#persephone the non magic kitten
dcjelliclequeen33 · 4 years
Guess whoes board again? Me! So I’ve got an idea! Send me a Cats Character (or one of my OCs) and I’ll give you a random something for them! It could be an HC, a short or even just a random little thing I think about them!
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stupendousbookworm · 3 years
"I speak fluent English, French, German and bullshit"
"Do you think cinnamon rolls have a separate life before we eat them?"
"Rowan, can books fly?"
"What if every star in the sky represents a soul that departed from the world? I wouldn't mind ending up there"
Name: Ara Annora Rose Black
Nicknames: Ara Bear, annoying bitch, black, cursed kid
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Sexuality: bisexual
Alignment: Chaotic neutral
Blood status: Pureblood
Date of Birth: 18th February 1973
Ethnicity: French/British
Nationality: British
In front of the students of Hogwarts, she's the infamous curse breaker; a person not to be messed with. But in the eyes of her friends, she's the silliest and idiotic Ravenclaw known to kind. A girl with a dark past but huge ambitions, a sharp mind and a knack for attracting trouble, she's a chaotic person. But will she be able to find her brother and save Hogwarts?
Brilliant: although she can be a tad bit daft at times, she's rather smart, and can solve problems quite efficiently. If she understands the concept, nothing can stop her.
Stubborn: she's pretty adamant when she wants to achieve something. She doesn't stop until she reaches her goal. It comes as both a blessing and a curse
Sarcastic: she can hurt you when she wants to. Her sarcasm is rather brutal, and she always regrets saying anything rude. She really doesn't filter what she says before saying it.
Musically talented: she can sing, and play many instruments, including the guitar, piano, saxophone, flute and drums
Short tempered: she really can't control her anger. She gets pissed off rather easily and it gets on everyone's nerves. It's all a part of her defense mechanism
Kind: she's the person who acts like a bitch but actually cares for you, and looks out for you. Don't worry, she's got your best interests at heart
What are her likes?
chocolate, cinnamon rolls, her Ravenclaw jumper, astronomy, her friends, coffee, old books, reading Shakespeare, singing, playing music, dueling, messing around with Tonks, Tulip and Jae, and sleeping
What are her dislikes?
being woken up, strawberries, Tonks eating her special banana ketchup sandwich, dungbombs, Mrs. Norris the dumb cat, when someone tears a page out of a book, and History of Magic
Where does she live?
Tonks Cottage, London, with Nymphadora, Andromeda and Ted
Hair colour: Black
Eye colour: grey
Skin Tone: pale
Height: 6'0
Weight: 118 lbs
Build: thin and lanky with a slight slouch. She eats a lot of junk food but it doesn't show because of her "good metabolism"
Aesthetic: astronomical, academia and grunge (?)
Inventory: her wand, a half eaten bag of chocolate chips, a old family heirloom time turner (that's rather faulty), black finger-less gloves and Moonshine the baby kneazle
Face Claim: Steffy Argelich
1st wand: Ash wood, 12 1/2 inches, phoenix feather core, great for transfiguration, nice and swishy
The ash wand cleaves to its one true master and ought not to be passed on or gifted from the original owner, because it will lose power and skill. This tendency is extreme if the core is of unicorn. Old superstitions regarding wands rarely bear close examination, but I find that the old rhyme regarding rowan, chestnut, ash and hazel wands (rowan gossips, chestnut drones, ash is stubborn, hazel moans) contains a small nugget of truth. Those witches and wizards best suited to ash wands are not, in my experience, lightly swayed from their beliefs or purposes. However, the brash or over-confident witch or wizard, who often insists on trying wands of this prestigious wood, will be disappointed by its effects. The ideal owner may be stubborn, and will certainly be courageous, but never crass or arrogant.
2nd wand: Ebony wood, 13 inches, dragon heartstring core, brilliant for dueling, very flexible
This jet-black wand wood has an impressive appearance and reputation, being highly suited to all manner of combative magic, and to Transfiguration. Ebony is happiest in the hand of those with the courage to be themselves. Frequently non-conformist, highly individual or comfortable with the status of outsider, ebony wand owners have been found both among the ranks of the Order of the Phoenix and among the Death Eaters. In my experience the ebony wand’s perfect match is one who will hold fast to his or her beliefs, no matter what the external pressure, and will not be swayed lightly from their purpose.
Boggart: herself, but as a death eater
Riddikulus form: being surrounded by friends, who have her back
Patronus: Black Raven
As a patronus a black raven represents knowledge, they carry intelligence and quick wit, matching perfectly with Ravenclaw. You find extreme comfort in those with intelligence and knowledge of past events, and how to handle new things calmly and with poise. You tend to have some moments of a delicate, sensitive side that comes out of them in times of fear or sadness.  You tend not to always a leader, but a follower because they know that others may have more experience or wisdom than them, but if you know you are the most intelligent, knowledgeable or wise, you take the reigns and lead the way. In the same way the owner of this patronus will give up leadership, to a wiser leader, they will do the same in a multitude of different situations. Despite this, you are very brave and cunning, but in other areas, when you do take leadership, you are a strong-minded and focused leader, you never let you guard down, even if you are scared or confused. You carry an extreme amount of knowledge with you at all times, waiting to find a use in the correct situation. This patronus matched with Ravenclaw, means that you are able to think of creative and innovative ideas for the better of the team, even when you are not the leader.
Patronus memory: When Andromeda and Ted accepted her as their own daughter. She realised that she did have a family who loved her and cared for her.
Animagus: a small Black Raven
Amortentia (what they smell like): old books, chocolate, a tad bit of cinnamon, coffee and lavender
Amortentia (what they smell): a library, petrichor, grass, cinnamon, and a very strong woody cologne
Magical Abilities:
Legilimency and Occlumency:
Legilimency is the act of magically navigating through the many layers of a person's mind and correctly interpreting one's findings. A person who practices this art is known as a Legilimens. Muggles might call this "mind-reading," but practitioners disdain the term as naïve. The opposite of Legilimency is Occlumency, which is used to shield one's mind from the invasion and influence of a Legilimens.
Occlumency is the act of magically closing one's mind against Legilimency. It is ancient, and has existed since medieval times.[1] It can prevent a Legilimens from accessing one's thoughts and feelings, or influencing them. A person who practices this art is known as an Occlumens.
Favourite spells: Bombarda, Legilimens, Expecto Patronum, Reducto
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Organizations joined: Hogwarts, Circle of Khanna, The Order of The Phoenix
Apprenticeships: worked as an intern at the Ministry of Magic for a while, and helped Madam Pomfrey in the Hospital Wing with Chiara
Professions: Auror for a while, took a break after a bad injury and ended up teaching at Hogwarts for a year, and then became an Alchemist.
Best Subjects: Transfiguration, Potions, Flying, Charms, Astronomy and DADA
Worst Subjects: Herbology, History of Magic, Divination.
Extra curricular activities: Keeper of the Ravenclaw Quidditch Team, sometimes tutors first years
Fuck her blood family, she's a part of the Tonks family now
Edward "Ted" Tonks
He might not be her father, but he sure is her dad. Muggle born Ted taught Ammie how to mess around with muggle tools, and introduced her to muggle movies and other random trinkets. He thinks of Ammie as his own daughter, and was the one who taught her how to ride a bicycle
Andromeda "Meda" Tonks (née Black)
Andromeda took in her niece when she had nowhere to go, treated her like family, and protected her from all sorts of danger. Provided love, care and support to Ammie during her traumatizing times. She was considered as a blood traitor, but that didn't stop her from saving her little niece
Nymphadora "Dora" Tonks
Ammie's sister, and best friend. Stood by her side for everything and supported her all the way. Provided comic relief and loves Ammie to death. With a stupid sense of humor, and a knack for creating mischief, she's Ammie's most beloved person
Jacob Black
The one who started it all. The idiot who got himself stuck in a portrait. All of this garbage began with him, and Ammie never lets him forget it. Very protective of his little sister and hates everyone for some reason
Misc family members: Sirius Black, Regulus Black, Walburga Black, Orion Black.
Friends: Rowan Khanna, Ben Copper, Bill Weasley, Penny Haywood, Nymphadora Tonks, Talbott Winger, Badeea Ali, Tulip Karasu, Jae Kim, Chiara Lobosca, Charlie Weasley, Barnaby Lee, and Liz Tuttle
Closest Canon Friends: Rowan Khanna, Nymphadora Tonks, Talbott Winger, Tulip Karasu, Jae Kim and Badeea Ali
Closest MC friends:
Alvina Arcane-Zheng ( @oneirataxia-girl)
Celeste Wheterstead ( @bananascrackersnuts)
Tessa Reed ( @hphm4ever)
Adel Young (@adellovesrowan)
Matthew Luther (@hphmmatthewluther)
Cato Reese (@catohphm)
Niky Dona, Sabina Ivylash and Persephone Palerosine (@nikyiscreepy)
Night Nur Rhea (@night-rhea)
(I don’t have much friends... Just lmk if your MC wants to be friends with mine)
Love Interest: Talbott Winger
Dorm Mates: Rowan Khanna, Tulip Karasu, Badeea Ali and Skye Parkin
Rival/ bestie: Merula Snyde
Enemies: Patricia Rakepick, R, The Wizard in White Robes
Pets: a female black kitten kneazle named Moonshine
- Has a stuffed bear named Sir Boo Boo
- Really likes Indie Rock/Pop
- Ended up being in a band with Jae and Tonks by accident
- Pretty much hates the world in the morning
- Gets good marks in Divination by making up really tragic stories
- Can’t stand tea
- Fluent in French
- McGonagall claims to hate her, but she really thinks Ara’s rather daring
- Sings in the shower
- Annoys the heck out of Andre with her questionable fashion choices
- Stupid sense of humor
- Laughs like a witch
- Quotes Shakespeare when drunk
- Can skateboard like a pro
- Weird handwriting
- Messy yet organized
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dizzydancingdreamer · 4 years
“First Lines” | Tag Game
Hey Y’all I have gotten tagged in this a few times— thank you so so much @auroracalisto @mikaelson-emma and, of course, @hellotvshowtrash— I haven’t had much time to read them and form coherant thoughts but expect some soon. 
So the rules are you post the opening lines to 20 of your most recent fics— or all the ones you have if you don’t have 20— and it kinda just shows who you are as a writer and it’s just fun!
I decided to include some WIP’s— and expose to everyone who is not @activist-af the sheer amount of fics that I start and then set aside. Please enjoy y’all I got a kick out of compiling this list!
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“Barnes, you’re on protection detail.”
He must be dreaming— he must have fallen asleep with the tv on again. That’s been happening a lot lately; he’s trying to catch up on normal life. On all the shows and movies and music he’s missed throughout the years. He’s trying to catch up. Or maybe he’s just trying to drown out the silence. It doesn’t matter why, to be honest, all that matters is that he is asleep and what he is hearing and seeing are the workings of a bad dream. There was a marathon last night. Yeah, there was. Movies, a few of them. Something about bodyguards. He’s just dreaming about the movies. Right?
(WIP | Persephone’s Symphony | Bucky Barnes)
“Did you pack my dress!” A shrill voice assaults her eardrums as she scurries towards the door.
It comes from a tall, thin, young woman. Her face and fingers are boney, her blonde hair falling in perfect waves down her back. The faintest aroma of honeysuckles and violets wafts off her creamy skin. She is beautiful, her step sister Anna. At least in theory. The sneer on her cherry lips and the hatred in her cerulean eyes, unclouded and accusatory, can’t be hidden by any length of silky dress or ruby lipstick, though. She is ugly, even if just on the inside.
(Posted | The Servant and The Prince / Chapter One | Loki)
The ride to the capitol takes three gruelling days. Each night is spent at a different tavern. It is the same story each time; Estrid and Anna spend the night in a lavish bed and Y/n is left with the horses, curled under her thankfully baggy cloak. It is neither warm nor comfortable, sleeping on the bench seat of the carriage. She never really falls asleep, she only dozes in and out of consciousness. It is almost always interrupted by footsteps or the murmurs of animals or her own mostly empty stomach growling into the night. That one is twofold- usually her stomach is in so much nauseating pain that she cannot sleep but, on the off occasion she can, she is then awoken by the loud roars it makes.
(Posted | The Servant and The Prince / Chapter Two | Loki)
“Please Surtr.”
Her voice rings through his ears on a loop, the most beautiful and agonizing melody that he has surely ever heard. She must be magic- something strong and powerful and like nothing he has ever seen before. There is no other explanation. It had been magic when she appeared to him, literally falling into his lap as if out of thin air. He is the god of tricks but even he cannot do that- he cannot make women that smell like flower petals land in his arms at will. He wishes he could- more than anything he wishes he could pluck her out of his dreams and bring her back to him. But he cannot because that was not a trick. That was something else entirely.
(Posted | The Servant and The Prince / Chapter Three | Loki)
Y/n’s heart thunders as she gazes up at the glittering golden gates of the castle. If she was not so bogged down with bags she would throw a hand over her brow— a futile attempt to keep her eyes from burning out of their sockets. Do they really have to be this glittery? She thinks they are marvellous, that is not the problem. The problem is that she is not marvelous. Not in the slightest. Not worthy of such magnificent, splendid, rich architecture. She glances down at her simple dress— the loose green threads hanging from the side of the garment— she had meant to fix those— is this really where she must stay? Surely there must be a stable somewhere. A barn for animals like her.
(Posted | The Servant and The Prince / Chapter Four | Loki)
“On the balcony,” Frigga calls back, brushing her blonde hair over her shoulders. “We have company!” She adds, seemingly as an after thought— she is too busy pouring wine from a glass feeder into a beautifully ornate cup.
At least, Y/n thinks it is wine. She can smell the fermented berries— sweet and tangy and warming her nose as all wines she has encountered before have— only this wine is a pale violet shade. It is not an opaque rouge, not a barely there chartreuse. Nothing like what she has ever been able to get her hands on by way of bartering or shared celebration. Weddings and births. She takes a seat in one of the golden chairs, trying not to think about how out of her element she truly is. The little details are starting to show though. Not just extravagant pools and marble hallways. Even the food here is luxurious.
(WIP | The Servant and The Prince / Chapter Five | Loki)
She would have never thought it possible. Never. She’s the type to sit at home and crack open a good book. Maybe make a nice cup of tea. Lately she has been finding hibiscus tea to be a nice way to end the night. That’s besides the point, though. The point is that she is nothing like her older sister Jane. She is a dreamer, not a doer. Not a traveller.
Especially not a traveller of space— of foreign planets.
(WIP | Untitled | Loki)
“Are you heading home this weekend?” Lily twirls a strand of blonde hair between her fingers, “Mama told me there’s an event.”
Your best friend lays on your bed as opposed to her own, her legs dangling over the edge. Her eyes are closed, probably halfway to being asleep. It’s been this way since the two of you left for college three years ago, always more in your space than her own. You’re lucky that way, you have a best friend who would follow you across the country if you wanted her to. Honestly, you would do the same. Luckily, though, you decided on only two hours away away from home. Just far enough to find your footing. At least, that’s what you tell yourself.
(Posted | Everything, Everywhere | The Mikaelson Boys)
“Get away from me, Kai!” Y/n snarls, pushing her way through the grill with a huffing witch on her heels.
She had been eating her meal- staring at her meal more like— and trying to ignore the constant buzz of her phone. He was incessant, texting her non— stop as if it would make it all better. After the thirtieth text she had turned her phone off, preferring to look at her food in silence. No text can erase his voice in her head. She means nothing to me.
“Not going to happen, kitten,” Kai purrs, his hand wrapping around her arm and tugging her to his chest, “you’re not going to ignore me.”
(WIP | Untitled | Kai Parker)
New Orleans isn’t all that it was cracked up to be she muses to herself as she winds her way through the tombs. They tower over her, shadowing her with the sins of so many people before her. They’re lonely. That’s all she can think, over and over again. They must be so lonely. There can’t possibly be enough people to visit each of them. There aren’t even any people to visit her, let alone thousands of lost souls. She laughs to herself, a cruel sound breaking through the crashing silence. She is a lost soul.
(WIP | Do You Have A Moment? | Kol Mikaelson)
A little bit outside the city lines of New Orleans, tucked precariously off highway 109, there stands a roadside market. It isn’t too far, nor is it too close; it’s just right, like the porridge in some half assed, uninspired fairytale. It’s nestled perfectly on the edge of the bayou, drawing in just enough business to keep the two girls running it in business. The jam is sweet, the ham is honeyed, and the women have smiles that look a little bit like rain in a drought: necessary for life but too much water on dry soil is a recipe for disaster. It’s all a little bit too perfect. Too clean cut and wholesome. But this isn’t a fairytale, after all. It’s the story of the girl who got away with it and the girl who helped her do it.
(WIP | Hey Tommy | The Mikaelsons)
The Salvatore house has always smelled the same; like oranges and rum. A lot of rum. It is a welcome scent, one that smells almost like home. It will never truly be home, those scents are already reserved in your very essence, but it’s close. You’ll always be happy to walk through their door. Today is no different.
(WIP | Forever and Always | The Mikaelsons)
Kol drags a hand through his hair, his eyes locked on the book in front of him. His eyes wander the page, the corner of his mouth lifting when he skims something particularly interesting. You, too, have a book in your hands but, unlike him, your focus is elsewhere. To be exact, your focus is four feet away, basking in the sun on the lap of one shirtless vamp.
(WIP | Best Friend Things / Part Two | Kol Mikaelson)
“So, love,” a pair of arms snake around your waist, pulling you into a warm chest, “these are the famous pumpkins?”
A familiar blonde head, the one you woke up to this morning, settles against your shoulder. He must be leaning significantly given the fact that he’s at least a good head taller than you. You break the rain spell you had been working on, laying your wand next to your pumpkin starts. That’s the beauty of magic, you can grow in any season. You turn to face Klaus, a soft smile on your face.
(WIP | Pumpkin / Harry Potter Universe AU | Klaus Mikaelson)
The salt clings to her sticky skin, her hair grainy and matted from the surf. Thunder rolls overhead, chasing her through The Cut like. It’s only half past noon but shadows layer the street, casting everything in a dusky gloom. The pavement smells sharp; the rain is coming and fast. She hikes her tote higher on her shoulder and wishes for a moment that she hadn’t dove for as many shells today. She feels like a beached whale with all the dead weight. Business is business, though, and the tourists go crazy for a handmade necklace.
(WIP | Thunderstorm Afternoons | Jj Maybank and John B. Routledge)
She shoves her key into the lock of the Smith’s beach house, turning it with an audible click and smiling when she pushes the door open to the smell of warm pizza and oranges. Try as the boys may, Mrs. Smith’s affinity for essential oils will always prevail over the mass amount of cheap pizza they consume on what is— unfortunately— the daily. She hauls her bag higher on her shoulder, closing the door behind her and thanking the heavens she remembered to pack some of the chicken her mother made for dinner on her way out the door. No Domino's tonight, thank you very much.
(WIP | Sleepovers | The Kook Boys)
“Y/n, darling, come here,” her mother’s sweet voice trickled over her from the front hall, “I have some people I want you to meet.”
She stepped into the hallway, coloured lights pouring over her. It was Christmas time, her favourite time, and everything was extravagantly decorated. Garland lined the grand staircase, there was a tree in almost every room, and, her favourite, holly strung in every doorway. Her house radiated magic, more so than usual, that is.
(WIP | Hufflepuff Princess | Draco Malfoy)
Her feet hit the pavement with careful clicks, her heels— while undeniably killer— a little loud for her taste: a product of her day spent in practice with the other debutante girls. She has to force herself to make her steps light. This isn’t New York, it’s Mystic Falls. Being a southern woman is not a choice; it’s an obligation. A prior commitment she agreed to before she was old enough to truly fathom what it meant. For the most part she loves it— the elegance and refinery, the teatime giggles and flouncing skirts— but the heels? That’s a hard no.
(WIP | Untitled | Kai Parker)
She sighs, her toes burying themselves in the carpet as her arms reach well past her head in a much needed stretch. Her room is dark, the only light coming from her cheap desk lamp. The pounding in her head, for once, isn’t enough to drown out anything that’s happened in the last twenty-four hours. None of this was supposed to happen, it wasn’t supposed to get this far. It was always just a game, wasn’t it? She runs a shaky hand through her hair, her knees wobbling slightly at the thought. Get it together, y/n.
(Posted | The Bet | Rafe Cameron)
Her bubblegum lip gloss attacks him from all the way across the café, cutting cleanly through the aroma of coffee and donuts and sending his heart racing at the obscenely sweet scent. He should hate it. No, scratch that, he shouldn’t think anything of it at all. It’s not in his nature to enjoy things- or to feel things at all, to be frank- but he can’t help it. The drugstore brand, wildly over-scented balm makes his head fuzzy like nothing else.
(Posted | Bubblegum Princess, Cherry Angel | Kai Parker)
I don’t really know who to tag because I haven’t been active these last few days so I am tagging people I have not seen do this yet and if you have just ignore me : @elijahs-wife @draconisxcaput @imaginearyparties @dumble-daddy 
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Any Sek, Ares, Seph, or Athena HC that I haven’t already covered lol! HAPPY CATS DAY!!
- Since Sekhmet and Ares aren’t really that familiar with positive physical contact, both Hestia and Jubilee will hug them at random points during the day. Example: Sekhmet will be sitting with Mistoffelees, talking quietly, and all of a sudden she’ll have an armful of her little sister, and Hestia just keeps on hugging her while Mistoffelees smiles and continues their conversation.
- The first time Ares realized “oh no, I like Pouncival”, wasn’t some intense, bit fight, or a soft moment during the Jellicle Ball. No, it was when Pouncival tripped over Tumblebrutus’ tail, stumbled into a pile of junk, and promptly became stuck in an old refrigerator box. Ares watched him struggle to find his way out, and just thought “that one... i want him”
- Persephone can and will cling onto Mistoffelees’ leg while he’s walking around the Junkyard. To the non-magical Jellicles, it just looks like he’s got a limp, but to those with magic, they’re able to see the little kitten holding tightly onto the magician’s leg, and they all just laugh.
- Jemima absolutely adores her Auntie ‘Thena. Athena usually visits every so often with Serafina, and always either goes to Sekhmet and Ares, or to her parents and sisters. Jemima loves being able to communicate for her aunt, and Athena finds her little niece absolutely adorable.
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themildestofwriters · 6 years
Character Creation Tag
Tagged by the illustrious @gottaenjoythelittlethingzz and thought that it would probably best to get some kind of content out from my OCs. For this one, I plan on doing Josephine Williams because Babette Melwyn is a bit more complicated and divulges into territory that I do not wish to discuss when it comes to the creation of her character.
1) What was the first element of your OC that you remember considering (name, appearance, backstory, etc.)?
Basic appearance and name. She was always a Josephine and she always had that general outline of appearance (Long curly brown hair; dark skin; that kind of stuff). The rest just developed over time and the more I considered Josephine critically.
2) Did you design them with any other characters/OCs from their universe in mind?
Yes. Josephine was thought up as someone who’d help begin Babette’s happy ending. I needed a character who’d bring out the best in Babette, who’d get her on track to healing whether through giving her the confidence to go through with therapy while also reconnecting her to humanity. I feel really bad for just creating a character who’s sole purpose is to be a love interest, but fortunately, I feel as if she’s much more than her original concept would have some think. There’s still much I need to develop around her, but the same can be true for other characters such as the two leads families and even the main character (Babette) herself.
3) How did you choose their name?
I always liked the name Josephine and I was inspired by the character of Josephine Montilyet from Dragon Age: Inquisition.
4) In developing their backstory, what elements of the world that they live in played the most influential parts?
She a lesbian woman of colour living in Australia, Earth (2016), there would be a lot influencing her. Her life isn’t abhorrent, but she does face issues that I’d rather not discuss here. What counts is that her family and friends love her and so do most the people she interacts with. This story won’t explore these themes as a main focus, because that’s not the point of the story, however they will be brought up and do effect her as a character.
5) Is there any significance behind their hair colour?
There’s nothing significant behind their hair colour. I like it, is all.
6) Is there any significance behind their eye colour?
Not really. I just thought the colour fit her character. Though, if you wanted to, you could just google “Green Eye Colour Meaning” and get a few links, one of which tells you that the symbolic meaning behind green eyes, but it won’t have much baring on the character aside from the fact they’re pretty.
7) Is there any significance behind their height?
Relationship Height Difference. One of my favourite tropes is where you’ve got a very tall character and a very small character dating because of all the cute things they can do. Originally, Josephine was something like… 5’5” or 5’6” but I changed it to 5’8” because a height difference, even if it is just 5” is adorable AF and I’m pleased I decided on this.
8) What (if anything) do you relate to within their character/story?
Well, aside from the fact that I’m quite literally giving her my High School life, not much else I’d say. Josephine’s quite a bit different then me and we’ve both had very different lives. She doesn’t live in a broken family, my brother still breaths (as far as I know), she doesn’t have any sisters, I’ve never had a relationship as successful as hers, she doesn’t have to worry about what her parents will think about her non-heterosexuality (she’s already out), I don’t really have a choice about my religious practices. About the closest things I could relate to about her is how I’ve written her dealing with people and noise and whatnot.
9) Are they based off of you, in some way?
*Looks up at the previous question* Nope, not really.
10) Did you know what the OC’s sexuality would be at the time of their creation? 
Due to her original concept being a companion for Babette, yes. I needed to create a character who’d not only be able to engage with Babette as a friend but also as a significant other. Josephine was always going to have a preference for women one way or another and it just seemed right to make her gay as well.
As monogamy vs polyamory, the choice was simply as not only is Babette monogamous (making a healthy poly relationship impossible) but I’m monogamous myself so the character trait was there from day one.
11) What have you found to be most difficult about creating art for your OC (any form of art: writing, drawing, edits, etc.)?
Face claims. I could say the difficulties in finding how to write her character, but that can be worked on easily and I’ll be constantly improving my portrayal of this character. No, the real issue is that I can fecking find a good faceclaim that fits! Worse, I can’t do it for any of my characters!
12) How far past the canon events that take place in their world have you extended their story, if at all?
While I haven’t gone as far as mapping out before her birth and the preceding years after, I’ve gone far enough that I know when her story definitively ends and it’s incredibly heart-warming and cute and I can’t wait to write it! At some point, I might reach a point where I’ll decide to take a few days to just 100% full-dive into worldbuilding and fully flesh out these characters backstories in complete detail (events preceding conception to what grades they got in year 2 of Primary School) but until then, I know the basic outline of the events from their childhood to they’re old and greyed.
13) If you had to narrow it down to 2 things that you MUST keep in mind while working with your OC, what would those things be?
Her personality certainly. Without her personality, her entire position in the story changes and it would also effect how healthy the relationship is between Babette and Josephine as well as the overall result. The second one, however, is her part in the story--not necessarily as a romantic interest for Babette, but for acting as an anchor to not only reality but also humanity for her godly girlfriend.
Dating or not, it doesn’t matter, but Babette wouldn’t reconnect with humanity on her own and without a character like Josephine existing, she would’ve flown off to Pluto or something and buried herself waiting for the heat-death of the universe to kill her.
14) What is something about your OC that can make you laugh?
The fact that I’m not sure if I should make her go full butch or femme or just stay somewhere alternating between. She’s fast enough to out run you at a marathon, strong enough to beat you at arm-wrestling, would absolutely rock certain short hairstyles and a leather jacket, but at the same time she’s leaving lipstick marks on Babette’s cheeks and rocking absolutely stunning dresses.
No heels, though. She hates heels.
15) What is something about your OC that can make you cry?
The fact that when she begins learning magic from Babette, one of her first thoughts goes straight to necromancy and the idea that she could possibly maybe resurrect her late older brother.
16) Is there some element you regret adding to your OC or their story?
Just as @gottaenjoythelittlethingzz said, I’ll tell you when I find it.
17) What is the most recent thing you’ve discovered about your OC?
The most recent thing I’ve discovered about Josephine… She’s was extremely hopeful for the Wonder Woman movie and absolutely adored it when she watched it in theatres. She saw some issues but overall, she loved it and not just because Gal Gadot was a thing.
18) What is your favourite fact about your OC?
Josephine is a massive, massive, greek mythology nerd. Literally, her computer wallpaper is probably some picture of Athens or the pantheon of greeks or something like that. When Babette gives her a pet raven, she names it Cerberus. When she and Babette adopt a kitten together she names it Sappho (I blame @sunlight-melodies). She really likes greek mythology which makes interesting parallels considering her favourite greek god is Persephone and her girlfriend has been known as the God of the Dead.
Tagged, in no particular order, is: @sleepy-and-anxious, @ariellaskylark @cometworks @focusdumbass @rose-writes-and-drinks-tea @truebisexualdragon @fallen-angel-nightshade @pyr0clast @i-tried-and-i-loose @sunlight-melodies
I’ve realised that i need to keep a list of writers I follow to tag in these things because I’m absolutely horrible at remembering them all...
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fanfictrashdump · 3 years
Universe in a Jar, 6 - Phase 4 fic
Recap: Some days ago, I reblogged this post about the magical trio. And then my brain went off on a monumental tangent and, I wrote Universe in a Jar.
Characters: Stephen Strange, Loki, Wanda Maximoff, Wong, OC
Rating: T?
Warnings: Language! Mentions of sexual encounters, sarcasm, terrible storytelling, and typos prob.
Summary: Baby-sitting beings arguably more powerful than him goes awry for Doctor Strange. He knows one person who can possibly keep them isolated and out of trouble. Well, he knew someone who could… he hasn’t seen them in decades and for stupid reasons.
Previous Chapter
WARNINGS: Language, fighting, mentions of death, Stephen with a kitten
Stephen dragged his sneakers through the loose dirt of the beaten path as he meandered, handful of tools hanging limply from his hands. Every now and then, he'd stop and take a survey of the land before continuing for no other reason than he could. He was delaying his arrival at the small, cornflower blue barn just beyond the hill. Despite the fact that he had been doing mindless farm chores non-stop since they arrived at the Hale Estate and this was the first time Seph had ever physically asked him to help with something. Persephone needed him to take a look at the tractor, a small one for her moderate crops. He knew it was merely a ploy to get him out of the house and away from the ticking time-bomb of a witch, but he was dreading the hell out of it, all the same. It wasn't because he thought he couldn't do it–he grew up on a farm in a small town of very rural Nebraska; he knew how to fix a tractor. It wasn't even that he thought his hands would betray him (not that she had even considered that a possibility. Seph knew that he was the most dexterous of the lot, shaking hands and all). He just really hated it.
As he approached the well-worn wooden structure, he shuffled the tools to fish the key to the padlock out of his pocket. With a loud clang, the lock sprung open, evidence of needing a little greasing apparent in its ear-shattering metallic whine as it turned open to be removed. With little more than a huff, he tugged one of the leaves open to have a staring contest with the four-wheeled piece of equipment that he'd most likely lose.
Then, there was a noise.
Tossing the wrenches and clamps onto a nearby work table, he shuffled around the small shelter, looking under tables and in buckets, until he found the source in the wheel well of the tractor. Smiling, he kneeled on the floor before sitting cross-legged, watching the wheel well with interest until out from the shadows, a little tuft of ginger emerged.
"I don't suppose you're the mechanic," he jested, only to be replied by a determined meow. "Tractor elf, then? Here to fix things while we sleep?"
The ginger tabby, sure as any creature he had ever encountered in this or any Universe, padded across the dirt floor and clambered into his lap. It took less than a minute for the kitten to begin purring or for it to continually bump its head affectionately against his awkwardly jarring hands. Stephen was careful, a notch forming between his brows as he focused on gentleness and applying appropriate pressure, in not suddenly squeezing. Not that the kitten was paying any mind. If anything, the sudden spasms in his hands were met with increased rubbing and the occasional batting of one tufted paw on his hand, pulling it closer to its dirt-stained face.
"I've known you for forty three years." Stephen glanced over his shoulder to find Seph leaning against the open barn door, arms crossed, grin on her face. "Every single time you're sent to do something you don't want to, you always end up with an animal in your lap. How does that even happen, Stephen?"
He shrugged. "I'm just a lucky guy, Peep."
The kitten had scaled up his t-shirt and anchored against his chest. One paw rested on his chin while his hands held the creature up against him. Even from several feet away, Seph could hear the loud, buzzing drone of purring of the cat's delight, warming her insides at this portrait of happiness.
A mew of contentment echoed in the barn, the sorcerer having buried his fingers in the orange fur and tickled down its spine. Stephen chuckled in response, making an altogether too soft noise at his new friend. "I didn't know you kept a barn cat."
"I don't. That little guy is from the Smith's farm down the road. Their barn cat, Cooper, was knocked up. This little stowaway comes and goes. Never lets me touch him, though." Her amusement was apparent at watching Stephen Vincent Strange, Sorcerer Supreme, Surly Man Extraordinaire all cuddled up to an orange tabby, melting under its quiet meows. She dropped to her knees beside him, brushing her hand under the cat's chin and quickly realizing it was not her touch the kitten wanted, as it burrowed further into Stephen's chest. A little laugh escaped her. "I think you have a barn cat."
"I don't have a barn." The response was automatic.
She snorted. "Yeah, you do. I can see it from here."
Stephen lifted his gaze from orange fur to the run down barn across the way and then the house it lived behind and sighed, dropping his chin back onto the kitten as in comfort. He didn't exactly know what to say to that, if anything at all, but Seph didn't let him suffer for long.
"What did you make of the house?"
The question prompted him to close his eyes and fidget in place. "I didn't go in. I sat on the porch for hours, held the key. I couldn't do it."
"Stephen, that's your–"
"I know. I know. It's just… their ghosts… I can't–"
She drew an arm around him and pulled him into her body, relishing in the little sigh and the untensing of his shoulders as he settled into the crook of her neck. "Empty houses are not that scary. I promise." He nodded minutely. "I'll go with you."
"You don't have to."
"I know. I'll do it, anyway."
A stretch of silence surrounded them, broken only by the white noise of purring. "Are you sleeping with Loki?"
Seph laughed, turning her head to kiss Stephen's crown. "Are you?"
His brows pulled together and his mouth twisted. "Not regularly, no."
"So, you have."
"Have you?"
He rolled his eyes and groaned. "Look, I'm not judging you, I'm just–"
"Comparing yourself. Which is stupid–"
"I know, I shouldn't–"
She continued as if he had said nothing. "–because I also sleep with women. There's no chance in hell you two break the top ten."
Stephen scoffed, though the corner of his mouth turned up. The kitten in his arms shuffled with the vibration and settled back into another comfortable position. "Do you have to be such a dick?"
"Learn how to use yours and I wouldn't have to." With a grin, she kissed his crown again. "You know you have to sleep with me to be ranked, right?"
A dusting of red covered his cheeks. "Yeah."
"Just making sure."
The little ball of orange fluff stretched luxuriously, untangling from Stephen's arms just enough to wander and drape itself across the place where both of the humans' thighs touched. Seph gently traced one of the fuzzy ears with her fingers, watching them twitch at the contact before the feline pushed its face firmer against her touch.
Stephen could only smile to himself. He could understand the feeling–initial apprehension, weary observation, eventual surrender. Persephone was an intense person and sometimes it was scary to exist within her same aura until she showed that she was there to be gentle. He supposed he could always feel that she was a little different. Her powers made sense to him now, and he could admit that his child's intuition was not great at discerning that the odd feeling he perceived when she was in a mood was not apprehension or annoyance but power.
"I've messed up a lot of stuff with sex." The words slipped out before he had even noticed them.
"Oh, I am well aware. I went to college with you. And med school."
A wry laugh echoed in the barn. "Such a dick."
"Stephen, we were each other's first kiss. First naked look at the opposite sex. First to tell when anything remotely interesting happened to us. And then, we fell into a world of magic and aliens. I think we'd survive." Stephen remained quiet beside her, merely shuffling a little further into the warmth of her half-embrace, making her smile secretively at the softness of the action. "You know she didn't mean it, right? Implying that we were being useless."
He nodded a bit. "I know. She's just upset about her family."
"She doesn't know you. She doesn't know how much it hurt or how their ghosts haunt you. You also didn't have to go that hard on her."
"I know, but what was I supposed to do, Peep?"
"Tell her that you know exactly where's she's coming from. You know her pain better than anyone. Why is it so hard to make that vulnerability known?"
He straightened up, gaze falling to the far corner of the barn to avoid looking at her. "Because who would fucking trust me, then?"
Seph snorted. "Honestly? A lot more people. Half the people we went to school thought you were either a robot or a sociopath. Being an unfeeling thing doesn't lend you credibility, it makes you look like a maniac."
"I don't think that's–" A crash made the two of them start. "What was that?"
She shook her head. "I don't know." She gently pried the kitten off their legs and set it down on the barn floor before jumping to her feet. "Sorry, buddy. Noises need attending. You can catch a nap later."
She waited for Stephen to similarly right himself before the two took off in a sprint towards the house. The pair slammed the kitchen door open to find everything in a disarray. Tables upturned, flowers on the floor, knickknacks broken and a dozen or so people in black, military style uniforms fighting against Wanda and Loki.
"What the fuck is going on?" Persephone yelled over the sounds over fighting.
"Former employers, long story," Loki hissed through gritted teeth.
Seph watched as Loki turned one of their glowing batons against the soldier to presumably electrocute them, only to give a startled gasp when they disappeared in a cloud of stardust.
"Little help, Seph!" Stephen grunted, trying to subdue one intruder while the Cloak kept another off his back. She stood frozen in panic. He did a double-take on her still form. "Pretend they're me and try to kill them!"
For a moment she blinked at him in surprise before another growled chorus of her name roused her. Despite almost killing Stephen several times within the course of the month, Persephone was not good at managing that part of her abilities on command. And, even when she did, the abilities were fleeting, at best. Concentrating, she latched on to whatever feelings of rage and desperation she could scrounge up, feeling the world slip away from her as her eyes began to glow. The two soldiers attacking the Sorcerer were suddenly surrounded in a glass prison. Wanda had four soldiers strung up from red threads of magic like marionettes and slowly moved them across the room where they joined Seph's prisoners. Loki, deciding he had had enough of niceties, was going around the living room, wielding a baton like a sword and dispatching of anyone who came too close to him.
"Are you OK?"
She flinched at Stephen's hand on her shoulder, her eyes still fixed on the boxes with rapt attention.
"Peep, talk to me."
"I'm OK." Her voice sounded both hollow and too dynamic, echoing eerily.
Strange nodded. "You know how I told you earlier not to open the veil? Well, maybe disregard that and throw these guys elsewhere?"
There was a beat of silence before she responded. "I don't have to." She clapped her hands together and both boxes collapsed into nothingness. '
Stephen swallowed thickly, squeezing her shoulder once to try and ground her. "Where'd you–?"
"Antarctica. They might die." She said it so matter-of-fact that it was almost worrying.
"I assure you," Loki started, "they won't. They will be found within a few minutes, if not already."
"Hey." Stephen bent at the knees to level his eyes to hers, though she stared right through him. "Let go of it. You're OK." She blinked at him but her expression turned from blank to furrowed brow. "That's it. Come back." He rubbed up and down her arms, feeling the air shift around him like oxygen was coming back into the room. He looked up at Loki and Wanda. "Do you know where they got in from? This place is warded to the teeth, I find it hard to believe they found a crack."
"Are you telling them or shall I, dear?" Loki offered with a wide smile that didn't quite catch their eyes.
Wanda fidgeted before groaning. "They knocked at the door. I opened without checking."
"It's OK." Seph leaned against Stephen, clenching her eyes shut against the migraine starting to brew at her temple. "It's happened to me before. Not with anyone who wants to kill me but, y'know, religious groups who make me want to kill myself. I have–have contingencies." The last of her words came out slurred.
"You're not looking so good, Seph." The witch rushed over to help her sit on the sofa, full mothering mode on.
"I think I just overdid it." She sank into the cushions, letting out a steady breath before trying to get back up. Stephen promptly pushed her back down. "I need to move the house."
"You're not doing moving of any kind right now." Persephone frowned at what she had deemed his doctor voice, though was having trouble deciding which of the two Stephens was the one she needed to be glaring at.
Loki frowned. "Strange?" He got a hum of acknowledgment back, the sorcerer too busy pretending he wasn't worrying over Seph. "Who's that on your jeans?"
"What?" Stephen looked away from the sofa and glanced down. Hanging off the bottom hem of his right pantleg, a tiny ball of orange fur batted at the playfully swishing Cloak around his shoulders.
"That's his barn cat," Seph supplied, a drunken giggle in her voice.
"Precious." Stephen rolled his eyes at the glittering smile of the demigod, though it turned into more of a wide-eyed stare when he continued, "Didn't know Midgard kept Flerkens."
Wanda tilted her head. "What's a–oooh, that's different." She grimaced at the split jaw and tentacle-like features attached to the mouth, batting at the Cloak.
"Stephen," Seph started, "I take it back. I'm not OK, I'm hallucinating."
Strange drew a deep breath, closing his eyes and letting the air filling his lungs soothe him. "No, mom. I don't want to be a farmer. I want to be a doctor and move to New York city. And now you got a fucking alien following you around, you dipshit," he muttered angrily, before bending down. "Hey, no eating the Cloak!" The tentacles retracted, jaw fused back together and a kitten was once more sitting on the carpet. "I should've stayed on the fucking farm."
0 notes
Witching World: A Presentation of the Weasley Coven
In Harry Potter canon, the Weasleys are a large, if poor, family, consisting of  one father, one mother, six sons and one daughter. In my “witching world” AU, where polygamy is the norm and families tend to be on the large side anyway, the number of Weasleys has grown considerably.
In this world, we have one father, five mothers, and fifteen daughters. (When the coven first appears in the fourth chapter of “Holly Potter and the Witching World,” there are only twelve daughters... the youngest three are born later.)
Arthur: Patriarch of the coven, father of all the Weasley children. A friendly and jovial (and, let’s face it, highly fertile) man with a passion for Muggles and their many inventions. He’s responsible for the pre-Hogwarts education of the children, and in his spare time he’s a bit of an inventor. (Canon counterpart: Arthur Weasley)
Molly: Arthur’s oldest wife, and birth mother of Will, Charlene, Persephone, Fred, George, Ronnie and Ginny. A loving mother and wife, if at times slightly overbearing, she is the primary and most efficient homemaker of the coven and, having given birth to seven of the fifteen Weasley children, the only wife not to ever have a job outside the house. (Canon counterpart: Molly Weasley)
Amanda (”Mandy”): Arthur’s second wife, birth mother of Anna and Elaine, The strictest and most diciplinary of the Weasley mothers, but also possesses a keen wit and is the first to laugh at herself. Muggle-born, she works as a Muggle liason at the Ministry, but seldom sees her Muggle family. (Canon counterpart: None)
Francine: Arthur’s third wife, and birth mother of Marlyssa and Isa. A calm and patient woman who works as an Auror alongside her longtime partner and lover Alice; they were the ones who brought the notorious Bellatrix Black to justice. Alice is known for keeping calm in a crisis and treats work and family life with approximately the same cheerful stoicism. (Canon counterpart: Frank Longbottom)
Alice: Arthur’s fourth wife, Francine’s partner and lover since their Hogwarts days, and birth mother of Nella, Lydia and Celia. She’s one of the boldest and fiercest Aurors the Ministry has seen, but at home she’s the gentlest and most comforting of the Weasley mothers, always ready with a soft lap and a warm hug. (Canon counterpart: Alice Longbottom)
Flora: Arthur’s youngest wife, and birth mother of Dahlia. A Muggle-born dragonologist hailing from Kansas, who came over to Britain to study British dragons and ended up falling in love with the Weasleys and joining their coven. Flora can easily be identified by her American accent, her penchant for skimpy outfits, and her large number of colourful magical wigs -- an unfortunate encounter with a Chinese Fireball left her completely bald.. (Canon counterpart: None)
CHILDREN (listed from oldest to youngest):
Willhelmina (”Will”): The oldest and tallest daughter of the coven, and enjoys a certain amount of respect from her siblings because of that. Will is one of those lucky people to whom everything seems to come easily; she’s got a multitude of talents and seems to be headed for a glorious career as an international curse-breaker. (Canon counterpart: Bill Weasley)
Charlene (”Charlie”): Good-natured and adventurous, Charlie would prefer to spend all her time outdoors, either playing Quidditch, exploring the wilderness or taking care of animals. While she could probably have made it as a professional Quidditch player, her true passion is dragons. As such, she is determined to follow in Flora-Mum’s footsteps and become a dragonologist. (Canon counterpart: Charlie Weasley)
Anna: Anna is bright, quick and charming. She possesses a keen wit and has an uncanny knack for analysis and deduction, but she can sometimes be oblivious to the things going on right under her nose. That said, she’s probably got the most common sense of the Weasley daughters, and her sisters often turn to her for advise. (Canon counterpart: None.)
Persephone: DON’T call her Percy. She’s the brainiest, most studious and most serious of the Weasleys, and often has little patience for her sisters’ tomfoolery, She can be a stickler for detail and is usually the last one to get a joke, but she works harder at her goals than anyone.(Canon counterpart: Percy Weasley)
Frederica (”Fred”); A bundle of energy and a constant source of silliness and practical jokes, Fred would have been a handful even on her own. But she’s hardly ever on her own; she’s practically inseparable from her twin sister George, who’s her constant partner-in-crime. Fred was born physically male, but hated being a boy, always insisting that she was really a girl. At first, the Weasleys did not know how to handle this, but after educating themselves on gender dysphoria, they decided that it would do more harm than good to try and force Fred to be a boy, Hence, at the age of ten, she was put on the “Mulierarius“ potion and transformed into the girl she always knew she was. (Canon counterpart: Fred Weasley)
Georgina (”George”): Only slightly calmer and more introspective than her twin sister Fred, but with the same outrageous sense of humour and fondness for jokes and pranks. Unlike Fred, George was born physically female and despite her boyish nickname has never had a problem with her sex. (Canon counterpart: George Weasley)
Elaine (”Ellie”): The seventh-born daughter of the coven, Elaine is “the pretty one,” often content to rely on her looks to get by. She’s genteel and romantic, but can occasionally be vain, selfish, and a bit of a schemer. She’s the only Weasley daughter to ever be Sorted into Slytherin -- much to her family’s surprise. (Canon counterpart: None)
Veronica (”Ronnie”): Faced with seven older sisters and seven younger ones, Ronnie has developed a bit of an independent streak and to her family’s frustration has a tendency to go off alone when they want her to stick with them. She loves adventure and excitement, she’s very resourceful and has a strong sense of humour, but she can be blunt, stubborn and sarcastic. She’s fiercely protective of her younger siblings. (Canon counterpart: Ron Weasley)
Nella: One of only two Weasley daughters who isn’t a redhead, chubby blonde Nella is only a few months younger than Ronnie, and a bit of a shy and quiet girl, not help by her mile-wide clumsy streak, and a really poor memory. She is, however, a genius with plants, and there are greater strengths in her than she knows herself. (Canon counterpart: Neville Longbottom)
Ginevra (”Ginny”): If she ever bothered to properly groom herself and doll herself up, Ginny could give Elaine a serious run for her money when it comes to being the “pretty one”... but for the most part she just doesn’t bother. Ginny is lively and active, interested in sports, and can usually be found tagging along with the twins. (Canon counterpart: Ginny Weasley)
Marlyssa: Marlyssa is the family artist. She’s usually calm and cheerful, with a glib tongue and a bit of an artistic streak, and while her sisters get into trouble Marlyssa is usually happiest sitting down somewhere and working on her drawing.  (Canon counterpart: None)
Lydia: The other non-redhead among the children, as she has the same blonde hair as her birth mother Alice and sister Nella. Lydia is probably the most scatterbrained and impatient Weasley, always trying to do two things at once, usually with the result that she doesn’t do either of them particularly well. (Canon counterpart: None)
Dahlia (“Dolly”):   The “cuddly” one. While most of the Weasleys are generous with physical affection, Dolly is like a love-hungry kitten in her fondness for hugging and cuddling. She can occasionally get clingy, but is generally good-natured about being told to back off. Otherwise, Dolly is the most easygoing of the Weasleys; she’s just as likely to follow Isa or the twins into mischief as she is to sit quietly and draw with Marlyssa.   (Canon counterpart: None)
Isabelle (”Isa”): Isa hardly ever means to misbehave. It’s just that she’s so very impulsive, never thinks before she acts, and tends to let her imagination run away with her. Small mishaps tend to turn huge thanks to her frequent desperate attempts at fixing them, and when disaster inevitably strikes she usually runs and hides behind one of her older sisters. She is almost inseparable from Celia, as the two were born only weeks apart and feel almost like a second pair of twins. (Canon counterpart: None)
Celia: The youngest of the Weasley coven; it’s kind of odd that she and Isa should be so close because they’re actually quite different: Where Isa is impulsive and extroverted, Celia is more careful and introverted. But together with Isa she usually lets herself get dragged into one mishap after the other. (Canon counterpart: None)
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dcjelliclequeen33 · 4 years
Yeah.....I did it again 😂
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Athena🎼 (me!)
Serafina🌷 ( @uppastthejelliclemoon )
Apollo🔆 ( @uppastthejelliclemoon)
Persephone🌹 (me!)
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dcjelliclequeen33 · 4 years
No one asked for it but I’m doing it anyway!!
Athena is the oldest daughter of Jennyanydots and Skimbleshanks, she is only moths older than Bombalurina. When she was young she was very independent and always stood up for her sisters against anyone and she was always there for them. She would sing them to sleep if they woke in the night for any reason, she learned to knit from her mother and would knit whenever she was stressed or bored, she made scarfs the most and gave them as gifts around the junkyard and to strays that seemed to need them. Tugger, Bomba and her were thick as theives growing up, they would cause all sorts of trouble together and they were all very close, in fact Athena one day gave Tugger and Bomba their collars while she had made herself a set of matching bracelets.
Just months before the Jellicle Ball Tugger planed on preforming for the very first time and Athena and Bomba were his willing audience and helpers for practices. They would give him tips on what flowed well and what didn’t and cheer him on. It was Athena who came up with the to pipe in and call him a name (a different one each practice) just for fun in the middle of his song. Saddly before the ball could happen Macavity was banished from the tribe and with him he took all three sisters, the tribe was heartbroken but none more so than Jenny, Skimble and Tugger. Tugger didn’t preform that year or any of the following until Demeter and Bomba came back. During that time he had grown close to Mistoffelees and so when Bomba and Dem felt well enough to take part in the ball again Tugger finally preformed for the first time, Misto wanted to make his friend feel a little better and so he decided he would pop up during the song and call Tugger a ‘terrible bore’ and it worked, it got a smile out of Tugger and made him remember practicing with Athena and Bomba as kittens.
Years later when Sekhmet and Ares joined the tribe Tugger was shocked just how much like Athena both kittens were, Sek had her fierceness and deep caring, and Ares had her easy nature and smooth talking skills. Once the siblings were fully settled in Bomba and Tugger got together and discussed the idea of giving them Athena’s old bracelets she’d left behind before leaving with Macavity. And so it was the following motner’s day Bomba gifted the leather bracelets to Sek and Ares and told them about their mother so they had memories that weren’t tainted and darkened by Macavity.
Athena, much like Hestia’s ghost siblings, is often around the junkyard. She tends to stay close to Tugger and watch her children fondly, she watches her sisters and niece happy to see that both her little sisters had moved on and were happy. She visits Jenny’s den now and again smiling as she watches her mother move around patching up kittens and general fussing about, she loves watching her kitten Persephone follow around the Gumby cat mewling and squeaking at her now and again and it never fails to make her smile when her mother would quietly answer the tiny sounds. Once in awhile she and Persephone will visit Skimble on the train, Persephone will follow Skimble all over but Athena is happy just to sit by the window and watch. Now and again her father will catch a glimpse of her in the window and it never fails to make him double take before smiling a little saddly and touch the pocket watch on his vest before continuing his routine.
( @uppastthejelliclemoon I HAVE to tag you because you’re the reason Athena has so much depth now! And @queencurlycrown and @kineticjellyfish so you guys can learn a bit more about Athena even if most of it was already in our chat group xD)
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dcjelliclequeen33 · 4 years
Well I did it!
I’d like to give a huge thank you to:
@hearth-goddess-99 @queencurlycrown @dorsey-doran-thewanderingcat @terpsichorian @statisticalcats @bullseyegames @majellicle-mister-mistoffelees @munkustrap-game and @alonzotheeboy for letting me use your usernames or offering your usernames for use! (I’m sorry not all of them got used but I wanted to mention you all the same!) I hope you all Enjoy🤗
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dcjelliclequeen33 · 4 years
No one asked for it but I’m doing it anyway!
Sek and Hades ( @uppastthejelliclemoon ) being the two oldest siblings in the Tuggofelees household tend to be the ones to get their younger siblings up in the mornings.
Sek will wake up two hours before the others, get herself ready and put her hair up, since Persephone is in the hair pulling stage of her terrible threes, before waking up her sisters. She then spends the next hour helping Thetis, Iris and Hestia get ready for the day and making sure their hair is pulled up as well.
While Sek is helping the girls Hades will wake up and get himself ready before waking up his brothers and nudging them into getting ready for the day, which often involves telling them that they don’t need to use ALL of the body spray and many frustrated verbal nudges to quit falling asleep and put on pants.
Once their siblings are all awake one of them will go and wake up Persephone and carry her to the kitchen for breakfast. They all give Tugger and Misto good morning hugs before having breakfast, Sek will often help Persephone while their dads (Misto mostly) cooks and cleans up.
After breakfast it’s normally off to school for the big kids but Persephone stays home and “helps” her dads around the house. She has a toy vacuum she pushes around the living room like she’s cleaning the floor. At nap time she often cuddles up to Misto on the couch watching a movie but once in awhile Tugger will lay on the floor when she’s being super fussy and sing to her along with whatever movie they are watching (lately it’s been Lion King or Moana) until she falls asleep.
After school when the others come home and finish any homework they have some family time, weather it’s playing games or just talking at dinner, until bed time. This is when Sek and Hades really divide and conquer. They switch off who gets which kids depending on the night but most of the night Persephone is handled by their dads, Hades helps Iris, Hestia and Thetis get ready for bed and brush their teeth, Sek wrangles Ares and Apollo into brushing their teeth and off to bed (though they seldom go right to sleep) before heading to bed themselves.
Once in awhile this routine is different and Misto and Tugger will handle the younger kids while Sek and Hades sleep in.
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dcjelliclequeen33 · 4 years
No need to tell me twice!!
So Fayette is a sleek brown queen with a white patch under her chin, she wears a baby blue collar with a shiny silver tag. Her human girl absolutly adores her and takes her for weekly groomings. Fayette stumbled upon the junkyard very much on accident, she’d been sunbathing when she noticed Alonzo slip out from an alley and sneak across the street, curious she followed him to the Junkyard. As the cats accepted her and she became a regular visitor She began to develop a small crush on Alonzo but she never acted on it because he never seemed to feel the same way. It took awhile but finally Alonzo got up his nerve and they told each other how they feel! A couple years later they have a pair of kittens, twin girls named Pipper and Pepper! Pipper has white fur with brown patches while Pepper has white fur with black patches like her father and her for about a year people always get them mixed up. Fayette was kinda created as a once off and that’s what she is more or less, I still keep her around because I like the idea of her but she doesn’t get acknowledged a lot.
THE BABY!!! Persephone is the youngest child between Athena and Macavity. She is a little Grey kitten with darker grey/black accents through out her fur. She is a complete baby in the best way possible! She LOVES cuddles and will never ever pass up the opertunity to get them. She has a cute little crush on Misto because she thinks he is the prettiest cat she’s ever seen, on the other side of the coin she isn’t all that impressed with Tugger she thinks he’s a bit much. She loves both her dad and papa but Misto is by far her favorite. SHE HAS ZERO FILTER!!! This tiny little thing will say ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that pops into her little head no matter how appropriate it may or may not be. She is also scarily fearless! She has no problem climbing into places she really shouldn’t be or giving grown adults death glares. So far she is one of very few cats that can hold out a glaring match with Browrey ( @kineticjellyfish ) for more than two seconds without getting intimidated. Strong and fearless as she maybe though she does have nightmares from time to time like any small child, when this happens and she wakes up crying she’s more than happy to let Tugger cuddle her and sing her back to sleep, those are the times she thinks he’s like a big teddy bear and his voice always helps her relax.
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dcjelliclequeen33 · 4 years
Something g for Persephone!
Thank you my good sir! Here is a life jacket *hands it to you* you’re going to need to because you just opened the flood gates. Let’s dive in!!
Persephone is the youngest kitten of Macavity and Athena. Unlike Sekhmet and Ares she showed no signs of magic when she was born and so Macavity wanted nothing to do with her and as a resualt chased both her and Athena away from the hideout. Athena tried returning shortly after, life on the cold London streets was impossible alone with a newborn kitten and she couldn’t fathom trying to return to the Junkyard, but when she tried to convince Macavity to let her and Persephone return he became enraged and in his anger killed both mother and kitten. In a HC with @uppastthejelliclemoon Persephone is now a ghost kitten like Hestia’s siblings. She spends much of her day following Jenny around her den making small squeaks here and there that Jenny sometimes hears and responds to without thinking, making it appear as though she’s talking to herself as she works.
In a Human AU Persephone is the 3 year old daughter of Athena and Macavity and littlest sibling to Sek and Ares. Athena passed away giving birth to her and much like with all his other children Macavity just isn’t involved and so Tugger and Misto adopted them (all but Jem). All the ‘Cats’ live in a cul-de-sac neighborhood (like the junkyard) Sek, Ares and Persephone live with Bomba since she adopted them, Hestia and her siblings live with Tugger and Misto, and Jem lives with Munk, Dem and Old Deut! I’m this Human AU Persephone has a light yellow baby blanket she carries around EVERYWHERE and if someone so much as touches it, or everlasting forbid try’s to take it from her for any reason, she will full on SCREAM! She has a tiny crush on Misto and no one really understands it but they let it go because she’s just little and thinks he is really pretty (I can’t blame her xD) and so when ever she and her siblings visit Tugger and Misto she is attached to his hip like glue 90% of the time.
She looks like this as a cat!
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dcjelliclequeen33 · 4 years
Just wanted to make a post for my fellow Cats blogs with OCs; I am always down to RP! You don’t really even have to ask! I have two different RP pages for my OCs!
@sekhmet-themagicqueen houses my OCs Sekhmet, Ares, Persephone and Athena
@calliopethestorykit houses Story Calliope, Knox, Pyewicket, Pipper, Pepper, Fayette, and Remi!
As I said I am always down to RP so by all means feel free to send me starters! I would like to keep things PG-13 for the most part so no heavy NSFW stuff or gore are about my only request, and be kind of course!
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dcjelliclequeen33 · 4 years
So I did a thing, I made photo examples of a my sibling OCs! The smallest one is Persephone the non magical kitten born to Macavity and Athena that was saddly killed along with her mother by Macavity. Then there is the oldest Sekhmet and finally Ares!
Cat forms:
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And Human AU:
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PICTURES ARE NOT MINE THEY WERE ALL FOUND ON PINTEREST ANS EDITED TOGETHER BY ME!!! @uppastthejelliclemoon i am tagging you because you are to blame for me loving these three so much now xD and @queencurlycrown and @kineticjellyfish because I can XD
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fanfictrashdump · 3 years
Universe in a Jar, 4 - Phase 4 fic
Recap: Some days ago, I reblogged this post about the magical trio. And then my brain went off on a monumental tangent and, I wrote Universe in a Jar.
Characters: Stephen Strange, Loki, Wanda Maximoff, Wong, OC
Rating: T?
Warnings: Language! Mentions of sexual encounters, sarcasm, terrible storytelling, and typos prob.
Summary: Baby-sitting beings arguably more powerful than him goes awry for Doctor Strange. He knows one person who can possibly keep them isolated and out of trouble. Well, he knew someone who could… he hasn’t seen them in decades and for stupid reasons.
Previous Chapter
Persephone stepped lively out of the portal and gave Wong one last haphazard wave before dropping her book hoard onto the kitchen table. Wanda didn't even look over her shoulder from the pot of oatmeal she was stirring at the sound, despite the fact Stephen started slightly at the booming thud. Seph threw herself into one of the wooden chairs, cross-legged, only to find that she was hovering slightly above the seat as the cloak fluttered around her. After a gentle stroke of the fabric, she grabbed the leather-bound tome at the top of the pile and opened it to the first page.
Wanda gave a yawn and started ladling oatmeal into bowls. "What did Wong say?"
"Not much. Just that Stephen was an unobservant idiot," Seph quipped back, turning the page, devouring the words on the page as if they were to be taken away from her at any second.
"So, nothing new, then?" The two exchanged a smile, but Seph remained silent.
Stephen made an offended noise like a strangled scoff. "I am still standing here." He threw himself into another chair with an undignified pout, only to have Seph blindly pat his hand. "That is in Sumerian. How are you even reading it?"
That comment was enough for her to raise her eyes up at the surly Sorcerer with a question in her eyes. "What?" She stared at the page for a long time before humming acknowledgment. "Hm. I guess you're right." She shrugged and continued her reading, leaving Stephen to make an exasperated noise.
"How can you read it?"
She scrunched her nose. "I don't know. I just can."
Wanda flicked her hands and all the books floated up above their heads. "Food first, reading after." Seph stared at the surface of the oatmeal with a certain hesitation. "I asked Stephen how to make it."
The hesitation on her face turned sheepish at the clarification. "Oh. Thanks, Wanda."
"You're welcome. I need to keep myself occupied and I feel bad for imposing on you like this," she replied, sitting down with her own bowl at Seph's other side after sliding one toward Stephen.
"You're not imposing. I should probably get out a little more, as it is." She smiled, stirring her breakfast absently. Hazel eyes cut briefly sideways, watching Stephen shovel a spoonful of hot cereal into his mouth. He did a double-take when he caught her gaze briefly and smiled before giving her the smallest of nods, unbeknownst to the other occupant. A spoonful of her own promptly went into her mouth, leaving her to determine whether she was going to be able to finish this bowl. While it was a little on the sweet side, it wasn't eliciting the same headache-y response other attempts at food had done. "Is Loki still asleep?"
"Pretending to be," Wanda responded. "I don't think he actually sleeps this much, but he likes keeping to himself in the mornings. Why?"
"He asked to see the flowering greenhouse. I was going to take him for the early blooms."
"That's sweet. He's certainly a contradiction, isn't he?" Wanda looked like she had more to say, but opted to look between Stephen and Persephone with an inquisitive eye.
Stephen scoffed. "Not the word I'd use."
"That's because you're salty. That is not his fault, Steve."
"I'm not salty–" Both women leveled a disbelieving stare at him. "–I just wonder what he has to do for you two to see he's trouble."
Seph put down her spoon and leaned against the table. "So, you're upset we think he's a good person even if he hasn't lived a perfect life while simultaneously being annoyed at you for making mistakes, even when you've lived your life in what you perceive to be utter perfection?"
Stephen shifted in his seat, his shoulders tightening in on themselves with discomfort. He avoided her gaze as he pushed oatmeal around his bowl, silent.
"Shit, you're good," Wanda muttered, smiling into her coffee.
Pushing another spoonful into her mouth, she reached out to him, again. This time her hand lingered on his and she continued her breakfast eating with her non-dominant hand. After a few extra minutes of silence, steps thudded down the old, creaky staircase and Loki swept into the kitchen like a hungry storm. He walked around the table, stopping to press a kiss on Persephone's crown, on his way to the stove.
Stephen made to slip his hand away at the gesture, only to find that 1. Seph tightened her hand around his, and 2. he actually couldn't will his hand to move, despite his desire. A cursory look around to room showed him that Loki was still dealing at the stove and Seph had managed to fish her book down and propped it to float at eye level while she ate. Wanda was the only one smiling to herself, looking up only when Stephen's glare was too heavy to ignore. He mouthed an irate stop it only to have her shrug like nothing was the matter.
Loki took his seat on his other side, glancing around the table with an impish grin. "Oh, are we holding hands, today?" He grasped Stephen's other hand, paying no mind to the spoon in it, and tucked into his own breakfast. "I can't say we've ever held hands, darling. A shame, considering we've held pretty much everything else of each other's, haven't we, Sorcerer?"
The man in question stiffened, eyes falling closed with a heavy sigh. Wanda and Seph looked up from their tasks, and at each other, before turning back at them with curiosity. "I have to–your carrots are overdue…" he muttered quietly, pushing his chair back and finding he could move at will, once more. He fled the kitchen as quickly as he could.
Seph departed from her text to glare across the table. "Loki–"
He waved her serious tone away. "It's only sex. There is no reason to be so touchy. Truly."
"He doesn't like being reminded of mistakes."
Loki laughed, hand over heart in mock offense. "Ouch, kitten. Low blow."
She rolled her eyes. "Just… there's enough tension in this house, as it is. Don't antagonize him, please."
"I make no promises," he retorted with a wolfish grin before taking a spoonful of porridge. "What have I missed? What's all this?" He gestured the floating books and the cloak wrapped around her.
"I could show you if I had Stephen's slin–" Loki twisted his hand and produced the ring out of thin air. "Is that why you were holding his hand?" Loki shrugged, but smiled, nonetheless, tossing the ring in the air. Seph caught it easily and slipped it around her fingers. The walls lit up in bright sigils for Loki to peruse.
"Quantum magics. How pedestrian."
"Ass." She smiled to herself and pulled the ring off, pinning it in the waistband of her pajamas.
"Oh." He sounded more amused this time around. "Now this. This I can get behind." He watched curiously as the sigils sizzled and settled into the fabric of reality. "Asgardian, Vanir, Jotunn, Celtic, Elemental, Chaos, Eldritch–how worried are you about your safety, pet?" He pondered over a bite of breakfast. "Or is it a linguistic error?"
Wanda frowned. "Linguistics?"
"Security for safety." He tilted his head and fluttered his fingers, symbols rearranging themselves in the ether. "You longed so hard for a place to feel at home, secure, that you essentially made yourself a fortress. Fascinating."
"I'm glad my emotional trauma makes for an interesting study."
"Says the woman who just psychoanalyzed the most annoying man on Earth into silence," Wanda teased, standing with her empty bowl and mug and placing them into the dishwasher.
"I can't help it. I've been doing it all my life. If figuring out Stephen Strange to save him from himself paid dividends, I'd be a fucking millionaire by now."
"Nice to know the conversation is still on me," Stephen quipped as he dropped a basket of carrots on the table, dirt caked on his arms and smudged on his face. "And maybe if you'd gone into a better specialty, you'd be a millionaire."
"Aww, but who would oversee your mandated psych hold when you finally crack under the weight of your own expectations?" She flashed him a saccharine smile that made the corners of her eyes crinkle.
Despite Stephen's best efforts to remain stone-faced, he smirked. "Well, you got me there, Peep." He glanced at Loki. "My ring."
The Asgardian smirked. "I do not have it, Strange."
Persephone whistled, holding his sling ring aloft while she turned a page with her other hand. Stephen reached to retrieve his ring. Seph did not release it immediately. Instead, she slid a scrap of paper to hold her place and looked up at him. "You want some help? Gathering my crops or do you have some weird, period movie-style brooding to do in the fields?" He nodded. "OK. You stay here, buddy." With gentle hands, she coaxed a reluctant cloak off of her shoulders, only able to shrug it off with the promise that she'd be back later.
Pulling on her boots at the door, she followed Stephen onto the sun-dappled green fenced-in with chicken wire. They kneeled in neighboring rows and worked silently for a while, stopping every so often to straighten their backs and stretch. It was a companionable silence that fell between them, only the sound of earthmoving and vegetables being tossed into large baskets cutting through their thoughts.
"You know, Loki had already mentioned it to me."
Stephen frowned, loosening the dirt around a particularly stubborn carrot. "Mentioned what?"
"That you two had a fling."
He snorted. "Fling is a strong word for what we did, Peep."
"Quickie hate sex, then. I was being delicate." She smirked. "Unlike you and Mischief."
"Is there a point to this conversation? Other than reminding me of my poor judgment."
"You don't have to feel awkward about who you sleep with, Stephen."
"I don't feel awkward that I slept with him. I feel awkward that it was a topic of discussion at breakfast. And why were you talking about that with him, anyway?"
"He was curious if we had ever hooked up. Something or other about collecting a full set."
He breathed in, stretching his neck side to side to disguise the little bubble of irritation that rose within him. "Oh, so you slept with him?"
It was her turn to laugh. "Fuck no. My life is as complicated as I want it right now. Sex with a demigod sounds like everything I don't need. Why? Was he any good? Is this a Yelp review?"
"I am not talking to you about this."
"Oh, come on! We've told each other worse!"
"Exactly! I still can't the image of Zach Curtis sobbing while they wheeled him off to the hospital. It's been twenty-six years!"
Seph hummed, lost in thought. "Yeah, that was a pretty bad day."
"Aggressive technique. Poor kid was in agony for a month."
"He kept saying 'harder'! I got annoyed," she defended vehemently, throwing a clod of dirt in his direction. "I bet Loki would like that."
"He would not," he riposted, automatically, only catching himself after the fact when she gasped. "Fuck. Not another word. Besides, you punched Zach in the balls so hard you gave him torsion. No one wants that."
"Is he secretly very gentle and sappy? Needs to be nurtured? Come on, give me something!" He remained quiet, stacking his accumulated carrots in the basket before digging his hands back to the earth. "You're no fun."
After a long while, he mumbled. "If you want to know, jump him yourself."
She shrugged. "Maybe I will."
"Fine. Go right ahead." Despite the message, his tone sounded unconvinced.
Persephone piled the last of her carrots into her basket, stood, and dusted off her knees. She hefted the basket and balanced it on her cocked hip. "Why are you even doing this by hand? Don't you have some impressive universe-bending powers?"
"It's soothing. And quiet," he shot her a look, "most of the time."'
"What do you need to be soothed about?"
He didn't turn his eyes away from the clod of dirt he was breaking apart. "I spent five years inside the Soul Stone. Aware that time had passed but with no way to understand why. Worried out of my mind for the people with me and the people outside. Worried my plan would fall through and we'd be stuck there forever. Half the Universe, stuck there forever because I could not make our one chance come through. I have a few things."
With a sigh, she put the basket down beside his and sat cross-legged between the rows. "I'm sorry. I was being a brat."
"It's not your fault, Seph. You didn't bring Thanos." He shot her a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"Managing my feelings isn't your job, anymore."
"It never was my job, Stephen. I did it because I cared. I still do."
He looked over, deadpan. "You tried to kill me."
"Yes! I was upset and heartbroken and I still couldn't get over the fact that I cared for you. And despite the fact that I tried to kill you, you still checked up on me because I had a nightmare." She sighed. "Let's face it. We're stuck with each other. No matter how far we try to run, we always come back to each other."
With a heavy sigh, Stephen sat back onto the dirt, folding his legs up so he could rest his arms on his knees. When he looked up, Persephone recognized a familiar sort of ache in his eyes. It was the same pain whenever they were going in for a test he didn't feel prepared for, or his first ER rotation where barely had a chance to think before reacting.
"I-I don't know what I'm doing, Seph. I'm supposed to be in charge of protecting reality and I haven't got a goddamn clue wha–" He sighed, hanging his head.
One of her hands grasped at his, and his head snapped back up. The vision of his shaking digits in hers had him pulling back. Her own, faster hands closed around his before he could slip away.
"Don't do that, Stephen." She smiled. "You can probably still suture faster than I can."
Something like a smile tugged at the very corner of his mouth. "Probably. You were always a slowpoke."
She rolled her eyes, though an affectionate squeeze went through his hand. "We're going to figure it out, Stephen. I promise."
"You'll help me?"
"Of course. Lord knows you have no authority over those two. At least they listen to me."
"Thanks, Peep." Sincerity rang clear in his words.
"You're welcome, hon." He smiled, then, at the long-forgotten term of endearment. "Come on, before Loki eats me out of house and home. Maybe I can get a vegetable in him," she added easily, gesturing the carrots.
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