#personal sh*t
samijey · 4 months
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I can answer that question for you, Dijak! ☝️
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nicoliharu · 4 months
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youre-ackermine · 3 months
Last week-end the hubby, our daughter & I attended the Japan Expo anime/manga con. No cosplay for me this year but my beloved Hange was close to my heart [picture below the cut]💜
New acrylic standee to add to the shrine shelf, Lys @l3visthighs !!
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I also bought a few items from @kiwie-not-kiwi . Please check her Tumblr & X (Twitter) accounts. Her art is lovely & it's been a pleasure to talk about SNK with someone as passionate as I am about it ✨ Merci encore pour ton accueil & ton sourire!
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Prints & stickers + a new badge to pin on my purse!!! [Yes, this is my irl purse, I go to work or grocery shopping with it idfc lmao]
My beloved Hange 💜💜💜 I love that shirt!
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kstarlitchaotics · 4 months
The other response of why I think it's immature of people to automatically hate DickBabs besides them automatically thinking they're siblings is the age difference. Why because Babs is two maybe three years older than him? While Kori is an immortal being? (Also not dissing on either girls love them both just pointing it out) Really? Might be a moot point but my grandmother was at least two years older than my grandfather when they met so really what's so wrong about the woman a bit older than the man? As long as it's not a underage kid and a grown adult then does it really matter? What matters is if the chemistry works.
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windsweptinred · 1 year
He just wants his chair, fluffy slippers, a good book and to be left alone in peace. But nooo..... Why couldn't he have been an only child?
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theloveinc · 1 year
Deku somehow gets a whiff of your hair once right after you've washed it... and becomes obsessed with sniffing your head. Standing behind you anytime it's open for him (when you're cooking on the stove, sitting at your desk... laying back against the couch) just to bury his nose right into the line where your part hits your scalp or your baby hairs meet your forehead, and huff inhale after inhale.
Gets to the point where even when your hair is GREASY he still likes smelling it, saying it reminds him of your pillow lmfaooooooooo. And then to the point where he starts opening and sniffing all your skincare products too....
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theinfinitedivides · 8 months
Jun Mo the moment Ki Cheol asked him to help him get together with his own wife:
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thebisexualteen · 4 months
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Hello meet my new idiot element, Abyss
I finally got his name yayayayayay
Anyways facts under
Edit: I forgot to add something
TW: Murder
The Dead Abyss(U can call them Abyss)
-Birthday and age is currently unknown(Ask them about it and they'll be like "What's an Birthday and Age?")
-They/He/She pronouns
-Element is Abyss
-4th Extrovert among the other rulers
-"Ok" they don't care about what Sexual Orientation u give them cause he's sh-t
-Killed thousands of people
-2nd worst trauma among the other rulers
-They hide their face(U'll never know what they look like)
-Worst with kids. Don't trust her with your kids
Also some things about TCM
The Cosmic Monarch
-Has an kids play room in their Kingdom
-Most likely to put things in their hair and never get caught(They can easily steal)
-Very good with kids(They adore kids)
-Has tea parties every single week
That's all the end
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Can we talk about in the scene with baby Rebecca and adult Rebecca hyping herself up and stopping herself from having a panic attack?
I always thought she had them and knew what they looked like. So she could understand Ted.
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memoir-of-stars · 1 year
In all seriousness, I made the mistake of watching the Aloy x Seyka kiss on YT and looking into the comment section. Of course the dudebros are freaking out again…
And like, tell me you didn’t understand the game without telling me you didn’t understand the game??
Like being mad that Aloy had 'no time for romance' and wouldn’t take any man…uhm, has the thought ever occurred to you that she maybe, just maybe simply didn’t like men??
Have you not played the game and noticed that Elisabet and Tilda were a thing??
How strange that her literal copy turns out to be gay as well mmh??
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hes-a-rat-whisperer · 3 months
its insane how upset some people get when I set pretty basic boundaries
oh? I don´t allow you to be invasive and creepy towards my oc because it makes him and me very uncomfortable? too bad. cope and seethe.
did you know you can find a character hot without calling them a wh*re in a """playful""" way and saying how you want them to have s*x with a literal r*pist?? woah!
seriously. you´re not quirky. you´re not funny.
stop. it.
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That's me choking in the background 😭 This could have been her secret too! Side-hustling for college tuition!
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theloveinc · 1 year
Shinsou needs you to look at him so bad but also can't keep eye contact with you at all
Whore. Vying for your attention like a child only not being able to handle it cuz he's really just a baby deep down.
And you already know he can give the most dangerous pair of bedroom eyes if he really wants to, just has never liked someone as much as he likes you to actually want to use them seriously.
I feel like it's funny because, before you start dating, you think the reason he can't look you in the eye is just because he's aloof and doesn't care, but after you start, it's frustrating because it's so intimate and lovely and he still can't bring himself to do it! Despite always needing to be in your vicinity or up in your business, turning away the second you acknowledge him.
Getting-all-flustered-ass when you pay attention to him like he's not staring/glaring down everyone else... Yes, I would be kinda Pissed.
(It's really just because he's shy. Being all sexy and intimidating to keep people from thinking they can get all close to him.
The first time you go to the club together as a couple, you catch him giving sexy eyes to a guy chatting him up, and the second you walk over to confront him about it, he's melting under your gaze and ignoring the other person altogether... embarrassed and squirmy at the thought of you being mad at him but needing you to know it's just because he loves you so.
He just can't help it!!! And now the stranger is mad that you got him so easily... bamboozled.)
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theinfinitedivides · 8 months
the alternate title of this show should be Park Jun Mo's Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day/Week/Month/Year/Life/Whatever TF We Choose To Throw At Him This Time etc
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just unsubscribed from vivzie after realizing that these shows aren’t gonna go anywhere and they’re pretty horrible in terms of everything and I am UPSET about it
but other then that cheers mate🧃
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dreamings-free · 5 months
The girl of the videos doing the shots with him said he was with his friends
yeah okay I assumed as much I was just curious which/how many friends or if it was just oli but yeah who knows.. anyway it seems they were in a club at the same location that used to house louis' teenage haunt 'the priory' so full on nostalgia with hometown friends and all.. aww
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