#peppy x fox
thomasnet · 11 days
I like obscure ships. And I like non-traditional pairings.
I'm in a situation extremely similar to Fox's, more than you could likely imagine unless you know me.
Peppy/Fox, because of course a 20-something semi-orphan pilot with emotional issues would date his late father's teammate. And they're both so darn cute.
(Follows @echoeternally's original work.)
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thetoonstation · 1 month
Just a little something 👀
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madsceptictrooper · 2 years
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Here's my opinions on Star Fox ships.
OTP: - Fox McCloud x Katt Monroe
Love: - Falco Lombardi x Wolf O'Donnell - Falco Lombardi x Krystal
Like: - Peppy Hare x Vivian Hare - Fox McCloud x Bill Grey - Fox McCloud x Miyu - Miyu x Fay - Katt Monroe x Bill Grey
BROTP: - Falco Lombardi x Katt Monroe - James McCloud x Peppy Hare - Fox McCloud x Falco Lombardi - Fox McCloud x Slippy Toad
Meh/Neutral: - Falco Lombardi x Miyu - Fox McCloud x Fara Phoenix - Bill Grey x Fay - Fox McCloud x Fay - Katt Monroe x Krystal - Wolf O'Donnell x Krystal
Dislike: - Fox McCloud x Krystal - Fox McCloud x Wolf O'Donnell - Fox McCloud x Lucy Hare - Slippy Toad x Amanda - Wolf O'Donnell x Lucy Hare - Falco Lombardi x Leon Powalski - Krystal x Panther Caroso - Miyu x Panther Caroso
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sweetness-pop · 2 years
Falco, on how he feels about his daughter Violett someday having a boyfriend:
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Falco: That little SHIT will have to go through me first before getting some with MY SPICE!!!
Marcus, Tripp, & Ruby:.....Uncle Falco, please don't start a murdering spree.
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ameth18blog · 2 years
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Cutest couple in StarFox
Falco x Fox
Peppy x Slippy
Wolf x Krystal
Sabre x Lucy
This is a request that my friend DigiTimez475B made for me as a request on deviant art.
Note: This pic takes place in my universe #1, from, Star Fox, so characters like Leon, Panther, Katt, Bill, Miyu and Fay are single.
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iheartgod175 · 4 months
So, that Star Fox x KonoSuba idea…
It’s had an insane grip on my brain. To the point where my good buddy @blazing-shadows had to spam me with fifty messages, haha XD
Basically, this is what happens when you get your yearly itch for one of your favorite franchises and add in the game that you’ve been playing religiously for a few weeks ^^
I’ve decided to title this silly story “God’s Favor on This Not-Yet-Retired Veteran!” It may be subject to change, though!
This particular crossover idea takes place during the Assault/Command timeline. Why? Because I absolutely ADORE Star Fox Assault, especially Peppy’s portrayal in that game, and while Command is a whole mess, a few ideas/characters were pretty neat (*cough* Lucy *cough*). That, and I wondered what would happen in an alternate scenario where Peppy dies for real during the tail end of the game (a question that has been answered by several authors, actually!).
So the basic gist is that Peppy dies for real after sacrificing the Great Fox, but receives a second chance at life when he meets Aqua, who revives him and sends him to Axel. That second chance at life involves a world where cabbages fly, ranking works like a video game, and the people there are somehow are even bigger a-holes than in the Lylat System. Oh, and he ends up being in a party with one of those a-holes. Not Kazuma—although he’ll definitely meet him later. That would be Dust, the resident town punk, and his long-suffering party consisting of Rin, Keith and Taylor. With his chances at retirement permanently shot, Peppy now has to navigate his new life of being one of the oldest adventurers in Axel, and try not to either rage quit or kill Dust in the process. Meanwhile, in the “real world”, Lylat is reeling from the Aparoid Invasion when the Anglars make their debut, and the fractured Star Fox team must face this amidst team struggles and without their beloved mentor.
It’d be easy to have either Fox or Falco in this scenario, since their personalities would mesh with the craziness perfectly (I personally would nominate Falco for this position since in-universe he’s super competitive), but even before I got into KonoSuba, the idea of Peppy ending up in an isekai situation—especially in this world—was too hilarious to leave alone. Also Peppy’s my favorite character, so that’s a no brainer, lol XD
Also, the main reason I had Peppy team up with Dust is for two reasons: 1. As much as I like Kazuma’s character, I wanted to challenge myself with writing an ensemble cast outside of the main one. Kazuma and his party will definitely get their chance to shine, but I wanted to focus on a different set of adventurers for this story, and the team that’s the opposite of Kazuma’s seemed to be a fun choice. 2. Dust is one of my favorite characters in KonoSuba, which happened completely on accident, lol (more on that in the KonoFan post I’ll make soon). And just imagining the headaches he’d cause Peppy was hilarious.
This being KonoSuba, hilarious shenanigans ensue, but there’s also a little bit of seriousness due to, well, Star Fox. You can’t expect a battle-hardened veteran like Peppy to just be dumped into a crazy world like KonoSuba and pretend none of the canon in his universe didn’t happen, lol. I told my buddy that this little story is gonna be full of humor, drama, tragedy, a smudge of romance, and lots of wholesomeness, because although I put him through the ringer a bit here, Peppy needs a bit of a break after the stuff that happened in canon ;_;
If y’all like this idea enough—or if I can’t shake the brain rot off, haha—this might be something I’ll post on AO3! Let me know what you think in the replies!
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darkdreamtheorist · 2 years
Better or Worse Illumination x Nintendo film pitch for Starfox movie:
Brute Force meets Top Gun
Dylan McCloud (29, Filipino), Flight Technician, Lylat Aero-Space Engineering & Research center [L.A.S.E.R.]: Young Lady with an eye for aerodynamics and a head flight of fancy
Active imagination gets in way of checking altimeter and air supply, jotting fantasies on a personal notebook full of Lisa Frank stickers n highlights. Avid animal lover, mainly survival instincts
15 yrs ago, she wondered far from Corneria Park, befriended gang of woodland critters: a swift tailed risk-seeking red fox (Fox), an overconfident berry thief pheasant from the zoo near park (Falco), a resourceful pixie frog (Slippy), and a wizened old rabbit with a knack for survival (Peppy). They’re her ragtag flight crew fending off aliens and dinosaurs and rogue AI yet it’s just a daydream until
Colonel Starr assigns Dylan to analyze their Arwing’s specs for FTL space travel to a quadrant in the Stag Cluster. Excited, she enlists her woodsy pals as Team McCloud (l8tr Fox Team) 2 test them b4 human trials
Fox, Falco, Slippy & Peppy are fitted w/Detachable cyber-limbs 2 maneuver the controls, test the FTL travel diagnostics; 2-Way TransCom on the temples, group chat, develop teamwork w/o clawing/biteing ea other. Dylan assigns Fox on Command, Falco SIC, Slippy’s size perfect for Mechanic, and Peppy’s wisdom lends well to Analyst.
Jez O'Donnell, green-eyed rival engineer, fits prototype limbs & 2ways on a wolf, a chameleon, a pig and a panther from a Zoo, then proto Arwing, MIA for years
Blue-furred Vixen Krystal transmits to Dylan & co. of Wolf's Gang, crimes, Jez found, plus the other missing test animal, Anders the chimp, fully evolved as Andross. Now Fox Team, under command of friend Dylan and the bio-enchanced bloodhound Sgt. Pepper, must get Jezz and his renegade team back to earth and foil Andross’s revenge plans on humanity
yea not my best Starfox film concept, but cud b worse. Wait until the new Illumination Mario Bros. Movie we’ll see
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beastfury5580 · 1 year
Donkey Kong Z Special Episode: Deja Vu
Special Episode: Deja Vu (DK and the Crossover Gang arrived into the 8-bit NES universe where K Rool has the fruit gems and crystal coconut in his possession. This DK and the others have to scale across four stages while K Rool throws barrels instead of DK until they reach 100m)
Jolly DK - SDGF Sayla Desuno
*It is now 9:12 AM*
DK: *Started waking up as I yawn while stretching and got up out of bed with a delightful smile on my face and went to brush my teeth and shower*
*Krystal, Klonoa, Roxas and Russ are in the kitchen making breakfast*
DK: *Using the toilet* Those bananas really hit the spot but I forgot how much the fibers mess up my stomach. *chuckles then turns on my Nintendo switch OLED and started playing it while I take a dump*
*Link, Koriju, Lucario, and Dillon are training while Daisuke and Kota watch, Spyro and crash are playing star fox assault on the GameCube while diddy is looking at some stuff on his touchphone, and fox, falco, peppy and slippy work then DK walks out to meet everyone*
DK: Good morning everybody! ^_^ Fox and Peppy: Morning! Falco: Sup. Slippy: Hello! ^_^ Diddy: *Reads* When you are extremely angry at your friend, but try your hardest not to show it. *Laughs* This is true. Falco: Why do you look up memes anyway? Diddy: Eh, some of them are funny and some are not. I still laugh at them anyway. Though don't even get me started on that "expanded dong" thing either... Falco: Trust me I won't. DK: What'cha looking at little buddy? Diddy: Looking up memes on the internet, and some of them are REALLY funny. *Reads another one* ...Riko...I don't get it. Hey, slippy look at this one. Slippy: Okay. *Went over to diddy and put my hands on my knees and bends down to see and read one* "To all the people who didn't shoot down. Slippy toad right before a boss battle because I mean, seriously, who doesn't want to blow this out of the sky" Wow, that's just mean. Diddy: The internet is also a cruel place after all. Here's another one. *Scrolls down* Slippy: *Reads it* "This toad's got too much booty in the pants" Hey! My butt's not that big! Is it? Diddy: *Laughs* No! But it wasn't for you silly. Falco: So Fox, what's the plan for the final gem? Fox: The only plan I have is to beat the shadow alliance before they can get to planet titania. Yet we're still so far away, there's no telling if we'll beat them to it or not. Another plan is to watch out for traps Fichina was just the surprise attack. Falco: Yet here's the thing. Kaliga is somehow getting stronger than k rool and yet somehow he managed to oversee everything, where we'd be and what we'd do. It's difficult to tell what his motives are in trying to kill all of us. Sora: What if we trap the other villains? It'll just be Kaliga vs DK. Falco: If it'll help then who cares at this point? Fox: *looks at my laser blade handle* Long as I have this it doesn't matter. Makes me feel like I can cut through just about anything. Slippy: It's a nice weapon right? And look, I got one too! *Turns my green laser blade on and swings it around* Hey fox look at me! I'm Jedi master Yoda! ^_^ Falco: Turn that thing off before you cut our limbs off "Jedi master"! Banjo: Dude you're giving me mother hen vibes. Falco: Shut up! *Drink my tea* Fox: As fun as it is you may want to use the laser blade wisely. We'll also need to test your sword fighting skills as well. Koriju: I will be the judge of that. *Walks in with Daisuke and Kota following me* I'm a master of bushido and I would love to spar slippy in the sacred arts. Slippy: You're not going to be hard on me are you? Koriju: At the beginning no. Slippy: *Gulps* ... Koriju: Fox if you would. Fox: *Gives Koriju my blue laser blade* Koriju: *Turns the laser blade on* Take your position, keep your sword in the center. *Hold my laser blade in front of me* Slippy: *Tries to mimic what Koriju just did* Falco: This is ridiculous, slippy's a tech genius he's not a swordfighter. Koriju: Hajime!
Koriju Vs Slippy: Swordplay - Final Fantasy X-2 International + Last Mission OST #04 - Last Mission No.1
*Slippy and Koriju circle around each other then both of them started clashing blades until they back away to make space*
Koriju: KIYA!! *Swong forward* Slippy: WAH!! *dashed back then front flip over Koriju* Whoa! Koriju: RAUGH!
*They both continued clashing while locking blades until they backed away again*
Koriju: You're technique and formation need work. Sora: Hi boy. *Petting Daisuke's head* Daisuke: Woof! *Wag my tail playing with Sora* Peppy: Whoa, be careful not to hit the equipment guys! There is a training room for a reason. Fox: Exactly what I said. Falco: HA! Where's the fun in that? Klonoa: Breakfast is ready! *Walks in but stopped halfway when I noticed Koriju and slippy are fighting* What's going on here?! Koriju: Focus slippy! Don't simply dodge, defend! Slippy: Hold on I'm not that fast! Koriju: Alright then I'll let you strike. Slippy: Really? Koriju: *Stood my ground*
*Slippy jumped in the air to strike Koriju but he dodged and slapped slippy on the head*
Slippy: Agh! Hey! Koriju: Your opponent won't simply stand still. They will dodge and use every weakness against you until you've lost. Always remember that when in a fight. *Turns off the blue laser blade and gives it back to fox* Slippy: Awe man.. *Put away my laser blade* Combat battle is hard. I don't know how you all do it. Koriju: Practice and experience, those two things are what makes us all warriors, even krystal-chan. Fox: What were you saying klonoa? Klonoa: I was saying breakfast is ready. Fox: Alright everyone let's eat. *Walks to my seat and take my plate*
A Nice and Peaceful Breakfast with all my friends - Policenauts Soundtrack [PSX][Sega Saturn][PC98] 22 - Sweet Home
*Everyone is eating their breakfast at the table together like a family*
*Now after breakfast*
DK: Mmmmm, that was so good. ^_^ Diddy: Man you guys really know how to cook. Krystal: Thank you diddy. Daisuke: *Lays down as I'm tired* Koriju: Thank you for doing this for me sora. He needs the energy. *Petting Daisuke's head* Sora: No problem. I love dogs. ^^ Russ: So um...how long do you think until we reach titania? Fox: Not for a while, that means we have time to prepare for anything. Slippy: And I have time to upgrade the arwings and landmasters too. K Rool: *Through the ship's mic* Hellooooooo. Everyone: ?!
*The Shadow Alliance Warship warped out of hyperjump then the great fox stopped*
ROB64: Enemy detected! Enemy detected! Falco: I got a bad feeling about this... K Rool: I think this has gone long enough. Now let's see if you can survive this time! *Pressed the button*
*The warship fired a black hole next to the great fox*
Peppy: That idiot opened a black hole! Fox: Quick! We have to get away! DK: Diddy! Diddy: Right!
*Both DK and Diddy transformed into super kong gold and platinum as they both flew outside and pushed the great fox out of the black hole but both of them were being pulled in the black hole's gravitational pull as they both screamed and vanished*
*The room went silent*
Peppy: ...DK? Slippy: *Cries as I hold my face* Donkey Koooooong!! Link: I can't believe they're really gone...no one could have survived a black hole in space. Krystal: What do we do now fox? Fox: ... *Walks over to the glass window* Krystal: Fox? Fox: I....I don't know.....
K Rool with the fruit gems - Donkey Kong Arcade Music - Donkey Kong Start & How High Can You Get
*DK and Diddy jumped out of the black hole in their 8-bit appearance*
25m - 25m BGM - Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Diddy: What's going on? I feel different here. DK: ...Oh no...we're back in cranky's timeline! Diddy: Wait really? *looks up* Oh...this came from the smash tournament too...I REALLY didn't like this stage... K Rool: Enjoying the view down there boys? DK: K Rool! And he has the rest of the fruit gems with him! K Rool: Come and get me! *Took out a metal barrel and throws it down the stairs* DK: Diddy come on!
*DK and Diddy went up the stairs while jumping up the barrels*
DK: Now I know how Mario's dad felt when rescuing Pauline...so many stairs. Diddy: We can climb up. We're apes after all and there are ladders. DK: Oh yea.. let's finish this! *Picked up Diddy and tossed him up then jumped and pulled myself up* K Rool: Oh! *Grabs the fruit gems and climbs up*
50m - Donkey Kong - 50M [Arcade]
Diddy: Okay this is the next level. DK: Watch out for the flames though. K Rool: *Snap my finger*
*There are floor spikes in different sections of the level*
Diddy and DK: *Kept moving up as they jumped over the flames and avoided the spikes* K Rool: Oh good heavens! *Grabbed the fruit gems and ran up the ladder*
75m - Donkey Kong Arcade Music - 75m BGM
Diddy: The music went silent. DK: *Noticed the spring obstacle bouncing down* That's why. We need to jump over all that and then avoid the jack spring to get to K Rool. K Rool: As if I would let it be that simple!
*A glowing light came from under the floor and started bursting out in explosions*
Diddy: Blast pads? Now he's just being unfair! DK: There has to be a way to get to him faster. We can't keep going up forever! Diddy: And how is he doing all of this anyway? He's literally beating us in our own game! K Rool: You'll never get these fruit gems! *Grabs the fruit gems and continues climbing up* DK: We need a cheat code to get to him faster. It's not allowed but the only option I got. Diddy: I got one. POKE 12118,234
*DK and Diddy now have unlimited lives*
Diddy: We can die a bunch of times until we reach to K Rool. DK: That's great and all but it won't help to get to him faster. K Rool: *Evil laughs* Giving up boys?! Diddy: Well suck it up. It's all we got. Now come on!
*DK and Diddy jumped onto other platforms while both of them dodged the spring and climbed up the ladder*
100m - Donkey Kong Arcade Music - 100m BGM
Diddy: K Rool's never gonna see this coming. We have to take the pieces off so that K Rool falls on his head. You got to distract him while I do that. DK: You got it.
*Diddy and DK got to work while K Rool got distracted *
DK: Yoohoo, K Rool! Come and get me! *Taunts him by shaking my fat butt at him while hooting* ^_^ K Rool: Forget it! There is no way I'm falling for that! DK: Yeah? Well, your wife is ugly as hell! K Rool: No one talks about my Kalypso that way! *pulls out my Blunderbuss and fires at DK* Diddy: *Climbs up quietly and flips up to gather the gem fruits* DK: *Dodging K Rool's blunderbuss cannons to break the bolts attached to the steel girders*
*Diddy managed to grab all the fruit gems when k rool wasn't looking and the bolts were destroyed, K rool looks down when the middle girder fell down and fell down to the bottom, banging his head on the ground. DK and Diddy cheered after getting all the fruit gems yet a dreamy mirage ended when fox called to diddy and DK in their sleep*
Fox: DK? DK. Hellooooo DK: *Yawns and wakes up* Wha? Fox: You've been sleeping for a long time now. I just wanted to make sure you're okay. DK: ...So it was all a dream... Fox: What was? DK: Oh nothing. Diddy: *Yawns and stretches* How long was I out? Fox: For hours. It's now 1:00. Diddy: 1:00?!? *Got out of bed quickly and ran off* I practically missed breakfast! DK: *Got out of bed* Fox: He'll know that his breakfast is in the fridge. DK: *Thinks* "So now I know how cranky feels..." *Follows fox out of my room*
*Meanwhile on DK Isle*
Cranky: *Snorks as I woke up* DKJR: Something wrong father? Cranky: I dunno. I had the strangest feeling of deja vu in my dreams...it's almost as if my past life was tempered with... DKJR: I'm sure it's nothing. Cranky: Yeah you're right. *Went back to sleep*
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shinakazami1 · 3 years
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Uni been hard but I still create sometimes
Some Wolfox kinda, James appreciation and Falco
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echoeternally · 7 years
Birthday Gift! (Peppy/Fox)
Hello matsutzu & readers! By following this story, from the index here, you’re agreeing that you ship Fox with Peppy, because screw age being a barrier with adults, and more importantly, it’s got that satisfaction for underrated cravings.
Anyway, continue on ahead if you want some Peppox romance! And enjoy!
 Through some brighter corridors of the ship, Fox strolled along until he reached the door with a keypad for the medical bay. He knocked and it opened quickly after. It opened to a gray and brown hare that grinned to him.
 “Hey there, Fox!”
 “Hi Peppy. Need any help?”
 “Inventory, right?”
 “Ha, you did know.” Peppy chuckled. “You make a great leader, Fox, knowing what your team is up to.”
 “Ah, I don’t know all the time, Peppy,” admitted Fox. “Falco is especially a wild card.”
 “True, but that’s more on him than you,” determined Peppy. “But you do more than well enough when I think it over.”
 “Peppy, you’re going to make me blush.”
 “Good, you’ll actually be a true red fox!” Peppy chuckled and wrapped an arm around Fox. “Come on in, it shouldn’t take too long. I’ve logged everything, so it’s just some sorting to take care of.”
 Fox’s eyes darted back and forth a bit; the medical bay only had a few first aid kits laid out on the two beds. Peppy slipped his arm from Fox, walking to the bed on the right and placing some bandages back in a cabinet near the bed. Fox watched as Peppy bent down, pulling out a small antibacterial tube that fell between the two, and dropped it into a drawer. He turned back as Fox shifted his attention to the bed.
 “Just need some fresh sheets on the other bed, these kits put away, and we should be all set.” Peppy sighed as he turned back to the first aid kits. “You think they’d be more generous with selling us these, considering we saved Lylat a few times over.”
 “No such luck.” Fox smirked, as he walked to the closet. “Sheets are in here, right?”
 “Yep, you take care of those, and I’ll get these on the shelves.”
 “Oh, I was…don’t you want me to lift those?”
 “Fox, I’m old, not feeble.” Peppy picked up a silver kit, and carried it over to the storage shelves. “The heaviest are the gold boxes, and we only have one new one.”
 “Only one?”
 “Sadly, yes.” Peppy pushed the box up on the shelf, and turned back to Fox. “Couldn’t exactly afford more, given their cost. It’s a shame, given that they have the best supplies for missions out in the field.”
 “Yeah, that’s lousy.” Fox pulled out blankets with the sheets, carrying them back to the bed. “Did we have any here?”
 “Just a few, maybe we’ve got five or six now.” Peppy picked up two of the green first aid kits, carrying them to the shelf. “Sounds like a lot to the merchants, but that’s hardly enough for missions.”
 “That just means we’ll have to make more on our next one,” decided Fox. “Or pick up some odd jobs to get extra funds.”
 “Not a bad idea,” agreed Peppy.
Taking the sheets from the bag, Fox pulled it over the mattress, tugging it around the near corners first. He reached across to pull it over the far corners, but pulled it out of place from the other side. Gritting his teeth, Fox tried again, tucking the sheets tighter. He lifted the mattress and slid the blankets and quilt underneath, pulling the rest over the top.
 Turning back around, Fox picked up the pillow, but blinked as Peppy stared at him. Rubbing his chin, Peppy chuckled.
 “You look like you were struggling a bit, there.”
 “It wasn’t that bad.” Fox shrugged, shoving the pillow in its case. “It’s just…a bit of a pain.”
 “Galactic hero and top pilot, bested by some bed sheets.”
 “Very funny.”
 “Hey, that sounds like a good time to me.”
 “Ah, nothing. Here, let me help.”
 Taking the pillow from Fox’s hands, Peppy turned it and shifted it back into its case. He fluffed it a bit, placed it onto the bed, and then smoothed out the crooked sheets.
 “See, there we go.”
 “You make it look easy.”
 “Ha, I had to figure it out when this team first formed,” reminisced Peppy. “James was a nightmare at sorting out anything delicate, that’s for sure!”
 “And here I was hoping I only inherited his piloting skills and good looks,” joked Fox.
 “No worries, I’ll keep this one a secret between us,” teased Peppy. “Your father would’ve gotten a kick out of this. Your mother, not so much.”
 “Yeah…” Fox’s smile fell as leaned against the bed.
 “Ah, Fox, I’m sorry.” Peppy frowned. “I wasn’t looking to—”
 “No, I love it when you tell me stories about them,” Fox insisted. “I just wish I had more time with Dad and even got to know Mom.”
 “They were great people, Fox,” assured Peppy. “I wish I could bring them back for you, just give you three a day…”
 “It would be nice,” agreed Fox. “But, you’re enough. I’m glad I have even you.”
 “Aw, Fox, I’m not…thank you.” Peppy rested his hand on Fox’s shoulder. “And I’ll always be around when you need me, I promise.”
 “Right back at you.”
 “Come on, let me just enter in the logs on the computer here, and we’ll get a pick-me-up after,” decided Peppy. “I’m sure we’ve got some tasty treats in the fridge.”
 “Carrot cake?”
 “You all get a kick out of me liking that so much, don’t you?”
 “Almost as much as doing barrel rolls,” mocked Fox.
 “And I’m never going to live that down either,” murmured Peppy. He sighed as Fox laughed. “Alright, let me just enter the records in from the tablet.”
 Peppy walked to the desk in the corner of the room, picking up the tablet and typing in on it. Fox followed, and peeked over Peppy’s shoulder at the results on the tablet. Swiping up from the tablet, the results were transmitted digitally and added to the logs on the computer.
 “Looking pretty well-stocked overall,” decided Peppy. “Let’s just save, close this, and…ah.”
 Fox blinked as Peppy hurriedly tried to close the next window. He was too late, with Fox having spotted court documents, specifically words on “filing for divorce.” Leaning back, Fox raised an eyebrow as Peppy turned back, ears drooping.
 “Uh, I, ah…I forgot that was up.” He weakly chuckled. “That can be a secret too.”
 “Wait, Peppy,” Fox shook his head, “what’s going on with you and your wife?”
 “That would be ‘ex-wife,’ as of this morning,” disclosed Peppy. “Vivian and I, uh…well, we’ve had our differences over the years. And…now we won’t.”
 “But…but Peppy—”
 “I didn’t really want any of you boys to worry about me,” interrupted Peppy. “She didn’t like me on the team, even now, and it’s gotten to a point that…” Peppy sighed and shrugged. “A point where I didn’t choose her.”
 Silently, Fox stared into Peppy’s dark red eyes, as the hare drummed the desk beside him. He stood up from his seat, but Fox barely moved away.
 “Let’s just forget about that, and—”
 “No, Peppy, I-I can’t.” Fox shook his head again. “I can’t believe you didn’t even tell me, I could’ve given you time off—”
 “Sure you could’ve. I didn’t want it.” Peppy placed his hand back on Fox’s shoulder. “She doesn’t make me happy, Fox. It’s been years, and we’ve both known that for a long time about each other. But, that’s true.” He chuckled. “Vixy thought we rushed our marriage, and I never wanted to admit it, but she was right. Your mother was sharp like that.”
 “Fox, I promise you, it’s fine.” He gently massaged Fox’s shoulder. “These things happen to us. We can fall in love, we can think that we did, and we can fall out of it too. I happen to be on the latter end of it.”
 “Peppy…I can’t…I feel like this is on me.”
 “Listen, Fox, I’m not going to repeat myself all night.” Peppy rested both of his hands on Fox’s shoulders, gazing directly at him as Fox’s pulse quickened. “It’s. Not. On. You. None of it is any fault of yours, ok? I chose this life, Viv and I both chose the divorce, and that’s the end of it all.”
 “You deserve to be happy, though,” managed Fox. Peppy opened his mouth, but Fox placed his hand over it. “I know, I know. But if she didn’t make you happy, what does? This team can’t be everything.”
 “It does the trick,” persisted Peppy as he moved Fox’s hand. “Taking to the skies, keeping the peace, working with you boys…that’s plenty for me.”
 “But…it’s just…” Fox’s shoulders dropped, and Peppy’s hands slid down along them. “I don’t like picturing any of you alone. What if there’s a day that Star Fox doesn’t need to be? Then what’s next for you?”
 “If I make it that long, I’ll build the bridge when I get there,” decided Peppy. “I don’t think that’s a day coming for me anytime soon.”
 “That only makes it sound harder and lonelier on you.”
 “You’re here, aren’t you?” Peppy chuckled, patting Fox again, as the leader’s cheeks lit up a bit. “So long as I’ve got at least you, Fox, that’s good enough. If I can help you build a better future, so much the better.”
 “Thank you, but you deserve to enjoy the future too,” Fox insisted. “Someone should spend it with you.”
 “There isn’t anyone looking for an old hare like me to enjoy the years with,” joked Peppy. He paused and rubbed his chin. “…Well, maybe, but I’ll have to look into that.”
 “Definitely, there are definitely others that would be interested in you, Pep.”
 “Oh yeah? Know any secret admirers of me, then?”
 Chuckling again, Peppy hands slowly slipped from Fox, who quickly grabbed them. He stopped and blinked, as Fox’s hands trembled.
 “Are you feeling ok, Fox?” Peppy pulled his hands from Fox’s, clasping his hands on Fox’s arms and watching him carefully. “You’re shaking, your face looks pretty red, and you sure feel warm.”
 “…Uh…” Fox swallowed hard. “What if…what if I did know of an, um, admirer?”
 “No fooling?”
 “Nope, I’m…completely serious.”
 “Huh.” Peppy chuckled. “Guess I can’t be too old yet, eh? Ok, Fox, you tell me—”
 “It’s a guy.” Fox blinked and studied Peppy’s face. “Is that…a problem?”
 “Yes, then.”
 “No! No, that’s…Fox, I happen to, uh, like…” Peppy shifted around and rolled his head. Quickly, he finished, “Guys interest me too, like girls, in that way, there.” He sighed, his cheeks slightly flushed. “I think I’ve blabbed too many secrets to you tonight.”
 “How about I share mine, then?” Fox shuddered as Peppy blinked at him.
 “…Wait a minute.” Peppy shook his head. “I’m old, not daft. Fox…” Peppy frowned, adjusting his spectacles. “Look, I don’t want to assume anything, but—”
 “It’s me.” Fox clenched his fists and shrugged. “Peppy, I…I, uh, I like…I’d like to be with you.”
 Both stood in silence, as Fox lowered his head and stared at the floor, his face becoming bright red. Peppy shifted his weight around, first a little away, and then back toward Fox.
 “…This isn’t a joke, right?”
 “Fox, I’m…I’m a lot older,” protested Peppy. “You, ah, you should…you know, be with someone closer to your age.”
 “Maybe,” relented Fox. He shook his head. “But I…I know what I feel.” He looked back up at Peppy, who lifted a hand toward him, but hesitated. “Peppy, I…look, I knew you had a wife, but lately, I’ve…I don’t know, carried a crush?” Fox dug his hands in his jacket pockets. “I just figured that I’d never…I didn’t think you’d ever be remotely interested in the idea, let alone available.”
 “You kidding? Fox, you’re handsome and adorable.” Peppy smirked. “I, ah, I didn’t think I’d ever admit this out loud, but, uh, well, it’s a recent development for me too, but…” He inhaled and heavily exhaled. “…Maybe I kind of, you know…thought your father was, um…cute. And, now that you’re an adult, seeing you…reminds me of him, in some ways.”
 “Oh.” Fox’s shoulders dropped. “That’s not—”
 “Hang on, hang on.” Peppy rubbed his hand across his mouth. “I don’t mean that all I see in you is him, when I’m talking like that. It’s just…he looked good one way, and you’re…hmm…” Peppy cleared his throat. “If I were some years younger, I’d definitely be chasing after you, I admit it.”
 “But…why is my age an issue?” Fox scratched his arm. “We’re both adults. By a lot of years.”
 “True, but…come on, Fox, me?” Peppy gestured to his figure. “Look at this. I’m old, I’m fat, and I’m not exactly—”
 “You have some muscular build,” pointed out Fox. “You can keep up with us on foot.”
 “W-well sure, but…” Peppy dragged his hand over his head and ears. “You can do a lot better, Fox.”
 “Peppy, to me, you are better.” Fox softly smiled. “You’re brave and wise, you’re kind, and you’re loyal and supportive. Even if you don’t think it, I definitely find you handsome.” Peppy blushed harder, coughing in an attempt to hide it. “I mean, yeah, you knew me as a kid, but you’ve spent more time with me as an adult, and…I just, I guess I was hoping that maybe…” Fox’s ears lowered back. “Forget it, I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”
 “Ah, that’s not…that’s not what I’d call it,” admitted Peppy. “You told me yourself, you’re far from a kid, I haven’t looked at you as one for years, so I just…I’d like it if you were absolutely sure about it.”
 “Definitely.” Fox beamed as his ears lifted. “Does that mean—?”
 “This is a bit fast.”
 “Oh. Well, yeah, I-I didn’t—”
 “No, it’s fine.” Peppy smiled and shrugged. “Fast, but I’d be a complete liar if I admit that I didn’t like where it’s going. Fox, I…you’re a fantastic leader and pilot, and I’ll be bold enough to think that you’ll be legendary some day, if you’re not already. You’re sweet, caring, and understand your teammates better than even they realize.” He lifted his hands, flinched back, and paused. “I just…wait, kids.” Fox raised an eyebrow and Peppy shook his head. “What about your future, Fox? You’re thinking all about me, but what about starting a family, or—?”
 “If you’re not opposed to it,” intervened Fox, “I…I mean, we don’t have to, but…you and I could, if you—”
 “You want kids with me?”
 “Yeah.” Fox shrugged as Peppy pinched his upper lip, tugging at a few strands of gray fur. “A family with you sounds fine, when we’re ready. And we’ve got options. Technology advancements are, well, you can make, um…” Fox shrugged again. “Or we could adopt. Or…or we could do anything else.”
 “Anything, huh?” Peppy smirked. “Anything with me?”
 “Yes.” Fox sighed. “Am I missing anything, or…?”
 “Ha, well…you’ve taken down my biggest reservations for you,” confessed Peppy. “And…maybe I steal a few glances at you, more than I should, and…maybe they weren’t all friendly, depending on how you look at it.”
 “Geez, Peppy.”
 “See, see? You told me—”
 “I do the same to you, too.”
 “Oh. …Oh.” Peppy grinned. “You really do like me, huh?”
 “How else can I spell it out for you?”
 “One more way.”
 Peppy raised his hands to Fox’s cheeks, and the two gazed into one another’s eyes. They slowly closed the distance between them, their lips pressing together. Fox lifted an arm under Peppy’s, wrapping around his back, while Peppy scooped him in closer. Kissing for another moment, they separated and breathed heavily.
 “…Wow.” Fox laughed. “I…that was great.”
 “Heh…not too old for that,” joked Peppy. His hands trailed down Fox’s sides and rested on his waist. “You, um, you want to keep that a secret too, or…?”
 “How about we decide on that later,” suggested Fox, rubbing Peppy’s back. “Right now, I just want to enjoy the night with you.”
 “That’s fine by me.” Peppy kissed Fox’s cheek, and stayed close to him. “Whatever you want, Fox, that’s fine with me.”
 “Well, I do want you.” Fox smirked. “So, that works.”
  They embraced one another, chuckling a bit before remaining still for a bit. Managing to separate themselves, the couple chatted for a little while longer, flirting in between, before leaving the medical bay together.
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spacenintendogs · 5 years
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happy halloween!
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Love Guru (AKA-- Controversial Fic of the Century) has been updated with its third chapter.
Click for bashful frog love and Krystal/Panther character development.
Peppy makes an appearance too, I guess.
AO3 version inc shortly, but the site is being a pain so I linked the FF.net version.
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uncle-jj · 2 years
Alright, alright. I have a new villager theory.
Audie is Hatsune Miku!
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Yep! Your favorite peppy fox-looking wolf! I can prove it to you that these cuties are the same! In about five or more ways!
You're gonna love this theory, Miku fans! Here is the first reason:
Their Shared Traits
As I mentioned earlier, Audie is a wolf who looks like a fox. "Fox" in Japanese is "kitsune". Miku's surname "Hatsune" has the same last two syllables as "kitsune". Obvious? I thought so.
Now, Audie, being a peppy villager dreams of being a popstar. Miku herself is a virtual idol. Idols are a type of popstar. Audie's catchphrase "foxtrot" refers to a duo dance called the foxtrot. Miku, on the other hand, loves to dance. Audie has the fitness hobby, therefore dancing is a form of fitness. See what I did there?
Also, they wear a blue dress (with pineapples on it), and a blue tie over a vest and skirt respectively, and both have blue eyes. They were also born on August 31st. And Audie's Japanese name is "Monika", which oddly is a reference to the antagonist of "Doki Doki Literature Club". In DDLC, girls will get deleted, whereas Monika will freak out when deleted. Miku sang a song about being deleted called "The Disappearance of Hatsune Miku". Monika and Miku have similar sounding names. Audie's Japanese catchphrase is "aha~tsu", which has the syllables "ha" and "tsu". Miku's surname has "ha" and "tsu" in it as well!
K.K. Robot Synth
The song "K.K. Robot Synth" is a Vocaloid reference in audio form. Wait...I get it! "Audio!" "Audie!" Audie's name is literally "audio" with the last vowel being brought back TWO vowels! And 39 in Japanese has two syllables! The song itself is featured in Audie's vacation home, where she is a DJ! A DJ is a type of music producer! Vocaloid is a helpful vocal tool for music production! How did I just figure that reason out singlehandedly with a lame pun?!
Islands? Maybe!
Audie's house is themed after an island. Japan is an island country. Miku was born in Japan. Animal Crossing was made in Japan. New Horizons takes place on an island. Audie made her debut in New Horizons. We have a full circle!
Blue and Orange
Audie is orange, and Miku is blue. Blue and orange are a dynamic color duo. Another popular theory is that the protagonist of Friday Night Funkin' is Miku's brother, hence his own game being inspired by Miku herself.
He also has a brother named Ritz the Rat, who wears an orange beanie. Ritz's game and the Boyfriend's game are both made by PhantomArcade, Kawai Sprite, and NinjaMuffin.
Light blue and orange are attack colors in Undertale, and refer to patience and bravery respectively. Undertale's attack system was inspired by Touhou. Touhou is a popular OtaMAD subject, next to Vocaloid. What else ends with "oid"? Gyroid! Gyroids are collectible in Animal Crossing. And we all know Audie is a villager in Animal Crossing. That's another full circle!
Relations to the Future
As I quote from Audie, "Be the kind of person your future self won't regret having been". Meanwhile, Miku's concept was her being "an android diva in the near-future world where songs are lost". Songs are a form of audio, and for the connection between Audie's name and the word "audio", you can refer to the "K.K. Robot Synth" reason. As Vocaloid is popular on the internet, so are furries. And the wolves in Animal Crossing are considered to be werewolves...
Werewolves are furries! Audie isn't just Miku! She's her fursona!
I figured that out! That's my fifth reason in total that Audie is Hatsune Miku!
So yeah! Audie and Hatsune Miku are the same person. I really thought so hard on it. I hope this theory kept you on your toes. Anyways, I expect some Miku X Audie fanart on my dashboard.
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bellamer · 2 years
Me, knows nothing about Star Fox and never played a Star Fox game:
Me, watches A Fox In Space, somehow falls into the James Mccloud x Peppy Hare ship hole and reads so many fanfics:
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sweetness-pop · 3 years
What do you Star Fox fans think of Slippy's son x Peppy's granddaughter for future games?
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ameth18blog · 3 days
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Comic collab with my deviant art friend SirinaTheHedgehog. Page 2 and epilogue.
As you saw in the previous pages, the main characters who were members of different tribes ended up falling in love when by chance they had gone hunting. At this point they had already been together for a while and finally introduced their lovers with their respective relatives (or fraternal figures).
Later the main characters who were members of different tribes ended up falling in love when by chance they had gone hunting. At this point they had already been together and they are spending a moment of relaxation in front of the campfire with some members of both tribes.
Main Couples: Sonic x Amy / Sonamy Falco x Fox / Falox Flippy x Flaky Nick x Judy x Jack / Wildehopps, Savagehopps, Wildehoppssavage Haida x Retsuko / Haidsuko, Haisuko, Retsaida Louis x Legoshi x Jack Shirou x Michiru
Secondary Couples that appeared before this page: Paulie x Brenda James x Vixy Peppy x Slippy Sneaky x Mouse Ka-Boom Stu x Bonnie Retsuko's father x Retsuko's mother Yafya x Gosha Tao x Kibi Gem x Melissa
Amy Rose, Sonic The Hedgehog and Shadow The Hedgehog belong to SEGA.
Paulie The Hedgehog, Brenda The Hedgehog and Anita The Hedgehog belong to Shōgakukan.
Aleena The Hedgehog, Charles "Chuck" The Hedgehog, Sonia The Hedgehog, Manic The Hedgehog and Sally Acorn belong to DIC Entertainment.
James McCloud, Vixy Reinard, Fox McCloud, Falco Lombardi, Peppy Hare and Slippy Toad belong to Nintendo.
Sneaky, Mouse Ka-Boom, Flippy, Flaky, Cuddles, Giggles and Petunia belong to Mondo Mini Shows.
Pop-Pop, Cotton, Stu Hopps, Bonnie Hopps, Jack Savage, Judy Hopps, Nick Wilde, Mrs. Wilde, Finnick Gideon Gray and Sharla belong to Disney.
Retsuko's Maternal Grandmother, Retsuko's Father, Retsuko's Mother, Fenneko, Retsuko, Haida, Ookami, Inui and Tadano belong to Sanrio.
Yafya, Gosha, Jack, Legoshi, Louis, Ogma, Kibi and Tao belong to Paru Itagaki.
Nina Flip, Nazuna Hiwatashi, Michiru Kagemori, Shirou Ogami, Kuro, Gem Horner and Melissa Horner belong to Trigger.
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