#period fantasy ask meme
calliesmemes · 2 months
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CHANGE gendered words and in-universe phrases as needed.
SPECIFY muse for multimuses.
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“   Are you feeling better, dearest? ”
“   You do not seem pleased. Whatever is wrong? ”
“   I knew there was something between you! ”
“   Well, tell me. Tell me everything! ”
“   You do not need to tell me anything. ”
“   You are getting what you always wanted. ”
“   It will be the grandest wedding of the year. ”
“   Has something happened? ”
“   I believe you will know what love feels like soon enough. ”
“   You think I am to follow in your footsteps? ”
“   Can there be a more dreadful fate? ”
“   The only thing I am grateful for is that I am not you, nor will I ever be. ”
“   I thought we shared an understanding with our discussions of the future. ”
“   My goodness! If anything, I am the one forcing him. ”
“   Love is surely the greatest force of all. ”
“   Nothing can stand between us. ”
“   It was a pleasure to know you. ”
“   I look forward to counting you as part of our family. ”
“   She does not owe me anything. ”
“   Have you not done enough? ”
“   I applaud you. I bring you flowers on each of my visits, and yet you still react with admirable surprise every time. ”
“   I shall need to bring you something unexpected. ”
“   Her happiness is your greatest concern. ”
“   I promise you will not be disappointed. ”
“   Oh, I do hope your wedding dress will be ready in time. ”
“   While you may be content to accept defeat, it is certainly not how I approach things. ”
“   I take that duty with the utmost seriousness. ”
“   You have always been a terrible shit. ”
“   Surely we must be able to do something? ”
“   Now, where is the dinner I was promised? ”
“   Please, come in. Make yourself at home. ”
“   Apologies. Have we met? ”
“   I see my reputation precedes me. ”
“   Feelings are irrelevant. Indeed, they're responsible for this mess. ”
“   You will seduce him? ”
“   He is not so little anymore. ”
“   After your meal, perhaps we could take a walk, like we used to do. ”
“   It is quite late for you to be up, too, is it not? ”
“   If you're nervous about the wedding, you need not worry. ”
“   I am not quite sure what you believe I am to do about it. ”
“   It was not love at first sight for either of us. ”
“   We found something far greater. We found friendship. ”
“   Her laughter brings me joy. ”
“   To meet a beautiful woman is one thing, but to meet your best friend in the most beautiful of women is something entirely apart. ”
“   I want her to be my wife. ”
“   Do you wish to marry this man? ”
“   I suppose congratulations are in order ”
“   I do hope you will remember my kindness in keeping secrets and repay me someday. ”
“   You can choose anyone but him. ”
“   Perhaps you would find it acceptable for me to live my life with a man who treats me like a mere beast? ”
“   I am beginning to feel a bit faint. ”
“   We should not be alone in here. ”
“   I know we have only known each other a short while, but… well, would you want to marry me? ”
“   You deserve a grand wedding. ”
“   I must say, I am honored and most grateful for your presence. ”
“   I hope you made the right choice. ”
“   You certainly enjoy spreading secrets, do you not? ”
“   Dear child, have you lost your wits? ”
“   I am flattered by your accusation, but it is simply not true. ”
“   What evidence have you gathered? ”
“   Tell me what you know. ”
“   What happened the other night? ”
“   I suppose I have put this conversation off for as long as I can. ”
“   Well, what do you recommend? ”
“   I'm sure you'll enjoy the peace and quiet. ”
“   I am going to miss all of you terribly. ”
“   I have a present for you. ”
“   I know we could not be any more different, but there is one thing we do share. ”
“   We need to rest before continuing on in the morning. ”
“   We should go down to dinner. ”
“   You have avoided my presence. ”
“   You have said all but a few words to me. ”
“   I could not bear witness to the misery I have caused you. ”
“   I cannot stop thinking of you. ”
“   From the mornings you ease, to the evenings you quiet, to the dreams you inhabit… my thoughts of you never end. ”
“   I am yours. I have always been yours. ”
“   You look angry and bothered. ”
“   It is you I cannot sacrifice. ”
“   I burn for you. ”
“   It has been so long since we have been blessed with your presence. ”
“   I am looking forward to making your acquaintance. ”
“   I'm no good at those things. I'll only make a fool of myself. ”
“   May I have everyone's attention? ”
“   Do you think this is a joke? ”
“   You are an ass. Do you know that? ”
“   I must make a good impression. ”
“   I am certain there is much left to see. ”
“   I found myself in continual awe of their beauty. ”
“   I knew you were flirting with her, but you flirt with plenty of young ladies. ”
“   I am not sure I have ever seen you so solemn and serious. ”
“   I was not prepared to let another of you fly the nest so soon. ”
“   It pains me you should think every compliment a mockery. ”
“   You think so little of me, I cannot bear it. ”
“   Please do not tell me you regret it. ”
“   I cannot condone your actions. ”
“   I am afraid that is not possible. ”
“   You have such a unique accent, and yet I have never asked where you're from. ”
“   I am not fooled by your little act. ”
“   I am sure we can find a solution to these difficulties, and I thank you for bringing them to our attention. ”
“   Oh, there, there, there, child. No need to cry. ”
“   I did not realize my absence would be felt this way. ”
“   You know, oddly enough, when I am actually in the presence of children, I forget all about my own concerns. They are the easiest company in the world. ”
“   I have all that I want just here. ”
“   I am very sorry. But this plan of yours, I find it wanting. ”
“   What were your favorite pastimes in the country? ”
“   Oh dear, what can the matter be? ”
“   You really are very good. You know that? ”
“   My own father does not want me. ”
“   Fool that I am, I truly thought that with your family, I might finally find acceptance. ”
“   We shall make our own family, you and me. ”
“   It is all I want. It is all I want in the world. ”
“   I wish we could be married this very minute. ”
“   We just have to make it to the border. ”
“   Are you missing home? ”
“   I will ensure everything is in order. I will ensure everything is done properly. ”
“   Should I have worn a different dress? ”
“   Perhaps I might ask your opinion on something? ”
“   I know I am new to the role, but I cannot imagine what I have done wrong so soon. ”
“   I will correct my mistake at once. I…I had no idea. ”
“   I am so very grateful for your guidance. ”
“   His childhood was not always easy. ”
“   Everyone talked as though it was her fault. ”
“   I thought you loved him. ”
“   Your love is an unrequited fantasy. ”
“   I should not have stayed away so long. ”
“   I'm at the end of the world with you ”
“   I trusted you more than anyone in this world, and you took advantage. ”
“   "Cannot" and "will not" are two entirely different things. ”
“   You chose this for yourself. ”
“   I thought you were prepared. ”
“   You took my future from me, the one thing I wanted more than anything. ”
“   I would have died for you! ”
“   Do you know — I even felt pity for you? ”
“   The ones we love have the power to inflict the greatest scars. ”
“   What thing is more fragile than the human heart? ”
“   I have learned that a grave fraud is afoot. ”
“   Should I really deliver the message? ”
“   You cannot believe I shall welcome you back into my bed after your lies and deception? ”
“   I would never dream of concealing the truth of such important matters. ”
“   I must return to my family immediately. ”
“   I will not let you out of my sight. ”
“   Hush, child, all will be well. ”
“   We are in just as perilous a position. ”
“   Perhaps if she can destroy a reputation… she can restore one too. ”
“   This is an emergency. ”
“   We do not require your assistance. ”
“   This may be the answer to all of our problems. ”
“   Pretending that nothing is amiss is the perfect way to lure the ignorant into submission. ”
“   I know you must think me a fool, but my heart pays no heed to mere logic. ”
“   When I think of her, I only want to be near her, to be with her… despite all reason otherwise. ”
“   Perhaps I can arrange a rendezvous. ”
“   It follows no reason or sense, does it? ”
“   Where have you been all night? ”
“   Do you understand me? That we no longer trust each other? ”
“   Thank you for joining us. ”
“   I did not come here to be shamed by you, nor anyone else. ”
“   You may think me a villain, but I did what I thought I must. ”
“   No one ever truly helped me, or guided me in a different direction. ”
“   You wish to know the cruelest part of your deception? ”
“   I see now that was all a lie. ”
“   We should tempt scandal more often. ”
“   Your duplicity comes so naturally. ”
“   Improvement is all a matter of practice. ”
“   How are you faring? ”
“   You have not heard what people have been saying. ”
“   All will be well again, I promise you. ”
“   I am sure you wish to avoid any further unpleasantness. ”
“   Judge not, lest we too be judged. ”
“   Something troubles you. ”
“   I know you are a grown woman now, but I am still your mother, and you can come to me when you need advice. ”
“   Well, then, share your thoughts. ”
“   I am merely trying to be of help. ”
“   For what it is worth, I am sorry. ”
“   I came here to apologize to you. ”
“   I wish it had not happened this way. ”
“   Why should he be the one to choose your future? ”
“   Do you really want to be alone? ”
“   I am quite capable of doing more than you think. ”
“   I have defeated the best, and I'm confident I shall continue to do so. ”
“   I think you would be wise to leave. ”
“   We shall teach you the rules. ”
“   Seems I have been blessed with some beginner's luck. ”
“   Would you just get to the point? ”
“   Do you not ever get tired of pretending to be so perfect? ”
“   We may not be perfect, but at least we keep our promises. ”
“   I'm trying to be a man of my word. ”
“   Well, you certainly make it look difficult. ”
“   Tell me why you are so adamant. ”
“   Your help is greatly appreciated, but there is nothing more you can do. ”
“   I’m not exactly in the mood for music and finery this evening. ”
“   I may have been a trifle harsh with you. And I'm sorry. ”
“   So you admit it now? You were acting a fool? ”
“   You may hurt now, but the pain will pass. ”
“   We live under constant threat of danger. ”
“   I risk my life every day for love. ”
“   It takes courage to live outside the traditional expectations of society. ”
“   I'm not bound by the rules of society. ”
“   You know not the future that awaits. ”
“   Don't you touch me. Stay away! Just leave me alone! ”
“   This time next week, our ruse will be well and truly over. ”
“   I shall begin practicing straightaway! ”
“   I would have expected this from anyone but you. ”
“   I am sorry for everything I have done and said. ”
“   I know I do not always say the right things, and then the things I do say, well… They are not always what you wish to hear. ”
“   However difficult forgiving someone may be, it is necessary to move forward. ”
“   However are we supposed to move forward from there? ”
“   I have come bearing grim news today. ”
“   I thought him a villain, but he was not. ”
“   We do not need to have this conversation. ”
“   You may not understand this now, but I am doing this for your own good. ”
“   You will be better off without me. ”
“   I cannot fight forever. ”
“   I merely showed him what he was capable of all along. ”
“   You still managed to put on quite a performance. “
“   What ever could be more honorable besides taking care of one's family? ”
“   You’re angry, but not with me. ”
“   What is this? And more importantly, how did you get it? ”
“   I believe I need a doctor. ”
“   This is preposterous and fantastical. ”
“   I want you there by my side. ”
“   For someone who hates ballgowns… you look exquisite in one. ”
“   I am merely glad you came. ”
“   I suppose I should thank you. ”
“   We did not expect to see you here. ”
“   Are you enjoying your evening? ”
“   I did not see it at first, but I know you were only trying to prevent me from heartache. ”
“   I wish to tell you something. ”
“   It was actually you who inspired me. ”
“   Oh, um… What was it you wished to say? ”
“   I need you to take me somewhere. ”
“   My imagination was the furthest I could allow myself to go. ”
“   I am looking out for myself. ”
“   What I know is that you are lost, and I cannot allow you to set me adrift as well. ”
“   It is a choice, dearest, one that is never too late to make. ”
“   I cannot tell you how much peace and comfort that brings to me. ”
“   There is nothing you cannot do. ”
“   I know that this is not what you had envisioned for the evening. ”
“   Just because something is not perfect does not make it any less worthy of love. ”
“   He made you believe that you needed to be without fault in order to be loved, but he was wrong. ”
“   I am tired of pretending. ”
“   I cannot continue acting as if I… as if I do not love you. ”
“   I love all of you, even the parts that you believe are too dark and too shameful. ”
“   You may think you are too damaged and too broken to ever allow yourself to be happy, but you can choose differently. You can choose to love me as much as I love you. ”
“   I do not want to be alone. ”
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piratememes · 2 years
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1. how do you feel about reblog karma? 2. is it hard for you to write with characters you don't know/don't know well? 3. whose writing has impacted your writing style the most? (you can choose anyone! famous writer or not.) 4. which muse of yours is your all time favorite? if you stopped writing them: why? 5. is there a muse you really want to try? if yes: what’s stopping you? 6. is roleplaying the only writing-based hobby you have, or are there other things you like to write? 7. describe your favorite relationship dynamic. (can be any kind, platonic, romantic, familial, antagonistic, etc.) 8. do you expect your answered memes/asks to be turned into threads? regardless of answer, what’s your reasoning? 9. when you look at a new blog, what is it that makes you press the follow button? is it the muse, the aesthetics, the writing--? 10. what genre do you most enjoy, whether in roleplay, or fiction as a whole? (fantasy, period, superhero, etc.) 11. describe your ideal outcome/endgame for the muse you are currently writing. if you are a multimuse blog: do this for your current favorite muse, or the muse of the last reply you posted. 12. what roleplay trends do you remember from the year you started tumblr rp? how did you feel about those trends? 13. what themes/motifs do you hope other people notice most about your character? 14. which roleplay community has been your favorite to write in? 15. icons, or gifs? you can only pick one, and cannot say ‘neither.’
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phantom1fanatic · 9 months
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Em | 25 | She/Hers | PST | Minors DNI | 21+ preferred
♕ LGBTQ+ member and friendly
♕ Searching for fandom and original universe roleplays
♕ Doubles and multiples preferred over single pairings
♕ I can play either gender
♕ Any gendered pairing is welcome
♕ Expect 200-2000+ word replies depending on muse and time
♕ Response times vary
♕ Love to chat ooc, share pinterests, memes, aesthetics, tiktoks, music, etc about our roleplay and characters
Fandom Interests
Spiderman: Across The Spiderverse
911/911 Lonestar
The Rookie
Ted Lasso
Z Nation
Marvel (MCU)
DC (cartoons mainly)
Young Justice
Detroit: Become Human
The Walking Dead
Umbrella Academy
Prison Break
Midnight Texas
Good Omens
Disney Retellings
Jurassic World
Code Black
Station 19
Man from Uncle
Man from Toronto
Stranger Things
Altered Carbon
Terra Nova
LA Brea
Watch Dogs
Mr. Robot
Horizon: Zero Dawn
The Boys
Hazbin Hotel
Note: I am more than willing to play multiple canons against an oc for you if asked. Would like if you could play at least one canon in return!
Note 2: Pink is what I’m craving most atm
General Themes
Time Travel
Natural Disasters
Past Lives
Divine Enti
Hanahaki Disease
Deserted Islands
Slice of Life
Dark Themes/Dead Dove
Wild West
Period Dramas
Mafia/Criminal Underworld
Egyptian Mythos/Pantheon
Dragons/Dragon Riders
Decade (20s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s)
Note: I’m always interested in your ideas, please feel free to reach out.
Pairing Ideas
Fallen Angel/Angel
Fallen Angel/Demon
Fallen Angel/Human
Half Angel/Demon
Half Angel/Human
Angel/Demon/Fallen Angel
Human/Supernatural Creature
Supernatural Creature/Hunter
Rivals (sports, spies, etc)
God/Lesser Deity
Enemies to Lovers
Arranged Marriages
Fake Dating
Opposites Attract
Forbidden Romance
Note: Love mixing/matching pairings so just lmk if you have any ideas!
Are you interested? Perfect, I’d love to hear from ya! PM me for my discord and we can get to plotting!
Happy roleplaying 🌸
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sotwk · 1 year
Welcome to "Sons of the Woodland King" (SotWK)
Last updated: 4/14/24
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The Elvenking and Elvenqueen: Personal SotWK commission by beelzeebub
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SotWK Masterlists and Content
I've organized all my original content and other fun goodies in the pages linked below:
FanFiction Masterlist
Headcanon Masterlist
Fanfic Request Guidelines
Important Tags:
anon asks - If you sent me an Ask on Anon, if I've answered it, it will be tagged with this.
sotwk headcanon - captures all headcanon posts I write, including minor ones that might not be on the Masterlist.
fics of friends - Looking for fics to read? I have super talented writer friends in the Tolkien fandom!
art of friends - I have super talented artist friends too! Please support them (and all artists)!
get to know me - Want to know more about me as a writer and a person? Here are my answers to questions and tag games!
Other Fun Stuff!
SotWK's Headcanon Ask Game
Ask and Tag Games Archive
I regularly update my masterlists, but please consider becoming a Follower/Mutual! I'd love to connect with you and exchange works--maybe even collaborate!
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About "Sons of the Woodland King": a Tolkien AU & Fanfic Series
SotWK tells the story of Thranduil, all the way back from his childhood in Doriath to the final years of his rule over Eryn Lasgalen. There is a TON of history to cover in almost 7,000 years of the Elvenking’s life!
In this version of Thranduil’s story, he falls in love and marries a Noldorin elleth, Maereth, before he eventually inherits the throne of Greenwood the Great. Together they bear and raise five strong sons: Crown Prince Mirion, Prince Turhir, Prince Arvellas, Prince Gelir, and Prince Legolas.
SotWK chronicles their lives together, centuries filled with triumph and tragedy interwoven with the fates of many other famous figures in Middle-earth history.
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The Elvenking's Five Sons: (L-R) Legolas, Arvellas, Mirion, Turhir, Gelir
Art: Personal SotWK commission by hffhifjou
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About Me: SotWK the Blogger
Mae govannen, mellyn nin!
Please call me SotWK (pronounce an invisible "i" between the "w" and "k"); or you can use Nana/Naneth ("mom" in Sindarin) as some of my mutuals do, if you'd like.
I'm a fangirl in my late 30s, dividing my energy and hours among my husband, our two boys, a full-time job, and my fandom hobbies. I reside in the US (PST).
I have been an on-and-off LOTR fanfic writer since 2003. I started this blog in October 2022 after deciding to dust off and resume my writing project, "Sons of the Woodland King", a fanfiction series focusing on Thranduil Oropherion, Elvenking of the Woodland Realm.
I also write for various Tolkien canon characters alongside my own OCs and take requests for Reader Insert fics.
I reblog media from some other fandoms as well, mostly in the fantasy, period/medieval, superhero, and sci-fi genres. I use meme gifs from my favorite sitcoms a LOT.
This is a PG-13 blog (I do not post or reblog adult/explicit content), so minors are welcome. This blog is meant to be a safe space for everyone regardless of background or belief, and should be conflict and drama-free at all times.
The SotWK mission: for Mutuals, Readers, and Visitors to come together in appreciation for everything Middle-earth (esp. Thranduil and his kingdom!), relax while hanging out with friends, and feel better about the world and themselves.
In the name of the Elvenking--may you and your house always endure!
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godstrayed · 8 months
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before you interact please read the post! / mutuals only.
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hello! it’s that time again i try to sell myself as a potential writing partner. i have written these in the past and been successful in occasionally finding roleplay partners who are interested in the same sorts of things as me. so i am looking for people who want to world build with me. i really like discussing plots, headcanons, and anything that can make me understand your muse better! i love sharing memes, drabbles, not roleplaying linearly and tossing around multiple threads! i don't need many people to write with but i really prefer to have a handful of people who i know well, am invested in their muses/feel super comfortable with my knowledge of their muses & pingpong my annoying ideas at them easily.
i tend to write lengthier things but i am okay with any length as long as it’s not one-liners! i also have zero interest in writing with someone who i will only have one thread with and never speak to again. 💀 i just rather focus on threads that will grow outside of just one single reaction! i like to think i am pretty easy to toss shit around with but i am a little shy so sometimes it takes a while for the ball to start rolling but once it is i am full-sending that shit.
so if you’re interested please GIVE THIS A LIKE and I WILL APPROACH YOU after i check out your muses/rules, if i haven't gotten around to it already! i am 100% gonna write the starter for whatever we come up with! i just ask if i take the time to write the starter that you reply to it at least once. failure to do so will result in me soft blocking since it happens so often and is super discouraging (and a waste of my time tbh). that might seem harsh but we could always write together when you do have the time or availability to reply.
WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT ME: can call me nic! 29. cst. they/them. selective. slow replies due to work and other responsibilities. willing to make new muses for people if i really like an idea/plot! emphasis on slow activity! please keep in mind that i take a whole lot of time sometimes.
THINGS I REALLY LIKE: pacific rim, the 100, the walking dead, baldur's gate 3, queens gambit, any apocalyptic setting, harry potter series, alice in borderlands, video games, league of legends, any mcu movie, x-men series, fantasy shows/games, fairies, hunger game series, graceling & demon slayer.
TYPES OF AUS: any type of apocalypse setting, fantasy, crime aus, soulmates au, period/era verses, dystopian, slice of life, mythological, anything with werewolves, royal aus, vigilantes, & mutant aus.
VIBES: angst (tbh most of my blog is angst), fluff, horror, cliches, tropes welcome, & the occasional smut when it fits the mood.
CHARACTERIZATION: i exist in extremities. i like writing really bad villains with zero remorse or softer characters with a more righteous morality. i enjoy writing against almost everything. i am open to exploring most things and you can find out more extensively my habits through my rules.
open to any type of relationship: family/friendship/romantic/enemies. doesn’t have to be romantic. however, if it is – i always write with anyone so gender/fc/etc doesn’t every bother me. write who you want to!
be prepared to: communicate, toss around ideas, explore plots & dynamics, share your interests with me as well, & be adored / have your muse(s) adored by me & mine.
  links: muses & laws. memes. verses. wanted plots.
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andromeda4004 · 2 months
TMI Tuesday!
Now that it is once again Tuesday in my time zone!
Thank you @tawnyontumblr for the tag.
Ask me anything!
AO3 fics here.
WIP list (without giving too much away):
More on my Mission: Ineffable series.
Poetry! (but this is a gift so can't talk about it much)
A sex pollen fic - so far out of my usual wheelhouse, but I'm up for a challenge 🤣
My own original story which I'm finally motivated to get back into - fantasy Victorian period drama.
The boys go to the theatre, and learn about themselves by watching other people.
Some question ideas to get us started!
fandom questions meme
Writers questions meme
Send a word, any word, and if it's in my WIPs I'll answer your ask with the sentence or line it appears in!
Send a made-up fic title and I'll tell you what I would write to go with it!
Send an "I wish you would write a story where..."
Tagging a few friends (with no pressure). If you'd like to play too please do and tag me so I can jump into your ask box!
@afrenchwriter, @sabotage-on-mercury, @hasturswig
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atomicblond1e · 1 month
hello everyone , this is kiri !
i am a 21 year old fandom roleplayer with almost 10 years of experience! i am always on the lookout for new rp partners. I love to befriend my partners, make art, memes and playlists! Please , feel free to reach out ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧
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• please be 18+ to rp with me!:)
• oc x cc double ups only!
• I am semi lit to advance (1-8+paragraphs)
• my time zone is CET!
• i write third person only.
• discord is heavily preferred to rp on! i do not rp on tumblr:)
• all my ocs are female, therefore my side of the rp will always be fxm , fxf or fxother! i am ok with any pairing on your side!
• Nsfw & sfw yes! heavy gore without purpose no!
• I do not rp with ocs who use stolen art, and / or are OP (Stronger than the strongest character in the show, having multiple powers ((fantasy related powers in a non fantasy vers and so on)) )
• very rarely i do oc x oc! mostly if we are friends and i really vibe with your oc! asking wont hurt!:) the fandoms where i do oc x oc are marked accordingly
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interested? here are the fandoms i am interested in and (who i would like to have played!) I can play just about anyone in return! ask away!
!!! especially interested
X currently closed but might say yes if you have a plot in mind already
** also open for oc x oc , just ask!
feel free to like, comment or message me if interested! (i will message you if you do!:) )
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✧˚ ༘ Genshin Impact (Kazuha , Tighnari , Alhaitman , Childe..) !!! **
✧˚ Sally Face (sal)
✧˚ Our life now and forever (qiu) !!!
✧˚ Our life beginnings and always (cove) !!!
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Anime / Manga
✧˚ Haikyuu (kenma / discussable)
✧˚ Naruto (shikamaru) !!!
✧˚ Jujutsu kaisen (Discussable)
✧˚ Black Butler (Ciel) ** !!!
✧˚ Bungo Stray Dogs (Chuuya) !!!
✧˚ Tokyo revenger (chifuyu , Mitsuya , discussable) !!!
✧˚ Demon slayer ( Giyu , Rengoku) **
✧˚ Sakamoto Days (Discussable) X
✧˚ Psycho pass (Ginoza) X
✧˚ Chainsawman (Denji)
✧˚ Saiki K (Kaido)
✧˚ Creepypasta (toby) !!! **
✧˚ Blue period (yuka)
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yasminewestbank · 4 months
all movie asks answers from the ask meme post bc it was fun
Your favorite movie released this year DIDNT WATCH ANY 2023 MOVIES YET.. CRIES
A movie you think is underrated - obliged to say An Elephant Sitting Still by hu bo bc i can never find it in dvd stores and i unfortunately honestly dont know if i will find a screening of it in a cinema available to me ever again but i dream of it
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A movie you think is overrated - going to put two, one new and one classic. first one is parasite. im bitter abt this movie bc it was advertised like crazy and the reviews were so hyping and then i went and it was average. its not a bad movie but not only doesnt deserve the hype the hype ruined it for me bc if i went with the proper expectations i wouldnt have gotten so disappointed. a classic is alphaville of godard... obviously its a good movie and im sure it was groundbreaking at the time but by now the story doesnt feel as sophisticated bc this genre of story is at this point.. i wouldnt say overdone bc its still a great genre but its not fresh or suprising by now without making it more complex. this movie felt like a blueprint to the 1984 book soviet dystopia genre so it didnt keep up with the times. many classic movies are still exciting and fresh just like when they came out including other movies of godard but this isn't one of them. but i can also see how it was probably one of godard's top commercial movies, bc it was easier to digest and more basic than his other work
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A movie you like but wouldn't recommend - stalker of tarkovsky and tarkovsky movies in general bc i think it would probs be boring to most ppl (its slow and not much plot) + tarkovsky movies r slow and the kind of movies u have to watch in the movie theater
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A movie musical you like - annette of leox carax. and its not only a good movie the music is so good too
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A horror movie you like - audition by takashi miike . love japanese violence
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A sci-fi movie you like - high life by claire denis. AND it has robert pattinson in it!!!!!!!111 and hes amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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A fantasy movie you like
A movie in your native language you like - Life According to Agfa by Assi Dayan. one of the only good israeli movies that exist bc i didnt see so far any good, worthwhile or complex israeli movie besides this one (not including documentaries).
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A foreign-language movie you like - (i put a bunch already so ill do one in a language i didnt put yet) tori and lokita by the dardenne brothers. takes place in belgium in french about a young refugee woman and a refugee child from africa who pose as brother and sister. this is going to destroy you but its such a good movie i cant recommend it enough but i still cant recover
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A movie you wish you could un-watch - the disney secretariat movie. it was so bad oh my god it was so fucking bad im in pain. i want disney to give me back the braincells i lost. this actor horse deserves so much better
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A performance you think is underrated - Vicenç Altaió (yeah had to google this one) in story of my death by albert serra. his acting was insane. probably one of the best acting perfomances ive ever seen, specifically the toilet scene stuck with me. so it's a period movie about casanova. there a scene in the movie that all of it is just him taking a shit. and of course it sounds goofy but it was actually a really human and sensitive depiction and his acting was so natural i completely forgot i was watching a movie. he really made this scene what it is. and tbh i think even from those other photos u can see what i mean on him
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A performance you think is overrated
A movie made better by the ending - only thing that comes up in my mind is barton fink of joel coen.. i can barely remember this movie bc i watched it years ago but (spoilers) i can just remember there was a twist in the middle that flipped the whole movie on its head and it was super enjoyable. besides this i cant think of anything
A movie ruined by the ending - the holy mountain of jodorowsky... at the time i watched it i was so disappointed by the ending it was so anticlimactic. i think he thought he did something but it just didnt work. (might be spoilers) same vibes when a story pulls "and then he found out it was all a dream". like.. in this case it just didnt feel fitting it was disappointing. but i watched it years ago so i wonder if i would feel the same now
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A trilogy/franchise you like cant think of anything
A movie you never get tired of talking about - drive my car by ryusuke hamaguchi. its fun to talk abt this movie bc even tho there are a lot of themes and details that make it what it is, its not too complex to not be able to grasp and pinpoint them. so its complex enough to be a good movie but not too complex to not be able to talk abt it, both abt the good and bad things (bc there r also choices the director made that i dont like). and there's also so much to talk abt that stems from this movie not only in the movie itself but also what it shows abt japanese cinema, contemporary japanese cinema/this generation of japanese directors versus the previous generations. also i love this director in general i recc all his movies
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A movie you never wanna hear about again - if i hear one more thing abt any marvel movie im going to kill myself
A movie you look forward to watching (could be an upcoming release or not) - aki karutismaki's fallen leaves that came out this year
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A movie you think looks beautiful - red desert of antonioni. i adore the aesthetic of this movie. tbh its probably my favorite movie visuals wise. i just cant stop adding photos from google bc i love everything slkfdsflsfgds
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A director you think is underrated - tbh hard to think of anyone.. i think any director i like got some kind of recognition, and if i think ok which one doesnt get mainstream recognition it would be basically most of them. so im trying to think.. who do i rlly think doesnt get recognition. maybe the crown should go to the photographer petra collins who actually directed the first season of euphoria before sam levinson kicked her out and claimed he did it and stole all her work
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A director you think is overrated - HITCHCOCK!!!!!!! HES NOT THAT GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HES TRULY NOT THAT GOOD!!!!!!!!!!! I COULD PULL UP 10 DIRECTORS FROM HIS TIME AND BEFORE HIM THAT ARE SO MUCH BETTER THAN HE IS THAT ARENT AS HYPED UP. godard and kurosawa made movies so much better and decades before him so the reason hes hyped cant even be that what he made was groundbreaking for the time. hitchcock is MID
An animated movie you like - the cowboy bebop movie... its so fun and satisfying to watch i watched it so many times dsfdf
A silent movie you like cant think of anything
Your favorite movie - possession by andrej zulawski. im speechless abt it. dont read a summery go into this blind. its such an insane experience (sin look my fav movie is a polish movie)
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Your least favorite movie i dont rlly have one i have a whole bunch of movies i dont like but i dont have THE hated movie
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anim-ttrpgs · 9 months
tagged by @ostrichmonkey-games
We’re a small team with a lot of aspirations among us, but thankfully we can each help keep the other on track.
TTRPG projects in some form of active development:
Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy (99% complete, external playtesting)
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Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy is, well, our main big thing that we’ve been posting about a lot. It’s a rules-medium 2D6 system for investigation-oriented adventures in any time period between about 1850 and the present day, with a bit of a supernatural twist. It’s made to be partially setting agnostic, able to run just about any adventure that isn’t based entirely around combat, and even effortlessly run adventure modules from other systems. There are many unique things about Eureka, but we have been posting in-depth about them for weeks, so you can just check out this blog if you want to know more. Instead, I’ll just rapid fire off a few: A unique approach to investigation that builds up points with each roll even if the roll fails, and with enough points a previously failed investigation roll can be retroactively turned into a success, resulting in a ‘eureka moment’ where certain pieces of the mystery finally fall into place.
Fast, but deep and realistic combat, with a lot of strategy based more around the environment and positioning than use of special abilities; guns will typically take a target down in one shot, so keep your head down—or better yet just don’t get shot at in the first place if you value your life.
Freeform character creation where you can easily make either a normal person or a supernatural creature of the night without being constrained and forced to compromise by the system—so long as the monsters adhere to a few basic rules: Must be able to pass for human at a glance, must have some supernatural weaknesses that don’t just apply to combat, and must feed on people in some way. There is also the option to make a much less powerful supernatural character that doesn’t have to worry much about weaknesses or eating people, but they won’t be the combat powerhouses they the monsters tend to be.
Unique roleplay mechanics where supernatural PCs must hide their true natures from not only society at large, but the party and even the players at the table as well. Even if you’re on the same side, it’s usually best not to tell your teammates that you’re an eight-hundred-year-old vampire. They’ll start asking uncomfortable questions like “Where are the neighbors?” That’s between you and the GM only.
Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy is coming to Kickstarter later this year. Follow this blog for more information and updates.
FORIVA: The Angel Game(99% complete, external playtesting)
FORIVA: The Angel Game is our first “completed” adventure module for use with Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy, and i really could not be happier with how it has turned out. It is a horror-mystery adventure, as most Eureka adventures will be, and man is it scary. I’ll link the post we made about it here
but also give a very short synopsis of the hook: The year is 1999, and a small American city is quietly panicking as more and more teenagers end up either missing or hospitalized in a strange half-catatonic state. Those who can still talk don’t seem to remember anything about their regular life or identity, and only talk incoherently about an “angel” they see. It will be up to the investigators to hunt down the cause of this phenomenon, and put a stop to it, if they can.
Eureka Kickstarter Page(80% complete)
This is self-explanatory.
A.N.I.M. Substack Newsletter(70% complete)
Also self-explanatory.
Oil Rig(70% complete)
“Oil Rig” is only the working title, we hope to come up with something better before release. But hey, it does take place on an oil rig.
This is another horror-mystery adventure module for Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy, though this one really leans more towards survival-horror. During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, an oil drilling platform in the open ocean has been reduced from a crew of 200 to a crew of roughly 12, but is still expected to keep up the same level of efficiency for no extra pay of course, even when an unseen force begins to pick them off one by one. Sound familiar?
At the time of writing this, “Oil Rig” is about 70% or 75% complete, but this post is going in our queue, so by the time you read this is might have already been handed to playtesters.
Free Demo Module(30% complete)
“Free Demo Module” is of course the working title for what is going to be our free demo module, made to work with the free demo rulebook we plan to release. This module is going to be short, and only engage with the mechanics that will be provided in the free demo rulebook for Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy.
On Halloween, the investigators try to unwind with a fun visit to a local haunted house/escape room experience where they will have to use all the wits and skills at their disposal to solve a staged Victorian murder before it’s too late(and they have to clear out and let the next group have their turn.)
But, is everything as it seems? (Yes it is, this module is intended to showcase the Eureka system’s ability to run investigation and puzzles. There is almost no possibility for combat or death or supernatural hijinks because those things are something you’ll have to buy the full version for.)
TTRPG projects on the backburner:
Seedtown(30% complete)
Seedtown is not just an adventure module, it’s a full campaign for use with Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy, centered around several mysterious disappearances in a remote rural town in the mountains of Arkansas. The plan is for this one to be even more ‘sandbox’ than the other smaller modules, which already anticipate that different parties will reach conclusions in different ways. This one is just bigger and longer because it has more locations, more NPCs, and multiple mysteries that may or may not overlap and lead the investigators to a terrifying end.
Eureka Mobster Manual(10% complete)
This is another working title, but we might still keep it because it’s funny. This will be a sold-separately supplement for Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy packed with fully statted NPCs, bad guys, and monsters for GMs to populate the world of their campaign with. The monster entries will also include behavioral guidelines, possible motivations, plot hooks, and weaknesses that aren’t necessarily “just bring a really big gun”. Even when weapons are involved, defeating most monsters in Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy will be more about thinking, researching, and planning rather than just having better stats.
Even though this will be sold separately, we plan to make it a very affordable price, probably even “pay what you want”, because unlike some RPGs, we don’t want our game to require 5 $50 books as the bare minimum investment to play.
Eureka Medieval(1% complete)
This is what it sounds like, Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy, but set in the Middle Ages rather than the modern era. It will use the same core systems, but with more advanced and deeper melee combat and armor rules, and of course plenty of setting information for how to run realistic and historically accurate mysteries for investigators of the 14th and 15th centuries, and guidelines for how to create historically accurate player characters. (And no, that doesn’t just mean “everyone is covered in dirt and women aren’t allowed to exist.”)
Death Bed(50% complete)
This is another working title, but one we might stick with.
Death Bed is the result of me being stuck at home for over a week with no car and a chip on my shoulder about the fact that the “official dark souls tabletop role playing game” is just a D&D5e reskin. So I spent three days typing literally all day writing a system that I felt might actually translate the gameplay of Dark Souls to a turn-based RPG. It is still, in some ways, a D20 system, but borrows more from AD&D than any 21st century iteration, and borrows some from the dark souls board game as well.
Enemy behavior can be easily predicted, to the point that the GM doesn’t even hardly do anything during combat. When you attack, you don’t roll to hit, you just roll your weapon’s damage, and when an enemy attacks, you only roll to dodge or block.
PCs may die and return to life multiple times in the same combat encounter, though each death puts them closer to the brink of madness, at which point they will become another shambling corpse the rest of the party will have to defeat to reach their goals. Each stage of this regression grants the character unique advantages and disadvantages as well. For example, those right on the brink will be recognized by some enemies as one of their own, making them less likely to be targeted by attacks.
I wrote so much of this in so short a span of time that I had to stop myself and force it into the backburner, or else I might’ve dropped dead.
Eureka: Overdose(1% complete)
Similar to the Mobster Manual, this is a planned supplement book for Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy.
This book will also be sold separately for a very low price, and feature a large number of pre-made combat encounters complete with environments and fully statted enemies to be slotted in as big climactic showdowns in Eureka adventures. Each of these encounters will feature multiple difficulty levels changed by adding or removing certain elements from play, and guidelines for estimating what a party of investigators will be able to handle.
And then of course we also have a whole document full of one-sentence to one-paragraph synopsises of adventure modules to write for Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy, but none of these are quite out of the idea stage, so I’m not including them on this list.
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And we are tagging @efangamez, so everyone can hear about her projects as well!
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nightcatssketchbook · 22 days
I’m actually making this for Instagram- I don’t think I have my OC art on here anymore. But I’m posting it in case anyone would want it for their own use!
OC Outfit Drawing Meme
I wanted to make my own ask meme, inspired by @abra-ka-dammit’s. Send in an emoji and one (or more? 👀) of my OCs and I’ll draw them in the corresponding outfit.
☀️ What they’d wear in the summer
🍁 What they’d wear in autumn
❄️ What they’d wear in the winter
🌱 What they’d wear in the spring
☂️ What they’d wear on a rainy day
👞 What they’d wear to a formal event
😴 What they’d wear to sleep
🩱 What they’d wear to the beach or pool
🛋️ What they’d wear on a lazy day at home
💼 What they wear to work (if they don’t work, what they’d wear for their dream job or hobby)
⁉️ In an outfit that’s not their typical style
🥾 In a hiking/camping outfit
💄 In a super fancy outfit
🎭 In another OC’s outfit
📺 In a cartoon/anime/film character’s outfit
👾 In a video game character’s outfit
☕️ Wearing a hoodie
💃 Wearing a dress/skirt
✂️ Wearing a crop top/ripped jeans
✏️ In light/dark academia attire
🍄 In cottagecore attire
💀 In emo/goth/scene attire
🎃 As a classic Halloween monster (ex. vampire, werewolf, zombie, etc.)
🐴 OC as a cowboy
🏴‍☠️ OC as a pirate
💥 OC as a superhero
🐟 OC as a mermaid
🦋 OC as a fairy/with wings
🗡️ OC in a high fantasy world
🚷 OC in an apocalypse/dystopia
🤖 OC in a cyberpunk/futuristic/sci-fi setting
⚙️ OC in a steampunk setting
Time Periods
🎩 In the 1890-1900s
👗 In the 1920-30s
👔 In the 1940-50s
🛹 In the 1980-90s
📱 In the 2000-10s
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grimmwolf · 1 year
🤬z••s + supporters, anti therian, anti otherkin DNI🤬
🤬hunters, trappers, taxidermists, supporters DNI🤬
🤬animal part collectors/buyers/sellers, etc. DNI🤬
🤬vulture culture, “oddity” enthusiasts, etc. DNI🤬
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“I’m just like you
Made by He
Despised by they
I’m almost me”
INTRO TIME cuz everyone else has one apparently-
Asks are always open btw :)
Ps. That means ask me things :)
Helloooo my name’s Maddy or Grimm. This is my Therian & Otherkin etc. blog. So I’ll be posting and reblogging whatever kin related stuff here, some memes maybe. Anyhow, here’s…
Some stuff about me~
• I’m 19 years old in this body, and my birthday is on the 25th of May.
• I’m a straight cis female, so she / her pronouns would do just fine.
• I’ve been awakened since about 2014 ish, and I’m a spiritual Therian, Otherkin, Alterhuman, Nonhuman, Fictionfolk / Fictionkin, however you wanna call it 😂 Meaning I believe all if not most of my identities / kintypes are rooted from alternate lives, such as: Past, Future, Parallel, and Dream lives.
• Only a handful of my identities I’ve discovered are semi psychological tho. But they are not derived from imprinting, neurodivergence, or trauma. I also prefer to use the term identity, instead of therio / kin / ficto type etc.
• The label I use most in terms of my nonhumanity, is Omninonhuman! A term I coined for myself. Meaning I identify as all animals, beings, creatures, nature, etc. Basically anything and everything that’s nonhuman! Including, but not limited to: All earthly and non-earthly animals, beings, creatures, extant, extinct, insects, dirt, grass, plants, trees, flowers, fungi, rocks, stone, metals, crystals, water, land, sky, clouds, biomes, magical, mystical, mythical, mythological, supernatural, celestial, cosmic, galactic, divine, holy, unholy, infernal, universal, etc. Though, I connect more with wolves, or just canines in general lol.
• I have depression, social anxiety, body and species dysphoria. Are name, personality and voice dysphoria a thing as well, perhaps? Lol.
Some fandoms I’m in + interests of mine~
• Animals
• Anime
• Art
• Black Butler
• Canines
• Creepypasta
• Demon Slayer
• Detroit: Become Human
• Dinosaurs
• Dragons
• Dungeons and Dragons
• Fantasy
• Five Nights at Freddy’s
• Genshin Impact
• Harry Potter
• Hazbin Hotel
• History
• Hobbit
• How to Train Your Dragon
• James Cameron’s Avatar
• Jujutsu Kaisen
• Lord of the Rings
• Marvel
• My Hero Academia
• Obey Me!
• Omegaverse
• Paleontology
• Period Pieces
• Photography
• Pokémon
• Red Dead Redemption 2
• Sci - Fi
• SCP Containment Breach
• Slenderverse
• Supernatural
• Twilight
• Wings of Fire
• Wolves
• Zoology
Some hobbies of mine~
• Adding pins on Pinterest
• Collecting Merch ( Figures, plushes, posters, etc. )
• Creating playlists on Spotify
• Drawing
• Listening to music
• Photography
• Playing video games
• Reading
• Sleeping
• Watching YouTube
• Writing
Some fun facts about me~
• I absolutely love animals. I aspire to be an Animal & Nature Conservationist / Own an animal rescue ( domestic or wild ). I am against all forms of animal abuse, agriculture, cruelty, exploitation, use, etc., as I am a vegan at heart, and so I do not support the therian real animal part gear obsession. If you support that or other related things, do not interact with me.
• I absolutely love talking about my alternate / past lives, even though I may not know a whole bunch about them. And I would be more than happy to listen to others speak of their lives as well! Alternate / past lives in general are all very intriguing to me
• I’m a huge fan of Pewdiepie and Markiplier. I watch their videos everyday, they just make me so happy. I love to laugh, and they make me laugh more than anyone honestly. They’re my gods lol
• I have a habit of either capitalizing words that don’t abide by the laws of human grammar. Or I alphabetize every thing I list. Oh, and my favorite colors are beige, black, cream, gold, gray, lavender, tan, and white :3
…Did you notice it?
Anyway! As I’ve mentioned before, I’m a spiritual otherkin. Meaning I believe I’ve had past or alternate lives of my kintypes! That being said, here are…
My identities / types’~
( From first discovered to most recently discovered, assume all are confirmed )
• Angel
• Fallen Angel
• Earth Angel
• Dinosaur / Paleo / Raptor Shifter
• Merfolk / Draconic - Like Sea Being
• Divine Leader / Goddess
• Spirit / Universe / Goddess / Guardian
• Demon / Unidentified Being / Other bbkin ( Black Butler )
• Canine Cryptid / Shifter / Werecanine / Werewolf / Werefolk
• Alien / Angel / Unidentified Being
• Draconic Fae / Shifter
• Standard / Traditional / European / Western Dragon / Wyvern / Shifter
• Eywa / Na’vi / Pandoran
• Night / Light Fury / Goddess / Other httydkin
• Dragon / Other ratldkin
• Fae
• Other Mariokin
• Other Spyrokin
• Other Kirbykin
• Blue / Sea / SeaWing / Water Dragon
• Desert / Sand Dragon / SandWing
• Forest / Green / Nature Dragon
• Celestial / Cosmic Dragon
• Abyssal / Eldritch Dragon
• Black / Darkness Dragon / NightWing
• Gold / Golden Dragon
• Fire / Red Dragon / SkyWing
• Air / Blue / Sky / Wind / White Dragon
• Ancient / Imperial / Standard / Traditional Asian / Eastern Dragon
• Other WoFkin
• Omni Pokémonkin / Other Pokémonkin
• Other GenshinImpactkin
• Other LionKingkin
• Other mhakin ( My Hero Academia )
• Other RDR2kin ( Red Dead Redemption 2 )
• Other Alpha&Omegakin
• Other Marvelkin
• Other Supernaturalkin
• Other Twilightkin
• Other Creepypastakin / Proxykin / Slenderversekin
• Android / Divine Cryptid / Eldritch Angel
• Machine Shifter / Omni Machine kin / Other Horizon: Zero Dawn / Frozen Wilds / Forbidden West / Burning Shores / Call of the Mountain kin
• Other Omegaversekin
• Howl’s Moving Castle / Studio Gibli kin
• Aquatic / Dark / Drow / High / Light / Moon / Silvan / Snow / Sun / White / Wild / Wood Elfkin
• Other dbhkin ( Detroit: Become Human )
• Conceptkin / Dimensionkin / Existencekin / Galaxykin / Levelkin / Planekin / Realitykin / Realmkin / Worldkin / Universekin / Vibrationkin
• Other Twilightkin
• Other hbkin ( Helluva Boss ) / hhkin ( Hazbin Hotel )
• Dhampir / Vampire
• Other scpcbkin ( SCP Containment Breech )
• Other FarCrykin
• All Beast / Other bnakin ( Brand New Animal )
• Other Hook / Neverland / Pan / Peter Pan / Tinkerbell kin
• Other dndkin ( Dungeons and Dragons )
• Other potckin ( Pirates of the Caribbean )
• Other fbkin ( Fantastic Beasts ) / hpkin ( Harry Potter )
• Other Hobbit / lotrkin ( Lord of the Rings ) / Medievalkin / MiddleEarthkin
• Medievalkin / Other Skyrimkin
• Other Okamikin
• Other gowkin ( God of War )
• Other Grishaversekin / snbkin ( Shadow and Bone )
• Alien / Amphibian / Dinosaurian / Draconic / Kaiju / Machine / Mecha / Pandoran / Reptilian
• Other asekin ( Ark: Survival Evolved )
• Other revkin ( Resident Evil: Village )
• Dark Fae / Other Maleficentkin
• Other fnafkin ( Five Nights at Freddy’s )
• Other dskin ( Demon Slayer )
• Other jkkin ( Jujutsu Kaisen )
• Other trkin ( Tokyo Revengers )
• Chimera / Trico / Other tlgkin ( The Last Guardian )
• Alien / Avian / Canine / Draconic / Feline / Pandoran
• AI / Alien / Android / Bot / Canine / Code / Cyber / Cyberware / Droid / Drone / Future / Glitch / Hardware / Machine / Mech / Mecha / Program / Robot / Tech / Technology / Virus
• Other Transformerskin
• Other Cyberpunkkin
• Other ldrkin ( Love, Death & Robots )
• Other aotkin ( Attack on Titan )
• Other tgkin ( Tokyo Ghoul )
• Other gotkin ( Ghost of Tsushima )
• Other ackin ( Assassin’s Creed )
• Other twkin ( The Witcher )
• Other Nimonakin
• Lizard / Scavenger / Slugcat / Vulture / Etc. / Other rwkin ( Rain World )
• Alien / Alien Jackal / Alien Vulture / Bioraptor / Hellhound / Mud Demon / Etc. / Other Riddikkin
• Celestial / Cosmic / Divine / Galactic / Holy / Universal Creator / Deity / God / Goddess / Guardian / Saint / Planet / Solar System / Galaxy / Universe / Reality / Mother Earth / Life / Moon / Nature / Sun / Death / Light / Dark / Demeter / Gaia / Existence / Nonexistence / Etc.
• White War Wolf ( Asgardian / Marvel / Norse )
• Canine Spirit / Fox Spirit / Gumiho / Inugami / Kemonomimi / Kitsune / Komainu / Lion Dog / Magical Canine / Mythical Canine / Mythological Canine / Nine Tailed Fox / Nogitsune / Okami / Okami Spirit / Raccoon Spirit / Supernatural Canine / Tanuki Spirit / Wolf Spirit
• Child Luck Spirit
• Demon / Devil / Ecstasy / Emotion / Encubus / Euphoria / Feeling / Fiend / Heat / Hell / Hormone / Incarnate / Incubus / Infernal / Instinct / Love / Lust / Lust Incarnation / Pleasure / Primal / Romance / Rut / Sensation / Sex / Sexual / Sexuality / Stimulation / Succubus / Touch
• Other Spiritkin ( Spirit of the Cimarron )
• Other Elementalkin ( Disney )
• Other SlyCooperkin
• Other RiseoftheGuardianskin
• Other StrangeMagickin
• Other ObeyMe!kin
• Other MysticMessengerkin
• Other Otomekin / ShallWeDatekin / Voltagekin ( Dating Sims )
• Other KungFuPandakin
• Other Lucakin
•Other TurningRedkin
• Other Baldur’sGate3kin
• Other HotelTransylvaniakin
• Spirit / Wisp
• Other Siren’sLamentkin ( Webtoon )
• Other AnimalCrossingkin
• Other Tangledkin
• Other lolkin ( League of Legends )
• Other atkin ( Adventure Time )
• Mermaid / Selkie / Siren
• Alicorn / Hellhorse / Hippocampus / Kelpie / Magical Horse / Mythical Horse / Mythological Horse / Pegasus / Thestral / Unicorn
• Kirin / Magical Deer / Mythical Deer / Mythological Deer / Qilin / Peryton
• Centaur / Cervitaur / Faun / Satyr
• Griffin / Griffon / Gryphon / Hippogriff
• Amphiptere / Amphitere / Amphithere / Magical Avian / Mythical Avian / Mythological Avian / Phipthere / Phoenix / Quetzalcoatl
• Black Dog / Black Shuck / Canine Spirit / Church Grimm / Cu Sith / Fox Spirit / Enfield / Gumiho / Hellhound / Inugami / Kemonomimi / Kitsune / Komainu / Lion Dog / Magical Canine / Mythical Canine / Mythological Canine / Nine Tailed Fox / Nogitsune / Okami / Okami Spirit / Raccoon Spirit / Supernatural Canine / Tanuki Spirit / Wolf Spirit
• Other twdkin ( The Walking Dead )
• ( Behemoth ) / Gorgon / ( Gorgonus ) / ( Gorgun ) / Leviathan / ( Nag ) / Naga / Quetzalcoatl
• Other hsrkin ( Honkai Starrail )
As you can see from my identities listed, I have about 117 discovered identities, and most likely counting. I’d like to make it clear that I am not “adding to any kin list” or “kinning for fun”. I am completely certain and genuine about my alterhumanity and my many identities.
I have entire playlists of most of these lives on Spotify, that help me connect with them more. I figured out how to link my Spotify, give it a listen if you’d like. So here’s…
My Spotify~
Anywho, see ya! Also pls interact, I want friends / mutuals with similar kintypes 🥲
“I’m nearly human~
Look at me
I’m almost
A human being”
-Aurelio Voltaire • Almost Human
Ps. Here’s the song quoted as well ;D
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asha-mage · 11 days
Choose violence ask game #17:
"there should be more of this type of fic/art"
[ask meme: choose violence version]
I adore fanart pieces that place something in a artistic style/historical period outside it's own. WoT fanart in the style of Irish illuminated manuscripts is one of my favorite examples of this, but I also think about things like the Lord of the Rings fanart that reimagines ancient China as the primary aesthetic influence on Middle Earth, the Pokemon art that's styled like Edo era paintings, the Avengers in a high fantasy epic hero portraits, or Cyberpunk characters in the fashion of Roaring Twenties speakeasies.
Something about the way they can find common ideas, motifs, or themes across radically different genres, time periods, and cultures- and inspire you to reexamine your view of an existing piece of art. It gets me.
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pagesofkenna · 2 months
remember that, like, six-month period of time when tumblr was really into hyperspecific hyperbolic feelings-about-characters descriptions, like 'i want to carry them in my handbag like a tiny dog' or 'i want to tuck them into bed and read them a bedtime story' or whatever?
in the middle of that i did a character opinions meme thing and calyx asked about big barry syx, about whom i wrote the words "i would be the friendly tavern innkeep who gives discounts on food and ale to their favorite patrons to his rugged fantasy adventurer trope, if you know what i mean'
i think about that occasionally because i want to talk like that all the time. i worry no one will know what i mean. it's such a specific collection of feelings/opinions that i dont know how to process/express and moving them to that hyperspecific hyperbolic description just works in a way thats so fun
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Fun ask meme bc people don’t ask the questions I really care about
1: would you rather fight a duck the size of a horse or ten horses the size of ducks
2: if you had to be an animal what would it be and why
3: how would you describe yourself as a color? This has nothing to do with your favorite color, just vibes you give yourself.
4: if you had to loose one of your senses or physical abilities, which one and why?
5: preferred form of media?
6: song that always brightens your mood?
7: if you could have any food right now what would it be?
8: what superpower would you want? Please explain why.
9: something you are proud of, big or small.
10: who is the most important person in your life?
11: picture yourself as old, retired if you want, but like. You’ve gotten your best life. What is a good happy life to you?
12: something cringe you are now or have ever been into?
13: something you’ve been meaning to get into for awhile but keep putting off?
14: preferred form of travel
15: favorite fruit or veggie
16: fav dessert
17: if you had $8000 and a paid month off work what would you use it for?
18: mountains or sea? Desert or tundra? The woods or a field?
19: Describe yourself as a song with no lyrics. What instrumental song are you?
20: describe yourself as a non sentient object.
21: what do you do when you’re sad to feel better?
22: what do you do when others are sad?
23: what emotions do you tend to try and avoid the most?
24: what is a food or experience you miss from being a child? This does not mean things like paying bills, and is more about the time period you are from.
25: Favorite hot treat for when it’s cold to warm up?
26: Favorite cold treat for when it’s hot to cool down?
27: what is one media that genuinely made you see the world as a whole differently?
28: favorite song that almost no one knows
29: a song that’s over played or a meme song that you genuinely enjoy
30: what is your favorite joke?
31: fight flight freeze or fawn?
32: name a pleasant interaction you’ve had with a stranger
33: name a way you’ve helped someone before that made you feel good about yourself
34: name a way someone has helped you before
35: what is your favorite flower?
35: you get to choose what age you are and when you die. What age do you choose and how long do you live?
36: do you prefer to only consume happy media or do you enjoy things that will make you sad and angry as well?
37: do you trust yourself entirely? Are some of these answers muddled because you have an answer but you know if given the thing you want you would be irresponsible?
38: what is one of those small interactions that meant very little and hurt no one really but you still stay up at night feeling bad about?
39: what makes your heart go !!!! In excitement at just the mention?
40: share an inside joke but don’t share the context
41: what’s a hobby you want to get into? Disregard whatever skills money or tools you would need, listen to your heart
42: what’s an experience you’ve wanted to do or have for awhile but not been able to justify to yourself?
43: a part of yourself you are fond of?
44: favorite supernatural being
45: favorite fantasy being
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bropunzeling · 13 days
20 & 27 for the book meme!
20. Where and how do you find new books to read?
oh great q!!!! i'd say it depends on the type of book BUT: for genre/lighter stuff (fantasy, romance, sci-fi) i check what my friends are reading on goodreads and/or ask for recs from them. most of my friends have similar tastes to me and/or i have a sense of whether them loving something means i won't vibe with it 😂. for literary fiction (which i should read more of and don't) i often skim the nyt book review section to see what jumps out. for nonfiction, i generally prefer super focused histories of a certain object/subject/era or i go through periods if being really into the reconstruction era, or world war one, or whatever. for those i again check out nyt lists (skipping the biography and memoir stuff lol) and i also rely on podcasts a lot! there's a few (gastropod and why is this happening) where there'll often be episodes that focus on a particular book or topic and that's a great way for me to find new stuff to read. i also have the books i read for book club! i'll also tend to run through an author's bibliography if i vibe with them - for example i read mexican gothic a couple years ago, loved it, and now i've read at least two other books by that author!
and finally i will be your buddy to read a terrible book and be outraged if you really need it. looking at you, fourth wing.
and i already answered 27 here!
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neet-elite · 18 days
For The Ask Game/Meme 💓
B - J - K
Ily pookie kisses mwah mwah 💗💕
B: What was the first fandom you read fic in?  Which was the first you wrote fic for? god.... naruto? w...willy wonka?? LOL... but the first fandom i ever wrote for was... fruits basket! my fic was 80 chapters long, had no smut, included telekinesis, and a running joke about the shigu mf being a sex pest or smth.
J:  What’s your favorite fanfic trope?  Have you written it? such a difficult question... i think maybe just generalised like... fantasy? and by that i mean exaggeration. like low refactory periods (or none at all), huge penis sizes, monster fucking etc. fanfiction is fiction, so i enjoy when people take it to the extreme and have fun with it :D so yes. thats all i write LOL. catch my characters cumming and then immediately being ready to go again... or being unnaturally tall/strong/big etc. it's fun!
K:  Do you have a guilty pleasures in fic (reading or writing)? incest fics, but i don't really feel guilty about it... maybe drool/saliva? just bodily fluids in general? piss? sweat? i love all the gross n nasty stuff that other people generally stray from.
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