting come to life. For a long moment, I could only stand there, so dazzled by the richness and vibrancy of it all that I was half-convinced I was actually still napping in the carriage. Surely, there was no way such beauty could be found outside of a dream. And yet the beauty before me was very much real.
So, too, was the picturesque tableau that arrived later that day on a plate: perfectly cut slices of blood orange artfully arranged on a lush pillow of bitter greens. Was this a meal or a still life, I wondered. In truth, the answer was both. For Nevarrans, food is as much a feast for the eyes as for the mouth. But even if your arrangement isn't quite worthy of being displayed in a museum, this salad will sing a symphony on your tastebuds.
Fried Young Giant Spiders
Image Description: A metal bowl filled with salad greens and fried crab legs arranged on top. Plate sits on a wooden table with a metal item and a smoking pot in the background.
Recipe Blurb: Just as people on the surface raise cows and goats, the dwarves underground raise spiders. Yes, to eat. The legs are fried and served with a sauce, which, true to dwarven fashion, is made with some type of alcohol. The precise kind depends on the establishment where you're eating your spider legs. Unfortunately, I couldn't get an exact recipe from any of the chefs I spoke to. These sauces are apparently closely guarded secrets and have spurred many a nefarious plot to acquire them-the competiontion to be crowned Orzammar's Best Sauce is fierce. But I've been assured that lichen ale is generally not used.
I've therefore come up with my own recipe, based on the many varieties I sampled while in Orzammar. Given that sourcing the requisite spider legs above ground is not nearly so easy, and the demand for such exports is minimal, I've subsituted them with crab legs. It's not a perfect match, but it's close enough to satisfy me.
Stuffed Deep Mushrooms
Image Description: Three mushroom caps fulled with a green, cheesy blend topped with chives. Placed on a platter that looks like a cut of wood, red capped mushrooms with white spots in the right hand corner in the foreground.
Recipe Blurb: Though the mushrooms growing underground in caves and in many parts of the Deep Roads are all called "deep mushrooms," there is no singular variety. In fact, there are several! Some mushrooms are squat, with broad, flat caps, while others are long and spindly, reaching toward the sky like an old man's gnarled fingers. They also have a multitude of applications, used in the creation of everything from restorative potions to deadly poisons. But in Orzammar, mushrooms are farmed for eating!
I was able to sample some of these dwarven delicacies, prized for their unique flavor and intoxicating scent. After only a few bites, I was struck with inspiration. How delicious would one of these mushrooms be when stuffed with cheese and spinach? The answer is: very. Rest assured that I selected this particular variety of deep mushroom not only for its shape, which is ideal for holding the maximum amount of cheese (and spinach), but also for the fact that it does not carry the darkspawn taint. While certain dwarves will insist that a deep mushroom's proximity to lyrium and darkspawn can only improve its flavor, I am quite content to leave that particular question a mystery, especially where lyrium is concerned. Although I'm hardly and expert on the stuff, I can't help but think about Fenris and how much suffering he endured as a result of his lyrium-infused markings. It seems to me that, barring any natural resistance, lyrium and the body are two things that probably shouldn't mix.
Rivaini Couscous Salad
Image Description: A copper bowl filled with couscous, mixed with various veggies and a mint leaf on top. A letter with an amulet from Alistair in the bottom left corner - merch from the BioWare store.
Recipe Blurb: When I first encountered couscous, I mistakenly believed it to be a grain, like rice or the more familiar Fereldan barley. I was swiftly corrected. In fact, couscous is a sort of pasta, made with semolina flour and water, although it's far smaller than your typical Antivan pasta. Couscous has a very mild flavor on its own--maybe slightly nutty. But where it excels is in its ability to soak up surrounding flavors, making it a perfect base for any salad. I'd love to experiment further, but so far, this particular combination of red bell pepper and mint has proven to be incredibly pleasing.
Crab Cakes from Kirkwall
Image Description: A caste iron pan over a bed of coals and flames, filled with battered soft shelled crabs, red peppers, and lemon slices.
Recipe Blurb: I love it when recipes add a dash of whimsy into the mix. Food shoulf be fun. I, therefore, took it upon myself to put this into practice with a classic Kirkwall dish. After all, who hasn't looked at their crab cakes and wished they looked a little more like crabs? Okay, maybe I'm the only one who's thought this. But now that I've brought this possibility to your attention, I'm certain you're interested as well! Best of all, these extra-crabby crab cakes stay true to the original recipe's flavors, so nothig is lost--only gained!
Fluffy Mackerel Pudding
Image Description: Two red small bowls with baked masked potatoes and a slice of hard boiled egg on top sit on a net with a starfish in the background.
Recipe Blurb: Can it really be Feast Day without fluffy mackerel pudding? No! In fact, there's no dish I associate more strongly with the holiday than this unique combination of mackerel, onion, celery, and eggs. Granted, I've heard stories that, several decades ago, someone once attempted a diet consisting entirely of fluffy mackerel pudding. Now, that I certainly wouldn't recommend. It stops being Feast Day Fish if you eat it every day, no?
Snail & Watercress Salad
Image Description: A wooden bowl resting on a river rock, filled with a salad comprised of mixed greens, radishes, and cooked snails.
Recipe Blurb: When the Avvar can't get their hands on a gurgut or a wyvern, they turn their attention to smaller prey. Much smaller prey. Snails are found on many a hillside boulder, making them an abundant source of food for the Avvar. Now, while some would wrinkle their noses or cry out in disgust at the prospect of eating a snail, I am pleased to report that, when prepared correctly, the texture. and flavor are actually good! I could happily eat a plate full of snails dressed in butter and oil, but those still on the fence about a snail's place
Cave Beetles
Image Description: A carved bowl holding cooked whole prawns, lemon slices and herbs sit on a rock with fake beetles and a black rock with blue glowing lines in the background.
Recipe Blurb: You think that, after snails, I'd balk at beetles? Never! In fact, I greatly enjoyed this dwarven dish, which involves roasting cave beetles in their shells. However, I recognize that many may not have a palate that's nearly so adventurous. If that's the case, the cave beetles can be replaced with whole prawns while keeping the rest of the recipe the same. That being said, if you do enjoy the variation with prawns, I really recommend giving the cave beetles a try. They're quite similar in both texture and flavor. If you were to blindfold yourself, I doubt you could tell the difference!
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villainanders · 1 year
unpopular opinion, I dont blame Goldanna for rejecting Alistair. Imagine this man walks in your house and just announces that he's a long lost half brother when you've been living on the street since your mother died - on top of the player's knowledge from his Fade dream that he wants her to basically be his new mother. She's treated like a bitch for asking for money, but honestly I don't think it's unreasonable to say 'our family is in poverty, if you want to waltz in out of nowhere and be part of it, you have to do your share' when she's under the (mistaken)impression that he's a literal prince.
Huh… 50% agree/disagree. I GUESS I am willing to buy that as a random peasant Goldanna doesn’t have a good idea of whether the king’s bastard is being raised as a prince and I’m definitely sympathetic to her situation but she comes out so strong so fast when Alistair is very nice to her and trying to help her. Idk it feels a bit flimsy when I say that bc obviously she is living in very difficult conditions and is frankly entitled to be a bit rude but I feel like she crosses a line for me lol. I do honestly wish it was written with more nuance tho bc I think more room for a sympathetic interpretation could easily have been made but she is written to basically be as offputting as possible
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pls ask me about ´rat king´ alistair and ´peasant´ alistair!!
thems the scunglys and they scrugled into my brain and wont pay rent
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rats-and-clovers · 1 year
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look at this poor mess of a man ;_;
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ndostairlyrium · 1 year
Oooo that meme!!!
"Who does their preferred party consist of?"
"How do they feel about dragons?"
"What places in Thedas have they been to? What do they think about places other than their homeland?"
For the three of them, please 😌😌😌
eeep ** thank you dear!! <3
1 - [Party] Who does their preferred party consist of?
*rustles drawing folder*
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6 - [Codex] How do they feel about dragons?
Elanor hates the damn things, if her instincts weren't "draw first, think later" she would run away as if there was no tomorrow.
Hawke is kinda fine with them? Like, they're sparkly and they spit fire, there's some sort of respect going on.
Lav is enamoured, to say the least. She loves to look at them, she loves to hunt them, and she loves to read books about them. But she's not as respectful as Hawke, because she sees them as legendary prey.
9 - [Codex] What places in Thedas have they been to? What do they think about places other than their homeland?
Elanor has traveled a lot in her youth. However I think that nobility doesn't really visit places, but other castles or places suited for them - far from filthy peasant. It's all very boring and she doesn't really have any sort of attachment with such places.
Anyway, she really manages to see the world after her Joining.
Other than visiting the whole fereldan territory during and after the Blight, she went to Orlais twice or thrice (0/10 wouldn't recommend. Their dogs are small?? Are those dogs or pillows?) then she visited the Anderfels with the Awakening crew + Alistair (the coolest place ever, she loved them!), finally she dropped a hello to some old friends in Nevarra (amazing architecture, amazing liquors, less amazing undeads moaning in the night).
But Ferelden will always own her heart and soul <3
Hawke hasn't traveled much before Kirkwall's chantry exploded. He has always been in the city's proximity.
But when the situation changes, he visits Wycome and Hercinia with Fenris for a change of air - they elope basically. He later joins Anders, traveling alongside him for protection.
They travel plenty, by feet mostly, before deciding they could stick to Amaranthine, under Ela's protection. There Hawke meets with Carver, finding out about the whole Calling business.
The thing about Hawke is that he's one that enjoys places only when he's in good company. Even a pit full of tires set on fire would be fine, in that case.
Despite Dalish being a nomadic culture, Lav hasn't visited many places before joining the Inquisition.
When there was a shortage of supplies in clan Lavellan, she visited nearby cities, but she never stayed for longer than one or two days, considered how andrastians view her people.
So far, she's liking Ferelden a lot, mostly because of the people - they're warm, welcoming, and proud. Orlais has some stunning scenery, but the wound is still fresh and the Dales traumatized her irreparably. She really wants to visits Antiva and Rivain, tho!
I'm keeping her answer as it is because I'm afraid to spoil stuff lol
The ask meme
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fyblackreader · 7 months
A Crown of Ashes | 🐦‍⬛ Phoenixborn #1
A Crown of Ashes is the first installment in a thrilling adventure fantasy set in a brutal and captivating universe filled with political maneuvering and intricate world-building, including elements of war, battle, hand-to-hand combat, perilous situations, blood, intense violence, mention of rape, references to sexual assault, brutal injuries, death, poisoning, graphic language, and explicit sexual activities depicted on the page.
Readers who may be sensitive to these elements, please take note and prepare to enter the world of Aldoria.
🐦‍⬛ 🐦‍⬛ 🐦‍⬛
The emergence of [mahjie] usually occurs during or near the onset of childhood. It typically surfaces before the happenstance of puberty to acclimate its host to its new mahjie powers. Rare are the ones who experience mahjie manifestations later in life, as the mahjie outburst on both the body and the mind would be fatal. Rarer still are those who exhibit mahjie abilities during infancy or are born with it.
Those bearing an Eileedon mark - the mark of the gods - have become all but mythical, their presence unseen for hundreds of years, if not longer. Many believe this phenomenon to stem from the Gods having turned their backs on humanity. And while being marked was once considered a blessing, it is now seen as a curse.
How else would one describe a God’s disappearance itched on one’s skin?
[Passage from Alistair’s Comprehensive Guide of Mahjie]
🐦‍⬛ 🐦‍⬛ 🐦‍⬛
The Season of Ending
Cetràn the 29th
Year 2:361 of the Phoenix
Like most tales, Elyn’s started with blood.
Born with mahjie and marked by Hehra the Moon goddess, her blood was too precious to be spilled, yet too dangerous for others to keep alive. Or so she had been told when being ushered in the middle of the night into a clandestine boat, not as the princess of Aldoria but passing of as a peasant girl while men resembling fat, ugly pigs barked orders left and right. The stench of unwashed bodies, piss, and vomit clung to the damp, cramped quarters of the vessel, clung to the cracked, sticky wooden floor.
Now clung to Elyn.
There had been more rules being drilled into her ears - any talk about her Eileedon mark from now on prohibited being one of them and clearly the most important one. All Elyn could focus on was the nausea churning in her gut, confused as to why she wasn’t allowed to talk about the mark her mom and father had always called beautiful. But nausea had gripped Elyn so hard her eyes had watered and her throat had hurt, so much so she hadn’t been able to hear, nor understand all of them.
Elyn didn’t understand much that day. However, she understood blood.
She understood the violence of it when she saw her mother cut open only a few days prior, vulgarly displayed for everyone to see and the queen of the six realms no more, blood dripping down her legs, then her feet, until it drowned her toes in a pool of red. So red. She understood the pain of it when her father, trying to usher her to safety, was captured and beaten to a bloody pulp. Again and again, until his face was unrecognizable and smashed into the marble floor in crimson smears.
She understood its sinister meaning now, too - far from the capitol after that awful boat trip, her mark forcibly concealed behind a glamour, hiding in a shabby shed from the throne stealers and wearing garbs for clothes. It marred her guardian Vivienne’s stern face, the woman’s head made of dark, tightly coiled curls now hovering over Elyn’s makeshift cot with hardened eyes and bruised lips. It was barely visible under the waning candle light, but the woman was completely drenched in blood.
Elyn’s heart stopped.
Now that she understood blood, she wished she didn’t.
Vivienne’s eyes easily found Elyn’s and the woman smiled ruefully at her. There was blood on her teeth, too. “Sorry about that, I tried to make myself more presentable.” Vivienne pointed to the basin near the wall. Its water went from clear to reddish brown. “But there’s not much time left. They’re here.” Vivienne’s voice was barely a whisper yet sliced through Elyn like a knife. “It’s time for you to fly away, little bird.”
Any other night, Elyn would have argued that she wasn’t little - her lineage took after the legendary phoenix after all. But not tonight. Tonight, she felt small, just like the child she was despite the massacre of her entire family. She hadn’t mourned their death. That was a type of luxury she couldn’t afford when there were people wanting to see her hang on a spear.
She took in Vivienne's tall frame clad in armor from head to toe; it glistened under the candlelight in flickers, still shining a bright silver under all that thick, dripping red. A long, dark coat was draped over one of her shoulders, its fabric rich and lined with fine silver threads. Vivienne was riddled with scars, old, new ones framing her face. Yet, there was no hesitation in her golden eyes as she waited for Elyn to stand. In that moment, Elyn understood with vivid clarity that tonight, more blood would spill.
But it wouldn’t be hers.
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sulky-valkyrie · 2 years
For DADWC and the friends to lovers prompts - accidentally blurting out “i love you” during a conversation. Any pairing you see fit :)
For @dadrunkwriting , very possibly riddled with typos, and occurs more or less simultaneously with this
Alistair was king.  When had that happened?  Why had that happened?  He looked around for Theron desperately, or anyone to help make this make sense, but instead all he saw were men who’d have spat on him the day before rushing to shake his hand and swear fealty.  Anora watched him coolly, not quite hostile, but not particularly kindly either.  That made sense though; even if she were madly in love with him, which she certainly wasn’t, he had just advocated for the execution of her father.  Maker knew what she would’ve done if he’d actually been the one to wield the blade.  Poisoned him in his sleep, most like.
He smiled until his face hurt as he kept looking for someone to rescue him, then suddenly realized, If I’m king, I’m in charge, right?
He clapped a hand on Bann Eddlebreck's shoulder and cheerfully said,  "I'm certain the queen knows far more about that than I do; right now I've got to go, so let's make an appointment to discuss it further after an archdemon isn't breathing down our necks, hm?"
With that, he pushed his way through the crowd, politely at first, but increasingly firmly until he was almost knocking people down to get away.
"Going somewhere, your majesty?" 
Alistair groaned softly and reached out for her hand without looking.  "Leli, don't you start too.  I've already had my fill of well wishers and ass kissers and . . ." he trailed off as he rubbed his thumb against hers.  "And some other witty phrase.  You're a bard, make one up."
"Sycophants?" she suggested, stepping close.  "Hangers on?  Glory hunters?"  She wasn't wearing armor right now and the dress was doing distracting things to her figure.  Maker, was he blushing?  Were kings allowed to blush?
"Suck-a-whats?" he asked.
She laughed quietly.  "Not even crowned, and you’re already propositioning the peasants?"
His cheeks felt like they were on fire. "No, I -
"Relax, my lord," she murmured.  "I'm simply teasing.  All proper royalty should have a -"
"I love you!"  The words escaped his lips unbidden, and he clapped a hand over his mouth a half a second too late.
Leliana stilled next to him.  "You're going to marry Anora tomorrow."
"I know," he said miserably and stared at his boots.  "Don't remind me."
"It's almost a fairytale." Her hand brushed across his cheek, then down to his jaw tilting his face to look at her.  "But a fairytale requires a kiss."
"I -" he stopped.  Swallowed.  Was this, did this mean she was, that he could, that it was okay if he -
"Perhaps I can finish the story myself.  I am a bard, after all."  Then her lips were touching his and Maker, they were so soft, but of course they would be, she always was, at least in all places that she wasn't sharp,  and then he was kissing Leliana and his hands were around her and she was walking him backwards into a hallway and -
A quiet sexy needy gasp that wasn’t from her caught his attention.  He looked up to find Theron pinning Zevran to the wall and just couldn't stop himself.  “I - oh, is this hallway occupied?”
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its-monster-mash · 1 year
This has been sitting in my drafts for 1000 years oops Rules: Post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it.
Thank you so much for tagging me @venus-haze!! I am also excited to participate in the self-callout lol
I don’t actually have a “WIP Folder”, I just have. A lot of WIPs. About to expose myself on a lot of different fandoms lol(I have a million different sideblogs that I organize a lot of the things I like by)
• Didn’t Your Momma Ever Tell You Not to Talk to Strangers? — Bo Sinclair x Reader (House of Wax) *I am also converting this one to an "Original" piece so I can publish it as a serial, so if you see the other version on Amazon under the pen name "M.E. Roselli" that's me. I'm still going to keep writing it as this fanfic, but there IS an alternate version. The other version is about a cult instead of Wax; instead of Vincent, Bo("Buck" in the alternate version) has a twin sister who was raised to be the cult's messiah. The cult is dead and gone along with their parents, but she's still living it. I just know that a lot of people's fanfics are being stolen, so I wanted to clear up that that is NOT the case with mine.
• Holmes and Dracula VS. Jack the Ripper — Original Work (Sherlock Holmes and Dracula team up to stop Jack the Ripper from bringing about the Apocalypse)
• Tides of Lust — Original Work (Meliora, a traveling bard with demonic blood, goes on a pirate adventure with a feared disciple of Davy Jones and also meets a Vampiric Warlord)
• What The Dead Men Say — Original Work (Ivar Ragnarsson ends up in Victorian England, where he has little choice but to team up with an archeologist; was technically an ACV fic originally, but I hate the ISU stuff and refuse to include it so really it’s just a history fic tbh)
• Playing House with Private X — Original Work (A cryogenically frozen super soldier navigates the modern world with the help of a would-be super soldier who slipped through the cracks. Very slice of life; it started as a Soldier Boy fic—American Pie, but I scrubbed it of IP so I can continue it as an original work and publish it as erotic shorts)
• ‘Til Death Do Us Part — Original Work (Would-be Murder victim Judith “Jude” Carpenter tries to start a new life in a small town…where her would have been killer has taken up residence as the priest. The two must work together to survive the town’s dark secret.)
• Careful What you Wish For — Original Work (Janie, a serial killer hitchhiking to avoid capture, ends up being held prisoner by Levi, a recluse out in the middle of nowhere, and she pretends to be a helpless victim in exchange for food and a warm place to sleep. The story focuses on her disturbing inner monologue through her act.)
• Lord of Roses, Master of Thorns — Original Work (Ancient Vampiric King Alistair Val Mirron must fall in love to end his curse of immortality; Myrinthe, an odd Peasant introduced to him by and old flame, seeks to remain in the castle at all costs to avoid being forced to marry the annoying rich boy in town.)
• Taken From the Ren Faire — Original Work (This was meant to be a cheesy erotica short but I accidentally gave it a plot. Oops. Fantasy Author Vera Fox is spirited away into a fantasy world after drinking some strange mead from an interesting new vendor. She ends up in a fake relationship with a former bandit while he tries to help get her home; when they get separated, she questions if she even wants to go back to her old life, and this is only compounded when she finds her Ren Faire lover is trapped there too. This one is full of tropes because I'll be honest, I'm "Writing to Market" here, but I love the characters anyway. Owen-her Ren Faire lover- has a huge Clydesdale named Stormbreaker that he rescued from a roadside medieval themed attraction, and I love him.)
• A Marriage of Inconvenience — Homelander x Reader (The Boys; Amazon Show)
• Woven Sagas — Eivor Wolfkissed x Ivar Ragnarsson (Assassin’s Creed Valhalla)
• Mother — Skyrim Fic about my Dragonborn raising Aventus
• Critical Darling — Homelander x OC(Darcy Hayes, Dreamweaver) (The Boys; Amazon Show)
• In All My Dreams I Drown — Reaver x Sparrow (Fable 2)
Tags: I am abysmal at remembering URLs off the top of my head, but I will try. @sketchy-rosewitch @visceravalentines @rottent33th @ventiswampwater
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