#perfect time to find me a scorpio man
cosmicplexus · 5 months
Random Astrology Observations
🌻I wasn't feeling lazy today so this is a bit longer than the usual observation posts🌻
🦋And finally the pricing catalogue is here...at the end of the observations 🦋
Thank you so much my sunflowers🌻your support has been everything. I try my best to respond to your messages and requests. If you haven't received a response, I'm coming 🤍✨
And I tried my best to be reasonable with the prices. Also, I'm not yet doing full chart readings as I am a student with two majors and I'm already struggling with balancing things. In time I will do them. Free one question culture requests are still open, but please don't request for things you see on the pricing catalogue like a big three reading...
I don't want to bore you all too much so here we go🧚🏾‍♀️🦋🌻✨
Astrology Notes...
~4th house Gemini makes for someone who develops family-like bonds in friendships.
~taurus risings tend to be possessive due to the influence of their scorpio 7th house.
~pluto at angular houses 1st, 7th, 4th and 10th is a huge indicator of someone who has had intense experiences in the respective key areas of life and there's spiritual lessons to be learnt regarding that area through transformation.
~libra venus placements may find it really hard to stay single
~7° and 19° venus or moon signs may struggle with the theme of physical perfection and wanting to attain it.
~virgo moons have a tendency of creating problems if they don't have any current ones to solve
~capricorn risings really do look older in their younger days and younger when they're older.
~moon and neptune in 1st house natives may give off the perception that they need saving and may attract people with a martyrdom complex.
~sagittarius, 9th house, 9° and 21° mercuries may have an affinity to music in foreign languages while cancer, 4th house, 4°,16°,28° may enjoy music in their mother tongue
~jupiter in 2nd house and 10th house is heavy lotto winner vibes. Literally and figuratively.
~mercury in 2nd house and at Taurean degrees(2°,14° and 26°) are the born singers
~the 22nd degree is an underrated fame degree...I have a bey's🐝 fame analysis I've been sitting on for a while. That's a conversation for another day.
~pisces venus and mars are the most romantic people in the world which makes me kind of believe the astrology theory of neptune being the higher frequency of venus.
~leo moons really take their hair seriously and may feel out of loop if their hair is not well done.
~want to easily impress a cancer mars man??? Sing praises to your mom. Be dotting around kids.
~girls with 9th house, 9° and 21° Venus are so magically beautiful. Abundance of beauty.
~To a decent degree, liberation of women in society came at the expense of gemini, sagittarius and aquarius venus women being slut-shamed(This is not at all saying other women did not contribute to the liberation of women 🌻✨ That's a conversation for another day)
~neptune plays a huge role in beauty trends and that's why neptune dominant women are usually the beauty influencers which explains why beauty standards are mutable and ever changing.
~jupiter in 7th house can go two ways... extreme luck in meaningful relationships or someone who never has serious relationships and is forever on the look...
~pisces/12th house mercuries and mercury afflicted by neptune are often under fire for being the liars when the real culprit is the sagittarius/9th house mercuries and mercury-jupiter hard aspects.
~I personally view the north node as a jupiter variant. While the general consensus is that it is the purpose we're working for, I do believe that it's also an indicator of our birthrights, innate gifts and where we're lucky.
~Cosmic Plexus🌻🤍
Let me know your thoughts...
~Cosmic Plexus🤍✨🌻🦋©️
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princessjojo-x · 9 months
Venus Synastry
ignore the crossed out parts, that’s only for me & my chart
💝 venus conjunct venus - partners express love in the same way as one another. however, sometimes it’s too much of the same energy causing partners to clash over their more challenging venus traits. this aspect works best if the venus signs aren’t in detriment or malefic.
💝 venus conjunct mars - this aspect indicates partners progressing at a high speed. they may become sexual with each other quickly due to the guaranteed sexual attraction. however, partners may get under each others skin & mars especially isn’t afraid to bite back. usually mars takes on the masculine role & makes the first move on venus. whereas venus takes on the more feminine, passive & seductive role.
💝 venus conjunct sun - this interaction played out differently to what i expected. firstly, the connection didn’t feel that sexual or romantic. consequently, the chemistry wasn’t strong enough to warrant any sort of longing for him. this may may be an outcome of the traditional gender roles being reversed, with the man’s femininity amplified through his venus & the woman’s masculinity amplified through her sun. secondly, i felt it was a very “all or nothing” rxship; it felt too demanding & i felt suffocated at times. however, these rxship always take on the qualities of the sign the conjunction is in. in my case, it was in aries, which would explain why i felt that way. regardless, within this rxship venus is responsible for the harmony & functionality. venus seeks attention & validation from sun.
💝 venus trine saturn - found in many long term rxships (libra/aquarius venus or capricorn/virgo saturn)
💝 venus conjunct juno - juno views venus as perfection personified (leo venus or taurus juno)
💝 venus conjunct pluto - both partners feel intense emotions for eachother even when they're not together. pluto sometimes wants to control venus into only looking & thinking abt them. (sag venus)
💝 venus opposite venus - . oppositions in astrology often represent polarity, two energies in tension, pulling in opposite directions. partners have different love styles, needs, values, desires & rxship expectations. this difference can lead to conflict & misunderstandings. but this difference can also create a sense of intrigue & fascination for one another. partners are drawn to each other’s differences & find they complement each other well. the difference pushes both partners out of their comfort zones. expect powerful physical attraction, undeniable passion & possibly mind games! partners give very subtle hints & vibes to each other but there’s always one partner who is more oblivious than the other.
💝 venus square venus - unresolved trauma from both parties taint the rxship. partners may have different love languages & polarising tastes, for example, music, lifestyles, slightly trivial things. despite the negative connotation attached to this aspect, it is very common aspect within couples. (aqua/leo venus)
💝 venus opposite rising - usually venus thinks rising is extremely physically attractive whilst rising only has a mild attraction to venus. but once they get to know each other rising starts to feel deeply attracted to venus. this is a rxship that gets better with time. (cap venus or scorpio rising)
💝 venus opposite pluto - instability (gemini venus/ scorpio pluto)
💝 venus square mars - harsh aspects (square/opposite) between venus & mars is a sign of a rxship possibly turning very toxic if the parties involved do not have the maturity & emotional intelligence needed to work through their differences. this aspect specifically can be an challenging & awkward bc there’s tension that neither partners are comfortable with. mars can come off a little too strong & this makes venus feel repulsed. usually one is active/ aggressive whisky the other is passive/stable. partners need a lot of time to understand one another. (leo/aquarius/scorpio venus or mars)
💝 venus square pluto - creates a lot of sexual tension between the two. pluto becomes very possessive & jealous over venus, even if they’re not together, pluto will act like venus is theirs. however, pluto tends to be very lowkey abt their feelings it’s rare anyone will notice. (aqua/leo pluto or virgo/pisc venus)
💝 venus square eros - lack of common ground (leo/aqua eros or scorpio/taurus venus)
💝 venus square saturn - painful aspect. saturn feels like they’re babysitting venus. venus feels misunderstood & isn’t able to express themselves. saturn restricts venus from being able to express any kind of loving venus like nature. a very binding aspects regardless of how much partners love or hate one another. however, venus is going to feel frozen & very misunderstood. venus is restricted from expressing lighthearted affection & is giving negative undertones from saturn. also, this aspect indicates a slow burn rxship & taking a long time to finally get together. (leo/aquarius saturn of virgo/pisces venus)
💝 venus square rising - partners have different social preferences, love languages or lifestyles which causes tension or discomfort. rising is not just how you look but how you act too. venus dislikes how rising acts & carries themselves. rising is probably not venus’s usual type & venus may have not noticed rising straight away. rising may feel unloved & unwanted by venus. rising may feel they’re not attractive enough for venus or that venus is too good for them. also, partners sweep problems under the carpet to maintain harmony but overtime this turns into hate & resentment. on the bright side, they are usually viewed as an attractive duo or the “it couple”. (leo/aquarius asc or libra/aries venus)
💝 venus square neptune - doubts from venus preventing trust (leo/aquarius neptune or taurus/scorpio venus)
💝 venus square uranus - this connection usually ends abruptly. one partner, usually uranus will ghost/leave when venus least expects it. (taurus/scorpio venus or leo/aqua uranus)
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torialefay · 9 months
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🪐 Venus in Scorpio 🦂
(based on astrology) 🔞
✨bangchan x reader (f); this is literally just smut with a little bit of astrology lol
✨word count: ~3.5k
✨first part in a series!!! (The next ones won’t be so horny, i promise lol) Together, let’s take a look into chan’s natal chart to see what type of boyfriend he would be… this one just so happens to involve the smuttiest of the smut lol
✨i will give a brief synopsis of what each chart placement means throughout the series (for all my non-astrology friends out there <3) and how that would affect channie in a relationship :)
✨ author’s notes:
(1) i have seen some stays come to the general consensus that chan’s birth time is 8:54 pm, but i have never found a source where he states or confirms this. if you have the proof, let me know and i will re-do this post! otherwise, i do not want to speculate about birth time, as it can affect many aspects of his chart!
- *UPDATE*: some sweet stays confirmed this birth time! so we’re good to carry on :)
(2) since his birth time is unknown (to my knowledge), some aspects of his chart cannot be determined, such as house placements, ascending sign, etc. i will ONLY be writing about his definitive placements, which are his sun, moon, and planetary placements.
(3) the aspects in this reading are based solely on my opinions and interpretations! nothing about a person is set in stone simply because of astrology. please don’t use anything i say as canon :)
✨warnings: extreme smut. you have been warned; minors DNI!!!
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Venus in Scorpio: Venus is the planet of beauty and love (it is the ruler of Libra, so of course!). This accounts for both platonic and romantic love.
-Scorpios are known for their moodiness, emotion, intellect, and captivating auras. They love and find beauty in the darkest of things… Think moody tumblr bf chan. This is literally his venus in scorpio
-Because Venus in Scorpio has a very dark energy, he will most likely be attracted to dark, feminine, alluring beauty. It also explains why he is attracted to the color black and wears it often.
As your boyfriend:
• chan is borderline obsessed with you. maybe actually obsessed with you. on a level that transcends superficial. he is obsessed with your soul. in a way, he feels like he can SEE it. he gets so frustrated with himself because he feels that he can never get close enough to you. he will never be close enough to you until he joins his soul with yours. he quite literally wants to consume your mind and spirit. to live with it- live inside of you- as if it was he himself.
• he is extremely possessive over you. he cannot even think about another man touching you. although he may not say anything at first, males giving you any sort of attention would deeply bother him, as he feels like your souls are tied to each other. and how dare someone try to take what is his.
• if he sees you with his members and thinks you are getting too close, he won’t bother mentioning it to you. he will take that member aside and establish some ground rules. it is fine to play around with you, but any emotional investment they make into you is not okay and will not be tolerated.
• he waits to have sex with you. for a couple of months even. the tension between you two is absolutely insane, but he waits. he wants to know you, body and soul, before he takes any part of you. because for chan, sex means something, he knows how amazing you are, that’s why he fell for you in the first place. and he wants to be perfect for you and fully know you before there’s no going back
• the first time you have sex is absolutely magical. Better than you could have dreamt. He wants to make it special for you, for his special girl. He waits until the right time and until he knows you are ready. He has planned a lavish date for the two of you, a beautiful private dinner tucked away in a forest, illuminated with what seemed like a million candles and dazzling lights. A private chef had cooked for you and left, leaving the two of you in each others’ company.
• Every night with him is special, but this night is different
• He is incredibly gentle with you all night, whispering how beautiful you look and taking your hand ever so gently into his.
• He makes sure to repeat to you how lucky he feels to be in this moment with you and how lucky he is to have you
• He looks so beautiful in the candle light, stars in his eyes that are focused on your own. Occasionally they peer down to your lips, but then slowly move back up to look into the deepest parts of you.
• After dinner, he swiftly peppers you with kisses and holds your waist with one hand, the other hand intertwining with your own. He leads you to the car and drives home, taking his time to make sure his girl makes it there safe.
• When inside, he continued the beautiful candle theme, now with flower petals and another new bouquet. He kisses along your neck until you sigh deeply and give in under the weight of his chest
• He gently sits you down on the bed while maintaining a deep kiss, cupping underneath your chin so gently that you thought he was scared to break you
• His tongue slipped into your parted lips, and something gutteral suddenly came out of him at the feeling of being inside of you in some capacity
• His grip on your chin started to become tighter, moving down to your neck. He couldn’t separate his lips from you for fear that you’d fall away from him entirely. He hung on to you for dear life. Hungrily tugging at your bottom lip, he tried to pull you as far into him as he could without physically devouring you.
• He started to get so worked up that he couldn’t bare it anymore. He needed more of you. He needed to feel you and to transcend you. His girl, and only his girl. He needed to make you HIS.
• His hands started moving down your body, grabbing firmly as if he wasn’t sure you were really there. Your shoulders, your collarbones, your chest. God, he couldn’t believe the way that you felt underneath him.
• “Can I?” He broke away from the kiss to ask you this much. He couldn’t bare the thought of you saying no, but he would never jeopardize this love he had for you. Love… Adoration… Wonder... Obsession…
• When you breathily panted out a “yes”, he made quick but gentle work to lift your dress from the bottom of your pelvis, all the way lifting it up over your head and off. So gently, so so gently so that he didn’t mess up a single hair on your beautiful little head.
• The way you looked under the candle light took his breath away. The curves of your body left him in awe. So unlike his hard, squared, and rigid frame. You were soft, you had shapes along the lines of you, and you were fucking beautiful, he thought. He could not believe you were really for him.
• He looked down to your breasts, then back up at you, again asking for permission with his eyes. With an approving nod, he reached out to hold one in each hand. Rubbing back and forth across your nipples over the protection of your thin bra. He just kept watching you, starved to know what reactions you would give him.
• He trailed one hand down until he was positioned right over your underwear.
• Looking into your eyes, searching for any kind of resistance in them, he slightly parted his lips and licked them, moaning ever so slightly while pressing his hand with a light pressure into the fabric of your underwear. You felt him almost pull back a bit, looking a bit dazed and slightly overwhelmed, so you pushed into him yourself.
• Staring at you from above, he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. His perfect girl, feeling perfect, because of him. He applied more pressure and watched as you started to grind against his hand. He let out a moan and felt his dick twitch just hearing your breathing start to quicken.
• He didn’t want to push his luck, but he also knew that he could do better. He could make you feel so so much better. Slowly, he put his other hand on your stomach to slow you from grinding down on him. His other hand made its way underneath your underwear and started to ever so slightly drag his fingers along the outside of you. Feeling how wet you were made him stop and want to fucking scream. To cry. He could barely understand the emotions he was feeling. He just knew that he couldn’t stop loving you if he tried. Now, he wanted to worship you.
• He inserted 1 finger slowly, letting you adjust. When your face started to relax and look like one of pleasure, his dick became rock hard. He needed more of you so badly.
• Once he knew you were comfortable, he added another finger and watched your face. He watched the way that it curled up and how your mouth dropped open. He noted the way that your eyes squeezed shut and how you sounded when you breathed out so close to his neck.
• He began to pump his fingers into you, slowly until he knew you felt good, and then picking up ever so slightly. He curled his fingers up slightly and waited for your reaction.
• Fuck, did he get a reaction. When he heard you whine his name, it echoed in his head over and over again. “Chan. Chan. Chan.” He has never loved hearing his own name more than in this moment. His perfect girl. He couldn’t control himself anymore.
• He started to slam his fingers into you and leaned down to take in the entirety of your mouth. He thrust his tongue inside, and sucked on every inch of your lips he could get ahold of. He didn’t care if it was too rough. He didn’t care about anything anymore other than marking you forever as his own. Marking you as a part of his soul, and him a part of yours. After tonight, you would be inexplicably joined forever, living as one. You wouldn’t have to be his obsession anymore if you lived in him. He would simply always have you.
• He pulled from the kiss abruptly and stared at your face. He memorized how beautiful you looked with your eyes rolling into the back of your head. Almost like you were possessed by him, he thought. And that is all that he wanted. He would possess every part of you. He began to stare at you, dauntingly. “Look at me,” he ordered sternly, until your head slowly came upward to hold his eye contact. There was something different in his eyes. Like he was hungry.
• “I’m going to count to 10, and I want you to come for me.” He didn’t ask for permission. He said it so matter-of-factly he could have been telling you his name. Something must have switched in him directly after though, following up with a low “Okay princess?”
• Surprised at his own switch, he couldn’t believe how you did that to him. How you activated so many different parts of his brain at the same time. How every inch of you controlled what little brain capacity he had left. His soul almost left his body when he heard you gather your small voice enough to say, “Yes, my love.”
• “10,” he said, almost sheepishly, as if waiting to see what your reaction would be. Pumping his fingers now even harder into you, you let out a small moan. It agged him on.
• “9,” he came in close to your ear, starting to lick and suck ever so slightly around the outside. Anything gentle about him had left his body.
• “8,” he dipped his tongue inside your ear, licking away in slow, tiny motions. He felt like he was savoring every second he could have with you. You felt too good underneath him to not tease you a little bit.
• “7,” he moved to the area between your ear and jaw. He bit and sucked at it. He sucked so hard you thought he would rip into you. Somehow he didn’t,
• “6,” he dipped down now to your neck, licking all the way as he went. Intermittent kisses and licks peppered down until he had found his target. The sweet spot right where your neck ended to meet your collar bone.
• “5” he bit down. The look on your face of pain with excruciating pleasure was all he needed to see.
• “4… almost there my sweet girl,” he breathed out against the new-forming bruise at the base of your neck. His fingers started to slam into you and angle in just the right spot. As he heard you mumble “fuck” under your breath, he pulled his face up to be right in front of yours. He wanted to see you when you came for him. He wanted to see you when you gave yourself fully to him.
• “3” he wandered his other hand down to rub small circles around your clit. Light enough to make you jump and writhe under his touch. He loved to watch you squirm like that. He loved the control he had over you. When he heard you mouth his name again, he started slamming into you relentlessly with his fingers. ‘Say it again, say it again, know whose you are,’ he thought to himself. “Hmmm?” He teased. “Fuuuuck Chris,” you cried out to him. This was it. He was going to fucking take you.
• “2… I want you to fucking take it baby... Take it for me. You can do it.” He continued to slam into you, fingers still making light circles on your clit. He had never seen a face in such ecstasy. He brought his face down until his forehead was touching your own. Nose to nose. He looked into your eyes like it was the first time he’d ever seen love. Real love. Real passion. He was sure that this was the first time had seen love. But even more, this was the first time he had ever known love. Love and y/n were synonymous to him now. He was never going to live without you again, not after this moment. He craved you and he needed you. He was going to make sure that he had you for the rest of eternity.
• “You’re mine,” he whispered against your mouth, and then bit down heavy onto your bottom lip, moaning into you. Heavy, like he was going to devour you until there was nothing left. Like you were the most delicious thing he had ever taken a bite of. And he planned to consume all of you, down to the soul. His bites were unrelenting, like he was starving for you this whole time. You couldn’t tell if there was blood. Shit, you couldn’t tell if there was anything even left, but you didn’t care. And he didn’t care. You were his. He suddenly pulled his head away and stared down into you. All of a sudden, you felt known. His fingers went faster on your clit until you couldn’t take it anymore.
• “1. Right fucking now. Let me see my perfect girl come for me.” He raised his voice. He watched you transcend. Jolts of lightning were rushing through your body. You felt all of your limbs twitch and then fall out, lifeless, like your soul really was gone. Chris took it. He took all of you and he was leaving nothing. He continued to pound his fingers into you until you had nothing left. You screamed, you cried, you cursed. You couldn’t stop. Wave after wave, it hit you until you were shaking uncontrollably. You tried to close your legs, to stop the overstimulation, but Chris held them open. He wasn’t leaving until there was nothing left of you. He felt too good and he was too good. You started to sob. You couldn’t hold it back. Tears streamed down as you held out for one last orgasm. “Chris please, Chris PLEASE,” you pleaded, tears coming out. “I- fuck-“ you felt another bolt of tingles shoot down your leg. “I’m almost done. Please… please, last time,” you could barely get your words out.
• It turned Chan on so badly. Seeing how gone you were for him. Seeing how much of yourself you had given to him. His baby. His girl. His immortal soul. Crying to him out of desperation and immeasurable pleasure. He was satisfied. And so with that, he bent down and kissed your forehead, then your tears. “Yes, my love, last time.” He pressed down hard onto your lower abdomen, just enough to give more pressure when he struck his fingers into you at just the right angle. It was absolute perfection, and pure bliss washed over you. One, two, three, four…. five pumps and you’re over.
• He leaned his head back and smiled ear to ear. You had started to convulse uncontrollably, squeezing hard around his fingers. ‘What a view’ he thought, eyes growing larger at the sight of your perfect body giving every last bit to him. You were exhausted. You were worn down. You weren’t even sure you were still in the world. But that was okay to Chan, he knew he now had you tied to his soul forever. It didn’t matter where you thought you were, because now, he would always be with you.
• Coming down from your high, you had tears still coming out of your eyes from the overwhelming emotion of it all. Your mouth was dry, heaving heavily to try and catch your breath. Your mind was trying to collect itself, slowly opening one eye at a time.
• Chan pulled his fingers out slowly, so as to make sure he didn’t hurt you. Once you came to, he gently grabbed behind you and sat you up. He laid your head forward onto his chest so that you could continue to collect yourself, wipe your tears, and get your breathing back to normal. He pulled your head close to his heart. You could hear it beating slow and steady. He then pulled you back ever so slightly and cupped your face. When he saw you with tears still in your eyes, he wiped them away with his thumbs.
• “Oh my sweet baby,” he whispered and brought his forehead to yours. You could see a tear starting to form in his eye. Then another. Then another. Chris was crying.
• “My sweet, sweet girl,” he repeated, whispering and trying to soothe you. He held onto your face even tighter. “You are so perfect for me, you know that? You did so perfect.”
• You nodded your head lightly, tiny tears still forming in your inner eye from looking at your tear-stained boyfriend. “I’m so in love with you, Channie,” you whispered, now cupping his face too. You planted a kiss on his nose. He grinned at your from underneath his eyelashes.
• “I’m so in love with you too.”
• “So, I’m yours now huh?” You laughed, wiping away your own tears.
• “You’re mine,” Chris said, leaning forward now and smiling into the side of your neck. He laid you back down onto your back as gently as he’s picked you up. “And I’m yours,” he said, now towering over top of you.
• He moved his body to rest between your legs. He planted gentle, soft kisses along your entire body. Any place he bit, bruised, or marked was now being pasted over by the whisper of his calm kiss. Starting from your neck, all the way down until he was face to face with the area he had just used to control you. He planted one last, gentle, sweet, loving kiss and raised back up.
• “You’re mine, and I’m yours,” he said, moving his body on top of you, trapping you in a cage of his limbs. He kissed your lips gently, so as not to hurt any bruises he may have given you. To him, you were the most delicate thing in the world. And you were his. He wanted to be fully yours too. He wanted to be etched into your soul, never to be removed. The thought of living this life eternally tied to you made his heart swell. It made his dick swell too. ‘Oh shit’ he thought. He had gotten so caught up in the moment that he wouldn’t dare ask you to do anything for him. But you felt the twitch. You knew better. You were exhausted, and he knew that. But in that moment, you didn’t care. You wanted to complete the perfect night.”
• “Baby?” You looked up at him.
• “Yes love?” He looked at you with all of the love in the world. He would bend over backwards just to hear you speak his name. Whatever question you had, the answer was undoubtedly, unequivocally yes.
• “I gave my all to you. It’s only fair that you give your all to me. I need you to show me how much you love me. Let’s commemorate the night.”
• He sat and stared at you for a long moment. ‘Let’s commemorate the night.’ You were right, he would give everything to you too. And then you would be one. Forever. His girl forever. Her man forever. He felt his soul latch on. You’re his. Venus in Scorpio.
Link: Venus in Scorpio: Part 2 - "The Night He Took You"
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astraveritas · 2 years
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★ my scorpio sun/venus and 8h mars best friend has kevin mcallister like plan for revenge if her fiance ever cheats on her. when she told me this I was not surprised at all. I love my scorpio women but yall insane.
★ fire moons are loud as hell when it comes to showing emotions. when they find something funny best believe the whole neighborhood will know. their laugh can wake up the dead.
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— two fire moons having a quiet chat
★ cancer sun people are extremely business savvy, very much like their opposite sign capricorn. they constantly show up on the top of the lists of the wealthiest people. after all cancer is exalted in jupiter, the planet of luck, abundance and risk-taking. basically that gif of woody harrelson drying his tears with money is peak cancer sun energy.
★ famous people from the sagittarius-gemini axis are messy as hell. no one brings more chaos, drama, confusion and madness into the entertainment industry that this pair. they said “let me entertain you” and took it to 11
★ visual representation of scorpio men with libra placements using their libra placements charm to be the perfect nice gentleman to lure you in just to switch up and unleash their scorpio craziness on you unprompted 10 seconds later
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★ saggitarius rising people cannot sit still, they always end up in the weirdest places and have the craziest stories to tell, like how the hell did you even get in there? and they're always like “I have a friend, who have a friend, who have a uncle who knows this dude and that’s how I ended up in underground bunker sex rave” and by the time you finish comprehending that information they’re already gone.
★  virgo placements and their scary attention to details. nothing will slip past them, they will notice and they will point it out, no they won’t care if they hurt your feelings, do better.
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— virgo placement staring at someone 20ft away and noticing a stain on their shoes.
★ “look what the cat dragged in” but the cat is pisces sun/mars woman who just introduced you to her boyfriend and he is the weirdest creature of a man you ever laid your eyes upon. people who talk about aquarius women and their strange taste in men, never met a pisces woman in their life. aquarius women will be into counterculture type of men whatever the counterculture may mean to her personally. but pisces women? they’re dating mad libs in form of men.
★ have yall noticed taurus placements and their sense of smell? their noses are so sensitive they could probably work as police dogs in airports. very similar to virgos in that area. no one sniffs their food more before they eat it than a taurus placement. you ask out loud “what’s that smell?” and a taurus placement be like “i’m sensing basil with a pinch of black mustard seed” and they end up being right every time. they also love for their home to smell nice, always opening the windows to let the fresh air in and lighting scented candles. 
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— taurus placement after buying every scented candle, perfume, aromatic bath salt, lotion and air freshener they found on sale.
★ people with mars-mercury conjunction/trine in fire sign are blunt. they will say what everyone is thinking out loud and drag everything unsaid into the surface and force people to confront it. 
★ watching people with libra sun/mars in a discussion with someone they don’t agree with is hilarious. you can see in their eyes that they do not fuck with this person and their opinions and yet there’s still this polite smile on their face, but something behind their eyes says “murder”.
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4pfsukuna · 4 days
Hunch Punch T. Fushiguro
Sneak peak of the Enemies to lovers series and inspired by that tik tok trending sound “come here bae come sit next to me, DAMN YOU ON THE EDGE OF THE BED YOU BOUT TO FALL OFF”
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Toji had promised Shiu that he’d be on his best behavior and that he wouldnt bother you. He promised no more witty remarks, no shit talking, no more of him being— him. All because little megumi loved spending time with you and avoiding Toji meant every extension of him unfortunately for little megs too. And the little brat had his death stare down to perfection it was why he had two killer dogs.
You weren't oblivious at all to Tojis stares though, specifically to the way his eyes would roam your curves or even your ass when he thought you werent looking. the floor to ceiling window of the one way hotel window had perfectly outlined his wide muscular frame and the minute you turn around his eyes avert from your frame sk quickly you almost thought you imagined it.
Lets see how well tamed he actually is?
“Hows megs?”you ask and his brows furrow for a second and he almost ask whos that because his only thoughts was that thin tiny piece of fabric that was backless showing your spine tattoo, tiny enough for you to bend over and fry his brain and thin enough to where he could see your nipples— were those nipple piercings?
Oh fuck.
“Good. Hes soo goo—“ and he stops himself in his tracks no he wasnt. “No. hes… he misses you” he shakes his head running a hand through his jet black silky hair before dragging a hand down his face.
You pout sitting down on the bed the scent of your perfume overwhelming and he has to bite his tongue to hold back one of his sly comments thats just on the tip of his lips. He clears his throat at the way you lean forward your breast pressing further into the fabric and he feels his hand grip the soft sheets tighter.
“You okay Toji?” You ask softly but your voice sounds like a goddamn siren calling out her prey he’d never heard that tone and the way you said his name has his knuckles aching from the grip.
“Your ears are red” you giggle and this man was so down bad for you so when your hand reaches out to trail from the top of the shell of his ear to the bottom he shivers grabbing your hand in a tight grip.
When his eyes look over at you your licking your lips the shiny gloss never moving from your pink thick lips.
“Are you?” His voice rasp you acted like you hated him any other time but right now it felt like he was being seduced and damn did he want to fold… and then fold you. There was only one way youd act like this.
“What were you drinking?” He ask arching a brow before you giggle again pulling your hand from his wrist.
“I had two shots… Don Julio act a foolio.” You smile and he sees the way your tongue runs over your sharp teeth. Not enough to have you drunk or even tipsy but enough for him to move further from you on the bed to the edge.
“Mmcht why you all the way over there” you suck your teeth, But its the low lided look in your eyes that has him stuck. You had mentioned something before about scorpios having a certain look they give you that locks you in a trance and he thought it was some stupid zodiac thing until he fealt nearly paralized.
“You on the edge of the bed you ‘bout to fall off” you smirk watching the wheels in his head completely stop turning and fall off track his pupils blown wide as you crawl over to him straddling his lap.
Oh, fuck megumi! the little brat hated him anyways the minute your hand touches his chest, behaving so you could come back over for megumi was over. And fuck Shiu too.
“Having fun mama?” He ask spreading his legs wider, hands coming to stabilize you quickly by your hips but fingers tips grazing the top of your ass. He doesn’t even flinch when you pull the gun from his hip dismantling all 6 pieces. The bullets clinking as they fall onto the hardwood floor.
“Keep letting your hands wander might find something else” he leans forward slightly until your hand presses into his throat making the air thicken more. His eyes wander down between the two of you drinking in every inch of you perched perfectly in his lap and he really wasn’t sure who trapped who.
“I thought you Told Shiu you were going To behave?” You tease this time using your opposite hand to caress his face slowly pulling it up to you.
“Sweetheart, this is me behaving” he chuckles his hand reciprocating yours on your neck pulling you down so his lips are against your ear your eyes fluttering shut.
“If i wasnt…” his thumb presses gently against your pressure point in your neck “id have you ride my tongue until the only thing you can remember is my fucking name.”
And your spun around so your back is up against his firm chest, buldge noticeable against your ass legs dangling on the outside of his. His hand holds your neck in place to make sure youre watching him in the reflection in the window.
“If i wasnt i wouldve ripped this slutty little dress off you and had you pinned to that window fucking so deep inside of you until theres tears” his fingers start to slide under your dress.
“ until youre begging and dont know what youre begging me for: to cum, to go faster to stop or let you breathe” his hands squeezes Around your throat tighter tongue against your ear with a soft groan that you almost miss.
“Until those pretty eyes roll back so far you cant give me the look you’ve been giving me all night” he smirks against your neck pulling your gun and knife both from under your dress dismantling it the same way you did his before returning back to your thighs thumb curling against your black lace thong. He doesnt comment on the wetness just tightens his grip on your neck.
“If youre going to try and kill me be less obvious” he snaps the lace against your clit loving the way you flunch back onto his hard on. He knew you were dangerous but fuck this was the sexiest way anybodys ever tried to kill him. He knew youd never drink on a job nor wear something that revealing but he loved being seduced by you he couldn't lie.
The way you were glairing at him had him smirking because you still looked so fucking sexy and your eyes still had that slightly seductive yet hypnotizing look. 
“Get off me” you hiss though your body shows no fight or signs of wanting to get off him. You werent in distress in the slightest. Not a drop of fear in you when your neck was in the hands of a man who could literally snap it easily if he wanted.
“I can feel how wet you are f’ me mama. You dont want me to ‘get of you’ you want me to get you off” he chuckles cupping your pussy smirking at you through your reflections watching your eyes flutter when his thumb brushes against your clit.
“You comin’ home with me after this… the brat misses you” he purrs in your ear making you nod when he pushes a thick finger inbetween your wet folds soaking his finger up with a squish. 
“Okay baby?” He needs confirmation before loosing his mind in between your legs.
“Not your b-baby” you stutter at the thrust. “But ill come—“ and he thrust further this time cutting your words off.
See megs, you can have your cake and eat it too
“I know you will mama, imma make sure you cum for me” he laughs biting on your neck listening to your soft moan and instantly knowing he’d be down bad for you, how hooked he’d be to hear that sound again.
Shit if he was going to be down bad so were you.
“Let me taste you”
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livelaughghoul · 2 months
Lewis Hamilton - Birth Chart Analysis
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Disclaimer: This is for entertainment purposes only, nothing observed or taken away from this should be considered fact. As a reminder, I know fuck all about Formula 1, I just like fast cars (DALE EARNHARDT LIVES ON IN MY DREAMS, GOD BLESS AMERICA). 
Additional disclaimer: I am fucking tired y’all. My week at work has been actual hellfire, and I started my summer classes so I am back to averaging like, three hours of sleep a night and I am overworked, underpaid, and barely surviving (I am NOT thriving). I did NOT dive into the aspects of his chart, honestly, I am exhausted and posting this literally in the middle of the night. As soon as I finish this, I am knocking out for the foreseeable. If anyone really wants, I will look at the aspects, but my eyes are starting to hurt. I’ll get to his tarot reading sometime after I wake up. 
Anyway, here is my look at Lewis’s birth chart, since there seemed to be a lot of interest in his overall chart, I went ahead and dove in much deeper than I have on the others. If there is more interest in this, I am happy to do this for others as well. Unfortunately, I am not able to promise the accuracy of these, as a majority of the charts will be done using UTC unless there is a reliable birth time provided anywhere. 
Sun - Capricorn 
A Capricorn Sun to me is like a warm summer day with a perfect breeze, a feeling of coming home after a long day at work, and a perfectly baked apple crisp. It’s reliable, strong, and levelheaded. With this placement being ruled by Saturn, there is a lot of attention paid to time, how long it has taken to accomplish goals, the milestones, etc. I have no doubts that Lewis is the type to remember those important dates and want to make them important. Lewis has a long-term plan and has it planned out in an incredible amount of detail. The goat is applicable in all terms, steadfast, balanced even in the uncertainly, and stubborn.
Moon - Cancer 
I get the sense that Lewis opens up slower, but when he develops trust with someone it takes a lot to break it. There is so much protective and loyal energy with this placement, I have no doubts that once Lewis finds his people, he does everything in his power to ensure they feel valued and protected. Lewis has a gentle heart, and he loves deeply, like DEEPLY. There is a lot of emotions there, and with a Cancer in Moon there is a a tendency to almost be afraid to feel these emotions because they can be overwhelming. I think that Lewis has done the work necessary though to embrace being as emotional as he is, and there is a sense of power in the emotions he feels. 
Rising - Scorpio 
This is such an intense and petty rising sign, I love it. I also just have a soft spot for literally any Scorpio placement (even toxic men with a scorpio sun). In terms of rising, it’s a lot of resourceful placement, Lewis probably feels a sense of calm when he is in charge and feels that he has control. The one downside to a Scorpio rising is that there is a bit of a temper, like, it takes a lot to set it off, but my god, when it gets going, it’s a verbal tearing down that you would not expect. It’s got people walking away thinking about the things said for hours. 
Mercury (Planet of intelligence) - Sagittarius 
This is really nice placement, but it tells me that Lewis absolutely hates any sort of censorship or PR training. Real big jack of all trades in terms of hobbies, and a natural ability to just pick things up and be absolutely amazing at them. Knitting? One youtube video and hes a professional. Baking? No problem, practically a professional from the one time he read a blog online. Lewis is always open to learning new things and challenging himself. I have no doubts that this man is full of wisdom and grace. 
Venus (Planet of love and pleasure) - Pisces
Again, Lewis is in-touch with his emotions, and is so devoted to those that he deems worthy of his heart. While his chart does indicate that there is a tendency to have a bit of a temper, I have no doubts that once there is a spark there, he is the most gentle and kindhearted man there is. He is devoted and will cherish you with his everything. Unfortunately, there is sometimes a lot of self-sacrifice that comes with this placement that can make relationships difficult in the long run. 
Mars (Planet of physical energy) - Pisces 
I personally find this to be a pretty intense placement. It’s not necessarily due to the physicality of it, I just think that there is a lot of emotion that comes with Pisces, and when it clashes with the physicality of Mars, it can be hard to balance them out. I think that there is a tendency to shoulder others' issues and make them his own. Since Lewis is so in touch with his emotions, I think that there is a deeper and better understanding of what he needs to feel stable in a relationship.
Jupiter (Planet of luck, optimism, and success) - Capricorn 
This is an interesting placement, for a few different reasons. It’s one of my less preferred placements, but it’s definitely not the worst out there! The success in Lewis’s life can truly be attributed to his hard work and dedication. This also tells me that there is going to be longevity to the success, it isn’t just going to end. 
Saturn (Planet of responsibility)  - Scorpio 
Saturn here brings a lot of obstacles, but a lot of them tend to be on the emotional side of things rather than physical. Either there is going to be a huge disagreement between him and someone close to him that blows up into public attention, or this has already happened. This brings back some of that stubborn influence that we see in some other placements, his career is going to be something that lasts well past retirement, it isn’t just going to fizzle out. Retirement isn’t going to be traditional at all, his career is going to extend well past his driving days. 
Uranus (Planet of change and originality) - Sagittarius
Even when faced with change, Lewis is going to handle it with grace. We start to see some of the more unconventional beliefs here too, this tells me that there is a lot of spirituality and reliance on the self and manifestation. 
Neptune (Planet of mystery and illusion) - Capricorn
Lewis, the man that you are. I love a Capricorn Neptune because it is whimsical, driven, passionate, and truly in touch with the natural world. There is a lot of dedication to the self and others with this placement. There is so much hope and desire to understand the world at large and how it works with this placement. With Lewis being so connected to his emotions, I think that there is a lot of emotion tied into this placement as well. There is a lot of balance and self-soothing that can be done through this specific placement. 
Pluto (Planet of death and rebirth) - Scorpio 
Pluto is interesting. I definitely think that there is a lot of passion here, like a lot. Going back to everything else in his chart, this really kind of ties it together really well. I think that there is a lot of balance here. I mean, there is a lot emotion and passion everywhere in the chart, and then we get to this? Where it kind of becomes this overwhelming desire and passion to get their own way. 
First house (House of Self) - Pluto, Saturn, and Southern Node
Saturn in the first house tells me that there is a lot of weight placed on Lewis’s shoulders, the majority of it being there by his own doing. Lewis values hard work, and it really shows through his entire chart. Pluto shines through in more of the personality than the work ethic, Pluto in the first brings this natural charism and charm, that welcomes people in and attracts them naturally. The Southern Node here is pretty brutal, and I think a lot of it comes down to how much emotion is carried through the chart. With the Southern Node here, it can be easy to inadvertently hurt others through words or actions. 
Second house (House of Possessions ) - Uranus and Mercury 
I love Mercury here because we are literally seeing it in real time. There is a luxury to it, an ability to continue pushing the boundaries and just build more financial security and comfort. If it’s something that he believes will make his life easier, he has no problem dropping a pretty penny. I also love Uranus in this placement, because again, we literally see it. It’s typically seen in making great finances in an unconventional career (I would argue and say professional motorsports is unconventional). I wouldn’t be shocked to find out that he has an antiques collection or at least an interest in the vintage or antique world. 
Third house (House of Communication) - Neptune, Sun, and Jupiter
Lewis will have a natural talent for being well-spoken and eloquent in his speech and finds it easy to build a connection with others. There is a lot going on in this house, so I think that there may be a tendency to be disorganized in thought more so than anywhere else. Since Jupiter is the planet of luck, I definitely think that Lewis could talk himself out of any sort of trouble. He just needs to find a mutual connection and it’s game over. I don’t think Lewis would be the type to take advantage of this natural ability to charm others, but I do think there might be a tendency to weaponize it when he is feeling wounded. Neptune brings a lot of balance here, and really furthers the belief that he is a spiritual babe! I have no doubts that Lewis finds the occult to be interesting! I would literally give anything to have a chat with him over some occult ideals. 
Fifth house (House of Creativity and Sex) - Venus and Mars 
LITERALLY THE BEST FUCKING PLACEMENT. We have the planet of pleasure and love in the same house as the planet of energy and assertiveness. Venus tells us that Lewis is a natural romantic, and he knows how to make someone feel like they are the center of the universe. Paired with Mars, we see that there is almost an impulsivity to this romantic aspect of things, and that competitive nature comes through. He is going to be the best thing that has happened to someone, he will make damn sure of that. 
Seventh house (House of Marriage and Partnership) - Northern Node
I love the Northern Node here, truly. I’ve said it already, but I’ll say it again. Lewis Hamilton is willing to commit, to his career, to friends, to partners. He is not afraid of commitment at all. This natural charm that he carries is so infectious. He absolutely is going to be the best husband out there, like holy shit. 
Eighth house (House of Death and regeneration, and legacies) - Chiron 
I don’t love the wounded healer being in this house, like at all. To me this symbolizes holding onto things that he should not, likely leading to a festering rage. As I stated earlier, it likely takes a lot to get to the point where Lewis feels that it is necessary to end a relationship in any capacity, it is going to cause a lot of personal pain and bring up a lot of challenges. 
Ninth house (House of Mental Exploration) - Moon 
Lewis is a philosophical man at heart, I have no doubts that when he gets on a topic he is passionate about, he gets deep. I love this placement for him, because it usually means a lot of success in travel, and it’s my understanding (I am sorry for my lack of f1 knowledge guys), that he is constantly traveling. 
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aanoia · 2 years
How Well Do We Know Each Other (interview)
Obx cast x reader (Rudy Pankow x reader, not much mentions tho)
Summary; the obx cast gets put to the test on how well they know their coworkers
Warnings; drug mention, not proofread
Words; 3,330
I kinda hate this, but I kinda love it. I hate how many times I used the word laugh though.
Also, I got totally lost with points so I made them up so you would win.
Also, why can't I find any GIFS of the whole cast?
Requests are welcome and encouraged! I have an anon submission box and you can ask in comments!
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“We’re rolling in three,” I cleared my throat and adjusted the way I was sitting as the director called out. My boyfriend, Rudy, who was sitting next to me ran his hand through his hair and Jonathan, who sat on the other side of me, cracked his knuckles.. “Two, one.”
Madelyn began talking with a laugh, “We’re the cast of Outer Banks and we’re here to test each other on-”
“Nope.” Chase said, shaking his head with a smile and we all left as the cameras cut.
“Take two.” The director said.
“I am Madelyn Cline and we are here to test how well we know each other.” Madelyn tried again and I shook my head.
“Thank God.” Chase muttered.
“And we also the cast-” Austin started.
“We’re also the cast of Outer Banks!” We all said in unison and began laughing again.
“Cut! Take three.”
“I’m Madelyn Cline, and we’re the cast of Outer Banks.” She motioned towards us and I waved to the camera with a smile. “And we are here to test how well we know each other.
“Yeah!” We cheered as we clapped.
Madelyn held up the card, “What astrological sign do I like the most other than mine?” She asked.
“Do you like the most?” Madison clarified.
“Scorpio.” Carlacia said. “Taurus.”
“Capricorn, duh.” I said with a smile.
“Woah, woah, woah, wait.” Jonathan started. “One response, per person.”
Drew got up and leaned over to the side. “Drew, stop cheating.” I said.
“Drew, don’t you cheat.” Chase said as Drew sat back down.
“I’m not.” He defended.
“Or Capricorn, I agree with Y/n. I’m gonna go with Capricorn.” Madison decided and I high fived her.
“I’m gonna say Gemini.” Drew said as Jonathan was saying Gemini.
“Ah, I was about to say Gemini.” Jonathan complained.
“I was just thinking the movie Gemini Man.” Chase said.
“No, Geminis are crazy.” Jonathan decided. “I’m going to go Aquarius.”
Madelyn smiled as she turned the card around, “Gemini women.”
I snorted as everyone laughed. Drew held up his hands in a “what did I tell you?” way as Jonathan protested.
“Ah, he didn’t specify.” He tried.
Madelyn moved on, “What am I most likely to do when I’m not filming?”
“I’m gonna go Call Of Duty.” Austin said and I laughed.
“I think you’re gonna chill at home with a glass of wine.” Madison said.
“Cards Against Humanity. I don’t know.” Rudy said, his hand resting on my knee.
“By myself?” Madelyn laughed.
“Hm, sleep.” I said simply and Madison laughed.
“Okay, well I have a couple. Actually three.” Madelyn informed us and we laughed again. “Um, napping.” I put my hands up in victory.
“I’m so smart.” I bragged, looking straight into the camera and pointing at my head. “Come to me with all of your problems, and they will be solved with the low cost of five dollars.”
“Stop self promoting.” Jonathan deadpanned and I flipped him off.
“Um, wine.” Madelyn continued. “All natural. Natty wines.” Madison snorted. “Or doing Austin impressions to myself.”
I pointed at her, “Oh that’s fun. Mhm.”
“Right?” She said with a smile.
“It’s an honor, thank you.” Austin said with a hand on his heart. “Have you perfected it yet?”
“You’re perfect.” She imitated with a laugh. “What is my pet peeve?” She asked.
“Your car window getting broken, like four times.” Austin said
“In a year.” She added.
“I think that’s a pet peeve. That’s solid.” Madison agreed.
“Being like, talked down to.” Jonathan said.
“Yeah, changing out of pajamas.” Rudy guessed.
“Hm, that’s good.” I told him quietly.
“Like, mansplaining and stuff.” Jonathan continued.
“Getting out of your pajamas.” Rudy repeated.
“Not going to the spa?” Carlacia asked.
“So, JD, you were close. Being told what to do.” Madelyn said.
“Oh, yeah, yeah.” He agreed.
We rearranged as Drew got up to the seat.
“Purple nurple. Is it hot in the hot seat?” Chase asked.
“First question. What’s my secret talent? Bonus, where did I learn my talent?” Drew started.
“Sleeping.” Carlacia said.
“Insomnia.” Jonathan said right after.
“Guitar, piano. It’s an instrument.” Madison said.
“Well, what’s happening right now is you’re just giving me a lot of ideas.” Drew explained.
“Write it down.” Carlacia told him. “Cause you look like you’re waiting for us to tell you.”
“Yeah.” He said and wrote down his answer.
“Probably juggling.” Rudy said quietly, but not everyone heard him.
“I saw him playing harmonica with the monkeys.” I pointed out.
“With the monkeys?” Madison asked and I nodded.
“Oh, I can see that.” Austin said.
“When was he serenading?” Madison laughed.
“When the monkey swiped the drink.” I explained as Madison imitated playing a harmonica.
“Alright. My secret talent. I think I did hear someone say it. Which is juggling.” Rudy clapped his hands and I smiled at him. “Um, as a bonus though, uh insomnia is my secret talent.”
“Yeah.” Jonathan agreed.
“Who is my favorite Outer Banks character?”
“Barry.” Chase and Madison said together.
“Come on, that's easy.” Jonathan said.
“We know this.” Carlacia chimed in.
“I’m gonna say Shoupe.” Rudy said.
“Wheezie F baby, Wheezie F.” Madison said and I nodded my head.
“Yeah, Wheezie. Or C/n, because she’s just so hot and great, y’know?” I said with a smug smile while dramatically flipping my hair.
“Oh, for real.” Madelyn agreed as Rudy nodded in approval.
“Is it Ward Cameron?” Jonathan asked.
“No, it is Barry.” Drew said and flipped the card to face the camera. “Except C/n is pretty great.”
“I agree.” I nodded.
“That’s a point, can we count that one.” Chase said to the producers in the back.
“If I could live anywhere in the world, where would I live?” Drew asked.
“I’m tempted to say Bikini Bottom.” Carlacia said and we laughed. “But I’m gonna not.”
“Bikini Bottom.” Rudy repeated.
“North Carolina.” Madelyn said as she laughed and Drew flipped the card which said North Carolina and we all laughed.
“You can see right through that. I saw it too.” Jonathan laughed.
“Hickory, North Carolina.” Austin said.
“Hickory, North Carolina.” Drew repeated.
“No, just put North Carolina.”
“North Carolina. Asheville, North Carolina. That’s my favorite place on Earth.”
“Aw. The Outer Banks.” Madelyn said.
“Paradise on Earth.” I said as Drew threw the card.
“Who’s up?” He asked.
Jonathan sat on the seat. “You ready?” He asked. “Settle down, class. Here we go, first question. What’s my favorite TV show of all time?”
“I know what it is. Go ahead, write it down.” Madison said.
“It’s Boondocks!” Madison, Carlacia and I all said in unison before all high fiving each other.
“It is Boondocks.” Jonathan said with a nod, turning his card to face the camera.
“Sunny Philadelphia?” Austin asked.
“Ooo, always Sunny Philadelphia close second. Hilarious.” Jonathan deadpanned. “Alright, two. What is my favorite soda? And I don’t really drink soda.”
“Crap, it’s root beer.” I said, trying to think of the brand.
“A and W root beer.” Carlacia said.
“It’s not A and W but it is root beer.” Jonathan said.
“Mugs?” Madison asked.
“It’s not Mugs.”
“Oh! Barks!” I exclaimed, pointing at him. “It’s what they have in Texas!”
“Yes, it’s Barks. That’s what they had in Wataburg, Texas. But other than that I don’t really drink soda. Now this is a trick question, because I think you all think you know the answer.” Jonathan said.
“Write down your answers.” Madison said as the boys kept talking over everyone.
“Boys, boys, boys, boys, boys.” Jonathan said, keeping up the teacher act.
“I apologize.” Chase said.
“What’s my go-to snack on set? Now, this has changed since the first season and everybodies gonna yell out fruit snacks. It’s not that.”
“Vickie’s jalapeno chips.” Madison said.
“Goddamnit, Madison.” Jonathan said with a smile and we all laughed. “Give everybody a chance. Alright, I’m gonna write down a second answer too. So everybody can know my second favorite too.”
“I feel like it’s flaming hot cheetos when they got ‘em.” Carlacia said.
“That’s Vickie’s. Vickie’s takes that spot.”
“Then fruit-roll up?” Rudy guessed.
“It’s fruit by the foot, actually.” I said while rolling my eyes.
“Fruit-roll up, or fruit by the foot. What do you say, Chase?”
“I’m thinking, come back to me.” Chase responded.
“Sour patch kid roll up thing?” Austin guessed.
“That’s not a thing.”
“Anyone up there got a guess?” Jonathan asked us.
“I’m just gonna go with the classic, Lays?”
“Again, it can’t be chips because that’s Vickie’s.”
“Honeybuns?” I asked.
“Uh, it’s goldfish. But Honeybuns too.”
“Does that count?” I asked and looked behind the cameras to the producers. “Does that count?” They shook their heads and I deflated with a pout as Drew patted my head and Rudy wrapped his arm around me and rubbed my arm.
“But goldfish is a chip.”
“It’s a cracker. It’s in the cracker aisle.” Jonathan defended.
“Is goldfish a chip?” Rudy asked the camera.
“It’s a- it’s a cracker?” Austin said unsurely.
“I’m gonna win this one.” I said as Rudy sat on the chair dramatically, his eyebrows furrowed.
“You better.” He said, pointing at me. “Uh, there’s two things, the two things to this question, uh, what am I certified in?” He asked.
“Kayaking.” A bunch of people said.
“Yeah, kayaking and climbing.” I agreed.
“Yeah, it’s kayaking, which I don’t know if I spelled that right, and climbing.” He said, pointing his card to the camera.
“Two of the most Alaskan things possible.” Jonathan said and I nodded my head with a laugh.
Quick point update. I have the most points, four, then Madison with three, Carlacia, Chase, and Jonathan all have two, and the rest have one.
“This one’s kinda weird, how many instruments do I play?”
“How is that weird?” I asked and he just shrugged with a smile. Lots of threes rung out.
“Wait, at what skill level?” Jonathan asked.
“That’s the question now, isn’t it?” Rudy laughed.
“I feel like we can all play something.” Calracia said.
“Cause I’m thinking the kazoo.”
“Yeah the kazoo!” Rudy laughed, doubling over in his chair.
“Yeah and then we got the maracas and the flute.” Jonathan said.
“The triangle.” Madelyn said.
“It’s definitely harmonica.” Chase said.
“Harmonica and guitar.” Madison listed.
“I was gonna say ukulele.”
“He plays the drums too.”
“So, I’m gonna say 2.5.” Rudy said. “And I’m gonna even count like the piano. But I play harmonica and percussion. The drums.”
“Oh.” Austin said in realization.
“Yeah we bond over them.”
“The one person that should know.”
Austin sat down and grabbed the marker from Rudy.
“How old was I when I started playing drums?” Austin asked.
“Nine.” Madelyn said immediately.
“Right out of the womb.” Chase said.
“What?” Austin said, pointing at Madelyn.
“Wow, Cline.” I commented.
“You saw it.” Drew accused.
“I’m not saying that’s correct. We can keep going.” Austin said. “It’s nine.” He said in disbelief.
“Give us another age.” Jonathan said.
“What is the first thing I do in the morning?” Austin asked.
“Check your phone.”
“Wake up?” I said.
“Uh, just breathe.”
“Brush your teeth?”
“Check your phone.”
“That’s what I said.”
“No, take out your little soldiers.”
“Brush your teeth!”
“Go to the gym.”
“Invisalign?” Chase asked.
“Chase got it. Take out my night guard. But Y/n was also correct, give her a point too, I do wake up first thing in the morning.”
“I’m so cool.” I bragged.
“What’s my most prized possession?”
“Your drum set.” Rudy said with a laugh.
“Is it Blueberry?” Madelyn asked.
“The range?” Madison guessed as Rudy asked Madelyn what Blueberry was.
“The car, the BMW.”
“Oh, yeah.”
“Yeah, for sure your car.” I said. “That thing was a lot of moolah.”
“I’m gonna go with the old, uh, bounce house that you got for Christmas.” Jonathan said, his arms crossed.
“Oh, when I was eight?” Austin laughed.
“When you were eight, yeah.”
“Thought Christmas was over and went downstairs to the basement and there’s a jumpy house!” Austin explained.
“My car.”
“Dude, why did you write it like you’re four years old?” Chase asked.
“Alright, good job, you guys know me pretty well.” Austin said and hnaded the Sharpie to Madison.
“This is the hot seat, huh?” She asked. “Okay.” She looked at the question and gasped. “Do I know how to spell this? I’m gonna write it small.” She said in a higher pitched voice. “What word would I use to describe myself?” She asked in her normal voice.
“Whoo.” Calracia said with loud laughs. I pursed my lips with a smile.
“The S-A-T word?”
“This is blasphemy!” Carlacia said and the whole cast laughed.
“Green.” Drew said with a straight face.
“She can’t spell green?” Jonathan asked.
“Yeah, there’s your hint.” Madison laughed.
“I’m gonna go with- Earthy. I don’t know.”
“I feel like you’re tidy.” Austin said.
“Yeah, I’m going with earthy.” Rudy agreed. “You said earthy, that was a pretty good one.”
“What’s the word you can’t spell?” Carlacia asked and Madison flipped her card.
I nodded, “That is difficult. For sure.”
“I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-T! Do you know what that means? Hey!” The cast sang with large smiles.
“I covered my mouth because I’m over here like I-N-D-E-P-” Madison said and we all laughed.
“How did I meet my girlfriend?” She asked.
“Tikity Tokity.” I said as everyone said some version of Tik Tok.
“There’s gotta be some like, some OBX super fan getting all of these right, right now.” Jonathan said and I nodded.
“It’s me.” I said.
“Sure. But to you, we say thank you.” Jonathan said to the camera.
“What is my favorite movie?”
“Legally Blonde.” Chase said automatically.
“Pursuit of Happyness.” Jonathan guessed..
“Nacho Libre.”
“Princess Diaries?” Austin said unsurely.
“Solid movie.” Madison agreed. “JD got it, it is the Pursuit of Happyness. And it’s supposed to be spelled wrong, before I get cranked.”
“Oh, this is a great question.” Carlacia said as she sat down. “What am I most likely to spend my money on?”
“Drugs.” I said confidently, making the whole cast burst out laughing.
“Sneakers.” Madison said once she calmed down.
“Oh!” Carlacia laughed pointing at Madison.
“Sneakers!” Austin said, mocking Carlacias hand motions. “Jordans?”
“Good ass food?”
“Fashion. I just think it’s fashion. Just say fashion cause it’s all of it.” Jonathan said and I nodded.
“I change my answer to the entirety of fashion.” I said with a proud smile.
“You can’t do that, cheater.” Jonathan said, crossing his arms.
“Watch me.” I responded, also crossing my arms.
“Ladies, ladies, break it up.” Chase said.
“I have to change mine a little bit because they're probably right.” Carlacua said and I snorted. “I put shoes, but I spend a lot of money on fashion, cause y’know, shoes.”
(A/n, at this point I’ve lost track of points, so I’m kinda making them up) Point update. I have seven, still in the lead, Madison, Madelyn, Chase and Jonathan have five. Drew has four. Carlacia and Austin have three, and Rudy has two.
“Where is my favorite vacation spot?”
(There’s two way people say this, pick whichever you want)
“The Caribbean.” I said.
“It’s the Caribbean, not Caribbean.” Jonathan said, rolling his eyes.
“My bad, Hermione.” I said with a scoff.
“Yeah, I’m just gonna sum it up with the Caribbean.” Madison agreed.
“Yeah, you’re right. It’s the Caribbean in general.” Calracia said with a smile. “That’s my favorite vacation spot. Shout out to the West Indies.”
“True or false: I have won a beauty pageant?”
“For sure it's true. You’ve also won my heart.” I said making a heart with my hands and she put her hand over her mouth, pretending to be flustered.
“Stealing my girl over here.” Rudy said and the cast laughed as I blew kisses to Carlacia.
Everyone else said it was true.
“If you didn't, you got robbed.” Madison said.
“Absolutely.” Jonathan said.
“It’s true. I have won a beauty pageant.”
“Yes! Carlacia, I'm your biggest fan, marry me!” I begged jokingly as the rest of the cast snapped their fingers.
“How many tattoos do I have? Bonus: Where are they?” Chase asked after he sat down.
“I feel like you probably have one on your ass.” I said and Drew nodded in agreement.
“There’s an ace, there’s a card.” Madison said, counting on her fingers. “There’s a dove.”
“Everytime I see you, you have three more.” Carlacia said.
“There’s a match.”
“Twelve.” I said with a nod, guessing a random number.
There was a bunch of crosstalk and guesses before Chase began talking.
“I think it’s twelve.” He said.
“Is that what I said?” Madison asked. “That’s what I said?”
“Yeah, we both said twelve.” I nodded.
“What other Netflix series did I appear in?” Chase asked.
“Stranger Things.” Everyone said together.
“I got four letters in then I realized my handwriting is that of a four year old, so, it’s just STRA.” He said, showing us the card.
I sat on the chair with a giddy smile. “It’s my turn.” I said in a sing-song voice and everyone laughed.
“I love how excited you are.” Carlacia said.
“I love you.” I responded while wiggling my eyebrows as she blew a kiss to me, which I pretended to catch and stick in my pocket.
“Ew.” Jonathan said plainly as I looked at the card.
What is my earliest memory?
I laughed evilly as I wrote down my answer.
“Oh Lord.”
“Mk. Guys, my dearest friends, what is my earliest memory?” I asked.
Rudy looked to the ceiling in thought.
“Is it when you peed your pants in second grade?” Austin asked and I gasped.
“You can’t say that on camera!” The cast laughed as I pouted.
“Getting the giant stuffed dog from your dads girlfriend.” Madison said confidently.
“That’s good.” Jonathan agreed.
“No, it’s the fishing trip.” Rudy said with a nod. “When you caught the biggest fish.”
I turned around my card which read “fishing trip” in large, bold letters.
“You’re right, Rudy. It’s the fishing trip.”
“Damn.” Madison said disappointed.
“I feel like Rudy has an unfair advantage here.” Chase said.
“Shh, they’re just in love.” Carlacia said.
“Guys, shush, it’s time for the next question. What sport did I play in middle and highschool?”
“Volleyball.” Everyone said.
“It’s all you want to do when we aren’t filming.” Austin said and I nodded, agreeing with him.
“Okay, the finale, what is my biggest secret?” I said and everyone was silent for a few moments.
“I have zero clue.” Madison said.
“I literally know zero of your secrets.” Jonathan said, getting a nod from Drew and Chase.
“I don’t know man.” Austin said, rubbing his neck.
“Is it that you used to write fanfiction?” Rudy asked.
“And?” I prompted.
“You would post it on Wattpad.”
“Ding ding ding!” I said.
“What did you write about?” Madelyn asked.
“Everything. I’m pretty sure one of my books got to like, 100k reads too.” I said.
“I’m not even surprised you wrote fanfiction.” Drew said.
“Okay guys, who do we think won out of this?” Chase asked.
“I’d say like-”
“I’m banking on you.”
“Drew?” Carlacia asked, looking at the scoreboard.
“Drew?” I repeated, looking for confirmation.
“How did Drew win?” Madison asked as Drew stood up, holding his arms out. The whole cast argued.
“False alarm.” Chase said. “It’s like the whole Miss Universe all over again.” He said as I wiggled my eyebrows at the camera, being the winner.
The whole cast began walking off the stage.
“So, can we play some volleyball?” I asked as Rudy wrapped his arm around my shoulders and groans rang out.
“No!” They yelled together and I laughed evilly, knowing I was going to force them to play anyway.
Unbeknownst to us, the camera was still rolling, and yes, they put that at the end of the video.
You could tell how tired I got towards the end by the lack of detail lmfao
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galaxyedging · 1 year
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Claude x f!reader.
Warnings: My usual insanity. Swearing. Pussy licking.🤣
Part of the Exposed Masterlist
For @munsonownsmyass and @nicolethered
"I want to, no, I need to paint you!" Claude had been slinking around the house for most of the morning.
After your nap in the midday sun, you unfurled yourself on the sofa. Stretching and arching your back as you did so. 
"Like that! Perfect!" Claude exclaimed giddly. 
"I'm not staying like this." With a final long stretch, you curled back into a ball enjoying the warmth streaming through the windows and the haze of sleep still tugging at you.
"But Mi Amor. You look so good all lithe and stretched out for me. I must capture the moment. It gives me all sorts of thoughts." His head appeared by your feet as you begrudgingly opened one eye.
"Do you really want to paint something so pedestrian as a woman stretched out with her back arched?"
"No. I supposed not. I'd rather paint your truth. Something pure. Maybe a moment of pure ecstasy?" His cheek nuzzled the flesh of your calf.
"Really?" You looked down at him, sleep forgotten and both eyes wide open. 
"Mmmm." He purred his head moving upwards.
"Nope." You stopped him in his tracks.
"What, I thought you wanted me to paint something more inspired?" He was now giving the exposed skin of your stomach little kitten licks.
"Dieter! I've put up with 'Claude' talking to me all morning. I'm not letting him anywhere near our sex life. Nope. It's too far. It's too weird."
"What you don't want me to make you purr, Baby?" He dropped the voice as his fingertips took the place of his tongue to tickle your bare midriff.
"Well, maybe you can but Claude has to be put out for the night." You brought his lips to yours, smiling against them.
"You know you still would even with Claude. There's not one of my characters that hasn't got you going." He returned your kiss with a smirk. Climbing half on top of you. "I bet if I slipped my hand into these leggings you'd be ready for Claude." He lowered his voice to the bedroom one he used for one of his most famous characters.
"Shut up!" You giggled as his fingers ran up your thigh. 
"Come on, give this pussy some pussy." The voice returned. He wiggled his eyebrows as his fingers got dangerously close to your core.
"Ew, Dieter." 
"Okay. I'll stop." He made sure to drag his fingers across your mound as he moved them away.
"What can I say, that's who Claude is. He's also very good with his tongue." He ran his tongue up the side of your neck for emphasis. 
Suddenly, Claude wasn't looking such a bad prospect. 
"Do you want me to lick your pussy?"
Even with the voice back, you had to say it. "Yes."
"Yes, what?"
"Try again." He already had your pants around your knees.
"Yes, please, Dieter?"
His head hovered just above your wet slit. "Not what I'm waiting to hear."
It turned into a rather comical stand off of him looking up from in between your legs waiting for you to call him the name of a cartoon cat.
"I'm not saying it." 
"Fine. Then I'm not licking it."
Neither of you moved. Until you both snapped at the same time. The word Claude coming out as moan as Dieter's tongue split you open at the same time.
By the time he'd licked you from hole to clit, fucked you on his tongue and sucked on your clit until you gushed on his face, the name Claude may have passed your lips a few more times just to egg him on.
"So maybe Claude isn't so bad to have around?"
"Maybe not but if you keep it up you'll be scratching your own post." You looked to his cock standing at full attention. "The voice practice I get. Did you really have to walk around naked all morning?"
"What? I was finding Claude's truth."
Tags @kirsteng42 @prolix-yuy @thegreenkid2 @hquinzelle @fangirl-316 @gracie7209 @jedifarmerr @doommommy @scorpio-marionette @sturkillerbase @harriedandharassed @aynsleywalker @mswarriorbabe80 @quica-quica-quica @rise-my-angel @adancedivasmom @kinda-nobody @movievillainess721 @munsonownsmyass @mandoloriancookie @faceache111 @elegantduckturtle @shadowtrick @simpingcowboy @pedrit0-pascalit0 @yourcoolauntie
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kd-holloman · 2 years
Many readers are writers and many writers are also readers. I’m no exception. With The Traveler’s Gift available for the rest of the world to read, I find myself often wondering, “How can I get people interested in a book about bisexual mobsters with superpowers?” 
I’ve had several books to hyperfixate on since 2018-2019 when the first draft of TTG came out and I drew inspiration from several authors, characters, stories, and themes to come up with something I could call my own. 
The All for the Game series by Nora Sakavic 
I love Neil and Andrew’s relationship and the way Sakavic doesn’t try to cover the trauma her characters go through.  
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Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardguo 
Kaz Brekker is one of my favorite fictional characters of all time and the way he is a driving force in this duology is one of my biggest inspirations. Of course, I love Bardugo’s vivid descriptions and the world she’s created. 
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The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater
Who doesn’t love a soft boy with a hard edge? Ronan Lynch is one of my favorite characters. We all know I’m weak for a Scorpio man, but aside from him, Stiefvater has a wonderful way of incorporating magic into the mundane. I can’t forget to mention her lyrical, but not overdone, prose. 
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The Green Creek Series by TJ Klune
From the rampant LGBTQ+ representation, to the themes of found family, and magic with limits, everything about this series is perfect. I cannot wait to order a hardcover for my bookshelf! 
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And the Villains series by V.E. Schwab
The funny part of this is I had never heard of Vicious or Vengeful until one of my beta readers sent it to me. She said, “Have you ever read Vicious by V.E. Schwab? Her writing style really reminds me of yours.” And obviously, I had to get my hands on these books. When I read them for the first time, the thought that somebody could compare my writing to these stories made me cry actual tears.
But that’s neither here, nor there. Vicious and Vengeful share the most similarities to The Traveler’s Gift than any other story in the list. It features characters with superpowers who aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty for the sake of revenge. It’s dark, gritty, fast-paced, and I couldn’t put the series down until I finished. 
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If you like any of the books mentioned above, please check out The Traveler’s Gift on Amazon! It’s available in ebook and paperback! 
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now-that-i-saw-you · 9 months
Short reviews of everything I read this year:
Trials of Apollo ☆☆☆☆
Fantastic!!! Revived my PJO obsession. I enjoyed Apollo's narration. The 3rd-4th book were a little tedious though.
The Picture of Dorian Gray ☆☆☆☆☆
Flawless. So, so gay, weird and dramatic. I wish I could read it for the first time again.
Seasparrow ☆☆☆
I was disappointed. I didn't like the first POV, it made the book feel juvenile. It was too long and nothing happened. An unnecessary addition to the Graceling Realm universe because all the themes in this book were already presented in Bitterblue and Winterkeep. I might have liked this a lot more if it was not part of the Graceling Realm series.
All For The Game ☆☆☆☆☆
I'M OBSESSED. Nothing else to say.
One Last Stop ☆☆☆☆
It was cute and fun. I like it when you can feel that a book/show was planned. Every detail is carefully crafted to fit the narrative. I like how the author uses historical events to enrich the plot. Middle part of the book was a little flat.
The Cruel Prince ☆☆☆
It's...cute. I liked Jude a lot, didn't care for Cardan. Good enough to make me read the entire thing, bad enough that I might never read another book by that author.
Conversations With Friends ☆☆☆☆☆
Do you ever come across a book that's exactly what you needed? This was it for me. One of the only books I got from BookTok and actually loved. It was like being hugged and punched in the gut at the same time.
This Is How You Lose The Time War ☆☆☆☆☆
This book is poetry. It's a fairytale. It's the saddest, most romantic story I've ever read. It's so weird and confusing, I understood everything. It's a tragedy. It's so full of hope. It's perfect.
The Hellheim Propechy ☆☆☆ 1/2☆
It's a lovely series and I can't wait for the 3rd book. It has one of the healthiest relationship I've ever seen in books (and it's wlw!!!!). The villians are a little flat imo.
She Who Became The Sun ☆☆☆☆☆
I don't understand how people find the courage to write anymore books after Shelley Parker-Chan dropped this marvel. I want to eat this book.
The Catcher In The Rye (reread) ☆☆☆☆☆
I love this book idc. I love the metaphors, I love Holden, I love the way the plot develops.
Jane, Unlimited ☆☆☆☆☆
SO GOOD!! Such a unique and engaging book it had me pulling out a notebook and a pen and try to decipher all the clues like a goddamn detective.
Doctor Who: Time Lord Victorious ☆☆☆
It's was nice! Idk what else to say.
Pride & Prejudice ☆☆☆
Reading this felt like sitting at a 19th century tea party and gossiping.
More Than This ☆☆☆☆☆
I've wanted to reas this for a while and it exceeded my expectation. This book is so captivating, unique, heartbreaking and hopeful.
The Trial ☆☆☆
This book was a fever dream.
The Rest of Us Just Live Here ☆☆☆☆
I think Patrick Ness is my favorite author. He did a great job with the premise of the book cause it's a lovely coming of age story and the fantastic elements are woven so well into the story.
Evvie Drake Starts Over ☆☆☆
It's cute and I love the fact that the main conflict is between the FMC and her Male Best Friend and the way this book talks about DV but it also felt a little dull sometimes.
The Lottery ☆☆☆☆
This was a mindfuck.
The Rocking Horse Winner ☆☆☆
The Scorpio Races ☆☆☆☆
A Man Called Ove ☆☆☆☆
Really sweet. This book healed something in me.
The Broken Earth (1+2) ☆☆
Yeah....I was not in the right headspace when I read this. I just didn't understand anything. I wanna give this another chance next year if I can.
Lord of The Flies ☆☆☆☆
I want to reread it cause I definitely didn't fully appreciate it but I think it's a great allegory and it's so dark. I get the hype.
The Sun and The Star ☆☆☆☆
I don't think you understand how long I've waited for this book, how long I've waited for Solangelo content. This was so cute. So lovely. I love Nico, I love Will. I wish there was a 3rd character in this (like, idk, Reyna?)
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hallucie · 2 years
Astro Observation 5
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✨Saturn Aries✨ these natives grew up with the drill sergeant parent/authoritative influence. Had to learn how to hold back impulse. I personally think these natives are really great leaders once they learn how to dial in their drive. A tendency to be critical of human weakness and error.
✨Saturn 4H✨ grew up fast, often looking after their family members. They held a lot of responsibility at a young age. These natives also tend to hide who they are from the world. They’re honest homebodies but given a chance to get away from their responsibilities I think they’d make a run for it.
✨Saturn 2H✨ growing up with little money, feeling valueless but overtime finding self confidence through items. (Kanye West Leo Saturn 2H) “Man, I promise, I'm so self-conscious. That's why you always see me with at least one of my watches.” - All Falls Down 2004
✨Saturn 8H✨ hard time connecting with individuals on a deep intimate level. Struggling for most of their lives, these people go through setback after setback. Eventually it will lead them to greatness.
✨Saturn 11H✨ it takes a long time for these individuals to reach their dreams and goals. Little do they know that others look to them as 100% capable of achieving greatness.
✨Pluto conjunct Jupiter✨ HUGE power struggle. These Natives thrive in growing their power to assert their will onto others. (Warren Jeffs from the FLDS) I’ve also seen this play out in composite charts as well— from experience.
✨Virgo Venus conjunct Lilith✨ these people believe something is inherently wrong with themselves and obsess/strive for perfection (Eugenia Cooney) I’m also pretty sure her Pisces Saturn is in opposition to her Venus+Lilith, which really doubles down on the delusion that something is wrong with her.
✨Scorpio 12H✨ keep secrets about themselves to their grave.(Kim K -Whole House System)
✨Sun opposition Jupiter✨ being adamant about following through with something because they believe that they can but they’re over shooting the reality. They say yes to everyone because they believe that they can and they don’t want to disappoint. But because they overshoot the belief in themselves, they end up falling short and disappointing anyway.
✨Jupiter Sun conjunction✨ Big ego (Kanye) someone who never really grows up. They have a child like sense about them. A strong belief within themselves. I also noticed that these people really put in the elbow grease of whatever they shine in. Whether that be in their work life, their home life or when it comes to loving others.
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lukaswars · 7 months
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Tetratrichobothrius Flavicaudis
Summary: When Oliver's plan of killing Felix goes wrong and he survives, the man drifts off into total madness. He finds comfort in Greek Mythology and he comes back to Felix with a plan - he wants to show the other man what happens to creatures that don't play along to his little games.
TW: attempted murder (mentioned)
Word Count: 1,065 words
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Saltburn characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images/gifs used nor do I claim to own them.
Comments, likes, and reblogs are appreciated mwah 🫃
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The vein on his is so tempting, the sweet, sweet scent of his sweat and the goosebumps on his arms, the dilated pupils and his whiny voice. Oliver gulps as he gets another whiff of Felix, the great amount of pheromones making the temptation unendurable for him. He struggles to pay attention to a single word his friend is saying, his mind is racing. A tiny droplet of sweat runs down Oliver's back, making him aware of his own vulnerable state. He can't escape this, it will always be like this. Oliver always looks for a new victim, this time however, he found someone special. Someone he wants to devour, yet keep alive forever.
Felix's body is barely breathing, he is barely even alive. His life depending on the silver machine tied to him. It was all just luck, he was lucky to survive the posion, lucky to survive Oliver's anger. He survived it, he didn't escape Oliver, though. And Felix knows, he knows Oliver is present in his room. Watching him breathe slowly, listening to the subtly and annoying beeps, the green line demonstrating Felix's heartbeat. Oliver is here and he came with a plan.
"I know you've been feeling quite lonely, mate. Must be tough to find out how many people actually give a shit about their oh-so loved rich boy, isn't it? How often did your friends visit you, Felix? Did they even come by once? Has it just been Venetia and Farleigh? I've been trying to show you, nobody cares about you as much as I do. They don't care about your endless talking, your endless rants about things that don't matter. Nobody ever cared, Felix." Oliver chuckles as he pulls up his long sleeves. "You know that, though, don't you? That people only want your money. That's why you pretend to be such a sweet, sweet boy, to manipulate people into caring about you. I know what you are, you're a fucking freak, a little pervert. A fucked up little pervert, Felix. You watched me consume parts of you, you got off to the fact that I was always there, watching you. You wanted me, you wanted to fuck me so badly."
Felix can't reply, the medicine he's taking is barely keeping him consious. He just stares at Oliver, the man who has been fullfilling his darkest fantasies, the man who tried to kill him a few nights ago.
"I brought you a little present, something to remind you of your position." Oliver's voice was low, symbolizing lust. He proceeds to step closer, his hand reaching in his pocket. Felix's eyes widen as he recognizes that in the jar, made of glass, is a rather big, black scorpion captured. It's sealed with a lid, the scorpion seems to have accepted it's fate already. "He's gorgeous, isn't he? I got him the other day, he's quite calm, for a scorpion anyway. Thought I might introduce you guys and now seems like the perfect time to do so. Felix Catton, this is Hades, my Tetratrichobothrius Flavicaudis, my little project." Oliver doesn't take his eyes off the scorpion as he walks even closer, letting Felix smell his own aftershave. "Are you any familiar with Greek Mythology? Hades stands for Scorpios, debatable but the best zodiac sign, in my eyes. He stands for passion, secrecy and boldness. When I found out about them, I had to get one for myself. My own little Hades to keep."
Felix gulps, he desperately wants to move, get away from Oliver who is actively scaring him, the deadly animal in his hands like it means nothing to him.
"He's pissing me off, though, he doesn't really play along to my games like any human would. He has his own mind and he's hungry, Felix. Hungry for some insects, something filled to the brim with blood, something with a beating heart he can tear apart." He shakes the jar. "Am I right, Hades? You're upset with daddy, he has been neglecting his poor son for too long." Felix mouth opens, he wants to tell Oliver to leave him alone, he doesn't want to play these games anymore. He's scared and Oliver knows. "It's about time I show both of you what happens when you don't play along, about time I show you why it's better to do anything to please me." Within a few seconds, he unscrews the lid. Felix whimpers quitely, fear and adrenaline filling his body up. He needs help, someone has to be around to help him, right? "Don't be scared, pretty one, even if he hurts you, you won't be in pain for a long time." Felix starts to question whether Oliver really has done some research on scorpions, even he knows that getting stung by one can cause pain for several hours. If he didn't, he is literally bat shit crazy for carrying one around with him for god-knows how long.
Felix watches, his eyes wide in fear, as Oliver's fingers reach for the black, glossy animal like it's a hamster. He gives up and turns the jar upside down. As it falls right in Oliver's hand, a small gasp leaves the other man's mouth. "There we go, now let me just," with his bare hands, Oliver twists the insects head, killing it instantly. "Bye-bye Hades." For the first time in several minutes, he looks up, a pout on his lips, the dead body in his hands. Felix feels a flash of relief running through his veins, he closes his eyes for a second. "Now, onto the interesting part."
A loud crack causes Felix to tear his eyes open again. The dead, poor body of the scorpion was now in Oliver's mouth. He's eating it, raw. There isn't a single expression on his face. Not a single sign of regret. The cracking sounds of it's outer shell breaking makes Felix feel sick, he doesn't want to see this, he wants to look away. He can't, though, his eyes are glued to Oliver's sharp teeth that continue to dig into the little body.
"If you can't be what you want to be, you have to take it in your own hands. I wasn't lucky enough to be a scorpio at birth, consuming one will turn a part of me into one, though. If Hades wants my forgiveness he should beg for it, on his knees."
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pateredere · 7 months
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ayo what's poppin it's gemma here ( s/h, 21+ ) & i am so beyond excited for opening day! i'll be writing for the park i canon, park jeongho, the mayor's son & current chairman of the urban construction committee! i've got a ton more info under the cut ( mild tw for abuse ) cause as usual i haven't learnt to shut my trap but if you're at all keen to plot with me please hit that LIKE button! would definitely prefer d*scord but i can do tumblr ims too ( just afraid of the shadowban ya kno )! but yes tysm mwah!
speaking directly to my sisters in the church of astrology he's a scorpio sun ( mysterious n evil coded basically ) / taurus moon ( craves stability ) / cap rising ( hardworking & efficient lil bastard ) so yeah he's a bit mad to say the least
only child of park jeongwon, the current mayor! to understand jeongho you need to understand a little bit about the parks, but essentially every way in which they move comes with a political agenda so it's no surprise that his parents' marriage is fully a political arrangement! the point of the marriage was to sire an heir and once jeongho was born his mom peaced the fuck out of parenting and went on her merry way living as the jobless wife of the wealthiest man in town! she probably had intended to care for jeongho to some degree but she peaced out honestly for survival ( more on that in the next dot point )
that said jeongho was brought up almost entirely by his father and what i mean by that is he was brought up by the help and criticised often by his father. jeongwon in a nutshell is a smart man honestly prodigy level smart ( think one of those kids who don't study and gets 100% on a test cause the answer is just "common sense" ) with zero empathy so what you get is a grating narcissist who thinks they're better than einstein and he expects no less of his son! most of jeongho's childhood was his father asking for jeongho's test scores and when it's not up to par he just gets smacked and berated and called an idiot kid and honestly he's not much nicer to his wife which is why she made herself scarce
that was essentially the entirety of jeongho's childhood and it lends to his ocpd which he developed at a relatively young age! most people mistake it for ocd but it's really not that he just has an extreme obsession with perfectionism, order and control so he gets irrationally upset when things are not absolutely perfect like everything in his wardrobe is colour-coded and organised by attire type and everyone needs to wash their hands before interacting with him and the help must clean the parts of the house that any human walks through so yeah it's honestly pretty bad but in typical ocpd style he sees no issue with this and thinks other people are just lazy and unclean
anyway as per usual after high school he fucks off to the army and serves in the navy! he chose the navy mostly because jeongho had found goero's ocean to be really calming and had spent a lot of his youth swimming there when he needed to escape his dad! it's when he's in the army that he finds out his cousin passes which honestly is a shame because he liked jeongbin but at the end of the day jeongho wasn't really super close to him so it was kind of whatever
...which explains why he decides it's a good idea to scoop the late jeongbin's girlfriend and attempt to marry her!? as i said everything the parks do is politically motivated and there is no better political move frankly than to marry a yang to combine the park and yang assets so like sorry jeongbin but yeah! outside of those positives jeongho also frankly wanted to marry yang to "win" over his father in terms of choosing a spouse cause obviously his father did not marry a yang ( now's a good time to slip in that this father and son duo are constantly in competition ) and this was really his first ever rebel moment against his dad ( which if you think about it is pretty pathetic )
until his fiance jilted his ass at the altar so now he's the laughing stock of the town and his father is the striking image of mother gothel! after this whole bout jeongho finally and painfully admits that he's lost in this competition with his dad and he is most definitely dumber than his dad and so from here on out he just does everything his control freak of a dad says
father says go to uni so he fucks off to get an undergrad polsci degree then his dad tells him to marry one of his lackey's daughters so he can maintain control over jeongho AND his wife so he fucks off and proposes to shin and now with the land developers coming into goero his dad tells him to run for chairman of the urban construction committee so jeongwon can fully wash his hands of this land developer business ( importantly, he wants jeongho to put a stop to it and make sure no one sells ) so off he goes and that's the reason why he's currently chairman of said committee
cho jiyeon. as said, jeongwon is a really grating man who puts a lot of pressure on his son and constantly berates and belittles him whenever he doesn't get things done and what his father simply cannot understand is how the land developers are still in goero and chalks it up to how useless jeongho is. jiyeon continually bothers the parks and reminds jeongwon that she's still here and jeongho gets yelled at like he's fifteen again and at some point while jiyeon's talking her head off and says something mildly condescending to a "country boy" like him he realises that things would be so much easier if she just... disappeared. anger gets the best of him and you know how the rest of that story goes
anyway yeah jeongho is an absolute asshole sure but he's genuinely not a psychopath so what happened with jiyeon haunts him heaps but he tries his very best to move past it and live life as though she genuinely skipped town but yeah! few years pass and it becomes easier and now we're all caught up!
ok this was so long like you can stop here if you want below is just a bit about his personality / what to expect in interactions with him! also i don't have any plot ideas mostly because it's a skeleton rp and i feel like his relationship with each canon is unique given the political scene and stuff so generic plot ideas are kinda hard but yeah!
ok so personality-wise i would say that given his dad has drilled into him how useless and stupid he is jeongho is very aware that he is not the sharpest tool in the shed so he honestly is willing to hear people out when they talk to him! don't get me wrong he's definitely proud but he's not proud enough to think that he doesn't need anyone's help because he knows all kings have their advisors and he needs them! no shame in the game! ( also to clarify he's not actually stupid he's probably more just the type of person that gets good grades because he works hard and is organised and does all his assignments before it's due and not the type that gets up the day of the assignment due date and does it within an hour and gets a high distinction for it )
his father is also a really grating man to everyone else because he is smart so he thinks he doesn't need anyone cause everyone's suggestions are always dumb compared to him and his father often burns bridges but! because jeongho is aware of his weaknesses he is not that type of person so while he may feel a certain way about you he definitely is the sort to put on a polite enough facade! one thing he tends to do is the compliment sandwich where he can say something insulting in a not-totally-aggressive way and with a smile then sandwich it between normal conversation to make you think wait... did he just insult me or did i hallucinate it? maybe he just doesn't realise how he's coming across because of his upbringing? yeah
also to tack onto all this he is a very efficient guy and a proud workaholic ( also thanks to his ocpd ) so you'll see in interactions with him that he tends to move rather fast and speak rather direct and just operates at practically 2x speed! very much a say something useful or don't say anything at all type of person and he can be rather dismissive if he feels the conversation is not going to be fruitful within the first few sentences
also re: his ocpd things have to exist in a certain order and he expects a level of perfectionism always and there's a certain set of rules that you may need to learn especially if you're interacting with him frequently ( applies more to people who live and work with him )
all of this is about work but of course jeongho does lighten up from time to time! he has a group of friends who honestly it's questionable if they like him or his status but i imagine jeongho's life is something like the truman show where you have so much power that people are often pandering to you and you just think everyone is like that cause you're great when in reality they want something from you! but point is he does hang out and drink and fuck a lot and he's uhm certainly not loyal to his wife so there's that! will say though that he is very picky about the company he keeps and the people who know the "real" him
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torialefay · 5 months
this may be kind of an unusual question so feel free to ignore it, but i tend to make lots of links and associations of concepts/situations with music and stuff and so i'm curious, what are some songs that you'd pick to describe what it would be like to be in a relationship with chan? or some songs that suit his placements (for example, i think work song by hozier is peak scorpio venus devotion level haha)
okay i LOVE this question!!! (also currently in a hozier phase so i love that you brought up that song.) if you have any other recs, pls send them my way, but here's some that had come to mind:
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✨🎶 Dating Channie Sounds Like 🎶✨
the friendship/relationship stage:
i don't think it's just me who thinks that chan is gonna have to know & be friends with someone before progressing to a romantic relationship. i think he could definitely pine over someone for a while and be too scared to say anything. and then if something DID happen between the two of you, you would have to hide it for a pretty longgg time. that's why i chose these 2 songs :)
• human - dodie ft tom walker ✨
• hush hush - the band camino✨
actual committed relationship phase:
• medicine - royal sugar ✨ this gives me such new-relationship, pent-up sexual tension vibes. this man would not be able to stop thinking ab you sexually when you first get together... 100%. sex w/ him is likely initially more fun, like in this song, but once he gets to KNOW you, it gets wayyyy deeper
• tenerife sea - ed sheeran ✨ this one might be a cop-out bc chan has sung it multiple times on channie's room but i couldn't NOT put it in here. moving past the superficial, this song paints such a new, mesmerizing love story. you are elated you finally found your person.
• mess is mine - vance joy ✨ i'm sorry but the lyrics "this body is yours and mine" & "now your mess is mine" is so channie-coded to me. he is offering himself up to you. anything you want from him is yours & he will take on all of your hurt
• fire and the flood AND lay it on me - vance joy ✨ these were just so all-encompassing, i couldn't not include them. you become the most consuming part of his life. he quite literally can't go a day without thinking of you and how fucking attached his heart is to yours. you are his everything and only thing. "i always feel you in my blood" & "your love's always finding me out."
• until you - ahi ✨ this song isn't as relevant NOW, but it really throws me into a pre-debut channie love story tbh. bless his little heart 💔 i couldn't NOT include it bc it's still beautiful.
• anointed - miguel AND religion - lana del rey ✨ these have the same purpose, so i'm including them together. when channie is truly in love with you, he won't fuck you- he fucking worships you. well, you worship each other in the bedroom. and i feel this a million times. he needs something deeper and he needs to feel consumed in it. praising each other until you physically have no stamina left in your body.
tough times/drifting apart/ fights:
sorry but i had to add a couple of angsty songs that i could totally see playing out in a relationship w channie </3
• fleeting love - royal sugar ✨ i 100% see this song being about your struggles with a long distance relationship. not being able to work anything out, but also not being able to let them go. "in the elevator with your passport... goodbye is 10 floors down." you just want him so badly, but you don't know you can do this. you were so happy to have him, even if just for a little bit.
• berenstein - the band camino ✨ chan always talks about alternate universes, so i had to add this one in. the line "at another place in time, you were infinitely mine," it makes me think so much about if you were perfect with channie, and you both knew that... but you simply couldn't be with him because of his idol life. but you knew that somewhere out there in a parallel universe, he wasn't an idol, and you were together like you were meant to be :((((
bonus song:
this song reminds me SO MUCH of chris. the first time i heard it, i instantly thought of him. it isn't a love song by any means, it just makes me think of him && his life/all he's been through ❤️
• time's eyes - riley pearce ✨
if anyone has a song they automatically think of with channie, pls pls pls let me knowwww!!!
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themuse-if · 8 months
20 (or so) questions with Silas Walker
Let's get to know your new go to guy, your RA, Silas! How close will he let us get today?
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Interviewer: Silas, the enigmatic Resident Advisor with a taste for songwriting. Let's dive in, shall we? When's your birthday?
Silas: November 7th, Scorpio through and through.
Interviewer: Scorpio vibes. Any nickname you go by?
Silas: Not particularly, most people just stick to Silas.
Interviewer: Fair enough. Tell us about some of your good traits.
Silas: I'm a good listener, patient, and I've been told I have a calming presence.
Interviewer: Excellent qualities for an RA. And what about traits that might not be seen as positive?
Silas: I can be overly secretive at times. Maybe a bit too evasive for my own good. I have my reasons though.
Interviewer: A mysterious man indeed. Do you have any hobbies that you enjoy?
Silas: Apart from songwriting, I like to paint and I love a good book.
Interviewer: Nothing more detailed you'd like to share? *Silas smirks and shakes his head* Not giving anything away, I see. What would you say is your greatest strength?
Silas: My ability to stay composed under pressure, it comes in handy.
Interviewer: Valuable trait indeed. And your biggest weakness?
Silas: Sometimes I might be too responsible. I feel like occasionally I'm missing out.
Interviewer: A challenge, no doubt. How would you describe yourself in one word?
Silas: Complex.
Interviewer: Interesting choice. How do you think others see you in one word?
Silas: Helpful. Mysterious? *shrugs*
Interviewer: The plot thickens. Moving on, what would you say is your greatest fear?
Silas: At the moment, maybe just pushing people away. I want my advisees to know that they can come to me, but I just can't get too close. I don't want them to get the wrong idea and misunderstand my intentions.
Interviewer: A deep-seated fear. Considering your current priorities, what tops the list?
Silas: Balancing academic pursuits with maintaining creative pursuits. Striking the right chord, you could say.
Interviewer: A harmonious goal. Tell me about your family.
Silas: Small, close-knit. I have my parents, and a younger sister who's in high school.
Interviewer: That's it? Not willing to divulge your family dynamics?
Silas: Maybe once we're better acquainted *sly grin* I don't open up to just anyone.
Interviewer: *deep sigh* Alright, I understand. Ok so, looking into the future, what are your goals?
Silas: To find success in my songwriting, maybe leave a mark in the industry. Personally, to continue growing, exploring, and staying true to myself.
Interviewer: Ambitious aspirations. On a lighter note, how would you spend a rainy day?
Silas: Most likely, I'd be curled up with a good book. If I'm feeling ambitious I'll plan a cozy little get together for my advisees.
Interviewer: A perfect time for a cozy game or movie night. Any favorite book that you hold dear?
Silas: Murakami's "Norwegian Wood" has a special place. There's a quiet beauty in his storytelling.
Interviewer: A profound choice. And your favorite movie?
Silas: I genuinely don't have one. I actually prefer to binge a good show.
Interviewer: Care to name anything?
Silas: Uh sure, "Abbott Elementary," "The Bear," Atlanta," Uh did you need like a whole list or...
Interviewer: No, that'll do. Any dark secrets you're willing to share?
Silas: Everyone has secrets. Nothing I'm willing to share, not yet. *small smile*
Interviewer: Yeah I had a feeling you'd say something like that. Ok let's move on. What would you say is your best physical feature?
Silas: Probably my eyes. I think the color is pretty unique.
Interviewer: That it is. And what about your least favorite feature?
Silas: My ears really stick out, so I don't love that. I don't hate it either.
Interviewer: I think they're kind of cute. *clears throat* Lastly, how would you describe being in love?
Silas: Unpredictable, complex, and utterly captivating. *leans forward as his face turns serious* It's hard to tell the difference between being in love and being infatuated. Both give you that feeling of being on cloud nine. I think it can only be considered true love if you are seeing everything with a clear perspective. The pink hue of infatuation can make things out to seem better than they really are. If you look at your person, at your love, as they truly are and you feel grounded in what you see then that is truly being in love.
Interviewer: Very wise words. Sounds like your speaking from experience. Though I doubt you'll admit whether it was love or infatuation. *leans forward with a curious smile*
Silas: In due time. I'm not one to let my emotions slip so easily. *smiles in return*
Interviewer: Thanks for sharing just a bit more about your life with me Silas. I’m excited to see your journey continue to unfold. Maybe you'll open up a bit more with time.
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Robbie Williams
Robbie Williams artist, songwriter singer entertainer, has had such career if you look on the outside
... a lot many people would envy doing so well intake that starting out from very humble Beginnings in Stoke-on-Trent just a typical northern lad.
So when I watched his documentary on Netflix and sadness and painies felt most of his life I wasn't surprised to find out he is is a scorpio moon, the emotion the lack of emotion the trying to constantly out smart yourself and feeling you have to push other people away when they get close to you the addiction problems and the constants sadness that lives within him, I'm so happy that he's in a good place now the price hounded him his whole career, and basically made him a punchline and made fun of his weight, is ego and his attitude. In the documentary it goes through his career from his beginning in "take that", addiction nearly killed him comma his relationship with the press especially the sun, another interesting part of the documentary with his relationship with Jerry Halliwell ginger spice, in the documentary you see them together on holiday and their chemistry and them talking and how he felt really close and that he could tell at anything and that she was someone he found really easy to go on with, he said the breakdown of the relationship the sad part of this that whatever they went together he said that the price would be there so there's many pictures of them together and he got told by a couple paparazzi that he was Jerry who was doing it, this isn't hard to believe considering is happens with a lot of celebrity couples and I've got a lot of the times that in on it together to make them be talked about to make more money and to give them more attention for their egos that they say desperately need especially when they've been told they're great they're entire life it's hard for them to live that down, and I do have compassion for fame because Fame seemed some kind of trauma, do have to say it makes me jealous though because for the last five years I have literally sat on my arse and done nothing with my depression I kind of wish I had someone telling me get on stage do this and I'd be proud I haven't had anything to keep me going apart from my addiction and all the people who have been a part of that I can't stand I think they're really evil people.
I wanted to talk about this as well because I think it's something that isn't talked about at all and maybe it's just my opinion and maybe it isn't that deep but I have noticed, that women obviously a much more compassionate creatures than men so when a man falls down with addiction that is often a woman to pick him up, basically turn the life ramp because put it this way if the woman is a non-addict then they can have children and it won't be as effective she won't be using while she's pregnant that kind of thing when a woman falls down with addictions you feel the lot faster, and obviously this is about Robbie but it's just something I wanted to add in, men or a lot more judging in this way they're very shallow I know this is my observation I've seen Pete docketing turn his overound Robbies obviously turned his life around a lot of celebrity men have and then they get with women and they have babies for the women they have to obviously be perfect and they have their kids taken off them EG Courtney Love I get it there's much more risk and they don't want the child have any problems. But it's still made me happy to see him have lots of children I didn't realize he had four children and a lovely wife because at the time when he got with her he was asleep in with his drug dealer and a lot of different prescription drugs and a legal drugs which he was very honest about made him feel very horrible especially co-game which isn't talked about and I really respect him for that. I grew up with a mum absolutely love Robbie and with obsessed with him she literally had all of his records and CDs and we'd listen to him all the time and she'd know everything about him he actually has a very similar look to men in my family and my sister is who don't like my dad because obviously he's their step dad think he's like him and they don't like Robbie because of, must get a really distorted self-image from the Press this because a lot of the time being told stuff about yourself that isn't true at all so you can resort to all these things from Addiction, eating disorders, body dysmorphia, health issues and trauma I do still believe that there's a lot of rituals that go on in these Industries, been said since the beginning of time, part of this thing that I find really interesting is Gary and Robbie they both looked at similar in the sense that they could put on way easily and work bullied because of it and they both felt lonely in the world Robbie is a natural Born entertainer, and Gary is very talented in the fact that he can put songs together right music and very professional and was always told this from a young age so he's ego he said got really big because , They were going to get somewhere because they were Trying so hard and this is just him on his own he's talking about he knew they were going to get some way even though they were in such a small percentile, the battle with things like this.
The sad part of Fame is it can be very lonely and Gary talks in his interview but he was getting honored or getting some kind of award in New York City and he was like being honored by Clive David and all the people in the music industry who are very high up and he was being celebrated, but then when he came off stage he was completely alone he was walking home to his hotel in the freezing cold in the rain all on his own even they just been celebrated in such a way he felt very lonely and sad I've grown up with a dad who's a musician and there are very sensitive ego driven kind of people and my dad is put a lot of hard working a lot of his adult life and he's very talented and can sing amazingly and it's even better on the guitar and I think he's always tried so hard and being the kind that if you pick dedication and things will come back it's only being in the later part of his life the last say 12 years he's become Big on YouTube for doing guitar lessons and I admire that and my brother who never fought would play the guitar is now playing it too it makes me very envious in a way because I know my addiction is stopped me I may be a good with astrology but at the moment I've even gone off that I thank God I found Tumble because it's really saved my life in a lot of ways like my dog because I like writing so much in it lets out a part of me and is able to relate with other sensitive types of people and I thank everyone who's been supported with my page. If you really want something guys go for it be confident be brave be bold half of the battle knowing what you want, I think xxxxx⚡️🎱🏆🎸🎶🎤🎛😎
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