#pes university ranking
whateverisbeautiful · 8 months
♥️ Ranking Richonne
#16: It's For You (S4E09)
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This blog has always been a place to focus on whatever is beautiful about Richonne and truly the best word to describe this moment here is beautiful. And masterfully done. I adore this scene and, while we don’t even see Richonne interact, we do get to see the telling and joyous way they both react to each other. It’s a precious visual of how much they already mean to each other at this point. Their connection is one of a kind, and I love how Rick and Michonne's pre-canon moments are still so romantic, like in this ep here where TWD really gets the storytelling of it all exactly right...
After a really well-done episode getting to see where Michonne, Carl, and Rick are at after the fall of the prison, I adore that "After" ends with magnets finding their way back to each other.
I’ll forever be glad that when splitting up team family, it’s Rick, Carl, and Michonne who got to spend this time traveling and bonding together as the show’s golden trio. I’m telling you, the universe knew Rick and Michonne were not meant to be split up for long. 
So first, I’m already just feeling so proud of Michonne that after reflecting on the tragedy from her past she decided she’s not going to return to that numbing lone wolf state and instead, she’s going to follow the footsteps that lead her to her family.
And then she finds them because sis always finds what she’s looking for, be it a prison, a savior outpost, or Rick when she eventually finds him in TOWL. 👏🏽
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And without words, Danai so stunningly conveys how elated Michonne is to look through that window and see Rick and Carl eating side by side.
Her boys are so cute in that living room, and after their spats throughout the episode, it’s nice to see Rick and Carl finally having a peaceful moment together.
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The choreography of this whole thing is great with Michonne reaching for her sword and then releasing it when she sees them. It's symbolic to her knowing that she’s found the ones she can most let her guard down with. She found her family. 🥰
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The way Michonne sheds tears and smiles and has that emotional little laugh just upon seeing them. Beautiful. 🥹 She even looks up to the sky - cuz she knows the universe was on her side with this one.
Rick and Carl mean so much to her, and at this moment you know she knows it. Finding Rick and Carl specifically has to be so rewarding because, as we saw at the prison, they were who she was starting to get closest to. 
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It’s also really cute and even playful almost that she knocks as this way to sorta surprise them. She could’ve just said it’s her or whatever but this way is so much better. I know deep down she knows they’re about to be stoked to see her, cuz those Grimes boys always light up when she’s around. 😊
So then just like we got to see Michonne’s beautiful raw reaction to Rick and Carl, we also get to see Rick’s unfiltered elated reaction to seeing Michonne and it is such a heartwarming thing. 
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Let me tell you, Michonne breathes life into that man so effortlessly. Just the sight of her on the other side of that door seemed to have Rick feeling a bit less tore up from the floor up.
And I will always love that Rick can be a little extra when it comes to Michonne so he looks out the peephole and sees her and can’t help but make it a whole moment as he takes a breath, slides down to the couch, and starts laughing with that smile only Michonne can bring out of him. It’s the absolute best. 😊♥️
Like homeboy can barely breathe, but he’s still gonna have a tickled pink reaction to knowing his crush and his son's bestie found them lol. Who else is making Rick Grimes giddy like this? No one but Michonne, honey.
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And Carl is like, alright my dad is being extra so what is this about. I low-key thought Rick was about to tell Carl...
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lol. But Rick instead says something even better as the scene ends with one of my favorite endings to an episode of TWD.
Because Rick looks up at Carl with a smile and then perfectly says, “It’s for you.”
I will forever love this line. 😍 Like it’s so good and Andy’s delivery is flawless. I love that Rick knows the bond Carl and Michonne have, and he knows how excited Carl will be to open that door and see her.
And while the line indicates it's for Carl, Rick's pleased reaction says this is absolutely for him too. And truly it feels like Michonne’s return to their life is deliberately for them and for her because they all need each other so much. Seeing her is a certifiable W, and Rick knows it.
Watching Rick and Michonne’s separate reactions to each other just made it so clear they have something special between them. And I know these reactions were specifically because of the three of them, more so than it being about finding just anyone in tf.
Rick, Michonne, and Carl were always meant to be family, and moments like this confirm it. 
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This whole moment was screaming romantic, y'all. Like how lucky are we that Richonne’s story features so many heartfelt and swoon-worthy moments, both pre and post-canon.
Also, I was thinking about something...Back when season 4 was airing, Richonne fans who were far keener than I at the time knew moments like this "it's for you" one were planting the seeds of a Richonne romance. This then prompted other TWD fans to mock and grumble that Richonners think the show is a love story.
And no The Walking Dead is not a romance, but best believe once Rick met Michonne, a powerful and significant love story began to unfold and became central to why Rick Grimes, TWD's main character, fought to keep going. After all, what are any of these characters fighting to live for, if not the love they have in that world?
This is why I'll always stand by the fact that Rick and Michonne's love is important to the plot. And hey, look how far we've come from dealing with grumblings about us thinking TWD is a love story to now Rick and Michonne's final TWD chapter being officially (and repeatedly 🙌🏽) declared an "epic love story " with TOWL. Looks like those early Richonners were onto something huh 😋
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And it's precious moments like this "it's for you" one that add such a heartfelt element to Rick and Michonne's slow burn and love story. It is just such a special scene and I get why Andy said it's one of his favorite endings to a TWD episode.
I love the quietness of this scene, the emotion of it, the kismet aspect of Rick and Michonne finding each other and being joyous when they do. What a beautiful ending to an excellent episode and a refreshing step forward in the making of Richonne. 😌
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boinin · 7 months
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Conspiracy theory of the week
Although Isagi uses this example to explain what "self style" egoists think is most important, the attitudes displayed here are Isagi's own.
In short, Isagi is interested in and motivated to seek:
Art as a hobby
Video games as a hobby
He's not really bothered about:
Making friends or expanding his social circle (lmfao tell that to everyone in bllk, they can't get enough of him)
Finally, he dislikes and avoids baseball.
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This is intended as a shitpost, but...
Me being me, I decided to find receipts 🫠 Canon is with me on this surprisingly, at least in some cases. From the wiki:
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When it comes to education, Isagi's not into theory-heavy subjects like STEM. He also signals out art alongside PE as his favourite subject. Although he doesn't note art as a hobby, he does like football video games.
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This is all we have on the romance front from the Egoist Bible. We also know he didn't receive any Valentine's Day chocolates prior to Blue Lock. 🥲 RIP Isagi's love life. I'm taking the diagram to mean Isagi sees himself wanting a relationship in future.
From this Reddit post of translations of Egoist Bible character polls:
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It's not much, but neither Isagi or the others rank him as much of a studier. (I find it really funny that the characters think Rin and Sae are top-notch brainiacs, but that's outside the scope of this exercise).
Isagi's attitude towards fashion? I mean...
This is what the guy chose to wear on his one outing from football prison. 🙃 Nuff said.
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My most tenuous evidence comes courtesy of the light novel. It revealed Isagi has unusually keen senses, particularly eyesight and hearing:
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Going off this, baseball, with the crack of bats, frequent announcements and loud cheers, might be sensory overload for Isagi. Football must be less overwhelming, at least if you're a player?
The French scanlation of the chapter 254 diagram makes reference to baseball being 'too loud', which also guided my thinking on this.
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While Isagi isn't outwardly materialistic in the same way Reo or Shidou are, it's not beyond his interest. I know he was staring at the bids because he's so hung up on beating Rin... but money comes into it too for Isagi. If only because, players with the highest bids = strikers with the most outstanding talent. It's a status symbol for him.
As for the friends thing? No evidence needed. Y'all know Isagi would throw each and every friend he has under the bus, if it gets him closer to being the top striker 💀
It doesn't mean he's not a nice person or antisocial. I interpret it as, being a social butterfly isn't something that drives Isagi. He's more interested in other pursuits.
This in-universe character polls say it well: Isagi's a good communicator, rather than someone with heaps of friends. His calm personality and insight draws people in, rather than him seeking out friends or followers.
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everyl1ttleth1ng · 5 months
For reasons I will blame on a tweet that said “I just saw someone refer to TS and TK as ‘The English teacher and PE teacher getting it on’ AND I LOST MY MIND” and one of Taylor’s many amazing new songs on TTPD, “So High School,” it appears that I have joined the ranks of the psychos writing fanfiction about real people. We do AUs pretty well here on tumblr so, in this alternative universe of mine, the names, appearances and some elements of what is publicly known about these real people have been borrowed from actual reality and used to populate an entirely fictional story about teachers in a cross-discipline romance. Obvs I do not know any of my “actors” in real life and obvs this is not meant, in any way, to speculate about any of the named people’s actual lives. Also, some of my “actors” are just identified by their first names here but they are all played by real people in my head and you’ll probably pick ‘em if you’re even vaguely aware of actors, musicians and prominent figures across and around the NFL. And it’s set in the high school that Devi Vishwakumar goes to because, why not?
“She’s back,” announced Dalton, slumping into his chair and dropping his head dramatically onto his desk amid a tangle of whistles.
Pat chuckled. “Sorry dude, I was going to warn you but I never thought she’d agree to sub so soon after getting back into the country. Tammy must be desperate to cover classes. The poor girl’s probably still jet-lagged.”
“She doesn’t look jet-lagged,” muttered Dalton without lifting his head. “She looks like her perfect Disney Princess self, just more tanned from a year under the Spanish sun.”
“Dude,” said Pat, shaking his head. “Sometimes I wonder if PE is the right spot for you. You’re still young, it’s probably not too late to switch to something more dramatic.”
Travis looked from one colleague to the other. “What am I missing here?”
“Dalton has a crush,” said Pat. “It’s kind of endearing. She’s only a full decade older than he is and completely out of his league.”
“Shut up,” groaned Dalton.
“Knock, knock!” called a voice from the staff room doorway. “Paging Mr Travis Kelce.”
“English teachers?” said Travis, getting to his feet, his tone incredulous. “Are my eyes playing tricks on me or is that a pair of lost English teachers at our door? What are you two doing slumming it over on our side of the school?”
Dalton looked up in wide-eyed horror which quickly turned to relief when he saw which of the English teachers it was, or rather, wasn’t.
“Hey, Trav,” said Jack, accepting the embrace the bigger man offered with a grin and thumping him warmly on the back. “Em and I are worried we might have developed some kind of Stockholm Syndrome since our shared week on Grade Seven Camp. We really miss you, buddy.”
“Jack and all his pretentious poet friends are used to looking down on jocks. Now that he’s embroiled in a bromance with one, he’s finding it all very confusing.” Emma waited until Travis had released her from her hug before she added, “And we’re here to use you for your access to sports equipment.”
“Hurtful,” said Travis. “But it’s nice to have you guys visiting me in my staff room for a change. I kind of stick out like a sore thumb in yours.”
Jack snorted. “You know those old ladies love you.”
“They’ve started bringing in packets of those chocolate cookies you like just in case you pop by,” said Emma. “Better not leave them hanging, Trav.”
“Cookies, huh? Ok, I’ll be round tomorrow recess.”
“Nah, that won’t work,” said Emma. “Taylor swans in for thirty seconds this morning in a sleep-deprived haze-”
In the background Dalton surreptitiously lifted his head off the desk, the faint imprint of a whistle on his cheek.
“- mentions she watched Dead Poets Society on the plane ride home from Spain and suddenly they're all selecting extracts of poetry, dusting off an old gramophone and sending us over here to you lot to borrow some soccer balls.”
Travis looked from Jack to Emma with a bemused expression on his face. “Am I the idiot here if I have absolutely no idea what you two are talking about?”
“I know!” piped up Dalton. “Are you guys gonna recreate that scene with Robin Williams on the oval?” He nodded knowingly. “Iconic. I should tell Taylor I’m a fan too.”
Pat laughed. “Yeah, Dalton, you should. And maybe Taylor could come over while you watch the movie with your girlfriend. Remember her?”
Dalton glared at him then resignedly dropped his head back to the surface of his desk.
“Who’s Taylor?” asked Travis. “Is she another one of the old ladies with the cookies?”
Dalton scoffed dramatically, muffled though it was.
Pat cackled. “You okay there, Kinkaid?”
Emma pushed on Travis’ arm to get him moving. “C’mon, we’ve all gotta get to our homerooms eventually. We’ll explain while you take us to the soccer balls.”
“You are a lifesaver, my girl,” said Tammy, patting Taylor fondly on the arm. “I cannot thank you enough for coming in today.”
Taylor pushed her blonde hair out of her eyes and blinked sleepily. “What if I fall asleep on them? You don’t understand. I think it’s a real danger!”
Tammy laughed. “Hard to fall asleep in PE. Besides, you’re just there for the supervision ratio given that this is all of Grade 8 combined. Travis will have it all under control.”
“Travis?” asked Taylor. “Am I so tired that I’ve forgotten the name of a guy I’ve worked with for six years or is this someone new?”
Tammy looked up from her laptop in surprise. “Oooh, no, you wouldn’t have met Travis yet. He’s an old friend of Pat’s from college. Apparently they used to play football together. When Bill retired at the end of last year, Pat put in a call to his buddy and this place has not been the same since.”
Taylor nodded. “Ok, yes, this is sounding familiar. Britt did mention that some old friend of Pat’s had started at Sherman Oaks and that he was always at their place. I’m a bit worried he might have muscled into my spot at Friday Night Wine.”
Tammy considered her a moment. “So did you meet anyone in Spain? On your big single girl adventure?”
“I mean, I did.” Taylor shrugged. “He was nice, I guess, but nothing really came of it. We went our separate ways after a month or so. If I’d found the one, I might not have come home.” Taylor narrowed her eyes. “Hang on, why do you ask? What does this have to do with PE?”
Tammy patted her hand and handed her the class attendance papers. “You’ll see. Let’s go introduce you to Travis.”
“Okaaay,” said Taylor warily, as she followed Tammy dutifully out of her office. “You’re the boss, Mrs Reid. I’ll just grab a coffee and meet you there.”
The local school district’s baseball competition had half the PE staff out at a neighbouring school for most of the school day and long into the afternoon but Travis wasn’t worried, even in the face of all the Grade 8 PE classes combined. Tammy would find him a spare adult or two to stand around the edge of the gym and take care of supervision and he would get to teach more of his favourite unit - Grade 8 Dance. Last combined lesson they’d learned the Electric Slide and totally nailed it. Today he was gonna make the kids partner up and learn the Cha Cha. 
He plugged his phone into the sound system and cued up his playlist of Latin beats, cranking the volume as high as it would go, then headed over to unlock the gym doors and usher in the waiting students.
“Mr Kelce?” a familiar voice called from the gym entrance once the students had all shuffled in.
Travis turned to see the wife of his former football coach, now one of the Sherman Oaks deputy principals, waving to him. “Mrs Reid!” he boomed back, dancing his way over to her. “Come and cha cha with me. Let’s show these kids how it’s done.”
The older woman laughed and said, “Why not?” momentarily placing her ever-present sheaf of paperwork on a table near the door and giving him her hand.
The kids whooped and cheered as they watched Travis demonstrate how to be the perfect dance partner. He had particularly high hopes for these Grade 8 boys. They sorely needed a good example of how to treat other people, especially girls, and he hoped he could fill that role for them. The song playing came to an end and he spun Tammy out into the middle of the floor so they could both bow extravagantly, hamming it up for the student reaction.
“Let’s thank my extraordinary partner one more time,” Travis called. “Give it up for Mrs Reid!”
Tammy waved and curtsied then grinned at Travis and made her way toward her pile of papers and the door. 
“Ok, get yourself into the grid we learnt last week,” Travis instructed as he walked over to the sound system to cue up Shania Twain’s Man, I Feel Like a Woman. “We’re gonna warm up with a few rounds of the Electric Slide and I know that you guys are awesome at this so make sure to give it your own flair!”
He cued up a few songs to follow, mainly chosen to give the students a laugh. He chuckled to himself as he selected Vanilla Ice’s Ice Ice Baby and Kool and the Gang’s Get Down On It. 
Raising his eyes from his phone and looking over the heads of the line dancing students, he saw a statuesque blonde woman walk through the gym doors, a huge smile on her face as she took in their enthusiastic movement.
“Ms Swift?” cried out one of the girls. “You’re back!”
“Hi, Sophie!” she replied, waving as she made her way around the outside of the grid towards Travis. “Keep dancing! We’ll catch up later!”
Travis suddenly didn’t know what to do with his hands. He barely stopped himself from shoving his phone into the pocket of his shorts and disconnecting the cable to the sound system.
“Hi,” she said as she drew near, smiling broadly and holding out a hand to him. “I’m Taylor.”
“Travis,” he replied, taking her slender hand in his. “Nice to meet you.”
“Hey Trav,” said Jack, wearily looking up from the pile of papers he was grading. “Em’s around here somewhere if you’ve come to get the soccer balls back. Thanks for that by the way.”
Travis waved a hand. “No rush. Was it a success? Should I be worried I’m gonna lose half my football team to poetry or whatever?”
Emma’s head appeared over the top of the partition dividing their desks. “Not if their essays are anything to go by,” she said dryly, yanking off her massive headphones.
“Oh, hey, Em. Didn’t see you there.”
She gestured with the headphones. “That was kind of the idea. I was laying low. But then I remembered how much I hate marking and how much more fun it is talking to you.”
Travis grinned. “So, it seems you two left out a crucial piece of information when you were talking up your pal, Taylor, this morning.”
Both sets of tired eyes lit up.
“You’ve met her already?” asked Jack excitedly. “What did we leave out?”
Travis rubbed at the back of his neck, smiling shyly. “Neither of you told me she was gorgeous.”
Emma whooped. “I’m gonna get some of those cookies.”
Jack grinned, shoving his pile of papers aside and leaning back in his desk chair. “Tell us everything,” he said.
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kyoxyukiforever · 1 year
The Science of A/B/O
Part 1 - The Basics
Part 1 (The Basics), Part 2 (Heats and Ruts), Part 3 (Scents and Pheromones), Part 4 (Mating)
Warning: sex ed that no one asked for and all that that implies
I cannot believe I'm doing this.
I've kind of been fascinated by the whole alpha/beta/omega concept in fanfiction for a while. I've read a lot of it. I like how it allows authors to explore themes of sexism, sexualization, and r*pe culture through a fantastical lens, making those topics less triggering as they are seen in a distant and unrealistic universe instead of our own.
And yeah, sometimes it can be really hot.
So I thought I'd take a look at the actual science behind this whole thing, and share the results here in case anyone is... even remotely interested. Obviously, there is no correct way for A/B/O to work. This is all in good fun and you can take or leave the information here as you like.
So, first off!
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The whole concept of A/B/O is based on the social hierarchy found in wolf packs. Bear in mind that this is JUST a social hierarchy, there are no obvious biological differences between alphas, betas, and omegas, at least as far as wolves are concerned. Instead, the difference is, for the most part, social. This whole theory has actually been challenged in recent years as to it's accuracy, but here are the basics of the theory, whether they be accurate or not:
In a wolf pack, there are two alphas: the alpha male and the alpha female. These two are a mated pair, and the reason is because they carry the best genetics. An example: the alphas in the pack will have larger paws or healthier coats, which will give their pups an advantage in life.
Betas are the second in command: "deputies" for the alphas.
Omegas are the wolves in the pack with the weakest genetics. If these wolves are caught trying to mate (with each other or other wolves in the pack) the alphas and betas will attack them, preventing them from reproducing.
Not all wolves in a pack fall under these three labels. Barbara Zimmermann, a professor at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences suggests that "[...]there may be several rank levels, beta, gamma and so on."
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But WHO CARES! This clearly isn't what A/B/O is in our fantastical, fictional context. The only thing that really applies is the order of social standing these words suggest: with alphas at the top of the pecking order and omegas at the bottom, with betas being somewhere in between.
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Well, that leaves us with the tropes of the A/B/O genre, so let's get into it.
Every individual has two sexes: the primary and secondary sex. The primary sex being male/female, the secondary sex being alpha/beta/omega. (I actually think these terms would be switched: the A/B/O sex seems to matter a lot more than the m/f sex, both socially and biologically.) These sexes can combine in any available way: alpha males, alpha females, beta males, beta females, omega males, omega females.
In most versions of the A/B/O mythos, betas are sort of just... people, like we are. No noticeable differences in anatomy, physiology, or behavior.
Things only get different when we hit alphas and omegas. The biggest difference seems to be reproductive: alphas, both male and female, can impregnate someone, and omegas, male or female, can become pregnant and give birth.
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Now, I've seen versions of A/B/O where male omegas and/or female alphas cannot reproduce at all, and are seen as useless as a result. This is well and good narratively, but there is no evolutionary advantage to this, and a genetic mutation resulting in a largely sterile population wouldn't last long from an evolutionary standpoint. But, again, it probably doesn't matter that much if you just want to write about two guys doing anal without all the prep work.
However, a mutation that encourages more frequent, more urgent reproduction? That definitely has an evolutionary advantage. Scientifically, the emergence of alphas and omegas in the human species was likely a result of dwindling populations. So, somewhere in the distant history of your A/B/O fic, that might have been a thing. How long ago did it happen? Who knows! It could have been before our ancestors even evolved into homo sapiens - some genetic mutations stick around so long we don't even think of them as mutations anymore - Type O is the most common blood type, but it's actually recessive!
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So, scientifically, what does that mean for alphas and omegas in our hypothetical universe? Well, alphas and omegas can actually be explained (to an extent) by combining two real genetic traits: intersexuality and the replacement of menstrual cycles with estrous cycles.
Let's start off with...
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Now, the term 'intersexual' is a bit misleading, because it's not actually a sexuality. It's actually an umbrella term for individuals who are born with any number or combination of sex characteristics that "do not fit typical binary notions of male or female bodies." Or, put less eloquently, when people are born with both male and female sexual or reproductive organs/chromosomes.
This mutation actually wouldn't apply to all alphas and omegas: just female alphas and male omegas. In order for a male omega to be capable of conceiving and carrying a baby to term, he would have to have ovaries, fallopian tubes, a uterus and an opening through which sperm can enter that system. Now, since you may be wondering: is it even remotely possible for that opening to be in or attached to the anal canal?
Unfortunately... no. There IS a condition known as rectovaginal fistula, where there is a connection between a person's rectum and vagina, but this condition is HORRIFYING and causes more health problems than I can list here. It requires intense treatments, medication, and surgery. All around just a terrible condition to have.
So, a male omega would have to have a vagina, in our little thought experiment. He could, however, still have a penis. During prenatal development, the ambisexual genital tubercle forms into either a penis or a clitoris. In fact, when female to male transgender individuals have what is referred to as 'bottom surgery,' their surgeon will simply use existing erectile tissue that makes up the clitoris (only a small portion of which is ever visible externally) to create a penis. Basically, the penis does not in any way hinder a male omega's ability to get pregnant.
As far as penis size goes, we can assume that it wouldn't be comparable to beta or alpha penises, simply because there would be no biological need for the omega penis to be of a certain length. The reason penises are the size and shape they are is to get sperm as close to the egg as possible. Think of the omega penis like nipples on men: for pleasure and decoration only. There's room for variation here - the author could decide that male omega genitals are indistinguishable from the genitals of female omegas and betas or that they might have what trans men on testosterone refer to as bottom growth.
And omegas wouldn't have testicles either, simply because during prenatal development, the gonads become either ovaries or testes. Since they need ovaries, they can't have testes.
As for female alphas, their genitals would have to be virtually indistinguishable from the genitals of a male alpha. Could they have a penis and a vagina like omega males, with their testes simply hidden inside their bodies like ovaries are hidden? Again, no. A vagina that leads nowhere is... possible, I suppose, but because it serves no purpose beyond pleasure and decoration, it likely wouldn't be wide or deep enough to fit much inside of it.
As for internal testes, that's a solid no. Have you ever wondered why the testicles are outside of the body, in what is a much more vulnerable position? It's because sperm require a very specific temperature to survive, and the inside of the human body is too hot. So, if you want alpha females to be able to reproduce in your fic, they also have to have balls, tragically.
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This next part actually kind of allows you to pick and choose, which is cool. Let's talk about...
First off, it's important to say that men do actually have all the necessary equipment to lactate: nipples, mammary glands, and pituitary glands. The only reason they don't lactate is because their prolactin levels aren't high enough. When a woman becomes pregnant, her body produces more prolactin, allowing her to lactate, but lactation can occur without a pregnancy. This is called galactorrhea: its most common causes in real life are medications and hypothyroidism, and it occurs in both males and females.
But, in our little experiment, we could posit that prolactin levels might rise in a female alpha in response to being around a pregnant mate, friend, or family member. It's been shown that a man's body can have several physiological reactions when their partner is pregnant, one of which is called couvade, or "sympathetic pregnancy," so it's not as much of a stretch as you might think.
So this actually leaves the writer with some choices: do male omegas lactate, or do female alphas lactate to pick up the slack? Maybe they BOTH lactate. Possibilities! Granted, we have yet to observe in nature a species that requires two different parents to birth and nurse their offspring, but with our posited mutation causing males to be able to become pregnant, I certainly wouldn't rule it out.
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Earlier, I said that scientifically speaking, a female alpha's genitalia would be virtually indistinguishable from a male alpha's. If that's the case, how do we tell the difference between female and male alphas? At time of birth, you couldn't, unless a doctor performed a hormone test on the infant in question.
As the alpha grew older, however, puberty would reveal all! We can assume that a male alpha would be dealing with a lot of testosterone, both during and after puberty. This would result in a more masculine frame and a deeper voice. A male alpha would also have more androgens than a female alpha, creating what we typically think of as a masculine hair growth pattern.
A female alpha might have a more balanced quantity of estrogen and testosterone. In real life, healthy testosterone levels are much higher in men than in women, but healthy estrogen levels in men and women actually overlap. This means that a premenopausal woman might have less estrogen than a man of the same age, and there would be no obvious masculine features in the woman as a result.
What does this mean for alpha females? Well, it means that the alpha female could conceivably have a feminine frame, carrying fat in her hips and thighs and developing breasts as she went through puberty. Her voice wouldn't have to drop to the point of sounding masculine, and she could still have a healthy sperm count. She also wouldn't have to have a masculine hair growth pattern - she simply has fewer androgens. Her testosterone levels would be higher than the average beta woman, but that just means she might be taller, more muscular, and perhaps a little (or a lot) more aggressive.
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As for omegas, a similar principle applies. A female omega would likely have normal estrogen and testosterone levels for a woman, unless she were in heat (more on that later). A male omega would, again, have a more even balance. That means enough testosterone to have a masculine voice and build, and enough estrogen to have a healthy ovulation cycle. The only time this becomes a problem is during pregnancy. Testosterone levels would naturally taper off while pregnant, due to the threat testosterone poses to a healthy fetus. When transgender men become pregnant, it is essential that they go off their hormone treatments in order to avoid deformities in their children.
This tapering off of testosterone levels could have all kinds of side effects. A pregnant male omega might experience weight redistribution, mood swings, and loss of hair on their chest, face, etc., but that doesn't sound too far off from what any normal person experiences during pregnancy.
Another thing that can vary depending on the author is chest/breast growth. It depends on a lot of things. Increased estrogen levels do cause chest/breast growth, as we've observed in transgender women who are on hormones, but that chest/breast growth is often not nearly as substantial as those women might expect or hope for. In 2017, a study showed that trans women saw an average increase in chest circumference of 3.1 inches after a year on hormones, with most of that growth occurring in the first six months. That is not a lot. A male omega would still be a solid member of the itty bitty titty committee after a pregnancy.
Something that might increase the chest circumference further is the chest wall displacement that occurs during pregnancy. This is when the lungs, ribcage, and diaphragm move up and out to accommodate the baby. This wouldn't make the breasts themselves bigger, though. The thing that might change this is prolactin, that hormone I mentioned earlier that causes lactation. Well, it also causes chest/breast growth. So, depending on if you want your male omega to lactate or not, your male omega could see significantly more chest/breast growth. Regardless, the growth a male omega would see during pregnancy would eventually go away, either after the pregnancy is over or once he stops breast/chest-feeding.
Now for the moment we've all been waiting for...
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Part 1 (The Basics), Part 2 (Heats and Ruts), Part 3 (Scents and Pheromones), Part 4 (Mating), Part 5 (Genetics and Presenting)
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dirtyvulture · 9 months
😎 Ohhhh yes the image of the usually cold and aloof Sergeant Romanoff , badass extraordinaire freaking the fuck out and having a panic attack at sight of the person whom she loves is all sick because of a headache or migraine and the absolute hated helplessness she feels when she realizes there is no cause nor a way to stop SB from hurting. It’s soooo far from the start where she just left them to fend and care for them selves. Both SB and Nat kneeled on the floor of the bathroom after Nat hung up with Sara and SB grabbing Nat’s face and bringing their foreheads together and trying to calm down Nat. Nat isn’t responding and SB keeps calling her name to get her attention, it starts out with: ( specific rank of Sergeant that Nat is ) Romanoff, Sergeant , Romanoff, Natalia, Natasha , Nat, ( and finally the one that got her attention….. the name only Yelena and occasionally Kate calls her) Natty . It wasn’t her ranking or any name that held any type of authority but one born out of love , admiration and vulnerability . It something that she shares with two of the people she loves, protects and values the most and is very vulnerable with them and they with her …… now there is a third one. After SB got her calm they gently give instructions ( the ones that Sara also gave but Nat wasn’t thinking clearly) and told her where everything was that was needed to take care of SB ( SB is sooo exhausted this poor poor baby throughout this whole time and is about three seconds away from passing out. It’s entirely plain to see on their face) and they both shuffled into bed where SB passed out cuddling Nat .
I think that SB was definitely picked on for being a strain been and I think that one of the coaches for the sports I mentioned or some type of PE teacher took pity on this poor kid and believed in them ( the teacher/ coach was in the army, giving SB added motivation to join later on) . That is when SB blossomed into themselves a bit ( they haven’t made full BEEFY GLORY ) but they are coordinated  …… enough and they had grain a lot more confidence within themselves. They were a bit more subdued and not as outgoing or bubbly as they are now , they weren’t the happy go lucky loveable golden retriever himbo that Nat knows and loves today. The bulling that they received really hurt them deeply ( as it did little Wolverine R in the DK universe) but them being on the team , having an adult believing and being proud of them ( remember they don’t have a good relationship with their father, we have no idea about the relationship with their mother. Maybe it’s a reverse relationship that DK Wolverine R had with her own parents. A loving and doting father but not a good relationship with her mother. SB having a loving relationship with their mother but not their father. It’s hope that it didn’t …… turn out like what happened to DK’s parents in the end but if it did then SB did what they did with a gun and it was a clear cut case of self defense that they weren’t charged with anything. They were able to stuck around…… wait I am going off on a entirely different thought that will talked about later ) it made all the difference and it helped them become the amazing person and Sergeant they are today. It laid the groundwork for it at least and they are still in touch with that coach/ teacher ( that person really stepped up for SB and was their parental fatherly figure) .
I was going to talk about the DK universe but I and on the fence on whether or not I should continue to flush out the idea that I started……. Fuck it I will continue to the DK thoughts but let me know if you would like to hear the full flushed out version of that idea listed above. I feel like MOST OF THE TIME you couldn’t tell if she was Canadian or not ( there are certain words that a Canadian says and there is a accent to those words but most of the time it’s just like a American northern accent. The words are sorry , about, etc. I am not from Canada but I have watched the 2014 web series Carmilla that was made by Canadians , it’s really good and about vampires and female driven ……. And it’s gay !!!!!!!) that is until she straight up states that she is in fact Canadian. I think that while she was young she stopped or tried really hard not to sound Canadian because the jealous group of girls made fun of her so much because of that , then she did it as a part of not being recognized as Jane Howlett after she mutated but besides that she also sent alot of time back and forth between the states and Canada before and after the mutation. So it was easy to pass as a American for R . But Watching Hockey is when the Canadian in her JUMPS OUT ( Canada loves hockey) and she not only curses in English but also French ( remember how I stated that she slips into French when she is upset and her brain shuts off abit but it’s different than her berserker mode , well besides Scott this is the PERFECT EXAMPLE OF THIS HAPPENING) . I think that at one point she yells at the tv at a player that “ My son Peter could do soooo much better than you , you absolute PANSY !!!!!!!” but doesn’t really realize what she said and it’s the first slip up ( for Peter as she was starting to view him as his child) for her actually saying that she views one of the schools kids as her kid(s) .
R would be very good at recognizing and taking care of people who are sick , headaches/migraines etc because not only because she herself was so sickly for the first 13 years of her life and then she was a nurse for many many many years after that. Plus I would think that Scott might be a bit jealous that R is able to take better care of his girl than he EVER COULD in this regard ( and in many others 😉…… because if memory severs me right there was HEAVY TENSION between movie Wolverine and Jean and actually them sleeping together at points in the X- Men movies. Something tells me that Wolverine is the better lover ) and R would be so gentle and caring towards Charles . Softer with Charles in general simply because she’s a woman and there is a very specific and powerful bond between a daughter and a father rather than a son and father relationship. I am not saying one is better than the other, I am just saying that it’s different and it’s softer. I am saying this as a total daddy’s girl and R was 1000 percent a daddy’s girl before John was killed and she Killed Thomas in turn and getting ✨Daddy Issues ✨ from learning that the man she killed was her actual biological Father. My point is she wasn’t born with those issues ( John wasn’t the problem) and didn’t have any for the first 13 years of her life but only got them that night ( Thomas Logan was the problem) . I think Charles Xavier is that father figure that R needs ( obviously as he is and always has been the father figure to not only Wolverine but the whole X-men family in the movies , a part from magneto and  Mystique ) and she isn’t the centuries old bad ass but a softer daddy’s girl . She is definitely insistent on taking care of Charles and him taking it easy when he has theses headaches and migraines.
Before I end this post I DON’T mean or say “ daddy’s girl” in ANY WEIRD or Sexual way , it’s literally just a relationship between ACTUAL daughters and their ACTUAL fathers. I don’t and haven’t called my dad “ daddy” in a really long time , since I was really really really young .
Yes, I think Sergeant Romanoff has seen so much character development in her series.
She really started out caring very little about Sergeant Beef, honestly wanting nothing to do with them after her urges had been satisfied, but now she considers them to be her best friend and partner for life.
I love how Nat started out helping SB and then SB had to help Nat lol.
It took a long time for SB to become the person they are today, and I bet the high school years were the roughest for them. But without that, they probably would've turned into a completely different person and gone down a path that wouldn't have brought them to Nat.
I'm sure Wolvie!R loves reminding everyone about the fact that she's Canadian every time the US government tries getting her to do their bidding lol.
It will forever be a mystery why Jean chose Scott over R, but if I had to guess it was probably because R was too independent and wild for Jean lol. Like, Scott is very predictable and a simple man, while R is extremely complicated due to her age and experience, and is well-known for doing whatever she wants just because she can.
Charles is definitely R's new father figure, even though she gets annoyed with him a lot. 😂
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yasheducationalblogger · 10 months
Top 10 Degree Colleges in Bangalore
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In the thriving educational landscape of Bangalore, the Silicon Valley of India, selecting the right degree college is a pivotal decision that can shape one's academic and professional trajectory. As educational enthusiasts, we understand the significance of this choice and are here to guide you through the top 10-degree colleges in Bangalore, each standing as a beacon of academic excellence and career opportunities.
1. St. Joseph's College, Bangalore
Established in 1882, St. Joseph's College is a testament to enduring academic brilliance. With state-of-the-art facilities and a faculty renowned for their expertise, the institution is a hub for fostering holistic development.
2. Christ University
Christ University, a deemed-to-be University, has consistently ranked among the best in the country. Known for its diverse courses and global outlook, the university provides an enriching environment for students to grow academically and personally.
3. Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIMB)
A name synonymous with management excellence, IIMB is a pioneer in business education. Its rigorous programs and illustrious alumni make it a sought-after institution for those aspiring to lead in the corporate world.
4. National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT), Bangalore
For the fashion-forward minds, NIFT Bangalore is a breeding ground for creativity and innovation. The institution has been a trendsetter in the field of fashion education, producing industry leaders and trendsetters.
5. National Law School of India University (NLSIU)
NLSIU, established in 1987, stands tall as the premier law school in the country. Renowned for its rigorous academic curriculum and exceptional faculty, it continues to produce legal luminaries who shape the future of the legal landscape.
6. International Institute of Business Studies (IIBS)
International Institute of Business Studies (IIBS), as the top-degree college in Bangalore, stands as a beacon of academic excellence and innovation. With a rich legacy and a commitment to nurturing talent, IIBS Degree College is a preferred destination for those seeking a transformative education experience.
7. Mount Carmel College
Empowering women through education, Mount Carmel College is a trailblazer in women's education. Its commitment to academic excellence and holistic development makes it a preferred choice for aspiring young women.
8. Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute (BMCRI)
For those pursuing a noble path in medicine, BMCRI is a beacon of medical education and research. With a history dating back to 1955, it continues to produce skilled healthcare professionals.
9. PES University
A modern institution with a global perspective, PES University offers a diverse range of programs. The focus on innovation, research, and industry collaboration prepares students for the dynamic professional landscape.
10. Jain University
Jain University, with its multidisciplinary approach, is a melting pot of diverse academic disciplines. The emphasis on research and experiential learning sets it apart as a center for academic exploration.
In conclusion, choosing the right degree college in Bangalore is a crucial step toward a fulfilling and successful career. The institutions mentioned above not only provide a solid academic foundation but also foster an environment conducive to overall growth. Explore your options, consider your aspirations, and embark on a journey of knowledge and self-discovery.
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halos-top-alien-model · 10 months
Thel v Tam
Tam had two options: to think of how he would get by for today, or think of why he was in this position to begin with. Even though he tried to force himself not to regret and lament, at times it felt too hard to think of survival. How could he survive? All of the food was rotten. All of the water was disgusting. Pillaging the supplies that the now escaped humans had left behind had only given him so much time. 
Eventually, Tam 'Lakosee would die. He would join his World Master and all the other brothers that had not made it this far. He could make it happen faster, even. But he would not. In a way, he felt that continuing this struggle to survive was a good punishment for himself. He had put 'Kvarosee out of his misery, so the World Master could not see what the miracles of the Inner Sanctum had become. But he would not allow himself such a fate. He would continue to suffer and to ruminate until the gods - or the universe, if there really were no gods - were done with him.
Could things have gone differently for them all, if they had let the Arbiter speak a little longer? If they had avoided fighting, to see what the outsiders would do? If they had left the planet and taken a look for themselves what the galaxy had become? Perhaps, even after all of that, they would still recoil and reject it all. But at least they would have tried. At least many who were now dead would be spared. At least the desperate plans of the Arbiter's people would not have been tampered with and the gifts of the Inner Sanctum potentially preserved.
That Arbiter had to have known. He had lived during the time of the Covenant. He would have been given that rank while the Covenant was still around. So he would have known fully well the fanaticism and stubbornness that the Covenant doctrine demanded. He knew there would be resistance, surely! And yet, he still tried to reason with them. He could have chosen to immediately shoot the Defenders on site, but he did not. He squandered many opportunities to ambush them and get one over them, just in case. The humans did not offer such mercy, but the Arbiter tried. He tried to save them. He knew none of them personally and knew well they would reject him, but he still tried until the very end.
That kindness... It reminded Tam a little bit of 'Kvarosee, before N'ba and the gifts of the Inner Sanctum. His 'Kvarosee spared his life, when Tam should have been executed by him. He threw aside what the Covenant declared to be right - to execute one who would dare question and murder a Prophet - in favor of what he personally deemed to be right... to protect his subordinate, who had only done that heresy in an earnest attempt to help his superior. That act earned 'Kvarosee Tam's eternal loyalty. If only he had recognized that the Arbiter had been doing the same. That the Arbiter had been jeopardizing ensured success on the off-chance he could have it both ways - of taking the Divine Hand and reasoning with the Defenders of it. Instead, how had they repaid this mercy? By killing a good chunk of his ground forces and wiping out all of his ships.
Wandering the land outside of the Inner Sanctum, Tam found no other soul. Despite the loss of the ships, the Arbiter and his allies still managed to escape. They still got the Divine Hand. Surely, the victory was not as ideal for the Arbiter. Tam would also never know how the final confrontation with that monumental threat - the one that driven the Arbiter to the Divine Hand - had ended. Would the Arbiter try to reason with her, too? Or...
The final fate of the two remaining Defenders - the World Master and Tam - was to be stranded alone on N'ba. Was it because the Arbiter thought they would prefer to die here, stuck in their delusions of being in the care of gods? Did he know that the blessings would disappear and they would instead be damned? Had that been his goal? Had their built up transgressions against him finally stir him to condemn them? Hopefully, they hadn't permanently altered such a merciful soul to forever throw away his noble principles. Tam prayed the Arbiter would continue his ideals - and that those blessed enough to cross his path would not be as foolish as he had.
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I'm bored I'm ranking the Alvis Ships.
F Tier
I haven't seen this ship in years and honestly thank fuck. Like, every time I've seen it show up it always ends in r*pe. Like. Bruh.
D Tier
He doesn't need to fuck more Aegises. Please.
It's a few ppl's things in AUs, so can't be too pissy about it. But I don't see it.
I'm pretty sure this ship only exists to enable FR Shalvis. I think there's some potentially interesting stuff that could be formed by having them interact. I just think implementing romance between the two is a bit forced.
I mean, they lived in the same place together. This ship actually used to be more popular than Shalvis. I think that changed around the time of Xenoblade 2's release. I think the most interesting Kallvis stuff is in any form of Kallian lives AU (or even just post-canon stuff) since it has to face Alvis's role in the Fate of the High Entia head on. Which is something that I think Shalvis tends to quietly ignore. I don't really care for the ship, but the primary conflict that the ship is often involved with can be really interesting.
It would be very funny. I think they would start a house fire together.
They are very funny together. Their dynamic reminds me a lot of the one I had with a friend when I was in Highschool. The ship only suffers from the minor problem that Mio's Family tree is an actual war crime featuring several known war criminals. But also, like, this would be like if you married someone on the other side of the world and then learned well after the fact that they're you're, like, quintuple cousin X removed. Which would be big sad. Funny. But also, like, Big Sad.
B Tier
Alvis interacting with Dunban is underexplored in fanfics. I'd love to see more of them just, talking or something. You've got interesting character dynamics with them. Dunban's someone who's world-weary and developed his wisdom through experience on the battle, while Alvis's wisdom is built-in to a degree. Dunban is someone harboring a great will while Alvis is pulled towards that. Alvis is very spacey but still rather straight-forward when they're not being a cryptic bastard and Dunban is rather down to earth but still flowery and poetic when he wants to be. Like, you've got these two types of understanding in how the world operates. One being a very literal and detailed understanding while the other is more metaphoric and such. There's just a lot of untapped potential here.
A Tier
Funny thing, I initially got into the ship as a joke. Because I thought "making the protagonist fall in love with the magic fate sword would be really cursed therefore funny." And then Xenoblade 2 happened. But yeah, this has been the most common Alvis ship for a while now and it's a good one. You got engineer x sexy robot. You got guy who wants to learn everything x the universe. You've got a billion scifi tropes to turn into romance. The only time I've actually written for the ship I opted to interpret it parentally instead of romantically and I think there's a lot of potential with that route too. There's also just been a lot of good Shalvis fics.
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collegedhundo80 · 24 days
Pes University Bangalore | College Dhundo
 PES University Bangalore: A Premier Institution for Future Leaders
PES University, located in Bangalore, is one of India's most prestigious educational institutions, renowned for its commitment to academic excellence and holistic development. Established in 1972 as the People's Education Society (PES) Institute of Technology, PES University has since evolved into a multidisciplinary university that offers a wide range of undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral programs. This blog delves into the unique aspects that make PES University a top choice for students across the country and abroad.
A Legacy of Excellence
PES University has a rich history of producing industry-ready professionals who excel in various fields, including engineering, management, law, and more. The institution's strong emphasis on quality education, coupled with its state-of-the-art infrastructure, has earned it a place among the top universities in India. Over the years, PES University has consistently been ranked among the best in national and international surveys, making it a preferred destination for students seeking a world-class education.
Academic Programs
PES University offers a wide array of programs across various disciplines. Some of the most sought-after courses include:
Engineering: The university's engineering programs are among the best in the country, with specializations in Computer Science, Electronics, Mechanical, Civil, and Biotechnology. The curriculum is designed to equip students with the latest technical knowledge and practical skills, ensuring they are well-prepared for the challenges of the industry.
Management: The MBA program at PES University is highly regarded for its rigorous curriculum and focus on developing leadership skills. The program includes specializations in Finance, Marketing, Human Resources, and Operations Management, catering to the diverse interests of students.
Law: The School of Law at PES University offers an integrated BBA-LLB program that combines business administration with legal studies. This unique combination prepares students for careers in corporate law, litigation, and legal consultancy.
Pharmacy: The Bachelor of Pharmacy (B.Pharm) program is designed to provide students with a strong foundation in pharmaceutical sciences, making them capable of contributing to the healthcare sector effectively.
Design: The Bachelor of Design (B.Des) program offers specializations in Product Design, Communication Design, and Interaction Design. The course focuses on nurturing creativity and innovation among students.
Campus and Infrastructure
PES University's sprawling 25-acre campus in Bangalore is equipped with world-class facilities that foster an environment conducive to learning and personal growth. The campus boasts modern classrooms, well-equipped laboratories, a vast library, and state-of-the-art sports facilities. The university also provides hostel accommodation, ensuring that students have a comfortable and safe living environment.
One of the highlights of the campus is the PES University Auditorium, which can seat over 2,500 people. It is used for various events, including conferences, cultural programs, and guest lectures. The university also has a well-maintained gymnasium, multiple sports grounds, and a swimming pool, encouraging students to engage in physical activities and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Research and Innovation
PES University places a strong emphasis on research and innovation, encouraging students and faculty to engage in cutting-edge research across various domains. The university has established several research centers and labs that focus on areas such as Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Robotics, Biotechnology, and Renewable Energy. These centers provide students with the opportunity to work on real-world projects, collaborate with industry experts, and contribute to advancements in their respective fields.
The university's innovation ecosystem is further enhanced by its strong ties with industry. PES University has partnerships with leading companies and organizations, providing students with internships, live projects, and placement opportunities. The university also hosts an annual tech fest, "Aatmatrisha," which showcases innovative projects and ideas developed by students.
Faculty and Pedagogy
The faculty at PES University comprises experienced professionals and academicians who are experts in their fields. The university follows a student-centric approach to education, focusing on interactive learning and practical application of knowledge. The teaching methods include a blend of traditional classroom instruction, case studies, group discussions, and hands-on projects. This approach ensures that students not only understand theoretical concepts but also know how to apply them in real-world scenarios.
PES University also emphasizes the importance of ethical values and social responsibility in its curriculum. The university's programs are designed to instill a sense of integrity, leadership, and commitment to societal well-being among students.
Placements and Industry Connections
One of the key strengths of PES University is its robust placement record. The university has a dedicated placement cell that works tirelessly to ensure that students are well-prepared for the job market. The placement cell conducts regular training sessions on resume writing, interview skills, and soft skills development, helping students present themselves confidently to potential employers.
PES University has strong connections with leading companies across various sectors, including IT, finance, consulting, healthcare, and manufacturing. Some of the top recruiters include Microsoft, Google, Amazon, Infosys, TCS, Wipro, and IBM. The university's placement record is a testament to the quality of education and training provided to students, with many securing high-paying jobs in reputed organizations.
Extracurricular Activities and Student Life
PES University believes in the holistic development of its students, and this is reflected in the wide range of extracurricular activities offered on campus. The university has numerous student clubs and societies that cater to diverse interests, including cultural, technical, literary, and sports activities. These clubs provide students with opportunities to showcase their talents, develop leadership skills, and network with like-minded peers.
The university also hosts several cultural and technical events throughout the year, including its annual fest "Celesta," which attracts participants from across the country. These events provide a platform for students to express their creativity, compete in various competitions, and celebrate their achievements.
Alumni Network
PES University has a strong and active alumni network that plays a crucial role in the university's success. The alumni are spread across the globe, holding prestigious positions in various industries and contributing to the growth and development of the university. The alumni association regularly organizes events, reunions, and networking sessions, providing current students with opportunities to connect with successful professionals and gain insights into the industry.
Admission Process
Getting admission into PES University is highly competitive, given its reputation for academic excellence. The university conducts its entrance exam, PESSAT (PES Scholastic Aptitude Test), for admission to various undergraduate and postgraduate programs. In addition to PESSAT, the university also accepts scores from national-level entrance exams such as JEE Main, CAT, and GATE, depending on the program.
The selection process includes a combination of entrance exam scores, academic performance, and personal interviews. The university also offers scholarships to meritorious students based on their performance in the entrance exams and their overall academic record.
MBA / BBA MBBS / BDS Engineering PG – MS / MD Designing B.Pharma, M.Pharma Location :-Facebook :-Instagram :-Contact : +91-8151006688
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Direct Admission in PES University
PES Bangalore is among the city's top names, which has kept up with its legacy of providing a top-notch education. Right from B.Tech. t to general science to MBA, the myriad of courses available in the university is large. Moreover, students enrolled in the institute would see themselves competing with some of the best rank holders and learning their subjects with the best infrastructure.
Courses such as B.Tech. and B.Arch, require appearing in the PESSAT exam, while other courses have different means of admission. However, deserving students can check the site for direct admissions, which is mentioned in the following segment.
Tags : direct admission in pes university, management quota admission in pes university 
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collegedunias · 2 months
Discover Top Engineering Colleges in Bangalore for Aspiring Students
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Are you a student envisioning becoming an engineer? Choosing the right college is the primary step towards accomplishing your dream. Engineering Colleges in Bangalore are renowned for their great education, experienced faculty, and state-of-the-art offices. In this article, we are going to explore why Bangalore is the perfect place for designing studies and highlight a few of the best colleges in the city.
Why Choose Bangalore for Engineering Studies?
Bangalore, too known as the Silicon Valley of India, is the center of innovative progressions and domestic to various multinational companies. Examining in Engineering Colleges in Bangalore gives students an unparalleled presentation to industry practices and openings for internships and arrangements in top tech firms.
Educational Excellence
Bangalore has a few of the best engineering colleges in the nation, known for their rigorous academic programs and accentuation on down to earth learning. Educate just like the Indian Founded of Science (IISc), R.V. College of Designing, and PES University are among the top-ranked Engineering Colleges in Bangalore. These colleges offer a wide range of designing disciplines, guaranteeing students can discover a program that matches their interests and career objectives.
Industry Connections
One of the greatest preferences of studying in Engineering Colleges in Bangalore is a solid industry association. The city is a major IT center, lodging mammoths like Infosys, Wipro, and IBM. Many colleges collaborate with these companies for internships, visitor addresses, and research ventures, giving students real-world encounters and a competitive edge in the work advertised.
Innovative Learning Environment
The learning environment in Engineering Colleges in Bangalore is energetic and imaginative. With cutting-edge research facilities, research centers, and present day classrooms, students are empowered to think innovatively and create arrangements to real-world issues. The educational module is outlined to be hands-on, with a center on project-based learning and collaboration.
Cultural and Student Life
Separated from academics, Building Colleges in Bangalore offer a dynamic campus life with different social, specialized, and sports occasions. Students from all over the nation and the world come to Bangalore, making it a softening pot of societies. This difference enhances the learning involvement and makes a difference students build a solid network of peers.
Top Engineering Colleges in Bangalore
Let's take a closer see at a few of the head Engineering Colleges in Bangalore that each aspiring engineer should consider:
R.V. College of Engineering (RVCE)
RVCE is one of the most seasoned and most prestigious Engineering Colleges in Bangalore. It offers undergraduate and postgraduate programs in different building disciplines. Known for its great staff and solid industry ties, RVCE gives students with sufficient opportunities for research and situations.
PES University
PES University is another top choice among Designing Colleges in Bangalore. It emphasizes all encompassing education and energizes students to take part in different extracurricular exercises. The university's center on research and advancement makes it a great place for aspiring engineers.
BMS College of Engineering
BMS College of Engineering is one of the driving independent Engineering Colleges in Bangalore. It offers a wide range of designing courses and contains a strong focus on research and advancement. The college's collaborations with worldwide universities give students worldwide exposure.
MS Ramaiah Institute of Technology (MSRIT)
MSRIT is known for its amazing academic programs and state-of-the-art foundation. As one of the top Engineering Colleges in Bangalore MSRIT offers a conducive environment for learning and personal development. The established encompasses a robust situation cell that ensures students get set in top companies.
Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering
Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering is another conspicuous title among Designing Colleges in Bangalore. It offers a wide cluster of building disciplines and is known for its emphasis on inquire about and development. The college's dynamic campus life and excellent facilities make it a favored choice for many students.
Choosing the right engineering college is pivotal for forming your future career. Engineering Colleges in Bangalore give an idealized mix of academic excellence, industry presentation, and vibrant campus life. Whether you yearn to end up a computer program design, a respectful design, or a mechanical build, Bangalore has the correct college to assist you accomplish your dreams. Make an educated choice and take the primary step towards an effective designing career in one of the foremost dynamic cities in India.
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yourfelllowpothole · 2 months
Introduction To My OCs (The Crew Of Hope)
The Crew Of Hope is a fictional universe that Is owned by me. It contains a lot of original characters that I mess around with for fun. This post will explain the context to this world in honest detail. Please enjoy!
The world is set in mid-2008 to early 2009 America. Where there is a top secret governmental facility called The Beta Camp, that focus's on trying to make efficient justice systems (weapons, robots, etc) without causing political distress. One of the workers there is an scientist in her early 40's called Mary Nelson, who it the parental guardian of her nephew, Max Hollow (he kept his original surname). Max's original parents mysteriously went missing when he was 9 months old, so he was taken under the care of Mary since then. But Max doesn't know Mary's true profession for safety reasons.
Mary is assigned to take part of a project that modifies human DNA to give ordinary humans special abilities that would be used to help cops keep the peace. This DNA modifier takes place as a serum. The only problem is that the serum has extremely delicate requirements, which the scientists have conformed that it would only be suitable for people 17 years or under. So in order to get the serum to work, they would need voluntary recruits that are around that age.
So over time, some specific workers at The Beta Camp go undercover and take notes on the students at the local High School. They take note of the students who are the best at each subject, rank wise (PE, English, maths, science, etc.). This was so that they had a good variety of intelligence from the eventually chosen students. After about three months , they conclude their studies and contacted their chosen teens: Sci Alon (who was the best at science), Hailey Selen (Who was the best at maths), Jake Drismon (who was the best at history), Chasey Humphrey, (who was the best at technology), and Max Hollow himself (who was the best at PE). Mary was informed of Max's participation. She was hesitant, but did allow them to continue.
After a few endurance intelligence and empathy tests back at The Beta Camp, the teens were proven to be effective superhero's. And after a month or two, the powers started to form. Max Hollow was chosen to be the leader of the crew because of how well he persisted during the tests and further training. And after a few months, they were ready to start missions and save the day. At this point, the world is set in mid 2009.
And now, The Crew Of Hope allies with the police force while hunting down criminals across America. Except the Crew faces more severe threats, like the Mafia, bomb threats, and hostile gangs. Not every cops likes them (it's like a Spiderman situation), but most do and appreciate the extra help.
That's basically it. This concept is what most of my stories and characters on this blog will revolve around. This is a long post. So if you read it all, thanks, I really appreciate it.
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sharso12 · 3 months
Direct Admission in PES University
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ruch1234 · 3 months
Direct Admission in PESIT College of Engineering
PESIT, now known as PES University, stands as one of Karnataka’s premier engineering institutions. Renowned for its high-quality education and excellent placement records, PES University consistently ranks among India’s top engineering colleges. Established under the auspices of the Government of Karnataka’s Department of Higher Education, the university offers a wide range of programs including bachelor's, master's, doctoral, and PhD courses in various engineering disciplines such as Computer Science, Electronics & Communication, Electrical & Electronic Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering.
Read more @ https://www.topengineeringcollege.co.in/how-to-get-direct-admission-in-pesit-college-of-engineering/
History and Achievements
Founded on June 1, 1949, PESIT College of Engineering has a long-standing history of excellence. It has achieved ISO 9001:2008 certification and is affiliated with Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU), Belgaum. Over the years, it has been recognized among India’s top 100 engineering colleges by Outlook India’s annual survey, underscoring its commitment to providing superior education and fostering engineering talent.
Campus Life and Infrastructure
The PESIT campus is spread over 50 acres and offers state-of-the-art facilities. The campus includes hostels, classrooms, laboratories, a library, sports grounds, auditoriums, conference rooms, medical facilities, transport, security, and ample parking space. The library boasts a collection of over 58,000 books and journals, a computer lab with over 120 computers, and various study resources. Separate hostels for boys and girls ensure a comfortable living environment for students.
Direct Admission Process
Securing direct admission in PESIT College of Engineering is a streamlined process for eligible students. Here are the steps to follow:
Research Courses: Explore the various courses offered by PESIT and decide on your preferred course.Check Eligibility: Ensure you meet the eligibility criteria as outlined by the college.Collect Documents: Gather all necessary documents, including 10th and 12th grade mark sheets, entrance exam scorecards, identity proof, and any other required documents.Submit Application: Fill out the application form for direct admission and upload the necessary documents.Receive Offer Letter: If eligible, the college will send an offer letter.Accept Offer: Accept the offer by paying the admission fee, either partially or in full, as specified in the offer letter.Benefits of Direct Admission
Choosing direct admission in PESIT College of Engineering offers several advantages. Students can bypass the extensive counseling and seat allocation process, saving both time and money. Additionally, direct admission provides a higher likelihood of securing a spot in the preferred course and branch, allowing students to commence their studies immediately and gain a competitive edge in their educational journey.
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xasha777 · 4 months
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In a distant future, where dynasties have reclaimed the stars, the House of Wettin reigns over a scattered empire that threads through numerous galaxies. Among the illustrious members of this ancient lineage is Lady Seraphine, a figure shrouded in as much mystery as authority. Known for her piercing blue eyes that seem to hold the depths of nebulas within them, Seraphine is not just a noble but also a high-ranking enforcer for the Wettin's interstellar endeavors.
Lady Seraphine's appearance, marked by her jet-black hair and intricate black attire that combines both elegance and the ominous presence of her role, makes her a striking presence in any gathering. The pendant at her neck, a family heirloom, is said to be imbued with the essence of a collapsed star, symbolizing the gravity of her duties and the dark energy she must often navigate.
The House of Wettin, having mastered the technology to manipulate spacetime, assigned Seraphine the task of policing the temporal gates—portals that allow for travel not just across space but also time. These gates have become vital for the maintenance of the empire, but with their power comes the risk of temporal anomalies and paradoxes. It is Seraphine’s duty to ensure that these do not threaten the fabric of the universe or the dominion of her family.
One day, during a routine inspection of a gate located in the outer rim of the Andromeda sector, an anomaly unlike any other occurred. A rift in time opened, and from it emerged a figure claiming to be from an alternate timeline where the House of Wettin never existed. This figure brought news of a potential multiverse war, one that could erase entire histories, including that of Seraphine’s lineage.
Faced with the existential threat, Lady Seraphine must navigate a path fraught with political intrigue and cosmic dangers. She allies with scientists and mystics, some seen as heretics in her world, to understand the true nature of the anomaly and the shadowy figures manipulating these events behind the scenes.
As she delves deeper into the mystery, Seraphine discovers that the key to solving the crisis may lie within her own mysterious powers, hinted at by her otherworldly eyes, and the ancient star-core pendant. Her journey will take her beyond the edges of known space and time, where she will confront the very essence of reality and her family's place within it.
Her mission is clear: stabilize the temporal gates, prevent the multiversal war, and secure the legacy of the House of Wettin amidst the star-spanning tumults of the universe. Each decision Seraphine makes could be the difference between the survival or extinction of her house—and perhaps the universe itself.
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businessstudycollege · 5 months
Top Private MBA Colleges in Bangalore
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Bangalore, the hub of India's IT industry, is also home to some of the country's top MBA colleges. Choosing the right institution for pursuing an MBA program is crucial for one's career growth and development. Here's a curated list of the top private MBA colleges in Bangalore, along with their unique features.
Introduction to MBA Colleges in Bangalore
Bangalore is renowned for its dynamic business environment and entrepreneurial spirit, making it an ideal destination for MBA aspirants. The city boasts a plethora of prestigious institutions offering MBA programs, each known for its academic excellence and industry-oriented curriculum.
Criteria for Ranking Top Private MBA Colleges
Academic Excellence
Quality of faculty
Research output
Curriculum relevance
Infrastructure and Facilities
Campus infrastructure
Library and research facilities
Technology integration
Placement Records
Placement percentage
Average salary packages
Industry partnerships
Top Private MBA Colleges in Bangalore
1. Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIMB)
2. Xavier Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship (XIME)
3. Symbiosis Institute of Business Management (SIBM)
4. Christ University Institute of Management (CUIM)
5. International Institute of Business Studies (IIBS)
6. Institute of Finance and International Management (IFIM)
7. Acharya Bangalore B-School (ABBS)
8. Ramaiah Institute of Management Studies (RIMS)
9. Alliance School of Business, Alliance University
10. PES University, Department of MBA
Choosing the right MBA college is a crucial decision that can significantly impact one's career trajectory. The top private MBA colleges in Bangalore offer a blend of academic excellence, industry exposure, and placement opportunities. By evaluating the unique features and offerings of each institution, aspirants can make an informed choice that aligns with their career goals and aspirations.
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