paanya · 4 months
THIS IS AN 18+ COMMUNITY! I couldn't find one of these for myself so I made one! I intend for this to be a very chill server, let's all hang out and chat about our favourite boys. Includes fun roles and channels!
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nochnicht · 3 months
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kinardsevan · 11 days
i not only love that all my stories have nicknames (that I give them obvs), but that you guys all know them as well 😂😂😂😂😂
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wutheringheights78 · 2 years
tomato bean and tortellini soup is so important in my life
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petitmartian · 9 months
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Anniversary card, Procreate, 2022
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juha-art · 30 days
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he's so cool
sort of an expansion on this. i'm obsessed with kim's past... what made you Like That.
EDIT: developed the En Dehors skill
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peitalo · 8 months
i was reading ur tags and omg passing the controller for KHDDD is such a cute idea i didnt think of it 😭 things i will be doing later
YES my best friend and i are replaying it on the 3ds currently:-) we pass it back and forth between sora and riku & name the dream eaters based on who made them
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(We’re at the end of the game again so we’re also using them to pass notes vvvv)
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It’s really fun though as long as you have a friend with an iron will that’s ok enduring those 3 end of the game consecutive boss fights on riku’s side it’s great (<- went through those 3 consecutive boss fights. Failed and passed the controller)
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domplercore · 3 months
u can thank whoever that ws for taking away ur anon privileges again
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dnangelic · 10 months
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firefa · 11 months
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canon halloween costumes for these 3
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aniseandspearmint · 2 years
Random pasta thoughts.
For me, the pasta is there to carry the sauce. I like it to be good pasta, bc that carries the sauce better and doesn’t mess up the flavor of the sauce, but other than that i really don’t care.
The sauce is where it’s AT for me. I like it thick and filled with other things like meat and veggies, and I typically add a ton of cheese on top once it’s on my plate. If I’ve got time and the equipment, I will make sauce from scratch and take all day, though I haven’t in years.
So like, if you put a plate of spaghetti in front of me with a dab of sauce on top with a lil sprinkle of cheese and that’s it, I would be unhappy, because all I’m gonna taste is noodle with the suggestion of sauce.
But plenty of people LOVE that, and think the way I like pasta ‘ruins the flavor of the noodles!’
Which is fair! We all find enjoyment in different things. I just wish people didn’t get so offended when you tell them that you don’t like a think THEY like, that you like a thing, but differently.
interaction i had a few months ago;
me, talking to someone: *explains how I make pasta*
other person: *nose wrinkle* Oh! Well, I need to show you how to REALLY make that! *laughs insincerely*
me: I have been making pasta the way I like for over 25 years. I think I’m fine.
other person: *is somehow offended*
I get the sense that way too few people are taught to consider other peoples likes and dislikes as set opinions, rather than something that they need to ‘fix’.
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askholycouncillor · 1 year
If catgirls are doomed to hell, if they are ensouled, then is it better to not have a soul at all and go nowhere? Do you have a soul?
Anon, I really do not have time to think about catgirls, or whether or not I have a soul. I have shit to do, we'll talk later.
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youraveragebtsstan · 3 months
My Mini Essay: A Wincester's Take on ✨Destiel✨
Since this is a safe space, I'm just gonna say it:
"No, I don't see Destiel as canon; but that doesn't mean their love for each other isn't real..."
Let Me Explain...
As a former Destiel shipper, when I first started watching the show around 2011/2012, I could see it. Their relationship had/has many aspects of the classic Enemies to Lovers trope we all love so much (the bickering, them both doing what they think is right, the unspoken mutual respect, the two sides of the same coin type of thing), so trust me- I get it. But once going back to rewatch Supernatural as an adult, (I'm on S15 E14 btw), the more I realize this 'relationship' most of us sees unfolding on screen is a relationship between CAS AND HUMANITY more-so than Cas and Dean.
To me, Cas fell in love with humanity a LOOOONG time ago (I'm talking Season 4, when he had to get course corrected for caring too much.) Now, granted some could (and have) argued that Dean is the 'vessel' so to speak for humanity. After all, it's Dean attitude about life, family and love that shaped Cas's stark view on humanity thus helping him eventually form one of his own; a viewpoint that eventually brings hope and sincerity to a later Dean's disparity in Season 15. But in my heart of hearts Dean is simply the conduit for Cas's love, not the object of his effection.
Speaking of Season 15, a lot of people use this as a point of reference to point out how in fact Destiel became canon. (And no I'm not just talking about the 'I love you' scene, but we'll get there.) I noticed in the beginning of Season 15 (mainly because it carried over from season 14), there was a rift forming and swelling between Dean and Cas's relationship. What Cas had come to know as family was disintegrating and slipping through his fingers- almost everything that he had wants to come to know and love and care for, was gone EXCEPT for Dean... Dean was the only thing left; but eventually he too pulled away.
In hindsight, it makes sense that in the end when Cas confesses on his deathbed he tells Dean he loves him- because in all honesty HE DOES. (Yes Destiel shipers, I will AGREE that Cas's love for Dean is REAL.) But I believe its often misinterpreted. To me, Cas loves Dean because Dean was the one who opened his eyes. I, nor any other Wincest shipper can take that away from Cas because that love'll never go away- that fact will never not be true. However, in order for Destiel to be canon, Dean has to reciprocate that love. And sure, Dean loves Cas- but as family. Dean has going to trust, rely, and believe in Cas as a pesron (very early on infact.) But Dean doesn't show those same yearning of affection toward Cas- its different. And I'm sorry but no, having a hunch of 'he was going to say it back' or 'but the writers just didn't fully commit' is not an admission of Dean loving Cas in THAT WAY.
However, we do see a similar yearning and unspoken pull toward two characters from the very beginning of the show in until the end and that's between Dean and Sam. Sure, they're brothers but even the show pokes holes at that every now and then. But with that aside, Dean has made it very clear that he would die for Sam (and has) just a Sam has done the same for Dean. Their twisted codependency is also seen by others around them- it's pointed out, it's made fun of, it's even explained in some of the most profound and beautiful ways. But most importantly, BOTH Sam and Dean have agreed and recognized their love for eachother- that's makes it canon.
Now, I'm not here to debate semantics. I'm well aware that some Destiel shippers can flip this and say 'technically you could say the same about Wincest', and YES, YOU COULD. But that's the beauty of fandom, we all have our own interpretations. I said this to not discount any Destiel Shippers or spit in your faces, but I said this because I felt like I had to unravel my thoughts after rewatching the show and I wanted to share.
All in all, Destiel Shippers, Wincest Shippers: Run on into the night until your heart is content! After all, that's what fandom is all about. 🖤🖤
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butchdykenormallen · 4 months
hjello!!!!!! hi🙂:)
helloo funny pesron. How r u
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oscconfessions · 4 months
I love yinyang so much,their the skrunklest EVER,like I’m literally yinyang because my names YINYANGrii,I got two plushes of yinyang (no shit) and I also have a wall full of doodles of them slash srs ^_^
no I’m not down horendoudly, I just like my kinnies a lot and they are LITERALLY ME..I HAVE TWO PESRONALITIES!!!! also I’m yinyangs 1#fan, NO SHIT!!!
also as someone who has npd, it seems really canon for yang to have npd aswell, aight im done confessing
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reyreadersblog · 5 months
I adore Max and Avery's friendship but if i were Alisa i'd have a serious talk with Ave about her trusts like idc that she's you best friend and the only one you can trust, NO you aren't the same pesron you were a few weeks ago, you are now world's youngest bilionaire and some girl appearing at your mansions gate saying she has left no one but you...i would find that really suspisious, bec YOU CAN'T TRUST ANYONE.
(I'm saying this from Alisa's perspective, no hate to any charcter, love Avery, Love Max and love their friendship)
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