#people act like it's a game where you pick a player to cheer on
tonya-the-chicken · 11 months
I have this feeling like everyone pretends that russo-ukrainian conflict is extremely complex when it's simple as heck while simultaneously pretending israeli-palestinian conflict is extremely simple when it's complex
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puckinghischier · 5 months
Gameday!Nico Headcanons
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just some more noggin thoughts while watching the game tonight 🤭
- gameday!nico who always asks for you to make him chocolate chip pancakes after morning skate because he claims it makes him fall asleep easier for his post-practice nap, but you think it’s really just because he wants an excuse to spend a bit more time with you before games and he knows they’re your favorite
- gameday!nico who always asks you to pick out his suit for arrival for him because he knows you’ll save every picture that’s posted of him, and also share them to your various social media stories, so he wants to look good in them for you
- gameday!nico who lets you come up with his celly each night, no matter how silly, because he knows you love posting his goals on your story and coming up with names for his various cellys throughout the season
- gameday!nico who forces the team to always act surprised when you show up to the arena with coffees and bakery treats for everyone after morning skate, even though you do it at least every other home game because he knows how much you love surprising people
- gameday!nico who only gets in fights when the opposing team’s players decide they want to include you in their chirps, knowing you’ll be mad at him for engaging, but he also can’t let anyone get away with thinking it’s okay to talk about his girl in any way that isn’t explicitly positive
- gameday!nico who calls you in-between warm ups and puck drop every game, even if you’re in the arena with him, because he needs to hear you say your usual “good luck, neeks. i’ll be cheering the loudest, you just gotta listen for me” or he won’t be able to play without thinking about how he didn’t get to hear your voice before hitting the ice
- gameday!nico who lets you write little messages on his stick before games so if he’s feeling discouraged during a game he can just look down and know that you’re proud of him no matter what, giving him a second wind to finish the game with everything he’s got
- gameday!nico who loves nothing more than walking out of the locker rooms at the end of the night, win or lose, to you standing there waiting on him with a big smile on your face, wrapping him in a hug and whispering in his ear how proud you are of him
- gameday!nico who looks forward to warm-ups every home game because he can’t wait to see what sign you bring that night. whether it’s a cheesy pick up line, a knock-knock joke, or simply an ‘i love you’, he loves to see what you’ve come up with.
- gameday!nico who loves to chuck a few pucks over the glass where you’re standing so you can hand them out to the fans that weren’t early enough to snag a spot on the glass for warm-ups
- gameday!nico who doubles over in laughter on the ice when he sees you on the big screen, flashing the silly etsy t-shirt you’re wearing with his face plastered all over it to everyone in the rock
- gameday!nico who comes home after any game you couldn’t attend and asks you, like an excited little kid, if you saw his goals and all the great plays he made that night. when you tell him yes he launches into a complete retelling of the game while you lay with him and gently stroke your fingers through his still wet hair, both of you wondering how you got so lucky to be able to come home to one another every night
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milaisreading · 1 year
hiii!! I've been reading your latest updates and I really loved your the toddler ones, can you please make one where the manager was with their nephew and the child looks like a mix of them and Sae, and Sae meet them while they were out and went with them throughout the day and even went to the zoo acting like the parents, and then came the paparazzi posting the news that their already married with a kid. I really want to see the boys reactions since their overseas
Author: Lmao the idea took me to out! LOVED IT! Here u go and I hope u like it! Thanks for the request 🩷
Warnings ⚠️: Reader uses she/her. Requests are open.
⚽️Blue lock belongs to:Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
One thing (Y/n) cherished a lot was her time off, not only will she have time to recharge and do whatever she wants, but also will have time to visit her older step-brother and his family. Ever since he left Japan to work in Portugal and got married there, (Y/n) only saw him during the holidays. They were pretty close growing up and it stayed that way to this day. So the 2 weeks break she got from the Bastard München team she used to fly out to Lisbon and spend her time with her brother, sister-in-law and her little nephew. Today (Y/n) took the little boy out and planned a zoo trip, some arcade games and dinner.
"Aunty! Can we please get ice cream after this?!" The red-haired boy asked (Y/n), who tightly held his hand as they walked through the crowd of people.
"Huh? Sure thing, Marc but you have to listen to me and not let my hand go, alright?" (Y/n) asked as the little boy nodded his head quickly. The older smiled at the redhead and finally got to the less crowded part of the sidewalk.
"Will we see lions there?"
"If course! A big, big family of lions!" (Y/n) grinned as Marc cheered. The girl smiled at the 4-year-olds reaction, but it was soon wiped off of her face as she felt someone grab her shoulder.
"What the?!" (Y/n) turned around and hid Marc behind herself as she looked at the person in front of her.
"Hey, sorry for scaring you. I didn't want to yell across the street and get unwanted attention."
Recognizing the voice, (Y/n) sighed in relief as Sae took of his mask and gave her a small nod.
"Sae-san, I didn't expect seeing you in Portugal of all places." The girl said, relaxing as Marc looked up at the redhead.
"Wah! You are Sae Itoshi! I am a huge fan!" The little boy exclaimed as he ran to hug Sae's leg.
"Marc, don't do that! It's rude to hug people out of nowhere." (Y/n) started scolding the boy, but Sae interrupted her as he crouched down to look the boy in the eyes.
"It's nice to meet you, Marc. Do you want to be a football player too?"
"Yeah! I want to play forward like you! My dad will enroll me in a club in two years!" Marc cheered, excited to that one of his idols was standing in front of him.
"Really? Do you have a favorite club?"
"Bastard München!" Marc said, causing Sae to raise his eyebrow.
"And why that?"
Marc grinned and grabbed (Y/n)'s leg while puffing out his chest.
"Because my aunty is their manager!" The said girl blushed a little and picked Marc up and Sae stood up straight.
"Ahh... that shouldn't really be your sole reason, Marc." (Y/n) told the redhead.
"Why? It's a good reason!" The boy pouted as Sae spoke up again.
"He is right, the reasoning is pretty good."
"What?" The girl wondered as Sae moved closer.
"I mean, you as a manager in Bastard is enough of a reason to like the club. I will tell you a secret, Marc. I am a fan of Bastard too, thanks to your aunty." Sae said, pretending to whisper it as Marc cheered. (Y/n) was meanwhile blushing a little from those words.
"A-ah... you flatter me too much, Sae-san."
"Not enough, in my opinion."
'Why is he so nonchalant?!' She thought as Marc waved her hand around, catching both of their attention.
"Can Sae-san please come with us today? Please, aunty." The boy gave the girl his usual puppy eyes and (Y/n) groaned.
"Marc, I am sure Sae-san has better things to do-"
"I really don't." Sae interrupted, getting the attention of the duo.
"I just finished an interview and am pretty much free for the rest of the day. Where are you two going?" Marc cheered at that, saying how they plan on going to the zoo.
"Are you sure we won't be a bother?" (Y/n) asked as Sae nodded his head.
"Yeah, let's go then. The zoo might get crowded again." The redhead told her calmly and she nodded her head. Putting Marc down, the boy hugged Sae's leg again. Before (Y/n) could scold him tho, the football player took the boy's hand.
"Shall we go?" Sae asked and (Y/n) nodded her head.
'I need to tell my manager to cancel those interviews for today.' Sae thought as he took his phone out.
'He is really good with kids and always so relaxed.' (Y/n) thought, smiling a little.
"I have unbelievable news! No sir, this is for the headliners!" The man who interviewed Sae just mere minutes ago said as he saw the interaction between the football player, (Y/n) and Marc.
"Yes, it's about THE Sae Itoshi. Listen, I will bring you the pictures and you will see what I mean." The man said, quickly following after them.
"Giraffes! Look!" Marc yelled excitedly as Sae lifted him up to get a better look at the animal. (Y/n) smiled and took a picture of the two, making sure the animal was in it too.
"They are really cute, Marc. There is even a baby over there." (Y/n) pointed excitedly as the boy turned to look at it.
"You want to take another picture?" Sae asked as (Y/n) shook her head.
"You probably had enough of that for the day-"
"I don't mind. Just take a picture." Sae said gently and she thought over it for a moment.
"Don't think too much about it, I am fine with you taking pictures."
"A-alright." (Y/n) answered, flustered with how he worded it. She took the picture and Sae put Marc down and she approached them.
"Do you want to see the lions next?" (Y/n) asked Marc and he nodded his head, grabbing the girl's hand.
"Let's go!"
Chuckling Sae followed after them, neither noticing the same reporter taking pictures of them. But aside from the reporter, a few football fans recognized Sae from the distance. Both shocked at the sight of the player with a redhaired kid and the Bastard München manager.
"Are they dating?"
"They could be married too. Look at the kid." The boy said to his friend, who inspected Marc's hair.
"Oh shit! It looks eerily similar to Sae's..."
"Maybe that dating rumor from a year ago had some truth to it..." The two said in sync.
"So, where do you want to go and eat?" Sae asked as they left the zoo while he held one of Marc's hand and (Y/n) held the other.
"I think there is a nice restaurant nearby, based on my research. They also have a cute playground for kids." Marc's eyes lightened up at that and Sae nodded his head.
"Did you have a weird feeling that we are being watched?" (Y/n) asked as Sae looked around in confusion, shaking his head.
"Not really. But enough of that, did you think about the offer?" (Y/n)'s breath hitched and she looked at Sae, who was sporting a serious expression.
"About that... I don't know..."
Sae sighed and nodded his head.
'I will wait, even if it takes years.'
"Say, I will be leaving for Madrid tomorrow evening. Want to meet up for breakfast?" Sae asked as (Y/n) thought the offer over and nodded her head.
"Sure. The hotel I am staying has a restaurant, the food is pretty good, we can meet up there." She suggested. The older Itoshi said nothing as he nodded his head, satisfied with how the day was ending.
The next day Sae arrived at the said hotel and immediately felt like something was off. Everyone at the reception was looking at him oddly and were whispering when (Y/n) joined him. While both were used to those things, due to their club connections, this was pretty off.
"Am I wearing my clothes the wrong way?" (Y/n) asked Sae as they waited for their meal. Sae took a sip from his coffee and shook his head.
"No, but it is weird how many people are looking at us..."
Just then, a waitress approached the two, clearly nervous as she held onto her phone.
"E-Excuse me..." She said.
"Yes?" (Y/n) said calmly, nudging Sae who still held his stoic look.
"Can... we were asked to take a picture of you two? It's not really everyday we have guests of your status here."
"Our status?" (Y/n) raised her eyebrow.
"Sure, but please make it quick." Sae sighed as the waitress quickly nodded her head and snapped 2 pictures.
"Thank you so much, Mr. and Mrs. Itoshi. By the way, you son is really adorable." The girl said as (Y/n) spat out her drink back into the cup. Flabbergasted, Sae watched the girl walk off and both were left to look at each other weirdly.
"What was that about?" Sae wondered as (Y/n)'s phone rang. Recovering from her shock she took the phone and looked down at the display.
'Ness? Why is he calling?' (Y/n) thought as she took the call.
"Where is he?! Where is the bastard unable to use a condom?!" Kaiser's loud yelling boomed through the phone and (Y/n) flinched a little.
"What? Who? And why are you using Ness' phone, Kaiser? Where is he?" Sae furrowed his eyebrows as he observed the scene.
"Ness is currently passed out thanks to your beloved hubby." Kasier growled.
"Hubby? Who? I didn't even have a boyfriend yet-"
"Ja ja, now where is he?"
Kaiser sighed from the other side and tried to speak up more calmly.
"Sae Itoshi, where is he?"
"Sae-san? He is here-"
"Give him the phone. And you will have a talk with the PR team for this once you come back."
"About what?" (Y/n)'s eyes widened and she nervously looked at Sae.
"You secretly marrying Sae and him not being able to control himself. Or better yet, wear a condom. The news about you two having a lovey-dovey time with your son yesterday is all over Germany." (Y/n) chocked on her spit and Sae got up from his seat to check on her.
"Are you alright? Give me the phone?" The redhead said.
"Kaiser, that was my nephew-"
"Is that Itoshi?! Give him to me!"
(Y/n) let out a groan as Sae took the phone from her and she put her head in her hands.
"Everything will be alright. Calm down." Sae said calmly as he kept on ignoring Kaiser's yelling.
Bastard München...
"Why is Kaiser yelling on the phone? And what even happened to Ness?" Isagi asked Noel, who was on the phone texting someone.
"Yukimiya, come help me lift him up." Kunigami called the brunette over.
"Kaiser is yelling at Sae right now and Ness passed out when we got a call from our PR team."
"What even happened? It can't be bad enough for Ness to pass out." Hiori comments as Kurona stared at Kaiser, who was switching from English to German.
"And what does Sae have to do with this?"
"Apparently Sae and (Y/n) are married and have a kid. A reporter in Portugal caught them yesterday." Noel explained as he showed Isagi an article. Kunigami and Yukimiya froze in their spots, causing Ness to fall on the ground again.
"What?!" The two exclaimed as Isagi went to grab Kaiser's phone and talk with Sae himself. Hiori and Kurona had completely opposite reactions. Kurona went completely numb while Hiori went to throw up in a nearby trash can.
"What's with all this yelling?" Gagamaru raised his eyebrow while walking into the locker room.
"Now... I know you two are mad..."  Lavinho said from the other side of the locked door, flinching as Otoya tried to kick it open again.
"We are not mad~" Bachira answered and Lavinho rolled his eyes.
"Listen, shit happens. So what if Sae married (Y/n) and they have a kid together-"
Lavinho cut himself off as Otoya kicked the door harder.
"At least he took responsibility-"
"He should have stayed away, simple." Otoya said back in malice, and Lavinho could only imagine the expression he had on his face.
"Please let us out, Lavinho. We won't do anything."
"Bachira... you went into rage and nearly kicked someone unconscious."
"So what?!"
Lavinho facepalmed, already knowing that the match between Barcha and Madrid will be even more hostile than needed to be.
"No Oliver, you can not drop kick Sae. I already told you that."  Snuffy said as he glared at his 4 Japanese players.
"Great, then I can-"
"No Baro, also not kick a ball to his face. Can you stop crying, Niko? So what if (Y/n) gave birth to Sae's kid-"
"Don't even finish that sentence! We are grieving!" Aryu said, now crying along with Niko. Snuffy rolled his eyes as Lorenzo kept Oliver and Baro from escaping.
"We should honestly forbid you 4 from leaving Italy." The coach commented.
"He touched our manager, we are allowed to beat him up for that!" Baro argued.
"Well, he didn't do anything illegal. Sae is her husband now-"
"Lorenzo, shut the hell up! Don't say such blasphemy!" Oliver cried out as he fell on the grass field.
"I am kind of offended they didn't tell us anything. Their child looks cute tho!" Chris grinned as Chigiri cried into the table.
"I agree with you, Chigiri. You think they will invite us to their anniversary? Oh, I have so many decoration ideas."
"I rather you break my right leg. What's the point of playing anymore? What's the point of living?" Chigiri cried out.
Meanwhile in the medical room Nagi was slowly waking up from his slumber while Reo was calling someone.
"What happened? What day is it? Did we win the World Cup?" Nagi asked as he sat up. Reo looked over at his friend and shook his head.
"Today is Friday, we didn't win the World Cup yet and an article came out of (Y/n) and Sae being married and having a child." Reo explained as Nagi nodded his head.
"(Y/n) and... Sae have a... child?" The albino asked as his eyes slowly widened. Reo nodded his head and watched as Nagi fainted again.
'This is like the 3rd time...' The purple-haired boy thought.
"Hello, Reo what did you need?" A woman's voice was heard from the other side.
"Hey mom, I have a question for you."
"What is it?" The woman yawned.
"How would you feel if I married a widow with a child?" Reo asked, sounding serious as ever.
"Just asking, hypothetically."
"Shidou, give me my phone back!" Karasu sighed as he put his pants on, watching as the younger Itoshi chased Shidou around, who held his phone as he laughed.
'This is like kindergarten.' Karasu thought as the phone in question started ringing.
Shidou looked at the display and grinned.
"Oh! It's your mom, Rinnie!"
"Give me my phone, you imbecile!" Rin yelled as Shidou shook his head.
"Nah, this is what you get for not passing even one ball to me." The blonde sighed and answered the call, putting it on speaker.
"Are you out of your mind?!"
"What?! Rin, is that you?!" The boy bit back a groan and chose to answer as Karasu and Shidou watched the scene in amusement.
"Sorry mom, what did you need?" Rin asked.
"I need you to pick the next possible flight to Portugal!"
"Why Portugal?"
"We are going to meet your nephew and our grandson!" His mom's words nearly caused Shidou to drop the phone as all three stared at it in shock.
"Nephew?! Did Sae knock someone up?!" Rin asked as Karasu held back a gasp.
"Not someone! It turns out my baby got married without even telling us and has a child with the girl. Your father is trying to reach him but he isn't picking up."
"Married?! Who?!" Shidou yelled, quickly covering up his mouth after that.
"Who?!" Rin repeated.
"Remember your manager in Blue Lock, (L/n) (Y/n) was it? Well her! Oh! They look so adorable! And the child even has Sae's hair color!" His mom gushed as Karasu's jaw dropped along with Shidou's. Rin's body meanwhile shook with rage as he calmly took back his phone and went to take his stuff.
"Yeah... I am on my way there." Rin said as he held back a scream.
"Good! Give Sae a hug from us! We will be there as soon as possible too." With that his mom ended the call and he walked out of the locker room, leaving his two shocked teammates behind.
"I sure will... it will leave him breathless." Rin murmured, hitting a nearby wall.
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yanderecrazysie · 11 months
How was your day? I hope it was great! 😊
A quote help inspire this brainrot and that is “Always the bridesmaid never the bride”.
Now I recently re-read your Unrequited story and got an idea. What if yandere Atsumu miya x best friend reader where Reader has a huge crush on him but Atsumu is a major playboy who don’t see Reader as a woman and thought she was tomboy. Like Reader and Atsumu are best friends and rivals since childhood as Reader is the Star player of the female volleyball. The reader is more on the muscular side and cut her hair short due to it getting in the way of her games. Like reader can keep up with the Male Volleyball team and even competes with the miya twins during practice. Even if reader acts tomboy-ish, she is still straight and actually a romantic at heart and wants to date but because of her general muscular appearance and gruff attitude boys are intimidated by her. Others boys don’t even see her as a woman and the general school thought that she was boy due to her looking like a boy similar to Haru from Ouran HighSchool host club. But the reader has huge crush of Atsumu since they were little but Atsumu is busy playing around with more feminine girls. Atsumu unintentionally ignores Reader’s confession thinking that she’s just joking around and gets into a fling with a girl that is opposite of reader: gentle, slim and beautiful. The reader heartbroken by Atsumu still wishes him a happy relationship and goes to cry for a little while but to her surprise Osamu comforts her and allows her to vent about her feelings and insecurities about her body and how she feels like boys don’t perceive her as woman. After some time, Reader and Osamu began to fall in love due to Osamu being there for reader and treating her the way she wants to be treated but when reader during a victory party gets drunk she unintentionally revealed her old feelings to Atsumu and with tears in her eyes said that she always supported him and wanted to him to see her as a woman but its too late and osamu just picks up the reader to avoid making a scene . How would Atsumu take this and what would he feel seeing that he lost the reader forever and to his own twin brother no less.
Hope you have a wonderful day!
Oooooh this is some good brainrot right here. Atsumu would totally be exactly like this too.
I feel like this turned out really stiff-sounding somehow.
Title: Overlook
Pairings: Miya Atsumu x Reader; non-yandere Miya Osamu x Reader
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, masculine female reader, drunk reader
Summary: Atsumu only sees you as one of the boys.
fail to notice (something)
The ball slammed against the floor, shooting back up into the air as the girls’ team cheers. The scoreboard was flipped, showing the numbers 25 to 20.
“Thank you for the game!” the two teams told each other a moment later before breaking up to mingle among each other. 
“Congratulations on the final point,” Osamu cheered, clapping you on the back. You’re glad your childhood friend isn’t a sore loser.
“Girls versus boys, and the girls win- how unfair,” Atsumu, another childhood friend, was less charitable, a defined pout on his face.
“That sounds pretty sexist,” you warned teasingly, “Assuming the boys will win and all.”
Atsumu responded back with an even bigger pout. You laughed, trying to hide the blush from your cheeks as you looked at him. 
A dark-haired boy walked over to stand next to Atsumu. He gave you a bored look for a moment before saying, “I thought you were a boy at first. You know, because of the short hair and muscles.”
A flush spread across your face. You knew that was how most people saw you, but it hurt hearing it directly from someone.
“That’s not very nice, Suna,” Osamu said coldly. You silently thanked him, giving a timid little nod.
Everyone thought you were a boy when they first saw you. It didn’t matter that you were somewhat girly, other than liking sports, it didn’t matter if you wore the girls’ uniform or had a romantic worldview- you weren’t seen as a woman at all.
You supposed it couldn’t be helped too much- your hairstyle was very typical of a boy’s and your figure was not very feminine. You were tall, muscular, and flat-chested.
The coaches of each team blew their whistles and you gathered with your team to hear the critiques from the practice match. You could tell that your coach was proud of you all for winning against the boys and you beamed whenever she praised your strength.
You were the one randomly chosen to stay behind and clean the gym. You didn’t mind at all, it always gave you time to think.
The boys left the gym, all except for Atsumu. Your heart skipped a beat as you realized he must’ve been chosen to stay and clean too! The blush that spread across your face was massive, touching even the tips of your ears, and you couldn’t keep the smile off your face.
Not a minute later and the two of you were alone together, running around, picking up balls and things that had been left behind. Once you had finished with that, the two of you headed for the janitorial closet to get the brooms.
“Hey, Atsumu,” your heart was pounding in your ears, but you knew this was the time to ask, when you were completely alone for once and not around each other’s teammates.
“What’s up, (Y/n)?” Atsumu asked, grabbing a large broom.
“I… I like you…” You blurted out, “Like… a lot.”
Atsumu immediately laughed, “Same, yer one of my closest friends, I’m almost as close to ya as Osamu.”
“No, that’s not what I mean,” you said frantically, “I mean-”
“Come on, I want to get this over with,” Atsumu whined, slipping past you and placing the broom on the floor, “Stop joking around.”
Your heart sank and tears leapt to your eyes. A strangled “okay” left your lips but you were anything but okay.
You shouldn’t have come to this party. Not if you wanted to keep your sanity.
Nearly the first sight you’d been greeted with was Atsumu making out with some random girl on the couch. The worst part had to be how the girl looked- skinny, feminine, large-breasted, and short. The complete opposite of you was clearly Atsumu’s type.
When Atsumu walked up to you with her on his arm, it’s all you could do to wish them a congratulations. You’re tearful the moment they turn away.
“Are you okay?” A soft voice asked you. You looked over to the source and were surprised to see Osamu standing next to you.
“I’m fine,” the minute the words leave your mouth, you burst into tears. 
Osamu gently led you over to one of the open private rooms and rubbed your back as you sob into your hands. You’re thankful for the comforting motions.
“What’s the matter?” Osamu asked you.
The words spill out of your mouth before you can even think about keeping quiet, “No one sees me as a woman, Osamu. I look like a guy and that’s all everyone thinks of me.”
“I see ya as a woman,” Osamu said quietly, “I always have.”
Before you know it, he’s closing the gap between you both. You allow it to happen, surprised by how soft his lips are as they meet your own. You melt into the kiss as though it were the only thing that mattered.
Three months later, another party rolls around. It’s a celebration for the team going to nationals and you’re there to support Osamu. You’ve drowned at least four drinks by now, and they’re nowhere near light on the alcohol.
You’re stumbling around, nearly blackout drunk at this point, when you run into Atsumu. Your feelings for him have long since faded, replaced by a fondness for his twin, but you can’t stop the words from coming. The alcohol has obliterated your filter.
“You know, I used to have a crush on you,” you giggle drunkenly, “All I wanted was for you to see me as a woman but noooo.”
You sway a little as a hiccup leaves your mouth, and you continue, “But it’s all for the best, right? Now I’ve got someone else, someone better.” A smile spreads across your face as you look across the crowded room to Osamu, who sends a grin back your way. You give a little wave, which almost sends you off-balance in your drunken state.
“I’ve found happiness elsewhere.”
Atsumu stares at you, mind working a mile a minute.
You’d had a crush on him? How hadn’t he noticed? How hadn’t he seen you? 
You looked every bit the part of a woman, decked out in a pretty dress for the party and a little bit of makeup. Yet, Atsumu had never bothered to look at you that way.
Maybe his feelings for you were sparked from the jealousy that his brother had something he didn’t. How dare ‘Samu take you away when you’d liked him first?
Maybe it was the rejection of your previous feelings, the knowledge that you’d moved on, even without him ever knowing you’d liked him in the first place.
As Atsumu watches you nuzzle up to his twin, giving him a peck on the lips, he feels white-hot jealousy course through his veins.
He wonders if he can get you to feel that way about him again.
Even if it hurts his brother in the process.
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accirax · 26 days
Disventure Camp All Stars Power Ranking (Round 19)
The finale begins!
In case you haven't seen my previous power rankings, the Power Ranking Format is essentially a way of ranking how well each player is doing in the game. So, in essence, this is a long form way of predicting who I think will be eliminated from the competition in the next episode. There will be spoilers for last week's episode (obviously) and its power ranking, so make sure to read that first if you don't want to be spoiled on how I ranked our last boot. If you want more clarification on the rules, that first post will help you out as well. Furthermore, I'm going to be spoiling the preview for next episode, so if you want to go in TOTALLY blind, save this for later. Let's go!
Recap - The Motel Episode
Current Score: 76 acquired/113 total
(Points versus @venus-is-thinking: 27 acquired/38 total)
Bench Points: 8/10 (so far)
(Note: Scoring for Fiore, James, and Yul was taken from the Motel episode. Scoring for Tom, Aiden, Lake, Connor, and Miriam are taken from the preview.)
Well, that was... not what I expected! I mean, all of the character dynamics and fun banter I mostly expected-- other than that one last shot at some Yul depth-- but the setup for the three finale helpers being chosen by a first-dibs challenge was not. And, even if I knew that that was going to happen, I probably wouldn't have guessed that Fiore, James, and Yul would be chosen as the helpers to Ally, Jake, and Riya. I look forward to seeing those unexpected pairings gain more focus in the finale.
Yeah, I think that pretty much everything else I had to say, I covered in my initial thoughts. There's less to talk about here when no one was actually eliminated. So, let's look at the trailer!
Trailer Analysis
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Looks like Emily will literally have to drag Trevor into being complicit kicking and screaming. Surely Derek and Trevor won't have a misunderstanding this episode that is resolved romantically in the last episode, right?
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I'm guessing that Ally and Jake are practicing here? Notably, it appears that Jake wins the practice race. I'm sure that won't get in Ally's head.
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Ooh, are they doing the Survivor-style finalists' breakfast this season?
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Is this one of their letters from home? Why is Jake smiling while reading it? Out of the two of them, I would guess it's probably Riya's letter, but it could also be a surprise Connor's letter or something.
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We're back in the mines from Season 1! Some bonus trauma for Jake, as that challenge occurred in the episode where Ellie berated him before he got eliminated.
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I guess maybe they have to mine/dig for clues?
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Despite the two seemingly getting along while eating breakfast, Ally will still sabotage Jake's team via giving James a rock to the face. Maybe that'll make James think twice about emotionally supporting Ally. (/j)
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So, Emily's act of sabotage (for this episode at least) is releasing the scorpions onto the campers in the midst of an otherwise peaceful challenge. Hooray for murdering people...?
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First of all, Jake needs to stop engaging in long jumps where he barely makes it to the other side. Secondly, this is probably the same gap that we see Riya putting a bridge over multiple times in the trailer, which may imply that Jake and James reach this area before Riya and Yul.
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Of course, everyone is going to wind up in the same tunnel at the same point in time anyways.
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This is interesting because, in the last shot, Riya was in the front of the pack. But now, she's throwing a rock at Ally, who's ahead of her. I wonder which scene happens first.
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"C'mon, everyone! Let's do the Jake cheer we've been practicing!" "One, two, three, four! Gooooooo--" "And, that's enough of that! Here come our finalists!"
James looking so dead inside while doing the cheer has me dead. Based on this, I'm guessing that Ally will have Hunter, Tess, Grett, Gabby, and Ellie, as well as picking up Alec, who's there to support Fiore. That would leave Jake and Ally with even benches, and Riya with no one other than a mandatory Yul. I feel really bad for Ally, though, given that Jake picked up both Ashley and Connor. It makes sense why both of them would pick Jake (they befriended him first), but I hope she doesn't take it too hard.
Power Ranking
I don't even think anyone is getting voted out this episode, so I'll keep this formality relatively quick.
#1: Jake
Jake is still my winner pick, as he has been for a while, and nothing other than his elimination is going to change that. Going up against Ally + Fiore and Riya + Yul is a stellar combo for Jake, because no way ONC wants Fiore or Yul to actually get their hands on any money. The only mildly confusing thing is that James would wind up winning money from the show again (despite being the first boot, even), but I have half a mind to believe that he'll just donate that money to Ally anyways.
I think that James is here to be an audience insert. Having barely participated in the game at all, James is still of the belief that Jake is exactly the same as he was at the end of Season 1, no matter what Aiden tries to tell him. By being someone who had no faith in Jake who learns over the course of the finale that Jake truly did become a more thoughtful and responsible guy, ONC will use a character that the audience loves to prove why they too should root for Jake's victory. They want to prove to the nonbelievers that Jake has improved, through him mending his relationship with his first DCAS burn. Or at least, that's how I see it, as a Jake winner truther since the beginning of the merge.
#2: Ally
While an Ally/Riya finale feels basically impossible to me, a Jake/Riya finale is plausible. Offputting, but plausible.
Ally has been in the strange position of being rootable but unlikeable for most of the game. I believe that she could turn it around and win, if ONC is going for a plot twist ending, or that she could be taken out now as the lesser of two evils to let the real baddie shine in the finale. Most likely, though, I believe she'll take second, learning some important life lessons and maybe getting some money from James.
Fiore is probably here to be the devil on Ally's shoulder. She'll suggest something cruel and unusual, and it'll be up to Ally to decide whether she can resist those urges, or whether her fate will fall to villainy. Fiore also may be here as someone who can comment on her relationship with Hunter. She saw the beginning where they were fighting, but she's also been at the Loser's Motel for long enough that she probably knows how Hunter feels about her now. If she's feeling nice, she could use that as motivation.
Let's go team Fiore!!!
#3: Riya
If someone is eliminated in this episode, it'll be confusing in and out of universe if it isn't Riya. She has Yul as a partner and a second disadvantage, and no one should want to work with or root for her. She's also obviously not going to win the season, so if the writers want to keep up suspense for who does, they should eliminate her and leave the finale to Jake and Ally. Really, the only reasons why I don't think she would be eliminated this time are because 1) it's so obvious and 2) I don't think anyone will actually be eliminated this episode.
I think that Yul is mostly here for the comedy of it all, and so that the writers didn't have to choose who he would genuinely choose to root for otherwise. There is also some juicy potential for something I've mentioned before-- for both of them to reflect on their shared tendency to sabotage themselves by always choosing material success over building relationships or choosing to be kind. If we're lucky, we'll get some reflection on that, but I'll be happy with just a Riya/Yul cringe comp.
Alright, I've probably hit my government-mandated word count now that I've yapped about the helper choices a bit. Excited for the finale! Let's end this season on a high note!
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kaibutsushidousha · 9 months
What are your thoughts on TM takes of Taigong, Nezha and Huang Feihu?
Taigong is always a delight to watch. He wears his crippling fear of disappointing on his sleeve, making him very proactive as a tactician and having him deliver the most transparent lies about his status and confidence. When he succeeds, we cheer because he's generally awesome and we know he was trying really hard to impress. When he fails, we cheer because his reactions are great. There's no losing with Taigong. His relationship with Daji has the standard levels of sexual tension and bitter aftertaste we'd expect, and TM chooses to have him act outwardly mature toward the event he'll never forget. Again, nothing new, but Taigong Wang is a hard figure to screw up for me. The only way to feel unsatisfied about him is by comparing him to his Houshin Engi counterpart, but it honestly feels almost bad faith to raise the bar that high (this applies to every Investiture character in FGO).
Nezha is another of my favorites, but she's harder to talk about because she's been in many main story chapters through hands that write her very differently. The general common ground is that Nezha's demeanor draws a lot from his portrayal in Houshin Engi, which is a directing my biased ass likes a lot for all Investiture characters.
As for Nezha's individual portrayals, she was initially a Higashide profile with the worst genderbend background this series produced to this day. Next, Meteo picked her up for Salem, fitting her as the party member who defaulted to violence at every choice where violence wasn't an option. It's the same brand of humor they use for Nightingale and you probably know how much I love this. Salem also puts a sweet amount of emphasis on Nezha's status as a hero for the children, making her the Servant that bonds the closest with Abby. Later Urobochi has Nezha in SIN as a plot device that didn't need to be present outside Shi Huang's backstory. Then, the transition between SIN and Yuga Kshetra has a Nasu scene of Nezha commenting on the similarities between the natural limitations of hers and da Vinci's artificial lives, which is somehow still the second-best character interaction da Vinci's ever got (the first being Mike).
Lastly, Nezha passed through Minase's hands in Yuga Kshetra, where she was written to her best capacity yet. I imagine she was a miss for most people because Yuga Kshetra is expecting a lot of familiarity with Nezha's character from the player. Nezha's background has still never been given in the game. Materials barely touch her relationship with her father. The best we got is an interlude with Nezha saying she chose to be a benevolent god who treats children because cherishing children is what it means to be the opposite of his father (note: this goes so hard). But when you come to the story with preestablished feelings about Nezha's and Li Jing's relationship, Nezha's visceral reactions to being fused with her father hit like a truck.
And Feihu is tragically boring. They failed to make his moral conundrum feel like a real question. They wasted Tianhua as Saint Graph piece. They debuted him in an event that puts him in the background in favor of Higashide's worst joke character yet. Considering the trend of Investiture Servants drawing a lot from their Houshin Engi characterization, we really need to put Wen Zhong in the game to salvage Feihu's character with the power of peak old man yaoi.
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randomnameless · 2 months
Glancing at something on Ao3 -
What kind of feelings Jerry was supposed to evoke, actually?
FE16 pushes the player - through Billy - to consider Jerry as a good parent, because it plays with the red herring about the evil lizard lady being evil.
And yet, even with all of his misgivings about his kid, Jerry is still the one who calls Flamey's bullshit and wonders if running away from GM wasn't the stupidest decision he ever made, just before kicking the bucket.
Being the cheap copy of the Ike'n'Greil relationship, Jerry's presence and death is supposed to be important to Billy - even in Tru Piss where they look pissed at seeing Emile and working with Uncle'n'pals.
And yet, unlike what we learn about Greil being the chadest amongst chads with 1 (one!) blackspot to his record, whenever you talk to characters about Jerry you're met with... less than rosy thoughts, even if the characters apparently handwave it away.
Let it be with Leonie, or even Alois, Billy learns that their dad wasn't the chadest of chads like Greil, but a drunkard (before Citrus' death, since Alois was a kid!) who apparently played dangerous games with people who idolised him, left his kid alone to be showered with praise by Leonie's village as he dealt with bandits, and left bar tabs all around the continent for his "apprentices" to pay.
Come the "journal" where, imo, we learn that dude was so afraid of his baby not being "normal" than he ran away from the odd lady who saved them "a long time" ago and who's pretty much not normal himself, and the place where his own wife, who displayed - partly - the same "abnormality" as their baby grew up and lived.
Then Nopes happened and did a number on poor Jerry - from mocking their kid's potential aspirations at being something else than a sword for hire, to their singing (done to cheer him up!) and actually learning he at times apparently let them go without food while he never invited them to the "thank you" parties throwns by the people his company saved...
Billy still loves their dad, but is he a good dad by any means?
With all that knowledge, after playing both FE16 and Nopes, can we really feel upset when Jerry kicks the bucket? For Billy maybe, because Jerry is important for them, but does it has the same echo as Greil's death, or even, to remain in Fodlan, Rodrigue's?
I guess if in Nopes, Jerry acted on his heel-face turn (or suddenly growing a brain) from his penultimate FE16 dialogue, we could have had a character growing beyond the red herring and the "unreliable narrator" stuff FE16's first part gave us, and maybe make for a more grounded-complete character, like confessing that he panicked after Citrus' death and worried for Billy, but regrets not being able to bring them the best life they dreamt of, and willing to apologise and let Billy grow in the same environment Citrus did.
Or maybe even explore what Jerry did in 300 years, if he never bothered to wonder why the fuck was he living to be as old as the elites, or his thoughts and feelings about Rhea periodically using hairdye to pretend to be someone else and "aging" even less than him...
Given how - or maybe i'm tainted by the fandom - FE16 thrived on the playerbase feeling characters/situation "relatable" from a doylist pov, I guess Jerry running away with bby!Billy because they weren't "normal" wasn't as weird as it sounds, babies should rightfully have a beating heart!
Bernie is a hikkikomori (forget the part where she's supposed to be the heir of one of the most important lands in Adrestia which would rightfully make her father disappointed with her (lbr, Greg would either have tried to get another kid with Bernie's mom, or got a second wife/bastard, or picked a branch member of his house to take his succession), Linhardt falls asleep and doesn't want to do his job as the next minister of Finances/whatever his dad does and prefers to hyperfocus on academic research ? How lol (please ignore the implications of House Hervring's heir being, uh, not interested in whatever his father does and how he is supposed to inherit his job (at least before Supreme Leader starts her war and pulls out her "reforms")).
Between the brackets are the first arguments that come to mind, if we consider the world those characters live in, aka Watsonian wise.
Jerry is worried about his baby's heart not beating and them not being normal? Jerry, you're not "normal" per Fodlan's standards yourself, you're over 300! Your wife had the same difficulties to emote than your kid and she might or not have had the same "heart not beating" syndrome given how it's her own heart that was transplanted in your kid
You know that what is "normal" for regular humans in Fodlan do not apply to you, your wife or your boss who oddly looks like your wife. So why was that argument even considered when you decided to run away and condemn your child to a life of "sword for hire" and danger at each day ending with a -y ?
IDK, it's as if, in BK, Kalas' bro, born without wings - which is an oddity since apparently everyone is born with some in this verse - finds Kalas weird for only having "one wing" and not two like everyone. It would be the pot calling the keetle back (but since BK is a game with coherent writing, this never happened).
Jerry runs away with the baby because the baby isn't normal despite the midwife assuring everyone they are?
300 yo Jerry runs away with the baby because the baby has the same condition as their mother despite the "immortal lady who saved his life" assuring him the baby is alright?
So, in the end, what are we supposed to think of Jerry?
Was he a character who made the best situation out of the shitty cards he was handed regarding their kid?
Or a character who swallowed an idiot plot ball to play with the doylist red herring, made errors but ultimately saw the light before being Clownya'd?
Or, given his supports and Nopes, a shitty character whose only redeeming point is to be Billy's dad, and who receives a lot of leeway by virtue of being Billy's dad by the writing team (given two fans) and the first game being from Billy's POV?
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pantoneyoongi · 1 year
neon signs | troy bolton has nothing on yoongi
title ; troy bolton has nothing on yoongi  pairing ; campus crush!yoongi x campus crush!you 
notes ; 
this is part of the neon signs drabble series, where drabbles are released in random order (but listed chronologically in the masterlist!) 
series description ;
namjoon doesn’t think it can get any clearer outside of yoongi building a giant neon sign saying i have the absolute biggest crush on you but apparently, book smarts don’t exactly translate when it comes to you and your massive crush on min yoongi. 
(alternatively: namjoon and hoseok try for three years straight to get you and yoongi together.) 
word count ; 1.8k
tags ; basketball player yoongi :), fluff, pls go to masterlist for more / general tags 
it’s a well known fact that yoongi doesn’t leave his dorm for much. most people would be hard pressed to get him to come to much of anything at all, but if there’s any guarantee that you’ll be around, then chances are, he’ll be there too. 
all that said, the only other place you might find yoongi without needing to con him into going is the basketball court. there’s a public one little ways off campus, that hoseok and namjoon will occasionally join him at on warmer days. hoseok and namjoon aren’t really any good at basketball so it’s more like yoongi is playing on his own, but he doesn’t mind the company. 
hoseok and namjoon are running circles around each other when yoongi scores another shot, just as namjoon’s phone rings. he jogs off the court, holding it to his ear. “yeah?” 
yoongi dribbles the ball around a hoseok who gave up long before namjoon stepped out of the game. he vaguely registers namjoon giving out the location of the court while the ball flies from his fingertips, swishing smoothly through the net. he intended on jogging over to grab the ball that’s now rolling off court, but then he hears namjoon go, “let me know if you can’t find us. okay. bye, y/n,” and yoongi instead comes skidding to a halt, hoseok looking up from his own phone in interest from the sudden lack of movement. 
“is y/n coming?” hoseok asks. namjoon picks up the ball yoongi left on the ground, nodding. 
“yeah,” he tosses the ball to yoongi, who catches it with ease, heart rate picking up a little from the knowledge that you’ll be here soon. yoongi presses his lips together, eyes flicking from side to side, deep in thought. 
namjoon’s eyebrows raise. “you alright, yoongi?” 
yoongi snaps his gaze back up to his friend. he smiles. “yep.” 
“hellooooo,” you cheer when you arrive at full speed, sprinting onto the court. you crash into namjoon then immediately reel back in disgust. “aw, gross, you’re all sweaty. i didn’t know you did that.” 
namjoon eyes you disdainfully. “you didn’t know i sweat?” 
“i didn’t know you exerted physical effort.” 
namjoon deadpans, hoseok laughing as he comes over to give you a side hug in greeting. you wave at yoongi, who tucks the ball under his arm and waves back, lips curled up in that cute bracket-like way he always does. you beam. 
“did you know yoongi’s a genius on the court?” hoseok whispers theatrically loud, nudging you in the side. you glance over at yoongi, who is pointedly looking away, pretending not to pay attention. 
“really?” you ask back in interest. 
“troy bolton has nothing on yoongi,” hoseok confirms, just as yoongi easily sinks another ball into the net. 
“we just come to keep him company,” namjoon shrugs, taking a swig from his water bottle. “most of the time it’s just me and hoseok running around ‘cause there’s no point trying to actually play against yoongi.” 
yoongi is acting like he isn’t listening to his friends hype him up to you, but his heart is pounding, because he can feel your eyes on him. he sinks shot after shot after shot, listening carefully for your quiet gasps and tiny claps every time the ball goes through the net. after some time, he finally dares to glance back at you, breath catching in his throat immediately. 
your eyes sparkle, a grin forming wide on your face when you spot him looking at you. “yoongi!” you run up to him, stopping short just in front of him. “i didn’t know you played so well.” 
he scratches the back of his ear, suddenly shy. “yeah,” he tries to sound casual. “i’ve been playing since i was little.” 
“can you do trick shots?” 
you look so curious and excited that he can’t help but puff his chest a little, spinning the ball around in his hand. “i can try.” 
the way your eyes light up make him all the more determined. he gently nudges you off the court so you don’t accidentally get hit, then backs up past the middle of the court, so he’s halfway to the other side. “that’s so far,” you say, amazed, mouth dropping when yoongi lands the shot flawlessly. he grabs the ball again and runs back to the same position, but this time, turns around, facing away from the basket. “no waay,” you shake your head. “there’s no way, yoongi, c’mon.” 
he tilts his head towards you, and smirks, and you suddenly feel like eating your words. 
especially when he makes the shot. 
yoongi gives you that grin you love so much, the one where his gums show and you know he’s proud of himself. you figure he deserves cheering for that, jumping up and down, ignoring namjoon’s, “you’re so easily impressed,” shoving him to the side. yoongi ducks his head to hide his chuckle (and also a quick sigh of relief - he wasn’t sure if he’d make that one) before looking back up at you. 
your eyes glitter with adoration. yoongi’s doing an impressively poor job hiding how pleased he is, namjoon rolling his eyes when yoongi brings the ball up to to spin it on one finger. namjoon knows you love that move. you can never get that move right so it excites you whenever someone else can. true to his prediction, you immediately run back over to yoongi, gasping. “you can do that too?” 
“most people who play basketball can,” yoongi tries to shrug it off, nonchalant, but his heart swells with pride at the way you fawn over him, fascinated. he keeps it spinning just so he can hold your attention, yoongi watching you as you watch the ball. he almost breaks concentration staring at you, pretty eyes shining and cheeks lifted from your wondrous smile. 
the distraction makes the ball slip but you don’t notice because in the exact moment it tips to the side, you snatch it from him, startling him. you flee, giggling all the way down the court, until you’re right in front of the basket, tossing it up. 
(tossing is a generous description. even yoongi has to admit that it’s more like… chucking it at the basket. it’s a miracle the ball even went up rather than straight down.) 
namjoon snorts when you miss entirely - not even coming close - and while yoongi winces slightly at first, it’s hard not to stare fondly at you, head tilting as he watches you make several more attempts, not satisfied until you can make at least one shot. 
hoseok sidles up to him, arms crossed against his chest. “you should help her,” he whispers so only yoongi can hear, while you’re struggling with the ball but refusing to give up. “you know… stand behind her, position her arm, hold her ha- ack-” hoseok chokes when yoongi elbows him hard in the stomach, ears burning. 
“shut up,” he hisses, mind running wild at the thought of being close to you. sure, the longer the two of you spend time together, the more likely you’ll wind up hooking your arm around his, or casually bumping against him playfully, but yoongi never initiates any contact beyond maybe a brief head pat. his heart speeds up the way it always does when it comes to you, by now barely even registering hoseok rubbing his sore spot, whining. 
“i’m just tryna help,” hoseok complains. “and honestly, being real with you right now, she really needs the help. look at her.” 
all three boys suck in a breath when the ball narrowly avoids falling back onto your own head. “alright alright,” namjoon intervenes, snagging the ball before you can get it again. “we had a basketball unit in high school. how can you still be this bad?” 
you click your tongue and swipe at him, but namjoon simply lifts the ball in the air with one hand with an exasperated look on his face. he twists his wrist and flicks the ball in yoongi’s direction, the ball hitting the ground once and bouncing right back into yoongi’s hands. 
“yoongi’ll teach you,” namjoon offers with a saccharine smile. yoongi freezes. he whips his head to hoseok. 
did you conspire on this? 
hoseok grins. “singular roomie brain cell.” 
having you close is distracting. it’s beyond distracting. you smell nice and you look at him with doe eyes and yoongi admits he doesn’t usually have a whole lot of brain cells running on active if he can help it but when he’s hardly an inch away from you, there’s definitely a lot of short-circuiting going on in his head. 
but he has a reputation to hold about basketball and he likes seeing you smile. so he mentally slaps himself in the face and gets himself back in working order for you. 
patiently, he adjusts your positioning. a gentle hand on your elbow, a light touch against your shoulder. you follow instructions easily enough, eyes following his every move, so invested in everything he has to teach you. it takes a couple tries - yoongi has to physically turn around and shut his eyes at one point when you pout at another missed shot because what the fuck, is it legal for someone to be this cute? - but eventually, something works. 
probably dumb luck, all things considered. but you make the shot, a clean swish through the net. 
both of you are honestly a little dumbfounded, heads tilting up, and then back down, following the ball’s trajectory. you both stand there, blinking blankly at the ball now rolling off the court. 
even namjoon and hoseok, who are lounging on the bench courtside, are frozen for a minute. it’s hoseok who wheezes in shock, then hollers, “you did it!” that kick-starts everyone back into action, you squealing in excitement before jumping around and running half a lap around the court before stopping in front of yoongi, grin so utterly bright someone could probably tell yoongi you’re the sun and he’d agree without batting an eye. 
“yoongi, i did it!” you practically leap into the air, whooping. “y’know the last time i made a shot was because namjoon lifted me up to the basket in high school?” 
yoongi’s lips tug upwards into a smile. he reaches out, ruffling your hair affectionately. “superstar,” he praises, and you breathe out a shaky, giddy laugh, biting your lip as you look up at him. 
the moment is interrupted by hoseok swinging an arm over your shoulder into a hug, yelling something about we got a new troy bolton on the court! but your eyes are still on yoongi’s and for the life of him there’s no way he’d take his off yours. 
even with hoseok tugging you around, the smile on your face feels like one you’re sharing only with him, and god knows the stupid smile he’s giving you back is meant only for you, too. 
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series masterlist ; neon signs
taglist ; @thelilbutifulthings​ @bbsantc​ @chickentenderx​ @taegijns​ @princxssly82​ @manuosorioh​ @sugaluvmyg 
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lem-argentum · 9 days
ok so fuuta playing final fantasy online [with you?] how would it go
at first i thought she’d probably think mmos were stupid (she ridicules things she considers wastes of time & money, and they would probably fall into those categories for her) and not engage with them at all.
but THEN i considered…. she really struggles to fit in & find community in real life. so i think the concept of “massive online world where you can play as your ideal fictional self/a beloved hero” would very very much appeal to her. so maybe she’d begrudgingly give it a try, get invested, and then ridicule herself because “dammit how did this happen to me now I’M the stupid mmo player.” it would probably be a secret interest of hers because she’d be embarrassed about it. <3
if he lived IN the xiv universe he would be a dunesfolk lala.fell paladin (i know this because i know this <3.) but PLAYING it….. i think he’d play a x.aela. a x.aela girl specifically, and in his MIND he’d be like “i’m just playing a girl character because i find her attractive .” but in REALITY it’d be because transgender. <333 :) i really wanna say she’d pick h.alone as her patron but the other option would be a.zeyma for the fire… she’s fire…
she would definitely WANT to play a tank class. she wants to be a leader. so she’d probably choose gladiator at the beginning. but then i think she would end up finding it stressful when she gets to actual multiplayer content so she switches to maining a dps class HFNKSND. <3 she LIKES attention but not JUDGMENTAL attention so i could easily see her getting way too nervous about it fknzjfkz. <33
there are some dps classes i’m not suuuper familiar with so i’m not 100% sure what her favorites would be exactly… but she wouldn’t like phys ranged (feels too easy to her). i haven’t touched samurai at all but from what i know it sounds like something she’d like…?? melee, strict rotation, selfish dps, cool sword? yes? sounds like her. i think she’d like red mage too because she’d find the rotation btwn melee/ranged casting engaging, and she’d like having healing/rez skills because it makes her feel important hehe. <3 she would PICK UP black mage because it has the most dps potential and she’d like the idea of that. but then she’d get annoyed at the cast times and drop it HAHA. <33
she wouldn’t like arr because it’s boring and predictable, but also. she does like cool hero moments. she would find some of it cool (r.hitahtyn fight, ultima weapon. she’d hear “the maker’s ruin” and go “…damn this is kind of sick. *adds to playlist*” (<-little does she know this is the moment it would be over for her)). <3
she would like heavens.ward bc that’s when the writing & gameplay starts getting more interesting :) <3 SHE WOULD HAVE A CRUSH ON Y.SAYLE. THANKS. she’d probablyy like storm.blood. she’d think z.enos is cool but also annoying. AND SHE’D LIKE YOTSUYUUU… she’d be entirely into the game at this point but also annoyed at having spent so much time in it HAHA <33
and then ok listen shadow.bringers and end.walker would change her ok. she’s NOT getting out of this unscathed she’s going to have a shb poster on her wall by the end of this HEHEHFKD. okay BECAUSE they’re both like “you’re the cool awesome hero everyone is relying on and you’re very important and everyone is cheering you on. and also you are not alone and everyone is struggling with things as deeply as you are. and people care about you even when you’re not a hero and you’re just yourself and you don’t have to act stronger than you are all the time.” and fnskdDJ I JUST THINK F.UUTA WOULD CONNECT VERY DEEPLY TO THE WOL AND WOULD END UP CARING VERY DEEPLY ABOUT HER CHARACTER AND CONNECT HER TO HERSELF AND. YOU GET IT!!!!??! HERO EMOTIONS!!!!!!!!!!/!!
ANYWAY trying to think of who her favorite scion would be……. i’m tempted to say es.tinien. because she’d be a heavens.ward fan and she’d think he’s cool. he’d also think y.shtola is really cool esp. in shb/ew (and probably have a crush on her too HFKND) <3. and y’knowww. raha would probably be one of his favorites but he prefers him as the exarch (because he’s embarrassed about liking the silly catboy that much. he liked when he was a mysterious ruler EHFKDN) <33.
her favorite dungeons……. the aetherochemical research facility (she likes the difficulty spike in the last boss), baelsar’s wall (same reason), ghimlyt dark (it’s cool, some challenging mechs <3), holminster switch (“…damn this is sick *adds “to fire and sword” to playlist*” HAHA <3), amaurot (SHE IS SO INTO THIS), the twinning (probably her favorite to get in high-lvl roulette), lunar subterrane (she would be soooo into g.olbez’s & d.urante’s story are you kidding). <3
SHE’S DEFINITELY UM. THE TYPE OF PERSON TO BE RLLY INTO LEARNING THE MECHS OF CONTENT. AND SHE LIKES EXPLAINING THE CHALLENGING ONES TO FIRST-TIMERS BC IT MAKES HER FEEL COOL AND HELPFUL… she’d jump the gun and be like “lol well everyone always gets this part wrong. i’ll explain it to them before we get there” and when it turns out they all already know she’s like SHIT. HUMILIATING. (source: i do this sometimes)
she’s probably more critical of others’ mistakes at the beginning but mellows out eventually as she learns she just wants to help & is just excited to share info about the game as she starts to really like it :). <3 and maybe she eventually does make friends in-game. good ending. <3 xiv-player f.uuta is a good reality I KNOW THIS BECAUSE I KNOW THIS… <333
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chicknparm · 3 months
It's halfway through the year! Got any favorite albums/books/tv shows/whatever to recommend? (Congrats on the marriage btw ❤️)
Hi hi! I've finally remembered to answer this! So I'm terrible at keeping up with New Media so I'll just list some stuff I've been into lately, and mostly keep it to recent-ish things when I can.
Friends at the Table (Podcast) - Forever and always, this show rules. The best RPG Actual Play show, the best podcast, one of my favorite works of ongoing fiction. I fell off when Morv was here but I finally caught up and am current on Palisade, which means I'm now getting to dive back into Twilight Mirage. For you, Bri: Palisade and TM seem to have a lot in common to me. They're both sprawling, ambitious follow-ups to beloved sci-fi seasons, and they both have moments that absolutely knock my fucking socks off. But they're both also kind of inconsistent and took a while to get going imo? Even 50 episodes into both, I find myself tuning out a lot more easily during certain arcs where others have me glued to my headphones. Keeping some of the Partizan characters around has definitely prevented Palisade from dipping too far though, since I think that batch of characters might be my favorite from just about every player. Kalvin Brnine 4ever. For others who might be reading this: Other Actual Play shows have better production value, visual aids, professional voice acting, and might be easier to follow, but all the things that make Friends at the Table kinda hard to get into are the reasons why it rules, actually. It feels less like watching improv, and more like watching a writers' room for a TV show go to work. And that kind of thing is infinitely more interesting to me as a storyteller. I cannot get enough of "behind the scenes" type stuff where you see the process of crafting a story, and to have it be a main aspect of the show itself makes Friends at the Table a treat to watch. I promise you, you will not find cooler world-building or a greater commitment to narrative in any other show in the genre.
Street Fighter 6 (Game, lol) - The best fighting game on the market currently. I've started going to local tournaments and getting to know some of the competitive players in my city, and let me tell you there's nothing like it. It absolutely rules to feel myself get tangibly better at a skill, and not only celebrate it myself, but have other people celebrate with me. Hearing people cheer when I pull off something cool, and hearing them root for me against the better, more established players really dulls the pain when I (frequently) hit road blocks and feel bad about myself. I think fighting games are really cool, but finding your local Fighting Game Community is the absolute best way to experience community in video games and it's not even close.
This Could All Be Different (Novel) - Borrowed this from my beautiful, kind, iconic wife. It's a (seemingly loosely autobiographical) novel about a lesbian immigrant who finds herself struggling to find herself and find community after moving to Milwaukee for a decent (or so it seems) job. It started out kind of slow, and a little rough, but once it got its hooks in me it was in there fucking DEEP. I finished it within like 36 hours of picking it up for the first time, which is extremely rare for me. Maybe it's just been a while since I've read a good-ass novel but the craft with which the protagonist's arc was conveyed really knocked me on my ass in hindsight. We watch her grow, improve, face the consequences of her actions, learn to accept community and unlearn some toxic coping mechanisms, but none of it feels as hokey and contrived as it very easily could be. Her changes are almost never acknowledged by the story or narration, it's just something that happens. Hopeful but not saccharine. The love story is an integral part of both the plot and the characters' arc, but it is so far removed from the Fanfic Trope Zone that seems to have taken over the shelves of every bookstore near me that it should barely even be included in the pitch. Really challenged how I think about family, politics, community, and my own self-image in ways I was absolutely not expecting. Huge fan.
I Saw the TV Glow (Film) - I don't think I have anything to say about this that other people haven't already contributed. I did not Love this movie the way other people did, and it didn't Hit me the way it Hit almost everyone else I know. I was expecting to sob and walked away with dry eyes. But I've thought about it just about every day since I saw it. The tragic core of the film is something I absolutely recognize and find affecting, but I do not Relate to it the way that many others do. Due to how it came about there was basically no Denial phase in my realization of my gender. Well, maybe there was about the specifics, but the notion that I was Not Cis was basically immediately followed by hard conversations and coming out to friends and experimenting with presentation and pronouns and self-concept. I am not exaggerating even a little bit when I say that if I hadn't been too scared by the Creatures, and had watched Buffy, the Vampire Slayer when I was a kid I might have ended up in an extremely similar situation to this film's protagonist. If I had to grapple with identity in that way surrounded by the violently oppressive aspects of patriarchy that I was already victim to in school, I definitely would've buried it in the dirt. In my Letterboxd review I said that I had to talk myself into giving it more than 3 stars. I eventually succeeded, and I'm guessing I'll add more and more to that rating as I rewatch it over the years.
Um anyway that's what I'm thinking about at the moment, and that's what I've got the Brain Space to write up, thank you so much for this ask! It's always fun getting a prompt (even if unintentional) that forces me to put on my Critical Writer cap. And especially thank you for the congratulations, I married my Tumblr Crush and I couldn't be happier :') Thank God for Life is Strange.
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genderdotcom · 11 months
for the companion tav ask meme: 5 & 11 from general and 7 & 12 from story specific? 👀 :3
5. Are there any instances where your Tav can permanently leave the party, depending on player character actions?
if the player raids the grove, she will leave the party to try get the children out safely- possibly with wyll and karlach. in act 2, she will be found in the cells in last light. due to losing the prism’s protection, she’s feverish and trying desperately to resist the voice of the absolute in her head. jaheira imprisoned her for her own safety.
if the children all escaped and survived, she can be convinced to help the party again- as an extra party member like jaheira in the battle against moonrise towers, and even then ONLY if aylin and isobel are alive, so basically a total heel-face turn for the player. after the battle, riah will leave the player and help get the kids to baldur's gate.
11. Are there any moments in the game that trigger unique dialogue for your character? (Like Gale’s anecdote about the barfight after you save the goblin prisoner)
if entering the zhent hideout in waukeen's rest, she'll mutter something uncomplimentary about the occupants.
when talking to mol in baldur's gate, she'll be outraged that mol took raphael's deal- but not at mol, at herself for not being able to save mol before she felt the need to do that. riah's just started to take up the mantle of 'hero', and in her eyes she's failed immediately.
7. What can they be found doing at the tiefling/goblin party?
at the tiefling party, she's mingling! trying to play along with alfira on a lute she picked up and COMPLETELY butchering it! getting absolutely shitfaced! (if the player talks to wyll after securing a different romance option, they'll find that riah was already there and tried to cheer him up- and even managed to steal a kiss.)
12. Is it possible for your Tav to be kidnapped and replaced by Orin?  How is Orin's deception revealed?  How do they react to the PC rescuing them in the Temple of Bhaal?
ABSOLUTELY she's one of the people that can get kidnapped. when the player reaches the area in the undercity, 'riah' appears, grievously injured and with her horns cut off, begging them to flee.
when rescued, she'll be pissed off at herself for getting captured, but woozy and very out of it. if the players accepted gortash's offer of an alliance, she'll be angry about having thrown a wrench in it by being kidnapped.
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athirstygoblin · 1 year
General 4, 7
Story 7, 12, 17
Romance 1, 6, 7, 11
Asks here
4. What sort of general actions raise or lower their approval?
To raise Nolee's approval, you would be wise to pick choices that help other people and choosing peaceful methods where possible. Depending on the scenario she also approves of playful choices being made, such as making a joke to cheer her up.
Nolee disapproves of actions that harm others or being violent. She also disapproves of disrespect towards religions, and choosing humerous options in moments that are supposed to be serious. She also does not react well when being laughed at or blamed for when she opens about her past.
7. Do they have their own personal quest that spans the course of the game?  Can it take different branching paths depending on the choices the Player Character makes?
Her personal quest would be titled "The Disciple of Waters." and will span over the three arcs, but only being prominent in Acts 2 and 3. It basically is about dealing with a cult that is targeting her monastery, with her being the prime target There are four total outcomes that can arise from this situation, and it depends on two factors- 1 is whether her monastery is destroyed or not, and 2 is whether you spare Arias, the leader of the cult and Nolee's 'lover'. Any one of these outcomes influences Nolee's personality greatly. For example, failing to save the monastery and killing Arias will harden Nolee, and you will garner disapproval from choosing violent options less often.
7. What can they be found doing at the tiefling/goblin party?
Nolee can be found with Alfira, who will be teaching her how to play the lute. She will then invite them to sit by the lake with her, away from the others. Depending on dialogue choices, she may give Tav a smooch on the kiss (only if flirted with prior).
12. Is it possible for your Tav to be kidnapped and replaced by Orin?  How is Orin's deception revealed?  How do they react to the PC rescuing them in the Temple of Bhaal?
It is possible for Nolee to be kidnapped and replaced by Orin. If not found in the sewers, Nolee will reveal herself after an argument with Tav about submitting to the Absolute rather than destroying it, as it is the easier option and with the absolute in their control, they can still make the world better.
Nolee will express gratitude from being rescued, and open up about how terrified she was, that she thought she was going to die.
17. If romanced, how do they react to the Dark Urge trying to kill them in Act 2?
Nolee keeps a level head and helps the Dark Urge in anyway she can. She will express that she is proud of them that they are taking a step to try and work through their urges, and express appreciation for telling them, even if she is terrified. During the night when she has to tie them up, she will continuously reassure the Dark Urge that they will make it through these urges and that she will not leave them.
Is your Tav a romanceable character?  Are there any specific requirements to romancing them?
Nolee is romanceable by any gender and any class. The only requirements is that she has high enough approval with you to open up about her previous experience with relationships. (And of course her being in your party and having been flirted with prior). You can flirt with her in Act 1 but the relationship will only be official in Act 2.
6. How do they react to the player character breaking up with them, or choosing another character over them?
Nolee will be heartbroken, but understand Tav's wishes (unless they decide to continuously say "I'm breaking up with you" and then go "Lol just kidding", which will result in her getting angry.). She will admit she thought she had come off too strong and in the case of Tav choosing another companion, she will admit she felt like she was overstepping her boundaries.
7. What questions can Zethino ask the PC about Tav in the Love Test?
 "Nolee: Her faith allows her to conquer any fear that may come her away, grand or small. Think. Listen. What moment brought her the most fear?" (Correct Answer: Abandoned by Arias)
"The heart is fraught, so let us turn to the joyous. Tell me, what brings her heart the most peace?" (Correct answer: Near the waters.)
"Now we must look to the future. Nolee- what does she desire most in her future?" (Correct answer: She doesn't know.)
11. What are Tav’s plans for the future?  Do they propose to the PC, or is marriage not something they’re interested in?
Nolee will admit that she has no idea what she wants to do with her life. In the good ending, it is possible to suggest a few things to her- to go back to her monastery together, to stay in Baldur's Gate or to travel. Tav can choose an option to suggest marriage, and it is then that Nolee can admit she wants to marry them, but they do not have to rush into anything.
Thank you so much for the ask ^^
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lulusoblue · 2 years
random thought that could probably get mistaken for hate but it's just a gripe I have with Dark Revival's story; Audrey's narrative doesn't make me connect with her.
Like, I watched a full playthrough of the game which as far as I can tell and am aware has all the cutscenes of the game, and I can tell the game wants me to care about Audrey and her journey but I don't, because I don't connect with Audrey as the emotional core of the story. There's story beats that can be interesting, but they're paced so awkwardly that the twists don't feel deserved.
When it's revealed that Audrey is Joey Drew's daughter, where's the setup for this payoff? Audrey doesn't mention her family, her past? There's no mystery that this solves?? If it's hidden in those collectibles then that's a bad place to put them because it should REALLY be in the narrative that players will always follow and not sometimes pick up in a level. It's a beat in the story that should have ideally come at the end of a second act or during a third act, because there's no relevance this twist has aside from connecting Audrey to a previously established character to justify a motivational "never give up" moment during the story's climax.
Audrey's connections with people in the game as well don't feel like they deserve that ending run of characters coming back to support her. She's only met everyone once before, save for Alice, so them suddenly knowing Audrey got consumed by Bendy and coming by to cheer her on as the only person who can do the thing just... comes out of nowhere?
Audrey's design is cool as hell, but that's kind of it. There's sympathising for the very horrifying transformation she's suddenly gone through, but if there's anything that tells you what she's thinking, how she feels, what her story is beyond being a player character, I've either missed it or just can't see it, and it's kind of frustrating but seeing how Bendy jumped from being episodic to a full game, the clumsy storytelling makes sense in perspective.
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fmp1cieranshippy · 1 year
How does my game work?
On what I want it to be like when players play:
In terms of the gameplay I want it to be in a platformer mixed with exploration, with some levels focusing on dodging bugs and navigating through the obstacles while fighting bugs, while Also having moments of exploring the town solving mysterious depending what character you pick, to get closer in finding the nest.
Each level will have mini levels within them.
Main level: Will focus more on story solving mysterious interacting with characters you could have picked while also talking to people in the town that weren't options, to understand the story more which will be in different parts like chapters, which will tell different stories.
Mini levels: the Mini levels will as stated before, for example if your characters home has been overrun by bugs you have to make it out the door without getting attacked or killed, treading slowly and sneaking, same with outside walking through the town dodging and attacking bugs while jumping over obstacles like crash cars etc making your way to safety, some mini levels will be like mazes like the cave a mixture of maze and basic platforming where you navigate through the cave to find the exit and or nest.
The Main levels will be divided into two parts and within these two parts will have your character to whatever character you choose from, will do different tasks and have different levels.
1st level depending on the characters will have you learn and interact with people, while solving mysterious of whats going on,
Where the 2nd level will focus on Both story and platforming and maze navigation.
There will be a boss fight , similar to Mario and the donkey Kong game where you have to hit the bug 3 times, however only one specific character will have the boss fight, as the other characters have their own roles and own sad tragic ends, just one character makes it out alive from the rest that you choose.
However this does not change the story, as the character how doesn't die and receives the boss does not mean that is the true story each character tells the exact same story, its just the story is all about how one person survives when everyone else died. its more like a point of view type idea I have where f you want you could pick a character that will survive or learn and understand how the other characters died and what their story is and if you would love to see them survive or not.
To have a good contrast this concept of how the game should work, upon looking at this website below, I need to map out, sketch layout of how the gameplay will play out, how actions will be seen and how will the player know what to do in a specific situation.
Examples down below
Making sure I have a script to easily follow on what's going to happen within the story and gameplay aspect
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Having an easy to understand cover
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Making sure I have a visual understanding of those aspects, while also having visual concepts of other aspects and ideas. Like how the character will act to certain situations, how they will walk run jump etc
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these are the things I need to consider, as trials are good and all I still need to show off my idea in many ways and actually have a consistent ground and understanding on how simple or hard or easy this game will be, how it will look the vibe it will give off etc.
Review unusual games
Story: Join the hairy hero Chuchel and his rival Kekel on their quest to retrieve the precious cherry and face numerous puzzles and challenges! The reward? Cheerful situational humor, wild music and sounds by the band DVA and dozens of hilarious gags that warm up even the coldest of souls. Plus cherries!
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Happy game
Story: A little boy falls asleep to a horrible nightmare. Can you make him happy again?
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Story: Machinarium is our first full-length adventure game in which players take on the role of a robot who has been exiled to the scrap heap. Players must use logic, collect important items, and solve environmental puzzles to get the robot back into the city of Machinarium so he can rescue his robot-girlfriend, save the head of the city, and defeat the bad guys from the Black Cap Brotherhood.
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Upon looking at these few games, the way they had to draw this to give an idea to draw a concept of what they wanted to show and how the characters and monsters move and how they act, within these games and then bringing it to someone else to then refine the drawings and put over a digital style over them to make them pop and stand out and to give them a unique style to them.
To contrast to pixel art it is a good thing to sketch and draw concept drawings first, then to put it in a pixel format cause in my opinion pixel art don't have to look so realistic as long as it has the inner details that make it look like a person and or creature or give off some form of style.
The importance of having a good artist and skills is as stated before, you need a good concept a good sketch and a good idea to work from an outline of what something should be and update and refine it to look like something you want it to look like while also still staying in the lines of what they want it to look like.
Which helps me alot in multiple aspects as again to contrast to pixel art you don't need to have a good art skill as long as you can draw in pixel art and make a weird shape and weird sketches into something amazing then you're good to go. and learning that you can make something look like something with only a few blocks.
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This example here, but when you look close it just looks like random blocks placed however it forms and creates an illusion of a person despite not using a lot of blocks
Harold Halibut
Upon looking at this process it is so cool how they create models and every small itty detail when making the scenes, then go over it with a digital software, while having a hint of a "2D aspect" to it, which i should consider with my pixel art make models and draw over in pixel art or make my pixel art into online 3d models etc, a lot I can try and achieve and try out and it is really and cool process in how they designed the game and every itty bitty detail leading to the final presentation and how their process went into depth for making this game.
I will say for personal opinion his voice was annoying and dragged on a bit but apart from that and only skipping a few times like 3 / 4 it was a fun video to watch tog et some incite on how they made the game and what i can consider in the future.
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st4rbwrry · 3 years
The thirst!!! You know I need the nasty with this man
football reiner thirst ahead. 18+
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reiner loves football. he can also be a little—hotheaded when he’s on that field. caramel skin glistening under high beams of bright white lights, running in gatorade and protein bars while tuning into the appraisals from the crowd before him—he gets cocky. too cocky. and of course, his teammates don’t appreciate it. because when reiner’s out of his head, and he feels like everyone is here only for him? he thinks he runs the show. knows he’s the shit. knows he can get that scholarship to a better school who sees him for his natural talent. knows he can make every woman drop to their knees for him and every man tremble in fear. and that’s when his players notice that he’s hogging the ball, barely passes, makes the majority of touchdowns by himself, won’t listen to the step by step plan when the team huddles in a circle together.
come on, he’s captain for a fucking reason. but, that doesn’t mean he can take over and act like he’s the only one on the field. his invisibility needed some sense knocked into it. so, one of his fellow teammates, porco, takes matters into his own hands when reiner is sprinting down the jade tinted field, slightly wet due to the rain, and snatches the football from porco—porco beats his ass. he’s fed up, whistles blowing as porco clocks reiner in his jaw, reiner retaliating by tackling him to the ground, knee pads stained as the two fight. blood running from noses and bruised jaws.
and you, his pretty little cheerleader feels—ashamed. you watch on standby as coaches break the two up, shouting in their faces before both of them are benched for the rest of the game to which reiner doesn’t take lightly. he storms off the field, face red and body radiating heat. you follow him after finishing a cheer, running off the field to find him in the mens locker room punching at lockers and bruising his knuckles even more. there’s this sort of light he feels like shines down on you from the heavens when he sees you every time. so when you call his name softly, arms behind your back as you stare with sadness in your eyes, tight green and white cheer fit hugging your curves—he weakens.
he takes a seat on the floor, resting his head against the lockers with his eyes squeezed shut. he doesn’t like when you see him like this. so enraged. he doesn’t like scaring you. doesn’t want to hurt you. when you find a first aid kit to bandage his knuckles, he’s grabbing the back of your thigh to pull you on his lap, and right then and there is when you know what he needs. to get his head together. to calm his nerves. to surrender to him so he feels like the winner again.
reiner loves fucking you. always. he’s grunting loud when he has you squatting on his cock, heavy, rough hands groping your ass under your skirt to voraciously drop you down on his dick, your ass clapping on his broad thighs still covered by his white tight-fitted pants. his breath hotly panting into your chest where he sucks and flicks at your tits with his mouth, smacking your ass every time you rise and fall, the hits becoming harder and harder.
you’re my fuckin’ girl. only care about you.
but did he really mean that? it has you doubting him. it takes for him to whisper lovingly into your ear after picking you up in his strong arms, low beneath him with your back to the rattling lockers and shoulders over his head that you get it. the tears welling in his eyes when he tells you he loves you. lifting yourself to lock your arms around his neck and hold him close as he drills his cock into you, jaw clenched as his breath fans over your neck. you ask him to promise you that he’ll be better. promise you that he’ll stop being a controlling fucking dick and care about the people around him, especially you, who want to see him succeed.
reiner gets sloppy with his ruts, slamming you harder up against the locker as he rotates his hips and buries his cock as deepppp as he can possibly get, his mouth wide open and his eyes scrolling back as he cums, forehead resting on the cold metal, tiredly whimpering ‘swear on my life, baby. gonna make you proud’
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this was eh but i wanted to do it for you 🥺
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